#“Matthew Wolf Capital Group”
Pioneering Innovation with Matthew Wolf Capital Group: A New Era of Music and Business
Explore the essence of Matthew Wolf Capital Group's blend of business acumen and musical creativity. This partnership highlights the innovative spirit of Swiss entrepreneurship intertwined with the arts, setting new benchmarks in both the music and business industries. Visit: http://www.matthewwolf.co.uk
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swissmusicfusion · 7 months
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Matthew Wolf Capital Group: A Symphony of Swiss Traditions and Innovation
Dive into the world of Matthew Wolf Capital Group, where music and the majestic landscapes of Switzerland converge. Discover the unique sound born from the fusion of Swiss traditions and the innovative spirit of the Capital Group, captivating audiences worldwide. Join us on a journey through the Alps, where cultural heritage shapes our music. Visit: http://www.matthewwolf.co.uk
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Weaving Together Swiss Music and Culture: The Matthew Wolf Capital Group Story
Follow Matthew Wolf Capital Group as it navigates the rich tapestry of Swiss cultural and musical traditions. From folk tunes to contemporary beats, experience how these diverse influences meld together under the Capital Group's innovative approach. Discover the stories behind the songs, rooted in Switzerland's history and spirit. Visit: http://www.matthewwolf.co.uk
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mediamonarchy · 2 months
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/20240716_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Crooked profiles, hostile operators and hospital robots + this day in history w/hanging Ross out to dry and our song of the day by Tunnelmental on your #MorningMonarchy for July 16, 2024. Notes/Links: This month’s #CyberSpaceWar OTR/Audiobook: ‘Stark’ novel by Ben Elton https://www.discogs.com/release/9726727-Ben-Elton-Stark // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stark_(novel) Video: Alex Jones on The Scene At Bohemian Grove 2024 (Audio) https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1812573546146885771 Trump Selects JD Vance as Running Mate; The 39-year-old senator from Ohio is a veteran and best selling author with connections to Silicon Valley billionaires. https://archive.is/XpK7s Video: Who is JD Vance? Trump’s VP pick for 2024 election (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOAhBT6HAXg Donald Trump’s VP Pick is J.D. Vance, a dude who received 15M from Peter Thiel, known for PayPal, surveillance giant Palantir, and being a steering committee member of the Bilderberg Group. I’m sure it’s totally fine though. https://x.com/DBrozeLiveFree/status/1812930788054188292 Incredible to walk around Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel, and trace the footsteps of Christ today. (Jul. 20, 2022) https://x.com/JDVance1/status/1549810512384458754 // https://archive.is/YHXOa Holy Hell! Sounds like a hell of a guy https://x.com/BloodedTheBrav1/status/1812943733383700613 “American hospitals are overwhelmed. It’s time to take this seriously. As a start, let’s fire thousands of nurses who refuse to get the vaccine. That will help.” (Jan. 14, 2022) https://x.com/JDVance1/status/1482011325085667331 // https://archive.is/po1BB Image: “It’s the guns,” Drake face no. “Don’t miss next time,” Drake face yes. https://x.com/FiveTimesAugust/status/1812909717565677824 MSNBC Yanks ‘Morning Joe’ Reportedly On Fears Of Inappropriate Trump Shooting Commentary https://www.zerohedge.com/political/msnbc-yanks-morning-joe-reportedly-fears-inappropriate-trump-shooting-commentary Video: Morning Joe YANKED OFF Airwaves, MSNBC Worried Anti-Trump Anchors Would EMBARRASS Network (Audio) https://youtu.be/9_ud_x7Z8SU Trump Rally Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks’ Discord Account Deleted, Company Issues Statement https://archive.is/G11DZ REDLINE CROOKS https://store.steampowered.com/app/2454350/REDLINE_CROOKS/ Come on, people. There’s no mystery whatsoever here, whatever your personal politics are. I’m no fan of Trump (and never have been) but the Regime’s sulfurous hoofprints are all over every single, solitary facet of this botch-job. https://x.com/SecretSunBlog/status/1812866187098829158 NEW – World’s largest money manager BlackRock pulls ad featuring Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks — NYP https://x.com/disclosetv/status/1812840216056455594 Video: 🚨Trumps Shooter “Thomas Mathew Crooks” was featured in a BLACKROCK COMMERCIAL in 2023!!! (Audio) https://x.com/BeOutTheMatrix/status/1812654532352180615 Stereolab – “Emperor Tomato Ketchup” (Vinyl // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/14122108-Stereolab-Emperor-Tomato-Ketchup-Expanded-Edition // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Tomato_Ketchup_(album) // https://genius.com/Stereolab-emperor-tomato-ketchup-lyrics // https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/stereolab/2019/meow-wolf-santa-fe-nm-5b9c2b6c.html // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQP1ZbnIFYo Don’t know if you’ve caught this, Saturday was the 88th anniversary of an assassination that helped kick off the Spanish Civil War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/José_Calvo_Sotelo President Joe Biden has ordered the U.S. Secret Service to protect independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. https://x.com/KOB4/status/1812933359095402508 Hackers stole almost everyone’s AT&T phone records; This is not a typical data breach https://archive.is/WOWcX AT&T Reveals Data Breach Affecting Nearly All Customers; The company said it was their unde...
