#ϟ ▌╏ABOUT.
electricalstemplates · 4 months
ooo can you do some display names that are like this moodboard?
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and/or emo, stars, idk something like these go ham!!
Here you go!! Hope you like them!!
𖦹 ›Name 💔 Pronouns⸝⸝ ✮★ !! NAME៹࣪🩷៹࣪PRONOUNS︰╮ ꒷꒦⌒Name ⧣⧣ Pronouns┈🧷 ⪧☆Name:𖣠:Pronouns ⨯ //Name 〣 Pronouns﹏↺
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crackinginventor · 6 months
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name. Wallace Wallis alias. Wallace / Mr. Wallis gender. cis man age.  mid 40s species. human zodiac. aquarius.    aries.    cancer.    capricorn.    gemini.    leo.    libra.    pisces.    sagittarius.    scorpio.    taurus.    virgo.    unknown .abilities / talents. he's an inventor !
alignment. lawful.    neutral.    chaotic.    good.    neutral.    evil. religion. none .sins. envy.    greed.    gluttony.    lust.    pride.    sloth.    wrath. virtues. charity.    chastity.    diligence.    humility.    justice.    kindness.    patience. languages. english family. gromit , shaun & fluffles sexual orientation. heterosexual.    bisexual (preference for women).    pansexual.    homosexual.    demisexual .    asexual.    unsure.    questioning.    other relationship status. single.    dating.    married.    widowed.    open relationship.    other. libido. sex god.    very high.    high .    average.    low.    very low.    non-existent.
build. twig.    bony.    slender.    average.    athletic.    curvy.    chubby.    obese. hair. white.    blonde.    brunette.    red(formerly).    black. grey. other. eyes. brown.    blue.    green.    black.    other. skin. pale.    fair.    olive.    light brown.    brown.    very brown.    other. height. under 3 foot.    3-4 foot.    4-5 foot.    5-6 foot.    6-7 foot.    above 7 foot weight. under 100 pounds.    100-150 pounds.    150-200 pounds.    200-250 pounds.    above 250 pounds scars. a few from failed experiments facial features. bald ! bald ! bald ! MY EYES ! tattoos. none
dogs or cats ?dogs !!! birds or hamsters ? hamsters ! red or blue ? blue yellow or green ? green black or white ? white coffee or tea ? TEA! ice cream or cake ? cake, fruits or vegetables ? vegetables, only when it's near a full moon sandwich or soup ? sandwich magic or melee ? magic sword or bow ? gettin a bit violent now innit ? summer or winter ? summer spring or autumn ? spring the past or the future ? the past
tagged. @rvrend !tagging. whoever !
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electrivolt · 4 months
// happy pride month everyone this is your reminder that this man is a bi clown
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yumilhadaoutravez · 8 months
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O Basgiath War College dá as boas-vindas a PARK YU-MI, uma SEGUNDO ANO que mostrou-se disposta a desafiar o parapeito para incorporar o Riders Quadrant. Vinda da província de LUCERAS, ela possui VINTE E CINCO anos, e foi recrutada para a QUARTA ASA, encontrando-se atualmente na SEÇÃO CAUDA e fazendo parte do 2º ESQUADRÃO. Esperamos que algum dragão reconheça que é FOCADA e EXIGENTE, ou esse cavaleiro estará morto.
Resumo em breve
nome completo: Yu-mi Park.
apelidos: Yu, mimi, sakura (apenas sua mãe a chamava assim).
família: Minseo — mãe (♱) / Gu-won — pai (♱).
data de nascimento: 07.01.
sexualidade: .
HABILIDADES NOTÓRIAS E ARMAS DE PREFERÊNCIA: é hábil em lidar com políticas complexas e negociações, uma habilidade que acabou por desenvolver ao viver entre diferentes famílias. Esse fato, o de ser uma órfã quase indesejada, também ajudou-a a criar uma rede de informantes, auxiliando que informações de diversos locais cheguem até ela. Seu treinamento militar também a tornou proficiente em combate corpo a corpo, embora seu maior talento seja no arremesso de lâminas. Por isso, carrega consigo adagas ocultas nas vestes, que são lançadas com muita precisão quando necessário. Lâminas no geral a agradam, mas tem preferência pelas menores, como as adagas. Acredita que a empunhadura é mais fácil, assim como o carregar da arma consigo. Tem uma precisão incrível quando lança as lâminas, embora saiba manuseá-las muito bem em um combate próximo.
DRAGÃO E SINETE: Fionnlagh, um dragão verde com cauda de estrela, é um dragão grande e feroz, cujas asas levam uma coloração de verde quase translúcido, enquanto suas escamas lembram musgo, o que poderia facilitar sua camuflagem em áreas verdes. Ele é notavelmente inteligente, e extremamente leal a Yu-mi, respondendo aos seus comandos e agindo com zelo e proteção em relação à cavaleira. Por mais impressionante que seja, quase não entram em discussões através do vínculo, concordando em muitos assuntos. Apesar disso, Fionn pode apresentar um comportamento mais imprevisível em situações de risco, consequência de sua natureza selvagem e instintiva. Eletrocinese: capacidade de criar correntes elétricas em seu corpo e através dele. Yu-mi normalmente deixa uma película de eletricidade correr sobre sua pele, quando em batalha, assim, qualquer um que tocar nela, levará um choque. O poder de seu choque varia de acordo com a canalização de suas habilidades.
Curiosidades em breve.
A vida em tons de privilégios pinta um quadro complexo, onde os favores da fortuna são distribuídos desigualmente. Uns nascem em berços de ouro, enquanto outros lutam por cada conquista. É a dança delicada entre aqueles que herdaram vantagens e aqueles que aspiram a elas que dita o ritmo da sociedade. Por trás das cortinas do conforto, surge a questão implacável: você realmente merece aquilo que tem?
Nascida sob a promessa de um amor que transcenderia as barreiras dos desafios, a pequena Yu-mi não poderia imaginar que os fios de seu destino se enredariam em acontecimentos inoportunos pela simples escolha dos pais sobre onde iriam morar. Não existia nenhuma ameaça na região fronteiriça entre Luceras, Calldyr e Tyrrendor quando os Park se mudaram, mas foi esse instante que alterou por definitivo os seus destinos. Com a benção de um casamento prematuro, em decorrência de sua posição no riders quadrant, o pequeno ajuste nos planos pareceu insignificante após a cerimônia de matrimônio. Seu pai subiu de patente no exército navarriano, enquanto sua mãe na infantaria, mesmo antes de Yu-mi se tornar uma possibilidade. E quando ela se tornou real, as posições alcançadas antes foram as responsáveis pela queda dos Park.
