#bnha au...? sorta?
black-and-yellow · 1 year
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Reel it in.
(NB even though this reads right to left, the pages are ordered so that they will be in order when scrolled through on full screen)
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povertygoblin · 7 months
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💜🖤 Just a sketchy little doodle for my “Crown of Thorns” Au! 🤍💚
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bakugotrashpanda · 1 year
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Vampire!Bakugou x Fem!Reader Word count: 3.5k
All Souls Trilogy AU (if you squint)
!!: blood, angst
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Your wish is his command… except for one thing.
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Ornate metal lattice digs into Bakugou’s hands as he listens to your councilors inform you of the situation at hand. Inform. That’s a joke. More like condescend or manipulate. If he was actually allowed in the room as opposed to hiding behind the equivalent of a confessional, they wouldn’t treat you like that. 
Bronze creaks under his hand. Conversation that, to normal human ears, would be muffled by a red curtain pauses. You dismiss the sound. The conversation continues. 
“Patience,” your voice finds his ears. A futile command meant for him. But he waits. And when the simpering men leave your court, he finally emerges. Male stench hangs in the room. God, he hates these meetings. You can’t smell it, but Bakugou can’t help but pick up the underlying notes of ambition, hatred, lust. He could break their necks at the drop of a hat.
If you ordered it, he’d do anything.
“Well?” you sigh, “You heard them. The armada will be at our port in three days. Our fleet is battered. We wouldn’t be able to hold them off.”
Bakugou walks beside your chair and looks down at you. It was built for your grandfather. Big man, big ego, big dreams. Big shoes to fill. In comparison, you look like a child slumped at the dinner table waiting to be allowed to leave. 
“And they want you to lock the capital,” he sneers, “Leaving the masses — your people — the fend for themselves.” They want to stay safe in their cushy houses, and they currently do while the average person suffers.
A grim smile twists your lovely features. Bakugou longs to see your natural smile as opposed to this mockery of it. Oh how war hardens even the softest of hearts.
“So, my Shadow,” you look up at him now, “What are my other options?”
Bakugou clenches a fist at his side. There’s nothing more in the world he wants than to reach out and cup your cheek and memorize the glimmer of hope hiding in your eyes. He closes his eyes and inhales deeply, your intoxicating scent causing his heart to beat once. Exhaling, he rolls his shoulders before answering you. “The witches are eager to prove themselves. Become useful in your eyes.”
“They want protection from the masses.” 
Bakugou holds back a smirk. Of course you’d read between the lines. Nothing is given for free. “I advise you use them.”
“And then what? Offer them carte blanche?” you scoff. “If one more zealot cries foul again I’ll have an uprising worse than what my father faced.” You wince. You may try to forget the way he was dragged from the castle and beheaded and your shaky rise to power – eyes of the masses hungry for bloodshed, but he remembers it as vividly as yesterday. You were barely a woman, fear and a shattered innocence filled you to the core as you swore before all the powers that be to protect your realms. 
And Bakugou silently promised to guide you better than he had your father and his father before him.
“You’ll think of something.”
“What use are you then if you don’t aid your queen?” Your tongue and eyes are sharp and turned on him. “You will not make me a vampire such as yourself and grant me the powers I need to stabilize my kingdom. You tease solutions, but offer nothing more than that.” Bakugou watches you stand, your face hardening into an impassive mask. “The witches worry that I will turn my back on them, but perhaps it is the vampires who will lose favor.”
Pacing back and forth, you watch him, waiting for any reaction — something you can use to move the argument along. 
But all he gives you is a blank look. He can’t say anything – no matter how much he wants to. In truth, he has no more power than your advisors who bow their heads with a ‘yes, Your Majesty’ and say what you want to hear in an attempt to curry favor for themselves. 
Your shoulders slump when it’s clear he’s not going to take the bait.  “I have a kingdom to protect and ensure that we will see better days. I swore an oath before all the gods that I would do this,” your jaw juts out stubbornly. “I still have no consort and no heir. Everything will fall to chaos. Will you really deny your queen the ability to ensure there is a future for my people?”
Bakugou falls into a wide stance and clasps his hands behind his back. He’s heard this argument time and time again. No doubt your stubbornness will hold strong this time too. “I told your father and your father’s father the same thing: no. We do not lead in human politics.”
“Yet you’ll meddle.”
Bakugou sighs. He’ll respond that yes, creatures will meddle – who wouldn’t? You’ll spew more stories meant to guilt trip him. He’ll hold fast in his position that you will not be made a vampire. You’ll insinuate that if he won’t do it, you’ll find someone who will. His heart will beat again, and he’ll snarl that whatever vampire you find would sooner kill you than turn you. You’ll storm away. Nothing will be resolved. 
If he tries a different approach, maybe he can avoid what will surely be a weeklong headache. “My Queen,” he grits out. Fuck these insufferable games he must play in order to speak his mind. “Permission to speak freely?”
Back when he was reborn there was no need to ask to speak. He and his brethren did what they wanted without consequence. Lands were conquered on whims, the blood flowed freely. And now? He’s reduced to acting like one of the humans who advises you.
