#‘he spends his holidays meditating and walking his family's dog’
m1ckeyb3rry · 4 months
zantetsu needs to ditch those fake ass glasses and that crunchy hair gel bruh ik he’s trying to look smart and dignified but he is so FINE without them
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mxvladdy · 4 years
Single Dads- Overwatch Prt.1 Headcannons
Jesse McCree
His two little girls have him wrapped around their fingers. Jesse can be seen on base entertaining his twins with games, tea parties, and piggyback rides. They both inherited their father's love of western flair and aesthetic much to his delight. Yes, they all have matching boots for special occasions. Their favorite thing to play with when Jesse is away is their play-dough sets and easy bake oven (with supervision from grandpa Rein). When they are old enough to cook with him though he has so many ideas of what to teach them. Grandma’s recipes won’t die out with him.
When Jesse gets back from a long mission all he wants is to cuddle up, it warms his heart when they snuggle up during their favorite Disney movie and nod off. Over the years he has let his hair grow longer than he normally liked just so his girls could play with it (Instead of touching their own. He had a heart attack when the girls had found his electric razor. Aunty Olivia had a field day fixing that mess)
He likes to take them to the gun range when he has time to practice, making sure they have proper safety gear. Don’t need to turn out like their daddy, deaf in one ear, and ringing in the other. He hopes that they will never have to raise a weapon of their own but knows with his line of work and who he is it’s a possibility. If they want to learn how to hold a gun he is probably going to beg Ana to teach them. He doesn’t want them in close combat, that’s an absolute nope.
Hanzo Shimada
Whenever he sees his son his face splits into the most brilliant smile. His infant son squirms in Ana’s arms, trying to get to his dad as he steps off the dropship. Chubby baby arms wave excitedly, impatient to be back in his father's embrace. As he grows he turns into a very giggly and chatty baby who babbles to anyone in a mix of English, Japanese, and Tibetan (thanks to Genji and Zenyatta babysitting). Hanzo adores his son and strives to be a better father than his ever was to him. He’s strict, but never overbearing.
He loves to read to his son whatever he can find, though his favorite is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? Which he reads in English and Japanese till his little one is asleep. When his son can’t sleep he will read it over and over again while his dragons rocking him to sleep.
He encourages his son’s interests whatever they may be at the time. He has saved up a lot of money from mercenary work and what he could take before he fled his home. So he can spend all the money he needs to help fuel his son’s interest.
He regrets that he hadn’t taken more family heirlooms to pass down to his son. Genji often jokes about a bonding trip when his son is older and trained to the old estate. A right of passage taking back what was rightfully theirs. It is a tempting idea… But even without the family trinkets, he will pass down Storm bow, whether his son uses it or not he doesn’t care. The biggest inheritance will be his dragon when the time comes.
Genji Shimada   His eldest child is a spitfire, very much like he was in his youth. Thankfully, he tempers it much better than his parents ever did, finding an equal balance between friend and father. He respects her boundaries and she respects his wishes. Whenever she is feeling down she always finds little origami figures all over her room just like when she was little. Really into textiles and engineering. While never admitting it to her father but she one day wants to design him a better, slicker, and lighter body. One as close to flesh as possible. Till then she flourishes with Gabe learning how to sew and make patterns. The holidays are always filled with new custom clothes for the Overwatch members. She is found in the frequent company of Zenyatta. She wants to travel with him one day, to gather inspiration for her fashion and to see what her father saw to make him into the man he is today.  
His younger son though is very much like Hanzo when they were little. Reserved and resourceful he spends most of his time with Winston learning what he could from the scientist before dinner. Genji isn’t dull by any sense of the word but the stuff his boy was interested in was just over his head. Has a service dog named Totoro that is always there for him when things get too overwhelming. When things get too much or he is tired Genji loves that his son comes to him for help and advice. To him this is the ultimate show of trust, he wished he could have done this with his father. Normally they just meditate and talk. Other times they go find Satya, who his son loves to talk to.    
Christmas and birthdays were always a fun challenge to find things that would keep him stimulated. Last year the highlight had been his very own personal telescope. Courtesy of the science department of Overwatch.
Gabriel Reyes (Pre-fall and After)
His princesa is his world. His crew likes to tease him about his phone usage. 99% of the time he is in the barracks he is glued to it, face-timing his daughter. During the original Overwatch years, his mother and grandmother raised her while he was on tour. It kills him looking back on how he had watched his daughter grow from the scene of his phone. But at the time he believed it was for the best. Now- now he would give anything to be the one to teach her how to walk, her first words, prom, and graduation. 
The few times he could visit were glorious. Lots of home cooked meals made together and gifts from the places he had been around the world. Jack and Ana would drop by sometimes as well bringing with them stories and her father’s escapades and foolishness. As his daughter grew she picked up a passion for music and would send sound clips of her music lessons and compositions to him. No one was safe from him showing it off. After the fall and his resurrection, he stayed clear of her, keeping the pictures and recordings saved close to him at all times. Though the holidays are a hard time for him to stay away. Every year her family Christmas tree has a few more presents under it then she bought.  
She knows he’s still around and is determined to find a way to bring her father back.
Jack Morrison
Twins are a handful. One he thought he was ready for. I mean, he was able to keep Lena and McCree inline (mostly -but not really). He is a nervous dad at first. Overly prepared, he read every book and online forum. But, self-doubt is a hell of a drug. He gets better over time and the motto of “fake it till ya make it” 100% applies to him.  
As Strike-Commander he is in his office a lot. When the twins were newborns, he moved his work to his condo. As they got older he returned to his office and set up an area for the kids. When he is in conference calls it’s always funny to see the toddlers get into frame, or try to get his attention. His office is littered with scribbles and paintings the two did in daycare or while playing with Ana and Reinhardt.    
The two have their dad whipped. He won’t admit it but he is wrapped around their fingers. It’s not that he showers them in gifts or lets them make trouble all the time. But he does turn a blind eye to the little things. Missing cookies, a little stain on his chair after he told them no food in his office. Ok, maybe one more scoop of ice cream, but promise me you’ll eat dinner alright? Most nights he can’t read them to sleep. It hurts, but they adjust. He does tuck them in and turns on some read-alongs for them before heading back into the office. The twins are out within minutes blessedly.
Jean-Baptiste Augustin
Twin girls, and he is on top of it. Ultimate chill dad. He gets it. Life is rough, and he is so proud that his girls feel safe coming to him for help. He teaches them how to handle their problems with words not violence. Papa and uncle Mako will take care of it. 
Neither girls are interested in medicine, which hurts a little but it’s not his life and he’s proud regardless. He is great with letting them explore their dreams. The eldest follows Bridgette wanting to learn about armor and the youngest (much to his fear) really likes Fawkes and his innate skill with explosives. Praise the gods Athena kept a close eye one them when he had something to show her.
Both are close with Genji’s kids in age. It’s nice for them to have friends that aren’t a bunch of old soldiers. They all like to hang-out on the roof of the base to destress after a day of school or side projects. When the four are together there is a 90% chance the evening will end with a few more grey hairs on the father’s heads.
Cooking is a big part of their family ritual. Baptiste grew up rough and underfeed so there is no way he will ever let his girls feel the same way. He teaches them what few Haitian recipes he knows from heart. Then sometimes they will watch videos and read recipes online of other peoples to try and add to their own books. His paranoia gets the best of him sometimes and he teaches them basic survival skills. They appreciate it and understand his fears. He is open with them about his past and is unashamed to admit his faults.  
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yvaquietdays · 4 years
Isolation Motivation
We’re three weeks into official lockdown, so I’m not going to patronise and assume nobody has seen these kind of posts on Instagram:
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Well, you lack the basic empathic skills to make you a canny lad, Farrah.
I don’t know anyone who can speak fluent mandarin after a month in quarantine. I also don’t know anyone who can learn how to install a flush skirting board in their bathroom after three weeks of bashing their heads against the wall from trying to teach their own kids, either. When was the last time anyone started a business in only six weeks, whilst also realising their new boyfriend, who they’ve subsequently been trapped with, is in fact the most sinfully boring person who ever had the audacity to be born (isolation increases the use of hyperbole). Never mind this all happening in the midst of one of the worst economic health crises’ in recent history?! 
Obviously, Farrah has started his particular side hustle as a mandarin-speaking joiner already. Good luck to him. All the best. Take care.
The fact is, the best of us are either on the front line, risking their lives to save others, or risking their lives getting us about on public transport, or teaching their kids geometry or some-shit, whilst also bouncing a baby in the palm of their hand and taking the dog for a walk six times a day. If you have time to focus on those goals, like learning a new language, or starting that book you promised yourself you’d write, or organising your photo albums, or finally learning the meaning of the off-side rule, then fill your boots. What does Farrah think we’re all doing? Sitting around with our thumbs up our arses, staring at the ceiling? It’s really the arrogance of those posts that really wind me up, as if they’re the font of all knowledge and inspiration and they’ve deigned to let us see what the good life looks like. Rude.
If you finally have the time to breathe, go for walks, cook, and just survive through this thing, then that is okay too. Christ, we all work hard enough, don’t we deserve to take this time off from the demands of such a fast paced modern world? It takes zero prisoners. We might not get another opportunity to put our feet up and not feel guilty about it, for the rest of our lives. The last time I felt like this, it was the summer holidays and I was fourteen. Most adults don’t see this kind of respite until they’re pensioners.
We’re all different. Some of us thrive on keeping ourselves busy, giving ourselves jobs and lining up support systems for those in need, or volunteering, or just getting that peeling garden set sanded and painted again, or cleaning out the fridge of old jars of spam and failed sourdough starters from three months ago. But some of us, who find the world and the competitive road we’re all herded on each and every day, overwhelming, and so it’s a welcome and quiet reprieve. 
It’s time to slow down and breathe, and I repeat, not feel guilty about it.
Breathe. Eat. Sleep. Stretch. Repeat.
Not to mention, all the while this is going on in our brain-boxes, hundreds of people are dying every day in the UK. It’s rising every day. This is a time unseen for most of us. The global anxiety level is high. I have to do what I can to establish a routine, make the most of this time I have, but check in with those numbers every day to remember, this isn’t a state paid holiday. I have personally always maintained that life is a balance, anyone reading my blog would agree. This time that has either been gifted or forced upon it (a bit of both, I’d concede), is no different. 
