#‘This is the idiot speaking’ || OOC
hedxnism · 6 months
hi, i’ve been mia for a bit, i work in accounting so end of the year/end of the months are always very hectic and since october it’s been so insane (i’ve worked nearly 45 hours this week and I’m only 3 days in) not to mention the holidays and my own seasonal depression shit and being sick so 🙃 we are thriving over here.
i’m not going anywhere though but… january will probably when i come back around to write. i completely get of things want to be dropped but ill work on things when i have the brain capacity to do so. at least i have a laptop to write on when i do come back!
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[I think the only reason I feel less mad about Izzy's death is because I have deluded myself to believe that he is coming back in s3 (and that there will be s3) and that his death affects the characters as much as it affects my Ed & Stede. denial & clowning are the best states to live in, let me tell you]
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shadowofthehost · 8 months
✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ✦ʚ♡ɞ✦
//I'm seeing people answer these with blogs so I will follow suit lol I have so many so I am going to try not to go nuts with this (I definitely am not going to get to all of the beans)
@sinnerxroulette Nemo and I have been writing together since before I even joined this fandom. We have so much going on with all our muses it is hard to pick just one to focus on and they are just my favorite bean
@nohalosinhell (and their Alastor I just can't remember what the blogs name is right now lol) Axel is a great mun. They're sweet and so much fun to write with when we get the chance. I adore all their muses from goofy dad to grumpy spood and Sasha the hellhound is precious
@arachn0philia Golds always down to yes and and be a chaos goblin and their Angel is one of my favorite Angels to see on the dash
@a-hazbin-spider Raptor is such a delightful bean their Angel is a cutie and equally filled with chaos and they spoil me with my boy all the time they are right up there on the fave spood list
@voxiiferous (and their OC blog too I just can't remember it's name currently) Bug is so much fun to write with when we have the chance their Vox is one of my faves and their OC couple is so great (Voxs PA and her little cannibal wife are goals)
@because-i-simp Akari has so many ding dang blogs that you've probably interacted with at least 3 of them by now lol They write so many muses and I love each and every one of the ones I have interacted with. They have great OCs as well that deserve all the love
There is so many others I can think of but I can't add more to the list or I will be going on forever.
Honestly everyone is a lot of fun to interact with and I love everyone's OCs and muses and their relationships with Astor and even Pierre even though that's my other blog lol
Also I love all the art you guys do!! You're all so talented and I love to see it
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sentofight · 9 months
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ooc. my amazing contribution ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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iiryoku · 1 month
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I have added two new things to my rules, they are under "extra information" because I felt like it needed to be there.
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convxction · 1 year
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ooc. birthday boy! my time at least lol. happy birf krumb mister fayre emburmu. feel free to bother him for his birthday. but i go sleep for now.
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seudxnimx · 1 year
Pls know the queue is running but I am not atm
My younger cousin died in a freak car accident on Thursday and he was only 26 and this is by far one of the hardest death I’ve had to deal with.
I usually go to writing when shit happens and I am still am trying to do just that but idk. There’s a lot of ups and downs losing someone like this where it’s so unexpected and yeah. So, ooc chat will probably be spotty or nonexistent. My queue is running and we shall see how the next few weeks go since his funeral is next week.
Always, thank you for your patience 🖤
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touch-the-skies · 5 months
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othunderous · 1 year
i think it makes perfect sense that after spending some years on earth thor's speech would change but completely getting rid of his shakespearen dialog is so *fart noise* 👎🏽
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melpcmene · 5 months
I realize that it might have to be published first-- so it should be working now
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hedxnism · 8 months
Hi 👋 I’m sorry for not being super active atm. I’m currently training a new employee and have a lot of rl things going on (and holidays/birthdays coming up) so with that said, I’m going to be low activity until January.
I’m slowly chipping away at replies and asks but life is constantly pulling me back into reality lol so this is just going to be easiest and best for me and to not get that burn out feeling of trying to juggle it all. Sorry for the delay on things 🥲
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becoach-a · 8 months
beard even tho he literally has a degree in mathematics and even prefers to play chess without a board:
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sentofight · 5 months
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ooc. it's admirable that despite cxs being into many people's lives--whether happy ending or bad ending, he still keeps his mentality in check?? kind of?? like he tries to tbh. bro got wicked nightmares of all the people he couldn't save when he goes into the pictures but when he wakes up he's like " 'aight. a new day, let's do our best today!" like how fucked up was when he had to be the basketball guy, chen xiao, and see, well feel the life leaves his mother who is protecting him under the rubble??? thats so traumatic man. you know you could save people but you cannot do that because you can fuck time and space and all that. and u have lu guang yelling in your brain to leave the past and the future alone slfksdfkjsdlkjfsk ffffaaak. xiaoshi is constantly battling his inner strong justice, and the need to help people vs keeping the past/future intact. he tried it once and he fucked the life of Emma. if he hadn't sent the message who knows what could've happened--she might be still alive. it eats him from inside that he tried to do something nice for her and it backfired so badly ended up a target for the serial killer. cxs does his best to heal himself so he can be of use to others but eventually that will break him to pieces and thats why lu guang is always like a hawk..bat...idk from the shadows trying to make sure he does not cause a big mistake and break himself. techincally... ahem mister lu guang did the 'do like what i say, not like what i do' statement and went back in time to save cxs. haha.. idiots. cxs is like an adorable colored glass, so fragile but it can cut you nonetheless. puppy energy but if got pushed to the edge he is a hound ready to tear you apart (exaggeration lol) but still he will aim to hurt. lays on the ground...s3 when? it's unclear how many times did lu guang 'save' xiaoshi because lets be honest, that wild doggy is ready to jump in the line of fire for his friends ..*insert exhibit A*
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dul4c · 6 months
every time louis speaks french in the show i swoon a little inside
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vixlenxe · 1 year
I also just forgot that Aymeric, a GLADIATOR/PALADIN, & the LORD COMMANDER OF ISHGARD, just goes into battle without a fucking shield, even though the shield is what makes this tank class a FUCKING TANK.
I only remembered because I got The Ghimlyt Dark on my level roulette & he shows up there.
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seudxnimx · 11 months
Hi friends! So, I have decided to start over. I’m only saving like three drafts and everything else is being dropped. I keep looking through them and just cannot write anything up.
I’m also moving to @hedxnism and you’ll see i shortened my muse list and became selective.
It may be just for now till my muses snap back and I have more time for longer replies - or it could just be permanent.
To get new threads started I’m going to go through mutuals opens and send memes and just go from there.
No hard feeling if y’all don’t want to follow the new blog with less muses or that don’t have a muse you were writing with on there! If you still want to stay connected you can hit me up for my discord.
I thank ya’ll for the patience and messages, i am feeling much better and work did get easier this month but things are changing yet again in the next moth or two so I’m just crossing my finger.
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