do-kontsa · 3 months
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Rostik, the man.
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strwpup · 8 months
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syngigeim · 12 days
Day 11 - Surrogate
Rostik always happily exhaled as he came home from school. No one could bother him now, and he could have a few hours to himself until his mother arrived. He retreated to his room, and started on his homework. First social studies, his least favorite, then language, then math, then science which is his favorite even if... He set to work.
It was about the fifth hour that he heard the doorkey unlatch and his mom return from her school. “Rostik! I’m home!” Cleisiene shouted out.
“Mom!” He shouted back, and poked his head out of his bedroom. “Welcome back!”
“How was school today?”
He frowned.
“Oh, a bad day, wasn’t it? I think we have a frozen pizza we could have today.”
He gave a nod at that. He went back to his room, picked up a few of his books, and spread them out on the living room floor. “Can you turn on the radio?” Cleisiene called out. He nodded and turned it on. An orchestra sounded out. He nodded. It’d be an hour before she’d ask for the evening news. Back to work and finishing out these lessons on science.
Cleisinene sat in her usual chair, with a folder of papers in her hand. “Oven’s preheating now,” She said to him. He nodded at her. “Do you want to talk about it today?”
“We’re learning about the-” Rostik glanced down at his textbook. “The cardiovascular system today. About heart and blood.”
“Oh,” she said, a look of recognition in her eyes.
“It was about what you’d expect. Saying I didn’t have a heart, that I’m all fur and savagery. Teacher didn’t care either.” He sighed. He hated when the teasing happened in his favorite class.
“Oh honey… do you want a hug?”
He thought for a moment. He really wanted to finish this homework quick so he could read but… tears were brimming his eyes. “A little.”
“Come here,” Cleisinene said, spreading her arms out. Rostik trudged over and let himself be hugged. It was still nice, feeling her hand run across the side of his head, his fur lightly ruffled. She took her other hand and placed it against his chest. “I can feel your heart. Despite the wounds you suffer, it’s strong and steady.” She pulled him closer and laid her head against top of his head. “I wish you didn’t have to suffer so.”
He wished they could move anywhere else than this cold, fridged land with it’s mean cruel people. He didn’t say that though. He finally decided to hug her back, simply saying, “I know.”
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femininelookingmale · 3 months
Hey did you reblog that Beatles post because your boyfriend looks like all the Beatles members at the same time
Hey did you leave this ask because you get no bitches and look like Tom Holland if he was bald
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emeraldskulblaka · 2 years
Obsessed with how most people watch the rock operas and end up like ~Evgeny Egorov 😍~ or ~Rostislav Kolpakov 😍~ or show interest in the shows because of popular actors' involvement or Sauron's look or whatever, meanwhile I'm here like
Okay but Maxim Rakovsky though
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warthoong · 2 years
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he's such a mood
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abyssal-soul · 5 months
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Finally hrothgar is playable 👍👍👍
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techramonic · 3 months
what do you think abt vlad's obsession or infatuation on lisa panchenko?
Hey. Thanks for the good question! This is a very interesting topic to talk about.
While Vlad may have harbored some feelings for her, I don't believe that it exceeded more than just an infatuation. I wouldn't count it as an obsession, more rather the obsession for an interaction.
He may have liked her in a sense, but it seemed more like he just needed someone to physically talk to or find an accomplice to execute kerch with. Reportedly, he started talking to her 3 weeks before the shooting after meeting her at a bustop. He asked if she get out of "Pionerskaya" and when asked when he was stalking he admitted, stating, "Even more, I remember what you was wearing. That's how I found you among 1709 people." From there, we could see that he was forward and dead-set on who he wanted to talk to.
This was different because Vlad was rather withdrawn and barely communicated with his peers outside of school. It was said that he was even popular with the girls but never really bothered to approach any. In one of the vk conversations he had with one of his peers, Rostik, he even mentioned that he was disinterested over a girl who had said that she liked him.
Vlad's following conversation with Lisa shows his hesitancy in pursuing her because they have a difference in interests. The conversation regarding their interests died out for a while as it digressed to Lisa trying to theorize who he was because she didn't want to play their "guessing game" anymore. Vlad initially had messaged her anonymously.
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Soon after, she figured out who he was after he admitted that he was "a bad actor" and apparently was smilling because he wanted to get to know her.
