#ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος
sugaroto · 8 months
Ok, so I decided to make a poll with greek series
But, vote for which has the best title in English
What sounds better? What would you watch? What's more funny? Or sad? Vote whichever you like most
For the greeks (and anyone who has seen any of it) vote for the title, not the series itself
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sugaroto · 1 year
Round three
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Charos is one of the main characters of Ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος/You can't take from the one who doesn't have, who along with Hermes is trying to find Menippos a job so he can pay them and die so they can retire
Andreas Kalogirou a villain from Πάρα Πέντε/ At the nick of time, is an assassin, also known as "the man in black" who is after the main cast
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sugaroto · 6 months
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sugaroto · 7 months
Hazbin hotel x ouk crossover
I haven't thought this much, I just thought how some characters exist in both but my only example is Saint Peter
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Ok wait, imagine Menippos, dying, and going to hell and he goes to the hotel to go to heaven-
Wait would that work? Gabriel kicked him out lots of times cause he's not a Christian
Well anyway maybe he went cause the rent is free(?) According to Angel at the pilot at least
Hermes and Charon went cause they missed their vacation boat and well its a hotel so it looks like vacation
Charon: this reminds me of home 🥰
Hermes: This shithole is nothing like the underworld
Ch: What would you know you didn't live there
H: oh yeah? Who was bringing the souls daily huh?! Χαραμισα τα νιάτα μου να πηγαίνοερχομαι σε αυτό το αχουρι
... Also he is the kind of person to try to make money out of some shady business so he could become an overlord by bullshiting around and getting souls
And then Charon ruins it stupidly
Oh also he probably goes on a journey to find his soul
BUT before that Alastor tries to make a deal with him for whatever reason not knowing Charon doesn't have a soul, so now whatever the deal was Charon wins and Alastor gets nothing in return
Maybe Charon, sad, tries to copy Hermes and buy some souls as well, "I don't even have a soul, why does he gets to have 25?" But he's pretty pathetic so no one want to sell their souls to him
Also, I feel like Cherri is his type, maybe he tries to flirt with her and she laughs at him
He then tries to take her soul (hey cherri would you give me your soul? I don't have one😭😭😭) but Cherri is smarter than him and he's desperate so it's like a deal that benefits Cherri like, bring me breakfast in bed and do whatever I say and when I want you give me my soul back and Charon is like ok
The guys call him stupid
Vaggie absolutely hates Menippos
At the start Nifty thinks the dark ripper is a bad guy and tries to get with him
She kicks him when she realizes he isn't
"Ouch! Why did I say ouch I dont feel pain" (he doesn't have muscles or something idk what he needs to feel pain)
It takes a moment for nifty to realize the bad guy is Hermes cause he looks good with his godly appearance or something
Menippos realized Angel dust is a porn star and tries to flirt with him thinking he's a girl and then starts questioning his sexuality when he realizes he's a guy
Hermes fancies Alastor cause he looks like a goat
When they realize what the hotel really is about and whats going on with heaven and hell one of them implies to bother Gabriel about it
And they text him on those I-gios(or what they were called) phones "can u let ppl in hvn??"
And he comes down cause that's how the phones work like "What the-... I mean, what does that mean?"
Gabriel didn't know about the extermination cause hes from a different universe and there's lot of paperwork so he's not sure how to get sinners into heaven but the more the better
This was not actually supposed to be a whole post, I just wanted to throw the peters in here yell crossover and leave, I suddenly had inspiration
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sugaroto · 2 years
Round one
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Jose from Σαββατογεννημένες/Women-Born-on-saturday, is a guy from Uruguay working in a greek tourist shop. He's afraid of babies, he's canonically bi and he works in a night club as his second job. What he really wants is citizenship of a country. He may dislike Greece but if it can give him citizenship, then so be it.
Menippos from Ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος/You can't take from the one who doesn't have, is one of the main characters, years ago he died. But he couldn't pay Hermes and Charos for the trip to afterlife so hes been living since then. He is trying to find a job in Greece while with the economic crisis so he can get 1€ and finally die. (He doesn't want to)
OG POST of candidates
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sugaroto · 2 years
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Both characters from the TV show Ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος/You can't take from the one who doesn't have
Gabriel probably needs a day off and Hermes to stop killing Menippos cause that means he has to do more job by sending him back
Hermes probably has adhd and anger issues and is trying to find Menippos a job so he can pay them (Hermes and Charos) so they both can finally retire
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sugaroto · 1 year
I'm re-watching Ouk and oh God I love their dynamic 😭
Charon *crying*: Hermes Menippos isn't taking me with him!
Hermes: Menippos take the Charon with you if you don't want him to take you(pun)
Menippos: he can't can he? No money no die
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sugaroto · 8 months
Just realized yall started posting weird stuff about mickey mouse when he became free but a 2010 show casualy had him being a pervert and no one gave a shit
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sugaroto · 1 year
Aftg x ουκ au in which Neil is Menippos, Andrew is Hermes and Charon is Kevin
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sugaroto · 11 months
So I did start translating Ouk, I have translated like 2 minutes this far and already know all the puns are gonna be the death of me
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sugaroto · 11 months
Does anyone know how I can add subtitles to a show?
