#᛭ — [HEADCANON] lose yourself in the adrenaline [SHUJI HANMA]
deathfavor · 1 year
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There's actually a few things I want to talk about in regard to these panels because it is rather interesting.
Hanma wasn't going to be kicked out of Toman.
To me, this is particularly interesting to note Because Chifuyu says he told Mikey everything that happened. Which surely would include Hanma being the one to beat and bind him, even if it was Kisaki's plan.But there weren't going to be any repercussions for Hanma. Only Kisaki was going to have to face the consequences. Hanma had the verbally interrupt the meeting himself. No one had even acknowledged him. Which is rather funny because this continues to be a theme. Hanma is there, Hanma is involved....but he's very rarely the direct target until he MAKES himself into one. It's interesting considering he is a genuine threat. But not in the ways others are threats.
I've been pondering over this and I think this was a deliberate choice on Mikey's part. Mikey acknowledges he knows of Kisaki's underhand tactics and turned a blind eye up to this point towards Kisaki. Mikey's aware of the darkness and the fact growing bigger means that darkness will also grow. Kisaki has goals. Hanma however....doesn't. He's quite content to wear the title of asshole, of being unlikable, blah blah blah. Hanma's ironically very good at rallying people around him, both in Moebius where he was a temporary leader and as Valhalla's leader. Someone has to carry the darkness for Toman. Kisaki, evidently, was no longer acceptable. But Hanma....Hanma could work. Hanma isn't very interest in schemes or motive beyond entertainment. If Mikey leaves Hanma in Toman, then Toman has someone to pin or push the darkness towards, and punish if he feels like it. ( After all, Hanma mentions having no problem punishing when we first meet him. )
2. Hanma's continued leadership + being in places of authority.
I mentioned above how it's ironic that Hanma is good at rallying people around him. Hanma doesn't have a goal or dream. And yet he's constantly in places of power. Moebius, Valhalla, Toman's 6th Division Captain, etc. He's constantly find himself in these spots and he's quite good at it. He's content to let people do their thing and rarely intervenes but is forceful when he does so. He does actually consult with those close, like asking Kazutora's opinion and approval with Baji, hearing what people see and say. If he needs or wants to, Hanma CAN lead...he just doesn't have much interest in it. He is more of the lone wolf type, or sticking to one or two others.
And yet, ALL of the former Moebius and Valhalla members would rather leave with Hanma than stay in Toman. Sure, there'd probably lots of resentment. But to think all of them would choose to follow Hanma out is rather shock and impressive. Especially because I doubt they're all still in Hanma's rank and some are probably scattered throughout the other other divisions ( although maybe not, who knows. ) It's mentioned later that Toman is back down to 100 members - so Hanma wasn't bluffing. They really did all follow him like he said they would
Maybe these are small little details that don't really matter to anyone. But they were very interesting to me the more i reflected on them. Hanma's one of those characters we don't know much about ever, and he's easy to make both characters and readers focus on a few things about him rather than a lot of both nonverbal or short-lived moments where other sides or talents of him show up.
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deathfavor · 8 months
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Hanma does make a conscious effort to try to visit Kisaki's grave for important dates. New Years, Christmas, the day of his death, his birthday, days like that. Obviously he missed the first two years of it with being on the run, but once he's back in the area again he does regularly frequent on those occasions besides the occasional random day. He's prone to spending several hours there; sometimes he talks and sometimes he doesn't. He rarely gets up to anything on those days though, and is far quieter and more subdued than he typically is even if people happen to cross paths with him.
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deathfavor · 9 months
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Good morning, Hanma's bike definitely still has the scratches from when Kisaki caused them to crash. It wasn't a priority to fix up when he was a fugitive and money went more to other matters and saved rather than put to something like that. Being on the run is a mix of pretty good and terrible times, so he pockets most extra money he has for when things get rough and he needs to dip into them or emergency funds like something needing to be repaired.
