stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here, but enjoy ❤
POV y/n
This is my first day in primary school, but this is not any school. This school is for children who are distinguished by extraordinary talents, such as the iPad, dancing, and other singing, and I am very happy because I have noticed from all the people and newcomers in the field of songs that my voice is very beautiful and we will be able to be chosen as a talent in the future, and I have They recommended this beautiful school for me and I am very happy because I will achieve my dream and now I want to make friends and meet new people. I now entered the class and the teacher Sandy introduces me to the rest of the class ❤
Teacher Sandy: Well guys, we have a new student today. Can you tell us about yourself?
Y/n: First… My name is Y/n and I am 7 years old. I hope you can become friends
The whole class welcomed me and said hello to me
Teacher Sandy: y/n, here you go with your request ❤
I sat next to a person with dark hair, a black face, and completely white eyes. He looked like Venom from the Spider-Man movies. I admired his appearance and wanted to get to know him.
y/n: Mm hello
Agouti: Hello
y/n: What is your name and age?
Agouti: My name is Agouti and I am 8 years old
y/n: That's good, can we be friends?
I was surprised: What is so fast?
y/n: yeah what's up ❔
Agouti is sad: ….I think you will be afraid of my appearance and bully me 💔
y/n: No, why should I be afraid of your appearance or bully you?
Agoti did not say anything, and I was going to ask him, but the teacher, Sandy, said that the lesson begins now, and after the end of the lesson, it was time for recess. I was walking and discovered this giant school. I suddenly discovered that Agoti was being bullied because of his appearance, and there were boys bullying Agoti.
Boy 1: Well, well… Look who's here, the ugliest boy in this school
Boy 2: You don't really have a place here. You have to go to another school, and your voice isn't really beautiful.
These words made Agouti cry, and the boy 1 also started pulling Agouti’s hair and the boy 2 encouraged him. I could not bear this and intervened to defend him.
Y/n Anger: You two stay away from Agouti
Boy 1 surprised: And who are you even?
y/n Fury: I'm Agouti's friend
Boy 2 laughs: What and who befriends this disgusting monster?
y/n got angry: He's not a monster, it's you
Boy 1 got angry: Well, it seems that you want to learn your lesson. Forget this boy now and focus on this girl.
I am now trying to defend myself and prevent these boys from approaching me
POV agouti
Agouti said to himself: This girl defended me and said that I am not a monster. I want to know why she is doing this and these two boys are trying to bully her, but she resists and stays away from them… No, I will not let these two boys bully her. I must be brave.
I wiped my tears and now I'm defending y/n
Agoti got angry: Hey, stop harassing her
Boy 2 got angry: Okay, now the weak person is defending this weak mouth
Agoti got angry and screamed: Ahhh, that's enough, y/n, hold me tight and don't ask why.
Y/n caught me well and I used my gravity force and made these two boys float in the air and they felt very terrified and after that my friends Tabby and Ayana and my big brother Drex came and after that I lowered these two boys to the ground and they were going to run away. But the police grabbed them forcefully
Al-Drex got angry: Do you know if you approach my brother again?
Tabby: Do you know?
Ayana: Or we will tell you
Boy 1 Fear: No, no, no, we will not approach this boy again
Boy 2 Fear: We only know that he has supernatural powers. We will leave from here and never approach him again.
The two boys, Ayana, Tabby, and my brother Al-Darks went to check on me
Drex: Agoti, are you okay?
Happy Agouti: Yes, I'm fine, thanks to my new friend, y/n
Tabby: Wait a minute, this girl is in the same class as me, Agoti, and Ayana
Y/n's pov
I got to know Tabby, Ayana, and the Drakes, and we all became friends. After the years passed, I became 18 years old, and Ajuti was 19 years old. Ajuti and I became famous singers, and the rest of the friends did as well. After time passed, I began to love Ajuti in everything, including his voice, his cheerful personality, and Everything is in and now I will confess to Agoti that I love him and he is now with me ❤
Agouti Hamas: y/n I'm here. Do you want us to sing a new song?
y/n: Haha, Agoti, I want to tell you something. Do you mind listening to me until the end?
Agouti: …well what's going on?
y/n: Agoti, I have loved you for a very long time. I love everything about you, your cheerful personality, your singing style, and everything about you. Do you share the same feelings with me?
POV agouti
I can't believe what my ears hear. Is this true? The girl I've loved for a long time loves me. I can't believe this ❤
y/n: …Mm Agoti, are you okay?
Agouti: I can't believe this. I also have the same feelings… I love you so much
I took Y/n in a deep kiss that lasted for a minute and she was also happy about it. I held Y/n's hand tightly and looked into his eyes.
Agouti: You are so beautiful, brave, strong, kind and kind, Y/N. I love you so much and I will do anything to make you happy ❤
y/n: Me too
Agoti: But I want to know why you love me
Saeeda y/n: Mmm okay… nice, smart, present, your personality is enthusiastic and adventurous, and you love singing, present ❤
Agouti: What are you doing?
y/n Saeeda: A beautiful voice exists ❤
Agouti: And the shape
y/n gently cups my cheek, looks into my eyes and smiles
y/n: Yes ❤ I love you, Agouti, and I don’t care about appearance, I love you as you are, Agouti ❤
Agouti: Me too, y/n ❤
Y/n's pov
And since that time, I and Agoti have been together and we have been singing “Hate.” How nice. I am happy that I am with my lover and my future husband, and Agoti and I are living our lives happily now ❤
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here and enjoy ❤
Author: Hayana I am very sorry for the delay in publishing this story, but I do not follow the Naruto anime and I do not know who Shisui is, so I had to know information about him, and after I knew who he was, I wanted to say frankly, his story is sad 😭 The important thing is that the story will be outside the anime story, I mean. The story will be about the time of princes and knights and things like this. The important thing is that I leave you with the story and I hope you like it. If there is anything wrong with what I wrote about Shisui’s character, tell me in the comments and I will leave you with the story ❤
Y/n's pov
I am Princess Y/N, and this kingdom is ruled by my father, F/N. He is a just king and loves justice, and all the inhabitants of the kingdom love him. He has saved many people. My father is very afraid for me because I am his only daughter, and he used to send me many guards to defend me, but I love a guard. Only one person who caught my attention the most was called Shisui. He was 20 years old, older than me. I am 18 years old, and I always loved being by his side. I even always asked my father to let Shisui be my bodyguard always, and he agreed. I was very happy. One day I was… I read a book about nature, rivers, seas and things like this. I wanted to go there and discover these things. I went to my father and he took a look and found my father on his personal throne reading a book.
y/n happy: hello dad
F/n Saeed: Hello my beautiful daughter, how are you?
y/n: Fine…Can I say something?
f/n: yeah what's up?
I told my father that I wanted to go and explore nature and things like that, and I also told him that I would be abroad for 10 days, and he agreed ❤
f/n: Okay, my daughter, but I don’t want you to go alone. I will send the guard, Shisui, to be with you.
