#‘oh. a nice parking spot! i’m gonna come fr.’
bebop-and-oysters · 2 years
Summary: Rooster is in pain and Hangman offers a massage. He rebuffs him at first, but the pain wins out.
Mild Sereshaw | Rated T for language and innuendo!
This is un-beta’d and written in one sitting so please be nice!
Made this lovely little Drabble for my buddy, Kayla who does AMAZING self inserts (fr if you haven’t checked her stuff out go check it out, she’s here on tumblr @miles-rooster)
It had been a long, long, long day for Rooster. Hours of paperwork, training, dealing with Maverick. Even the full roar of the engines that usually calmed him had ill-effects, having caused a pulsing headache timed to the same beat. All he wanted to do was go home, curl up in bed, and sleep.
Apparently, the universe had other ideas for him because there stood Hangman waiting right next to his Bronco. His hip cocked against the side of it, goblin-like grin spread wide across his horrifically good-looking features.
“Oh Roo-Roo~”
Hangman’s voice tilted up at the end, playfully. He was like a cat with a disoriented mouse, playing roughly till the poor mouse felt the sweet relief of death.
Rooster kind of wished he was a dead mouse at this point, at least then Hangman wouldn’t have reason to bother him. Unfortunately he was very much alive and very much human and too tired to put up with Hangman’s games.
“Move, Hangman. I’m not in the fucking mood.”
“Aww Roo, I was just trying to talk a bit! I feel like we never talk any more, dontcha wanna talk to me? I wanna talk to you!”
Hangman’s face morphed into a pout, practically pleading with Rooster to give him some reason, any reason, for them to sit and chat.
“Not in the mood, really, Hangman. It’s been a long day, and I ache all over, and I’d just like to go home. So, move your ass or I’ll move it.”
“Feisty today! I see how it is. But really Roo, if you hurt so bad then why didn’t you tell me? I’m really the absolute best at giving massages. I mean it’s one of my best attributes, being good with my hands.”
Hangman’s gaze drifted up and down Rooster’s tall form, practically eating him with his eyes. His tongue flicked out over his basically non-existent lips.
“Again, Hangman. Not in the mood. Now move.”
Rooster moved to push the man out of his way, sinewy arm coming up to press into the middle of his chest. He could feel Hangman’s heart thrumming distantly beneath his palm. Still, Hangman barely budged from his spot against the Bronco’s door.
“C’mon Rooster, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Hangman gazed lazily up at Rooster, broad smile situated back on his face.
“Well number one, you could break my back cause you’re not careful. Number two, you could annoy me the entire time which would make me blow my brains out. Now, I have places to be so if you’re not gonna move I’ll just move you.”
Rooster enveloped Hangman’s hips with his massive hands, physically picking him up and spinning around before setting Hangman on the opposite side. After setting Hangman down, he immediately regretted it. He felt the strain on his shoulders causing extra tension right in the middle of his back. He winced slightly and moved to unlock the Bronco, placing himself between Hangman and the driver’s door.
Hangman, having been caught in a stupor after being picked up, (which he thought was practically impossible given that he was all of 6’0 and an easy 185 pounds) jolted at Rooster’s wince. His face contorted worriedly, eyebrows creasing together and mouth forming a straight line, if he had any lips they would’ve been pursed.
“Rooster? You alright there?”
“Fine. Goodbye Hangman.”
Rooster climbed into the driver’s seat of the Bronco hesitantly, back twinging.
“No, you’re not. You’re obviously in pain. At least let me drive you home, Rooster. You don’t look fit to drive.”
Rooster sighed, exasperated but too exhausted to argue. He handed Hangman the keys and hopped out of the driver’s seat, moving around to the passenger’s side. Hangman replaced him and started up the Bronco, peeling out of the parking lot.
They sat in silence, Rooster occasionally giving directions on where to turn. They arrived at his tiny house right off base in a matter of minutes.
Hangman hopped out first, and ran out to open the passenger door. He held his hand out to Rooster who batted it away and glared at him. Hangman’s grin just widened.
“C’mon Roo, let’s get you inside and off your feet.”
Rooster just grunted in response, ambling out of his seat carefully.
Hangman locked the Bronco and moved ahead to unlock the front door and hold it open for Rooster who was following closely behind. Upon entering into the living room, Rooster flopped face first into his sectional.
Hangman closed the door behind himself, hanging up Rooster’s keys on the hook beside the door.
He stood awkwardly next to the couch, not quite sure what he was still doing there, and cleared his throat.
Rooster tilted his head to the side and stared up at Hangman. From this angle, the bags under his eyes were all too visible.
“Wanna take my offer up now? I really am good with my hands.”
Rooster huffed but simply nodded and turned his head the other way.
Hangman leaned over and started touching the middle of Rooster’s back, hard planes of muscle firm under his hands. He pressed his palms in firmly, moving them out and away from Rooster’s spine. Rooster groaned delightedly, tension immediately lessening under Hangman’s hands.
Hangman tried to pay attention to the massage, if he allowed himself to think at all he knew his mind would stray to Rooster’s groans and minor whimpers.
It was difficult to really dig into his back from this angle, and Hangman’s own back was protesting at the leaning he was having to do.
Rooster didn’t move a muscle, lax and fluid while Hangman worked the tension out.
“Mind if I sit on your back? I’m staring to cramp up.”
Rooster simply made a noise of affirmation, not even bothering to turn his head.
Hangman climbed over Rooster, straddling his hips. He fought down the thoughts that crowded his mind, one’s that placed the two of them in a similar position but in a very different context.
He once again dug his hands into Rooster’s back, drifting up to his shoulders to work out the knots there as well.
Rooster’s breathing underneath him slowed steadily as he worked, and eventually his distant groans died down.
It wasn’t until Hangman heard a distinct snore that he realized that Rooster had fallen asleep.
He chuckled to himself and climbed off of Rooster, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch and layering it over the tall man’s sleeping form.
“Night, night Roo-Roo.”
Hangman smiled and strode out the front door, locking it before he closed it behind him.
He wasn’t kidding when he said he was great with his hands.
Hope you enjoyed!! Please let me know how it was! And be sure to check out Kayla’s fics as well! I’ll probably throw this up on AO3 after I get it beta’d
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writingmyimagines · 5 years
Liquid Courage - Pt 2
Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, as always
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: Yeah, so this just kind of came out. I edited it to the best of my abilities, but it was all in one sitting so I apologize for any mistakes. Also, the title doesn’t fit this part as well, but I tried to squeeze it in. Let me know if you have any thoughts, and enjoy!
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Shakily, a breath left your chest and you stared at your hands, head throbbing and heart racing. Even moments later, what you had just experienced felt entirely surreal. Your head was swimming and not because of nausea. 
You wrung your hands out, trying to get a hold of yourself and enter reality once more. But it was difficult as your exhaustion was catching up to you.
As quietly as a mouse, you tried to enter the living room, seeing Aaron splayed unceremoniously on the couch and the other two nowhere to be seen. Part of you wanted to say nothing and forget this ever happened, taking a spot on the other couch, but the other part of you wanted to tell Claire and Jessica every single detail before you forgot. A small timid voice in the back of your mind questioned if you they would even believe it, but you tried to shake those doubts out of your head.
Soft steps took you upstairs before you could truly decide what to do. There was no harm in simply seeing if Claire or Jessica was up, right? Shaky hands reached towards Claire’s bedroom door, but you were reassured by the whispers behind the wooden door. You hesitated, for only a second, before coming in, smiling sheepishly at the pair.
Suddenly, you felt a force smack you square in the face and watched in shock as the pillow dropped to the ground. Claire’s high-pitched voice screeched at you, “Where the fuck have you been (Y/N)? We looked everywhere for you before we left!”
You could hear Jessica nudge her, before saying, “I told her that you might’ve been up to some fun us girls can’t give you.” She winked at you before adding, “Though we were kind of worried. Claire said you were both pretty drunk when she last saw you.”
Your teeth dug into your bottom lip as you made your way over to them, joining the pair on Claire’s bed as they scoot over for you. You couldn’t manage to bring your eyes to look at them as you shakily exhaled, gathering your scattered thoughts. “I’m really sorry for worrying you guys like that, I should’ve thought about it.”
Another pause, you began playing with your nails. “But it was for good reason I suppose?” Nervous laughter left your lips, nails starting to scratch at your hand. “I sort of made out with someone?”
Ever so slowly, you glanced up at them and both of their jaws dropped. More nervous laughter escaped you, almost unwilling, as Claire took your hands. She yelled at you, “Well?! You can’t just say you made out with someone and come back at one in the morning. Spill everything before I die of anticipation.”
Laughter, a bit more confident this time, came out of you and Jessica, amused with her antics. You took one more deep breath in, deciding just to tell them everything. They were your best friends after all, they deserved it. 
“Okay, so you guys know how much I love dancing.” They nodded, urging you to continue and in mere moments, the dam holding everything in burst open. You continued, “So yeah, I was dancing to my own beat and accidentally caught some people’s attention and one of them just so happened to be Billy Hargrove. So he came over and we exchanged a few words before we went outside.”
Jessica sat there in absolute shock as Claire shook your shoulders. She screeched, “Holy shit, did you fuck Billy Hargrove? Oh my god, oh my god, he has the best bod in our entire senior class. (Y/N), oh my god!”
You smacked her arm, “Let me continue!” She quieted down, though was still giggling quietly and the rest of the story came out. Everything from your intense make out sessions to you throwing up outside of his car to him not acting like a complete asshole, which was still hard to wrap your head around.
You saved the quiet conversation between you two for your ears only though. What he had said, the way he had said it, it felt so intimate and there was some weird level of trust you had formed with him. You simply left it off at him laughing at your drunken state, but being understanding and dropping you off.
Jessica quietly mumbled, “I cannot believe he wasn’t a jerk to you. I mean, how many guys has he punched at Hawkins? Not to mention the way he treats literally anyone he thinks is in his way. Wow, I’m amazed.”
Claire had long since gone off the deep end. She was staring at the ceiling, processing everything and trying to comprehend how her best friend had made out with Billy Hargrove. She finally commented, “I cannot believe this! There is no way you were bold enough to do that. You looked super hot, but like, it’s Billy Hargrove! Are you sure you didn’t imagine it while you were hunched over the porcelain throne?”
Both you and Jessica turned onto Claire and you had to admit, that hurt. Both of you stared at her, and unfortunately, she kept blabbing, “I mean that’s just a wild story. As we all know, Billy is the resident bad boy. He wouldn’t do something like that, not with you.” She crossed her arms over her chest, huffing out as she glared at you.
You retorted, “I’m sorry? Why would I make that up? Listen, I know it’s really hard to believe, but that’s what happened! And yeah Claire, Billy was super into me, what, do you think I’m not good-looking enough? Or are you just that jealous?” The words tumbled out of your mouth, your headache coming back full force and exhaustion adding to your irritable mood. 
She scoffed, before saying, “I’m just trying to look out for you (Y/N)! On Monday, you’re probably gonna be the talk of the whole school, and not in a good way, remember what happened with Nancy Wheeler?”
Jessica watched on and cleared her throat before saying, “Listen guys, maybe we should all just get some sleep. We’re all coming down and if you guys are anything like me, you can probably feel the hangover starting to set in. Let’s just go to bed, okay?”
You were honestly really wounded, trying to ignore the constricting feeling in your chest. Everything she had said dug deep, scratching at the self-esteem battles you already fought. Did she actually think this little of you?
 You added, “Yeah, you’re right, I’ll go to sleep downstairs.”
You intentionally gave Claire or Jessica no time to protest, wanting to get out of there and not have to deal with Claire’s mood. You just needed sleep, Jessie was right.
Words were exchanged behind you, but you grabbed a spare blanket and took the couch across from the one Aaron was snoring heavily on. While your thoughts were still whirring, your body was getting to the point where it just could not stay awake anymore. Your eyes closed moments after hitting the soft leather and you fell into a dreamless sleep.
Soft voices woke you slowly from your rather deep sleep, and regret filled you up as your head felt like somebody was stomping on it with concrete blocks, over and over and over. You groaned, eyes refusing to open as the light would only make it that much worse. 
A deep masculine voice you knew as Aaron’s called out, “Good morning (Y/N), Jessie told me you had quite the night.”
Another groan came out of your chest, and you simply pleaded, “Water.” 
Laughter met your ears and you wanted to join in, but the sorry state of your body stopped you. And so began another beautiful Saturday.
Without much more excitement, Monday rolled around and you could feel your nerves eating you alive. Claire had apologized the morning after, admitting that she was jealous, but all of her words still swam through your head. What if all of Hawkins heard about your rather embarrassing night and you were labelled as pathetic, or a slut, or maybe Billy had just been leading you on the whole time. The thought itself made you pale and a part of you wanted to throw up as you watched the clock tick, signaling you should head to the high school in question. 
The ride to school was the quickest you had ever experienced and it took all of your effort to stay on course, eventually parking in front of the worn doors of Hawkins High. Hands flew across your steering wheel, dancing to something you couldn’t hear, trying desperately to get these nerves out some way. You tried to steady your breathing when the first bell rang, signaling 5 minutes before classes started.
Your hand grabbed the car handle and you stared blankly, possible insults repeating in your head like some hauntingly terrible song. But the warning bell rang before you knew it, and you grabbed your things, running to class.
Your eyes were peeled, trying to see any suspicious activity or unwanted attention. You were on edge the entire day and you could tell due to the worried glances your friend group shot you whenever they saw you in the hall. But as far as you could tell, they were the only one looking at you that way. And slowly, you relaxed.
The biggest sigh of relief left you as the last bell of the day rang, and you gave Jessica a grateful look. You commented, “Man, I never thought I would be so happy that math was over.”
She chuckled, squeezing your arm and adding, “See? Nothing happened and life is back to normal, though you do have quite the experience under your belt now.”
She winked at you, and the two of you began discussing any plans for the day as you made your way to the parking lot. It felt nice to finally untense after a rather anxiety-inducing weekend. You two met with Claire and Aaron and the four of you chatted for a while, just hanging outside the front steps of Hawkins. You didn’t know how much time had passed before Jessie looked at her watch and yelled, “Oh my god it’s almost 4 PM! I have to go, like now! I’ll see you guys later!”
Her tall lanky form ran off, while Claire and Aaron began mumbling that they should get home too, you all saying your goodbyes. 
You glanced at the front of Hawkins and let out another deep breath, grateful for a rather boring day. Then a rough voice called out, “Hey!”
You looked around, realizing you were the only person left in front of the lot and your heart free fell directly into your stomach. You turned around slowly, seeing Billy Hargrove walking out of the school. You couldn’t breathe again as he walked up to you.
He smirked at you, cheekily greeting, “Hey, I don’t think I ever got your name the other night.”
You watched him, as confused as ever. You thought that he had wanted to forget about everything as much as you wanted to forget that you were seconds away from puking on him on Friday night. You shook your head and replied, “I didn’t think you wanted it.”
He sighed, rolling his eyes before biting his lip. He just stared at you and for a second, you thought you saw the same boy from Friday in the car, rubbing your back and talking sweetly to you. “I figure I should know who’s life I basically saved.” You snorted, beginning to question if Claire was right and you had imagined it. But you held yourself back, remembering the heart-wrenching look in his eyes. “(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
He chuckled, “Pretty.” And you both just looked at each other for a few moments. He then walked away without another word, revving his Camaro just as loud as before and driving off like a speed demon.
You closed your eyes in a desperate attempt to understand what game he was playing. But you came up with nothing. And so you continued on with your life, although a certain blonde crossed your mind daily, meddling with your simple life.
A week passed without another Billy incident and you thought that maybe he had just wanted a name to a face. You don’t know why, but you had hit your head against your bedroom wall enough times trying to figure it out. Even Aaron had no clue, figuring if he had just wanted to get in your pants he would’ve tried something again. 
Today, you four had planned to meet at the diner just off of mainstreet and you were humming quietly to “Billie Jean”, finding it oddly fitting, as you drove there. It was a quiet, but cold afternoon, winter finally turning to spring, which meant you could convince yourself it was warm enough to get a milkshake.
Easily, you slid the car into park, glancing at the neon pink and blue accents that almost hurt your eyes. It was all just a bit much to be honest, but what was life without neon?
You smiled to yourself before scanning the parking lot, not seeing any of your friends’ vehicles. You figured it wouldn’t hurt to snack on some fries before they showed up.
You walked up to the joint, debating on if you should start eating before they got there when you heard a somewhat familiar screech of tires, Bon Jovi screaming out of bass-loaded speakers.
Your gaze whipped to see none other than Billy’s bright blue Camaro skidding to a halt in front of the diner. You watched with interest as a young girl with fire red hair slammed the car door, huffing as she stomped past you into the restaurant. You hung back, just staring inquisitively when Billy’s rough voice called out, “You better be ready when I’m back!”
The kid flipped him off, pushing past you as she entered and a few more dots connected in your head. It seems his family life wasn’t exactly stellar
You turned back to the car and saw him staring at you too, so you waltzed over, legs taking you before your thoughts caught up. You greeted, “Hey Billy, what are you up to?”
He rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue as he motioned to the girl who had long since gone inside. You merely raised one eyebrow and he stared back ahead at the road. 
You grabbed the car door gently, the window still open, waiting, almost asking if you could open it. Seconds later, you heard the car door unlock and you entered the vehicle, not able to stop yourself from glancing at the back seat woefully.
You questioned, “Little sister?” He wouldn’t meet your gaze as his knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. He corrected, “Step-sister.”
You nodded, not wanting to press too much, especially given the precarious relationship between you two. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you and he drove the car into a parking spot as several loud honks came from behind him. 
Carefully, you turned your body towards him and more words tumbled out, “Why? I just can’t wrap my head around why you let me stay in your car and drove me home, and to be completely honest, it’s been driving me crazy.”
Jaw set, you could see him begrudgingly turn towards you, finally looking at you. He retorted, “As I said, nice to talk to someone who isn’t an airhead or dickwad.” You could hear him audibly sigh.
“Well then maybe do you actually want to talk sometime? At least if that’s what you keep telling me.” Last time you could blame it on the alcohol, but right here, right now, you had no clue what on Earth was making you say these things.
The way his adam’s apple bobbed was visible and you briefly wondered if you had taken it too far, crossing the unwritten rules of social hierarchy. He exhaled, before saying, “What’s in it for you exactly?”
Your hand itched to reach for his as you could see his features softening, almost against his will based on the grimace on his face. But you actually had to think this out, “Because Billy, you piqued my interest. I can see there is more than just a rebel without a cause in front of me. I don’t know what it is, but I want to figure it out. Blame it on curiosity, or nosiness, I don’t know, I just want to know.”
For a split second, you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes grow wet, but he quickly shook his head, earring catching the light as it dangled from his ear. He quickly looked back at you and said, “Fine.” He paused then continued, “Why not right now? I’ve got nothing better to do and I don’t see you here with anyone.”
You were about to protest, sure your friends would show up any moment, but something stopped you. So you nodded and opened the door. He followed suit and the two of you walked into the diner, close, but not touching.
The pair of you quickly grabbed a booth and you glanced around for a second, seeing his step-sister staring at you two in shock. He had intentionally sat with his back to her and you giggled a bit at the incredulous look she sent your way.
His lip curled up as he found out what you were staring at, “I thought you wanted to talk to me, not my step-sister.”
You nodded, turning your stare right back to him. You responded, “You’re right. So start off easy, where are you from?”
“California, next.”
You laughed dryly, before saying, “What’s the beach like?”
And he stopped, getting a twinkle in his eyes. At that moment though, the waitress came over and you could not believe the way she was looking at him, a starving fox eyeing fresh meat. He smirked and she purred out, “What can I get you?”
She leaned in towards him and though he still had a cocky aura about him, he didn’t seem to pay much attention. He looked at you, before glancing back at the blonde waitress, “Strawberry milkshake, two straws.” He winked at you and the girl’s shoulders immediately fell, looking between the two of you dejectedly before running back.
You stopped your eyes from rolling to the back of your head as you laughed more. “Gag me with a spoon, what was that?”
Just the corner of his lip turned up and he shrugged, before saying, “Was I right that you like strawberry?”
Your attention refocused, suddenly confused how he knew that. It was a pretty generic flavor, but still. You stuttered out, “Y-yeah, actually, but how did you know that?”
Another shrug, before he glanced at the window. He started talking, not looking at you as he began, “The beach is a different world. There’s nothing like it in Hawkins, or all of this shithole they call Indiana. It’s cool and refreshing and free. The ocean goes on for miles, you can’t see the end of it. It’s big, bigger than you or me, or our high school, or god forsaken town. It’s … it’s what I miss.”
Your breath caught in your throat again as you didn’t know how to respond to that. When he opened up, it was always sudden, and kind of like a flash of lightning. You were afraid of how long it would last, but you couldn’t stop yourself from just staring at him in wonder.
He turned back to you and smiled. You mean really smiled, not smirked, not a sarcastic grin, not that fake crap he normally pulled but a genuine smile. “I think you would like the beach.”
Finally, words came to you, “Why is that? You seem to assume a lot about me for not knowing me very well.”
The smile lessened, but stayed on his face as you said, “You’re a nice girl (Y/N), and you remind me of someone I used to know.”
He left it at that and another soft silence captured the two of you. HIs hand reached out to grab yours at some point and you felt yourself blush. This wasn’t at all how you expected your day to go.
Your meaningful conversation quickly turned into witty banter, the two of you discussing your likes and dislikes, favorite pastimes, fun memories. It was nice.
Then the milkshake came out as you were in the middle of telling him how you had fallen flat on your face at your first recital when you were ten, the whole crowd laughing. She sat it in between you two and didn’t say a word as she stalked back off.
You quickly grabbed for the shake, stealing it to your side and he pulled it to his. Your eyes narrowed, him having thrown down the gauntlet. You both began pulling at the glass shake when his hand grabbed yours instead of the glass. He pulled you towards him, you lifting off your seat and resting somewhat on the table between you two. He didn’t say a word as he moved up too, kissing you rather passionately.
Your lips moved with his right away, the action familiar in a distant sort of way. You grabbed his hair again when a small girl’s voice rang out, “Disgusting, get a room BIlly or I’ll tell mom!”
The two of you broke apart immediately and he growled back, “Shut up Max or I’m never driving you anywhere!” You thanked god the diner was mostly empty as you felt your face grow impossibly hot, an elderly couple grimacing at the two of you for such blatant affection.
He gingerly took a sip of the shake and then passed it to you. You didn’t say anything and sucked down the sweet drink, eyes just watching him as he watched you.
You didn’t know what to say, and without realizing it, drank most of the shake. You started to feel the back of your mouth go cold and then light up with pain as brain freeze overtook you. Billy just laughed at you and your immediate reaction was to stick your tongue out like a child.
His laugh got louder and you joined in before it got quiet and you reminded yourself of what just happened. Your eyes studied the curves and pores of your hands intensely as you could feel his turquoise eyes still on you. 
Gently, a finger lifted your face and he said, “Hey (Y/N).” 
You fought embarrassment to look back at him, afraid this was all a dream. He laughed, before continuing, “Still like talking to me?”
You nodded and spoke up, “Yeah, I really do. You have layers, and I want to see all of them come off.”
You didn’t realize how sexual that sounded when his pupils dilated slightly. You half wondered if the shake had been spiked as you got that same rush of confidence the vodka had given you over a week ago. 
He didn’t say anything but took your hand, slamming a five down on the table, and running out of there with you. You found yourself laughing as the two of you got into his car, you ignorant of Jessica and Claire having just driven up.
He all but pushed you into his car, launching into another make out session. You both grabbed at each other, in a haze of lust, when there was a honk from behind you and you tried to calm down.
You grabbed for his hand, steadying your breathing. He broke the silence, his gaze having grown stormy as he finally replied, “You don’t want to see more than this, it gets dark, rotten, cold.”
His whole demeanor had changed at the drop of a dime and you could feel his hand break from yours. You demanded, “Actually Billy Hargrove, yes I do. I want to get to know you, and all of you. Not just horny you, or silly you, or the jackass facade you have at school. I can see that you’ve been through some shit, I get it, but I quite frankly don’t give a shit. You can’t keep talking to me like we’ve known each other forever and then closing yourself off. Either keep up being the King of Hawkins, lord of the dicks or let me in.” You huffed out, not realizing just how frustrated you were about this until now.
He stared at his hands and it got so silent, you could hear the drop of a pin. He didn’t move, still as a statue, and you watched.
But you could only watch for so long and began getting out of the car when his strong hand pulled you back in. He shut his eyes tightly, before relaxing, saying, “It’s not gonna be easy.” You moved to leave again, not wanting to hear him protest and make up more bullshit, but he pulled you back like the tide. “But okay.”
He grabbed your neck, pulling you into him and kissing you with just as much passion as before, but this was softer. You could almost feel the raw emotion flowing between you two as his hands ran through your hair, greedily soaking up every inch of you. You all but melted.
 He stopped before anything else and you slowly broke into a grin. “Good.”
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2009
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20 to 21 years old. And so the 2000s end, not with a whimper, but with an explosion of upbeat, great pop songs.
Only one third of these lists left to make!
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
First to second and final year of my Master degree in Contemporary History. Also got two summer jobs that year. I was basically only researching and writing my master thesis at this point and trying to survive on a 50€ per month budget to pay for transport, clothes, driving lessons, and food apart from one meal a day. Needless to say, some corners had to be cut and my health wasn’t the best. I was also trying to register to pass some concours d’Etat to be a government worker considering there was 0% chance I’d be able to find a job otherwise with my qualifications and my mother had been trying to find an excuse to throw me out for more than four years at this point. Basically I was broke, stressed out and in panic mode.
Thank god, the music was mostly energetic and upbeat on the radio. I can’t imagine what my mood would have been like if the charts had been as horribly depressed as in 2018 or 2019.
This was also the year when my favorite music reviewer ever, Todd In The Shadows, started to make his first videos, so you might think his lists are going to influence mine, but as it turns out we have very, very different tastes for the most part (I mean come on, the guy hates Depeche Mode), so... not so much. But he helped me discover a lot of songs I would have ignored otherwise, so yeah, godspeed, Todd.
It should be mentioned that the two songs that I wanted to put at the top of this list before looking at the actual year-end lists turned out to be non-elligible and that is extremely frustrating. Obviously, as I mentioned in the previous post, there’s Life In Technicolor II by Coldplay, which has an incredibly fitting name since it’s one of their most colorful songs ever. But I’m not even sure I would have put it at #1 since this was the year of Mika’s second album, and oh my god, We Are Golden was FANTASTIC. It’s my absolute favorite song from the guy, the music video is incredibly fun, and I listened to that shit on a loop as soon as it dropped.
I usually don’t put such large links for non-elligible songs but the fact this isn’t elligible is nothing short of criminal. Check it out if you’ve never heard it.
As for albums from bands I liked... eh. Lacuna Coil dropped Shallow Life, which was not as good as KarmaCode, Pet Shop Boys dropped Yes which wasn’t nearly as good as Fundamental, Depeche Mode dropped Sounds of the Universe which was DEFINITELY not as good as Playing the Angel (I liked Wrong, though. But it’s not elligible), Eminem released Relapse which was joyless and pretty bad and he was kinda dead to me at that point (even if it wasn’t as terrible as Encore AND he had that song with Drake that was very good), Placebo released Battle for the Sun which was pretty great but still not as good as their previous two albums, Paradise Lost had Faith Divides Us Faith Unites Us and basically same thing there, and Indochine had La République des Météors which is imho their worst record in the past twenty years, by far.
Long story short, every single one of the bands and artists I loved who released an album that year let me down (except Placebo, maybe).
And then VNV Nation released Of Faith, Power And Glory, I listened to it, and suddenly I had a new favorite band, and everything was good and beautiful in the world again. Album of the year for me, hands down.
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With that out of the way, a few honorable mentio-HOLY SHIT HOW MANY OF THESE ARE THERE, WTF
Replay (Iyaz) - A perfectly good and innocent little earworm.
Run This Town (Rihanna) - I don’t like the original very much (Kanye’s verse is atrocious) but I've had a mashup of it with Bach’s Tocatta & Fugue in D minor (yes you read that right) on my mp3 player for years now, so this has to count. The mashup is called Run This Town In D Minor. It’s one of my favorite mashups ever. I even made fanart of it once! Look it up if you can, the original video has apparently disappeared.
Circus (Britney Spears) - You know it’s a good year for pop when even Britney Spears makes music I like.
Magnificent (U2) - Wait, even U2 was making decent music? I had zero use for them since at that point Linkin Park had more or less taken over their ecological-musical niche of “mainstream epic-sounding pop-rock music with tortured vocals and Emotions(tm)” but that one was still kinda nice.
Même Pas Fatigué (Magic System & Khaled) - I’ve said that before and I’ll say it again but they always bring a smile to my face and I don’t get why it’s ‘cool’ to hate their songs in my country. Yeah, they often sound the same, but I’d listen to ten similar-sounding Magic System songs in a heartbeat whereas you’d have to pay me to listen to ten similar-sounding Nickelback songs.
Day n Nite (Kid Cudi) - This had a tendency to get stuck in my head, but not at all in an unpleasant way.
21 Guns (Green Day) - Much better than I remembered.
When Love Takes Over (David Guetta), Stereo Love (Edward Maya ft Vika Jigulina), Evacuate the Dancefloor (Cascada) - That year was full of catchy, stupid, energetic songs, wasn’t it?
Greenlight (John Legend) - If I had better taste, this would be on the list. Alas, you’re reading the top 10s of someone who once put Blue (Eiffel 65) in a #1 spot, so yeah.
In Your Hands (Charlie Winston) - Same thing, basically.
Like a Hobo (Charlie Winston) - “Like a hobo from a broken home, nothing’s gonna stop me”, said this very useful song. Now is a good time to remind you that my nickname at the public university was The Hobo. So yeah. I liked this song a lot and I still do.
Forever (Drake) - Drake and Eminem are both amazing on this track. Unfortunately there’s also Kanye West and Lil Wayne on it. But. Like. “I'm Hannibal Lecter so just in case you're thinking of saving face / You ain't gonna have no face to save”. Dude. Duuuuuude.
You Found Me & Never Say Never (The Fray) - Did I mention I really, really liked this band. I think I did. Several times.
Paparazzi & Love Game (Lady Gaga) - Would both have had a chance to land on the list without the incredible amount of great, catchy tunes that year had to offer.
C’est Dans l’Air (Mylène Farmer) - Mylène Farmer had THREE singles on the French year-end list and this is the ONLY one I like. Good electro, mediocre verses but a great chorus (and a weird and kind of hilarious music video). Basically a song saying we’re all going to die and she can only sing about it. It’s strange, it’s a bit dark in a fun way, but it’s sadly not enough to land on the list, and it was the last cut from it.
Phew. Making this list was like a Hunger Games of catchy, upbeat, stupid songs to find which one was the best. It’s not #1 but I’m still shocked I had to put it so high.
But first, the runner ups.
10 - Fire Burning (Sean Kingston)
US: #33 / FR: Not on the list
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Yes, ALL these honorable mentions were kicked out to give the last spot on the list to this guy and a chorus that goes “somebody call 911, shawty fire burning on the dance floor, WOAH!”.
The fact that I don’t feel bad about it means this was the right pick for that spot.
9 - Rain (Mika)
US: Not on the list / FR: #22
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Anybody else thinks Mika looks like the Fourth Doctor on this screenshot from the music video or is it just me?
Anyway. So yeah, as I said, We Are Golden would have topped this list if it had been elligible. Sadly, it isn’t, but Rain is. I don’t like it nearly as much as We Are Golden, but what can I say. It’s still Mika. I’ll take whatever I can.
8 - I Gotta Feeling (Black Eyed Peas)
US: #4 / FR: #17
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I lost about 80% of the respect I had for this song the day I realised its untouchable, marvellous beat was very probably stolen from Take a Dive. I still love it though. Had a few actual parties in 2010 and early 2011 and this was garanteed to make everyone dance, even people like me who don’t know how to dance.
And then the dancefloor died instantly anytime anyone tried to put Boom Boom Pow on because it’s impossible to dance on that one. But that’s another story.
7 - Poker Face (Lady Gaga)
US: #2 / FR: #5
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Needless to say this was absolutely everywhere and overplayed to death and beyond, and the fact I still wanted to listen to it and put it on my playlists really tells you how good I thought it was (and still is).
6 - Ça m’énerve (Helmut Fritz)
US: Not on the list / FR: #1 (...yes.)
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This is a novelty song with a singer pretending to have a thick German accent, complaining about various things in France, like the fact he doesn’t fit the dress code for a club, that he wanted to buy a sweater with “Rock” written on it but it’s out of stock, that some girls can fit in a size 34 blue jean and not him, that there’s a queue of people trying to buy macarons at the Ladurée shop, and so on. And every time he concludes “that gets on my nerves”, said in a very flat tone. Here’s a translation.
It was overplayed as f█ck here. Think Despacito levels of overplay. But the beat is great and it’s still hysterical after having heard it about a hundred times that year.
Fun fact, while I was making this list and relistening to this song, my s.o said “haha that sounds great! What is it?” and I stared at him in disbelief. Somehow, he was completely serious. That’s like someone escaping the Great Macarena Onslaught Of 1996. What happened. How.
5 - Waking Up In Vegas (Katy Perry)
US: #36 / FR: Not on the list
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Again, I must remind you that my s.o is a Katy Perry fan and that I’ve heard this song even more than the average radio listener did at the time, and it’s STILL #5 on this list. What can I say. It’s a ton of fun and one of my favorite songs from her.
4 - New Divide (Linkin Park)
US: #61 / FR: Not on the list
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Is this their best song? Not by a f█cking mile. I thought it would be much lower when I started to make this specific list, but what can I say. Linkin Park is like that one old friend that you kept no contact with for years, and once you meet them again, it’s like they never left. Who cares if that wasn’t nearly as good as Numb or In the End? Not me, that’s for sure.
