#rindou haitani highschool
sagephilosophie · 5 months
ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ! ʀɪɴᴅᴏᴜ ʜᴀɪᴛᴀɴɪ x ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴀᴅᴍɪʀᴇʀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
𖧧 Tags : SFW, high school theme.
ϟ Crush!Rindou whom you took a liking on ever since he started going to your high school with his brother after their time in juvie, they earned immediate popularity then and gossips spread like wildfire how their rich father bribed the principal to enroll them.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that couldn't care less about the whispering in the classroom going over his gang life and recent fights, your friends were warning you not to go near him because of his sadistic nature, but observing him doodling something boredly in his copybook made you think,"He is pretty cute though..."
ϟ Crush!Rindou that joined the school's football team on the first try and kept skipping classes frequently, so you eventually began showing up at every practice and game to watch him play.
ϟ Crush!Rindou who was the indirect reason the entire football team teased you after every match for not missing a day, one of them being a classmate that started a rumour how you liked him instead, but you brushed all of them off saying you just like the sport.
ϟ Crush!Rindou who ignored you the whole time, all he did was take any water bottle or towel you handed to him, and didn't even answer your compliments or small talk about the game, unlike his brother who sits in the stands with you from time to time, and immediately catched on to the hearteyes you were giving his brother, although, with the no-change in Rindou's behaviour, the former likely didn't tell him.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that kept testing your patience with his indifference, after everyone you know has noticed you had a crush on him except Rindou himself, so you stopped showing up at the football pitch since it's useless at this point.
ϟ Crush!Rindou whom you managed to get your head off of for the rest of your highschool years, only until the final week before graduation, when it occurred to you that this is perfect time to visit the stands one more time.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that was the only one in the field by the time you got there, doing some tricks, and as expected didn't acknowledge your existence, until he heard clapping after his football juggling.
ϟ Crush!Rindou that spoke to you for the first time since his arrival and asked if you wanted to try, you said yes and joined him, but the ball couldn't balance and he was starting to mock you.
"One would think you learned something from the time you spent watching me."
"I wasn't watching you."
"Oh yeah ? Why do you only look for me when the whole team surrounds you then ?"
"...you noticed ?"
"It's hard not to, besides, Ran told me."
"Huh... Then you were giving me the cold-shoulder on purpose ?"
"Mhmm answer this, what are your plans after highschool ?"
"Go to college, pursue a career..."
"Well, i saved you time i could've wasted, all i plan to do is rule Roppongi streets with my brother, you could guess how i'll be a terrible partner."
"I didn't necessarily want you to be my partner... maybe you're taking this the wrong way, with your athletic skills and talent there's a better future than you think still hiding, i would know that, i've been observing you..."
"Yeah, stalker."
"I'm serious! There's at least one thing you want to do later on..."
"I think probably, own a night club."
"See ? You do have a goal, then what was that about distancing yourself again ?"
"You're still gonna regret getting close to me."
"We don't know that for sure."
"There's only one way to find out, what will you be doing after graduation day ?"
"Nothing, you ?"
"Also nothing, should we go do nothing together?"
"Good idea."
ϟ Crush!Rindou whom you managed to talk him into finishing his education and has finally became your ever loving boyfriend throughout college.
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musei-thoughts · 7 months
𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳. [𝘉𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳]
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(𝘯.) 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨; 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘶𝘳𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦
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"𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙪𝙥 𝙍𝙖𝙣! 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮'𝙧𝙚 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮!"
The night pulsed with danger as Rindou's frantic voice cut through the tension, "I'm trying. The road is packed. Damn it."
In a chaotic symphony of adrenaline, Rindou reloaded his pistol. The bullets from the enemy rained down on them, trying to get them off their tail.
"Shit. They have more men?!" Sanzu yelled, dodging the bullets as more cars with shooters began to fire at them. 
"Hold on, I'm gonna try to get past these trucks!" Koko paled, seeing the slim chance of the car slipping in between the two trucks ahead of them. "Are you kidding?! There's no way it would fit!!" He screeched, grabbing onto the sides of the car for dear life.
“That’s what she said.” The Haitani’s said in unison.
"If I die I want you to delete my search history for me, bro." Ran muttered, shedding a fake tear. 
Ran thought for a moment. "Oh well. Then let me confess that I wore your tongs." 
"I DON'T HAVE TONGS!" Rindou retaliated.
"I do." 
The two Haitanis turned their attention to Sanzu, who was glaring at Ran. "Well, shit. Let's talk about this after we've dealt with these imbeciles." 
With that, he focused on the road and sped up. As the trucks got closer, the distance between it grew smaller. 
Rindou gripped on his seatbelt while Sanzu hugged Koko’s arm, dialing Takeomi. 
"Why you fucki-"
"ALSO, I'M GRANMA'S FAVORITE GRANDBABY. BYE." He hangs up, hugging Koko's arm tighter when they were only a few feet away from the trucks. 
"TELL AKANE I LOVE HER. AND IM SORRY FOR FUCKIN HER BROTHER. I COULDN'T HELP IT, HE LOOKED SO MUCH LIKE HER." Koko added to their pitiful confessions, crying like a bitch. 
The three gave him a ‘wtf’ look, "Tell her that yourself when we get there dude." Koko rolled his eyes at them and flipped them off. 
The tension escalated as they hurtled toward the narrow gap. Koko, gripping his seatbelt, exchanged a glance with Sanzu, both silently praying for survival. Ran focuses on the road for the umpteenth time, relaxing his shoulders and begins taking deep breaths. 
Don't choke on your spit now, Ran. 
"*cough cough* w-water...Rin..water..." He choked, struggling to breathe.
He turned around towards Rindou, his eyes pleading. "WHERE THE FUCK WILL I GET WATER?!"
"There's apple juice here." Sanzu said, handing them a bottle of 'apple juice'.
"Thanks." Ran takes a big sip, coughing out as soon as he tasted the bitter taste of the ‘drink’. “oh, wait, it’s gasoline.” Sanzu states after reading the bottle’s label. “My bad.” 
Ran wipes his mouth, regaining his composure as they neared the trucks. The Bonten men closes their eyes shut, waiting for the next thing to happen. 
"Are we in heaven now?" Sanzu asks, afraid to open his eyes. 
"We're criminals Sanzu, what the hell do you mean- RAN DUCK!" 
Ran, who stupidly had closed his eyes, opens them and turns the wheel at the last minute, dodging the crossing duck in the nick of time. 
"We're alive...." Rindou pants. "WE'RE ALIVE!" He exclaimed, slumping into his seat, relief washing over him. Koko, however, passed out, his face paler than his hair as his soul threatened to leave his body.
Sanzu's maniacal laughter broke the moment, "Fuck...that...turned me on." His adrenaline-fueled amusement clashed with the others' disbelief as he leaned back into his seat, the excitement between his legs in full display.
Rindou gave him a side eye from the rear mirror, "Sanzu, what the actual fuck.”
"Where are those bastards?" Ran whispered under his breath, unable to detect the rival gang’s vehicles. "Those fuckers got lucky." 
"WE CAN'T STOP NOW! THEY HAVE MY DRUGS!" Sanzu whined, pulling on his hair out of irritation.
They have been chasing this white BMW for almost an hour now, the men behind it were a new and uprising gang called Sigma. They decided to blow a low move and stole samples of a special drug that was personally made for Bonten along with other drugs like Methamphetamine.
Koko soon regains consciousness, holding his head in his hand while leaning on the driver's seat. "I'm gonna throw up." 
Ran looked back, noticing Koko's pale face. He quickly grabbed a plastic bag from the glovebox, gave it to the poor male before his phone out of his jacket pocket and called Kakucho.
After some shuffling, Kakucho came through the line. "Hey Ran, what's up? Where are you?"
"We found those damn bastards but they got away." Ran explained.
The male on the other line let out a sigh, "Where are you guys?"
"Near the city limits. We lost sight of it awhile ago but there's still a good chance that they’re still around."
There was shuffling again and then Kakucho finally spoke up. "I'll do what I can. For now, get back to HQ. Mikey wants you back."
"Got it." Ran hung up, leaving the car in silence, except for Koko who was puking his stomach out. Poor guy. 
Now, they were stuck in traffic. It was also getting dark as the street lamps slowly began to light up. A car behind them honks at them, trying to make them move. Rindou angrily glared over at the car, flipping them off. 
"Can't they fucking see that we're in the middle of a traffic?"
The line of cars moved slowly, boring the four men out of their wits. Koko was passed out once more in the back, hoping that he could sleep the nausea off. 
They all stared at the road, hoping to catch a glimpse of any sign of movement.
But no. 
They were stuck. 
Out of boredom, Rindou played DDLC on his phone while Sanzu was getting high from the remaining pills that he had on hand, thinking of different ways on how he could torture those men from Sigma once they catch them.
An hour had passed yet they barely moved. They were still on the same road. "What the hell is going on?" Ran clicked his tongue, honking on the car's horn. 
He closed his eyes to calm himself, stepping on the pedal everytime the traffic moved by an inch or so. 'Calm down, Ran. Think of your happy place...' he tells himself, imagining himself in ponyville, playing with pinkie pie and rainbowdash.
Ran opened his eyes and as if thinking about ponies did something, the traffic began to move. 'Yes! The magic of friendship does work!'
'Or not...'
As the traffic came to a sudden halt, Ran glanced at the lane beside them. The loud crashing sound came from a white Mercedes smashing against the back of a black Bugatti Atalante, ruining the beautiful paint job on the expensive car.
The Bonten men glanced at the accident, pretty uninterested till a woman steps out of the expensive car. Her presence attracted the men, as she walked towards the white Mercedes with the sound of her heels against the asphalt road echoing through the traffic.
She wore a black dress that hugged her body confidently showing her beautiful curves along with a lower neckline which exposes an ample amount of cleavage. Her head was adorned with a black sun hat while leather gloves covered her petite hands, giving her an elegant and eye catching look. 
The driver of the white car exits his car with an aggravated look till his eyes lands on her. Seeing that it was ‘just’ a woman, he smirks at himself, knowing that he could deal with this situation easily. 
Interested in the drama—well, most likely on the woman—Ran rolled the window down to eavesdrop. 
"Sir, It would be better for you to cooperate and provide me your information in order for me to charge you with the damage that you caused to my car." Your sultry voice was calm yet stern as you stared up at the man who loomed over your figure. 
"What are you going to do about it, little lady?"
