#‘most popular’ is generous obviously but I figure that’s about the gist of it anyway!
what-the-fuck-khr · 4 months
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what-the-fuck-khr’s most popular sky is tsunayoshi! he won with 38.6% out of 10 characters!
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feeling--pink · 4 years
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My Sweet Ride is an amazing episode of Phineas and Ferb and the only thing bad about it I that I wish we could have seen more people in full out 1950s clothes!! So I did that!! (Also including some MML kids because I love them and don’t draw them enough!)
Anyways!! If y’all want to see me rant about 1950s stuff for a very long time because I had a blast doing research for this project you should click the keep reading!! :D
Okay a quick prelude!! Not only am I going to talk about outfits I designed, but while doing research I was blown away about the attention to detail the original designers had for these outfits and characters so I’m going to talk about their outfits too! :D
Here are my sources if you want to look into this btw!! :D
Okay I’m going to start out by saying I just adore this outfit
That has nothing to do with anything I just really love it!!
I’m thinking I might make one of my own for Halloween but that’s off-topic
Okay- 1950s clothing!!
Candace is wearing a blouse (?) with a cardigan over the top, and a pleated swing skirt.
This is a classic 1950s girl’s style
More specifically its also a classic “preppy good kid” look
Which Candace absolutely is!!
Y’all should notice that all the skirts are past knee-length, which was standard of the time.
Candace also has a neck scarf, a common accessory, and a headband.
Ribbon headbands were still a thing in the 50s but the hard plastic headband was also coming into style in the later 1950s.
She’s wearing a pair of saddle shoes which were one of the popular options of the time among boys and girls
Her hair is long with curls at the end, another classic teenager look in the 50s!
While short hair was more popular among adult women, teenage girls often kept theirs long with slight curls on the end!
Bangs were also standard, but usually shorter than how I drew them
Sorry that bit’s inaccurate through all of them, it’s just easier for me to draw long!
Finally, in case you had any doubt about Candace’s outfit being time period, here’s an advertisement from the article I read:
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To start off we have a blouse and pencil shirt for Vanessa
Pencil and swing skirts were the two most common skirts of the time
She’s also wearing a belt, which I modified slightly to look like-
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The wide contour belt on the bottom right!
She’s also wearing a pillbox hat, one of the popular hats of the time!
Hats were generally not worn by teenagers because they were seen as “mature” 
But that fits pretty well with Vanessa’s character
It’s the same story with the pumps, which I also changed lightly to match time period ones a bit more
Now what made me make my original post about the outfits in My Sweet Ride was actually the hair
Specifically, Vanessa’s hair is modeled after the Bettie Page style
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This hair wasn’t actually that popular with the masses because it was seen as too simple, not classy, etc.
BUT it was popular among rebel girls in the USA
And like!!!!!! Y’all the designers did SUCH a good job to get down into details like that!!!!!!!!
But yeah her outfit’s great!! Next one!
For Stacy, I decided to change things up slightly and give her a dress!
Specifically, it’s a shirtwaist dress, which I modeled after the reference below
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Why the shirtwaist dress you may ask? Idk I think they’re neat
I thought it fit the vibe I was going for so I did that one I don’t know what to tell you jkdshsf-
Okay so generally, the belt wouldn’t have been a different color but I wanted to tie the green I used in a little more
Btw sorry I changed her color scheme a bit
I honestly haven’t fully figured out her original color scheme so I modified it a bit so it would look nice for this!
Pastels were very popular in the summer after all
I tried to stick to everyone else’s original color scheme though!
Stacy also has a headband tied up into a bow, which was standard
And to change things up I put her in a ponytail (with the end curled) which was popular with the teens!
Sklsdjhdkj I sound very “how do you do fellow teens“ while writing this that’s unintentional sorry
Shoes are penny loafers, another popular shoe at the time
I liked the little bows on the ends of some of the ones I saw and thought it was very Stacy!