It’s important to remember that the people who are trying to influence us aren’t helping us; they’re feeling better about themselves. Instagram, especially. The platform exists so we can reach out and find validation, some praise for being humans. That’s the basic psychology behind it. It’s not even the more grandiose aspects of the platform that personally irritate me. It’s the mundane. “I colour- coded and ordered my bookshelf!” Thank you for that picture. Well done. It’s a bookshelf. I’m happy that it’s colour coded, I really am, it is satisfying to see, but I don’t need to know about it. What you did was sit for an hour or so and colour code your books. That shit isn’t stuff we see in Oscar winning movies. Seeing it on Twitter or Instagram, though, makes me feel guilty that my own bookshelf is not colour coded. Even though I couldn’t give a tiny mouses mitten whether it is or not. I’m suddenly hyper aware that my bookshelf is disordered, and a wave of displaced anxiety arises. Should I order my bookshelf? Am I wasting time? Should my bookcase be disordered? Yes. It’s the way I like it.  This is coming from a person who takes great pride and personal relief from tidying. I love tidying. I love ordering stuff, and I can’t relax after work until everything is in its place. But do you see me posting about it on instagram? No. Why? Because while I believe in those small, beautiful meditations, whether that’s colour-coding a bookshelf, making a coffee in the morning, writing in a journal; it’s personal. As soon as we start posting about those moments, we’re diluting the experience and it no longer has any resonance, because you’re doing it for someone else instead of yourself. Yes, we might get some gratification from it, but why does someone need to see that I cooked a beautiful meal for me to know, that, well... I cooked a beautiful meal? I have to be so careful to remember that someone else’s life and someone else’s grievances are not my own. This is the trouble with social media, in general. It’s a hive mind. Once you’re logged in, other people’s experiences becomes yours, thrust upon you, whether you wanted it or not. So you did one small workout this morning, feeling good, right? But that other slim, tanned, beautiful, make-upped person did two. Plus a run. With intervals. And a fruit smoothie afterwards. Christ, is anything we do good enough? The influencers who are posting from home about how to stay fit and keep the pounds off, they’re only wanting to feel better about themselves. It has nothing to do with you. If someone is lauding that shit all over you, and you’re quite happy wondering what kind of a potato you are, then unfollow, fren.
At the end of the day, if we come out of this a little bit fitter, or a few pounds heavier, it doth not matter a fuck. What’s important is that we come out of this thing alive.
While we can roll our eyes at these accounts, it’s also vital to know that a lot of people with the time to do all this stuff can probably afford to. Once you see it, it’s very hard not to notice how out of touch they can be. Personally, I have a safety net. I’m being looked after by my employers, I have some savings, my outgoings are small. So I’m trying to learn french. But others, aren’t so lucky. They’re either still working in a Co-op, or working from home, or have lost their jobs due to bad bosses (who will be named and shamed after this, I’m sure), and are too busy applying for universal credit to spend their spare minutes worrying whether they’ve learned a new skill or not.  This is where I’m coming to my next point. If someone is capitalising on this, whether it’s selling weight loss shakes, reusable gloves or masks for a high profit, they’re not influencers or half way decent people. It’s one thing to get by, creating work where we can get it (I set up a Patreon), and we’re quite happy to take what comes from people who can afford it. But it’s quite another to profit from a disaster like this. I might be okay for a couple of months. But if this stretches on until 2021, I’m not sure where I’m going to be.  So forgive me for not having time for holier-than-thou posts about how we ought to be spending this time isolating. I’m too busy regretting the time I’m missing with my friends, my family, sad that I can’t celebrate getting engaged (I got engaged) with my loved ones, sad for my friends who’ve had to cancel their own weddings, sad for friends who are losing work and money, whose businesses might crash. Lives. The economy is crashing, France is in recession, and here I’ve got Billy Big Balls telling me I’m not disciplined enough to achieve my goals. 
There’s a lot going on right now. The most important thing, human contact, and the people we love, that’s what we need the most. Not a new bloody skill.
So breathe. Eat. Sleep. Stretch. Repeat. 
If that’s all you can do, do it. Just staying home, we’re saving lives. We might not know it. But we are.
Can you imagine coming out the other end of this, the world opening again, only to find our favourite pubs and coffee shops closing due to a financial crash, unemployment sky rocketing, not to mention the lines of funerals of people who have died, and Great Farrah of the Dick Swinging comes out of his bubble, speaking mandarin and profiting from his new business, telling us all that we wasted our time?
Jesus. Talk about tone-deaf.
Breathe. Eat. Sleep. Stretch. Repeat. 
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For it is in giving that we receive. -- Saint Francis of Assisi
During our last yoga teacher training, we talked a little bit about Christmas traditions. It made me think about my family and the things we have done to honor this special holiday which is so important to so many. 
At the end of our weekend training, we shared our different holiday traditions with each other. We sat criss-cross in a circle and told each other the things which make this day so special to us.
I remember a few memories with so much fondness. Kelsey, my twin sister, usually woke up before my younger sister, (Keaton,) and myself. She would climb into my mom’s bed and wait until my mom said it was time to wake up. One morning, Kelsey heard something -- who knows what -- maybe a plane flying overhead. My mom told her that it was the sound Rudolph’s nose makes, and that was more than enough to help Kelsey quiet down. As an adult, I think this is so sweet and precious, that my mother helped my twin sister ignite her imagination: “That is the sound Rudolph’s nose makes!” I imagine my mom whispering it, covers warm and safe, Kelsey lying next to her, just a little girl and full of wonder and hope.
The day after Thanksgiving, we always put the tree up. Some of my favorite ornaments included my mom’s antique ornaments, so fragile and light. I have always been afraid to touch her antique ornaments. They were so breakable, so beautiful, and so full of history. Some of the ornaments were even passed down from my great-grandmother!
We also put up a few ornaments my mom made as a little girl -- including a, “snow globe,” which was made inside one of those plastic containers which toys came inside of out of those quarter machines. There is a little tiny snowman and tiny, “snowflakes,” in it. I have spent several hours perhaps looking at this ornament, imagining my mom as a little girl, with her small hands and hopeful smile, creating a miniscule Christmas scene.
There is a sparkly, beautiful angel that I gave my little sister, made out of a clothespin, which I remember spending money on (from my Mom, of course,) at a school function. I love this ornament because of how happy it made Keaton when I gave it to her.
My mom also used to put skiing tickets on our tree. These are from when my mom and my dad were married. I remember watching her face, the sadness and loss that she seemed to try to hide as she placed these tickets on the tree. They are some of my favorite ornaments because they tell a story of love and recovery.
My great grandma was also quite a master at crocheting. She made some ornaments, the, “God’s eye,” ornament, as well as a miniature basket full of yarn which she crocheted. I love the family history that hangs on evergreen branches each year.
My mom created a tradition with us on Christmas Eve which is in some ways non-traditional. We went to Mass at the Catholic Church, and then we came home to eat appetizers for dinner. We ate summer sausage, cheddar cheese, crackers, midget pickles, and mozzarella sticks. We baked cookies for Santa and set out carrots for the reindeer. We even sprinkled the lawn with reindeer food. Afterward, we were allowed to unwrap one present, and we always pretended to not know what was inside. But, every year, my mom neatly wrapped matching pajamas for us Wylie sisters. We almost always took a picture in our pajamas together in front of the tree.
The next morning, we would wake up -- Kelsey first, then Keaton, then me. (I have always been a sleepy head!) We weren’t allowed to go downstairs until my mom played Christmas music. Then, we would run downstairs, and yell excitedly about what Santa brought.
The carrot always had a big bite out of it. The cookies were always left in crumbles. The milk glass was empty. My mom even admitted to going outside to pick up the reindeer, “food,” we put out, (straw and sparkles,) so that we would continue to believe in Santa.
Christmas morning, the first thing I would do is kneel by the tree and pray. I thanked God for giving us Jesus as I sat by the sparkly tree. (How many times had we played, “I Spy,” looking at that tree before?) I bowed my head and thanked God that He gave my family someone who loves us so much.
My mom and dad would sit by the fireplace and watch us unwrap our generous gifts. My dad had a way of laughing, almost sounding like Santa himself, that sounded something like, “Oh-Ho-Ho!” His eyes would sparkle as he watched our happiness unfold on Christmas morning.
As I grew older, I started to question things. I had always been such a believer, but I started to wonder how Santa could be anyone but my mom. Heck, even the labeling on the presents looked like they were in her handwriting, just shakier. My wish-lists to Santa began to mostly be letters of gratitude. In my letters to Santa, I told Kris Kringle how grateful I was for everything he did for us and how much I loved him, suspecting all along that it was my mother.
After my parents’ separation, it was all girls for the first time: it was me, my twin sister Kelsey, and my younger sister Keaton. We also had Molly (our dog,) there with us. My mom had already started a tradition that we could not go downstairs until we heard Christmas music resounding downstairs. Upon hearing those beautiful notes, we would run down the stairs and first look in our stockings. I usually trailed behind, looking deeply at my mother and knowing that she was probably Santa, knowing from our shared nights together the tears which it took to leave my father.
My mom let us eat a cookie and some Christmas candy for breakfast, and she usually prepared Stratta (one of the last vestiges of our German heritage, an egg casserole with cheese, sausage, and onions.) We opened our presents one-by-one, and usually had a, “fashion show,” after all the gifts were unwrapped.
Fast forward to this year:
It will be the second year that my mom has lived in her small, one-story home. My sisters and I have never lived in this home, but it still feels like Christmas. I think this is because, in our minds, wherever my mom is feels like home. Kelsey, Keaton, and I will spend the night with her on Christmas Eve, and we will eat appetizers for dinner. Eventually, my mom will invite us to open one present. We will pretend to not know what it is, but we will know that it is our matching pajamas. We will put them on, full of smiles, even as adults -- our matching pajamas, and we will line up for a picture in front of the tree.
I will search the Christmas trees for my heritage hanging on a hook. I will stare deeply at the flickering lights. I will not pray, but I will meditate on the beauty which surrounds me in my life. I will think of all the sacrifices, the love, and the beauty which my Mom has made to make my life so meaningful.
We will have a big sleepover, all girls. My mom will wake before us, and she will play Christmas music loudly enough to wake us. We will get up and walk into the living room to see the presents she snuck out overnight -- as if Santa was still real. We will take turns opening presents, one-by-one, savoring the beauty that comes with sharing love in the form of gift-giving.
We will eat cookies, candy, and stratta for breakfast. 
I believe still more than ever in the Love which surrounds this holiday. I still kneel by the tree and reflect on everything which I am grateful for. I hope that each and every one of you find Love more than anything else during this holiday season. I hope that the Good in me helps grow the Good in you. If any of you are having trouble finding meaning, love, or purpose during this time, please feel free to reach out to me -- your Wallflower Friend.
