#ʬ 📻 : events.fairy lights on winter nights
lnlywar-god · 3 years
COMRADE MY DEAR i hope you're having the best day/night possible! Once more, congrats on the followers! You deserve them all and even more!!! 💞
For the event, can I get a hot grande toasted white chocolate mocha for Zhongli? If you don't feel comfortable writing him, I'm fine with any ither character! Take care, beloved comrade! 💞💗
(I hope i did this right djdnjd)
COMRADE! hello hello! i am, thank you! and thank you for the congrats as well! i'll always be comfortable writing for zhongli, hehe. i swear there's not a self indulgent copy of this sitting in my google docs, favorited for me to look at every time
also you did it right, dw!
wc : 1.2k
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It’s easy to forget that you need a break. You need to give yourself rest. It’s easy to just get used to a lifestyle that you don’t even notice you’re suddenly falling apart with it.
Sometimes you forget that this place you’re in isn’t always going to feel like home.
And whenever that time comes, Zhongli’s there to pick you up.
Ever since you’ve arrived in Teyvat, it’s been full of twists and turns and adjustments in your lifestyle. You barely had to work anymore, you were rarely upsetted by anyone and everyone here was at your command.
Adjustment doesn’t happen in just one snap or one blink of the eye, or overnight or even in plenty of days. We all have different paces of adjusting, but to master something is a whole other concept.
Zhongli is, as said by Venti, a blockhead. That which he is most times, but he isn’t a fool. He learns better than most people from their mistakes and acts on them.
You don’t get upset when you’re feeling confused about something, you just go blank.
It’s noticeable by your lack of energy to want to go explore Teyvat like you’d wanted to when you first came. Everyone merely brushes it off and leaves you be.
All except Zhongli.
He’s observant enough, with what he’s learned from Guizhong, maybe he can learn to be gentle and not the war-hardened god he is towards his own god.
Comfort will come in several versions depending on Zhongli thinks you’re feigning discomfort in. When push comes to shove and somehow Zhongli finds himself unable to provide comfort to solve the empty look on your face, he offers his own comfort.
Maybe it’ll help not only you, but him too.
He’d feel relieved if you accept his comfort, knowing that it would mean that you accept him and you both find yourself having aligned views, enjoying the things he enjoys too. Isn’t it wonderful to have your god on your side?
The association theory is a popular psychological concept. It’s creating a connection between stimuli and response.
When you associate being happy with the little gifts Zhongli gives you, the quiet words of comfort and assurance he’ll breath into your ears, you find all those worming into your life and creating a black hole within you, just begging to devour more of it.
Who is Zhongli to deny what you want?
He doesn’t just oblige to your want of comfort, he goes beyond and provides more than expected.
It’s easier to adapt to something if you have something familiar to base yourself of with.
Zhongli does his best to associate things in Teyvat with things you like back in your world.
You like plush toys? Feast your eyes on the slimes, your new plush toys!
You’re reminded of food you had in your world while you’re eating at Wanmin? It’s always going to be available for as long as you want it.
Associating things in Teyvat to things that make you happy might help you get more comfortable to be around in Teyvat, Zhongli figures.
As soon as Zhongli had learned about such concept from Yanfei, he immediately put it to use, but not without gathering some information to develop a strategy on approaching the situation. Hence, the reason you’re holding a casual conversation with him right now over some tea and pancakes.
Could you expect any less from the ever-so efficient Zhongli?
He’s also given himself another opportunity to find any other causes of your discomfort through talking it out with you, and he can solve all those problems in just one snap of his hand.
“Things I cherished most from my world, huh.” He silently sips his tea, gazing at you and waiting patiently for your answer.
The answer isn’t given to him directly. It usually came with little anecdotes or explanations as to why you cherished them. He was especially happy to listen to them, as it came to be comforting to him to get to know you better and not just as his god.
After endless hours of chatting and exchanging stories and memories, Zhongli insisted you retire and head to sleep. You agreed, albeit reluctantly. Zhongli was happy to see that. Step 1 of operation : bring comfort to you was set in place!
That night was a night of nearly no rest for him. It didn’t bother him much as his drive to carry out his plan was well enough to keep him awake.
Preparations were immediately made, and Zhongli had felt inclined to do it by himself. It would grant him more appreciation as being the sole initiator of the plan, and you’d certainly applaud and reward his efforts for it, subconsciously or unconsciously.
He stops himself there.
He must really be foolish then.
As much as he’d like to hog the glory for himself, he realizes he can’t possibly do everything by himself.
Sure, he could learn in a matter of time, but was there really time? This could probably spiral out of his hands and he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it! He makes haste and immediately gathers resources and the people he can work with to make it happen.
While you’re out being entertained by the children and by the others, Zhongli has instructed Noelle and Xiangling to work on a feast with foods similar to the one’s you’ve told him from your world. Albedo is currently working on to grow some flowers that would be similar to your favorite, and let’s say Venti’s learning some new tunes.
Needless to say, they all happily took up the offer and got to it without another word (except for Venti, who teased his old friend, just a lil bit). Zhongli was overjoyed at the progress that they were making, but he reserves himself, and imagines that he’d be even more overjoyed if he sees that silly smile on your face and hears that blissful laugh you give out whenever you’re overjoyed.
While everyone’s busy creating the props to this show, Zhongli sets the stage, the children being a distraction going according to plan.
Zhongli is meticulous, perfecting everything to the last detail of your recollection to him, hoping that whatever he’s visualizing from your words would be, at least, reminiscent of what you had in mind.
What a grand show, this’ll be, he thinks.
Even if it wasn’t completely like what you had in mind when you shared your stories to him, you couldn’t deny, the garden he’d just renovated in your teapot was absolutely grandiose.
A mixture of Qingxin and cherry blossoms (courtesy of Yae and Ei), it was quite a sight. It definitely would ease your nerves, not having such a bright color and being more on the muted side of shades.