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mitchbeck · 9 months
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waritawrites · 3 years
ABC's Soul of a Nation is a television show that, like Shaun King, seems to seek to capitalize on the Black experience. This show depicts Black life as nothing but a giant hard luck story that laments marginalization due to racism by stereotypical white achetypes. It doesn't tell a full narrative of Black life nor does it discuss the impact of the exaltation of counterproductive behavior such as:
- Gang Culture and Violence
- Drug Culture
- Abortion
- Progressivist Elitism
- Little focus STEM education and Business
The Most offensive act that Soul of a Nation commits is the omission the role of organizations such as Sigma Pi Phi (The Boule), The Links, many black greek organizations and other Black secret societies and its members. A full narrative of Black life isn't depicted if racism can't be included in the narrative. It also doesn't of blacks, who work in favor of white supremacy, to sabotage progress in the Black community. Many such black-on-Black racists have deceptively been appointed as leaders and celebrated in the Black community. Eunice Rivers, unofficial leader of the Tuskegee Experiment was heralded as a black nurse who cared as the the health of Black people. Her real role was to act as liason between Black citizens and the white supremacist medical industrial complex of the day for the purpose of using Black people for dangerous medical trials and experiments without giving full disclosure.
For more information, here are excerpts from my article, Corona Virus and Black People, https://followerofthewayforever.wordpress.com/2020/04/07/corona-virus-and-black-people/:
"Prominent black nurse, Eunice Rivers, convinced impoverished Black men to participate in a medical study wherein which they would be treated for bad blood and any other health issues. Undisclosed to them was the true purpose of the study – to observe the effects of untreated syphilis on Black men’s health. Unofficially, Rivers became head the over the project because of her forty year affiliated as a result of her continual insistence and justification of the study long after it had been found that penicillin effectively treated syphilis and many doctors abandoned the project due its unethical violation of the patients’ rights. Eunice Rivers, however, prolonged the project for profit with no regard for the men’s health nor the health of their wives and offspring."
"Black social activists such as W.E.B DuBois who promote conflict and anti-procreative behavior between Black men and Black women. DuBois was a principal conspirator of Margaret Sanger against Black people. DuBois' racist rantings against poor uneducated Black people were featured in NAACP publication and Here is what some of our Black leaders really think of us in the words of Assimilation Eugenicist W.E.B. DuBois (1932) in his article Negroes and Birth Control which Margaret Sanger often quoted:
"the mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.” (para. 4 and para.5)"
Du Bois, W.E.B.(1939, April). Negroes and Birth Control. Smith
Libraries Exhibits, Accessed January 10, 2019, https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/16e5b6a56c2c4aedb3274e7124f3006e.jpg
W.E.B. DuBois - Boule and NAACP member who hated poor Black people and supported Margaret Sanger's population control plan of weaponizing Birth Control as a method of eugenics against Blacks. He also sabotaged Marcus Garvey's movement to steal it for himself. Promoted a Bourgeoisie-based system of black elitism against regular Black people to whom referred to as the ignorant negro masses. DuBois felt that black elitists like himself, which he called the talented tenth, should be leaders of regular Black people even though he hated regular Black people. DuBois hated regular Black people, yet wanted to be their leader for his own personal gain. He only wanted to lead them to destruction. He wanted to gain a seat at the table of white supremacy - which is a form of elitism
These people AREN'T fighting for you and don't want to be want to associated with you." Want more proof?
Black mothers wonder if their babies were stolen in decades-old mystery
-Eighteen black women who were told decades ago that their babies had died soon after birth at a St Louis hospital now wonder if the infants were taken away by hospital officials to be raised by other families.
-Zella Jackson Price, who was 26 in 1965 when she gave birth at Homer G Phillips Hospital in St Louis.��
Unwanted Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States
The U.S. Government's Role in Sterilizing Women of Color: Black, Puerto Rican, and Native American women have been victimized
Racial Eugenics
Abortion is one of the most heinous methods of eugenics committed against the Black community. The highest abortion rates in the country occur among American Black women. Yet, it is heavily promoted by black women such as Ayanna Pressley, Alexis McGill Johnson, Stacey Abrams, and Kamala Harris benefit off of the killing of unborn Black people via the slaughterhouse organization that is Planned Parenthood.
