#˚ ᜔ ࣪ ❥ It's Cute That You All Think You're The Heroes Of This Little Adventure . ┊ HANDSOME JACK | EGOTISTICAL && UNSTABLE . ( 10 )
witchyafterdark · 6 months
—Sebastian Sallow Headcanons; pt. 2
• The Pros and Cons of being with him •
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These are just some of the headcanons that might manifest if you ever think about dating this one of a kind man, Sebastian Sallow. Once again, these are my personal thoughts, so take them with a grain of salt. None of these screenshots belong to me. All credits to their respective creators and owners! 💚
・❥・ PROS
Being with Sebastian is like a breath of fresh air every single day.
Even in the most mundane of moments, he won't be short of new things and experiences to enjoy with you. He makes sure that you're always happy in his presence that every time you have to spend some time apart, you can't wait to see and be with him again.
Your safety and security is top-priority to him, in more ways than one.
He has no qualms in joining you break the curfew to go adventuring in the highlands. Whenever he gets the chance, he slips a vial (or five) of Wiggenweld Potions into your robes in case you go fighting spiders, trolls, and Ashwinders without him. And when you come back to the castle with scratches or marks on you, best believe he will fuss over you regardless if you're in public.
But it's the little things that really matter to him.
Whenever you spend the night in his dorm, he ensures you're comfortable in his bed; grabbing extra pillows, giving you an extra blanket so you don't end up struggling with him over it, and casting a warming charm over the foot of the bed to keep your feet cozy.
He might even start to buy ribbons or hair ties for when you need them but don't have any on you at the moment. You're thirsty? He has another water canteen for you. Your seasonal allergies bothering you? He's got another set of handkerchiefs just for you. Your neck hurts from being hunched over while reading? He won't even hesitate to massage the back of your neck in soothing motions. You missed breakfast? Don't worry, he pocketed and kept warm a bunch of fresh muffins just for you.
When you get sick, you can only imagine the things he would do to nurse you back to health.
Sebastian is actually an expert in time management. It doesn't matter if he has classes in fifteen-minutes. He would have asked the house elves to prepare you a hearty bowl of vegetable soup, personally brought it to your bed in the Hospital Wing, and he would truly spoon feed you without hesitation. He would also do all your missed homework for you, and duplicate all his notes for you to go through once you're well. And he will see to it that you're nursed back to health by hook or by crook. He will sneak up to the Hospital Wing in the middle of the night just to check if you're sleeping well, or if you're awake and you need anything from him. He's very, very caring.
Of course, not everyone is a fan of the Hero of Hogwarts.
So, when he hears some students spreading nasty rumors about you, or badmouthing you, he will see to it that this kind of defamation ends within the span of a day. He will not allow anyone to talk bad about you, and would protect your reputation to the best of his abilities; even if he has to... dirty his hands a lot.
You will always feel loved by him, in all the sense of the word.
Even though he would be mindful of his public displays of affection—he actually likes to keep more intimate moments with you a bit more private and "for his eyes only"—he doesn't shy away from holding your hand in public. One of the simple things he enjoys doing is to guide you around with his hand on the small of your back, always keeping physical contact with you. Sweet kisses, hugs, comforting words, unexpected and unprompted gifts, catching him staring at you lovingly (and him denying this cutely), and being at your beck and call are just some of the things he loves to give you.
Beyond the surface, he is actually very in-tune with you and how you fair in the relationship.
Sebastian can perfectly read a person within a given time period. He managed to become Ominis' best friend, who is quite aloof and very guarded. This is because Sebastian has a way of appealing to people in a genuine way. This quality of his definitely extends to your relationship with him. He already senses when you had a bad morning, or when you're not in the mood for anything. He also doesn't push you to explain yourself if you don't want to. He will, however, do whatever to make you feel seen and heard in the moment, and won't invalidate your feelings... as long as you see eye to eye.
→ His romantic and compassionate gestures would grow even further once you've both graduated from Hogwarts, and are free to explore the full extent of your relationship.
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・❥・ CONS
He is aware of the weight of his baggage in life, and is quite stubborn about it.
(This one's not so much of a disadvantage but just something to keep an eye on).
