israelis-shit · 16 days
מעניין אותי:
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gothhabiba · 7 months
בעלי התנורים, עזיז ועטייה מכרו במיוחד פיתות עשויות קמח סולת, לבני העדה המרוקאית. בני עדה זו אהבו במיוחד סוג זה של לחם והם קנו אותו עוד ביום החמישי, לכבוד שבת. לחם מרוקאי זה נקרא בשם כומאש. The owners of the ovens, Aziz and Atiya, especially sold pitas made of semolina flour, to the members of the Moroccan community. The members of this community especially liked this type of bread and they bought it on the fifth day, in honor of Shabbat. This Moroccan bread is called khomash.
does anyone know what kind of bread he's talking about here? I know Moroccan semolina bread as "khobz dyal smid." semolina-containing pastries and breads are meloui, baghrir, harcha... there's nothing I know as 5omach, komach, 7omach, &c.
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כי כולנו אוכלים זין במדינה הזאת… :(.
פופולרי בכול המגזרים, המאכל שמאחד את העם. מוזכר כבר בתלמוד וקים בגרסות שונות בכל עדה. הייתי אומר מצה תנ״כית (חוץ ממי שראו את הסרטון ההוא של כאן) או אשישות, אבל אלה פחות מוכרים…
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shiur-lo-chashuv · 2 years
איך מסבירים לאנשים מחו"ל את המשבר הפוליטי בישראל ביחס לאפליה על בסיס עדה, מעמד, והיישוב שהסבים שלך באים ממנו, יחד עם הדחיפה ימינה של כלל הציבור כיום לעומת שלטון השמאל בעשורים המוקדמים של המדינה, באופן שכולל את ההיווצרות של הבועה הפוליטית האידיאליסטית של גוש דן וכל מקום אחר שבו גרים אנשים עשירים, תוך התייחסות לרצח רבין, רצח ארלוזורוב, השנאה כלפי ביבי וכלפי בגין, וההיסטוריה של המדיניות המשתנה של בית המשפט העליון
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thejesusmaninred · 16 days
"The Anchors." From Mark 6: 53-56.
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Earlier in the chapter we mentioned the Director and the Directions. Now we touch upon the Destination, what is called crossing over, called Gennesaret. The Gospel describes it as healing in the marketplaces. To achieve Shabbos in particular one has to not only have enough money to spend but to know where to shop. The desires we entertain must be the right ones or there is no point in pretending to exert the effort. This knowledge and its habits are not easy to come by but once the age of reason finally dawns, what is called Shabbat or self-realization takes place and all wickedness shopping efforts die on the vine.
People think this means you can't put on leather chaps on go pee on strangers in the shower house, but that is only if one does not have anyone, even a dog or a goldfish waiting at home.
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Crossing over does not mean the bodily functions come to an end, only their ability to interfere with sound judgement.
Notice the flick of the tongue of venom in the mind: We are willing to be troubled over thoughts of a bathhouse, but not at all over war, terrorism, school shootings or climate change. The ability to become troubled over the correct things is a sign of what is called Gennesaret.
53 When they had crossed over, they landed at Gennesaret and anchored there.
54 As soon as they got out of the boat, people recognized Jesus.
55 They ran throughout that whole region and carried the sick on mats to wherever they heard he was.
56 And wherever he went—into villages, towns or countryside—they placed the sick in the marketplaces. They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.
The Values in Gematria are organized into Four Directions, which we are familiar with:
v. 53: They landed and anchored. Upon achieving Shabbat, which comes after Shabbos, negative tendencies are completely exhausted. Anyone who has overcome a deleterious relationship to a person or a substance can explain once happiness is achieved, there is no going back.
Except not all of our problems from smoking or eating too much crack, it is the society at large. This is why spirited persons always charge straight at tyrants and tyranny swords and teeth bared and kill them without a care in the world. We are expected by God to be tyranny free our entire lives and as happy as possible until the final minute. We are not permitted to take pause for a Mormon, a freak in the Republican Party or the Russians and wonder when our happiness will one day return.
The Number is 10084, ק‎ףד, "take care, be careful."
v. 54: The people recognized Jesus. They knew how shitty everyone else was acting. The Number is 3642, גודב‎‎, gudev, "Be good, or...!"
v. 55: They ran throughout the region. A region is 191, א‎טא‎‎, ata, "you, together" a region is a man who "has it together." Run towards a man like this, away from the others. Especially if he is you:
The Number is 1741, אזדא‎‎, azda, "pass by trouble fast, advance time."
"The verb עדה ('ada I) means to pass on or by, or to advance."
v. 56: All who touched were healed. The Number is 12682, יב‎ו‎חב‎, 12 and 12."
This refers to the offspring of Ishmael and Jacob, from Chayeh Sarah:
Ishmael’s Sons
12 This is the account of the family line of Abraham’s son Ishmael, whom Sarah’s slave, Hagar the Egyptian, bore to Abraham.
“This is the account of how the Father of Compassion, who made the idolaters hear, obey, and respond and  become servants of the Nation...”
13 These are the names of the sons of Ishmael, listed in the order of their birth: Nebaioth [the high place] firstborn of Ishmael, Kedar [turbid] , Adbeel [to cause to grieve], Mibsam, [perfumery] 14 Mishma [to draw out support], Dumah [silence of waiting], Massa [to test the range of abilities], 15 Hadad [thunder], Tema [the south country], Jetur [one who transits], Naphish [refreshing desire] and Kedemah [eastward]. 16 These were the sons of Ishmael, and these are the names of the twelve tribal rulers according to their settlements and camps. 17 Ishmael lived a hundred and thirty-seven years. He breathed his last and died, and he was gathered to his people. 18 His descendants settled in the area from Havilah  [to make a fort out of a languishing village] to Shur [to excite], near the eastern border of Egypt, as you go toward Ashur [to straighten or make level]. And they lived in hostility toward[m] all the tribes related to them.
There are 12 Skills associated with Ishmael as there are with his nephew Jacob/Israel. 
“To hear obey and respond, you must be born in the High Place, where the anticipation and causes of the turbid, grieving future ends. Draw out the support [from the well [reflection], the thunder [the law], from the sun [intelligence], from the instruction and practices] and entertain new desires as one transits to the east.  [= the morning, the new day, also implies meditation and reverence of God]. 
This will activate languishing cultures, excite them, and make them level. Maintain hostility towards men who worship each other and make gods out of themselves.” 
God= the future; one that is immersed in knowledge of the past, but drives towards a vision that is unsurpassed. This is the nature of life as prescribed the One who calls Himself the Living God.