A Rebelião de Tyrrendor, marco doloroso em sua infância e na de tantas outras crianças e famílias, desnudou a fragilidade da nobreza que um dia a envolveu, despontando quando tinha apenas cinco anos. Com a morte de seus pais, a nobreza que deveria ser seu escudo tornou-se uma espada de dois gumes. A acolhida por outra família nobre, contudo, não amenizou as complexidades de sua posição. Treinamentos rigorosos prepararam-na para um ingresso no riders quadrant, mas suas dificuldades em decorar fatos históricos tornaram-na uma peça descartável. O Duque Iliad, ciente da vulnerabilidade de sua protegida, manipulou os cordões das decisões para garantir sua aprovação na conscrição, sabendo exatamente quem deveria subornar para que o formulário fosse aceito, e então ela ficasse por ela mesmo no parapeito.
Na Basgiath, Yu-mi enfrentou o desafio de superar não apenas suas limitações acadêmicas, mas as expectativas sociais que a julgavam destinada ao fracasso. Durante o dia, era capaz de intimidar outros cadetes com a apresentação de suas habilidades, e mais ainda ao ganhar uma insígnia pelo melhor tempo no Gauntlet. Noites de estudo tornaram-se sua resposta aos questionamentos sobre sua competência, afinal, precisava de boas notas. No entanto, sua verdadeira paixão revelou-se nas páginas de um caderninho, onde desenhos detalhados e anotações minuciosas catalogavam os dragões que um dia ela sonhava domar. E depois de ser escolhida na colheita, graças a Zihnal, passou a catalogar dragões que encontrava por ai.
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dashiie · 2 years
       Mint gave me that hit of Twidash, I’m addicted again.
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queensconquest · 2 years
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Naturally  this  will  be  a  LONG  post  ,  so  the  descriptions  shall  be  placed  under  a  read  more  so  i  don’t  take  up  the  entirety  of  the  dash.  Essentially  however  ,  these  are  the  landscapes  of  each  muse’s  mind.  Meaning  that  if  you  /  your  muse  were  to  step  inside  my  muse’s  mind  (  and  not  just  a  memory  )  ,  this  is  the  scenery  that  would  greet  them. Each  muse  will  be  bolded  &  in  caps  for  theoretically  easier  looking  if  you  want  to  find  a  specific  muse’s  mindscape  ,  but  when  in  doubt,  ctrl + f  also  works  to  navigate.  I didn’t do any of my request muses, but if you’d like to see theirs, you’re welcomed to say for me to in my ask and I will! Or if you’re also curious about why a muse’s mindscape is how it is, I can elaborate there too!
Please enjoy and thank you for reading any of the ones you do, I hope you like them!
HORN SKULD - Stepping into her mind is stepping into a medieval-esque garden. There are rows of shrubs and carefully tended plants, flowers always in their prime and a beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden area that beckons for one to sit. There is a calm elegance to it that is refreshing to the soul. Birds sing in the flowering trees somewhere and the temperature is neither too hot nor is it too cold, but the perfect temperature with a gentle breeze every now and again. You feel content here.
BYAKKOMARU -  It is a location that the demon himself is not entirely sure where it came from (in truth it came from forgotten memories of his life as a human). Sunlight fills a perfect spot near a crystal clear river that soon turns into a waterfall. Peering over the cliff edge reveals a hidden city below. It’s name does not come to mind, yet the heart knows the necessity to protect it. Or at least what is inside it; those that hold value to the tiger. It is a sanctuary and a safe place that he will not allow any threat to enter, because to access it you must cross the demon himself. A fierce protectiveness burns in your chest.
BASTEYA IRCLU -  Rather than a stagnant location, Basteya’s main space is that of a Great Western Railway Hall class locomotive in the passenger cars. There’s no one else on board, yet whenever one wants for something, it is there. But rarely is focus within the comfortable passenger train. The focus is outside, which often displays various places that Basteya has been and where he wishes to go again or is frequently thinking about. However, when accessing his memories, the outside of the train turns from landscapes to ‘ previews ‘ of the memories till it stops at where he wants. It makes you want to travel and explore.
CHROLLO LUCILFER - Chrollo’s shifts a bit from time to time. But often his landscape is foggy. Sometimes one will find themselves outside on a path that leads deeper into the fog. One may occasionally pass through gardens or graveyards on the way through the winding path, or even occasionally through the streets. Other times, one may find themselves standing atop towering buildings gazing at the city lights below shining through the dreary weather, idly watching. The other occasional place is a gothic cathedral with ornate stained glass windows and rows of empty pews. Outside of the fog obscures the rest of the world, and somewhere music occasionally drifts softly. The wood creaks in greeting if you sit down. Yet no matter what place you find yourself at, there’s always the sensation that there’s something you need to find, something that slips through your fingers. A vague sense that you are something else in this landscape, a wandering ghost that never quite can settle.
KALLUTO ZOLDYCK -  His shifts and changes with age and moments. Often, it is like standing atop black water. It is dark above and dark below, but you never fall nor get wet. Each step however sends ripples across an invisible surface. Sometimes there is an item or figure in the distance ; most often Kikyo or Illumi ( and later the Troupe) and sometimes there’s a cherry blossom tree nearby, petals fluttering around gently in an unfelt breeze. Climbing up the tree offers safety, and climbing to the top reveals a beautiful star riddled sky full of endless possibilities. But do not look behind you from where you appear, or the shadows might latch on and threaten to drag you down.
SUWA - The first thing that registers is how cold it is inside his mind. It is a frigid cold and there’s a sense of heaviness in the air, like a weight pressed down on one’s shoulders. A glance around reveals a person standing up to the top of their ankles in blood extending as far as the eye can see  — which isn’t far because of how dark it is. A pitch black darkness that surrounds everything, other than for a single white star high above like light seen from the bottom of the well. But no amount of reaching or walking every brings it closer. Wandering around only brings more horrors from piles of corpses to items floating on the surface of the blood like a hairpin or ruined stuffed animal rabbit. And somewhere deep inside there’s something roaring and chains straining - but nothing ever comes beyond the increasing feeling that you should not be here.