Dealing with a lot of traumatic events and death of family members since childhood is bound to change anybody, and Sebastian is no exception. And since things just kept piling up on top of the other as he grows older, he is surprisingly stubborn and immovable about the things that has happened to him. The devastation of Anne's curse and the subsequent death of Solomon had left an indelible mark on his own perception of himself.
If there's one thing about him that you should know, it is that he refuses to be treated as a helpless victim of circumstances. Even if you're coming from a place of good intentions and wanting to help him overcome his trauma, he doesn't like to be helped unless he asks for it. And more often than not, he prefers to bury his emotional torment under a cool and controlled façade.
Talking about wanting to help him heal from his past is one way to push him into becoming emotionally detached from you. He'd rather swallow all the hurt than trying to heal from them; because dealing with them, no matter how beneficial it can be for him, will make him face his perceived weaknesses and supposed failures in life. And if you really push him to talk to you about these things, he will end up projecting all that trauma onto you and the relationship to "give you a taste" of what you're asking for.
With that said, he won't allow you to sway him from things he set his mind into—even if those things are deadly for him and the people around him.
To understand Sebastian, you only need to observe why he does the things he do. He doesn't do things without a purpose, without reason. But when his reasoning becomes severely clouded by his need to succeed, no amount of effort to persuade him otherwise will help your cause. In his mind, you're either with him, or against him. This laser-sharp focus and tunnel-vision can be viewed in a positive light. But too much of something can lead to the worst outcomes. And in his oldest friend's words, "he doesn't know when to stop." He doesn't go to sleep when he's tired, he goes to sleep when he's done. And while that is an attractive quality to a certain point, he doesn't know his limitations. That means he won't stop unless he gets what he sought out to achieve, even with the risk of life and limb.
In the same vein, he will do absolutely anything to get what he wants; and won't take no for an answer.
The ends justify the means for Sebastian. While he can be the type to think before he acts, what usually happens is that he thinks at the same time he acts. And if you ruminate about it, that kind of behavior can be quite alarming due to the notion that he thought about the repercussions or the moral standing of a certain action, yet still acting upon it. He knows what he's doing is wrong but have no problem justifying what he does without hesitation. In a life or death situation, this kind of attitude is beneficial because he can think quick on his feet. But you're not faced with life-threatening situations every single day. This makes you wonder... what kind of moral standards does he have on a regular basis? And what would happen to you if you get in the way of his plans?
On top of it, since he knows how to appeal to people's feelings, he doesn't hesitate to use that to his advantage very well.
Simply put, he knows which buttons to push in order to get you in his side. He will try to make you see that he's doing very questionable—or even downright heinous—things for the greater good. And he can do it in the most genuine, convincing way. He knows that you're attached to him, and he will monopolize on it for the other reason that he doesn't want to go against the person he loves.
But if you try to stand up against him, and try to persuade him into dropping what he's doing, his demeanor will immediately change. He will perceive your lack of cooperation as an act of betrayal, and will resort to other methods of manipulation.
And while he is also hurting from your direct disapproval, Sebastian can find ways to slowly but surely twist the nature of your relationship with him to get you to become co-dependent upon him to break down your defenses. This kind of tactic can eventually degrade the quality of your bond with him, and by extension, the way you behave with him over time.
If you decided to put your feet down and stand your ground against his decisions, best believe you're dead to him.
Sebastian can grieve the loss of his relationship with you, his beloved, but he won't ever let it show in public. It's as if he doesn't know you to begin with. In his mind, if you can betray him like that, then he shouldn't associate with you at all. No matter how painful it is to swallow the bitter pill of his new reality, he'll stiffen that upper lip and act as if it doesn't bother him at all. He is very, very stubborn.
(And yes, this is quite reflective of how he is with us post-credits because let's face it, him not speaking to us anymore was like a slap to the face. Even Duncan talks to us!)
So, do the pros outweigh the cons for you?
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drc00l4tt4 · 4 months
How would your borgs react to a reader that's really protective of them? Like full on "I will beat the shit out of someone for you" protective
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I love this question. I love this question so much. More people should send in asks like this. Im screaming.
