#— ask | if you rely on words alone — they better be powerful enough to reach them
moved-deibreak · 1 year
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anonymous asked:
Awwwh, you should give Momo some kind of cute nickname, Todoroki! I'm sure it'd make her happy.
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❝ You think so? ❞ Shoto didn't know which way Yaoyorozu would like to be called. They never happened to have a discussion concerning this matter, and he didn't wish to overstep any set boundaries. Sometimes though, one had to take action, even if not planned. To surprise her, in that case.
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archived-lightbaund · 2 years
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@hellflcmes asked:
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Send ‘regress’ to meet my muse as a child.
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Innocence lost, was suddenly found. Fear to have faded, would dominate one's heart again. Was this a reminder, of who they used to be, and who they had turned into? Had the sins of the past, came knocking on their door?
Shoto didn't completely understand what had happened, when struggling to make sense of panicked words, coming from people he didn't recognize. It seemed as if it weren't his clothes to have gone bigger, but himself turned smaller. The result of a Quirk, this was supposed to be, along with the source of this overwhelming confusion. The only familiar face, was that of his father's, when it was decided it was better to be returned in his care ( wasn't he already? But the boy knew better than to trouble the heroes with his annoying questions ).
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It became harder to breathe when he'd be around. As if running out of oxygen, as if his heart would burst inside his chest. Part of him didn't want to let go of the hero's hand, knowing what the consequences would be, when he'd follow his father home. He didn't care what would happen to himself. It was his mother he was worried about. Worried she'd pay for his mistakes, once again a martyr for his wrongdoings. Unable to protect her, his only hope was to make him proud, make sure not to disappoint or anger him, yet he'd fail at that too, over and over again. Guilt had closed the boy's throat, as he'd dare to look up, wondering what kind of expression he'd wear. His sight, would surprise Shoto — flames of rage no longer burnt in his dad's eyes, and his appearance had changed. As if staring at someone else, and not the person to haunt him both when awake and sleeping.
Finding a bit of courage within him, he walked closer to him, fists holding tight onto the oversized shirt he had been wearing. “ Dad. ” Eyes silently begged for forgiveness. An apology wouldn't change anything, but maybe, he could convince him it was his fault only, whatever that was. “ I-I'm sorry . . . ” Gaze fell to the ground, not having the stomach to face him much longer.
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arch-lightbaund · 2 years
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@nulltune asked:
random q! but reina do u have any flowers u associate with shoto? and why? ✨️✨️
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Thank you for the wonderful question, Lynn. This is a headcanon I’ve always wanted to write but never been forced to, and I’m truly grateful you asked ( and mostly, that you were interested to ask ).
I’ve been having this headcanon in mind since I first started to write Shoto, one that came naturally to me: he has a love for flowers. This attachment goes back to his childhood and is connected to his mother. The Todoroki house has a garden, and we have some little information that Rei likes flowers ( something revealed when the relationship between her and Enji is discussed ). Rei used to tend the garden of their house, something Shoto noticed and appreciated at an early age, when he’d help her and pick up flowers to gift her.
After the incident with the burn scar, and after Shoto’s separated from her, gardening becomes the child’s only comfort, believing it to be his responsibility to care for his mother’s beloved garden until she comes back ( even if he doesn’t believe she will, it’s a hope he has to force on himself ). Caring for the plants in their garden, and interior plants included ( to add a shade of color and vibrance to the minimalistic style of the Todoroki household ) becomes his only habit. Even when he moves to the U.A. dorms, Shoto has a few flowers to decorate his dorm room, and I believe him to visit his house when available, to make sure Fuyumi takes good care of them.
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Now, through time, writing, and research, I’ve come to associate a few flowers with him. These aren’t his favorite flowers. These are the flowers to match his character and the bonds he makes with some of the people he cares for. The research in flowers and bonds is completely accidental, and the blame is to some of my mains. If I happen to associate a certain flower with someone, I'll update this post.
— white rose
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White Rose is one of the flowers I associate with him. Roses are classic, same way he is. His taste, some of his beliefs, you can say are classic or more accurately, traditional. Also when you think of a beautiful flower everyone likes, it’d be a rose. Shoto's considered pretty, despite his burn scar, and has always been popular ( appearance and character ) even when there are characteristics of him that could make people dislike him ( having thorns, especially in the beginning with his unfriendly and often cocky attitude ).
But there are many other reasons I associate white roses with him, and I've looked through many articles to prove my point.
To start, CHANGE is the main theme in Shoto's growth — his efforts to no longer live haunted by the anguish of his past, and become who he wishes to be. To start anew, and lead a life he's proud of, so his trauma will no longer control him.
White roses are seen as a way to restore balance in one's life, and they symbolize new beginnings, and the hope of leading a pure and honorable life when starting over.
According to this article:
‘ The spiritual meaning of a white rose represents change, transformation, spiritual growth, and evolution. (...) This rose most likely represents that you are going through a deep transformation that will slowly start to shift your reality. It is a change for the betterment of your spiritual and soul growth. However, it means that you will have to make difficult decisions. (...) White roses represent the limitless potential that exists between each moment that we are changing, and the law of nature is that we are constantly changing. ’
‘ You are in a season where you are ready to step into a new chapter, and many doors are unlocked waiting for you to walk through. It is a highly spiritual symbol, full of power. It is a sign that you have a strong intuitive sense, and are being guided by your intuition to make the next decisions in your life. ’
White roses represent purity, grace, honor, perfection, balance, and harmony. The words ‘ balance ’ and ‘ harmony ’ come up in many articles ( ‘ unbalanced energy into harmony ’ ), words that describe him perfectly.
Once again, according to this article, there's this:
‘ It represents the great dualities that exist in life. (...) It represents the feminine energy in our feminine/masculine dualistically charged world. (...) In alchemy, the white rose represented the dualistic nature of our reality. It appears often in conjunction with a red rose, representing the masculine and feminine energies that are necessary to create our world. White roses represented lunar, feminine, intuitive energy, and was often associated with the metal silver. (...) It represents the dichotomy of our reality which exists in solid physical form, yet is always in flux, making its constantly changing nature not really here at all. ’
Duality. Dualistic nature. Feminine/Masculine energy. Red and White. Shoto's whole existence is based on his duality. His chimerism, his appearance, his character, affected by the two polars, his mother and his father. His struggle when younger in understanding if he's one person or two, who his parents want him to be, only to finally accept his duality, and embrace it. His feminine/masculine energy: This is a characteristic I believe we can see in him, especially when he was a child. Shoto would struggle with wishing to be more like his mother, what he would think to be his feminine side. With her absence and his heart being dominated by hatred, his father's side ( his masculine side ) took control. When he began to heal, he'd balance between the two. I don't like giving characteristics to genders, but I hope my point comes through, my explanation comes from his perspective.
White roses can also represent unconditional love, another main point in my portrayal: Shoto's admiration for Midoriya. Not necessarily a romantic interest, but his yearning to be seen, to be someone Midoriya will rely on. A friend to his hero, the one to have saved him and changed his course of life. The word ‘ unconditional ’ comes when thinking, Izuku is the most important person in Shoto's life, but Shoto will never be as important to him. He's his friend, but his bond will never be the same as the bond Midoriya shares with Bakugo, or Uraraka and Iida. Again, this comes from Shoto's perspective ( bonds can't be compared with one another ).
And a small detail I like: Rose is the flower of Aphrodite aka Venus. You know Venus, the planet? Its ancient name was Phosphorus. Want me to remind you what's Shoto's connection to phosphorus? His latest move that was named phosphorus? How phosphorus comes in red and white? Or how phosphorus is connected to light, its literal meaning in Greek being: ‘ light-bearer ’ ( and my URL not-accidentally being lightbaund? ).
Paulo Coelho: “The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change: Yet at each state, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is.”
Oof. Now to the rest of flowers. Mains will be tagged for these.
— hydrangea
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Hydrangea came up in my research for a flower Shoto could give to Momo ( @ofsavior ) on White Day and his accidental ‘ rejection ’ on Valentine's Day. I searched for a flower associated with apology, and the confession of romantic feelings.
This quote is one I found on tumblr for some dabihawks art:
‘ Hydrangea: thank you for understanding me, for not caring about my coldness. For always loving and caring. ’
According to this article:
‘ According to a Japanese legend, the hydrangea became associated with heartfelt emotion, gratitude for understanding, and apology after a Japanese emperor gave them to the family of the girl he loved to make up for neglecting her in favor of business and show how much he cared about her. ’
It's a flower I think fits how Shoto loves in general. How he may be cold or distant, and get lost in his personal struggles at times.
Shoto appears to be fond of tradition, and the Japanese way of living ( judging by his dorm room ), and hydrangea is a flower strongly associated with Japan. White hydrangeas may also symbolize arrogance ( a characteristic seen in Shoto, especially at first ) while purple, pride, royalty, and gratefulness. I also believe hydrangeas to be his favorite flower, and that's why they have a place in his promo.
