#but I just wanted to let my feelings and thoughts be known
cherrylovelycherry · 2 days
𓂅new order. "tarte aux fraises and a pain au chocolat."
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Trios never work
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pairing. Aventurine x gn!reader x Dr ratio (poly) cw/genre. angst, some slow burn, anxiety vomiting, drink, being left out, slight addiction issue. synopsis. you couldn't stand to be left out any longer. full menu
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You watched the television disinterestedly, not paying attention to whatever is on that channel.
You, Aventurine and Ratio have been together for a little over a year now. At first, it was great, you three were inseparable and you did almost everything together. Moved in, split chores and expenses, that sort of thing.
That is, until you started being left out by them. You've always known they're closer to each other as they've been in love for time, but why did they even want you there if they'd just… forget about you?
Today is no different, unfortunately. You're stuck beside them, having to watch them cuddle and talk to each other while you just sit by yourself. Finally having enough, you stand from your spot, making your way towards the door.
"Is something wrong, my dear?" Aventurine asks as Ratio buries his face into his neck gently, his arms around his waist. Ratio looks up at you as well, his eyes taking in your expression, "You look upset. Is something bothering you?"
Your shoulders slump, eyes not quite meeting theirs. "Nothing." you reply softly, shifting uncomfortably. A slight lie.
Your throat tightens, "I was just going to go for a little walk," you murmur, a forced smile on your lips.
Ratio gives you a slightly skeptical look before sitting up to properly look at you, his arms still around Aventurine. "Why do you need a walk? Are you feeling unwell?" He asks.
"No, I just…" You stumble over your words, your voice growing shaky. "I just need a bit of air. Fresh air." They're so focused on you, eyes scanning you with hints of worry and curiosity, and yet—you still can't help but feel left out. It's the way they're still holding close to each other, not making any effort to reach out to you instead. It stings a bit.
There's a bit of a pause, the air between you turning a little tense as Ratio seems to think over your answer. He nods slowly, resting his chin on Aventurine’s shoulder.
"Alright then. Go on." He says, turning his head to press a kiss to Aventurine’s neck.
Your heart sinks a little at his words. It was so easy for him to just tell you to go. No offer to come with or ask if he should come with, nothing. It made the ache in your chest worse.
You nod silently, not trusting your voice. "I'll be going now. I'll be back soon." You murmur, slipping your shoes on and opening the door.
Aventurine opens his mouth to say something, but you’re already walking towards the front door. "Be careful on your walk," he calls out, "Don’t be out too late." You simply nod as you open the door, a small sigh of relief escaping your lips as you step outside.
You walk aimlessly, taking in the fresh air and the peaceful night sky. Still, your thoughts aren't very positive. Your mind keeps running back on how close they were, how lonely you felt being right next to them. It's exhausting, really, and it hurts more than you care to admit.
Both are left sitting together on the sofa, looking towards the door that you'd just walked out of. Aventurine hums gently. "They seemed a bit upset, don't you think?"
Ratio lets out a thoughtful hum, his expression a little grim. "Yeah…" He mutters, his eyes glued to the door. "I noticed too." His fingers begin to trace patterns on Aventurine’s waist, his touch almost absentminded as he thinks to himself.
"They've been acting a bit strange lately as well," he points out after a few moments of silence. "More down or distant, I think."
You walked leisurely through the cheerful and welcoming streets of Penacony. Which, despite being so, you did not find at all amusing.
It felt more, shall we say, boring.
You went up to the highest rooftops, seeing how pretty the lights looked and people enjoying themselves.
You felt jealous when you saw a couple taking pictures of each other. You shook your head, pushing those thoughts away.
To tell you the truth, the flat they bought here is only provisional since your boyfriends are on some kind of; mission? assignment?
You didn't really understand.
And of course, you being their partner, you're always with them wherever they go.
You sighed, crossing your arms a little as you leaned against the railings of the rooftop, looking down at the people below and the lights. The cool night air blew gently, gently brushing your hair with it.
You stayed there for a while, simply taking in the sights and sounds of the city around you. For a while it's peaceful and pleasant, a temporary distraction from the thoughts in your head. However, after a while, your mind drifts back to Ratio and Aventurine, and the ache in your chest returns.
Your mind drifts back to what's happening at home. Aventurine and Ratio. They're probably cuddling each other right now. Or they're watching a movie together. Or maybe they are kissing each other.
The thought makes your insides twist uncomfortably.
The entire place came to view before you as a chilly breeze passes you.
You let out a tiny shiver and cross your arms, hoping that it would help protect you from the cold air.
You check your phone. How long has it been since you left? Thirty minutes? An hour? Maybe two? Should you be getting back soon?
Above all, no messages or calls.
Just a few more minutes, you convince yourself. Just a few minutes more.
You let out a frustrated sigh, burying your head into your arms for a moment. The thoughts in your mind becoming louder with each passing minute.
This was unfair. They didn't even try to contact you. Not even a word.
However, you tried to cheer yourself up, thinking that maybe they had just fallen asleep. And that they were worried about you.
…Yeah, that must be it. They are probably sleeping right now. They are probably worried sick.
You try to convince yourself that they are worried just as much as you.
How can they not care? They love you, right? They care about you, right? You've been together for so long. There's no way they suddenly don't care anymore. Right?
You push yourself up, letting out a shaky breath.
You started walking again, with slow, leisurely steps.
Not to the flat, but to the bar you once stumbled upon while exploring.
Once you reached the bar, you push open the doors, stepping into the dimly lit room. There was a soft hum of music playing in the background, and several patrons were seated at the bar or lounging in the booths.
You took a quick glance around, taking in the cozy atmosphere of the place. It seemed like a nice place to relax and think.
You made your way over to the bar, taking a seat on one of the stools and leaning forward on the counter.
You didn't really realise how much time you spent there, at least you weren't falling or tripping over anything as you walked back to your temporary home.
However, you did have some alcohol in your veins.
You had fun, you met new people, including a Gallagher and a Siobhan.
And now you were slowly stumbling around the streets, your mind and body fuzzy from intoxication. The alcohol had definitely taken its toll on you, dulling your senses and affecting your judgment.
As you reached your temporary home, you fumbled with the keys, trying to find the right one to unlock the door. Finally, after a few failed attempts, you manage to open the door and stumble inside.
The living room was dimly lit, with just a few lamps lit around the room. Ratio and Aventurine were nowhere to be seen, and a quick glance around confirmed that they were probably in the bedroom.
You stumble over to the couch, feeling exhausted all of a sudden. You drop down onto the cushions with a soft thump, your body feeling heavy and tired.
You close your eyes for a moment, letting out a deep breath as you lean back against the couch. Your head was spinning slightly from the alcohol, but despite that, your mind suddenly became more clear.
All the thoughts you've been pushing down started flooding back in, and your chest clenches painfully as you’re reminded of why you went out in the first place.
Sighing deeply, you got up from the sofa, slowly taking off your shoes.
Then you made your way to the bedroom.
There you both were, sleeping face to face.
Without thinking too much and without changing your clothes, you climbed into bed, putting yourself in the middle of both of them, trying to make some space for yourself. Being careful not to wake them up.
Ratio stirred slightly as you settled yourself beside him, his arm wrapping around your waist unconsciously. Aventurine shifted closer to you, pressing his body against yours.
You were surrounded by them, their bodies warm and familiar.
For a while, you just lay there between them, feeling the rise and fall of their breaths, listening to the soft rustling of their limbs.
You felt a strange mix of comfort and pain at being here. Comforted by their presence, pained by how distant they felt.
You were tired, both physically and emotionally. Your body ached from the alcohol, and your heart ached with something else.
Lying there, between the two men you loved, you felt more alone than ever.
But, oh, the warmth they radiated made your eyes glaze over.
They were so close, yet so far away.
They clutched onto you, as if they needed you, but they didn't?
You couldn't help but watch them as they slept, Ratio's arm wrapped firmly around your waist, Aventurine's head resting on your shoulder.
Everything felt so familiar, yet so… distant.
Were you overthinking things? Were you making a big deal out of this?
They love you… right?
You watch as Ratio mumbled something in his sleep, his grip on your waist tightening slightly.
Your heart skipped a beat at the action, a strange mix of warmth and pain coursing through your body.
You knew you shouldn't be feeling like this. You shouldn't be doubting their love for you. They've been with you for so long, they've said they love you so many times.
But still, the doubts linger in your mind, whispering and gnawing at your heart.
Perhaps it was the alcohol talking, maybe it was just your own insecurities, but you suddenly felt the urge to cry.
Maybe it was just the alcohol.
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You opened your eyes slowly, almost as if you didn't want to wake up from your warm and peaceful sleep.
You found yourself lying on your back, your head resting on a firm yet comfy pillow. There was a comforting pressure on both sides of your waist, holding you carefully but firmly in place.
As you opened your eyes more, you realized that you weren't alone in bed. Ratio and Aventurine's bodies were pressed against yours from both sides, their limbs tangled with yours in a way that you were completely encircled between them.
Ratio's head was resting on your shoulder, his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck. His breath was warm and slow against your skin.
Aventurine's arm was draped over your waist, his hand resting firmly but gently on your hip. His forehead was pressed against your shoulder, his messy hair tickling your face.
"Morning…" Ratio mumbled groggily as you struggled in their grips, his arm tightening around your waist.
Aventurine stirred as well, nuzzling his face into your shoulder and mumbling something incoherent.
You could feel the warmth of their breath against your skin, the way their bodies were still pressed against yours with no signs of moving.
You groaned again, feeling like you were trapped in a warm, loving cage.
But despite the comfort, you felt frustrated.
"Stop…" You muttered, trying to push them off.
The two men responded with mumbled protests, their grips on your waist only getting tighter.
"Come on guys, you have work to do." You spoke, tiredly.
They both grumbled, starting to let go of you little by little.
"No offense," Ratio mumbled, his voice still thick with sleep, "But you smell like alcohol. Did you drink last night?" Aventurine opened his eyes slowly, looking up at you from his spot on your shoulder.
His voice was gentle but held a hint of concern. "Yeah, where'd you go?" He asked softly, rubbing at his eyes.
Great, just great.
You could already feel the hangover creeping in, and to add to your misery, there was a hint of concern in their voices.
You tried to brush it off, giving them a small smile.
"That doesn't matter…" You mumbled, avoiding both of their gazes. "What matters is you two have work to do."
Ratio sighed, letting his grip on you loosen completely. "We do have work, but we're more concerned about you," He said, propping himself up on his elbow.
Aventurine followed, propping himself up next to Ratio and looking at you with an expression that was a mix of concern and annoyance.
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes. At the time they worried.
"I just needed some space." You replied, feeling like a child getting scolded, shifting slightly to try and sit up.
"Space, huh?" Aventurine said, his voice still slightly hoarse from sleep. "You could have at least told us where you were going."
Ratio chimed in as well, his voice carrying a hint of irritation. "Yeah, a warning would have been nice. We were worried about you."
This time you rolled your eyes quietly, but tried not to show them any obvious annoyance.
"I'm a grown adult," you retorted, a hint of defensiveness in your voice. "I can handle myself."
Ratio raised an eyebrow at you, his eyes searching your face. "That doesn't mean we're not going to worry." he said, his voice firm.
Aventurine sat up as well, propping himself up with one arm.
"It's not about you being able to handle yourself," he said, his voice a mixture of annoyance and concern. "We had no idea where you were."
Ratio nodded in agreement, running a hand through his messy hair.
"Oh. When I got home, they were sleeping peacefully." You said, with a hint of bitterness.
They both exchanged glances, the annoyance in their expressions not going unnoticed by you.
Ratio sighed, running a hand through his hair once more.
"That's not the point," he said, his voice still firm. "You were gone for hours. Do you have any idea how that feels?"
Aventurine joined in as well, his voice slightly more gentle than Ratio's. "We thought something might have happened to you."
You let out a heavy sigh, not saying anything.
Aventurine's voice still laced with concern. "You could have at least texted us."
Then he reached over and touched your arm gently. "It's just… we care about you. We want to know you're safe."
You bit back the urge to scoff at the hypocrisy.
"Yeah, well… I'm fine. See?" You gestured to yourself, trying to show that you were indeed in one piece.
You could feel the guilt creeping in, mixed with annoyance. Why did they suddenly care now?
"I just needed…", you paused, trying to find the right word to describe your current feelings. "space," you finished lamely.
Ratio and Aventurine exchanged a quick glance before looking back at you.
"Space from what?" Ratio asked, his tone slightly colder now.
You were starting to feel frustrated.
Why was it suddenly such a big deal? Why did they have to make such a big issue out of you needing some time alone?
"Space from…", you started to respond, but then you hesitated.
How could you possibly explain it to them without sounding needy or clingy?
You wanted to tell them what's been bothering you, but something held you back.
Maybe it was the guilt, maybe it was the fear of sounding like a needy child.
But before you could find the words, Ratio spoke up.
"Space from us, I presume." He said, his voice cool. "You needed space from us, didn't you?"
You felt a pang of guilt at Ratio's words, your heart clenching in your chest.
You tried to keep your expression neutral, but you could feel the emotions starting to bubble up inside of you.
"No," you lied, immediately. "It's not that."
Aventurine raised an eyebrow at your denial, his grip on your arm tightening slightly.
"Then what is it?" he asked, his voice carefully neutral.
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
"Ugh, please don't do this." You said grabbing your head. The hangover was starting to affect you harder, combining with the stress you felt now.
Ratio chuckled quietly, a sound that sent a shiver down your spine.
"Oh, so now we're being dramatic, huh?" he said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
Aventurine spoke up as well, his voice tinged with irritation. "We're not doing anything, we're just trying to understand what's going on with you."
Ratio leaned back, propping himself up against the headboard.
"You've been acting different lately," he said, his gaze focused on you. "More distant, less responsive."
You wanted to protest, to deny their accusations, but the words got stuck in your throat. They were right, and you knew they were right.
But you couldn't tell them why. Not yet, at least.
"I've just… been feeling a bit stressed," you replied vaguely, avoiding their gazes.
"Come on, don't give us that bullshit."
At Aventurine's words, your eyes widened slightly. He normally didn't say that kind of thing.
However, that didn't stop you from feeling uncomfortable and with a taste of pure bitterness in your mouth.
You proceeded to let out an unfunny laugh, as you got out of bed.
"My head hurts too much for this." You said, with some coldness in your tone as you left the room.
"You two should already be continuing with your work. That's why both came here." You raised your voice so they could hear you since you were heading towards the kitchen.
As they heard your words, Ratio and Aventurine exchanged a quick glance.
Ratio ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh.
"They are so damn… infuriating," he muttered, his annoyance evident.
Aventurine nodded, his expression mirrored Ratio's frustration. "I don't even know what's going on with them," he replied, running a hand over his face. "They are been acting weird for days now."
You could hear them both stirring in the bedroom, their voices lowered, but you knew they were talking about you.
"Probably bad things.", you thought.
You rubbed your temples as you entered the kitchen, the lights feeling brighter and only making your migraine worse.
You rummaged through the cabinets, looking for a painkiller or something, when you heard footsteps behind you.
"You shouldn't mix alcohol with pain killers, y'know," Ratio's voice was low and calm, but there was an edge to it.
You paused what you were doing, looking over your shoulder at him.
Ratio's face was set in a frown, and Aventurine's expression was stern.
He leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression unreadable.
You didn't respond, continuing to rummage through the cabinets in search of pain medication.
Ratio watched you silently for a moment, his eyes studying your every move.
"You're being stubborn," he said after a while, his voice neutral yet laced with annoyance.
"Thanks." You responded dryly, in a murmur.
Ratio rolled his eyes at your response, his annoyance growing visible.
"You know that's not what I meant," he sighed, running a hand through his hair once more.
It was becoming a tic of his.
Aventurine spoke up as well, his voice a bit calmer than Ratio's.
"You're acting like a child." He said, crossing his arms over his chest as well.
Oh, Aeons.
You felt frustrated by their words and by the pain in your head.
You slammed the cabinet shut with more force than necessary and turned to face them.
"Both should stop wasting time here and concentrate on your work." You spat, rubbing your head with both hands, you felt like it was going to explode at any moment.
Ratio raised an eyebrow at your sudden outburst, his expression slightly surprised.
"And there it is," he said, his voice tinged with sarcasm. "The real Y/N, finally decided to show up."
Aventurine watched you intently, his eyes scanning your face.
"Oh, because we're wasting time by trying to check on your well-being?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Aventurine stayed silent, simply observing your interaction with Ratio. He was probably trying to figure out the best way to handle the situation.
Ratio took a couple steps closer to you, his gaze not leaving yours.
"You should stop being so goddamn stubborn and just talk to us." He said, his annoyance growing more noticeable.
Oh no. You started to feel the sudden urge to vomit. That was bad.
Your expression went from irritated to slightly dizzy.
"Guys, stop it, we can continue later." You said, as you grabbed onto the kitchen counter.
The nausea was the effect of the hangover and excessive stress you were feeling now.
Ratio immediately realized something was wrong as he noticed your expression changing. His annoyance was quickly replaced by concern.
"Y/N?" he asked, taking another step towards you, his eyes watching your hand clutching the counter.
Aventurine also moved closer, his gaze shifting between you and Ratio. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.
You swallowed hard, trying to suppress the nausea that was rising in your stomach. "I'm fine," you said weakly, but your trembling voice betrayed your words.
"Maybe I need—" Your words were cut off by the urgent need to throw up, causing you to cover your mouth, running towards the bathroom.
Ratio and Aventurine exchanged a quick glance before following hot on your heels. They hurried into the bathroom, just in time to see you hunched over the toilet, vomiting.
Ratio gently placed a hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles as you retched.
Aventurine appeared again in the doorway with a glass of water in hand.
"Here," Ratio said, grabbing the water from Aventurine and handing it to you. "Drink slowly."
You gripped the glass of water with trembling fingers, taking a few small sips as Ratio instructed. The cool liquid helped to soothe your burning throat.
After a while, your vomiting subsided, leaving you feeling even more weak and tired than before. You slumped back against Ratio, feeling completely drained and miserable.
"Sorry," you whispered, your voice raspy and weak.
Ratio shook his head, his hand still rubbing slow circles on your back. "Don't apologize," he said softly.
By the time you turned to look at Aventurine, he was gone.
You did the same to see Ratio who was next to you, he wasn't there either.
Oh, right. They were never here with you, they stayed in the kitchen. You never drank water, you never had your back rubbed.
You really wondered what the hell was wrong with you.