I also want to give a special dedication here to my mother, Joie Rathbun Wylie. Thank you, Mom, for making sure that the Magic always lives on with our little family of girls. I love you and am so grateful to have learned the Reason for the Season through your example.
Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy Holidays! Namaste, dear friends.
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twistednuns · 6 years
May 2018
The scent of lilac blossoms, especially in the late evening on a walk through the neighbourhood. Still some light over the horizon, moon and stars visible.                                                                                               
Going hiking along the Isar with Lena. Seeing some kind of leopard snail, stealing lilac from behind a fence, riding my pastel-coloured bicycles. A jazz band playing in the beergarden. Eating a crêpe with Nutella. Talking. Walking. Even though my hip hurt.
That dude, Sebastian, who made a mock birthday invitation for me based on my favourites. I ended up with a Six Feet Under party - “Die 20er zu Grabe tragen”. With an all-you-can-eat ramen buffet and Bilderbuch as the live act.
Barcelona. It was so nice with our small group of students. The weather was ok-ish and all in all it felt pretty much like a normal vacation - thanks to Nicole’s good organisation and preparation. The best thing is that I’m going to get all the money back I advanced. Definitely gonna try and organise trips for next year, too!
Meeting José, a very handsome and funny guide at the Picasso museum. I transformed into a creepy stalker back at home and found him on FB, just to send him a message. You know, about the students thinking he was very nice and all. Ha. Alas, he has a girlfriend. But boy was he cute.
Meeting Carina from Montreal at the Barceloneta beach. I took care of her bag while she went in for a swim and afterwards we started talking. Before we said goodbye she made me draw an Angel Card out of a little cotton bag. It said Gratitude - apparently something I need to work on.
Watching the soap bubbles pop in the air. Lying at the beach instead of attending parent-teacher-conference.
Seeing the inside of Sagrada Familia for the first time. Those stained-glass windows are amazing. They create a very special mood of the light. Also, I found a small round window with my name on it.
That woman passionately kissing a man in a wheelchair in the middle of a Spanish airport. They were paying attention to nobody else, only seeing each other.
Discovering the natura store at the airport.
My new black suede handbag with pearls, sequins and embroidery. It looks like an abstract painting.
Charlotte Roche: Verlasst die Städte
Making tiny rainbows in the air with the garden hose.
How Do We Break the Stereotypes We’ve Created for Ourselves?
Drawing two protest signs for the Anti-PAG demonstration. Unfortuntately I had to explain the terms 1984 and Gilead to a whole lot of guys… geez, people should read more.
Manchego and Green Olive tortilla chips.
The last days with Effi Biest.
Grading English tests outside on the balcony.
My 30th birthday! Somehow I didn’t manage to throw a party and the Isar picnic is probably not gonna happen either but I still had a very special day. Nicole put balloons on my desk at school and gave me a lot of small presents which showed how much she listens to me (roasted corn, dark chocolate, a lemon - even the ‘art teacher necklace’ we saw at the Picasso gift shop in Barcelona; she made a student buy it without me noticing). Also, she made some students organise a scavenger hunt for me!! I got some chocolates from the kids, wore bright red lipstick and a new embroidered shirt dress. In the afternoon I sold my car. Finally. I didn’t get much but it’s gonna pay for my flight tickets in summer. Then I spent the evening with Manu - we had pizza and later shots at his place. Kind of a blind date but it was a good decision.
Being alone in a subway train.
Discovering the Beirut Beirut restaurant near Implerstraße. Sitting outside in the sunshine on a Friday afternoon, reading a book, enjoying Lebanese food and the beautiful surroundings.
Reading Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan. I loved the technical knowledge it gave me about diving and the castaways. Lately I’m super interested in old war stories and everything connected to the ocean or faraway places.
Arriving at BluLagoon after spending a whole day on planes. Our villa was amazing. Don’t let me get started on the view and the fact that there were hardly any guests at the time.
Listening to music on our terrace, dancing in a weird way (more like 80’s aerobic class).
Diving. I found my passion. I liked David, the diving instructor, very much (always hot for teacher) and apparently I’ve got a “talent” for diving, too (I mean, at least I don’t panic and have no problem with breathing under water). It was so interesting to learn about the tide, the animals, everything, you know? My first dive in the ocean was magical. It’s like a whole other planet down there. I even saw a dolphin on my very first day. Turtles, puffer fish (my favourite), an octopus.
Pookie the (racist) dog! (He doesn’t bark at Westerners, only Indonesians)
A small hike to White Sand Beach.
Finding out that I actually do like tempeh.
Going to Nusa Lembongan/Ceningan was an excellent idea. Diving there was amazing and I felt very happy around Anang, Simone and Pascal. The islands are beautiful - the waves and the cliffs, breathtaking. I also learned to ride a scooter! Driving over Yellow Bridge between the two islands was priceless. Going on the swings during low tide, Paradise Beach, discovering a popular warung by accident. Having Australians open our Bintang Radlers for us. Collecting corals at Mushroom Beach. Taking the speed boat back to Bali. What an adventure.
Swimming in an infinity pool under the full moon in front of a jungle scenery. That’s Ubud. Watching the little squirrels jumping from tree to tree while having breakfast on the balcony. Being lucky enough to be there during Galungan, a very important Balinese holiday. There were pejors lining the streets and people in traditional clothes on their way to their families and village temples. We met a driver while we were looking for the waterfalls. He took us to the Tegalalang Rice Terrace and answered all of our questions about Balinese culture like official languages, rooster fights or the school system. At the organic farm we saw Luwaks and tried different kinds of coffee. After we had said goodbye we took the Ridge Walk back into Ubud. On our way we ate some vegan coconut ice-cream, met a kitty and of course we found a swing, too. Swings are everywhere in Bali. I loved the one between Nusa Ceningan and Lembongan. And the one at the rice terrace even though you had to pay for it. In the evening we walked through Monkey Forest right before closing time - the animals were pretty relaxed because they had just gotten their dinner - and witnessed a gorgeous red sunset on our way home.
Our scooter trip to the Elephant Cave temple (I got such a calm, spiritual feeling in that cave - it must be such an awe-struck experience to sit in there alone in complete darkness for prayer or meditation) and Bali Bird Park. Eating at a Muslim restaurant because all the others were closed for Galungan. Weird chocolate and green tea shaved ice. And all those birds. I fell in love with the Kakadus. Such lovely little fellas. It was crazy expensive (for Balinese standards) but definitely worth it.
Starting our first night in Canggu at Moana with a plate of delicious fish appetizers. A friendly hosts and a very helpful Australian neighbour who supplied me with band-aids and skin antibiotic. Hipster-watching at Crate (we went there twice because their breakfast is in fact spectacular). Surfer-watching at the beach. Bintangs at sunset. Marvelling at the waves. Swimming all the way back to the shore after drifting far out with the tide without noticing (all the practice in the pool paid off). Discovering Gelato Secrets on our scooter trip to Tanah Lot. Daring to use the infamous Canggu shortcut - it was way more scary on foot than with the scooter. Our Vinyasa Flow yoga class and the Balinese full body massage at The Chillhouse. Cheap warungs with delicious food. I could be sad now but in fact I’ve already got tickets to Australia and Indonesia for August so there’s something to look forward to!
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mubal4 · 4 years
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Holiday Break Thoughts
 Haven’t put anything out over the last week.  Planned on taking time away from most things and for the most part, I’ve been successful.  I struggle with completely shutting down and there are always a few days when I “shut down” that I don’t really shut down.  However, this time around, I’ve been pretty good about it.  The only commitments I’ve stayed consistent with is meditating, praying, and moving each day.  I’ve picked up my Kindle a few days, checked email a bit, made a phone call or two, but stayed away from everything else.  Even running, only ran a couple of days the last week.  That has been tough for me and although there have been a few days I’ve really wanted to go; I took the dog for a walk or Robin and I went out for a hike. I wanted to purposely stay away from it, so I am truly refreshed and ready to go come next week when things begin to get serious (story for another day 😊).  There have been a couple other things I have NOT stayed away from this holiday break however, my family – which has been a gift and a ton of fun (more details on that), as well as likely the most positive, although they may disagree 😊; the other two are food and beer.  It’s been quite the week but, in our defense, we were on vacation for 6 days so, and it was an all-inclusive resort therefor I felt compelled to get our money’s worth – and boy did we.
 As mentioned above when we go on vacation it is difficult for me to completely unplug.  I think that may be for a lot of you out there too; an email you just want to get back to, a call you won’t to make, or a post/podcast or another commitment you want to stay true to, even though the break is deserved and warranted.  This time I wanted to test myself.  Sounds kind of weird but yes, I wanted to get myself out of my comfort zone and do what I wanted to do and what came to me. Yes, there are days I don’t want to run, write, do the podcast, read, etc.……...!!  Crazy to hear that someone doesn’t want to do these thinks 😊 – yes, there is sarcasm there.  But even though we don’t want to do the things we believe we must do & should do; we still do them.  Relentless Forward Progress, right?  But, on this trip – I truly wanted to unplug and even from running.  That is why I decided to do an ultramarathon 3 days before we left. Therefore, I wouldn’t feel that pull to run while on vacation. It was still a challenge and yes, I did get uncomfortable at points but that is because, like some of you out there, I am way too hard on myself, as well as way too critical of myself.  This time though, I stuck to my plan and there is much progress.  I am slowing things down a bit and my walks with Robin and Bear are engaging and I am present.  When I have ran, it was just to run, and miles don’t matter.  It is just to be out there moving. When I was laying on the beach, I was present, watching the world go by, not thinking about something I “should be doing.”  Sounds weird but it was a challenge for me.  
 As much as we go and go, I do believe rest and recovery are important.  When I say that though, I don’t necessarily mean not staying active, moving, or doing things to help you grow.  It could just mean doing things different.  It could just mean not having all the bullshit we have occupying our mind each day, distracting us, from a conversation with your family, or a stranger on the beach in Cabo 😊.  The worries and responsibility are still there, that doesn’t go away, but you are resting, recovering from it.  Make sense? That can be taking the break for the bullshit, running, work, relationship, whatever it is that may keep you going all day, every day.  