Once Hanma comes back, he still hasn't fixed them. At this point he's just used to the scratches there so he doesn't really notice them as much. It's hard to say with Hanma whether its laziness or sentimentality. He's not overly sentimental to things, and time often ends up dimming what it might have been as the numbness creeps back in. If pointed out, he just tends to shrug and say it adds personality, like a scar, or that he's waiting for the guy who did the paint job originally to have an opening.
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deathfavor · 1 month
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hcs of them because guess i gotta smh - While Kazutora picked up smoking in juvie, Hanma taught him smoke tricks - Kazutora convinced Hanma to get matching bracelets. He thought it was funny. - Kazutora's first experience with getting drunk was with Hanma - Hanma finds it fun to ruffle Kazutora's hair, even if he gets jabbed in the ribs for it. - Typically on bad nights they go for a ride and then hit an american diner that Hanma found. It's become their ritual - Hanma usually does more dangerous motorcycle stunts but Kazutora's the speed demon - Some of the only pictures of himself that Kazutora doesn't hate are ones that Hanma took, he won't admit that he actually really likes them. He still has them in the future.
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deathfavor · 1 year
Anonymous said: What's Hanma's home life like? Are his parents around in his life or?
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Essentially nonexistent. Hanma typically ends up just crashing at the Valhalla hangout ; he was there both before and after that arc. But he has a few other places he crashes as well, a lot of ones he's fixed up, and sometimes at Kisaki's place too. We also know he did go to Kazutora's place sometimes thanks to Kazutora's birthday art, so he's definitely spent time there as well. And on very, very, very rare occasions, his grandpa's place above the restaurant.
Hanma has no idea who his father even is, and just presumes that he's dead or locked up or something of that nature. Or maybe his mother doesn't know either. Hanma doesn't know, doesn't care. His mother is alive (last that he knew anyways - she is in fact alive ) but he hasn't seen her for ages and doesn't particularly care to. He knows where her apartment is and technically can get in, but he hasn't gone back there in forever. She's not a good role model and most of his memories from her are when he was younger. Lots of smoking and then random men and drinking started coming in later and her increasingly being absent for long periods of time.
His mother used to drop him off with his grandpa a lot when he was little. It was at least one of the few responsible decisions she made regarding Hanma when she'd be gone for a while. A night or two was no big deal, Hanma got used to fending for himself but longer typically meant going to his grandpa. His grandpa would take care of him - it's where Hanma learned most of his knowledge about cooking and fixing up places ( besides his own learning ). He used to help out a lot, sometimes willingly, sometimes unwillingly, when it came to cooking and the place. His grandpa never minded either when Hanma was dropped off and was happy to take care of Hanma. But Hanma grew more rebellious as he got older, and often ran off & stayed outside late, got into trouble, into fights, smoking, so on and so forth. His grandpa tried to discipline him but it never really worked. Eventually his grandpa just let him do as he pleased - Hanma was uncontrollable but at least his grandpa could make sure he had a safe place to sleep and a warm meal when Hanma WOULD show up every once in a while.
Out of his family, his relationship is best with his grandpa despite how distant it is. Even now he still has a positive relationship despite the fact he doesn't often visit or talk to him. We see that even when Hanma's on the run as a fugitive, he still stops by his grandpa's restaurant when he was in town to get a warm meal. His grandpa doesn't ask questions and Hanma doesn't give any explanations. He doesn't tell him about the gangs or anything that has happened, and it's not uncommon for months to go without them talking with each other. But as I've mentioned briefly in a past headcanon, his grandpa IS one of the few people that Hanma does try to keep his worth with on the rare occasion he gives it. For the most part though, his grandpa is oblivious and Hanma simply drifts and makes do at his spaces.
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deathfavor · 1 year
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I used Hanma to sweet talk Hanemiya.  
Kazutora is the only person who we know that Kisaki had to use another person to get to Kazutora rather than talk to the person himself. Hanma has always been called Kisaki’s weapon, his blade, while Kisaki’s known to be the charismatic and people person, the one pulling the strings. The fact that it has to be passed off to Hanma of all people puts a rather huge implication that Kisaki tried and failed with Kazutora.   
