pishebliade · 1 year
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sparklewww · 4 months
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aaghhh бб
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ekkehardiner · 8 months
Это довольно старенький концепт-редизайн персонажей гф но я до сих его люблю. По большей части он был сделан только из-за образа Билла, к которому я испытываю уже не здоровую гиперфиксацию, поэтому только он здесь блещет хоть каплей оригинальности)
(очень люблю его форму рук, лайн на штанах, причёску и забавные ноги)
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инстаграм для меня стал очередным неуютным местом для постинга поэтому возвращаюсь на тумбочкуъ.. Имхо наверно самое неконфликтное медиа пространство в силу своей непопулярности и некой оторванности от внешнего мира. бб.
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spoiledlbleach · 4 months
russian cyrillic alphabet for anyone who asked! it's gonna be hell of a ride but that's what you asked for kekw
So the cyrillic alphabet was based on the greek alphabet just like the latin alphabet and therefore theres a lot of greek letters in russian
disclaimer for reading rules (you can skip this part)
i need to mention that the russian letters denote sounds but in russian theres such a phonetical phenomenon called reduction and you can hear this as a part of russian accent in english when bed sound like bet, fog like foc, sob like sop etc (b, d, g & others at the end -> p, t, k). Also o, a, e vowels are pronounced differently in different parts of the word... And sadly for russian learners the stress on the words is flexible and changes bc of different reasons. And theres no way you can see stress marks on the words except if youre looking at them in the dictionary.. yeah. So if the pronunciation doesnt make sense thats why
There are 33 letters in russian alphabet. P.s. ['] means its a soft, palatalized sound, like british l in a word village
Аа - basic, its the 'ah' sound (Алфавит [ahl-fah-v'EEt] -> alphabet)
Бб - the capital letter looks like B without the head and the lowercase one looks like 6 for some. You were right when you thought that it looks like B because its the 'b' sound! (Буква [bOOk-va] -> letter, краб [crahp, no not crap] -> crab)
Вв - looks like B, right? that's a v. Imagine it like this emoji :B this silly lil guy looks like theyre saying vvvvv. (Вишня [v'EEsh-n'ya] -> cherry)
Гг - upside down L, its actually g, like a Бумеранг [boo-m'ee-rAHnk] -> boomerang. Another example, Гость [gohst']
Дд - that's a weird looking one, looks like a house and its Дом [dohm, not dom] in russian. Another example, друг [drook] -> друг
Ее - yeah. the pronunciation is yeah (Ель [yel'] -> spruce/christmas tree, деревня [d'ee-r'EHv- n'ya] -> village)
Ёё - the yeah brother! yo lmao (Ёж [yozh] -> hedgehog) its always stressed so no problems with that. btw if you ask me its the most hated letter. ppl dont put it where it should go and just leave e! wtf! its ё т-т)
Жж - looks like a bug and sounds like one. its zhhhh like in the word garage (Жук [zhook] -> bug, гараж [gah-rAHsh] -> garage, see the reduction there?)