 And with the way 2020 went, we all needed to change things up.  Actually, we were all, in a way, forced to change things up a bit.  So, as the fall rolled around for us, we thought about what we were going to do for Christmas this year.  At this point, in September or so, things with Covid were still flat and the cases hadn’t begun to go up.  That said, we knew we weren’t going back to PA considering all that was going on there and our families wouldn’t be traveling to come out to us.  We did think about heading to CO to visit the Shane’s up there, do some skiing, and play in the snow.  We also thought about heading to the beach and get into warm weather. Well, the girls voted, and they wanted sun, sand, ocean, and……... & all-inclusive resort.  A couple of years ago we went to Riviera Maya for spring break, stayed at an all-inclusive and the girls loved it (so did dad 😊).  We didn’t want to head back there and decided that maybe Cabo San Lucas may be an option.  Robin and I had visited there when we first started dated almost 20 years ago and really enjoyed it.  So, she and the girls did their research and found where they wanted to stay.  At this point, as I mentioned, things were stable with Covid, I did some research on how things were being handled down there, all made sense, so we booked the trip.  Then things started to go a bit sideways with the cases throughout the US and as Thanksgiving rolled around, we started thinking about possible alternatives, canceling, what should we do?  We had not gotten any notifications from the travel folks on flights being canceled or hotels being shut down.  Actually, when doing some further research earlier this month, I found out that Cabo had only 200 total cases of Covid since March.  They put in high level protocols for the resort towns, and they have had visitors to the resorts since the summer with no issues at least that I was able to find. After visiting, seeing the protocols in place, and speaking to the staff on what they did, we now understand how they were able to stabilize the virus, at least in the state of Baja California.  That all said, a week out we were still a bit nervous with what was happening here in the states, we were getting tested, and still setting expectations in our family if we need to make other plans.  
 Well, they day of the flight down came, and all went off fine.  The only issue I was concerned about was the time in the airports.  The planes not so much but just being able to social distance in the airport was challenging.  Actually, the airport was packed.  Before Covid hit I traveled every week and last week when we left, here in Phoenix, it seemed like a normal travel day pre-Covid.  Fortunately, we didn’t experience any major travel issues, some delays going down and coming back, but safe and sound arrivals on both ends.
 So, in the spirit of 2020 and doing things differently, we were doing Christmas different and spending it on the beach in Cabo San Lucas Mexico.  We did open our stockings before we left and had a gift to open Christmas Day, in our room, with the sliders open, looking at the beach listening to the waves crash and sun rise.  It was way different but certainly pretty cool to experience.  Just a side note, as the time to head out last week got closer, I realized this was going to be very weird.  Not having a tree, waking up on Christmas Day, not late-night Christmas Eve slighted intoxicated present wrapping………. not gonna lie, I was feeling a bit off, it was going to be very weird.  As I look back on it, it was very weird and different.  However, being able to experience this with the family was very special.  Because, not sure when the next time we will be able to take a trip like this; this time of year, or any for that part.  With Covid this year, the start of Isabella’s meet season and Alaina’s high school soccer season is pushed back.  Typically, we would be having games last week and likely a meet too.  We would certainly be leaving for SoCal this coming weekend for a meet for Bella.  However, with the delay at this point, we figured we would have an opportunity to get a way for Christmas.  Next year, Bella’s senior year, she is likely not going to want to travel because of gymnastics and everything else that goes with being a senior and Alaina will be in mid-season with soccer – that is if things swing back to a typical schedule.
 That was our driver and it actually worked. We had a great trip.  There was plenty of lounging on the beach, swimming in the ocean, and taking in the beautiful scenery.  We certainly ate our money’s worth and Robin and I did our part to curb the Corona Beer population.  I may have helped with that in the tequila department too 😊.  The resorts were great, water was fantastic, and Alain & I even went parasailing one day together.  That was a pretty special experience.  Robin and I had plenty of walks on the beach.  We felt incredibly safe and healthy everywhere went.  All were wearing masks where necessary.  The staffs at all the resorts did their part and the folks we were around were very respectful…. well, most of them were 😊.  We met some great people, some interesting people, and some funny families.  Our servers at the beach and pool were fantastic and we got to know one, Felix, very well.  Really cool having him just sit down with us and tell us about his family, kids, and life. Was an awesome treat just to engage with him and be present as he continued to serve me copious amounts of Modelo. 😊 I didn’t open my laptop once and tried very hard to stay off the phone other than Christmas greetings and Facetimes with family.  
 Overall, it was a phenomenal trip and definitely well worth it.  I am very grateful we did it an had the opportunity to be able to.  Next year who knows where we will be or what the situation, we will be in.  I don’t want to sit back then and say, “we should have taken that trip last year.” Yeah – 2020 has been incredibly different so we played into that and celebrated our Christmas incredibly different.  We’ve already heard from folks that thought we were nuts for doing it considering the pandemic.  We get it; however, we were likely safer there than we are in the US.  Others expressed their happiness and wanted to come along with us – we would have loved it. We saw an opportunity to do something we wanted to do, and we felt safe, comfortable, and healthy in which to do so.  Therefore, we did it, enjoyed it, and would do it again. It is possible we can get the virus. That can be said if we were in Mexico, AZ, PA, or any where else other than sheltered in our home, not living our life.  
 Robin said it best, and this was quite funny, but – “are you going to be sitting down in a few weeks thinking, ‘I really should have run more while in Cabo?’” – I won’t and I won’t be thinking “we really shouldn’t have gone to Cabo in 2020 for Christmas.”
 Happy Holidays everyone and have a great New Year’s!!
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hakuyamazakisensei · 7 years
If you are still doing the ship meme, how about HeiSai?
Now this is a dynamic I haven’t really thought about…Hmmm I like the idea!
Rate the Ship -   I like it! I find this one very interesting!
How long will they last? -My assumption would be for all time…I can’t see either leaving the one they love.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It took quite some time to recognize exactly what it was they felt…
How was their first kiss? Quick and unsure…followed by a few days of disbelief on both sides with a lot of trying to avoid one another
Who proposed? Heisuke…but it took a long time to get to this point.
Who is the best man/men? Harada and Souji
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? None, but the other groomsmen would be Shinpachi and Hijikata.
Who did the most planning? Harada and Souji…with Harada spending half of his time trying to keep Souji from doing anything crazy or uncouth.
Who stressed the most? Saito…it was a struggle for him to admit his feelings in the first place and now, to do so before so many…but he will persevere
How fancy was the ceremony? - 3 Justice of the Peace type thing with a few friends as witnesses
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? Either of groom’s families
Who is on top? They both have their moments, but generally Heisuke…He’s a little more comfortable with the whole situation and Saito has had to make a lot more mental changes to accept things as they are
Who is the one to instigate things? Again, usually Heisuke
How healthy is their sex life? - 6 A couple of nights a week, though they have both been adamant that they hold each other close regardless.
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off , at least for now. Again, Saito has had it so ingrained into his mind from childhood that this is wrong that he struggles. Fortunately, Heisuke realizes this and is actually quite good at just letting Saito find his own way.
How long do they normally last? It depends on the night but typically a couple of hours
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? Heisuke is more concerned that Saito enjoys himself, and Saito is the same toward Heisuke, but as that tends  to work for the betterment of both, kinda?
How rough are they in bed? - 3 This will probably change when things are more settled. For now, they just take it easy and enjoy each other’s company
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. It is the one thing that Saito has decided he will not set to the side. Heisuke deserves it and he does love him more than he can express.
How many children will they have naturally? None
How many children will they adopt? None…They both believe the world is too much in turmoil most of the time.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Neither, however, I think Saito would be the one…
Who is the stricter parent? This would also be Saito, and he’d probably have to keep an eye on Heisuke as well :P
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Again, it would be Saito, if they  had children
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? And Saito again….I just see him as the more…mature of the two and the one who would keep things organized.
Who is the more loved parent? They don’t have children, so it’s hard to guess. I think it depends on attitude, but both would be loved, although Heisuke would be who they run to when something MIGHT get them in trouble. He’s less likely to scold.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? That would be Saito…
Who cried the most at graduation? Neither…they would have been proud, though
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Heisuke would want to, but Saito would want them to learn their lesson so they wouldn’t do the same thing again…
Who does the most cooking? Saito, though Heisuke helps out
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Saito…Heisuke would eat ANYTHING so Saito is in charge of keeping things at least partly healthy
Who does the grocery shopping? They go together, but Saito already has a list and it’s figured down to exactly how much it will cost and everything.
How often do they bake desserts? Saito likes to bake, so he’s in there 3 to 4 times a week. Heisuke tries on occasion and it’s not AWFUL…
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? Heisuke would prefer meat, Saito likes veggies…
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? Heisuke…But it would be a night out. He wouldn’t want to attempt to cook a whole special meal by himself.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Heisuke…he likes to go out on occasion and Saito is generally a home-body.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Definitely Heisuke. However, Saito realizes this and rarely leaves him along in the kitchen for long
Who cleans the room? Saito…though Heisuke attempts to help on occasion
Who is really against chores? Heisuke isn’t fond of them, but he’ll do his part without complaint
Who cleans up after the pets? Saito…he likes to care for the animals and it gives him time to thingk
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Heisuke, though he’s been scolded time and again about doing so
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Saito…he wants to ensure that they put on their best faces
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Heisuke…he was pretty happy about it too because he had lost it a few nights before
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Saito…though it’s only on accident. He’s typically pretty quick about showering, but when he’s had a rough day, the trickling water puts him in a meditative state and he takes much longer than usual…Heisuke always notices this and tends to dote on Saito for the rest of the evening when this happens.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? They both do, most of the time. Heisuke sometimes falls asleep pretty earlier, though and when that happens, Saito walks the dogs alone.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? Just the big holidays, though both do the decorating.
What are their goals for the relationship? Happiness and love…
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Heisuke…he loves to sleep in. Saito is up before the sun.
Who plays the most pranks? Heisuke, and though they can really get out of hand at times, it’s one of the things Saito finds endearing about him.