From Vayishlach:
Jacob had twelve sons:
23 The sons of Leah:
Reuben [the leader] the firstborn of Jacob [the follower],
Simeon [who listens], Levi [is loyal], Judah [who praises], Issachar [who is rewarded] and Zebulun [the glorious dwelling] .
= Leaders are born from servants and followers. Those who are loyal are rewarded and live in glory. 
24 The sons of Rachel [the ewe, youth beauty] :
Joseph [fruitful] and Benjamin [Seated Right].
25 The sons of Rachel’s servant Bilhah:
Dan [to govern] and Naphtali [challenges].
26 The sons of Leah’s servant Zilpah [the trickle] :
Gad [treasure] and Asher [happiness]
These were the sons of Jacob, who were born to him in Paddan Aram [the ultimate substitution].
27 Jacob came home to his father Isaac in Mamre [seeing, from adversity], near Kiriath Arba [four cities= Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed and Tiberias, which mean “teaches peace”, “friendship”, “cornerstone”, “piercing, seeing”. where Abraham and Isaac had stayed. 28 Isaac lived a hundred and eighty years. 29 Then he breathed his last and died and was gathered to his people, old and full of years. And his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.
= “Abandon the past and trade up to a virgin future that is governed by righteous men who overcome calamity and reward the people with fortune and happiness. They rise from adversity, leaving a record of how one overcomes and lives many many years: through  peace, friendship, compassion and laughter. From these tenets, competent leaders and followers are made.”
To walk on water is to unharden the heart and soul search wherever the sooth can be found. Who searches for happiness where happiness resides is verily one who is reborn within the Holy Spirit and fulfills the Directions within the Gospel.
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juli1974 · 2 months
חברת "אחוה" משיקה סירופ בטעם פטל ללא תוספת סוכר
חברת אחוה, היצרנית המובילה בישראל של מוצרי טחינה, חלוה ודברי מאפה, משיקה טעם חדש בסדרת הסירופים לשתייה מתוצרתה: סירופ בטעם פטל ללא תוספת סוכר. הסירופ החדש הינו סירופ דיאט ומכיל פחות מקלוריה אחת ל – 100 מ”ל משקה מוכן.  סדרת תרכיזי השתייה של אחוה כוללת סירופים בשלושה טעמים: ענבים, אננס פטל, אליהם מצטרף כעת הטעם החדש. הסירופים איכותיים, ומשווקים בבקבוקי 900 מ”ל בעיצוב עליז, בכשרות בד”ץ עדה חרדית.…
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sexythingil · 3 months
תל אביב, העיר התוססת והשוקקת
תל אביב, העיר התוססת והשוקקת של ישראל, ידועה בחופיה, בחיי הלילה ובתרבות העשירה שלה. לצד האטרקציות הללו, ישנו היבט נוסף שצובר פופולריות בשנים האחרונות – ענף הליווי המשגשג. בעוד שיש מי שמזלזל בו, שירות הליווי בתל אביב הפך לחלק משמעותי בכלכלת העיר וראוי שידברו עליו. שירותי ליווי, הידועים גם בשם בידור למבוגרים, אינם דבר חדש בעולם. עם זאת, לענף הליווי בתל אביב יש טעם ייחודי. יחסה הליברלי והמקבל של העיר למיניות הפך אותה למרכז שירותי ליווי, המספק פלטפורמה בטוחה וחוקית הן ללקוחות והן לנערות ליווי. אז מה זה בדיוק ליווי? במילים פשוטות, ליווי הוא אדם המציע חברות ואינטראקציה חברתית תמורת תשלום. הם יכולים ללוות את הלקוחות שלהם לאירועים שונים, מסיבות, או אפילו סתם לבלות איתם זמן איכות. אמנם יש טעות נפוצה כי נערות ליווי מציעות שירותי מין, זה לא תמיד המקרה. בתל אביב, כמו ברוב חלקי העולם, נערות ליווי מציעות מגוון שירותים, וסקס אינו חלק חובה בהסדר. אחת הסיבות לכך שענף הליווי משגשג בתל אביב היא שהביקוש אליו גבוה. העיר עדה לזרם בלתי פוסק של מבקרים לעסקים ופנאי, המספקים קהל לקוחות עצום לשירותי ליווי. יתר על כן, האווירה הנינוחה והפתוחה של תל אביב הופכת אותה למקום האידיאלי עבור אנשים להגשים את הפנטזיות והרצונות שלהם ללא חשש משיפוטיות. גורם נוסף התורם להצלחת ענף הליווי בתל אביב הוא איכות השירותים הניתנים. סוכנויות ליווי בעיר מבטיחות התאמה ללקוחותיהן עם מלווים מקצועיים, מקסימים ומתוחכמים המיומנים באמנות החברות. נשים אלה עוברות סינון והכשרה יסודיות, תוך התמקדות במתן חוויית פרימיום ללקוחותיהן. מלבד מתן חברות, נערות ליווי בתל אביב מציעות גם מגוון שירותים המותאמים לצרכי לקוחותיהן. זה יכול לנוע בין זמן אינטימי אחד על אחד ללוות אותם לאירועים אקסקלוסיביים או לשמש כמדריכי טיולים ברחבי העיר, המציגים את המיטב ממה שיש לתל אביב להציע. הרבגוניות של השירות היא חלק ממה שהופך אותו לכל כך מושך ללקוחות. יתר על כן, ענף הליווי בתל אביב מוסדר מאוד לבטיחותם ולרווחתם של לקוחות ומלווים כאחד. כל המלווים הם מעל גיל 18 ועוברים בדיקות בריאות קבועות כדי לוודא שהם כשירים לעבודה. בנוסף, השירותים חוקיים לחלוטין, מוסדרים על ידי הממשלה, ופועלים תחת הנחיות קפדניות כדי להבטיח את שלומם ושביעות רצונם של כל הצדדים המעורבים. בעוד שלענף הליווי בתל אביב יש מתנגדים, אי אפשר להכחיש שהוא ממלא תפקיד משמעותי בחיזוק כלכלת העיר. התעשייה מספקת תעסוקה למספר לא מבוטל של נשים, ומעניקה להן הזדמנויות ליציבות פיננסית ולצמיחה אישית. יתר על כן, מכיוון שתעשיית הזנות אינה חוקית בישראל, שירות הליווי מציע אלטרנטיבה בטוחה ומוסדרת יותר למי שבוחר לעבוד בתחום זה. לסיכום, שירותי ליווי בתל אביב הם היבט לגיטימי וחיוני בכלכלת העיר ובתרבותה. השירות מציע חברות, בידור והגשמת רצונות הן למקומיים והן למבקרים, בסביבה בטוחה ומוסדרת. כאשר התעשייה מתפתחת ללא הרף ומתאימה את עצמה כדי לענות על הביקוש הגובר לשירותיה, ניתן לומר בבטחה כי נערות ליווי בתל אביב כאן כדי להישאר.
