rose--hathaways · 2 years
if wanting to fuck strigoi!dimitri makes me a monsterfucker then fine, i’m a monsterfucker
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diego-hargreeve2 · 6 years
light in the dark
Part Four 
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (Netflix)
Ship: Diego Hargreeves x Original Character
Warnings: Language, abuse (emotional and physical), mental illness, violence and, in later chapters, smut.
“How long have you lived here?”
It was Eve’s third visit to the basement boiler room Diego called a home, and she was helping – or attempting to help – him sharpen and clean the knives he wore. The conversation starter was primarily a way to distract herself from the fact that she was cleaning the steel of crusted blood that had once belonged to people and somehow, even knowing that they were criminals who had been out to cause pain, that felt weird. The only blood she had experience with was her own, which didn’t bother her in the slightest, and so she had assumed she was sufficiently strong stomached to cope – but whilst she certainly hadn’t fainted, Eve wasn’t exactly loving the blood aspect of the job.
“Three years now” he answered, inspecting the knives she had finished, his movements almost reverent as he studied the steel and put them away. Contrary to what some people might have thought he was not so attached to the harness or his blades that he slept with them. At least, not with all of them – keeping a weapon close to your bed just in case is just good sense.
“Before that?”
“Before that I rented a place. You gonna ask before that too?”
“Sure” Eve said with a shrug. She knew Diego left home at seventeen, ten years ago. And she knew what he was doing now. The decade in between was a mystery. With a roll of his eyes he picked up the whetstone, the edge in his voice when he spoke again as sharp as the one on the knife.
“I left home to join the police academy – I’d apply for their programme before I moved out. Enrolled with them, had to do a few years of study first. Realised it was bullshit so dropped out when I was twenty. Found a job in security and rented a place for a few years but it still wasn’t doing enough to help.  I was already training here sometimes. Got talking to Al. I wanted to quit the job but needed the pay. We figured out a deal, I stay here and do maintenance and cleaning around the place. Gave me my nights back so I could help deal with shitheads. That’s the whole story – happy?”.
Leaning forward she held out the knife in her hand, handle first toward him, waiting till he lifted his gaze first to it and then to her face. She sat in the chair cross legged, whilst he was on the floor, and it was an odd feeling to be looking down at him for once.
“I figured it might give me some tips” Eve told him gently, watching the tension around his shoulders ease at the explanation. Handing over the knife so he could critique her work she sat back up straight and reached for another, but her gaze stayed on him for a moment longer, using the time that he was focused elsewhere to study him before he looked up to speak and she acted busy.
“You want to rent somewhere” he said, his tone calm again.
“You think I live in homeless shelters as a fun lifestyle choice?” she asked. The more comfortable she grew with Diego, the more she was learning the banter, the way he used humour and the way she could match it – and he chuckled, appreciating this developing wit. When he first met Eve, she seemed so shy, and he had figured out that she was ignorant in some ways of the world and prone to slipping back into feeling socially awkward but seeing there was more to her then that was a development he enjoyed. He no longer checked in on her as a begrudging act as pity, as it had been when he returned initially.
“Hey, say it like its crazy, but you’re the first volunteering to leave that place and be back outside” he pointed out, balancing the dagger she had given him on the palm of his hand before nodding, satisfied with the edge Eve had given it. “So c’mon – I shared. Your turn”. Reaching up he took the dagger she was working on to steal her distraction tool. With a sign, she looked down at her now empty hands before beginning – the bitter tone of her voice betraying the influence he was having on her already in their friendship.
“I just couldn’t take it anymore. Because of being born out of nowhere – my whole life they treated me…like they expected I would turn into Satan if anyone turned their back for a moment. I thought…I thought I could try and show them it wasn’t true. For years. I tried – so hard”. Her voice cracked on those words. She had truly tried. Eve had spent as much time as anyone praying, had done all she could to be a model child within the guidelines laid down within – and the Sanctified Brethren of the Special Emissary, as they were named by their ‘leader,’ kept strict rules – and it had never ever been enough.
“They call everyone other than themselves unclean. That’s why they avoid the outside world so much. But sometimes family members came to try and get members to leave. Sarah’s grandparents – she agreed to go with them.  I begged them to take me out of that place too and they agreed. Found me a place in a shelter for victims of domestic violence”. Eve was quiet, staring down at the bitten mess that was her fingernails, remembering that first place. The strangeness of being treated with kindness and patience.
