#had to clean him up a bit. fiddle with the shadowing bc of his forehead flame
what-the-fuck-khr · 4 months
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what-the-fuck-khr’s most popular sky is tsunayoshi! he won with 38.6% out of 10 characters!
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wellthatjusthappend · 3 years
hey do you think you can write something where Dick is touch starved bc the members of the batfamily are not that into giving or receiving comforting touch like hugs so he's feeling awful and acting kind of distant with the other bats bc he doesn't really want to bug them by asking for a hug and it's Jason that notices something is wrong and ends up giving it to him
Dick being touch starved is my jam. Especially when I get to give him what he needs. 
Man, this prompt got away from me a little, I meant to do a small fill but, well, now you can read it here or on Ao3.
“What the hell is going on with Dickhead?” Jason grumbled. He’d totally cashed Jason’s case recently, and nearly bit off Jason’s head when he made a sarcastic quip. 
Usually, that meant that something had happened, but Jason had dug around after hadn’t found anything other than a slow and steady escalation of violence the last several weeks. Seemingly from no cause. 
There had to be something Jason was missing. Not that he cared or anything, but if Golden Boy was falling off the edge he needed to get ready. Or maybe he was just being nosy. Both were Bruce approved approaches. 
Jason frowned as on screen Dick let several punches land that he could have avoided and choose to punch back rather than use his sticks. 
“Ah, Dick is fasting again?” hummed Kori, coming to curl up next to Jason like a cat, her hair winding and winding itself around them in a way that still a little uncanny as it was soothing. 
“Fasting?” Jason asked with a frown, “Like, skipping meals and stuff?” 
“From love,” Kori corrected him, “and from touch. He needs it like food, but sometimes he chooses to deprive himself of both for long periods of time. He would get like this from time to time as a Titian. Quick to pick a fight and extra physical when he did… violence is the only touch he allows himself during this time, so he seeks it out constantly.”
That… tracked. 
“Yeah… Bruce would have us believe that none of us needed things like that,” Jason murmured, watching Dick wrestle another small time crook to the ground and punching him repeatedly. 
“But you know better now, don’t you?”
Sometimes. But other times… Jason could sympathize with Dick’s plight a little too easily, and physical touch wasn’t even his love language.
“How’d you used to get him to snap out of it?” Jason asked. 
“Make love to him all night long,” Kori replied, her eyes going distant. 
“Ah.” Jason knew he was flushing a bit. 
“Or, sometimes Wally or the others would insist on a movie night and coax him into a spot close between everyone’s bodies,” Kori said, a faint, sad smile on her face. 
That was probably no little feat when Dick was hellbent on acting like a mini Bruce. 
“Sounds nice,” he said, rather than unload all the mean and bitter commentary in his head. It wasn’t like he had someone to do that for him back then. 
“This is nice too,” Kori rested her head on his shoulder, “with you and Roy.”
“...Yeah. It is.”
Jason couldn’t stop thinking about it as the week went on. How he ever ended up with nonviolent touch in his life and Dick didn’t, Jason didn’t know. 
Maybe that was why he was outside Dick’s doorstep now. 
“What?” Dick answered his door. He looked terrible; dark shadows under his eyes, his skin a little pasty. 
“No hello? I’m hurt Dickiebird.”
“Hello. What are you doing here?” Dick said, already looking annoyed. 
Jason wished he knew.
“Brought over some extra food. You look like you haven’t had anything but takeout in a while, so…. You want it?” Jason held up the bag to show him.
“You brought food,” Dick stated, looking suspicious, “Why?”
“I just said I made extra, keep up Dickhead,” Jason shot back.
He was no good at this. He should have just bothered Wally into visiting. Someone who could get away with a casual hug.
Jason was not much of a hugger, casual or otherwise. He wasn’t too touchy-feely in general and he didn’t know why he was there… but since he was there he wasn’t going to be driven away so easily. 
“Did Bruce send you here?” Dick demanded. 
“Bold of you to think Bruce can make me do anything,” Jason retorted.
Dick seemed to accept that. As he should. 
“Fine, whatever, just… you didn’t drug it, right?” Dick asked as he moved out of the way and let Jason inside.
“Who the fuck do you think I am, Alfred? If I was gonna drug you, I would slip it into your delivery, not some home cooked meal,” Jason scoffed.
It was really messy. It made Jason’s fingers itch for some cleaning supplies, but that wasn’t why he was there.
“Home cooked?” Dick’s eyebrows raised curiously.
“Curry,” Jason said, pulling out the containers from the bag in the little spot on the table not covered in case files, “I always thought it tasted better the day after anyway.”