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desertjusttochat · 6 months
ישראל, ארץ של תרבויות מגוונות,
ישראל, ארץ של תרבויות מגוונות, היסטוריה עשירה ונופים עוצרי נשימה, הפכה ליעד פופולרי עבור תיירים המחפשים יותר מאשר רק את אתרי העלייה לרגל המסורתיים. בשנים האחרונות המדינה עדה לזינוק בביקוש לנערות ליווי, מגמה שעוררה סקרנות ומחלוקת כאחד. עם הנוכחות הגוברת של שירותים אלה בארץ, אי אפשר להתעלם מהשפעתם על ענף התיירות והחברה כולה. למי שלא מכיר את המושג, נערות ליווי הן בנות לוויה שכירות המספקות ללקוחותיהן שירותים חברתיים ולעיתים אינטימיים. למרות שזה אולי נשמע כמו זנות, חשוב לציין כי שירותי ליווי חוקיים בישראל. למעשה, למדינה יש כמה מהחוקים המתקדמים ביותר בכל הנוגע לתעשייה, מה שהופך אותה לשוק משגשג עבור לקוחות מקומיים ובינלאומיים כאחד. אז מה בדיוק הופך את ישראל ליעד פופולרי לשירותי ליווי? התשובה טמונה בשילוב הייחודי של המדינה בין מודרניות לערכים מסורתיים. עם אורח חיים מהיר וגישה רגועה יותר למיניות, ישראל מציעה את הסביבה המושלמת לשגשוג שירותי ליווי. המדינה מתגאה גם במספר רב של נשים צעירות ומשכילות, הנמשכות לתעשייה בשל פוטנציאל ההשתכרות הגבוה שלה ושעות העבודה הגמישות. אחת הסיבות העיקריות לכך ששירותי ליווי צברו פופולריות בישראל היא מכיוון שהם נותנים מענה למגוון רחב של לקוחות. מאנשי עסקים ותיירים ועד מקומיים המחפשים חברה, נערות ליווי מבוקשות על ידי אנשים מכל תחומי החיים. עבור חלק, זוהי דרך להגשים את הפנטזיות שלהם, עבור אחרים, זוהי דרך לחקור את המיניות שלהם בצורה בטוחה ודיסקרטית. תהא הסיבה אשר תהיה, נערות ליווי בישראל ידועות במקצועיותן, דיסקרטיותן ויכולתן לספק חוויה בלתי נשכחת ללקוחותיהן. במדינה שבה סטיגמה ושיפוטיות כלפי תעשיית המין עדיין קיימות, שירותי ליווי התמודדו עם לא מעט ביקורת. עם זאת, חשוב לציין כי שירותים אלה שונים מזנות, שאינה חוקית בישראל. נערות ליווי עוברות תהליך סינון יסודי ונדרשות לעבור בדיקות רפואיות קבועות על מנת להבטיח את שלומם ורווחתם של הלקוחות והעובדים. יתר על כן, התעשייה מוסדרת ומפוקחת על ידי הממשלה, ומבטיחה כי זכויות העובדים מוגנות. היבט אחד שאי אפשר להתעלם ממנו הוא ההשפעה הכלכלית שיש לשירותי ליווי על ענף התיירות בישראל. עם מספר גדול של מבקרים המגיעים לארץ מדי שנה, הביקוש לשירותי ליווי גדל באופן משמעותי, וכתוצאה מכך דחיפה לענף התיירות. זה הוביל גם ליצירת הזדמנויות עבודה עבור אנשים המחפשים עבודה בתעשיית השירותים. לסיכום, שירותי ליווי בישראל הם מציאות שיש להכיר ולהבין. בעוד שיש להם חלק הוגן של מחלוקות, אין להכחיש כי הם ממלאים תפקיד משמעותי בכלכלת המדינה ומציעים חוויה ייחודית עבור אלה המבקשים את שירותיהם. הדבר החשוב הוא להבטיח שהענף ימשיך להיות מוסדר ושיתייחסו לעובדים בכבוד ובהערכה. עם איזון בין ערכים מודרניים לאמונות מסורתיות, שירותי הליווי בישראל כאן כדי להישאר וימשיכו למלא תפקיד מרכזי בענף התיירות במדינה.
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shuzzaa · 7 months
צועדים קדימה: המסע החדשני של נלי אייר ג'ורדן ונלי ג'ורדן
תעשיית ההנעלה הייתה עדה לשינוי משמעותי עם הצגתה של נלי אייר ג'ורדן. מותג זה, שהתגלה כמגדלור של חדשנות וסטייל, זכה במהירות לתשומת לב באופנה. נייק ג'ורדן, שנתפסה בתחילה כמשתתפת נועזת, ביססה את עצמה באמצעות אתוס העיצוב הייחודי שלה ומחויבותה לאיכות. ההיצע הראשוני של המותג התאפיינו באסתטיקה הייחודית שלהם, המשלבת אומנות מסורתית עם טכנולוגיה מודרנית. תערובת זו הבדילה את Nellie Air by Jordan ממתחרותיה וסימנה את תחילתו של עידן חדש בעיצוב הנעלה.
הכוח מאחורי המותג:
הכוח המניע מאחורי המותג המהפכני הזה הוא Nellie by Jordan, מעצבת בעלת חזון עם תשוקה שאין שני לה להנעלה. המסע של נלי ביי ג'ורדן בתעשיית הנעליים התחיל במשימה פשוטה: ליצור נעליים שאינן רק ניתנות ללבישה אלא הן אמירות של אינדיבידואליות וסטייל. עם החזון הזה, נלי ג'ורדן החדירה ליצירותיה שילוב ייחודי של פונקציונליות ואופנה, מה שהפך כל זוג לפריט נחשק בקרב חובבי אופנה. הגישה שלה לעיצוב שילבה פרקטיות עם כשרון, והבטיחה שכל מוצר מקו Nellie Air by Jordan יהיה נוח ומגמתי.