LUCIFER - Fittingly the most celestial appearance of all the mindscapes. Here one is surrounded by dazzling displays of the universe, of galaxies and nebulas. Here one is neither floating nor standing, but existing with everything wrapped around you and an ability to contort and shift the space into whatever one wishes for it to be. There is endless possibilities and no restrictions in this space. Only the freedom to do as one wills. Occasionally the space may take a specific scene if it is willed, but often it is beautifully abstract, where stardust spills through fingertips. It is an overwhelmingly inspiring and freeing spot to be. You feel invigorated.
FENRIR -  It is a snowy landscape with harsh winds that threaten to knock one over. But no matter where one turns, there is nowhere and nothing in sight, but there’s only a sense of resignation to this fact. Around the clearing are tall pine trees covered and snow, and every now and again there is the sound of his mother singing. But the cold hurts.  It  makes all the scars on the body ache, and a chain keeps coiling itself around your ankle no matter how many times you unwrap it and throw it away. If one walks far enough, they may eventually stumble upon a cave, and going inside there it is a fire to help warm your fingers, but it is fueled by hatred. It is not hard to fuel when the gods faces are carved into the wall and makes the hate twist inside your chest. 
STHENO - It’s a rough, jagged cliffside where lightening flashes through the sky and it rains. Danger is never far from each step that one takes while navigating the perilous landscape, although there are a few spots of safety that one can settle down in comfortably. But even then, dangerous is not so far removed as to be forgotten. Here there’s nothing  that offers comfort, but your heart beats in rhythm with the storm. In the distance you can see water tornados reaching from the black clouds to the raging ocean. Anger bleeds into the air and you can feel it trying to wrap around you.
RUFUS LOHR - Opening your eyes here reveals a sprawling library unfolding before your eyes. It extends forever as far as you can see, consisting of multiple levels and filled to the brim with various books. From where you stand on the top layer, you can see the the floors below. Books shuffle and move here and there, pens write in blank pages by an unseen force, and sunlight filters into the warm oak rows. It’s peaceful and enchanting. If you walked away from this main platform, you think you could happily be lost among the rows and rows of books. Stars are painted onto the high ceilings to mimic the night sky and every now and then there’s a gentle recitation of a poem from an unknown speaker who’s voice is always perfect for the piece. It brings out the inner bookworm.  
JACKAL - Open landscapes of the savanna lay sprawling out around everywhere, but ruins jut out from the ground here and there. In the distance smoke trails from an unseen source of destruction, and the scent carries. But it is not suffocating- rather it is an almost comfort. There is a need to move , to do something. Sometimes a figure appears, encourage mischief or chaos, the hunt. After a long day, the warm sun and sound of grass blowing is rather relaxing.
LING WEN - It is a small house, nothing elaborate or extravagant. And yet, it is clearly loved. There are poems written on napkins and small sheets of papers, stories in the works with half-filled journals, and books with pages well worn. High quality inks and papers lay waiting next to a fire that chases away the cold. Outside, winter blizzards blow and howl angrily, refusing to let anyone dare to come close to the lone house. But none of those harsh winds or heavy snows threaten the sanctity of the home. It is calm and quiet other than the crackling of the fire in the fireplace. At will, music may start but otherwise, it remains calm and undisturbed. It is cozy, a place full of passion that remains hidden from the rest of the world. After all, the weight of work demands priority. Yet this dust-free abode of the place indicates a still thriving passion in this harsh existence.
HE XUAN -  Most often, it is unsurprising to find themselves underwater within his mind. Yet there is no struggle to breath, no panic. Nothing but a sense of steady calm and the gentle sound of the waves above and fish of thoughts swimming around. At times, one may sit on the sandy shores and simply observe the dark skies- but if they’re clouds or the night sky is hard to tell. At least until feelings of pain or anger surge forth and the waves crash against you over and over again, dragging you into turbulent waters while thunder echoes in your ears. Down to the dark parts of the ocean, no matter how you fight the shadows tug and age old wounds bleed. But, sometimes it is you who flees into the shadows that hold you close and mute the noise of the world away. The ocean does not like to give up what it holds. Not even you.
THOTH - When one opens their eyes, they will find themselves staring down into a bright blue pond in a verdant oasis in the middle of the desert. Yet it is not the sun in the sky but a bright and full moon that is closer than it is in real life. It bathes everything in a soft, silver light and you can’t help but to sit down and enjoy the moment. Ibis stand at the edges of the water but they neither bother nor are bothered by your presence. A small temple stands a short distance away, visibly full of books and scrolls and the soft glow of lanterns. If you go there, you will find answers. But for now you just enjoy the moment. 
SEKHMET -  It is a dangerous feat to try to enter into her mind. Depending on what part of her is in control, the landscape can drastically differ. When she is slaughtering for Ra or the pharaohs, rivers of blood pour through the desert valleys. The skies bleed red and orange and vultures circle high above the battlefield. It smells of death and slaughter, and war drums pound somewhere in the distance, urging to continue the bloody feast and to devour meat and wine. Sometimes one is standing in the sand, other times one stands at the city walls, ready for the slaughter. Other times, the scenery is drastically different. Lighting fills the temples, and songs fill the air before a table of meats and red alcohols. Sometimes people appear to tell and act out stories before her. Another section of the temple is full of medical herbs and a calming atmosphere few often attribute to the goddess. There are also many sealed boxes. Instinctively, you know you should not touch them.
NAGARE HISUI -  His space resembles that out of the sci-fi genre. Screens full of information and data points, games, lists to do. Many of the screens are green or blue, and all appear before a gigantic tree that resembles that of the JUNGLE clan’s symbol. The tree is taller than you can see the top of, and one feels like a baby ant next to it. But  luckily it is distant so as to not be too overwhelming. Turning around however reveals the small room of the JUNGLE headquarters main area that is the same here as it is in life. Often those close to him are present, offering him insight. On very rare occasions however, this scenery may be traded for sitting atop the rooftop of Mihashira Tower at night, while all the city below is alive  and vibrant with colors and nightlife. It summons a feeling of change and optimism for the future - a desire for change.