— yellow tulip
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Yellow Tulips came up in my research for a flower to gift Midoriya ( @withsorrowandregret ) on his birthday. A flower to represent unrequited / hopeless love but also match Midoriya's character.
Midoriya's not perfect or remarkable at first sight ( he's characterized as ‘ simple ’ a few times in BNHA ) and so are tulips ( ’ they are not too elegant, too romantic, too big, too small, or too bright; the tulip is always just right. ’ ). Tulips generally symbolize deep and perfect love, and devotion, while yellow tulips often are associated with happiness, cheerfulness, and friendship. Yellow tulips say, “ there’s sunshine in your eyes ” but are also meant to give to someone you know they won't return your love.
I also like the coincidence that the song I associate with Mona's Midoriya, is Yellow by Coldplay.
— pink daisy
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Special mention to pink daisies for Uraraka ( @ofgravitation ). It's a recent addition to the flowers to convey some message for Shoto. Daisies symbolize warmth, innocence, purity, new beginnings, hope, and feminine energy. It's a flower I feel matches Uraraka's character and her bond with Shoto, but I need to research some more.
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This got super long, sorry for how long it is, but since flowers are a main point in my portrayal, I had no choice. Lynn, if you got this far, I can't thank you enough for sending this. I wanted to sit down and write this for years.
Sources: White Roses (01), White Roses (02), White Roses (03), Phosporus, Hydrangeas (01), Hydrangeas (02), Yellow Tylips, and more I forgot to mention.
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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@luxaeterna asked:
katsuki's way of saying 'hi' is by kissing shoto's cheek ♡
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Surprise was evident in Shoto's frozen frame, his widened eyes, his color that had begun to match his hair's ( his left side's ). Affection was still a stranger to his heart, and often it seemed to him as if Katsuki had a goal of helping him grow used to it. Such softness hidden in the strongest armor. The best hero there could be. A feeling he couldn't name took over him — as if he had been holding back his breath all along without knowing, as if having forgotten how to let loose, until the moment soft lips met his cheek, unleashing all the tensed energy he had been storing up. Almost instinctively he attempted to return the kiss, only to accidentally meet his lips. It wasn't much different, wasn't it? The message should be the same after all. “ Welcome back. ” If so, why couldn't he hold back his smile? What was the bubbling feeling to have taken over him?
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draftsinsourarmor · 2 years
— todoroki rei | i can't look back in anger; my mother loved me before she didn't. which means the mistake must have been me
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
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Idea sent by @anakinnies (idk if this is what you had in mind.)
“Jack?” You called out, watching as the man across from you took a hunched position, his breath was ragged as though he had ran a marathon. You didn’t know -nor wanted to know- what they did to him before shoving the pair of you in here, locking the door shut behind them. Whatever it was must’ve had something to do with the weird collar on his neck with a enchanted stone in the centre of it, glowing a vicious shade of vermillion. Yet it wasn’t the infamous Bloodstone that was for certain, as that object was within the possession of one Elsa Bloodstone but there was no denying that this stone held similar capabilities though not to the same extent as the Bloodstone. A lesser copy of the original you could say.
It didn’t take much comprehension to know that it was affecting Jack to a degree of discomfort. Helpless in helping him, you stood on your side of the room, racking your mind in what you could do to help your friend but only to come out even more frustrated at your lack of ideas. It was eating you alive seeing him like this but you didn’t dare cry for help for it’ll only fall on deaf ears; to them you were nothing by a monster sympathiser for aiding Jack in freeing the monster without realising that another monster lurked nearby in human skin. You didn’t resent Jack for withholding that information from you as you would do the exact same if the positions were switched, yet the human in you couldn’t help but feel a little hurt.
“Jack,” you tried again but this time with more power behind your words to create a false bravado that you weren’t scared but a observant person would immediately pick up on the way you picked at your nails out of sheer nervousness, “are you alright?” You cringed at your own words. “That’s a stupid question, of course your not alright, your in pain from that weird fucking collar and I don’t know how to-“ your words were cut short when you noticed a shift in Jack’s behaviour. He kept reaching for the collar but never making it all the way when a pained groan left his lips, causing his hand to drop down on the floor, scratching at it. Yet he managed to find the strength to lift his head at you, smiling weakly when he noticed the look of concern in your eyes. He could almost laugh at the irony of the situation, he has came to free a monster but in exchange for the monsters’ freedom he took it’s place.
“It’s alright.” He tried reassuring you, hiding the pain that was edging him to transform but he found that the more he fought against it the stronger the pain the stone emitted within him gets each time. Soon enough he wouldn’t be able to put it off and loose himself to a side that wasn’t him and you’d be the first to be caught in the crossfire of his rampage. He knew he needed to act before your blood was soon to be on his hands and there was only one way to ensure that wouldn’t be the case…even if the method itself relied heavily on his ability to remember. “Just,” he winced, “just don’t freak about what I’m going to do next. If I’m allowed to be blatant, I’m not quite sure if it’ll even work.” Your immediate reaction was to run and hide but where could you possibly hide in a room that was devoid of any possible refuge that you could tuck yourself away safely in?
“What’re you planning to do exactly?” You found yourself asking against your better judgment, fearful of the response you may get in return. “I just need to memorise your scent and all you need to do for me is to is keep your eyes on mine.” Jack replied, “then by some miracle, if I’m even allowed that, I should be able to remember you when I turn.” You knew he was only trying to help defuse the internal war you were having with yourself, but going off on his words alone it seemed that this tactic was an hit or a miss of the most extreme of measures. From the sounds of it you’d be lucky enough to even come out of this with more then a few scars upon your person or even a missing limb. “How do you’ll know it work?” Jack kept his silence but soon broke it to say a few choice words that left your blood run cold. “I don’t. That’s up for him to decide.”
You allowed yourself to mull it over in your head, your eyes briefly looking away from him before locking back into him when remembering that for your slim chance of survival to be secured you must keep him within your line of sight at all times. If you knew this was how your night was going to go, you probably wouldn’t have gone but even then that wouldn’t change Jack’s fate. You were lucky enough to be born a regular human, Jack on the other hand wasn’t and he was ostracised for something he had no say nor control in changing. With no other option presentable to you in that moment you took a deep breath, “alright,” Jack’s head perked at your voice like that of a dogs that if you weren’t in a life or death situation you would’ve called it cute, “let’s give this method of yours a shot.”
Just as the words left your lips, Jack was quick to hold you tightly in his arms as he began to memorise the scent of your hair, trailing down to your neck where your thyroid and Thyroid glands were located, leaving you a little flustered from the almost intimate situation you found yourself in. His hold on you was warm, strong and protective that you could feel the fatigue from everything that has happened finally catching up to you; causing your head to droop a little before Jack pulled away enough to hold it back up so you were looking into his worried eyes. “Keep your eyes on me,” he said before going back to sniffing along your arm and back to your chest, “please.” He added softly, periodically checking to make sure that you were still maintaining eye contact with him; he moved aside the sleeves and lapels of your jacket so he could further indulge on your scent and engrave it within the crevices of his mind.
Your scent was sweet, bitter and soft all at the same time that it didn’t take long for it to quickly become apart of Jack as though it was an additional limb but he didn’t want to be easily mislead by this and furthered to ingest your scent like a starved man. He felt you place a hand on the back of his head, pushing him closer so he may get to those harder to reach places, running your fingertips through the tresses of his hair, barely brushing behind his ear, which tickled the wolf within. “Take your time.” You tell him, watching as his movements came to a temporary halt, “I trust you.” With those words in mind Jack became more determined in making sure you survive to see another night.
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sirowsky · 2 years
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Chapter 12 - A Mystery Unfolds
Description: Din finally learns what really happened on Pagwu and the truth about the wars, which leads to a hopeful new development for Pan.
OBSERVE! Creator chooses NOT to include warnings on this series. Read at your own risk! Be aware that this story will include violence and is not suitable for minors! 18+ONLY.
Word Count: 3816 Masterlist (This Story) Author’s Masterlist
Link to Chapter 13
   “Why here?” he asks the creature when it drops him off back inside the giant cavern. “What am I meant to understand about all this? It’s a bunch of dead demons.”
   As always, it doesn’t even attempt to help him, it just sits there like a statue, if not for the ever-watchful eyes.
   “Fine,” he huffs. “If you’re not gonna help me, why should I help you?”
   He turns away, heading back to the tunnel through which they came in, and hears that threatening rumble coming from deep inside the beast’s chest, but he ignores it and keeps walking.    A strong puff of superheated air hits him from behind, clearly shot from its mouth in an effort to intimidate him, but all it does is annoy him.
   “You do realize that fire doesn’t scare me anymore, right?” he calls over his shoulder as he’s about to reach the tunnel opening.
