wickedlehane · 9 months
//ooc; catch me crying in the club because the fabulous and talented @oneyedchicklet made this Faith video for my birthday yesterday, set to one of my favorite/most emotional songs on my Faith playlist
i'm always grateful and shocked when ppl take time to use their talents to make something for me and sjdflksd gosh I will treasure this, please give it a watch (and if you're not already a buffyverse mun writing with Light, you should fix that, she is a delight! <3)
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maliignant · 10 months
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@oneyedchicklet sent: ∗ 2o﹕ sender lifts receiver's chin , invoking eye contact .
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TOUCH — EVEN TO THE SMALLEST DEGREE — WAS ALWAYS SUCH an intimate notion; skin upon skin, that hint of warmth against chilled flesh like a delectable treat. She craves it like the very essence of blood pumping through a child's veins, innocent and wanton with every huff of breath that's now become foreign to her on a personal level. A want and a wish she'll never experience again, but no matter. Her mind is too far gone to care about such tedious things, though deep down she envies them. The finger upon chin forces her head to tilt back with ease, not fighting the action nor the contact of the woman's gaze before her. So pretty, she thinks and for a split second, she wants to touch her as well. Feel the smoothness of skin at her fingertips; is she warm? Like humans. Or cold? The unknowing is exhilarating. A grin plays across slowly parted lips, a light giggle soon to follow as if the notion in itself excited her and in many ways, it did. Tongue pressed between teeth that clenched down for that slight feeling of pain. ❝ You are a wicked one. ❞ She coo's, in a way that signifies delight that perhaps should not be present and yet, she can't help the excitement that begins to boil at the base of her core.
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summers-spirit · 10 months
@oneyedchicklet liked this post for a starter
With a frown, Stephanie tried to make sense of what the other blonde was saying. And why she was acting like they knew one another. As far as she knew, they have never met. Unless...
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"You think I'm Buffy!" Cause, duh! If anyone met one of them and didn't know about the other then they'd think... "Look at her making new friends! Come in. I think she's still at the magic shop but she should be home soon. I just dropped our little sister off at a sleepover. Can I get you anything?"
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giftedeath · 9 months
@oneyedchicklet / spots to kiss prompt ; #15 a kiss on the jawline
the  space  around  them  feels  𝒕𝒐𝒐  𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍,  like  she's suffocating  . . .  or  maybe,  maybe  that's  really  not  it  at  all.  with  glory  so  close,  buffy's  WARM.  feels  safe.  the  warmth  resembles  something  she  hadn't  felt  since  .  .  .
it's  almost  as  if  she  wasn't  even  in  control  of  her  movements.  buffy  reaches  out,  tugs  on  the  other  woman's  shirt  . . .  𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒔  𝒉𝒆𝒓  𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒓,  but  not  close  enough.
the  moment  glory's  lips  touch  the  skin  of  her  jaw,  the  warmth  that  had  been  enveloping  the  space  around  them  spreads.  it  moves  to  every  inch  of  buffy's  body  from  her  toes,  to  the  tips  of  her  ears  and  she  leans  into  her.  buffy  briefly  thinks  of  ben,  𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔  𝒊𝒇  𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔  𝒂𝒍𝒍  𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔  𝒘𝒂𝒔  . . .  just  residual  feelings.                glory  kissing  her  now,  then  disappearing  later.  just  like  everyone  else.
but  buffy's  𝒕𝒐𝒐  𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒎,  so  she  pushes  the  doubts  down,  swallows  them.  before  she's  even  able  to  really  consider  what  she's  doing,  the  consequences  she  might  face                    a  hand  folds  into  glory's  blonde  curls,  pulls  her  to  buffy's  lips  and  kisses  her  there  softly,  and  so  unsure  of  herself,  but  so,  so,  warm.
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little-miss-buffy · 9 months
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Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
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feigenburkle · 8 months
how do you need to be touched?
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you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
tagged: @oneyedchicklet
tagging: [you!]
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sunnydalescoobiies · 8 months
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closed plotted starter for @oneyedchicklet from spike.