Your eyes narrowed as your lips formed into a thin line. "Sir, heed my words. Cooperate, or I will call the authorities." your cold tone didn't waver in the slightest and your eyes never left his own, glaring at him intensely. 
The man scoffs at your confidence, belittling you. "And what makes you think I'm going to listen to you, huh?" he spat in a low tone, grabbing you by the arm. 
In an instant, the man was pinned against the hood of Bonten' car with his hands tightly held in your grasp. 
Rindou and Sanzu (who was currently high from xanax) gaped at the scene unfolding before their eyes. They shared an amused and excited glance at each other before shortly after, they childishly began to cheer you on, "Beat him up! Beat him up!" Their chaos was unnoticed by you due to the tinted glass and partially closed windows. 
"Might I tell you, this car belongs to the Ootori's. From the looks of the uniform of the woman in your car, she works for them doesn’t she? It would be a shame if your partner wouldn’t have a job to come back to If ever they heard that you caused such damage to the family's precious car." You whispered in his ear threateningly.
At the mention of the successful and powerful family's name, the said woman frantically comes out of the car, "Tori, just listen to her! I swear if I lose my job because of you, it's over for the both of us, you imbecile!!"  
Tori, the perpetrator, clicked his tongue in defeat, giving you his contact information before heading back to his vehicle. With a sigh, you walked over to Ran's car, leaning down towards the window, knocking on the glass to get his attention. 
Though you didn't have to, you had their attention the moment they laid their eyes on you. 
"Good day, gentlemen. I apologize for the commotion back there." Ran couldn't take his eyes off of you, looking intensely at your dolled up face, eyes staring down at your plump lips as you spoke. He was so tempted to just sweet talk you into getting in his car and take you home to have some fun, but he didn’t want to risk scaring you away.
"Here's my business card in case you want compensation for potential damages on your car." 
Your gloved hand rummages through your purse, handing him your card. The older Haitani takes it, but not without grasping your hand in his and placing a kiss at the back of it. "Don't worry about it, doll. Though, I would prefer spending a day out with you as compensation." He winks at you, smiling flirtatiously.
You stared at him with amusement, bursting out laughing from his cockiness. God, your laugh was like music to their ears, entrancing them, making them more invested in you. "Well, I better head back to my car before the traffic starts moving again. See you around, boys~" With a wink, you blew a kiss towards them. 
Silence filled the car as the men tried to process what just happened. Ran looks down at the business card that you had given him. “Olivia Rossi, huh…”
"I want her."
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𝘢/𝘯: 𝘚𝘰, 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘺'𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬? 𝘐'𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘶𝘻 𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘮𝘵𝘩𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘐𝘧 𝘺'𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳, 𝘱𝘭𝘴 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 :)
𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘰, 𝘪'𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘴.
𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥: 2/27/24
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k9wa · 2 years
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𑣲 A GUY THAT I’D KIND OF BE INTO. featuring rindou haitani.
• SYNOPSIS : rindou, your friend since childhood, is listening to you vent your frustrations over some guy you’ve been silently crushing on and realizes holy shit—you’re talking about him.
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• CONTENT : unreq love, mild angst, gn reader (“they” used like twice,) a bit dialogue heavy, might be a little ooc i've never written rindou before ...soz...
• NOTE : rindou baby im so sorry i did this to u. ib a bmc song because i have no hoes or something
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rindou haitani had been your friend since you were both children. 
you weren’t best friends by any means, but you’d gone to school together since your middle years, and those days upon days of having classes together or being seated next to one another had led to an inevitable friendship between the two of you. not that you were complaining, you liked having him around more than you thought you would.
it was only natural that once befriending rindou, you were introduced to his brother, ran, who was a year older than you. thus, the trio that was the haitani’s and their plus one was created.
rindou had always been the one you gravitated towards the most, maybe because you were the same age as him. he was the one you would find somewhere in the halls when you wanted to whine over homework or teachers when you were younger, which eventually blossomed into complaints over exams and college prep during lunch behind your highschool. you clicked with him easier, enjoyed his company when he was around and it was something he reciprocated. 
of course you enjoyed being around ran as well, and the times where you three would be together as a group (which to be fair, was more often than not) were some of your favourite, you were never quite as close with him. it was likely due to his brother always stealing you away when he got the chance, and being the older one he saw the signs before they were even visible.
open scene to the aforementioned younger brother laying horizontally on your bed, mindlessly scrolling through his phone while you sat parallel at your desk, textbook and laptop long abandoned for playing with your pencil and leaning your head over the back of your chair.
get-togethers outside of school were a fairly fresh development in your friendship with rindou, only having started about halfway through your second year of highschool. rindou would still sometimes get a tad bit…awkward when he stepped into your home, and it never failed to make you chuckle.
“okay, spit it out already. fuck’s wrong?”
rindou’s voice cut through the silence draped over your room like a weighted blanket. he'd been watching you chew at your lips and listening to you tap that damn mechanical pencil against every surface within range, it got on his nerves.
truth be told, he was more nosey to know what you were visibly hung up on than anything.
you halted your fiddling, attention refocusing on rindou who had rolled onto his stomach, palm holding up the weight of his head from his chin while his elbow crushed one of your poor stuffed animals.
“y’look like someone just killed your puppy. and you’re doin’ that thing where you fidget with shit when you think.”
when had he gotten so observant of your nervous habits? you pouted.
“i don’t look like that.”
“you do.”
“do not.”
rindou stared at you, you stared at rindou. 
it wasn’t that you didn’t want to talk to him about it. you told him quite a lot already, at least considering your friendship had always been primarily in school. what had you hesitating, thinking over your words and proceedings more carefully, was that he was directly involved with the very thing that had you so…squirmy.
rindou was quick to pick up on your reluctance. as much as he wanted to know what was going on in that head of yours, it's not as if he was gonna pry into it to see what was running on the hamster wheel he was sure you had in there.
“...uh, you don’t have t'a—”
“you’re gonna think it’s stupid.”
an unforgiving snort was all you got in response.
“you bein’ a dumbass isn’t exactly breaking news.”
“ill kill you, haitani.”
the tense eye contact— well, tense on your part— continued. 
god, you hated how he was persuasive without even trying.
“okay, just listen, ya?”
his eyes followed as you stood from your desk chair and made your way over to the bed beside him. you flopped down tiredly, back against the mattress while your eyes traced the various posters on the ceiling, the shape of the windowsill towards your feet, generally anywhere that wasn’t in rindou’s direction.
“i’m listening.”
he watched you open and close your mouth like a fish out of water, waiting patiently (though it was a thin and fragile patience) for you to find the words to begin.
“so, imagine there this person,”
he nodded.
“and you’ve known them since you were kids,”
he nodded again.
“and you’ve never been like– crazy close with him, but you’ve always seen them as a friend regardless.”
rindou nodded again.
he saw where you were going.
you hadn’t even realised you’d allowed the pronoun to slip, tossing all anonymity out the window and revealing that the troubles you were about to vent were actually over a guy.
but rindou did, and he couldn’t stop his tongue from running itself over his front teeth, licking them as he tasted an all too familiar flavour of bitterness on his taste buds. 
rindou’s feelings towards you were complicated in their own way. 
he was aware he had emotions regarding you that were, well, less than platonic. he was aware that it had started when you met in your second year of middle school, when he was seated beside you in history and you’d teased him for his coloured hair and offered to share your pack of chips with him in the same sentence. it wasn’t a jaw dropping first impression, not something outright unique or exceptional, but it stood out to rindou. you stood out to rindou.
he didn’t have plans to really… do anything about any of it though, it was always something he preferred to keep buried deep in the home you’d made yourself in his gut. he wasn’t even sure if he had the set of emotional skills to—
“you still following?”
rindou blinked. fuck, he wasn’t listening
“yeah, keep goin’.”
he’d just have to fill in the blanks.
“it’s like– i don’t even know when i started seeing him like that.”
you’d given up on the vagueness regarding the neutral pronoun you used prior.
“maybe it’s just ‘cus we’ve both gotten older?”
who were your other friends again? perhaps he could use the process of elimination to single out who you were talking about.
“any time we eat lunch together, or i pass him in the halls it…picks at my brain. dunno when it even started.”
rindou thought, shuffling through the filing cabinet of his memory to try and remember who your other friends were. but upon thinking about it, he hadn’t seen you eat lunch with anyone else outside of him and ran since you’d formed your little trio.
“we have gotten closer over the last couple months. maybe it’s something t’do with that.”
…and then he thought more.
who had you known since you were a kid, that you’d started growing closer with recently, who you also frequently ate lunch with and—
“it’s like he went from this guy that i’d never usually be into…”
oh shit—
“to this guy that i'd—like—kind of be into?”
were you talking about him?
he cursed the way he felt the smallest sliver of hope start to rise in his chest. it was coincidental, you had other friends, other people you’ve known for the amount of time you have him, he’d be grasping at the smallest of straws to think anything differently.
your eyes met his when you looked up expectantly for an answer.
“that is pretty fuckin’ stupid.”
typical rindou.
you smacked his bicep with the back of your palm, rindou snorted again.
it wouldn’t hurt to test the waters just a little bit, right? to see if his sneaking suspicion was correct? 
“so, who’s this guy anyway?”
“pfft, like i’d ever tell you.”
it was rindou’s turn to smack you, he was rewarded with the sound of your laugh falling on his ears.
“so yer’ gonna talk my ear off and then not even tell me who the fucker is? you’re lame.”
“you wanted to know what was wrong!”
mission failed. 
the room fell into a silence, not quite awkward, yet not quite comfortable, just calm. rindou didn’t know how to push the subject any further without either giving himself away entirely or coming off as some nosey freak, so he begrudgingly decided he was better off to try and drop it entirely.
“do you think it’d be worth it to tell him?”
you were the one breaking the quiet this time around. rindou sighed and dropped his head, his face meeting the crinkles of fabric in your duvet.
“fuck if i know.”
“cmon, help me out here.”
“it'd help if i knew who the hell you’re talkin’ about.”
“you seriously haven’t figured it out?”
those words made rindou's witty response catch in his tonsils. the more you went on, the more the little voice in his head said: ‘thats me, they’re talking about me, they have to be,’ the more you went on the greater the need to know if you were really talking about him inflated and grew.
“…why don’t you just tell ‘em if it’s such a pain in your ass?”
you hummed.
“i don’t wanna jeopardise our friendship, i guess. i like having him around too much.”
rindou lifted his head in time to catch a glimpse of the warm smile dawning on your lips.