   But just before he does, the ground disappears from under his feet as he’s lifted into the air by its tail, and then carried back to the center of the room where it unceremoniously lets him drop.
   “Dank farrik, Pan! I’m not a demon scholar, I have no idea what this is!” he yells after it, as it walks back to where it stood before, and turns to keep watching him.
   Even though the sun is up, the chamber remains in darkness. Too deep inside the mountain for any light to reach it through the tunnels.    The creature has lit a few small flames around the skeletons to help him see, and the helmet comes in handy, but no matter how many times he looks around, he still has no clue what he’s meant to do here.
   It has placed him on that same smooth spot where he seemed to pick up random memories from the past, the last time he was here, but nothing’s happening this time.    They carry on like this for several hours, Din complaining every so often, while the beast keeps ignoring him, until he gets tired enough to just give up and lay down for a rest. And of course, that’s when it happens.
   He’s just about to slip away into unconsciousness when the same image as before fills his mind. The entire room being set ablaze by all these demons.    The power of that one image is enough to jolt him back awake, and he sits up and looks around, slightly confused by how realistic the memory is.
   But now he understands how to access them, and what it is that your beast has been waiting so patiently for. So, once he’s calmed down a bit, he lays back down and allows himself to drift off once more.    Whatever else is going on, he is intrigued by the prospect of understanding more about the creatures, as it might help him understand his new self better too.
   This time, the image that finds him is of the demons of old. The way they looked before the war started, and they became these distorted versions of themselves.    They still relied on heat back then, still had the flame in their chests, but they looked so different.    While inside this memory, Din walks among them as though he was there. An unseen presence visiting from the future, and he’s amazed at how real it all feels.
   He watches a child, a mere new-born judging by how small it is, playing with its parent through the thick undergrowth of a forest that no longer exists.    They’re not alone either, shadowed by an entire herd of creatures that are clearly travelling together, slowly for the sake of the youngling.    A family.
   Then a ship appears in the sky. Something these beings have never seen before, and which frightens them into hiding among the trees, before the memory shifts.    Now there’s a whole city of humans in what was once their lands. Their forest cut down to build houses and burn for warmth, as the humans aren’t of this world and don’t have the flame which allows the demons to acclimatize to the environment.
   Soon, the people start trying to interact with the peaceful creatures, and for a time, the two exist without conflict.    But with more and more of their forests destroyed, the beasts grow restless and worried, because they know that the planet relies on the vegetation to regulate its own flame. They know that once enough land has been crippled, the balance will be offset, and the planet will begin to decay.
   But they have no language. No means of communicating this to the humans, so they resort to threatening the men and machinery that do the damage.    And that is where the conflict begins. That is when the humans turn against them, starting to call them monsters and pests, and it isn’t long after that that the first demons are killed in the pursuit of expansion of the human realm.
   The first sparks of a war that soon consumes the entire planet. A planet that humans never had any claim to.    The demons were trying to protect themselves, yes, but they were also trying to save their home. They never had a problem with humans overall, just their greed.    But as the wars escalated, and this world suffered on all fronts, the beasts were the ones that hurt the worst, because of their close connection to the planet’s flame.
   It changed them, turning them from peaceful travellers into angry fire-demons, all in the hopes of forcing the humans to stop destroying it. But of course, that transformation only added to the destruction.    Armed with so much fire, there was only ever going to be one outcome of this war, leaving no winner on either side. Only death.
   By the time the demons realized this, it was already too late. They had long since lost the ability to procreate, and were quickly losing their minds as well, most of them no longer able to remember what had happened to them or what they had once been.    Din watches once again, as thousands of them gather in this cavern at the bottom of the world, where the conflict hasn’t reached and the demons still have their memories, even though their bodies have changed.
   They know that their time is running out, and they’re prepared to sacrifice themselves for a chance to end the war, even if they don’t know exactly how it will work.    He can feel the despair within them, the desperation, still alive within the flame he carries, because it belonged to them first.    This was their last stand.
   Thousands of miles from the actual conflict in the north, this is where the war ended.    Because when these demons combined their flame, it wasn’t to destroy humans, but to kill themselves, and thereby removing the last reserve. The final back-up force that would’ve been drawn to the north after the last battle had ended.    It they had been alive, they would’ve felt compelled to go where their kin had fallen, and the few humans that remained would’ve been slaughtered in vengeance.
   But the memory doesn’t end there. It jumps from the moment the chamber was flooded with fire, to a lone demon travelling the desert.    Din watches as it encounters the outcasts, generations ago, building a reserved friendship with them, before it grows ill and pulls away. Still fearful of showing any weakness around the humans.
   He sees it infiltrate Ig’wu with an infant in its tails, using a recent riot as a distraction. A woman sees it but doesn’t raise any alarm and instead takes the child to be raised as a human.    You.    But the memory doesn’t remain with you. It stays with your mother as she flees the city, and returns here, to the very spot where he now lays.
   The skeletons here are evidence that her kin were kind at heart once. That they never wanted a war or the destruction that they were equally responsible for.    She should not remember that, but she does. Because her flame is stronger than any of her kin. As the last of them, the last of the old generations, she carried not just the flames of her brothers and sisters, but of the planet as well.
   She came here, only moments before she succumbed to the crippling illness, because she knew that when her ancestors died here, their flames returned to the core from once they had come. And so would hers.    Giving that power back to the world, was just enough for the planet to start coming back to life.
   That’s how there are trees outside this mountain. It’s why you’re drawn here. But it is also how your flame is more powerful than any demon before you.    Because they all had to share the flame of a dying world, whereas your flame is now the only one that lives outside of the planet’s core. A core that is growing again, for the first time in almost a hundred thousand years, which is when the war actually began.
   Din wakes up then, as the memory fades from his mind, feeling as though someone has poured porridge into his brain. He feels sluggish and heavy, but it slowly dissipates the more awake he becomes.    And the more alert he gets, the more he begins to see how much more sense everything now makes. The war, the secrets and lies… Humans like to be the heroes of all their stories, so of course they twisted the truth around.
   It isn’t surprising, but it is sad. Especially since you can’t remember any of it. The real tragedy here, is that humans thrive all over the galaxy, whereas the demon race has already been exterminated.    You can do what your mother did, create a copy using the human DNA in your body, but your kind died out the moment you lost the ability to procreate naturally.
   Your ancestors knew that; it’s likely why they chose to sacrifice themselves instead of allowing this world to distort them even more.    He sits up and looks at you, for the first time seeing you as you are. Not the beast that you became, but the being that you have always been. The broken lineage of a species that has been trying to survive against impossible obstacles for much too long.
   You are still Pan, whether you remember her or not. But you’re also every demon that’s ever lived. You’re the last, and the first of your kind.    Somniera – Zieilo – Pan. He knows all your names now, everything you’ve ever been. Named after the peace that your mother believed that you could represent, even though she was crippled by the continuous burning of her own memories.
   Given a name that means hope, by the city and person that shaped your human life. And finally, one that in some ways is the essence of what you are, day to day.    Not a potterer, but someone that creates. Builds, shapes, moulds. You were made to create a new beginning, a fresh start, and for some reason, Din is a part of that. He has been pulled onto your path not just to set things in motion, but to help you.
   He doesn’t know how yet, and it is possible that he won’t, until the very last moments of his life, whenever that might be. But for now, he finally feels at ease with what he’s becoming, knowing that it serves a purpose.    The question now is: how does he explain any of this to you?
   You seem to understand human language, but your memory burns away every few hours, or even more frequent than that at times, depending on the situation. So, simply telling you everything that he’s learned won’t accomplish anything.    All he can do, at least from his current perspective, is stay with you and try and figure it out along the way.
   But he also needs to get back to his people. He doesn’t think that he would be excluded from the Mandalorians just because his physical being has been altered against his will. But he still wants to talk to the Armourer and make sure that she knows everything that’s happened.
   For now, though, he walks up to you and bows, both in respect to you but also to all the demons you carry with you, that have tried for so long to restore the peace, even though no one listened.    You bow in return, admitting him to be your equal, and he closes the remaining distance between you with much more confidence than before.
   Letting his gloved hands trail the side of your head, carrying on along your neck and shoulder, he can now admire the strength of your being in a different way, because no fear taints it. With understanding comes harmony, and he wishes to share that with you.    Seeming to understand what he’s doing, your head drops lower as you relax further, and your tails slowly come together and rest against the ground.
   You seem so tired suddenly. As if you haven’t been able to rest at all since your transformation, which could very well be the case.    After just another minute of his gentle touch, you fold your legs in under yourself and let your head slowly droop to the floor, before you cave to the weight of deep sleep, evident by how your flame slows down and your glow significantly lessens.
   Trust.    That is what has come to exist between you now. Even if you don’t understand what he’s seen or what he knows, he’s certain that you’re somehow aware of his changed perspective and that he has no desire to ever harm you or allow you to be harmed by another.