Зз - ah yes the number 3. its the z sound actually (Змея [zm'ee-YA] -> snake, образ [OH-brahs] -> look, image, outfit)
Ии - backwords N is actually a vowel, its our ee sound! (Игра [EEg-rah] -> game)
Йй - и brother, the short и. its y- (Йогурт [yOH-gurt])
Кк - straight up k, always and ever, no example cuz its the same in every position and pretty straightforward
Лл - um... its an L.. idk how you should remember that... (Люстра [l'YOO-strah] -> chandelier]
Мм - an M (Медведь [m'eet-v'EHt'] -> bear)
Нн - you cannot laugh like that in russian, it would be not hahaha but nanana (Банан [bah-nAHn] -> banana]
Оо - oh (Облако [OH-blah-koh] -> cloud)
Пп - p sound (Папа [pAH-pah] -> papa, dad)
Рр - thats not p, its r (Русский алфавит [rOOsk'iy AHl-fah-v'eet] -> russian alphabet]
Сс - not c but s (Собака [cah-bAH-kah] -> dog)
Тт - T
Уу - not y but more like u/oo (Уже [oo-zhEH] -> already)
Фф - impaled o, almost like Q, yet it is ph/f (Фит [f'eet] = Fit)
Хх - never an x, its a h! xaxaxaxa
Цц - upside down п with a tail? erm alright its a ts (Цирк [tsyrk] -> circus)
Чч - upside down h, ch! (Что [shtoh] -> what, more like an exception; Человек [ch'eh-loh-v'EHk] -> person, human being, also чел is the way we say dude, also чувак [ch'oo-vAHk])
Шш - шшш quiet its a sh (Душ [doosh] -> shower]
Щщ - soft sh, sometimes transliterated as tsch or shch. jesus christ (Щека [sh'ee-kAH] -> cheek)
Ъъ - you cant pronounce that. its the glottal stop so you pronounce some sounds separately. like british water you would spell it with ъ in theory, waъer (Съел [s-yel] -> he have eaten; if there wasnt a ъ it would be pronounced [s'ehl] which mean he has sat down. different meaning)
Ыы - okay thats a tricky one. make this face 😬 and now make a sound. thats ы, ive marked it as y in the square brackets (Мы [my] -> we, us)
Ьь - cant pronounce that too. this one denotes the softness of the consonant sound
Ээ - ay without the y (=Эй)
Юю - you (Юбка [YOObkah] -> skirt)
Яя - ya, not backwards R (Яблоко [YAH-blah-koh] -> apple, Pommie ^_^)
Now try to write down your name or the name of a cc/npc/egg/other in russian ! you can leave them in the comments or in my ask box, id love to see you learning :D
some tips on transliterating:
ENGLISH w is generally у, can be в. q is к (qu is кв), j/g is дж, x is кс, h is г in the begging of the names/foreigh words like hannibal is ганнибал
SPANISH ñ is нь, pls google other cases
PORTUGUESE nh is нь, lh is ль, pls google other cases
general advice try transliterating like Fit -> Фит, so every letter/cluster of letters in the original language correlates with similar letter in russian. but in french portuguese and spanish you have to pay close attention to pronunciation, more than to the spelling cuz Ricardo will be Рикардо for spanish but Рикарду for portuguese etc etc
ok i hope you had fun with this long ass post ! ^_^
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Е́ꙅтендид Сири́лик ѣ́лфъбет фор И́нглиш Юз - Вържън 1.0
Extended Cyrillic alphabet for English use - Version 1.0
Hi, I'm Max. Whoever reads this (thank you!) might have noticed that my blog is currently a complete, confusing mess, which I promise is not intentional. My intention with this project was to create an alphabet that could be used for multiple languages, including but not limited to English, Spanish, my native Portuguese, and of course, Russian, however that's way beyond whatever a potential audience for the blog would even be interested in for the most part. As such, I am making this list of characters and phonemic examples which may be more useful than the previous tactic of throwing a complete list of letters at you and hoping you know which ones you'll want or need to know. You will notice some new decisions that are different from the ones I made before, these were made after much consideration of what has been useful and practical for me, both in my own physical writing and while using a few of the many available Church Slavonic keyboards on my cellphone and computer. Enjoy!
P.S.: As a basis, I've generally used the Shavian alphabet, which has a list of phonemes George Bernard Shaw thought needed to be distinguished through letters. I did take the liberty of slashing most diphthongs, except for those that occur most frequently.
P.P.S.: Sidenote, if you want to evaluate if a letter might have been a good choice or not, try writing the words provided as examples using this alphabet.
This was the hardest part, any corrections and suggestions are welcome :)
А as in Art
Ѣ as in Axe
Ъ as the E in The
/ə/ /ʌ/
Е as in Enter
/e/ /ɛ/
И as in Inner
/i/ /ɪ/
О as in Option
/o/ /ɔ/
У as in the oo in Good
/u/ /ʊ/
Vowel length is marked through use of a macron (ex: “ooze” becomes “у꙼з”) or by simply doubling the vowel letter (ууз), as convenient.