You stood up heavily from the ground, rinsing your mouth with the water from the tap, and flushing the toilet. Then with slow steps you returned to the bedroom.
You didn't care to know if they were still in the apartment.
You hated it when your body reacted to your stress.
They were engaged in hushed whispers, their voices too low for you to hear. They stayed in the kitchen, just like you thought.
When they saw you walk in the bedroom, they immediately stopped talking and turned to look at you.
Ratio's expression was a mix of concern and annoyance, his arms crossed over his chest. Aventurine, on the other hand, had a troubled look on his face, his brows furrowed in thought.
At least you would feel calm being alone in the apartment. Without showing each other affection every minute, in front of you, without giving you anything like that.
You climbed into bed, covering yourself with the covers, trying to relax.
A few minutes passed before Aventurine spoke out loud.
"Uhm, we're leaving, we'll be back soon." He said.
You heard the door open and close.
You were glad to hear the sound of the door closing behind, signaling that they were leaving. At least you could finally have some peace and quiet.
You closed your eyes and attempted to fall asleep, hoping to get some rest and recover from the hangover and the previous encounter.
You rested a little more, after a few hours you got up and tried to distract yourself.
You watched television, you played games on your phone, you ate the odd snack. That is until it got later.
While you were on the couch, you heard the door open. They had returned.
Ratio and Aventurine walked through the door, their expressions serious.
Aven, as usual, was the first to speak up. "Hey."
Hey, is that all they could say? It was as if they didn't realize that they were being insensitive.
But suddenly you were doing it too, so you ignored it.
Ratio spoke up as well, his expression slightly softer. "How are you feeling?"
You shrugged, not meeting their gaze. "Good." You replied coldly, trying to hide your annoyance.
Aventurine gave you a quick glance before sighing. "We brought food." He said, holding up a bag containing takeout food.
"Oh, uhm." You blurted out, feeling uncomfortable.
"Thank you, but I'm not very hungry." You got up from the couch, leaving the television on, while you stretched.
"I'm going out for a while again." You said, walking into the bedroom, and changing out of your sleepwear into something simple.
Ratio and Aventurine exchanged a quick glance as you left to change. They were both aware of the tension in the air and your mood.
Ratio let out a sigh.
"This is hopeless," he muttered, a hint of irritation in his voice.
Aventurine looked at Ratio, understanding his frustration.
"We just have to keep trying," he replied, though his voice had a tinge of uncertainty.
You left the room, going to put on your shoes, passing them.
"Well, I'll be right back." You said calmly.
Ratio couldn't help but roll his eyes at your words.
"Yeah, we'll see about that." He muttered under his breath. Aventurine gave him a stern look, silently warning him not to push things further. They both knew that this situation was quickly becoming a headache for all three of you.
You finished putting your shoes on and grabbed your keys, leaving the house without saying another word.
They watched as you closed the door behind you. The silence in the apartment became thick and uncomfortable. The television was on, being the only sound that could be heard.
This type of situation happened, once, twice, three times. And more.
A little routine of yours, like you try not to be in the apartment when they are there too.
Waking up tired and dizzy, saying cold and boring words between the three of them, waiting for hours for them to return and once they did, you went to the bar, returning hours later, tripping over things in the apartment, falling asleep on the couch or in bed.
And it was repeated, again.
Again, and again, and again, and again.
The cycle seemed endless, caught in a loop that seemed impossible to break.
Ratio and Aventurine were frustrated, frustrated by the walls you had built around yourself and the communication issues that prevented you from opening up.
They wanted to help you, but they didn't know how to approach the situation. They couldn't help but feel like they were doing something wrong.
But no, that couldn't be, they knew they weren't doing anything wrong. Right?
Ratio and Aventurine sat in silence for a while, both lost in thought. They knew they needed to address the situation, but it was hard, especially since you were avoiding them.
"I hate this," Ratio finally spoke up, breaking the silence. "I hate that they are behaving like this."
Aventurine nodded, a frustrated expression on his face. "I know." He said, holding Ratio's hand.
It was already nearing midnight, and there was no sign of you returning home, again.
The atmosphere was thick with tension and frustration. They had been talking about you, again.
This time they would wait for you, they were not going to rest until they could talk to you once and for all and stop making you avoid the conversation.
"I feel like we're going around in circles." Ratio spoke up again. "Every time we try to talk to them, they shuts us out. It's like they are not even trying."
Aventurine squeezed Ratio's hand, trying to comfort him. "There must be a reason why they are acting like this," he said, although even he seemed doubtful.
Ratio let out a bitter laugh. "Is there? Because I can't think of one that makes sense."
They waited, and waited, and waited.
Time dragged on slowly, tick, tock, tick, tock, the clock seemed to move slower every second.
They waited with anticipation and expectation, sitting motionless on the couch, their eyes fixed on the front door.
And then, finally, they heard the jingle of keys, the sound of the door opening, and your footsteps entering.
Ratio and Aventurine immediately sat up straight, turning to look at you as you stepped inside.
As a matter of course, you were drunk.
Ratio and Aventurine couldn't help but notice the way you swayed slightly as you walked, a slight flush on your cheeks betraying your intoxication.
Ratio let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair as he looked at you. "Where have you been all night?" he asked, his voice betraying his annoyance.
Aventurine, sensing the tension in the room, stayed silent but placed a calming hand on Ratio's arm, hoping to soothe the situation.
"Having fun." You said, smiling a little.
Ratio's eyes narrowed at your response. "Having fun? Is that what you call it? Drinking yourself into oblivion every day?"
Aventurine shot Ratio a look, silently urging him to calm down. Him speaking this time.
"We're worried about you, you know that?" he continued, his voice rising. "We—"
"Hah, like you said—don't give me that bullshit." Your voice came out almost with spit words.
Your mind was fuzzy.
Ratio clenched his fists, his irritation growing. "We're not giving you bullshit. We care about you, damnit."
You chuckled bitterly, your words slurring slightly. "Yeah, I'm sure you care, but only when it suits you both."
Ratio's eyes widened at your response, his anger rising. "Excuse me?"
"We're the ones who should be getting pissed off here. You're the one who's been acting like a complete mess."
Aventurine tried to interject again. "Ratio, this isn't—"
But Ratio wasn't having it. "No, Aven. They needs to hear this." He turned back to you. "You've been avoiding us, avoiding everything, and for what? So you can go get drunk every night?"
"Yeah, exactly. Because being around you two is so damn great." You retorted, sarcasm dripping from your tone.
Ratio's expression darkened even further, his next words cutting through the air like a dagger.
"Oh, is that right? I guess being with us is so unbearable that you have to go out and get drunk every night instead of staying here and facing your own damn problems."
Your eyes narrowed at Ratio's words, your own anger starting to boil over.
"Yeah, because it's better than dealing with your bullshit all the time."
Ratio let out a bitter laugh. "Bullshit? You think we're bullshitting you? We're the ones who've been putting up with your crap, your avoiding us, your reckless behavior."
Your eyes widened at Ratio's harsh words, hurt flashing across your face.
"You have no idea what you're talking about," you said angrily, your voice shaking. "You have no idea how I feel."
Ratio scoffed, his irritation reaching a boiling point. "Oh, really? Then why don't you enlighten us? Why do you feel the need to drink every night?"
"Seriously, you can tell us." Aventurine said, his brow now furrowed, a mix of worry and frustration on his face.
You let out a scoff, your words coming out in a rush. "And what, you want me to spill my heart out to you two, like it's some kind of therapy session? I didn't realize I was dealing with a couple of psychologists here."
Ratio let out a bitter laugh. "Well, it's not like you're giving us anything else to work with. You just keep drinking yourself into oblivion every night, avoiding us, avoiding any kind of conversation."
You clenched your fists, your frustration turning into anger. "Oh, aren't both of you so perfect?"
Ratio's expression hardened. "Don't try to turn this around on us. We never said we were perfect, but at least we're trying to communicate and have a conversation. You're the one who's refusing to listen or talk to us."
Aventurine interjected, his voice laced with concern. "Y/N, please. We just want to help you. We don't—"
"Help me?" You snapped, again cutting Aventurine off.
"Hey, watch your tone." Ratio said, at the shout you gave to Aventurine.
"Hah, just that.", You thought, looking at them with anger and irritation.
Your anger flared, your words coming out in a frustrated hiss. "Oh, and I'm supposed to believe that you really want to help me? Please. You're both probably just worried that I'm gonna ruin your perfect little lives."
Ratio's eyes widened at your accusation, stung by your words. "Is that really what you think of us? That we only care about ourselves?"
Aventurine spoke up again, his voice pleading. "No, that's not true at all. We care about you. We care about us."
"Yeah, right." You replied bitterly, crossing your arms.
Ratio's face twisted into a scowl. "We're just as messed up as you are. We have our own issues and problems to deal with. We don't need you acting like this, avoiding us, drinking excessively—"
"Yeah, because I'm the ONLY ONE who's being problematic, right?" You interrupted, sarcasm lacing your words. "Just because I don't sit next to both of you and start to fucking endure how both are so loving and happy between ONLY the two of you, I'm wrong here, huh?"
Ratio's jaw clenched tightly, his temper rising at your accusations.
"That's bullshit and you know it. We're a team, a relationship. We're supposed to be in this together, working through things together."
You felt the growing lump in your throat. "Fuck, no. We're not a team anymore, it's just you being a fucking couple."
You clenched your fists, trying to calm the wave of emotions that was washing over you.
Ratio's expression hardened at your words, his own emotions warring with his irritation.
"What the hell do you mean we're not a team anymore? We're still together, we're still—"
You cut him off, your voice trembling with anger and hurt. "No, we're not. Not really. Not when you both spend all your time together, sharing moments, laughing, even in sex."
Ratio's eyes widened at your words, hurt evident on his face.
"Is that really what you think?" he asked, his voice low. "That we're just a couple and that you're not a part of us anymore?"
Aventurine's face fell, his expression pained. "No, that's not true. You're just as much a part of this relationship as we are."
"I'm just a third wheel," you said bitterly. "That's what I've always been."
Even though your words affected them, Ratio couldn't help but get more frustrated.
"And whose fault is that, huh? Whose fault is it that you keep pushing us away, that you keep avoiding us, that you keep getting drunk every damn night instead of dealing with the problem?"
You clenched your fists even tighter, your nails digging into your palms.
"Oh, so now it's MY fault, huh? It's MY fault that I feel left out, ignored, and sidelined?"
You didn't know if you wanted to laugh or cry at what he was saying.
"Yeah…maybe it's my fault." You spoke again, feeling your eyes sting. At any moment they would be filled with tears.
"It's my damn fault that both have sex secretly from me, it's my fault that both knew each other before, it's my fault that both are more affectionate with each other, it's my damn fault that both know each other much more than you two know me!"
And that's it, with that, your voice cut off. Being unable to see both men's faces as tears clouded your vision.
Ratio's expression softened at the sight of your tears, his irritation momentarily forgotten.
It was true, he and Aventurine had been more affectionate with each other lately. But that wasn't because they didn't care about you, it was just…
No, there really were no words to deny or defend the accusations.
He sighed, trying to find the words to explain themselves. "Look, we didn't mean for it to be like that. It just happened."
Aventurine spoke up, his voice soft. "We never wanted you to feel left out or ignored. We care about you, we really do."
Ratio stepped closer as well, his expression conflicted between anger and concern. "Y/N, we never wanted you to feel left out. That was never our intention."
But your emotions were running high.
"Then what was your intention, huh? To make me feel like an outsider in my own relationship?"
They both stayed silent, not knowing how to respond to that.
"That is what I thought." You blurted out, in frustration.
Ratio pinched the bridge of his nose, his expression shifting to frustration and guilt.
"That's not what we wanted, that's never what we wanted."
You let out a bitter, unfunny laugh, "Oh, shut it."
You were shaking, you really wanted to just not feel like that.
"It's always you two. Always Aventurine and Ratio. Always Kakavasha and Veritas."
"Fuck all that." You spat, as your tears began to come out like waterfalls.
"Where the hell was I there?" You sobbed, covering your face with both hands. You felt humiliated to be seen crying like that.
"I hate it so much." You mumbled, without a hint of stopping your crying.
Ratio's heart ached at the sight of your tears, realizing the depth of your emotional pain.
Aventurine stood beside him, visibly upset as well.
"Y/N, please…" He tried to reach out to you, his hand hovering in the air.
But you flinched away from his touch, your body shrinking back as more tears streamed down your face.
"Don't." You warned, your voice choked with sobs. "Don't touch me."
Ratio and Aventurine stood there, feeling helpless as they watched you cry.
"We never wanted to make you feel like this."
"You're lying." You retorted, your voice raw from crying.
Aventurine shook his head, his expression pleading. "No, that's not true. We love you, we truly do."
Ratio's hands were shaking slightly, torn between wanting to comfort you and respecting your wish not to be touched.
Aventurine looked like he was on the verge of tears as well, his shoulders slumped with guilt.
Ratio said softly. "We never meant for it to be this way."
But your words cut through the air between you all.
"Then why did it happen?" You asked, your voice laced with pain and anguish.
Ratio's jaw clenched as he struggled to find the words to explain.
"It just…happened." He said weakly. "We got caught up in our own relationship and didn't realize that we were neglecting you."
Aventurine nodded alongside him. "We messed up. We should have paid more attention to you, made more of an effort to include you in our activities."
Ratio winced, knowing how hollow those words sounded.
"But just because we made a mistake doesn't mean we don't care about you." Ratio was quick to add.
You let out a bitter chuckle through sniffles and sobs.
"…That 'mistake' is 3 fucking years old." You spoke in a muffled manner. Breathing heavily.
How they left you aside is not recent, it had been years. The bomb was accumulating until today it exploded.
The reality of the situation hit Ratio and Aventurine hard.
Three years. Three years of ignoring your emotions and needs. Three years of putting their own relationship before you, despite claiming that you were all equal in this relationship.
Both felt a pang of guilt and shame in their chest. How could they have let it go on for so long without realizing the harm they were causing you?
Aventurine looked equally devastated, his face pale and his eyes downcast.
"We…we never realized…" He began, his voice choked with emotion.
Ratio, seeing Aventurine's almost tearful state, rubbed his back slowly.
Ratio's head was spinning, trying to figure out how it had come to this. They had always thought that they were in a healthy and happy relationship. But clearly, they had failed to consider the impact their actions were having on you.
He looked at you, still crying and curled up on yourself. The guilt and remorse gnawed at his insides. He and Aventurine had been fools, blinded by their own selfishness and neglectful behavior.
Aventurine spoke up suddenly, his voice shaky. "Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell us how you felt?"
Ratio's eyes widened slightly. That was a fair question. Why hadn't you spoken up before now?
But he immediately realized the answer to that question. If you had tried to bring it up, how would they have reacted? Would they have dismissed your feelings, or maybe gotten defensive?
With your breath coming in ragged gasps, your body trying to catch the air lost through crying, you let out slight hiccups.
With one of your hands you wiped your wet cheeks.
Your head was beginning to ache from the alcohol in your veins and the dehydration from crying.
"Ah…it doesn't really matter anymore." You said, your voice hoarse.
And you were right, there was no point in questioning why, if you'd finished getting everything out that you'd been holding in for so long.
You felt their worried and trembling looks, you felt ashamed and humiliated for having exploded in such a way, your sobs had faded into sniffles and deep breathing.
They both listened to your words with a sinking feeling in their stomachs. Your voice was hoarse and strained, but the message was clear: you'd given up.
You stretched slightly in your seat, starting to walk towards the bedroom.
You wanted to simply rest from it all.
"I'm going to go to sleep now." You said, passing by both of their sides.
The conversation, or rather argument, had not ended well and just expressing yourself left you completely exhausted.
They both knew that they hadn't solved anything, that they'd done nothing more than reveal just how distant they had become from you.
Before you disappeared from his sight, Aven called out to you, making you turn around for a while.
"We love you, sweetheart."
That simple phrase made you let out a silent sigh.
As much as you wanted to smile at least a little, it only came out as a grimace.
"Uhm…okay, I guess." You said, not really feeling his words.
They felt totally empty.
You turned your head again, walking into the bedroom. Your mind was spinning, your thoughts were varying, the same with your feelings, they were all jumbled.
But at least one thing was clear to you; trios never work and never will.
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©cherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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lizthewriter · 3 days
you make everyone disappear / theo nott
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PAIRING  theodore nott x reader
SUMMARY you were lively and blooming with life. he was quiet and teeming with tragedy. it was a match made in heaven. theodore nott takes you on your first fake date and you find yourself enjoying it much more than you thought you would. PART 1 PART 2
QUOTE  "see you in the dark, / all eyes on me, your magician, / all eyes on us, / you make everyone disappear and," - so it goes... by taylor swift
WRITTEN  6.5.2024
the door slammed in your faces and you were left unbearably close to theodore. you didn't know what to say - i mean, you knew you had to make it look as though you really were dating, but you didn't expect him to go to such an extreme. "you did really good with the flowers. very believably," you said in a rather constrained tone. part of you had been flattered by such a gorgeous bouquet, but the other half of you knew it was all for show. why did you feel so sad?
"oh, you're welcome," nott responded, his expression oddly frozen, as though a realization had set in. he failed to remember that you still saw all his actions as fake when in reality, they were more real than you would come to realize for a while. this was going to be harder than he thought. "i picked out a restaurant i think you'll find rather pleasing."
theodore held out his hand towards you, gesturing for you to hold it. those deep, dark eyes yet again drilled into your head. you couldn't help but slide your fingers through his, however ignoring how fast your chest suddenly began to beat. you were just nervous, that was all, you told yourself.
he led you downstairs, out of the dorming building - you earned shocked stares from one of your classmates who was working the front desk that night. you smiled softly as he grabbed his phone and furiously begin to type. soon enough, this would be the talk amongst most of the students in your year, and mattheo wouldn't be able to get away from the gossip about you and theodore.
as you passed people walking into the dorm, you leaned your head against theo's arm and let out a content sigh. theo tensed at your sudden closeness, his face turning red, his thoughts dissolving into nothing but broken words. gods you're so in love with her, but you need to get a grip, nott.
considering your university was rather close to the city streets, filled with restaurants and places to go, you would have thought you were walking. you were shocked to see a *limousine* parked *outside your dormitory* with the driver *opening the door for you both.* theodore smirked at your shocked expression.
"come along, my darling," he said, pulling you with him towards the limo. you followed him in hazy awe, mouth still wide open. you entered the limo after him and the driver closed the door for the both of you. holy shit was this fancy.
the restaurant he had taken a reservation was in the high end of town - you couldn't *imagine* seeing anyone else but perhaps a few of his friends here, because as you glanced at the menus a waiter was carrying around at the entrance, you were sure you saw some fancy steak prices for upward of $200.