My father called the guard, Shisui, to come with me on this trip, and the guard, Shisui, agreed and also went to get his things.
y/n Saeeda: Thank you, father, I will go get my things too ❤
I hugged my father and I was feeling happy and I went to get my supplies. Also, I am going to discover nature. I do not want to go while wearing a princess dress. I must wear something comfortable that makes me move a lot, and I found the right outfit ✌🏻👍🏻
Your clothes :
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Shisui's pov
While I was preparing my things, I could not believe these words that were coming from my lord’s mouth. Am I really going to be with Princess Y/n alone for 10 days? Just me and her alone. How happy I am about this because I love Princess Y/n so much. I prepared my things and I. I waited impatiently for Princess Y/n for her and I to be alone. After 10 minutes, Princess Y/n came and she was very beautiful. Princess Y/n hugged her father and we rode our horses and went to explore nature. After two hours, we arrived at a very beautiful forest. And Princess Y/N said to me, “This is the place, and frankly, this is a very beautiful, quiet forest with a stunning view.”
the forest :
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And now I understand why Princess Y/N wanted to go to this forest and explore nature. How nice and beautiful it is like her. After half an hour, we greened everything in our camp and lit a fire to grill food, and she and I sat down and ate our food ❤
y/n Saeeda: Mmm, this food is very delicious. Thank you, Shisui
Shisui Saeed: Thank you, Princess Y/N, for this beautiful and kind trip, like you, this place is beautiful ❤
I saw y/n blushing when I was complimenting her and she looked so beautiful. 5 days passed and y/n and I were together and we explored new and unique types of flowers and more picturesque places and precious stones and everything that was beautiful and unique and we were reading books. We eat together and I was with Y/n and I always notice that Y/n is shy when I'm close to her. Does she like me? I have to find out tonight ❤
Y/n's pov
I was in my tent and I couldn't sleep. I was going to go out and watch the stars for a little while, but before I went out, I took a blanket with me and wrapped it around me. I got out of my tent. It was cold. I went to the campfire that Shisui and I had lit, and I noticed that Shisui… He was still awake and sitting on the floor, shirtless and wearing only his pants. I blushed and went to Shisui and sat next to him.
y/n: Shisui ❔
Shisui Saeed: Hello princess, what are you doing here?
y/n: I couldn't sleep and I went to see the stars and what are you doing❔?
Shisui Saeed: The same thing, and I also keep an eye on the place so that nothing comes and harms you
y/n: I am strong and I can defend myself and I also know how to use a sword
Shisui Saeed: Hahaha, I know, but I must protect you, princess
Shisui and I were watching the stars, and after 10 minutes I saw Shisui shivering a little. Is he cold?
y/n: Shisui, are you cold? Should I get you a blanket?
Shisui: No, I'm fine, and I can handle it, and I also like to feel the cold air on my chest
I don't know, but I think Shisui is lying to me. I took off the blanket and put it on Shisui and wrapped it around him so that he wouldn't feel cold. He looked very cute, like a cute little child and not a guard 🤭
Saeeda Y/N: Haha, it's okay, Shisui, to feel cold. We're all human in the end. I also brought 2 extra blankets. You can take these. I'll go and get another one for myself.
I was going to go but Shisui grabbed my hand. I looked towards him and saw Shisui looking at me
y/n: What's wrong, Shisui?
Shisui Saeed: Let's share this blanket together, princess ❤
I was ashamed by Shisui's words. He took me tightly and put me in his arms and wrapped the blanket around us both. I felt warmth. I felt tenderness. I felt Shisui's breath on my face. He was looking at me and smiling at me. I blushed even more.
Shisui Saeed: Do you love me, Princess Y/N ❤
Shy y/n: Mm what ❕
Shisui is happy: Every time I see you, I wish to always be with you. I wish to always protect you. You are like a little kitten that I must defend, protect, and give her all the love she needs. I love you so much, princess. Do you agree to be my lover?
Shy y/n: Shisui I… I love you too. I love you because you are a brave and kind man and you defend the innocent. How nice you are. I love you very much and I want to be your girlfriend ❤
Shisui's pov
After I heard these words from her, I took her in for a deep kiss. The texture and taste of her lips were like honey. How beautiful she is, and she also joins me in kisses. I broke off this kiss because we needed air. I took her in a warm and beautiful hug, and she continued to say that she loved me. 10 minutes passed and we were still together. In each other's arms ❤
y/n: Shisui, can I tell you something?
Shisui: Yes
y/n: How long have you loved me?
Shisui: This is a long story. Will you listen to it until the end?
Y/n : Yes
Shisui: Well, before I saw you and got to know you, I was 5 years old. I was a poor child, and my father and mother died and left me alone. At that time, I felt hungry and I was always stealing food and bread so that I could live, and King F/n asked the guards to catch me. And after he caught me, he said to me why I am doing this, and I told him everything, and King F/n was kind to me and also took care of me and trained me to be a brave knight who defends the poor. After I became 18 years old, I saw you for the first time and I was impressed by you and asked The king asked me to be your bodyguard and he agreed and he was very supportive of me and here we are with you and I give you hugs and kisses ❤
y/n Saeeda: Wow Shisui, I don't know what to tell you ❤
Shisui Saeed: Nothing, just having you by my side is enough for me ❤
I gave a kiss to my beautiful girlfriend while she and I were in each other’s arms and watching the stars until we fell asleep and fell asleep together ❤
Y/n's pov
Since then, Shisui and I have been together and have never been apart. After my father found out, he was very happy and decided to marry me to Shisui. He always said that he could not find anyone better than Shisui to take care of me. Shisui and I were very happy, and after a month We got married and now we live in love and happiness ❤
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here and enjoy ❤
Y/n's pov
This is my first day in the Higher Academy. I was walking through the school and I did not know what I would do before I entered this school. I searched for it on the Internet and found a lot of information about it. According to my information, this school is one of the largest schools in Japan, and I had to know this school well in order to… I know where to go. I was walking through school and saw the sports club. I loved this club very much. I went to the sports club and saw people running all the time. I was watching them and saw someone looking at me with surprise. His hair was orange and his eyes were green. I had a goatee and wore a badge. It indicates that he is the club president
Itachi was surprised: Hello, are you Y/N?
y/n tension: yeah who are you and how do you know my name
Itachi Said: This is me, Itachi
After I heard his name well, I went into Itachi's arms and started to be very happy. Itachi and I have been friends since childhood, but Itachi had to immigrate to another city due to his father's circumstances at work, and it seems that he has returned. I was very happy that Itachi is by my side now.
y/n: Itachi, I'm glad you're back. This is very happy news
Itachi: And I miss you more than you. I missed you so much
y/n: Itachi, can I ask you a question?
Itachi: Yes, what is it?
y/n: How long have you been back, how did you become the club president, and how did your appearance change so quickly?
I've been asked a lot of questions and Itachi is confused and doesn't know how to answer every question.
Itachi: Haha, you still haven't changed… Well, you said one question, but in reality, they are several questions, but do not worry, I will answer every question, but the first thing I have to change my clothes and sit with you for a while.
Itachi changed his clothes, and he and I sat next to the gym and talked about each other. They talked about our past, our interests, and many things, and we were very happy that we were exchanging conversations again.
Itachi Said: Hey y/n, when I spoke to you, you didn’t recognize me. I mean, you got nervous when I spoke to you.
y/n: Well, I won’t lie to you. I didn’t recognize you. I thought you were an older person, 25 years old, and a sports teacher at this school.
Itachi was surprised by this and did not utter a single word for a minute
y/n: Are you okay?
Itachi: Am I that old?
I saw Itachi looking a little sad
y/n: No, no, no, you are not like that. You are very wonderful and you are just the way you are
Itachi Saeed: Well, thank you, Y/N. You are the best, and you have not changed either. You are still the same….Do you want to join the sports club?
y/n Saeeda: Yes, this is very cool
Itachi's pov
Y/n joined the gym, and to be honest, I wanted to keep her by my side always. I don’t want her to go again, and after a week I always see Y/n finding it difficult to exercise. Is the exercise very difficult for her, but every time I see her… Someone from the club is talking to her. I feel very jealous, but I don’t want to show this to Y/n. That’s why I was hiding this feeling from her. When anyone from the club talks to her, I try to attract Y/n’s attention in any way. I want her to focus on me. It's just me, and everyone was surprised that Y/n is the only girl to whom I am always kind and loving, and to everyone else I treat them coldly, arrogantly, and always angry, and I act indifferent all the time. Only Y/n is the only girl who is different, and I want to be with her always. I want to confess my love for her
Itachi is shy: Hey y/n
y/n: Yes, Itachi, is there something?