Є as the the A in Maid
Ю as the U in Use
Ѧ as in Ice
Ꙋ as the O in Social
/oʊ/ /ow/
This was the easiest part, if you disagree with me you should simply explode :) /s
In all seriousness, it was pretty hard to decide how to present the consonants, and some choices did have to be made (гуудба́і, һ :( ), but in the end this is what seemed best:
Пп as in Peer, Бб as in Bright, Тт as in Trust, Дд as in Dream, Кк as in Care, Гг as in Good, Ꙅ as in NecKS, Фф as in Ferry, Вв as in Veil, Ѳѳ as in THistle or THat.
Сс as in Sum, Зз as in Zoom, Шш as in Sure, Жж as in aZure, Чч as in CHeck, Ꙉꙉ as in Judge, НГнг* as in thiNG, Хх as in Help, Іі as in maY, Ѵѵ as in Work
Лл as in Luck, Рр as in Realm, Мм as in Much, Нн as in Name
* НГ is a tricky bitch. You might ask yourself, why would you use a digraph as a single letter? And the answer is I don't want to! A ligature of these two exists in Unicode! But the Gboard Old Church Slavonic keyboard, which I'm using for the moment, doesn't have it :(. This does highlight the problem of different keyboards not having it as part of their system, so if you want to use them as a ligature or as separate letters, it's fine.
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zu-is-here · 11 months
Мне интересно, а какая была (или будет) реакция Дрима, после Shattered, на Эррор!Блу когда они встретятся?
I'm interesting, what was(or will be) Dream, after Shattered , reaction on Error!Blue when their meet?
От корыстного любопытства до полного отвращения :')
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А, прошу прощения (*´∀`*)
Это довольно интересный вопрос, поскольку (канонично) неизвестно, сохранились ли у Блубэррора (ББ) воспоминания о прошлом как Свапа (в отличие от Эррора) и были ли они знакомы (как Звёздные Сансы), но самому Дриму наверняка будет горько видеть своего старого друга в таком необратимом состоянии... И всё же, если ББ действительно счастлив в Омега таймлайне, то и Дрим будет счастлив за него╰(*´︶`*)╯
This is quite an interesting question, as it's (canonically) unknown if Blueberror (BB) saved the memories of his past as Swap (unlike Error) and if they knew each other (as Star Sanses), but Dream himself will certainly be bitter to see his old friend in such an irreversible state... And yet, if BB is really happy in the Omega timeline, then Dream will be happy for him╰(*´︶`*)╯
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d3nissss · 5 months
Видела ты в итоге взял себе патчи для глаз, рассказывай что за патчи?
Всегда мечтал быть бьютиблогером, чё думаете, батя могёт?!
Пользуюсь 4 дня подряд, чёрные круги стали менее чёрными, глаза не вытекли... Лять не подумал, сделаю завтра если не забуду, сделаю фотку как только проснусь и после патчей, так будет видна разница, разница на лицо, а можно и не на лицо гыгыгыыг... Всем бб...
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 9 equally-sized horizontal lines. colours in this order from top to bottom: wood bark brown, metallic bronze, camo green, pesto green, dark sand, pesto green, camo green, metallic bronze, wood bark brown. on the flag is a tan-coloured circle with a "Бб" inside it in a metallic bronze font. End ID]
Бletteric: A gender connected to the letter Б б
[ Tag List: @ophelia-thimgs, @liom-archive, @hoardicboy-main, @radiomogai ] [ ID by @/cookiejarids ]
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marta-krasina · 1 year
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ББ я обожаю. И все читатели давно знают, что Софии я дала не только ее образ, но и некоторые черты личности.
Более французской француженки и придумать нельзя.
Как правило, для постов с ней я беру одни и те же фото (каких не особо много), но я точно также обожаю снимки, на которых она курит (это вредит вашему здоровью) — ей это очень идет, и еще больше обожаю фотки, где она со своими мужчинами (это тоже может вредить здоровью) — музой кого она только ни была.