Also, “In every loss in every lie / In every truth that you deny / And each regret and each goodbye / Was a mistake too great to hide / And your voice was all I heard / That I get what I deserve”. Holy shit, dude.
3 - Good Girls Go Bad (Cobra Starship)
US: #43 / FR: Not on the list
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The thing I love about this is that it’s a song made by nerds for nerds and that the singer looks and sounds completely non-threatening. As Todd said in his own list back in the day, “that guy couldn’t make good MILK go bad” and that’s what’s so endearing about the song, I think.
Also yes, this is, in fact, placed above Linkin Park.
2 - Use Somebody (Kings of Leon)
US: #14 / FR: Not on the list
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This was my #1 at first. I LOVED it. I even bought the album, even though, as you know, my funds were very low that year. That music is soaring. It’s majestic. Well, the lyrics aren’t that majestic and soaring, it’s about loving someone and trying to catch their attention, but the rest? Damn this is intense. It was also elligible for the 2010 list, by the way, where I ALSO wondered if it should be #1, but in both cases, it wasn’t meant to be.
And so this list of 2009 hit songs comes to a close.
It began with the forging of the Great 2009 Upbeat Songs. Three were given to the Punk Rock hits. Seven to the Dance Tracks. And nine, nine songs were gifted to the Radio Friendly Pop Songs, which above all else desired power.
But they were all deceived, for another song was made. Deep in the forgotten land of Synth Pop, in his Parents’ Basement, the Dark Lord Adam Young forged a master song, and into this song he poured his joy, his talent and his will to dominate all charts.
One song to rule them all.
1 - Fireflies (Owl City)
US: #60 / FR: Not on the list (76 the next year)
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I know. It’s a meme nowadays. But still. Have you any idea how satisfying a song with an initial beat that looks like small pulsing yellow and blue lights in the dark ACTUALLY titled “Fireflies” is? How gentle it all sounds and looks, even when the music soars? The number of drawings and paintings I made just based on the colors of THAT song? It’s like a synth pop version of one of my favorite Mike Oldfield tunes ever, Weightless.
And then, on top of all the rest, how relatable was that guy’s body language and general attitude?? Before even knowing he was on the spectrum I was like “oh BIG mood.”
Also following his twitter was one of the best decisions I ever made.
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So yeah. I would have loved to put Coldplay or Mika in that #1 spot, but I’m not too mad about it thanks to this wonderful little song and its author. Such a shame Deer in the Headlights and Alligator Sky aren’t elligible for the 2011 list.
Next up: Johannes finally moves out and finds a great job and starts living a little, plus here’s a #1 that will be difficult to justify
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onewhoturns · 5 years
Fireworks (3/4)
This is... the fluffiest. xD Hello and welcome to Jonas and Alex are dorks with each other. If you want to start from the beginning: Part 1, Part 2. Feel free to hit up my AO3 if you’re interested.
Fandom: Oxenfree Pairing: Alex/Jonas Chapter: 3/4 Characters: Alex, Jonas, Michael, Ren, (later) Nona, Clarissa Word count: 2568 Rating: T for language Summary: The one saving grace of that first kiss (apart from, well, it wasn’t a bad kiss) – the one thing she could point to as making the kiss sort of okay, morally – was that it was in a timeline where they were just friends. Well… okay, maybe the kiss might have changed that. A little? Or maybe it didn’t get a chance to, much, cause Alex was too busy shutting herself away and having a teensy tiny crisis over kissing her sometimes-stepbrother. And then, naturally, as always seemed to happen July 8th, it would be May 1st all over again. or: the First, the Fourth, the Fireworks.
If anyone had told her that approximately 14 months after whatever the hell happened on Edwards Island she’d - they’d all - be heading back to that cursed place, Alex wouldn’t have believed them. And as she watches her friends faces, as Michael hands the drive thru bag to Clarissa, and the fast food is doled out among them, she thinks that maybe there’s some fear under their smiles.
“Not to put too fine a point on it,” Clarissa is doing that thing where she wants to be a bitch but is just a hair past the line of ‘too nice’ to do it. She’s always so much nicer in the later half of the loops. When she exists. “But… is there any particular reason we’ve jammed five people in this car when Jonas is stuck driving alone?”
Michael hums a noise that is suspicious for its innocence, and Alex feels like everyone’s eyes turn to her. Michael is stopped at the turn out of the parking lot, shooting her a look over his shoulder that says well it had to happen sooner or later. And he’s right.
Alex sighs melodramatically. “Yeah okay fine, I’ll go be Jonas’s navigator.” She pops the door open and steps out, pulling her backpack from where it was wedged under the seat.
“Great! Finally getting my fries all to myself!” Ren seems overjoyed, and Alex’s eyes narrow at his mischievous grin, wondering just how much he knows. Jonas and Ren always get along a lot better in the timelines when Michael’s back. But well enough for him to mention the— um…? “Alex, if you don’t get moving you’ll be holding up traffic and we’ll get stopped and our glorious plans will never come to fruition.”
“...Not necessarily a bad thing…” she mutters, but closes the door and lets them drive off as Jonas’s truck pulls forward.
It’s a hand-me-down, well worn, and by now she’s familiar with it— how much the handle sticks, how she’s really gotta yank the passenger side door, the right spot to step on the running board to swing herself up into the front seat.
He looks surprised to see her, though he obviously knew she was getting in since he was the one who stopped for her. “Hey.”
“Hey.” She avoids his eyes, settling her pack between her feet as he pulls out of the lot, and digging in her paper bag for— “Yesss.” The box is popped and that perfect high sodium nugget is in her mouth immediately.
“Still think it’s weird you don’t use sauces. Not that I’m complaining--I mean, I’d rather not have ketchup smell soaking into the upholstery, but still.”
“Why on Earth would I mar the perfection of a well-fried nugget?” She gives him a pitying look, but he’s grinning, and she’s grinning, and everything is back to normal. And when he looks back to the road, she feels a little tug in her gut that could be anxiety but feels a lot less awful.
“You know that stuff is just fleshy bits all held together with meat glue-”
“Shushushushush!” Alex waves a finger at him. “Do not. Ruin this for me.”
He’s smirking, and it’s cute. Dammit, he’s cute. Since when is he cute?
“...Just for that, I’m taking a fry tax.”
“What?!” For all his shock and horror he can’t hide his smile and she’s already digging in his to-go bag. “If anything, I deserve a tax of your disgusting dry nuggets, for driving.”
“Jonas, seriously? A burger? How exactly did you plan on eating this while driving?”
He shrugs, “I dunno. Wait til we get there? I mean, it’s July, it’ll keep warm-ish.”
He’s kind of right, but it’s also kind of gross. Plus the sun will be down in the next hour and it’s already cooling down outside. “Hoo, bud, that is a str-etch.”
“Hey, give me a break, okay? I haven’t driven to the ferry before, how was I supposed to know it’s far enough that we’ll need provisions for the drive?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe Google?”
“Okay you know what? You’re the fry wench now. For that, you are the fry wench.”
She snorts, rolling her eyes. “Riiiight.”
“Nope, it’s a thing now. Fry me. Wench.”
There’s a vicious grin on her lips, spotting her secret weapon nestled in the cup holder. “Owo, what’s this?”
“Did you seriously just—” Jonas’s words stop as she lifts the cup. “Alex…” It’s a warning, but not one she plans to heed. Her fingers pop off the lid. “Don’t you dare.”
“Oh: I dare.” Her smirk is straight up evil as she brings the fry to the milkshake’s edge. “I am the dare-iest.” She snorts and repeats, “I am the dairy -est.”
“First you ruin my threaten to ruin my milkshake and now you’re punning about it?” He shakes his head disappointedly.
“The only fry sauce for me.”
Jonas lets out an audible hiss, wincing as she dunks the fry. “You’re a monster.”
“You’re a cretin with an unrefined palate,” she shoots back, exaggeratedly humming her enjoyment as she chows down on french fry and chocolate milkshake.
“Dry nuggets and soggy fries,” he tuts his tongue in disapproval.
“One day you will taste the majesty that I taste and you will be enlightened and choirs of angels will sing you to flavor heaven.”
He’s skeptical, but amused as he shoots her a look out the corner of his eye. “...Okay.” He catches the raise of her eyebrow and laughs. “Screw it, right? Why not now? Fry me, humble fry wench. Gimme that soggy fry.”
There’s a look of triumph, of complete and utter self-satisfaction, as Alex picks out the perfect fry for the job.
And then eats that one, and picks out another.
“Why don’t you just buy your own fr-” He stops cause she’s about to poke him in the chin with a milkshake-covered fry, so he just shoots her a side-eyed glance and eats it. She’s chomping down on her own (perfectly seasoned, no-sauce-needed) nuggets as she watches his brow furrow, watching the road before them - Michael’s tail lights - with a look of utter concentration.
“Hm?” She bats her eyelashes, about 90% sure she’s won this debate.
Jonas’s lips twist and she thinks he’s chewing his cheek before he finally speaks. “...It’s… okay.”
“Ha! It’s delicious, you lying liar.”
His tongue swipes out for just a second to catch the last grains of salt on his lip, and he’s giving her that begrudging amused look, and she suddenly remembers that kissing isn’t bad and-- oof-- where did that even come from?
“It’s… what’s the opposite of sub?”
She knows what he means, though the context is lacking. “Super?”
“It’s super-par? That doesn’t sound right.”
Finishing off her nuggets and licking her fingers clean, Alex preens; “Just super will do. Super duper, even,” and ignores his snorted response.
“...How much longer is this drive, anyway?”
“Like… thirty minutes?”
For the first time since she entered the car, there’s a moment of silence.
She’s suddenly holding her breath. There’s just a teeensy bit of terror that he’s gonna ask her some Big Loaded Question about their kiss. But when he finally brings himself to say something, it’s a lot more relevant.
“So. The island.”
Crap. She’d almost forgotten about that for a second. “Yeah… Why did Ren pick it?”
Jonas lets out a heavy breath. “Pretty sure it’s some BS about closure.”
Alex is definitely too comfortable with him, cause the bitter laugh is nervously bubbling from her throat before she thinks to stop it. “Pretty sure there’s no closure in a loop. Or-- well, like, I mean it’s a closed loop, but-- but it’s already happened? Or… something?” Ugh. So much for living in the moment. She makes a weak attempt to wipe the soles of her mostly clean beat-up high tops on the car’s rubber mats before pulling her legs onto the seat, criss-cross applesauce, just like elementary school. His annoyance at feet on the upholstery is minimal. This truck has seen much worse than a few pebbles and a bit of dirt.
“Well, yeah, but…” His fingers are drumming on the steering wheel. “...I mean, maybe he’s right. It was a year ago. It’s over.”
His free hand digs through the bag for his food, and unthinkingly grabs the spilled fry pieces and dips them in the uncapped shake before popping them in his mouth. There’s definitely an urge to point it out and crow about it, but Alex is no longer in the mood. It’s not over. It’s never over. Instead, since he seems intent on doing it, she unwraps the burger for him and holds her tongue from warning him how ridiculously stupid it is to try to eat a burger while driving. And when he reaches for it he has that same soft look on his face, and he maybe takes a little too long to take it from her hand, and she feels a tiny bit noodle-y as blood rushes to her cheeks.
The effect is lessened a bit as he inevitably drops shredded lettuce on his shirt, and there’s a cynical edge to her poorly hidden affectionate smirk. Of course she’d figure this out now. Too late. Too early. Too much of a wrench in the cycle of island-island-island. He’s… bent the spokes of her tire, or... something. Whatever it is, it’s just gonna make it harder to deal with the leaving.
She sighs, feeling like her lungs are being pressed of all their air. It’s not the first time she’s backhandedly grateful that she won’t remember it all at once. A twisted kind of blessing and curse all at once. She remembers too late to stop it, but still has to remember. It usually just ends up confusing. Or depressing.
Or both.
If she were looking at him she might see the way he glances over at her, the way he keeps glancing back and forth between her and the road, mildly irritated by the food in his hand, looking at her hand instead, before he finally settles on just finishing his burger as soon as possible. But she’s not, so all she sees is him taking massive bites.
She raises an eyebrow. “You good there, bucko? Don’t forget to breathe.”
He shoots her a vaguely irritated look, but his mouth is too full for a comeback. Which, okay, maybe that does lighten her mood just a bit. Alex does not stop stealing fries. She, of course, rationalizes this with the fact that they’re already getting cold, and cold fries are of no use to anyone. The only sign that he spots her continuous filching is the occasional side-eye she gets. But she just turns straight ahead, watches the back window of Michael’s sedan.
That’s one of the things she loves about Jonas’s car, no matter how… well-loved it is; it’s a solid foot or more taller than all the smaller cars on the road. And yes, that means it’s a pain in the ass to climb into, but once she’s in she’s so tall! She likes tall. Jonas is tall. She likes Jonas.
...Oh no, not this again.
He opened that whole can of worms and now… they’re just… flailing around on the asphalt of her heart, or… whatever worms do. The metaphor in her head is very promptly heading just about nowhere. The point is: she likes him. She really really likes him. But there’s A Lot happening-- the fact that she like likes anyone, for one, when she’s more used to friend crushes in the ‘you seem so cool I want to hang out with you’ way and not in the ‘okay yeah, actually, this kissing thing, not too bad, please hold me’ way.
She chews her lips, pulling her knees to her chest and making a noise like a hurnnngh cause she is very A Lot right now and -- hhh.
“We don’t have to go, you know.” Jonas is done with his food, with minimal spillage, and is watching her closely in quick glances.
“Hm? No, no, that’s-- it’s fine. It’s just an island.”
She hasn’t been back since that night. Maybe she should’ve. Maybe she could’ve learned something. Maybe-- and it was a slim-to-none chance, but maybe -- there was a clue there to ending this hopeless cycle.
“If it helps, I’m like 99.9% sure no one wants to fuck with any radios.”
Her smile is grateful but weak, cause now she’s not so sure that that’s it. Maybe they do need a radio. Maybe it’s time she gave the Sunken a piece of her mind, instead of running away and hiding and trying to live her life one 14-month dose at a time.
“And, y’know… um…” Jonas’s words are becoming more uncertain, more mumbled as he continues. “I’ll… be there, I guess. With you. If that even-- I mean, if that makes a difference.”
She’s not expecting the sudden jab of pain in her chest. Because-- well, it does and it doesn’t. For Alex, Jonas was always the one on the island. He was the one who believed her when no one else did, who stuck by her and occasionally scared the shit out of her, and sat by her side when she went God knows where with the ghosts in her head. But… that isn’t how it happened here. In this timeline.
Her breath is held for a half second before she puts her head against her knees and sighs. It can’t hurt. Whatever pain she’s due for, she’s due for it no matter what. So she flops her arm out, onto the cupholders, narrowly avoiding toppling the milkshake and instead just crunching down the now-empty to-go bag. She’s not looking at him. Not even when she flexes her fingers out, expectantly. But she can guess at his expression, when his fingers twine with hers. Soft.
She shifts her head sideways to glance at him when he turns her hand over, and feels her face going flush when he pulls the back of her hand to his lips. He’s watching the road, but he’s-- alright, it’s cheesy to say he’s glowing, but… well. His ears are pinker than the light of the setting sun and she suspects he’s trying to play it cool, but his lips are twitching.
“You are such a sucker.” Not that she isn’t blushing, too. But she can at least attempt to hide her face in the shadow of her knees.
“Shut up. I’m a romantic.”
She’s smiling at him, rolling her eyes. “Oh really. Since when?”
“I’ll have you know, it’s genetic.”
And okay so maybe it’s also a little contagious, cause he’s shooting her a look, and the sun is just at that really annoying height where it’s blasting orange light into everyone’s eyes, but it’s kinda beautiful. He’s kinda beautiful. And he’s very nearly grinning, and Michael’s words pop into her head-- “...he’s been in love with you for… like, ever?”
She doesn’t argue. Doesn’t even make an attempt at a comeback, especially since she knows it’s true. She just lets whatever’s doing little loop de lous in her stomach keep doing its thing, and she holds his hand and-- yeah, maybe it’s a little sweaty, but it’s July so what could she expect really. She just holds his hand. And they’ll figure the rest out later.
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strawnarrries · 6 years
I need a part 2 to that cocky Niall one! It could be like they’re teasing each other in front of their friends or something and smut ensues? Please with cherry on top?
I made the original request for the Niall smut you just did. I wasn’t the one who requested part 2, though. Glad others liked it enough to ask for another part! Not sure what exactly that person asked for, but if you do a part 2, I’d recommend not suddenly making Niall cutesie and nice. Like he should stay cocky. Maybe he ignores y/n after their romp like all the other girls, so she confronts him about it, but then he somehow gets her on her knees for him again. Just as cocky and controlling.
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Warning(s): sex and oral 
POV: 1st
Read part 1 here!!
Thank you both so much for requesting! I fr struggled with this one and idk why so I’m really sorry if it sucks! 
