#Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel
luegootravez · 3 months
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Ester Expósito in 'Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel' (2021)
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esterexpsito · 1 year
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Ester Expósito as Carla Rosón Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel 1.03 “Part 3”
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smuganya · 2 years
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CARLA ROSÓN Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel 
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"...Pero me alegro de que nos hayamos dado este final."
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sethkate · 3 years
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CARMUEL in Élite Short Stories: Carla & Samuel
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elitenetflixsource · 2 years
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3.08 / Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel
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spiderlingh · 3 years
Élite Season 4 Review
as an og fan of élite who’s been binging every single season on the day it came out, i watched the fourth season yesterday. here’s my thoughts. obviously includes spoilers for both the new season and some short stories.
the short stories of carmuel and caye/rebe/guzman were the best for me.
the new characters were… uh… how do i put this nicely
ari is the new lu. but less interesting. hated her at first, felt kinda sorry for her at the end though.
mencía is a cardboard copy of miss marina. 🙄
idk how to feel about their dad?? uhhh
i was really hyped for phillipe’s character (idk how to spell it i’m sorry lmao) but man what a letdown.
ya know what… i really liked cayetana this season! i felt neutral about her before but i rlly liked her this season. wish she’d had more screen time.
i liked ander back in season 1… but his character just becomes less and less likeable over the seasons. fight me.
shoutout to samu’s hair this season. hot.
okay but what the fuck was up with all the fucked up relationships this season?? omander. carmuel. guznadia. samu and guzmán. samu and rebe’s friendship, which come on, could’ve gone back to the way it was back in s2.
speaking of rebe, this girl got hurt way too much this season?? pls stop she deserves happiness thanks
HAHA i forgot patrick… no. nah. i didn’t like him.
i cannot stress this enough: FUCK LOVE TRIANGLES. for me it worked in season 1 with carla/polo/christian because they actually seemed to be into polyamory and it actually benefited the fucking plotline around covering up marina’s murder. but that was it. AND THEY HAVE ONE OR TWO EVERY SEASON. it’s exhausting. jesus.
HEY BY THE WAY… what happened to la inspectora from the first three seasons? ma’am?? where you at?? the kids fucked up again and someone nearly died. then someone actually died.
the mystery this season was so fucking dull. like i forgot what was even going on kinda dull. the interrogation scenes were not nearly as compelling as in the previous seasons, they didn’t give you chills, didn’t make you wonder what the hell happened.
you don’t even need a murder mystery to make it interesting. season 2 was my favorite season, and there was no murder mystery — samuel had gone missing. his disappearance and the interrogation scenes were interesting, no one saw the guzmán teamup coming or his relationship with carla. it was exciting and thrilling and this season did not have that even a little bit.
solid plot twist. i’ll give them that. i did not really see that whole armando storyline coming, although i did figure out he had something to do w it because they kept him around for so long.
at the end after guzmán shot that mf in the back i was like NO DONT LEAVE THE BODY?? and then i saw he and samu and someone else i think (i don’t even remember man) dropped his body into the lake. i liked that, reminded me of the trophy.
the fuck is up with the fasion getting more and more extra this season? compare the party outfits from season 1 to the ones we have now. a little extra is good, but now they’re just plain ugly. anyway s1 and s2 fashion >>>
that one scene in the restaurant where guzmán spoke of marina and the way she was as a person and a daughter… that was so well written. i feel like so many people (the writers included) forgot about marina bc she was the first to die and only appeared in season 1, but still. like this teenage boy lost his sister (and so much more) in such a short span of time. i’m glad they at least acknowledged it.
dude… obviously i know that the show isn’t realistic at all but these kids have been through so much. guzmán has been through the worst shit. losing his little sister to murder and then his best friend as well? seeing him die in his fucking arms? and the other kids? they’re still teenagers man. it is beyond wild to think that they’d be as carefree as they were displayed to be this season.
obviously that joke rebe made in the short story about not being able to take any more interrogations and murders and shit was, well, a joke, and it was delivered well, but if you think about it… come ON. they’ve been through hell and back. the show has never been just light-hearted, it has dealt with several serious issues and deaths and murders and things like that. these kids are broken. why couldn’t they have shown more of that? or at least acknowledged it a little? have someone go to fucking therapy??
i thought overall the whole season was underwhelming. kinda boring.
before the season came out, someone said that they didn’t think the show could thrive without carla, lu, nadia, valerio, polo… and i agree now.
i feel like this season had such a different vibe than the previous seasons. not in a good way.
i miss season 1 and 2 man. those seasons had the best mystery, the best vibe, the best cast. i don’t just miss carla, lu, polo, valerio, nadia… i miss christian and nano as well.
even the soundtracks of the previous seasons were better. i’m sorry to sound this negative in the whole review but man i waited so long for the new season only to be disappointed.
you could consider this a small rant. might add more later.