А еще мне нравится думать, что доживи она до почтенного возраста, выглядела бы также великолепно, как на последнем фото.
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v-poiskah · 7 months
Collage. Broken.
In my view, it turned out to be the best of a series of works. Vision not only pleases the eye, but also reflect the character as accurately as possible. The only downside is that I don't have BB's portrait, so I had to cut the picture out of the concept art.
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Коллаж. Брокен.
На мой взгляд, он получился лучше всего из серии. Мало того, что картинка приятна глазу, так она ещё и максимально точно отражает персонажа. Единственный минус – у меня нет портрета ББ, поэтому пришлось вырезать картинку из концепта.
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oladuch · 10 months
Вчера впервые в жизни пришлось наложить бб крем на шею, потому что я загорела за лето, а косметос слишком бледен
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wpristav · 2 days
Концепт комплекса с барражирующими боеприпасами от Rheinmetall и UVision
Перспективный комплекс в боевом положении осуществляет запуск ББ. Графика Rheinmetall...... Читать дальше »
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pc7ooo · 11 days
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«Всем бб» — gpK~ прыгнул с тарзанки
Российский киберспортсмен Данил gpK~ Скутин побывал на банджи-аттракционе в Сочи. Видео прыжка с тарзанки участник BetBoom Teamвыложил на личном...
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/10/191-vsem-bb-gpk-prygnul-s-tarzanki-grss-315274675.html
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solardick · 19 days
So playign with the new script. And at haphazard i have this. Some im secure about others im not.
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Some order will change. Preliminary, intuitive, brainstorm. Some cards may be added with some lever of confidence. Letter B(Бб) will most definitely change. The pope, the empress, the star(s) the moon, and maybe one for the sun will be added. Not sure if the sun will represent the peak of summer fun. Perhaps more along the lines of работе and discipline. Having the star as venus. Doesn’t really fit. It’s seen all over anyway. It’s more as a nation of individuals. Outside of the self. Each star being ots own seperate sun in the sky. But ultimately. The grand focus is on the self. And lesser as a secondary body with the moon. If soeaking purely on celestial bodies. The pope card centers the throne to the stars. Thats the innitial idea anyway. With the added association of letter Н and negation. The queer death card centers the petulant fool, if viewed that way to the moon card of baser “lunar” needs. As the fool moon is taught to be the ending of a cycle. Or completion. Still need the temperance card. To center the seperate state of letter Ы to that of letter Ж. Which i presently gave to the chariot card. Which for at the moment only leave a few empty slots for i don’t know what. And to see simultaneously, if intuition or some other esoteric, mystical crap term completes it for me. As did the mossing elements of the latin tarot overlay did one evening.
And then its to, at the same time. Numerical associations. Whcih hopefully woon’t probe too hassle some. Whuch may take a bery long time jndeed. Not to mention pronunciation connections. Of changing letters. As was done with the Г card. And the Д card. Which are amazing by the way. And the complexity or complex, confusion for the “ artistism” of the Д card. Which to, i beleive, simultaneously is a representant of the home and of god. For both home and god i. Russian start with Д. The added level of confort shows through well enough as it does with ot connection to the tower card with it is tied with. As the И card is not necceserily killing the “dragon” solely an aspect of the self which is detrimental or harmful or fake or whatever else fit into that nice little nudge one calls motivation, or egotism.
Though, its still too early, to say anythign defrinite or whether or not i drop the whole thing in favour for a dame. Cause the devil will mostly deffinatelly send me a distraction the moment my motivation takes wheel. As does it always. For the last few several years its been this group of cunt tards. But in the past its been other things.
Lets see if this dumb layman isnt capable of creating a beautiful card game. That brings out the best in both worlds.
… your not dumb, your outclassed, out taught, out numbered and out-moraled. And most people are far more evil intended and fake than you’r capable of being. And if those are the typws of personalities you were raised by, they’ll most likely always be apart of your life whether i try to escape or not. So, stay still. Though their inteligence-complex game they play is rather annoying. Its nothign new to you. You know that. You “shred” a boyroom with a cuntard that did the same thing everytear of your childhood. As you watch the narsicistic joy on his face while he did it. And you know that your framed into this disposition. So dont sweat it. Wait for the grand finally.
