sugaroto · 6 months
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evilasiangenius · 1 year
“Phoenix, wait! I need to talk to Menippos.”
Upon hearing that strident voice and the familiar pounding of running feet behind him, Aziraphale felt something inside of him clench up; it was a day off and somehow the child had found him, despite the fact that their schedules should have disallowed the possibility.
Aziraphale wondered if there was a human word yet for that awkward uncomfortable feeling that a teacher feels when happening upon a student outside of the regulated context of a lesson, and decided that if there wasn’t, there should be a word for such an emotion.
“I should have left the palace earlier,” Aziraphale muttered to himself. “Why did I decide to reread the Bacchae in entirety before seeing it staged...”
The angel steeled himself and put on a mild, pleasant smile before turning to face the child.
“Alexander! What an...unexpected pleasure. And you’re all dressed up for the festival. What are you doing here?”
“Phoenix is taking me to the theater. Or more like, I’m taking Phoenix to the theater. Well, not all the way to the theater, just to my father and his men for the procession before the theater,” Alexander chirped, tossing back a headful of neatly dressed hair that was already not so neat from a combination of rowdy child and wind and something to do with falling blossoms from an olive tree. “I hope it’s good, even if it’s the Bacchae. I prefer the ones about Achilles.”
“Ah, yes, those are certainly compelling stories. Very tragic and action-packed, with all the murders and corpse dragging...” Aziraphale managed a smile, waving in greeting to the old man that watched over Alexander, the one nicknamed Phoenix after Achilles’ tutor, who was still down at the other end of the colonnade slowly catching up to the young prince. “Erm, did you have a question, young master?”
Alexander looked around, and dropped his voice to a whisper. “I don’t want to get him in trouble because I like him, but have you seen Polynices? The literature tutor.”
“Ah,” Aziraphale paused. His first thought was one of panic: that Crowley had been reassigned, and it would be years before he would see the demon again. But then again, he knew Asmodeus was still loitering around somewhere; anyone of that stature leaving unexpectedly would have set the court ablaze in gossip. His second thought was still a nervous concern: perhaps that demonic master had sent Crowley off somewhere on a short assignment, but then Aziraphale remembered his recent conversation with the demon at the olive grove and in his heart of hearts he yelled Crowley’s name very loudly and in a very frustrated manner.
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wordsmithic · 2 years
why are people sleeping on the Greek animated series Ουκ αν λάβεις παρά του μη έχοντος?? It is a continuation of the story of Λουκιανός (Lucian) "Νεκρικοί Διάλογοι" (Dialogues of the Dead) and shows broke Menippos and two VERY tired deities in modern Athens.
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The general premise is that the old government (aka the ancient gods) want to retire but there is ooone little detail. The case of cynic philosopher Menippos isn't closed and that stops Charon and Hermes from finally retiring! Their mission? Make stubborn and chaotic Menippos earn just one euro so he can pay Charon and close the financial case. But the dedication of Menippos to being a hippie and strange circumstances will get in the way of their eternal vacation.
Do not think for a second this is a serious show, and that's why it's one of the most beloved shows for Greeks. I mean what else perfectly pairs Greek bureaucracy and the ✨Dimosio✨, Frappe-zombies, Edward Cullen, Snow White and Angel Gabriel together??
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Charon (or Kharis ☺️) is a hopeful and romantic character while Hermes is a neurotic twink on the bring of a mental breakdown, and his only option of letting off some steam is killing Menippos again and again.
In 20:20 starts a montage of Hermes' blasting Menippos' head off through different eras:
That's Hades and other gods:
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Here they are looking for Seer Teiresias' council:
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I have a ton more to say about this κάφρικο gem honestly
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"Never underestimate the power of men's immaturity." (Dracula for Edward Cullen)
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dolokhoded · 2 years
greek tumblr WHERE is the ουκ tag. will i have to start it myself are you going to make me draw menippos.
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gender-savio · 2 years
Purely self indulgent gender go brrrr
A gender related to the Greek show “Ouk an lavois para tou mi ehontos”.