Also this isn’t proofread because imma lazy ass bitch
About a week had passed and I still couldn’t believe what I had done. It felt heavenly in the moment but now that’s it’s over, I regret everything. I still hated him but now I was one of his victims and for some reason, I wanted more. We hadn’t said a single word to each other since that day. Not that we were near each other 24/7, but he’s in my math class and I do see him occasionally roaming around the campus, yet we hadn’t spoken since. That’s why I’m upset and trying to get passed it because I know it was probably just a one-time thing. 
I hooked up with a couple guys to try and get Niall off my mind and see if maybe they could help me leave it in the past, but it didn’t work. Nobody could make me feel like he did. I always judged the girls who always hooked up with him but now I see why and I lowkey want to do it again.
I was meeting up with a group of friends today at Anna and Connor’s apartment. They invited a couple of us over for dinner. Anna and Connor were the lovebirds of our friend group. They moved into their first apartment together last year and have been stable and happy ever since. 
After getting dressed and putting on a little bit of makeup, I hopped into my car and began my quick journey to their house. Parking in front of their complex, I collected my belongings before making my way up the stairs to their home. I knocked on their front door and was greeted by a happy and enthusiastic Anna, “(Y/N), hi, how are you?“ 
“I’m good! How are you? I haven’t seen you in so long.” I teased because I literally saw her earlier today. 
“I know right.” she giggled and I stepped into her house, kicking off my shoes. 
The delicious smell of whatever they were making for dinner filled my nose. Their home looked absolutely beautiful, it was clean and gorgeously decorated.
“It looks beautiful in here. I’m so impressed with what you guys have done. You’re so mature for your age like I could never pull any of this off right now.” I giggled, my eyes scanning the room. 
“Awh, you’re too sweet.” she grinned as we both walked towards the living room where everyone was sitting and chatting. 
I said my hellos to everybody as I sat at the end of the couch next to Jackson. I rested my arm on the armrest and began engaging in the conversation they were having while dinner cooked in the oven. 
About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Anna stood up and made her way over to the door while we all continued to talk. My attention was taken away from the conversation when I heard Anna say, “Hey, Niall!" My heart dropped and the butterflies in my stomach began to erupt. Why was Niall here? Please tell me there’s another Niall on the campus that I don’t know about. I felt my palms begin to sweat as I heard the door close and I saw Anna and Niall walk into the room. We made eye-contact for a split second before he looked away, not even acknowledging that I was there. Niall sat down on a chair that Connor pulled over for him.
"Why didn’t you tell me he was gonna be here?” I scowled into Jackson’s ear.
“‘cause I knew you wouldn’t come if you knew he was coming.” he snapped back quietly. 
I guess he was right, but some part of me wanted to see him again. We all continued with our conversation, climbing from topic to topic. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Niall, admiring all his features. His pearly whites flashing every time he laughed his adorable laugh, his eyes crinkling up. His blue eyes sparkled against the lighting in the house. We hadn’t said a word to each other yet and it was lowkey bugging me. All of the sudden, the oven beeped, telling us that dinner was ready. Anna hopped up and headed towards the kitchen and getting the lasagna out of the oven. 
“Connor! Can you help me?” She called. 
“Yeah.” he called back, standing up and heading towards the kitchen to help his girlfriend with dinner. 
The rest of us carried on with our conversation while we waited for them to let us know when dinner was ready. A couple of minutes later, they called us over to the dinner table. The plates and silverware were neatly set at each seat, the delicious-smelling dinner steaming on plates and bowls for us to grab whatever we like. We all sat down and of course, guess who sits right across from me. That’s right. Niall. Out of all the seats to pick he picks the one across from me.
We got situated and began to dig into the food. The sound of kitchenware clanking together and the occasional “can you pass that bowl” were the only sounds filling the room. Once we had all finished getting our food, we began eating.
“This is so good, guys. Reminds me of how my grandma used to make it.” Molly smiled. 
We all nodded, hummed in agreement.
“Thanks, guys,” Connor grinned, “But honestly it was all Anna. I can’t cook shit.”
“I mean, ’m not gonna lie, he once tried to make me pancakes on my birthday and almost burnt down the whole apartment complex. Literally, everyone evacuated because the alarms went off.” Anna grinned. 
We all giggled, knowing full well that that’s something Connor would do. 
“I dunno what happened? I looked away for one second and all the sudden the smoke alarm goes off!” he defended himself. 
“That was an eventful birthday,” Anna giggled, mostly to herself.
The conversation began along the lines of bad cooking and fires. We all ate and laughed; just having a normal friend group conversation. Niall kept teasing me whenever he got the chance to throughout dinner and I decided that two could play his game. 
“Stop tryin’ t’ seduce me.” I teased after he winked at me and hummed a sexual innuendo in response to the story I was telling. 
Everyone giggled.
“’m not tryin’ t’. Unless ya want me t’.” he smirked. 
I rolled my eyes and took another bite of lasagna. 
“I thought you all hated each other.” Molly leaned over and whispered to me.  
“I can’t stand him.” I hummed back. 
“Oh okay,” she chuckled and I could tell she was still a little skeptical but I didn’t care. 
The rest of the night, he continued to tease me and I’d tease him back. The time had come where everybody had to leave. We all said our goodbyes and thank yous and then made our way to our cars. Unlocking my car, I glanced up and saw Niall. Our eyes locked and he gave me a quick wink before hopping into his car. Even though I could’ve sworn my heart had skipped a beat, I rolled my eyes and opened my door, getting into the driver’s seat. 
I slipped on my seatbelt and sighed. I groaned softly to myself as I reminisced the interactions I had with Niall today. I hated myself for giving into my temptations and doing that with him. I knew this would happen yet I still did it. 
Shaking it off, I turned on my car and made my way back to my dorm, jamming out with myself to the music on the radio to get Niall off my mind. 
***Another week had passed and surprise, surprise, Niall and I hadn’t spoken since. 
I was really hurt. I don’t know why this was affecting me so much because I knew this would happen, yet I still let him get to me. It was my fault though. I gave in to my temptations and now I regret it. 
I wanted to ask him about it and bring it to his attention. I was never good at confrontation and it always gave me major anxiety. But, I knew I had to do it if I wanted answers and not answers I just assumed. The problem is I just didn’t know when to do it. I told myself, “When the time is right, the opportunity will come up." 
I entered the lobby of our campus to pick myself up some Starbucks. As I walked in, I spotted Niall sat on the couch in the corner alone, working on something. I didn’t realize the opportunity would show up so soon. I took a second and debated whether or not I should do it, mentally giving myself a pep talk. I slowly walked over to him, my palms sweating and the butterflies in my stomach violently attacking each other. I stood in front of him and he looked up at me with those tantalizing eyes.
"Can I talk to you?” I asked, my heart beating at a thousand miles per minute. 
“Sure.” he hummed, setting his books down on the table in front of him.
I sat down next to him and positioned myself so I was facing him, glaring at him. 
“What?” he snapped, impatiently waiting for me to say what I wanted to say. 
“So you just gonna do me like me that and then never talk to me ever again?”  “What'dya mean?” he asked.
“Are you serious right now?” My temper began to rise, not actually believing he was going to act like this. 
He just gave me a look that said, “What?”
“You’re jus’ gonna act like we didn’t have sex." 
"No,” he trailed, “I know we did." 
"Then why haven’t you talked to me since?" 
"Um, yes I have. I talked to you literally a week ago at Connor’s." 
"Yeah, that’s it, you - ugh,” I groaned. 
“What da hell do ya want me t’ say t’ ya. I got nothin’ t’ say. We hooked up, ya just expect me to become yer best friend or some shit?”
“God, you’re such a prick. I can’t believe I let myself do that with you. I knew this shit would happen, yet I didn’t stop you." 
"Ah come on, don’t say that.” A smirk appeared on his beautiful, pink lips.
“It’s fucking true. I knew you’d do this.” I scoffed, “God, I can’t believe myself. I’m never doing that again.” I mumbled to myself mostly.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t like it." 
I rolled my eyes. Of course I liked it! And I told him that. 
"No, of course I liked it! That’s why ’m so upset about it!” I tried my best not to raise my voice. He chuckled deeply and I glared at him. He licked his lips before biting his bottom one. God, those lips. (Y/N) stop. 
“What’s there t’ be upset about? Ya got t’ fuck me. Not every girl gets that.” he spread both arms out, resting them on the couch ledge behind us, a smug look planted on his face. 
“Uh yes, every girl gets that.” He just chuckled. 
“Pretty irresistible, aren’t I?” he teased, “Got girls left and right in me bed. Once I gotcha I don’t need ya anymore and I move on." 
I couldn’t help but watch as his lips moved with every word that left his mouth. I imagined what it felt like to kiss those gorgeous lips and to run my fingers through that gorgeous hair. He finished speaking and I shook myself from my thoughts and thought about what he said, "You know how awful that is? You’re literally using girls like they’re toys." 
He shrugged. 
"God, I can’t stand you. You’re such a fucking dick.”
“Oh please, don’t fuckin’ act like you don’t wanna kiss me right now. I see ya staring at me lips." 
I didn’t say anything and just glared at him. He was right. I was using everything in my power not to kiss him. But damn, he was so fucking hot and his lips looked so soft and so kissable. The cocky smirk stayed on his face as he leaned over. His lips were inches from mine when I closed my eyes, feeling those soft lips mold against mine. Moving in sync, I began to let my mind wander to what he was capable of and how good he could make me feel. Pulling away from my lips, he trailed kisses along my jaw and to my earlobe. 
"I know ya want me t’ fuck ya again like I did,” he whispered into my ear, taking my earlobe between his pearly whites, nibbling it gently, “Want me t’ take ya from behind like dat, have ya cumming all over me cock? Hmm?" 
He let his hand slid into my inner thigh and under my skirt. He began feeling my wetness that was leaking through the fabric of my panties, putting pressure on my clit and rubbing it in circles. Luckily, there weren’t many people around, and the people that were around definitely weren’t paying attention to us. 
"Soaked fer me already, huh?" 
"Not here,” I breathed out, my voice cracking as I wrapped my hand around his wrist, my eyes continuously scanning the room to make sure no one was noticing.
“Know ya liked sucking me cock, having me hit da back of yer throat, yeah?” he continued on with his dirty words and I found myself mindlessly digging my nails into his skin. 
“Niall, not here,” I repeated, my breath hitching in my throat.
“Come t’ me car.” he hummed, grabbing his books and standing up. 
I followed him out of the lobby and down the street. We arrived in the parking lot where his black, range rover was parked. He quickly unlocked the door and tossed his bag into the trunk. He opened the door and we both climbed into the back seat. Closing the door behind me, he reached over the front seat and locked the door. 
He sat back in the middle seat, resting his body on the black, leather seats. Patting his lap, he murmured, “C'mere.”
I bit my bottom lip and straddled his lap. I cupped his face with my hands, his scruff tickling the skin of my palms. I pressed my lips to his lips, moving in sync with him. Taking a little bit of control, I plunged my tongue past his lips, exploring his mouth. He caught on and our tongues began to fight for dominance. His hands began to roam my body, landing on my bottom, squeezing what he could in his big palms. Soft sounds of approval fell from my lips as I kissed him. I melted into him, losing the battle and letting him take control.
“Grind yer hips on m-” he began before I started to grind my hips against his, “Dere ya go. Yer such a good girl." 
The friction from our clothed cores made electricity flicker through my body and my heart beat out of my chest a hundred miles per hour. His hands slipped under my shirt, running up and down my back, feeling the soft skin. I let my hands braid through his brunette locks, tugging at them gently. Moving his hands around my body and up my torso. He cupped my breasts in the palm of his hands over the fabric of my black bra. Trailing his kisses down my body, he pressed them all against my jaw and on my neck. Sucking and licking the skin, I hummed in approval. I let my head fall back and my fingers massage his scalp. 
"Take yer top off.” he mumbled, pulling on the hem of my light purple shirt.  
I obeyed him and crossed my arms, pulling my shirt up and over my head. Tossing it to the side, he slid his hands behind my back and unclasped my bra. He grabbed the straps and pulled them down my arms, tossing my bra with my shirt. My chest was now fully exposed to him. My nipples hardened at the sudden change of temperature. He licked his pink lips as he stared at my breasts, cupping them in his hands again. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. 
I felt his lips against my skin again, moving south before they were placed against the swell of my right breast. He wrapped his lips around my nipple, sucking and licking at it.
“Mmm, such pretty tits,” he mumbled against my warm skin. 
I hummed, looking down at the top of his head and watching his lips move against my sensitive nub. Nibbling gently, I gasped, my back arching slightly into him. He gave the same amount of attention to my other breast before moving his kisses back up to my lips. He moved them in sync with mine again as I began to grind my hips against his again. His lips were soft, almost like flower petals. They were sweet against my tongue and the smell of his manly cologne filled my nose. 
“Suck me off, baby,” he murmured against me. 
I smiled softly, trailing my kisses down his neck, pressing my lips against all his little freckles. He grabbed onto the collar of his white, cut out, tank top, pulling it over his head and adding it to the pile of clothes next to us. I tried to get on my knees but there wasn’t enough room to get comfortable with the driver’s seat behind me.
“Can you move the seat for me?” I giggled, sitting in the middle seat.
“Yeah,” he hummed, slipping his hand past the seat and pulling on the lever that moved the seat. He pushed the seat as far forward as he could so I had room to get on my knees. Luckily, I wasn’t too big and I had just enough room to sit comfortably on my knees in front of him. 
I slipped my fingers past the elastic band of his basketball shorts, tugging at them, acknowledging him to lift his hips so I could take them off. And that’s exactly what he did. He lifted up his hips and I slid his shorts, as well as his boxers, down his fit legs. His clothes were loose enough to get past his feet, I didn’t even bother asking him to take off his gym shoes. Once he was fully exposed to me, I dropped his clothes to the side and licked my lips as I stared at his throbbing member in front of me. Looking up at him, he was looking down at me, anxiously waiting for me to start.
I wrapped my palm around his shaft, pumping it. I slide my thumb across his red tip, spreading around his precum to make it easier. I began to kitten lick his head, taking it between my lips and sucking harshly. He grunted, threading his thick fingers through my long hair. Knowing that if I teased him too much I would definitely have to pay for it so, I went straight in and took him in my mouth. 
Beginning to bob my head, I looked up at him. He had his bottom lip trapped between his pearly white set of teeth and his eyebrows furrowed together as he watched me. I hollowed out my cheeks, the sounds of my mouth, his breathing and occasional moans filling the car. My panties were soaked with my arousal as I felt my tummy twist as I pleased him. 
Letting his lip pop back into place, he parted his lips, soft breaths leaving his throat. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the black headrest. Lifting up one hand, he ran his thick fingers through his hair, playing with the soft strands. I let out a hum and I felt his body shiver. Tugging on his own locks, his tongue slipped out to the corner of his mouth, dampening his lips. Releasing off of him, I licked up the undersides of him like a popsicle, my fingertips gently massaging his sensitive head.
“Jesus,” he moaned. 
I grinned softly, confidence overtaking my body. I took him back in my mouth momentarily, bobbing my head again. My lips were wrapped tight around his shaft, my tongue licking up and down as my head moved. With my right hand pumping what wasn’t in my mouth, my left hand was placed on his thigh, my nails gently digging into his soft skin. 
Releasing off of him again with a soft popping sound, I wrapped my pink lips around his tip. Licking up and down on his slit, I swallowed every last bit of the salty precum oozing out of him. I began to swirl my tongue around his sensitive tip and I saw his stomach clench. He gathered up all my hair and held it away from my face, squeezing it tightly as the pleasure rose. I pressed him up against the side of my cheek, rubbing his tip back and forth against my cheek. Pumping what wasn’t in my mouth, he let out a moan, “So fuckin’ sexy with me cock in yer mouth." 
I looked up at him and my eyes made contact with the beautiful blue orbs he had. God, he was so attractive. Those plump pink lips of his were parted, the scruff he had grown out complimenting his sharp jaw, and his beautifully shaped eyebrows were furrowed together. His bare chest was adorned with hair and sweat, his chest rising up and down with every deep breath he took.
I felt my jaw begin to get a little sore and a little tired. Coming off of him with a soft pop, I trailed sloppy kisses down his shaft until I got to his balls. Cupping them in my left hand, I used my right hand to pump his shaft. I gently began to massage his balls, looking up at him through my mascara-coated lashes. His soft, pink lips were parted and his eyebrows were furrowed together as our eyes locked together. I broke the eye-contact when I dipped my head down and began to press gentle kisses to the sensitive skin of his balls. I stuck my tongue out and began to draw patterns. Moans and hums of approval fell from his throat. His chest rose up and down, a thin layer of sweat coating his tan and toned skin. After giving his other ball the same amount of attention, my jaw had finally gained its strength again. 
Smiling softly at him, I traced his prominent veins with the tip of my tongue, all the way up until I got to his pulsing tip again. Taking it past my lips, I sucked on it like a sucker, swirling my tongue and hollowing my cheeks out.  
Deciding to take it a bit further and bring him to his orgasm faster, I released him from my mouth again and gave myself a second to prepare for what I was about to do. While my mouth wasn’t on him, my hands still were, pumping him vigorously. His hard length was coated with a thin layer of my saliva. 