David Daleiden on Selling Aborted Baby Parts: They “Cut Open the Face to Harvest the Brain”
7th Shocking Video Catches Planned Parenthood Harvesting Brain of Aborted Baby Who Was Still Alive
ABC's Soul of a Nation is Blaxploitation designed to herd Black people into state of victimhood and hopelessness by using trauma. The show has deceptively "celebrated" the Black church while promoting abortion which is a form of child sacrifice. GOD IS ADAMANTLY AGAINST HARMING CHILDREN. He says that child sacrifice is Shedding Innocent Blood and it is an abomination to HIM.
Proverbs 6:16-17
16These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17A proud look, a lying tongue, and -> hands that shed innocent blood<-,
Matthew 18:6
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me,it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea
Matthew 18:10
10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
2 Kings 16:3
But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yea, and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out from before the children of Israel.
2 Kings 17:17
And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.
Ezekiel 20:31
For when ye offer your gifts, when ye make your sons to pass through the fire, ye pollute yourselves with all your idols, even unto this day: and shall I be enquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will not be enquired of by you
There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire,or that useth divination,or an observer of times,or an enchanter,or a witch
they built the high places of Baal, which R in the valley of the son of Hinnom,2 cause their sons & their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech;which I commanded them not,neither came it into my mind,that they should do this abomination,2 cause Judah 2 sin.
Liberal white supremacy is at the helm of movements and organizations that make marginalized groups the mascot for causes that will largely benefit the agenda of liberalized white supremacy. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, white supremacy has disguised itself as liberal. Yet, it is still profiting off of black trauma and black bodies (dead or alive). It has even pretended to be Black and support Black people to profit from Blackness, like, Shaun King.
Shaun King
Sanger,M.(1939).Letter from Margaret Sanger to Dr. C.J. Gamble December 10,1939. Smith Libraries Exhibit, Accessed January 10, 2019, Retrieved from https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/d6358bc3053c93183295bf2df1c0c931.pdf
Gordon,L.(2007). Birth Control and the Negro. In The Moral Property of Women, p.235. Urbana; Chicago: University of Illiniois Press.
Winbush, W. (2019). The Subtlety of Supremacy: Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams. Retrieved from https://followerofthewayforever.wordpress.com/2019/03/25/the-subtlety-of-supremacy-joe-biden-and-stacey-abrams/
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RBC hunts for bigger deals with U.S. investment-banking push
After shuffling its top investment-banking brass and adding more than a dozen senior bankers in recent months, Royal Bank of Canada is looking to advise its U.S. corporate clients on bigger deals.
The strategy is already starting to bear fruit. Royal Bank of Canada was the sole adviser to BB&T Corp. in its planned US$28 billion acquisition of SunTrust Banks Inc., the world’s largest bank merger in more than a decade. The firm also advised Melrose Industries Plc on its US$11-billion takeover of GKN Ltd. and it helped arrange the financing for mega-deals involving Walt Disney Co. and T-Mobile US Inc.
“As our platform and relationships have grown, we expect we’ll start to work on larger, more strategic transactions,” Derek Neldner, Royal Bank of Canada’s global head of investment banking, said in an interview at the RBC Financial Institutions Conference, held this week in New York.
Royal Bank of Canada began adding to its capital markets team in the aftermath of the financial crisis, when other large banks were pulling back. That allowed it to pick up market share and smaller clients.
“This is not an overnight success. We’ve been working at this for 10 years,” Chief Executive Officer David McKay said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “When you’re with a client and with a strategy for the better part of a decade, clients reward you for that loyalty and being there.”
The bank has found particular success in its financial institutions group practice, which helped host the annual conference, drawing a record 80 companies and more than 600 investors.
“We’re not really a competitor to many of our clients in the U.S.,” which helps RBC win advisory business with U.S. banks, Neldner said.
He took over global investment banking at RBC last June, when Jim Wolfe and Matthew Stopnik were picked to jointly run the firm’s U.S. investment bank. The three have overseen RBC’s more recent efforts to add to its New York-based investment-banking platform, which has about 500 such professionals, more than double the size of its Canadian operation.
In January, the firm hired Bank of America Corp.’s Andrew “Cal” Callaway to run U.S. heath-care investment banking. Last year, it hired UBS Group AG banker Asad Kazim to help lead the firm’s U.S. real estate investment-banking business and BlackRock Inc.’s Eric Steifman to co-head its banks and specialty-finance practice.