“that's why i'm asking you. do you think the risk is worth it?”
yes, rindou thought. for fucks sake, take the risk, he wanted to scream it as loud as he could.
“sounds like it.” he began slowly, swallowing a breath. “think i know who you’re talkin’ about now too.” 
“it's about time.”
his chin returned to his palm. 
“wanna hear you say it, though.”
you groaned, mimicking his position by rolling into your stomach as well, the two of you laying shoulder to shoulder. rindou could feel the knot in his stomach tighten.
“you’re an ass.” the cow plush you’d hidden your face into absorbed your words. you supposed it was harmless to tell him at the point you’d gotten to. the proverbial cat was proudly sunning itself in the windowsill, there was zero chance he didn’t know who you were talking about. he was pulling your leg the same way he always did. teasing you.
rindou couldn’t control the way his palms began to sweat, directly contrasting his feeling of…cockiness? certainty? whatever the better term was, he could feel it deep in his chest, threatening to push past his ribs.
“i'm talking about…” 
he waited, listened to you huff, listened to you swallow to try and shove down your doubts, watched your fingers play with the tag of your stuffed animal, he knew the word that would come next;
exactly as he—
…you had a thing for ran?
if you had looked up at all, decided to remove your face from the cow print protecting you from what you assumed was some kind of shit eating grin, you would have seen the way rindou’s face drained of all colour.
rindou couldn’t speak, he couldn’t do anything. 
he felt like such a fucking idiot. 
of course it’s ran, he thought. 
why wouldn’t it be ran? 
it's always ran.
your room began to feel like it was shrinking around him, like it was suffocating him just being there. he became so hyper aware of your shoulder pressed against his, the smell of you overtaking his senses in a way he never thought he would hate as much as he did.
where you expected teasing, and rindou’s jokes, you were met with…nothing. a heavy stillness that could be felt in your bones. was he… upset? you didn’t know, your eyes were still harboured safely in your plush. now that you think about it, it was a gift he had gotten you.
you hadn’t wanted to tell him originally because you assumed it would piss him off, for the sake of possibly screwing things up between the three of you, or maybe because he wouldn’t want to be a third wheel or— or something. what you didn’t expect from rindou was the absence of a response entirely. 
finally there's some sort of feedback from rindou, a reminder of life that he’s still there beside you, but it’s the opposite of anything you could have hoped for. the weight to your right moves around, until it's removed from your bed wholly, and it finally prompts you to raise your head.
he doesn’t answer you, but you can hear him mutter ‘fuck this’ under his breath as he picks his bag up from your floor, fishing for his keys in his uniform pocket.
“rin, hang on a sec—“
he’s already in the hallway before you can stop him, the only option was to get up and follow him out, and that you did. you’re practically tripping down the stairs to catch up to him, too bad he was already out your front door, mounting his bike and letting the engine roar to life once you’d finally done it.
“rindou!!” you attempt to shout over the purr of his exhaust from your front door.
he's already gone, speeding away down your street and right out of your fingertips. it isn’t until he’s too far out of sight to see, to reach, to touch, you put the pieces together and understand his reaction, why he was so eager to leave. 
you fucked up.
rindou doesn’t know whether he’s fuming or he’s hurt, whether he’s disappointed in you or himself, whether he’s even able to blame anyone for this, just to give him a reason to fault anyone but himself.
the sound of cars passing him, or rather him passing them filled his hearing, the city lights of roppongi reflected off of his glasses and into his pupils, he could still smell you on his jacket; you were burned into it, left some sort of mark on it from all the times you’d held onto him while he drove you home. it made him so fucking nauseous.
he can feel his phone vibrating against his thigh, he knows it’s you. he truly considered just tossing his phone over the railing of the highway to get you away from him, out of his head.
it was always fucking ran.
rindou haitani could never hate his brother, despite his occasional admitance to disliking him. they were brothers, that's just how brothers were. 
despite the bumps in the road, or people who didn’t see their relationship for what it was, they were brothers, they always would be.
in spite of that sentiment, rindou couldn’t bring himself to look his older brother in the eye upon arriving home that night. 
when he finally entered the safety of his bedroom, rindou freed his phone from the pocket of his uniform pants he’d yet to change.
his screen was flooded with notifications, the contact name ‘+one’ written on over half of them.
he skimmed through the messages, the quiet clicking sounds from his keyboard filling the room, the messages all consisted of some sort of ‘im sorry’ or ‘i didn't know—‘ he skipped those ones, ‘pls just answer’ there was an abundance of missed calls alongside them. he turned off his phone completely.
was the chip on his shoulder deep enough to be considered a gash yet?
it was always ran.
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kumimi3 · 11 months
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꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
LOVE MISSION ! ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ patient 02 : dimension [tr]! ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 love sloth disease | platonic! status ! ♡♡♡♡♡
information ! :::; LOVE SLOTH DISEASE୨୧ patient 02 loves her brothers dearly, but she’s too lazy to do anything! Cupid Doctor, I think we need a sloth medicine for this one! The Haitani brothers adore their baby sister, let’s find a way to appreciate them!
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Unwilling to do anything, merely being an adorable slug, boredom reached you once again--Like all the time.
Remembering the hand of your oldest brother--Ran Haitani--Brush past your eyes to lull you to sleep, you finally awoke from your slumber, just like the lazy princess you are.
Rindou Haitani prepared you a meal before leaving, albeit somewhat a bad cook, you appreciated the burnt sides of your egg. And you were left all alone, but it's fine!
You were accompanied by the plushies your brothers won you at a carnival once, and at an arcade. A bundle of snacks Ran bought for you, handpicked and deeply thought. Not to mention the available gaming consoles Rindou allowed only you to play when he's not the one playing.
There's a lot they've done for you today, and you've only woken up. It was sweet and thoughtful.
"Don’t wanna think..." Mumbling tiredly, you lay your body on the floor, sprawled like a starfish as you stare at the ceiling.
Upon hearing the door knock, you merely looked at the door and subtly smiled, your heart secretly jumping to the sight of purple strands appearing on the corner of your peripheral vision.
"We're home, Y/n!" Rindou called out, walking inside first as he stretched his arms with a yawn. Ran followed suit, putting his coat on top of a rack before entering with a soft smile upon seeing you.
"What in the world are you doing there on the floor?" Following a chuckle, he sat on the floor close to you and lightly pinched your nose--To which he laughed when you crinkled and huffed.
"Too lazy to stand up..." You muttered, moving closer to lay your head on his lap. Ran adjusted his position for your comfort, playing with your soft hair with his slender fingers.
"You're such a sloth, Y/n." Rindou commented as he came back from the kitchen, sitting on the floor as well. He popped a grape when he saw you opening your mouth, sighing in response.
"Ouch, are you fine with him saying that?" Ran teased with a laugh.
"Eh, what am I supposed to say? It's true." You shrugged, holding Ran's finger now to play with it, the oldest brother occasionally playing with your pudgy soft cheeks.
Lazy, yet your brothers loved you dearly. Arguments and fun fights were all present, but one thing's for certain, and it's their dedication to make your life lovely and easy.
Despite your apathetic attitude, you greatly loved them back, willing to do your best for them, helping them, and joining in their fun too! It's just your laziness that held you back time after time.
Nevertheless, this time... You'll definitely do your best!
"I hope you don't get tired of me..."
The sudden sentence shocked both Ran and Rindou, looking at your stature as you stare at them with your hazy eyes. The words that fell from your mouth broke their heart.
The Haitanis looked younger, it was probably because they’re still in junior highschool, even so, they were mature enough to know what you were saying.
Were you feeling neglected? Did someone hurt you? Did it seem like they don't have time for you? What happened? Tell them!
Whatever came to their mind, they were eager to know your response. Sitting on both side of the couch, Ran looked at you in concern and asked:
"What's wrong?"
You raised your eyebrow at the sudden gloom of atmosphere, did you say something bad? Either way, you answered, beacuse if not, you were sure they would've gotten white hairs from the sudden stress.
"I'm lazy..." You sighed tiredly, "I'm a lazy sloth... Always depending on my big brothers like I don't have two feet... Too cold... 'M like a baby..."
You continued on with your response, unaware of the widening eyes of your brothers, heart breaking into pieces at your ongoing answers.
Ran was more of the adult in your siblingship, making sure his two baby siblings are well protected and love, he was making sure he did a good job in doing so... He was basically the one that raised you, took care of you since the day he was able to carry you like he did with Rindou.
Yes, you are lazy, he knew that, but he loved you regardless. Ran prepared your meals with a smile, he dolled you up with the cutest dresses and fancy makeup with a happy heart, he carries you because he knew you didn't like walking, but he did with contented joy.
Ran willingly heeded to you with happiness.
Rindou was in shock with the words spilling out of your tongue, he was appalled. Who did this to his baby sister??? How dare they make her feel that way! He's readying his knuckles in rage, yet it's hidden through the soft touches he gives to your hand.
Closer to his age, he was able to share humors with you, able to make fun of each other. Rindou was open to boast about himself to you, that he's strong enough to protect you from any bad guys at your school, to the evil monsters in your nightmares.
In faux reluctance, yet he always melts in the end and agrees to follow your orders all the time. Rindou will be willing to carry you piggyback all the time at school, willing to put on your shoes and tie them, buy you food with his own saved up money, be your personal bodyguard, all with a fake scowl that soon melts into a toothy grin upon meeting your soft smile.
Lazy? Tch, what's that got to do with anything!? You're completely perfect! He's fine with it! Please, don't be sad anymore.
"...With my laziness, I think... People are easy to get tired of me--"
Going quiet, your eyes open wide for a second when you see your brothers holding you tightly, Ran softly patted your head in tender touches, trying to take away those thoughts in your head.
Rindou was unexpectedly sullen, holding you tighter than Ran, gritting his teeth when he lowered his head, "D-Don't think of such things..."
It seems your words took a toll on them. It meant that they cared a lot, right? It was... Nice, you hoped it would stay like this forever and ever.
“Thank you so much for everything…” 
Ran and Rindou were stunned at the sudden impact of their little sister hugging the both of them, but it was muscle memory for them to hug you back. 
“W-What do you mean?” Ran was a bit taken aback with your genuine words, tenderly stroking your hair as he looked at you in confusion, but his heart warmed at the gesture.
Gently patting your back, Rindou had the idea to tease you, but this was the longest time you’ve been sentimental with them, they’ve always been the one to go emotional on you, but this was a once in a blue moon.