And honestly? I think it has a lot to do with the same reasons that Kazutora did not like Mikey initially. Growing up in an abusive situation, Kazutora is very alert to the way people hold themselves. It was part of his survival strategy. He doesn’t like only selfish people or people who look down on others. Kazutora is bad at perceiving genuine kindness and care, but he’s extremely good at perceiving that selfishness and those who look down on others due to his father. More than likely, Kazutora’s entire paternal side carries themselves with the same aura to them. In different degrees and forms, but it’s taught Kazutora what to notice and what to be on guard for.
Which is a little bit of a detour point I want to make. Hanma and Mikey are selfish, but they're selfish in different ways. Which I think is why Kazutora responds better to Hanma than he did to when he first was meeting Mikey. ( Not to mention Kazutora is far more unstable when he meets Hanma so there's that + the promise of killing Mikey that Hanma offers. ) To Kazutora, Mikey is a selfish in a way that directly effects everyone around him. Throwing tantrums, causing a scene, etc. Kazutora hates that. Hanma? Hanma's selfish but in a way that really only applies to himself. He doesn't demand people change things or cater to his will. He's like 'I'm going to do [x] and you can come if you want to'. There's freedom in Hanma's selfishness to join or not. Sure it might effect people as a side effect, but he's not 'everyone must listen to me' sort of selfish. Not in Kazutora's eyes. Kisaki's aura reminds him of Mikey. 
So when Kisaki approached him? The tiger’s hackles raised in wariness. He knows that look in Kisaki's eyes, that attitude that surrounds him and he wants no part of it. Even if nobody else sees it Kazutora knows damn well that it’s there. It immediately sets him against Kisaki, and Kazutora has no interest in what is promised to him by people like Kisaki. He’s done with those days. He’s not the same boy that Junpeke used to push around. Not since meeting Baji, and especially since not killing Shinichiro. Getting entangled with people like him doesn’t end well. (Nor does not getting involved it seems in this case.) 
So it takes Hanma to draw the tiger in. Hanma who promises danger and adrenaline. Hanma who radiates power and strength and offers him freedom. Hanma who tells Kazutora how strong he is and who promises that he’ll help Kazutora get to Mikey through Valhalla. Hanma knows a broken and wounded person when he sees one. He doesn't often go for that style of interaction but he knows to hand feed the tiger praise and shape him the way he wants ( or rather, that Kisaki wants - although Hanma never 100% listens to Kisaki, he likes his own fun too. ) Kazutora responds well to Hanma's praise and freedom and what he offers.
I just think it's interesting to see a more hands on approach with Hanma being the one who has to lure in Kazutora because Kisaki can't get to him the way Kisaki gets to everyone else. 
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deathfavor · 1 year
@valorheroics said: J : JEALOUSY. does your muse get jealous in a relationship? ( @ your tokrev muses 👀 )
valentine's day headcanon prompts
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Kazutora definitely can get jealous. It depends how secure he feels in the relationship and how much of a threat he views someone else. Like he knows him and his partner look great, so staring doesn't bother him. He might flaunt it if anything. He likes the attention both for him an his partner, or being able to say this is mine and be proud of that.
It's when people start to make a move on them or he feels like they're taking all of his partner's attention away that he can begin to get very uneasy and start to lash out or be upset and get deeply jealous. He tries to keep it in check but he tends to overthink and start to spiral. Again, it does depend on how much Kazutora views the person as a threat. Sometimes he can let his partner deal with it and be just fine. But there's definitely times where he gets very jealous and uncertain. In those cases its best to dote on him some.
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Good luck pinning Hanma down to a defined, explicitly stated relationship. Although I suppose you don't actually need that to be jealous. But regardless, the answer is no. Hanma's not a jealous person. He doesn't really care. If someone makes the other person uncomfortable then he'll step in and deal with it if need be. But otherwise? He really couldn't care even if its happening in front of him.
Hanma doesn't have a very possessive attitude. And I don't mean in regards to just relationships. I mean this to everything ; clothes, objects, whatever. He isn't very possessive so he doesn't care that much. If they want to go fuck someone else, go ahead. If they come back? Cool. If they don't? He's not going to cry or be upset over it. He just isn't a jealous kind of person. So with him you never have to worry about it. If anything he's more likely to make a playful comment on liking having someone's attention. If they enjoy that. But like I said, he will intervene on behalf if it makes them uncomfortable. But it's never jealousy.