Also I might've derailed a bit between protective and caring but I think they go hand-in-hand so <//3
(Links to the borgs' carrds are connected to their names. Villainborg's is the only one that's finished but you can find image references and basic information for pretty much everyone. Hopefully the carrd will be completed soon now that I've found the time to work on it.)
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❥ He doesn't like you getting in harm's way for him, but seeing how protective you get makes him feel all kinds of mushy. He's not used to someone caring about him this much, let alone protecting him to such an extent. He doesn't really know how to act when it happens. He does make sure you're alright afterwards (and if you end up getting physical, he'll make sure you're taken care of.)
❥ "Oh, dear — I could've handled that myself, you didn't have to.. Well, when we get home, you'll rest, alright? Yes — I know you aren't bruised or anything, but still."
Super-School Borg ( Villain School Principal )
❥ Oh he fucking needs the protection. Working in a villain school where shit can go south in the blink of an eye means he can easily find himself in dangerous situations. He doesn't want you to get hurt in place of him, of course, so he tries to tell you that he has people who's sole reason for being hired is to keep him from getting harmed, but you don't listen.
❥ "You know I have people who are meant to take care of situations like that. That's one of the things Splotch is for. ... I know he isn't constantly around me, but I'm not a helpless child that you need to take care of, I can handle myself. I don't need you getting hurt."
Super-School Porg ( Hero School Principal )
❥ Like original Melvinpporg, SSPorg doesn't like you getting in harm's way for him, but seeing you do so makes him love you more and more. He's more experienced when it comes to dealing with threats than original Porg is, however, due to working in a hero school that's rivals with SSBorg's villain school, so he could more easily convince you that he doesn't need your protection. He's understanding on why you're so protective, though.
❥ "Sweetheart, I can take care of myself just fine. I know why you worry, and believe me, I appreciate it more than you could fathom, but I don't want you getting hurt. I'll try to stay safe for you, alright?"
❥ He doesn't understand why you think he needs protecting. At all. He grew up on a farm, he took care of livestock and fields, he knows how to use a gun. He thinks it's cute that you're protective and you think you can actually do anything.. until you eventually end up getting hurt because of it after an altercation with some other cowboy.
❥ "Th'fuck were you thinkin'? I don't care what they said about me, I can hold my own just fine, y'don't need t'get involved in fights for me! You were bein' wreckless! I — No, darlin', I ain't mad, just — don't fuckin' do that again."
❥ He thinks it's hot when you get all protective of him. He gets hurt often, comes with the territory, so your protectiveness shows frequently. You've bandages up cuts, bloody knuckles, bullet wounds — anything and everything, really. He'd listen to you rant about how you'll beat the shit out of whoever hurt him (as if you could even figure out who it was — it's not like he knew which specific cop managed to land a hit on him.)
❥ "Baby, you'd have to fight the entire Piqua police force if you wanted to put hands on the guy who managed to hit me. You'd get arrested. ... Yes, of course I'd get you out of jail, but that's not the point. You're a persistent little thing, aren't you?"
❥ Well you can't really protect him now, he's dead, but you do angrily say you would've protected him when he was alive, and he thinks it's cute, amusing. You couldn't have really stopped his death from happening, but you could've made him a lot happier than he was.
❥ "Would've been nice if you were there, but we can't really do anything about it now. You and that loose screw* are the only two who can really see me now, so it's not like you'll have to defend me anytime soon." (*the loose screw he's referring to is Krupp/Captain)
Vil ( Fallen Angel Borg )
❥ He's bewildered. He's a demon, why on God's green earth do you want to protect him? He doesn't need it, he can hold his own. He's more worried than anything. He's so fucking relieved that you can't follow him back to hell because he'd hate to see what you try to do to the demons that make fun of him. You'd probably die.
❥ "I don't understand you. At all. ... Yes, other demons are absolute assholes, but that doesn't mean you can just waltz into hell and demand that they respect me. They don't respect anyone! ... No, you cannot follow me through the summoning portal, that's not how that works."
Endenemey's ( FNAF Movie / William Afton Borg )
❥ This man is a hypocrite considering he's murdered people but he doesn't want you getting into trouble. He's a gentleman to you (and literally no one else,) he should protect you, not the other way around.