“We’d like to grow, but we’d like to grow in a measured way with one client at a time,” Vinnie Badinehal, head of the bank’s U.S. financial-institutions group, said in an interview. “There are areas where we have a natural competitive advantage, but across all sectors we’re investing in talent.”
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fernlom · 6 years
⭐️music tag game⭐️
I was tagged by @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-artsto put my playlist on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs that came up
1: Find ü by Matthew parker
2: Between U and Me by Neon Feather
3: Into the Mist by Built by Titan
4: Take it All in by Group 1 Crew
5: Tiger Night by FF5
6: Keep it 100 by 3FOR3
7: Love with Your Life by Hollyn
8: Satellites by Capital Kings
9: The Comeback by Danny Gokey
10: The End is Where we Begin by Thousand Foot Krutch (Solomon Olds Remix)
I listen to Christian Music lol. 
Tagging @startistdoodles @gkatte @smoresthehalloweenqueen @z-artblog
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ericvick · 4 years
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Wall Street cheers U.S. election removing major tax-hike threat
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By Svea Herbst-Bayliss and Chibuike Oguh
(Reuters) – Wall Street breathed a sigh of relief on Wednesday, as the latest U.S. election tallies pointed to a divided government that made the prospect of tax hikes advocated by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden unlikely. [.N]
Biden has proposed raising the capital gains tax rate from 20% to 39.6% for those making over $1 million, which would represent a big blow to the asset management industry. Other tax hikes he has put forward include increasing the statutory corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28%.
Biden was leading in key Midwestern states in the race for the White House as votes were being counted on Wednesday afternoon, but President Donald Trump’s Republican Party was poised to keep control of the Senate even as Democrats retained their majority in the House of the Representatives. [nL1N2HQ0VQ] Tax changes would need to be voted through the House and the Senate and be approved by the White House to become law.
Even if Biden were to prevail over Trump, the composition of the legislature would make it challenging for him to push ahead with his tax changes. Pollsters’ earlier predictions that Democrats would win control of the White House and Congress had cast a cloud over Wall Street, fund managers said.
“The markets are taking comfort from the fact that there likely won’t be a significant tax increase any time soon,” said Troy Gayeski, co-chief investment officer of hedge fund investment firm SkyBridge Capital.
Shares of private equity firms, whose performance fees would have sustained a big tax hit were Biden to have his way, soared on the early voting results. Blackstone Group Inc , KKR & Co Inc and Carlyle Group Inc shares jumped 7.1%, 7.4% and 4.2%, respectively. Other fund managers, including hedge funds and venture capital firms, also expressed relief.
“Regardless of the outcome for president, fears of a blue wave and the potential for a sweeping overhaul for private equity regulation are likely stemmed with the Republican Party likely maintaining control of the Senate,” Jefferies analysts wrote in a note on Wednesday.
Story continues
Shares of large mutual fund managers such as BlackRock Inc and T. Rowe Price Group Inc , whose business would also have a taken a hit from a capital gains tax hike, also rallied.
“Even if Biden wins the presidency, it will be much more difficult for him to pass his proposed tax increases and the market clearly likes that,” said Bolvin Wealth Management Group President Gina Bolvin. “Markets like gridlock because a divided government takes out extremes.”
Multimedia U.S. election coverage: https://www.reuters.com/world/us-election2020
A capital gains tax hike would have also weighed on Wall Street’s business of advising on mergers and acquisitions. Investment bankers said a pickup in corporate divestments by individuals, families and private equity firms in the run-up to the election was fueled by fears of Biden implementing his tax plan. Bankers were worried about deal activity slowing down over the next few years if Biden’s tax changes were enacted. [nL8N2H55OY]
Even though taxes are only one consideration for corporate sellers, the prospect of divided government has now removed a significant overhang for dealmakers, advisers to companies said.
“If you had a family that was looking to sell a business, they may breathe a sigh of relief now on potential tax changes but they need to be aware that things may change again in two years,” said Daniel Wolf, a partner at law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP.
Banks were big beneficiaries of tax cuts under Trump, making a reversal seem ominous. Biden’s tax plan would have reduced big banks’ earnings per share by a median of 7.4% based on 2021 estimates, according to Morgan Stanley analyst Betsy Graseck. Bank stocks were slightly up on Wednesday afternoon. [nL1N2H60SQ]
“It is now unlikely that we’re going to get a hike in the corporate tax rate,” said Fred Cannon, director of research at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods.