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After of which he then brought up the topic of interests again and admitted that his interests challenged him from forming meaningful connections with others. This was a reference to his tendancy to like violent media. He then went on to describe to her his nihilistic ideology, his "complete indifference and contempt to the world".
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Perhaps he was testing out the waters. He wanted to know if Lisa was another passerby in his life that would leave easier than she entered. I do think that he wanted to feel 'normal' in the sense of having someone to finally confide with his interests in a way it was more tangible, since he's mostly only been vocal about his engrossments with either strangers online who did not know who he was or people in his class, which he used as a tactic to further isolate himself away from them by allowing them to perceive him as 'weird' or 'unsettling'.
However, to his surprise, they found a common ground, which was shooting. For the next consecutive days, he had finally met her at a nearby park and frequently asked her out to either walk with him, bring her to a shooting range, or ride the bus together which the two did rather frequently.
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According to BAZA, a Russian news outlet, an investigator commented that Vlad would often meet with her to take her to a shooting range or a place where they could practice the use of his newly purchased gun. Though not telling her explicitly about his plans to execute a massacre at Kerch, he tried his best to immerse her more with his interests, wanting her to understand him better.
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Lastly, just a few moments before the shooting, he said that he wanted to meet her by the hallways at Kerch. This is why I speculate that one of his motives was to find a partner to execute the massacre with. I think he didn't want to do it alone, but he ultimately chose a different course and told her to meet him at building #5 instead, which he obviously did not show up to because he was busy committing the massacre instead.
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With the information given, I can say that him having feelings for her is not out of the equation. Maybe not as romantic, but he cared and wasn't indifferent. As Lisa said, "But you texted me. Means you are not indefferent." If he was, he wouldn't have changed his mind and would've persuaded or insisted to follow through with the plan of partnernership, one way or another. The fact that he sent her to a different location that was purposefully far from the vicinity of where he'd commit the crime is enough to say that he didn't want to ruin her life the way he ruined his.
So what I can say, maybe he did like her but not truly out of the plain reason of liking her. He liked her because there was an underlying gain to it that might help him. Maybe it was the partnership, or that he could finally feel what it's like to be "normal" before he'd pass and talk to someone openly in real-life who would listen and understand with little to no ridicule. Perhaps even both.
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lordoftheringsmusical · 11 months
Rostislav Kolpakov (Frodo) and Sergey Denisov (Sam), two stars of Russian musical theatre, published their Russian cover of "Сейчас и навеки / Now and For Always" today! They previously performed it to great acclaim at Rostik's concert "The Impossible" in February.
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goodbuttaken · 25 days
shiz and giggles list jmen, která reálně mají/nedávno měli lidé v česku
(part 1, domácké verze common masculine jmen; per 2016, kdy je KdeJsme naposled mohlo sbírat)
Dva obecné trendy: 1) jména se i oficiálně zdrobňovala před 70 lety i dnes, akorát často jinak [musí být pro ty rodiče dycky šok, když zjistí, že Sváťa a spol. rostou lol] 2) kolem roku 2011 nějaký zlý zákon/byrokrat extrémně zredukoval množství originálních jmen českobčanů; k čemuž se ještě dostaneme
Honza (7 lidí, současné) x Jeník (4 lidi, ale nejmladší r. 1947)
Kája (9; od konce socialismu jen 1)
Míra (7), ofc spousta Mirků, ale i 1 Fynn Mirek (Kaplice)
Mára (6)
Marty (7), Dave (5, obě ofc recent), Da Vit (ex 2011)
Frantíšek (4), Franta (1)
Miky (10), Mickey (6), ale i Mikuláš Miky (1, Brno)
Jarek (4), Jára (1) a taky pouhý jeden Jarda (r. 2004)
Slavek (2), Slávek (206, stále populární) a králové všech: Slávek Miroslav (1 v Hořovicích) a Stanislav Slávek (Teplice)
Ríša (6, od r. 1962 nikdo nový)
Jirka (29, ale od r. 1973 pouze jeden), Jiřík (častější! 55), Jiřik (3, sever Čech), Jirik (1, tipl bych remigrant), Jiříček (1), Renzo Jirka (1)
Rosťa (1, r./přejmenovaný 2015), Rostik (Ostrava)
Toník, Tonda, Tonček (byli každý jen jeden, oba 2011 vymazaní či vymřelí)
Jožka (12, vesměs staří), Peppino (2), Pepino (byl 1)
Vojta (brutálně trendy; do r. 2005 jich bylo pár, o 10 let později už 565, wtf?!)