YUKARI MISHAKUJI -  For the fascination of the beauty angel in vivid beauty, his mind is quite calm. Often the place most commonly depicted is a stone bench in a japanese garden in blossom. A mini-waterfall trickles softly over the rocks, and vibrant colored koi fish swim in the water with elegant grace. A tea set sits at a table, ready to be poured, and a set of calligraphy brushes and fresh paper sit in an elegant gold and black box to the side.  Often the sounds of guqin and/or flute music fill the air alongside the sound of birds. Sometimes there are guests, sometimes it is just him. It’s a peaceful, beautiful space with the skies painted pink and purples with the setting suns and the stars just starting to shine. On a rare occasion, this may be traded for relaxing on a boat drifting through a river of memories under a starry sky. It is always so beautiful and it hurts to look away.
AARAVOS - Rather surprisingly, his mindscape is not somewhere new or historic or fantastical or abstract. It’s almost an exact replica of his prison within the mirror. He does not mind it. Here there are books and places to wander, there is chess and a fireplace and comfort to relax in. The only difference is an apple tree in one corner of the room, towering and full of gold-colored apples he occasionally plucks.  He doesn’t need to escape or alter anything from reality or his mind. Yet even should he one day escape from his current prison, his mind will likely still choose to host the scenery of that familiar space. It is more of a home than any other place he has lingered. 
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fearbend · 1 year
are you trying to get yourself killed ? - June
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A PREDATOR’S FOCUS, her hawk-like eyes scan the contingent of fire nation soldiers stationed mere strides away with careful consideration. she drinks in every detail, from the quilted lapels of armour to the gold emblazoned insignia, her heart ballooning at the sight. something stirs inside, something raw and torturous, a homesick pang longing for bygone titles and the safety of her laurels ⎯ old comforts she should know better than to still cling to. at last, the bounty hunter’s question crudely breaks her reverie and she returns her attention to the task at hand, albeit not without a measure of annoyance.
❝ i’m simply conducting some ⎯ research. a bit of intelligence gathering, if you will. nothing to be concerned about ❞ hushed tones and half-truths delivered in concert, a heightened sense of alertness weaving her every word. in times past she might’ve lashed out in the cruelest of ways, cut those around her down to the wick for forgetting their place. but now, stripped of influence and relegated to the shadows, she has the foresight to hold her tongue. establishing a reliable network of allies is no easy feat and overt hostility would only undercut that goal. she has to be agreeable, nice even, at least until all the pieces have fallen into place.
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❝ if we want to stay one step ahead of my brother, then we need to know what his lackeys are up to. wouldn’t you agree? ❞ the barest of pauses, she throws the group in question another pointed look before continuing. ❝ but i understand if you’re getting cold feet. perhaps the promise of bountiful riches isn’t quite worth the risk anymore. or maybe you’re just scared. so if you’d rather run along home, be my guest. i’m sure there’s no shortage of people around these parts willing to take your job ❞ a bluff and a weak one at that. azula recognises the blunder as soon as it is spoken and curses herself for the momentary lapse of control. of course they’re both well aware that not many would readily associate themselves with a disgraced princess, least of all when it meant working against the newly-appointed fire lord ⎯ she can only hope june’s avidity for wealth is enough of an incentive to ensure her cooperation.
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angeliicheartt · 3 months
Can you do what the bnha boys would do if they were jealous?🤭 (text or headcanon, whatever works for you) (Shoto, Katsuki, Midoryia, and Shinso are my favs btw!) I love your writing idk why it’s just too good
ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱ, ᴊᴇ���ʟᴏᴜꜱ, ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱ ʙᴏʏ!
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includes: katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, and hitoshi shinso
a/n: headcanons & smau, first time writing izuku tell me how it is, send an ask if you want other characters 🤗
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ᴋᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋɪ ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏ
⟁ probably the most jealous (maybe tied with shinso)
⟁ as we know, not above threatening (and more)
⟁ will likely be kind of grumpy till you get him alone and then he's a clingy bitch (with love)
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ꜱʜᴏᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ
❆ won't say anything, but his hand's on your waist and if a look could kill, the guy talking to you would be dead.
❆ if the guy ain't stopping he will walk up with his "defying authority" tone and rip into him
❆ honestly very patient most of the time with the whole situation (he’s sassier in the smau)
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ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ ᴍɪᴅᴏʀɪʏᴀ
ϟ doesn’t really care about the guy talking to you, he trusts you completely, until he realizes you look uncomfortable
ϟ pulls up his hero pants and gets the guy away from you
ϟ sososo understanding
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ʜɪᴛᴏꜱʜɪ ꜱʜɪɴꜱᴏ
〄 very very threatening presence, guard dog asf
〄 prob the most intimidating
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heizlut · 4 months
Closing the Distance
ꕀ cw: mention of blood/injury (nonsexual related)
ꕀ tags: fem!reader, inexperienced and possibly ooc!calcharo, oral f!receiving, first-time sex, breeding kink, creampie, mostly proofread
ꕀ nsfw under the cut
ꕀ m!list here
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Calcharo didn't expect this at all. He only agreed to help you find and fight against the tacet discords that had sprung up from a particularly strong tacet field. But here you were, laying underneath him and looking up at him with big eyes, your chest heaving with heavy breaths and your lips looking quite inviting.
All he was trying to do was get you out of harm's way by practically tackling you to the ground and caging you in with his own body as the final tacet discord emitted an explosive energy as it was struck down. It wasn't anything special, he swears it's not.
You clear your throat awkwardly, blush evident on your cheeks, "You can uh... get off me now..." You avert your gaze, unable to properly look him in the eyes, not now, and not since you felt something particularly...hard brush against your stomach. Your words snap Calcharo out of his daze, heat rising to his own pale features, "Ah, y-yes. I apologize..." He moves off of you and stands up, extending his hand towards you to help you up as well.
You take it, pulling yourself up and let go abruptly, "Thanks for your help today." Calcharo looks down at his hand where the warmth of your touch still lingered, then curls it into a fist, "It was no problem." The air felt heavy and awkward. There was something bubbling up inside of him that felt wholly unfamiliar. He rolls his eyes at himself and he turns away from you. Why was he acting like this? As if he's never seen a pretty girl before... How pathetic.