“Just… Thank you for being my brothers.” 
Now that stopped their heart for a minute, they needed to take a breath from the sudden love. You weren’t one to blurt these words normally, so you hid your reddening face from them.
“I…” Ran was stumbling with his words, overflowing in happiness at the sight of his sister being comfortable enough to say such loving words, he eyed Rindou as well, chuckling to see him unmoving like a statue.
“Well, this is new…” Rindou chuckled, giving a soft smile towards you, “But I ain’t complaining.” 
Hugging both of them tighter, you forced the incoming tears to vanish away, but your voice was giving it away from the clear stutters.  “I’m… J-Just very h-happy to have you both…” Sniffling quickly, you looked up at them and smiled, a beautiful smile that has them reciprocating it as well, eyes twinkling with a gleam of joy.
“Hey, hey… Don’t cry…” Ran, despite his strong demeanor, his eyes were showing a vague glow that blurred his vision because of the tears welling up. He may look blunt, but he really does have beautiful emotions like love.
You see Rindou looking away, but you can tell he too was also hiding his tears, from the way his lips began to tremble, but he smiled nonetheless. 
Under the pale moonlight, inside the quiet home of the Haitanis, they all share a comfortable silence, basking in the warmth of one another.
“I love you both.” 
“We love you more…”
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
LOVE MISSION : ACCOMPLISHED! ૮₍。´ᴖ ˔ ᴖ`。₎ა [ nursie ] : you have done such a great job doctor cupid! You have fulfilled one of the love missions!
Back to the hospital ! <3
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h8ani · 1 year
Updated Rules List
With my new updated list I’m going to be listing all the requests I’ll be accepting, what fandoms I write for and how you should go about requesting them :)
But also if you are an ageless/blank blog or a minor please do not request me, follow me or interact with me as you will be blocked. thank you.
I also write both nsfw & sfw content, I also label it on my writings I post. I don’t shy away from anything really so if you’re unsure just send me a message and I’ll clarify if I do!
Things I’ll write for: yandere, noncon/dubcon, fluff, angst, smut, age gap, stepcest, professor/student, sensei/student, spanking, choking, slapping, torture, abuse, female x male, drug use, use of sex toys, abusive relationships, issues with eating, etc type shit
Things I won’t write for: anal, piss/shit play, boy x boy, girl x girl (I’m not super comfortable in my writing yet to write for same sex couples yet I hope you guys understand!)
Fandoms I write for:
Attack on Titan - Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Erwin Smith, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Porco Galliard
Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Feitan, Shalnark, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Ging, Illumi, Wing, Kite, Pokkle
Naruto - Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Gaara, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Deidara, Sasori, Pain/Yahiko, Iruka Umino, Shino Aburame, Hidan, Kankuro, Sai, Genma Shiranui, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Hayate Gekko
Tokyo Revengers - Takemichi Hanagaki, Manjiro Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Kazutora Hanemiya, Tetta Kisaki, Atsushi Sendo, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Ken Ryuguji, Shinichiro Sano, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Naoto Tachibana, Izana Kurokawa, Inui Seishu
Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Uta, Ayato Kirishima, Nishio Nishiki, Koutarou Amon
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru,
Wind Breaker - Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, Kyotaro Sugashita, Hayato Suo, Mitsuki Kiryuu, Ren Kaji, Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiragi, Choji Tomiyama, Jo Togame, Kota Sako
Haikyuu - Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Daichi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Yu Nishinoya, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Keishin Ukai, Tooru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Tetsuroo Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Kentaro Kyotani, Kotaro Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Eita Semi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yuji Terushima, Naoyasu Kuguri, Shinsuke Kita, Atsumu Miya, Rintaro Suna, Osamu Miya
Fruits Basket - Shigure Sohma, Kyo Sohma, Kureno Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Momiji Sohma
Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Muichiro Tokito, Kyojuro Rengoku, Giyu Tomioka, Tengen Uzui, Obanai Iguro, Muzan Kibutsuji, Doma, Akaza
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Prompt Requests/Writing Requests in general:
I will usually have a link of the prompts to request from, from the original post.
If you’d like to request something I wrote just state what content you’d like and who the character is/member he is
I default by writing in fem! reader pov so please state if you’d like gn! reader
Reaction Requests:
State the type of reaction you’d like (example: reaction of them kissing you mid argument)
For any anime reactions just state the anime, boys you’d like the reaction for
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jov1ii · 1 year
All For You ☆
it's love, it's love that makes the world go round.
lewis carrol
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☆ in which the younger haitani is tired of not knowing the identity of his secret lover who leaves a letter in his locker everyday.
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
☆highschool au
☆a rindou haitani fanfiction
started: 9/8/23
© leeknowbuttsmasher
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ranhaitanisgf · 10 months
For the event may I have fluff hcs of "love at 1st sight" & "fake bf/gf" with Rindou plz? Where reader is trying to escape a creep and asks Rindou to pretend to be her bf. Thanks & congrats on 5k btw!
— rindou haitani // love at first sight // fake boyfriend
[𖤐] haiiii idk how to feel about this tbh. jus kinda cranked this out w/o rlly thinkin abt it, but hopefully you guys will like it anyways. enjoyyyy my lovelies xoxo !
wc ; 1.5k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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❥ you’re unsure as to why you were even doing this in the first place; are you a completely and absolutely broke highschooler? yes. does that mean that you should be doing your pizza delivery job on a bicycle at 11pm in the pitch black of night? probably not, but you needed to be able to afford food this month. you’d been a bit nervous when you realized the part of town that your next delivery address was at, but you sucked up your courage, telling yourself that it would be worth it in the end when you weren’t going hungry until your next paycheck, (it was a small consolation). and so, you hopped on your bike, strapping the pizza in and pedaling to the address. 
❥ the whole ride there, you had a sort of uneasy feeling in your stomach, as if something was going to go terribly wrong, but you tossed the feeling to the side. however, the feeling increased even more when you saw the shady groups of people loitering on the sides of the street, heads turning as you pedaled by, some even yelling out taunts and jeers as you passed. 
❥ but really, how bad would it be? you just had to drop the pizza off and then high-tail it out of there to go and pick up your next delivery order. 
❥ you finally pulled up to the house, checking the number next to the door to make sure you had the right one. pulling the pizza box out of the bag on your bike, you walked up the steps of the house, taking some calming breaths and putting on your customer service smile before you knocked. 
“pizza delivery from piping hot pizza!” 
❥ you heard some clattering and shouts from inside the house before the door whooshed open, the amount of force making the door slam against the wall. you flinched a bit at the loud sound, but recovered, holding out the pizza to the man in front of you. 
“that’ll be $12.50, sir!” 
❥ the man in front of you didn’t respond, instead taking a moment to drag his eyes up and down your figure, a leering smile spreading across his face. you could feel shivers down your spine at the look but chose to ignore it, just wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. 
“how ‘bout i make it $30 and you come and entertain me for a lil’ bit?” 
“um, ahaha…$12.50, sir…”
❥ you could feel adrenaline start pumping as you felt the urge to run to your bike and pedal away as fast as you can, yet the fear kept you frozen in place, mot daring to move an inch from where you were standing lest this man tries to chase after you. 
“daw, c’mon, you’re no fun sweetheart! just come in for a bit and i promise i can give you a good night. think of it as an early break.” 
❥ when you saw the man step forward and start reaching his hand out, your feet unfroze themselves from the ground and threw you down the stairs of his house faster than you could even think. you could hear him curse behind you and start to chase you, so you made the decision to ditch trying to get on your bike and just run until you couldn’t run any longer. he would have to give up eventually, right?
“why’re you runnin’ away?! don’t you wanna entertain me for a bit?!” 
❥ the next decision you made was definitely not one that you were proud of; you ducked into the next alleyway. you’re not even sure why you thought it was a good idea, since all the news stories you would always hear about that ended in murder always happened in alleyways. 
❥ however, you came across quite a strange scene. 
❥ when expecting an empty alleyway, one does not typically expect to see an extremely cute and handsome boy casually beating someone up. 
❥ he stopped to look back at you for a moment, a questioning look on his face as he stared back at you. he looked like he was about to say something, but when you heard the running footsteps behind you getting closer, you surged forward, grabbing his arm and pulling him up. 
“i’m so sorry, but just play along, please??” 
“what the fu-” 
“get back here!”
❥ you’re unsure as to whether or not this boy will actually help you, especially since you literally just found him beating somebody up in an alleyway, but you’re betting all your chances on him because you have absolutely no other choices left. 
❥ the man chasing you stumbled into the alleyway, clearly out of breath from chasing you for so long. unconsciously, you grabbed onto the sleeve of the boy next to you, who merely glanced over at you for a moment before looking back to the man blocking the path. 
“you…you better get the fuck out of here! this is my boyfriend and if you don’t leave, he’ll beat you up!” 
❥ hearing the words coming out of your mouth, you cringed at the cliche-ness of it, but given the urgency of the situation, you were going to give yourself a pass for the strange words, (you were most definitely going to stew over it later). 
❥ you could tell that the man was hesitating a bit, especially after he noticed the passed out person behind the two of you. after a few moments of you all staring at each other, the man suddenly looked a bit sick, seeming as if he recognized the boy next to you, giving a half-assed excuse and hightailing it out of there. 
❥ it wasn’t until you couldn’t hear his steps anymore that you finally relaxed a bit, your heart still pounding from the encounter. hearing an awkward cough from beside you, you took a few steps back from the boy next to you, getting on your knees and putting your forehead to the ground. 
“thank you very much for helping me!! i’m super broke so i don’t have anything to give you, but i can supply you with free pizzas for a month!!” 
❥ after a few moments of silence, you peeked up at him, getting a better look at him now that you weren’t terrified. despite the darkness in the alleyway, his pointed lilac gaze was pinned on you, the expression on his face unreadable as he stared down at you. he had a pair of glasses, though they were currently atop of his head, bits of blue and blond hair framing his face, (even though you were a little bit nervous, you had to admit, he was really cute). 
“...’s fine.” 
“get up. i said it’s fine.” 
❥ you slowly got up, feeling a bit surprised that he was turning down your pizza offer, (sure, it wasn’t the best deal, but free food was free food, right?). now that you got a closer look at him, you noticed that he was now avoiding eye contact with you, fiddling with the hair on the back of his neck. 
“please, let me repay you! you did me a huge solid; i’ll do anything!...as long as it doesn’t involve lots of money.”