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luegootravez · 3 months
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Ester Expósito in 'Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel' (2021)
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esterexpsito · 2 years
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Ester Expósito as Carla Rosón Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel 1.02 “Part 2”
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nottesterllata · 3 years
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Ester Expósito and Itzan Escamilla bts for Élite short stories: Carla Samuel
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sassims-archive · 2 years
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CARLA ROSÓN - Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel
My first piece of custom content!
Carla’s skirt and crop top ( located under full body clothing )
base game compatible
download free on Pateron! ( link in source )
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literallymitch · 3 years
unpopular opinion élite season4 (contains spoilers, poor grammar and typos)
the season could‘ve been good even without lu, carla and nadia. even before watching season 4 i thought it was good lu left bc her character couldn’t develop much more than it did so i‘m glad she got her ending in season 3. for clara and nadia the writers just totally fucked it up.
first clara she should‘ve been in season 4 after they ruined her and samuels story in s3 by paying it almost 0 attention. i had hope they would give it a good ending with the short story but they also messed it up there. they gave them too much chemistry in s2 to just end things like they did. clara just ended a ”perfect” relationship bc it didn’t work??? i get where she was coming from but they really just gave us some drama between them and thought it was enough to make their break up reasonable. if they already gave us these reason in s3 and showed us why their relationship doesn’t work even with the chemistry they had, they could’ve ended their story like they did, but now it just didn’t make any sense.
well nadia was partly in s4 and i think they could’ve ended her and guzman’s relationship in a better way. i think the short story just made their ending in s4 worse. they noticed that their long distance relationship works in that one but then all of the sudden in s4 nadia wants to break up?? also guzman was so in love with nadia and still fell in love with ari while being in a relationship with nadia?? in my opinion they should’ve skipped the whole samuel, guzman and ari love triangel. nadia and guzman should’ve broken up mid season bc both realized they hurting while being apart. they could’ve agreed on catching up again after there is a possibility to live close to each other again. guzman could’ve tried to get over the break up for the rest of the season and then going away with ander at the end. they also couldve kept samuels and guzman’s relationship that way. guzman could’ve encouraged samuel to try things with ari. don’t get me wrong i also loved carla and samuel but they really fucked up their story line and clinging onto it after carla left would be unnecessary when he could move on with ari.
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dtrhwithalex · 3 years
TV | Élite: Historias Breves (2021)
Over the course of the week leading up to the release of the show's fourth season on 18 June 2021, Netflix released four instalments of 3-episode Élite short stories, filling in some of the time gap between the last and the upcoming season.
Non-spoiler-free thoughts on the different stories under the cut.
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I think out of the four shorts, I liked this one best. Probably because it was the most fun with the least amount of (relationship) drama. I also really enjoyed this combination of characters, because if memory serves, they did not generally hang out with each other much. Guzmán had Ander and Polo as well as Lu and later Nadia. Rebe was usually more around Samuel than anyone else. And Cayetana was, of course, with Polo.
I think out of the four shorts, I liked this one best. Probably because it was the most fun with the least amount of (relationship) drama. I also really enjoyed this combination of characters, because if memory serves, they did not generally hang out with each other much. Guzmán had Ander and Polo as well as Lu and later Nadia. Rebe was usually more around Samuel than anyone else. And Cayetana was, of course, with Polo.
Actually, I think this short is where I liked Caye best so far. Her character always annoyed me during the regular episodes and I've never really taken a liking to her, but she was good fun in these three short episodes. I've always liked Rebe, and Guzmán, while not a favourite, I always quite enjoyed watching. The three of them together did make for a great dynamic, I feel.
I really enjoyed them all completely high, each in their own little worlds, and then of course having to deal with the coke situation in that state. So many fantastic comedic beats in this episode. Caye's final acting bit was absolutely brilliant. The girl's a very talented grifter, I have to admit. Although playing on fear is, of course, one of the easier ways. And damn, those coke dealers definitely did not know how to deal with any of this. Two dead kids, coke everywhere, and a blood-covered hysterical girl screaming for her mom? Yeah, I probably would've bounced too at the sight of that, if I were them.
Yeah, I really like this one. I am very curious to see how the events here get picked up on in the upcoming season.
I liked very much that this was the second short, that we get that tidbit of Guzmán being worried about the relationship in the first short, and then we get to see them in the second.
This short, overall, was very them. Lovely moments, a lot of misunderstandings and miscommunication, but also quite fun. Guzmán and Nadia have a very intriguing relationship, I think. Their story has always been quite fascinating to me. They are from such different worlds and want such different things, but ultimately, they also really do care for each other and want this to work out.