You nod. How generous.
“If I made you what I am,” he says silkily, “I would have your kingdom at my mercy. I could order you to do my bidding, and you would not be able to deny me. As a vampire you wouldn’t have the heir you so desperately want. I would ruin you.” He stalks towards you, only a hint of the predator within. To your credit, you stand your ground and appear unimpressed — your scent, however, betrays you. “In the time it would take for you to control your blood thirst, your people that you so valiantly want to protect would all be dead.”
He bends at the waist so your faces are even. Smiling, he adds on, “And that’s if you don’t kill them all yourself.” With a flourish, he bows and stalks towards the door. He doesn’t care that you’re fuming at his breach in etiquette. 
Bakugou isn’t summoned for more than a week. That whole time he does what he does best: stick to the shadows. To say you’re irritated is an understatement. The only time you do call upon him is to send him on an errand worthy of a human. Maybe it’s your form of punishment – to remind him of what you are.
But he’s addicted to you and can’t stay away. Many nights he finds himself spending time with the gargoyles lining the roof outside your window. 
He’s late tonight — not that sitting outside your chambers has a set time. A questioning took longer than he expected, and had extra clean up to deal with. Bakugou settles in at his usual spot and listens. Normal nightly ambience quickly filters away. All he wants to hear is you. 
Elevated heartbeat. Rapid breathing. Excitement. Bakugou turns his head away from your window. This isn’t the first time he’s heard you… enjoy yourself. But it’s a moment when you think you’re alone, so he does his best to give you privacy. He’s about to leave his hiding spot outside your window when he hears another faint heartbeat. Jealousy shoots through him. His hold on the nearest statue cracks the stone. Pebbles fall to the ground stories below. Who would you possibly have there with you?
About to break one of his own self-imposed rules and peek into your chambers, he’s blindsided by a scent.
It assaults his senses. A putrid scent wraps around his nose. It’s cloying, stinging his nose and pricking his eyes.
You’re not alone. But you’re not enjoying yourself either. No, if his senses are anything to go off of, there’s someone in your chambers with you who intends to do you harm.
Flashes of green cloud his vision. A past he swore he left behind eons ago. 
A mumbling. Yours? 
Bakugou can’t wait. He dives into the room and pinpoints the stench. It’s reflex at this point – sharpened claws embed into flesh. Warmth trickles down his fingers. He’s probably the only one who can hear the final exhale from the human hidden behind thick curtains in your room. Iron hitting the floor and bouncing around before coming to rest ricochets in his ears. 
You inhale sharply and sit up in your bed. Even in your anger and silence with him, you call for Bakugou – albeit at a whisper. Bakugou emerges from the curtain, blood drips down his hand in the moonlight. Your eyes fixate on the dark liquid. He sniffs it, but disdain taints it. There’s no point in savoring it, or even drinking it.
And then it hits him.
The blood curdling scream ripped from your lungs.
Soldiers rush into the room, swords drawn. Your blood spikes. There’s no way you’re in any shape to issue orders. Bakugou takes over, barking out demands to round up your advisors. Little do you know, but the human who had planned on destroying you was one of the people you trusted most – outside of him. 
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You’re still in shock – in bed staring dumbfounded as the chaos in your bedchambers winds down. Bakugou aches to hold you close, make promises that nothing like this will happen again. But he can’t. 
Could he even handle a rejection from you? Or would he snap? It wouldn’t be the first time.
No, it’s better if he excuses himself first.
“Katuski, please, stay.”
Against his better judgment, his feet stumble to a stop and he stares at the door in front of him. Does he stay? Is it wise?
He turns. Faces you for the first time since you cast him out of your council chambers. For the first time since your father’s death, you look your age. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, but you’ve made a valiant effort to keep your head held high despite all the troubles and tribulations thrown your way. Now though, in a bed that dwarfs you, you look more like yourself and less like the young queen he serves.
Bakugou tentatively sits on the edge of your bed. You play with a stray thread from the enormous cover. He watches you wind and unwind it around your finger. It’s only when it snaps completely that you speak.
“He… I… I trusted him. And he wanted to kill me.” Bakugou remains silent. He watches you process the moment. Your brows push together and pull apart as sadness overtakes you. “I trusted him. He advised me. And he wanted me dead.”
Visions of the past swim in his eyes. He wanted me dead. A deep, garbled voice pleads with him. For what? Desperation. Blood. Death.
“He can’t hurt you.” Bakugou masks the hollowness of his voice with a bow of his head. “I am your faithful servant, now and always.”
“Would he be able to kill me if I were a creature like you?”
Not again. He’s not ready for another argument. You’re only just beginning to talk to him again. “Not in the way he wanted.” It’s not impossible, but vampires are much harder to kill than mere mortals.
“Katsuki, I’m begging.” Warm fingers grasp his forearm. “Change me. Make me one of you.”
It would be so easy. “I am bound by the laws created by and for creatures. I can’t. And if I was able to, I wouldn’t.” 