   Given that you’re all connected through this planet that gave you your flames, it is possible that you do subconsciously know what he’s seen, which would explain this sudden comfort. But if he thinks back, you’ve never actually appeared all that concerned around him.    Sure, you hid from him even when you followed him out in the desert, but that was just common sense. You didn’t know him then.
   He feels like you do now, though. He has no proof of that, other than your trust, but it’s a strong feeling and he chooses to believe it.    Feeling alert himself, after however many hours he slept while the outcasts helped him heal, he takes a seat by your side and leans against your ribs. He’ll watch over you while you rest, and he wants you to know that he’s there. That he will always be there.
   It can feel that things are changing, only not how or why or into what. But it does not fear these changes, all the same. The human that is changing with it, is a good one. His confusion and anger are justified. And when he dreams, it can sense what he sees, feel some of the things he feels, and those things aren’t bad.    Sadness, some shame, and a little anger swirls around within him, but before it’s over, what he feels most is hope.
   His hands spread peace and calm as he touches it, something it knows that no one before him has ever been able to do, and thus, it is a completely new sensation to the beast.    It knows nothing of gentle hands, soft caresses, soothing circles rubbed into its charred skin and bones. And thus, like a magician he puts it to sleep with almost no effort.    And when it wakes, he’s right there, by its side. Still and calm but alert.
   “I’d say good morning, but I don’t know what time it is,” he says softly, as if he worries that his voice will sound sharp to its newly awoken ears.
   It lifts its head and stretches its neck before getting up. It does turn stiff and a bit numb from staying still for long periods of time, but only because the flame burns less hot on the few occasions that it sleeps. Once awake the fire is instantly stoked and the heat softens and eases all discomforts.    Still, there’s something pleasant about stretching out after a good sleep.    Not that it cares about pleasure…… ordinarily.
   “How are you feeling?” the strange non-human asks while getting up himself, and it nods once at him.
   “Wow. An actual reply? That’s a first,” he says with a small laughter.
   The sound sends something warm through its chest, although it has no idea why. But it is a nice feeling. And oddly familiar.    The beast feels as though there are memories connected to that sound, or perhaps just strong emotions that it can’t remember.
   “Okay well, would you mind making the trip back to the humans? I need to talk to them, and there are things I need to do that…” he breaks off, seeming unsure about something. “I’d prefer not to, uh… leave you.”
   He looks a bit uncertain then, and doesn’t appear to know what else to say, so it answers his question simply by offering him to ride it.    His kind have always been the enemy, and carrying one, even in its tails, would not be accepted under normal circumstances. But the human settlement is far away, and the creature can run much faster than him, so it’s only logical.    He climbs up as if he’s done it before, though.
   It finds running to be liberating. Its strides are long and powerful, its body unhindered by the need to breathe or hydrate, unable to get tired for as long as the flame burns hot enough.    It is almost disappointing to reach their destination so soon. And when the non-human disembarks, it feels as though the two of them had almost melded into one being during their journey. It feels almost abandoned as he walks away.
   Trying to literally shake the uncomfortable sensation out of its frame fails, and it decides that there’s no reason why it can’t just follow him wherever he’s going.    Dawn is only just breaking when he knocks on a door at the heart of the gathered buildings, but even so, the door opens after only a few seconds.
   “Din Djarin,” the older woman that answers his knock says once she sees him, so it must be his name. “I was worried that I might’ve seen the last of you.”
   “Not yet,” he answers, “but I am partly here to ask if you’ve gotten any replies to that transmission?”
   “We thought so, two days ago, but if it was a response then it was cut off before we could make anything out. Honestly, it was barely more than a blip.”
   The man, (it repeats his name in its head because it wishes to remember it) sighs at the news, but evidently decides not to dwell on it, moving on to another topic.
   “I’ve learned a lot since the last time I saw you… uh, when was that?”
   “Almost a week ago now,” the woman answers while she tugs her jacket closer around her torso.
   “Oh, I didn’t think it was that long,” he answers, sounding genuinely surprised, before returning to what he was saying. “Well, I know the truth now. I’ve seen this planet’s entire history through the eyes of the demons, and I’d like to share it with you. To set the records straight.”
   She looks stunned to hear this, but quickly recovers and asks him to give her a minute to gather all the elders and her daughter and meet them in a larger building across the street.    He agrees and comes to the creature’s side again while he waits. But he doesn’t touch it.    It doesn’t even know why it wants him to, but it keeps staring at his hands as though they hold some amazing secret.
   All it has to do is push its nose forwards and it would collide with his fingers, but why is it so tempting to do so?    The opportunity is missed when he sees people moving towards the building and starts to head there himself, but when he’s about to step in, the beast can’t take the separation anymore and burrows its nose into his back, almost knocking him over.
   “Hey, easy there, Pan. What’s the matter?” he asks after he’s regained his balance and turned back towards it.
   He has called it that before, but it doesn’t remember why. And right now, for the first time that it can recall, it wants to know why. It wants to remember everything.    He patiently waits for it to give him some sign, some indication of why it is behaving like this, but the only thing it can think to do is just to reach for his hand. To ask for that touch that it somehow feels so deprived of.
   Despite his confusion, he does understand the simple body-language, putting both hands on its head and petting it gently as soon as he realizes what it’s looking for.    And when it feels their touch, the demon remembers it.
   “Don’t worry, you can come inside with me,” he promises. “This is your story, not mine. I’m just your voice.”
   Like the humans it shares the room with, it listens to him tell the story of the planet they call Pagwu, and the creatures that used to dominate it.    It hears about the darker side of humans, about the wars, the mutations, the lies, the sacrifices. And then he talks about its mother. Then about the demon itself.    The woman he knew as Pan.
   He knows all her names, even though she doesn’t. He believes that she still exists, even though she was burned away. He still cares about her.    About you.    But it doesn’t know you anymore. There are traces, though. Bits and pieces of you that surface, especially around him, so maybe he can find more of you.
   Maybe that’s why it is so drawn to him. Because you’re still in there, missing him as much as he misses you.    It hopes that that’s true, for the simple reason that it feels things around him. Remembers better. Understands more. And it doesn’t want to lose those things, now that it has known them, even just for a day.
   When they leave the building and walk together through the town, searching for a place to rest after an entire day of talking and discussing, the demon tries to recall its names.    Somniera. Zieilo. Pan.    After an entire day, it remembers. And within those identities are the stories that they tell, their history and ancestry. It remembers all of it through those names.
   Din Djarin.    It doesn’t know what his names mean to his people, but to the beast, they represent both the past and the future.    And it is now certain that it will never forget him.
Link to Chapter 13
Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging, I’d greatly appreciate it <3
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kibouhero asked:
"Shouto-kun! I have a question!" Izuku exclaimed as he ran for his boyfriend. As a sudden blush crossed his cheeks, he shyly followed this up with, "C-could I call you Shocchan?"
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Shocchan? No one ever called him like that. He didn't hesitate. He didn't even take the time to think. “ Yes ” he only said, feeling his own cheeks turn red at the thought that Midoriya was feeling that close to him. That the two of them had gotten that far. For some reason, hearing it made his heart skip a few beats. He liked that.
He then wondered if calling the green-haired Midoriya was going to sound weird. He felt comfortable calling him by his last name but now he didn't know if this would still be right. What if he called him Izuku ? “ If you want me... ” he had bowed his head, not sure how his boyfriend would feel about it. “ ... I can call you Izuku. ”
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vilevvords · 2 years
Earned it — Ushijima Wakatoshi // NSFW
word count: 2k
content note: just big strong man loving you on your birthday, oral sex - f!receiving, slight overstimulation
a/n: i've never written smut before so this is a first lmao i don't know what to think of it but i'm putting it here anyway and go to sleep gn
Ushijima prefers to not leave things to chance when he can help it. That is why he starts preparing months in advance for your birthday. It’s not like he thinks about it constantly but it enters his mind as soon as the six-months-left mark rolls around.
He lingers in front of jewelry stores a tad bit longer, looks at adverts more intently, his mind wandering off to imagine you in the dress the model is wearing, and bookmarks some of the lavishly expensive perfumes you tried at the airport and he knew you liked but would never buy for yourself. He makes a reservation at a nice restaurant, is sure to pick the one with the best view of the city, and even buys a new suit just for the occasion. All without looking at any of the price tags because his job is paying well and the thought doesn’t even occur to him that any money spent on you is ever wasted.
Ushijima’s mind is rather simple: he knows that when you take, you also give. And he finds himself relying on you more than you think he is because after all, he is big and strong and if anything, you’re usually the one asking him for help.