"ah, mr. nott. we've had your reservation prepared for the last half hour. please, follow me."
theodore's hand was still firmly in your own. you wondered why nott had chosen such a place - it was very fancy and if they wanted mattheo to be bombarded with whispers of your new relationship, they certainly wouldn't originate in a place none of your classmates would find you. so why - oh. you saw him. in the corner. with that girl.
so that was why - he must have known.
"theo, what kind of beverages do they have here?" you asked loudly, pulling on his arm, wearing a pout on your face. you ignored how mattheo turned away from his girlfriend and stared at you. you had used his old nickname on purpose, of course.
theo intertwined your arms, pulling you closer to him and leaned down so his breath tickled the hair on the back of your neck. "whatever beverages you'd like, my love."
you felt your face dissolve into a deep red. why was he standing so close to you? why did he whisper like that in such a low tone to you? you couldn't seem to form words, unable to understand why you were acting this way - of course he was doing that, all to be convincing. stop deluding yourself into thinking he likes you. besides, you barely know him. and what you do know is that so far, he's only annoyed the hell out of you so why are you feeling like this?
"here you are, mr. nott," the waiter said politely, holding open the door to a rather empty room. as you entered, you found it to be a luxurious dining hall with oak walls and golden garnishes. it was entirely empty, sparing one table at the center of the room set up for two. fancy linen draped the table, expensive china sat at each placemat, and a bottle of moscato was already bathing in a sea of ice cubes. how had he known your favorite drink?
"please, sit," theo said, rushing forward to pull out your chair.
"oh!" you exclaimed, your face still rather warm. he pushed in your chair as you sat down and joined you at the opposite end of the table. he glanced towards the waiter. "thank you for setting this up - please allow us ten minutes to read through the menu before ordering, alfred."
"of course, mr. nott." the waiter left promptly.
theodore couldn't discern reaction. were you pleased, were you uncomfortable? perhaps he should have told you in advance where he was taking you. or maybe he should have asked? he was about to spiral into only a world of anxiety when he heard a loud pop! you had opened the bottle of moscato and began to pour a moderate amount for the both of you.
"you like moscato?" you asked him, taking a sip from your class and smiling softly as you savored the taste.
honestly, he preferred more musky liquor, like whiskey, but he didn't mind the taste of something more fruity. he only nodded on response and took a small sip from his own glass.
"why is this room so empty? do they not have enough patrons to fill the restaurant?" you asked casually, slipping your finger under one of the menu pages and flipping it open.
"oh no, i just reserved the entire room for the next two hours." he didn't understand why you looked at him with such a shocked expression. did that displease you? he thought you would like the privacy a bit more . . . and it would be easier to talk without the combination of other voices in the room.
"theodore - that must have been insanely expensive," you told him, guilty eyes darting towards the menu and then back to him.
"oh no, please don't feel like this was anything of an expense. it is but a speck in the vast desert of my father's fortune. please, order whatever you'd like," he assured you. he watched as you bit back a smile, pulling the menu towards you and glancing down at it. "and please . . . call me theo. only my father calls me theodore."
"okay, theo . . . i suppose we should take this time to get to know each other better." you had a wide, mischievous grin spread across your face. he rolled his eyes playfully, knowing you were going to be highly amused with yourself during this interrogation. he gestured for you to go ahead. "first off, what are you majoring in and why?"
"i'm majoring in mediteranean history. i've always appreciated many different subjects: philosophy, psychology, sciences, criminology, but history had always been my favorite. i hope to work in a museum one day," he explained to you, all quite truthfully. he raised the glass to his lips once more.
"you don't want to go into fashion, like your father?"
he tensed at your question, his hand holding the glass still, the rim still resting upon his dark lips. him and his father . . . their relationship was complicated. once his mother died, his father had no love left for him.  he had never had what most other children had - caring, compassionate parents. no his father was only further angered upon hearing about theo's passion in history. you're no greater than a starving artist. you must as well be the speck of dirt on the bottom of my glorious shoes.
"no, fashion is quite boring, in my opinion. my father would prefer i take over the buisness once he retires but he had to digress once he realized i didn't want too." his tone was dismissive - he wanted to move on to another subject. you took this to mean he was upset with you, didn't enjoy speaking with you, and didn't want to be here. you slumped in your chair.
upon noticing your sudden lack of interest, he leaned forward and tried to engage with you in a softer tone. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to come off as rude - my father and i have a strained relationship. it tires me just speaking of it. you can ask me more questions, i don't mind."
you sat foward, scrutinizing his expression. he tried to look as assuring as possible - you suddenly sat forward with that wide grin of your again and began to interrogate him. his favorite color? green. his favorite novel? pride & prejudice, he revealed, quite ashamedly. his favorite movie? gone with the wind. you went back and forth - any question you asked, he asked you in return. it wasn't long before you found yourselves deep in conversation, laughing over newly-made inside jokes, debating over controversial topics.
you were lively and blooming with life. he was quiet and teeming with tragedy. it was a match made in heaven.
TAGS @rosieandthethorns @thaliasworld96 @lovelyygirl8 @moony-artemis @thesecretmansion @thecraziestcrayon @amongemeraldclouds @readingthingsonhere @darkenwolfie @jaxyy219 @empath-bunny @always-reading @xmadigurlx @mypolicemanharryyy @prettyb1tchsblog @hoeforvinniehackerrr @luckylzclerc @pandalovingcats @theyb @annaisabookworm @starsval @niktwazny303 @starsfortaylor @jetblackpayne @gillyweeds @alwayslatetothefandoms @simp-for-fantasy
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idesofrevolution · 20 hours
Quality Time
*PING* Rocco looked down and smiles. He'd been wondering what Carlo and their father had been up to for the past week. Ever since their mother left a couple of years back, their father had been relatively distant- choosing to spend his hours away from the office at the gym instead of at home with his sons. To be fair, Rocco had left the house at 18, and now at 24 he wasn't home as often as he'd hoped. Nonetheless, it took both boys by shock when their relatively distant father decided to take a month off of work to spend some "quality time" with his sons. Carlo got the first two weeks, and Rocco would have the second. What they were in for, their father wouldn't say.
Hey, Roc. Dad wants us all to meet up tonight. We're at the gym on Broad Street, meet us there in 30 minutes.
The text was odd, definitely different than the normally chipper tone his brother is known for having. There wasn't even a single emoji... Rocco had hoped that everything would go well, but from the curtness of Carlo's message, it wasn't looking good. He sighed, walking his lanky ass over to the closet and throwing on some clothes, wasting no time making the 20 minute walk down to Broad street. The dim neon glow of the Planet Jacked sign illuminated the front of the strip mall; at 9PM on a Wednesday, the gym was the only business open compared to the vacant suites and GameStop next door.
Rocco pulled open the door, pulling out his phone to text Carlo that he'd arrived. The response was immediate:
In the kettlebell room. Hurry up.
Something did feel off, but Rocco had dismissed it as an irritated Carlo trying to pawn their gruff and macho dad off on him. Neither were "manly men" by their father's standards, not that he'd ever treated them poorly by any means. It just meant that they had little to nigh in common with eachother, and little to build a very "buddy buddy" relationship on. But, at least he was making an effort.
Rocco made his way through the gym floor, weaving through benches and weight machines to the double glass doors that houses the calisthenics room. He pushed open the door, and walked inside. Right off the bat, his suspicions that something was off were proven to be justified as he saw his brother flexing in the mirror. Or at least, he thought it was his brother. The man had Carlo's likeness: his short stature, his green eyes, the black and green headphones... but this was not his brother.
Carlo was easily 100 lbs of muscle heavier than when he'd left with their father on Monday morning. His hair was buzzed short, his formerly friendly face now scowled an aggressive smoulder, his arms and legs were bursting with hard muscle. Compared to the 5'2" skinny 19 year old Rocco had known, this man might as well have been a stranger.
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"Get my bag over there, gotta shower and change." His voice was harsh, gruff... as if he'd smoked eight cigars before working out. He remained flexing in the mirror, as Rocco stood there gobsmacked. His eyes quickly shifted from his physique to his brother standing perplexed at the door. "You gonna sit and stare or are we gonna get going?" Rocco slowly walked over to Carlo's gym bag, picking it up and straining to shlep it over his shoulder. "Jesus, Roc. We've got to get you into the gym. C'mon, let's go." Carlo turned and walked out of the room, with Rocco hastening to meet his pace.
"Uh, Carlo... Did you... take something? I mean, I'm not accusing you of anything, but how did you..."
"Get this fuckin' jacked? Dad helped out a bit." Outside of Rocco's eyesight, Carlo smirked devilishly. He sneered, hocking a mouthful of spit onto the garbage can. Rocco nearly dropped the bag and bolted. This couldn't be the sweet, naive little brother he'd grown up with. If anything, he was acting more like their father than himself. As they entered the locker room, Carlo stopped at the mirror again, pinching his chin as if he were checking himself out in the mirror. "Yeah, Dad was saying he wanted me to try some pussy this week, and that girls liked a guy with guns. Heh, it worked." He flexed his massive arms, the putrid scent of heavy unwashed musk wafted from his pits as he did. Rocco pinched his nose, dropping the gym bag onto the bench.
"Since when have you been interested in girls?" Rocco spoke with genuine concern in his voice. Carlo had been an out and proud gay man for years now. Their father never understood it, but it never really bothered him any. To him, as long as his sons were 'getting some' then all was well. But this, combined with Carlo's inflated ego and body...
"Since I felt like it. Thought I'd give breedin' a try. After six girls this week, I'm tuckered out." Carlo sauntered toward the shower stalls, tossing his hat and headphones to his brother before turning to face him. "Dad will be here in a minute, just wait here." With that, he walked into the stall, and Rocco could hear the water starting to flow. He fell backward onto the bench, awestruck. Turning to the bag, Rocco imagined vials and vials of steroids and testosterone hiding within. It was the only logical explanation. Taking a deep breath, he slowly unzipped the bag, and ripped the top open to reveal:
Nothing. Carlos' normal street clothes, albeit a bit stretched out now, and an empty shaker bottle. No drugs, no syringes, nothing incriminating whatsoever. Whatever had happened to him, it wasn't due to roid rage.
"NNNNUGUUHHHH" Carlo's voice echoed in the empty locker room over the sound of the showerhead. Rocco stood up quickly, darting toward the shower stalls. Before he could ask if his brother was okay, the noises began. Wet noises- unaffiliated with the running shower. Rocco slowly crept closer, and the sounds had become clearer. Slimy schlorps and squelches combined with Carlo's moans of seeming pleasure. Was he fucking a pocket pussy? Surely not, he assumed, though in the back of his mind, the brother he'd seen was not the Carlo he knew. "uuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNAGHHHHHH!" One final moan and a rubbery slurp, and the room was silent again.
Rocco quickly rushed to the end stall, ready to rip the white curtain open, only for it to open on it's own: revealing the hulking figure of his father. The shock was palpable, as thick as the steam in the air. His father towered above him, as he always did, a massive slab of hard meat with a face. Sweat dripped from every part of his hulking body, and his face was already plastered with a surprised expression. As if he weren't expecting Rocco to see him yet.
"Dad... Is Carlo oka..." Suddenly, in the corner of his eye, he saw his brother slumped over on the shower seat, passed out under the hot streams of water: still in the shorts and running shoes he'd been wearing moments ago. His muscled body could barely bend at the waist, so his limp torso sat at a slight angle to the rest of his body. Rocco turned to his father, whose expression hadn't yet changed.
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"I said I'd be there in a minute, Roc." The limber young man tried to rush to his passed out brother, only for the iron grip of his father to stop him in his tracks. "He'll be fine. He'll wake up just the way you know him, with a couple of extra pounds. Don't you worry."
"Dad, what the fuck is going on?" Rocco shouted at his father, whose brows began to furrow. The hulking man grabbed the white curtain, shutting it behind his son. Slowly the look of shock turned to one of seriousness, and a twinge of nervousness shot down Rocco's spine.
"I'm on vacation, Roc. With my boy. And now it's your turn to spend some time with your old man." Rocco took a step back, confused and anxious. "You're what, 24 now? Let me tell you something, Roc. When you hit 50, it doesn't matter if you're the sexiest god damn man alive- women just don't look at you the same. They take one look at you and see a stacked old man. They look at you like you're disgusting, Roc. I just wanted things to be the way they used to, when I was your age." Another step backward, and Rocco felt himself pinned against the wall. "It doesn't hurt. Carlo said it felt damn good. He'll wake up feelin' like a million bucks and go right back to sticking that greasy pole into some man ass. Might even be better than before. But you..." His father leaned in against the wall, the wafting stench of his BO encircling the two. "You swing both ways. So will you do your pop a favor, Roc?" Rocco swallowed his spit, as his father leaned in until they stood inches from eacother, eye to eye.
"W... What kind of favor?"
"Let me be young again. Just for a couple weeks. I'll hop back in Carlo if things get out of hand, he's already said he's good with it. Let your old man take you for a spin, show you how I used to do it back in the day. Then at the end of the month, I hop right out. Deal?" His father stuck his hand out, waiting for him to accept this insane deal. Rocco turned to his brother, slowly coming back to consciousness.
"... One week. And if you don't fuck things up, I'll think about the other two." His father smiled as Rocco shook his hand in agreement.
"Turn around, boy. And just take some deep breaths." Rocco did as he was told, slowly turning around and placing his hand onto the brown tiled wall. He could hear Carlo coming to, and hearing the wet clap of his father's hands rubbing together. "Alright, boy. It's gonna be tight, deep breath!" Rocco took a slow inhale, feeling a strange tingling sensation as he felt his father's hands on his bony shoulderblades. As he exhaled, he could feel the calloused hands slowly sink into his back. "Ohhhh, fuck." His father's gravelly bass voice growled in the cavernous room, soaring above the wet schlorps of his huge arms slowly sinking deeper into his son. Rocco watched as his father's hands appeared beneath the skin of his arms, the outline of his fingers sliding down his biceps and forearms was quickly followed by the sounds of rubbery creaks as his father's considerable muscles slid into his own. Bones cracked and skin stretched as powerful biceps and firm forearms swelled with the invasion, as his father's hands slipped into his own like two tight gloves. His meaty fingers cracked under their own volition, as his father flexed his new triceps.
"Da... Dad? Oh fuck, Roc! It's your turn now, huh, bro?" Carlo's chipper voice cut through the wet sloshing as his father stepped forward, shoving his huge sweaty feet forward into Rocco's heels, immediately swelling to fit his size 14 boats. His father's ripe foot sweat started to pour from his soles while his calves started to sink in as well. "Feels great, right? I mean look at me? Dad promised a rockin' bod, and I mean, fuck! What guy is gonna turn me down now?" Rocco continued his deep breaths, trying to ignore his brother's bizarrely normal demeanor.
"Boy, you remember what your dad taught you. Take control, and fuck hard. They'll be beggin' for that cock." As the words left his father's mouth, he thrust his groin against Rocco's rear, letting his son's skin wrap around his thick ass as he slid his beer can dick into the sheath of his boy's- quickly swelling thick and musky as his balls grew into the size of clementines.
"Roc, just wait. Dad's gonna take good care of you. We're closer than ever, right pop?" His father's hard, hairy torso sank quickly into Rocco, his back expanding as his body fully enveloped his father up to their necks. Massive, juicy pecs and washboard abs pressed against his taut skin, and sputterings of the old man's hair started to sprout across his legs, arms, and chest. Rocco looked down at his massive body, no longer under his control, inflated with his father's stature. He could feel the scratchy scruff of the old man's beard against the nape of his neck.
"Alright, boy. Let me just slide..." He felt his father's nose press against the back of his head, and as it sank in, his vision became fuzzy. "Right..." His neck bulged and stretched, his jaw clenched and sharpened. "On..." His hair grew thick and messy, his eyebrows fuller and lower. As the last of his head was swallowed by the back of Rocco's head, a final crack of his neck and a slow exhale signaled that Rocco had already sank into the recesses of his mind. Facial hair sprouted across his chiseled jawline, as he smiled his pearly white teeth. "In." His father's gravelly tone now bellowed deep from within. He pushed himself off the wall, stretching his now 6'3" body, dripping in his old man's fragrant sweat. Turning to Carlo, he raised his eyebrow.
"Alright, boy. Let's go get some ass."
"Yeah, this is my brother's place, we'll be alone here. Don't you worry!" Carlo led the couple into Rocco's apartment, the boyfriend ogling his juicy ass as they walked inside. "Yeah, he's in the other room. This way." Carlo smiled as he threw his arm around the duo, the woman blushing as she turned to him.
"You sure he's down for this?" Carlo only smirked as he opened the door to the bedroom, revealing 'Rocco' in all his glory, swiping through the endless supply of thirsty messages on his Taimi. The couple's jaws dropped at the very sight of him, fresh from the gym, smelling of a locker room right after a basketball tournament.
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"Oh wow... Uh, Hi there... I'm Victoria and this is Ollie..." 'Rocco' barely looked up from his phone, picking up his ripe gym shoe and socks, and tossing them to Ollie.
"Sniff, boy. When you're done with that, you can do the same for my brother." The boyfriend eagerly started to huff the stinking sock, moaning in pleasure as he did. "And you..." He put his phone down onto the table, turning to Victoria with a wry smirk. "Come show daddy some love."
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ryomens-vixen · 3 days
420 w/ 90s Toji
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CW: Toji himself is enough warning, rough sex, car sex, gun play, ass eating, profanity, reader is black coded and so is toji.
Author's note: If you have problem with me making toji speak in AAVE please don't hesitate to eat my fat ass about it, please and thank you.
Word count: YIPPIE Y'all finally get a word count! 2.6k ✨
Summary: If you ever wanted to get high the Toji here's your chance.
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“Give yuh my fuckin babies bruh, I'ma give yuh my fuckin babies, Ma.”
How did you end up here? Going to pound town in the back of a Toji's big daddy truck, high as hell in a smoke filled truck- oh that's right you know how. It really started when you were out with the boys chillin- the boys meaning Satoru, Suguru, and Kento. You were watching them shooting hoops, Then the hood's hottest DILF and Whore pulled up with his kid- Megumi, he's such a cutie when he isn't mean muggin everyone and when he comes to his dad? Oh boy he doesn't play he's such a daddy's boy that Toji can't even pick up women without the lil boy tagging along. Megumi calls most of the shots anyways- if you're pretty to him that Toji will definitely fuck with you, if not? Ain't no use in talking to him, you're cooked.