That’s about it for her!
This has nothing to do with anything but I love drawing Phineas
He’s just a funky little triangle!! I love him!
I’ll admit here that I didn’t look into men’s hairstyles, so you won’t hear about that from me sorry!
Phineas is wearing a black button-up, standard. 
Black and white matched everything so they were the most common undershirt colors
Over that, he has a jacket that looks to be varsity jacket inspired, which was seen as super cool!
Full jeans were coming into popularity in the 50s but only with the younger generations
Finally, he also has saddle shoes like Candace does
So yeah it’s a solid 1950s outfit!!
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Ferb’s a greaser, need I say more?
No, really he has everything
The white t-shirt and jeans combo is exactly the greaser look, so much so that most teenagers avoided it to not fall into stereotypes
Tighter fit jeans were coming into style in the later 50s, so that’s also accurate
The leather jacket just amplifies the greaser look
The one thing is that for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what shoes he was wearing
So I gave him a pair of sho-loks and called it a day!
More about sho-loks in Milo’s portion!
Isabella makes an appearance with the first (and only) poodle skirt of the group!!
Poodle skirts, while definitely what most people think about when you say the 50s, actually weren’t that popular among teenagers
The embroidered designs were seen as childish, so children and preteens wore them the most
But here’s a fun tidbit you may not have caught from the show, Isabella is, in fact, a child
(I don’t know why I built that up so much sorry ldksjfhkds)
Anyways I decided if I was going to give anyone a classic poodle skirt it might as well be Isabella!
I modeled it after this poodle skirt:
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She’s also wearing a blouse with a peter pan collar, the most popular collar of the time
Another headband tied into a bow because it’s Isabella I had to give her a bow
Standard belt (nothing really to say about that)
And another pair of penny loafers with little bows because they’re cute gosh darn it!
Okay, I’ve been writing for a while but honestly a lot of the rest of these I just drew directly from reference so…
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I did say I would talk about shu-loks here though and I will!!!
Now we know Milo is shoelace-adverse
And while there are plenty of slip-on options I found the shu-lok to be fascinating!!
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As you can see above, the tongue snaps down to keep the shoe on your foot!! Isn’t that cool? :D
So yeah I gave Milo those!!  
We know Zack plays football so I gave him your standard sporty outfit
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Sorry I just find girls outfits infinitely more interesting so I kinda focused on those skjhgfdss
Oh! I do have something to say here!!
Converse were your typical sports shoe for the 50s so he has those!! Almost forgot that tidbit!!
Yeah, thick soles with wrinkles and stuff were seen as cool among teens so they got popular!
Finally, we have some patterned pants!!
Yeah- checkers, plaid, stripes, polka dots, etc. were all very popular!!
I just didn’t want to draw them a lot ‘cause it’s hard sksfjdhgs-
But I gave Melissa checkers because it would get the black and white of her color scheme and I liked the way the checkered pants looked!!
Girls did wear pants at the time by the way!!
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During summer and weekends mostly since they weren’t allowed to wear them to school
Short-sleeved turtle necks were also a thing and I thought that combo would look neat!!
Also, converse because it went with the outfit and that’s kinda what she’s wearing in the show!
Hair in a ponytail and side part bangs, both popular!
Yeah okay, that’s about it for Melissa!
By this point, y’all are hopefully getting the gist of 50s fashion so we’re going fast now
Blouse, swing skirt, penny loafers (different style but still penny loafers), headband
(here’s what I modeled the whole thing after:)
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I do want to mention the pullover sweater because I thought I should include one and I really like the flower embroidery on them
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Then finally we come to her hair!! I already mentioned the headband but I was specifically modeling her hair in the pageboy style which looks like this:
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Obviously, it looks a little stylized but what can you do?
And that’s it!! I had so much fun doing research and designing this and I think they all turned out pretty good!! I’m going to do more go this in the futures so if there's someone in particular you’d like to see let me know!! I’m planning on doing Cavendish, Dakota, and Sara at least in the next batch!! 