Your mouth opens, an objection on your tongue. He speaks quickly, cutting off a protest he’s heard countless times before. “I don’t have many regrets – I can count them on one hand.” A pair of eyes, pleading. A pair of emeralds that haunt him when he somehow sleeps. Shiny. Reflective. Crying? Blood everywhere. A life too soon extinguished. A love lost. All his fault. “I turned someone I thought I loved. I was ready to spend the rest of eternity with a mate.” It ended with a body, a broken heart, and a promise never to repeat that mistake.
“I’m not like her, I promise.” 
“No, you’re not like him,” Bakugou snaps. How many times does he have to say it? “But I won’t do it, no matter how much I love you.”
The silence hangs heavy in the room. You sit back. The cavernous distance between your bodies makes his fingers itch.
Maybe you didn’t hear him. Maybe you’ll think he said something else. Maybe-
He curses himself. No, of course you heard, and now one of his secrets is out there. There’s no point in denying it. You’ll never let it drop. And… if he messes up now, he’ll have plenty of chances in the future to make it right. “I’ve always loved you. I always find you, not matter how far I have to go or how far you rise or fall in life.”
“You’ve… found me. Before.” Confusion turns to awe as realization washes over you. There are hushed whispers in religions about reincarnation, but very few have actually believed it.
“And I’ll find you again in your next life.”
“You wouldn’t have to find me again; you could have me now.”
“Don’t say that!” Bakugou’s roar echoes throughout the chamber.
“I’m not scared of you.” Defiance. Just like him. His other love. Only back then, Bakugou believed his words. 
“You should be. I’m a monster.” He killed the one he loved. All because he was… afraid of being alone. What good is eternity if you can’t spend it with anyone? “I can hear your blood singing beneath your skin. On the best of days I hang on to my sanity by a thread.”
“What kind of life is that?”
“One I choose for myself.”
Your lips press together. Every incarnation of you never lets it drop. “What’s holding you back?” Maybe… just this once… “Katsuki… talk to me.”
“No. It doesn’t concern you.” He can’t. 
You straighten up and arch an eyebrow. “Are you disobeying an order from your queen?”
He smirks. “Are you my queen now instead of the woman I covet most?”
Hesitation overtakes the haughty demeanor on your face. “I can be both.”
“Not to me.”
You sigh. A wry grin replaces the fake demeanor you save for your court. “Then tell me, the woman who wants to spend her whole life with you. What happened?”
He failed. That’s what happened. It was much like this night; an assassination attempt, only the assassin succeeded. And as the love of his life lay in Bakugou’s arms dying, Bakugou offered him a choice. And who can refuse the chance to live forever?
Bakugou licks his lips. How much should he tell you? Would you be jealous after hearing it all? “He was the chieftain,” he starts slowly. “He shouldn’t have been though. It was a different time. Politics… it was all brutal strength. When I heard there was a chief that couldn’t protect his people, I went to him with the intention of wiping him and his people off the face of the earth.”
He can remember the scent of fresh dirt after the rain. The mud squelching beneath his war horse’s hooves. People watched him warily as he rode into town. A green haired man emerged from the largest structure. Innocence. 
“But you didn’t?” 
“I didn’t,” he nods. “I saw how he led without an iron fist. At first it intrigued me. And then the more I watched, the more I wanted to protect him. He knew what I was and he welcomed me. Everyone did. The peacefulness messed with me. First time in eons I’d felt that way. But it didn’t last, and I couldn’t protect him. He was wounded and I offered him a chance to stay with me. Forever.”
His blood tasted sweet. It was laced with love and hope, none of the desperation that usually follows death. 
“Did he take it?”
“He did. But it wasn’t successful.” Soft emerald eyes woke with a hardness Bakugou saw when he looked at his reflection. An unending hunger. A craving. A need for violence. “He woke with an uncontrollable bloodlust. He slaughtered everyone in his care. But he wasn’t done there. He ran. There was destruction wherever he went. My father…” Bakugou swallows thickly. He remembers his father riding over the hilltop. From across the field of carnage, Bakugou heard him sigh before turning away. “My step-father. He was disappointed in me. I would’ve preferred him being angry. But he calmly told me to clean up my mess. I…”
In the end, Bakugou caught him. It had to be done. I lo- There was peace on his face when Bakugou removed his heart from his chest. Acrid smoke filled Bakugou’s lungs as the body burned. And for a split second, he considered walking into the blazing pyre as well.
“I killed him in the end. I had to.” Bakugou studies his hands. How much blood did he have on them? “I spent centuries trying to find him again. He never resurfaced.”
“Maybe he-”
“No. You haven’t seen it. There are always similarities.” Bakugou studies you for a moment. Sometimes your hair changes. Sometimes you’re shorter than normal. Once it was your eyes, and that took him off guard once he realized it was you. “You, for example, are always in power whether you want it or not. You’re headstrong and stubborn as a mule. You don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. And your smile. I always recognize your smile. He’s gone. Forever. Turning him must’ve corrupted his soul.”
Your lips form a thin line as grim realization sets in. “That’s why you won’t turn me.”