Today T-Raw was up to no good as usual not only did he come to shoot some hoops, but he also came to pick up a couple of ladies to “take out” later on- Here is goes taking off that slutty tank top of his, not like he can ever keep his clothes on anyways, that fuckin slut- you couldn't stand him. You couldn't stand him because all he does is fuck around and drive all these bitches crazy about him- clearly his dick can't be that good to be chasing him around like that, or so you thought.
“you bet not cum on this dick yet bitch, I ain't done wit cho ass, c'mere!”
Fuck how did you get here… oh yeah that's right, it really started when they was playing B-ball. Megumi kept looking at you and since he's practically his father's wing man you were hoping the lil boy didn't think you were pretty, then he spoke to you- talking about the dogs at their house to showing you his gold chain Toji bought him. But then it happened megumi ran off to go tell his dad about you.. Just your luck right? Riiiiight..
The whole game stopped because megumi had so much to say about you, hell he even told the guys you're his new mama because of how beautiful you are and it had T-Raw checking you out even Satoru gassed him up to go holla at you.
“Her? Oh that's y/n, you tryna fuck on her? Shit she hard to talk to, but on ma the pussy good as fuck she was just fuckin on me and Suguru last week.” Satoru had promised he'd never tell a soul that y'all fucked, but you have known that not even Satoru himself could hold a glass on water.
And just like that Toji was convinced enough to come see bout you.
“Wass good ma”
“..... “
“Hello? Mamas, So you sit finna talk to me? C'mon ion bite, baby.”
“Don't sit up here tellin them lies we all know yo ass bite.”
He chuckled, “Got a lil attitude problem. I like dat mamas. how bout you come smoke with me later on tonight.”
“I'm not one of these other bitches Toji so go find somebody to play with cause it ain't me.”
“Sound like you ain't had no dick Inna minute-”
“Maybe I don't want no dick from you!?”
Yeah, that's how it all went down. You were giving him too much lip that it was turning him on, that's why he didn't let up on you. He wanted to put you in your bratty ass place once and for all because clearly Satoru and Suguru didn't do it right. Naw you obviously needed some dick from big daddy himself, T-Raw.
Now here you are sitting in his truck getting hot boxed to hell, while Satoru and Suguru babysit megumi for that night, and man did you get the feeling neither of y'all would be able to make it home after this smoke session.
“You Eva put a blunt in yo pussy? I'll light for you- We gotta get fat ma blazed too yah feel me?”
What the fuck did he just say? “Toji shut the fuck up!” You have to admit that was pretty funny and wild to say at a time like this, but he isn't so bad right? Wrong.
You couldn't tell if it was the Kush getting to you or what, but with every minute that passed by he started to look more and more attractive. “Keep it together bitch” is what you thought to yourself, you didn't want to fuck around and find out why all his bitches were so crazy over him.
“So when you gone put that pussy on me, mamas?”
What the hell did he just say?
“I know she wet as fuck f'me, come climb on daddy's lap fo a minute.” this whole time his hand had been gripping your thigh close enough to your coochie. Yeah she was wet- soaking wet actually, but you weren't willing to admit that.. At least not verbally, because your body betrays you.
Before you knew it you had succumbed to his slick mouth, but it's not like you didn't fight about it. Oh but he loves a good ole brat- he loves the way they break once they've had a taste of his ten inch punisher and you were gonna break for him too.
“Bet you won't suck dis dick”
“Yeah I BET I won't, the fuck?”
“So all dat freak shit you do wit gang and nem just fo show, huh? Knew you wasn't bout nothin”
“Excuse me?!” How the fuck did he even know about that?! I bet Satoru told him, yeah totally never fuckin him again.
“You heard me, Ma. Chu ain't bout dat life fo'real.”
“Says who? I do what the fuck I want, when I want and who I want.”
“I betchu won't come fuck me then.”
It all started with you giving him the best toe curling head he ever had, the way you kissed on the tip, licked him up from Gooch to tip, the way you suffocated on his dick, yeah you took all ten inches and he loved every bit of it “Fuck, y- you a nasty bitch” is what he groaned, he felt so good he took a chunk of your hair into his fist and held you still so he could fuck that throat of yours. You were his bitch now, you definitely weren't going nowhere sucking his dick this good.
You thought it'd stop at that no- you found yourself eating this man's ass like a full course meal, like you were hungry and it wasn't even your idea, it was his and you can thank his old bitch for that. Man was he a freak having his legs in the fuckin air, lighting another blunt while he watches you eat his ass. This was way out of your league, eating ass? Not even Satoru and Suguru made you do this, but at least you learned a thing or two from fuckin around with Mei Mei and Shoko one time. Honestly you were scared to even put your tongue down there, thinking he was dirty, but he was surprisingly clean.
“Dirty ass bitch get in the back, c'mon” he was ready, and you were nervous. We're you gonna be like all these other bitches that fucked him and started acting crazy, or were you gonna treat like you treat Satoru and Suguru? It was hard to tell because you never heard any complaints about Toji unless it's about him not answering his phone or talking to other bitches, the works.
“Bet yo dick ain't even that big-”
“Shut cho ass up and bend ova bitch I'll show yo ass how big it is.”
That was your mistake- bending over. Toji pushed your skirt up over your waist and wasted no time ripping those sexy panties off. Your pussy was dripping for him, spreading your asscheeks apart Toji took his cock in hand and rubbed it all along your wet folds, teasing you while you waited anxiously for him to fuck you- so anxious that you started popping off at the mouth again.
“Can't find the hole ol’ man?”
“Can't wait to shut cho lil ass up-”
Then it happened he shut you up with the quickness, ramming all ten inches into that tight wet pussy of yours. It felt like your body took a screenshot from feeling his cock hit your cervix like that all you could do was tremble and tear up. You felt so full, hell you felt like his dick was somehow in your chest it was so fuckin big that you could hardly adjust to it.
Reaching back to place your hand on his abdomen was your biggest mistake ever “Move yo fuckin hand” is all he said before take ahold of your arm, bending it it behind your back and using his weight to push his cock deeper into you as if it wasn't deep enough.
The only thing that gave you enough relief was when he pulled out, you could finally breathe that was until he rammed his cock back inside… over and over and over again. He was so rough it felt like your mind was going blank all you could think about was how good your feeling right now, how deep his cock is, how your moans were practically stuck in your throat, toji had your eyes rolling back he even put his blunt out on your asshole so he could focus on fuckin you, god he was a nasty, nasty man, no wonder everyone was crazy for him.
The truck was rocking, you finally let out a strained moaned, Toji was fuckin you so ruthlessly leaving hand prints on your asscheeks, pushing down on your lower back to make you arch some more for him, grabbing fists full of your hair as he leaned his weight into every thrust. Your mind was going crazy, but you weren't the only one- Toji was too. Not only was he high as all hell, he was starting to get drunk off your pussy. He was loving how tight you were around him, squeezing and sucking him back into you- in his mind you were doing this on purpose, throwing that pussy- HIS pussy back on him like that yeah to him you knew exactly what you were doing.
“Man fuck! Fuck you let then two fools hit before me?! Fuckin slut” God he put his weight into it again.
“Lil bratty ass bitch got nothin to say now, say sumthin else, come bitch say some more slick shit for daddy so I keep on tearin this pussy up!”
You were past cloud nine at this point everything felt good, his dick, his words, his thrusts, everything. You almost lost your mind when he reached out in front of you and grabbed his gun. That's when you realized how crazy this man is- he pulled out a damn gun!? For what!? Now you see why everyone is so crazy about him.
“T- Toji Wa-”
“Shut the fuck up” he pulled out panting and started rubbing the barrel of it against your wet folds. “How you gone feel if I put this glock 30 in this pussy? Hm? Talk to me mamas, I'm not fuckin done witchu”
“Toji i-”
“It's T-Raw, bitch.” You trembled the second he pushed the barrel inside your pussy. You couldn't tell if you were scared or excited, but you knew one thing he sure as hell was excited just from pumping your pussy with his glock.
“You's a nasty dirty ass, bitch, throwin back on MY gun, bet it ain't as good as this mufuckin pipe.” He had a cocky tone to his voice while he was gripping the hell out of his cock and fisting it vigorously. “Fuck it-” he tossed his gun to the side causing you the whimper from the sudden emptiness, but that was soon replaced with him slamming his cock back in, then reaching around you to grab ahold of the sides of your mouth as he drilled you, drool on his fingers and arm rest, drool on his cock that's how he liked it.
You could feel a knot in the pit of your pussy, you were so close, tears welled up in your eyes, you were going to burst at this rate, if he kept up brutal pace he'll be cleaning up coochie juice for weeks with the way you around to cum. You reached in between your legs to rub circles onto your clit to help get you to that big orgasm you've always wanted..
“T- T-Raw! F- Fuck! Daddy I'm gonna cum!”
Toji was so lost in your pussy it was almost like he was in another world, You were just too good for him. It was driving him crazy. He almost didn't register what you said at first, you? About to cum? Yeah no he couldn't have that yet, not until HE is done.
“you bet not cum on this dick yet bitch, I ain't done wit cho ass, c'mere!” Suddenly, He puts you into one of the meanest chokeholds you had ever been in, pulling your body onto his lap so that you're sitting on his fat cock with your legs propped up on the back on the front seats. Fuck he really wasn't done with you for real.
“Can't NOBODY fuck you like I do, you ain't gone be thinkin of nobody's dick, but mine after I'm done, you hear me bitch?! Take that shit, take it, take it, take it, Ah Fuck-!”
You couldn't breathe, your eyes were touching the back of your head, he was beating your pussy in and you couldn't do anything about it. His dick was good… too good in fact, he was slutting you out better than Satoru, Suguru, hell even Choso- but none of them know about that one. You could almost guarantee your brain chemistry has been altered just from the way he's trying to put his dick up your coochie, through your stomach and behind the left rib. All you could do now was take his dick like the good little bitch that you are.
“Give yuh my fuckin babies bruh, I'ma give yuh my fuckin babies, Ma.”
“Yes! G- Give it to me T-Raw! Give it to me Daddy!”
His thrust became sloppy and his grip around your neck tightened, he was definitely about to cum inside your sweet pussy, yet that's really you wanted now was for him to fill your pussy up with his baby batter. He let on one loud “Fuck” into your ear and rammed his dick inside you one more time, all you could feel so was his cock pumping his load inside you.
Once he was finished he let go of your throat, both of you panting and trying to catch your breath. But the thing is you didn't get to cum yet and toji knew that and all he could do was smirk at your pouty lil face for not making you cum too.
“What? Yah mad bitch? Brats like yo ass don't deserve to cum.” He took his left over blunt and lit it.
“But since you was a good fuck I'll let you cum this once, but I ain't helpin, so bounce on dis dick all you want.”
“B.. But T-Raw”
“What the fuck did I just say? Huh? Get to fuckin bouncing, I'm waiting slut.”
You know it, you were going to be crazy just like all his other bitches after tonight… ain't no way you're going back to the boys, ever.
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Tags: @littlemochabunni @blkkizzat @arlerts-angel @ramonathinks @nkogneatho @tonycries @connorsui @honeeslust @halosdiary @hoshigaby @screampied @rinhaler @buttercupblu @triangularz @fairy-hub
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andersonfilms · 1 day
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series masterlist collab series w/ the talented, sweet baby — @abbyscherry
tags. eighteen+, strap sex (abby!r), daddy kink, breeding kink, masc!reader but can be read by all, part of a series but can be read on it’s own.
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you're gripping her hair like she's your favorite vice, cock stretching her pretty pussy, even prettier ass recoiling against you. toned back arched for you as she moans like a whore. only down side is you can't see the effect you're having on her pretty face. the moans abby continues to let out are enough to hold you over until you can see her sun-kissed skin cheeks again, hundreds of adorable freckles decorating her nose with the soft bend. the one you adore more than the stars in the sky. 
you’d been staring at her all night the day before, entranced with her beauty yet again. it’d just been the two of you, a starry skin, and her. the empty beer bottles kissing the plush grass had her singing, saying some stupid joke but caused you to have a belly laugh. incredibly loud, obnoxious even, but it makes her laugh even harder. 
the sun couldn’t hold their own against her shine. the brightest star you’ve ever known. the sick feeling comes back in moments like these, afraid of the unknown. what if it doesn’t work? nagging and deafening, the thought picks at your brain like zombies off a dead carcass. all of this could end in a moment, just like the rest but you try to believe otherwise when she does shine with blissful ignorance. 
you want to sit in it with her. 
sometimes, it’s hard to believe she’s just yours. there’s not a single soul but you to take care of her, praise her, worship her. every bit of her is for you, but tonight she’s stubborn. batting her eyelashes, give you fuck me eyes. the little brat knew it would work too. 
“is this what you wanted? fucking begging me all day to be fucked. texting me, calling me all day while i train, fuck, making me lose my focus.” you pull harder on her golden hair. a fist full of her hair, a whimpering slut — you can practically see the drool. “and sending me the video of your tits in the shower, slippery and soapy. low fucking blow.” 
“daddy, i just needed you. m’sorry, i—” you slap her ass, effectively shutting her up. well…her words only. abby moans instead, muffled by the sheets beneath her. “what? you’re fucking sorry? had to cut my day early because of you. what was so important it couldn’t wait?” 
“i don’t want to say. it’s really embarrassing.” she shyly remarks. 
“babygirl, i’m seven inches in your pussy. don’t think there should be any more secrets between us.” you slap her ass again and abby  knows what it means. 
better fess up or there’s much more painful punishments to come. 
honestly, abby ponders for a moment. almost taking them up on the offer but her need to cum far outweighs the bratty little devil resting on her shoulder. even if she hadn’t made the decision for herself, you would have gotten abby there. 
your pace increases, fucking her harder, faster. “talking back to me isn’t a smart move. you and i both know it.” you can hear just how wet she is; every thrust sends her closer and closer to what she craves. the pleasure is practically on her tongue. pink, raw lips pleading for the craving she can never satiate. not with you. 
the confession threatening to fall from her tongue, but she bites on it. rather taking the pinching in her mouth than admit she’s wrong. with anyone else, she’s always gotten her way. but with you, you effectively know how to shut her right the fuck up. 
“tell me what i want to hear. what’s in this pretty head angel? hm? does daddy need to fuck your harder? y’know i will.” without prompt, you start piston fucking into her, the flimsy headboard beating against the wall. her moans growing louder, heavier, sluttier. 
“f-fuck, daddy. shit, shit, shit.” abby can’t stop whining, her thighs shaking controllably, back arching ever further, if it was even possible. “please? fuck, i-, need you to spill, daddy. please need to be stuffed full of your cum.” without any buffer you’re pulling her hair so hard, abby’s back collides with your chest. 
your cock filling her up even deeper as you continue to fuck her. she almost pulls your hair out from the root, before her neck to bitting into your neck, sucking, before she lets her tongue soothe over the mark. 
it’s obvious, you’re so close to cumming. you can hardly stand and fuck, the base of the harness is rubbing against your clit. god, combined with abby’s moans. you’re close. 
“fuck yeah? wanna have my babies baby? want me knock you up? pump you full of cum until you just can’t fucking take anymore?” 
“please, god, daddy i-, i’m going to come. can i come? please? fuck, need to come all over your cock. please say yes. god, daddy?” 
the last words are a nail in her coffin. 
“c’mon babygirl. show me how much you want me to breed you. need to know how worthy you are of my cum. my babies. fucking show me how much of a dirty slut you are.” you press your lips on her ear, kissing it softly. “that's right. just for daddy."
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hope you enjoyed! mwah mwah!
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anathemaspeaks · 2 days
Fluff prompts 4 and 28 please with Bakugo 💥❤️
"you're blushing" "am not!"
"because i'm in love with you, dumbass"
check out my prompt list and request stuff <3
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bakugou katsuki always gets what he wants.
but what happens when it's you that he wants?
you had been his (self-proclaimed) best friend ever since the both of you were five years old. front teeth still not fully grown, but a wide gummy grin on your face, you told him you would be best friends forever.
you grabbed his arm and dragged him to the playground after that, his mouth agape at how you said that two minutes after meeting him so blatantly. how could you just say that?
he didn't know whether he was more shocked about that, or the fact that he didn't put up a fight or yell his head off.
but then again, you had always been special to him. you were the only one who could get him to calm down, a talent for which mitsuki called you her blessing. one hand on his shoulder, one whisper, and he was at your whim. he was whipped before either of you even knew it.
(except mitsuki, though. she saw it coming miles away.)
bakugou has known he's loved you since the day you showed up to his house, soaked from head to toe because of the rain. all because he said he wasn't feeling too good and doesn't think he can hang out today. god, he thought his heart would beat right out of his chest.
it made his stoic, harsh composure mellow down into the bakugou only you ever got to see. of course, he did yell at you for ten minutes for being "so fuckin' stupid," but the poorly concealed smile on his face and the worry etched onto his eyebrows told you he felt otherwise.
that was when he knew he couldn't ignore it anymore, he knew he loved you. and mentally, he didn't give a shit about how you felt. you were his - even if you didn't know it. you were his girl since day one.
being katsuki's best friend also meant you could see he had a clear soft spot for you - one which you couldn't help but fall in love with yourself. it also came with looking at his actions rather than his words.
the way he would complain about you being an idiot for not bringing a sweater, and still give you his own jacket everytime it was cold. the way he would act like it was a problem to help you with your homework, but he would stay up until two in the morning just to help you - even baking for you or cooking to help you sometimes.
it's no surprise you end up going everywhere and doing everything together - like bakugou would ever let you out of his sight. you were basically attached at the hip.
for safety reasons, obviously. that's what he told you, at least.
but how do you end up here?
you were sparring with bakugou less than a moment ago, explosions firing off into the air which crackled with fire and the smell of burnt caramel.
sweat dripping down both of your bodies, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as you both sent blow after blow, short pants escaping the both of you as your muscles strained with every movement.
and then you trip on nothing, comically waving your hands in the air as you fall down and bring katsuki down with you, landing oh so gracefully on top of him with a loud thud, and a grunt from him.
you stay in that position for a moment to get your bearings, before propping yourself up on your hands to see if he was okay. but you might've ended up looking too long, because-
"oi, 's there somthin' on my face, shitty woman?" he grumbled, averting his gaze from yours.
but you couldn't help it. you'd seen him from up close before, but never in a position like this. it made the butterflies in your stomach go wild, being able to look at all his breathtaking features from so near.
