#‘no that’s not homophobic to say because uhhhh ACE!’
I saw this on someone talking about this on their blog, the post didn’t directly come up on my dashboard, but the fact that this site has posts that can get like 60k notes earnestly arguing that Neil Gaiman wrote any queer representation at all in Good Omens shows how terminally online the general user base of this website is. If you log off your computer and talk to offline normies, especially straight ones, they think Aziraphale and Crowley are cis dude bros because there’s next to nothing in the actual source material to say otherwise. Retroactive tweets and tumblr posts from the author to gain clout don’t count. It’s just incredible how this site will demonize media that does actually have textual representation if it’s Cringe and problematique but make excuses for gomens because Gaiman is considered a tumblr cool kid and people don’t want to admit their favorite show has no representation lol
Gaiman really wrote nothing and then utilized the most terminally online ace discourse to justify it, and sometimes I still can’t believe how this website collectively fell for it.
Edit: how could I forget him claiming that Aziraphale and Crowley held hands completely off-screen, and this site bought it? Lmfao that’s called a LIE, kids
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thedreadvampy · 4 months
ok like not to be a cunt but day 1 of pride month During A Genocide, During An International Rollback of LGBTQ+ Rights In Europe And North America, and STILL all the Pride posts I'm seeing are either wahoo rainbow gay or rehashing the exact same 2 talking points as we go through every year for the last decade.
should there be kink at pride? (yes on fact there should be much more filth)
do ace/aro people belong at pride? (frankly at this point it's been about 8-9 years since I saw a single person not actively obsessed with this discourse say they shouldn't but ok)
don't get me wrong I understand why these things are important to people. but fuck man it is EXHAUSTING that in my entire adult life we haven't moved forwards and also that from 00:01 on June 1st the SAME EXACT DISCUSSIONS come so loudly back into rotation that basically nobody is discussing any OTHER imo slightly less uhhhh navel-gazey? issues around Pride, pinkwashing and the issues faced by LGBTQ+ people in our communities.
by which I mean not only are these two discourses stultifyingly static and unchanging, but also they're literally just about Who Goes To A Parade? there's shit that is directly to do with Pride which feels more relevant, like the idea of Pride as a marketing brand rather than a political or personal statement, or the fact that Pride events are being sponsored by companies like Barclays who are funding genocide, or how Pride provides pinkwashing cover for politicians, corporations, police and arms dealers. and we're also looking at that in a political climate where trans people in particular are having their rights and safety and access to public life removed, where homophobic rhetoric and violence is seeing a huge resurgence, etc. but no by all means let's for the billionth time spend the whole month rehashing who we think are the Correct Sort Of Queer in the exact same Sisyphean cycle with absolutely no movement or advancement of any side.
(my disdain for this shit btw is entirely unconnected to whether I agree with it. I personally think Pride should be a tits out leather chaps and kink gear challenge to what is and isn't considered socially acceptable sexuality, and I personally think that there's no serious reasons to exclude aro/ace people from People Pride Is For. but I think it's dumb as fuck to spend your whole time dying on that hill and it's dumb as fuck to spend your whole time dying on the opposing hills because after the 10th year doing this in circles it has truly got so old all round when there are other conversations at could be having that MIGHT ACTUALLY MOVE FORWARDS AT SOME POINT.)
(and the thing specifically about the ace inclusion at pride thing is - ace people ARE AT PRIDE and have BEEN PART OF PRIDE FOR YONKS. I've never been to a Pride event where ace people weren't both welcome and visible present in significant numbers. ace people are welcomed at pride by the vast majority of people. the war is won. bring the troops back home. can we please move on to some of the CURRENT problems that are happening NOW?)
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So I think you’ve noticed that black widow has become my new hyper-fixatation (especially Yelena Belova) because marvel has pretty much disappointed me on every other front.
Well apparently I can’t have nice things, people keep shipping Yelena with Bucky or Kate Bishop saying she’s a lesbian or whatever. Uhhhh Yelena is canonically aro/ace and directly specify’s she doesn’t want a relationship. There have been literal comments saying “the MCU is different than the comics”, “why does it matter?” “She’s jay repressing herself, she’s actually a lesbian”
And it’s just like ugh, like I expect Disney to be homophobic but seriously? You guys too?
To be honest, this is the kind of behavior I expect from different parts of the MCU fandom...I say different parts because each character seems to have its own fandom lol.