Itachi is shy: Yes, I want to confess something to you
y/n: What is it?
Itachi is shy: I love you, Y/n. I always want to be with you. I want to be by your side to protect you from anything bad, Y/N. I love you Kira. I have loved you since childhood. Since I immigrated to another city because of my father’s circumstances at work, I felt that there was something about you about me. Missing and I was missing you so much that I wish that you and I would meet again. I love you so much… Would you accept to be my lover?
I saw y/n blushing a lot and looking very happy
Shy y/n: I love you too, Itachi, and I also feel these feelings towards you. I love you very much.
I gave Y/N a kiss full of love, affection and tenderness. I will do anything to make her happy and always by my side.
Y/n's pov
And after that day, Itachi and I are together, and I always encourage Itachi to become something big in the future, and in fact, he became one of the fastest runners in the world. I love you, Itachi, and I will always be with you. I love you ❤
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here and enjoy ❤
Y/n's pov
This is my first day in Higher Academy. I was walking in school and I did not know what I was going to do. The school is very big. I have always dreamed of being in a big and beautiful school like this one. I was walking and going to my class 1-1 and I sat in my seat and then… A minute later, he found two girls approaching me. The first girl had dark pink hair and her hairstyle was like a croissant, and the second girl, like Hatsumi Miku, approached me and talked to me.
Cocona : Hello, my name is Cocona, and this is my friend Saki, and what is your name?
Y/n : Hello, my name is Y/n, nice to meet you
Saki : Are you new here?
Y/n : Yes, to be honest, the school is very big and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to get lost.
Cocona : Well, y/n, what do you think about Saki and I introducing you to this school and taking you on a tour? What do you think?
y/n : Okay, but I don't want to cause you any trouble
Saki : There is no disturbance. Come with us
Cocona and Saki took me on a tour around the school and showed me the classrooms, the teachers' room, the counselor's room, the nurse's room, the student council, and the clubs I could join, and everything is fine so far, but we stopped at a certain place.
Saki: y/n, pay attention to these five men. Do you see those with blond hair?
y/n: Yes, who are they?
Cocona: These are delinquents and they always cause problems. I advise you to stay away from them. No, you should be far away from them. They are very dangerous.
y/n: Ok but why would they be like this?
Saki: We should be away from them now. Let's go from here
After 10 minutes, Saki and Cocona informed me of everything, and I thanked them very much and went to my class so as not to miss the class time. I was thinking all the time about the delinquents. Why are they like this and what is the reason? After a week had passed, I always found the delinquents causing problems and harming someone. A few days after class ended, I went to take a tour of this school. This school is very beautiful. As I was walking, I saw one of the delinquents hitting a girl who had a ponytail, and her hair, eyes, and socks were black, and the girl was about to fall. I went to the girl to make her happy, and she was almost like no. You can move
Hayanari Said: Hmmmm, this is the punishment for playing with us, Ayano
y/n anger: How do you hit a girl weaker than you, you with the scar on the nose?
Hayanari got angry: And who are you, girl, to tell me, Oh, the one with the scar on the nose, who are you in the first place? My name is Hayanari.
Y/n was angry: Come on, Ayano, I have to take you to the nurse quickly
I went to the nurse and explained what happened to Ayano, and the nurse began to help Ayano, and Ayano went to sleep because she was tired, and I went to the counselor.
Counselor: Hello, my dear, can I help you?
y/n Anger: Yes, I want to report a problem
Counselor: What's the problem?
y/n Anger: There was one of the delinquents who beat a girl and she is now with the nurse receiving treatment
The counselor is sad: I'm sorry, girl, but I can't do anything
y/n: But why?
The counselor is sad: I am the reason why delinquents are made like this
y/n: Can you explain to me what happened and why they are like this?
The counselor is sad: Well… last year there were 5 boys being bullied and now they are delinquent and there was no one to help and the situation continued like this, but after a while a girl named Osoro appeared. One day a group of students from Ahri School came to quarrel. With Usoro, he actually did this, and Usoro won in the end, and five of the children, after seeing Asoro, considered her their role model, and they imitated her in everything, and they became delinquent, and the rest of the students began not to approach them because they were dangerous, and the principal of the school noticed this, and I am responsible for all of this. Because I did not intervene from the beginning, and I am trying to return them to how they were…..that is all, and I hope you will understand this and leave the delinquents for a while so that I can treat them.
y/n sad: ok thank you
I left the counseling room and I was sad for these 5 men. Because of the bullying, everything changed in them. I hope the counselor can treat them. I went to the classroom to attend my class.
Haiyanari's pov
I went to my classroom to attend the class, and all the time I was thinking about the girl who spoke to me. I don’t know who she is, and I wanted to talk to her. I felt that she was treating me like a normal person, and I knew her name, Y/N. After the class ended, I went to look for her and found her. Walking in school
Hayanari: y/n
y/n: Mm hello
Hayanari: Hello, Y/n. Honestly, I want to tell you that I admire you and encourage you, and you treated us as if we were normal people and were not afraid of us.
y/n: Mm, okay, thank you…. Honestly, I want to talk to you a little. Do you mind this?
Hayanari: No, please
Y/n explained to me that she wanted to help us change for the better
y/n: Well what do you think?
Hayanari: y/n I don't know what to say but we like how we look like this
y/n: Haiyanari, you must change for the better for yourselves, for your family, and for the future… and you can also use your strength for good and defend the innocent. If anyone comes and is subjected to bullying, you can come and make this person happy and use your strength for good.. Come on, Hayanari, do you and your friends want to see people going through the same experience that you went through?
Hayanari:…..I'll think about it
I went home and thought about what y/n said a lot. She was right about everything. Frankly, I want to change for the better. I suggested the idea to my friends. It took time for me to convince them, and they agreed. In fact, we have changed for the better and help anyone who is being bullied. We have become… Good people and everyone loves us again and it's all thanks to Y/N. I loved this girl so much. How strong, kind and brave she is. I loved her with all my heart and I want to confess my feelings to her. After a month has passed, the time has come.
Shy Hayanari: Y/n, I want to confess something to you
y/n: What is it?
Hayanari is shy: I love you, girl. I want to stay with you for the rest of my life…. You suddenly appeared in my life and made me change for the better and my friends too. How nice and beautiful you are, and I am happy that you appeared in my life. I love you…. y/ n Do you accept to be my lover?
I saw y/n blushing and she came closer to me and kissed me and it felt amazing
Shy y/n: And I don't love you….but I adore you
I took Y/N in a deep kiss and a warm hug, and I wanted time to stop and for us to be in this situation forever.
Y/n's pov
After this day, Hayanari and I live happily, and I am happy that I love you, Hayanari, has appeared in my life.
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here and enjoy ❤
Y/n's pov
This is my first day at Higher Academy. I was walking through school and I didn't know what I was going to do. The school is very big. I was walking in one of the corridors. I bumped into someone and fell to the ground. His hair and eyes were purple, and I was wearing a white suit with red stripes. His tie is red. Is he a student in this school or what?
❔: Oh, I’m sorry, are you okay?
This person helped me and apologized again
y/n: yeah i'm fine…
Daisaku: Daisaku….. Are you a new student? This is the first time I see you….
y/n: y/n that's my name
Disako Saeed: Well, welcome to the Higher Academy, with your permission, I will continue my work
y/n: Daisaku wait
Daisaku: What?
y/n: Are you from another school or something like that?
Daisako: No why?
y/n: Because you dress differently
Daisaku: I'm from the Student Council, and this is my Student Council uniform as well…. You don't seem to know anything here.
y/n: Yes, it's my first day anyway….Can you show me the school so I can learn more about everything?