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Izana is definitely a jealous type when it comes to being in a relationship. There's very few people who Izana would likely get in a relationship with to begin with. But when he is in a relationship? That's his and if you make a move on them, well, it very well might end up with you going to the hospital for a few days. He isn't above getting violent. In fact, he's probably going to turn violent because Izana doesn't have the filter or restraint that most people do and we know this from canon.
Try to take something from a king, and he'll remind you that you're nothing more than an ant under his boot. He DOES NOT take kindly to it. He might pause or be redirected if his lover intervenes or quickly shuts it down themselves before he can get involved, in which case he'll settle back down quickly. But otherwise? It'll probably get ugly for the other person who has provoked the jealousy very fast.
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deathfavor · 1 year
@healingscars said: X : XOXO. does your muse use / like pet names? @ your tokrev muses !
valentine's day headcanon prompts
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Kazutora likes when pet names are given to him and he responds very well to them. At least if they're tiger / feline themed or troublesome. Other things depend on the situation and who is saying it for how he feels about them. He doesn't really use them though. He mostly sticks to abbreviations of their name. He might start using them if they want them, but he doesn't typically go out of his way to come up with one unless it happens to strike him one day. So he isn't against it, just doesn't typically have them.
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Hanma...no. Which surprises nobody. He'll use nicknames (like calling Kazutora 'tiger' but that's not a stretch given Tora), but he doesn't give pet names. Nor does he like them being used towards him. He doesn't get that entangled. I guess the closest might be Draken calling him Zombie which he doesn't mind and finds funny. Technically anyone could call him that like they call him the reaper, but it's just their thing. But otherwise, nah. Hanma doesn't use them or like them.
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Izana also doesn't use them outside of the king / servant or similar styled dynamics. But those aren't pet names, it's just him being extra. It just isn't really Izana's sort of thing. As for liking them? No one is insane enough to try to use one on him. I think he'd be more surprised than anything else if someone attempted it.
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deathfavor · 1 year
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Hanma didn't take losing Kisaki well. No matter how their bond is viewed, Kisaki brought color into Hanma's life. He was entertaining and thrilling and, for Hanma, Kisaki gave him to be a reason to be engaged in the world. Not a reason, Hanma's apathy to his own life has always been there, but now he's IN the world. Sure, he didn't really give a shit about the gangs, not really, but it was fun. He wanted to see where Kisaki would go, wanted to help him reach those goals. Finally Hanma was real. He wasn't just a passive observer watching the world change around him. Sure he got into fights and some of those were fun, but those are always so temporary, just like any other momentary thrill he managed to find. But Kisaki? Kisaki was always fun.
But death is never far from the reaper. It's followed Hanma, wherever he shows up, so does death for someone in some version of the timelines. Moebius, Bloody Halloween, Bad Toman, so on and so forth. And death didn't spare Kisaki. And suddenly, Hanma is back in a world that isn't moving for him anymore. Because what is there? Kisaki's gone, most people hate or dislike him, Kazutora's in jail, so now its him standing alone again. He goes from feeling alive to feeling like a ghost again. And Hanma doesn't even know how to grieve because he's never lost someone like that. Someone who gave him a reason to be involved in the world. It's a new loss. Something personal.
The worst part is that Hanma can't even properly mourn. He can't say goodbye, can't go to the wake, because now he's a fugitive on the run and everyone knows Hanma was always around with Kisaki once that team up happened. So of course there's going to be police swarming everywhere that Hanma might show up. Instead he's on the run. He drinks, he smokes, he sleeps around, he does odd jobs, he fights, takes life-or-death gambles sometimes, whatever it takes to get by one day at a time. He puts his photography skills to use, his fighting skills for hire, his handyman abilities, always moving and traveling. It doesn't stop him from losing weight and sleeping rough, scraping by day by day and month by month. He does what he needs to get by. Hanma doesn't linger anywhere very long - he's a ghost in every sense of the word other than physically.