“That was…seven years ago. I’ve been moving along the States. Boise. Salt Lake City. Boulder. So on and so on. I found out about the Umbrella Academy when I was in Omaha and then I deliberately started heading East. You’ve already made it clear that was a terrible plan – no need to rehash it”.
“Why didn’t you just stay out there? If they found you help and stuff”.
“Yeah, yeah, I know that would make more sense.  But I just - I didn’t want people getting close. I thought…I worry about this stuff. I’ve got better control now, but I used to start fires accidentally. Living on the streets felt safer – if I stayed there, I might hurt them when they were just trying to help”.
There was silence for a moment, Eve staring at her bitten fingernails, Diego looking at the knife he turned around and around in his fingers idly.
“I don’t buy it” he said abruptly, gripping the knife and stopping its circling as he looked up. “That’s not why you kept moving” he told her. Eve blinked, stunned to silence. “You don’t do it to protect everyone else. You do it to protect yourself, Evie. So nobody ever gets close. Putting down roots would make you vulnerable, so you avoid it”.
There was a beat of silence, then Eve tipped her head.
“If that’s true…you only know it because you do the same thing, Diego”.
“Yeah, well. Shitty childhoods will do that to you. You think you’d have come out the Academy normal if the old man found you?”
“You think you’d have turned out normal raised as an omen of the Apocalypse in a religious cult?” she pointed out, raising an eyebrow. Two could play at that game and Diego seemed to sense that was what it was about to come, shifting and putting away the last knife.
“Our Dad just numbered us. He didn’t give us names, he had our Mom do it after he built her when we were four – and he never used our names”.
“I was named by the Elder of the Church for the woman who caused original sin and the downfall of humanity”.
“I was sold at birth; me and my siblings were purchased like novelty items. In a house the size of a city block, he gave us bedrooms the size of prison cells”.
“They made me sleep on a metal bedstead, locked in a concrete shed, from the age of five”.
“We were forced to live to a regimented timetable that gave us only a weekly half hour for what was deemed ‘fun and games’” Diego said, a note of confidence in his voice that he could match anything she offered. Smiling slightly, despite the morbid subject matter, Eve pulled her knees up to her chest.
“So that the Brethren could remain self-sufficient, we were put to work on the farm and in the fields as soon as we could be. Child labour – three-year-old slaves” she emphasised.
“To hone our powers, we were treated as experiments, forced to train daily and subject to constant observation”.
“The only education we had was Bible verses and basic maths so we could count enough to help with planting”.
“He risked our lives, sent us into dangerous missions whenever other people wanted. I got this scar at sixteen, and he told me to try harder and be more careful next time”.
“We were made to fast regularly, prayed on our knees till we were bruised and fainted, with no medical attention for injuries or illnesses”.
“He threw Klaus into a mausoleum and left him there with corpses for hours when he was thirteen. My brother has never been sober since”.
“Oh, so we’re not just talking us two? Our Elder stated God told him to multiply his family, that was the excuse he gave for marrying all the teenage girls once they turned thirteen” Eve said, the words spitting out of her with rage. Even before she left, she had known that was wrong, had been uncomfortable with his revelation – and since living she only grew more convinced. For a moment Diego halted, looking more horrified by that disclosure then anything else she had offered so far.  
“Shit – bastard! You were married?”
“No…I wasn’t worthy of his attention. Fucked up as that sounds, it makes me the only girl in the place who wasn’t a teenage rape victim. Still think you can win this game?” Eve pointed out, bitter – not from the lack of attention, but from the world she had been raised to think was normal and suffered in for two decades. “Or do we admit that with these childhoods we’re both losers?”
“Shit” Diego said, slumped a little, his lips falling open and mouth ajar as he turned to look at the wall. “Gotta hand it to you there – this game doesn’t have a winner”.
She had known since she read Vanya’s book that her childhood wouldn’t have been less fucked up if she had been one of the Academy, whereas how bad her background had been was news to Diego. For a moment both just sat there, digesting the sorrow that was their own lives, before he leaned forward and caught her hand.
“We escaped though. They might be dicks, but they didn’t break us”. Eve smiled, the expression clearing all the shadows from her face and she squeezed his fingers.
“Yeah. We did”.  
“So fuck ‘em. Right?”
He winked at her, the expression so full of charm she couldn’t help but blush.
“Atta girl”.