עיצובים חדשניים של נלי אייר ג'ורדן:
חדשנות הייתה אבן היסוד של המותג Nellie Air by Jordan. כל קולקציה שהציגה נלי אייר על ידי ג'ורדן מציגה שילוב של ביטוי אמנותי וקידמה טכנולוגית. השימוש בחומרים מתקדמים ובעקרונות עיצוב ארגונומיים ייחדו את הנעליים הללו בשוק. המחויבות הזו לחדשנות אינה נוגעת רק לאסתטיקה; זה גם מבטיח עמידות ונוחות משופרים, מה שהופך את Nellie Air by Jordan לבחירה מועדפת עבור צרכנים המחפשים איכות וסגנון. יתרה מכך, המסירות של המותג לקיימות באה לידי ביטוי בבחירת החומרים ובשיטות הייצור שלו, וביססו עוד יותר את מעמדה כמובילה בתעשיית ההנעלה.
ההשפעה הגלובלית של נלי ג'ורדן:
השפעתה של נלי ג'ורדן חורגת הרבה מעבר לגבולות עיצוב הנעלה מסורתי. עבודתה עם נלי אייר מאת ג'ורדן הגדירה מחדש את גבולות אופנת הנעליים, והשפיעה עולמית. הפופולריות של המותג זינקה ברחבי היבשות, ומשכה קהל לקוחות מגוון. המחויבות של נעלי נייק אייר ג'ורדן למצוינות וליכולת לצפות ולקבוע מגמות זכו לשבחים רבים ולקהל הנאמנים שלה. העיצובים שלה הוצגו בתצוגות אופנה גדולות ואושרו על ידי סלבריטאים, מה שמחזק עוד יותר את מעמדו של המותג כסמל של יוקרה וחדשנות בהנעלה.
במבט לעתיד, נלי אייר מאת ג'ורדן ונלי מאת ג'ורדן לא מראים סימני האטה. המחויבות המתמשכת שלהם לחולל מהפכה בעיצוב הנעלה מעוררת השראה וחובבות אופנה ברחבי העולם. ככל שהמותג מתפתח, הוא נשאר מבוסס על החזון המקורי שלו של מיזוג סגנון עם חומר. למידע נוסף על המותג החלוצי הזה ועל מייסדתו בעלת החזון, Nellie by Jordan, בקר ב-Shuzza.com, שם חיה מורשת עיצוב הנעלה חדשני.
למידע נוסף:-
אתרי נעליים מקוריים
חנות סניקרס
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הבפנים של החלה:
דיי זה מושלם.
פופולרי בכול המגזרים, המאכל שמאחד את העם. מוזכר כבר בתלמוד וקים בגרסות שונות בכל עדה. הייתי אומר מצה תנ״כית (חוץ ממי שראו את הסרטון ההוא של כאן) או אשישות, אבל אלה פחות מוכרים…
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ancestorsofjudah · 8 months
2 Kings 22: 1-7. "The Book of the Law."
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Until now, no one would accuse Jewish people of being less than neurotic about their religion and the destiny they have come to believe was carved out for them by the Torah.
Following is likely to be some welcome insight into the precariousness all Jews have felt pressuring them to accept the scorn of God and man alike for all time.
The Book of Joshua, called the "extra portion" by the Rab, states we abandon stark religious observances once they become second nature. The second nature is born after the first, the animal nature is subsumed by the study of the Torah. The final stage, which the Melachim states after the Book of Joshua is niether this nor that, but free of the burden of all presupposition, superstition, delusion, and tradition. It is a Jew's destiny to use the means God gave him to be completely and utterly free to be his own person as he sees fit, with one condition- attainment to Ha Shem.
This means one's only remaining commitment is to know all that can be known during one's lifetime knowing, without forgetting how it is even possible. The Melachim says this is the only way one can hope to please God. No Mitzvot, Decrees, no more Mishpatim and Tzavs, Edoms or Sefirot, just Ha Shem.
The end of the trail begins with an object lesson called Josiah which means "The fire offering of despair." His mother's name, Jedidah, which means "love bringer" was the daugther of Adaiah "to bear witness of the changes brought on by the Passover via the ornaments and traditions" from Bozkath, "as God said we are entitled."
The root ידד (yadad) has to do with love, and that mostly in the affectionate, physical sense. Adjective ידיד (yadid) means beloved or lovely. Noun ידידות (yedidot) means love, as in "a song of love" and noun ידידות (yedidut), meaning love in the sense of beloved one.
Curiously, an identical verb ידד (yadad II) means to cast a lot and instead of being kin to the previous, it appears to be related to the verb ידה (yada), which originally meant to cast but which evolved to mean to praise.
Unused verb דוד (dwd) probably meant to gently swing, dandle, fondle. Noun דוד (dod) or דד (dod) means beloved or loved one, and may also describe one's uncle. The feminine version, דודה (doda), means aunt. Noun דודי (duday) literally means a "love-bringer" and describes a mandrake. Noun דוד (dud) refers to a kind of pot or jar (perhaps one that was rocked or stirred?).
Root עדד ('adad) describes a repeated passing by or over, or a repeated encountering. Noun עדה ('idda) describes any well-worn item.
Verb עדה ('ada I) means to advance or pass on. Nouns עד ('ad) and ועד (w'ad) describe the difficult concept of a future era advancing upon the now, or else the prey or booty upon which a predator advances. The conjunction עד ('ad) or עדי ('ady) means "as far as" or until.
The same verb, namely עדה ('ada II) is used to mean to adorn or ornament oneself — that is: to have items approach the canvas of one's bulk in order to testify of some social rank or perhaps the trade or order one belongs to. Noun עדי ('adi) means ornamentation: fancy or declarative things worn on one's body or clothes.
Verb יעד (ya'ad) means to meet, habitually and repeatedly rather than incidentally. Noun עדה ('eda) means congregation or some other joint collective. Nouns מועד (mo'ed), מועד (mo'ad) and מועדה (mu'ada) describe a place (or time) of meeting.
Verb עוד ('ud) means to return and repeat. Noun עוד ('od) denotes an addition, repetition or continuance. Nouns עד ('ed), עדה ('eda), עדה ('eda), עדת ('edut), עדות ('edut) and תעודה (te'uda) all mean witness or testimony in various nuances, and verb עוד ('ud) means to bear witness.
The struggle between the ethical and unethical self must be won. This, dear ones, is the meaning of Shabbat, to witness future retribution pass harmlessly by in the wake of the exhaustion of one's tendencies for criminal licentiousness and faithlessness and then to be able to live free of their siren's songs leading to Josiah, the end of despair:
The Book of the Law Found
22 Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. His mother’s name was Jedidah daughter of Adaiah; she was from Bozkath. 
2 He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and followed completely the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left.
3 In the eighteenth year of his reign, King Josiah sent the secretary, Shaphan son of Azaliah, the son of Meshullam, to the temple of the Lord. He said: 
4 “Go up to Hilkiah the high priest and have him get ready the money that has been brought into the temple of the Lord, which the doorkeepers have collected from the people. 