Daisaku: Okay, come with me
Disaku took me around the whole school and also introduced me to the clubs, the classes, the teachers' room, the counselor, etc. He introduced me to everything.
y/n: Thank you, you saved me
Daisaku: No problem, what class are you in?
y/n: I'm in class 1-1
Daisaku: You're younger than me, so okay, I'm in class 2-2. If you need anything else, tell me or tell the student council. They'll make you happy, okay?
y/n: Ok thank you
Daisaku: Okay, bye
Daisaku went and the school bell rang and this means that I have to go to class so that we can study throughout the class. I could not concentrate on the lesson because I was thinking about Daisaku and thinking about joining any club. Only one club inspired me and that is the Cooking Club. It has started. Very nice. The lesson ended and it was time for lunch. I went to the cooking club and asked the club president to join the club and he agreed. I was very happy and he told me that we would start at 4:00 pm and he suggested that I sit next to the cooking club members. And I had lunch with them, and I actually did that ❤
POV Disako
I was thinking about this girl all the time while patrolling all the floors of the school. I noticed Y/N next to the Cooking Club, eating lunch with them, and wearing the Cooking Club logo. This means that she participated in the Cooking Club. After lunch time ended, everyone went to their classes and I was… I think about Y/n all the time. She looked so beautiful. After the lesson ended, I did the student council routine as usual and noticed Y/n in front of me.
Y/n is happy: Hey, Daisaku
Daisako: Mm what?
Y/n is happy: Look, I joined the cooking club, isn't that cute 😊
Disako: Well, what do you want about this….. Well, congratulations to you
y/n is happy: Thank you…. Daisaku, can we be friends?
Daisaku: I'm sorry, y/n, but I don't want to
y/n: why ❔
Daisaku: Because of my work, I am one of the student council, and I was also one of the former delinquents, so I am afraid for you that the rest of the students will say something bad about you because of me, but now I have changed for the better.
y/n: There is no problem with that, Talama. You have changed for the better, so this is the most beautiful thing
Daisaku is shy: Well, well, Talama, you are a musasa, so well, you and I are friends now
y/n is happy: wow thank you, Daisaku
Y/n hugged me and was very happy about this. What is happening to me? Why am I so happy? Why am I blushing like this? Could it be love? But how? This is the first day she and I have met and I don’t know much about her. It’s strange. Why do I feel like this? After a minute, I continued my work. The student council, and Y/n was also accompanying me, and she and I exchanged conversations. She and I differed in many things, and we also loved mutual things, but the most important thing I see is that Y/n and I are similar in our love of food. Time has passed quickly. It was now 4:00 and it was time for Y/n to go to the cooking club
Y/n's pov
I wanted to stay longer with Daisaku. I feel very comfortable with Daisaku
Saeeda y/n: I'm sorry, Daisaku, but I have to go to the cooking club tomorrow. We can get to know each other and talk more.
Said Daisaku: No problem. I'm happy that we have become friends. I will accompany you so that you can reach the Cooking Club safely. There is a possibility that you will get lost in this great academy.
y/n Saeeda: Hahaha, even though I know everything now, but okay, that's okay
Daisaku accompanied me to the cooking club, and while I was walking, I heard Daisaku's stomach making strange noises. Daisaku grabbed his stomach and began to feel it, feeling sad.
y/n: Daisaku, are you okay?
Daisaku is sad: No, not quite
y/n: Then go to the doctor so she can give you something to relieve the pain
Daisaku is sad: No, I'm not sick, I'm very hungry, I don't have food. I and the rest of the student council arrive at school every day at a specific time, 6:00 in the morning. At this time, the entire student council prepares themselves and eats, but not me, because of my family's circumstances. They have enough money and all the money they spend is on my education
y/n is sad: Mmm Daisaku, I'm sorry I didn't know, but I can cook you something for you to eat, I'm talented at cooking ❤
Disako is sad: No, don't worry about me. I'm used to feeling hungry…. The important thing is that I have to go now, bye
Daisaku is gone, and I feel very sad about the end of the day. All night long, I was thinking about Daisaku, and an idea came to my mind, which was that I would wake up early to make food for Daisaku, and also go to school early, and I actually did this. I prepared food for me and Daisaku, and I went to school. It was now 6:30, and it seemed that the student council had gone and finished eating. I went to the student council room and saw Daisaku sad and feeling his stomach. I entered the room and closed the door behind me so that no one would see us.
y/n Saeeda: Hey, Daisaku 🖐🏻
Daisaku is shocked: y/n what are you doing here ❔
Y/n Saeeda: Look what I got for you ❤
I took out the lunch box from my bag and gave it to Daisaku
y/n Saeeda: Here is the food for you ❤
Disako Saeed: Really thank you 🤤
Daisaku started out very happy and they liked the food. He looked very nice while he was eating. He was so cute. He looked like a 5-year-old child eating chocolate. I know I shouldn't say this about a tough and violent person like Daisaku, but what can I say? He's cute. Extremely while he is eating 😊🤭❤
Said Daisaku: Mmmm, I have never eaten such delicious food before. Thank you, y/n
y/n Saeeda: You're welcome, I can do this for you every day
Disako is shocked: What, no, I don’t want you to worry about me
y/n Saeeda: But we are friends and we should do this for each other
Shy Daisaku: Thank you, y/n
POV Disako
Y/n is a very nice girl, and I have loved him since that moment, and I also want you to be my lover. It is true that I have a goal to help my father and mother and become something big in the future, but now I have two goals, and the second goal is to make Y/n my lover. After a month, y/n and I became very friends, and I was jealous of her if any boy approached and talked to her, and I thought that she also loved me, but if any girl came and talked to me, y/n’s face turned red from the amount of anger, and after a week had passed One of the students came to me and told me there is a note in my locker. I went to my locker and saw a note.
Daisaku was shocked: Mmm, what is this?
Note: Meet me at the sakura tree today. I must confess something very important to you at 5:00, and don’t be late, sweet one.
Daisaku: Wait a minute, who is this person and who calls me cute? No one calls me cute except Y/N….. Wait a minute, is this her?
I went to the sakura tree and saw y/n standing there
Daisaku: y/n ❔
Shy y/n: Daisaku, I have to tell you something…but please listen to me. I have known you for about a month, and honestly, I love everything about you. You are a brave man who loves justice and is strong and loves to help your family. You are a very kind man and I cannot stand it. Having another girl with you, Talama, I thought about this makes me angry and makes my heart break. This is a difficult thing, but I must confess to you…. I love you very much, and I want you to be my lover and my future husband. Do you agree ❤?
Daisaku is shy: … What are you talking about, y/n … I really love you … I love you at first sight, you are very kind and you like to help people and you have a good heart …. I love you very much, my love, you are the best …and I want to be your future husband ❤
I held y/n's hand and her hands were very soft, and after a minute I took her in a deep kiss, and she and I exchanged a look with beautiful eyes. How much I love her ❤
Y/n's pov
Since then, Daisaku and I were together and helped each other. We graduated together, and Daisaku became a famous person and something big, as he dreamed, and I became a chef, and Daisaku and I lived happily ❤
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here, but enjoy ❤
Y/n's pov
I remember that day….. Yes, I remember that day in great detail, as if it had happened to me yesterday.
Flashback 5 years ago
I was in high school, 3rd year of secondary school, sitting in class and attending a chemistry lesson, and frankly, I did not understand anything about chemistry, but the only one who was helping me with that was Biko. Biko was very smart and very kind to me, and he was my first friend in high school and after that. He introduced me to his friends, Nene and Darnell, and the 4 of us became friends and help each other, but school is almost over, so I'm afraid I won't see my friends again, so we all took our phone numbers. I really love them all with all my heart, but the one I really love is Peko and I hope he will be my future lover one day, and now I am in class
The teacher: Well, children, who knows how to solve this problem?