“Did you make this?” Dick hesitantly came over, curiosity seeming to win out over defensive aggression.  
“Who else would have?” Jason rolled his eyes, “here, heat this up will you?”
He passed over a container of rice. Their fingers brushed and Dick’s hand spasmed for a moment. 
Jason didn’t comment. He knew what that was like. Going so long without any kind of touch that the slightest brush of skin felt like getting electrocuted. 
“Why me?” Dick asked, hurriedly turning his back to him and fiddling with the microwave.
Because you need it. 
“Oh, you know, if your ass gets any skinnier, the community will collapse on itself. Can’t have that,” Jason said breezily instead. 
“What a saint.” 
“Right? They should put me up in the little chapel on 5th St. I’ve already died and everything, I’m totally qualified,” Jason said, then changed the subject, “You have a toaster oven?”
“Why would I have a toaster oven?” Dick grumbled. 
“Because they’re damn useful? Never mind, I’ll just use the oven,” Jason said, nudging Dick out of the way so he could reach the nobs. It wouldn’t need too much, it was just to lightly heat the naan. 
“Are you eating here too?” Dick asked hesitantly. 
“Might as well, it’s dinner time,” Jason shrugged. 
Dick didn’t say anything to that. This time when Jason passed him the next container to heat, he didn’t flinch when their hands met, but he pulled away much more hesitantly. 
This part felt a little unnatural for Jason, because he… didn’t really let people touch him who weren’t super close to him. And he and Dick- they just weren’t. It wasn’t bad, per-say, just decidedly uncomfortable. 
He wasn’t planning to let that show though. 
Jason bullied Dick into bantering with him as they prepped the rest of the food, all the while finding reasons to brush up against him. Let their hips touch when he checked the heat on the food, a hand on Dick’s arm to move him out of the way to open the oven, steading his hands as he stacked plates and utensils into his arms. 
Dick was mostly past the shockieness and onto the needy phase by the time they got to actually eating the food. It felt a little manipulative to sit down right next to him on the couch while they ate so their legs and arms could casually brush every now and then. 
The nice thing was that Jason didn’t have to initiate anymore. Now that Dick had figured out that he wasn’t going to be pushed away and that Jason was pretending not to notice, he was pressing close with every possible excuse. As he did, he chattered away about this and that, a slight nervous jiggle of his leg. 
It was strange, like watching someone slowly come alive again. Like a dry plant perking up at the first taste of water. Jason wanted to somehow give him even more, but he didn’t know how. So he just stayed close.
Dick didn’t ask him to leave when they finished their food, so he didn’t. 
Jason turned on the TV.
It was funny, Dick’s commentary slowly started to die down as his eyes started to drupe. 
“Maybe I really should have drugged you food, when’s the last time you got a full night’s sleep?” Jason noted, reaching over to touch his forehead. He was a little warm, but not too bad. 
“When’s the last time you did?” Dick shot back, but his eyes dropped closed under his hand and he didn’t push him away. 
It felt a little too intimate for Jason though, so he pulled away. Dick swayed forward a little when he moved, like a part of him want to chase his touch. 
He probably did. 
Jason looked away and shrugged, trying to remember what they had been talking about. Sleep. Right. 
“I actually do these days, Roy or Kori kick my butt if I don’t,” he said. 
“They take good care of you,” Dick said softly. 
“They do,” Jason agreed, his chest feeling a little warm at the thought. 
“Good,” Dick said, his expression distant as he turned back to the TV. 
Jason wondered if he missed them, but didn’t ask. Dick couldn’t have burned those bridges any better if he’d tried. 
They watched TV silently for a while, Dick’s finger tracing patterns on his own leg, back and forth and back and forth. 
Jason felt an impulse to grab his hand, but pushed it down. That wasn’t them. Roy and Kori must have been rubbing off on him. 
When Dick’s motions stopped, Jason glanced over and snickered when he found that he had dozed off. When he started to tip, Jason raised his arm so he would settle against his side instead of tipping forward and jerking awake. 
He didn’t know why he did it- since it effectively trapped him for however long Dick was asleep- and he told himself that it was because Dick needed the sleep, which he did, but-
Dick made a soft little sound as he positively melted against him, even in sleep. It was such a fragile thing, so relieved, just on the edge of broken… it made Jason’s chest ache. 
He let him sleep. 
Jason might not be able to bury him in a pile of close friends or make love to him all night or whatever, but… he could do this.
He hesitantly carded his fingers through Dick’s hair and watched him lean into the touch desperately, lips parting in a content sigh.  
Maybe for this, Jason could be enough.
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