Zhongli felt himself hold his breath.
It was nearly time for you to return to the teapot.
Noelle and Xiangling had already completed their missions, and Venti was already in position, ready to greet you with a song, he’d done everything properly and not a single hair/petal was out of place.
When you’re guided into a garden and your face erupts into the most precious smile Zhongli has ever seen out of you, Zhongli feels the air kicked out of his lungs and he’s trying to hold back the funnily large grin about to erupt on his face.
Archons, he’d be on his deathbed any moment when you were around, but to no one’s surprise, he’d gladly die there any day, reassured that you’re comfortable and happy right where you are.
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lnlywar-god · 3 years
HELLOOOOOO im here!!!! for your event, could i request a hot toasted white chocolate mocha w childe? u pick the size; whatever you feel like writing 🥺🥺
JUJU HELLO, IM HAVING A BLAST WRITING CHILDE TYSM!! hope you enjoy and belated happy christmas and happy new year :D
wc: 1k
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For someone who’s eyes don’t shine like the sun and are cold and empty like the dark, Childe is surprisingly the first to help you warm up to your new lifestyle in Teyvat. Kind of how like tea with jam drives away toska, Childe thinks with a grin.
As of late, you’d been secluding yourself, only few people at a time could see you and you never stood infront of crowds, he’d noticed.
Of course, everyone respected that. Who could defy you here in Teyvat anyways?
As much as everyone respected what you did, Childe couldn’t help but feel this isn’t something you’d just allow to happen. He especially expected more from the archons. Shouldn’t they be going around, showing you the hospitality and the culture they’ve built in order to please you?
He tsk-es at the thought and turns on his heel to find you, as he’s always done.
It’s no surprise when he finds you in your teapot, tablet and laptop open in the middle of candles. There’s even ornamental flowers strewn around it. You stand back, nodding at your work in approval as Childe catches your attention with a tap to the shoulder.
He wonders what it is you have yourself so occupied in, and as you reply (rather hesitantly), saying it’s a shrine, he gives you a confused look.
He’d question it, but certainly, you haven’t been in Teyvat for a long time, perhaps this is just something you picked up in your world, so what’s there to question? He concludes with a look of finality at the shrine you’ve made.
“That’s a very nice shrine you have there.” He pulls it off, thankfully, as he watches your face erupt into an expression of joy.
That simple compliment seemed to have done the trick as more often than not, Childe is summoned to your teapot, to his joy and amusement.
He learns about you through theantics you’ve asked him to watch you do and he begins to understand why you prefer to be so secluded away from large crowds. Suddenly, he finds a thrill in being able to help you get to feel comfortable in what you do now.
Even when it tends to leave him confused, such as how you react when he says a certain phrase or how you say slangs that would be normal for everyone in the modern world, but not in Teyvat.
“BRUH, THE HELL THEY THINK THEY’RE DOING?!” You exclaim and Childe sweatdrops, controller still grasped in his hands and in the exact same position they were in since you gave it to him.
Times like this where you invite Childe, he doesn’t feel the least bit ashamed to be doing such things people in Teyvat are practically alien to. Which is the exact opposite of how you feel right now, moving on with your day as you did in the modern world.
Despite how enigmatic it was to watch you tinker away at your devices and have some habits people considered normal back in your world, he did enjoy partaking in these new experiences, even if it wasn’t as thrilling as battle on the field with powerful and strong people.
At first it’d only been to cheer you up, make your face practically shine with happiness, but as you would probably say, “nah, it’s not just that anymore bro”. This little pastime he’d taken on out of his dedication to you as an inhabitant of Teyvat had become something he’d grown well attached to, he realizes.
Even as you’d grown out of secluding yourself, Childe’s constantly making plans with you to join in your hobbies and learn more about what you called “internet culture”.
He was worried there for a second though.
The few times you’d turned down his offers at first leaving him looking like a kicked puppy, he was worried that you didn’t want to do all those anymore. What’s with the change of heart?
He tries to push back the feeling of hurt. Finding out that the person who introduced you to something you get thrill out of, no longer feels the same thrill as you do, is often disappointing and saddening.
Who else could he do all those fun games with now?
He’s almost about to cancel everything he had planned out until he finds you in the same spot you always hid in your teapot, playing games like you’d done with him, alone. Oh boy, he reality was mistaken to think such a thing.
He’s about to walk into the room when he sees a glint in your eyes different from what he’d see when you two are together. It’s fond, it’s soft, and it’s somehow longing. It’s the look Teucer tells him he had when he visited during work.
A homesick look.
He staggers, luckily not bumping into anything, and thinks that he’s mistaken again. He’s mistaken that all his attempts to bring you comfort here might’ve failed, that it was all for naught.
Or perhaps he hadn’t just done enough, yes, that’s it!
Childe nearly dashes down the corridor again but not before hearing the melodic laugh from the room he’d just left you in. it stops him dead in his tracks, and he walks silently towards the open door to take a peek.
That look in your eyes was still there, that’s for sure. But you were grinning, you weren’t sad, you weren’t disappointed or anything. You were actually being happy, and it wasn’t because someone did something for you.
He decides to leave you be, and the next day he finds an invitation from you to hang out.
Say less! The walk to your teapot felt much closer than it actually is, and it barely felt like he walked and he merely just teleported over there (he ran).
Anytime, any day that you feel insecure, fear not! Childe’s here to save the day, cheer you up, and show you that whatever you’re doing, he’ll do it with you, every step of the way!
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lnlywar-god · 3 years
hewwo :3 can i have a hot grande toffee nut crunch brew with venti or albedo please :3 make it extra clingy ;3 (those :3's are my attempt at chrismas mood :д)
hewo to you too >:D coincidentally someone already requested the same one but with venti! so this one is going to be an albedo one! i had a difficult time with this one, hence the long delay, but nevertheless, i stuck to it. i'm sorry if it kinda?? became a little angsty with fakebedo, but i hope the latter will redeem for it. thanks sm for participating, hope you enjoy!