Beko Hamas: It's me
The teacher: Well, go ahead, Biko
He solved this problem easily and quickly
Mrs. Saeed: Well done, Biko, and now for the second
Suddenly, Cassandra appeared, carrying a gun and pointing in front of the teacher. I and the rest of the students had never liked Cassandra, and we felt that she was a danger to all of us, but not to the point that she wanted to carry a gun and point at us. The teacher and all of us were surprised by the situation.
Cassandra got angry and shouted: Stop this, you idiot. You are all the same. I do not want to learn and do these stupid things. Curse everyone and everything.
y/n: Cassandra please stop joking like that this is not mothly
Nene: Yes, and can you remove this toy gun?
Cassandra got angry and screamed: And you also tell me it's a game. Are you so stupid? It's not a game.
Darnell: What evidence do you have on this?
Cassandra killed the teacher in front of all of us and killed the rest of the class, but me, Pico, Nene, and Darnell survived. Cassandra went to rule the world and destroy the school. The four of us left the classroom, not knowing what to do.
Nene Totter: What will we do now?
Darnell Fear: I don't know
Biko got angry: We will kill
y/n surprised: m…what?
Biko got angry: You heard what I just said, now everyone prepare yourselves, Darnell, go outside the school and get a car for us to ride in, and also go to the cafeteria and bring all kinds of food.
Nene is sad and crying: I don't want this to happen, Biko. I want to stay with Darnell
Biko got angry: Well, stay with Darnell and make each other happy, and if anything happens… kill anyone who tries to harm you all.
y/n surprised: m…what?
Biko got angry: As you heard, I don't want to repeat my words twice. Go and move
Nini and I had knives, but Pico and Darnell had a gun. I decided to stay with Pico, and Nini and Darnell went, and I went with Pico, and we were running and trying to find Cassandra and trying to prevent her from stopping what she was doing.
y/n: what are we going to do now?
Pico got angry: As I said, we must kill anyone who tries to harm us, and I also know Cassandra’s plan. She will turn the world into hell soon, and now we must stop her.
y/n: Okay, I'm with you
In fact, Pico and I kill anyone with Cassandra, and we were working well together, but one of the people working with Cassandra shot me in the foot and I was screaming in pain.
Peko got angry and shouted: y/n no
Biko killed the person who injured me and went towards me
Biko worried: y/n are you okay?
y/n: Yes, no problem
Biko treated the genie and Biko picked me up and took me to one of the classes and made sure that there was no danger in the class. After that, he gently put me on a chair and gave me my phone. He found a stick on the floor and gave it to me so I could use it and help me stand.
Pico: y/n, I will go and act and kill Cassandra, and if I do not return to you after 6 pm, you, Nene, and Darnell, run away for your lives.
y/n is sad and worried: I will not leave you
Pico: y/n, you will not be able to move because you are injured….. y/n I am happy that you appeared in my life, and I wished that you would be with me at all times and in every place…. If I do not come back to you, know that I love you and I was hoping that you would be my lover and my future wife… I love you
After that, Pico closed the classroom door, and I was waiting for Pico. After the time had passed, it was now 6:30, and I was afraid for Pico. After a minute, Pico opened the classroom door, his face stained with blood, and he was smiling at me and approaching me.
Pico Saeed: Don’t be afraid, my love, everything is fine… Cassandra is dead and…
I took Pico in a big hug. I couldn't take it anymore and was crying
y/n: Peko….I too…love you
Biko took me in for a deep kiss that lasted for a minute, and after that he confessed his feelings for me and how much he loved me. After that, Biko carried me and we went to Nene and Darnell's to leave this school forever.
End of flashback
After that, me, Biko, Mimi, and Darnell became murderers, but we do not kill innocent people. Rather, we kill people who deserve to be killed. After all these adventures, Biko and I sit in a high port and watch the stars.
Biko Saeed: y/n, can I suggest something to you?
y/n: Yes, what is it?
Biko Saeed: y/n I am happy that you appeared in my life and every day I love that you are with me and now I want you to be with me forever…. Will you marry me, my love?
y/n Saeed: Yes
After that day, we got married, and Biko and I are happy in our lives, and Nene and Darnell are also very happy for us. After 5 months, I became pregnant, and Biko and I are now waiting for our little son with bated breath and happiness ❤
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here, but enjoy ❤
Y/n's pov
I went to Paul to have lunch with him. Now we are on lunch break in the Red Army, and I am now waiting for Paul to eat with me.
Paul: Hi y/n, sorry for the delay
y/n: It's okay, and you didn't even delay me ❤
Paul: Okay, but before I have lunch with you, I want to get myself something to drink with lunch. Do you have anything to offer?
y/n: Get some juice, please
Paul: Okay, 5 minutes and I'll be back
y/n: Okay, take it easy ❤
After Paul left, I remembered how he and I kissed for the first time ❤
flash back
In the beginning, 2 years ago, I was walking alone, and I did not have any fears, and I did not have a job. I was looking for any work for me, but there was no solution. I decided to give up and comfort myself. I found a small garden and it was very beautiful. I sat on the grass, and now I feel… Comfortably ❤
y/n: Oh, I'm so tired. Why is there no work anywhere here? How will I live? Well, I will rest for only 10 minutes and I will search again. I will not give up.
After only 5 minutes I heard strange noises
y/n: What, what is this sound…. Mmm, hello, is there anyone here….. This is very strange. There is no one but me. I am in this garden. What are these sounds?
I followed the sound and found a group of zombies eating people. I was terrified by the situation and the zombies noticed me and began to devour me. I was trying to escape from them, but there was no way out. I was terrified and thought this was the end of me, but a person with brown hair and one eye came. He has a gun, smokes, and wears a red army uniform. He kills all the zombies before they devour me in time.
y/n: …. ah thank you ….
Paul: Paul, my name is Paul, are you okay?
y/n: Yes, thank you for saving my life. This means a lot to me ❤
Paul: Okay, any service, and now goodbye
y/n: Wait
Paul: What's up?
y/n: I have been looking for a job for 3 months and I cannot find it. Do you have any work for me? I will do anything.
Paul: ….. Mmmm, well the head of the Red Army is looking for new people to join the army, but the first thing is that they must train you to fight and handle weapons and things like that, and also the head of the Red Army has no objection if anyone joins me. His own army….well what do you think?
y/n to herself: I don't want to kill people and cause chaos everywhere. I know the Red Army well, but I have no other choice. I will join, but I will not hurt anyone or kill people. I will be a good girl to everyone ❤
Paul: Oh girl, what are you going to say?
y/n: …I agree
Paul: Good, now, come with me, and welcome to the Red Army…. What is your name?
y/n: y/n
And since that time, I have been fighting and fighting with the Red Army, and Paul and I have become many friends, and I want to admit that I have loved Paul since that day because he saved my life and helped me with many things, and throughout this time, I do not see Paul as my friend. No, I see him as my lover and my future husband ❤
End of flashback
Wow, time has flown by and I still love Paul ever since that day ❤
Paul: Hey y/n, I brought you juice
y/n: Really thank you
We are now eating lunch, but while we were eating, I noticed that Paul was very worried
y/n: Paul, are you okay? Why aren’t you eating?
Paul: Well, ummm….how about you and I talk for a little bit at the end of the day? I want to confess to you something very important.
y/n: Well, it's okay, but now eat before it gets cold ❤
Paul: Well…
Paul's pov
I will confess everything to her. Yes, she should know everything. Finally, the night has come and me and y/n are alone now ❤
y/n: Ok Paul, what's the matter? We're alone now. What do you want to tell me?
Paul: When I was getting the juice, I saw a man talking about you and saying beautiful things about you and how attractive you are and things like that.
y/n: …that's all❔
Paul angrily: No, there are very many things every day since you joined the Red Army, and all the men admire you and talk to you and talk about you in a beautiful way and things like this.
y/n: Why are you angry about this?