He peeks over at you as you absorb the echoes, taking in your strong but soft form. Calcharo could at least admit he found you to be a strong fighter, you were part of the Ghost Hounds after all. He was familiar with you, so why was he feeling like this now. He's never had time to form a romantic relationship with anyone nor has he ever felt the need to. He had more important things to worry about than getting his dick wet and being all soft with someone.
You meet he gaze, noticing that he's staring at you again with his intense blue-grey eyes. You raise a brow as you walk back over to him, "What's the matter with you today? You seem off." Calcharo huffs, looking annoyed as he turns his face away from you and crosses his arms, his voice deep and monotone as usual, "I'm fine." You study him for a moment and then shrug, "Whatever you say. Let's get going." As you move past him, Calcharo notices your gait, "You're limping."
You freeze in your tracks, having hoped that whatever was bothering him would keep him distracted enough to not notice. He already did so much for you today, you wanted to handle your injury yourself. You feel his large hand on your shoulder as he stops beside you, "Why didn't you say anything?" You want to shrug off his hand, but you don't; instead you sigh, "It's not a big deal. Let's just-" "No", Calcharo cuts you off quickly, moving in front of you, "At least let me take a look."
"I don't think that's such a good idea...", you say a little softer than you had liked. Remaining stern and stoic as ever, Calcharo crosses his arms as he looks down at you, "And why would that be?" His question sounds icy and he must've realized it because he tone softens when he speaks again, "You're injured and I wouldn't be a very good leader if I didn't look out for another member." Thunder rumbles in the distance, a sure sign that a storm was on its way. You look down and then grab his arm, surprising him, "Fine. But let's not be out in the open..."
If you hadn't been injured and limping, the two of you wouldn't be soaked from the rain you had gotten caught in. Slamming the wooden door shut of the run-down cabin you found in the woods, you immediately sink down onto the floor. "How did you know this place was...", Calcharo's voice trails off as his blue-grey eyes find the growing patch of blood on your upper thigh, immediately crouching down to your level.
His intense eyes take in your features, your face flushed red from a slight fever and a couple droplets of water run down your face to your neck. Calcharo's hand reaches for your wounded thigh before pausing, hovering right over the wound, "May I?" You grit your teeth and nod. With uncharacteristically shaky hands, he undoes your pants and helps you lift your hips off the ground as he lowers them. In his head, he repeats over and over that this is just to treat you. That's it!
But he can't help glancing at your cotton panties... There was nothing particularly special about them, but the way they hugged your hips, pressing close against your pussy underneath; it had him inadvertently licking his lips. Calcharo shakes his head and looks to the open cut on your thigh. He does his best to make sure his voice comes out even as he speaks, "It's not too deep. There's just a lot of blood from straining yourself." You point to your bag, "There's a first aid kit in there..."
With a single nod, he grabs the bag and rummages through it til his fingers brush against the small first aid box. He grabs it and mentally prepares himself to give you stitches while also trying so damn hard to stop from popping a boner at the sight of you.
You were injured, for fucks sake! Now wasn't the time to suddenly sprout inappropriate thoughts that he had never had an issue with before. Sensing his hesitation, you practically snatch the kit from his hands, making him blink in shock.
Though flushed with a bit of a fever, drenched from the rain, and injured, you still have the nerve to narrow your eyes at him, "I can do it myself." His jaw hangs open for a moment but he quickly shuts it, returning to his usual cold demeanor, "Fine." He sits back, watching as you thread the curved needle and piece your own flesh as you stitch yourself up. Mentally he cringes on your behalf, but you barely react as your skin closes with the thread.
If anything, seeing just how strong you are, not just physically, but mentally, it makes things even harder for him, quite literally. His cock throbs in his pants and he presses down on it, willing it to just go the fuck away. After tying up the thread and cleaning off the remaining blood, you look his way, noticing his hands pressing down in his lap and you raise a brow, a weak smirk playing on your lips, "Are you seriously hard right now?"
Calcharo's eyes flick to yours, all wide-eyed as he looks at you, then he frowns and looks away, "No, I'm not." You breathe out a laugh that does nothing to help the ache in his pants, "Really? Then move your hands." Calcharo grimaces, his nose scrunched in what looks similar to a snarling dog, "I don't want to." You just shrug, looking amused albeit still a bit weak from your condition, "Suit yourself then. It just looks like you're having a bit of a rough time."
He turns his body away from you, not wanting to listen to anymore of your teasing. "It wouldn't be very nice of me to not show my gratitude to my leader for helping me so much today...", you trail off with a teasing lilt in your voice. Calcharo straightens up and peeks at your over his shoulder, "What do you mean...'show your gratitude'?" Hook, line, and sinker. You put on a more nonchalant look and sigh heavily, "I'm simply saying that since you helped me out..." You look into his eyes again, "I could help you out as well."
Too many thoughts race through Calcharo's mind. How could he even take you up on that offer, especially when you're injured. Especially since he shouldn't be having thoughts like this. Especially because you were special to him. Wait... You were... special to him? When did he feel this way towards you? I mean, sure he always went with you whenever you were itching for a fight and he did talk with you a little more frequently than the others, albeit not too much.
You can tell his mind is racing, so you lean forward, ignoring the bit of pain in your wounded thigh, and place your hand on his shoulder, "Just quit thinking, Calcharo." Your hushed voice and hot breath fan across his ear, sending tingles straight down to his cock. Fuck it. He turns around and faces you once more, his face close to yours as he speaks low and deep, "I don't want to hurt you." His eyes are on yours, but yours are on his lips as you speak again, "You won't."
Before he can protest again, your lips are on his in a soft, but demanding kiss. Calcharo is frozen for a moment, having never done this before. Hell, he's never done anything romantic or sexual in the past. But the plush softness of your lips on his has him beginning to melt. He returns the kiss hesitantly at first, but once he finds the right rhythm with you, he finds himself leaning into you more. His hands are on your flushed cheeks and your heat radiates into his palms.
Your tongue prods his lower lip, begging for entrance to which he allows, parting his lips as you tongue slips in and moves against his. It's a slippery feeling, but you taste so sweet.
Without having realized it, Calcharo has you caged in underneath him yet again, although this time is was special. Your legs are spread to accommodate his body between your legs and your fingers are tangled in his wet, but long silver hair.