(venti ver. here)
wc : 1.05k
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Sweet divine whispers are not unfamiliar to you.
As the deity of Teyvat, many would choose to confide in you as their supreme all knowing god in hopes that you’d give them guidance.
Albedo finds himself in a dilemma whenever such is brought up. Do you not crumble upon the weight of something as heavy as one’s deepest secrets? Not even dark, but just something deep, and hidden.
Something under all that layer of skin that only you and the person know.
Under all the chalk Albedo’s made from, he sometimes wonders if he really has something to tell you. Something to release to you and lift a burden he didn’t even realize was there.
Unlike himself, what burdens him is in no way synthetic.
He refuses to fabricate something for the sake of mere fabrication. Albedo knows that deceit will only lead to nowhere. Deceit isn’t something to be presented to an all-knowing god. His all knowing god.
He’s composed but his whisper is meek, barely a wisp above the wind.
It is never planned, proven by how Albedo just stops his experiment in Dragonspine while you watched, to confess that he feels…bad to be doing an experiment. Not especially since he’d met Rubedo.
He’s shaken up.
The sympathy gnaws at him and it begs for him to let it out to you.
There’s no songs, there’s no poems, there are no art to represent how Albedo could feel. Even if he made it himself, could he really pour everything out in just that?
Truly, there sometimes is no word for such feelings.
Similar to how there is no word for how comforting and understanding you could be. You know what, he’ll do you a favor.
Confiding in you doesn’t need to be sad. He doesn’t need to dump it. There’s always a right time, and there’d always be a right place.
Of course, there’s the simple things you can always confide to someone.
And that’s exactly what Albedo does.
He prefers to tell you the simple things that make his day brighter, the simple things he doesn’t want to share with anybody but you, so that maybe your day would be brighter as well. Albedo isn’t a man of big gestures, and prefers the small things that make living so much more interesting.
These little things are natural. They come naturally and out of coincidence when he doesn’t expect it, enticing the need for an outlet to release his creativity and emotions, may it be a person who would listen or his sketchboard or canvas.
There are also small things that would bother him, and he knows it won’t lead anywhere if he simply brushes it off. Communication is key, that’s his motto in anything related to confessing.
Like how one time, he’d seen something that reminded him of Rubedo. He told you how it made him feel awful. How he wishes he could’ve found a way to give Rubedo a chance to experience life.
Then he’d tell you how pretty he thought of the idea. Having a companion very similar, yet unique to him. It’s a wonderful sight.
All the other undermining thoughts of how he thought of himself because of that were pushed away, filtered like dirt in supposed to be drinking water. And like drinking water, the product is always the better outcome. It’s clean, it’s pure, it’s easy to swallow the information and not be left with a lump in your throat from guilt.
Sometimes when there’s dirt left in it, and you’d notice, you’d sympathize and want to comfort him, Albedo will tell you, an ear who would listen is enough. You needn’t let yourself be swayed by his emotions.
Albedo wants nothing but the best to show you. Flaws are a part of a process to showing nothing but the best.
When he’s all but filtered everything, when he’s left all that extra baggage and no longer feels the excess weight he carries. That is when you find only the best, offered to you in devout adoration and thanks.
Albedo lives naturally. He breathes naturally and feels naturally as if breathing air. Emotions don’t seem to hang him down anymore the more he talks to you, and it isn’t an unhealthy coping mechanism.
What would he have to cope with anyways? The fact that you’re so good that he knows that no one in Teyvat deserves you?
Maybe not.
You are like a large body of water, pure water. Overflowing with rich sustenance, and unfortunately, dumped onto. Albedo wants to free you of that.
The confiding tends to go the other way around because of this. He instead implores you to confide in him instead, so that you’re free of the one burden you have on your back. It’s always a fun time, because he makes it one.
“Your Grace, are you up for some painting today?”
Like I said, when the occasion calls for it, and you need an outlet to release pent up emotions, there’s words, and there’s art. Art is always the best way when Albedo finds you aren’t one for words today.
There’s a concept in science about ecological interaction where one benefits from the other equally. Albedo would like to apply that concept to this situation. Mutualism is working together, being beneficial to each other.
Albedo hopes that as you are beneficial to him by being a person who would listen to him, he would be too in the same way.
Certainly you are, right?
If the way you seem more energetic after one of your painting sessions couldn’t speak for itself, then maybe it would be how you always looked forward to said paintings sessions.
It’s always made a point in your filled schedule to save some time to paint with Albedo, and you never miss a single one of them. Never.
When asked, the thought of it seems to upset you even. Upsetting you wasn’t on anyone’s list to do for today, so they’d oblige.
In the end, you’d all but amassed multiple paintings and multiple fond memories and left without a burden to carry on your shoulders.
To be natural is to be free. And now you were, and so was Albedo, gold running through his veins, love and adoration pouring out through his creations.
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lnlywar-god · 3 years
Hello! Hope you are alright. I would like a cold tall Toffe Nut Crunch Brew with Diluc, if it's ok
hey anon! sorry this took a while, thank you for participating, hope you enjoy!
wc : 530
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It’s bittersweet when Diluc confides in you in his tavern, full of loud bards and drunkards. Ironically enough, it’s a tavern, a place to wash away sorrows and miseries of daily life in drinks.
Of course, Diluc would never leave himself out in the open. He’s not going to have Kaeya or Diluc or anyone going ahead and eavesdropping on your conversation and call him names and all that for all the stuff he’s telling you.
Hence why, having a heart-to-heart in the tavern is rare unless you’re there on closing hours.
Diluc’s more in his thoughts during the nights, so it’s kind of a caretaker thing for him to prevent you from staying up late just for him. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if your late night walks to Angel’s Share caused you fatigue and made you sick? Gosh, he can just imagine Zhongli and Jean already.
