#Арлтан Анджаев
loki-the-true-king · 7 years
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Congratulations to Arltan Andzhaev who played the Black Vampire in Moscow Production. He will play in Viennese production, too!
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missaligrace · 7 years
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Teach me how to say goodbye :’(
Fourth and final show for me in Moscow. And of course I loved it. This production is so consistently good. Everything about it is lush and amazing. I’ll never get over the sets, the lighting, the costumes, the makeup, the flawlessness of the stage direction. (Also I’m sure people disagree with me here but I have seen a LOT of theater and this has been one of the best-looking and most lush shows I’ve ever seen.)
Also Ivan must have taken drugs or maybe had just a cup of coffee beforehand because a miracle of miracles happened!! He actually seemed to care! He didn’t just shuffle around the stage looking mean. He had inflection in his voice. He interacted with the cast. Like during Sink mit Mir, he approached Alfred quickly with a hand outstretched, but Alfred shook his head and looked terrified, and Ivan immediately softened his approach and the look on his face, like he was actually reading what the other cast members were doing. He was in super good voice and had some really amazing notes that he actually put work into. I am so proud of him. The bar is set so low for you Ivan that I’m so impressed when you even try. :’) Good job my beautiful tall lad. If you didn’t look so freaking good onstage I’d say it was time for you to move on (which he will be doing this summer).
Also I didn’t really care for Irena. She played a very sexual Sarah, and while maybe some people like it, I found myself not caring for the interpretation. She took the easy way out of a lot of notes. A few were really amazing and powerhouse, but overall it kind of felt lazy to me. Maybe it was just an off night? She was just quiet and sexual, and while Tanz is obviously about Sarah’s sexual awakening blah blah blah, it’s flat and boring just to make her a sexy girl the whole time and moan into her sponge and whisper all her lines to Alfred. Oh well.
I think people have already talked about Roman as Herbert? He was significantly less flamboyant than anyone I’ve seen. Maybe he was trying to do the Robert D Marx route and make Herbert more threatening and less of a purely comedic role. I think Marx got that down, but maybe Roman needs some work. At least Marx still managed to incorporate some humor while still being a more threatening Herbert. I’ll have to watch some clips of Roman to see if my opinion of him might change with other performances.
ARLTAN. Oh Arltan. I will kidnap you and make you be my sexy dance slave forever. You will dance to Carpe Noctem on our wedding night. And our prenup will say that you are never allowed to cut your hair or wear anything other than leather pants.
This production is SO solid. Even though I’m nitpicking, overall it’s one of the best productions I’ve ever seen of anything. I’ve heard rumors that the Vienna revival is going to be bringing over some Russian cast members, and if so, I will sell my soul to be in Vienna this winter. PLEASE Rostik and Alexander. No Ivan. He’s tired and he already did a good run in Berlin. And PLEASE no Mark in Vienna. Please please please.
Goodbye Бал Вампиров. You have amazed me beyond words. You deserve all the attention and applause and much more.
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missaligrace · 7 years
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Forgive me Rostislav. Forgive me for not realizing your true potential and for scoffing when I saw your name listed to play the Graf today. I’m sorry and you proved me so so so wrong and I’m so glad.
AMAZING. I just can’t believe how good his voice was. It is seriously the perfect Graf voice. It’s deep and rich but also able to be light and float. Sometimes I think singers who play the Graf (like SB) have voices that are just too heavy and can’t really demonstrate flexibility for the songs that require it. But Rostislav had the perfect blend and I was so so so so impressed. Ugh it was amazing.
I was hoping for Ivan again, just so I wouldn’t have to see Fyodor and because Ivan is just so tall and looks so freaking good onstage. I only wanted him for The Aesthetic. But Rostislav was the best out of all three and I would happily see him again and again and again.
Everyone else seemed really on top of it, too. Arltan was AMAZING AGAIN and I felt like Carpe Noctem lasted half a second. Kirill was funnier tonight too and had a few really memorable moments. Like during the Tanszaal when Krolock tells him to go to the side with the rest, Kirill blew him a kiss and it was amazing. And everyone loved him of course.
It went by so fast and it was so good and I’m going to do everything I can to see it one more time before I leave.
Speaking of which, does anyone have any soundboards with Rostislav ask Krolock? I need it please please please.
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missaligrace · 7 years
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Round two has ended with mixed feelings. Probably because I went with someone who wasn’t interested and was sitting by loud drunk girls who wouldn’t get off their phones ughhhhhh and loud people who kept talking. Also the audience sucked and the best jokes got like a little chuckle. People hardly clapped and then started leaving as soon as curtain call came. Monsters
Also I’d never seen any vids of Fyodor and I was excited to see someone new but his voice just sounded so tired. And his acting was kind of forgettable to me. Not bad but nothing that made me go wowwwww!! Even though I have problems with Ivan at least he keeps it somewhat interesting. (To me at least.)
And Rostislav was definitely not my favorite Abronsius. His over acting is a lot better suited toward Herbert in my opinion. Kirill was good and I know he has a lot of fans but Rostislav was honestly funnier to me as Herbert. He had a lot more memorable moments.
BUT I will say that Arltan (what’s the English spelling??) did the BEST Carpe Noctem dance I’ve ever ever seen. Holy cow was it good. I could watch that over and over again. My jaw literally dropped when he started dancing.
Let’s hope round three in a couple weeks picks up a little bit.
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