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Swear To It.
Paul (The Lost Boys) x reader
Warnings: angst, mention of injury
Context: this is sort of a continuation of my last Paul fic (Behave Yourself). Basically, the reader is on duty and has to separate a fight, only to figure out that one of the people involved is their very own boyfriend.
A/N: I feel like I've released a lot of Top Gun stuff recently, so I thought I'd get this out of my drafts, as is started this last week and haven't had time to finish it. I felt in the mood for some angst, so here we go 😂😅
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The Boardwalk is unusually busy for a Tuesday night, the normally popular attractions and shops swarming with people, the rides crowded and unpleasant to go on, what with the sheer volume of people trying to get on at the same time, drunk and tipsy gaggles of teens causing insignificant havoc all over the place. A few older visitors have complained over the last hour, but, as always, we ignore them, knowing by now that most of then are exaggerating about the severity of the problems, trying to get the younger population to leave the Boardwalk to them. Thankfully we haven't had to break up many fights, though my chest still hurts from where some screaming girl elbowed me when I had to pull her away from her sobbing "friend", red welts lining my arm from where she managed to scratch at me, the otherwise unmarked skin stinging a little under my uniform shirt.
Having been told to continue my rounds, I pace slowly around the perimeter of the carousel, eyeing the throbbing crowd with a practised eye, taking in the rowdy surfers and punks gathered a little way away, their leaders apparently having an arguement; though I don't see it escalating any time soon, another security guard walking up to them to sort it out even as they start to break apart. Not much is audible over the tinny music and cacophony of voices, but I recognise the general gist of what is being said: we'll finish this later. I fight the urge to roll my eyes, instead focusing on a group of three teenagers surrounded by a cloud of blue smoke, the pungent odour clearly cannabis, joints pinched between shaking hands, their laughter lazy and drug-induced, one of them practically using the others as a crutch. Cracking my neck, I prepare to deal with them, intending to remind them that drug use is not quite legal in the presence of smaller children, hoping to advise them that there are better (more discreet) places to continue their fun. I go to walk over to them, only to be stopped by a sudden shout behind me, the sound oddly familiar.
Turning towards it, I notice a commotion starting near the ticket booth, where a group of curious onlookers has gathered around what I can only imagine is two unruly teens initiating a fight. I start to push my way through the crowds towards them, my pace hindered by the multitudes of people in my way, my urgency spiking as more shouts and curses follow the initial one, the audience starting to chant the word "fight" over and over again, as if they were still in high school, cheering and taunting accompanying the uproar as more of us security guards move in to break it up.
As I approach, I am greeted by a few elbows to the body, feet stamping on mine as I push through the hordes, the riled-up onlookers pushing together into a near impenetrable wall of bodies. Yelling at them all to move out of the way, I manage to force my way through, where I have to take a moment to realise who exactly it is causing chaos at this exact moment.
My eyes lock with David and Dwayne's across the newly formed circle briefly, at which point I take in that they're trying to force their brother off of the cursing rocker beneath him, Marko trying to hold back one of the victim's friends as he tries to escalate the situation. Ignoring the shouts and commands of his friends, Paul continues beating the hell out of the guy on the floor, obviously in a rage over something, fists flying in a relentless volley, despite the hands on his back holding him away. Shock and anger flood me at the sight, noticing that the rocker at his feet is covered in blood and bruises, one of his eyes already starting to swell up into an ugly purple colour, though he hasn't submitted yet, choosing instead to kick and scratch at any available body part he can reach, swearing profusely at the vampire.