❥ "Darling, please, I can take care of myself just fine. I know you're protective, and I absolutely adore you for being such a wonderful little protector, but I don't want you getting into trouble."
Voidborg ( The Inevitable Theory )
❥ He doesn't really leave your house (aside from glitching in and out of the void) so you can't really protect him from anything; so it's a similar situation as the one with Ghost. You just rant about how you would've protected him in certain situations he's been in in the past.
❥ "If I ever start to stabilize and stop glitching like this, you can come with me wherever I go and be my personal bodyguard so you can get all that rage out. Sound good? Great."
❥ Despite having knights and bodyguards and an entire army, he absolutely loves how protective you are. He's a tyrant, and having a little yes-man who'll defend anything he says makes him feel giddy. He's watched you punch someone who started talking badly about him and he absolutely loved you for it.
❥ "I love you so very much. Hm? No, I am not saying that just because you punched someone to defend my honor. Though that was quite entertaining to watch and you should do it again should anyone else question me."
Survivor ( Infection AU )
❥ You're going to give this man a fucking heart attack. It's bad enough that there's an outbreak of who-knows-what going on, and now you're putting yourself in harm's way to make sure he has food and water. He hates it. He wants you safe, with him, in the panic room.
❥ "I appreciate you - so very much for all this, but please, stop leaving. I can't handle you going out anymore, okay? We have enough food for now, it's fine, please don't leave me."
Dr Sneedly & Mr Cog-Gear ( Jekyll & Hyde AU )
❥ Cog absolutely adores how protective you are and encourages it — Sneedly hates it and wants you to stay safe and not get into fist-fights for his honor. They're both flattered but react very differently.
❥ "Darling, please, do not get into fights for me. I know that Cog is spewing nonsense but he doesn't understand how dangerous this is! You could get hurt! You should stay safe, don't worry about me, about us."
❥ "You're just a little firecracker, aren't you? It's a good thing, darling, a very good thing. You look so breathtaking when you defend me, you should do it more often. ... Oh don't listen to Sneedly, he's such a bore."
Mobster / The Borg ( Mafia AU )
❥ As attractive as he thinks you look when you get protective, he doesn't want you getting shot, or worse. Really anything could happen if you say or do the wrong thing around the wrong group of people when you're in mafia territory. He's worried enough being in public with you, he doesn't want anyone to have a reason to do anything to you.
❥ "Listen, I know you want to protect me, but you can't. You know full well how dangerous my job is, doll, I can't just let you yell at strangers. Anyone could be a threat around here. You understand, right? If we're around the gang and someone says something stupid, you can put them in their place. In public, it's not worth it. Alright? Good."
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Reqs are open!!! | Comms
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"The way he makes me feel..." Pt#2
Weaponstress/Kiki x Dabi (Oc x canon)
Some backstory of Kibi before the rest of the continuum from before..
After what happened with Dabi in the alleyway, the feeling couldn't escape her mind... The way she shuddered under his touch, no matter how rough it was or not. Something about it just, felt like a spark on her skin, especially down in her very sensitive areas... But she was frustrated with how he stopped right before when she was about to ejaculate. Her cheeks we're still flustered from that moment as well. She didn't know why but... Something about him. Just, intrigued her for some very weird reason. She couldn't place her fingers on it at all.
Once getting off the bus, she continued her way back home. The walk shouldn't be too far, at least 5 minutes away from the bus stop. While she was walking, Dabi was still trapped in her head. Not just that moment either, but also the other few times. Even the first time they...
♡♡♡ Flashback ♡♡♡
Dabi: "Well? Had enough? Or are you just getting started?" He breathes heavily from dodging her attacks, but also getting quite hurt from them occasionally.
Weapon: "Like hell am I finished, I'm just getting warmer up." She panted, swinging more of her icey daggers at him, not paying attention to where she was stepping.. She accidentally tripped over a crack on the floor.
Dabi: "Weaponstress!" Dabi called out to her. Not realizing but he ran up to her to catch her from her fall.
Weapon: "i-"
Dabi: "you... You okay?"