5 Have them entrust it to the men appointed to supervise the work on the temple. And have these men pay the workers who repair the temple of the Lord— 
6 the carpenters, the builders and the masons. Also have them purchase timber and dressed stone to repair the temple. 
7 But they need not account for the money entrusted to them, because they are honest in their dealings.”
As we are aware, there are Seven Days associated with most of the Offices in the Torah and Tanakh. The Values in Gematria for the above seven verses are:
v. 1: The number of years associated with a Reign are not linear the way we think they are in English. They represent a kind of word problem that can only be solved using Gematria. The Value in Gematria is 10846, יחדו‎ ‎"together."
v. 2: the Value in Gematria is 9363, טג‎‎וג‎‎, tagore, "the melee."
v. 3: The Secretary, Shaphan=the gather in the North.
Verb צפה (sapa) speaks of covering, whether a literal covering of an item with an overlay like gold or the figurative covering of watchman's surroundings by his watchful gaze. In cognate languages this verb also means to hope.
Noun צפיה (sippiya) means lookout post and noun מצפה (mispeh) means watchtower. Noun צפוי (sippuy) means plating, noun צפית (sapit) means rug or carpet, and noun צפת (sepet) refers to the plated capital of a pillar.
Verb צוף (sup) means to flow or float on top of something else. Noun צוף (sup) describes a honeycomb, or rather the structure of hexagonal cells upon which honey floats. Verb צפה (sapa) means outflow.
Verb צפן (sapan) means to hide or store up. Nouns צפין (sapin) and מצפון (maspon) describe a mass of predominantly static wealth. Noun צפון (sapon) means north, as for unexplained reasons the Bible considers the north a place of gathering. Noun or adjective צפוני (seponi) means northern or northern one.
Secretaries record the instructions between the King and the Court. This means all the knowledge of the Torah and Tanakh no longer reside in books or the Shul but are like honey stored in the honeycombs of the brain, and "azaliah" assumes a higher state as Meshullam, the maker of the peace:
Preposition אצל ('esel) means beside and denominative verb אצל ('asal) means to approximate or disintegrate — i.e. to move toward a position just next of a solid state. Noun אציל ('asil) describes an item, condition or status that sits just next to another (greater, better, higher) item, condition or status.
After we are exposed to all that religious stuff growing up and in young adulthood, eventually it is time to grow up and make peace with the cosmos for all it has (apparently) done to us.
The Value in Gematria is 5835, ההחג‎ ‎ ‎"the Holiday" = Shabbat.
v. 4: Hilkiah means to "seduce to the pleasant side of things."
The High Priest is the soul, the doorkeepers are the eyes and ears. All the information, lessons, and good sense one obtains from Judaism one must use in order to find what is beautiful and meaningful about this life: The Value in Gematria is 7612, ב‎זוא‎ , "in this", "that which is present at all times."
v. 5: the Value in Gematria is 9893, ט‎חטג‎, "that's right, you will mock." Just as Hagar, the reward, mother of Ishmael "to hear, obey and report" was mocked, she was personally attended to by God when she was in exile with her infant son. Great things happened afterward.
v. 6: Carpenters change things by design, builders implement the designs, stonemasons ensure moral development. To purchase timber and stone is to add raw humanity to the design in order to reinforce as the above says an easily attained ethical way of life that is also pleasant is fully possible. If we do more than believe this, the Third Temple will rise.
The Value in Gematria is 4576, דהזו‎ ‎, this is it.
v. 7: the Value in Gematria is 4772, ד‎זז‎‎ב‎, the 4th.
"Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the Lord your G‑d. On it you shall not do any manner of work — you, your son, your daughter, your man-servant, your maid-servant, your cattle, and your stranger that is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath Day, and hallowed it."
Turning neither this way nor that, but by being present to that which is of the essence of the sacred, one achieves Shabbat and also the stranger that was waiting within one's own house.
For the King, Queen, Prince or Princess of the Kingdom of Israel, this means the House must always be upright and journeying straight towards that which is beneficial to the world.
Open the door to those who want to partake of the God of Sinai and help them find Ha Shem and ultimate freedom. The rest, feed to the god Ashur.
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bookoformon · 11 months
Helaman Chapter 5, Part 7. "Traditions."
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The conclusion of Helaman Chapter 5 states yet another "war" results in the realization the "incorrect traditions of the past" and the use of weapons to resolve them is not the answer.
We do not know the specific reasons why the Pillars of Darkness and Circle of Fire worked, but the land returned to sanity after God used them on the people of Nephi and their enemies, the tenebrous Lamanites:
50 And it came to pass that they did go forth, and did minister unto the people, declaring throughout all the regions round about all the things which they had heard and seen, insomuch that the more part of the Lamanites were convinced of them, because of the greatness of the evidences which they had received.
51 And as many as were convinced did lay down their weapons of war, and also their hatred and the tradition of their fathers.
52 And it came to pass that they did yield up unto the Nephites the lands of their possession.
The Gematria for this final section of Chapter 5 follows:
v. 50: the Value in Gematra is 8189, חאחט, khat,
'The ubiquitous adverb כה (koh) + at, (them) means thus and occurs in a wide array of phrases, such as 'thus says the Lord' or 'thus you shall say to them." 'The ubiquitous adverb כה (koh) + at, (them) means thus and occurs in a wide array of phrases, such as 'thus says the Lord' or 'thus you shall say to them."
v. 51: the Value in Gematra is 806-4, חאֶפֶסו‎ד, "locked up, hafesud", "To bear witness to the cycle of the Festivals."
Verb עוד ('ud) means to return and repeat. Noun עוד ('od) denotes an addition, repetition or continuance. Nouns עד ('ed), עדה ('eda), עדה ('eda), עדת ('edut), עדות ('edut) and תעודה (te'uda) all mean witness or testimony in various nuances, and verb עוד ('ud) means to bear witness.
v. 52: the Value in Gematra is 3941, ג‎טדא‎, getada, "the fertile ground of understanding."
"Thus you shall say to them: observe the Festivals and the fertile ground of the correct traditions shall be locked in place."
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the-hem · 11 months
Jesus Splits the Rock. From Matthew 27: 51-56.
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Many Christian sects teach the interior of the Jewish Temple is flawed, and that is why the Curtain around the Holiest of Holies was torn when Jesus was crucified. As if the death of Christ was an unveiling of the Spirit of God that could be purchased in no other way. This is not acccurate.
A correct analysis of the famous section where the Curtain is shorn will help us understand what really happened in this section of the Gospel of Matthew and why.