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topicprinter · 4 years
I see a lot of people on this thread asking Should I start this? How does XYZ be able to do it? How do I find the motivation to do it? etc. This is part II of a two-part summary of the book Deep Work by Cal Newport that I wrote for my friend to urge him to read it during the quarantine. I categorize the essence of an entrepreneur into certain core skills. I then read up on books that teach those skills and summarize them for the benefit of my friend and mine. I plan to post the summaries here for yours as well. You can find the first part hereMy friend, the 4DX framework is not a how-to guide for deep work alone. You can apply it to anything you do. Most successful people apply this (Planning, Measuring, Execution & Feedback) in their lives to some extent but some do not realize they were doing it. (unconscious competence)As you will see, deep work is a common skill from Bill Gates, Carl Jung, J K Rowling, Walter Isaacson and every other successful person who has ever achieved something worthwhile. (Walter Isaacson is the biographer of many great 21st century personalities. As an Apple fanboy, You will particularly appreciate that Steve Jobs personally requested him to do his biography)Coming back to our deep work example, You are in IT sales. You want to earn that commission. It means financial freedom to you. If I asked you to measure it, you would probably start measuring sales deals closed/month or revenue earned/month. But as we just learned, these are lag measures. You cannot directly measure them. What should you measure? The Number of leads approached/day. The Number of clients spoken to/day. These are things that you can directly influence daily. If you work on them and do it right, your lag measures (sales deals closed/month) will increase, right? Right. And then you can get the commission you wanted.​Tip #1: Plan these things in advanceWhere you'll work and for how longHow you will work once you start to workHow will you support your workAt this point, you might think, isn't this excessive? Do I need to plan out that far? Well, the answer is yes, my friend. Remember our school friend Dan? He makes it a point to start work at 7 am every day. He has a ritual. He reaches his office by 7 am, makes calls to his clients for an hour, and then schedules other work for the day and takes small breaks in between. This ritualistic habit is key to making it work. (Co-incidentally building habits is key - whether it is going to the gym, learning a new language, learning to code, etc - more on this later). Deciding where you will work and then getting there and doing it, will automatically put you in the mood for deep work.How long you will work for is also equally important. This is something you must decide after trying it. Initially, your focus muscle will be weak. So you will find yourself distracted. ( I will teach how to deal with distractions later) So it is important to set timers for yourself (say 25 minutes. I started with 25 minutes a year ago and now I can work for 90 minutes without my mind starting to wander).How will you work once you start to work? - Set rules and processes to keep your effort structured. For example, I will make 5 sales calls per hour. I will not use the internet or my phone until it is over, etcHow will you support your work - Your brain needs all the support it can get for doing deep work. It could be a cup of coffee, a light morning walk or exercise. Our friend, Dan always said that the 30-minute early morning walk kept his mind brisk and his day energetic. What worked for him may not work for you. So from now on, take stock of how clear your thinking is when you do certain activities. I start the day with guided meditation ( I use the headspace app - the free version should do just fine) and it allows me to concentrate. More importantly, it lets me realize when my thoughts have gone on a different track, even when I am not meditating!​Tip #2: Make Grand GesturesIn 2007, J K Rowling was struggling to finish her final book - The Deathly Hallows. She recalled in an interview that there was a day when the window cleaner came or the dogs were barking or the kids were at home. She decided to do something extreme to finish her book. She booked a suite at the Balmoral Hotel, located in Edinburgh. And she completed her book there!Back when Bill Gates was still Microsoft CEO, he was famous for taking a 'Think Weeks' holiday. He would leave behind his work and family to stay at a cabin with research papers to think for weeks at a time. He could have done this at his office, but he chose to do it there. He arrived at his famous conclusion that the Internet was going to be the next big thing in the industry there! (seems obvious now).Walter Isaacson and Carl Jung retreat to hard-to-reach places to complete their books or to improve their thinking.You might remember that I go to Starbucks to work on the e-commerce store idea. You scoffed at me for spending so much to do my work there. I was simply using this. I didn't want to say why at the time, because I wasn't sure back then if it would work. I did my feedback sessions (from the 4DX framework) there and plan out the week ahead. It helped me stay on top of my work while leaving enough time to learn new skills. This commitment to deep work is paying off for me with the current pandemic situation, as I can stay on top of my work while learning a new language and learn content marketing as well.​Tip #3: Schedule every minute of your dayPeople lack the motivation to do things because they do not know what to do (and when to do it). If you come up with a schedule full of activities focusing on lead measures, you will be very productive. Quite often, disturbances or emergencies pop-up that will ruin your plan for the day. It is important that you do not get frustrated. What you need to do instead is take some time off (after your distraction) to revise your plan for the day. I will share with you my schedule (which I revise weekly, earlier at Starbucks and now at my deep work desk at my home)​Tip #4: Be Lazy - Schedule breaks tooReason 1 - Breaks help you get insights on 'stuck' problem: There is a 2008 study by Ap Dijksterhuis called Unconscious Thought Theory. In it, Ap argues that 'contrary to popular belief, decisions about simple issues can be better tackled by conscious thought, whereas decisions about complex matters can be better approached with unconscious thought'. It means that, if you are stuck with a complex problem, it's best to take your mind off of it. You might have seen it in the movies - the trope where the lead character is unable to solve his big problem. He gives in to distraction and does something else. An unrelated remark by the bumbling friend makes him sit up and think. He says - X, You are a genius! and proceeds to work out the solution.Reason 2 - Breaks help you recharge: Stephen and Rachel Kaplan proposed that walking or even looking at pictures of nature aids concentration. They called it Attention Restoration Theory (ART). They validated it through a study done by Berman, Marc & Jonides, John & Kaplan, Stephen and published it in 2009. They let a bunch of people walk through traffic and another bunch of people walk through a park. They were asked to solve problems after some time. The one that went through nature did it faster. They repeated the experiment sometime later. The same people who went on the city walk were now on the nature walk and vice-versa. Again, the people who went on the nature walk were the ones who did the tasks assigned faster.You might argue that walking through a nature park is a pleasant experience, so they repeated the conditions in freezing weather. The people who went through the park still did better than the ones who went through traffic.Reason 3 - Without recharging, you will deplete your concentration muscle: This is simply the negative statement of Reason #2. People think that concentration is simply a question of will-power. Similarly think they will be a rich man one day but it is simply a question of setting their mind to the task. They could not be more wrong! Achieving something requires deliberate practice. And just like how elite athletes schedule breaks after a training session, you must schedule breaks in between your deep work sessions.​Tip #5: Embrace Boredom:Boredom is also a way to recharge your concentration. But a lot of people can only last a minute in waiting before picking up their phone. You see this in restaurant queues, grocery lines, etc. but lately, people do this even after they get seated at the table or in family dinners! People constantly crave something to look at. You might remember our mutual friend who was unable to make use of his talents. If you asked him to sit still for a minute, I bet he would crack in 10 seconds before reaching for the phone. Why is this behavior damaging? Because they deplete your concentration muscle!​Tip #6: Don't take breaks from distraction, instead take breaks from deep work. Once you are rewired this way, you'll soon crave deep work activities instead of craving breaks.​Tip #7: Memorize a Deck of Cards - It doesn't have to be cards, it could be anything - numbers, a new language, etc. It helps your memory and concentration.​Strategies for the office worker to include deep-work in their day:​Select the right network tools - People use a lot of network tools indiscriminately - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slack, Reddit, etc. The list goes on. They justify it using the any-benefit approach:You justify using a tool if you can identify any possible benefit to its use, or anything you might miss out on if you don't use it.Cal advises you to use the craftsman approach instead: Identify the core factor that determines success in your professional and personal life. Adopt a tool only if it positively impacts these factors substantially outweigh the negative impacts.Take my case. I deleted Facebook as I decided that having both Facebook and Instagram would be redundant. De-clutter your life from tools that don't help you and eat away your time. And make sure to mute those notifications when you are busy with deep work as those pesky notifications will distract you.​Turn off the internet when you work - When you check the internet, even for official things, you will come across an e-mail or an article and soon you will start to respond to the shallow work instead of continuing your deep work. You might have instances where you checked the internet for sending an e-mail and ended up on BuzzFeed's 33 ways this cat made your day article! In our 30-minute scheduling example, you'd work for 25 minutes and take 5 minutes to check the internet and resume work again.​Leave the office at by a fixed time - Just as your cellphone leaves you distracted, taking a sneak peek at the e-mail after office hours, continues to work your concentration muscle. So schedule what time you will leave your office and stick to it. have a shutdown ritual - plan for whatever work is pending and move on to your home and stop thinking about work. Revise your schedule if you are unable to stick to it.​Become hard-to-reach during your deep work - Due to instant messaging tools, people expect you to reply immediately. It is gratifying for them; damaging for you. Sometimes they may be offended if they can't reach you. It is easier if you tell them an important reason Eg: I was working on something that the boss (or the CEO) asked for urgently.​Make people who send you e-mail do more work -Strategy 1 - Check out this contact form.Strategy 2 - If you receive an e-mail that says ' I read the article. What are your thoughts on it?' here is an example response"I will get a draft to you by XYZ date, I'll do my part and add comments for where I need your help. No need to follow up with me in the meantime or reply to the draft I send, unless of course there are issues with it.Strategy 3 - Don't respond. If it was important, they will follow back anyway. Unless of course, it is an e-mail from your boss or CEO.
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thedivinefish · 6 years
TGIWednesday and a download for having child-like joy!
TGIWednesday News
Ah, it's the day after Christmas and we're in that sweet spot now between Christmas and the New Year... where the holiday frenzy slows down, folks are taking time off of work, and we begin reflecting on the past year and looking ahead toward what changes we want to make, and dreaming about what's ahead. What I can tell you is that sometimes you need that extra help to get yourself aligned and flowing so that your life can unfold in even more miraculous ways!  And I've created these clearing Audio MP3s as a tool for you to work on your particular challenges so you can listen to on your own anytime to keep you running forward in life. So, one final reminder that it's the last week of Audio MP3’s BOGO (Buy one, Get one FREE)  Every time we run a sale like this, I get the same emails ...  on January 1st it will be, “Hey Jimmy, can I still get BOGO on Audio MP3’s?”  uh that’s a negative Ghost Rider, you've had 31 days to join the party :)  So, just sayin', you better get in on the deal now before it's gone! And I see that some of you are REALLY having fun and have placed multiple orders - Yes, you can do that - but only when putting max of 2 audios in the cart at a time.  Here's an interesting question that came in that may help in your decision making:
Q) "Hi Jimmy, I was wondering if your MyBeliefworks for Facilitating Pet & Animal Healing MP3/PDF will heal/remove my dog's cysts.  He has 2 large ones on his paws called interdigital cysts.  Vet said to leave it, but they're bigger now and one punctured. Thank you, Happy Holidays!" - Susie
A) I would get a second opinion and get them removed. But that’s just me. It is possible that the audio could shrink them...it took years to produce and borders on magic. - Jimmy  
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Last Days for BOGO MP3s! (save $57)
This week I joined my my good friend Marla Martenson, Author, Mystical Matchmaker & Energy Healer for another holiday video clearing.  This is a quick 5 mins and it will help you release any guilt you feel during the holidays (for over-spending, over-eating etc.) Watch it here Winter Solstice started this past Friday and it was the first day of Winter.  My mother Granny Ruth used to say, “I got cabin fever!”  So I really want you to get out when you can and do yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and for me it’s H20 water/Aerobics Class.  Even if you can walk around the block, shovel snow or go to YouTube and watch and participate in any form of movement - you’re going to be ahead of the game!  And speaking of Granny Ruth, many of you are so sweet to ask about her and know that TODAY is her 90th Birthday and here she is yesterday enjoying her Milano cookies on Christmas. We love you, and appreciate you and know that you can reach me 7 days a week 365 days a year!  [email protected]   I remain the Way-Shower for you!  Love to all on this, the last TGIW of 2018!!