Not to mention, it’s not exactly ideal for you to be drinking out at night either.
Diluc really wants to push you away. Venting feelings? That phrase isn’t part of his vocab dear.
Diluc isn’t the type to get drunk, especially on working hours, he has standards! He does get drunk on days off though.
He isn’t a lightweight either, but when he drinks, oh boy he drinks.
Sigh, it’s a handful to deal with him and his feelings.
It gets hard for you sometimes, having to watch him get drunk on those days and mutter out drunk confessions.
He barely remembers anything after hammering himself with the strongest drinks he might have, so it works out, and you’re allowed to continue offering him your listening ear. Even if he isn’t exactly in his right mind.
“Feel…guilty…” Diluc slurs his words together, wine glass in his right hand being gently put down by you. You don’t say anything, you don’t really have anything particular to say. No word or divine power you could have could really ever bring back the dead.
No word from Diluc or insistence could stop you from listening and nursing him back to health on these nights of drunken stupors and half coherent thoughts and words.
This wasn’t just out of your “duty” as their deity to listen to them, but it was for your friend, Diluc.
You’re thankful for many things, thankful he’s helped you adjust to Teyvat and allowed you to stay at the Dawn Winery Manor, thankful of how considerate he’s been. Sometimes you can’t help but feel thankful he isn’t a violent drunk too.
Of course, you’ve tried to subtly ask him if he remembers anything from the his drunken stupor and thankfully he doesn’t.
Certainly it would be better that way. Because in some shape or form, when Diluc feels like he’s alone, perhaps you’d find some way to tell him that no, he isn’t, because he’s got you and you’ll listen. Until then, you could keep up this little game of pretend. If he finds out? He can’t do much about it then, maybe just drown even more in his own thoughts.
Long story short, Diluc doesn’t really confide in you consciously, in his subconscious? Most certainly yeah. If he manages to remember.
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lnlywar-god · 3 years
Hi! Can I get a Grande Hot Winter Dream Tea Latte for Xiao?
hello anon! thank you for your order! aaa i love this prompt, i loved making this and i love xiao, hope you enjoy (and apologies for how late this came out TT) !
wc : 1.2k
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“Achoo!” Xiao pulls away his hand holding yours as he sneezes into his arm. The cold seeps into your hand again without the warmth of his hand. You laugh and pat him on the back. Perhaps you can ask someone with a pyro vision to warm him up later.
You two were out on a stroll in Liyue. It was only ever so rare that it snowed here during Christmas, and you took this as the opportunity to go on a nice walk with your beloved Yaksha.
Xiao, at first, didn’t enjoy the idea. The cold wasn’t for him, and he’d have preferred to stay inside Wangshu Inn where it’s warm, and there’s almond tofu. But when Zhongli had insisted he accompany you while they prepare a Christmas redecoration for you, he really had no choice to abide, not especially when you gave him puppy eyes.
You both were heading particularly nowhere, and were simply wandering the empty, snow-filled streets of the harbor, taking in the fresh cool air and listening to the crunch of the snow beneath your feet.
Just as you take Xiao’s hand back in yours, you sneeze into your other arm and Xiao gives a worried look.
“My apologies,Your Grace, should we go back to get something warm?”
“Why are you apologizing?” Xiao looks back at you, confused. Why are you asking him that? Wasn’t it his fault that you’re sneezing? It could’ve been the cold, which he failed to protect you from, or him sneezing, which was even worse because what if he was sick, and what if he got you sick too?!
Oh archons, what is he going to do with this?
The silence between you both continues, and you break it with a chuckle.
“Don’t apologize Xiao, it’s not your fault. Let’s walk a bit more then we can go back to Wangshu Inn.”
Is Xiao hallucinating?
Your grip on his hand seems to tighten more comfortingly as you speak, and was it even possible that the godly aura so treasured and revered by everyone that you possessed, felt even more homely than he first remembered it to be?
Xiao feels his brain go numb in a sense of deep respect and admiration, and now he’s just a mere doll at your bidding, walking with you as you so kindly offered for him to do this morning.
He barely feels you tug him closer by the hem of his sleeve and only realizes when you put your head on his shoulder.
He feels a different warmth to you now.
It’s not…heavenly, yet it’s still…heavenly? It’s an indescribable feeling. Is it just too godly that Xiao couldn’t put it to words if he tried?
Could Morax or any of the other adepti or archons perhaps been able to put it into words? Xiao wanted to shake his head a bit if it weren’t for you leaning against him.
It was selfish of him, but he never wanted anyone else to share this kind of feeling that he’s perceiving. How could he? You’re Teyvat’s creator. You are quite literally the one who created all of them, which should mean you should be shared equally.
But you’re also you.
“You” can be kept secret to somebody right? The creator can always be shared, but you, you’re definitely something to keep, hold and treasure all to himself.
“You’re looking deep in thought, Xiao.” Xiao feels something alarmingly cold pressed to his face and he flinches.
“Woops, sorry, was that too cold? We can go back to the inn if you’re feeling too cold, you know.” It’s so hard to convince himself to not be selfish when you’re looking at him so innocently.
So genuinely and full of pure emotion, not like any other time that you’d probably have to mask some looks of being overwhelmed when you’re received at places with such honor and prestige or being offered so much of the finest luxuries.
“It’s alright, Your Grace. We can keep walking if you want to.” You frown at him. He’s seen you frown in public, yet a frown for him awakens a sense of dread in him. Should he have said something else? Scolded you? Or did his words just not come out the way he wanted them to?
He’s proven wrong again.
“Just call me by my name. I’ve told you all my name, you remember right? And also, are you cold or not? You have to answer based on how you feel because that’s an order from me!” You separate yours and his interlocked arms to cross your arms over each other with a huff.