“...i said it’s fine. assholes like that should know better than that anyways; roppongi territory is for the haitani brothers, and we don’t tolerate that shit.” 
“the haitani brothers? who are they?”
❥ the two of you stood for a couple moments, a little bit of an awkward silence hanging in the air. you snuck another glance at the boy in front of you, but immediately looked away when you made eye contact with you, feeling a bit more than flustered at how you so loudly declared him as your boyfriend. 
“i thought of a way for you to repay me.” 
“really? what can i do?” 
“just…let me take you out.” 
❥ you froze at the boy’s words, wondering if he was being serious. you stared at him for a few moments, seeing how he was looking to the side and…is that a blush across his cheeks? 
❥ although you had been expecting him to ask you to do some kind of labor job, you were definitely not going to pass up an opportunity to go out with a cute boy!
“well…alright! can i know the name of my savior, then?” 
“ehhh, so you finally managed to get yourself a date, little bro!” rindou grumbled at ran’s jeerings, his arms thrown over his younger brother’s shoulders as he pinched his cheeks. “baby rindou is all grown up now! asking people out and everything!” 
“get off me, jackass. a cute person is a cute person.” rindou grumbled, rolling his eyes. 
“and you’ve asked a person out, hm, let’s do the math here…zero times in your whole life!” 
“they said yes, so who gives a damn?!” 
“i gotta meet this mystery person soon and thank them for cracking open the ice shell of my baby bro!”
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mari-the-bimbo · 3 years
Hi there mari darling<3 so can i request a highschool au where kakucho,izana(im not sure if u write for him but if you dont you can write for someone else) and haitani brothers where they are deeply and madly inlove with a shy and a nerd reader.like no bullying and all just them being in love with her.i love you so much<33
Tenjiku crushing on shy reader (college AU!)
A/N: Hi love! I hope you don’t mind me doing it as college AU! since I usually age the characters up. Enjoy <3
Characters: Izana, Kakucho, Rindou, Ran
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Izana is a man of confidence and assertiveness, yet his heart belonged to someone of the opposite, Y/N, his shy and reserved classmate.
The white haired boy always had a crush on you, even when he wanted to look away, he couldn’t, you were too pretty to look away from.
“Cute” he’d mutter under his breath as he watches you scribble notes that no one else in lecture class was taking.
Although you made Izana’s heart beat fast every time he saw you, he would never shy away from you, in fact he would openly admire you.
“Is this seat taken y/n-chan?” He’d ask ever so smoothly, before taking a seat next to you when you shake your head.
“You’re so smart y/n chan, can you help me study?” he’ll ask immediately after, “sure!” you reply with that damn adorable smile, making him lose his breath.
And as you try to explain your notes to him, you couldn’t help but feel his stare, and when you looked up, you were met with a pretty shade of lilac eyes.
“Izana?” You ask anxiously.
“You’re so pretty” he sighed with his hand on his chin, stuck in a lovesick gaze as he watched you blush.
Kakucho Hitto, everyone on campus knows him as Izana’s best friend. His very cute best friend
Everyone also knows him as the guy who has a crush on y/n 😭
He made it too obvious. The blush that would adorn his face when you’d enter class, Izana continuously nudging him, the way the usually intimidating boy would start blushing and getting defensive whenever anyone asked him about you.
And it all started because you once shyly told him his scar is pretty <3
But even though he would get flustered at your beauty, he’d overcome his shyness and walk you back to your dorm
Well actually it’s because Izana threatened to tell you the truth if he didn’t make a move 💀
“Pretty cold huh?” Kakucho said, looking up at the grey clouds, hoping to initiate some conversation. “Mhm” you agree shyly. Then you suddenly felt a hand brush against your own
“b-body warmth helps.. Izana said” he reasoned, looking away so you don’t see the blush on his face as you smile and hold his much larger hand.
Rindou knew you, his crush for a year now, didn’t think much about him. After all, he didn’t initiate much conversation with you, but that’s because he didn’t know how. What if he came across too rude? Too cold? He wouldn’t want to put a frown on your pretty little face.
That’s why he settled for non verbal ways of courting you.
He randomly sit down next to you in classes, telling whoever was planning to sit next to you to fuck off.
He won’t talk to you or even fully smile at you, usually he’ll place your favourite drink on the desk, muttering “it’s for you” because turning back to his laptop.
Wait how did he know your favourite dri- never mind.
One day, you felt brave and decided to initiate talk, “oh! I like that song too” you say shyly, looking down at his phone. He looks up at you for a second, his lazy eyes taking in your features before he leaned forward and placed an earphone in your ear. Leaving you more flustered than before.
Even your friends were left so confused by him. So they took into into their own hands to ask him before class began, despite your protests. “Hey Rindou! You like y/n or something?”
Rindou, slightly tilted his head before looking you directly in the eyes. “Yes”
Ran likes you.
And I mean A LOT. And it’s about to become everyone on campus’ problem because he’s going to do everything possible to have your attention.
Ran’s crush on you is beyond obvious. No one even feels the need to mention it because they’re so used to seeing him tease you.
Yes, his love language is teasing so you’re in for a damn ride.
Tries to sit next to you in class always. If you happen to be sitting a bit far from him, he’ll stretch his long leg out, wrap it around your chair legs and tug you forward, making you blush in bewilderment when you suddenly find yourself face to face with him
Plays footsies with you under tables!
He likes offering you bike rides back to dorm. “It’s okay Ran, it’s only a 10 min walk” you reason with a shy smile, he leans forward to admire that pretty smile before replying “but pretty people like you shouldn’t walk for 10 mins” with a playful pout.
You laugh softly before joining him on the bike from behind. He audibly hums at the feeling of you wrapping your arms around his waist tightly.
At the traffic light, he leans back so that he’s slightly leaning on you “hey pretty, go out on a date with me in Roppongi soon?” he says with a genuine smile.
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sie-rui · 3 years
Hey. Can I request Mikey and chifiyu and Ran (sperate) with a fem s/o who is still innocent. Like they boys will say something like (Y/N lets make love😈) and she will just do heart sign with her fingers and will wait for them to do the sign back to her too 🥺🥺
❀ LET’S MAKE LOVE | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 sano manjiro, matsuno chifuyu, haitani ran 💿 female reader, second pov (you/your), fluff, innuendo, innocent reader, established relationship, au - highschool, headcanon 📅 june 22, 2021 🔗 masterlist ,, version: 01, 02
the boys trying to tease their lover, you, only to realize just how innocent you are.
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☆ Mikey will think of it one day, just by random. He wanted to say it as a joke, just to see how you react (even if deep down, he actually really wants to do it-).
☆ Will say it when the two of you are alone, lazing around in his room, doing nothing and just enjoying your free time.
☆ He’ll approach you on his bed, dropping on top of, making quick eye contact before nuzzling his face on your neck and even peppering little kisses.
“Hey, babe, let’s make love.”
☆ He looks up to see your reaction only to see you smile and give him a little heart sign with your fingers.
☆ You raise a brow, nudging him a little so he could return your little gesture.
☆ Mikey just ducks down, nuzzling his face back to his earlier spot, wrapping his arms around your back and rolling the two of you around his bed.
☆ He’s blushing red, unbelieving of what he just said and what you had just done, but not wanting you to see it.
“Manjiro, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you doing it back?”
☆ He could literally hear the pout on your lips but Mikey only continues rolling the two of your around, hiding his face on your neck, until the two of you crash on the floor.
☆ Whines about it to Draken. The latter only sighs and rolls his eyes because did Mikey actually expect anything else other than a cute little smile and a tilt of a head from you?
"Ken-chin, I’m gonna try again!" "Don.t"
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☆ Gets dared by Baji to try and do it.
☆ Chifuyu is actually considering it even if he acts a little reluctant. He’s just curious, okay! It’s not like he’s actually going to do it with you. That can wait years later, it’s still too early and he wants to respect your wishes.
☆ He tries to ignore the possibility of you declining and it would be awkward from there on. Even worse if you accept because Chifuyu isn’t sure that he can stop himself.
☆ Looked like he was about to go to war when he sat down next to you in your living room as you were watching a random show on the television.
"Fuyu, what’s wrong?" "Y/n, let's make love."
“Y/n, let’s make love.”
☆ You blink before grinning at him and giving him a heart sign and even winking because you thought that it would make him cheer up again.
☆ Chifuyu just dies right then and there.
☆ He starts groaning in embarrassment, covering his face with his hands and even flinging himself away from you as if you just burned him.
☆ Hits himself because he can’t believe that he even thought about you agreeing-
"Chifuyu?!" "No, no, it's okay. You did great, Y/n, but can you smack me." "What, why?" "And if someone tells you that, smack them as well, okay?"
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☆ Ploots about it for days because he wants to see you embarrassed and flustered over a simple phrase.
☆ He realizes along the way that there’s a possibility it might go over your head because you’re just so frustratingly and adorably innocent but Ran waves it off because of course he did.
☆ Brings it up when the two of you are in public, leaning on Ran’s motorbike as the two of you wait for Rindou outside a konbini.
“Hey, Y/n, let’s make love~”
☆ You’ll blink at the random request before shrugging and giving him a little heart sign with your fingers, leaning away so you can smile at him.
☆ Ran just melts and almost pushes his bike to the side to topple down on the pavement.
☆ He should had expected this but it’s different from expecting and actually seeing it happen. Was this some sort of movie? Why are you so adorable?
"I didn’t mean that." "Huh? What did you mean then?" "I- Nothing."
☆ Returns the heart sign with his own little smile to make you happy again.
☆ Silently laments the fact that you’ll do the same if some creepy ass weirdo tries to say the same thing as he did to you. Guess he now has a reason to keep you away from bad people now.
☆ Rindou exits the store, having heard and seen what happened, and gives Ran a look of pity.
"Don’t you dare say anything."
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koffeekoko · 3 years
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rindou haitani x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: swearing (like once)
a/n: jel's writing this at 4am, not proofread, and no idea if this turned out great or not
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rindou has never thought of dating someone. during highschool when everyone around occupied their mind with a highschool sweetheart, the thought of finding himself one never crossed his mind. watching couples break apart one day and being all over each other again the next isn't comparable to his stable bond with you.
he loved snickering at the couples fighting over petty things while he eats away at the lunch you two share together, often earning himself a light smack from you on his right arm urging him to not make fun of others' problem when it could be him anytime.