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†  ――――        THE  COLD  BREEZE  PIERCED  THE  SKIN  OF  THE  LONELY,  WANDERING  VAMPIRE.  loneliness  was  something  he  had  to  grow  accustomed  to  once  again  after  parting  from  a  group  of  people  he  had  grown  close  to.  he  didn't  mind  being  alone.  it  left  little  room  for  disappointment  and  abandonment.  still,  some  nights  seemed  to  be  more  difficult.  he  filled  those  holes  in  his  still  heart  by  rough  combat  with  demons  and  vampires  alike,  collecting  money  from  bounties  at  the  means  of  supernatural  heads.  he  did  this  to  keep  himself  afloat  with  cash,  but  he  also  did  this  to  keep  himself  busy.  he  didn't  want  to  give  himself  enough  time  to  think  about  her,  the  slayer,  the  one  woman  in  all  the  world  that  had  been  able  to  plague  his  mind  with  visions  of  her.  he  was  drowning  in  her,  still,  even  after  all  this  time.  he  was  worried  he'd  never  be  able  to  shake  himself  from  her  grip,  but  he  had  the  rest  of  his  existence  to  attempt  to.
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HE  CRUISED  THROUGH  THE  NIGHT,  TRACKING  DOWN  HIS  NEXT  BOUNTY  FROM  A  FELLA  HE  NEVER  MET  FACE  TO  FACE.  he  wasn't  sure  why  he  wanted  this  particular  hell  god's  head  on  a  pike,  but  who  was  spike  to  argue?  after  everything  she  did  to  buffy  and  the  little  bit,  it  was  the  least  that  she  deserved,  after  all.  he  had  learned  through  his  contacts  and  a  helpful  witch  that  she  had  been  prowling  in  this  particular  area  of  the  city.  he  was  surprised  to  learn  she  had  survived  that  dreadful  night,  wondered  how  she  was  able  to  do  so,  but  creatures  like  her  seemed  to  be  relentless  and  knew  how  to  survive  anything  that  was  thrown  their  way.  he  pulled  up  to  the  building  of  the  locator  spell  that  was  done.  he  turned  off  the  ignition  to  his  bike  and  flips  down  the  kickstand  as  he  dismounted,  pulling  out  a  cigarette  from  his  leather  trench  coat  and  igniting  its  flame.  he  takes  a  deep  drag,  preparing  himself  for  whatever  this  encounter  will  entail.  he  remembered  how  strong  she  was  and  how  cunning.  he  knew  he  had  to  be  high  alert  around  this  hell  goddess.  he  sighed  deeply,           ❛      well,  let's  take  out  this  hell  bitch        ❜     he  mumbled  to  himself,  keeping  the  cigarette  rested  in  between  his  lips  as  he  approached  the  door.  he  swings  open  the  double  doors  and  scans  the  room  filled  with  various,  demons  of  different  natures  such  as  scaly  and  puss-y,  vampires  feeding  in  the  corners  of  the  area.  that's  when  he  caught  sight  of  glorificus  and  a  devilish  smirk  graces  the  vampire's  lips.  he  stomped  his  way  over  and  places  a  hand  on  her  shoulder,            ❛       and  why  am  i  not  surprised  to  see  a  beasty  hangin'  out  with  the  other  nasty  beasties      ?      c'mon  now,  never  were  one  for  subtlety.  let's  get  on  with  the  dramatics,  that's  more  your  style.       ❜
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insufferablemonsters · 5 months
𝔰𝔭𝔦𝔨𝔢 & 𝔤𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔶 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @daxamight.