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Bashnyа = tower. Maybe thats were they want the tower as in the “big bang” of B(Бб). Suits the missing top of the latin B. But then. As above so below. I’d rather keep it idealistic. And not someones script. No?
But, there is a sheild on the bottom of that tower card….. uh. Tower is one of my “birth cards”. Well guess we have the answer to the grand finally. Eh.
Though curious how the street peddler is the chosen card. Trying to sell bs and mise people out of their money with cure-alls and tabloid prints of unfounded fake news. At least thats one description of it. If ots not viewed in the positive sense. Of being prepared formthe job at had. And glorifying a toast of a ccomplishment. But, that isn’t my disposition. Nor how i am. So it ain’t me. Not that i wont suffer fir it regardless. But, one can go further considering the tarot. And number two being that of the high priestess, holding that inner knowledge. In which she grants those whim go looking. Or as the state of the in er mimd and how it should be treated with a sense of delicacy and mothering loving nurturance. It also being to represent solomons temple made out of gold for communion and transmission of god’s word. Maybe it should be replaced, the peddler, with the broken mirror’s, magician card. Of magic. Different format so. Its open to debate. Which is one of the reasons i changed the high priestess, from the marseille’s grandmother with a dash of waite’s temple and included the logos or higher conscious of god. At the same time as the innocent virgin, to be treated and care for in a fatherly way of protection. I improved it quite a bit.
And so i dont like having the tower there. The destruction of the temple. Violation of the innocence and the coherency of the mind. Though on that argument of decohenrence and thinkin( outside of the box. Which is theming lately with the show, dark matter. In where the only way through is with a clear mind. An knowing exactly want you want. And all of these issues prevent that possibility.
But, one olso need to plug the deck i to rhe calendar. Or ots not going to be very effective for divining. All calendwr hollidays for tarot. Are negative. I could plugnin the cloud read prophecies. But, i dint want to pictorialize rhat experience. Ive been through more than once. And irs not pleasent. It’ll make the devil card look like a vacation.
Anyway to continue on the last arguement and the tower. It is interrsting to note sequences of nine. Which repeat fully 3 times. Leaving 4 cards from 1 to 31. For Ь & Ъ i am not counting. Instead of continuing the numbers 1 through 31. One just calculates 1 through 9. And use this as a reference to see which cards are connected by number. Numbers 1, 2, 3, start and end each row of cards which consist of ten cards. Numbers repeat diagonally / like this. And increase by 2 like \.
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4 is the last number that contains 4 numbers. The rest only contain 3.
The other curiosity is history. And the russian alphabet reform. A decade after the release of the Waite deck. Though, it stems generations before hand. And the tower card being placed at the beginning of the alphabet. And the governmental change from a monarchy to that of a communism. Often enough villainized as demonic by tyrannical government offices.
Though if one went looking, one may find another 4. In conjunction to the calendar. Though the Gregorian calendar and not the Julian calendar. Which is what the Russians still use. Not fallowing the papil church. So for at the moment their christmass doesn’t fall on December 25. But on jan. 7. Though for me. December 25th is still the date as Christmas for as i know it, is for the decline of the sun on the darkest day of the year. Cyclic repetition. Including letters Ь & Ъ brings that day of the year to the E card. Or if excluding, to card number 4 the Г card. Both cards at the moment shows light. Rising light. As the dove is also a Venus symbol and a symbol for jesus. As the 4 is also a number for the emperor or king. And the 6 is a number for the lover(s). The poetry here is beautiful. And instead of the connection tarot as with christmas to the devil card. Which makes sense. On the darker side of things if not just as for a venus symbol. As the classical tower card fallows next with colourful lights floating doen from the sky. Not in the waite’s version. Not a farcry for christmas lights. And the tearing of the presents waiting under the tree. As the tower card is also places on valentines day….. tarot is evil. Maybe not.