"that won't happen, i don't need a partner when i got you." it's the same answer no matter how many times the scenario replayed throught all high school years worth of lunch time.
he doesn't see the point in a relationship that will only ever last longer than a week, a month at most. a significant other for a few months isn't better than a best friend for years, that's why he never made the next step into his relationship with you, even when ran would nag him all day about it.
"all lovey dovey together and you still call her your best friend? you are a coward! if it were me, i'd call her mine already!"
ran would tease him all the time. often adding comments about how someone'd steal you from him anytime if he doesn't make a move soon. it annoyed him to no end when ran understimated what he had with you like that. you may be calling each other best friends, but you shared everything a couple would without feelings attached. he doesn't see the need to put his feelings and yours (if there are any) at stake when everything worked out just fine as is.
dates, late night videocalls, daily messages, cuddles, staying the night over at each other's places, ocassional kisses, you two had the intimacy of a dating couple but never the possesiveness of one. if either of you came along with a lover and wished to put a stop to all of it, the other would do so without complaints.
what is she to you? are you guys dating? why are you two always together? rindou gets asked frequently. the questions never stopped even after entering adulthood.
people would whisper endlessly about how mister rindou always bring the same girl to drinking nights, how is he always with the same one, how he doesn't seem to mind the touches and affections from her when he would snap at any other who so much as brings a finger to his arm. it was confusing to the people around that he would be so loyal to someone he isn't even dating.
ran was the most amused of all. being the witness to how you two came along and grew so close to each other throughout the years was a show that as much as it stressed him out at first, entertains him nowadays. as amusing as it is, he'd like to see how it ends. will it play out into a tragic story of two souls, clearly soulmates, separated by whatever reason life throws at them? a clichè'd fairytale of the right person, wrong time? or a happy ending story with the protagonists ending up together, leading into the start of a new story? as much of an asshole he is, ran hoped for the best for his little brother.
ran sees through what rindou himself doesn't see. no matter how many "i don't have feelings for her. neither does she." rindou throws out, ran sees the feelings burried deep down that the owner doesn't even realize he has. now he can't be so sure in your case, but he's betting on you being the same with the way your lips subconciously form into a smile whenever you watch rindou do anything remotely adorable.
that's why it never came as a surprise when it was announced to him that you two finally started dating.
"see? told you you liked her all these years. how does it feel being together now?" ran asks the younger.
"i had always been with her, it's not any different." he shrugs.
"actually," rindou seem to be reminded of something as a smile slowly forms on his lips, "maybe there is something different." ran tilts his head questioning.
"she doesn't hesitate kissing me now," rindou subconciously rubs his thumb over his lips. to this ran roll his eyes.
"enjoying your taken life now i see."
"very much. i'm thinking of proposing to her, got the ring already." ran would've choked himself if he had been drinking anything, he widens his eyes in disbelief.
as if to show he's serious, rindou takes a small red box out of his dress pants pockets, observing the detailed patterns of the box.
"you're serious," ran choked out.
"'course i am. can't wait to see her in a white dress, she'll look fucking gorgeous." rindou smiles uncontrolably like an idiot.
"you simp."
"you're jealous my girl's the best out there."
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taglist: @my-tasteful-muses (ask/dm to be added!)
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
masterlist (updated 10-09-2022)
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General Headcanons
some general s62 (+kakucho) headcanons for the soul  - What is Ran like outside of gangs? Does Kakucho have a secret hobby? How does Shion fare in the flirting game? All that and more here. 
tenjiku boys doing karaoke - Who would be the best singers? What are some of their song choices?
the haitanis and kakucho - what is their relationship like?
s62′s handwriting - self-explanatory. all-pictures!
s62 and horror movies - who hates them? who likes them too much? who is the asshole who tries to scare people during the movie?
tenjiku at a filipino prom - filipino highschool AU Tenjiku, self-indulgent
stuff the tenjiku boys do - quirks, hobbies, and habits they have. might be overly specific. 
Romantic Headcanons
many fluffy thoughts about ran haitani - capturing ran’s heart is not easy, but i promise the results are rewarding! you’ll be pampered and spoiled for as long as you stay with him.
rindou may break his enemies’ bones but never ur heart  - #2 best boyfriend rindou is dependable, affectionate, excitable, and easy-going. this boy would go the extra mile for you every time.
shion couldn’t beat peh-yan and akkun, but can he beat the worst boyfriend allegations? - shion often forgets important dates and gets himself into dangerous situations trying to impress you, but it’s fun(ny) to date him. he does have his sweet moments
instead of tr 257, think of these kakucho headcanons instead - kakucho would do everything for you. he’s always making sure that you’re comfortable, safe, and happy like the best boyfriend he is
here’s why mucho should be living in your head rent-free - mucho may not be affectionate nor sweet with words, but his love shows in the little things he does for you
in this house, we simp for mocchi. - mocchi is truer to his name around you: soft and sweet. you’re one of the few lucky people to see his tough guy persona dissolve. 
pov: you’re everything izana ever wanted  -  problems come with dating izana, but beneath all the violence and hatred is an innocently sweet boy just trying to navigate this thing called love
tenjiku boys around their crush - who would be smooth, who would be hopeless? what are their chances?
more romantic haitanis - additional romantic headcanons and scenarios of ran and rindou, as asked by an anon. includes crush and partner scenarios.
what they look for in a partner - my headcanons of the Tenjiku boys’ ideal types. includes turn-offs for fun.
the way we kill time -  You're on yet another date with Ran. But you’re new to Roppongi, and you’ve never heard the whispers about the Haitani brothers until yesterday. The new friends you made in the district warned you of their tendency to “fuck and go”, and now you’re not sure what to believe or where your relationship might go. Read on AO3
discussion of ran’s MBTI - points for ESFP Ran and ISTJ Ran 
alignment chart memes - 1, 2
#answered is the tag for all asks! 
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fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
Hello can i request where they get jealous but instead of them being insecure/sad, they’re mad and u have to ask for their forgiveness, like u have to make suyo to them pls tell me u understand this.. With izana, ran and shinichiro and pls make this in highschool or college au. This is my first time requesting so i hope it’s alright..
jealousy, jealousy | Izana, Ran, and Shinichiro
- The boys getting wooed by the reader after being jealous.
genre: 🌸 fluff 🌸 , v slight angst, kind of ooc ig?
warnings: none
A/N: Hi, anon! Thank you so much for requesting (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤. I'm sorry in advanced if this didn't turn out the way you expected it to be since I'm not good at writing the "suyo" stuff huhu. I still hope you enjoy it tho! (And yes, the title is inspired by Olivia Rodrigo's song hehe)
btw "suyo" is a Filipino word similar to wooing or making up to someone
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Izana Kurokawa
Jealousy is a revolting disease, and it’s growing on Izana every second passing by.
He doesn’t appreciate this feeling of inferiority towards other people. Especially when it’s concerning you. But he can’t help it when you’re spending much more time with this block mate of yours. Do they even deserve a minute with you? No.
Even though he’s the Izana Kurokawa, he’s still human. So he has every right to be jealous, right? But it’s not like he’s going to admit it.
However, this doesn’t get unnoticed by you. Your boyfriend has been quite mean and cold towards you for the past few days.
“Izana, do you have something to tell me?” you grabbed his hand while leading him to one of the vacant benches on your campus. “C’mon.”
Izana frowned at you, pushing your hand away. He hasn’t been hiding anything from you, and it’s not like his jealousy is evident and coming off the surface.
He sat crossed legs and looked in the opposite direction. Avoiding your gaze and any possible confrontation towards you.
“Izana.” you poked his shoulder, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No.” He subtly adjusted his seat to create a distance between you two. 
“But...you’re being mean lately.” You seated closer to him.
Izana looked at you with surprise. Has he been cold to you lately? Was he too caught up in his little bubble of jealousy that he didn't notice?
“I’m not.” He tried looking at his shoes as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world.
Knowing that this will go nowhere, you tried to caress his shoulder. “I still have time before class.” You smiled at him, “We can go get coffee together.”
“Why don’t you invite that block mate of yours?” Izana mumbled looking away with a visible pout on his lips.
Then it hit you. So that’s what it's all about.
Your boyfriend rarely shows any signs of jealousy throughout the time you’re dating him. So it made you smile knowing why he’s being a big baby about it.
“You know that I’m only forced to hang out with them since we’re groupmates, right?” You leaned on Izana’s shoulder, “And besides, they haven’t done anything properly to help. If we’re on the same program, I’d rather be grouped with you.”
Izana can’t help but lowkey beam at your statement. With red ears, he faced you. “Americano.”
You smiled with the response from your boyfriend, although still quite confused. “Huh?”
“Let’s get our coffee. I want an Americano.” Izana stood up and grabbed your hand.
“Alright.” You smiled at him while you clutched his hand.
Maybe you, an assurance, and a cup of coffee were all he needed.
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Ran Haitani
Insecurity is not in Ran Haitani’s vocabulary. He loathes it since insecurity is rather loud and reflecting towards one’s personality.
How can he be insecure when he has everything? Roppongi, Rindou, and you.
You’re beautiful, smart, kind yet tough, and strong. Something that unfortunately not the one that he only sees, but your lowerclassmen and other block mates as well. So it was no doubt that you’re always surrounded by them.
Thus, rather than being jealous, Ran was more possessive of you. After all, he ought not to share you with anyone.
But being constantly busy with your college organization, surrounded by those scum - as what he would like to call them - and not being able to do anything about it, pains him. It’s not like he could just go walk up to you in class and kiss you. He wants you to see him as an understanding boyfriend.
With a scowl etched upon his usual lazy face, Ran sat on one of the couches in the campus halls as he waited for you.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” You sat on the couch as you faced your boyfriend. “It was quite a hectic day in planning for the program.”
Ran smirked at you, “Hehhh, I didn’t know you can plan with gremlins.”
You raised your brow at your boyfriend. “What?”
“What?” Ran stared at you with his lazy eyes, “They look like gremlins to me.”
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend. “Ran, they’re my block mates. You can’t just call them that.”
He stretched his arms as he wrapped the other at your shoulder. “I can call whoever I want them to be, Y/N.” 
You squint your eyes at your boyfriend. Sure, he was mean and arrogant to other people, but he never once insulted anyone close to you or spent your time with.
“Ran, are you perhaps...jealous?" you teased your boyfriend.
“Baby, I’m anything but that.” He smiled with a proud look on his face.