The Holiest of Holies was not inaccessible within the Jewish Temple. It was indeed buried behind curtains, mostly goat curtains representing the immature selves that must be shorn off the frame in order to fully appreciate God, but in no way is the Presence of God forbidden, nor is His Covenant exclusive.
The Hebrew word for the Curtain, parochet refers to the lining of the womb. Within the interior of the parochet, one is at one with God, the Parent of us all. Just as in physical birth, the shearing of the Curtain during the crucifixion is the start of a new state of independence from God.
Why would the Gospels suggest this was necessary, and why did Christ have to die for it to begin? The splitting of rocks, the resurrection of the dead, all of these things imply the onset of Mashiach, a state of global independence, one that has never reached every corner of the world:
51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 
53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and[e] went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
54 When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”
55 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs. 
56 Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph,[f] and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.
Mary Magdalene= "Love in the Highest"
Mary= Love
James=who closely follows
Joseph= the most fruitful
Sons of Zebedee=the "idea of Zebedee" had to do with the understanding that humanity progresses not because of the efforts of people but because humanity is part of the universe, which progresses by natural law.
So in the final verse we get the answers to the mysteries of the ones before it. "Who experiences love in the highest and follows the natural laws of creation bears the most fruit."
The Values in Gematria are as follows:
v 51-52: The Value in Gematria is 10390, אאֶפֶס‎גטאֶפֶס‎ ‎apesgatapes, "a vision of peace that involves the winepress and the fruit of the tree."
Death in Judaism is death due to shame, to ignorance, to practices that do not cause suffering to passover. To split the curtain and the rocks and raise the dead is to press life like a grape of all of its essence. It is the moment we finally believe in the Guiding Light of the Christ and His Homily.
v 53: The Value in Gematria is 6741, וזדא‎ , zada, "That which understands. At last!"
The demonstrative pronoun and adverb זה (zeh) or זו (zo) or זאת (zo't; feminine), meaning that or which, happens in various but comparable forms all over the Semitic language area.
The verb עדה ('ada I) means to pass on or by, or to advance. It's used only twice in the Bible: Job 28:8 speaks of an advancing lion, Proverbs 25:20 speaks of a garment that's being passed by. This root's three derivations are in fact three times the same word but used in three distinct categories:
The masculine noun עד ('ad), also spelled ועד (w'ad), literally meaning advancing time. This word is usually translated with perpetuity or forever: of past time (Job 20:4), but most often future time (Psalm 21:6). In the latter case the form is usually לעד (l'ad), literally for always.
The identical masculine noun עד ('ad), literally meaning that upon which one advances: prey or booty (Genesis 49:27, Isaiah 33:23).
The identical preposition or conjunction עד ('ad), also spelled עדי ('ady), meaning as far as, until, up to, while, to the point that, etcetera. This multifarious word occurs frequently in the Bible.
v 54: The Value in Gematria is 12743, יב‎צד‎ג‎, Yv Tsadg, "And He differentiated, became a Tzaddik, a righteous being. A saint."
v 55: The Value in Gematria is 7596, זהטו‎‎‎, "the same." This refers to the universal global use of the Davar, "the words" specifically referring to the onset of Mashiach:
The Hebrew noun דבר (dāvār, with the Hebrew letter "bet" pronounced like a "v") is the word for "word" or "speech." Preceding the construction of the Tower of Babel, Genesis uses דבר (dāvār) to describe the unified "words" of the earth's population as seen in Genesis 11:1, "Now the whole earth had one language and the same words (דבר׳ם)."
After the separation of the man from God results in the appearance of the Saint, then comes the separation of humanity from Pharaoh, all the evil men and their ways. This is not an option, it is what God has commanded of us. We must achieve Mashiach.
v 56: The Value in Gematria is 5801, הח אֶפֶסא, Ha Ephesa, "Witness the Future."
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rabash-maamarim · 11 months
מה נותן לנו הכלל של ואהבת לרעך
תשמ"ד - מאמר ה' 1984 - מאמר 5
מה נותן לנו הכלל "ואהבת לרעך כמוך" - ע"י הכלל יכולים להגיע לאהבת ה'.
אם כן מה נותנת לנו קיום של תרי"ב מצות - קודם כל, צריכים לדעת מה זה "כלל". ידוע, שכלל נבנה על הרבה פרטים, ובלי פרטים אי אפשר להיות כלל. כדוגמת, שאנו אומרים, "קהלה קדישא". הכוונה על כמה פרטים, שנתאספו ונתחברו להיות חטיבה אחת. ואח"כ ממנין ראש הקהל, וכדומה. וזה נקרא "מנין" או "עדה". שכל הפחות צריך להיות עשרה אנשים, אז יכולים לומר "קדושה" בתפלה.
ועל זה אמרו בזהר הקדוש "כל בי עשרה, שכינתא שריא". שפירושו הוא, שבמקום שיש עשרה אנשים, כבר יש מקום להשראת השכינה.
ולפי זה יוצא, שהכלל "ואהבת לרעך כמוך" בנוי על תרי"ב מצות. היינו, אם אנו נקיים את התרי"ב מצות, אז נוכל לבוא להכלל של "ואהבת לרעך כמוך". נמצא, שהפרטים נותנים לנו להגיע להכלל. וכשיהיה לנו הכלל, אז נוכל להגיע לאהבת ה', כמו שכתוב "כלתה נפשי לה'".
והגם שאין האדם יכול לקיים כל התרי"ב מצות לבד. למשל, פדיון הבן. שאם נולד לו בת תחילה, כבר אינו יכול לקיים מצות פדיון הבן. וכמו כן האשה פטורה ממצות עשה שהזמן גרמא, כמו ציצית ותפילין. אבל מטעם ש"כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה", נמצא, שע"י כולם מתקיים כולם. נבחן זה, כאילו שכולם קיימו ביחד את כל המצות. לכן בסגולתן של התרי"ב מצות ניתן להגיע להכלל של "ואהבת לרעך כמוך".
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600shekels · 1 year
2 Chronicles 28: 9-11. "The Rage."
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NOW we have not talked about the anger that has been boiling underneath the past few chapters- angry kings, angry, armies, angry prophets and now we face an Angry God.
As with all the attributes of man and God in the Tanakh, there is a hidden meaning in anger we must understand, and where possible get madder than hell and not take it anymore. Other times we must learn to stifle it, and let the mechanisms God has put in place, in the hands of the wise take over:
9 But a prophet of the Lord named Oded was there, and he went out to meet the army when it returned to Samaria. He said to them, “Because the Lord, the God of your ancestors, was angry with Judah, he gave them into your hand. But you have slaughtered them in a rage that reaches to heaven. 