Once I had mentally prepared myself, I relaxed my throat and took in his full length. My nose was nuzzled in the little patch of hairs at his pelvic bone as his tip hit the back of my throat. My eyes watered and I tried my best to hold back my gagging. A low moan rumbled from out of his throat and his grip on my hair tightened. Coming off of him, I looked up at him.
"Don’t fuckin’ stop,” he breathed out, pushing my head back down onto his hard member. Making sure to breathe through my nose, I took him in again, letting him hit the back of my throat with every bob of my head. Humming against him, low moans and groans fell from his lips. Since my hands were completely free now, I placed both of them on either one of his thighs, digging my nails into them, leaving scratches for later. The tightening of my throat when I gagged on him had him a moaning mess.
He tightened his grip on my head, so tight that I couldn’t move. Staying still with his tip just past my lips, he began to take control of my head and move t at his own pace. I relaxed my head and let him do whatever he wanted. Moving it up and down quickly, his tip hit the back of my throat with every thrust of my mouth he made. Tears began to build up in my eyes and my gag reflux was acting up. 
“Ya like suckin’ on me cock, yeah?” he smirked, “Like when I fuck yer mouth like this? Gotcha gagging on me cock. Bet yer soaked right now." 
He was so smug about it honestly made me want to smack him. But, god, he was so right. His dirty words had the pressure in my abdomen tighten and my panties soaked. I swallowed him down and my long nails dug into the skin of his thighs even harder. I looked up at him through my lashes and every time my head came back up, I saw him watching me. Pornographic moans left his lips, his face contorted with pleasure and sweat coated his handsome body.
Feeling my throat get a little sore, I whined and he let go of my head, his hips bucking up. I came off of him with a soft pop, swallowing any extra saliva and wiping my eyes quickly. I wrapped my palm around his shaft and took his tip to my lips again, sucking violently.
"Such a dirty girl, arentcha?" 
I hummed, licking up his shaft before taking him in my mouth. I pushed his tip to the side of my cheek, rubbing it up and down. Bringing it back just past my lips, I sucked on it again, swirling my tongue in every direction on it. My hand was pumping his shaft while my mouth worked on his sensitive tip, doing everything in my power to get him to his orgasm.
"Mmm, stop, gonna cum,” he whimpered, pulling me away from his member.
Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I grinned up at him. Snaking back up his sweaty body, I straddled his lap again. Pressing my lips against his, my tongue roamed his mouth, letting him taste himself. His hands ran up and down my body, feeling every inch. Moving his fingers south, he fumbled with the button on my jean shorts. After popping the button open, he pulled down the golden zipper and slide his hand into my pants. He pressed his thick fingers to my clit over the fabric of my light blue panties, beginning to rub it in circles. He moved them further down and began to feel how my wetness had soaked my panties, “Jesus, gotcha soaked t'rough yer panties, didn’t I?" 
"Mhm, got me so wet,” I murmured, “just for you." 
"Dat’s right,” he mumbled against my lips, giving my bum a good smack, “Why dontcha take these off fer me?" 
Rolling off of his lap, I sat down on the seat next to him, lifting my hips and sliding my shorts, as well as my panties, down my smooth legs. Now that we were both completely naked, I began to climb back onto his lap, but he stopped me, "Hang on. Gotta put a condom on." 
I mumbled and ’okay’ and relaxing back against the seat. He reached over and lifted up the middle compartment, pulling out a pack of extra large condoms, tearing off one and dropping the rest back in before slamming the lid shut. Leaning back in his seat again, he fumbled with the wrapper. Once he successfully got it open, he pinched the tip and rolled it onto himself.
"Lemme lay down an’ you can ride me.” he ordered, adjusting his body and beginning to lie down across the seats.
While he got comfortable, I positioned myself on his lap, straddling his hips. I grabbed onto his member and ran his tip against my clit and up and down my soaked slit, teasing both of us. Placing his tip at my entrance, I sank down onto him. I placed my hands on his hairy chest to support myself. I began to grind my hips against his and the pleasure immediately began to rise. He placed both of his hands on my hips, deepening my grinds. 
“Yer s'warm,” he moaned. 
I let out a soft whine, feeling as his veins ran against my tight, wet walls with every thrust. The familiar feeling of him in my stomach sent me to heaven. I dreamed of the day where we did this again. My grinds sped up and my body began to physically react to him. My muscles began to tense and my breath hitched. My body began to feel like jelly and I let it gently fall on top of his chest, keeping my hips grinding against his. I attached my lips to his neck, kissing every single one of his freckles that I could reach with my lips. 
He grabbed my head and moved it so it was hovering above his. He cupped my face and crashed his lips onto mine. Our tongues and lips moved in sync. I let my muscles squeeze around him and he moaned against my lips, “Mmm, do it again." 
I continued to let my walls clench and unclench around him. Curses fell from his lips and his hands fell to my hips again, his fingertips digging into my skin. The sweat began to bead on our bodies. I felt his warm breath fan across my shoulder with every breath he took and it sent pleasureful shivers up my spine. 
"Oh god, you feel so good,” I moaned, grabbing onto his soft hair and tugging on it. 
“Fuck,” he breathed out, “Tell me more." 
I continued to moan praises into his ear, feeling him twitch inside of me. My stomach clenching and my thighs trembling with bliss. I sat up, placing both hands on his hairy chest for support. Making eye-contact with him, I continued to move my hips against his. My breasts bounced with each thrust of my hips. He reached up and groped both my breasts in his hands, massaging and squeezing them. His fingers rolled my nipples between his calloused fingertips. 
I watched him admire my body. The hickeys defining his neck, his skin glowing and sweat beading upon it. His cheeks have flushed a shade of light pink and little strands of hair were stuck to his wrinkled forehead. His untrimmed scruff characterized his sharp jawline and his usual blue eyes were overtaken by a dark layer of lust. He was fucking gorgeous in my eyes. "Get on yer knees an’ I’ll take ya from behind." 
Obeying his words, I got off of his lap and sat back next to his feet before he sat up. It was a bit hard to move around since we were so crammed but we managed and I was soon on my knees with my ass in the air for him. 
Lining himself up again, he rammed into me and I let out a moan. Gaining his speed again, his hips smacked against mine. The only sounds I could hear was the cars and occasional voices outside the car, our heavy panting and the moans that spilled from our lips. The smell of sex and leather filled my nose. The car shook slightly with each hard thrust he did with his hips. The pleasure he was giving me had me seeing stars behind my squeezed shut eyelids. 
"s'good.” I mumbled, sinking my teeth into my forearm, not wanting to be loud enough for the people outside the car to hear. 
Gathering all my hair in his one hand, he tugged on it, making my head fall back. My breath hitched in my throat and I felt my heart skip a beat. The angle and deepness of his thrusts were heavenly. He let go of my hair, letting it sprawl on my back again. I felt my orgasm coming up and I knew it would seconds until I released. 
“Gonna make me cum, don’t stop,” I whimpered, digging my nails into the leather of the seats. 
“Do it, cum fer me.” he grunted. 
And a few thrusts later and he had me trembling with pleasure under him. The tight ball in my tummy had exploded and shot off into the clouds. I was taken over with bliss and saw stars behind my squeezed closed eyelids. Not even seconds later, I felt him twitch inside of me, signaling he had released. Our moans collided and filled the car. His moans were like music to my ears.  He slowed down his thrusts, letting both of us ride out our highs. 
The moans subsided and were taken over by our heavy breathing as we both came down from the clouds. He pulled out of me and sat down, letting his head fall back against the headrest. I sat up and did the same. I scooted next to him and pressed my lips to his again for one last passionate kiss before we began to get dressed again.
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stigma-dream · 7 years
1 | Try me [ College! AU ]
Pairing : BTS X Reader
Word Count : 6,802
Summary : Remember how in your teen years you use to fantasize how good it must feel being surrounded by the local bad boys, all trying to impress you one way or another trying to gain your attention? Well, this isn’t what you had in mind, nor would you had imagined that it would’ve started with a stupid alcohol-influenced bet.  
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Wednesday 11:41 p.m
“Must I really go…?
Not even a week in into the second semester and they were already planning to throw a party by the weekend. “Yes, of course you have to be there! It wouldn’t be the same without you. If I didn’t have my best girl, it’ll be like Batman without Robin!” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, already being able to see the large toothy grinned he has always flashed.
“Hobi, that was a fail attempt at trying to butter me up you know? Plus we both know that’s not why you want me to go. You just want me to bring your drunk ass home while I won’t be able to take a single sip of alcohol. Why would I voluntarily torture myself like that?” A soft groan left pass your lips as you leaned back into the softness of your living room couch. Kicking both legs up at the already collapsing mess of a coffee table you and your roommate shared.
“C’mon (Y/N), trust me when I say It’ll be fun. Hell - I’ll even try to convince the boys at making the party a bit more… small, so there won’t be much of a mess, alright?” Raising a brow questioningly as if he were there, you reached over for the remote controller and flipped through the channels until you could find something you could settle down to watch for the mean time. “How would my existence being present at such a place  benefit me, hm?“ You heard a loud smack soon followed by a groan as Hobi began to speak again. “It’ll make all seven of us happy, you know you love us too~.” You could practically see the smirk spread against his lips. “Oh dear god no - forget about it. Not leaving my cocoon to interact with other humans.”
You tilted your head to the side, eying the blanket folded neatly on the opposite arm rest. Leaning yourself across the couch only for your fingertips to slightly caress the fabric. “I did not just slap myself once for nothing (Y/N), you’re coming to the party and that’s that.” Before you could deny the offer again, you heard a mumble on the other end of the line before it cut off.
“More like a get together now..”
Frowning at the words he had slipped out, you groaned loudly and threw the phone onto the coffee table, flipping face up at the laying spot you had found yourself in. Complete forgetting about the blanket now. Staring up at the ceiling as the TV made background noise, not letting the death silence of the apartment overcome you with solitude. “Why is he insisting so much…” You mumbled, reaching up to your hair and moving some loose strands away from your field of vision. It didn’t take much that you got lost in your thoughts and sleep had taken it’s toll on you - your eyelids getting heavier by the second as you laid there on the couch and not too long after you found yourself slowly easing into a nice slumber.
Friday 2:38 p.m
Horse babe : hey hey (y/n)
Horse babe : do you already have your outfit ready?
Horse babe : well don’t wear whatever you were gonna bring
Horse babe : we decided to move the party next month as it seemed more appropriate
Horse babe : actually scratch that
Horse babe : everyone spread the rumor so fast that they prohibited us from throwing a party until next month lmao
Horse babe : but you still have to come over tomorrow, just bring something more laid back as it’ll just be the boys and I
“Who the fuck is spamming me” you muttered under your breath, reaching into your backpack that laid in the chair beside you and pulling out your cellphone. The vibration only continued in your hand as you got another harsh shush from the librarian at the front desk. Smiling at her apologetically and bowing your head slightly, you immediately unlocked your phone and put it in silent mode. Seeing the various notifications from Hoseok. Scanning the messages, a giggle past your lips at the thought of the news spreading like wildfire among the student body of the upcoming party. Only to get immediately shut down.
(Y/N) : omg hobi rlly?
(Y/N) : that must’ve suck
(Y/N) : but why must I still go? It’s not like we haven’t seen each other in years
Locking the screen and placing your phone beside you, you looked back up at your surroundings. Luckily, the library was the closest you’ve ever seen it to being empty. There was always half of the room filled with various students trying to cram a full semester worth of information into their heads all at once. In other cases, couples spread around the library goofing around and being all lovey dovey with each other. Groups of friends just storming in and messing around knowing the librarians just didn’t have the energy to even scoul them anymore. This time it was only you and a small group of students at the corner across the room - seeming to be trying to hide away from the eye of anyone. A red flickering light caught your attention and made you glance back down only to see Hoseok has replied.  
Horse babe : lmao ikr like y
Horse babe : and because (y/n) ~
Horse babe : we miss you!  
Eying the text suspiciously, you brought your bottom lip between your teeth unconsciously, beginning to slowly chew at it as you typed away a reply.
(Y/N) : oh wow yea sure
(Y/N) : what’s up with this sudden burst of love y'all have for me?
(Y/N) I swear if it is some sort of prank or joke y'all want to play on me I’ll rip all of your heads off and feed them to Ms. Scott’s snake.
Horse babe : omg stop no
Horse babe : we honestly have nothing better to do this weekend and we managed to find 8 nerf guns in the janitor room
Horse babe : don’t ask why we were there
Horse babe : but even more conveniently, four are one color and the other four another color
(Y/N) : so basically two teams?
Horse babe : bingo
Humming softly you brought your elbow up at the table and rested your head against your palm, debating if you should go or not. If you were absolutely free, you would have immediately agreed to meeting up with them already. But you have already planned on catching up on a series you took a small break from and cleaning around the apartment. Since your roommate is almost never home (due to her spending most of her time with her boyfriend) - you have had the whole place to yourself. Leaving clothes scattered everywhere, having unwashed dishes at the sink from probably weeks old now, and being able to roam around the apartment in nothing but your underwear freely. Though at first it felt like a small heaven having all this freedom to yourself - the dirtiness of the place was finally starting to gross you out.
(Y/N) : under one condition
Horse babe : which is?
(Y/N) : you all have to help me clean up my apartment and binge watch AHS with me
(Y/N) :  beginning from end.
(Y/N) :  all of you - and no dozing off during the middle or chickening out that it’s too creepy for you.
Horse babe : …
Horse babe : How am I friends with you again?
(Y/N) : Your lost ass was roaming around the halls whining for someone to help you get to class the first day
(Y/N) : and as if a cruel punishment you chose me as your victim and we somehow had first period together
(Y/N) : and from then on you clinged onto me for everything
Horse babe : YAH! (Y/N)! That’s no way to talk to your hyung!
Horse babe : plus you make it sound so uncool…
Horse babe : doesn’t matter, now you know how cool I truly am ;)
(Y/N) : lmao you? cool? you’re funny buddy
Horse babe : mk gb
(Y/N) : no bb wait im joking
(Y/N) : you’re so cool you broke the coolness-o-meter
Horse babe : …hell yeh I did
Horse babe : i’m so cool i probably threw yoongi down from his swag throne
(Y/N) : okay that’s enough of that
(Y/N) : so do you agree to coming or nah?
Horse babe : yea sure
(Y/N) : okay goodie well ttyl gotta blast
Horse babe : lmao ight
Gathering your stuff you had spread around the table, you quickly rushed out of the library - you were done for the day anyways so you’re absolutely free to go to your apartment. Walking down to the parking lot to find your car - you were a bit too late to claim a dorm at campus, so you had no other choice but to rent an apartment nearby.
To your surprise you found Taehyung and Jimin leaning against your car seeming deep in conversation within themselves. A small smirk creep onto your lips as you decided to scare the two - having have been leaning against your precious baby you had just clean yesterday. Taking much lighter steps and focusing on your breathing, you strode over to the backside of the automobile, peeking your head only to see that they haven’t noticed your presence
“Why do you think she doesn’t wanna join us tomorrow?” Jimins voice was the first to reach your ears, perking up more, now curious about their conversation. At this angle you could perfectly see how the sunlight hit his vermilion hair, giving an appearance of a soft gold gentle aura around him. His sharp jawline facing you as he tilted his head towards Taehyung, his back leaning against your precious baby as you noticed he raised a leg to press against it - eyes darting to the ground as he began to scratch the back of his neck, seeming to go deep in thought. Seconds later to think his own question further, you noticed how his eyebrows furrow up ever so slightly, a small pout forming on his devilishly full plump lips. “You don’t think…she has started to avoid us, do you?”
Being to caught up in your own thoughts about how he even dared to raise his dirty shoe against the car door, you almost missed what he had said. Your own eyebrows scrunching up, why would he even asked that? There’s nothing that they’ve done to make you dislike them…much less avoid. “ I don’t see a reason to.” Taehyung shrugged, pulling at the sleeves of his rather large jumper and crossing his arms in front of him, mindlessly playing with a loose strand of his black ripped jeans. “Knowing her, she’s probably already stressing about studying or something…” the brunette mumbled, turning to face the shorter male. Jimin cocked an eyebrow at Taehyung but shrugged, nodding as a sigh escaped his lips. “You’re probably right. She always overworks herself too much…it’s not healthy. She should just, i don’t know… lay back and enjoy the moment you know?” Taehyung nodded, chuckling softly as a small grin formed on his features “Like us?”. Jimin looked questioningly at him, taking him a second to understand what he meant. Shaking his head with a mocking laugh he punched Tae’s shoulder teasingly. “Of course not! Could you imagine though? She’ll probably have an heart attack seeing her grades drop and attendance start to stagger it’s perfect record.”
Short laughs were exchanged between the two, not before you pulled out your car keys and sounded the alarm. Watching as both men jumped away startled from the vehicle, both their eyes blown wide like deers caught in the headlight. Noticing how Jimin was clutching at his denim jacket tightly, chest heaving trying to catch his breath seeming to have been knocked out of his lungs. Flashing a mischievous grin at the boys as you arose from your hiding spot. “ I beg to differ, you seem to be the one who’s going to get a heart attack, pretty boy.”