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(The text in the Center is the logo and the colors are picked from the main characters, Ermis, Menippos & Haros)
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years
Ουκ αν λάβοις (Ouk an lavois)-You cannot take (Greek Mythology series)
This NSFW Greek masterpiece blessed our TVs some years ago. The video has the first 10 mins with English subs. 
The Olympian Gods step down from the administration of the universe, giving their place to the Christian Saints. The old Gods are now retired and go to Miami.
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Two are missing: Hades and Hermes. The have unfinished business: the ancient Greek philosopher Menippos.
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He owes them one penny since 2300 years ago. In the meantime: the Key for the Heaven’s Gates has been stolen. ‘New-coming’ souls are being lured to join Beelzebub in his spacious pad.
Will Hades and Hermes manage to find Menippos in this mayhem, where Gods try to make their way on the God Boat and inquisitioners investigating the stolen Key case? And will Heaven manage to restore its reputation, after the rumors that it has great lounge music but really bad service? 
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Hermes is EVERYONE’S favorite character because he is a crackhead with absolutely NO chill, great lines and a flaming gay personality. He wants Menippos dead no matter what, so he can get retired at last! Hermes has one aneurysm and five strokes each episode and he is a MOOD (whatever has been left of his brain anyway).
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x1.000.000 times in the series
Aaaand he is the one who sold the Key of Heaven to Jahova’s Witnesses 😬
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Another mental breakdown…
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Meanwhile, the cynical philosopher Menippos is having a blast!
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Haros (or Haris, for short
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There are many characters in the series so let’s see some honorable mentions.
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And Haros has a romance…..
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BUT WILL HE EVER FIND THAT ONE PENNY/EURO HE NEEDS TO GET RETIRED?? Earning money in Greece is kinda hard atm
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Menippos, 1641, Diego Velázquez
Medium: oil,canvas
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debasenhaut · 3 years
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Petronius Arbiter, von Tacitus erwähnt (Ann. 16, 17.1 und 18f.): Autor des uns fragmentarisch überlieferten Roman Satyricon.
Inschriftenfund: P.Petronius Niger, consul suffectus 62 n.Chr.?
Nur sicher: sein Tod. Selbstmord im Zus. mit der Pisonischen Verschwörung im Jahr 66. Voll im Kontrast zu dem musterhaften stoischen Tod Seneca (Ann. 15,60,2). Dennoch: ein gebildeter Mann von raffinierter Genussfähigkeit.
Neid von dem Hofberater Tigellinus
141 Kapitel vom Prosatext mit Einschüben in Versen.
Wiederentdeckung im 15. Jahrhundert.
Sogenannte kurze und lange Exzerpte (das Längste: die Cena Trimalchionis).
Satyricon: der Satyr, satyros: liederlicher Bursche (liederlich=débauché, dissolu).
Satyrica: Liederliche Geschichten. Oder... Anklang an das lateinische satura.
Termini für Erzählhandlungen: historia, fabula (mythos), drama.
>> Literaturgeschichtliche Wertung
- Urteil abhängig von dem Ziel der Dichtung/schönen Literatur.
Macrobius (-> Nach Strabo (psychagogia=Seelenleitung und didaskalia=Belehrung) und Horaz (Ars poetica, 333f 343f)):
2 Arten von fabulae:
> die amüsanten: Komödien von Menander + Romane von Petron und Apuleius.
> die moralisch belehrenden
>> Einfluss des griechischen Romans auf Petron ? Aus dem griechischen Raum: die "NOVELLE", im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. als Exkurs (Herodot).
Erste Sammlung: Aristeides von Milet (100 vChr.) die Milesiaka/Milesia historia, erotische Novellen übersetzt von (dem Historiker?) Sisenna (50 VChr.) u wahrscheinlich Vorlage für Ovid, Petron u Apuleius.
Mit Petron: Einbettung von Novellen in den Romanzusammenhang: z.B.: Epheben von Pergamon + Witwe von Ephesus.
Apuleius: 9.Buch, EInbettung von Ehebrechergeschichte. + Am Anfang: milesius sermo.