@lovinglydiego @klausbutgayer @reblogserpent @me125 @fatbottomedcurls
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ficservice-blog · 8 years
Daryl x Madeleine
Fandom: The Walking Dead Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Madeleine Word count: 3109  
Madeleine came from the team of Lavender, Skyler, Melody and Sydney but they met with the Dixon brothers long ago. That’s how she got closer to the man while their travelling. At one point in the story of their she was lost in a torturing camp. Now she needs the help of the younger Dixon.
- DARYL! The younger Dixon ran through the forest with his crossbow on his back. He was tired, hell tired. His lungs were in pain as he panted while running and breathed in the cold air. He had gone in the forest in hours now. After he realized in the middle of night the miss of Madeleine he went after her searching everywhere. In the middle of his way he heard someone yelling and he knew it's her. Something deep inside him told the man to follow the voice. As he got closer he was sure it's the girl. He yelled back and the girl answered. He just reached the end of the forest but stopped running. He looked around. Everywhere walkers ambled slowly to the way of the voice. Seemed like they were confused where is the source of it as Daryl. He knew if he yells, every walker would come after him. He walked carefully, shooting them down one-by-one. - Oh shit... He heard her again with pain and strain in her voice. He wasn't sure about it's a good idea but half of the walkers weren't a problem as he killed them so he had to take risks. - Where are you Madeleine?! - he yelled.   - At the crag. I can't - she tried to speak clear - hold it anymore. I will fall down. -  Hang in there! Of course the walkers turned into the man's way. He knew Madeleine doesn't have too much time and he shouldn't risk it to shoot the walkers down before. He had to hew his way. When they got closer to him he just ran through them, pushing them out with his own shoulder praying for not being bitten. He reached the cliff and saw Madeleine held on to a root which is hanged out from the crag's side. She was further than the edge of the ground so he had lay down, grabbing a young, dead tree's trunk next to him not to slide down accidentally. In his situation it was quite danger but he had to help the girl. He reached for her with his free hand. Madeleine was scared. If she release the root maybe she can't hold herself with one hand. - Fuck come on, give me your hand! - the man looked back to the approaching pack of walkers. - Trust me. - he looked back at her. She didn't have time to think about it. This was her only chance. She grabbed his hand and closed her eyes. The man with all of his strength started pulling her up. As she was enough close to the ground he released the trunk, kneeled down and leant for her when she finally were over the edge. He closed her into his arms to be sure not to slip down again and they fell back together to the safe place. Madeleine finally opened her eyes. She were laying on him who leant back his head and watched the walkers. He pushed her gently over him and stood up, pulling her with himself by her arm. - I know it's will be difficult for you but we have to run. - he looked at her panting. Okay. Okay. - she nearly couldn't speak so she nodded. They headed to the other way trying to avoid the walkers. He felt the pain in his back as he fell on his crossbow when he pulled the girl up. - There is a hut over there. - she pointed to the forest. He didn't ask back how she knows it. He had a lot of questions anyway but it's not the right time. Without hesitating they ran to the building. The crowd of deads followed them anyway. They arrived to the house, Daryl left back while she opened the door with efforts. She stepped in then Daryl too. Both of them started to block the door and the windows with every kind of things they found. The man turned to the women and signed her to be quite. He looked through the crack of the barricade's which stood behind the window. He drew breath. Speaking still quite Daryl turned to Madeleine. - Where have you been?! - Where? I heard someone is in trouble so I looked after for the voice's source. - Did you find anybody? - Not really... and I think... nevermind. - she turned over and sat down on the steelframed bed, burying her face into her palms. Everything was clear for now to the man. He talked slowly because of anger. - You didn't find noone except the walkers right? - he stepped closer menacingly. - Yes... I know I was stupid... - Stupid?! No, this is not the right word. Why are you so naive? You should know that there was noone asking for help. They found out you we have a camp and they wanted to inveigle you away from the team and now the remainder are the next. It was the bait! - OKAY. I KNOW NOW! - she raised her voice and stood up walking up and down. - They stool my stuff. - she started bitin her index finger as she walked. - Amazing. Now they know everything about us. And we can't warn them. Merle is away, Skyler trying to find gasoline with Lavender for the car. Just Sydney and Melody left there. - You talking like I did it for purpose! - You risking the team! And even if Melody and Sydney could save themselves they will steal all of our stuffs! Think before you jump into lone actions. - But I didn't want to! - Well next time be more careful  then. - he took off the crossbow and chocked next to the wall. The man voice was judging. - YOU KNOW WHAT?! - she changed