Heads snapped toward your direction as Jimin’s chocolate brown orbs seem to have widen even more, sighing deeply and throwing his head back as he raised a hand to comb his bangs in a nervous manner. “ I swear to god (Y/N) I will get you back for this.”
Smiling even wider now, you turn to look at Taehyung only to see him kneeled down holding his stomach, his hand trying to muffle his laughs. Not helping yourself now you began to laugh yourself, raising hand in the same manner as Tae to cover your fit of giggles. Hearing your laugh was the final straw for Taehyung to let his rich laugh bang against your eardrums, his balance failing him as he fell back clutching his sides. “ o-oh my god! You should have seen your expression! It was absolutely priceless! I couldn’t imagine his eyes going wider, they almost popped out!”
Jimin clicked his tongue as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket, snapping his head towards the younger one. “Yah! Quiet!” Jimin roared, his cheeks flushing as he kicked Taehyung, only kicking the air threateningly. Taehyung rolled over his side and arose from the floor, throwing his arm over Jimins shoulder as he chuckled softly.
“Aish, don’t get all pissy now~ we’re just joking around, right (Y/N)?” Tae turned to you, flashing you a cocky wink as a smirk played along his rose lips. You only shook your head, giggling softly as you walked over to the boys. Filling up Jimins other shoulder with your arm now - but due to your shorter height you only managed to bring down both boys. “Yeh, just horsing around buddy old pal.” Making eye contact with Tae, you both grinned widely, turning back to Jimin who was only frowning, his eyebrows scrunching up as his brown orbs pierced at the both of you disapprovingly.”You will be hearing from my lawyer soon, this is harassment I have the right to sue you.”
Rolling your eyes at the vermilion haired boy, you stepped back, Taehyung taking your spot and wrapping his arms around Jimin, resting his head on his shoulder as he began to hum softly. Jimin shook his head he pushed away and fixed his shirt - tucking the striped fabric back into his jeans as he scoffed. “Whatever. Hobi sent us to warn you if you don’t come tomorrow he’ll expose your double chin pictures”. You raised a brow at him, sighing softly as you pulled out your phone - showing him the text you had exchanged with Hoseok earlier. Watching him as he read the text, Taehyung peering over his shoulder and doing the same. Jimin’s lips then formed a small ‘o’, looking back up to meet your gaze. “Why do we have to help you clean? I didn’t sign up for this” Taehyung nodded agreeing with the male. Only seconds later he pulled Jimin back to whisper something in his ear - a mischievous smile forming on both of their faces. “I take it back, we’ll help you clean.”
Friday 8:30 p.m
The second you had arrived to your apartment, you had collapsed onto the sofa and passed out. Ignoring any plans you had later that day. A annoying vibration and light flashing had startled you awake from your peaceful slumber. Groaning as you opened your heavy eyelids, flinching at the bright light hitting your dazed vision. Reaching out to your phone laying in front of you, sliding the button across the screen not even bothering to see who it was. Throwing your head back into the warmth of the sofa - refusing to look at the screen.
“Ah! I won! She was asleep!”
“Jungkook stop shouting!”
A smack could be heard soon followed by a whine, peering your eyelids open again you noticed that Jungkook had called you over FaceTime, seeing him sit at the familiar sofa of their dorm - Jin sitting on the armrest laying across the top of the sofa trying to show up on screen.
“But hyung you told me if I won this bet you’ll do the dishes tonight!” Jungkook turned to Seokjin, his doe eyes seeming to play with Seokjins emotions as you heard the elders breath hitch - sighing and shaking his head.
“Aish you and your puppy eyes…”
Jungkook smiled mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.
Puffing out your cheeks at the scene playing out, you hummed softly and that seem to have caught the boy’s attention. “May I know why you woke me up?” you mumbled out, rolling off the sofa. Reaching out to position your phone to lay against a pillow, hoping you’ll look somewhat decent at this angle. Your eyes flicking over at the right corner of the screen, seeing your bird nest of hair. Sitting on the floor across your cellphone you began to run your fingers through your hair, smoothing out some knots.
“He didn’t want to wash the dishes so he made this dumb bet that if you were asleep i’ll have to wash them. Now, if you both will excuse me, since I am not a whiny baby about having responsibilities I shall go do my part of the bet.” Seokjin arose from his spot in the couch, walking off to what you assumed the kitchen. Now being alone with Jungkook, you raised a brow questioningly at him. “Really?” Jungkook chuckled nervously, shrugging as his hand went to rub his arm. “I usually don’t mind washing them, it’s just…Yoongi hyung didn’t like something Taehyung and I hid in his food…causing him to, y’know.” He let a sheepish smile spread across his lips, glancing at you before he turned to look at something else suddenly more interesting. Clicking your tongue you shook your head, sitting up more now as you began to stretch, a long yawn soon following. “Well that’s none of my business. Anyways since you’re already here help me choose an outfit for tomorrow.”
“What, why?” he questioned, seeing the screen going all blurry as you walked across the apartment going to your bedroom. “Just because, no real reason” you replied, setting your phone against your mirror. “…considering we’re just gonna horse around tomorrow I recommend something you’ll be able to move around freely. Oh! And possibly something you can sleep in? Yoongi-hyung is bringing beer, saying you should relax tomorrow.” He flashed you another smile, the creases around his eyes deepening adorably. “Like for example what i’m wearing right now.” Jungkook pulled at his white shirt, bringing his leg up and holding against his chest smoothly to reveal his sweatpants. Frowning at him you rolled your eyes, pointing at the camera “Stop that, I know you’re showing off how flexible you are…blah”  Frowning further hearing him go into a fit of laughs, shaking his head. “Sorry - can’t help that i’ve been blessed”.
Saturday 10:00 a.m
After having have chosen your outfit for today with the help of Jungkook last night, you both didn’t notice how late it had gotten. Immediately entering the realm of fantasies soon after hanging up the call. Now you sat at the corner of your bed, turning off your alarm. Sighing tiredly you began to get ready, going to go take a quick shower soon after having breakfast and before you knew it, you were already out the door heading towards campus to the boys dorm.
Walking up to the large wooden door, you removed your earbuds and twisted the knob - knowing the boys didn’t bother to lock the door knowing you’ll come. Stepping inside you were greeted by the sight of seeing a shirtless Yoongi with nothing else but his boxers and socks, laying on the couch fast asleep. Sighing you walked over to him, kneeling to his side. There really was a huge difference to awake Yoongi and fast asleep Yoongi. His usually scornful expression added unnecessary wrinkles to his youthful face. His rose tinted lips parted slightly seeming so natural unlike their usual straight line. A soft aura surrounding him - contrary to the cold and intimidating one he usually gave to strangers. You knew Yoongi long enough to know he was neither this or that. Yes, he seemed cold at first glance and his sarcasm can cause holes in your self-esteem but he isn’t always like that. It’s almost like a trial - if you overcome and endure Yoongi’s ruthless personality he’ll take off his cunning mask and show you his genuine self. If you really think about it, it’s like a defense mechanism. You haven’t yet shattered that metaphorical mask but you have noticed he seem more laid back then from the first few times meeting him. That alone seeing him slowly become more open towards you gave you the determination to fully get rid of his mask. Smiling to yourself, you didn’t take note to when you subconsciously moved his raven hair out of his face. Immediately retracted your hand, feeling your cheeks burn up in embarrassment. Glancing the living room you spotted a large blanket and brought it over to let it drape over Yoongi’s semi-nude state. Walking over to the kitchen to grab a cup of water, you heard yawning and groaning coming from the end of the corridor. Raising an eyebrow honestly not expecting anyone to be awake after seeing Yoongi on the couch, you made your over to the tall white door. Knocking gently you soon heard a raspy “come in“, swinging the door open.
Namjoon sat on the edge of his bed, massaging his throat while his free hand holded a couple of pills. Since the room was divided in half, he had his bed up against the wall. A nightstand along with a desk and a large shared bookshelf only for the same set up to be replicated on the other side of the room - connecting all furniture with the large bookshelf. A green rug spread across the middle of the room, bean bag chairs spread out across the rug. Though only the furniture and rug was the thing both had in common - for as decoration they were quiet opposites. Namjoon’s side consisted of a repeated plushie in different colors and poses, neatly aligned on shelf’s he must have put up himself. All of his textbooks and supplies nicely put in their own little containers. While the other side had many figurines, mostly consisted of Mario and Luigi. Posters of said characters adorning the pale white walls. The side of their bookcase, unlike Namjoon, consisted of Wii and 3DS games - along with a few smaller figurines. A few cookbooks and random personal choice novels on the next shelf. While finally the last shelf holded the precious campus textbooks.
Jin’s rather loud snore snapped you out of your own thoughts, blinking and bringing your attention back at the blonde haired man. “What’s wrong?” you questioned, walking over and sitting beside him. “The boys managed to bring a karaoke machine not to long ago and they decided last night-” Hearing him struggle to speak along with the heavy raspiness, you brought a finger to press against his lips you shook your head and glanced into his almond orbs, “don’t talk too much, it’ll hurt your throat even more”. Taken aback a bit, he slowly nodded and cleared his throat, wincing a bit. “I joined them in a screamo song and I seem to be loosing l my voice or something.”
“….why did you join in- actually, never mind.” You sighed, shaking your head. “Just rest today, though I already imagined you were planning on skipping, hm?” Smiling sheepishly he nodded slowly and laid back down, pulling the covers over himself. Turning off the lamp on the night stand, he reached out and gently grabbed your wrist.
“Hey, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok are all at their classes right now. None of us are planning to wake up until noon or even later, so why not rest along with me? I swear I won’t try anything funny.”
“are you sure..? I mean, your throat and all I imagine you’ll be tossing and turning in your bed so..” Blinking in realization knowing of his messy way of sleeping with any type of uncomfortableness, he nodded slowly and motioned his head over to Jin. “Touche, how about Jin-hyung then?” Turning your head to the oldest one in the room, you nodded and gave Namjoon a smile. Reaching out and pinching his nose as you made your way over to Jin’s side of the room.
“Alright, get some rest now.”
4:42 p.m
All the boys seemed to have gotten home before you had waken up, finding yourself neatly tucked in Jin’s bed. The roaring of laughter and stomping across the dorm was the thing that had managed to wake you up. Sitting up slowly, you rubbed at your eyes and glanced around your surroundings. Namjoon seem to have already gotten up and Jin was gone too. “How rude, they didn’t even bother to wake me up…” mumbling to yourself, you quickly got out of bed and down to the cold floor. Hissing softly, you spotted Jin’s bunny slippers one of the members had gotten him as a gag gift and immediately rush to slip them on. Wiggling your toes in the warm fabric, you headed towards the door and down the corridor where the noise was coming from. Peaking your head only to see all seven men sitting at the couch and floor, seeming to be playing some sort of video game.
Hoseok was the first to notice you, jumping out of his seat and skipping his way towards you. “(Y/N)! Everyone, sleeping beauty has awoken!”
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and brought you in for a short hug, kissing the top of you head as well. Giggling at his boldness, you wrapped your arms around his waist, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. “Yeah, yeah whatever. Happy to see me here? I couldn’t risk the chance of you showing everyone my true nature.” Chuckling he only shrugged and glances up behind you, retracting his arms and stepping back.
“He’s not the only one happy to see you, y'know?” A smooth velvety voice reached your ears and you didn’t even need to look twice to know who it was. Feeling him snake his arms around your waist and lift you up, you squeaked softly and gripped onto his firm arms. “Taehyung!” You laughed, throwing your head back onto his shoulder as he began to swing the both of you around. A fit of giggles and laughed erupted from you two only to be stopped.
“Ah c’mon, you always want her to yourself Taehyung-hyung.” Being set down, you glance up only to be meet with a white shirt, tilting your head further up you saw how Jungkook pressed his tongue into the inside of his cheek, crossing his arms across his chest in a spoiled manner.
“Aish, sorry sorry, we haven’t talk in a while. I only saw her briefly yesterday ~” Taehyung cooed, resting his chin on top of your head and tightening his grip on your waist. Jungkook scoffed “and? I haven’t seen her in over a week.” Frowning, you pushed Taehyung’s arms off of you only to feel another set of strong arms slide under your legs and another to support your back, being lift up by the younger one. A proud smirk appearing on his fine lips as he held you against his chest. “Guys. You’re acting as if I’m some priced possession or something.” you groaned out, knowing your physical strength was nothing compared to theirs. Letting yourself loose and to lay limbless in Jungkook’s arms.
“Isn’t that obvious?”
“Pretty much, yeah”
Scrunching your eyebrows up, you sighed loudly again and only shook your head.
Yoongi’s voice made the three of you snap your heads towards his direction. Seeing him sitting at the end of the couch, arm propped up against the armrest as he rested his head on the palm of his hand - his eyes staring back blankly. “Set the poor girl down, you both are all up in her personal bubble.” he mumbled, turning his attention back to the large screen. Jungkook immediately sets you down mumbling an apology - only to hear Jimin cry out in defeat as his character seemed to have lost. Jungkook striding over to take up the losers spot and go up against his hyung, Hoseok.
“(Y/N)” Jin called out, motioning you over to the spot between him and Namjoon. Squeezing yourselfs between them, you smiled sweetly at both. Jin sighed and shook his head, chuckling softly as he gently rubbed your back. “I must say, you really managed to stir those three over there up pretty good. I don’t know if it’s because of their ego not letting them cry defeat at losing a damsel to another or because of pure spoiledness, but damn.” Raising a brow at him questioningly, you tilted your head. “Three of them?” you questioned, only to receive another nod from the man. “Yeah, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. I’m surprised Jungkook is even managing talking to you way more comfortably than Jimin, probably because he’s older than you?”
“Wait, I’m sorry, Jimin?” you asked, Jin chuckling once again and nodding towards Jimin’s direction, your gaze following and sure enough Jimin sat across, squeezed between Yoongi and Taehyung but his gaze seem to be focused on you. Making brief eye contact he sheepishly looked down, raising his hand to comb out his bangs as he lets them drape across his features, seeming to be trying to hide away from your gaze. Though at his failed attempt of hiding his face - you could see pink beginning to tint at the tips of his ears. Biting your lip trying to stop yourself from smiling at his adorable ways, you turned back to Jin only to see him gone and being replaced by Hoseok.
“They’re not the only ones” Namjoon’s hot breath reached your neck, making you shiver feeling goosebumps starting to form. Jumping slightly in surprise, you didn’t even dare to turn your head to look at him - keeping your gaze locked on the screen. “Oh? How so?”
Feeling his chest vibrate against your back as he chuckled, leaning in closer - his hair starting to tickle at your skin. “Well, you already know about the three younger ones, but what about the three eldest? Jin-hyung, Yoongi-hyung and Hoseok. Though they are much better at hiding it, I’ve known them long enough too to know when there’s something going on.” he stated. “Someone’s got their voice back,” you joked, pulling back a bit to turn to look at him questioningly. “but - what do you mean? I’m sure they’re not attracted to me in any other way than platonically so-”
“There you are right, I believe the same. But knowing them, it didn’t just come out of nowhere. There’s something going on between them all.” Namjoon pulled back now, resting against the couch. You looked at Namjoon still, various thoughts running through your head as a certain male called out your name.
“(Y/N)!” Jungkook called out, motioning you over to the empty seat beside me. “Try and beat me in this round!”
Much later that afternoon everyone has gathered around in the living room - all eight sitting in a circle facing each other. Panting and heaving filled up the room, the smell of sweat and alcohol being the only aroma present. Having have already played with the nerf guns as promised, Yoongi bringing out the beer and Taehyung soon after pulling the karaoke machine out you swear your body couldn’t take any other physical activity to do. Having had screamed your lungs out while singing a duet with Jungkook and running around the whole dorm trying to escape Hoseok’s and Jimin’s nerf hits - all while having alcohol running through your system.  
“Guys, Guys, Guys” Taehyung spoke into the mic, licking his lips as he took a deep breath, his eyes fluttering trying to stay awake as the alcohol threatened to play effect - pausing before speaking again. “Let’s play some more. Spin the bottle anyone?” Hoseok was the first to react, nodding ecstatically. “Yeah! Here,” he gripped the bottle beside him and took a swing at it, gulping down the remainder of the liquid. Sighing contently as he lays the bottle in the middle of the circle. Everyone wiggled in closer, Jimin the first to reach out for the bottle. Spinning it only for it to go flying over to Jungkook, making both males laugh.
“Nice one Jimin-hyung,” Jungkook cooed, glancing down at the bottle and pointing over at Jin “but it looks like Jin-hyung is our first victim.” Jin perked up, hearing his name bringing him out of his train of thoughts. Jimin grinned widely, deep creases appearing under his eyes. “ Truth or Dare?” Jin hummed in thought, rotating the bottle in his hand, observing as the liquid splash around. “Truth”
Audible sighs and groans could be heard, shaking your head at the groups immature behavior. “Guys, come on now”
“Alright, let’s see hmm…did you use cheats to win earlier?” Jimin questioned, raising a brow at the elder one.
“Yeah! That was totally unfair how you won!” Hoseok cried out, Namjoon nodding agreeing with him.