“I won’t lose you too. At least this way I know that I can search to the ends of the earth and I’ll find you again.” Even if it’s a painful existence.
“Katsuki.” Your hand finds his cheek. Warmth floods his skin, just like it did before his rebirth. His eyes flutter closed, enjoying the sensation. “You may not make me one of you, but I give myself to you, and no other.” Bakugou’s eyes pinch tight. He’s heard those words before. They always spell your downfall. If he doesn’t push you away, there will be no heir to the throne. There will be no victory in the war. Your kingdom will collapse.
And yet…
He’s never had the willpower to say no before.
He cups your cheek. Your skin thrums beneath his touch. The siren’s call from your blood grows deafeningly loud. His lips graze over yours, barely skimming their surface, but his senses explode.
“Mine,” he whispers huskily, “Forever.” Sealing your fate in this life with a searing kiss, he moves his way down to the soft base of your neck. Teeth pierce skin. Your gasp is music to his ears. Your essence coats his tongue
It’s not enough to kill, nor is it enough to turn you, but it is enough to mark you as his territory for all other creatures. 
They’ll know that you’re in league with a vampire, and they’ll grow suspicious of you and your word – turn on you when you least expect it.  
Just like they have before.
Maybe next time – in your next life – he can stop himself or finally give in to your wishes and turn you.
But for this lifetime, you’re his.
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—Modern day—
Bakugou stares out over the city. From the top floor, he can hardly see the people below. It’s hardly the tallest skyscraper, but he and his kind have had to adapt — be more… incognito. Gone are the days of raising hell and taking over. No, much to his chagrin, in this human dominated society, Bakugou has to pretend to be like them. 
He glances at the framed magazine cover behind a grandiose oak desk. It’s been enlarged – at least three feet tall. You stand front and center in a smart blazer, arms crossed. Your eyes sear the viewer as if daring them to challenge you. The headline is as bold as you: New Queen of Philanthropy? Meet the latest woman to join the Top 100 Most Powerful People.
The boardroom door silently opens and clicks shut behind him. An intoxicating scent wraps around him, teasing his senses. And for a moment, he allows himself to get lost in it. Maybe this time will be different.
He spins on his heel and extends a hand to you. “Katsuki Bakugou, your father’s chief financial officer.” His heart gives a single beat as his skin makes contact with yours. 
“I’ve heard all about you, Mr. Bakugou,” you reply and pointedly stare at the icy handshake. “They call you my father’s shadow; always working in the background, getting him the information he needed, never in the public eye.”
“Please, call me Katsuki,” he grins wolfishly. “I look forward to serving you.”
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Images used in banner from unsplash.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 months
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In the spirit of the haikyuu movie and our dearly departed Tomura, have this
Scene reference under the cut (spoilers btw)
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canniaka · 1 month
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hello take this vkei chisaki 🧛‍♀️ i love vidual kei and i love feminizing men!!!!
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helga-grinduil · 5 months
being a todofam enjoyer who gets their brain tickled by the enji & touya dynamic the most is a heavy stone to carry.
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ghostdoctor · 1 year
Monodeku villain au but it's monoma as a villain who's actually just a guy who happens to be friends with a bunch of bad people
Like monoma actually hasn't partaken in anything he is just nearby and hangs out with villains (yeah that's illegal whatevez)
But because midoriya is a hero student they run into each other a lot.
I see this au taking place like 2nd or 3rd year so midoriya has his hero license and can like do stuff without needed a teacher nearby
So he goes on patrol and monomas villain friends are like "oh my GOD there's hero boy you're in love with" and monoma freaks out and is like "I'm not IN LOVE with him...does my hair look okay?"
And one day midoriya is busting a drug deal of some of monomas friends and he's trying (and failing) to casually lean on the wall and is like "sup hot stuff...come here often?" And midoriya is like "what the fuck"
He then detains monoma but monoma is set free later cause like he really didn't do anythingggg
And midoriya sees monoma again and is like "dude??"
Midoriya goes to Twitter to vent about his strange reoccurring non-villain villain and it becomes a thing that people are SOOO supportive of monoma and his now very obvious flirting with midoriya
Because everytime they see each other monoma says some shitty pickup line or tries to hit on midoriya and midoriya goes home to tweet about it because he's oblivious
UNTILL ochaco is like "midoriya. Hes flirting" and midoriya is like "OH MY GOD."
And then he begins to flirt back but nothing really happens untilll monoma actually ends up carrying drugs for a friend and midoriya detains him again and is like "we have to stop meeting like this" and gives monoma a paper with his number a place and date on it
BAM they're dating
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
👀 Maybe possible one more before the New Year please.
Izumi clutched Tomoe tightly, abandoning the train headed to the daycare to wait for the one heading to UA. She ignored the looks she got standing there in her UA uniform, clutching a little girl to her side, a headphone in her ear as she stared at her phone. Tomoe had been wearing a hooded shirt that Izumi took care in pulling up to hide her face, and as such Izumi felt safe to continue keeping an eye on the phone
“We brought them here from the future,” the leader of the group, or Izumi assumed he was, continued. The man was tall and bulky, his face covered in a white featureless mask like the others. “One of men is able to connect to a Quirk and reach out to grab the children the Quirk user has in the future. Do not look for him on a registry- he was presumed weak and useless.” The man’s voice sounded like a sneer. Izumi barely heard him begin his rant about overlooked Quirks and society’s fault. Frankly it was a speech she’d heard time and time again.