He doesn't even have nightmares or dreams to help or keep Kisaki alive in a way or hell, even use sleep as an excuse. It's just darkness. Hanma very rarely dreams, good or bad, so he can't even be haunted. He'd take being haunted over the slow numbness. Hanma went from actually feeling again to being hurt, and then...the numbness. The familiar apathy that starts to come back and take over everything. The pain starts to dull. And Hanma would rather feel the pain, he'd rather be haunted. Sometimes he has nightmares of his mangled body or remembers it, but it's so fleeting that he doesn't bleed from it. And it's awful.
Once the heat begins to die down, Hanma risks returning and finally paying a visit to Kisaki's grave for a few hours. And it rips things open again, finally he gets to really feel that grief even when he tries to play it off casual. And it makes it all the more painful knowing Kisaki would be PISSED because Hanma's stopped caring again and not taking proper care of himself. He's doing stupid shit, reckless shit, but Hanma just doesn't care. He's bored of this dull world again. He knows Kisaki would be upset and tries to play it off, chat about being late but he got stuck in traffic and stuff that is empty. But he doesn't know what else to do. He doesn't have any direction anymore, he's just...breathing and living.
It shows too in the case of ever getting to write fugitive era threads or Kanto or anything after. Being around other people sometimes instigates him and he'll still start shit just because ( because he wants to feel, because he wants entertainment ) but there's times when he's just quiet or doesn't react. He's a pawn left behind by a king like draken left behind by mikey and he's just floating along. He comes back for Kanto because it's convenient, because Hanma is a thing that won't just die, so he comes back but he doesn't care too much. Not till he gets to fight Toman again and he can feel more alive. But...Even so. The world isn't the same without Kisaki. It's dull again with occasional bursts of color, but that's all.
He's a reaper left alone in the graveyard of the world.
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deathfavor · 7 months
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In contrast to Kazutora's post, Hanma doesn't have any real attachment or care to any of the gangs he's been a part of. He trades them with ease and cares little for the effect that it has on others. He won't join just any gang, they need to have SOME sort of merit to them. But if they do? Then sure. He's game, he doesn't really care. One gang, six gangs, what's the difference? He goes where he goes for whatever reason - be it Kisaki or for his own entertainment or end goals. ( I.e. Bonten and Kanto Manji )
That said, Hanma DOES have a sense of loyalty so long as he is a part of the gang. He even calls out on Mikey for attacking their own guys, which isn't something Hanma is going to do outside of reprimanding or punishment. Now, that's not to say Hanma CARES about the people. Because he doesn't. The moment he's no longer a part of the gang, whether it's official or not, Hanma has no problem turning on teammates if need be. Hanma is a wild card at all times. The thing for Hanma is the desire to be entertained, to feel anything other than the bored apathy he usually feels. So he can go any which way no matter what. But in general, so long as he IS actively on your side, he's going to behave to some degree. But once he's done? He's done, he can attack or sabotage as much as he desires.
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deathfavor · 11 months
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It's one of the nuances I tend to implement in regards to scenery and my tokyo revenger muses ( albeit it also shows up with some other muses too, like Chrollo). But where each muse looks when they're on a rooftop reveals a bit more about their personality. Of course this is in general and how they're interacting with someone might of course change it. But in their natural state, it's a bit telling.
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Kazutora in general is either often either looking up at the stars, or he is looking out. And I say out because it is very different than the way Izana gazes. For Kazutora, it's shows his desire to escape. It can be anything, from a situation, from his own thoughts, from his feelings, from the city in general. He turns to the stars or vast distances as a way to reflect that escapism. It's not here but there. It isn't even so much that he's fascinated by the stars, but he likes what they represent, that freedom they hold. It takes him away, if only for a little while. It's partially why he's specifically inclined to buildings without railings. Among other reasons, he doesn't want to feel restrained or caged, he'd rather balance precariously on the edge and feel free than safe behind a fence.