Jungkook snorts and shrugged, looking over at Hoseok. “But I was able to beat his ‘impossible ways’ “. adding air quotes to his statement. “But you’re also Mr. Good at Everything I do.” Yoongi spoke up, taking a swing from his beer. Before Jungkook could respond, Jin spoke up. “No, I didn’t cheat - just many years of training.” Everyone seem to just drop the topic and nod, Jin reaching out for the bottle and spinning it. Yoongi chuckled softly as the bottle landed on him, looking at Jin. “Dare.” he said, Taehyung’s cackling could be heard. A few other guys chuckling softly to themselves. “Chug down two beers in a minute or less, take even a second longer and we all would take a turn at slapping you across the face.”
It went out like this for a while - asking dumb questions and making idiotic dares. For example when Taehyung dared Jungkook to jump from the top floor only to land in a bucket. Of course the rest of the guys had to stop Jungkook from actually doing it claiming that if he didn’t it’ll hurt his pride - all while Taehyung was busy filling a bucket up with water. Or when Namjoon had to rip apart one of his plushies being dared from Yoongi. Being left close to tears and clutching at his ‘son’. Hoseok had to come clean that he was absolutely terrified of any bondage play. Jimin giving Jungkook a lap dance that only ended up in a playful fight.
“Ah! It landed on you Yoongi!” Hoseok exclaimed, clapping as he saw how hard Yoongi was trying to remain conscious, his head keep bouncing as he went into short naps. Snapping up hearing  Hoseok and nodding, waving his hand as he ruffled his hair in a form of distraction. “Yeah, yeah. Dare.”
Namjoon pulled Jin over, whispering something into his ear as Jin nodded, crawling over to Hoseok and whispering it into his ear. A large smile spread across his features, nodding quickly and clapping once again to gain everyone’s attention. “Yoongi! I dare you to kiss (Y/N)!”
Choking on a sip you were taking from your beverage you turned to Hoseok wide-eyed. “I’m sorry what?” Hoseok only winked at you, nodding over to Yoongi’s direction only to see him already crawling over to you. “Don’t I have any say in this?” you questioned and before you know it Yoongi tugged at your wrist - making you turn your head in his direction. “No.” Acting fast he cupped your face in his hands - though his touch was cold you could feel how gently he was trying to be, his skin smooth and soft. His eyes narrowed as he observed your features, unconsciously licking his lips as he slowly began to lean in. “I’m sorry” he mumbled softly, the kiss fast and chaste. It only lasted a few second to the others, but to you, it lasted minutes. Not because of how amazing the kiss was or because how you felt sparks, but because you could feel how hard Yoongi tried to shove his tongue down your throat. Plus, he reeked of alcohol - being the one who had drank the most.
Pulling apart from each other you could help but scrunch up your nose in disgust, rubbing your mouth with the sleeve of your hoodie. Taehyung took notice and raised a brow, pointing a finger up at Yoongi who hasn’t moved from his spot. “His kisses suck don’t they.” he claimed, gaining everyone’s attention. You shook your head immediately as a blush started to tint your cheeks “no it’s not that”
Jungkook pulled at your wrist forcefully causing you to tumble over into his lap, his free hand moving to tilt your chin up “I’ll show you what a real kiss is~” he cooed, his lips dangerously close to yours. Before you had time to even react, you were being pulled again only to fall into another lap. Strong arms wrapping themselves around you protectively. “No!” Jimin whined, the alcohol playing with him. Jimin nuzzles down into your shoulder and breathed in your scent, giggling happily to himself as he held you close. “Mine.” He said, kissing at your neck lovingly.
“Woah, woah! Calm down there!” Jin shouted, pulling you out of Jimins grip and setting you beside him. “We do not treat a lady like that! As if she’s an object you could easily claim, hah. Right Hoseok?” Jin turned to Hoseok, receiving his approving nod only to nod himself as well. “That’s what I thought, now -”
“But what if she wants to be claimed?” Taehyung chirped up, tilting his head innocently.
Jin narrowed his eyes at the brunette and raised an eyebrow “what do you mean?”
“I meant what I said - what if she wants to be claimed by one of us? The one who can win her heart the first. Whoever she falls for has the right to completly claim (Y/N) as their own.” He stated, the attention of the rest of the boys turning to Taehyung.
“Wait then, like a bet?” Questioned Jimin
“What if no one can swoon her?” Added Hoseok, perking up curiously.
“Yeah like a bet. We all have a month to see who can win her over and if we can’t.” He paused to think for a moment. “Then, she has the choice to completely forget about us and leave or stay. But, if you’re asking me, knowing how dirty some of you play she’ll want to leave.”
“I’m in.” Jungkook spoke, scooting over to Taehyung’s side.
“Me too.” Hoseok spoke, joining the other two across from him.
Yoongi only silently crawled over, sitting beside Hoseok and nodding at Taehyung.
Jimin only leaned against Jungkook already having being sat beside Taehyung and raised his hand up in the air proudly. “I shall join as well.”
Jin looked at all five men and shook his head, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and hugging you to his side. “This is ridiculous, I can’t even believe you-”
“Hyung. If you play, you could save (Y/N) from all of our little tricks at winning her over you know? Playing as well and all.” Taehyung added, a visible smirk spreading to his lips as he raised his eyebrows at the elder.
Jin looked at you worriedly and squeezed your shoulder, sighing as he brought his head down to debate with himself to accept the offer or not. Finally he nodded and slowly let’s go of your shoulder, mumbling a small apology as he went over to join the rest.
“Don’t I have any say in this?”you groaned, honestly not surprised by their behavior. Taehyung shook his head and turned to Namjoon who had sat himself on the couch. “What about you hyung?”
Namjoon shook his head and smiled “I can’t, I view (Y/N) as a little sister so if I joined - it’ll be kinda weird. Plus, she’ll need the help of someone who’s actually capable of having some information of you all.”
Taehyung nodded and shrugged, turning back to face you with a large boxy smile. “Alright well! Do you wanna play along with this bet, (Y/N)?” Taehyung questioned, his arm reaching out. Rolling your eyed you immediately took his hand into yours and shook it, a mischievous smirk plastered against your face. “Try me.”
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captnbarnesrogers · 7 years
I Don’t Need Your Assistance
Pairing/Characters: Celebrity!Bucky Barnes x Assistant!Reader Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, oral sex (FR), swearing, angst if u squint Summary: Having an internationally known actor as your boss wasn’t really bad. Not until after a one night stand do you realise that you’re in love with him and there’s something else too, that something else leads you to quit your job. Word Count: 4.2k+ A/N: This is for Tay’s AU Writing Challenge @tatortot2701! I chose the prompt “Frankly, my dear, I do give a damn”! Bucky is pretty much just Sebastian in this AU! Enjoyyyy!
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A new day. Another press conference. At his point, travelling with Bucky and going to all his interviews, meeting all his fans, it became your second nature and you kind of loved it. Your job was to keep Bucky on track and get the coffee going in his veins to start his day. As part of your job, you were always one step ahead of Bucky and that meant, being up earlier than him to wake him up and letting him know what interviews he had for the day. Working for Bucky for the last seven years drew you both to be close to one another, you both didn’t really consider it a boss/assistant relationship, even though it was, but more like a close-friends-who-work-together kind of thing.  Today was a day that Bucky would like to call his ‘free time’ but for you, it was more of a work load. You had papers to fill out and casting calls to answer for him. This was not a day you’d refer to as ‘free time’.
You made your way over his hotel room and unlocked the door with your spare key card. Sometimes you had to be cautious but you didn’t see him go home with anyone the night before so you assumed he’d be alone. You walked through the kitchen and into his room.
“Bucky, you gotta get dressed, babe,” You opened the curtains to lighten up his hotel room, he groaned and dug his head into his pillow, you then walked over, tore off his covers, and then playfully smacked his butt, “You’ve got a press conference at 8 this morning and then you’ve got all the time in the world to sleep! Get upppp!”
“I’m up, I’m up!” He looks up at you, his eyes squinted from the light through the window, “It’s too early.”
“It’s always too early with you, Barnes,” you chuckled. You grabbed the cup of coffee on the work bench and placed it on his bed side table, “that is why I always get you coffee.”
“Do I ever tell you that you’re the best?” He says, taking a sip,
“No, but you do pay me for it.”
“You’re right.”
“Always am, your clothes are hung in the closet. Get dressed, Bucky, I don’t want you being late.”
“Yes, mom.”
“Shut up.” You laughed, walking out of his hotel room.
You checked your watch, groaning at how long he was taking. You tapped your heel on the ground and almost entered his room when he suddenly came out, his black shirt tight on his pecs and his skinny jeans promising their purpose. He smirked and you rolled his eyes.
“You’re going to be late, let’s go, you!” You scowled, pushing him through the hallway,
“You look great in that skirt.”
“Bucky, I wear this skirt in different colours every day.”
“And you look great every day.”
“All that flattering won’t make you any less late, hurry up!” He turned back around to walk through the doors of the elevator as you laughed. The elevator took you both to the ground floor, the car waiting on him. You both walked over to the black doors of the Range Rover. He opened the door for you and let you into the car before himself. You thanked him quietly as he got into the car.
The drive was quiet, just your voice reminding Bucky what questions he should expect to be coming his way. He reminded you that he’d been in the business long enough to know what questions he’d be getting and which you return him a fake laugh. When you both arrived at the venue, the loud screams of his fans drowned out the music coming from the speakers of the venue. He gave you a look and nodded, opening the door. The screams were deafening but he was used to it and so were you. He walked over to the barricades and signed some books and posters and took some photos with them, greeting his fans with a smile and taking an interest in their day. They thanked him over and over before he walked into the lobby, waving goodbye to his fans.
“They’re getting louder, Buck.” He gave you a million-dollar smile, a smile that could light up even the darkest of places,
“They’re so fucking awesome, Y/N! Holy shit!”
“I guess we can assume that this new movie’ll do even better than the last time.”
“And they’ll keep getting better, doll, because of them.” He engulfed you into an embrace and squealed like a teenage girl,
“Bucky, we need to get you side stage!” You proceeded to lead him over to the stairs leading to the panel. You smoothed out his t-shirt and fixed up his hair, tippy-toing to reach his long, dark locks, “Alright, you’re ready, remember you do-“
“Don’t have to answer every question, I got it, doll,” he climbed one step before turning around and continuing, “you know, if you wanted to touch me, you could’ve just-“
“James, if you don’t get your ass up there in the next thirty seconds, so help me God.”
“Yes, ma’am!” And with the calling his name from the stage, he walked on and sat in his place on the panel. It was the same old questions, same old Bucky being happy and laughing at the questions he’d been asked until a reporter asked about his relationship with his best friend’s girlfriend,
“Bucky, you and Margaret Carter, Peggy as she’s more known if I’m correct, are looking extremely cosy in a recent photo, is there anything going on there? Are you hitting on your best friend’s girl? What does Steve Rogers think about this?” He bit his lip in annoyance and you rolled your eyes in irritation. He looked over to you at side stage, you mouthed him a ‘you don’t have to answer that’ but being Bucky, of course he’d answer it,
“You know, um, something I learned from my parents is the concept of respect, something you obviously have no idea about, but I respect my best friend, I love him like a brother and there is no way in hell would I ever do that to him,” he gave out a rough chuckle, obviously annoyed, “and another thing is support, I’m supporting my best friend and his relationship, it just so happens that Peggy is a very nice and respectable woman, I get along with her like a sister, so don’t overlook things, besides,” he smiles, “I’ve got my eye on someone else.” And suddenly there was chaos, the press was ravaging for answers as Bucky walked off stage.
“James. What. Have. You. Done.”
“He was being a dick!”
“Bucky, now every single girl you go out with is gonna be overlooked and that includes me!”
“So? They can overlook it all they want.” You groaned, you face scrunching up from stress, “Oh c’mon Y/N, don’t give me that face, do you want wrinkles?”
“This is not a joking matter, James, you’ve just opened up a can of worms!” You walked down, groaning again, “okay, okay,” You huffed, “You go out and do whatever, I’ll give out a statement and close this fucking mess.” You walked away from him as he called out to you,
“Y/N! C’mon, doll!”
“Bucky, seriously, I have things I need to get done because of that stupid stunt you just pulled.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to but you don’t have to put out a statement, I do have someone.”
“Oh great, Buck, I don’t have to put out a statement, thanks, babe!” You said sarcastically, rolling your eyes, “If you do have someone, you have to tell me who it is! We need to have a meeting with her and we need to brief her on your career!”
“I’m pretty sure she already knows.”
“Oh sure, so we’re just going to assume she knows?”
“I wouldn’t be assuming because I know she knows.”
“Y/N, seriously, don’t worry about her, she wouldn’t say anything, I mean you haven’t even seen her with me, that’s how awesome she is.”
“You’re being secretive about this, I’m concerned.”
“Don’t you worry one single bit, doll,” He smiled and gave you a hug, “I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
“Okay.” You whispered. He then went out of the venue, waving goodbye to you and running into the Range Rover. You let out a huff and took off your glasses, pressing your thumb and pointer finger on your sinus, “Oh Bucky Barnes, what am I to do with you?”
You arrived back at the hotel and spent your day in your room, answering phone calls for auditions and call backs, signing some forms, and renewing his resume. It was a productive day and you began to pack up his files. You checked your watch, 12:03 AM, Jesus Christ, had you really been working for that long? Suddenly your phone began to ring. You picked it up, a photo of you and Bucky popping up on the screen, along with his name. You slid the telephone across the screen to answer his call.
“Yes, Bucky?”
“Awwww it’s-it’s my favourite girl,” He slurred, “how ya doin’? You okay?”
“I’m fine, James, you seem to be having a good time?”
“O-oh yeahhh, a-amazing! Listen- listen, doll, I think, I think it’s time for you to meet the love of my life.” He burped,
“Oh yeah?”
“Where are you, Buck? I’ll meet you both there.”
“Oh y/nnnnn, you’re going to love her!” He drunkenly giggled,
“I’m sure I will, where are you?”
“I’m at zack-seven!”
“You mean Seven Jacks?” You laughed,
“Yeah, that one.”
“Alright, I’ll see you there.” Hanging up the phone, you put your black jumper over your white singlet, the length of the jumper just touching the thighs of your denim. You grabbed the keys of the Range Rover from the receptionist and thanked her quietly with a smile. You took the stairs to the underground car parking of the hotel and clicked the unlock button of the car, making the front lights of the Range Rover flash in attention. You got in and started the car, driving up from the car park. When you arrived, the streets were lit up by the lights of the club. You spotted Bucky next to the bouncer, a drunken smile swiped across his face. You parked the car and started walking towards him.
“Y/NNNNN!” He got up from where he rested and slung himself to you,
“Oh Christ! You’re so fucking heavy!”
“You- You’re so beautiful.”
“So, where’s the girl, Buck?”
“She’s here, plainly hereee.” He laughed. You opened the car door and strapped the seat belt on his body,
“Dude, you’re fucking plastered.” You laughed, closing the passenger side door,
“I love tequila.” You got into the car and made sure his seatbelt was on,
“You’re not gonna love it tomorrow, Bucky. I’ll leave some asprin on your bedside table.”
“Yes, Bucky?”
“Do you- Are you seeing anyone?”
“No, Bucky, I’m all about the job, you know that.”
“So, you’re single?” You nodded as he stared at you longingly, “Why are you suddenly asking all these questions?” He went silent and turned his head to the window, “Is Sam asking me out again?”
“Sam? Like Wilson?” You hummed in response, “That guy is a dick.”
“He’s sweet.”
“You’re wrong.”
“I’m never wrong, Bucky, haven’t you learned?” You giggled. You found him staring at you, “What? Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Do you like Sam?”
“I mean, he’s cute and all-“
“But do you like him? Like, like-like?”
“What are we? In fourth grade?” He looked at you with dispirited eyes, “Bucky, what’s going on? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, fine.” You pulled up into the car park and took the key out of the engine. He tried to open his side of the door and almost slipped out. You rushed to his side of the car and slung his arm around your neck before closing the door and helping him walk to the elevator. The ride up to the fifteenth floor was quiet and there was a feeling in the pit of your stomach that something was not good.
You swiped his room card and lead him to his bed. You laid him down and started to take off his clothes from the night.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Bucky.” You laughed. He sat up from the bed as you untied his shoes. You felt his warm hand caress your cheek, you looked up in surprise from the contact. Your eyes locking with each other. Slowly, he leaned down and captured your lips against his. You started moving against his lips but pulled away, “I-I can’t do this, you’re drunk!”
“It doesn’t change the fact that I love you.”
“You’re not in the right state of mind, I have to go.”
“Y/N!” You walked out of the door, your hand covering your lips. You panted, your mind frazzled.
To say you got sleep last night would be a sinful lie. You couldn’t sleep a blink. The way his lips felt on yours kept your mind going all night. You had no idea what to do. Every time it ran through your mind, your heart would beat faster than it did last time, your lips would dry up, and your head would start pounding. You swung yourself out of bed and pushed your hair back in frustration, groaning, you got up and began to ready yourself. You went over to his room and gently woke him up.