Without another thought, I throw myself forwards, being the first guard on the scene, latching myself onto Paul's shoulder, hands propped against his chest as I force my way under his arm, knowing that the most leverage I'll get is if I'm underneath him pushing upwards and away from the other, who is currently punching at my back. I call out to them both, telling them to cut it out, knowing I can't really use Paul's name in case I give away our relationship, my muscles straining under the vampire's supernatural strength, struggling to push him away. After a minute or so, my words finally seem to sink in, the lanky blonde pulling away with a growl of frustration, a sick smirk of pride plastered over his face as he watches another security guard helping his victim to his feet, eyes flashing dangerously at the scent of fresh blood before they flick to me, realisation setting in as I give him a disgusted look. I turn to the others, ignoring my boyfriend completely.
"Get him out of here." I simply say to them, nodding appreciatively at them as they agree, the three of them moving to take Paul away from the Boardwalk, and away from me. Anger and frustration race through my veins as I stalk over to help the other guard with the battered rocker, my own body aching now from the blows it received, though I don't say anything as we carry the guy away from the crowd towards the small building we use as a place to store our stuff whilst at work.
An hour later, I'm dismissed, my feet dragging in exhaustion and dull anger as I trek home, my mind replaying the events of the shift in my head.
He knew I was working today. He knew and he started a fight anyway.
Frustrated sighs leave me every now and then as I walk, subconsciously finding my way back to my home, where a motorcycle is already waiting outside, the sight of which stirs up a feeling of dead and frustration. Ignoring it, I go to the door and unlock it, stepping inside and throwing my bag to the floor, taking my shoes and jacket off as I shuffle further into the hall, going straight to the stairs. Instead of going to my room, I enter the bathroom instead, quickly stripping and getting into the shower, knowing full well that the person I least want to see is somewhere in the house, and that he knows I'm annoyed at him. As the water runs down my body, I try to ignore the fact that I'm going to have to face him, focusing instead on the motions of cleaning myself, finding the actions soothing to do, working the knots out of muscles, wincing when my hands run over the newly formed bruises and welts on my skin.
I take around ten minutes, climbing out and drying off at a relatively slow pace, trying to relax myself in preparation for what is to come, finally wrapping the towel around myself before stepping out of the bathroom. Going to my room, I halt in my tracks when I catch sight of the lithe vampire sat on my bed, a deep frown etching itself onto my face.
"What do you want?" I grit out, turning my back as I go to my dresser, rooting around in my draws for some comfortable clothes, pulling out a shirt and trousers.
"I wanted to apologise for the fight. I didn't realise it was such a big deal for you, and I didn't mean to get into one tonight." Paul responds quietly, audibly standing and walking to stand behind me.
Bristling slightly, I clench my jaw at his words, a spark of anger flaring up in me.
"You know full well how I feel about people starting fights on the Boardwalk." I snap back at him, turning and pushing past him.
"Yeah, I know, but I never meant to get into a fight! I'm sorry!" He reasons, trying to follow me, only just realising that I'm not wearing any clothes.
"It's always the same, though. You didn't mean to start it, you didn't realise, blah blah blah. When is it ever going to change, Paul? I'm fed up with coming home beaten and bruised because I've had to separate people, and then to have to pry my own boyfriend away from someone? It's just not fair to me, and that's something that you don't seem to realise."
The vampire is silent for a moment, his blue eyes fixed on me, mind clearly working to form a response. I don't give him the time, striding forwards to push him out of the door, closing it in his face with some force. Turning, I sigh heavily, hating the hurt look that flashed across his face as I did so, swiftly changing into my more comfortable clothes and collapsing on the bed, my fists clenching in the duvet as I try to control myself, resisting the urge to open the door to him again.
For a little while, I remain there, sprawled on the bed with tears of exhaustion and frustration threatening to spill from my eyes, my anger fading a little until it's just a dull emotion clouding my mind. Internally, I consider quitting my job, considering the factors keeping me there: I'm good at my job, it pays well enough to afford basic needs and it's secure, though the factors pushing me away almost seem to have a greater affect on me - coming home bruised most nights, having to put up with rowdy Boardwalk goers, dealing with verbal and some physical abuse from some of the more raucous visitors. Sniffing, I curl myself up into a ball, barely registering as there is a knock on the window.