Paul angrily: I love you, y/n, and I want you to be mine alone ❤
y/n: …how long have you liked me?
Paul: For a long time…. You have never harmed anyone before, and you have not wanted to kill anyone since that day, and this is very good, and you are the person who cares about me the most. You always take care of me, and we eat with each other and talk about things that we love and have. Same interests…. y/n Do you love me ❤
❤ After a few seconds, I saw Y/n kissing me passionately and in a very nice way ❤ and I exchanged kisses with her, and after that I took her in a big, warm hug and she confessed everything to me, and since when has she loved me, she confessed everything to me ❤
y/n: I love you too, Paul ❤
Paul: I'm happy that you and I share the same feelings for each other ❤
y/n: Paul, I want to leave the Red Army and start a new life, just you and me, and stay out of trouble. What do you think?
Paul: I agree and this has to happen too ❤ …. I can't wait for you and me to get out of here and start a new life for each other, my love ❤
Seconds later, I took Y/n in a deep kiss that lasted for a minute ❤
Y/n's pov
One day later, Paul and I asked the head of the Red Army to resign, and he agreed, but he told us that if you asked for resignation, you would never return to the Red Army again. In fact, Paul and I did not care as long as we were with each other. After a week, we resigned and left the Red Army. Forever, Paul and I bought a new small house, and he and I work in the cat café. Frankly, Paul and I are very comfortable, and I am happy that Paul appeared in my life. Every day before we sleep together, he takes me for a warm hug, and after that, he gives her a warm kiss and we sleep. And now we live our lives happily ❤
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 6 months
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Hello, what do you think? Is it nice or not?
هلا شو رئيكم حلوه او لا
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stela20 · 7 months
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Anonymous: What is anime ? Me: The term anime is derived from the English word "animation", and includes a wide range of digital and hand-drawn television series and feature films produced in Japan. Like its manga counterpart, many of whose series have been adapted, anime today has become a global cultural phenomenon.
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stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here and enjoy ❤
Author: I want to say something. The story will be outside the game. I mean, the story I will write about Ichiban will be very different from the game’s story. The second thing is the meaning of the name Ichiban in Japanese. It is number one, but I just wanted to clarify. The important thing is to leave you with the story ❤
Y/n's pov
Ichiban and I have been friends since childhood. I have known Ichiban since we were young. I was 5 years old and he was 6. He and I had some common characteristics, such as our love for video games, movies, reading stories, and many other things, and I always loved to… I spend time with him a lot to this day. We have now graduated. Ichiban loves Kira video games to the point that he opened a channel on YouTube and became very famous. Ichiban now has 8 million subscribers on YouTube and has become very popular. I used to love writing and composing stories, so I started writing. Stories and I try to be as famous as Ichiban. I and I are roommates and we do everything together, but each of us has his own room. After time has passed, I have come to love Ichiban very much. He likes the same things that I love, and we have a lot.We have common characteristics and we understand each other a lot. Other than that, he is my favorite type… After a year,Ichiban has 10 million subscribers, and I want to celebrate with him, and this is a good opportunity to confess to him how I feel about him.
ichiban: Hey, y/n, where are you?
y/n: Yes, I'm here. Is there something wrong?
ichiban Saeed: I'm going to buy some new video games so I can make videos with them. Do you need anything?
y/n Saeeda: Yes, before you come home, I want you to call me and inform me that you are coming, okay?
ichiban: Mmm why ❕
Saeeda y/n: Just do what I tell you, okay, and don’t make me wait… a minute, okay, just take your time, but do what I tell you, okay ✌🏻
ichiban Saeed: Okay, okay, I'll do it. Goodbye
Ichiban went and this is my chance to decorate the living room. I put decorations everywhere and brought the cake so that we could celebrate. I am happy that Ichiban did not smell the cake. I wanted to make it a surprise. Now I put the cake on the table and brought candles. I placed one candle in the shape of a number 1 and the other a number. 0 And I brought one in the shape of the letter M, and thus we became an abbreviation for the word 10 million subscribers. I brought him a gift, which was a new watch, red in color, because he loves the color red very much. I ordered pizza, and now it is my turn. I wore a camel dress to be ready.
Your clothes :
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Your hairstyle + makeup :
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Now it's ready and now I'm impatiently waiting for Achiban ❤
Ichiban's pov
Finally, I finished buying the toy I was looking for, and I remembered Y/N. I have to buy her something, even if she didn't supply this. I always like to surprise her. How much I love this girl so much. She always encourages me and stands by my side in sad times. How brave she is, and all. One day my love for her increased and I always did the same thing. I always encouraged her because she was always very diligent. I brought a luxury diamond ring to ask her to marry me. I want this girl to be my future wife and the mother of my children ❤
The ring:
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And now I'm going to y/n, but before I go, I called y/n and told her that I'm coming, and after I reached the door of our apartment, I hit the door bell and Y/n opened for me, but before I entered, it was in y/n's hand. A piece of cloth and I closed my eyes with it
Ichiban tensed: y/n what are you doing why are you closing my eyes
y/n is happy: well it's a surprise
Y/n held my hand and took me to the living room, and after a few seconds, Y/n removed the cloth that was in my eyes, and I saw the living room decorated, and I saw a cake on the table, and after that, I saw Y/n, and she was extremely beautiful ❤
ichiban smiled: Wow, y/n, you look great
Shy y/n: Mmm thank you. Congratulations on 10 million subscribers. I did this for you
Shy Achiban: H really
Shy y/n: Yes….can I tell you something?
ichiban is happy: Of course it is
Achiban Saeed: Me too, my love ❤
Y/n's pov
Since then, Ichiban and I have been together more than necessary. I am happy that this nice man appeared in my life and we are now living our lives happily ❤
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here and enjoy ❤
Information about the hero
Name: y/n
Hero name: Gwen
Cork or supernatural power: Angel wings give you healing power and give you a beautiful shape and appearance, as if you are an angel, and you can use your feathers and have a sharp weapon or a sword.
Disadvantage: It may be damaged because the fire will burn the wings, and the ice will freeze the wings. Also, you will not be able to fly in these cases because of the fire and ice.
Y/n's pov
After 5 years, I finally graduated and became a champion, and now I am very happy that I am with Hero No. 2, Hawks. He is my coach and also my boss at work. 5 years ago, Hawks admired me, admired my supernatural ability and strength, and suggested that I be with his team, and I agreed. I always worked hard and practiced a lot to always be ready throughout the 5 years. I loved hero number 2 and I always hoped that he would be my lover, but I cannot. He will definitely reject a girl like me. There are girls who are always next to Hawks, and I have no chance to pass. He is a distraction from my feelings, and all this time I imagine and hope that he is with me
Hawkes: Okay, guys, I've arrived. Sorry for the delay. Well, today's training is all about speed
We trained and finished the exercise, which lasted for two hours
Hawkes is tired and happy: Okay, guys, a short break. You have put in a very great effort, especially you, Y/N. Take a break.
I was very happy that Hawks was very proud of me. The rest of the team started to rest, and I found a sofa and sat in it, drinking water, closing my eyes, and imagining Hawks with me, and I was very happy.
POV Hawks
I was looking at y/n while she was resting. How beautiful she is. Every day she gets more beautiful… But why is she closing her eyes and smiling like that… Is she imagining being with Bajuku or someone else? This is starting to make me feel jealous. I went to… y/n whispered in her ear
Hawks is angry: Can you stop thinking about your lover, Bajuku, or if he is the person you are thinking about?
Y/n felt so terrified that she fell off the sofa and was terrified. Y/n made her stand up and gave her another bottle of water.
y/n: Thank you… One minute, who told you that I am thinking of Bagoko and who told you that I am my lover?