There was more good news for Wall Street in several key congressional races. Many banks’ favorite lawmakers declared victory overnight, leaving the composition of banking committees in the House of Representatives and Senate largely intact. [nL1N2HQ2L5]
(Reporting by Svea Herbst-Bayliss in Boston and Chibuike Oguh in New York; Additional reporting by David Henry and Jessica DiNapoli in New York; Editing by Greg Roumeliotis and Matthew Lewis)
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richardccclopez · 4 years
Experts Weigh-In on the Remarkable Strength of the Housing Market
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America has faced its share of challenges in 2020. A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, a financial crisis leaving millions still unemployed, and an upcoming presidential election that may prove to be one of the most contentious in our nation’s history all continue to test this country in unimaginable ways.
Even with all of that uncertainty, the residential real estate market continues to show great resilience. Here’s a look at what the experts have said about the housing market over the past few weeks.
Ivy Zelman, CEO of Zelman & Associates:
“Whether in terms of pending contract activity or our proprietary buyer demand ratings, the various measures of demand captured in this month’s survey can only be described as shockingly strong, in spite of the resurgence in COVID-19 cases.”
Logan Mohtashami, Lead Housing Analyst at HousingWire:
“Existing home sales are still down year over year by 11.3%, but as crazy as this might sound, we have a shot at getting positive year-over-year growth…We may see an existing home sales print of 5,510,000 in 2020.”
Matthew Speakman, Zillow Economist:
“In a remarkable show of resilience, the housing market has stared the pandemic right in the eye and hasn’t blinked.”
Todd Teta, Chief Product Officer for ATTOM Data Solutions:
“The housing market across the United States pulled something of a high-wire act in the second quarter, surging forward despite the encroaching economic headwinds resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.”
Ali Wolf, Chief Economist of Meyers Research:
“The housing recovery has been nothing short of remarkable. The expectation was that housing would be crushed. It was—for about two months—and then it came roaring back.”
Clare Trapasso, Senior News Editor of realtor.com:
“Despite the crippling and ongoing coronavirus pandemic, millions out of work, a recession, a national reckoning over systemic racism, and a highly contentious presidential election just around the corner, the residential real estate market is staging an astonishing rebound.”
Bill Banfield, EVP of Capital Markets at Quicken Loans:
“The pandemic has not stopped the consistent home price growth we have witnessed in recent years.”
Economic & Strategic Research Group at Fannie Mae:
“Recent home purchase measures have continued to show remarkable strength, leading us to revise upward our home sales forecast, particularly over the third quarter. Similarly, we bumped up our expectations for home price growth and purchase mortgage originations.”
Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American:
“It seems hard to deny that when one looks at many of the housing market statistics, a “V” shape is quite apparent.”
Bottom Line
The experts seem to agree that residential real estate is doing remarkably well. If you’re thinking of jumping into the housing market (whether buying or selling), this may be the perfect time.
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ericllbooth · 4 years
Experts Weigh-In on the Remarkable Strength of the Housing Market
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America has faced its share of challenges in 2020. A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, a financial crisis leaving millions still unemployed, and an upcoming presidential election that may prove to be one of the most contentious in our nation’s history all continue to test this country in unimaginable ways.
Even with all of that uncertainty, the residential real estate market continues to show great resilience. Here’s a look at what the experts have said about the housing market over the past few weeks.
Ivy Zelman, CEO of Zelman & Associates:
“Whether in terms of pending contract activity or our proprietary buyer demand ratings, the various measures of demand captured in this month’s survey can only be described as shockingly strong, in spite of the resurgence in COVID-19 cases.”
Logan Mohtashami, Lead Housing Analyst at HousingWire:
“Existing home sales are still down year over year by 11.3%, but as crazy as this might sound, we have a shot at getting positive year-over-year growth…We may see an existing home sales print of 5,510,000 in 2020.”
Matthew Speakman, Zillow Economist:
“In a remarkable show of resilience, the housing market has stared the pandemic right in the eye and hasn’t blinked.”
Todd Teta, Chief Product Officer for ATTOM Data Solutions:
“The housing market across the United States pulled something of a high-wire act in the second quarter, surging forward despite the encroaching economic headwinds resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.”
Ali Wolf, Chief Economist of Meyers Research:
“The housing recovery has been nothing short of remarkable. The expectation was that housing would be crushed. It was—for about two months—and then it came roaring back.”
Clare Trapasso, Senior News Editor of realtor.com:
“Despite the crippling and ongoing coronavirus pandemic, millions out of work, a recession, a national reckoning over systemic racism, and a highly contentious presidential election just around the corner, the residential real estate market is staging an astonishing rebound.”
Bill Banfield, EVP of Capital Markets at Quicken Loans:
“The pandemic has not stopped the consistent home price growth we have witnessed in recent years.”
Economic & Strategic Research Group at Fannie Mae:
“Recent home purchase measures have continued to show remarkable strength, leading us to revise upward our home sales forecast, particularly over the third quarter. Similarly, we bumped up our expectations for home price growth and purchase mortgage originations.”
Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American:
“It seems hard to deny that when one looks at many of the housing market statistics, a “V” shape is quite apparent.”
Bottom Line
The experts seem to agree that residential real estate is doing remarkably well. If you’re thinking of jumping into the housing market (whether buying or selling), this may be the perfect time.
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pamilaeealeman · 4 years
Experts Weigh-In on the Remarkable Strength of the Housing Market
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America has faced its share of challenges in 2020. A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, a financial crisis leaving millions still unemployed, and an upcoming presidential election that may prove to be one of the most contentious in our nation’s history all continue to test this country in unimaginable ways.
Even with all of that uncertainty, the residential real estate market continues to show great resilience. Here’s a look at what the experts have said about the housing market over the past few weeks.
Ivy Zelman, CEO of Zelman & Associates:
“Whether in terms of pending contract activity or our proprietary buyer demand ratings, the various measures of demand captured in this month’s survey can only be described as shockingly strong, in spite of the resurgence in COVID-19 cases.”
Logan Mohtashami, Lead Housing Analyst at HousingWire:
“Existing home sales are still down year over year by 11.3%, but as crazy as this might sound, we have a shot at getting positive year-over-year growth…We may see an existing home sales print of 5,510,000 in 2020.”
Matthew Speakman, Zillow Economist:
“In a remarkable show of resilience, the housing market has stared the pandemic right in the eye and hasn’t blinked.”
Todd Teta, Chief Product Officer for ATTOM Data Solutions:
“The housing market across the United States pulled something of a high-wire act in the second quarter, surging forward despite the encroaching economic headwinds resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.”
Ali Wolf, Chief Economist of Meyers Research:
“The housing recovery has been nothing short of remarkable. The expectation was that housing would be crushed. It was—for about two months—and then it came roaring back.”
Clare Trapasso, Senior News Editor of realtor.com:
“Despite the crippling and ongoing coronavirus pandemic, millions out of work, a recession, a national reckoning over systemic racism, and a highly contentious presidential election just around the corner, the residential real estate market is staging an astonishing rebound.”
Bill Banfield, EVP of Capital Markets at Quicken Loans:
“The pandemic has not stopped the consistent home price growth we have witnessed in recent years.”
Economic & Strategic Research Group at Fannie Mae:
“Recent home purchase measures have continued to show remarkable strength, leading us to revise upward our home sales forecast, particularly over the third quarter. Similarly, we bumped up our expectations for home price growth and purchase mortgage originations.”
Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American:
“It seems hard to deny that when one looks at many of the housing market statistics, a “V” shape is quite apparent.”
Bottom Line
The experts seem to agree that residential real estate is doing remarkably well. If you’re thinking of jumping into the housing market (whether buying or selling), this may be the perfect time.
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mitchbeck · 10 months
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28northgroup · 4 years
Experts Weigh-In on the Remarkable Strength of the Housing Market
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America has faced its share of challenges in 2020. A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, a financial crisis leaving millions still unemployed, and an upcoming presidential election that may prove to be one of the most contentious in our nation’s history all continue to test this country in unimaginable ways.
Even with all of that uncertainty, the residential real estate market continues to show great resilience. Here’s a look at what the experts have said about the housing market over the past few weeks.
Ivy Zelman, CEO of Zelman & Associates:
“Whether in terms of pending contract activity or our proprietary buyer demand ratings, the various measures of demand captured in this month’s survey can only be described as shockingly strong, in spite of the resurgence in COVID-19 cases.”
Logan Mohtashami, Lead Housing Analyst at HousingWire:
“Existing home sales are still down year over year by 11.3%, but as crazy as this might sound, we have a shot at getting positive year-over-year growth…We may see an existing home sales print of 5,510,000 in 2020.”
Matthew Speakman, Zillow Economist:
“In a remarkable show of resilience, the housing market has stared the pandemic right in the eye and hasn’t blinked.”
Todd Teta, Chief Product Officer for ATTOM Data Solutions:
“The housing market across the United States pulled something of a high-wire act in the second quarter, surging forward despite the encroaching economic headwinds resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.”
Ali Wolf, Chief Economist of Meyers Research:
“The housing recovery has been nothing short of remarkable. The expectation was that housing would be crushed. It was—for about two months—and then it came roaring back.”
Clare Trapasso, Senior News Editor of realtor.com:
“Despite the crippling and ongoing coronavirus pandemic, millions out of work, a recession, a national reckoning over systemic racism, and a highly contentious presidential election just around the corner, the residential real estate market is staging an astonishing rebound.”
Bill Banfield, EVP of Capital Markets at Quicken Loans:
“The pandemic has not stopped the consistent home price growth we have witnessed in recent years.”