He still remembers the day you arrived in Teyvat and everyone had addressed you so formally, yet you waved it all off and told everyone to call you by your name.
Everyone in the room other than you seemed to feel how giddy and how honored hearing your name made them feel.
It’s a kind of intimacy shared only with the best of the best within the acolytes, and he was one of them.
He looks at you forming a snowball in your hands and thinks, you do deserve only the best. Do you think he’s the best in your eyes? His head is empty contemplating the answer to that question and he feels something cold pressed into his hand again.
You giggle at him, running away with a “catch me if you can!”. Xiao smiles.
The entire time you two have been walking together, Xiao has been passing the time with his mind occupied with plenty of thoughts even when you’re there, the one person he really should be thinking about, and lo and behold, everytime he’s pulled out of his cloud of thoughts, he’s pulled into another cloud of you.
If he puts it that way, you might be the literal embodiment of cloud nine.
He scrunches up the snow in his hands and smells it, for some..odd reason that I don’t know as well, perhaps he’s hungry for almond tofu.
It smells like Liyue, like its grass after a storm or a heavy downpour, and like the Qingxin flowers he enjoyed to bask himself in.
“XIAOO! WHERE ARE YOU?” Immediately he appears at your side. You didn’t sound troubled, but he didn’t wish to worry you with his disappearance. Not as if you would be anyways, you had a snowball prepped in your hand for this moment.
The snow from his face melts down to the ground and you immediately apologize, telling him that you two should go back to the inn because he’s probably cold and you overdid it with the snowballs.
Over the profuse apologies, Xiao merely remains silent and takes your hand in his again and teleports you both back to Wangshu Inn. Poor baby’s still in shock from the snowball attack that he doesn’t have time to process you herding him inside like a child.
Scratch that “might be the literal embodiment of cloud nine”. You are cloud nine. Even if you were herding him inside, slightly shoving from time to time, it still felt so comforting to know that you were doing it, and you were doing it for him, and you were doing it right now.
Zhongli is immediately the first to greet you both with warm blankets, and you tell Xiao over Zhongli’s scoldings that you enjoyed your time with him.
He enjoyed it too, and he really wants his body to cooperate just this once to ask you:
“Will we do this again?”
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lnlywar-god · 3 years
congrats on 100 followers!!! you deserve all of them and a lot more !! could i request a grande, hot merry berry choco frappe with childe?
hello nana :D thank you so much! i really had to tryhard on this one because it was so STRAIGHTFORWARD and i'm trying to figure out a way to make it the right length because it's boring if i just made it straightforward. this was also fun to write for the reason that this was right around my roundhouse cuz of some stock knowledge on russian culture (literally just the food) but anyways, here's your order, enjoy!
terms : blini - thin russian pancakes ; borscht - beetroot soup ; pirozhki - baked or fried puff pastries are packed full of potatoes, meat, cabbage, or cheese ; syrniki - cheese pancakes ; Snegurochka - the snow maiden
wc : 1.09k
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Childe has lots of mora, everyone knows that, especially the people who ask money from him (Zhongli, for example).
What does Childe do with said mora? Spoil his beloveds and his comrades. And most of all, give his Creator the best gifts they could receive. Whether they be expensive or just simple little things he knows you’d appreciate. Every mora on his person was worth spending if it was for you.
Although it stands that Childe gives you expensive gifts, he doesn’t only gift you material things. He gifts you culture.
Culture from his beloved home, Snezhnaya.
He gifts you books of beloved tales in his home, and tells you his own anecdotes, silly little things he found, sometimes a memorable stroke of bad luck, and sometimes happy moments with his family.
He might not be as great of a storyteller of Zhongli or as good as of a storymaker like Venti, but he certainly is a great comedian. Somehow, he always manages to make you laugh even if he just said he literally got socked in the balls during his training when he was younger.
He gifts you delicacies and all kinds of foods that make your mouth water with glee. He’ll always offer to feed you and can’t help but feel delighted when he sees you enjoying yourself. It would be an understatement to say he’s delighted, really.
With what, the way your eyes seem to glow up when you eat blini? Or that relaxed and blissful expression when you drink tea with him with a spoon of jam in your cup, the way Snezhnayans like it on cold mornings where you can almost see your puff of breath.
If it meant he got to see his Creator in such moods, he’d gladly do it all over again for as long as he can.
There’s a distant and fond memory he treasures of such event. It’s one where you first discovered borscht and pirozhki, and this is where the tradition of bringing souvenirs began.
Childe has been sent on yet another mission back in Snezhnaya, and as much as he hates to leave you in your teapot there in Liyue, you tell him to go. He really wants to stay, he does. But you keep telling him to go fulfill his mission.
Surely the Tsaritsa would not be mad if their Creator forced Childe to stay, right? You think otherwise and tell him to go. In compensation, as Childe waves goodbye from the ship to Snezhnaya, he shouts to you a promise to bring gifts for you when he comes back.
You laugh and shout back that he doesn’t need to, though deep down you do appreciate his gifts.
His gifts are, in a figurative sense, an extension of him, a part of him. When you like syrniki, when you enjoy the cold of Snezhnaya, when you enjoy listening to him read out the tale of Snegurochka, he feels as if you enjoy him.
You enjoy having him around, you enjoy listening to him, you enjoy indulging in him. The thought makes him giddy more than a child on Christmas morning.
From then on, a business trip without Childe returning with gifts aren’t business trips at all.
You await him on the docks of Liyue Harbor with Zhongli at your side, accompanying you out of your teapot. People stared and gave their respects but otherwise, everything looked like as if it were a normal day in the harbor.
Childe’s fluff of bright orange hair isn’t difficult to spot, and spotting it, you immediately wave. You don’t shout or call for him, but you hope it’s enough to show the enthusiasm at having back here with you.
The harbinger doesn’t waste anymore time getting off the ship when he spots you and Zhongli and practically jumps into the water and manuevers to you using his hydro vision.