And at that moment.. It was the first time she's ever witnessed his eyes up close. And how gorgeous his features were... He looked so radiant and sparkly at that moment that she had forgotten what they were doing before... Without thinking, she leaned in closely, Puckering her lips a bit before lightly pressing her lips onto his. Dabi was taken aback by the sudden action but slowly melted into the kiss. His hands slowly trailed down onto her hips, pulling her closely against his body as he deepened the kiss.
Dabi: "Mmm~ god hero, you taste good."
Weapon: "M-mmm~ you too."
They both muttered against each other's lips, pulling away with a strand of saliva connecting from their mouths. Dabi was heavily breathing and looking into her eyes, Weapon was doing the same. Her cheeks flushed in a light pink, getting up on her feet nervously, looking to the side in embarrassment.
Dabi: "that... Was truly something. Huh?"
Weapon: "Y-yeah.."
Dabi: "Heh, so how long have you been waiting to kiss me like that hero?"
Weapon: "N-not long... What did you think?"
Dabi: "Good~ it was good. To be honest I wasn't expecting that, especially from a hero" He teased her with a sly wink.
Weapon: "Pffft shut up."
Dabi: "make me, princess~"
Weapon: she stood there staring at the ground for a little while before slowly looking up at him, his facial expression was smug. Ugh, sometimes she wanted to punch it, but it was cute. "Next time"
Dabi: "oh? Next time? So you're planning to kiss me again huh?"
Weapon: "I- whatever"
Dabi: "Heh, okay. Until next time then, princess"
♡♡♡ Flashback ♡♡♡
Their first kiss.. Surely it was a memory to keep in her heart. Once arriving at her apartment she took out her keys from her bag, unlocking it to enter inside. Thankfully she cleaned earlier that week, so now all she could do was relax with her fur baby and watch some TV, maybe her best friend would even be performing on live TV, who knows?
She locks the door behind her and hangs her goggles on the rack along with her keys and bag, kicking off her shoes before making her way towards her bedroom to get changed into some comfy clothes.
Ms. Mittens: "Mroawww!~" she meowed with delight once waking up from her cat nap and seeing that Kiki arrived home before midnight.
Kiki: "Aww hey there girl! Did you have a good nap hmm?" She cooed, taking off her bra and slipping into a baggy anime shirt and some shorts. Patting her beloved feline after getting changed.
Ms. Mittens: "Mroawwwwww" She purred, nuzzling into kikis palm before she was picked up from the ground.
Kiki: "Wanna catch up on some Telenovela's with me?"
Ms. Mittens: "Meowww!!" She meowed delightfully, getting comfortable in her owners arms as they both made their way into the lounge room area.
Kiki placed Ms. Mittens on top of her cat bed that rests on the couch, making her way into the kitchen to prepare them some snacks for the night ahead.
❥❥❥❥ 1-2 hours later ❥❥❥❥
Ms. Mittens was asleep on her cat bed and Kiki was too focused on this one scene playing out on the TV.
Rebecca: "*gasp* Rodger!!"
Rodger: "Babe! It's not what it looks like!"
Isabella: "oh it's so what it looks like~"
Rebecca: "how could you do this to me papi?!!"
Rodger: "It's not what it looks like I swear! She pinned me down right when I was about to-"
Isabella: *slaps*
Rodger: *moans in pain* "Ah!"
Rebecca: "Ugh!! I'm telling my mafia Papa about this!"
Rodger: "No not your dad!!"
Weapon: "Damn this show really is good..."
She thought out loud, noticing her furry friend sleeping next to her. She chuckled at how cute she looked. Not wanting to disturb her sleep, she decided to turn off the TV and left her popcorn bowl on the coffee table before walking back into her room. Memories of Dabi flashing through her head again. She began to recall their earliest memories together. Like when they first met..
♡♡♡ Flashback ♡♡♡
Weaponstress was out patrolling through the night with Hawks. While Hawks was in the sky, Kiki remained on the ground, keeping an eye out on any suspicious activity onesoever. All of a sudden she stumbled upon an alleyway, seeing an Innocent old man shivering in fear against the wall. She ran towards him to make sure he was okay or not, getting on one knee to check if he was hurt. Surprisingly, he was fine. No injuries, blood wounds, or anything. But he did smell a lot like smoke.
Old man: "Oh thank god! A hero!"