Instead she hyper focused on one thing. Connecting to a Quirk to bring forth the children the user had. All Might had given up his Quirk… to her. Those were her kids. She would have more kids then just Tomoe.
She stared at the screen, watching the kids. She could only tell the youngest was a girl since she wore a dress which… probably wasn’t great to assume but she’d default to that. The twins were harder to tell. And they also had stopped struggling to give the man speaking the most deadpan looks they could. Troublemakers, she could just tell.
“They had ID on them,” the speaker continued. He held up a collection of four wallets. One was black with purple tentacles covering it, the word ‘Tentacole’ on it. Two were identical, white ones with the face of Principal Nezu on them. The last was a green one with what looked like one of Izumi’s classmate’s faces on it, Asui she thought, the word ‘Froppy’ on it. Hero name? Probably.
The man dug into the green wallet to pull out an ID card, the same card everyone carried to identify their Quirks. Mostly they were used in case of an accident where someone was knocked out, and their Quirks could react. Now though, Izumi watched as the man showed the card to the camera.
A picture of the little girl with snakes for hair was on the card, a brilliant grin on her face. Her glasses still hid her eyes but the joy the girl had was obvious. Next to her image, words were on the card.
Name: Amajiki Noriko
Age: 6
Quirk: Medusa
WARNING: Do not remove glasses. Quirk is uncontrollable.
Noriko? What a pretty name.
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queenendless · 9 months
🪶❣️🪽This Bird's Beauty (Keigo Takami/Hawks x Adult!Fem!Reader)🪽❣️🪶
A/N: Testing the waters and getting back to writing BNHA stuff. This time on my recent simping/comfort character.
AU time, already established relationship, tickle fluff, and emotional stuff cause I'm an emotional wreck right now.
Plus I have read a lot of tickle fluff with this man and now I want in on it! There is some in here so I count that!
The past month and so this bird man has been on my mind. And I need new anime husbandos to write for!
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Another day in Kyushu.
Another busy patrol.
All to attain his long-term goal of heroes having too much free time on their hands.
Worn out, scuffed here and there, and gliding slowly above his hometown, the #2 hero Hawks was heading back to his favorite spot in the city.
A conversation from earlier surfaced in his mind.
“No villain stands a chance against you, Hawks!” One of his sidekicks ego boosted him.
“And no hero for that matter.” His other sidekick remarked.
Hawks chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Endeavor would disagree on that last one. Even the fastest hero alive can't handle the flames so well.”
“And does the fastest youngest hero alive have their eyes set on anyone lately~?”
“I've got my whole life before this young bird settles down in the nest.” That was his ending remark before saluting off to his crew and flying on outta there.
“Still …” He murmured to himself as he took a certain familiar route through the air. “I've already got my sights set on a particular birdie~”
A precious light amongst the seas of blurred smudges.
Saving you on more than one occasion.
Just a regular quirkless person.
Coincidence turned into a kinda sorta reason.
Spotting you between patrols and breaks.
An instant curiosity turned to intrigue.
Walking with you, talking with you about anything besides hero work, getting some fried chicken together.
This new constant of his day-to-day life as the #2 hero of Japan became the one constant he wished to keep hidden from the rest of the world.
One minute you're the breath of fresh air that he gladly partakes in. The next thing he knows, seeing you waving at him one day had his stoic face burning up at how much his heart was racing.
Your genuine gaze, your comforting scent, your infectious laughter —
Razor sharp vision spotted your apartment a mile away as he arrived at the more tranquil suburbs set against the rowdy cityscape.
He could immediately visualize you reading something curled up on your fuzzy soft rug in your bedroom, laying on your tummy as your bare legs crisscrossed in the air, your balcony door cracked open to let in the fresh air.
“All too easy.” He snickered as he sent several of his small feathers to zoom in through the opening.
Your recognition of the tough supple fuzziness that is his feathers stroking your bare soles had you rubbing away those tingling touches only to giggle absentmindedly as those feathers split up to stroke your heels, your topsides, and your arches.
Viewing your smile growing and picking up your melodious giggles through the sound vibrations in the air his feathers received had him relishing in his newfound hobby on top of winding down with you.
“Beautiful, inside and out.”
Your concentration on reading crumbled as you squeaked from those feathers wiggling against your toes, having you roll over and pull your legs to your chest, rubbing your feet together as your narrowed gaze homed in on those feathers floating back to the big bird man perched outside.
“Hey birdy!” Hawks' cheery face and tone had you at a loss between glee and frustration. “I've missed ya!” He was met with a pillow thrown at his face, taking the plush smack, catching it right after. “I take it the feeling’s not mutual?”