You looked at him innocently “So, it’s okay for me to spend overtime in the org?”
Ran rolled his eyes. “You can do what you want, Y/N. I’ll just come with you.”
You laughed. Knowing that Ran will just keep up with his passive-aggressive attitude and teasing facade, you bring up your hands to his hair as you loosened his braids.
Ran looked at you wide-eyed. “What are you doing?”
“French braids for my baby.” You smiled at him.
Ran closed his eyes as you were doing his hair. Feeling proud and content that he’s the only one who can have and own your hairstyles.
“You’re not going to spend much more time there, right?” He can’t help but ask out of curiosity.
“Of course not.” You smiled as you sectioned his hair.
Ran smirked. Those gremlins could never.
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Shinichiro Sano
After turning him down 20 times, you finally agreed on going out with him. Which turns out to be the luckiest day he ever had and one of the best decisions you have made so far. You can’t even comprehend why you had to turn him down because of your academics.
Dating Shinichiro felt like your life was at peace. You felt protected and loved all the time. Even though your life’s in shambles because of college, he always tells you how you’ll get through it at the end of the day.   
However, you noticed that your boyfriend was sulking these past few days. His constant head pats weren’t there anymore, and there’s always this cloud of thoughts that got him staring into space.
Do you find him boring? Are you going to replace him? Did you finally realize that you’re way out of his league? 
Shinichiro felt like his mind’s about to burst from this overthinking. But he can’t help it if there are at least two people confessing their likeness and fondness towards you almost every day. He can’t help but feel jealous and worried about the possibility that you might find others better than him. 
Maybe it’s just his insecurities dawning on him.
Shinichiro felt the cigarette touch in between his lips. Getting the lighter at the back of his pocket, he was surprised when someone lit up his cigarettes.
“Thought I’d found you here.” You smiled at him as you leaned into the wall of one of the smoking areas outside your campus.
“Y/N, I thought you had classes?” He looked at you surprised. Puffing the jealousy out of the smoke as he sees you.
“The professor’s out.” You looked at him worriedly as he had another faraway look in his eyes. “Shin-san, are you okay?”
Shinichiro looked at you, his eyes trailing down at a piece of paper you were holding.
“Oh, just another love letter.” You smiled as you crumpled it. “It’s full of incorrect grammar by the way.” You laughed while scratching your head.
Shinichiro sighed. “Why did you even settle with me, Y/N?”
“What do you mean?” You looked at him with anxiousness.
“You have a lot of people confessing to you, why me?” Shinichiro threw away his cigarette as he waited for your answer.
So this is the one that has been intruding in his mind recently?
You hugged Shinichiro which caught him off guard. Nuzzling your face into his neck, you peppered his cheeks with kisses, making the man blush.
“I’m sorry if I hadn't said yes sooner.” You caressed his cheeks. “And I’m sorry for making you feel this way. They already know I have you, and to be honest, it’s just really annoying. Yet, they won’t stop”
He looked away. Trying to hide his beat red face. “Do you want me to…”
“No Shinichiro. You can’t beat them up, you’ll get expelled.” You laughed at your boyfriend as you continued to hug him tightly. 
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” You smiled at him.
“Like, right now?” Shinichiro asked with delight.
“If you’re free, then let’s go.” You grabbed his hand, leading him the way.
Shinichiro smiled. With just a few words, you were able to ease his worries and insecurities away.
Perhaps he was jealous of nothing.
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bakidose · 3 years
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alternate title: tr men and random headcanons i have abt some of them
characters included: ran haitani / sanzu haruchiyo / hanma shuji / manjiro sano / baji keisuke / takemichi hanagaki
warnings: a bit suggestive / mostly sfw tho / crack cocaine for sanzu / humour / gn! reader / ooc maybe?? idk thats up to u to decide lol
a/n: these were the only characters i could think of hcs for off the top of my head shhh. n e ways weewoo my first official contribution to the tr fandom, enjoy :p
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he's the type to fake bang you.
doesn't matter where you are, who you're with or what you're doing– the moment he sees you bent down, hes getting all up behind you and thrusting full force 💀
you've had to start kneeling and squatting down to reach for things instead after one incident. living in fear everyday that hanma may one day pull a bluff on your poor, vulnerable ass right in front of your friends and family 😟
"shuji PLEASE im trying to take this dish out of the oven"
"hm? sorry~. i cant help myself when you're all bent down like that just for me ♡ "
you burned your fingers and almost dropped your lasagna all over the floor
all he did in apology was pat your ass and said "it looks good babe 😘"
you still dont know whether he was talking about your ass– or the lasagna
probably both.
he makes deez nuts jokes along with his brother rindou LMAO
thinks they're sooo fuckin funny. oh? your legs are broken? lol deez nuts are next 🤣
and whats worse is that rin backs him up too with a shit eating grin, both giggling like lil kids who just made a joke about poo
has never actually fallen for it whenever someone tries though
and even if it were to happen, you wouldnt know.
given the way he just stands there like 🕺 right after he finishes you off with his baton for humiliating him like that in broad daylight
rin: "🙄 cant believe you fell"
ran: "i didnt fa-"
rin: "for deez nuts."
ran: 😃
not only did he fall for deez nuts twice on that day, but he smacked a hoe with his baton twice too
hurt his ego knowing rindou pulled it on him without missing a beat
if you ever asked, it never happened <3
ACTUALLY served crack before he served his country.
has definitely snorted cocaine off your ass crack to make things more exciting
though one time, you caught him snorting sugar off the kitchen counter. having temporarily taken away his coke stash after he kept waking up next to you high as hell
a credit card, 10,000¥ bill and nose all lined up to take another hit
"what are you doing?? you know you cant-"
"its not."
"huh? the hell you mean its 'not' 🤨"
"its sugar, princess. here~ try it"
"no thanks-"
told you to shut up as he scooped some up with his finger n stuck them in your mouth anyway
it was sugar.
he was snorting glucose up his nostrils.
you still think he mightve done it just to spite you since youre so worried about his health
you gave him back his shit after that
so it was either him high off the rocks or...yeah <3 he was definitely in a silly goofy mood that day
manz is actually deranged 🚹 middle child behavior if ive ever seen it
never make a 'your mom' joke at this guy.
the first n last time some sleezy highschool kid tried to do it to a pre-k baji, they limped outta there the next day looking like they got mauled by several street cats
just never- dont. dont even utter a word about his mom unless youve been feeling alive'nt recently
you can talk smack about baji but never about his momma :<
ranted to peke j about it that night as he was falling asleep
"and i pummeled that asshole! right in his ugly ass mug 😤"
peke j: mrow
"no one!... can talk shit about my mom like that...*snores*"
peke j: mrow
still orders the McDonald's happy meal even as an adult
does NOT eat the apple slices :<
he's also another person who enjoys pulling deez nuts jokes on unsuspecting victims...or at least used to ://
*is busy munching on dorayaki*
"hey you know suna?"
"whos that? 😐"
"suna or later deez nuts gonna be in ya' mouth"
k.o'ed on sight. absolutely hates deez nuts jokes now after he fell for one.
draken laughs everytime he recalls it, and mikey refuses to answer any random questions since then
asked chifuyu one time after he did the devils tango with hina on their wedding night
if it was gay to think of another man during it.
"hey so i was wondering... is it gay to think of mikey while i was having sex with hina?"
"huhhh 😕 takemitchy, man i– i mean..bros before hoes right? 😄"
"yeah!! youre right!"
both sat there in silence after
then hakkai walked in, holding his phone that still had mitsuya's now updated side profile picture as his lockscreen
takemichi cried that night 👍🏼
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taglist: @katsukichu
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© bakidose 2021 — all rights reserved. do not modify, claim, distribute, or steal my work.
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cottonkendi · 3 years
I'll Still Love You
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Haitani Ran x f!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Genre: Established relationship, Fluff
Warning: Kinda spoilers? Cursed words
Synopsis: A very distressed Ran.
a/n: I'm having way too much fun with the Kakucho incident and Ran :(( also, this is in the same timeline as 'Let's Break Up' but this is a few years after and you really don't have to know what happens in LBU. (I didn't think that I liked Ran this much until I started writing for him :(( )
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“It’s an emergency! Come quick!”
Those were the only words that Ran shouted at you through the phone before hanging up.
Honestly, if you had only trusted your instincts and ignored your boyfriend’s very distressed and urgent sounding call, then you wouldn’t be standing in your bathroom right now.
A pair of scissors and a razor in hand.
With a pale looking Ran with his baton stuck to his hair.
He can barely look himself in the mirror, eyes almost tearing up whenever he catches a glimpse of his baton that’s unfortunately superglued to his long and thick hair. You almost wince when he tries to pull on the stick once more, a whimper of pain leaving his lips a few seconds after gently tugging on his weapon.
Turning to you, he almost collapses onto your arms, a whine leaving his lips when you pushed him away, afraid that you’d accidentally stab him with the scissors on your hand.
“What am I going to do?! There’s a meeting later at 5 and we have a date by 7! I can’t go around with my baton glued to my hair!” He wails, hands a little sweaty as he grasps your arm. You can only roll your eyes, already having had enough of this conversation after he had repeatedly told you the exact same words earlier.
You cross your arms, careful to not hurt yourself with the very sharp razor and scissors. “I already told you. I’ll cut your hair real nice, I took some classes back in highschool.”
He tries to shake his head, giving you puppy eyes but you know that this is the only option for him right now.
It’s just turning 4pm and you know that there’s no way you can salvage the locks that have been superglued to his baton, courtesy of a very pissed off Rindou.
Besides, you’ve already been thinking of a short haired Ran for awhile now, the curiosity fueling you to search up a few short hair styles a few days ago after imagining your boyfriend with shorter hair. So, you don’t really see this as a loss to you. Though Ran thinks otherwise as he almost falls to the floor of the bathroom, hands clutching his dyed locks as he dramatically wails by your feet, shaking his head side to side to show you just how much he hates the idea of cutting his hair.
“No no no no no no no!! I won’t let you cut my hair! Never! No! You’ll just have to help me untangle all of it!” He glares up at you, violet eyes side-eyeing the tools that you’re holding, teeth gritted as he slowly starts to meticulously try to remove his hair from the superglued baton. But alas, none of his hair is getting any less tangled, not when the whole length of the baton is covered with superglue. He can barely remove a strand without wincing in pain.