Weapon: "hello sir! What seems to be the trouble?"
Old man: "W-well, there was this rather young fella that looked really odd. He threatened me and started interrogating me for no reason. I don't know where he went but he just left when he saw that bird man flying up in the sky!"
Weapon: 'bird man... He must be talking about Hawks' "I see. Well, don't worry sir, I'll make sure to catch this weird figure who threatened you. And make sure you get home safe okay?"
Old man: "I will.. Thank you!"
She nodded and accompanied him outside the alleyway just to be sure of his safety, once he was out and on his way home safely, she felt a chill run down her spine.
???: "The old geezer left huh? Damn. What a shame, he could've been useful"
Weapon: '.. How did he get there so fast??? I didn't even hear him!'
Before She could turn around a ton of flames charged right at her, she quickly jumped onto the ground for cover and landed on her knee, slowly getting back up again to face whomever was responsible for the attack. He appeared out from the alleyway, and just like the old man described. This dude did look hella suspicious.. What's with the stables?
???: "Damn you dodged that pretty fast, must be a pro hero huh?"
Weapon: "side, but nonetheless. Just who are you supposed to be anyway?"
???: "Heh.. Who am I? Names Dabi."
Dabi: "For a hero, you seem pretty cute. You come out often?" He asked, winning at her with a grin.
Weapon: 'is this guy serious-' "Wouldn't you like to know." She answered with a scoff.
Dabi: "oh yes I would ma'am-" Dabi was cut off as he heard his phone buzzing. He groaned in annoyance before rolling his eyes. "As much as I'd love to converse, I gotta run now. Later hero~" He said before running back into the alleyway. Weaponstress following from behind.
♡♡♡ Flashback ♡♡♡
She laughed at that memory, even though she didn't end up catching him in the end. The banter they shared was kind of adorable in a way.
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Authors note: Hey yalll!! Here's some more Kibi teehee. But this one's more fluff and based around the memories Kiki remembered of them two, the next part will definitely include smut. Stay tuned folks~ ✨✨✨
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julia-1901 · 3 years
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♡ note - I'm so sorry, I accidentally deleted the request. I hope you'll still be able to read this. Here you go! (Also, I think there are much more. I included the characters, who I'd think of instantly.)
♡ order - haikyuu, boku no hero academia, free!, jujutsu kaisen, obey me!
♡ possible warning - talk about insecurities
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he loves you the way you are, no matter what you look like.
to him, you're absolutely stunning. the prettiest.
whenever you feel insecure, he might feel a little lost because he doesn't understand why you feel that way. as said before, he thinks you're absolutely beautiful.
still, he will try to help you feel confident about yourself again. he'll tell you why he likes everything about you.
he doesn't see your body, but you. he would never think of you as a body and judge you by that, no. he thinks of you as a human, his human, and when he looks at you, he sees the person he loves.
he sees no flaws.
loves cuddling with you. doesn't matter how you two are positioned, he will always enjoy it.
spoils you too. you could say, you have him wrapped around your finger. you want a kiss? you'll get a shower of kisses. you want his attention? he won't take it off of you. you want to hold his hand? there's no letting go now.
he isn't judging people by their cover.
absolutely loves you. like bokuto, he loves everything about you, no exceptions.
whenever you feel insecure, he will offer you to talk you it, knowing, that talking sometimes comforts him too.
might even ask akaashi or bokuto if they have any suggestions how to help.
overall, very supportive of you. he supports you in any choice you're making for your life (same for bokuto).
the two of you enjoy staying at home, cuddling and maybe watching something - as well as going outside, maybe going for a walk or trying out new things.
loves to rest his head on your thighs, but would understand if you wouldn't want him to do so.
doesn't really care about looks. he just wants somebody who loves him as much as he loves them.
ushijima knows, that it's not always easy for you, since hd has to focus on volleyball quite a lot.
however, he always tries to make it up to you. for exampld - if he was gone for 2 weeks, he'd lay his phone away and spend the next few days as much with you as he possibly can. no distractions, unless they're absolutely unavoidable.
