#—× todoroki rei | i can't look back in anger; my mother loved me before she didn't. which means the mistake must have been me
moved-deibreak · 2 years
tag drop #2
—❃ main | no matter how hard the world pushes against me — within me there’s something stronger (something better) pushing right back
—❃ post war | hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone. engage with the pain as a motive
—❃ midoriya izuku | what's a soulmate? well a soulmate is like a best friend but more. it's someone who you carry with you forever
—❃ izuku & shoto | it's the person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would
—❃ class 1 a | we are the heroes of our time — but we are dancing with the demons in our minds
—❃ todoroki rei | i can't look back in anger; my mother loved me before she didn't. which means the mistake must have been me
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draftsinsourarmor · 2 years
— todoroki rei | i can't look back in anger; my mother loved me before she didn't. which means the mistake must have been me
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arch-lightbaund · 2 years
tag drop #2
— midoriya izuku | what's a soulmate? well a soulmate is like a best friend but more. it's someone who you carry with you forever
— izuku & shoto | it's the person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would
— todoroki rei | i can't look back in anger; my mother loved me before she didn't. which means the mistake must have been me
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
random tag drop
— todoroki rei | i can't look back in anger; my mother loved me before she didn't. which means the mistake must have been me.
— quotes | that irresistible voice of the heart.
0 notes
touyaspeach · 3 years
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Cliché - Todoroki Touya x Reader
A/N ; for @pocky-writes neighbor!AU collab! Fluffy and a lil angst!
Warnings ; crimes, reader has a healing quirk, todoroki typical trauma, character death but not really
Words ; 2.4k
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It was such a cliche: falling in love with the boy next door. The way his blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, the stark whiteness of his wild and untamed hair, the intense determination that was ever present. But there was a darkness that lingered there, right behind those shining drops of turquoise, just beneath the surface of plush burned skin. 
It's no secret that the Todoroki's were...dysfunctional. Even you in your young mind and innocent world view could see that things were wrong. That it wasn't normal for children to hide such severe injuries from their parents, or to be so hellbent on that one goal. 
You met Touya when you were too young to remember. You were neighbors of the same age and your mother got along well with his, and so you went on play dates and sleepovers before you could walk. Naturally you were close, you literally grew up together. 
He was such a sweet boy, your mother had said. All wild red hair and bright eyes full of wonder. She'd later joked about how she and Rei had planned your marriage, talked about the two of you being together forever, being soulmates.
It wasn't meant to be. Things...changed when Touya manifested his quirk. The once bright and cheerful child slowly started closing off, bandages appeared where they weren't the day before. Red slowly faded to white. Despite this, fire burned brightly within him. 
Even as your classmates teased him for the changes, he didn't care. He was so hellbent on developing his quirk to make his father proud, to beat All Might. 
"Touya, you're burned again!" You'd exclaimed, tiny voice full of worry as you tugged on his shirt. 
He shrugged you off, "Yeah. My body's not made for my quirk so I gotta deal with it."
"Let me help!" You'd begged, even if your healing quirk wasn't strong, you could at least help with the pain. 
He removed your hands from their grip on his shirt and gently pushed you away. The look in his eyes one of...hatred? Anger? 
"Please, Touya."
But he simply shook his head, "I can't get used to it if I let you help."
But eventually he'd give in, though it wasn't until you were 11. 
Once again things had shifted with the birth of his youngest brother. Touya had grown from determined to desperate, cast aside by his father in lieu of the new heir and degradation of Touya's body. 
It was as if the whiter his hair got, the more furiously he'd train. You only joined him on the side of the mountain a handful of times, mostly out of worry, but truthfully? What you saw up there scared you. 
Bright, hot fire that even from a good distance made your face burn and scorched the earth. So hot you couldn't bare to look at it, though when you did you hurt in another way. 
The expression on Touya's face, the tears that streaked down halfway only to evaporate from the heat, the burns that were inevitable all broke your heart. He was such a gentle, sweet boy before. Now? Now he was….
