#‘you think he’ll forging me?’ ‘no😂’
watchyourbuck · 1 year
Eddie Diaz is a little shit LMAOOAAOAOAO he’s like “No he ain’t forgiving you actually haha” in 5x04 while Buck’s sitting there just puppy eyes, slouching, on the verge of tears AJSKSKSKAK eddie cannot take him seriously wjdjdjsnnsnsksksksskskksksks it’s ridiculous they’re ridiculous guys
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evebestt · 2 years
Rhaenys and Corlys seem like they rarely have a proper fight about anything. Do you think him taking Laenor with him to fight at the Stepstones caused one of those fights, or did Rhaenys let it pass without any sort of protest? Or did Rhaenys suggest he fight with his father, become a proper soldier and knight? (Also is it okay to send you random images and questions, not just prompts? lol)
Hi hon! Yes it is okay to send me images and questions and not just prompts! I’m happy to answer them, or just react to whatever you send!
As for your question, that’s super interesting! You’re right, it seems like Rhaenys and Corlys don’t fight in a big, dramatic way with yelling and such, but rather they bicker or ignore each other, or trade quiet barbs at their very worst (like the fireplace scene after Laena’s funeral). Rhaenys is too cool-headed to scream in an argument like that, she’d clam up or just walk away before she explodes like that.
So for Laenor going off to war, I think they’d bicker about it a little. I don’t think Rhaenys would be the one to suggest it. Laenor is her son, her baby, and she’s obviously protective of him — worried about him marrying Rhaenyra partly because of his sexuality and what danger it will put him in, the deleted scene where she hugged him in front of crowd at the wedding. And I don’t see her letting it pass without a discussion; she wouldn’t bring it up in front of anyone, but her and Corlys in private I think she’d for sure raise her fears to him. Her 13-14 year old son going off to battle where she can’t follow, that has to terrify her. But Corlys would remind her that he’s nearly a man, a dragonrider, and he deserves his chance to become a warrior, and Rhaenys would come around.
I didn’t take this as a prompt, but a vision hit me in the back of my head and I had time to kill at work so I wrote it down quick 😂 I hope you enjoy!
“He’s a boy, Corlys, our child.”
“He’s nearly a man, Rhaenys,” he said gently. He walked to her and set his hands on her shoulders, smoothing them gently down to squeeze her elbows. “He’s nearly a man, and a man who deserves his chance to become a warrior. There will come a day he will be a knight – he deserves to be a knight who is experienced in battle, does he not? Not like the men who’ve fought only in tourneys.”
She sighed, not moving out of his grasp, but did not reciprocate his hold either. “But he has not even experience in tourneys, and still you expect him to go to battle? Hand to hand with thousands of men who would try to cut him down?”
“He’ll fight only with Seasmoke, at first. The Triarchy do not have dragons – do you think any could touch the pair of them?”
Rhaenys sighed again and was quiet this time, for she knew Corlys was right. But still, she worried.
“You taught him to fly yourself,” Corlys continued, his voice still low and soothing. “Helped to teach Seasmoke his commands with Meleys at your side, and have said yourself that the pair of them would be tricky enemies even against the best of riders. If you cannot trust me, trust Seasmoke to bring him home.”
“I do trust you,” she whispered, and finally put her hands on his chest, leaning close. “I would trust you to bring him home even if he did not have Seasmoke. But you cannot blame me for my fear.”
“You have every mother’s right to worry.” He smoothed his hands up and down her arms again, then pulled her tight against his chest, burying his nose in her hair as she burrowed against his chest, clinging to him like a rock in a storm. “You also have the hardest job a mother can have, to watch her son prepare for war.”
“I know you are right,” she murmured after a long moment. She squeezed him tight, then picked her head up, looking at him with a determined eye. “Take him to war. But I expect you to forge him into a proper soldier. A brave knight who understands duty and honor, and who understands what it is to be a man.”
Corlys nodded, smiling faintly as he reached up to cup her cheek. “He’ll be the finest knight in the land. A man worthy of the Velaryon and Targaryen names.”