"i asked you a question, dumbass" he repeated as his eyes looked at you again, his crimson gaze scrutinizing you as his nose scrunched up a bit in annoyance at your unrelenting stare. oh shit.
"sorry!" you squeaked. you didn't mean to get caught staring so obviously. your whole body felt like it was on fire with the physical contact you had with him, and he caught you.
"you're blushing" he stated. but it made his heart beat a little faster, knowing he had that effect on you just as you did on him. but would you ever let him know he was making you feel that way? hell no. he was cocky enough as is.
"am not!" you huffed, squirming to get off him-
but oh. he had his strong arms around your waist, effectively trapping you between them. it was now or never, bakugou was a no nonsense guy, and he was determined to get you to admit your feelings now that he knew he could make you so flustered.
he tightened his hold on you, just to see how you'd react. not because he liked the way your body felt so warm against his. not because he thought he could hold you like this forever if you would let him.
you let out a surprised sound at the feeling, and before you knew it, you were red all to the tips of your ears. damn him, you thought. but all you could think about was how comfortable you felt, the smell of burnt caramel invading your senses as it has so many times before.
"then why'd ya start blushin' even more now?" he smirked, raising an eyebrow at you, knowing he's trapped you now.
"'s it cause of the heat? cause i beat your ass during training? or maybe its c-"
"it's because i'm in love with you, dumbass!" you put a hand over your mouth, eyes wide. he let out a shit-eating grin, knowing he'd won. and god, he's never wanted to kiss you as much as he did right now, finally knowing you feel the same way.
"you want to- what? you feel the same way?"
shit. he said that out loud?
but before he could say anything, your lips touched his, making his mind go blank. and they molded so perfectly against his own, like you both were made for each other. they felt so soft and full, he was sure you'd get him addicted.
and he gladly would let you, because bakugou katsuki always gets what he wants.
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darsynia · 3 days
Adversarial 1/? (Bucky/Mechanic!Reader)
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MCU MASTERLIST | RO ROLL MASTERLIST | gif by @dailybuckybarnes
Summary: The textbooks all say that finding your soulmate feels like figuring out your place in the world, something you’ve always thought was utter bullshit, but--
…but your soulmate has a mechanical arm
Word Count/Warnings: 4,000 | explicit sex
As 2/7 of my birthday fics for @ronearoundblindly, adVERsarial is a Soulmate AU 'enemies to lovers' with a brash, outspoken f!reader. Stay tuned for more, and feel free to drop a comment if you'd like to be on the tag list!
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“Are you the lead mechanic? Stark said I could find them here.”
“I am, and I’ll be honest, I’m more than a little bummed out that those aren’t the words written all over my mitt, here,” you tell Captain America, holding up your (grime-covered, unreadable) left hand.
A ripple of… something tugs his eyebrow upward for a few seconds, and he smiles politely. “I get that a lot.”
You feel the burn of triumph in your chest and move in for the killing blow. “Oh really? I wish you’d kept a list, Rogers, because I’d love to meet more female mechanics.”
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Your soulmate can go straight to hell.
First of all, your Words are written on your fucking hand, and it almost takes up the whole thing! Who the fuck thought that was okay?
Schools don’t let you cover your hands, did your jerkface soulmate ever think of that? No? Classic.
Oh, and then there are the bullies. So. Many. Bullies. Telling the new kids to come up and say the words to greet you was predictable, but exploiting teachers’ inherent laziness-- ‘but Mrs. DoNothing, I was just reading the words off her hand!’ --was icing on the shit sundae.
You graduated from that hellhole, moved as far away as possible, and got a job that would cover you in gunk so you wouldn’t have to think about your Words every single day.
Now it’s seven years later and your boss asks you to come along on his fancy-ass job at the Avenger Hideout in upstate New York. You’re sure you’ll be kicked to the curb when you meet Stark himself, though. The man is snark incarnate, and you can rarely pass up an opportunity to mouth off.
“‘Sit down and shut up if you want to stay alive,’” he quotes, right after the handshake. The smug look on his face is warranted, because working with the Avengers is one of the few times your soulmate words apply to regular life.
“Yeah I’ll stay standing if it’s all the same to you,” you smile, with too many teeth and everything. You usually choose something more spicy, but you really want this job. Besides, Stark’s soulmark words are well known, so you don’t have to speak to history here.
“As long as you keep your death wish to yourself like everyone else in the asylum, we’re cool. Welcome aboard.”
The Avengers Compound is pretty sweet, actually, and your coworkers don’t seem like the typical stooges. It takes almost a month to persuade them that you really do enjoy the dirtiest, toughest jobs, and after that everything is smooth, filthy sailing. It’s always a good day if you end it needing a long, hot shower and half a bottle of degreasing soap.
There’s an iPad mounted within floor-view for people to text you if they need something. It doubles as your personal DJ, so when the sound cuts out, you slide your ass out from underneath the Quinjet you were servicing to find a pair of boots standing next to it. As you rise gracefully (read: clamber) to your feet, their owner speaks.
“Are you the lead mechanic? Stark said I could find them here.”
“I am, and I’ll be honest, I’m more than a little bummed out that those aren’t the words written all over my mitt, here,” you tell Captain America, holding up your (grime-covered, unreadable) left hand.
A ripple of… something tugs his eyebrow upward for a few seconds, and he smiles politely. “I get that a lot.”
You feel the burn of triumph in your chest and move in for the killing blow. “Oh really? I wish you’d kept a list, Rogers, because I’d love to meet more female mechanics.”
Until this point, he’d been holding himself like the soldier that he is, with the same stiff courtesy you’d seen from his rare television appearances. That all falls away, now. Rogers clears his throat, hitting his fisted hand on his chest as though knocking loose his initial impression of you, then extends that hand out for you to shake.
Your eyebrows skyrocket at just how much grease he’ll end up with if he goes through it, but Captain America’s outstretched hand doesn’t waver.
It’s time for you to knock loose your first impression. You give him a respectful nod and grasp his hand firmly. The grip slips as you shake, but you don’t offer any apology, and Rogers doesn’t seem to need one, not even when there’s a squishing sound as you both disengage. You take pity on the man and snag him a blue towel from your workbench.
“So, what do you need that Stark couldn’t Lord it down here and ask for himself?”
The towel is doing nothing. “We’ve got a mission coming up that will involve some repair work mid-way. Refugee camp in the middle of a regional conflict, with aggressors who like to send self-destructive drones to ruin our day. Army thinks it’s cheaper if it’s us, and not them.” He gestures towards your large tool bag. “We’d like to get in, get fixed back up, and get out in a hurry, and Stark says you’re the…” he pauses.
“Say it.”
“‘Gremlin’ for the job,” he says, apologetically offering back the newly-soiled towel with his still-soiled hand.
“Sounds about right. Have his Jeeves give me the details, yeah?” You start whistling as you scooch back down to finish up the job you’d been working on when Rogers had come in. It takes a not-inconsiderable amount of time for him to walk back out, and you count that as a win.
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They were… not kidding about the danger of the mission.
The trip out had been unpleasant as hell, gaining you some unwanted on-the-job experience with what it’s like being motion-sick under fire. As expected, the vehicle is hit by two diligent little destructo-bots, but you take care of the first one handily. Getting the second off and its damage mitigated is made more difficult by the urgency in the comms.
The team is on the way with the refugees in tow, and they want to take off as soon as they get back. Doing that with unknown damage is a terrible idea.
“All right, you heat-seeking little bot-barnacle, you ARE coming off, even if I have to pry off a panel of the ship to do it!” you snap, five minutes later. You're bluffing, since can’t even tell if the damned thing’s done any damage or if the sum total of its effect is ‘skewering the hull and sitting there smug as hell about it.’ The team is getting closer and closer, and the pounding of your heart is so loud you can hear it like a drumbeat in your ears.
They turn out to be footfalls, not your heartbeat.
A metal hand appears out of utterly nowhere and grabs the attack drone, ripping it out of the hull and throwing it with enough force to send it a half mile away. You’re left with your mouth hanging open as the owner of the hand (the arm. It’s an arm, and it’s the most gorgeous piece of machinery you’ve ever, ever seen) turns to face you. He’s wearing tactical gear and a sour expression, and every one of your blood vessels have converted themselves to gasoline at the very sight of him.
“That’s quite an arm you’ve got, soldier,” you quip.
His face twists into fierce fury as he points to the ramp leading into the Quinjet. “Sit down and shut up if you want to stay alive.”
For once in your life, you do what you’re told without complaint or combativeness. The phrase ‘internal combustion’ has never been so apt. The textbooks all say that finding your soulmate feels like figuring out your place in the world, something you’ve always thought was utter bullshit, but--
…but your soulmate has a mechanical arm.
The rest of the team shows up mere seconds later, and from there you’re caught up in the whirlwind of weight balancing, choosing what to ditch to fit every last person in the vehicle. For a few crazy minutes, it seems your grouchy soulmate might be left behind to fend for himself (you have no idea who he is, but you’re completely certain this man could wipe out the entire platoon that Rogers says is heading their way), but you and Stark figure out an overspeed hack that can work for just long enough to get somewhere safe.
You’re too busy keeping your ride in the air to think about anything else, and once you’re all back on solid ground, disembarking is a madhouse. You and Stark are the last two off the thing. He flips up his helmet and gives you one of his thousand-watt smiles.
“Great job today. Forgot to tell you Barnes was with us for this one.”
“Barnes?” you ask, distractedly running your calloused fingers over the rift where the perfect man had pulled out the drone. It looks like a patch might work, rather than having to get a piece machined. 
“James 'Bucky' Barnes. The Vodka Popsicle?” Stark comes over and makes a show of frowning at the way you’re just shrugging. “See, if you were fun, you’d be pretending you have no idea so you can milk me of all the good nicknames.”
The soulmate thing is burning a fuse in the back of your mind, and you don’t have enough left in your tank to banter. “I really don’t know, Motor Mouth. I just kept my head down and did my job.”
You smack the hull of the Quinjet and start toward the elevator bank, secretly pleased with your own stupid nickname. ‘Barnes’ sounds familiar, but you can’t place the name.
“Come on, CS, you had to have seen his arm!”
This stops you in your tracks so quickly you can almost hear the record scratch sound. Right at that moment, you realize where you heard the name Bucky Barnes: in your high school history class! This has to be fake, some stupid Superhero hazing or something.
You spin on your heel, about to accuse Stark of only remembering the name because he had a hot teacher that day, but at the very last minute you remember his father was a WWII war hero. Fine, you can go with 'snark overload' instead. “Friend of your dad’s, then? What happened? Time machine?”
“Fascist Russian trauma, actually,” he says, herding you into the elevator. “JARVIS, can you take over? I need to fly home to the Missus.”
“Wait, Stark--” He’s in the air before you can finish objecting.
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One enlightening elevator ride later, you make your way to your workshop in a trance. This whole thing is a coincidence. It has to be. The man has gone through hell, vanquished hell, joined its army only to claw his way out... and his reward is what?
“Took you long enough,” a voice says from the darkest corner of the space. You don’t have to guess who it is. There’s only one person it could be.
“That’s funny as hell in context, you know that?” Shit. Even to your own ears, you sound defensive. “Look,” you rush to add. “I picked this job to keep my Words to myself as much as possible, and I’ll keep doing that. I don’t want anything from you.”
You’re lying. You want a look at his arm like you want coffee in the morning, like you want air in your lungs after a brutal run. If he were anyone else you’d be planning a charm offensive, and you’re not what most people would describe as charming.
“One problem,” Barnes says, stepping out of the shadows with his flesh hand outstretched toward you. It’s so cinematic you forget he’s basically danger incarnate-- and then he makes contact.
Pleasure sizzles up from his grip on your wrist, skin to skin, soul to soul. It’s mind-numbing in the same way as the aftermath of an orgasm, so similar that you stumble a little bit when he lets go only seconds later. You’ve only read about Sensitivity or seen it depicted in movies, and neither did the full glory of it justice.
“Holy fuck,” you whisper. 
He doesn’t look affected at all. “Yeah. One hell of a weakness.” 
You go from shaken to pissed faster than the Quinjet hits cruise speed. “Get the fuck out, then! My workshop is invite only.”
“Is that right?” Barnes asks, insultingly unphased. Your arms are crossed, and he just glares right into your eyes and taps one perfectly articulated metal finger on the newly silver Words on your hand. “Stark’s AI updated our medical files. If you’re unconscious, this gets me into your hospital room. That’s invitation enough.”
Fucking great. “Well, either knock me out or fuck off, then, Barnes. I have work left to do.” Your gut is twisted metal right now, jagged and raw from disappointment and desperation. This man is a legend, a warrior with a marvel of machinery for an arm and a past that would make the devil blush. He doesn't want you, and he shouldn’t, he shouldn’t. With misery staining your heart black as old oil, you stalk over to the nearest workbench before he can tell how upset you are. 
“It’s not personal,” he says flatly.
Soulmate words are as personal as it gets, which means he’s saying it to fire you up. You won’t rise to the bait. Most people are uncomfortable with silence, but you use it as a weapon. The minutes tick by as you clean off the work table, with no other sound than the clink of metal on metal and the slide of heavy tools on the hard, solid surface. 
Soon, all that’s left is a bucket half full of sand. At least this is simple and easy to understand; a cheap, abundant material used for friction, stability, and sometimes even a mold to pour hot metal into. As you burn away your fury with your impossible soulmate staring silent holes into your back, you wonder whether you’re half as valuable to him as this.
“Look. I don’t want or need--”
You shove the bucket off the side of the work table and spin around, your next words practically exploding out of your chest. “You think I don’t know that? I get it. I’m nobody. Neither of us want--” He’s advancing on you and you hop up onto the surface of the workbench, primed to kick, scratch, and scream if he tries to melt your brain again with your goddamned soulmate connection. 
“Jesus. Just-- stay inside, will you?”
With those cryptic words, Bucky Barnes walks out.
You’re speechless, and the worst part is how much your body is craving the glorious, drugging feeling of his touch on your skin.
JARVIS calls out your name just as you force yourself to assess the sand mess you’ve tantrumed everywhere. Your ‘what?’ is as short and annoyed as you can make it.
I thought you ought to know that Sergeant Barnes spent his time after leaving the Quinjet checking on your safety. He requested I adjust the camera angle to more fully catch the doorway to your room, requested the visitor logs--
“Which you denied, yes? Yes?” you snap, gripping the broom handle like it’s your soulmate’s neck.
Of course. Despite his assertion, mutual consent is required for such things, barring a formal, legal relationship.
“For the record, it’s bullshit that it took until 1973 for that.”
I heartily agree. As I was saying, Sgt. Barnes took it upon himself to--
“Blah blah safety, you win the award for meddling, JARVIS, but what I really need from you is a magical ability to clean up this mess.”
Deepest apologies, but there is a purpose to this endeavor. The door to your suite did not meet Sgt. Barnes expectations, regarding your safety on-site.
“What the hell are you-- Wait.” You drop the broom and head out, speaking angrily up at the ceiling as you stalk down the hallway. “Tell me there’s still a door there, JARVIS.”
I’m afraid I cannot.
“Yeah, you should be afraid!” you hiss. “Tell me where he is or I’ll take a blowtorch to the wiring in the server room.”
Stark’s damned AI doesn’t even have the grace to sound concerned. 
I see why some say you have a fiery temper. Sgt. Barnes is in one of the basement sparring rooms. Shall I arrange for an elevator?
“I’ll walk, thanks.”
The bank of exercise rooms is open to everyone on campus, and the doors only close when there’s someone in there. That makes it easy to figure out where to knock.
The door swings open, and your mouth runs dry.
Barnes is sweaty, wearing only a black tank and tight pants, and the harsh hallway light glistens on the metal of his arm. You’re completely certain that touching it will feel just as good as the skin-to-skin contact earlier. You drift forward, captivated, and the door shuts behind you. The clicking sound brings you back to furious reality.
Through gritted teeth, you say, “You. Owe. Me. A. Door.”
He scoffs silently, looking you up and down as if gauging how little effort he’d have to expend against you in a fight. “Stark owes you a door. I just proved that.”
“What the fuck gives you the right--”
Barnes interrupts not with words, but with quick, jerky movements at his waist, unbuckling, unzipping, and shoving. He slaps the flat of his palm against the Words on his bare thigh and says, “This. Every single woman I came in contact with was in danger. You’re not secure here.” He strips the pants off completely and throws them into the corner of the room before advancing on you, somehow just as menacing in briefs and a tank. “Not until we get this out of our systems.”
He’s lithe as a cat, and you’re only able to stumble back a few inches and scrunch your eyes shut before he encircles your wrist with one hand. 
The cool metal is soothing despite being inexorable. You suck in a surprised breath and open your eyes just in time to watch the clever shit that is your soulmate dip his head to kiss you.
The pleasure is sudden and devastating. Your heart seizes up, stutters, and starts sending napalm through your veins as he walks you back against the wall and presses the full length of his body against yours. If each touch is a contact high, these kisses are full-throttle erotic warfare, with your brain offline and your hindbrain keening. You 'fight back' with everything you have, fingernails scratching at the back of his neck, teeth grazing his inner lip, all with your Words pulsing encouragement on the back of your hand.
If you’re not careful, this soulmate bond will acid-etch the narcotic joy of this moment right into your heart.
As if he can hear your thoughts, Barnes lets out a deep groan and pulls back to look you directly in the eyes. “This is a strategy, not a relationship.”
You’re touch-drunk, but you’re not in love. “Look, Deathsquad, I only want you for your arm.”
Barnes’ smile is like the sun coming up, damn him. “Fuck me enough to get past Sensitivity and I’ll let you have a whole afternoon with it.” As if to emphasize how much you’d both enjoy that plan, he slides his flesh hand past your waistband and grabs your ass, holding you steady for the twist of his hips.
Your smarts are offline, your lungs are at half capacity, your cunt is criminally empty, and you fully understand how people end up falling for stranger soulmates, if this is what Sensitivity does to a person. 
“Fine,” you snap, hoping to hell you sound less needy than you feel.
The two of you glare at each other for a charged second, and then there’s a race to strip the rest of your clothes off. Not even sixty whole seconds later you’re kneeling on a thick floor mat, more nervous and excited than you’ve ever been in your life, damn him. Barnes comes up behind to set a warm, drugging hand on your hip, and then it’s bliss, sexual rapture from the very first thrust.
“Fuck, that’s insane,” he rasps into your ear, his right hand coming down hard on the mat beside you as he curls over and into you. “Perfect,” Barnes breathes, the word almost a whine, like he’d tried to hold it back and couldn’t. 