That was the first night he came to you and the last night you went to the mountain. 
"Dad gets all mad when he sees my burns," He'd said, dejected. 
"Of course I'll help, here-" You took both of his hands in yours, already they were bigger, and focused. Fingertips dancing lightly over his skin as you focused on erasing his pain, erasing the injuries, erasing the reminder that he'd went too far again. 
It took a lot of energy, you were still so young back then, but you'd managed to heal the burns on his arms. It left you panting and exhausted, but you did it.
You collapsed, down to your knees as your body trembled with a cold sweat from the effort. Touya immediately knelt before you, a comforting hand on your shoulder and worry marring his features.
"I-I'm sorry-" he started.
"It's fine," You reassured him, looking up with a strained smile. "You're okay? Right?"
His face dropped along with his hand, "Y-yeah."
This became a routine, you'd help heal the burns on his arms when you could, he'd kept overusing his quirk. 
Everything came to a head when Touya died. You could hear the screaming and commotion from where you were kicking at rocks outside: a shrill shriek from Rei, the loud shouting of your 13-year-old friend, and the boom of his father. 
You could do little but watch as he ran out of the house, into the treeline and up the normal path to his usual training grounds.
You thought about following him, to make sure he was okay but… truthfully? You were scared. He'd changed so much, thanks to his father. No longer the boy you knew, now he was the teen you adored, but feared. 
His fire was just so...hot. He was always so intense, so single-minded. You felt as if you could drown in him, in the worst, most painful way; like if you got too close you'd get burned - literally and figuratively. 
That night blue fire burned the forest, burned your friend, burned the boy you'd loved.
You were 13, you didn't know what love was, but it was the only word you had to describe the feelings swimming in your head and pumping through your veins. It was the only word you had to explain why you'd gone so far for him, why you screamed and sobbed and cried for weeks after his death. 
It was the innocent love of a naive child, one who had no concept of the depths of trauma and abuse the subject of her adoration suffered. Not then, anyway. 
Now, as an adult, you'd seen your fair share of pain, or torture, of the underbelly of society. It left you jaded. Hatred for heroes and all they represented, for Endeavor, for this world which was so unkind. 
You could have been a hero; your quirk was strong, you'd trained it well. Healing quirks were hard to come by, and yours was exceptional by those standards, and you knew this, so you trained hard. You might have been spurred on by Touya's death in your youth, letting his intense determination live on through you as your final testament to him. 
You'd built him up in your mind, admittedly. Childhood memories are subject to twist and morph into different and new shapes with age and maturity. You'd always held Touya on a pedestal, always considered him to be so amazing, and that hasn't changed. 
The boy you knew was gone, but his spirit lived on within you. Even as you carried a wicked smirk, a gun to a civilian's head, a bag of cash and gems in the other. It was a standoff. 
You'd robbed a bank for their safety deposits - even Villains gotta eat - and now you were taking a hostage to secure your getaway. 
Things had escalated far beyond your control this time: a pro hero was on an unscheduled patrol nearby and now you were scared. Usually, it was an easy job. Go for the safety deposits and not the vault, watch patrols closely to secure an easy getaway, have a disguise hidden just beneath your heavy, black coat. It wasn't supposed to go like this, but you your .45 revolver for a reason, and damned if you'd give up without a fight.
Not to a hero.
Not like this. 
"We don't want to hurt you, just put the gun down-" the pro begged, both hands up in mock surrender. You were lucky they weren't equipped to take you out, but that didn't mean you could underestimate them, or even trust them. The moment they saw a weakness, you'd be detained in one way or another. 
A beat. Two beats. 
Then it was hot. Hotter than you've ever been. And bright, so bright you had to cover your eyes as heat coiled all around you. There were screams, cries, and before you had the chance to gather what was happening, you were being hoisted up and carried out. 