TGIWednesday Download
~ HAVING CHILD-LIKE JOY  ~ Child-like Joy flows in, around and through me now.  I am ready, willing and able to exude love and joy any and all days of the year.  I believe, think, know and feel that I am open to receiving, deserving and worthy of giving and receiving joy here an now.  I know when, where, how and why to give and receive joy at the highest level and so it is.  I am asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines  
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
DECEMBER 26th - "Today I will bask in the glow of prayer knowing that it can change anything and everything. I will give humble thanks within myself and for all that I have and can contribute to other. At least for today. I will be content." 
Live Shows and Replays
SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  Join me and host Charlotte Spicer. Wednesday JANUARY 2nd at 3:30pm EST / 12:30pm PST Call in for a Free Reading! (347)-934-0751 Listen Here Online JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. No show yesterday on Christmas JANUARY GUESTS Listen Jan. 8th Special Guest LINDA KAYE, Pink Chick Psychic LIVE READINGS    www.pinkchickpsychic.com Listen Jan. 15th  Special Guest TIFFANY POWERS Live readings with Tiffany and Healings with Jimmy  https://tiffanypowershealing.com   Listen Jan. 22nd Special Guest KELLY M BALLARD Medium, Intuitive Consultant and Coach https://www.kellymballard.com   Listen Jan. 29th Special Guest REV. DEBBIE DIENSTBIER  Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side! Facebook page  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
We've made some changes to the Kodawari schedule.  Please check the updated dates below. After January, we're back to WEDNESDAY only appointments.  Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday: | Jan. 16th, 23rd, 30th Friday:  Dec. 28th | Jan 4th, 11th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Sessions available now - Monday February 11th @ Swann Holistic Health Solutions in Tampa from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone’s office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ – 30-minutes 65$
39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL  http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Thank you! I think we are rolling along.  M is acting more caring and J seems happy and confident much less anxiety in general , so kudos to you my friend!  I cancelled a few big things I had going on today to take a personal day today to just freakin' re-center myself and get some things organized. Will def take some tome to relax and meditate. Will keep in touch with updates and requests, love your downloads!" - E.L. / Florida
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
"I love your prayer service!  I reached my financial goal in 2 weeks, my daughter is over the moon with her new official boyfriend and my son is loving college and successfully traveled home with no issues. My husband is a work in progress; your addiction audio will make a nice Christmas gift for him!" - C.T. / Florida   I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
My Liquid Fish® Mastery Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 6 years
TGIWednesday and a download for having child-like joy!
TGIWednesday News
Ah, it's the day after Christmas and we're in that sweet spot now between Christmas and the New Year... where the holiday frenzy slows down, folks are taking time off of work, and we begin reflecting on the past year and looking ahead toward what changes we want to make, and dreaming about what's ahead. What I can tell you is that sometimes you need that extra help to get yourself aligned and flowing so that your life can unfold in even more miraculous ways!  And I've created these clearing Audio MP3s as a tool for you to work on your particular challenges so you can listen to on your own anytime to keep you running forward in life. So, one final reminder that it's the last week of Audio MP3’s BOGO (Buy one, Get one FREE)  Every time we run a sale like this, I get the same emails ...  on January 1st it will be, “Hey Jimmy, can I still get BOGO on Audio MP3’s?”  uh that’s a negative Ghost Rider, you've had 31 days to join the party :)  So, just sayin', you better get in on the deal now before it's gone! And I see that some of you are REALLY having fun and have placed multiple orders - Yes, you can do that - but only when putting max of 2 audios in the cart at a time.  Here's an interesting question that came in that may help in your decision making:
Q) "Hi Jimmy, I was wondering if your MyBeliefworks for Facilitating Pet & Animal Healing MP3/PDF will heal/remove my dog's cysts.  He has 2 large ones on his paws called interdigital cysts.  Vet said to leave it, but they're bigger now and one punctured. Thank you, Happy Holidays!" - Susie
A) I would get a second opinion and get them removed. But that’s just me. It is possible that the audio could shrink them...it took years to produce and borders on magic. - Jimmy  
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Last Days for BOGO MP3s! (save $57)
This week I joined my my good friend Marla Martenson, Author, Mystical Matchmaker & Energy Healer for another holiday video clearing.  This is a quick 5 mins and it will help you release any guilt you feel during the holidays (for over-spending, over-eating etc.) Watch it here Winter Solstice started this past Friday and it was the first day of Winter.  My mother Granny Ruth used to say, “I got cabin fever!”  So I really want you to get out when you can and do yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and for me it’s H20 water/Aerobics Class.  Even if you can walk around the block, shovel snow or go to YouTube and watch and participate in any form of movement - you’re going to be ahead of the game!  And speaking of Granny Ruth, many of you are so sweet to ask about her and know that TODAY is her 90th Birthday and here she is yesterday enjoying her Milano cookies on Christmas. We love you, and appreciate you and know that you can reach me 7 days a week 365 days a year!  [email protected]   I remain the Way-Shower for you!  Love to all on this, the last TGIW of 2018!!
TGIWednesday Download
~ HAVING CHILD-LIKE JOY  ~ Child-like Joy flows in, around and through me now.  I am ready, willing and able to exude love and joy any and all days of the year.  I believe, think, know and feel that I am open to receiving, deserving and worthy of giving and receiving joy here an now.  I know when, where, how and why to give and receive joy at the highest level and so it is.  I am asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines  
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
DECEMBER 26th - "Today I will bask in the glow of prayer knowing that it can change anything and everything. I will give humble thanks within myself and for all that I have and can contribute to other. At least for today. I will be content." 
Live Shows and Replays
SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  Join me and host Charlotte Spicer. Wednesday JANUARY 2nd at 3:30pm EST / 12:30pm PST Call in for a Free Reading! (347)-934-0751 Listen Here Online JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. No show yesterday on Christmas JANUARY GUESTS Listen Jan. 8th Special Guest LINDA KAYE, Pink Chick Psychic LIVE READINGS    www.pinkchickpsychic.com Listen Jan. 15th  Special Guest TIFFANY POWERS Live readings with Tiffany and Healings with Jimmy  https://tiffanypowershealing.com   Listen Jan. 22nd Special Guest KELLY M BALLARD Medium, Intuitive Consultant and Coach https://www.kellymballard.com   Listen Jan. 29th Special Guest REV. DEBBIE DIENSTBIER  Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side! Facebook page  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
We've made some changes to the Kodawari schedule.  Please check the updated dates below. After January, we're back to WEDNESDAY only appointments.  Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday: | Jan. 16th, 23rd, 30th Friday:  Dec. 28th | Jan 4th, 11th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Sessions available now - Monday February 11th @ Swann Holistic Health Solutions in Tampa from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone’s office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ – 30-minutes 65$
39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL  http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Thank you! I think we are rolling along.  M is acting more caring and J seems happy and confident much less anxiety in general , so kudos to you my friend!  I cancelled a few big things I had going on today to take a personal day today to just freakin' re-center myself and get some things organized. Will def take some tome to relax and meditate. Will keep in touch with updates and requests, love your downloads!" - E.L. / Florida
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
"I love your prayer service!  I reached my financial goal in 2 weeks, my daughter is over the moon with her new official boyfriend and my son is loving college and successfully traveled home with no issues. My husband is a work in progress; your addiction audio will make a nice Christmas gift for him!" - C.T. / Florida   I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
My Liquid Fish® Mastery Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and a download for having child-like joy!
TGIWednesday News
Ah, it's the day after Christmas and we're in that sweet spot now between Christmas and the New Year... where the holiday frenzy slows down, folks are taking time off of work, and we begin reflecting on the past year and looking ahead toward what changes we want to make, and dreaming about what's ahead. What I can tell you is that sometimes you need that extra help to get yourself aligned and flowing so that your life can unfold in even more miraculous ways!  And I've created these clearing Audio MP3s as a tool for you to work on your particular challenges so you can listen to on your own anytime to keep you running forward in life. So, one final reminder that it's the last week of Audio MP3’s BOGO (Buy one, Get one FREE)  Every time we run a sale like this, I get the same emails ...  on January 1st it will be, “Hey Jimmy, can I still get BOGO on Audio MP3’s?”  uh that’s a negative Ghost Rider, you've had 31 days to join the party :)  So, just sayin', you better get in on the deal now before it's gone! And I see that some of you are REALLY having fun and have placed multiple orders - Yes, you can do that - but only when putting max of 2 audios in the cart at a time.  Here's an interesting question that came in that may help in your decision making:
Q) "Hi Jimmy, I was wondering if your MyBeliefworks for Facilitating Pet & Animal Healing MP3/PDF will heal/remove my dog's cysts.  He has 2 large ones on his paws called interdigital cysts.  Vet said to leave it, but they're bigger now and one punctured. Thank you, Happy Holidays!" - Susie
A) I would get a second opinion and get them removed. But that’s just me. It is possible that the audio could shrink them...it took years to produce and borders on magic. - Jimmy  
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Last Days for BOGO MP3s! (save $57)
This week I joined my my good friend Marla Martenson, Author, Mystical Matchmaker & Energy Healer for another holiday video clearing.  This is a quick 5 mins and it will help you release any guilt you feel during the holidays (for over-spending, over-eating etc.) Watch it here Winter Solstice started this past Friday and it was the first day of Winter.  My mother Granny Ruth used to say, “I got cabin fever!”  So I really want you to get out when you can and do yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and for me it’s H20 water/Aerobics Class.  Even if you can walk around the block, shovel snow or go to YouTube and watch and participate in any form of movement - you’re going to be ahead of the game!  And speaking of Granny Ruth, many of you are so sweet to ask about her and know that TODAY is her 90th Birthday and here she is yesterday enjoying her Milano cookies on Christmas. We love you, and appreciate you and know that you can reach me 7 days a week 365 days a year!  [email protected]   I remain the Way-Shower for you!  Love to all on this, the last TGIW of 2018!!
TGIWednesday Download
~ HAVING CHILD-LIKE JOY  ~ Child-like Joy flows in, around and through me now.  I am ready, willing and able to exude love and joy any and all days of the year.  I believe, think, know and feel that I am open to receiving, deserving and worthy of giving and receiving joy here an now.  I know when, where, how and why to give and receive joy at the highest level and so it is.  I am asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines  
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
DECEMBER 26th - "Today I will bask in the glow of prayer knowing that it can change anything and everything. I will give humble thanks within myself and for all that I have and can contribute to other. At least for today. I will be content." 