Looking over, I let out a sigh of frustration at the sight of Paul crouched on the ledge, his tall frame bent almost in two as he peers in at me, gesturing with one finger at the latch, expression almost desperate. I stare at him, thinking over the options in my head: I could leave him out there, or I can let him in to explain himself. It takes me a couple of minutes to decide, a frustrated growl leaving me as I stand up, my steps slow and calculated as I go to the window, watching as a small smile works it's way onto his handsome face. Approaching, I keep my expression neutral, reaching for the latch and flicking it open, turning instantly and walking back to my bed, where I sit with my eyes fixed on him.
Awkwardly, he forces himself through the window, relief evident in his expression as he finally stands up straight again and closes the makeshift door behind him, hands wringing together, as if fighting the urge to move forwards, body tense.
"Look, I'm really sorry, (Y/n). I wasn't aware that your job was so difficult, and I hate that I made it difficult for you tonight. I'm really sorry that you got hurt because of me, I feel really ashamed that it happened. I know I have to make it up to you somehow, so I hope you'll let me, because I really don't want to lose you! I'll do anything to keep you!" He finally says, voice pleading and laced with shame, teeth biting at his lip as he watches me for a reaction, welts appearing on his pale hands from where he's digging his fingers in.
Eyeing him, I think over what he's said, silently wondering whether or not to accept his apology, the anger within me spiking a little, though I swiftly suppress it again, sighing heavily as I stand up from the bed, having made a decision.
"I accept your apology, Paul, but I need you to understand that saying you're sorry is a different thing to showing me you're sorry. I know I got hurt tonight, but I'm not the only security guard that works there, and I'm sure they'd all rather they didn't come home with bruises every night. If you want to make it up to me, then you have to swear to me that you'll not get into another fight on the Boardwalk, and that you'll make sure the others understand that, too." I explain to him, referring to the rest of his coven, watching as his emotions seem to force themselves put over his face, a variety of odd expressions following my words. Finally, he seems to settle on relieved, eyes bright with happiness.
"Yes, of course I'll swear to that! I'll do anything, (Y/n), you mean too much to me to lose you!" Paul gushes, rushing forwards slightly, as if to bring me into a hug, only stopping as couple of inches away from me, hesitating.
"Do it, then. Swear to it." I prompt him, looking up into his face.
"I swear to you, that I won't start, or get into another fight on the Boardwalk. I swear it on my life." He promises, completely serious for once, meaning it's totally genuine.
"Good." I smile up at him, finally giving in to the urge I've had since I first walked in, stepping forwards to rest my head against his chest, my arms linking around his abdomen.
Happily, he wraps his own arms around me, crushing me against his body as he buries his face in my hair, his familiar scent enveloping me as we stand there. Perfectly content, we remain in place for what feels like hours, neither of us saying a word, just happy to be in each other's company for the time being, my body trying it's best to relax.
The rest of the night is spent cuddling together, neither of us wanting to be away from the other, Paul only leaving when he notices that the sun is close to coming up, cutting it fine as he always does. As he leaves, he promises me that he'll be waiting for me on the Boardwalk the next night, ready to help me deal with troublesome Boardwalk goers.
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rmjunhao · 6 years
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[ beyoncé voice ] bitch, i’m back by popular demand.
hELLO!! to all you oldies, hey. imy. & to you newbies, hey!! i’m yumi and i have here for you, xu junhao, blessed w diamond mimicry! he’s a 19 year old disenfranchised first year majoring in business w concentration in international relations. he’s also alpha’s hazing target & the initiate most likely to be dropped and if that doesn’t scream Hot Mess™ to you then ,,, good 4 u. 
on a side note, i’ve revamped a few minor things abt him & his background which is all conveniently included for y’all under the cut. read: i made him a bit more angsty purely for the sake of my own personal entertainment. 