You’re almost at white-out, already seconds away from the kind of orgasm that rearranges a girl’s blood chemistry, but you can’t let this one go. Arching your back and leaning to the side, you rock your hips in a cadence that unbalances the two of you just enough to force him to brace with his left, instead. You’re moaning insult-adjacent nonsense syllables now, but you gather enough willpower to clutch his metal hand with your marked one.
“Now it’s perfect,” you grit out.
Barnes’ sexy chuckle in your ear sends you into a black-out orgasm for the ages.
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You wake up alone, which feels like a statement, but you notice when you roll over that you’re not sticky. The clothes you’d torn off and thrown in wild abandon are folded next to you, too. You scramble to put them on, stepping curiously into the shared adjoining bathroom to find a wet washcloth draped over the towel rack and a sticky note marked with a large B on the mirror.
“Don’t get sentimental on me, asshole,” you mutter as you snatch it off.
Crankshaft:  Don’t get sentimental on me.  Wednesday at 4? B
The words are printed, even the B, meaning that while you laid there naked and insensate, he’d gone and printed something out instead of just waking you up. On top of that outrage, someone’s told him your nickname, which for some stupid reason feels more intimate than anything that just happened. It’s something that’s just yours, not influenced by stupid-ass destiny genetics, and if he tries to use it verbally, you’ll… you’ll… You sigh. There’s not one thing you can do to influence this guy, except possibly make him angry that you exist at all.
One big Sensitivity-struck security risk, that’s what you are.
You’re about to crumple up the note when you see it’s got something else hand drawn on the back, a sequence of numbers and letters in a jagged sort of rectangle. The shape looks familiar, but you’re sated and stupid after however long without caffeine. You gather up your things and make the walk of shame back to your apartment, realizing when you’re almost there that the fucking door is probably still missing.
It’s not. There’s already a brand-new door there, and on it is another sticky note. This one’s just the hand drawn shape and accompanying symbols. You snatch it up and go inside, vindictively locking the door with both locks until you remember Barnes’ whole thing about safety.
With a sour feeling in your stomach from doing exactly what he’d want you to, you lay both notes down to examine the shapes, finally sketching them out on a third piece of paper.
The numbers and letters work out to be a room and floor number, probably for his rooms here at the compound
Combined, the shapes look just like the plating for his metal arm
You refuse to be taken in by this, even if it is right up your alley.
At your service, Miss.
“Will you locate a small, neutral space for a… meeting between myself and Sgt. Barnes tomorrow at four, and let both of us know the location once you’re finished?” There’s no way in hell you’re doing anything that even hints at girlfriend behavior with this guy, so no bedrooms. What’s between you is literally just biology, nothing more.
If you insist.
“I do. And don’t use my nickname with him. He doesn’t deserve it.”
The singing in your veins makes a good opposing argument, but that’s just biology again, and you won’t be swayed by it. The only thing you’ll be swayed by is his marvel of arm engineering. Everything else is just window dressing to help get you through the absurd pleasure-bond shit that comes with soulmate biology.
You skip dinner and go to bed early, dreaming all night of the purr of Barnes’ muscles over and against you, the gravel-drag of his stubble on your skin, and the hum of an engine starting to rev.
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to be continued...
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delicatebarness · 2 days
the manuscript | chapter three
Summary: And, what about older men?
Warnings: Age Gap. (Dr Barnes: late 40s & Reader: early 20s)
Word Count: 1426
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A/N: Dick me dead, and bury me pregnant. Here is the link to the assignment mentioned in this chapter.- Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @mostlymarvelgirl | @mrsnikstan | @angelbabyyy99 | @kaithesimps-blog
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The words of your assignment were still vivid in your mind as you hit ‘send’ on your email to Dr. Barnes. Laying your emotions out bare felt exhilarating, though terrifying. Something real, something raw had finally been tapped: The story of a young woman longing for the depth and experience of an older man, a mirror of your recent desires, and newfound feelings about unfulfilled connections with men your age.
Your thoughts had regularly returned to your meeting with Dr. Barnes, and the magnetic pull toward him– His intoxicating presence, full of authority and warmth that left you yearning. The way he leaned in, husky whispering, shivers shooting down your spine. You knew it was more than an academic connection, an unspoken attraction. 
While packing your bag after Psychology class, your phone buzzed with a new email notification. Your heart pounded as you unlocked the preview, Dr. Barnes had responded to your work. 
“Miss Spector, 
Your submission is captivating and shows significant growth. The raw honesty and ability to show vulnerability in your writing are truly commendable. I want to discuss your work further and help you delve further into these themes. Meet me in my office tomorrow at 3 PM.
I’m looking forward to our conversation, 
Dr. Barnes.” 
The prospect of another intimate encounter with Dr. Barnes caused a thrill of excitement and anxiety to course through you. His words penetrated your defenses, in both person and writing, reaching down to your core. Rereading the email, you could almost hear his deep, resonant voice, laced with praise. 
Zipping up your bag, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Slowly, you turned to become face-to-face with Wanda and MJ, two of your closest friends. They were both wearing mischievous smiles, curiosity twinkling in their eyes. 
“Hey, what’s got you grinning like The Cheshire Cat,” MJ teased, playfully nudging you. 
Wanda’s eyebrows raised suggestively as she joined in on the interrogation. “Yeah, spill, Spector! Pete up to his old tricks again?” 
Trying to find the right words, you chuckled nervously. “Oh, you two,” you jokingly rolled your eyes at them. “Nothing scandalous, just a text, I promise.” 
Your friends weren’t so easily convinced. Exchanging knowing glances as MJ leaned in closer, her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “Come on, we’ve known each other for years. You can’t fool us that easy…”
Struggling to come up with an explanation, a blush crept up your cheeks. You tried to laugh off their teasing just as a familiar voice interrupted from behind. 
“Everything alright here, ladies?” Professor Wilson’s voice boomed across the empty lecture hall. Your heart skipped a beat, feeling the embarrassment heat your cheeks. You wondered how much of the conversation he had overheard.
Exchanging surprised glances, Wanda and Mj quickly composed themselves. Their once playful expressions shifted to innocent ones. 
“Oh… just chatting about our plans for the evening, Professor,” Wanda replied with a smile and casual tone. 
He nodded, leaving his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer. As he returned to his desk, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew more than he let on. 
Regaining your composure, you exchanged a relieved glance at Wanda and MJ, silently agreeing to table the conversation. Walking out of the hall, the weight of Dr. Barnes’ email hung heavy in your mind. Something had shifted, not only were you feeling the anticipation of the upcoming meeting with him, but you realized that your feelings for him ran deeper than you had allowed yourself to admit. 
Lost in your trace, you rounded a corner colliding with a solid figure. You stumbled back, slightly startled, however you felt a strong hand steadying you. Your heart began to race as you looked up, meeting the gaze of none other than Dr. Barnes himself. 
“Ah, Miss Spector,” he greeted, a smile beginning to play on his lips. His touch lingered against your skin, sending a jolt of electricity through you, igniting a subtle yet undeniable spark. 
“Dr. Barnes…” you trailed, trying to steady your racing heart. You heard the sniggering of Wanda and MJ as they watched in surprise and amusement. 
“My apologies,” Dr. Barnes said, his gaze dropping to your lips for a moment before returning to meet yours. “I hope I didn’t startle you too much.” 
Shaking your head, you felt a flush creep up to your cheeks. “No, not at all. It’s… I, un, I’m looking forward to our discussion tomorrow.” 
Your friends shared another glance at each other, a smirk tugging at their lips. They sensed your embarrassment, giggling and teasing you for being clumsy and oblivious. You shot them a quick warning look.
Dr. Barnes observed the interaction between you and your friends, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer. “I’m glad to hear that,” he replied, his voice smooth. “I have no donut it will be a… fruitful conversation.” His voice was laced with a subtle undertone of invitation, a promise of something more lingering. 
You nodded, feeling a rush of heat spreading through you at his proximity. “Thank you, Dr. Barnes. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With one last glance into his piercing blue eyes, you excused yourself and followed your friends out of the building. 
As you walked away, Wanda and MJ’s laughter filled the air, you couldn’t resist another glance back inside the building. Standing in the same spot, was Dr. Barnes, his gaze fixed on you intensely. 
Time stood still as you locked eyes, a silent exchange passing between you. You had never experienced a connection like this before. 
You tore your gaze away at the sound of your name being called, joining your friends. But, Dr. Barnes’ stayed with you. 
He leaned back in his chair, his eyes studying you causing your pulse to quicken. “I’ve read your submission. It’s compelling and honest. You’ve done well, tapping into your fears… and desires.” 
Your palms warmed under his praise, and the thudding of your heartbeat drummed in your ears. “Thank you, Dr. Barnes. I tried to be as truthful as possible.” 
Nodding in agreement, he rested his chin against his fist. “That’s evident. Your exploration of the longing for an older man, their depth and experience was particularly poignant.” He paused, noticing you fidget with your fingers under his intense gaze. ��Tell me, do you believe younger men are truly incapable of providing the satisfaction you seek?”
The question cut close to your personal life causing you to hesitate while searching for the right words. “I think… it’s not their age, but… their lack of understanding. They don’t seem to see beyond the physical.” 
“And, what about older men?” he pressed, shifting in his seat, leaning forward against his desk. “Do you think they inherently possess the ability to satisfy a woman on a deeper level?” 
“I think they have more life experience,” you replied carefully. “They tend to have more patience, more attuned to a woman’s needs.” 
The room seemed to close in around you as his eyes bore into yours. “Experience does bring a certain depth,” he murmured, his voice becoming lower, more intimate. “But, regardless of age, emotional connection and mutual understanding are paramount.” 
You nodded. “I agree. It’s about finding someone who truly sees and understands you.”
He smiled, a slow, almost predatory smile played on his lips, sending a heat to your core. His gaze pierced through layers of your defenses, you felt both exposed and exhilarated. “And how about you, Miss Spector? Do you feel seen?” 
Your breath caught in your throat, the pressure building up inside you making it hard to form words. “I… I think I’m beginning to.” 
His smile deepened, eyes gleaming with something darker. “Good,” he said, in a whisper. “It’s a rare and precious thing, true understanding… true connection. Keep exploring them, Miss Spector.” 
“Thank you, Dr. Barnes, I will,” you replied, your voice betraying you.
His eyes never left yours as he leaned back in his chair. The added sense of space allowed you to breathe, yet the electrifying connection between you was maintained. 
“I look forward to seeing where your explorations take you,” he continued, encouraging with a hint of command. “This is just the beginning, our journey together is only starting, and I’m here to guide you through it.” 
His eyes followed your every move as you stood to leave. “Until next time,” he said, glancing back at him, a hint of a smile played on his lips. 
“Until next time,” you echoed as you stepped out of his office and into the library.
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unknownmystery22 · 1 day
ONE OF YOUR GIRLS -Charles Leclerc
Summary: Where he loved the idea of her love not her. Warning: Angst pure angst, toxic relationship, asshole charles
A/N: inspired by One of The Girls By THE WEEKEND
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Charles Leclerc the man he was, his charming smile and the gorgeous eyes that no one can resist. And you are no exception. Inspite of knowing his playboy ways and his lack of comitment you found yourself attracted to him.
You being a part of media knew each driver well and were close with most of them due to your genuine questions and how you always refrained from asking about their personal life. The drivers all had taken a liking to you and all looked forward to do interviews with you, inspite of you being a recent joinee.
Lewis Hamilton your idol and your grid family was the first notice your attraction towards the Monagasque "Careful there Y/N, dont go and fall in love with him now" he said laughing but also being concerned. You just shook your head.
Charles Leclerc himself didn't make it any easier for you always complimenting you and doing small gestures which others would consider as friendly but your naive crush took it to heart. The way he would bring your favourite coffeee each time you interview him or the way he ensures you have a ride home or the way his eyes light up whenever speaking to you.
You really thought you had a chance and he did nothing to deny that or make you question your thinking about him. You just wanted him in your life if not possible as a significant other, at least as a friend. You were friends and Charles always confided in you always. Charles always made you feel like the most special girl he made you feel like you were his everything.
Max and Lando well aware of your feelings towards him. Always motivated you to tell him your actual feelings
"C'mon Y/N he never speaks to a girl more than a week if he isn't intrested in them" Lando said
"Atleast you would not keep having expectations, schatje. Just tell him" Max said
How wrong they were !
One fine evening you and Charles were hanging out in his house were you came to the topic of how you prefer your significant other to be. You thought this was it this the only shot you have. You did just that you confessed how much you like him. As soon as you confessed Charles kissed you. It was the best fucking kiss of your life. It was everything and all you ever asked for.
Everything was perfect for a while. Him hugging you, holding your hands, cuddling and going on dates. Few drivers noted the changes and were all happy for you. you too were glowing. You should have known NOTHING LASTS FOREVER.
Soon you noticed how he was never affectionate towards you in public but you brushed it off thinking he wanted to keep it private, that didn't bother you much. But when he randomly going out or partying without you knowing, flirting with other girls it made you question what you really had.
You confronted Charles about this and what his answer just made you more confused.
"What are you my girlfriend ? we are just trying thing out Y/N. I am not in space to commit right now just give me some time".
That must have been it but no, you loved him way too much to let him go easily. You stayed with him hoping things would get better and you will be a happy couple.
Things just got worse from there, he was not as open as before he slowly started ignoring you but you still held on to tiny hope you found here and there.
Others weren't oblivious to the situation though you tried not to let it show. They all noticed how you seem so down always and have fake smile on.
Lewis and Max confront you one day. You break down in front of them and for the first time you let your feeling out. You told them everything about how insecure you feel, how you feel like you are the problem, maybe if you were better or that you are being overdramatic.
"You are the strongest person I know, love. He does not deserve your love I know it is not easy to let go of him right now, but you need to he is slowly sucking the life out of you. It is better to be alone than in bad company." Lewis explained.
"You deserve to be in relationships that make you feel seen, heard, and valued. You dont have put up with his shit, schatje" Max added on. "We will be with you every step of it".
It took you time but soon enough you were done you had no more tears to cry or fucks to give him. You just said to him that you are done with him but he didnt take it seriously cause this was the cycle falling out and him convincing you and you falling right back.
"Dont I too deserve to be loved by someone ?" you asked
"I love you, Y/N. I will start taking you seriously" he tried.
You shook your head "You dont love me Charles you just love the idea of me being in love with you. You love the idea of a person living solely for you. You love that you could pick me at your worst and drop me at your best"
With that you walked out and cried for him yet in the end it hit you that all you will be is
.........ONE OF HIS GIRLS.
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While stuff is going down on Sage's Island, what's happening with some of the families of the NRC students?
S.T.Y.X. probably had to be the ones to tell the families the situation. Even though they explain it as lightly as possible so that there's no major panic, that won't stop the families from worrying.
I thought about Deuce's mom after Malleus casted the spell, when Deuce hasn't called her to talk about his day. Her intuition is telling her that something is amiss, but she tries to brush it off even though Deuce has never missed a call.
She sends a good morning text the following day.
She tries calling him an hour later when there's no response. What if he got sick and that's why he hasn't said anything?
But the call immediately goes to voicemail.
Okay, don't panic. She's sure her son must have forgotten to charge his phone (unlikely, a part of her says) or maybe he's deep asleep from being sick.
Dila debates on whether to call the school. She doesn't want to be overprotective or overbearing. . . and yet her mother's intuition is still screaming at her that something isn't right.
It wouldn't hurt to just be sure, right?
Dila's heart sinks when the call to the school immediately goes to voicemail.
The next chance she gets, Dila drives to the Trappola residence. She starts to feel a little ridiculous when Mrs. Trappola answers the door without a single bit of worry. What if it's nothing? But she still asks if Mrs. Trappola has heard from her son.
Mrs. Trappola shakes her head. "No, but he usually talks with his brother a lot. What's up?"
Dila explains how her son hasn't called or texted her and that the call to the school was unsuccessful. "Hmmm... it could be your phone. Let me try calling."
But the same thing happens--the school doesn't pick up. Dila notices something she missed in the beginning: Mrs. Trappola's stiffness beneath a casual mask. Does Mrs. Trappola also feel like something is wrong?
"Hang on, let me try calling his brother."
He's casual when he picks up and tells his mom that Ace hadn't called him last night. But there is a bit of trepidation when he asks, "Is something going on?"
"No, just checking. I'll call you later." Mrs. Trappola lets out a breath and meets Dila's eyes. Both mothers recognize the look in the other's eyes.
"Do you know Clover Bakery?" Dila asks. "Deuce told me that the son of the family who runs it is in the same dorm as him and Ace."
Mrs. Trappola nods. "Ace mentioned him a few times. Trey."
"I'm going to go over there. Want to come with?"
"Give me a second to get my stuff."
Two worried mothers become three, and they're all sitting around a table in the back of the bakery while a father is with the employees at the front. At this point, it's clear that something has happened to their sons and the school.
The three discuss what to do next. Should they try calling the school again? Reach out to the police station? To another family? How about contacting that Diamond kid's family?
But why stop at this part of the world?
Perhaps a while after the sleeping spell is cast, a little heir is wandering the streets pouting because no one is telling him what is going on.
Something has happened to his uncle, that he knows, but he doesn't know just exactly what.
This little heir may bump into an older woman, a grandmother, who asks why he's wandering around on his own so late in the day. He almost cries in frustration while telling her about the adults not telling him anything about his uncle. He lets slip that his uncle goes to Night Raven College.
That makes the grandmother pause, the uneasy feeling inside of her making itself known once again.
She tells the child that his family might be worried about him and eventually persuades him that going home would be a good idea. She escorts him out of the slums, listening to him talk about his uncle, until some guards find the two.
Before the guards escort the little prince back home, the grandmother asks about Night Raven College. Her grandson is a student there and in the same dorm as Leona Kingscholar. The guards reply with an apology and that they have not heard of an incident at the school.
But she stops them. Surely, they must have heard of something. She doesn't miss the fleeting look in one of the guards' eyes--perhaps that woman has a child who goes there too?
That guard tells her partner to go on ahead, and once the prince and his guard are far enough, she tells the grandmother that all communication to the school and Leona--even to anywhere on the island--have been unsuccessful. Other ways of communicating are being sought, but the guard is bracing for the worse.
She tells the grandmother that if she hears anything, she'll come find her.
The parents of four families congregate in Clover Bakery before it opens. It's clear that no one has gotten much sleep. Cups of coffee are handed out as they all take a seat in the bakery's main area.
"Any word?"