>> 3 Typen von Stoffen: erotische Geschichten + Zauber- u Hexengeschichten + Räubergeschichten
>> 2 Typen von Roman:
1) empfinsam-pathetische Liebesroman. Oft getrenntes und nach Abenteuern wieder vereintes Liebespaar. (z.B.: Aithiopika, 3.n.Chr. von Heliodor)
2) Anfänge von utopisch-phantastischen Abenteur-u Reiseroman (z.B.: Inhaltsangabe von Antonius Diogenes, Wunder jenseits von Thule, um 100, 24 Bücher /Photios)o
2 Typen auch nach Form: Durchlaufende Prosa oder Einschübe in Poikilo- oder Prosimetrum (z.B.: bei Chariton, Chaireas u Kallirhoe, 2. oder 3. Jhd n.Chr., Homerverse; bei Petron, Versreihen eingewoben.)
Prosimetrum = Ursprung in der Diatribe. des Menippos (Anfang 3. Jhd v.Chr.). Bunte Mischung.
>> Griechischer Roman u romanhafte Züge anderer Gattungen.
Von den 2. Jhd v.Chr. bis ins 3. Jhd n.Chr.
Ich-Erzählung des Epos. Siehe: die Apologie des Odysseus in den Büchern 9-12 der Odyssee.
Historiographie. Siehe: Kyropädie, 6, Xenophon (5vChr), Liebesgeschichte, + Persiaka, Ktesias (Hellenismus).
-> Im Hellenismus, eingefügte Episode verselbstständigt.
Z.B.: bei Chariton, Chaireas u Kallirhoe: Kallirhoe Tochter des Hermokrates, Siegers über Athen im Jahre 413 v.Chr.
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Diogenes'in Erdemi adlı kitabında, Menippos, Diogenes'in esir düşerek satıldığını ve ona ne yapmayı bildiğinin sorulduğunu anlatır. Şöyle cevap vermiştir: "Buyurmak!" ve tellale bağırmıştır: "Sor bakalım kim bir efendi satın almak istiyor".
Emil Michel Cioran, Çürümenin Kitabı
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sugaroto · 7 months
Hazbin hotel x ouk crossover
I haven't thought this much, I just thought how some characters exist in both but my only example is Saint Peter
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Ok wait, imagine Menippos, dying, and going to hell and he goes to the hotel to go to heaven-
Wait would that work? Gabriel kicked him out lots of times cause he's not a Christian
Well anyway maybe he went cause the rent is free(?) According to Angel at the pilot at least
Hermes and Charon went cause they missed their vacation boat and well its a hotel so it looks like vacation
Charon: this reminds me of home 🥰
Hermes: This shithole is nothing like the underworld
Ch: What would you know you didn't live there
H: oh yeah? Who was bringing the souls daily huh?! Χαραμισα τα νιάτα μου να πηγαίνοερχομαι σε αυτό το αχουρι
... Also he is the kind of person to try to make money out of some shady business so he could become an overlord by bullshiting around and getting souls
And then Charon ruins it stupidly
Oh also he probably goes on a journey to find his soul
BUT before that Alastor tries to make a deal with him for whatever reason not knowing Charon doesn't have a soul, so now whatever the deal was Charon wins and Alastor gets nothing in return
Maybe Charon, sad, tries to copy Hermes and buy some souls as well, "I don't even have a soul, why does he gets to have 25?" But he's pretty pathetic so no one want to sell their souls to him
Also, I feel like Cherri is his type, maybe he tries to flirt with her and she laughs at him
He then tries to take her soul (hey cherri would you give me your soul? I don't have one😭😭😭) but Cherri is smarter than him and he's desperate so it's like a deal that benefits Cherri like, bring me breakfast in bed and do whatever I say and when I want you give me my soul back and Charon is like ok
The guys call him stupid
Vaggie absolutely hates Menippos
At the start Nifty thinks the dark ripper is a bad guy and tries to get with him
She kicks him when she realizes he isn't
"Ouch! Why did I say ouch I dont feel pain" (he doesn't have muscles or something idk what he needs to feel pain)
It takes a moment for nifty to realize the bad guy is Hermes cause he looks good with his godly appearance or something
Menippos realized Angel dust is a porn star and tries to flirt with him thinking he's a girl and then starts questioning his sexuality when he realizes he's a guy
Hermes fancies Alastor cause he looks like a goat
When they realize what the hotel really is about and whats going on with heaven and hell one of them implies to bother Gabriel about it
And they text him on those I-gios(or what they were called) phones "can u let ppl in hvn??"