Your lips brush against his, "As much as I'd like to help and take things over, my injury-" Calcharo cuts you off with a kiss, "I know. Tell me what to do and I'll do it." His voice sounds husky and breathless, needy for more of you. You grab his hand and place it on your breast, making his breath hitch, "You can touch me."
He looks down at where his hand rests on your breast, taking in the way it fills his palm so perfectly, and he squeezes lightly. Truthfully, he wants your shirt off so he can feel the soft skin against his own calloused hands.
Calcharo's eyes go to yours and his fingers hover over the buttons of your shirt, "May I?" You chuckle a little at his formality, "Please do." With your affirmation, he unbuttons your shirt, tugging the material gently down your shoulders. He takes in the sight of you under him in just a bra and panties. You truly were a sight to see. Without asking for permission again, he fumbles with the clasp of your bra before eventually unhooking it and sliding it off.
Calcharo licks his lips again when he finally sees your bare breasts, so round and perfect. His hand makes its way back to your breasts, gently palming them. His thumb flicks over your nipple, making you draw in a breath. His gaze break away from your chest and back up to your face in alarm, "Did I hurt you?" You smile tiredly at him and shake your head, "No, it felt good." Calcharo visibly relaxes and returns his attention back to your chest.
Leaning down, he captures one of your nipples in his mouth, his tongue sliding over the pert bud as you let out a soft sounding moan. His eyes flit up to watch your reactions as he continues with his ministrations. All he wants is for you to feel good even if he's not entirely sure what he's doing. But from the look on your face, your lips parted and brows knitted together, he can tell he's doing well so far and that's all he needs to know to keep going.
Calcharo presses little kisses from your breasts, to your stomach, then pauses above your covered cunt. Without a word, you shakily raise your hips, signalling him to remove your panties and continue on. He bites his lip, nervous as hell, but he didn't know when he would get an opportunity like this again. So he slides your panties down, ever so careful to not have the material rub against your wound on it's way down your legs.
With you panties off and your pussy now exposed to him, Calcharo feels like he's in a daze. You raise your hips yet again with a raised brow, "Well? Haven't you done this before?" Calcharo looks away from you, not wanting to confirm nor deny, feeling too embarrassed to say you were his first everything.
Your sweet voice pulls him back in, "You're so unlike yourself right now. Where'd my confident leader go, huh?" You were only half teasing as you spoke, just wanting him to move on from your first quip.
Hearing you call him your leader stirs something inside of him. Calcharo feels like he has something to prove. You were right, he did everything with a cold confidence, so he could certainly do this. Calcharo lowers himself to your pussy, his lips so close to touching. With a quick look back up to you, he lightly licks at your clit. It's experimental at first, just small little licks to test out your reaction. But once he sees how turned on you are, he dives right in.
It's sloppy and wet, but Calcharo has no intention of stopping now. His tongue prods and licks at your entrance, lapping up your arousal as it coats his tongue. His cock twitches as he mindlessly grinds against the floor. Your beautiful moans and shaky breaths only spur him on and make him feel even more brave. His calloused thumb rubs at your clit in time with his tongue lashing between your folds.
Your hands fly to his hair, pressing his mouth further into your pussy as you cry out his name, "C-calcharo! 'm cumming-ngh!" The taste of you flooded his senses and he simply could not get enough. He grips your hips, keeping his mouth latched onto your soaked cunt as though it was his first and last meal he'd ever have, groaning as if he were the one on the receiving end. You try to push his face away, "S-stop! Too much-ngh!- 'm sensitive!"
Calcharo knew he should stop, but your moans and the way your arousal flowed from you was way too delicious. His tongue flicks over you clit once more, making your legs shake as you moan loudly, releasing on his tongue once more. Finally being merciful, Calcharo removes his mouth from your pussy, your juices and his own saliva glisten on his lips and chin, but he doesn't have a care in the world right in this moment.
Your breasts move in time with your heavy breathing and you narrow your eyes up at him, "You're so lucky I'm injured right now..." Calcharo's eyebrows furrow, cocking his head to the side slightly, "But you liked it." You can't keep your glare when he's looking at you like some confused puppy, although quite the scary looking puppy... You look down, spotting the wet patch on his pants, "Just take your pants off. It looks like your cock is ready to burst."
Calcharo's eyes widen at your straightforwardness, but he immediately schools his expression, "...Right." He undoes his belt harness, letting it drop to the floor with a soft clank of the metal. Next, he pops open the button of his pants and lowers the zipper, tugging his pants and briefs down just enough to free his cock. His cock springs forward, large and veiny, twitching and leaking profusely.
You're in awe of his size and if you had known he was packing that much down there, you would've intentionally tried to get yourself in this situation much sooner. With one hand, he holds his aching cock and covers his face with the other, "Why are you staring so intensely?" Seeing the state he's in makes you laugh. The sound of it makes his length twitch and he peeks at you through his fingers, sounding a bit annoyed, "What's so amusing to you?"
You give him a genuine, yet cheeky smile, "I just... Never thought I'd see such an intimidating guy like yourself get so flustered." Calcharo groans at your teasing remark and lowers his hand from his face, his other hand absentmindedly stroking his cock, "Enough of your teasing."
You spread your legs a little more, careful not to strain your injury, "By all means, please continue. I promise I won't tease you anymore." "Hmph...", Calcharo does his best to look displeased, but there's too much longing and desperation in his eyes for it to be even remotely convincing.
He lines his leaking tip up with your awaiting entrance, but pauses, "Just tell me if it's too much, alright?" With a nod from you, pressure begins to build as he pushes his length slowly inside of your tight, wet cunt.
Cacharo's face scrunches with pleasure and he sucks in a breath, the feeling of being inside of you, inside of anyone for the first time has him struggling not to cum right then and there. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you, speaking softly, "It's okay. You can move now."
He whines at the affirmation and begins to thrust slowly, trying to keep himself calm so as to not cum immediately or hurt you from going too hard too fast. His muscular arms cage you in and his silver hair cascades over his shoulders.
His blue-grey eyes lock on yours as he keeps his steady pace. Calcharo's voice is strained when he speaks through gritted teeth, "This feels too good..." He groans as his hips make contact with yours, his cock pressing deep inside of you.