Live Shows and Replays
SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  Join me and host Charlotte Spicer. Wednesday JANUARY 2nd at 3:30pm EST / 12:30pm PST Call in for a Free Reading! (347)-934-0751 Listen Here Online JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. No show yesterday on Christmas JANUARY GUESTS Listen Jan. 8th Special Guest LINDA KAYE, Pink Chick Psychic LIVE READINGS    www.pinkchickpsychic.com Listen Jan. 15th  Special Guest TIFFANY POWERS Live readings with Tiffany and Healings with Jimmy  https://tiffanypowershealing.com   Listen Jan. 22nd Special Guest KELLY M BALLARD Medium, Intuitive Consultant and Coach https://www.kellymballard.com   Listen Jan. 29th Special Guest REV. DEBBIE DIENSTBIER  Our resident trans medium, communicating with your loved one’s on the other side! Facebook page  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
We've made some changes to the Kodawari schedule.  Please check the updated dates below. After January, we're back to WEDNESDAY only appointments.  Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday: | Jan. 16th, 23rd, 30th Friday:  Dec. 28th | Jan 4th, 11th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Sessions available now - Monday February 11th @ Swann Holistic Health Solutions in Tampa from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone’s office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ – 30-minutes 65$
39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL  http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
From the Fish Box
"Thank you! I think we are rolling along.  M is acting more caring and J seems happy and confident much less anxiety in general , so kudos to you my friend!  I cancelled a few big things I had going on today to take a personal day today to just freakin' re-center myself and get some things organized. Will def take some tome to relax and meditate. Will keep in touch with updates and requests, love your downloads!" - E.L. / Florida
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
"I love your prayer service!  I reached my financial goal in 2 weeks, my daughter is over the moon with her new official boyfriend and my son is loving college and successfully traveled home with no issues. My husband is a work in progress; your addiction audio will make a nice Christmas gift for him!" - C.T. / Florida   I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
My Liquid Fish® Mastery Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
cessanderson · 6 years
Tumblr media
‘Tis the Season to be Jolly! And Healthy! https://ift.tt/2PYo7Cb
‘Tis the season to be jolly! And healthy! And if you’re wondering where to even start with a healthier lifestyle, here’s my story. As you know, I’m a DIY girl. No fear about diving in and giving things a try. So doing the same when it comes to wellness made sense to me. This is what got me started, raised awareness and made a difference in my lifestyle:
  Is what you put into your body important to you? I‘m pretty sure by now that you’ve heard a lot about essential oils, right? ::groan:: and ::eye roll:: <— that was my initial reaction too! lol! What IS all the fuss about? Let me share it with you as short and sweet as I can why essential oils are all the rage for me personally. (Some affiliate links below.)
I am so forver grateful someone shared with me: When I first heard, I thought it was some temporary popular trend and I tuned it out. la-la-la-la-la!!!!!! But nearly 4 years ago on a blogging retreat, two of my blog buddies shared essential oils with me…I have a bit of an issue with traveling which causes some uncomfortable side effects (TMI! you don’t want to know) and the essential oil shared made all the difference! Oh.my.good.NESS! If it worked for that, how else? In my world at the time, my mom and sister were going through treatments for breast cancer. I was ready and open to making healthier choices. Baby steps. Just starting somewhere.
You guys, I’ve had 6 family members diagnosed with cancer in SIX years! I felt so helpless! 
Essential oils have been around FOREVER and I know that lately they’re ALL THE HYPE but I believe it’s because word of mouth spreads faster these days via social media. They aren’t new. And specifically, Young Living has been around going on 30 years! I was still practically a child (and I’m a grandma now!). That’s not anything bright and shiny and just born. And “Young Living” is THE BRAND everyone wants. Because guess what? Not all essential oils are created equal! What I really love about Young Living is their Seed to Seal Guarantee. They aren’t just buying from a supplier and slapping on a label. Young Living controls the process of planting, harvesting, distilling, bottling, labeling and shipping from their own farms and partner farms from around the world with high standards and lots of testing. In fact,
  Young Living is the #1 essential oils company in the world. I am confident that I am getting the best quality essential oil. One other quick point about Young Living…unlike buying a cheap oil from Amazon or WalMart or even TJMaxx (be aware: even a label with 100% pure doesn’t mean that’s the case), I love that I have support, resources and testimonials from personal experiences to help guide me on my oily journey. I’ve never had to work about my health but now I’m empowered to research, to learn more and to embrace wellness. When someone tells me they tried an essential oil and it didn’t work, I’m pretty sure they tried a fragrance or lower grade, not the quality of Young Living essential oils. 
Nostalgia: Something that is really important to me … creating an environment for my sweet grandson that’s FREE of toxins. Know what else I really love? You know how a certain scent will take you back to a really special memory? I love that he is going to associate those amazing good scents like lavender or clove/cinnamon with his grammy. 
What is an essential oil anyway? My first uneducated thought: “oh, some air freshening junk that maybe helps you relax, snake oils for hippies”. An essential oil is the substance created by plants for protection against damage, injury, predators, environmental/weather changes. And they work for humans (oh and my dog and that horse too) in much the same way. Whoa! I certainly never imagined that essential oils had powerful health benefits. What? Why haven’t we heard about them before? Why didn’t I know that I could grab an essential oil for relief or health support in so many ways without the synthetic chemicals or side effects? The answer to that is an involved blog post for another day but just because I never knew, doesn’t mean it isn’t so. Essential oils were one of the first medicines! I’m learning so much and I’m so thankful that my friends DID share with  me because it’s made a HUGE difference in our lifestyle, our health, our finances and our home. 
  Again, why Young Living brand? The history, the quality, the support, the selection (hello essential oils, personal care, supplements, cleaning products and so much more – toxin free products I use every day!), the opportunities (ask me how I’m going to the lavender farm for FREE this fall and how I’ve passed up my blogging income, especially when I vowed I would NEVER promote one of those work-from-home type companies). It’s rewarding having the opportunity to help others make healthier choices too. I see how it really is changing lives. And because I see that for myself personally, I really can’t help but to shout it out to you on my blog on occasion or from the top of my lungs on Facebook! “YOU need these oils too!” 
SO here is what I recommend: THIS DIFFUSER IS THE BOMB! 3-5-10 hour settings, LED lights (including a pretty candle flicker)! Love it!
…just dip your toe in by purchasing the premium starter kit. Just try and see. This gives you the biggest bang for your buck with NO obligations. It’s the best way to give essential oils a good fair shot to see the benefits for yourself! For $160 (+tax/shipping) you get:
  A diffuser: You’re going to want to diffuse your essential oils into the air so you can breathe in those health benefits and support! What I love: unlike a candle, there are no toxic chemicals or synthetic fragrances. I get to choose the scent I want to diffuse…something uplifting or relaxing, something immune boosting or cleansing, etc. AND I get to control the strength. A drop or two for sensitive noses, more for a POW – my house smells amazing! The diffusers are constructed of a medical grade material that will not break down with the use of essential oils. It also comes with a 1 year warranty.
11 bottles of essential oils: Peppermint (cooling, great for after exercise, occasional head tension, supporting a healthy digestive system), Frankincense (supports healthy skin, meditative/spiritual, promotes a sense of well being), Lemon (energizing and cleansing), Citrus Fresh (I love adding a few drops to freshen up laundry)), DiGize (a must have for supporting a healthy digestive system), Thieves (supports a healthy immune system, very popular oil that because of it’s awesome power is also used in YL’s household cleaner concentrate, bar soap, hand soap, laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid and dishwasher powder, dental products, hand purifier, etc. too – it’s SO good!), Lavender (relaxing and calming and awesome for all.things.healthy.skin!!!), Copaiba, PanAway (smells like IcyHot, great for after exercise), Raven (supports a healthy respiratory system!), Stress Away (enough said!).
A sample of Thieves Household Cleaner (YOU WILL LOVE THIS!!! Cinnamon/clove scent?! Yes please!)
Sample bottles and cards to share with others.
Sample Ningxia Red (super juice – POW!) 
A lifetime wholesale membership – sounds scary but there are no obligations to order ever again. But if you do want to, you now have access to 24% off retail prices! Hurray! Spend 50 pv ($around $50) per year to stay an active member or … hey, go inactive. There is no penalty. You just don’t order again, you walk away free and clear.
Friendships and support!
The potential to share with others and to make a paycheck – it’s just there, hanging out, yours for the taking IF you want it. No requirements. No monthly quotas. You never HAVE to ‘sell’ or share or speak a word to anyone if you don’t want to. But if you do, you might just get an accidental paycheck! Let’s discuss the details. It’s not like your usual work-from-home multi-level marketing company.
Access to a Rewards program IF you decide you love you oils to pieces and can’t live without MORE! Completely optional. I love it because I get things I used to buy at WalMart (but now a chemical free version) and my essential oils delivered to my door and I earn rewards BIG TIME (shopping spree!) but that’s just me. I’m talking about not just essential oils but our toothpaste, household cleaner, deodorant, laundry detergent, lotion, supplements, etc. You have the choice. Decline immediately, sign up if you want some other time or never join it. Up to you!
FREE GIFTS! ORDER NOW through November 30, 2018 and receive $25 cash back, a welcome bundle from DIYShowOff (that’s from me to you personally!) WHILE SUPPLIES LAST that includes my favorite educational material so you’re not left in the dark. Hey, those oils aren’t going to do anyone any good sitting in the box. Don’t be intimidated or overwhelmed…we’ve got you covered. I really want to get you all set up and ready to love your essential oils!). Choose one of these holiday gifts (first come, first serve basis)
Not really on board or into essential oils? Young Living is all about a chemical free home and healthy lifestyle. There are more options: 
1. The Premium Starter Kit with diffuser (dewdrop diffuser shown below), 11 oils and samples.  
2. The Ningxi Red kit (AWESOME daily supplement) and everything shown below: 
 3. Savvy Minerals Makeup kit…
4. Thieves Kit – all things Thieves & cleaning, supporting a healthy immune system. 
How? Just go to YoungLiving.com. Be sure that my member#1836762 is in the enroller and sponsor spots, choose your Premium Starter Kit and you’re all set! Want recommendations for more or to learn how you can get free products with your order? Contact me for more info and I can walk you through the sign up process. 
I’m excited for you to join an amazing oily family filled with so much love and support and fun! Can’t wait!
*This blog is sponsored by DIYShowOff & Young Living Essential Oils (Independent Distributor). The information on this blog is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 
***Be sure to make your purchase using the enroller/sponsor#1836762 to qualify for DIYShowOff welcome bundle, community, incentives and gifts.
As if Young Living didn’t spoil us enough on Black Friday with 20% off 50 oils & Diffusers…..they’re doing it again on Cyber Monday!