Hawks is angry: Stop lying, why are you thinking about Bagoko?
y/n: I'm not lying to you, Hawks. I'm not thinking about Bajuku. I'm not thinking about anyone. I'm not into anyone at all.
After y/n said this, I felt relieved because she has no feelings for anyone yet. How happy I am with this and this is my chance.
Happy Hawks: Ok y/n, I'm sorry I scared you, I was just worried about you, sorry for bothering you, bye.
Y/n's pov
Hawkes went, but why was he asking this question? Was he feeling jealous? No, no, definitely not, but I would like to know his reaction if I told them that I was thinking about him all the time.
Shy y/n: Hawks, can I say something?
Happy Hawks: Yes, what's going on?
Shy y/n: What would you do if you knew that I was thinking about you all the time?
POV Hawks
What? Is this true? Was she really thinking about me? Did she like me? Does she love me? So many questions are inside my brain right now, to the point that I didn’t feel the time. 10 minutes had passed to the point that I didn’t know what to say to y/n. I didn’t know how to say a single word.
y/n Sad: Okay, I'm sorry I said that to you, don't worry, I'll keep practicing, bye
I saw sadness in y/n's eyes. I can't bear to see y/n sad like this. It wasn't anyone, it was me. I want to know what y/n is thinking and how she feels towards me. He held y/n's hand before she left.
Hawks: y/n wait
y/n tensed: here's what's going on
Hawkes: Tonight there is a party and I should not go alone. I must have a partner with me. Do you agree to be my partner in the party? We will have a lot of fun.
Y/n's pov
After I heard this, I blushed and was very happy with this talk, just me and Hawkes alone. Yes.
y/n Saeed and Farah: Okay, I agree
Hawks Saeed: That's good. Take this card. This is the address of the party. It will be in a very luxurious place. I want you to be dressed up. I want you to be there at 8 pm. Okay. All right.
y/n Saeed and Farah: We agreed
After the end of the day, I went home and I was very nervous and I did not know what to wear or what to do. Without any hesitation, I called my friend Mina to help me. She knows how to deal with these things. Mina came and explained everything to her, and she helped me with everything.
Your dress:
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Your shoes:
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your Hairstyle :
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makeup :
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After half an hour, I was ready. I thanked Mina very much, and before she left, she said to me with a smile and a wink at me. Enjoy your time, girl. I thanked her again and went to the quilt. I used my wings to arrive faster and arrived in only 10 minutes. He found Hawks in front of the party door waiting for me. I went towards him
y/n Saeed: Hey Hawks, I'm sorry for the delay. Are you late?
Happy Hawks: Hello y/n, no you didn't come….
I saw Hawks staring at me for a minute and did not speak. I was very ashamed. Was my doubt bad or ugly?
y/n tensed: Mmmm Hawks, are you okay? Do I look ugly?
Hawks is shocked: No, you… Wow… You are so beautiful
Shy y/n: Mm thank you and you also look elegant
POV Hawks
Oh no, no, how could I not have thought of this? She is so beautiful that I am blushing now. Fortunately, I know how to control myself, but more importantly than that, I will feel intense jealousy over Y/N. Everyone will look at her. I calmed my nerves, took a deep breath, and spoke. with her
Hawks Saeed: Should we go to the party or what?
Shy y/n: Yes
Y/n and I entered the party, and it was from the upper class. There were people dancing, drinking juice, and talking, and there were those who sat and did nothing. Y/n and I stood and talked for a while, and after 5 minutes I heard one of the girls screaming and calling my name.
Girl No. 1: Look, girls, it's Hero No. 2 Hawks
Girl No. 2: He really is this handsome man
Girl No. 3: Hawks
I found 15 girls standing towards me and wanting to talk to me and take pictures with me, and because of all this, I cannot see y/n.
Y/n's pov
I saw a lot of girls with Hawks. I thought that just me and him would be together if only once. I couldn't talk to Hawks because of the number of girls. I went to one of the empty seats and asked for some juice. After 10 minutes, while I was waiting for my order, I saw 5 men. They come towards me and talk to me
Man No. 1: Hello, can we say something?
y/n: Yes
Man No. 2: You are the heroine, Gwen, who works with Hawks, right?
y/n: Yes, me
Man No. 3: We are your biggest fans
y/n: This is really beautiful
Man No. 4: What are you doing here?
y/n: Well it's a long story
Man No. 5 is shy: Well, can we sit with you and talk to you for a little while?
y/n: ok no problem
POV Hawks
I'm tired of all this, and I hope these girls leave here. I was trying to look for Y/n. I saw 5 men talking to her, joking with her, and flirting with Y/n, and she blushed. I couldn't take it anymore and screamed.
Hawks got angry and screamed: I can't take any more of this
The music stopped and everyone looked at me in amazement, including Y/n. Without any hesitation, I used the speed of my wings and took Y/n with me, and it was just me and her flying in the air and seeing the lights of the city.
y/n Tension and fear: Ahhh, what is this, how are you so fast?
After a long search, he found an empty garden, and without any hesitation, he gently placed Y/n on the ground and hugged her.
y/n tensed: Hawks what's wrong?
Hawkes: y/n, tell me how you feel about me. Do you love me? Please tell me everything. I can't take it anymore. Confess your feelings to me.
Y/n's pov
I moved away from Hawks for a little while while I looked into his beautiful eyes and it was time for me to confess how I felt towards him
Shy y/n: I love you, Hawks. I love you more than anything. The thing I love most about you is not your appearance. No, I love the strength and courage in you and the way you are kind to me. I love all of these qualities in you. I love you very much and I hope you will be my lover ❤
After that, I closed my eyes and was afraid that he would say something bad about me, but after a minute I felt something touching my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Hawks kissing me. I blushed so much because I thought my face rivaled the color red.
Hawkes is shy and happy: I love you too, y/n. In fact, I adore you. 5 years ago, the first time I saw you, I encouraged you and everything about you. I loved you at first sight, and since then I have hoped that you would be my lover. Will you be my lover, Y/n? My little bird ❤
I took Hawks in for a deep kiss and he also shared kisses with me
Y/n is shy and happy: I love you so much, Hawks, and yes, I agree, I will be your girlfriend ❤
Hawks is shy and happy: Me too, my little bird, you will be mine no matter what happens ❤ I love you ❤
Since then, Hawkes and I have been together and I am happy that he appeared in my life. After a while, we got married and now we live happily with our son Luca, who resembles his father very much ❤
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 8 months
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I'm sorry if my English is not good, I use Google Translate
This is my story from the Quotev website, so I wanted to write it and publish it here and enjoy ❤
Information about the hero
Name: y/n
The hero's name: La stela in Italian, meaning star
Cork or supernatural power: magic. You can do anything. Magic and science fiction mean that I can use my imagination and transform into anything and do many things. You can transform into a mermaid and have wings and everything. There are many things that you can use with your own magic power, and so on. You can learn, gain, and discover many things in your power, etc
Author: I will let you imagine at your own pace
Also, if you use your power fully, you will transform and your appearance will change
What you look like after you use your full power:
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Welfare: Note, this is official ❤ Tell me what you think ❤
Disadvantage: It is not useful to use magic too much because it will harm your body greatly
Y/n's pov
I finally became a hero after all this trouble. I remember every time and everything that made me happy to become a hero.
flash back
My story was a little like Eri. I was very young. When I was 4 years old, I discovered my superpower and I was discovering it with myself, but by mistake I destroyed a car, but I was able to stop this destruction, and suddenly the hero No. 2 Endeavor noticed me and he was amazed by my power, even though I was an orphan. Father and mother, and he took me to the famous superhero school, UA, and he introduced me to the teachers. They loved me very much and were very impressed by my strength. They were sad for me after they learned that I was an orphan of father and mother. Professor No. 1: Listen, y/n, little one, we will take care of you
y/n: h…really
Professor No. 2: Yes, we will take care of you here at UA, the superhero school, and we loved you very much.
y/n: I mean, can I be his hero in the future?