And thrown like a ragdoll over broad shoulders, shoulders that obviously belonged to someone. A someone who was hightailing it out of there.
"The fuck are you?!" You shouted.
"Don't get your panties in a twist, little lady, I just saved your ass." A low, gravelly voice replied.
"Whatever, just put me down."
"Not yet, doll. Let's get to safety first. Then we can talk."
Safety, as it were, happened to be in your apartment complex. Specifically the apartment directly next to yours. You wanted to remark on how whoever your captor was knew where you lived - but apparantly he lived right next door. Weird. 
Once you were inside and the door was locked behind you, you were finally set down. Or rather, thrown down onto the raggedy couch rather unceremoniously. The bag of goodies jingled upon impact, drawing the curious eye of your … companion. Neighbor?
The man crouched in front of you, to meet you at eye level, and steadied you with a colour thay felt too familiar. He searched your face, waiting. For what?
"Did you think we were gonna split this just because you saved me?" You asked suspiciously, jingling the bag as if he didn't know what you meant. 
The man tsk'd at you, leaning in and leveling you with his stare once more. Still waiting.
Brows furrowed in confusion, you looked back and forth between the turquoise -
Recognition lit up your face like a Christmas tree. You knew those eyes were familiar, but you never thought you'd see them ever again. Not in a million years. 
He watched as your lip trembled, as hands flew to your face to hide the tears that leaked out between fingers anyway. He watched as your body shuddered with sobs, your shoulders shaking violently as too many emotions flooded you. 
"Touya-" You choked out, and attempted to form other words, though they were unintelligible. 
"S'me, Y/N. Can't believe you robbed a bank." He said with an amused lilt to his voice. 
You dared peer at him through the spaces between your fingers and take in his appearance. No longer was he the white-haired, furiously passionate boy you'd grown up with. Before you kneeled a man, broken and patched together, run ragged by this false hero society. 
The direct result of everything that was wrong in the world, the product of a quirk-marriage, pushed too far, too hard, too fast. Killed by his own ambition to be resurrected as this hollow shape of his former self. Fragments of a dysfunctional and broken life barely held together by gilded staples. 
The fire behind those eyes had long-since been extinguished. The boy you loved was no longer. 
"Damn, didn't expect ya to get so emotional, doll." He tried to keep the mood light, uncomfortable with the palpable tension. 
Before he knew it you threw yourself at him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck, thighs straddling his own, pulling him into you as if he were the last lifeline holding you to this earth. 
His whole body stiffened, arms flying up but not touching you. No, he dare not soil you with these hands. These cursed hands. 
"Touya, oh my god. It's really-really you!" You sob-hiccuped into his shoulder, tears dripping onto the fabric of his coat. 
"In the flesh. Well. Mostly." He let his arms drop to his sides, subjecting himself to your affection. 
He let you stay there, buried in him, for a while before he tapped softly on your shoulder. 
"You good?"
You nodded slowly, pulling back just slightly to look at those beautiful eyes. Even framed by fucked purple skin, dulled by the years of what he went through, they were still brilliant. He was still brilliant.
"Touya, it's you!" You said again, a smile so wide and bright dancing on your features that Dabi couldn't help mirroring it. 
"We have so much to catch up on! I have so many questions!" You started, but a long, slender finger to your lips hushed you.
"Listen, doll. Things have changed. I'm not...I'm not Touya anymore. It's Dabi. And whatever thing was between us back then, it ain't there now. So don't go gettin your hopes up, kay?" 
He hated the way your expression fell, hated the way he could taste the unspoken words just behind your lips as if they were his own, hated himself for…
How unfortunate for you that he was the one who loved you. How unfortunate for you that in all the world, with heroes and Villains and civilians and everything in between, that you ended up here, in his arms. How unfortunate for you that he watched you walk into that bank, watched the hero rush in, watched it go down and decided to help you because of the stupid flip his heart did. 