Economic & Strategic Research Group at Fannie Mae:
“Recent home purchase measures have continued to show remarkable strength, leading us to revise upward our home sales forecast, particularly over the third quarter. Similarly, we bumped up our expectations for home price growth and purchase mortgage originations.”
Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American:
“It seems hard to deny that when one looks at many of the housing market statistics, a “V” shape is quite apparent.”
Bottom Line
The experts seem to agree that residential real estate is doing remarkably well. If you’re thinking of jumping into the housing market (whether buying or selling), this may be the perfect time.
Originally posted on simplifying the market: View it Here
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grantreidproperties · 4 years
Experts Weigh-In on the Remarkable Strength of the Housing Market
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America has faced its share of challenges in 2020. A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, a financial crisis leaving millions still unemployed, and an upcoming presidential election that may prove to be one of the most contentious in our nation’s history all continue to test this country in unimaginable ways.
Even with all of that uncertainty, the residential real estate market continues to show great resilience. Here’s a look at what the experts have said about the housing market over the past few weeks.
Ivy Zelman, CEO of Zelman & Associates:
“Whether in terms of pending contract activity or our proprietary buyer demand ratings, the various measures of demand captured in this month’s survey can only be described as shockingly strong, in spite of the resurgence in COVID-19 cases.”
Logan Mohtashami, Lead Housing Analyst at HousingWire:
“Existing home sales are still down year over year by 11.3%, but as crazy as this might sound, we have a shot at getting positive year-over-year growth…We may see an existing home sales print of 5,510,000 in 2020.”
Matthew Speakman, Zillow Economist:
“In a remarkable show of resilience, the housing market has stared the pandemic right in the eye and hasn’t blinked.”
Todd Teta, Chief Product Officer for ATTOM Data Solutions:
“The housing market across the United States pulled something of a high-wire act in the second quarter, surging forward despite the encroaching economic headwinds resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.”
Ali Wolf, Chief Economist of Meyers Research:
“The housing recovery has been nothing short of remarkable. The expectation was that housing would be crushed. It was—for about two months—and then it came roaring back.”
Clare Trapasso, Senior News Editor of realtor.com:
“Despite the crippling and ongoing coronavirus pandemic, millions out of work, a recession, a national reckoning over systemic racism, and a highly contentious presidential election just around the corner, the residential real estate market is staging an astonishing rebound.”
Bill Banfield, EVP of Capital Markets at Quicken Loans:
“The pandemic has not stopped the consistent home price growth we have witnessed in recent years.”
Economic & Strategic Research Group at Fannie Mae:
“Recent home purchase measures have continued to show remarkable strength, leading us to revise upward our home sales forecast, particularly over the third quarter. Similarly, we bumped up our expectations for home price growth and purchase mortgage originations.”
Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American:
“It seems hard to deny that when one looks at many of the housing market statistics, a “V” shape is quite apparent.”
Bottom Line
The experts seem to agree that residential real estate is doing remarkably well. If you’re thinking of jumping into the housing market (whether buying or selling), this may be the perfect time.
Content previously posted on Keeping Current Matters source https://www.simplifyingthemarket.com/en/2020/08/03/experts-weigh-in-on-the-remarkable-strength-of-the-housing-market/?a=489032-35f51ed32012ea2b41c9407612018119
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/tech-moves-zillow-co-founder-joins-palantir-board-hootsuite-names-new-ceo-and-more/
Tech Moves: Zillow co-founder joins Palantir board; Hootsuite names new CEO; and more
Former Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff. (GeekWire Photo / Kevin Lisota)
— Zillow Group co-founder and former CEO Spencer Rascoff joined the board of Palantir Technologies, a big data company backed by PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel.
The notoriously secretive Silicon Valley startup filed for an IPO this week. Journalist Alexandra Wolfe Schiff and early Palantir employee Alexander Moore, who is now a partner at 8VC, were also appointed to the board.
Rascoff, who stepped down as CEO of Zillow in early 2019, resigned from the Seattle-based real estate company’s board in April. He also stepped down from the board of Trip Advisor. Rascoff is an angel investor, co-founder of Los Angeles-based tech news venture dot.LA and working on a new stealth startup, according to a post on Twitter. (GeekWire is a dot.LA partner and investor.)
— Vancouver, B.C.-based social media management platform Hootsuite named Tom Keiser as its new CEO. He succeeds Hootsuite founder Ryan Holmes, who will remain chairman of the board. Keiser was most recently COO of CRM software company Zendesk. He led technology and product operations at retailers Gap Inc and L Brands, and spent more than a decade as a consultant at EY.