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well,  this  is  certainly  not  the  kind  of  reaction  he  thought  he'd  arise  from  her.  it  threw  him  off  a  bit.  he  shook  his  head  a  bit  side  to  side,  his  brows  quirked  in  a  bewildered  fashion.  he  scoffed  at  her  words,   ❛   was  that  s'pposed  t'  be  an  insult?  pfft,  pathetic.  nothin'  wrong  with  stickin'  t'  the  classics   ❜   he  replied  to  her  and  then  remembered  he  wasn't  here  to  have  a  game  of  banter  with  the  beast.  he  was  here  to  capture  her  and,  hopefully,  put  her  out  of  her  misery  with  a  little  torture  to  go  along  with  it.  after  all,  it's  what  she  deserved  after  everything  she's  put  buffy  and  friends  through.  mostly,  he  just  cared  about  what  was  done  to  buffy  and  little  sis.  he  pointed  a  finger  directly  in  her  face  as  he  responded  to  her,  his  tone  dripping  with  annoyance,   ❛   you  got  a  bounty  on  that  pretty  little  head  of  yours,  pet,  and  m'  here  to  deliver   ❜   he  replied,  smirking  from  ear  to  ear.
he  grabbed  her  hand  and  squeezed  it  tightly  as  he  yanked  her  alongside  him,  dragging  her  outside  the  bar.  he  swings  her  away  from  him  and  puts  up  his  fists,  beckoning  her  to  challenge  him  with  his  hands.  he  chuckled,  his  tongue  swiping  over  his  bottom  lip,   ❛   i  never  got  a  proper  tussle  outta  you  the  last  time.  well,  maybe  i'll  get  to  show  what  ol'  spike  is  really  all  about   ...   come  on  now,  don't  get  all  skittish  on  me,  skank.  let's  have  a  go   ❜   he  taunted  her,  ready  for  anything  she  might  throw  at  him.  he  begins  to  circle  her,  eyes  glued  on  her  so  he  could  anticipate  any  move  she  might  make  against  him.  he  knew  better  than  to  underestimate  a  god.  he  did  once,  but  not  again.  this  time  it'll  be  different.   ❛   y'know,  m'  curious.  what  were  you  doin'  with  that  lot  in  there?  i  seem  to  remember  that  every  creature  was  beneath  you.  did  you  find  out  you  are  jus'  as  nasty  as  the  rest  of  'em?   ❜
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ashesrebirthed-a · 8 months
how do you need to be touched?
cordelia: fervently.
you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
ruby: gently.
you need to be held as though you're going to break. you need someone to trace your scars like cracks in a wall, crumbling. their touch is almost painful; you've been without it for too long, without someone to hold you. but, you cannot bring yourself to pull away.
tagged by: @oneyedchicklet <3 tagging: @slayerofvampyrs (back atcha lol) @auragifted @sadauroras @morexfuntomiss @heartorn @luminescenc1e + whoever wants to!
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maliignant · 10 months
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not me & @oneyedchicklet coming up with some of the most brilliant & hilarious scenarios that both adds to lore, head canons, etc. glory giving drusilla the champion's amulet, glory being trapped inside of giles, drusilla maintaining a sense of devotion to glory all the while. dru & glory just being wholesome besties is giving me so much life right now.
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wickedlehane · 9 months
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@oneyedchicklet gets a silly starter with donuts
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"Trust me, you're gonna love it." Faith was honestly surprised that Sunnydale had managed to get another franchise store -- a Dunkin Donuts no less -- to compete with its singular Starbucks and several off-brand burger chains. But she wasn't going to complain.
Glory sure was, though.
"Look, donuts are an essential part of the human experience. I know it's not a fancy little truffle or cheesecake or whatever it is you actually enjoy, but you can get one with sprinkles," she explained as she reached down to pet her dog, Chunk, on the side while they walked. The runt hellhound was still quite formidable by normal dog standards, but just like his owner, he was motivated to good behavior by little treats. "Chunky Boy likes the pup cups. They put a little whipped cream in a cup, and bam. Everyone wins."
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maliignant · 9 months
HI I'M JUST FLYING IN HERE TO SAY: the way you write Drusilla is *chef's kiss* you understand her on such a deep level and your love and passion for her as a character shines through in your writing and I get really excited to see you on my dash. 🖤 
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please insert buddy the elf gif of 'i love you, i love you, i love youuuuu' here because it's true. you've honestly helped bring my drusilla muse back to life with glory & i get so excited when we chat about & dive further into the relationship these two should've, could've had on the show, but didn't. like, they're so toxic & chaotic, i love it with every fiber of my being. it's that beautiful mixture of friendship with a slice of terror. my babe needs a friend so thank you for giving her one!