I thought it was interesting that Nadia is the one to break their promise and goes to see Guzmán. I thought it would be the opposite, and he would show up randomly at her sister's wedding. Which, speaking of, I was not entirely sure I liked much. It felt so random, in a way. Unless I am mistaken -- which is possible as I haven't seen any of the previous seasons in a while now -- we have never heard about a third Shanaa sibling before, right? So this sudden appearance of a sister and the fact that she was getting married, felt very random and, well, sudden to me. But I guess we'll see how it shakes out over the whole of the season.
Overall, I did quite like this short, too. Guzmán trying his best to give Nadia an average date (loved that the blanket was a stained tablecloth. A+ for effort, Guzmán) was absolutely hilarious. And I really loved the phone call toward the end. They're a mess in person, but on the phone they are great. That was a very lovely moment.
This one's quite depressing, huh. However, I did very much like that this picks up the mention of Omar and Ander from the first short and tells us what exactly happened.
Alexis is a very interesting character, and I think it gives Ander so much more depth, that we see him care about Alexis so much. I've always really liked Ander, and I thought he was great in this short (Aaron Piper is also just an excellent actor, let's be real).
Of course, we always get our comedic beats, and this, too, had some amazing ones. But largely, this one was a heavy one. Alexis' conversation with Ander in the pool and, especially, the final moment between the two at the hospital carried a lot of weight.
I do wonder how much we'll be seeing of Ander dealing with Alexis' departure during the fourth season, how he handles that goodbye and the knowledge that within two or three months, Alexis will have died.
I quite liked the conversation Omar had with Alexis, about how he behaved while Ander was sick, and how he understands what he is going through now, trying his best to help Alexis, make him happy. I think that will make for a certain solidity in his and Ander's relationship, and how Omar can help him deal with Alexis' departure and certain death.
The woman at the airport may have said that this isn't a Julia Roberts movie, but it very much felt like one. Samu showing up at the airport to stop Carla from leaving (well, not Julia Roberts, but my brain immediately went to LOVE, ACTUALLY), the whole "promise me when I come back you won't be here" bit, the sudden yet inevitable delayed flight, and of course also how the short ends with Carla leaving after all. Big Julia Roberts romcom energy right there.
Samu and Carla were never my favourites, to be honest. I liked Samu especially in scenes with Nano, and then later with Rebe, but I never really cared for his relationship dramas. While I did like Carla especially with Polo during their time with Valerio, I also did not much care for her.
Nevertheless, this short was quite lovely. Although I have to say the airport bit and Carla leaving were probably the parts I enjoyed the most. Samu's meltdown when he thinks Carla has left was also quite good. I do tremendously enjoy the acting in this show. And the language. Spanish is very sexy, even if I don't understand most of it and have to watch it with subtitles.
I wonder if this will be the end of this particular relationship and we get to see both of them move on in the next season, and this short therefore serves to put an actual end to it, or if we will see them together again at some point.
[images taken from the individual imdb pages]
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osborgs · 3 years
Carla e Samuel vivem amor impossível em episódio extra de Elite
Ela está de volta! Se você estava com saudades de Ester Expósito interpretando Carla, pode comemorar porque vamos ver mais um pouquinho da personagem no episódio extra de Elite. Na última semana, foi anunciada a Elite Week, período em que Netflix irá lançar 4 especiais mais curtos como preparação para a estreia da quarta temporada.
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Samuel e Carla de EliteNetflix/Reprodução
No teaser divulgado pela plataforma de streaming, vemos Samuel indo atrás de Carla e perguntando se ela não ia se despedir dele. Logo em seguida, várias cenas quentes entre os dois são mostradas. Imaginamos que isso tenha acontecido quando a personagem estava prestes a ir embora para universidade. Dá uma olhada:
Una Historia Breve de un amor imposible
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A Short Story about an impossible love
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17 JUN #EliteWeek pic.twitter.com/DKRAyUzKqR
— EliteNetflix (@EliteNetflix) May 17, 2021
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O especial do casal será lançado em 17 de junho, um dia antes da nova temporada ir ao ar. Algumas imagens dos episódios também já foram liberadas pela Netflix. Teorias?
São 4 histórias contadas durante 3 episódios que serão lançados entre os dias 14 e 17 de junho. A trama se passará durante as férias dos alunos de Las Encinas e contará com muitas surpresas. pic.twitter.com/ZuE59T1B4Z
— Élite Brasil (@EliteNetflixBR) May 13, 2021
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Animada para ver Carla novamente?
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sethkate · 3 years
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CARLA RÓSON in Élite Short Stories: Carla & Samuel
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elitenetflixsource · 2 years
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2.04 / Élite Short Stories: Carla Samuel 
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