10 And now you intend to make the men and women of Judah and Jerusalem your slaves. But aren’t you also guilty of sins against the Lord your God? 
11 Now listen to me! Send back your fellow Israelites you have taken as prisoners, for the Lord’s fierce anger rests on you.”
Oded= to return and repeat, to bear witness till the prey realizes it has a predator on its tail
Root עדד ('adad) describes a repeated passing by or over, or a repeated encountering. Noun עדה ('idda) describes any well-worn item.
Verb עדה ('ada I) means to advance or pass on. Nouns עד ('ad) and ועד (w'ad) describe the difficult concept of a future era advancing upon the now, or else the prey or booty upon which a predator advances. The conjunction עד ('ad) or עדי ('ady) means "as far as" or until.
The same verb, namely עדה ('ada II) is used to mean to adorn or ornament oneself — that is: to have items approach the canvas of one's bulk in order to testify of some social rank or perhaps the trade or order one belongs to. Noun עדי ('adi) means ornamentation: fancy or declarative things worn on one's body or clothes.
Verb יעד (ya'ad) means to meet, habitually and repeatedly rather than incidentally. Noun עדה ('eda) means congregation or some other joint collective. Nouns מועד (mo'ed), מועד (mo'ad) and מועדה (mu'ada) describe a place (or time) of meeting.
Verb עוד ('ud) means to return and repeat. Noun עוד ('od) denotes an addition, repetition or continuance. Nouns עד ('ed), עדה ('eda), עדה ('eda), עדת ('edut), עדות ('edut) and תעודה (te'uda) all mean witness or testimony in various nuances, and verb עוד ('ud) means to bear witness.
The Gematria for verse 9 is 12398, or יבג‎‎טח yevgatah, = yavah, "he brings whatever exists into existence" + gatah, "through the interjection of the winepress."
The few times God got so angry His Rage brought the flood and the fire and then death itself from the skies, innocent people were spared the wiles of the wicked. To free the wicked from slavery and end the slaver's agenda is to shed blood and press the wine at the same time.
This is what is meant by the Rage that Reaches Heaven. While it might feel good to get enraged and suggest certain courses of action, as inviduals this is not going to be beneficial. Being feisty will not get God's attention or that of the government when a tyranny is at work.
For the answer, I turn to the Torah Tantra, from Parshiot 1-3 for the reasons why we must be as calm and rational as possible when losers are in charge, and we have to plan. The plan must include their ultimate and permanent demises, of this there is no doubt. But for lasting peace to take root in the wake of lasting horror, one must be structured in the approach.
From the Torah Tantra:
Leadership begins with the tilling of the mind. Vanity leads to bloodshed. Face east, where the sun rises to grow out of vanity, and enter the city of discipline. There, fugitives from the innocence that is destroyed by God* will become men of God, will become strong after their humiliation [loss of virginity].
To intercourse with beauty is to follow the course. To follow the shadow leads to humiliation. To follow the course is to build tents - temples within the hearts of men, and raise livestock, Godly generations, and teach them to harmonize as different instruments in a band. This takes place by honing the spiritual self that resides inside the dicks with assholes. Lead them into a glowing global economy and they will be sweet and pleasant.
God created mankind in His Likeness. He made them complementary, one on the left, one on the right, one for today, one for tomorrow. 
Through brilliance, a foundation was born. It was called mankind. It was an early mankind, weak, but with tremendous potential. By composing new ideas and efforts, man was able to grow and please God. 
There was a descent into darkness but discipline caused strength to return. The was a great respite, and conscious knowledge of the creation protected the world and there was expansion of human ingenuity in every direction.
Complete knowledge [of the Torah] leads to mercy. Mercy is the mission and crosses over all the divisions. It branches out through friendships. It is the fire that scorches slaves and makes them into freedmen. It protects those who wander, it shields them, exalts them and makes them into mountaineers [of Ararat- where curses are wrung out].
Governors and governments born on Ararat, who are violence free, purged of its influences, who are guided by the Fire of Chesed to Canaan, they are verily the servants of God.
By the light of the fire of knowledge and incense of the words of the Torah, mature men, the sons of the righteous, who are free of corruption, should rule as senators over the primitive, the corrupt, thieves, naysayers, and make them fruitful.
Press idolaters to serve the government and the generations will follow. Once the people see their government sees them too, they will cross over and live in holiness just as the Writing says; they will become  themselves.” 
We need to talk about Ararat, "The curse, reversed" don't we? Then comes the Rage. Then the predators become the prey.
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 27: 25-34. "What Frames the Mind: Stems of Glass."
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The King’s Overseers
Sentience requires a medium in order to take root. If we think of the flask as the vessel in which God cultures it, the medium is the mind, and the essence comes from the air, the sun, the water, etc. all that is missing is the glass, which are the faculties through which they must pass.
Just as the King would not let sloppy, lazy, slovenly, sleepy, dozey, dull, unprofessional persons to guard the Kingdom, neither does a sentient being just let whatever come in through his eyes, ears, nose, skin, enter his mouth or the other place.
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So let us now learn how to properly protect the King:
25 Azmaveth son of Adiel was in charge of the royal storehouses.
"To be wise enough and strong enough to kill...is to be able to advance from the past to the future, fixed on it as a predator is upon its prey."
Verb עדה ('ada I) means to advance or pass on. Nouns עד ('ad) and ועד (w'ad) describe the difficult concept of a future era advancing upon the now, or else the prey or booty upon which a predator advances. The conjunction עד ('ad) or עדי ('ady) means "as far as" or until.
Jonathan son of Uzziah was in charge of the storehouses in the outlying districts, in the towns, the villages and the watchtowers.
"The very talented and strong of character (=the 12 Noble Skills etc.) are in charge of ensuring the Instructions are kept with integrity. Outlying districts, towns, villages and watchtowers, the places where the senses are drawn in, are connected to the Self by Levites:
Although the tribe of Levi does not have an ancestral portion within Eretz [Yisrael],1 the Jewish people were commanded to give them cities2 to dwell in3 and [additional] residential property.4 The cities include the six cities of refuge and 42 additional cities.5 When cities of refuge will be added in the era of Mashiach,6 all will be given to the Levites.א
[The obligation to give] the non-developed land around the cities is explicitly mentioned in the Torah as being [a radius of] three thousand cubits in every direction from the wall of the city outward, for [Numbers 35:4-5] states: "From the wall of the city onward, 1000 cubits on all sides" and continues: "You shall measure from the outside of the city 2000 cubits on the eastern side." The first thousand are left as [additional] residential property and the 2000 that are measured outside this residential property are for fields and vineyards.