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giftedeath · 10 months
❝ you have disgusting, unwavering commitment to do ‘good’. ❞
tears of the kingdom starters / @oneyedchicklet <3
buffy’s chest feels tight, as if there was a string wrapped around her heart  —  and that sentence said aloud, pulled at it just ever so slightly. memories sting behind her eyes, ones of sacrifice. buffy dying, drowning, and angel leaving. forcing him away … faith, too.  a stab to the gut, all in the name of goodness. all to PROVE something, that it was unwavering … but what if it wasn’t ? would she go back and do it all again ? and if the answer was a resounding no, what then ? … did that make her less than … did it make her bad ?
“ you’re one to talk. ” ( that’s right, deflect buffy … it’s what you do best. ) “ i need the key, this and give me the key, that. seems like LESS of a commitment and more like an obsessionfor you —- have you ever considered a locksmith ? ” buffy sized up the woman, there was no point in fighting. frankly, buffy had tried that a number of times already and it had proven futile. she wasn’t strong enough, glory was always going to have the upperhand. talking wasn’t doing her any favors either, though. “ this world’s not so bad. we have cellphones now, and … gushers. they’re like these jelly things with juice inside them. ” buffy stalls, a sheepish smile crossing her features. “ i’m just saying, doesn’t seem like you’ve given it a proper chance. ”
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little-miss-buffy · 8 months
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How Do You Need to Be Touched?
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you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
Tagged by: me
Tagging: @vyrulent (Lucy), @multi-royalty (Caroline or Jenna), @taintedbloodlines (anyone), @thatslayer , @wickedlehane , @oneyedchicklet , @j-died , @bcckkeeper , @little-elena , @redemptivexheroics (anyone), @fallsfcrged (anyone), @fangsforhire
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giftedeath · 8 months
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what  kind  of  herb  are  you ?
garlic.         you  leave  an  impression  wherever  you  go.  your  heart  is  so  strong,  so  determined,  so  willing  to  go  after  whatever  hole  you  see  in  the  world,  whatever  wound  you  need  to  fix  next.  you're  there.  you're  justice,  hot  red  and  pure  gold,  fairness  incarnate,  a  paladin  in  shining  armor  come  to  protect  and  cleanse  and  heal  and  yet  sometimes  you  wonder  if  you're  the  most  corrupt,  dirty  being  in  the  world,  a  fraud,  a  monster  in  hero's  clothing.  the  world  is  so  intense  and  you  are  so  small,  so  fragile,  and  no  matter  how  hard  you  try  you're  never  good  enough.  you  want  to  be  good.  you  want  to  be  good  enough.  you  try  so  hard  and  yet  the  world  is  so  dark  and  angry  and  cruel.  perfection  is  always  just  out  of  reach  and  you  want  things  to  be  okay  so  bad  you  bleed  with  it.  you  just  want  things  to  be  right,  to  be  good,  to  be  fair,  but  you  don't  know  if  they  ever  can  be.  if  you  can  ever  be.
tagged  by: @aalexias ty <3 tagging: @wickedlehane @ashesrebirthed @oneyedchicklet @crownedhopelesss <3333
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giftedeath · 10 months
how are you color coded ?
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pink, the color of femininity, believing in yourself, and embracing the side of you that you used to reject. you aren't someone who likes to hide, but you do all the time. you don't like yourself nearly as much as you may present, one way or another. you think of yourself as a hollow castaway of someone's little matryoshka doll, or worse, something broken and thrown away. you want to believe that there's more to life, to you, than this broken frame of something you have long forgotten the name of... but what are you supposed to do, after all this time?
tagged by : no one hehe :3 i stole it tagging : @wickedlehane @oneyedchicklet & anyone else who might want to !
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