But Ushijima Wakatoshi isn’t a man whom words come to easily so you’re unaware of the fact that he looks forward to the shoulder rubs you give him when he comes home from a long day of practice, easing the knots in his muscles with skilled hands. You don’t know how your presence alone is enough to lull him to sleep faster and let him rest better at night even when you’re not touching because his mind is at ease just knowing you’re in reach. You don’t know how restless he gets on away games because there are things he wants to show you and experiences he would like to make together with you, yet the only consolation he has in moments like these is that you’re home, waiting for him.
And because he never tells you these things, and because he’s a simple man, it’s nothing short of obvious that he would want to do everything in his power to make you feel valued on your day.
Waking up in your shared bed with him still beside you was rare given that he usually was out and about as soon as the first ray of sunshine dared to peek through the curtains, leaving the warmth of the covers and getting ready for a morning run. Though today, he is still beside you, sleeping soundly and you relish in being able to shuffle closer to him, lay your head on his chest, and find yourself getting lulled back into slumber from the steady beat of his heart.
Ushijima had already given you your presents when the clock struck midnight, engulfing you in a hug and kissing the crown of your head lovingly. You had muttered strings of “You shouldn’t have” and “That’s too much” in between kisses, sitting among boxes of presents and wrapping paper.
It had gotten late when you finally went to bed last night, fully expecting to sleep in and let the morning pass by without you. Though looking at the clock now, it is barely even eight.
You feel him shift beside you when you start drawing small circles onto his chest, muttering your apologies as tired eyes peek open to take in your form. A hand comes up to caress your side in a large lengthwise motion, stopping briefly on its way down to softly squeeze the flesh of your hip.
“Good morning, birthday girl,” he mutters with a voice that’s hoarse from the night and in response, you lean into him, cupping his cheek and kissing the corner of his mouth, lips lingering for a bit longer; a silent Good morning to you, too.
A small smile forms on his face as he lets you nestle closer into his side, your cheek now pressed against his and the slight stubble of his beard prickling on your skin. His hands hug your body close, firmly keeping you in your place by his side but the longer you’re lying tangled like this, the more they start to wander.
He makes sure not to overwhelm you, giving you time to adjust to his touch, to ward off some of the slumber still sticking to you. It is evident in the way his hands move with caution, calloused fingertips tracing your skin in a gentle and soothing fashion, like a promise leading up to something more.
You start squirming in his hold, seeking his touch and chasing after the warmth where his hands just left your skin almost mechanically, and he knows what you need without even so much as a single word.
An arm reaches behind you and you’re being turned over in one swift motion, your back now flat against the mattress as he shifts on his arms to hover over you. His warm eyes burn into yours, gentle and affectionate, but looking closely there’s more; something deeply sensual swirling in between hues of hazel.
Pressing a brief kiss to his collarbone, one of your hands wanders up to run your fingers through the hair on the back of his head as he starts going down on you, warm hands brushing over the curves of your body oh so lovingly that you could tear up at his touch.
He’s delicate with you, almost overly so. Fingers trail the hem of your shorts before he gently hooks a finger under the fabric, tugging them down your legs.
Strong hands reach up to grab the back of your thighs, picking them up and resting them over his shoulders. His hold remains firm as to keep them in place as he brings his face closer to your cunt. Looking up at you, he slowly starts drawing circles onto your thigh; a way of seeking reassurance that you really want this. You nod like in a state of euphoria before he averts his eyes again, focus shifting to be solely on your pleasure.
Ushijima presses a kiss to your abdomen, then to your inner thigh. You feel yourself melting under his touch, your back arching off the mattress and hips bucking forward when he finally starts lapping at your clit, drawing a sigh from your lips. An arm creeps around your right leg, his palm pressing down on your abdomen and fingers spreading your folds to grant himself easier access, your leg securely held up by resting on the bend of his elbow. He pushes his tongue inside of you and you swear you can feel him smirking against you as a breathy moan escapes your lips.
Your hands are tangled in his hair, softly tugging at his strands while he’s working you, holding you in place to stop you from writhing in his arms. The sounds of you both fill the room, your soft moans and his deep groans resounding in every corner of it to complete the pornographic picture.
His lips curl around your clit, sucking in a steady rhythm that is only disrupted when you accidentally tug at his hair more forcefully and make him lose contact with your cunt briefly before he dives back in almost fervently.
The both of you stay like this until your legs are shaking uncontrollably, pleasure washing over you like a cluster bomb exploding within. Your legs involuntarily come to close around his head but he holds them open with strong hands as a way of silently urging Let me in.
And he lets you ride out your orgasm on his tongue, lapping up your juices as you tremble in his hold. Were you to ask him, he would truthfully tell you that he is content just having you selfishly use him for your pleasure while the pressure forming in his own stomach is met with neglect, as long as he gets to take you in with all his senses.
It is only when your moans start to blend with exclamations of Too much, ‘Toshi, too much that he pulls away briefly, shoulders heaving as he tries to catch his breath. Still, he remains where he is, his hold on your thighs not yielding.
He mindlessly starts caressing your inner thigh, waiting for you to come down from your high before he brings his head down again, kissing your clit with a kind of insatiable desire and setting a temperate pace as he repeatedly flicks his tongue over it.
On instinct, he starts slowly grinding his hips into the mattress, seeking some sort of relief for himself, only he feels he shouldn't because today is about you and you only. Like it is his self-acclaimed duty to make you feel loved, desired, needed. But his hips move like a mantra, driven by the way his name falls from your tongue and your hands hold onto him for support as he’s working you so well, knowing no one else knows your body the way he does, loves it the way he does, worships it the way he does.
His entire face is pressed to your cunt and you’re not sure how he is still able to breathe because he is so close that it’s overwhelming to the point where he’s the sole thing on your mind; he and the pleasure he brings you.
He starts messaging the flesh of your hips as he notices your climax approaching, humming against you, the vibrations pushing you over the edge once more. And once again, he holds you close, strong hands restricting the feeble attempts of your weak muscles to escape, bringing you down from your orgasm until pleasure turns into over-stimulation.
You push him away with the bit of strength you still have and he understands, finally letting go of you. He gently lays your legs back down on the mattress and pushes himself up on his forearms, pressing kisses wet with your arousal all over your body as he’s making his way back up. Hovering over you, he’s taking in your form - panting, covered in a slight sheen of sweat, and your head still slightly bobbing from side to side like in a state of ecstasy. A hand comes up to cup your cheek, his thumb soothing your skin and holding you still as you slowly come back to your senses, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as you lean into his touch.
As your breathing evens out, your gaze falls to the prominent bulge in his boxers and the spot where his leaking cock paints it a darker color. One of your hands reaches down on instinct alone, wanting to palm it, help relieve him, but he is quick to grab your wrist and brings it up to his neck, purposely denying himself the release of the knot he feels sitting deep in his stomach as he reminds himself that today is about you.
“’Toshi, what about you,” you mutter against his neck, guilt washing over you for not being able to make him feel as good as he made you feel just a moment ago, but Ushijima is quick to console you, leaning down to plant a kiss to the corner of your mouth, then another on your cheek, along your jaw, and behind your ear. “Don’t worry about it.”
He embraces you with steady arms, his hold gentle not to hurt you but strong enough to ensure you’re not going to slip away from under him. With one hand on your lower back and the other cradling your head, he strokes your hair softly, pressing you to his chest because you somehow still don’t feel close enough.
And it’s in moments like these that you realize that he might need you more than you realize.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Can I ask how do you think Shouto should stop Touya? Both Shouto and Touya can cancel each other out so neither are going to win with their powers alone.
Empathy. I know that word is overused in villain meta, but it's really that simple.
Shouto right now is the only character who can challenge Touya's self perception in any significant way. Let's remember that Touya's reason to be a villain is his lack of identity besides the purpose placed on his birth. Touya started spiralling and eventually fell through the cracks not because he wasn't strong enough to overcome his obstacles, but because, like early Shouto, he struggles to differentiate his Self from Enji's shadow. To this day, even his revenge plan essentially boils down to a wish to be finally acknowledged, to be seen as the masterpiece he was supposed to be according to his father's plans. He can't give up that goal because he simply has no identity outside of it.
But the thing is, Shouto started out in a similar enough bad mental place that he can reach out to Touya and show him a way out.
The central theme in Shouto's personal journey was figuring out how he can be just Shouto, instead of Todoroki Shouto, Son of Endvr and Perfect Masterpiece. There's a reason he chooses his given name as a hero moniker. His arc is all about finding his true self-expression, his own way of doing things that is independent from his father's ambitions for him. In other words, it's a journey to self-actualization. For most of his life, Shouto was unable to come to terms with his fire because he always saw using that side as surrendering to the ambitions that Endvr saddled onto him—a role he never wanted. However, in doing so, he reached the opposite result and allowed Endvr's looming shadow the power to dictate Shouto's actions for the better part of his life. Only when Shouto reclaimed his fire as his, did he finally find some inner peace, and was able to start a much healthier journey, make friends, make progress as a hero and a person.