For some reason I decided I want to translate ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος but I'm not sure how
The videos already exist on YouTube, so either I could add them on the already existing videos or download them and add the subtitles and then upload them or something?
Main problem is idk what app to use? Any advice?
Also a little description on what the show is about to see if anyone is interested:
It's an adult cartoon, it follows the 3 main characters Menippos, Hermes and Charon.
They try to find Menippos a job (in this economy) so he'll get paid and then pay back Charon so he and Hermes can retire
The characters:
Hermes: Anger issues
Charon: little sad meow meow
Menippos: Malakas. Yolo.
If I'm not mistaken the show has like 13 episodes (they canceled it cause it was making fun of Greece's economy and politicians)
There are also a lot of references to different media, like fairytales (Cinderella/ Snow white are characters) superman (his gf is the news reporter) avatar (the blue one) Lassie (she's a reoccurring character) Mickey Mouse (this will ruin your childhood) ET, Madonna, Twilight (a whole episode is based on Twilight and the main 3 are bullying Edward) and many more characters I'm probably forgetting
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sugaroto · 1 year
Λοιπόν αν κάνεις το character bingo: Ο Χάρος από το Ουκ Λάβεις και η Αγγέλα από το παρά πέντε
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(Παράλληλα, ναι του κάνω μπουλινγκ γτ δεν έχει ματια)
Και Αγγέλα:
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(Όσο για το "φανον βερσιόν" αναφέρομαι κυρίως στο ότι in my head she's not straight and uses she/they pronouns)
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sugaroto · 1 year
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sugaroto · 1 year
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sugaroto · 2 years
What if when I re-watch ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος (Ancient greek for "You cannot take from the one who doesn't have") I wrote an au aftg fic with Andrew as Hermes, Neil as Menippos and Kevin as Charon?
Cause like, they kinda fit the dynamics
Hermes, just wants to retire and hates Menippos so much he has killed him multiple times (and each time an angel brings him back cause he can't die as a Christian)
Menippos, is poor so that's why he can't die, and cause he wants to live he doesn't even work for the money
And Charon, went to find Hermes as soon as he realized there was a problem and ended up ruining his cruise trip, and also cries when Menippos bully him (along with Hermes) for not having a soul or something
This is what I'm talking about btw
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sugaroto · 2 years
Since I have polls, that means GREEK SEXYMAN OF TUMBLR can begin
If you're not greek don't worry! You can vote too, I plan on putting photos next to each person so you can vote based on the vibes and their descriptions
First of all, here they are, the candidates
Gabriel vs Hermes (TV show: Ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος/ You can't take from the one who doesn't have)
Christopher Papakaliatis (actor/screenwriter) vs Lazaros (TV show: Είσαι το ταίρι μου/You are my match)
Deligiannis (old politician) Vs Aris Pavrinos (Fictional politician TV show: Πάρα πέντε/At the nick of time)
Andreas (TV show: Πάρα πέντε/At the nick of time) vs Gerasimos Skiaderesis (actor)
Jose (Σάββατογεννημένες /Women-born -on-Saturday) vs Menippos (Ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος/ You can't take from the one who doesn't have)
2J (YouTuber) Vs Mpezos (actor)
Antonis (Maestro in blue) vs Evaggelatos (News)
Venizelos (old politician) vs Konstantinos Emmanuel (influencer?)
George Theofanous (musician?idk someone recommended him) vs Sakis Tanimanidis(presenter)
Sakis Rouvas (singer) vs Manthos Foustanos (Konstantinou and Eleni's)
Thiramenes (ancient politician) vs Antonis Kanakis (presenter)
Ntanos (old survivor player) vs Paris Skartsolias (actor)
Charos(Ουκ αν λαβοις πάρα του μη έχοντος/ You can't take from the one who doesn't have) vs Eponimos (YouTuber)
Marios (survivor player) Charis Romas (actor)
Periandros Popotas (Το καφέ της Χαράς/Charas's Cafe) vs Socrates (Philosopher)
Fotis (Ευτυχισμένοι μαζί/ Happy together) Vs Alexis Kostalas (art presenter? Idk)
Fatseas (Tο καφέ της Χαράς/Charas's Cafe) vs Sportacus (Lazy town)
Trikoupis (old politician) vs Sotiris (Eίσαι το ταίρι μου/You are my match)
Giannis Chatzigeorgiou (actor) vs Spyros (Ευτυχισμένοι μαζί/ Happy together)
Dionysis Atzarakis (comedian) vs Aristotle (philosopher)
Konstantinos Katakouzinos (Konstantinou and Eleni's) vs Maraveyias (singer)
Lambros Fisfis (Comedian) vs Samuel Toci (influencer)
Platon (Philosopher) vs Makis (Ευτυχισμένοι μαζί/ Happy together)
Ex King Of Greece Konstantinos vs Mouzourakis (singer)
Giorgos Kapoutzidis (GodActor) vs Petretzikis (chef)
Karagiozis (Main character, barbie but poor) vs Mitsotakis (president)
Tsipras (ex president) vs Kolokotronis (commander/soldier idk)
The posts with each poll will have more descriptions
I'll pin this post, and update it each time with the results
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