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In contrast to Kazutora, Izana looks downwards when he's on a skyline. He also actively tends to choose the highest or one of the highest places he can find whereas Kazutora tends to seek out abandoned places regardless of their height. Izana isn't looking out, but rather gazing down upon the city like a king on a throne. For him, it's a display of his dominance and power over the city and the gangs that are in it. He intends to control and mold the city and its gangs into his own kingdom. He isn't looking to escape or leave, he doesn't look out and he doesn't often look at the stars or skyline. ( Outside of if he stargazes with someone. ) He looks down upon it because he intends to make the city his and make it obey his will. He surveys his kingdom with an indomitable spirit of a king.
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Hanma is rather interesting because unlike Kazutora or Izana, he doesn't often visit rooftops. The only times we see him there are when he accompanies Kisaki ( who falls into a reason most similar to Izana but may also at times have the same escapism as Kazutora does ). In this aspect, it showcases how Hanma rarely is lost in his thoughts and his disinterest in the powerplays that go on in the city. In fact, the first time we see Hanma on a rooftop, he actively has his back turned towards the city - Hanma's rejection of the world and its ideals. Hanma does as Hanma wants regardless of what people want. When he does look at someone, its to look towards Kisaki - but that's AFTER he's already made his own personal statement. For Hanma, his lack of presence and his tendency to face AWAY from the skyline are displays of his disinterest and general apathy - as well as his rejection of restraints on the world.
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deathfavor · 9 months
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Some Pirate Hanma Headcanons
A black cat is often found in his quarters or wandering around food storage. Hanma never officially adopted it but it wandered onto the ship and has stayed ever since.
He's an excellent marksman & has a customized gun for the dramatic flair though he prefers sword
Infamous for pulling off daring feats like bootleg turns in rocky areas
Unsurprisingly, Hanma is more than willing to venture to places others are too scared to
Not superstitious at all, but will use superstitions against others
He's actually quite skilled at horseback and has stolen a number of horses on get aways & travels when not on the boat
Can drink most people under the table
Extremely good navigator
Rarely dances but enjoys observing when the crew does - usually he ends up taking the wheel during those times, but otherwise leaves it to others to man other than in dangerous weather.
Has something of a truce with Navy Admiral Kisaki, but this is kept solely to himself
Sometimes will play Liar's Dice with prisoners or otherwise captured people to decide their fate - or their death. ( Same for if any crew turns out to be traitors. )
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deathfavor · 11 months
@ofluminance said: FORGED / for hanma!
glimpses of the past drabble scenes FORGED for a scene from my muse's past that they think made them stronger in the long run
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NOTE: Hanma genuinely doesn't feel like there's any 'special' incident that's made him stronger in any way. Hanma just...is. But this is more like a moment of confirmation to himself that he recalls that kind of dips into his self-reliance and reckless indifference to his own situation that he carries on later in life.
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Hanma isn't surprised when he watches the front door swing shut without so much as a goodbye; he's nine and he's already used to nights being left alone. Maybe he should cry or rage. Other kids probably would. He doesn't. He's seen this happen dozens of times before The only thing noteworthy tonight is the fact he's just been released from the hospital after a fight gone bad. If you could even call it a fight. Hanma doesn't really think it counts as one, but it had been his first taste of defeat.
He'd beat up a boy several years older when he was starting fights and causing trouble just to feel something. Hanma had laughed at the older teenager too when he'd been sobbing on the alley floor nursing his wounds. Little had he realized the teen was part of a rather vicious gang of much older kids. But Hanma had even laughed then when he'd found himself cornered that night by the gang of teens seven years older than him because it was fucking pathetic. He'd stopped laughing when it hurt to much to breathe properly, let alone laugh, but his eyes hadn't stopped gleaming. He'd still stared defiantly even when he could barely move and had to drag himself out of the alley to the sidewalk. People had panicked; Hanma hadn't.
No one had visited during his hospital stay. Hanma didn't mind.
Now he was home after his stay at the hospital and his mother was already leaving. He didn't really care. He didn't need her comfort. She wouldn't offer any anyways. That was fine. He didn't care either. He didn't yearn for her love or attention the way most other kids on the streets just wanted someone's attention. Even in the face of his suffering, he doesn't need it. If there is one lesson Hanma has learned through this ordeal, it was confirmation of the fact that he doesn't need anyone. He can take care of himself. It isn't a bitter or sad thought, just an idle confirmation to himself. If he could handle this, then everything else should be easy.