"Actually," Mrs. Trappola says, "my eldest told me that his friend on the Land of Dawning was given an evacuation order alongside every single citizen there."
". . . The entire land?" Mrs. Clover says faintly, disbelieved.
"The entire land." The weight of the words is heavy and they all silently contemplate what the evacuation could mean.
"Doesn't the heir of Briar Valley also go to the school?" Mrs. Diamond asks. "It's possible he might be keeping everyone safe. Plus--" she fixes a bright smile on her face--"our boys have survived two Overblots. What's one more?"
"There's also a magicless student who goes to the school," Mrs. Trappola says. "I heard from Ace that they've gone through multiple Overblots and survived without so much a scratch. If they can stay standing after that kind of disaster, then this should be nothing for them."
". . . I'm sorry, did you say multiple?"
The bell above the door chimes. In steps none other than Mrs. Rosehearts and a man who seems smaller in her presence. It's not missed the way the woman stands stiffly, and in the corner of Dila's eye, she sees Mr. and Mrs. Clover sitting up straighter.
"Is there anything we can help you with?" Mrs. Clover asks. Dila hears a little tremble in her voice as she tries to sound neutral. She meets Mrs. Diamond's eyes across the way and the two share the same thought: there's a strained history between the Rosehearts and Clovers.
That is when Dila remembers a phone call with Deuce early in the school year--Riddle and Trey's past and Riddle's Overblot.
Mrs. Rosehearts takes a deep breath and lets it out in a half-huff. It seems like she's fighting with her pride. "Yes. Have you heard from the school or your sons?"
"No. None of us have."
Mr. Clover gestures to the chairs. "Have a seat."
The man accompanying Mrs. Rosehearts, Mr. Rosehearts, accepts the invitation. However, halfway sitting down, he notices his wife is still standing. "I'm fine. This shouldn't take long," she says.
He blinks, then fully sits. "So, uh, what have we missed?" he asks.
After the two are filled in, Mr. Rosehearts nods sadly while Mrs. Rosehearts's scowl deepens. "So there's nothing." She almost spits out the last word.
"What about you? Have you tried anything?" Mrs. Diamond asks calmly, like the two were acquaintances.
"Of course I have! But nothing worked!" Mrs. Rosehearts shuts her eyes, tightens her grip on her handbag, and tries to calm down from the outburst.
"We both tried calling people we knew on the island, but our calls kept bouncing," Mr. Rosehearts supplies. "I heard about the Land of Dawning evacuation from a friend of mine. They also said that S.T.Y.X. was the one issuing it."
"S.T.Y.X?!" the room explodes.
"They're only involved if there's an Overblot. So does that mean. . . ?" Mr. Clover doesn't dare finish the sentence.
"But what kind of Overblot causes an entire island to be shut down and another island to evacuate?" Dila asks.
"One that can be caused by a powerful mage," Mrs. Trappola softly says.
The room is once again blanketed by horrified and tense silence. Thoughts return to what Mrs. Diamond said earlier. Doesn't the heir of Briar Valley also go to the school?
Mrs. Rosehearts suddenly spins around and marches to the door.
"Where are you going?" her husband asks.
"To the emissary. I will not sit idly and ponder useless things with useless outcomes while my son is in potential danger."
She's halfway through the door when her and everyone's phones go off simultaneously, creating a cacophony of text notification sounds. They're whipped out and Dila holds her breath as she opens the text application.
. . .
Mr. Clover takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. Mr. Diamond runs a hand through his hair. And Mr. Trappola and Mr. Rosehearts can't stop staring at the message on his phone.
It felt good finally having a confirmation that something was amiss and knowing that a major organization was handling it. At the same, however, it left longing for more information.
"What about my son?!" Mrs. Rosehearts's demand to know her son's well-being felt like a reflection of what the other parents were feeling inside. Anger, worry, helplessness.
Mrs. Clover sits back in her chair with a distant, worried gaze. Mrs. Diamond leans on her husband's shoulder. Mrs. Trappola rubs her face. Mrs. Rosehearts slams the door as she leaves the bakery.
After a few attempts, Dila finally opens the internet application. It brings her to a news article from a while ago, written by a Sage's Island reporter, and at the very top is a picture of her son performing in the Star Sending Ceremony. She can't stop staring at it. What if she never sees him again?
"Deuce. . ."
Meanwhile, in Sunset Savannah, a little prince runs down a street. His head turns wildly, searching for a certain face. Anyone outside pause to stare at him, no doubt curious as to why the heir is here in this neighborhood of all places. He finally spots her leaving a run-down home and sprints the rest of the way.
The grandmother hears him before she sees him. He slows to a stop before her and is panting as he says, "I know what's happening! The island is shut down and some sticks are fixing it!"
"'Some sticks'?" she repeats, puzzled.
He nods feverishly. "Yeah! That's what I heard."
She assumes it's magic-related. "What about the island? Did you hear why it is shut down?"
He goes to answer, but pauses. "Um... I didn't," he says bashfully.
She's disappointed, but doesn't let that show. "That's all right. Thank you for telling me about what you heard."
"Prince Cheka!" Marching down the street is the guard from yesterday. The little prince's ears press down. "Please, notify any of us when you plan to leave the palace," she says, though it sounds more like scolding.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to let grandmother know about the school."
The guard sighs. "Your parents have already been told and they expect you back soon. I will stand guard beside the house. Let me know when you are ready to return."
"Can you tell grandmother what you know?" Cheka asks. "I saw you talking to her yesterday."
The guard, beneath the stoic exterior, had been impatient to tell the grandmother. "Very well."
She relays the message she, a couple of the other guards, and the queen received. An incident on Sage's Island. . . All travel to Sage's Island and the Land of Dawn are prohibited. . . S.T.Y.X. is currently handling the situation and will notify when the situation has been resolved.
"I am sorry I can't give you more information," the guard says.
Grandma Bucchi shakes her head. "You've given me enough."
She makes her way to a cracked chair and tries not to fall back on it as she sits. "Are you okay?" Cheka asks, approaching as the guard readies herself to help.
"I'm all right," she half lies. She prays to the stars of the coming night that nothing is happening to Ruggie. She already lost her daughter-in-law and son; she cannot lose her grandson.
"He'll figure out a way to survive. He's resourceful," she says, partly as a reminder to herself.
"My uncle might be helping him. They might be helping each other, like the King of Beasts and the hyenas!" Cheka says, brightening.
Grandma Bucchi knows the story well--everyone in Sunset Savannah does. It came to mind when Ruggie told her about his working relationship with Leona, and the thought wasn't lost on Ruggie either.
Perhaps they are helping each other through the danger that has taken hold of the island. "It is possible. My grandson is in the same dorm as your uncle."
A/N: I have been dying to share this with ya'll for a couple of weeks. I also kind of oneshot this XD
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st4rc4t · 3 days
everything about you eddie munson x reader
wc: 700
cw: fluff, bomb mention but its a metaphor, kinda rockstar!eddie but the band still isnt super popular yet
a/n: you might recognise this i wrote it for . someone else . a long time ago but i rewrote it for eddie :3
As soon as he was away from the crowd, you were all over him. Quite literally. An arm wrapped tightly around his, his hand gently holding yours. He was always gentle, said he didn’t wanna “crush your chicken bones.” Whatever that meant. Still, it was sweet.
You just couldn’t stop staring at him. His huge proud smile as he talked to friends, flushed face and long sweaty hair stuck to his skin. You admired him the whole walk to the bar. A couple times while walking, he’d turn from conversing with a bandmate, or someone else, you weren’t really paying attention. He'd stop talking just to ask how you were doing.
Besides the copious amounts of praises you shouted at the band as soon as they came off stage, you were shockingly silent for having just watched them play. You had always felt the need to compliment him and the group for days afterwards, so your silence slightly worried him. Each time he asked, you’d just give him the most love sick smile he's even seen, and respond with something along the lines of, “absolutely perfect, my love.'' When you finally get to the dingy bar and have the chance to sit down, he turns his full body towards you to have a proper conversation. Sat in the middle of a round booth, one arm above you and the other on the table, effectively caging you in. Upon making undivided eye contact with him, you make a strangled squeal sound. slapping your hand over your mouth, you’re embarrassed of your unbridled want.
“What is going on with you,” he questions with an amused smirk, reaching to remove your hand from your face, “barely said a word since we left the venue.”
“You did so, so good,” you responded with big doe eyes. It definitely wasn't an answer to his question.
“You've said that already, my darling, thank you very much,” if he hadn’t known any better he would think you were already drunk, “but really, i’d like an answer to the question.”
you huff through your nose, and look at him for a moment longer, trying to collect your thoughts. Trying to explain that nothing is wrong, he is just so incredibly sexy that you feel like you’re a ticking time bomb. The anxiety of waiting for something to happen but he’s already right there, so, so close to you. It's almost too much. You’re afraid if you let your body do what it wants, you will get so affectionate, it appears violent to outside eyes. He can see the gears turning behind your eyes, and gives you another moment longer to collect yourself.
“you are,” you pause to take a breath in, speaking slowly, “so, incredibly special to me. I can not even believe how looking at you makes me feel. I don't even think I could...point out individual things, it is everything about you. I love you so much,” you release an exhale, as though the time bomb inside finally exploded, and you were finally able to release at least some of the pent up emotion.
He stares back at you, almost in shock. He knew you loved him. You say it to each other at least once a day, but he had never seen you in such a love-drunken state. A huge smile spreads on his pretty face, cheeks sore. Already riding the high of an incredible show, his insides were on fire. He was so warm, so grateful to have you on top of his already wonderful life. He didn't think it could get any better until he fell in love with you.
He cradles your face in his warm hands, radiating as much sweetness and need as you are. Kisses quickly cover every centimeter of your face. You’re laughing instantly, so beautiful and light, like down feathers dancing around his heart. Small incomplete mumbles of “I love you” and “So happy to have you” escape as he dotes on you.
The other members of Corroded Coffin are gagging playfully amongst themselves. Steve and Robin just awe silently at the display, reminiscing on younger days, appreciating how far everyone has come.
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modanisgf · 1 day
wc: <1k
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unfortunately for you, you felt so alone on your ‘date’ that you stayed in the rain for a while causing you to wake up sick. you felt horrible that morning, being sick and sad didn’t mix well.
you tried not to cry but you couldn’t help it, you thought you and hanni had finally made amends but apparently you were wrong. who would ever make their girlfriend wait for them at a date?
did hanni even love you?
thoughts about what hanni truly felt for you ran through your mind, until you decided to close your eyes again refusing to look at your phone. you hoped nobody would come by your house, especially not hanni as right now you needed anything but to see the girl’s face. you think you would breakdown in front of her, something she didn’t need to see.
you knew your friends had their concerns for you, but you hoped they’ve known you long enough now to give you some space before checking up. especially when it dealt with love, dating wasn’t easy as an actor nobody wanted to deal with the harsh reality of fame so when you finally found hanni you felt extremely happy.
you thought she would understand your problems, but maybe she just wanted to mess with you. but who really knows? all you could do was lay in your bed, reality setting in as you finally closed your eyes drifting off to a deep sleep.
you were awoken by a sudden crash, presumably downstairs. you got up from bed quickly, rushing down your stairs to be met with people in your kitchen.
“riki! you’re so damn loud!” hyein whisper yells, her voice getting softer as she noticed you.
“hi yn..” hyein says, giving you a nervous smile.
“how the hell did you guys get in my house?” you ask, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“you gave danielle an extra key when she lived here for a bit.” hyein replies, to which you sigh.
“look, i love you guys so much but i really just think now isn’t the time.” you say, your friends looking at you with pity.
their looks did nothing to comfort you, just reminding you how real this situation was. you diverted your attention from them, looking through an open window to see the rain back again. it was like it knew when you were sad, coming back to make you feel even worse everytime.
“well, we made you soup!” danielle says, making you smile a bit.
“thank you guys. i appreciate it.” you say sheepishly, you were embarrassed they had to see you like this.
it had been a long time since you’d been heartbroken like this, only sunoo and danielle knew about your past relationships the two being your friends during it. you felt you could never find peace in love, but you tried to push those feelings aside putting on your best face for your friends especially hyein and riki.
you all went to sit in your living room, hyein turning on a show creating a quiet conversation between your friends. hyein and riki even whisper fighting, making you laugh.
for some reason your laugh comforted your friends, the group smiling whenever you did happy that their presence made you feel at least a bit better. you focused on the show, invested in whatever plot line was being solved now.
your phone was long forgotten, the rest of your friends also having theirs off for the sake of you. little did you all know, hanni wasn’t doing amazing either.
hanni couldn’t believe herself, she feel asleep when you wanted her to meet up with you. you weren’t answering her texts, or anything the only thing about you she had was hyein telling her to watch out on twitter, riki commenting and agreeing aswell.
she had to stop herself from tears, why weren’t you answering her? couldn’t you let her explain herself? hanni had never wanted someone more than you, your presence giving her nothing but happiness and peace. she hoped you didn’t think she hated you, but the possibility was strong. maybe you were just taking a quick internet break? the possibilities only ran through her mind at a even more rapid pace as each one passed on, making her feel crazy.
hanni was texting minji in panic, the girl on the other end doing her best to comfort hanni but nothing seemed to work. hanni valued you too much, and she didn’t know what she would do without you. she wanted a future with you, to see you walk down the aisle slowly approaching her with your eyes locked on hers. she wanted you two to have a house together, having a family of two cats and four dogs. okay— maybe she was getting a bit carried away, but the point is hanni had nothing but strong love for you.
she needed to get you back, no matter what she has to do.
your love went too deep for a simple misunderstanding to ruin it all, hanni swore she wouldn’t let it happen.
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TAGS 🏷️ (CLOSED): @jayjj7 @haerinsloverr @aribunnu @masuowo @multiliker @winieter @sewiouslyz @edenzeepy @popasi @home2venus @ghstvr @technicallyimportantsweets @he------len @yukianism @yeetaberry127 @haechansbbg @linnnsworld @sixflame438 @emotionallyrin @gtfoiydlyj @inosfavgf @rvoulte @hotluvlet
a/n— next few chapters might be crazy guys writing sad stuff while emo is NOT a good idea..
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spending time with Logan after the Miami gp
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I miss it — Logan Sargent x reader
Word count 446
Adding to my master list on @faithshouseofchaos
The cool crisp air was welcoming as you stepped out into the night. Wrapping the blanket tightly around your shoulders you sighed looking out at the pier where Logan sat overlooking the water. Smiling to yourself you walked out to where he sat lost in thought.
“I thought I’d find you out here” you say, making yourself known. Logan’s brooding expression instantly softened as he saw you walking towards him, a small smile gracing his rugged face when you spoke.
“Hey, couldn't you sleep?” he asked, his deep voice rumbling quietly. He patted the space beside him silently inviting you to join him in his solitude. You sat down beside him, your shoulder brushing against his as the blanket now covering both of you. Letting out a content sigh you leaned into him slightly, soaking up his warmth and comfort.
"Just needed a change of scenery," you replied softly, your eyes fixed on the calm ripples of the water in front of you.
For a while, the two of you sat in comfortable silence, the sound of the waves and the occasional rustle of leaves the only source of noise. “I miss it,” Logan says.
“Miss what?” You asked, lifting your head up to look at him.
He continued to stare out at the water, his gaze distant. "The water," he replied finally. "Being out on the open sea."
His expression was melancholic, his eyes filled with a mix of nostalgia and a deep longing. "The freedom. I miss home. I miss Fort Lauderdale."
He fell silent for a moment, lost in his thoughts before letting out a soft chuckle.
"Sounds stupid, huh?"
You looked at him, your heart clenching at the vulnerability in his voice.
"No, it doesn't," you replied, placing your hand on his arm, feeling the muscles ripple beneath as he tensed slightly.
"It's not stupid at all."
You sat in silence for a while longer, the night air cooling slightly around you, the only sound being the gentle lap of waves against the pier.
Logan looked at you, his gaze soft as his eyes roamed over your face.
"Thanks for listening," he mumbled, a hint of embarrassment in his voice.
He fidgeted a bit, shifting slightly so that his thigh was now pressed against yours. The warmth from his body seeping through the fabric of your clothes. You smiled, feeling the heat from his body against your own. Your fingers unconsciously drawing patterns along his arm.
"Of course," you said quietly, your eyes still fixed on the water. "Anytime. I'm always here if you want to talk."
The silence between you was comfortable now, the earlier tension replaced by a quiet understanding.
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livyjh · 20 hours
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Come Sail Away ch.4
Bff’s dad!Joel Miller x Plus size!Fem!Reader
Series rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Chapter 4 rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Word count: 2.7k
Summary: Your spring break has been saved by your roommate and best friend, Sarah Miller. She’s invited you to come on vacation with her and her dad, a man you’ve never met. But you didn’t think twice before accepting her invitation. When you finally meet her dad, Joel, you have an instant crush on him. You thought it was one sided… he proves you wrong.
Chapter warnings: mentions of snorkeling/swimming/ocean and marine life, drinking alcohol, making out, mentions of eating, and SMUUUT!! 🌹
Series Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
“Y/n… wake up.” Sarah’s voice interrupted your happy sleep as she gently shook you awake.
“Hm?” You slowly open your eyes and look at her.
“The ship just docked again. I let you sleep in a bit but my dad and I want to go snorkeling. You want to come with?” Sarah smiles down at you.
Her dad. Joel. You held back a dreamy sigh.
You suddenly got a burst of energy. “Yeah, I’d love to go!”
“Perfect.” She smiles. “Meet us up at the buffet!” She grabs her small backpack and leaves the room.
You close your eyes again, finally letting out the happy sigh. Last night with Joel was amazing, it almost didn’t feel real. But you were ecstatic that it was.
You got up and got into your bikini, putting on some jean shorts and a crochet crop top over it.
You put on your Birkenstocks and packed your bag with everything you’d need for the day; a change of clothes, sunscreen, water bottle, wallet, etc.
Snorkeling was going to be amazing. You hoped that you’d get a couple moments alone with Joel today. You couldn’t wait to see him.
Once you got to the buffet, you filled up your plate and went to the seating area to find Sarah and Joel.
You spotted Sarah, making eye contact. She waved you over to the table where she and her dad sat across from each other.
Joel turned around and then the world was in slow motion. He blinked as he focused his eyes on you, smiling wide, looking you up and down.
You smiled back at both him and Sarah, trying to stay nonchalant. You set your plate down and sat, your breasts pushing together and bouncing as you scoot your chair in, something that you could tell Joel noticed.