It was so much of an honor to have you greet him down at the harbor when he could’ve just headed straight to you while you stayed and sat pretty in your teapot, how could he not rush over to you?
You eagerly embrace him and after a good few minutes of standing there and talking, teasing each other about missing the other, Zhongli suggests to head back to your chambers, specifically commissioned by Ningguang when you arrived in Teyvat.
Without another word, you do. You spot the rather large bag Childe’s carrying and laugh.
“You look like Santa, Childe.” Childe and Zhongli are looking at you as if you’d said something confusing and the three of you are all standing in your places, staring each other before Childe bursts into laughter.
In a sense, he is like Santa, coming to bring gifts which he does have in his large bag of them. Perhaps like Santa, he can’t wait to see the look on your face when you receive your presents like a child on Christmas morning.
And like Santa, he can’t help but enjoy and want to continue to do it.
When you told him to bring you some more, he’d fulfilled his mission to make you smile. If anything, that was a mission that he’ll always prioritize over all others given by the Tsaritsa.
Leaving you to go on a mission became a tad bit easier, knowing that he can take this as an opportunity to bring you more of his culture that you’d grown to love. He keeps a portrait of you in his pocket, smiling, and it keeps him going and working to bring more of them on your face.
All these gifts he gets for you, they’re just sweet little things, sweet little gifts that maybe, just maybe might compare and be able to project just how much Childe loves you.
It’s his way of thanking you for giving him so much in his life, good or bad. He’s thankful because all that was just a build-up for you to meet him, for him to finally bask in your divine presence that could probably heal people, even without trying.
Childe knows it’s healed him. It pieced back the little fragments of him that he’d lost to the glory and thrill of battle. He sees thrill in whatever you do, may it be something plain boring like you playing chess with another acolyte, or something exciting, like you deciding to train with him while he’s around.
He will be eternally thankful for that.
And he hopes, that you too, will be thankful for the pieces of him that he gifts you with.
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lnlywar-god · 3 years
hello, hello garu !! congrats on 100+ followers ! you definitely deserve each and every one of them <33 I do love the theme you have for the event ! matches you blog aesthetic perfectly :D
If i may, for the event: a grande (or tall if you're tired! do make sure to take rests :)), Hot, Toffee Nut Crunch Brew for Venti ?
Remember to take your time going though event requests, get some good sustenance between working times, an to get some good general rest ! Love your works, and awaiting much more quality content from you :DD
hello azem !! thank you so much, and i’m so glad to hear you think so :] THANK YOU FOR THE ADVICE TOO, WILL DO :) this was quite…a challenge to write ngl KEKW, it was mostly because venti as a character, i feel has lots of qualities i can explore on, or it’s just that i wasn’t listening to the proper soundtracks to write so i lost my ability to word things out. anyways, order up!
wc : 1.1k
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Venti the Bard.
Everyone knows him. Broke, hangs out at taverns, frequently asks for an apple fee whenever he plays for somebody, and doesn’t play where felines are around. Always has quite the tab at Angel’s Share and now is one of the most favored acolytes of the creator themselves.
How that came to be? It would be a bit of a long story. It runs deep from humble beginnings and flows longer than one could imagine, long before the archon war, long before there was “Venti”.
There is depth to everyone. And this fun-loving, free-spirited bard who bears a lyre and cecilia flowers in his hair is no exception.
With songs of praises and poems of adoration, there’s always going to be some things that you can’t find yourself comprehending. Venti would laugh it off and tell you it’s a secret for you to decipher.
“Don’t worry about it, Your Grace, don’t you enjoy listening to me play?”
“I do, but at least tell me what it means Venti!”
“Ehe. It’s a secret, Your Grace, you will find out in time!” It’s either always that or you’re simply left with yet another cryptic hint to decipher. In the end, you’re simply grasping at threads and not finding yourself near the end of the thread, so you call it a day.
Somehow, Venti understands that you don’t like to be kept in the dark and plays tunes with less of the cryptic lines you hear whenever you ask him to, unlikely of him to do on a normal basis. No one seems to pay him any mind, but you do.
Anyone else would’ve simply brushed it off as a form of devotion, but it couldn’t pass by you, the one being devoted to.
“Venti, please tell me.”
“Your Grace…”
“Is it too personal?” The silence between you and him as you sit on your throne, rather guiltily. You gain your bearings and stand up.
“Just don’t keep to yourself if it’s too much for you to think about.” The warm embrace Venti feels nearly brings him to tears. He knows your divine aura is simply warm, but it’s not just the aura, you yourself are truly warm. So warm and comforting and welcoming.
It seems to have done the job, you think, watching Venti return the hug. You’re much more convinced when you find him in taverns sharing a beer with most of everyone in joyous chorus as he sings and plays his lyre.
He sees you and you throw him a knowing smile. He reciprocates it with a discreet toast to you.
Later that night, you two are up in your teapot, talking, even if Zhongli would obviously scold Venti for it. But listening to Venti was more important than getting worried about hearing Zhongli prattle about something not being good for your health or whatever.
He’s almost like a storyteller.
Zhongli definitely had the voice for it, but no one could put stories into words as poetically as Venti could. Sometimes it’d be comedic with the analogies Venti would insert and the little puns he’d make up.
Venti doesn’t want to see his stories as stories of pity. He doesn’t want to be pitied.
Venti doesn’t like to see his stories as sad even if others would, so the night never ends in crying. Never under his watch. If anything, if someone found the least bit of amusement in them, he’d be glad.
Venti understands that like the wind, everything passes. Well, everything except feelings.
So when he feels like they seem to stop him from being the best person he can be for you, he now finds no hesitation to tell you about it. Why wouldn’t he? You’re a kind and sympathetic creator.
He appreciates your listening ear, your comforting warmth that always welcomes him.