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aerynwrites · 2 years
Could you write some HC for “uncle” Jayce from the arrangement story? He looks so good with children and it would be adorable (especially if both of them unite to annoy Viktor sometimes)
Ahhh I love this, thank you for this request nonny! I loved writing it! 🥰
“Uncle” Jayce Headcanons
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A/N: If you’d like to read my Viktor fic Arrangement it is a good precursor to these HCs but is not necessary!
Warnings: dad!Viktor, female!reader, mom!reader, parenthood, uncle!jayce, fluff, soft jayce.
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After you and Viktor figured everything out Jayce would 100% be a total mother hen.
Not only is his partners health not the best, but now his partners girlfriend is pregnant!!
He would definitely have asked to be The Godfather and then promptly pass out when Viktor told him he’d be the child’s uncle.
Showers both you and Viktor and the kid with so many gifts.
“What do you mean you don’t need a baby wipe warmer?” “You mean to tell me they won’t need this many mobiles and blankets?”
Once the child is born and maybe a bit older (think toddler age) Jayce basically lives with you guys.
He’s constantly asking to come with you to the park, or to take your daughter/son for ice cream.
If you have a girl he will ABSOLUTELY play tea party with her. You and Viktor have caught him (on more than one occasion) with a tiara on his head and fairy wings strapped onto his broad shoulders as your daughter introduces all her stuffed animals and pours him fake tea.
And the best part? He takes it way too seriously. He asks about the stuffed animals pasts, their jobs if they have them, even goes as far as to introduce a few of his own imaginary friends.
If you have a son…oh god be ready 😂
He’ll play monsters and soldiers all day with him. Or take him (with your and Viktors permission and supervision) to his families forge. Something your son is absolutely awestruck by.
But In the end with both kids he wants more than anything to pass on the Hextech legacy he’s built with Viktor. At Viktor’s suggestion he helps homeschool them if that’s the route you decide to go or if they go to public schools he helps Viktor and you with their homework.
More than anything though he loves when you all ask him to watch the kid for date night, Bc then he can just spoil them without you all chastising him.
All in all, Jayce is 100% the best uncle ever and treats your and Viktor’s child like his own.
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oonajaeadira · 3 years
Hello! It’s me! Legitimate question about PATS:
Did he not choose truth because he really doesn’t want to speak about himself outside of their “break” in the hotel/bar/conference setting, or because he is afraid that if he answers or gives her permission to ask the questions (whatever they might be) she doesn’t really want the answers and he’ll be doing more harm than good?
So to simplify: is he trying to protect himself or protect her in the way he THINKS she wants to be protected? (I’m fully expecting the answer to be “yes” 😂)
I know that she’s got a plan and knows what she’s trying to do here … but he’s a few steps behind and i can’t blame him for that. It’s just so interesting to get inside his head.
Full disclosure: i think he’s going to pick dare once more before he’s brave enough to choose truth. I think one more dare will give him a better idea of her angle, and allow him to figure out WTF he wants to do and how he wants to do it.
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This one set you thinking, I see.
Pats picked dare because he wasn't sure what she'd ask and he's not in the habit of talking about himself in his sessions. He thought dare would be the easier choice, that no matter what she asked for, he could deliver.
She probably anticipated that. And chose exactly what she wanted, curious to see if he would actually do it. (That in itself is information, testing the waters, feeling him out.) From her point of view, she can continue to ask him to be more intimate in order to forge a stronger connection or she can get some communication out of him.
Either way, she wins. And even if Pats understands this, understands that--as far as "professionalism" goes--this is a bad idea. But he's past making practical decisions. He can't quit her, not unless he finds himself losing control. Then he will do what's best for her.
They are both of them terrified of doing the one thing that could potentially kill the entire agreement--admit feelings. If she says anything and he doesn't feel for her, he could stop the sessions. That's why she decided to play a game...play is safer here. And he in turn has the inkling that she may be up for more, but...there are things he can't give her, things he can't ask her for...limits he's put on himself.
Believe me. The next step is coming. And it's a doozy.
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