And he comes down cause that's how the phones work like "What the-... I mean, what does that mean?"
Gabriel didn't know about the extermination cause hes from a different universe and there's lot of paperwork so he's not sure how to get sinners into heaven but the more the better
This was not actually supposed to be a whole post, I just wanted to throw the peters in here yell crossover and leave, I suddenly had inspiration
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evilasiangenius · 1 year
“Did you have breakfast today?” Aziraphale asked.
“No, my uncle says that Spartans don’t eat breakfast.”
“And Xenophon often talks about how important it is for warriors to eat breakfast. My dear child, the fact that your uncle persists in trying to raise you as a Spartan means that it will probably stunt your growth if you don’t eat more. So please, do eat up; there’s plenty more where this came from.”
“Menippos,” Alexander began, using the pseudonym that Aziraphale had adopted as the boy’s tutor, “Why is it that food always seems to taste better with you?”
“Hmm, I suppose perhaps mathematics sharpens the mind which sharpens the hunger which then sharpens the tastebuds?” Aziraphale demurred, handing the boy a peeled boiled egg, bread with slices of hard cheese and apple, and honey-soaked teganitai, the edges of the little cakes still crisp from the griddle.
“It’s also warmer too.”
“I certainly wouldn’t know,” Aziraphale said as he gently brought up the temperature of the air in the unheated room around them another fraction of a degree. It had stopped storming but the ground outside was still covered in drifts of snow and ice was slicked in patches all over the palace courtyards and colonnades. Despite all that no one gave the child more than one piece of clothing – a warm chiton to be fair – but not more than that. It offended the angel’s sensibilities; in this unusually cold weather everyone had bundled up but here, this boy was hardly clothed and those small growing humans had so much more trouble regulating their body temperatures.
“Thanks. You know, I don’t think I’m supposed to be eating this. Especially the teganitai. Leonidas says-”
Aziraphale frowned; that particular uncle who was in charge of the boy’s education was not only unpleasant but harsh in his methods and discipline. “Don’t you listen to him. Listen to me.”
“Yes, you say that but you’re soft and you’re not a warrior and you don’t even go to the palaestra. The only people who don’t exercise regularly are slaves and women.”
“...perhaps but my child, at my age and with my...erm, bad hip, I have been advised by the doctors to take it easy. Especially in cold weather, which stiffens up the joints and muscles.”
“I guess that’s all right then.” Alexander ate as fast as he could, as if he were afraid to be seen eating. “I don’t like Leonidas either, but he’s making me tough. So I can be strong when I’m a man.”
“Child, you’re already strong,” Aziraphale said fondly.
“I guess. But not strong enough,” Alexander frowned, finishing off the rest of the boiled eggs that were still just warm enough to steam faintly in the cold air, savoring the creamy yolks that were never over- nor under-cooked.
“Strength isn’t everything,” Aziraphale said, cleaning up the eggshells, trying to keep it so that there was less for the slaves to do. “After all, wit, wisdom, and knowledge go a long way. As with Odysseus.”
“Speaking of knowledge, Menippos, do you know anything about the movement of the stars?”
“Erm, as it relates to geometry? Well, we would have to learn how to draw ellipses first, I suppose, which is rather similar to a circle except instead of one fixed point there are two-”
“No, I mean. You know, the important stuff about stars. How to divine stuff from them. Figure out the future. Or what other people are planning.”
“Ah.” Aziraphale took a deep breath. “That stuff about stars. My dear child, I am not an expert in this sort of study, not in the slightest.”