How unfortunate for you to be reunited - not with the boy you'd been so fond of - but with the man, the villain, the murderer, the monster. 
You deserved better, and yet you were here, and so overwhelmingly happy to see him again. As if he were the only thing that mattered. As if he was the thing most important to you. As if-
"Touya?" Your voice cut through his swirling thoughts, it always had. 
"Can I be honest?"
A nod.
"When we were kids… I think…"
A quirk of an eyebrow.
"I might have been in love with you. As much as I could have been at that age."
A heavy sigh, and his head fell to your shoulder. Soft black hair tickling your cheek, as he...did he nuzzle closer?
"You're so stupid, Y/N."
"Never claimed to be smart." You grinned, and felt him do the same against your skin.
"You deserve better."
"I don't want better."
When you were 13 you thought you knew what love was. You thought your heart belonged to the boy next door, and you thought your heart broke when that boy died.
But now you're 24, and you know what love feels like. You know the aching pain of loss, the swirling rush of affection, the electricity that sparks in the space between touches. And you're still in love with the boy next door. Your heart still belongs to those turquoise eyes and fluffy hair and intense gaze. 
"I never stopped."
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
"You will be in my heart"
(A/n): Phill Collins bless your soul for this song.
Dabi is a todoroki theory is in here. Wow, and it shocks no one.
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Having a baby is not easy.
Fuck those books for newly parents whose said "Having a baby does not give much work", no. Hell no. Ever smelled a dirty diaper? Its gross. Plenty of gross. SUPER GROSS. Pukes, drools you name it.
Yet you couldn't be more happier. Your daughter Rei despite being a troublemaker was the light of your life. And for her father, her little firecrackers. A stupid nickname for a baby, but oh well, that's the man you fell for.
"Dabi-" you called from the kitchen after washing the dishes, damn sink washed you along with it "Stop teaching Rei about how awfull Enji is-" you giggled "Probably she will never meet him!"
He turned to look at you over his shoulder, his baby girl on the middle of his legs as she pointed at the hero on the screen and ocasionally mumbled irritated and angry baby noises.
The damage was done.
"She at least is learning about the fake hero society. Cant disagree with me that Enji is a completely as-"
"Dabi." You scolded but smiled no pess as hs smirked before Rei started to babble on his lap, extending her chubby hands at his face.
"What now lil' firecracker? Tired of seing Enji's face I see. Dont worry. I get sick from sieng him to." He grabbed her bu her armpits and nuzzled his pierced nose along with hers making her giggled "Yes, daddy does."
"I wonder how the league would react to seing you all mushy with a baby like that." You giggled while sitting down on his side as he only glanced at you with a poker face.
Rei extended her arms at you and let out a baby laugh. Cooing, you picked up your daughter with glee in your lap. Dabi still playing with her tiny fingers along with his own much bigger ones.
"Her hair is getting bigger." You tussled on the few red looks of Rei "Maybe is time for her first haircut, what do you think?" You looked at Dabi whose probably was way too distracted with Reu to even pay attention on you.
You were so relieved that even despite showing signs that he was aprehensive at the idea, Dabi still welcomed Rei with open arms. The only problem was that, deep inside his sarcastic and thick skull, was this unconditional fear of being the same father Endeavour was. Give his kid the same treatment he received as a brat once.
It always followed him around like a ghost. But in the moment he saw Rei's eyes or heard your words... he was on cloud nine. The happines he hadn't gotten in his early years was right there, literally on his hands as he played with the bundle of joy that was Rei.
"Sorry to interrupt you two." You giggled at the confused sound Dabi let out before looking at the clock. Sighing and getting up.
"Guess is your turn to put her to sleep." He said begrudily, making you laugh since you never saw someone fight over to put their child to sleep first. You two had to make an agrement that each time Rei was going to sleep, you had to divide.
"My turn~" you poked your tongue out at him as he deadpanned while you carried Rei to her crib.