Kuba (17, mírně trendy) X žádný Kubík
Sváťa (jen 1, r. 2016)
NE Standa (velmi mě překvapilo) a od r. 2015 ani Vašek
Fred (15), Fréd (1), Freddie (2), Fredy (7), Fredi (2), Freddi (1), ex Freddy
Ondra (další velký trend 21. století, per 2016 jich bylo už 112), Ondráš (6)
Broňa (13)
Olda (4)
Čenda (1), Čeňa (1)
Tom (25, celkem stálice), Tom Tomas (1)
Láďa (3, samí staří), Laďa (totéž)
Luďa (od r. 1971 nikdo, ale do té doby jich stihli zplodit 27!)
Ráďa (1, r. 2016), Raďa (r. 1933)
Žeňa (17, od r. 1961 pouze 1 nový) + Ženja (1), Ženka (1), Žeňka (1), Žennja (1)
Kosťa (3 staří)
Pája (1)
Zdenda Nicholas (1)
Closing remark: jakkoli mi přijde úžasný se takhle ofiko jmenovat, o tom, co tihle lidi zažívají na úřadech atp., by se asi dala napsat kniha. ("Já jsem Olda." - "Aha, takže Oldřich..." [byrokraticky, pohoršeně] "Ne, Olda. Opravdu O-l-d-a." [s katatonickou rezignací])
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Prompt #20: Duel
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When he’d first started to plan for his and Riven’s escape to the outer wilds, Sebastian had honestly not considered the possibility of…adventures. If anything, the original plan had been to hide while Riven regained her health. Once she’d done that (and Astrid’s dogs had been thrown off their scent) they would pawn her bridal dowery and flee all the way East. Far East.
Instead they were up to their arses in dust, tumbleweeds, violence and…friends. None of which was currently helping Sebastian’s situation. The brunette jumped off the train platform and down onto the tracks, reloading his gunblade as he did so. Spinning around, he pulled the trigger to activate a ring of fire—and just in the nick of time, as his opponent came at him with an upwards slash.
This was supposed to be a damn transport job! Not a fucking gunbreaker duel! Not that he’d had any choice in the matter. Bandits had decided to attack one of Van Baelsar’s trains, and Sebastian just had the unfortunate luck to be in the area when the snafu had kicked off. He’d been picking up Klynt’s ‘payments’ from the few connections she had left out in Westwind. Then one of the local gangs—he didn’t know the name but he knew the colors, red and white—had quite literally came riding into town, shooting, hollering, and casting magic. The Black Wolf’s men had been quick to respond, but the bandits had reinforcements, and soon the entire area resembled a small warzone. Sebastian had fought his way to the train station, all he needed was just a few more yards and his bird was waiting for him.
But then a masked and white-clad gunbreaker had jumped him—and before Sebastian could reach for his magic, had fired off a spellbreaker round. It’d broken Sebastian’s staff and scrambled his aetherical senses. As the brunette had tried to recover, the man had charged at him with a killing blow—and Sebastian found himself with no choice.
Thancred wasn’t meaning to kill. Frighten yes, not kill. Nor had he expected the Red Dogs to be so…overenthusiastic. Minfilia would have words for him certainly.
He also hadn’t expected his quarry’s fighting ability to be on par with Rostik’s. Thancred charged Sebastian, grunting as Lionheart was deflected off a bright blue shield. Sadler was no longer in his ill-fitting suit, instead he was in black and red leathers. As Thancred stepped back to recover, Sebastian charged forward, unleashing a flurry of strikes that the gunhand was forced to parry.
He’s good! As good as me! Spotting an opening, Thancred charged—now it was Sadler’s turn to parry and be forced backwards. Their gunblades struck against one another repeatedly, imbued cartridges exploding to little effect. Lionheart could resist their effects—and the same could be said for Sebastian’s weapon. Roughly the same length as Lionheart, the blade was deadly keen and sported intricate carvings on either side. Thancred evaded a swipe, flipping backward to catch his breath and size up his opponent.