With them each sitting next to you, you could start to feel yourself get nervous. You wanted to talk to Joel, ask how he slept, tell him last night was beyond better than you could’ve imagined.
But you couldn’t. Not with Sarah there. You had to keep things looking… normal.
“How’d you guys sleep?” You ask, mainly looking at Sarah.
“Good.” She nodded.
“Like I was on cloud nine.” Joel smiled at you briefly.
“That’s good.” You nod, taking another bite of your food.
You all finish breakfast and then get off the ship, heading to a gorgeous beach known for having lots of turtles and colorful fish.
It’s a resort beach which means it has tons of private cabanas for rent, a large bar area with stools all the way around, and even an outdoor restaurant.
Joel rents a cabana for you three to put your stuff in while you go swimming. The cabana has four lounge chairs and a small side table between each of them.
You set your things down and took off your top, then your shorts. When you turn around to grab your sunscreen, you see Joel watching you. You smirk at him before looking away, making sure Sarah didn’t see.
You step out of the cabana and into the sun, soaking in the warmth of the Caribbean. There was a soft breeze and the air smelled sweet.
Sarah and Joel followed you out and you all start walking down to the shore with your snorkel stuff. You just got the goggles and breathing tube, not wanting to lug around fins.
The warm water felt welcoming as you walked in, the clearness of it amazing you. You swam around together for over an hour, spotting several turtles, countless beautiful fish, and even a small octopus. Soon, you three decided to head back to the cabana for a break.
Sarah sat down in the chair on the right side of the cabana, you sat next to her. Joel sat next to you, the last chair on the left being used to put bags on.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink.” Sarah said after a few minutes. “You guys want anything?”
“Get me whatever you’re having.” You smile.
“Gotcha. Dad?”
“I’m good, thanks.” He smiled at her.
“Okay. Be right back!” She bounced out of sight.
You and Joel immediately look at each other, looking around to make sure no one was going to see you through the open front of the cabana.
He gets up and leans over you, cupping your jaw with one hand. “Sweetheart… I have not been able to stop thinking about you.” He whispers, lips only an inch away from yours.
You let out a soft moan, reaching up to bring him closer by the neck until your mouths were interlocked.
His beard tickles your face as you make out for a few seconds. You wanted more. So much more.
He pulls back to look you in the eyes. “You look so pretty, baby.”
“Thank you, Joel.” You lean in for one more quick kiss. He smiles into it and it gives you butterflies.
He pulls away and nods as he sits back in his seat. Sarah comes back a minute later.
You sit and sip your drinks while you all chat about how much fun you’re having, how you and Sarah are doing at college, other random things that came up.
You and Sarah went out to snorkel one more time while Joel stayed at the cabana, claiming he was too tired.
You decided after a half hour that you were tired too, heading back in.
The three of you got back to the ship in the late afternoon and went to your rooms to change clothes and take naps before dinner.
At 6pm your phone alarm went off and you and Sarah got up and got ready real quick. You both went and knocked on Joel’s door, doing different beats/patterns until he answered.
“Hey, girls. Ready?” He smiled at you two.
“Yep.” You nod.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Sarah starts leading you all to the casual dining places. She ends up picking tonight, going into the Asian inspired restaurant.
The host seats you quickly, you and Sarah sitting in one side of a booth, Joel across from you two.
“Today was amazing.” You sigh happily and lean back.
“I know. I can’t believe we saw all those turtles!” Sarah wiggled in her seat a little, making you and Joel laugh.
“I’m glad you’re both having fun. Happy you were able to join us, Y/n.” He smiles at you softly.
“Me too. The Miller family knows how to have fun.” You smirk at him a little, with the side of your mouth Sarah couldn’t see.
A waiter then came over. “Hi, folks. Thank you for coming in tonight. Are we celebrating anything?”
“Not tonight.” Joel shakes his head.
“Alright, no worries! Are you ready to order?” The waiter asked.
You all nod and place your orders, the food coming in just a matter of a few minutes.
You start eating and then the young man that Sarah hung out with the other night slowly approaches the table.
“Sarah?” He raised a brow.
“Hey!” She waved at him and then looked to you and Joel. “Guys, this is Eli, he’s here with his siblings from New York!”
“Cool.” You smile.
Joel looks the boy over. “You better treat her good, or I’ll have something to say about it.” He intimidates.
“Dad!” Sarah whispers to him.
“I’m joking.” He laughs and then suddenly makes a straight face. “Mostly.”
You giggle at this and Joel looks at you with sparkling eyes, like your laugh just made his day. You suddenly had butterflies.
Sarah was thankfully preoccupied by Eli, the two of them talking.
“Meet me after dinner?” Eli asks her.
She looks at you and then Joel. “You guys okay with me hanging out with Eli for a while?”
You shrug and smile. “Sure.”
Joel nods. “That’s fine.”
“I’ll meet you at the pool in like a half hour?” Sarah looks at Eli again.
“Sounds good.” He smiles and then winks at her, before realizing he’d just done so in front of Sarah’s dad. He looked at Joel with wide eyes and an embarrassed smile before walking away.
You laugh again, quieter this time. Sarah elbows you for it.
“Ow!” You gasp dramatically.
“Whatever. That didn’t hurt.” Sarah snorts a laugh.
“No, it didn’t.” You snicker.
Once you all finish dinner, Sarah leaves straight from the restaurant to go see Eli. When she’s out of sight, you and Joel make sultry looks at each other.
“My room?” He smirks.
“Absolutely.” You wink.
You get on the elevator, unfortunately inside it with a couple of old people. You quickly got off of it at your deck and nearly ran to Joel’s room.
He walks inside first with you on his heels. Once the door closes behind you, he shoves you up against it. “You know how many times I almost reached over to touch you today?” He grins, eyes dark, large hands cupping your face.
“Tell me.” You smirk.
“I lost count.” He breathes the words before he kisses you deeply and passionately.
You moan into it, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as his hands roam down your chest and tummy, then around to your lower back and over your ass.
He gropes you roughly and you whine into his mouth, a sound that only gets him more excited.
You start pushing on him to move to the bed, his knees bending when you push him to sit down on the end. He looks up at you while you move to straddle him.
Joel scoots back on the bed a little to give you more space for your knees and calves.
He loves the sight of you in his lap, his hard cock already straining the fabric of his shorts.
You can feel it so you grind down against him, making him let out a broken moan. You run your hands up his broad chest and over his shoulders, fingers tangling in the hair on the back of his head. You pull to tilt his face up toward you before you kiss his lips softly.
He hums softly into it, hands finding your lush hips. You move your kisses away from his mouth, to his jaw, nipping at him gently.
You eventually kiss just below his ear and he shivers from it. When you suck his earlobe into your mouth, he gasps and then growls.
Before you know it, you’re flipped onto your back with him looming over you. “You’re such a tease.” He shakes his head.
“Come on, that’s foreplay.” You laugh.
He can’t keep up the dominant mask for long after he hears your laugh again. He smiles wide and is very obviously blushing. “That fucking laugh.” He sighs. “It just makes me want to kiss you.”
So he does. He kisses you and you can tell something new is there. Not just a sexual or primal urge, something more.
You sigh through your nose, legs tightening around Joel’s hips as you make out.
He pulls back just a little before nudging your nose with his. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispers.
“Thank you.” You grin, whispering back.
“S’just the truth.” He pecks your lips again before his nose trails down your neck and to the center of your chest.
He takes a deep breath in, loving your sweet natural scent. He reaches up and pulls your bralette and tank top straps down, further and further until the straps come off and your breasts are exposed.
You bite your lip as you watch him. He plants kisses along your left breast first, taking your nipple into his mouth and sucking on it gently.
You start breathing faster as he reaches down with his free hand and the pushes his fingers down into your shorts.
He looks up at you and smirks around your nipple, pulling off with a *pop*. “No panties?”
You shake your head. “Easy access.”
“You’re something else, honey.” He laughs darkly and slides his hand down until his fingertips are hovering over your clit.
“Please, Joel.” You gasp.
“You’re so polite.” He winks and pushes his fingers against you, slowly massaging your sensitive bud.
He puts his mouth on your nipple again, sucking a little harder now. He starts to rub fast circles against you and your legs begin to shake.
“Oh fuck.” You whine.
He pulls away from your breast. “Tell me how good it feels.” His voice is low and rough.
“It feels s- so good, baby. Your thick fingers on my pussy-“ you gasp.
“Yeah? Anything you want more than my fingers?” He raises a brow.
“Your mouth.” You moan. “Your fucking huge dick.”
He rubs faster. “You can have it as soon as you cum for me.”
You nod, unable to form words as your orgasm barrels towards you. You whimper with each breath until finally ~
“Joel!!” You almost scream his name as you cum, legs squeezing shut around his hand.
He groans as he watches your O-face, almost cumming right there with you. “Goddamn, sweetie��” he starts to slow his fingers.
“No-!” You gasp. “Keep going!” You cry out.
His fingers pick up speed once again and in a matter of a few seconds, another orgasm washes over you.
You slowly come down and he pulls his hand out of your shorts, licking his fingers.
He helps you get out of your clothes before he takes off his own. He grabs a condom and rolls it over himself, looking at you with the kind of eyes that would have heart shaped pupils if you were in a cartoon.
“I wanna ride you.” You grin.
“After all that? Think you can?” He asks, concerned for your energy levels after two intense orgasms.
“Yeah. Trust me.” You smile and sit up.
“Alright, baby. Show me who’s boss.” He grins and sits down next to you.
You crawl over him, sitting in his lap like earlier, straddling him. You reach down and take his cock in hand, lining it up as you sit down on him.
You take a deep breath as you feel him go all the way inside of you. “Fuuuuck.” You breathe. You squeezed around him and Joel squeezed your hips, urging you to move.
You slowly lift up and then lower yourself back down with a long moan. You repeat these slow movements until you’re better adjusted.
He helps hold your hips as you start to bounce up and down on his dick, loving how it filled you so perfectly.
Your tits bounced in his face and you were sure he was in heaven right now. Your belly was jiggling too and the fact that you knew he thought it was adorable just made you more confident in it.
“Yeah, baby… look so good like this.” He says, moving his hands up to grab your breasts. He pinches your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, making you cry out with pleasure.
You throw your head back, hanging on to his shoulders for support. He starts to hammer up into you, moving with you in perfect harmony.
“I’m gonna cum.” You whine.
“I know, baby. You can wait. Hold out for me.” He breathes.
“Almost there.” He reassures you after a moment.
“Cum for me, sweet girl.” He grits the words through his teeth.
Your body finally releases, cunt pulsing around Joel. He feels this and it brings him to his finishing point, releasing inside of you. Part of you wished there weren’t a condom, just wanting to feel his load inside you.
You keep riding him until you’re both spent, moving off of him and laying down on your back, chest heaving.
He disposes of the condom and then settles in next to you. He pulls the covers up over you both, pressing his chest to your back and wrapping his arm around your waist.
He kisses the side of your neck, “You’re amazing.”
“I know.” You giggle.
He hums happily, moving to kiss your cheek.
You’re so sleepy you almost don’t hear him speak a minute later.
“Goodnight, baby.” He whispers.
All you can give is a satisfied “mhm” before you fall asleep.
Joel Miller tag list: @evyiione @chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @farintonorth @brittmb115 @ashleyfilm @steverogers123 @doblasftcisco
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adultbabystories · 1 day
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< Old bully, New boss > The past is in the past, and after high school, you set your mind only on the future. 
High school can be so cruel, kids can be so cruel. As an adult, you knew there was nothing wrong with being a little overweight or being a bit weird, just being yourself is okay. But your teen years were awful. You were being picked on by bigger, older, masculine kids. Nobody showed real interest in you. You had a good friend or two, but that was about it. Not to mention you had no young love at all. To this day, you're thanking the universe for the fact those bullies didn’t know about your bedwetting problem. You knew that if high school was rough, it could be much worse.
In college, you decided to make a change. To become fitter, healthier, stronger, physically and mentally. The past is the past, and you have the whole future ahead of you. In time, you fell in love with sports and decided to take a break from studying and take a course to become a personal trainer. 
Your hometown is long away, this is the new you. Not the little bedwetter weirdo kid, but a large-ass fit-looking man. You felt that when you sent your resume to the local gyms.
After a day, a well-known gym called you back and booked you an interview with the owner for the next day. You were so excited that you picked out the best outfit you could think of. Sporty, but classy and serious. Showing your worked-hard body, but not overly revealing. You had to make it just right.
Walking into the gym, you were a bit overwhelmed by how pristine and well-maintained it was, probably for the rich and famous. A receptionist greeted you and led you to the owner’s office where she knocked and opened the door for you to get in.
A huge man stood up and greeted you. By the looks of it, he was doing steroids, but you weren’t completely sure about it. Not to mention he was very good-looking and got you a bit nervous just for it. There was something familiar about him.
“Nice to meet you Mark, the manager here told me it’s your name. Sorry but I still didn’t go through your resume, he just said we need to call you in, and we did.” He said and gestured to the chair next to you.
”Thank you, I’m honored by the thought of working here. Not only it is one of the best gyms in the area, but I feel like there are so many potential opportunities to develop my future clients, and myself.” You said, still trying in your mind to figure out why he was so familiar.
”That’s great! I like your attitude! So my name is Will,” his name was Will.
Fuck! That was Will! One of your high school bullies! Shit he had changed so much. He surely took steroids, he wasn’t that big at all. But look at him now, he’s massive, bigger than you. Plus, he owns this place, and he is more successful than you. He is the owner, the boss, the interviewer, the one in control.
”Now let me check your resume real quick, for formality and all,” he winked and took a look.
”Wait, Mark Spencer? Shit, I knew I recognized you, from high school! Well, most of the time you were facing me while I gave you good wedgies. Ha!” he laughed and gave the table a loud knock. 
It made you flinch a little, while your mind raced to the whole humiliating things Will and his friends did to you in high school.
”Bla bla bla, you’re hired! My manager said we should hire you and I trust him completely. Congratulations! Now for the real question -“ suddenly something changed in his behavior.
”Is it true you were wetting your pants and wearing diapers to bed? It was a rumor that went around just after we graduated so we couldn’t pick on you, but you are lucky because kids can be cruel with this kind of information! Ah, Mark the bed wetter! In my gym!” Will talked and laughed, while you sat there, blushing red from embarrassment. 
“Well, that job is your pampers, you want it?” He asked and waited for your reply. 
“Yes, yes thank you Will” You answered, trembling a bit.
”Off you go then, my manager will contact you. But I have only one demand for now.” He said and waved for you to come closer, and you did.
”The equipment here is very expensive and I can’t have big babies wetting it. So either you control yourself or we can help you with buying adult diapers for you to wear around here as a uniform! Ha!” He couldn’t help but laugh right in front of your face.
”Go go” he waved you off, still laughing. 
You turned around, degraded, humiliated, holding your crotch while running for the nearest bathroom to release your full and erupting bladder. ------------------------------------ Our past, complicated as it is, makes us who we are today. It forms our dislikes, but also our likes and desires.
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Am I the asshole for complimenting my friend behind her back?
I have 2 friends. We’re all in our 20’s. Mary* and Suzy* are both my friend but have history. I’m close to Mary even though I’ve known Suzy same amount of time, but Suzy and I have recently started to hang out more.
I know both girls aren’t giving me the full drama what happen when I ask. Basically they use to be friends and then Suzy ghosted Mary. Suzy told me they were friends, but Mary started using her as a a punching bag and Suzy let it go on for too long and no longer wanted to be her friend. She didn’t offer repair of their relationship because she thought the friendship had runned its course. What I don’t know is what was Mary doing? Like what are some examples. Mary tells me Suzy just stopped talking to her one day and started hanging out with more “sucessful” people. Suzy has always been an extrovert while Mary likes to stay in more.
Anyway I’ve been hanging out with Suzy a lot. She often accommodates me (drives me, or pays for the Uber) she’ll often buy my meal. Suzy also has a lot of good anxiety advice which I was suprised about and she’s a good listener. It makes me sad that she doesn’t like Mary because I think Mary does need someone like Suzy in her life. I know Suzy has a little more deeper feelings than just “we were done so I just left” because it seems like reconnection is not an option. I just feel like Suzy doesn’t want to paint Mary in a bad light because she knows Mary and I are friends.
I have mentioned reconnection but Suzy always declines. Mary secretly not out right but has expressed she wouldn’t mind reconnecting with Suzy. Shes said “maybe we should all get together sometime.” Shell ask if Suzy talks about her (she doesn’t).
I was able to get them together a few times for a few events. Suzy was very surface level with her just asking her how she is but not getting deep. Mary had actual said a few passive things about herself and Suzy. Suzy wouldn’t respond to the passive aggressive to herself or she would say something postive about Mary when Mary was self deprecating.
At my last event Suzy got drunk and Mary had offered to drive her home since Mary was sober. It was like Mary had genuinely wanted to talk to her alone and maybe clear the air. Suzy declined her offer four times (she was getting an Uber)
After that event Suzy had told me she doesn’t really want to see Mary and I asked her why and she said she just doesn’t like being around her. I tried to pry a little more and Suzy just told me she very much values my friendship but doesn’t want to hangout with Mary.
Mary has actually been mad that Suzy didn’t accept her car ride offer home. Mary was mad that Suzy would rather pay an overpriced cab than spend a 20 minute car ride with her. That I understood. But then Mary started going deeper saying that Suzy isn’t smart with her money and has always been stuck up, that she would rather Suzy be hateful to her face and not behind her back, and that Suzy is just a coward.
I felt bad because I know Mary has unresolved feelings about Suzy, but I realized that Suzy had probably been keeping the peace for me.
My next hang out with Mary she was digging into Suzy’s character saying she drinks too much and partied too much. I told Mary she doesn’t give Suzy enough credit, Suzy is very understanding and kind and generous and that her partying and drinking doesn’t make her a bad person. Mary went quiet.
Mary didn’t talk to me for a week and then apologized. She said Suzy is a sore subject and that me being friends with her is hard because she wishes she could ask me not to be friends with her but won’t because Suzy does make me happy and it seems like Suzy isn’t actively out to ruin our friendship. She doesn’t want to hear about Suzy when we’re together.
I feel bad because it wasn’t until early in my reconnection with Suzy I knew she was a sore spot for Mary. I thought if I got them together they could be friends again, but the more Suzy backs away the more Mary gets angry, and I don’t know whose really justified since they both don’t tell me full stories. But I also feel like I really triggered Mary when I defended Suzy because I had known she felt rough about that rejection and I just didn’t let her vent on it .
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