♡ I'd say, technically, you could include all the gentle giants.
spoils you with compliments. they can be super random, as well as unique. for example - "your nose looks cute today!"
and you can always be certain that he means what he says. if he says your nose looks cute, it looks cute.
cuddling you is his second job. he absolutely loves it. enjoys holding you, as well as being held.
he is always touching you somehow. let it be a hand resting on yours, his feet staying close enough to yours so they touch (for example while scrolling through your phones), or his - or your - head resting on you - or him -. he always finds a way.
and if you think he's distracted and wouldn't notice your feet seperating? wrong. the moment he loses physical contact to you, he will either get it back or go on full cuddle mode.
listens to you, if you feel insecure (because of society).
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is a true sweetheart. maybe even an angel.
worships you like a man should worship their partner.
loves all of you. your mind, your body, your personality, your flaws (although he can't find any), your strengths, your weaknesses,..
talks about you non-stop. honestly, his friends might have never met you and it seems as if they were on so many adventures with you. (building a blanket fort or having a pillow fight together counts as a adventure, too.)
looks at you with nothing but love.
probably gives the best hugs. his hugs might have been awkward at first, but they surely get better and better, until they turn immaculate.
would always stand up for you. unless you don't want him to, of course. still, he'd at least let his eyes talk for himself.
a gentleman.
treats you with kindness.
compliments you, without realizing it.
tries to give you advice whenever you're feeling insecure. he probably even reads books or posts about self-love and things like that, so he can be more of a help. he doesn't want to make things worse, so he thinks sbout everything - before saying it.
gives you his coat whenever you're feeling overwhelmed or cold. maybe asks if you want it, but he'll probably just take action and lay it over you.
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husband material.
tells, and shows you everyday, that he loves you - and that he is sincere about it.
understands insecurities and doesn't pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do.
kisses your forhead all the time. your forehead, and your head are probably getting the most kisses. he wants to kiss you, yet he wants to keep kisses on the lips as something special.
enjoys cuddling with you in the evenings. either in silence, or while telling each other details about your day. he enjoys listening to you - and it doesn't matter what you're talking about.
he just thinks of your voice as something that comforts him.
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although you might not always get the most reactions out of him, he definitely cares about you.
you have him wrapped around your finger, too. however, he isn't as obvious about it.
he's gentle with your body, as well as your soul.
he is a thoughtful person. sometimes, he doesn't talk much, but whenever he says something it's sincere - and you know it. you can tell.
nanami can be a little protective sometimes. wanting to know if anything happend, if you are feeling all right,..
you're his partner, and he will indirectly indicate it.
it was obvious that he'd be included, wasn't it?
in the end, he still counts to the 'sunshine's.
clumsy, but supportive.
encourages you, to sometimes step out of your comfort zone, while still letting you know that he'll be by your side.
the two of you probably have some kind of 'signal', if something gets too much. for example : you squeeze his hand, gently.
loves you the way you are.
yes, megumi can be pretty judgmental.
whatsoever, i don't think he'd be judging on people's appearance. at least not on their form and skin color (i hope that's somehow understandable).
loves napping with you almost as much as he loves you.
he can sleep a bit better, knowing that you're there with him.
if you'd feel insecure, he would probably read about how to help, too. he just wants to support you as much as he is able to.
♡ toge, too! (i just can't think of anything i haven't said, that would fit him, right now.)
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♡ to be honest, i am happy about the obey me game, because everyone gets treated the same (the player / mc). also, everyone loves you, no matter about your looks etc. still, here comes 'obey me!'.
he wants somebody who he can read with.
somebody he can talk to and enjoy each other's company.
perhaps, somebody who is a little similar to him, or shares similar interests.
he falls in love rather with personalities, than looks.
however, he would not hesitate to call you beautiful.
and we know, he is a honest person.
another sweetheart.
gives the best hugs, for sure.
shares everything with you. food, clothes, his thoughts,..
he might not even realize that he tells you everything on his mind. he just feels so comfortable talking to you, having you listen - and actually wanting to listen to what he is saying.
tells you he is glad to have you on a daily base.
loves holding you. doesn't matter if it's hugging, cuddling, napping,.. he is pretty tall (193cm | 6'4), and it gives him some soft of pleasure.
♡ simeon and mammon too!