“It's been a week.” You stood up and brushed out your wrinkled attire as he hopped down from his perch on the railing before you, his ruffled feathers straightening themselves out. “And the first thing you do is a sneak attack!”
“Well, performing my heroic duties comes first, of course. Didn't stop me from thinking about you, though.” His flattery could only get him so far out of the doghouse, tossing the pillow aside. “And your lovely voice.”
“Can't see why though – EEK~!” The feather tickling your neck had you squealing and smacking your skin for not catching said feather as Hawks snorted in his gloved hand, smirking his ass off.
“Well cause I like everything about you … and you being ticklish is just a bonus.” He laughed as you playfully smacked his arm. “This is the thanks I get for saving you all those times?”
“Yeah, thanks a lot. I owe you my life.” Your sarcastic remark trails off when his tough supple wings draped around you, pulling you flush against him as his pouting lips and downtrodden eyes made you sigh in exasperated admittance. “Okay okay.”
Grabbing both sides of his fluffy collar, you pulled Hawks down enough for you to gently peck his lips. “Seriously … thank you.”
He blushed bright as a rose, grinning all dopey like. He cupped and brushed your cheeks as he returned the kiss tenderly, murmuring between breaks. “How lucky am I to have a gem like you in my life?”
“Flattery will only get you so far, #2.” Your airy remark was short lived as his golden-brown eyes gleamed with mirth.
“And your teasing will just keep getting you this~!”
His wings scribbled against your backside, causing a stream of squeals to come out, sounding so melodious to his own ears.
“No fair!” Your frantic pushing against his chest only drove him to have his feathers strike your nape. “Stahahap!” You felt your feet slip over your forgotten book, leaving it up to Hawks’ quick reflexes to keep you standing as his arms and wings protectively wrapped you up in his fuzzy cocoon, increasing the tingling sensations rubbing every inch of you. “Hahahahahawks!”
“So sensitive.” His faint stubble brushed the side of your neck, grinning against your skin as you squeaked louder. “So squishy~” He swooned, his arms flexing as he squeezed your waistline, wiggling his fingers into your sides plus squeezing them for good measure. “So squeamish!”
“I hahahate you – AAH~!” Him lifting you by your thighs had your arms and legs instinctively hugging his neck and waist.
“That's not what I see here, beautiful~” His smug smirk made you hide your flushed whining face in his neck, feeling the rumbling of his laughter seep through you. “But okay, I'll stop with the tickles … if you help me strip~”
“God you tease.” Your complaint was betrayed by your heartfelt emotion. Gingerly taking off his visor, his amused affectionate eyes watched as you also took off his headphones with slow tepid care, keeping you steady with his hands pressed to you tight.
“Ya know … you can call me by my real name … if you want to, that is.” He mused as he plopped down on your bed and helped you take off his jacket. “Seems only fair since I always call you by yours.” He pried his gloves off with his teeth, tempting you with his actions. “I wanna hear my name coming off your lips~” He purred.
Tenderly setting his removed items down on your nightstand table, you cupped his own cheeks just so you could look him straight in those golden-brown hues. “Keigo.” His eyes lite up right away. “K … Kei.” He audibly gulped as rose red tinted from his ears to his neck for indeed his blushing face spoke volumes of how overjoyed he was. “Can I call you that? Kei?”
He cheekily grinned. “Anything for you, angel.”
You peppered kisses all over his own giggling face. Prying his boots off with help from the heels, Keigo delicately pushed you to lie down on your back, legs intertwined, as some of his feathers tugged the balcony slide door closed before returning to his wings draping you both in their cozy protective warmth.
“I really did miss you, baby bird.”
He froze up as the sounds of sniffles reached his ears. The sight of tears making your e/c eyes shimmer like jewels are as mesmerizing as they are heart wrenching.
“I missed you too, Kei. So much.” His butterfly kisses to your eyes and cheeks were his way to cheer you up and show you just how much he cares for you, smiling as his stubble tickled your sensitive face enough to make you giggle and smile yourself.
“This optimistic guy is just glad to finally be home with his beauty again.” He sighed deeply as you brushed through his unruly messy hair, relaxing and leaning in to your heavenly touch.
Lulled by your caresses, he felt himself falling asleep, whispering as his droopy eyes turned to you.
“Y/n, thank you.” His lazy kiss gets returned by you, having his tired smile still radiating endearment as you both pulled away. “For coming into my life. Letting me be myself around you. Just … everything.”
“I feel the same way, Kei.” You confess as you too felt the embrace of sleep taking you in, using his chest as a pillow, slacking as having him back in your arms made it that much easier to settle down and unwind, straight to sleepy town. “I love you.”
Keigo's heart beats right outta his chest at that confession, admiring your sweet sleeping self, giving your forehead a kiss, curling into you, lulled by your soft breathing as it became his favorite lullaby. “I love you too.”
His wings settled back, pulling away to rest behind him as Keigo pulled you two to lay on your sides, still enraptured in each other, as nighttime swept throughout Kyushu.
For their winged protector took a nice long rest.