WHEN: From 8 a.m. to 11:59 p.m., MT, on Monday, November 26 (ONE DAY ONLY!)
 WHAT: you can save 20 percent on select Thieves®, NingXia, and Savvy Minerals® products!
Here is a full list of everything that will be on sale!!!!!!
  Thieves Favorites 
 Dish Soap | 5350D | $11.20  Foaming Hand Soap Refill 32 oz. | 3594D | $31.60  Foaming Hand Soap | 3674D | $10.60  Fruit & Veggie Soak | 5352D | $15.80  Laundry Soap | 5349D | $23.60  Dishwasher Powder | 5762D | $20.40  Household Cleaner 14.4 oz. | 3743D | $18.00  AromaBright Toothpaste, 4 oz | 3039D | $8.40  Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash, 8 oz | 3683D | $9.00  Dental Floss, 1 ct. | 4463122D | $2.60
 All the NingXia! 
 Ningxia Singles 30 Count | 3525D | $69.60  NingXia Red 2 pack | 3042D | $58.40  NingXia Red 4 pack | 3044D | $104.60  NingXia Nitro | 3064D | $31.80  NingXia Wolfberries | 6360D | $20.40
  Savvy Amazingness 
 Spoiled | 20784D | $12.20  Freedom | 20856D | $12.20  Inspired | 21022D | $12.20
 Adore | 21295D | $18.20  Daydream | 21292D | $18.20  On A Whim | 21293D | $18.20
 Misting Spray, 2 oz. | 21397D | $12.00
 Poppy Seed Lip Scrub | 23749D | $18.20
 Cool No. 1 | 20776D | $35.20  Cool No. 2 | 20775D | $35.20  Cool No. 3 | 20773D | $35.20  Warm No. 1 | 20777D | $35.20  Warm No. 2 | 20774D | $35.20  Warm No. 3 | 20772D | $35.20  Dark No. 1 | 20858D | $35.20  Dark No. 2 | 20859D | $35.20  Dark No. 3 | 20860D | $35.20  Dark No. 4 | 20861D | $35.20
Young Living has been surprising and delighting us so much. What a legacy Gary left us!!  Young Living is so generously offering this VERY LIMITED holiday treat FOR FREE to the FIRST 65,000 orders over 250PV on Cyber Monday starting at 8AM MST!!! 
Essential Rewards: No Quick Order: Yes Markets: U.S. Retail customers: Yes NFR: Yes.  Limits: No, while supplies last
*Due to high order volumes, expected order processing and/or shipping, including YL Go/YL Go+, may take longer than usual. Priority will be given to YL Go and YL Go+ members. Your order must be placed by phone or online.
https://ift.tt/2RfvhhR Roeshel
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mikeyd1986 · 7 years
On Monday morning, I started my Healthy Cooking on a Budget short course at Balla Balla Community Centre in Cranbourne East. Being the first week, I was naturally a little nervous and socially awkward meeting new people in the group. But I think most people were hesitant in the kitchen as we’re all learning basic cooking techniques at the same level. Our teacher Jodie started the class by running through some food hygiene rules and the importance of washing your hands thoroughly before preparing meals.
We then split up into groups of 3 and cooked a variety of different dishes involving eggs including scrambled eggs, omelettes, pancakes and zucchini fritters. It was really surprising to learn how few ingredients you need to cook each of these recipes and how far you can spread them out if you’re really tight with money. It was slightly intimidating at first but eventually I was gaining confidence and stepped up to a few of the tasks. I really enjoy learning new skills and discovering different meals that I can cook for myself. http://www.ballaballa.com.au/progra...
On Monday night, my parents and I attended a drinks and members night at the Aspire Information Center. I was actually feeling quite nervous walking into the room as socially I was out of my comfort zone here. I got instantly recognised by Steve and Tina who were running the event as I used to serve them at Coles Casey Central a few years back. We each got a couple of drinks vouchers to use plus a personalised name badge and entry for a door prize.
Sitting down on the plush green sofa, I felt even more anxious and uncomfortable introducing myself to some of the other guests clambering around me. I just remained polite and kept on smiling. The two beers I had did little to settle my nerves. In fact, I wanted to doze off and sink into the cushions to escape this social function. Steve did his little sales speech about the benefits of their Classic Holidays timeshare program and I basically tuned out. Thankfully he didn’t pressure us into making an appointment and signing up to it.
On Anzac Day morning, we got up early and attended a breakfast gathering at the Aqua Cafe in the Nepean Country Club. It was a buffet style meal with lots of pancakes, fruit, tea, coffee and juice. It was a little crowded but the food was worth it. Later in the afternoon, we drove down to Arthurs Seat again and visited the Seawinds Gardens. The rain and wind was picking up so I spent the walk holding an umbrella. The gardens were really beautiful though with the trees revealing the many colours of autumn. There were also several lookouts, a duck pond and a nursery nearby. http://www.discovermorningtonpeninsula.com.au/...
On Anzac Day night, I had the my session of the Group Strength Training program at Breakaway Fitness in Narre Warren. Sadly, I was Luke Davey’s only client tonight despite pushing the promotion really hard in the weeks leading up to it. I’m a very caring and empathetic person so I want other people in my life to succeed and I hope that in the coming weeks, there will be a bit more interest and a few more clients in the group.
I spent the session telling Luke all about my weekend down in Rye. I feel like I’m coming out of my shell a little more each time I see him and I’m learning that I can trust him now when I’m struggling. Of course, there’s still moments of silence and sometimes I have thoughts like “What should I ask him now? How can I break the ice?” but I’m learning to be more gentle with myself and not feel pressured to speak up if I have nothing to say. https://www.facebook.com/breakawayf...
WARM-UP...Tonight’s warm-up exercises consisted of three 90-second squat holds, a 3 minute butterfly sit with 10kg on each thigh and three rounds of 12 weighted glute bridges. I’m pretty used to these particular exercises from my one-on-one sessions but I was still feeling very tight and sore in my glutes and thighs.
DEVELOPMENT...For the development, I did three round of 5 weighted back squats. Tonight I managed to do 60kg squats which is my heaviest weight so far. I was a little shaky with some of my reps but I did my best to correct my posture and tried to be mindful of keeping my heels firmed grounded during the movement. It’s all practice but I think I’ve improved heaps since I started doing them.
WORK-OUT...For tonight’s workout, I had to do 40-30-20-10 reps of the following exercises: squats on the bench and butterfly sit ups. I gave myself a goal of 10 minutes and I soon realised that it was going to be a tough one to reach. The first two rounds were probably the hardest, particularly doing the butterfly sit ups. I was struggling to keep up the pace and fatigue was hitting me hard. I was also sliding around a bit and I had to keep correcting my position on the mat.
Thankfully I made it up in the last two rounds, smashing out the squats really quickly and trying to be more consistent with my sit ups. The fire was definitely unleashed during the final 10 reps. I was determined to get under 10 minutes or at least try to. I got 9 minutes and 29 seconds. I honestly couldn’t believe it but somehow I found the energy to finish the workout really fast.
On Thursday morning, my parents and I picked up our cat Prudence aka Bubbie from the Catshack in Narre Warren North. The owner Simon was quite concerned with her health as she hadn’t touched her food in 24 hours and was noticeably weak. We decided to take her straight to Pound Road Veterinary Clinic for a check up. In the car, I was monitoring her closely in the back seat, checking for any vital signs. She was still breathing and moving slightly in her carry cage. So I was feeling optimistic that she was going to pull through this.
Arriving at the veterinary clinic, Bubbie was rushed into the emergency surgery room after the receptionist noticed how cold she was. They placed her on a thermal mat to attempt to raise her body temperature. I was pretty much like an episode of RPA with the nurses running around the table trying desperately to revive our cat. Unfortunately, she didn’t make it. Her probable cause of death was heart and kidney failure with old age.
I spent some time holding her with a towel wrapped around her lifeless body. I almost couldn’t handle it as it was really confronting for me. Her mouth was gaping wide open and I kept expecting her to miraculously wake up even though I knew it wouldn’t happen. One of the hardest stages of grief for me is acceptance. Not only acknowledging that she’s died but being okay with that fact. It’s going to take me a while to get over it.
She lived to the ripe old age of 18 and despite having numerous health issues in her last year, she didn’t stop fighting until the end. It really broke my mum the most. She was absolutely devastated as Bubbie was very much a part of our family. It was really tough seeing mum so upset like that. I was feeling quite shaken and emotional as I really didn’t expect it to happen so suddenly. It’s going to be really tough accepting that she won’t be running around the house nagging for food or lounging around on the mats anymore.
On Friday night, I attended a Yoga class at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. This class was actually held inside the Creche rather than the Group Fitness room. It seemed quite weird at first but the space was certainly large enough for it. It was my second class with yoga instructor Dr. Vijaya Patil and sadly she was officially retiring after tonight’s class. It was really good to experience yoga from a more traditional perspective. https://www.fitnessfirst.com.au/fin...
We covered many different areas including Joint Therapy, Sun Salutations (Standing forward bend, plank, cobra, child’s pose, downward facing dog), Standing Postures (Side stretches), Balancing, Seated Postures (Side leg raises, camel pose, fish pose) and Meditation (Chanting, Full body scan). Vijaya is very informative, explaining the health benefits for each of the different poses we were doing. After such a tough and emotional day, I felt so much better after finishing this class. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/...
On Saturday night, I attended the Rope Climbs to Everest charity event at UFT PLAYgrounds in Berwick. Unfortunately, I had to work all day and so by the time I got there, I missed out on all the rope climbing action. Still I have no regrets about making an appearance to show my support for the vent. It was good catching up with all the other trainers despite being dog tired and socially awkward. It’s always been difficult for me to insert myself into conversations. I also get bored easily and know where my limits are when it comes to social interaction.
The cause itself is to raise $20,000 and climb 20,000 meters. The money raised goes toward providing support and treatment towards people suffering from anxiety, depression and suicide. It really is such an important cause seeing as I suffer from mental illness myself and so I wanted to get myself involved. Hopefully next year I’ll be strong and fit enough to participate as an actual climber and spend more time at the event. If you’d like to donate, you can do so here: https://www.gofundme.com/ropeclimbs...
“Recognize. Synchronize. Harmonize. What’s inside. Become the one, become the one, you know you are. We’ve got life. We’ve got love.” Goldfrapp - Become The One (2017)
“Just a little light flickering, out on the horizon. Just a little light there, what do I. Should I know. I should’ve known that. They’ll be coming right back, through the ripples of black” Goldfrapp - Zodiac Black (2017)
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