“Oh.” Alexander sighed, disappointed. “I’m ready to try that circle thing again.”
“Good. Here, let’s smooth out this sand and I’ll hold the central stick, and you move the stick with the rope attached to make the points. Notice that as points grow closer and closer to each other, it essentially fills out the line of the circle. So we may think of the line that forms the circle as an infinite collection of points. In fact, this principle extends to any line.” Aziraphale watched as the boy paced around the box of sand, bare feet treading over the pebbled mosaic.
“I guess I should consult an expert,” Alexander said suddenly, as he stuck his stick into the sand with a sharp motion as if stabbing through the ground, hard enough for the stick to rattle the wooden bottom of the box.
“Do be gentle, please.”
“Sorry,” Alexander shrugged, staring at the stick.
“An expert? What do you need to consult an expert on?”
“The important stuff about stars,” Alexander said. “I thought maybe you could help me, but I’ll have to find a proper expert.”
“Hmm, I suppose. I believe if we were to travel to Babylon, we would probably find the world’s experts on stars; they’ve got quite an excellent school there. Oh, and of course, Egypt is a good place as well. I would also say that India has some quite excellent specialists...if you like, I could write to one for you, my dear child. I have some acquaintances in those places that perhaps could send me some books.”
“Oh.” Alexander looked disappointed, but then his expression changed. “Wait, what about Nectanebo?”
“What about Nectanebo?” Aziraphale felt his voice crack. “No wait, my dear child. Don’t go to him. I shall write to Babylon for you and-”
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vivekbajaj-grs · 3 years
Global and China Printed and Chipless RFID Market Insights, Forecast to 2027
Printed and Chipless RFID market is segmented by region (country), players, by Type, and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Printed and Chipless RFID market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on revenue and forecast by region (country), by Type and by Application in terms of revenue and forecast for the period 2016-2027.
For China market, this report focuses on the Printed and Chipless RFID market size by players, by Type, and by Application, for the period 2016-2027. The key players include the global and local players which play important roles in China.
Download FREE Sample of this Report @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/report-sample/global-china-printed-chipless-rfid-2027-734
Segment by Type
Ink Stripes
Radar Array
Segment by Application
Transport & logistics
By Region
North America
South Korea
China Taiwan
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
By Company
Acreo AB
Alien Technology Corporation
Confidex Ltd S
Dai Nippon Printing (DNP) Company Limited
IBM Corporation
Impinj Incorporation
PolyIC GmbH
Siemens AG
Smartrac N.V.
Soligie Inc
Spectra Systems Corporation (Inksure Technologies Inc.)
Thinfilm (Kovio Inc)
Toppan Forms Co. Ltd
Vubiq Networks, Inc
Xerox Corporation
Zebra Technologies Corporation
Impinj Corporation
Confirm Technologies
Scipher TSSI
Fuji Electric
RFID - Mreal
Somark Innovations
Printed Systems
Get the Complete Report & TOC @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/semiconductor-and-electronics/global-china-printed-chipless-rfid-2027-734
Table of content
1 Study Coverage 1.1 Printed and Chipless RFID Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Printed and Chipless RFID Market Size Growth Rate by Type 1.2.2 Ink Stripes 1.2.3 Radar Array 1.2.4 TFTC 1.2.5 SAW 1.2.6 Others 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Printed and Chipless RFID Market Size Growth Rate by Application 1.3.2 Retail 1.3.3 Transport & logistics 1.3.4 Aviation 1.3.5 Healthcare 1.3.6 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Global Printed and Chipless RFID Market Size, Estimates and Forecasts 2.1.1 Global Printed and Chipless RFID Revenue 2016-2027 2.1.2 Global Printed and Chipless RFID Sales 2016-2027 2.2 Global Printed and Chipless RFID, Market Size by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 2.3 Printed and Chipless RFID Historical Market Size by Region (2016-2021) 2.3.1 Global Printed and Chipless RFID Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2016-2021 2.3.2 Global Printed and Chipless RFID Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2016-2021 2.4 Printed and Chipless RFID Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2022-2027) 2.4.1 Global Printed and Chipless RFID Sales Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 2.4.2 Global Printed and Chipless RFID Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 3 Global Printed and Chip
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gecedesaklanan · 3 years
Fenikelileri örnek alıp yolunu yıldızlara göre ayarlıyordun demek dostum?