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♡ this took me a while. i hope it was to your satisfaction and you enjoyed reading it. as i said earlier; i could think of more characters, but i decided to cut it down a little. thanks for requesting!
♡ rebloggs are appreciated!
♡ masterlist
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thedarkeside · 3 years
Overprotective/toxic Bakugou Headcanons
Katsuki x Reader
Content Warnings: Toxic relationships/toxic behavior, social isolation, nongraphic smut.
I'm lowkey wondering if this would qualify as yandere? Maybe? I dunno.
❥ I headcanon Katsuki being very traumatized after everything that went down with the LoV-- the popping out of nowhere and beating the shit out of everyone, the kidnapping, y'know. That stuff.
❥ Like, I think that he would lowkey expect villains to just pop up out of nowhere.
❥ And he wouldn't care much if it were just him, he knows that now he can handle himself.
❥ But now he has you.
❥ You, who is absolutely not suited to fight these strong ass villains.
❥ You, who has absolutely zero hero training.
❥ You, who doesn't even have a particularly impressive quirk.
❥ Yeah. That's what scares him.
❥ So if you're living together, he's going to be kind of overkill with the insistence to protect you.
❥ AKA he doesn't want you leaving the house without him.
❥ It was at first kind of cute. He would want to walk you to and from work, he would take you grocery shopping, he would even come along when you wanted to do some clothes shopping.
❥ The last one is typically pretty welcomed-- he's the son of two people in the fashion industry, and despite dressing like a little goblin half the time, he knows how to create a pretty decent fit.
❥ But then it gets a bit suffocating.
❥ "Why can't I come with you and your friends to dinner? You embarrassed of me, sweetheart?"
❥ "Oh, a doctors appointment? Why not just come with me to my agency today. We've got plenty of doctors on site that can take care of you just fine."
❥ "Why go out to the movie theater when we've got a whole screening room here?"
❥ You let it slide, of course. You know that as a prohero he's seen all type of bad shit, plus you're well aware of what happened during his UA days-- it was all over the news, of course you know about the horrors, even if Katsuki doesn't like talking about it.
❥ But your leniency to his (toxic) behavior, his insistence of following you everywhere, allows it all to evolve into him not wanting you to even leave the house at all.
❥ "We've got all you could possibly want here, sweetheart."
❥ "If you want to see those damn extras so badly, just invite them over-- just not that one, or those other two, they give me a bad feeling."
❥ Of course, "that one" and "those other two" make up more than half of your friend group.
❥ And even then, Katsuki has a tendency to hover.
❥ During one of your few moments alone with your friends, you talk about his behavior, and they pretty much clue you in on how unhealthy his behavior is.
❥ What they say about "Love blinds" is apparently pretty damn true.
❥ So you sit down with Katsuki for a little chat.
❥ "Kat, you can't just limit me on what I'm able to do. I'm a grown woman, I can take care of myself."
❥ He would of course respond with--
❥ "Sweetheart, I've seen a whole lot more of this world than you have. If you think you could possibly protect yourself from it without me, you're being stupid."
❥ That got you pretty pissed.
❥ After a bit of a tongue lashing from you, he promised to ease up on it.
❥ "Fine, if you want to go out, then you can, but only if you check in with me every now and then and stay out of the sketchy areas."
❥ That promise wasn't worth shit.
❥ You managed to go out maybe twice with your friends before he started acting up again.
❥ Just not in the same way.
❥ Instead of throwing a fit when you tried leaving, he would try to seduce you into going back to the bedroom.
❥ It worked.
❥ He would just start off with "C'mon babe, just a quicky, you'll still have plenty of time to get ready."
❥ What you expected to be maybe fifteen minutes turned into an hour, then two hours.
❥ You would wind up having nearly a dozen orgasms.
❥ "Sorry baby, I guess I got a little carried away. You're just so damn tempting"
❥ If you don't just straight up black out by the end, you would sure as hell be exhausted and not able to feel your legs.
❥ You barely had the energy to text your friends that you can't make it.
❥ And it would keep happening.
❥ And happening.
❥ And happening.
❥ Your friends end up getting pretty fed up with how much of a flake you've become.
❥ They decided to stop inviting you at all.
❥ And Katsuki couldn't be happier.
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