You press a kiss to the corner of his lips, whispering against them, "Then keep going." Calcharo's cock jumps inside of you and he starts thrusting a little faster, a little harder, "F-fuck..." He kisses you deeply, his tongue tangling with yours as his cock fucks into you. All you both can do is whimper and moan between relentless kisses as he comes closer and closer to orgasm.
His thoughts are only on how fucking good you tight pussy feels squeezing around his cock and how badly he wants to breed you with his cum. Gods, what he wouldn't do to see your stomach growing round with his kids.
Fuck, what the hell is even thinking right now. He can't even own a dog, let alone raise a kid, it was too dangerous. But your pussy and your hold on him was way more dangerous to him. He had to keep going.
Calcharo growls out a low groan, "I'm gonna cum -fuck- take it all. Please, please take it -ngh- all!" With a harsh, deep thrust, he releases his warm seed inside of you. His cock throbbing as his cum pours from his tip and the excess drips down to the floor.
He presses his sweaty forehead against yours, the heat from your fever seeping into his skin. Fuck, you had a fever and were injured... He pulls out of you, making you whimper at the feeling of emptiness.
His eyes flick over to your stitched wound, eyes wide as he sees some of the stitches had popped open and fresh blood was trickling down the side of your thigh, "I-I apologize. I shouldn't have-mmph!" Your lips on his shuts him up and when you pull away, you only smile tiredly at him, "I'm fine. Quit worrying about me." Calcharo's expression shows just how much he's struggling with all of this. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you or make anything worse.
You tug a strand of his long, silver hair, bringing his attention back to you, "If you really feel that bad then I guess you'll have to make it up to me another time." Calcharo's eyebrows furrow, but then his expression softens slightly, "Of course. As your leader, I-" You cut him off quickly, "No, not so much as my leader. But as my partner. How does that sound?"
He's stunned for a moment but then clears his throat, trying to keep his typical brooding expression, "We can't. I don't want you to get hurt." You roll your eyes and look up at him, speaking in a resolute tone, "This is different. I'm not just some civilian, I'm part of the Ghost Hounds just like you. I can handle whatever danger comes my way or else I wouldn't be here right now." Calcharo processes your words for a second, then sighs, "Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you."
Your expression brightens, "I'm pretty sure that's similar to what you said to me when I first joined." Calcharo rolls his eyes as he gathers your clothes and his, "Whatever. I meant it as much then as I do now." You just breathe a small laugh, "Of course. I think we'll be just fine."
a/n: calcharo is a cutie patootie under that tough exterior, i just know it🥺
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electricalstemplates · 3 months
could i have dn (display name) templates that fit the sys name "candy apple" :3? pref one that works for both sp and pk
Here you are!!
🍏✩‧₊˚Name‧。⋆ 🍭Pronounsɞ✧ ✮🍬❭❭Name ︶ Pronouns≖🍎
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xe-company · 2 years
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electrivolt · 6 months
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// just finished end.walker i'm a literal fucking mess don't even look at me i don't remember the last time i cried this hard on a game, literally fighting through the tears just to do that final trial while being bombarded by that boss. fuck this game, 10/10
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murdrdocs · 9 months
luke castellan’s world !
☼ fluff. ☽ smut (18+). ☁︎ suggestive. ϟ dark content ☆ favorite full masterlist
note: fem! and gn! labels are given based on the use of pronouns and anatomy; fem! fics use 'she/her' or labels such as 'girl' as well as explicit afab anatomy, GN! has no use of gendered pronouns or labels and anatomy is ambigious.
all works are 18+.
you like to tease luke in many ways ☁︎ GN!
luke and his love for seeing you cry ☁︎ GN!
even more, luke loves to make you cry ϟ ☽ fem!
related or not, it's too good to stop ϟ ☁︎ GN!
luke wants a normal teenage life ☽ GN!
☆ luke’s desperation shows in how he fucks you ☽ fem!
luke loves your tiny shorts ☽ fem!
ghostface!luke likes to watch you shower ϟ fem!
you finally let luke cum inside ☽ fem!
luke fucking you into the mattress ☽ fem!
luke needs just 15 mins ☁︎ fem!
luke is obsessed with you ☼ fem!
giving luke a handjob and licking him clean ☽ fem!
you lost a bet with luke ☽ fem!
images with luke ☽ fem!
luke using your size kink to his advantage ☽ fem!
luke loves to worship you ☽ fem!
repressed luke who has never seen real porn ☽ fem!
ghostface!luke keeps up the facade ϟ ☽ fem!
ghostface!luke and his temper ϟ ☽ fem!
ghostface!luke pays you a visit ϟ ☽ fem!
you and luke work together ϟ ☽ fem!
luke making you ride your pillow ☽ fem!
hate fucking luke after sparring ☽ fem!
lukes possessive obsession with you ☽ fem!
stepbro!luke who can't resist temptation ☽ fem!
stepbro!luke and secret rendevous ☽ fem!
stepbro!luke sneaking into your room to let off steam ϟ ☽ fem!
licking luke's scar ☽ fem!
luke begging to go further with you ☽ fem!
getting with luke despite his betrayal ☽ fem!
making out while high with luke fem!
making loser!luke prove himself to you ☽ fem!
beach sex with luke ☽ fem!
luke and his quick refractory period ☽ fem!
OG luke sex pollen drabble ☽ fem!
loser!luke makes you squirt ☽ fem!
luke and his corruption kink ☽ fem!
more luke and his corruption kink ☽ fem!
teasing luke about his inexperience ☽ fem!
loser!luke is a panty stealer ☽ fem!
dirty makeouts in missionary ☽ fem!
frat boy!luke ☽ fem!
frat boy!luke picks you up ☽ fem!
luke + regret my by djats ☽ fem!
drunk luke can't keep his hands off of you ☽ fem!
luke has a crush on aphrodite reader ☽ fem!
luke's girlfriend has a hellhound ☁︎ fem!
luke has the venom symbiote ϟ ☽ fem!
venom!luke is extremely protective ϟ ☽ fem!
you have a crush on spiderman ☼
ares and luke like to argue over you fem!
you are luke at chb's golden couple ☁︎ fem!
you ask luke if you can give him a blowjob ☁︎ fem!
loser!luke doesn't understand why you get worked up over him ☁︎ fem!
beginning of summer with luke ☁︎ fem!
bsf!luke takes you skinny dipping ☁︎ GN!
you're temptation to luke, he likes it this way ☁︎ fem!
luke fixes the necklaces you break ☁︎ fem!
southern!luke and his pickup truck ☁︎ fem!
farmhand!luke and a quickie ☽ fem!
zombie!au luke is a protector
you encounter a really attractive stranger
you and luke get stuck together during a supply run ☽ fem!
what happens after the supply run
luke has a wet dream about you ☽ fem!
luke uses his abs to make it up to you ☽ fem!
seven minutes in heaven w loser!luke ☁︎ GN!
you're usually shy but for once you dominate luke ☽ fem!
summer flings with luke ☽ fem!
luke sleeps with your tits in his hand ☽ fem!
getting stuck between coach ares and luke ☁︎ fem!
spending your study break with luke ☽ fem!
you have luke wrapped around your finger ☽ fem!
luke castellan p links.