I'm putting all that out there because I think the key to stopping Dabi is something very similar. "Dabi" is not Touya's true self, either. It's a villain moniker, yes, but it's also a persona born of trauma and bad coping methods, one that still suffers from the same struggle to define himself as anything more than Endvr's product. Much like early Shouto, Dabi can't reach his self-actualization (and instead seeks external validation) because he's trapped in that mentality. He can't see past the circumstances of his birth. He's not a full individual yet, because so much of his identity is tied to the expectations his father saddled onto him as a child.
So the key to stopping "Dabi" was never a new super move. It cannot come down to just physical blows, because the root of the conflict was never pure physical prowess. It was always a matter of identity, or lack thereof. A matter of finding out your true self by exploring who you are without blood as a chain around your ankles.
Right now, as the sole other receptacle of Endvr's ambitions of glory, Shouto is the only character who can see how those expectations stifled and warped his brother until burning hatred for Endvr became the only self-expression he had access to. And right now, Shouto's the only one who successfully got out of that mindset and started healing.
The way Shouto was able to reach that point was by coming to terms with his legacy and finding his distance from Enji. He made peace with his fire side by understanding that the circumstances of his birth didn't have to influence his path moving forward. Cause blood isn't all an individual boils down to. Choices matter as well. Connections. Shouto found a way to use his fire when he didn't associate his father's cruelty with it, and instead used it for kindness, for helping others. He became a more accomplished hero when he let his classmates get close to him, when he relied on them and let them rely on him in turn.
Notably, Dabi still struggles with all of that. His desperation to justify his existence to his father shows that he's still trapped in his legacy with seemingly no way out. He doesn't see any other options for a "failure" like himself. He talks about "warped rails" and predestination, and clearly still sees his blood as a sentence upon his head, something inescapable, and by giving Endvr that much power to define his worth, he forgot he already possessed it, inherently, as an individual. And all that accomplished was erasing "Touya" more and more until what's left is just "Endvr's failed heir". Even the way he uses his fire mirrors Endvr's, and so does his self-reliance. He doesn't open up to his peers, refuses their help and their companionship unless the situation calls for teamwork, because he thinks he doesn't "need" them. Like his father, and like early Shouto, he sees self-reliance as strength and cooperation as weakness.
But Dabi, like early Shouto already did, is meant to move past all that, because that's not who he is, but only a reflection of how he was raised.
In this sense, Shouto's empathy can be the only bridge to him right now. By using their shared experiences as a common basis, Shouto can understand what the root of Dabi's villainy is, and help dislodge the warped misbelief that's the cause of that spiralling. Remembering Rei's words to him (the ones triggered in his fight with Deku) helped Shouto reconnect to his origins, to the self buried under all the trauma, and eventually led to his growth. So I think Dabi, too, needs to be prodded and l challenged until he, too, can return to his origin and be just Touya again. Not a failed masterpiece, not his father's son, but just Touya. The boy he was originally supposed to be.
After all, this manga isn't particularly subtle about this, either. How many times has Horikoshi used the visual tool of depicting younger versions of his characters to show exactly that—the power of connection, the idea that growth can only begin when you're true to your origins?
So yeah, those are my two cents. I think that's how "Dabi" can be stopped. By stopping, cancelling, the reason why this villain moniker exist, and return Dabi to just Touya-nii.
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moved-deibreak · 1 year
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anonymous asked:
enjoying you personality typing your muses from afar! if you want to get real deep into it, may i interest you with looking into jungian cognitive functions for mbti typing purposes? you might find it fascinating
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Hello, and thank you for the ask! I was incredibly happy to realize my senseless MBTI talk wasn't directed to the void. I searched for Jungian Cognitive Functions and if I got it right you refer to the Introverted/Extraverted Thinking/Feeling/Sensing/Intuition? I'm familiar with it, even if I haven't gotten into it as deeply as I have with MBTI. I think they're really interesting as well, and thank you so much for the suggestion. I'll make sure to study them more, and once I dedicate the time to type down my muses' MBTI, I'll include these as well. Thanks a lot 🙏
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archived-lightbaund · 2 years
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withsorrowandregret asked ( once upon a time ago ):
[  ill  ] Izuku for Shoto
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nonverbal  meme  prompts
[  ill  ]  sender  takes  care  of  receiver  when  they  are  unwell
“ I needed to move around a little, ” he explained, when asked why he hadn’t stayed in his room. Only wearing a t-shirt and shorts, Shoto had wandered around the dorms. The kitchen was his stop, taking a seat when seeing Midoriya was there. “ It’s not that serious, ” he mumbled, before starting to cough once more. He must be looking miserable, with his hair messed up, the dark circles underneath his eyes, and pale color. Shoto hated being sick, even though this would make it the first time he’d spend his time resting.
Midoriya was worrying for what was a minor cold. Or the flu. He couldn’t really tell them apart, and he didn’t think there was a point to it. He could have continued training and classes like he always did whenever he wasn’t feeling his normal self. Shoto was trained after all to function even under these circumstances. He didn’t think his father was wrong on that part. It didn’t make sense, for a hero to stand back because of an illness. Villains wouldn’t wait for his fever to ease down.  
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“ I hate this, ” he grumbled. The last few days had drained him, not only physically but psychologically too. He had run out of patience. Waking up every few hours, having nightmares, feeling weak even to leave his futon. His body switching from hot to cold every few minutes. His body failing him for the first time in a long time, with Shoto not understanding the reason. Recovery Girl had advised him not to try and regulate his temperature, for his body to fight this naturally, and now he’d find himself once again trembling when a minute ago he had been feeling hot, and couldn’t do anything about it.
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arch-lightbaund · 2 years
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@withsorrowandregret asked:
early morning rain  ,    heedless    &.    turbulent  ,    scurried down the windows  .    the perpetual music of water drops upon glass soothed his nerves  ,    if only a little  .    not enough to liberate him from the need to march the corridor up and down  ,    awaiting the awakening of his friend  .    the fraction of a second midoriya heard the door open  ,    he must have nearly tackled the birthday boy the the ground in a fusion of enthusiasm    &.    nerves  .    scarred digits offered a small package  ,    neatly wrapped in sapphire    &.    ruby shades  ,    for celebration  ;    a self - made good luck charm stacked on tickets for an amusement park  .
❝    happy birthday  ,    todoroki - kun  !    ❞
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His alarm signed the beginning of a new day, a day Shoto hadn't been looking forward to, not more than any other. He'd intentionally ignore the texts on his phone, still in a morning haze where he couldn't deal with the wishes of his family ( the only people he expected to remember what day it was, if caring to text him this early ). He realized he was mistaken though, when he found someone standing at his door. Having woken up at the sound of heavy rain, and meeting his most dear friend first thing in the morning, was more than he could have ever asked to brighten up his day, but it seemed as if more awaited him.
If only Midoriya knew his place in Shoto's heart. His hero, bright and as if standing on a pedestal, beyond his reach. But suddenly, he was there, right in front of him, not as Deku but simply as his friend, an image he wouldn't forget as long as he lived, for this was a day different than most. Not a reminder of his loneliness, like his past birthdays used to be, but the reminder of his inner growth, and the connections he had made in the last year. Becoming someone he didn't despise, and who could be taught what was like to be loved again. All because of HIM.
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“ You remembered? ” were the first words to slip his mouth, surprise evident in his eyes as he stared at the green-haired and the offered gift. As if the sour past memories of this day no longer had a place in his heart, as if replaced by the sentiment of this moment, Shoto smiled at the other. A wide smile free of any reservations, of any dark thoughts to cloud his heart and mind. “ Thank you, Midoriya. ” How sweet were the words, a different taste than usual. Carefully he'd attempt to unwrap the present, a bit uncertain if that was the tradition, revealing what his friend had made for him and the tickets. He took the charm in his hand, holding it tight to his fist as if it was his most precious possession. “ I'll always have this with me. ” He cast another glance of gratitude, and next to his attention were the tickets. “ Would you mind going with me? ” He never had gone to a place like this, and only if it was with Midoriya, it'd be really worth it. “ It's a place you should go with friends, right? ”
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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@guiltscorched asked:
"shoto. . ." dabi's voice is a rasp, low and mocking, dragging over the syllables of his brother's name. he never put much thought, before, into how he'd feel when he faced the person he never even really knew as family. it isn't all as easy as pure hatred, after all. "are you really prepared to do whatever it takes to stop me? you know i'm not going to give up, don't you?"
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Words alone wouldn't reach him, he knew that well, the all-consuming isolation to deafen one from anything kind. His actions had to be loud enough, to pierce through the veil of hatred Toya protected himself with. Because he knew the change one could bring within themself, if facing everything they had become. He wasn't the same as Midoriya, and he was feeling as he'd never catch up to him — to the gift he had of reaching one's deepest parts of their soul — but maybe he didn't need to be. There wasn't anyone who could see Toya as who he truly was, other than him. He was the one meant to fight him, because he used to be the same.