anyways, i’m super excited that rm is up and running again!! and of i’m so excited to write with y’all so smash that like button if you’d like me to slide into your ims for plotting purposes ofc (((; i also have a twt ( @sichengly ) and a discord ( yumi#1724 ) if that makes life any easier for you.
soOoOooOOo yeah, pls love me and my revamped boy. over and out. 
profile ! mutation ! bio !
born in hong kong as a big shot celebrity child to a former gold medal figure skating olympian turned ceo & a model/actress. he’s known as hui janho in cantonese, though he goes by xu junhao as well. probably goes by jun a lot. 
obviously he had to play the part of the perfect son so learning how to act & also being in the center of the public eye is something that became normalized in his life from a very age but eventually he grew to love the attention, the endorsements, the lifestyle
junhao by nature was a Wild child, the type to mess around and get himself almost killed if his parents turned around for two seconds
story time: 7 yr old junhao for some reason thought it’d be a brilliant idea to try to rollerblade on his slip n’ slide because that acceleration tho—yeah he has a long jagged scar on his left knee from that despite his mother’s expensive anti-scarring creams bc his toddler fingers couldn’t help but pick at the scab!!
parents signed him up for all kinds of sports as soon as he could freaking walk to channel some of this reckless energy into something more productive
eventually stuck with rugby & was well on the path to playing professionally with various uni scouts fighting to recruit him until the Incident during 12 grade
naturally a very social boy and made friends left and right ,, but of course his lifestyle led him to come off as snobby to some people
a fellow high school classmate was one of said people and clashed w junhao from the start ,, now junhao isn’t known for being a pacifist and he kinda got a kick out of egging this boy on bc let’s be real, he’s your typical, immature teenager
one day the snide remarks escalated into a full on fist fight in which junhao’s powers manifested for the first time
imagine punching and being punched by a blindingly bright boy whose skin is literally as hard as rock that also happens to be 183 cm tall & 65 kg of mostly muscle ,, yeah it didn’t end very well for that boy
lots of outlandish rumors spread about what happened that damaged his public image and he lost a lot of his university offers because of this
parents wanted to send him away so he could learn to “fix” this issue somewhere far away from them so they gladly pulled every string in the book to get him into gumi although he did have to take a gap year bc of this mess
he’s having a hard time trying to come to terms w the fact that he’s been practically disowned and no longer has half the luxuries he took for granted. he’s trying to pass as nonchalant & carefree abt his fall from grace & as far as the general public knows, he’s being shipped all the way to s. korea for uni bc he’s the new youth ambassador for a pro mutant-human coexistence organization. but he really misses rugby & just his old lifestyle in general :((
stumbled upon seoul’s underground fighting scene by accident one weekend and now he’s using it as an outlet for his pent up angst & stress & also as a source of income bc he needs the money now. it also gives him a nice rush whenever he wins & makes him feel kinda nostalgic. in cases like these, he quite likes his mutation bc it’s lowkey enough that the moderators don’t know that those rock hard abs still stay tht way even after eating 20 big macs
personality wise, he’s like your stereotypical  loudass 19 yr jock who rarely takes anything seriously, says bro & dude too much, laughs at dick jokes, & doesn’t know when is not an appropriate time to snicker at vines on twt. he can’t deal w anything emotionally charged and uses humor as a way to hide the fact that he can’t do the whole feelings thing
trouble kind of always follows him around ,, he’s always got stupid ideas that he’ll act upon before thinking through the consequences but it’s always minor things like ,, he’s not a murderer or anything
lowkey a closeted kpop girl group fanboy!! like he listens to twice and momoland on the daily ,, knows all the dances to all the songs ,, u get the gist but stfu he doesn’t like talking about it
all in all, a Hot Mess™ trying to live the gucci gang life okay he’s not as bad as he sounds pls love him
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jacquclyn-blog · 7 years
hi my guys ! name’s honey, i’m 19 and i’m actively doing everything in my power to keep from going back to campus to get my books because that means classes are about to start and...yep, no thanx. anyways, i’ve been eyeing this bad boy and when i saw lizzie the loml got reopened i’d figure hell yeah, let’s do this thing, so here i am and honestly just accept that you’re never getting rid of me. beneath the cut is more on jackie, ofc, so feel free to hmu or just like this and i’ll come to you !! #buyrainbowonitunes
——— woah! wait, was that ELIZABETH OLSEN i just saw walking down mainstreet? no, of course not. that was just JACQUELYN VANCE. they’re TWENTY-SEVEN years old and identify as CISFEMALE. they have been in Alder Heights for TEN YEARS and work as a MAGAZINE EDITOR. i’ve heard they can be OBSTINATE and PEDANTIC on their bad days. but don’t be put off, because JACKIE can also be FERVENT and DISCERNING. no wonder people around here call them the AMARANTH.