With you, his beautiful partner, safe and sound in his arms.
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accirax · 1 year
so as the kinda-sorta-coparent of @1moreff-creator ‘s DRDT BNHA AU, I figured I needed to step up and provide— artistically, that is. you don’t have to read the main post to enjoy these drawings but 1) it’ll make much more sense if you do and 2) it’s a good post so you should read it anyways :D
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bluelizze · 2 months
“In another life… we can live the life we always wanted…”
inspo: this drabble by @sharkbait-toji and the hero by @dead-boys-club
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Lil ramble bc im a sucker for reincarnation AUs and that mean lots of symbolism :)))
Ok so for Yukina, I wrote in her background that she always wanted to wear a blue kimono since she was always force to wear a black plain one.
And the flower she wears on her head is the plumbago which according from research can mean transformation and rebirth OR preservation (past life)
Will their reincarnation have quirks? Idk. But I just want them to live happily and normally 😭
ANYWAYS this is sorta my gift for the end of MHA. Ofc I won’t stop dropping content for bnha (bc cmon, as a lov and tomura stan, I’m not fully satisfied with the ending so I’m making AUs).
individual drawings ⬇️
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reference ⬇️
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idea since I've been watching Samurai Jack:
Aku's spell sorta malfunctions and instead of sending Jack to his Earth's evil infested future, he gets Isekai'd into BNHA. (or Monster AU!BNHA)
Ha! Beautiful.
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d34dpulse · 3 months
Official BakuDeku content because the brain rot is rotting
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This is 4 silly funsies btw so if u don't ship bakudeku plz don't jump me :(
Official Ship Art
One of Horikoshi's assistants Noguchi (@/nstime23) posts A LOT of bakudeku art on their twt which, since she publicly works on the manga and Horikoshi follows her account, he definitely knows she makes this.
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In BNHA Smash, an official spin-off of BNHA that's approved by Horikoshi and made by another one of his assistants, Hirofumi Neda, there's a running joke that Deku is a yandere who stalks Katsuki and is obsessed with him "noticing him", even blushing when Katsuki praises him.
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To promote the new movie, Horikoshi drew Katsuki dressed as Godzilla and Izuku dressed as Mothra. In the Godzilla series, Godzilla and Mothra are a couple and are referred to as the king and queen of monsters.
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Katsuki calls himself Kacchan before killing himself for him... Speaks for itself.
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When Tomura kills Katsuki, he specifically said that he did it because of Izuku's "sheer fury" when he nearly killed him, funny since Tomura not only hurt but killed other people Izuku was close to.
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In a set of official licensed poker cards for the series. Izuku represents the Ace of Hearts, Katsuki represents the Ace of Diamonds and together, they represent the King of Hearts.
Medieval AU
In the outro song for the second season of the anime (Datte Atashi no Hero), the songwriter Risa Oribe said that the lyrics are Izuku’s true feelings for Katsuki and with lyrics like “If you're facing a monumental effort, one that comes once in a lifetime, I want to be there to see it” and “No matter how many fools there are in this world, I'll always be by your foolish side” it sorta speaks for itself lol.
Also, in the cover page of Chapter 214, it shows that All Mights buster sword from the original fantasy spread has been split in two, and that Katsuki and Izuku are each wielding the two halves.
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Steampunk AU
In the mobile game, they celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the game by having a plot with Izuku convincing Katsuki to celebrate their anniversary. Doing this event would give you a bunch of heart balloons and flowers with a number 3 balloon.
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For the 2020 Steampunk-themed popularity poll art (the cover of Chapter 293), Izuku and Katsuki seem to be wearing each other's shoes for some reason.
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Sakura Season Stuff 🌸
For the first image, there's a superstition in Japan that if you catch three sakura petals while they're falling, your wish for love will come true, but you need to be with your crush at the time for it to work.
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For the second image, cherry blossoms generally represent new beginnings which makes perfect sense with these two, because after years of rivalry, they're now friends and deeply care for each other, especially since this came out around the same time as chapter 424, where the war they fought together in is now officially over and they're starting their second year of UA together.
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White Day
For anyone like me who has never heard of this, White Day is a holiday in Japan that takes place on the day after Valentine's Day, where you're supposed to give someone you love gifts to repay them for giving you gifts on Valentine's Day. Now, with this context, look at their matching white day cards where one has a bag of cookies and the other has a tray of them.
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luckybyrdrobyn · 13 days
Question: how did you come up with L1NK?
It started with me wanting to make a bnha style au / general superpower superhero au bc I wanted to know what each Link would have as a power
But there's just so much that happens in those games that just one power doesn't work.
So I went digging into a really old worldbuilding project from years ago called "sparks" and just remoulded things to fit where I wanted.
I knew I wanted to use the word "link" as an acronym with the "i" as a 1. So now I had "L1NK" I just had to figure out what it meant.
This introduced the idea that they were at the start of whatever story is occurring, and that there had to be some detachment from the everyday person for them to only be reffered to by dipatch.
So, the facility.