I really don't understand what it is about this franchise that gives people the desire to talk over marginalized fans, but honestly, I'm not surprised.
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khrused-moved · 4 years
Tumblr media
1.     what would prevent you from following someone?
big time i look for a rules page, and then in that page i look for 3 big things: your age (as i’m 26 and i just feel weird about writing and talking and having these kind of relationships and ships with ppl any younger than 21), if you respect ppls triggers, tag triggers and if you have any triggers, and ofc that i will not be following a blog that promotes anything i consider harmful or just plain wrong (ie: homophobia, transphobia, racism, whitewashing, pedophilia). after that its about whether i think we’d vibe or not !! i base this on ooc posts, writing styles, and just the over all content i see on the blog !! if i ever see anything there that i’m like : / to , then i don’t follow! or sometimes i just don’t think our writing will mesh! i’ve def come across a few blogs before where their writing was wonderful but also confused me and dghldfjkgh im confused like 80% of the time shflgkdj i confuse myself while writing, i don’t need more of that lol and uhhhh after that!! its just ! about me being comfy !!
9.     what is your opinion on exclusivity? do you practice it? why / why not?
i ?? like it?? mainly bc i’m just big taurus energy you know, i’m loyal to a fault and when i find a portrayal i really like i attach to it. you become MY person , in that sense. forever your version of that character is gonna be the one i think of. and its not to say i don’t love and appreciate others !! bc i do!! sometimes other writers have great versions but ya know i just tend to get really friendly with ppl i write with and we create not only a dynamic but most of the time our own canons and just go super into depth in plotting and their characterization its hard for me to move away from that. so -- i ? like it !! and i do practice it !! it also makes me feel secure as i’ve had many issues in the past before i knew how to like..photoshop and make things fancy (as much as we say aesthetics dont matter i don’t think we practice that very well) where ppl would dump me even before mains or exclusives were a thing i’d just get ??? rp ghosted ?? because someone new and shiny and with fancy text came around. and it just felt horrible that all that time and love and creativity we put in it together gets tossed away without a word. ofc !! i welcome all my exclusives to communicate with me if they ever want to write with another portrayal and i tend to be a lil picker now with my exclusivity !! its with ppl i’ve plotted and talked to A LOT and vibe with a lot! 
22. what would make you block someone?
i tend to save blocks for the big cases ( i.e. problematic behavior such as writing r*pe fantasies, ped*philia , or being homophobic, racist, etc. ). most of the time i will soft block someone, however, i will also block someone if we’ve had a problem that couldn’t be solved via discussion, you’ve disrespected me, or hurt me in any way. i’m a bit more comfortable with the block button now so (knife emoji) don’t test me sdlgkf i’m not about being walked all over any more uwu i’m soft but i deserve to stand up for myself and i will , even if it means by blocking !
HONESTEA TIME (AC)     /     ↺ @copiesofher​   →      “ 𝟷, 𝟿, 𝟸𝟸! ”
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colorisbyshe · 6 years
What got me about all those "this is gay culture" posts that person listed is that a large part of the joke is that what they're really describing are symptoms of depression and trauma. And uhhhh mental illness as a result of growing up in a violently bigoted society has always been a major focus of lgbt activism. Sorry to point out the obvious but its genuinely astounding how smug they are when they proved your point on multiple levels
FYA has always been a raging homophobe, so I’m not surprised they see LGBT people joking about what LGBT culture is as some like… proof that all LGBT culture is is posts on tumblr. Especially since, you’re right, most of those posts either connect to trauma, feeling like an outsider, or defying gender norms.
Or are just people being facetious. Or about LGBT people realizing that everything we do we do as a gay/bi/trans person, therefore it’s ours now. It’s reclaiming our lives where we grew up thinking NOTHING we ours, so we’re making everything ours. To frustrate cishets. To frustrate people who beg us to justify why characters and representation “must” be gay as if cishet is the default and we need a reasont o make them anything else.
FYA literally went out of their way to search for LGBT people joking amongst themselves to prove that LGBT culture doesn’t matter, so it doesn’t matter that ace culture doesn’t matter either.