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born in los angeles, california, jackie grew up very comfortably; both parents are lawyers and during the clinton administration, jackie’s father served as the us ambassador of france. she was nine when they first moved, and was seventeen when her father’s run overseas was finished, and being back home was an interesting transition for her, since she felt like the odd man out considering she’d fallen in love with the french way of life, i guess? she didn’t really want to leave when the time came, but it wasn’t entirely up to her (her least favorite president is w. bush, 3 guesses why lmao) 
instead of going back to la, they moved to alder heights, since her father wanted to continue pursuing a career in government/politics, and it was much closer to dc than la was. her two younger sisters adjusted to life back home a lot easier than jackie did; she wound up completing the last little bit of high school online, since she’d had an accelerated course schedule overseas (she loved school) and would’ve rather been eaten by wolves than go back to public school tbh. she started classes at georgetown uni (rich parents lmao) at seventeen and for awhile, her major was in political science since she had every intention to follow in her father’s footsteps, he was her hero after all
and then somewhere along the line, she realized she didn’t really like political science, she liked having an opinion on and discussing politics, so she moved over into mass communications and her parents weren’t thrilled at all, they totally thought they were going to have a vance legacy and be able to start some family dream team thing and being the oldest, they expected her to be the one to fulfill this, and it definitely started a few fights but they eventually shut up about it just because arguing with her is arguing w a brick wall tbh — they are still slowly coming around, they’re not crazy about it but they still support her, things are Tense, fun times
so she graduated, went on and got her masters, blah blah, fast forward to where jackie finds the job of her dreams at an unnamed, v popular magazine (it’s unnamed bc i want it to be lmao, givE ME TIME but if you need a comparison, think cosmo) and she chased after it hard, like all she wanted to do was be a writer and after spending roughly two years as an assistant, she got promoted to a writer and she loved it, absolutely loved it. got to write about the things she was passionate about, loved the people she worked with, she was living the Dream 
and after a few years of just really, really enjoying her job her higher-ups were like “hey, we’re gonna promote you if you want” and in jackie’s mind she was like, hell yeah, more responsibility, more control, all the things she loves tbh and she took the job as the lifestyle department editor since it was broad and encompassed a lot of the stuff she’d enjoyed writing for and of course, Loved it...to a point
jackie is married to her job, and it’s highkey unhealthy tbh, she’s very very hard on herself and now that she’s moved up in the hierarchy of things she’s beginning to see what they ask of their employees and it’s not always stuff she agrees with? it’s a lot of pressure and she’s beginning to fall out of love with all of it in general, the writing, being responsible for stuff, etc and part of her is like fuck this, i’m over it but at the same time, she’s forcing herself to stick w it because she wants to prove to her parents she can too see their successes in the career path she chose
basically, she’s currently conflicted as hell when it comes to work and is currently a don’t ask, don’t tell type of situation
has begun doing freelance writing on the side?? she doesn’t post or share any of it since most of it is just her rambling and she’s not got that much time to dedicate to it as it is but it’s kinda keeping her sane in the moment and reminding her as to why she loves what she does
her label is the amaranth, one of my faves, which p much means that they’re hard to forget and leave an impression and that’s certainly jackie lmao, she’s got a very strong personality that makes it hard for you to confuse her w anyone else
y’all see the traits up there in that app....that’s Her. she’s the kinda person you want in your corner, not the person you want opposing you bc she will end you and show no mercy
is a sagittarius 