Bozjan-style gunblade, Bozjan-style techniques. The weapon was new to Tural and not too popular. Gaius had his own version—but it was more of a gun with a sword strapped to it, and his fighting style was vastly different. From the way Sadler wielded the blade and his movements, he’d mastered the tenets of the gunbreaker’s art for quite a while. Thancred couldn’t help himself, a smirk made his lips curve beneath the fabric of his mask.
“Not bad for a city boy.” He said, letting his accent change—inflection on the consonants, not the vowels. Sebastian narrowed his eyes, drawing back into his own ready stance.
“I’ve no quarrel with you, but you’ve just put me in an untenable situation.” He said. “Therefore, I unfortunately have to kill you.”
“Unfortunately! That’s one I haven’t heard in a while.” Thancred replied. Reaching for a fresh cartridge, he flicked Lionheart’s chamber open.
“Though speaking of unfortunate—I’ve a quarrel with you, I’m afraid. And while killing you would solve the matter; I’ll settle for the Dustwatch clapping you in irons.” Gunblade loaded, Thancred spun the chamber shut and pointed the weapon at Sebastian.
“A man’s good name is sometimes the only thing he has out here.”
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do-kontsa · 1 month
Who's your favorite OC design wise? Who's your favorite story wise?
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Designwise? ROSTIK!
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Storywise? VLADA!
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ainyan · 2 years
So FFXIV Fuzzy Time says that we have no idea exactly when Thancred trained with Rostik. We know he met Rostik during one of his forays into Garlemald, and he helped him escape in return for training. We can surmise that it was after he lost access to his aether, because he mentions that although he learned the skills, he could not imbue his own munitions, so he put his training to the side until he met Minfilia/Ryne and discovered she could do the imbuing for him.
In the gunbreaker level 80 quest, you can tell Radovan about him and that's when he learns Rostik is still alive and you go hunting him down. When you finally meet up with him, they have this to say:
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Now, he could be referring to Minfilia (the original), but somehow the way the timing works out, I don't think so. I personally think Thancred learned about being a gunbreaker while he was in Garlemald the last time, right before the Empire attacked Ghimlyt and the Scions began falling ill. Which means by then he already knows Minfilia is gone, but he hasn't met Ryne.
I'm pretty sure he means the Warrior of Light. Whether you ship him (>.>) or not, it's pretty clear again and again that Thancred really cares about the Warrior, considers them one of their best friends - considers them family, along the same vein as Urianger or Y'shtola.
And he learned to be a gunbreaker on the off-chance that such skills would come in hand in helping - and protecting - that very special friend along the way.
Just one more little note of How Awesome Thancred Is among many.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Mariupol was almost completely destroyed during the Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine. While the city took artillery fire, many residents, including a number of children, hid in the Priazovskyi State Technical University. The kids sheltering there wrote messages on the building’s walls. After Russian troops captured Mariupol, construction workers from Russia entered the city. Among them was Alexey, a native of Mykolaiv, who left Ukraine for Bashkortostan, in Russia, in 2014. He found the messages left by children hiding from shelling on the basement walls of Priazovskyi University. Journalists from news outlet The Village published photos of the children’s words and drawings. With The Village’s permission, Meduza is sharing photos and English translations of the words left by children hiding in a basement from Russian bombs.
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I’m hiding out from war.
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Hi, I’m Nata, it’s March 19, 2022. The 24th day of war. I’m from the east myself, on February 24 they shelled us and we fled our home. This story will end and leave only memories, fear, and blood. Everything will work out. If anything happens, here’s my Instagram [redacted], you can check and see if I’m among the living, write to me if you see this.
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Hi, I’m Elya, I’m nine and a half. I’m hiding from the war, I live on the eastern bank. I’m leaving here today. I’m glad you’re reading this text. Live, little bunny. This is just a little cat.
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Dina, 16, Marik [Nickname for Mariupol] Leningradsky district on the eastern bank Hoping we survive
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Rostik [age 11] March 19, 2022, 24th day of war
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Hi, it’s me again, Nata. We settled down in this corner, slept on chairs, cooked over a fire. Today is March 19, 2022, we’re finally planning to leave tomorrow. There’s no light, water, or other comforts here. We’ve been hiding in the basement for 24 days, basically. Shelling and missiles haunt us everywhere. PGTU [the university] took six direct hits. Mariupol is a ruin, a specter. It’ll be very interesting to see how this ends, whether there will be a Ukraine. I’m tired of waking up to explosions and [missiles] screaming overhead. There’s no glass [in the windows] anywhere, and it’s super cold outside. I’m 17, I was planning to enroll in medical school, everyone sitting here had many plans and goals. But, unfortunately, no one needs us. No one was even planning to officially evacuate us, we’re on our own, at our own peril and risk. Of course it’s really boring here, but I made friends with Dina. I only want one thing — peace! I really hope that where we’re going, we’ll find a home and build a life.