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icysinner · 1 year
streamer bf
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#ID: i cannot get ony out of my head. streamer!onyankopon who’s ur lovely bf.
warnings: the n word comes up a couple times but like why are u surprised
nya note: i apologize for my absence 🫡 here’s my peace treaty
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your boyfriend started streaming on twitch about three months into your relationship, something that he imagined he’d just be doing for fun took off into something way bigger. before he knew it, onyankopon had fans from all over the globe, and nearly a million subscribers. by the time you and onyankopon moved in together, one of the extra bedrooms you had in your home became his room specifically designed for streaming.
a yawn left your lips as you poked your head into the room, ony was streaming. “what you playing?” you asked, leaning against the doorframe. your voice startled him, mostly because he didn’t hear the door to signal you were home. “goddamn, girl. when you get in here?” he asked, pretending to be irritated with you, but his pearly white teeth showed in a smile anyways. “i just got home, you didn’t answer my question.” you replied, holding up your keys and jingling them. “uh, siege.” onyankopon answered, seemingly in a daze but making eye contact with you at the same time.
you walked over to the screens and camera, onyankopon’s eyes following you the whole time. you leaned over to wave and smile at the camera, the chat greeting you just as you did them.
marisosexual omg it’s mom.
onysgf our girlfriend is home
ony’s eyes rolled at the chat, only because everyone was suddenly so nice now that you were here. “nah, don’t be in the chat tryna be nice now.” he said, “y’all niggas was just in here telling me i’m ass.” the chat responded in, ‘it’s because u are’, making him scoff again. “they’re really mean to you for people who consider themselves fans.” you said, holding back laughs at everyone making fun of onyankopon.
“they just think being assholes to me gets them cool points with you, thirsty asses.” ony said with a smile, grabbing you by your hand to pull you into him. “they want what they can’t have.” your lower half was the only thing seen on the screen, and ony’s arms were wrapped around it. he smiled at the camera, putting up one of his middle fingers. “they’re gonna screenshot this and post it on twitter, my ass is gonna be on twitter for everyone to see.” you joked, smiling. “eh, let ‘em see it. it’s nice.” onyankopon replied, returning the same smile.
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dashiie · 1 year
Why are you gay -blank stare as the question is asked in a thick accent-
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Blink blink. . . . Hm. . . .               ❝ Y'know, I'm not quite sure. ❞
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sagephilosophie · 5 months
ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ! ʀɪɴᴅᴏᴜ ʜᴀɪᴛᴀɴɪ x ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴀᴅᴍɪʀᴇʀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
𖧧 Tags : SFW, high school theme.
ϟ Crush!Rindou whom you took a liking on ever since he started going to your high school with his brother after their time in juvie, they earned immediate popularity then and gossips spread like wildfire how their rich father bribed the principal to enroll them.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that couldn't care less about the whispering in the classroom going over his gang life and recent fights, your friends were warning you not to go near him because of his sadistic nature, but observing him doodling something boredly in his copybook made you think,"He is pretty cute though..."
ϟ Crush!Rindou that joined the school's football team on the first try and kept skipping classes frequently, so you eventually began showing up at every practice and game to watch him play.
ϟ Crush!Rindou who was the indirect reason the entire football team teased you after every match for not missing a day, one of them being a classmate that started a rumour how you liked him instead, but you brushed all of them off saying you just like the sport.
ϟ Crush!Rindou who ignored you the whole time, all he did was take any water bottle or towel you handed to him, and didn't even answer your compliments or small talk about the game, unlike his brother who sits in the stands with you from time to time, and immediately catched on to the hearteyes you were giving his brother, although, with the no-change in Rindou's behaviour, the former likely didn't tell him.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that kept testing your patience with his indifference, after everyone you know has noticed you had a crush on him except Rindou himself, so you stopped showing up at the football pitch since it's useless at this point.
ϟ Crush!Rindou whom you managed to get your head off of for the rest of your highschool years, only until the final week before graduation, when it occurred to you that this is perfect time to visit the stands one more time.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that was the only one in the field by the time you got there, doing some tricks, and as expected didn't acknowledge your existence, until he heard clapping after his football juggling.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that spoke to you for the first time since his arrival and asked if you wanted to try, you said yes and joined him, but the ball couldn't balance and he was starting to mock you.
"One would think you learned something from the time you spent watching me."
"I wasn't watching you."
"Oh yeah ? Why do you only look for me when the whole team surrounds you then ?"
"...you noticed ?"
"It's hard not to, besides, Ran told me."
"Huh... Then you were giving me the cold-shoulder on purpose ?"
"Mhmm answer this, what are your plans after highschool ?"
"Go to college, pursue a career..."
"Well, i saved you time i could've wasted, all i plan to do is rule Roppongi streets with my brother, you could guess how i'll be a terrible partner."
"I didn't necessarily want you to be my partner... maybe you're taking this the wrong way, with your athletic skills and talent there's a better future than you think still hiding, i would know that, i've been observing you..."
"Yeah, stalker."
"I'm serious! There's at least one thing you want to do later on..."
"I think probably, own a night club."
"See ? You do have a goal, then what was that about distancing yourself again ?"
"You're still gonna regret getting close to me."
"We don't know that for sure."
"There's only one way to find out, what will you be doing after graduation day ?"
"Nothing, you ?"
"Also nothing, should we go do nothing together?"
"Good idea."
ϟ Crush!Rindou whom you managed to talk him into finishing his education and has finally became your ever loving boyfriend throughout college.
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