I can easily explain why LGBT people would want to reclaim werewolve tales and talk about how stories of alienated creatures being blamed for something tehy can’t help have always been relatable to LGBT people (and how genres like sci fi, fantasy, and horror have always appealed to marginalized people when they aren’t deliberately being used against us). I can easily connect the posts about flannel and rolled up jeans to an actually long legacy of LGBT fashion which involves subverting gender norms, reclaiming things that we’re told we can’t wear or are ugly, and how they signal to LGBT people that we’re safe. The jokes about D&D being LGBT culture is about actual, canonical LGBT content and about people gathering together for a couple of hours every week to pretend to be someone else–someone powerful, someone appealing, someone who can survive magic and sword attacks when in real life we’re so easily struck down.
Meanwhile, the jokes in ace culture are “Aces haven’t read a book outside of Harry Potter because they’re mostly all 14 year olds.” While the rainbow flag has meaning dyed into every last stripe, aces have purple because they like it overlayed on the heterosexual flag. Empty grey and white and black to talk about an absence while we have magic here on ours. The replies on the post are about wanting to find someone like them because isn’t it nice to have friends while LGBT jokes are about finding someone like us because that means tehy probably won’t murder us.
LGBT people have been intentionally made to feel apart from another–isolated, alone. So many of us grow up with the message that MAYBE other people like us exist but if we go anywhere to meet with them, we might be murdered or attacked by the cops.
As society becomes a wee bit more accommodating and we have the internet to tie us together, we have the space to make a joke of our desperate need to reach other other but that is hard fucking fought for. People literally died so we could casually say “Being garbage at driving is gay culture, being worse at parkign is bi culture.” (Which relates to a lot of LGBT people feeling like they grew up with arrested development, unable to live their teen years the way cishet teens do and do what they want.)
A lot of LGBT culture posts are intentionally silly and ridiculous. ANd not all of them do connect to some Deeper LGBT experience. But we still… have the entire foundation of an LGBT culture involving music and protests and activism and specific fashion and symbols and actual people as symbols. And the reason why we can make it so silly and ridiculous now is because of that foundation.
Ace culture has no foundation or purpose besides existing as a fandom. Fandom exists so you can see people who have similar likes or experiences to you and you can go “SAME HAT!” Counter culture created by marginalized groups to actually forge identity, inspire political activism, and, y’unno, find people who won’t murder us. Not to mention create a secondary culture BECAUSE mainstream culture is so hostile towards us by killing us off or making us villains and predators. A lot o mainstream culture exists deliberately at our expense.
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sayaaensland · 8 years
Tagged by @maisjetemmerde
Rules: answer the 20 questions, and tag 20 amazing followers that you’d like to get to know better.
Name: Saya
Nicknames: None
Zodiac sign : Sagittarius
Height : 163 cm
Orientation :  Aroace (”Then why do you keep reblogging ace-critical posts?” Because 1) I don’t experience oppression for being ace and never will and 2) Tumblr ace community is a homophobic dumpster fire.)
Ethnicity : Finnish
Favourite Fruit : Banana, apple
Favourite Season : Mid-to-late summer
Favourite Book Series : I haven’t read a whole lot of book series’ (individual books, yes, whole series’ from beginning to end, no) so uhhhh, Lord of the Rings?
Favorite Flower: Lilies.
Favorite Scent : Vanilla
Favorite Colour : Red, dark blue, purple
Favorite Animal : Shit-- um... *picks one at random* Orcas.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa : I like all of them, but coffee is the one I drink most often. (And when I say “coffee”, I mean “coffee-flavored sugar milk”)
Average Sleep Hours: Go to bed anywhere between 6-9 AM, take 1-3 hours to actually fall asleep, get up at 4-5 PM.
Favorite Fictional Characters: Abe Takaya (Ookiku Furikabutte), Beast Boy (Teen Titans), Motomiya Daisuke (Digimon Adventure 02), Jounouchi Katsuya (Yu-Gi-Oh), Marufuji Shou (Yu-Gi-Oh GX), War-Rock (Ryuusei no Rockman)
Number of Blankets You Sleep With : Just the one. It’s too hot in the summer but anything airier is not heavy enough.
Dream Trip : Tokyo, Akihabara with a map of all the stores and enough money to buy All The Swag, plus robot souvenirs for Chris.
Blog Created : Somewhere in mid-2013.
Number of Followers: 125 when you subtract the porn blogs.
Tagging: @the-silent-g, @renwynn, @mykz, @demonoflight, @faux-paragon, @childofdemon, @vicecaptain-atomicthirst
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