into french as she started to get more and more nervous. - C'est vraiment de ma faute! Mais casse toi, laisse-moi tranquille! Tu commence á m'enmerder! - Stop talking in this bullshit language if you speaking to me! - his voice was raised as the same as the girl's. - WHY?! Is it a problem for you?! You are the same as your brother... - Don't talk about my brother! You changed the topic sunshine. - Oh you get touchy if I talk about Merle? Well then ask for your brother not to be such an asshole with me because I speak french! - I don't have any problem about your... the fuck we arguing about for honest? We will get out of there later and find the team. And pray for them not to get killed. - It's easy for you! Going back to the camp without worrying about their opinion what you did! - This wouldn't happen if you don't go away... She was totally in a panicking tantrum that she had to put all the weight pushing her chest on the man. - It's easy for you! There is your brother always for you holding together and protecting eachother! Moreover you get along to some degree with the team also. And me? I was forgotten when I got in that torturing camp. - she pointed on the brand on her back. - I don't want noone to experince the same like me... we live in a damned world. And if I can help on somebody then I will... but now they screwed me and everyone else get in trouble... in my stead. - But I was there for you! And I'm here again. He just realized how bad he talked to the girl. Madeleine didn't reply. She stayed in quite nearly crying. The man saw it on her face and stepped closer, touching her brand softly. - I know that you didn't want to bring the team to danger. I was... I just freaked out because I was and still I'm afraid what's happening with them. And with you also. I was scared where were you been and what happened again with you. His words touched her. Breaking into tears she hugged him tight, crying into his chest. At  first he didn't know what to do. His hands were in the air than slowly hugged her around gentle. He felt that she is shaking and how hard in her heart bumping. Daryl made her sit down on the bed and kneeled down front of her. He waited for something. Maybe for her to calm down. He had never been good with people, he was awkward around them. And it's scared him that the girl bust out. She didn't show too many emotions since she got back to their team. And now she is so defenceless and fragile. She was the girl she were long time ago before that camp changed her. Madeleine looked deep into his eyes with a teary face. - Never leave me alone Daryl. His heart skipped a beat. He wasn't sure what to say. He wanted to confess. She grew close to him and always had a bad feeling about to tell her that. Noone ever said this to him. - Nevermind. I... I don't want to be a charge on you. - she stood up and swept away most of the tears on her cheeks. The Dixon stepped to her and placed a kiss on her forehead then hugged her tight. She got shy and confused. The man wiped away the left tears around her eyes and as he got downer his hand stayed on her jaw, fondling it. They gazed into eachother's eyes. He knew no words could describe what he wanted to say. There was something between them, a thing they both know it's existing but they were afraid to tell it to the other. He lifted her head up a bit and slowly leant to hear. She closed her eyes, felt the warm breath of him as their lips were an inch far from eachother's. He hesitated waiting her rejection but it didn't happen. He pulled her closer by the waist, he felt how hard her heart raced. - If you don't mind... - he spoke quietly. But before he would continue his sentence, he placed a soft kiss on her lips. Her knees went weak. She placed a hand on his chest as their foreheads joined finishing the kiss. It was short but every feelings they hold in themselves, every words they wanted to say, the kiss told it itself. He kissed her again meeting her tongue. She let him deepening into the kiss.  Their kisses become a little less shy and more probing. As their tongues danced together his hand moved over her shoulders  pushing the thin straps of her tank top aside. Madeleine fell her head to the right side as he started trailing kisses down her neck and across her shoulders. Daryl went back to her lips and then had a step back. She looked up at him, his eyes still sat on her face. She didn't stop blinking and blushng. - It's not your first time sugar? - he asked as he started took off his shirt still watching her. - No, I'm just... - she played with her shirt's end. The man understood, he released a smile. - I'm still taking care about everything okay? - he pulled her to himself. He saw her being awkward in the situation and dind't wan't to hurt her with anything. He wanted to be sure she is fine before he does anything. Madeleine felt his skin burning as the man hugged her to himself. He stayed her nape with one hand while the other wandered down on her bum. He wanted to release himself but not this quick. Their lips met again, the girl bit him and pulled on him. He liked the reaction making it sure she is into the game. As they deepened in Daryl made her walk to the bed and as he leant over her, made her sit, then elbowing down, after that laying down on the furniture with baby steps. He placed his right hand on the inside of Madeleine's knee and moved up to her thigh. He just teased her secret place through her clothes while smiling at her. He loved to see her emotions showning up. She hardly got