“Hayır” dedi Menippos. Benim yolculuğum yıldızların kendisineydi.
| Kusursuz Cinayet
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jordandaytour · 5 years
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Umm Qais
Visit this Greco-Roman town, also mentioned in the Bible, snugly located in a hillside of northern Jordan, and marvel at the sweeping view of Lake Tiberias and the Golan Heights from atop this Decapolis. Kindle that transcendental feeling, as you walk through the path of ancient flourishing civilizations, their remnants telling the story of the many travelers who entered its ancient gates; from the Macedonians, who first established their acropolis, to the Romans, Byzantines, Umayyads, and Ottomans.
Join us for a fulfilling experience! Umm Qais (Gadara) Situated on a broad promontory 378 meters above sea level, this town was known as Gadara, one of the ancient Greco-Roman cities of the Decapolis, and according to the Bible, the spot where Jesus cast out the Devil from two demoniacs (mad men) into a herd of pigs (Mathew 8:28-34). In ancient times, Gadara was strategically situated, laced by a number of key trading routes connecting Syria and Palestine. It was blessed with fertile soil and abundant rainwater. This town also flourished intellectually and became distinguished for its cosmopolitan atmosphere, attracting writers, artists, philosophers and poets, the likes of Satirist Menippos (second half of the 3rd century BC), the epigrammist, Meleagros (ca.110-40 BC), and the rhetorician, Theodoros (AD14-37). Gadara was also the resort of choice for Romans vacationing in the nearby Himmet Gader Springs. Archaeological surveys indicate that Gadara was occupied as early as the 7th century BC. The Greek historian, Polybius, described the region as being under Ptolemaic control at the time. The Seleucid ruler Antiochus III conquered it in 218 BC, naming the city Antiochia and Seleucia. In 63 BC, Pompey liberated Gadara and joined it to the Roman league of ten cities, the Decapolis. Soon after, the fortunes of Gadara improved rapidly and the building was undertaken on a large scale, carried out for the love of Pompey's freedman, Demetrius, who had been born there. During these early years of Roman rule, the Nabateans (with their capital in Petra) controlled the trade routes as far north as Damascus. Unhappy with the competition, Mark Anthony dispatched King Herod the Great to weaken the Nabateans, who finally gave up their northern interest in 31 BC. In appreciation for his efforts, Rome rewarded Herod with Gadara. The city reached its peak of prosperity in 2nd century AD and new colonnaded streets, temples, theatres, and baths sprouted. Meleagros compared Gadara with Athens, which testifies to the city's status as a creative center of Hellenism in the ancient Near East. Christianity spread slowly among the inhabitants of Gadara. Starting from the 4th Century, its bishop attended the ecclesiastical councils of Nicaea, Chalcedon, and Ephesos. Despite his attendance, the city was no longer a seat of learning. During the 6th century, decline set in, and in AD 636 a decisive military clash between Byzantines and Arab Muslims took place not far from Gadara. However, there is no evidence of widespread destruction in the city. Umm Qais's charm still lingers today. A large portion of the Western Roman Theatre has survived history's upheavals. Vaulted passageway supports its rows of seats, built of hard basalt stones. A row of elaborately carved seats for dignitaries stand near the orchestra, and in the center was a large headless marble statue of Tyche, now displayed at the local museum.
to book your tour to Jordan please fill the form in the link below
or you can see our planned tour
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lorenzo-grelo · 5 years
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Menippo al Prado #art #arteitaliana #artecontemporanea #contemporaryart #velazquez #museodelprado #mywork #2005 #followme #instaart #instagood https://www.instagram.com/p/B0p7CjtFKzo/?igshid=1my769kyvgs6u
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Menippos, 1641, Diego Velázquez
Medium: oil,canvas
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