Every city is given a cemetery outside these boundaries, for they do not bury their dead within their cities, as [implied by ibid.:3]: "The residential area will be for their animals, their property, and all their vital needs." [This land] was given "for their vital needs" and not for burial.7
The dead are personal experiences and persons that waste time. One does not live alongside the dead or their pets. Cities of refuge are where the righteous congregate in order to be pure of the demeritorous behaviors that caused death, loss of property, miscarriages, slavery, prostitution that was not worth the money, dirty dix, sewerous female discharges, etc.
By the time of Mashiach, the world is supposed to have forsworn all relationships, times, and places that conclude in these dirtifyng things and become one City of Refuge.
The very strong of character will live there.
26 Ezri son of Kelub was in charge of the workers who farmed the land.
Ezri, son of Kelub=
the word כלב (keleb) may be (mistakenly) seen as a combination of the particle כ (ke), meaning 'like' or 'as if,' and the noun לב (leb), meaning heart, understanding or courage. That way the word כלב (keleb = dog) means 'as if it has a heart' or 'as if it understands.'
"To become visible as the result of visitation with an angel or a prophet and then the impetus of a behavior...as if it has a heart, as if it understands. This frames the land."
Land, dry land refers to this place, especially when it is at peace. To be at peace while residing in God's creation is a requirement and condition of our existence here.
27 Shimei the Ramathite was in charge of the vineyards.
Shimei=to have a rapport
Ramathite=ascend to the heights using all the avaialble disciplnes, have complete discernment
The verb רום (rum) means to be high or high up in either a physical, social or even attitudinal sense, and may also refer to the apex in a natural process: 
Zabdi the Shiphmite was in charge of the produce of the vineyards for the wine vats.
"The gift, son of the dawn, is the palisade between that which is ever expansive and that which is limited. This determines how full the wine vats will be."
28 Baal-Hanan the Gederite was in charge of the olive and sycamore-fig trees in the western foothills.
Baal-Hanan the Gederite, "Lord of Grace who builds the wall between Order and Chaos, whose Torah leads us from beginning to end."
Fig leaves are used to cover the nakedness of the newly fertile kids in Eden, which is in the East. In the West is maturity, where the leaves remain on the trees.
So he can whip it.
Joash was in charge of the supplies of olive oil.
Joash is "to grasp". Olive oil requires the cultivation of the tree, plenty of rain and sun, the harvest, then pressing and containerizing. This is the same way any concept is made into a theory or lesson and can be known through the glass walls of the faculties.
As said before, one can schcrew religiously, but not until the olives have been pressed and what is meaningful about intimacy with other persons has been registered on the self.
29 Shitrai the Sharonite was in charge of the herds grazing in Sharon.
Shitrai the Sharonite=
"The gatherer of prosperity due to a solid grasp...is in charge of his upright instincts...
Shaphat son of Adlai was in charge of the herds in the valleys.
...has good judgment about ordinary subjects...those in the heights and when things go wrong...
30 Obil the Ishmaelite was in charge of the camels.
Obil the Ishmaelite= To stream inwardly to the point of saturation, and respond by affectionately promulgating all which he has stored to the masses."
The Tanakh flows in a loop between the Perpetual Head of the Fountain and back out again into the realms of the learned. There is no coincidence this also seems to apply to a man who can handle his penis quite rather well.
The Tanakh is not shy about the similarities between the way a disciple learns from a master and becomes the master himself, to a man who eventually discerns how to manage the desires of others and deeliver.
Across the board, this is what is meant by a camel.
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Jehdeiah the Meronothite was in charge of the donkeys.
Jehdeiah the Meronothite= "Who is sharp and messianic of tendency, God will make glad."
The prophet Zechariah describes Moshiach as "a pauper, riding on a donkey." The simple meaning of the verse is that Moshiach — whom the Midrash describes as "greater than Abraham, higher than Moses, and loftier than the supernal angels" (Yalkut Shimoni after Isaiah 52:13) — is the epitome of self-effacement. Indeed, humility is the hallmark of the righteous: they recognize that their tremendous talents and achievements, and the power vested in them as leaders, are not theirs but their Creator's. They live not to realize and fulfill themselves, but to serve the divine purpose of creation.
On a deeper level, Moshiach's donkey represents the essence of the messianic process: a process that began with the beginning of time and which constitutes the very soul of history. In the beginning,
31 Jaziz the Hagrite was in charge of the flocks.
"He will move like the tide, and be a constant light."
“There is an extension of Moshe (אתפשטותא דמשה) in every generation.”2 [I.e., every generation has a tzaddik who performs a function similar to that performed by Moshe for his generation, and to him the Torah addresses itself, as follows:]
“When ‘you shall command the Children of Israel’ ” — i.e., when you [Moshe] connect [yourself with] the Children of Israel — “then ‘they will bring you olive oil.’ ” I.e., the Jewish people, by serving G‑d through studying Torah and observing the mitzvos, will thereby augment the light revealed at Moshe’s level. And the result will be “a constant light.”
All these were the officials in charge of King David’s property.
32 Jonathan, David’s uncle, was a counselor, a man of insight and a scribe. Jehiel son of Hakmoni took care of the king’s sons.
"Innate talent is the partner of pure and persistent beauty in one's life. This is accomplished by enscribing the Writing on top of one's insights."
33 Ahithophel was the king’s counselor.
"As the brother is to the brotherhood, so is the white to the whitewash."
Hushai the Arkite was the king’s confidant. 34 Ahithophel was succeeded by Jehoiada son of Benaiah and by Abiathar.
Hushai the Arkite=
"Hasten in excess of the inspiration rather than being rushed. Race ahead of the gnawing thoughts and their thinkers..."
Jehoiada son of Benaiah=
"By having intimate relations with the highest thoughts which are born from the patterns found in the Stone Houses."
Joab was the commander of the royal army.
"This is how one Decides on behalf of the Royal Army, regarding all that enters the mind through the stems of glass."
When Pharaoh condemned the Israelites to make bricks without straw he was condemning to stop thinking for themselves.
But just as the stems of straw make the bricks in the house more permeable to the clay, and then become a part of them forever, so do our thoughts filter through the stems of glass, the faculties, when they contemplate the independent nature of the Most High, ensuring they are free forever.
This understanding of freedom, as locally as possible keeps the world safe from tyranny across its entire surface. Even one interruption or modification of one man's thought radiance about the value of freedom from tyranny can send all of us back into the ravine.
It is the duty of King's Guards and Overseers to police and protect the world from the possibility at all times.
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