Hanma slides off the couch and walks over the the fridge, letting the dim light fill the dark kitchen. He could cook - his grandpa had shown him a recipe he really liked before his hospital visit. But that was a lot of work and he didn't feel like it. Plus they probably didn't have the ingredients in the house since his mother hated cooking. So Hanma grabs the leftovers that appear most appetizing and pops them into the microwave to warm up. Once that's done, he carries the food into the living room and puts on a movie that he's probably too young for, but the blood and gore don't faze him. Maybe he's a little fucked up, but it'd be more surprising if he wasn't.
His grandpa calls, and Hanma has to fight the urge to roll his eyes. He's fine, no he doesn't need to come over, no he's not sure where his mom went or when she'll be back, yes he'll remember to change the bandages. When his grandpa says to stay out of trouble, Hanma only giggles and says goodnight before hanging up. ( Maybe he feels a tiny bit bad for his grandpa's tired sigh, but it won't stop him. Like mother like son in being disappointments. ) Instead he puts on another movie and feasts on the carnage until he gets tired. Then he makes his way to his bed and passes out until the next afternoon.
When he wakes, it's just another day of trouble.
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deathfavor · 1 year
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You ready for what happens next? Say hello to the reaper, kid
AKA TAG DROP. for this bastard. we’re in it now guys. what a trio I’ve picked up honestly...
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deathfavor · 1 year
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   A fun fact about Hanma? He’s actually a good cook. No one expects it because, well, Hanma is Hanma. But he is good and has been for years. A lot of it has to do with his grandpa teaching him ( or more accurately, making him help out on the rare occasion Hanma was dropped off with him & when he still had some control over Hanma ) , and then Hanma ended up learning and applying it to fending for himself when not with his Grandpa when he was younger. Cooking ISN’T something that Hanma enjoys doing, it’s not a secret passion or anything of that. He doesn’t like it. But he does it now and again and it’s amazing when he does. Sometimes if he ends up crashing at someone’s or they crash at his, he’ll end up making food for dinner or breakfast or just a 3am snack if he has something specific in mind. So very few people actually know about it.  But it’s a talent that people wouldn’t associate with him and he’s fine with that
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deathfavor · 1 year
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It’s really interesting to me to see the similarities in these panels because they basically capture Hanma’s story like the cover of a book. One is the beginning and the other the end of Hanma’s active ‘engagement’ and excitement with the world. From rain mimicking tears to genuine tears, and the parallel of both panels being when Hanma is fresh from the fight. It probably isn’t an intentional thing, but genius if it is, but it’s a subtle noteworthy thing to me. Also the anime did Hanma in the rain justice the manga didn’t bUT ANYWAYS-
The panel on the left comes from the beginning right after the Mobeius fight. It’s the first time that Hanma expresses the excitement that we all tend to associate with him. Prior to the actual fight, Hanma approaches the situation with bored indifference, assuming it will be like countless other situations he’s been in. Crush a group and that’s that. But at this point of the panel he’s realized that there is excitement and potential in this situation and in Toman. It’s the beginning of the Hanma we know and love or love to hate. The Hanma that is actively engaged in the world and matters. And also the first ‘proof’ that Kisaki will live up to the hope Hanma had of him being something extraordinary and exciting.
And on the right, of course, is when he sees Kisaki dead and talking about how it’s an exciting way to go. ( Which also says something about Hanma ) But this time he is genuinely crying over the loss of Kisaki and the loss of that source of ‘excitement’ in his life. It’s the conclusion to this Hanma and his story. When we see him again with Kanto, it’s a much more toned down Hanma again, more like we saw him before the Mobeius and Toman fight. A Hanma that is bored with the world, until he gets to fight with the members of Toman again and that familiar excitement.
As small as it is, it’s an interesting parallel that exists between these two frames that happen at important moments in Hanma’s story within Tokyo Revengers
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