breaths, looking to the other way. He stopped playing helping her to take off the clothes. She was shy about it but Daryl solved the problem. Everytime the girl lost a textile he kissed her there. He took off everything but the panties. She finally laid front of him nearly naked, halfly hiding herself. He grabbed her wrists and pushed them into the mattress making her unable to hide anything. - It's okay, you are beautiful. - he placed kisses on her jawline working down. She sighed feeling his bare chest pressing onto her body. She watched his muscles flex as he moved down on her body from the jawline. The Dixon released her wrists and squeezed her breasts. It was pure joy for him. As a sign of content she clutched at his hair. He left a trail of licks around her boobs then slowly got downer and downer, through her belly then her hips and for last her pelvic. He looked up slightly again on her then kissed her inner thighs. He slid one finger into her panty line and pulled it down on her. He spread her legs apart and started caressing her there. He teased her slowly rising her sighs. As the heat rose he slid one then two fingers in. Her legs weakened, seeing that he joined into the play with his tongue. She tilted her head back. He saw her chest heaving as she took shallow rapid breaths of air. He didn't want to give her what she wants. Not now. The fun just began. Daryl sat up looking at her. She got confused and red as Hell watching him from the corner of her eyes. The man undid his belt, pulling down the zipper. She sat up also stopping his work. She continued the work on his jeans. The man grabbed the tiny hands. - It's not necessary. I'm fine without that. - I want it too. - she spoke with a cracking voice because of the excitement. - Sure? - he giggled. - I couldn't say that looking at you. At first she didn't want to answer. But she had to release what's pushing her chest. - Okay. I'm a virgin got it? - she burried her head into her palms. The man looked at her with wide eyes open. Not because what she said, because she confessed it. He took away her hands and put his hands on her cheeks. - I knew it. - What?! - she raised her voice becauase of the sudden surprise. - Years of experience. You thought I would believe in what you said? If you weren't you shouldn't be this awkawrd. - he laughed softly. - Daryl I'm so...so... so sorry. I didn't want to lie to you. I just felt like it's... lame. He kissed her with passion, teasing her tongue to make her stop talking. He made her lay back again. - Trust me. And next time you can discover everything you want. - Daryl... - she blushed again. The man giggled again. He liked the situation. The responsibility for the girl made the whole thing more appetizing for him. He fondled along her body, following her curves. He took off his jeans finally. She wasn't able to look there but yet she was curious. Daryl thought it's cute. His hand held the right side of her hip. He leant close to her. With a little help he found his way. He didn't want to go hard first so he waited while the girl under him felt comfortable. She grabbed onto his shoulders trying to distract herself from the sudden pain. He saw her lips opening as he reached the point but he put a hand on her mouth. - Shhh. You don't want to get the walkers attention. Am I right? - he giggled trying to ease her stress. After a minute as he saw her being relaxed, Daryl started moving slowly. He lifted her chin and kissed her lips while pulsing from inside. She dig her nails into his back as his thrusts began to quicken and harder after a slow start. He already felt the pleasure building up but the girl needed more time. Her heart raced in her chest. She heard his deep, manly moans thrust-by-thrust. He couldn't go further, Madeleine felt everything as he moved.  Her back begins to arch with each forward thrust. Everything tightened. He still had to hold back. He wanted to make it more memorable for the girl as a first time. - Fuck. Fuck... - he whispered between his teeth as he had to hold back. Even how the man said 'fuck' it's turned on her more. Daryl knelt up, spreading her legs more apart to being able to position himself between them and thrust deeper as he put her legs up on his shoulders. Now he felt she is close to the end, he started caressing her belly while his other hand played on her thigh. Her sounded husky and started to get shivers. She released deep sighs following the man who finally let himself to make an end to this. He turned away finishing the job. The girl still looked the tumble-down ceiling with pure joy on her face. Daryl laid next to her pulling the girl on himself, caressing her back. She burried her face into his neck as she realized Daryl watching her smiling. - Whaaat? - she asked giggling. - Nothing. I'm just curious how did you like it? - Loved it to be honest... - she answered with quietly. Wish it wouldn't happen in the middle of the apocalypse. - Madeleine giggled. - Picky girl. The risk is which makes it more fun. Daryl wrapped his hands around her body. - When we will go back to the camp - - she couldn't end her sentence. - Which won't happen until tomorrow because it's dangerous walking around in a forest at night. - Yeah whatever. - she waved but the man grabbed her hand as a sign 'not fight with my words'. - So when we go back we should find the others too. - Sure... yes. And continue our fun. - he giggled. - Daryl... - What? - he giggled and put a kiss on her shoulder.
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