can sometimes let her emotions get the better of her??? she’s stubborn and gets conflicted very easily and that basically just leads to disaster, she’s great at making problems in her life that aren’t a big deal a Big Deal and what she wants, she’ll get it even if she’s got to step on toes or scream really, really loudly for someone to hear her; her parents taught her to never settle and settle she does not
also bilingual, speaks fluent english and french. usually only slips into french when she’s pissed so...beware
connections i’d love to see for jackie (but aren’t limited to, i just know it’ll be a hot second before i get a page up and running!):
best friend  —  self explanatory, obviously, but just give me someone who jackie can sit on the couch and drink wine with in her pajamas, someone who’s got her back if they go out to a bar, her go-to if she’s ever got a company thing and she needs a date last minute, someone who’s gonna butt heads with her when there’s a conflict in either of their lives but they still love one another no matter what *cue true friend by hannah montana in the distance*
sibling like relationship  —  another self explanatory one but jackie’s got a mad mom side to her, she’s v protective of the people she loves so give me someone that might as well be a long lost vance, they do dumb shit together, have each other’s backs, try (and fail) at matchmaking for the other, having a toothbrush with their name on it at their apartment, the works
summer flings!!!!! someone jackie met while she was on vacation or even off on a business thing and they like hooked up and she never in a million years would’ve expected to bump into them back in alder heights......except, she did
tbh just give me a friends-esque group of people for jackie where they all hang out and eat and act like their lives aren’t constantly falling apart, that’d be N*ce too
exesssss!!! the good, the bad, the inescapable, the ones with lingering feelings, the ones that swear they’re over but have a problem every time the other even looks like they’re about to go on a date w someone else, this is free range
college friend   —  basically someone that she met back when she was in college and was the first bit of american companionship that she’d had since she was like, nine?? like i said, she started classes at seventeen, and hadn’t really interacted with anyone since she did online schooling for her senior year; this could’ve been a roommate, someone she had a class with, someone that she met on campus and got coffee with, we can talk this one out obviously but you get the gist!
angst  —  idk what, idk how, i just live for it and i want it thanks
someone who lives near jackie and whether it’s really weird stuff like coming over to ask for some milk to put in their coffee since they’re out and forgot to buy some or they like hang out and have dinner together a few nights a week, switching off and stuff, i think this could be Fun
family friend  —  jackie’s parents are both lawyers and her dad’s been involved in politics for awhile so i can imagine jackie’s gone to her fair share of parties and whatnot, meeting clients and coworkers and all kinds of people so this would ideally be someone she met because their parents were acquaintances/friends; they could’ve met as kids, stayed in touch while jackie was overseas and resumed their friendship years later when the both of them found themselves back in dc, they could’ve met on the more recent end of things, they could totally understand the other’s pain and get along gr8 because someone finally gets it, they could lowkey hate each other bc their parents are rivals/ they’re trying to work through it...the possibilities are endless
and while i’m on the topic of past connections: jackie occasionally had to come back to the us and visit dc while her dad was serving as ambassador (aged 9-17) so if you’re interested, we can totally work something with that
a plot where they’re acquaintances at best, they’ve maybe got mutual friends and therefore they hang out a bit but they’re always arguing w one another for whatever fucking reason, they both probably annoy each other but they’ve got mad sexual tension going on?? maybe they act on it, maybe they don’t, but either way, they lowkey enjoy the bantering and being at one another’s throats even if they act otherwise
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