And I love the sort of horror mystery of learning a story through found media like spooky videos or scp type files. But, I also really enjoy just silly episodic TV shows about heroes and villains and the power of friendship.
So that's sorta how I plan to finally present it. A mix of pov from the knights, going out and saving the world or goofing around and learning things, and different reports and recordings from the facility staff.
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silverynight · 8 months
You don’t need to get started on it now, maybe note it down, but could you write a vigilante Tanjiro and Hero Pillars or bnha AU. Catch being that Tanjiro doesn’t kill criminals/villains, but he instead offers the rehabilitate then, for generations, his family have ran an underground fissility, and he’s the current matriarch. He’s also 19 in this.
Their jobs are to help and offer stability and rehabilitation to anyone who needs it, cause new flash, most of theses so called criminals/villains, are just broken individuals that’s turned to darkness cause of what they’ve loss, cause of the government system, lots of them have their homes their families, all thanks to the people who run the city.
Now this fissility’s entrances and exits are very well hidden, think has hidden as the sword smith village. And that the government doesn’t know about let alone and heroes know about, and cause of that, unpronounced to them, it’s because of this fissility that the crime rates have done so low. Throughout the years they’ve help so many people, most of whom end up working for them, and becomes this business if a found family.
Now as said before, Tanjiro is the current matriarch, so he takes in most of the work, also in this AU, all his younger siblings are still alive, however his mother and father are still dead. If course he’s not alone, he has all his siblings, especially Nezuko, and his best friends Zentisu and Inosuke helping him run the place.
This fissility has everything thing that they may need, such as a huge indoor green house where they grown all of their food. They so they only ever have to go out to get produce and meat, even then, they have the help of all their staff to buy just enough food for everyone. As well as a long forgotten underground hospital and pharmacy that they’ve got back running, with plenty of medications.
As for the Pillars, they sorta work like the console in Arcane, where they seem to do their best to help their community, however they don’t look beyond those the seek as ‘villainous’ cause they believe their is no hope or help them, their just ‘dirty violent criminals’. They too don’t know of the fissility, let alone Tanjiro being the reason the crime rate or villain sightings has gone down some rabbity.
It is only when they’ve come to notice that crime seems to how down even when they’re on week breaks, so they have an investigator, look into it, to which they’ve come to hear that investigator had spotted and followed an old suspect of crime carrying what look to be groceries and new blankets, go through a door that looks to be of a underground car garage, and that is very well hidden in maze of old building farthest down town. The investigator gives them all the directions on how to find it and they head there.
It sounds really interesting. I'll see what I can do.
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rosy-thorneded · 2 months
wip game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS. anyone who you think might enjoy this.
@gasmeros thanks for the tag. This was fun
@underforeversgrace, @bamboozled-and-alone, @weirdohasleft tag you're it
Anyone want to guess how many there are?
Asylum Peter
Untitled document
Untitled document
Untitled document
Untitled document
tumblr prompt fill
Chameleon fix it
InvisoBang fic
Gotham Photographer
Untitled document
Untitled document
Peter wakes up in Lazarus pit
Aunt May's date
Spider-Man rescues Bruce Wayne
Incurable and Curable Side Effects of Death
Burning Anchors part 2 attempt 2
part 2 burning anchors
Okay so plotty plotty plot plan
Haunting of the League Part 2
Untitled Document
Assassin from the Future tries to Kill Danny by Saving Him
danny is vlad's bio kid
Get Ate Maddie
Untitled document
Dissected Danny stays with Vlad
Adult Danny in BNHA
Assassin Peter
Dissected Vlad
Untitled document
baman and piderman bodyswap
OG book shit
Peter gets gassed (Fear Toxin)
Danny in DC against this will (sorta)
Peter Lies
Red 2.0
Untitled document
Danny Summoned
Spider-Man kidnapped by Ra's
Danny in Purgatory with Dean
GIW Yucky
Wulf is an Empath
Untitled document
Untitled document
Untitled document
X-Files crossover (Can You Call This a Rescue)
Laz Pit is a ghost AU
AIM take down (Spidey and Steve chat)
Daniel Masters
Jason saves Danny from Lex
Nocturn's Dream
Vlad's Return
Danny McFucking dies
Tucker the Sidekick
AU Vlad gets trapped in canon Vlad's place
Untitled document
Life's a bitch and I'm a dumbass
Kraven fix it
Untitled document
Jim Lake Jr and Danny Fenton
Kidnapped Spidey-Boi
Court of Owls
Statue ghost
Jazz Grieving
Convicted Peter
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Untitled document
Peter and Bruce are cousins
Jim Lake Jr and Danny Fenton stranded
Danny and de avengers
Actual Ghosts DP AU
DP Bee Movie AU
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Forced Nap
Troll Hunters/Danny Phantom Invisible
Danny at Hogwarts
Troll Hunters/Danny Phantom Caught and Tired
Glowing Bones
Origins of the Spider
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Phantom Brother
Spidey and the X-Men
The Ghost and the Hunter
Cliche Prompt fill
spiderman deaged
Untitled document
Pirates out of Time (TH/DP)
93 babyyyyyyy
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