And, most of all, the fact you don’t pity him at all! He didn’t need anyone’s pity. He just needed something to hold onto. And you were that something to hold onto. You were a song that was eternal, both past and present, everyone could continue to sing of you.
And he’s one of multiple lovestruck persons who’d continue to sing of you.
He’ll sing songs of you anytime someone (you in particular) would ask him to. He’ll pour out his feelings, confide into his songs like he was talking to you. Not everything he tells you would always be enough for him to say how he actually feels.
He keeps you like an oath and he holds the secrets you tell him like a lifeline.
Late nights of Venti confiding melancholic stories spun into little tales had dwindled and what seemed to be a moment was terribly long, and he hadn’t realized that he’d found himself back to square one.
He realizes his mistake and comes rushing into your open arms once more.
He still stands by what he said. You were simply so welcoming. Even if he’s isolated himself from you, you still welcome him as if he hadn’t. You brush it off and tell him to do everything that would make him comfortable as he is.
So nights fade into morning and you both sleep peacefully, tuckered out from laughing and sharing stories, whether they be comedic, angry with someone, or just plain things you find you want to talk about in your day.
As he indulges you in his tales, you indulge him with your own, even if they aren’t as masterfully crafted to look like some big selling novel with a whole world of its own and lots and lots of lore-building.
He handles the part of making your stories sound better than they should be by twisting little details of it and returning it to you in good humor. Like making you picture some embarrassing moment, but with hilichurls or slimes or mobs of creatures in Teyvat.
It serves to make your story-telling more interesting (as if it wasn’t in the first place already for Venti) and even worth more remembering.
As Venti is your confidant, you are his. As you are also many others’ confidants, being the divine god they all pray to in Teyvat, you are his. His awfully sweet whispers that you could never take with a grain of salt, no matter how melancholic or bittersweet they would feel towards the end.
You take it all with you and you carry the casket of knowledge teeming with emotion and depth to your people that serve you.
People have depth, immeasurable, and boundless depth that you could always take your time to dig deep in, falling into it with nothing but the wind to guide you till you hit rock bottom.
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lnlywar-god · 3 years
Fairy Lights on Winter Nights
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e-eh?! ms. garu! why are you wearing a santa outfit?! what?! a christmas menu?!?
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lnlywar-god presents ...
a 100 followers special menu !!
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a special christmas menu has been prepared by ms. garu, where you can request drinks and treats via asks along with a genshin character! there are three different sets of menus to pick from. one for non-sagau, another for sagau, and the final one being for a christmas themed sagau!
available in tall, grande, and bente, and hot and cold for selected products.
this serves as ms. garu's thanks for all your support and getting her to 100 followers! please enjoy!
thank you again for 100 followers, i’m sorry this took quite a bit to come out. you guys get a little surprise on the christmas sagau prompts because seriously, no more angst guys. it’s only fluff this christmas and that’s my present to all of you :P enjoy, and feel free to send in asks for any questions about this event! 
Tall - headcanons (500 words minimum, 1.5k maximum)
Grande - oneshot (1k minimum, 2k maximum)
Bente - mini fic (2k minimum, 3.5k maximum)
Hot - fluff
Cold - angst
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1. Please be guided by my guidelines.
Please follow my given guidelines in a normal request. You can find them in my pinned post OR here.
2. One character per ask!
You may make multiple asks for one character, but please make sure they are of different prompts. All prompts will be sfw.
3. Be clear with your request.
Please state which drink/treat you want to request, if you want it hot or cold (depending on the drink) and what size do you want it as? If ever you do pick cold, please make sure to state how much comfort you want. Also include if it's platonic or romantic!
I'm also willing to take any specific requests to include in the prompt (Ex. "Please include *insert generic Christmas pick-up line*") , I'd love to have a go at them.
4. Please be patient!
I write at my own pace (whatever that is, depends on a matter of things). I'm a person of my word, so rest assured, even if it takes quite a while, I'll get to your request.
THIS SPECIAL MENU LASTS FROM DECEMBER 4, 12 a.m. TO JANUARY 6,5 p.m. GMT+8. Prompts will be under the cut. (ENDED) 
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──────── PASTRIES
Chocolate Crepe Cake - "Secret Santa"
Purple Yummy Cake - "A Home Far Away"
Holiday Croissant Bun - "Around the Hearth"
Matcha Cherry Cheesecake - "Tiptoe Under the Mistletoe"
Ham and Cheese Pinwheel - "Christmas Sweetheart"
──────── DRINKS
Toffee Nut Crunch Brew - "Sweet Divine Whispers" (confidant)
Cookie Butter Blend - "Like a Child Again" (leisure)
Merry Berry Choco Frappe - "Sugar and Everything Nice" (sweet gifts)
Caramel Brulee Latte - "Burning Sweet" (crackhead moments)
Toasted White Chocolate Mocha - "Warm Embrace" (comfort)
White Christmas Peppermint Latte - "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" (christmas preparations)
Confetti Cookie Latte - "Flavors of Christmas" (baking with them)
Santa Claus Frappuccino - "Out for a Sleigh Ride" (joy rides)
Gingerbread Latte - "Gingerbread Man with his Little Candy Cane"(christmas gimmicks)
Pumpkin Spice Latte - "Let it snow, Let it snow" (christmas inside the house with them)
Winter Dream Tea Latte - Walking in a Winter Wonderland (strolls in the snow)
Cinnamon Shortbread Cookie Latte - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (aftermath of all the celebrations)
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lnlywar-god · 3 years
order for nex <3
one grande ( hot ), with a purple yummy cake !
include thoma
“i haven’t seen enough of this world yet.”
told ya i’d participate >:)
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NEX :D !! i cannot thank you enough for participating. i must admit, the moment i saw the request, i realized how much of a fitting prompt i made for thoma 😭oh well, anyways, order up! kakigori is a japanese dessert made of shaved ice with flavored syrup and sweetener btw, keep in mind for this oneshot!
wc : 1.1k
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“I haven’t seen enough of this world yet.”