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Important: Today is March 25, 2022. Tomorrow, we’re going to Manhush. It’s 25 kilometers away [15 miles], we’re going as a group. We’re going to wake up at 5:00 am. Wish us luck…bye!
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It’s too bad that you won’t see any more news from me, but don’t be upset!
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If there are no more messages, we got out!
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autumnslance · 1 year
Metal Gear Scion
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"We're in Garlemald!"
(Technically IC, Dark & C'oretta did accompany WoL Aeryn to Garlemald. Also Behemoth Heir minion FTW as Violet's winter weather model. Violet did NOT go to Garlemald IC, however, she stayed with Iyna elsewhere.)
I really love the intro to Garlemald and the long duty for it. Everyone gets a good moment in the battles to protect the caravan or to face off with Vergilia; A-Ruhn, Emmanellain, and Sicard command their units well, holding off the hexadrone with axes and sheer Marauder stubborness. Then we get Pippin showing he is his father's son and unleashing Tizona's fiery power, and Sadu gets to show off her Ritual of Falling Dusk.
Magnai gets to be the butt of the joke as Cirina ignores him to gush over Sadu. Sorry, Sun Bro.
The Scions get their moments, but this is Thancred's show. Despite having Maxima, Rostik, and other elite members of Lente's Tears and the Bozjan Resistance, he "lone wolf" stealths into the supply depot for one of the more fun solo missions in the game.
Seriously, slightly more of this, slightly less of the "sneakily follow a target" quests please. Variety is good and this is the only mission we get like this so far. I actually did worse on it my second playthrough, due to impatience--fitting, as I was on Aeryn--but this time, I took the time to play in Gpose and also took my time in the stealth mission. There's more than enough time to get through the depot, cutscenes, and then the combat duty.
The stealth mission almost makes up for not getting a single accompany quest with Thancred (yet). Everyone else and the beavers, sometimes more than once, but not--
*the blogger is handed a bowl of chocolate ice cream as mollification...and incentive to get on with the post*
Anyroad. We actually have to do one of the side quests to do get the original name of this little town on the capital's outskirts; it was Laterum, but the Eorzeans call it Camp Broken Glass, thanks to the sound of shattering, crunching ice underfoot.
Emet-Selch gets a particularly long introductory narration here, in three parts; the first is a short bit as we travel by air to the Magna Glacies. The second, about the Garleans driven to this hard land, sounds arrogant and angry, harsh in its delivery. The third focuses more on Solus's rise to power, sounding more smugly amused. At least until the end.
Emet-Selch: Ilsabard…divided in twain by a vast mountain range. Those who would traverse its jagged peaks face peril at every step. But why go by foot when one can simply fly? On the outskirts of the Imperial capital, in the frozen wastes of the Magna Glacies…The winds howl in icy protest, as if to warn against further trespass…
Emet-Selch: “So cold and unforgiving.” Thus spoke Emperor Solus as he gazed upon his barren domain. Eight hundred years it had been since the Garleans first set foot here. Bested by the Corvosi after centuries of war and driven from the fertile southern pastures into the blasted northern wastes. In that garden of desolation, they clung to one another for warmth. Freezing, hungry, desperate. Hated. The chosen forsaken.
Emet-Selch: In the year 1513 of the Sixth Astral Era, a young legatus named Solus single-handedly sparked the magitek revolution. How did he conceive the machina that feed on ceruleum? Once a common, soft-spoken soldier—how had he so quickly ascended through the ranks? Like so many others, those who knew the truth are gone. Taking in the capital with his eyes for the first time, I recall thinking to myself…”Far colder on the earth than in the heavens.” Yes, far colder indeed…bitterly so.
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emeraldskulblaka · 1 year
Since I may need my newly created VK account to talk to... people, I have to refrain from leaving a very angry comment on Etherius's latest post. Yes, Birin's and Rostik's behaviour was shit, but not including the photos depicting Raistlin and Caramon is the biggest clownery there is. What the fuck.
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