It’s worth going over thinking about the devil card and Christmas. Truth. Hiding behind the holly. And allure and lies. Though that truth isn’t desirable. All that time being covered over by illusions. Its not so much the devil that lies. Only it gets sealed by lower truths. And the unveiling onlu gwts more potent the more it’s hiding by duration. This isn’t something the russians do. It gets faced every year. And the rising of the sun. Is more of a victory, to say. When time is given to joy and light. It does’t hide it behind a facade if bs. Popular loving bs. But bs just the same.
On this topic. There are others things interresting.
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“Women’s christmass falling here on the Ë fool card. And soemthing else. For when the julian calendar finaly moves one day forward. And hits jan. 8th. What does this imply on the world stage? As something will undoubtably happen. When, 2101, julian Christmas on jan.8th. …. Curious. Generation Z. Will be all but died out on that date. The end of the alphabet and the start of a new age. Dawning. …. Too grand? Maybe. Thought it curious is all.
Further more, when christmas first started on jan. 7th was in 1972. A major thing of inportance on this date between the american and russian goverments was the anti-ballistic missiles treaty aims at limiting nuclear arms, with president Nixon. In 2036 will be the half way mark of the 129 year cycle of the julian calender. Which is the final year that current president vladimir Putin will be legally allowed to hold office.
Forgive my mistaken god to be written with a Д. When it comes to the throne. It’s with a Б. Though the prefix “бес” is the negation of a term or word, as it is with “un” and “in” predixed to english words. -Letter Б when attached with an O. Seems to play the opposite case. Though not being a prefix, as far as i know, where the words and terms bear positive meanings- Tower, god, declensions, a host of negative words. Baggage. Which seems to dwarf the positive by number. They do seem to paint the tower card rather perfectly. At the moment. The tower and temperance when speaking purely of letters and tarot. Was also an issue for attention. Though because the tower in tarot paints the mars function solely in a negative light. It is also in line when the letter T which makes a sense of its own. As t is to T. But Temperance. Which also starts with a T, binds them. This is a subject all its own. But to fallow this lead of the tower and letter T. One does the same with бashnya and letter Б. The added weight is that the russian Б words describe the tower and its details better that the english T. Plus it aint found in the middle of the script. Wasting time and effort. And all tgat was built. Its found at the start. With a long road ahead.
Dont want to keep too strictly to the rule of majuscule. A sin “Major”. Though ir will enivitably affect the outcome. Argument came to about the “pope” card effecting and being the lover card. Card H in tarot latin overlay. Though H plays favour as being No. can’t really have that as the russian overlay. Its even defined by associative deffintion from popular vote by infancy and regulation. As No, is paramount on this regard. Argument at current as having russian letter L as lover, as it starts the same and Waite’s transfiguration of the strength as violence to something more pleasing. Though simce there was already a “lovers” card, didn’t leave him with much choice with also transfiguring the actual lover card with something biblically grotesque as adam and eve. And the fun part about this image is that the lion also starts with an L. Curios here when writting an L and not a L. Its not a vowel. Lion’s love.
My apologies if that whole paragraph causes some kind of grammatically cause upheaval. But perhaps there is some sense when it comes to russian letter Ь & Ъ. The called soft amd hard signs. As an L os a soft signed artical compared to “a” L. Even though grammatically speaking it’s wrong. Unless theres an exception that my secondary 4 flunked english class is unaware of.
As H(n) is to N and the tower card is to valentines day. Waite didn’t just switch the strenght card and the justice card but he also switch the lovers card and the strength card. And also changes the debt card (death) with a fool’s tyranny. Which connects it with relunctence or avoidances and antipathy towards owing whats due and not paid for. But the death card is also painted as glory in the transfiguration of the fool body, with the death of the king and his wealth and sit of power against the church and marriage. Agaisnt the feminine body and pleas for mercy.
Its fucken revolting.
…. The house of the golden dawn? In the land of the setting sun.
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