After some time, you two decided to have some, ahem, alone time and it let you two quite exausted. Making you both to just knocked out on the bed... especially since dabi was eager to touch in any way he could.
In other words, fast and rough yet pleasant ass fuck. Okay? Okay, moving on.
Although that peace lasted for only a short of minutes before you heard little cries from the other room of the apartment. Both of you groaned even at the thought of getting out of the bed.
When you tried to get off from his chest he just pulled you back as you groaned.
"Dabi, Rei is-"
"I will go. Stay here doll face." He got up while carefully laying you back down on the bed, his smirk present as the light of the streets iluminated his face. "After all, I bet you're exausted after me doing-"
"Just go you dickhead." You threw a pillow at him as he chuckled quietly, leaving your body relax on the cold sheets and without his warm body to help you.
The blankets werent enough. Is not even about to get warm, but is only for getting physical and emotionally close to ex-villain you happen to fall in love with.
Getting to know the real Toya Dabi was like founding a diamond on the middle of a bunch of coals. Due to his past, no one could ever blame this man to secluded to himself, have trust issues and have a deep anger angst the fake and popular hero society that everyone always venerate.
The man behind that sarcastic, cold and uncaring persona was a dork. No, really, Dabi is a dork. A loveable dorky idiot. You loved him, and you only fell more for the scarred man when he demonstrate all the love and care for that little human being that had your genetics along with his.
Lost on your thoughts, you furrowed your eyebrows at seeing that dabi hadn't come back in more than one hour. Sighing, you got up and went after Dabi and your Rei.
Although, when you were on your way you heard his voice. Probably even baby talking; yes, rarely he does that; with Rei. You tip toed until you exited your bedroom until Rei's bedroom door frame and poked your head only to see Dabi, stoic face as usual as he rocked the baby in his arms, maintaining eye contact with the infant.
"One last time and you have to sleep. Deal?" He whispered while poking Rei's nose whose shrieked cutely before babbling and clapping her hands "Deal."
You furrowed your eyebrows at his worlds before widening your eyes at hearing and seeing Dabi swoon on his feet with Rei on his arms and doing the last thing you thought he could do.
"Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight." He took one of his hands and showed nonchantly to his daughter whose cooed and grabbed at two of his fingers with her baby hands.
"I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry~" he hushed her when she started to babble while still on his motions.
"For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm" he brought her close to hsi face and did the same thing he did earlier with the esquimos kisses as she reached for his face to try to pick his staples, you giggled behind your hand and luckily Dabi didn't noticed you.
"This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry" Rei, after a lifetime, finally let out a yawn and cuddled on her father's chest for warmth as you envy her for a moment.
"'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always..." he whispered teh last word as he notices she finally closed her eyes and puffs of air as he sighed in relief. Slowly and carefully putting her back to the crib... not leaving until he carresed her cheek with two fingers before getting out with hands stuffed on his pockets.
The poor man almost set you on fire when he saw you when he closed the door.
"You're have the courage to set the mother of your kid on fire?!" You giggled after jumping in guard whem he started to use his quirk.
"Dont scare me to death, I thought you were asleep." He turned down the flames and looked at you, smilling like a dork at him as he squinted his eyes and glared at you. "How much did you hear?"
"All of it." You smirked.
You had to settled down your laughter just tonort wake up your sleeping daughter at seing the all big and bad Dabi blush at being caught singing a music to his baby.
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draftsinsourarmor · 2 years
— todoroki rei | i can't look back in anger; my mother loved me before she didn't. which means the mistake must have been me
— quotes || that irresistible voice of the heart
—post war | hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone. engage with the pain as a motive
— visuals | slowly. slowly. do not rush the unfolding of your soul. everything takes time to bloom
— class 1 a | we are the heroes of our time — but we are dancing with the demons in our minds.
— main | no matter how hard the world pushes against me — within me there’s something stronger (something better) pushing right back.
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