Professor No. 3: Yes, why not?
I was very happy with this news, and I was living in UA. After that, Endfire took me and told me that he would be my coach, and I agreed. After that, the students of UA’s first year school loved me very much, but there was a student who interested me a lot. His name is Aizawa and his cork. She is the eraser, and she was very special, and it interested me. Aizawa and I became friends, and I learned that his age at that time was 16 years old, meaning he was 12 years older than me. After the years passed, I turned 16 years old, and I had new friends, Midoriya, Bajoki, and Shoto. Uraraka, Mina, Froppy, and Momo, and Mina was considered my best friend, and they came on the day of training, and we, the first semester, were going to train in a place designated for us, but something unexpected happened, and there were bad guys who suddenly appeared and they wanted to destroy All Might, and after 10 minutes The class and everyone parted ways One of us was fighting a villain, and I was with Aizawa, and we were fighting with each other, and this was the first time I fought with him, and after a minute, Nomo was going to come and kill me, but Aizawa saved me at the right time, and after that moment, I fell in love with Aizawa very much because he saved my life, and after a month of… When the accident happened, I started to love Aizawa very much and all the time I think about him over and over again. I love everything about him.
End of flashback
After 5 years have passed, he is 21 years old, and I still love him very much, and I was with him all the time, to the point that I asked him to be his assistant and we catch bad guys together, and he agreed. I am still at Endeavor Agency, but I like to work all the time. I love my job ❤ Aizawa asked me to meet him and 5 minutes later Aizawa arrived
Aizawa: Hello y/n, how are you?
y/n: Fine, Mr. Aizawa…. What do you want to tell me?
Aizawa: Why are you in such a hurry… well, I will tell you… two years ago
Aizawa did not finish his words because there was a very powerful and dangerous villain. Aizawa and I went to stop this villain, but every time I approached the villain, Aizawa prevented me from approaching him, and after 10 minutes of fighting, the villain hit me in the head and I fainted.
Aizawa's pov
I saw y/n in front of me and she was unconscious. I was feeling angry, sad, and other things. I was going to attack the villain, but a group of heroes appeared and were fighting the villain.
Hero No. 1: Take the girl and take her to the hospital and we will take action
I took Y/n and carried them and tried my best to find the nearest hospital here, and after 10 minutes I saw Y/n waking up from sleep.
y/n cough: Mmm where am I… and why can't I feel my feet?
Aizawa is worried: y/n are you okay?
y/n tired: almost mm why not…what happened
Aizawa got angry: You were going to kill the enemy, but the enemy hit you in the head, and you would have died had it not been for the heroes at the last moment…. Well, now let us find the nearest hospital to treat you.
y/n was surprised: ….a minute, why were you preventing me from fighting the enemy?
Aizawa got angry: I was trying to defend you and make you feel safe with me. I wanted you to be safe, but because of your stupidity and recklessness, you were going to die.
y/n Question: Why do you want to be so far away from the enemy, Professor Aizawa? I've seen something tougher and stronger than this 100 times at Endeavor Agency, and I was dealing with this myself.
Aizawa got angry: At Endeavor Agency and not with me
y/n was angry: Just don't be like that, Professor Aizawa
Aizawa got angry: Oh, is this my punishment for being afraid for you… I'm sorry, I'm really sorry… Next time when the same situation happens again, I will make sure that you are between life and death. Do you make me feel comfortable now?
y/n surprised: Why are you afraid for me?
Aizawa got angry and cried: Because I….. because I love you, y/n. Do you understand? I love you and I am tired of you putting your life in danger every day and… and I… just stand and watch 💔
I couldn't move any longer. I sat on the floor and took Y/N in a big hug and cried in front of her and watched my tears fall on her.
Aizawa is sad and crying: Every day I see you putting your life in danger. It kills me inside… I cannot imagine my life without you… Do you know that we have known each other for how long… a long time… I love you, y/n, and I hope that you will be my lover and my future wife….but if you do not want this, then I respect your decision….I just want you to be with me and be happy ❤
I was still hugging Y/n while I was crying, and after a few seconds I saw Y/n putting her hand on my cheek, wiping my tears and kissing me full of love and warmth ❤ It lasted for a minute and after that she looked into my eyes smiling ❤
Aizawa was shocked: Why… Why do you kiss me… What… What is the point of this?
y/n happy : Honestly, I love you too, Mr. Aizawa… I love you very much ❤
After these words, I took Y/n in a warm hug and I was very happy. I am the happiest man in the world and Y/n felt the same way. I took Y/n and carried her and looked for the nearest hospital.
Aizawa happy : Well, since you love me, tell me how long you have loved me. Explain to me the details of the mother, my beautiful ❤
Y/n explained everything to me since when did she love me, and to be honest, I was shocked. I knew all these things. After that, I arrived at the hospital and the doctor treated Y/n, and now she is resting a little.
y/n happy : …Mr. Aizawa, can I say something?
Aizawa happy : Here you go
y/n happy : How long have you loved me?
Aizawa is happy : Well, I was going to tell you and confess my feelings to you, so that you don't enter this accursed enemy. Well, I will explain and tell you…. Two years ago, there was a villain who wanted to destroy a school where there were children, and I was dealing with the villain and They fight while you deal with and save the children. After half an hour of fighting, the enemy injured me in my foot and I cannot move. He would have attacked me if it were not for your presence. You saved my life at the last moment, and the enemy fainted from the amount of pain, and suddenly… you approached me and held me out. Your hand was for the assistant and you looked into my eyes with a look of interest and said to me, “Are you okay?” and I said at this time, “Yes,” but I did not care if you were injured or the enemy was dead. I even loved your eyes and your smile and the way you looked at me…. I loved you for that. The moment I was waiting for you to be mine one day ❤ Well that's it ❤
I saw Y/n being happy with her story and she took me in a beautiful hug and I was hugging her back ❤
Happy Aizawa: After you leave this place, I will take good care of you, and I will love you more and more, and we will live together, and I will protect you from everything bad, kitty cat. I will protect you no matter what happens, kitty ❤
I was going to kiss y/n but when she spoke I was just touching her lips ❤
y/n happy: I can't wait to get out of here and start my life with you, Mr. Aizawa ❤
Aizawa got angry: Don't tell me, Mr. Aizawa. Tell me Aizawa, or my lover, or my future husband, or anything you like, but no more saying "Professor." Okay ❤
I saw Y/n being happy with her story and she took me in a beautiful hug and I was hugging her back ❤
Happy Aizawa: After you leave this place, I will take good care of you, and I will love you more and more, and we will live together, and I will protect you from everything bad, kitty cat. I will protect you no matter what happens, kitty ❤
I was going to kiss y/n but when she spoke I was just touching her lips ❤
y/n happy: I can't wait to get out of here and start my life with you, Mr. Aizawa ❤
Aizawa got angry: Don't tell me, Mr. Aizawa. Tell me Aizawa, or my lover, or my future husband, or anything you like, but no more saying "Professor." Okay ❤
y/n happy: haha ​​okay Aizawa ❤
I took Y/n in a deep kiss and it lasted for a few minutes while she and I were holding our breaths and I saw the door of the room opening and me and Y/n saw our friends opening the door and they saw me and Y/n kissing each other and one of them said as he closed the door I will After a while, I screamed out of anger and told them, “Shouldn’t you ask permission before you open the door?”
Y/n's pov
And since that time, my lover and I have been with each other. I can’t believe we are together, and I am really happy that Aizawa appeared in my life. I love you, Aizawa. I will be with you no matter what happens ❤
❤ The end ❤
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stela20 · 8 months
❤ SUICIDAL-IDOL - ecstacy Yandere Simulator Yandere Yakuza and Ayano ❤ my video ❤
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