#µblock origin
rekishi-aka · 9 months
XKit on mobile and ad free tumblr experience
So with Google making adblocking basically impossible soon and Youtube also being a pita with the adblocking on Chrome and also me seeing so much griping around the tumblr app, I wanted to show everyone how to get an XKit enhanced, ad-free experience on mobile.
This works as of December 2023.
Please note that this tutorial is for Android, as I don't use iOS, I'm not sure how it would work there. Although I'm sure some trial and error will help. 
This will only work with Firefox Nightly or Firefox Beta. I'm personally using Firefox Nightly, but it really doesn't matter that much. 
Go to "Settings" and scroll down to "About Firefox Nightly". Tap on the logo 5 times in order to enable debug mode. A popup will tell you that debug mode is enabled.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
When you go back to "Settings", a new item will have appeared, "Custom Add-Ons Collection". You want to open that. Then you type in 18195107 for the collection and name is "tumblr" or something similar.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Note: This is my collection. You can make your own collection very easily! I've just done this for my own convenience regarding wanting to have all the add ons I'm usually using in one place for mobile. Go wild with whatever you want to add here.
This collection contains:
µBlock Origin
XKit Rewritten
The app will be restarted automatically.
Now you can go to the add ons section of Firefox and enable the apps that you want.
Under the cut I'm showing what I filter for µBlock Origin, how to export XKit Settings from desktop to mobile. I'll talk about Tampermonkey in another post.
XKit Settings export
If you don't want to enable all your XKit stuff again on mobile, it's very easy to export from desktop. Go to your XKit Settings, then Backup and either download it or copy it all and paste it into a draft email or whatever:
Tumblr media
Then pick the Import function on your mobile browser and paste it there. Done! So easy! No more ads, quick reblog enabled, and all your other settings there!
µBlock Origin Filters
For mobile, I don't usually use the dashboard unfucker, because the new tumblr layout doesn't annoy me that much....except for tumblr Mart etc. (tumblr Live gets taken care of by XKit, thankfully) So to get rid of those go to your µBlock Origin Dashboard -> My Filters
! 2023-12-14 tumblr.com - Navigation ! Hide "Explore" menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="Explore") ! Hide Live menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="Live") ! Hide TumblrMart menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="TumblrMart") ! Hide "Get a domain" menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="Get a domain") ! Hide "Go Ad-Free" menu item tumblr.com##li:matches-attr("title"="Go Ad-Free")
If you want to hide blocked posts (XKit does this as well, so it's unnecessary, but just in case):
!hide blocked posts tumblr.com##article:has(.W0ros)
I mostly use the built in filter lists:
Tumblr media
As well as the Bypass Paywall Filters list (you import this at the bottom of this tab): https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-clean-filters
And yeah, that's it! Much better experience than the mobile app. I only use that to track notifications, really, but for browsing I use the browser only. This is partially to avoid triggers, because this way I don't even have to see the ominous "This post was filtered because it contains X trigger, we just re-traumatized you, you're welcome!" message tumblr is so fond of when filtering posts.
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rekishi-aka · 1 year
tumblr is sulking again. I really wonder whether it showing me only 1-3 pages on my dash in the morning (and only in the morning!) is a problem of µblock origin or xkit or neither or both.
Yes, I could test everything but I don't have the spoons for that right now. Maybe in a few days. If anything important happened overnight someone will reblog it later today. ❤
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rekishi-aka · 1 year
So the new tumblr layout somehow broke polls for me? Even when I switch µblock origin off? Which is sort of funny. In a way. I also don't get activity indicators and number of new posts anymore. Which. Yeah. We'll see.
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