He shouldn't be beyond saving. Because he hadn't been. Because he was given a chance to change, maybe for this moment only. “ I know what's like to burn in rage. ” A hypocrite he must look like in his eyes. But Shoto was covered in scars too. Not scars the eye could find, other than the one their mother had given him, scars one could see with their heart, if still beating. He had been burning himself for so long, in a hopeless attempt to give his existence reason, even if it was for revenge, only to find, being born wasn't a curse. There was a path for him to follow, that led to this encounter. What was left of him, stood before Toya, carrying the wishes of his family, for both of them to return alive, and the support of his friends who believed in the hero he wanted to become. A hero to SAVE him.
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“ I'll stop you, right here. I won't let anyone else get caught in your flames! ”
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servantofthefates · 3 years
How to Be Confident When Giving a Tarot Reading
1) Know enough.
Mastering the cards fully happens to be an endless journey. But at least know enough about each of tarot’s 78 cards. Such as The Sun not always being about joy. Sometimes it is just about clarity — a revelation that will clear up your confusion but will not necessarily make you happy. When your knowledge of tarot’s meanings has reached some level of depth, this will automatically translate to a sense of inner confidence. You will not even have to do anything anymore. Self-trust will come naturally to you, just like breathing.
2) See the good in every card.
A street sign that says “Dead End” is not always your enemy. There is nothing kinder than keeping people away from danger. When you treat every single card in tarot as a friend who has something helpful to say — be it an encouragement or a warning, then every reading will feel like a lovely conversation. You will have the mindset that the cards have nothing but good to say to you. The effect? You will instantly notice their messages. Because you are not afraid of what they have to say. Your intuition will be very open to what the cards are conveying.
3) Forget everyone else.
Yes, you have read books on tarot written by experts. And yes, there are tarot readers out there with far more experience than you. But when you are performing a tarot reading, that conversation is between you and your cards alone. Tarot is speaking your language, not theirs. It is talking to your soul, not to anyone else’s. Who cares if The Chariot is Cancer’s card according to The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn? If The Chariot itself is telling you that it is representing Leo in this spread, then you better believe it.
4) Remember where you stand.
Every querent has a need that they themselves cannot fulfill. And the fact that this particular querent is in front of you right now, asking you to obtain it for them, means they trust you. They believe that you can look into their soul and see into their future. Your querent gave you this vote of confidence because they know you are worth it. If other people can see your potential, it would be insane for you to overlook it. You are the authority here. You have what it takes to do your job. Do not forget that. And yet…
5) …Do not rely on yourself alone.
Even if you are the most powerful person in the world, you are still just human. And the secrets of the Universe are too profound to be understood by a single human being. So if you wish to know about someone’s future, forgotten past, or hidden present, you will need help from otherworldly forces — whether you believe them to be the gods, Mother Nature, your immortal higher self, your ancestors, guardian angels or spirits. Have the humility to ask for their assistance. Because when it is the Universe itself sending the messages through your cards, you will never fail to find the right words.
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edenmemes · 3 years
ghost of tsushima starters
❝ promise you’ll remain the good man i know. ❞   ❝ only fools have no fear of death. ❞   ❝ i am very much alive. but my patience is dying. ❞   ❝ i’ll make sure you are remembered. as a great warrior...a wise leader. ❞   ❝ the strength we need is all around us. ❞   ❝ the past cannot hurt you. ❞   ❝ this whole journey, and i never asked your name. ❞   ❝ fear drives you to be stronger. fight harder. ❞ ❝ sometimes...our only choice is to walk away from everything we know ❞ ❝ we do what we must. that is why you and i are both survivors. ❞ ❝ i can do good! i just...need practice. ❞ ❝ may your next life be more peaceful than this one. ❞ ❝ i knew it was too good to be true. ❞ ❝ i'll see what i can do. but if you’re lying to me... ❞ ❝ you’re too comfortable with that power. ❞ ❝ don’t ever try to kill me again. ❞ ❝ turn your back on a foe...and you will die with a sword stuck in it. ❞ ❝ youre not slipping away that easily. ❞ ❝ just stay closed. keep your sword sheathed. and let me do the talking. ❞ ❝ the things i saw still haunt my nightmares. ❞ ❝ i dont even know if you're real. ❞ ❝ victories don’t have to feel good. ❞   ❝ killing your own family...it’s harder than you could ever imagine. ❞   ❝ it’s safer for everyone if i just disappear. ❞   ❝ next time, leave some glory for the rest of us. ❞   ❝ peace doesn’t always come quietly. ❞   ❝ some people respond to kindness. others require a glimpse of steel. ❞ ❝ i am nothing if not honest. ❞ ❝ stop using people, and start thinking about how you can help them. ❞ ❝ you’ve had your vengeance. don’t stand in the way of mine. ❞ ❝ you don’t have to do it alone. ❞ ❝ not all words need to be spoken. ❞   ❝ there is time yet for revenge. i will savour their cries of pain when that time comes. ❞ ❝ i have learned to love the cool, damp dark. ❞ ❝ the last thing i saw was faces filled with hatred, rage... ❞ ❝ you didn’t think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you? ❞ ❝ we will celebrate when this is all over. ❞ ❝ what’s wrong with you? one moment we stand shoulder-to-shoulder, the next you’re ready to cross blades. ❞ ❝ a warrior learns from their mistakes, or they are buried by them. ❞ ❝ remember your training...and never leave my side. ❞ ❝ well...i guess this is goodbye. ❞ ❝ your visions will grow worse, driving you to madness and death. ❞ ❝ i can only pretend for so much longer. i’m not like these people and never will be. ❞ ❝ i loved you all my life, but i could never work up the courage to tell you. ❞ ❝ the proud do not last, and the mightiest of us perish like dust before the wind. ❞ ❝ you’re a vision of mercy. ❞ ❝ not bad, but only half-good. ❞ ❝ we make a good team, don’t we? ❞ ❝ an archer’s aim relies not on eyes...but on body, mind, and spirit. ❞ ❝ this is my fight. i don’t need your weapon. ❞ ❝ being right doesn’t always make things better. ❞ ❝ there is nothing easier than to prey upon the vanity of ambitious men. ❞ ❝ you weren’t looking so good. i let you rest. ❞ ❝ your intentions this time were...better than usual. ❞ ❝ what are you not telling me? ❞ ❝ trouble sticks to you like shit on rice. ❞ ❝ it’s strange being back after so many years...everywhere i look brings back memories. ❞ ❝ only a child expects perfection of their elders. ❞ ❝ when this is all over, what will you do? ❞ ❝ you are ruled by your emotion. ❞ ❝ is this how you want to be remembered? ❞ ❝ perhaps great men share all the aspects of their lessers, but more. great wisdom, but even greater cruelty. ❞ ❝ i cannot imagine the burden a leader like you must bear. ❞ ❝ our greatest enemies are the greatest teachers. ❞ ❝ death’s shadow embraces me. hand in hand we walk. ❞ ❝ breathe. you can’t fight if you hold your breath. ❞ ❝ i know you well enough by now, my friend. ❞ ❝ i can’t go back...to what i was. before this. ❞ ❝ i hope you one day forgive me for the choice i made. ❞ ❝ the wounds you dealt my spirit will never heal. ❞ ❝ why did you turn away from me? ❞ ❝ if you can keep moving forward, so can i. ❞ ❝ it’s a bad idea to sneak up on me. ❞ ❝ promise me something. don’t become like me. ❞ ❝ let me undo the damage i’ve done. ❞ ❝ ...and you want me to clean up your mess. ❞ ❝ the path ahead may take a lifetime, but i will walk it with you. always. ❞ ❝ whatever you believe i’ve become, i will always be your family. ❞ ❝ i wouldn’t be here without you. ❞ ❝ i’ll hunt you past the horizon if i must. ❞ ❝ can i count on you to do what needs to be done? ❞ ❝ that’s over now. you’re here. with me. ❞ ❝ i thought i’d lost you, i should’ve known you’d never give up. ❞ ❝ you can’t continue down this path. ❞ ❝ be careful. demons are everywhere and they