“C’mon, Bucky, time to get up, you’ve got two interviews this morning.” You said, rubbing his back beside his bed, “Bucky.” He groaned and rolled over to face you,
“Good morning, Y/N.”
“Good morning to you too.” You smiled softly,
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I just didn’t get any sleep.”
“Did you want the day off?”
“No, I’m fine, I’ll get through it, don’t worry about me.”
“Are you sure?” You nodded. There was a moment of silence. He eyed your hand, smaller than his. He slid his hand to find yours but you suddenly got up,
“Get dressed, we still have time to get coffee.” He nodded and you walked out of his room. You were avoiding the situation. You didn’t want to face him, you didn’t want to talk about it. This was your job and you could lose your job. You closed your hand on your face, breathing heavily, your eyes welling up. You couldn’t lose your job because you were in love with your boss. No way.
You got into the car and texted him to come down. He followed, a little too quickly, you thought. He gave you a soft smile and stared at you longingly. The silence of the car ride eating you from the inside out.
“So, did you drink the asprin I left on your table?” You asked, your eyes focus on the files in your hand,
“Um, yeah, I did, Y/N?”
“Yes, Bucky?”
“Y/N, can you please look at me?”
“Bucky, can it wait?”
“Bucky, I need to check these out, trust me, it can wait.”
“Bucky, seriously.”
“Y/N, I’m being serious too.” He grabbed the files from your hands and sat on it. You growled at him,
“What is so goddamn important, Bucky? I need to do this job, this is what I’m here to do, this is why I’m with you, to do my job!”
“So that’s all this is? A job?”
“What else could it be?” He sat there in silence, his mouth opening to say something but he couldn’t let it out. He grabbed the file from under him and swallowed the lump from his throat,
“You got a call back for Dayton White in Logan Lucky, call back is on Friday.” You huffed out. Holding back the tears from the lie you just told. You knew this wasn’t just a job anymore. There was something else and if someone offered you $100 to pinpoint what it was, you’d get that $100.
A busy day ended in silence. Silence in your hotel room. Your head in your hands, trying to figure out what to do. Everyone knew who you were, you were always with him for godssake. You hopped into the shower, the steam taking over the bathroom. You walked back into the water, the heat flowing all over your body. You pushed your hair back, drenched from the water, and let your thoughts run just like the water making its way down the drain.
Turning off the water and wrapping a towel yourself, your heard a knocking on your door. Your phone was buzzing from text messages. You looked through the peephole on the door, Bucky’s face coming into view. You opened the door, he rushed in.
“Are you okay?” You asked curiously,
“Y/N, are we seriously not gonna talk about what happened last night?”
“We don’t have to, you were drunk, I get it.”
“I wasn’t drunk.”
“You could barely walk, you were fucking plastered.” You walked over to you room, still wrapped in your towel,
“Can we at least talk about what I said?”
“Bucky, there’s seriously no need.”
“Why are you so against talking about it!?”
“You were drunk, we kissed, that’s it, that’s all that happened! There’s no need to talk about it!”
“I told you I loved you.” He whispered and paused for a moment, “Can you honestly tell me you feel nothing?”
“I- We- Bucky…” You stammered, not noticing the closeness between the both of you. He put his right hand on your waist and his left upon your cheek, caressing it like he did the night before,
“Drunk words are sober thoughts, I thought you’d figure it out,” He leans in, his lips almost touching yours, “I love you.” His lips finally crash on yours, soft and careful, “Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop.” You grabbed his face and crashed it against yours once again.
He lifted you up on your bed and hovered over you, refusing to disconnect your lips. He looked at you with questioning eyes, almost as if to ask you if it was okay to unwrap you from your body. You nodded and gave him a soft smile. He unwrapped the towel from you gently, like you were so fragile.
“Jesus, you’re so beautiful.” He ran his hands over your body, tracing every goosebump that appeared upon your skin. He placed a kiss on your collar bone and dragged his mouth down to your breasts. He captured the hard nipple into his mouth, you moaned and pulled at his hair. He returned a moan as your hands gripped his hair harder and tighter.
“Bucky, please, I-“
“I know, doll.” His hands then gripped your hips and kneeled down to your naked heat. He dragged his finger in between your folds, causing you to moan and move your hips to create more friction from his hand, “You’re so fucking wet.” He placed his tongue flat on your clit and lick up, going faster with each moan that came out of you. His fingers were thrusting inside of your wet pussy, your moans growing louder.
“Fuck, Bucky!” You chanted, back arching, hands tangled in his hair, “I’m gonna cum! Bucky!”
“Cum, Y/N.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You panted as you came and he hovered over you once again, planting a kiss on your hungry lips, “Bucky, I need you, please…”
 “Patience, sweetheart.” He took a hold of his hard cock and gave it a light stroke before pushing himself into you, you moaned and gripped his hard bicep before lightly locking your arms around his neck as he thrusted into you, “You’re so tight.”
“Faster, p-please.” You panted, wrapping your legs around his waist. His thrusts got faster and deeper, your moans got louder. He grunted as your pussy clenched from pleasure, you bit his collarbone causing him to moan, “I-I’m gonna cum.”
“Just hold on a little bit m-more- FUCK- I’m almost there!”
“Are y-you there?” You nodded frantically, “Cum, baby.” With that command, your back arched and screamed out in pleasure, your fingernails scratching down his back, “Fuck, Y/N!” His thrusts slowed down and he nuzzled his face into your neck, panting, “I love you, Y/N.” He whispers, rolling over and planting a kiss on your cheek. You rolled to face him and smiled as his fingertips traced up and down your spine, your eyes slowly shutting close.
After months passed, your relationship with Bucky just got stronger and, if possible, you were closer than ever. Although, you had to keep most of your relationship as secret, you were happy that you were able to see him every day… and help him with his job every day. Only a few people knew about your relationship, Steve and Peggy, and both of your parents. Today was a free day for Bucky, meaning paper work for you at your apartment. You answered calls for new auditions and organised interviews for the week after today. You stood up to refill your cup with coffee and suddenly felt light headed. You shrugged it off because you did stand up all too quickly. As you poured the coffee into your cup, you felt yourself gag. You covered your mouth and dropped your cup, running over to the sink and emptying out your guts. You hadn’t really eaten anything bad so you don’t know why you’d bed vomiting until it hit you. You’d missed your period.
“Shit…” You whispered, eyes wide. You ran over and grabbed your phone, dialling the only person you could think of, “Peggy? I need your help.”
Peggy arrived just ten minutes after your call. You thanked her and gave her a hug.
“Are you completely sure that you are?” She asked, her British accent thickly wrapped around her voice. You nodded as you paced back and forth,
“I mean, what else could it be right? We had sex and here I am…”
“Oh Y/N…”
“Peg, he’s gonna freak, I have to quit, I can’t ruin his career.” You sat on the bed and hung your head low. God, everyone who was a fan of Bucky would find out and they’d all think you were a user and a gold digger and everything in between, you could not do this to him,
“Babe, you don’t quit, maybe lay low for a while.”
“The two minutes is up.” Peggy bit her thumb and walked over to the bathroom with you. You picked up the small stick and sighed,
“What is it? What does it say?”
“Peg, I’m- I’m pregnant.” You whispered.
You were freaking out as Peggy tried to calm you down, when you suddenly heard the door close in your apartment.
“Y/N? Baby, I bought dinner.” He turned into the bedroom and saw you talking to Peggy, “Oh, hey Carter, I didn’t know you’d be here.” He leaned over and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek,
“I’m gonna go, okay?” She says rubbing your back, “Just call me if anything happens.”
“Bye Bucky.” He nodded and looked at you with concern. You walked out of the bedroom, biting your thumb, trying to figure out what to say,
“Y/N? Is everything okay?” He asks, setting down the paper bag of food on the kitchen bench. You let out a huff,
“Bucky, I want to resign.”
“Ha-ha so funny.” You stood there in silence, “Y/N, you’re not being serious…”
“I need to resign, I’m just-“
“Why? What did I do?” He walks over to you and engulfed you in an embrace,
“No, Bucky, I can’t do this, please.”
“Yes, you can, Y/N, don’t leave me, I’m sorry, whatever I did I’m sorry, please tell me what I did.”
“No, you wouldn’t care, it’s not important.” Tears had started flowing from your eyes,
“I wouldn’t care? You’re important to me!”
“Please, I can’t-“ He stood there and looked at you with blank eyes until a tear slipped away from his blue eyes,
“Frankly, my dear, I do give a damn, so don’t tell me what I don’t care about, just, please talk to me.”
“I-I’m- I’m pregnant.”
“Oh Christ, I thought you were breaking up with me.”
“I didn’t know I was your girlfriend?” He moved closer to you and took your face in his hands,
“Well, do you want to be?”
“Obviously.” He kneeled down and placed his head on your tummy,
“And as for this little guy, as if you’d think I wouldn’t want kids with you.”
“I was just scared, I guess.” He stood back up and kissed you,
“You are gonna be the most amazing mom any kid could ask for and I feel so lucky that I got to be a part of it, I love you, Y/N and I could never think of a life that’s not without you.” You gave him a smile and leaned in once again,
“I love you too, Bucky.”
“So, does this mean no more rough sex?”
“You wanna try it out?” You laughed, leading him into the bedroom.
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @winchester-negan-one-shots @stevette60@marvelous-fvcks @megandrawsspace @marvel-fanfiction@potterhead1265 @zoejohnson8 @frickin-bats @iamwarrenspeace@kenmen02 @captianwintersoldier @noelia8villa @bucky-bear-barnes@hollycornish @marvelbase001 @duncedgoofball @abouttimefortea @buchananbarnestrash @minervaem @barnes-heaven @buckyywiththegoodhair @mellifluous-melodramas @heartmade-writingbucky @hellomissmabel @justanotherbuckydevotee @alphaabucky
SEB STAN/BUCKY BARNES TAGLIST: @yana-tardis-drwho@cassandras-musings @charlesgrey1875 @zxcorra @journeytresbien@chipilerendi
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2001
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Another list which was a bit difficult to make.  Almost none of this comes from the US charts. I was 13, I had a much better control of what I could listen to, and adolescence crisis was juuuuuuust around the corner and about to smash into me with the force of a semitruck.
For now, though, things were mostly fine.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
First, please enjoy this shit ton of honorable mentions.
Family Affair (Mary J. Blige) - A bit too repetitive for my taste but damn, that beat is great.
Starlight (The Supermen Lovers) - Overplayed to death, sadly.
A ma Place (Axel Bauer & Zazie) - Too much Hetero Drama(tm) for my taste. Still a great song.
Les Mots (Mylène Farmer & Seal) - An artist I love teams up with another artist I really like and... aaaaand it’s fairly boring even if it sounds really nice. Aw.
Me Gustas Tu (Manu Chao) - My dad had one (1) tape that summer and it was Manu Chao. Needless to say, I claim overplay for that cut.
The Girl in Red (Daddy DJ) - Yepppp, I also loved that one, no surprises there.
It Wasn’t Me (Shaggy) - To be honest this song would already be pretty great if it was just a guy trying to pretend it wasn’t him cheating even if his girlfriend got everything on camera, but it’s made even better by the ending where he’s like ‘uh no that’s not a good idea I’m just gonna apologise and try to make things right’. Love that.
Carillon (Magic Box) - This was the last cut from the list. The fact that this kind of novelty eurodance track could still chart this high in 2001 is absolutely baffling to me, but I’m not gonna complain. I had completely forgotten the existence of this song until I listened to the year-end lists and had some sort of flashback, sitting in my chair, going “oh shit, yeah... this was a thing.”
10 - Music is the One-T ODC (One-T)
US: Not on the list / FR: #70
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Time seems to have buried this, which is a shame. I really liked One-T. I don’t have much more to say about it though, I’m afraid.
9 - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Daft Punk)
US: Not on the list / FR: #75
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Aaaaaaand I don’t have anything to say about this one either. You can’t go wrong with Daft Punk.
8 - No Nagging (Froggy Mix)
US: Not on the list / FR: #31
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I simply adore the fact that an anime opening was popular to the point of ACTUALLY CHARTING AND MAKING THE YEAR END LIST HERE. It’s not even the same opening in most other countries. I just checked to make sure. It’s not even the original either! What the hell. I love it. Here’s the full version.
Also, the first cd I ever bought might have been Daddy DJ, but the first one my little brother ever bought was Froggy Mix. If you ever read this, you’re 100% valid bro. I’m just saying.
7 - Rue de la Paix (Zazie)
US: Not on the list / FR: #58
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This was very overplayed but somehow never outstayed its welcome. I put it on a couple of tapes, even. I’ve always had trouble with Zazie’s upper range, but she isn’t using it too much here.
6 - Clint Eastwood (Gorillaz)
US: Not on the list?? I was dead certain it would be / FR: #47
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I never loved Gorillaz. You can throw rocks at me now. I enjoyed the music videos a LOT, and I always liked hearing the songs on the radio, but I never actively listened to them. Also, the Metallica fan I live with is also a fan of Gorillaz, so yeah, over-exposure and all that.
That being said, I remember seeing this music video for the first time with the sound off on a screen in a tv store and being completely mesmerized by the animation. And then that song became a huge hit, and it was one of THE sounds of that summer despite being weird and dark, and I loved it. Good memories, good times ; godspeed, Gorillaz.
5 - Butterfly (Crazy Town)
US: #29 / FR: Not on the list
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This is, indeed, placed above Gorillaz. Too bad you’re out of rocks to throw at my face by now, uh?
But yeah, there’s “so bad it’s good” and then there’s “so bad it’s f█cking fantastic” and that shit lands squarely in that second category. It’s impossible to keep a straight face while listening to it, especially if you sing along to the “sugar baby” bit. And the music video is... sdfghjkjhgfd. The bit where the star tattoos fly off that guy like shurikens is hilarious. It’s so dumb. It’s so bad. I love it so much. I’m so glad I found a gif of that part. Amazing.
4 - Hasta La Vista (MC Solaar)
US: Not on the list / FR: #8
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MC Solaar was (and still is, but this was his peak imho) the best storyteller in French hip hop, with strange concept-songs, and a ton of weird puns.
This is basically a mashup of Notre Dame de Paris and a western, in which the singer is starring in the main role but as a pizza delivery man.
Not making this up.
3 - Le Vent Nous Portera (Noir Désir)
US: Not on the list / FR: #29
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I really, really hesitated before putting that song on the list, especially at such a high spot. I guess every French speaker reading this already knows why, but to clarify to my other followers: the guy who wrote this and sings this is a murderer. He wasn’t at the time this song came out, obviously, but still, it’s really, really difficult to separate the art from the artist in some cases, and this is one of them, because oh boy, this song is dark. Beautiful, but dark.
The problem is, it’s also great, so I’m really torn. So I decided to still put it on the list, considering how much I loved it back in the day. I think it’s still possible to appreciate beautiful things made by horrible people as long as you acknowledge that fact and never, ever try to excuse the things they did.
Also that lovely guitar is played by Manu Chao and I’m glad he found a way to land on my list in the end.
2 - L’Histoire d’une Fée, C’est (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #92
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Madam, I don’t even care that I put you so high on one of my lists again. It doesn’t matter. Please sing a harmless song about fairies to wash the bad taste that the previous entry left in my mouth. This sounds absolutely stellar. It doesn’t even have a music video and it charted anyway. The guy composing the music is at the top of his game and is firing on all cylinders. It’s one of my all time favorite songs from Mylène Farmer even if it’s one of the stupidest ones. It’s colorful and it glows and sparkles, and it’s full of energy and joy with an undercurrent of mystery.
If you don’t know it yet, please give it a try. It’s great.
1 - Solaar Pleure (MC Solaar)
US: Not on the list / FR: #20
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Oh boy. My mother hated this song, and once told me it was “shocking and disturbing” [sic] that I loved it.
So. Uh. This is “Solaar Is Crying”. How do I explain this shit to my English followers without sounding like a drunk weirdo rambling in a park. Uh. Here goes nothing.
This is a French hip hop song in which the singer is telling the story of a man preparing his own funeral, dying, arriving in the afterlife, ending up in paradise, forgiving the people who wronged him in life and death, becoming an exterminator angel, going to hell on a MISSION TO FIGHT EVIL, LITERALLY SPITTING ON BELZEBUTH, GATHERING HELP FROM EVERY RELIGION POSSIBLE, UNITING THEM ALL TO DESTROY SATAN ONCE AND FOR ALL, EXPLODING HIM INTO ANTIMATTER, THEN REALISING ALL OF THIS WAS IN VAIN BECAUSE THERE’S STILL BAD PEOPLE DOING BAD THINGS ON EARTH AND THE DEVIL HIMSELF WASN’T THE SOURCE OF ALL EVIL IN THE WORLD.
I swear I am not making ANY of this up.
It’s f█cking amazing.
I BEG you to listen to it if you’ve never heard it and PLEASE tell me your opinion afterwards. I would make a best-of of my favorite lines in it, but it would be 90% of the entire song. Here’s a translation of the entire thing.
Next up: Johannes turns 14 and the shit is about to hit the fan and also is that a f█cking top 15
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