Thoma tells his mother, bag in hand and a bottle of dandelion wine in the other. Sweet precious boy wanted to go visit his father in Inazuma and bring him the bottle of wine after he’d left to return to his hometown, and now, he was ready to leave.
Tearful goodbyes were exchanged with the promise of returning home in one piece.
Growing up, Thoma had learned to love the free spirited folks of Monstadt as easy as it is to breathe air. Easy as it was, it was no surprise that he’d also gained that quality of being able to mingle with others easily.
He tells you of his journeys back in Mondstadt. The places he’d used to go to and spend his time in. All the way from Cider Lake, Springvale, up to Cape Oath, and on one occasion, Dragonspine.
“Dragonspine was cold! Caught a cold and mom had me stay in bed all day while scolding me about it being dangerous and going there without any heavy coats or at least someone to accompany me.” He laughs fondly at the memories. He could almost remember the sting of cold in his nose and the fresh mountain air that he breathed in, painfully so far away.
You sympathize with him, recalling your own memories of your distant homeland. His laugh rings in the air, mingling with the soft bustling sounds of Inazuma as you tell him one of your own childhood mishaps.
Teasingly, you poke a bit of fun, telling him to lay off on you. You were just a child, you definitely didn’t know that laying down in the sand without a blanket was terribly hot until you felt your skin searing with heat.
“Lay off on me too you know! I lay off on you, you lay off on me.”
It was home all over again. You walk the streets of Inazuma buying groceries for the Kamisato estate with Thoma, and you feel at home, right where you are and as if nothing has changed. Thoma looks blissfully out into the distance, at the falling sakura petals everywhere and feels the same.
Taroumaru comes around, barking happily at you both as you approach the Komore Teahouse, groceries in hand. A new face comes around, greeting you and Thoma as they tell you to sit down and busy themselves preparing tea.
Instinctively, Thoma is immediately petting the owner of the teahouse, praising and complimenting him. Right after, Taroumaru is now sat infront of you, head bowed down expectantly, asking for a pat.
You laugh and give it to him, placing down the list of groceries you had in your hand for a bit to take some time to give affection to the lovely shiba inu and have some tea.
Thoma lets you have your fun. He won’t bother to tell you that it’s nearly lunch and that you two have to be back at the estate before the afternoon with all your tasks finished. He knows you deserve a little leeway for all you’ve done to help him adjust to this new lifestyle in Inazuma, you’ve been here longer than he has.
He deserves a little leeway too, he concludes, drinking his tea and letting the time run just a bit more. Even if much to his dismay, it didn’t run as long as he expected it to.
“Thank you for the tea! See you around!” Thoma waves a cheery goodbye to Taroumaru and the worker that had served them tea and you follow, already walking ahead, nose in the list of groceries and other tasks you still needed to accomplish and buy.
“What else do we have left?” Your companion leans over your shoulder, peeking at your list as you dictate out places to stop by and receive some packages from for the Yashiro Commission, and to meet with the Traveler and finish some tasks with them as well.
“Just that. Did I miss anything?”
Thoma thoughtfully puts his hand to his mouth while he looks dazed in thought, standing still in the middle of the concrete pathway. You tilt your head, waiting patiently for him to speak. It’s not long, and he looks back at up you with a grin.
“Nope, let’s split up and get to work so we can fetch some food for Ayaka and get home early. You handle the groceries, I’ll get everything else, alright?” You both shared large grins and nodded. Promising to meet at the entrance of the Kamisato Estate, you both went separate ways.
Albeit Thoma’s constant presence in your day-to-day activities being something that you’d grown used to, you wouldn’t say that you weren’t used to venturing out alone on the streets of Inazuma as well.
The sellers at the markets always recognized you and greeted you with friendly smiles, giving you some of their best produce to take home or simply striking you up for a friendly chat to ask how you were.
You’d been asked many times in the past if you were adjusting well, but that question had faded to the grasps of time. All of them, especially the elderly, didn’t need to ask to know that you have been adjusting.
Could you even call it that when you already knew the ins and outs of Inazuma like you were just taking a stroll through the park? Long gone were the days of asking around on where to go and how to get to places, and well alive were the days of simply staying put in one particular spot you always enjoyed resting at.
You wave the vendors goodbye and bid them a good day. The sun’s well and high over Inazuma and the streets are bustling with familiar faces. Although the concept of meeting new people was well obscured because of the closed borders, it’s not as if you can’t find something new with what you already have.
You learn that as you spent much more time with Ayaka, from the day you met her up until now. You’re reminded of her while you look at the freshly made kakigori, buying one to give to her once you return.
Meeting new people wasn’t too bad either. You’d grown used to the same faces when Thoma came around and had gained the trust of everyone in the Kamisato Clan. You buy two more kakigori, having three in your hands (the groceries on your back in a large bag), in the colors of a tri-colored dango.
Home is a place where the heart belongs. And as you belonged in your hometown, you belonged here too, in Inazuma, in a home far away. That which you know now, clear as ice and as radiant as sakura, as you walk with Thoma inside the Kamisato Estate.
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lnlywar-god · 2 years
Fairy Lights on Winter Nights
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notes : once again, thank you to everyone who has supported and participated in this event. this was both really enjoyable and a challenge for me to write (which was good because i needed it) and i hope to host more events for this blog in the future!
here is a collection of all the unique and wonderful orders requested by all who participated in the event, enjoy! og post here !!
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toffee nut crunch brew (hot, grande)
toffee nut crunch brew (cold, tall)
purple yummy cake (hot, grande)
toffee nut crunch brew (hot, grande)
winter dream tea latte (hot, grande)
merry berry white choco frappe (hot, grande)
toasted white chocolate mocha (hot, grande)
toasted white chocolate mocha (hot,grande)
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