Ever so gently, you crouch down in front of him, setting your ‘weapons’ beside you as you cup his heated cheeks. The way he looks at you with genuine tears makes you feel bad for how you’ve been pressuring him to let you cut his hair for at least 20 minutes now.
“Ran, darling, I really think that we need to cut your hair. I’m not making fun of you anymore, please. We won’t make it in time for the meeting nor the date if we just sit here on the bathroom floor and try to remove your hair, strand by strand, from your baton.” You say, voice as gentle as can be as you stare at his teary violet eyes.
Your thumb gently caresses his cheeks, heart breaking when a tear slips from his eyes as he also stares at you.
He doesn’t reply to your words, just continuing to stare at you, but the way his tears are starting to accumulate and fall down his cheeks is making you panic and very concerned. Not sure if you’ve unknowingly pushed him past his limits.
“Darling... why won’t you tell me why you don’t want to cut your hair so much? I’ll try to understand, I won’t judge you. Just tell me, okay?” Ever so gently, you move your hand to his hair, tenderly carding your fingers through the locks that aren’t connected to his baton, occasionally running your fingers on his scalp.
The action makes Ran shudder as he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as he finally lets the words out.
“What if you won’t like me anymore?”
His words stuns you. Not entirely believing what he had just said.
It doesn’t sound like something he’d say, not when he’s cocky all year round, 24/7 without any break. Usually, you’re the one who starts these kinds of conversations. But here you are now, sitting on the bathroom floor with Ran right in front of you, tears streaming down his cheeks even with his eyes shut tight.
“What if I look weird with my hair short and you break up with me? I know that I’m always so fucking cocky and I’m an annoying piece of shit almost all of the time but I don’t want you to leave me.” His voice trembles, hand gripping onto the hem of your shirt as he finally starts to flutter his eyes open, tears stuck on his lashes.
Your heart is about to break from his unexpected words, totally not ready for this to happen to you today. But you don’t have time to panic internally, not when your boyfriend is doubting himself and your love for him.
“Darling, Baby, Ran.” You coo, thumb brushing away the tears on his cheeks as you wait for him to look you in the eye.
It takes him a few more seconds before he finally does so, his beautiful eyes capturing yours as you offer him a small smile. “Why would I ever leave you just because you cut your hair short? Do you really think I only love you for your looks?” Nuzzling his cheek, you press a kiss on his wet cheek then moving to the corner of his lips, giving it a light peck before leaning back to look him in the eye once more.
“I don’t care about your hair, okay? I know I said that I love your hair long, that I like playing with it, but I love you more than your hair, okay? With long or short hair. With or without hair. I’ll still love you. I’ll still love you, Ran, remember that, okay?”
Gently nodding at your words, you smile.
In a split second, you kiss him on the lips, hoping that this will seal your words to his heart and mind, and that he won’t have to doubt himself nor your love for him anymore.
You don’t like seeing your beloved boyfriend so lost and uncertain.
“I’ll still love you even if you did close Kakucho’s eyes.”
A whine leaves Ran’s mouth at your teasing. “You just ruined the moment!”
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you nuzzle his cheek, a laugh escaping you as you feel the pout on his lips. “I’m sorry~ but I’m still not over it... I keep thinking about what would happen if we were married then.”
Pulling yourself out of the hug, you look at Ran as he does the same to you.
“I would’ve filed a divorce and taken the kids with me. Rindou too.”
Ran’s facial expression quickly changes from the solemn look to an irritated one. “Rindou’s my fucking brother!”
“He wouldn’t have wanted to stay as your brother after what you did.”
“Just cut my hair and get it over with!” He huffs, standing up and sitting himself on the chair in front of the mirror. Arms crossed in front of his chest as he glares at you through the mirror. “And don’t you dare say a word about Kakucho nor Rindou.”
With a salute, you take the scissors and razor, already having a certain hairstyle in mind as you start snipping away.
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Your heels clack on the tiled floor, red tinted lips forming a subtle smile as you walk to the meeting room, your arm intertwined with Ran’s who’s also radiating the same confidence you have. Your matching suits catch the eye of the subordinates as you finally make it to the meeting room where the other executives are waiting.
Ran removes his arm from yours and moves it around your waist, hand squeezing your hip for a split second before opening the door.
Both of you bask in the shocked looks that your fellow executives are giving as they eye Ran and his new haircut, the subtle smile on your lips turning into a smirk when you see Rindou abruptly stand from his seat, eyes blown wide as he eyes his brother and the hairstyle that you gave him.
“Sorry we’re late. Just ran into some issues.” You say before taking a seat next to Mikey who only eyes the lack of length on Ran’s locks.
Leaning closer to you, the boss lets out a chuckle before whispering. “Mind giving me a haircut too?”
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all rights reserved © armycandy10, 2021. do not copy or repost any of my works! likes/reblogs/feedbacks are very appreciated~
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red-letter-imagines · 3 years
thoughts on simp! rindou 🤔🤔
Oh geez 😂 Simp Rindou is the most confusing simp ever.
Since it's known among the fandom as a tsun tsun, we'll go with that. Before you even entered a relationship with him, he'd been keeping a close eye on you, to a point of being just a teeny bit creepy.
You're the only reason Rindou goes to school in the first place (other than the occasional interesting biology topic), and he follows your school schedule instead of his (all the better for him if you're classmates, but if you're either a kohai or senpai, he'll do that).
If you're a school athlete, he comes to all your games, front row, but dead-faced as if he wasn't grinning at every play you make. Glares at opposing crowds too.
Despite all these things, he never talks to you. There's nothing he wants more than to get close to you, but he can't get past the embarrassment and pride, so he chooses to act aloof.
The only reason he ever got a word with you was Ran. The older Haitani had enough of his brother's pathetic pining, being dragged to events and shows that have everything to do with you, but nothing with them. And so, Haitani Ran approached you with all the finesse of a highschool delinquent.
Unsurprisingly, you were nervous. Their reputation reached far and wide, even more so when they got out of jail. Plus, the younger Haitani's gestures did not escape you at all. The first few times, you were genuinely terrified that you'd done something to catch Rindou's attention, but the longer it went on, the less intimidating he became.
In fact, you began to appreciate being the center of his attention. Haitani Rindou is a powerful dude, and definitely easy on the eyes to boot. It almost felt like having a guard dog.
Thus, when Ran mentioned Rindou's name to explain why he wanted to talk, you relaxed. Ran was actually pretty chill, and the conversation flowed quite smoothly, until a furious Rindou literally tackled his braided brother to the ground.
But by then, Ran already explained his brother's admiration for you, and everything made sense suddenly. Yet you couldn't get a word in, for Rindou won't stop snarling and attacking his Ran long enough for you to intervene. So you just stood there, giggling to yourself.
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lssugaluv · 2 years
Masterlist <3 シ
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Hello! Welcome to my masterlist. 
Current work(s):
• My status: currently stuck on working on “My First” for Atsumu. And also, working on some new things!. Will be back soon ☺️
• What They Do To Stay Up To Wait For You To Get Home. (Haikyuu)
• Running Late (Haikyuu)
Topics I focus writing about?
• Romance • Fluff • Highschool romance • Adult romance • Sm*t • Angst • Drama
Which anime do you focus on the most?
• I like to write mostly on Haikyuu & Tokyo Revenger characters.
(Other suggestions are welcomed!)
Here are what each emoji mean:
🌙 = headcanons , ✨ = one shots , ⚡️ = series , ☁️ = fluff/romance
�� = smut , 💥 = angst  , 🫧 = imagines
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🌙 - Having the HQ Boys Forcing You Out of Bed. ☁️
Characters: Iwazumi, Kuroo, Akaashi, & Suga. 
🌙 - What the HQ Boys Will Do For You For Mothers Day.  ☁️
Characters: Suga, Asahi, Kuroo, & Akaashi. 
🌙- In Your New Relationship With...(Part 1).  ☁️
Characters: Okiawa, Kenma, Tsukishima, & Ushijima.
🌙 - In Your New Relationship with.. -pt2 ☁️
Characters: Kageyama, Nishinoya, Bokuto, Kuroo, & Daichi. 
🌙 - Happy Fathers Day ☁️
Characters: Atsumu, Ushijima, Kuroo, Sakusa, & Daichi. 
🫧 -  “Morning Breakfast.”  ☁️
🌙-  Things they do when the HQ Boys Take You Out for Breakfast.  ☁️
Characters: Suga, Hinata, Sakusa, Atsumu, Ushijima, & Asahi. 
🌙-  HQ boys when you surprise them with their kids wearing their jersey.  ☁️
Characters: Bokuto, Kageyama, Ushijima, Atsumu, & Sakusa. 
 🌙  -  His Favorite Sleeping Postition with you is...  ☁️
Characters: Ushijima, Atsumu, Iwazumi, Sakusa, Suna, & Bokuto. 
🌙- The Way He Asks You To Marry Him ☁️
Characters: Suna, Kuroo, Sugawara, Ushijima, & Atsumu.
🌙 - Things They Gift You For Valentine’s Day ☁️
Characters: Kuroo, Suna, Kageyama & Sakusa.
🌙 - Q & A with the MSBY Jackals 🌊
Character: Sakusa, Hinata, Bokuto, & Atsumu.
🫧 - Running Late 🌊
Character(s): Atsumu, Kuroo, Ushijima, Tsukishima, Kita, Daichi, Suna, Terushima, Iwazumi, & Oikawa.
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✨- I Missed You. 💥☁️
Character: Kuroo Tetsuro. 
✨- ”In The Rain, We Meet Again.”  💥☁️
Character: Kuroo Tetsuro. 
✨-  ”Marry Me.”  ☁️
Character: Bokuto Koutarou. 
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⚡️-  My First. 
Character: Atsumu Miya. 
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Tokyo Revengers:
✨- Drunkenly in Love With You. 🌊
Character: Draken Ryuguji. 
🌙-  Getting Your Toes Done. ☁️
Characters: Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Kazutora. 
🌙 - No Nut November Challenge 🌊
Characters: Ran, Mikey, Koko, Sanzu, Rindou, & Kakucho. 
🌙 - Q & A with Tokyo Revengers Men 🌊
Characters: Draken, Baji, Rindou, Hanma, Kakucho, & Kazutora.
✨- Ran x Fem Reader /mdni-18 🌊
Character: Haitani Ran
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How your instagram would look like if dating... (Tokyo Revenger characters.)
Bonten edition: 
Ran Haitani insta.
Kokonoi Haijime’s Insta. 
Mikey’s insta.
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