fear nothing. ❞ ❝ corpses can’t answer questions. ❞ ❝ you deserve greater respect than this. ❞ ❝ it’s just like the stories my father told me. ❞ ❝ what you become tomorrow is your choice. ❞ ❝ just ask the last man who questioned my sincerity. you’ll find his head covered in flies out back. ❞ ❝ you shouldn’t have lied. i still would have helped you. ❞ ❝ we came this far. we’re not turning back now. ❞ ❝ how do we survive if we don’t trust each other? ❞ ❝ without my help, the fear and pain will overwhelm you. ❞ ❝ whatever happens, we don’t retreat. ❞ ❝ the stories are true. i’ve never seen anyone fight like you. ❞ ❝ see how the enemy fear you? you are a true warrior. ❞ ❝ you want to share a drink...with me? ❞ ❝ maybe you should’ve just ran away. like you always do. ❞ ❝ good people have nothing to fear from me. ❞ ❝ your promises are just like you. worthless. ❞ ❝ as you wish, since you asked so sweetly. ❞ ❝ i know better than to argue. ❞ ❝ i hope i can find quiet places like this one, untouched by war. ❞ ❝ we grew up together, but you threw it all away. ❞ ❝ it was so chaotic. i felt you grip my wrist and then nothing. ❞ ❝ desperation can bring out the demon in the best of men. ❞ ❝ i don’t want to leave without you, but...i can’t stay. i hope you understand. ❞ ❝ a grown man, and you still can barely sit still. ❞ ❝ and i heard you had no sense of humor! ❞ ❝ knowing and doing are different. ❞ ❝ trouble follows me everywhere. ❞ ❝ indulging violence weakens the warrior...like too much food or drink. ❞ ❝ i can always tell when you want to ask me something. out with it. ❞ ❝ i am proud to fight beside you. ❞ ❝ i didn’t nurse you back to health to watch you throw your life away. ❞ ❝ all i want...all i need is to start a new life. ❞ ❝ look twice and shoot once. ❞ ❝ i think they’re afraid of you. you can be...intimidating.. ❞ ❝ you don’t even try to hear me. it’s like talking to a stone. ❞ ❝ so you try to kill me? have you lost your mind? ❞ ❝ you’ve sacrificed everything. for revenge. ❞ ❝ we can’t let anger consume us. or blind us to our friends. ❞ ❝ there is only one way this ends. ❞ ❝ i gave you everything. and you threw it away. ❞ ❝ do not question my integrity again. ❞ ❝ your father would be proud. ❞ ❝ the worst one can do is take advantage of their own people. ❞ ❝ you follow trouble. you should ask yourself why.  ❞ ❝ some of my favourite memories happened at this place. ❞ ❝ i told you this was a bad idea! ❞ ❝ keep fighting. we need people like you. ❞ ❝ are you the one who finally kills me? ❞ ❝ a warrior’s most important weapon is themself. lose control, and you risk defeat. ❞ ❝ first, get some rest. this is killing you. ❞ ❝ see that? i told you. there’s always hope. ❞ ❝ i hope the skills i gained through hardship can be of use to the people here. ❞ ❝ you have skill...but you nearly died rushing into battle. ❞ ❝ in the midst of battle, true leaders must stay rooted, stand firm. ❞ ❝ every time i get in a mess like this, i’m as scared as the time before. ❞ ❝ don’t be the next to disappoint me. ❞ ❝ save what we can, but know that everything passes away. ❞ ❝ i hope you understand, this is just a job. ❞ ❝ that’s a sad way to look at the world. ❞ ❝ seeing you like that...i’m still shaken up. ❞ ❝ sit with me a moment. ❞ ❝ doubt and indecision have destroyed armies. ❞ ❝ it’s so painful to...see you weighed down by sadness. ❞ ❝ on the slim chance some good comes of this...lead the way. ❞ ❝ you fought well, but we’re finished. ❞ ❝ the warrior’s mind is quiet but alive, like rustling bamboo. ❞ ❝ i’ve trained with a blade since i could walk. ❞ ❝ the visions...they’re still happening. ❞ ❝ in our world, being intimidating isn’t a bad thing. ❞ ❝ you have a talent. it’s time you use it, for the sake of our land. ❞ ❝ i've tried to teach you all i know...but you act more like a poet than a warrior. ❞ ❝ your path leads to madness and death. ❞ ❝ that’s twice you saved my life. ❞ ❝ these people stay because they believe in you. ❞ ❝ i didn’t choose this life. it was my only option. ❞ ❝ you came at me like i was your mortal enemy. almost broke my arm! ❞ ❝ i could use your help...in the fight ahead. ❞ ❝ you can be a little rough, but you have a good heart. ❞ ❝ i don’t want to kill you, stop! ❞ ❝ what’s wrong? afraid i’ll get more famous than you? ❞ ❝ war brings out who we truly are. ❞ ❝ take care where you place your faith. ❞ ❝ you seem lost in thought. ❞ ❝ i was getting tired of waiting for you. ❞ ❝ without my wisdom, you will lose your soul to madness. ❞ ❝ peace is an unattainable dream...but a dream worth fighting for. ❞ ❝ i’ve killed a thousand men. every death was sweet. ❞ ❝ what is the point of prayer when we are doomed? ❞ ❝ you’re like your father in more ways than you know. ❞ ❝ if you want my respect, earn it. ❞ ❝ and how many wars have you fought? ❞ ❝ you’re quite the butcher with that sword. ❞ ❝ people who sow chaos must be punished. ❞ ❝ i can’t help but wonder if you enjoy the violence. ❞ ❝ i kill only to protect our people. i think about that every time i reach for my sword. ❞ ❝ i'm sorry if my lack of skill offends. ❞ ❝ it’s the first time in days i haven’t felt like i was about to die. ❞ ❝ you fought like an animal...or a demon! ❞ ❝ there’s nothing more painful to me than a perfect bow...ineptly used. ❞ ❝ victory is won by warriors, not weapons. ❞ ❝ i couldn’t leave you to die. ❞ ❝ i made my choices. even knowing what they’ve cost me, i’d make them again. ❞ ❝ when’s the last time you slept or ate? ❞ ❝ you don’t get to give up. this land needs you. ❞ ❝ oh you pretend we are different, but we fight for the same thing. ❞ ❝ there are still places of beauty to remind us of what truly matters. ❞ ❝ true mastery begins where individual ego ends. ❞ ❝ a warrior faces danger with courage and resolve. this is how they endure. ❞ ❝ those stories...they're not entirely true. ❞ ❝ even the youngest warrior needs a full belly and a rested sword-arm. ❞ ❝ bad men are good at hiding their true natures. ❞ ❝ there is nothing left for me here. my hope is lost. ❞ ❝ i did what i had to. for you. ❞ ❝ forgive my manners. i spent all my time alone. ❞ ❝ is that any way to greet a visitor? ❞ ❝ if you continue down this path...you’ll be no better than the enemy. ❞ ❝ i am grateful for the times we share...but, i always want more. ❞ ❝ you lived your life in a castle. it made you soft. ❞ ❝ i used to know what i fought for... ❞ ❝ face them as a warrior with honour. not a monster. ❞ ❝ i don’t take lives, but i am not a coward. ❞ ❝ i wonder if i’ve crossed a line. ❞ ❝ you can’t expect everyone to understand what you’re doing, or why. ❞ ❝ your methods were brutal...impulsive...without honour. ❞ ❝ there’s plenty to fear without worrying about folktales. ❞ ❝ i hope you’ll find peace again soon. ❞ ❝ you do what you need to survive. and yet you despise others for doing the same. ❞ ❝ is that your excuse? your reason to kill? ❞ ❝ we have to keep pushing. even if it costs us our lives. ❞ ❝ cowards without honour deserve no mercy. ❞ ❝ i’ll fight beside you until the end. ❞ ❝ whatever happens, your forgiveness won’t change who i am. ❞ ❝ why should we settle for scraps when we deserve to be legends? ❞ ❝ only cowards strike from the shadows. ❞ ❝ the proud do not endure. the greatest of us fall in the end. ❞ ❝ perhaps some good will come of this. ❞   ❝ you will see nothing but death to the end of your days. ❞ ❝ legacy is more than a name. ❞ ❝ im sorry. i know what it means to lose family. ❞ ❝ one day we'll escape the endless wheel of suffering. ❞ ❝ is that a 'thank you'? ❞ ❝ i know what it means to be hunted. ❞ ❝ you personify fury and regret. ❞ ❝ that's all right. i want to hear you dig your own grave. ❞ ❝ either way, we’ve got nothing to lose. ❞ ❝ i’ve done what i can. the rest is up to you. ❞ ❝ forgive me, but you look fatigued. have you endured much hardship? ❞    ❝ i hope you find true honour in your next life. ❞ ❝ you deserve nothing less than death. ❞ ❝ this is foolish. surrender, and you can live. ❞ ❝ i too have pride in family. and i know what it’s like to live in their shadow. ❞ ❝ you were gone so long, i knew you were in trouble. ❞ ❝ so many of us here owe you our lives. ❞ ❝ what's wrong? what did they do to you? ❞   ❝ you’re lucky to be alive. ❞ ❝ i know your language. your traditions. your beliefs. which village to tame and which to burn. ❞   ❝ i cannot lose you again. ❞   ❝ i don’t seek revenge. but i will fight for peace. ❞   ❝ we will meet again soon. until then...travel safely. ❞   ❝ this is war --- not a test. ❞ ❝ we can save our home together. it doesn’t have to be like this. ❞ ❝ fear is a weapon. don’t let them use it against you. ❞
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