Arvin Patel. (Intellectual Ventures Photo)
— Intellectual Ventures named former TiVo executive Arvin Patel as chief operating officer of the Bellevue, Wash.-based patent holding and technology company’s Invention Investment Fund. Founded by former Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold, Intellectual Ventures is one of the world’s largest patent holders. Patel was chief intellectual property officer at TiVo and has held IP roles at Technicolor and IBM.
Adriana Gil Miner.(Qumulo Photo)
— Seattle hybrid cloud storage startup Qumulo appointed Adriana Gil Miner as its chief marketing officer. Miner was most recently SVP of brand marketing and communications at Tableau Software. She previously served as CMO at strategy and design firm Artefact and was vice president of digital strategy at Weber Shandwick.
— Investor and advisor Betsy Atkins joined the board of Bellevue, Wash. contract management startup Icertis. Atkins is the CEO and owner of venture capital firm Baja Corp. She currently serves on the boards of Volvo Cars, Wynn Resorts and SL Green Realty. Last year, Icertis’ valuation pushed past $1 billion. The company is currently ranked No. 5 on the GeekWire 200 index.
— Tax automation company Avalara appointed Kathleen Weslock as its new chief human resources officer. Weslock previously led human resources at lithium technology company Livent, Frontier Communications and Cisco Systems. Scott McFarlane, CEO of Avalara, describes Weslock as “a proven human resources leader who has successfully managed and scaled talent programs for some of the world’s most well-known global companies.”
— Entrepreneur Brian Glaister joined Axon as head of justice solutions, a new digital business unit for the law enforcement technology company. Glaister was most recently managing director at startup consultancy Conflux Innovations. He was previously an entrepreneur in residence at Itron and Intellectual Ventures, and founded Cadence Biomedical, a medical device startup.
Brian Smith. (GBH Insights Photo)
— Former Microsoft marketing manager Brian Smith is now senior vice president at New York-based marketing consultancy GHB Insights. At Microsoft, Smith helped with the worldwide launch of Windows 10 Pro and led go-to-market strategy for the Windows tablet launch. Smith most recently was SVP of behavioral analytics at PSB, a market research consultancy based in Washington, D.C. He will be based in Seattle.
— Shahar Ronen has joined Remitly as principal product manager for the Seattle startup’s new banking service called Passbook. The banking initiative, specifically designed for immigrants, launched in February this year. Ronen joins Remitly from San Francisco, Calif.-based Sift, a fraud prevention company, where he was a group product manager. He previously spent five years at Microsoft, where he was a product manager for Bing and MSN Analytics.
— Microsoft alum Rahul Auradkar was named chief product officer of New York-based financial technology platform Capitolis. Auradkar was chief product officer of Seattle AI startup AnswerIQ, which was acquired by Freshworks earlier this year. He previously was vice president of products at Apptio. While at Microsoft he worked on the Azure, Office 365 and Windows server teams. He will relocate to New York.
— Cambia Grove announced its 2020 Innovator Fellows. The program’s second cohort is focusing on data in digital health care transformation. The Fellows are:
• Michael Barabe, Washington State Health Care Authority
• Mark Francis, Electronic Caregiver
• Jen Garcia, Seattle Children’s Hospital
• Tyrone Grandison, Pearl Long Term Care Solutions
• Doan Ha, Oregon Health and Science University
• Aju Jacob, BlueCross BluShield of Tennessee
• Josephy Kliegman, Cerner
• Phung Matthews, MedQuest Pharmacy
• Dayanand Sharma, The Handoff Company
• Kevin Williams, HealthTech Solutions
— RFID maker Impinj promoted Jeff Dossett to chief revenue officer. Dossett originally joined the Seattle-based company in 2017 and was most recently EVP of sales and marketing. He was previously the CEO of media company GOOD Worldwide and served as head of partnerships and interim CFO at Seattle startup Porch.
— Ideoclick, a Seattle e-commerce startup, promoted Jonathan Ferrell to vice president of business development. He joined the 11-year old company in 2019 as senior manager of business development. Prior to Ideoclick, Ferrell was a sales manager at Amazon and spent a decade at Verizon in retail and business sales.
Eric Emans. (Lighthouse Photo)
— Seattle-based Lighthouse eDiscovery hired Eric Emans as CFO. Emans was most recently CFO and treasurer for nonprofit A Place for Mom. Lighthouse makes software that helps lawyers quickly sift through mountains of complex documentation.
— Seattle-based investment bank Cascadia Capital added Adam Stormoen as a managing director for the firm’s healthcare practice. Stormeon was most recently managing director of healthcare investment banking at Duff & Phelps. He will based in Minneapolis, Minn.
— Infrastructure solutions firm HNTB hired Gordon Phillips as its aviation project director. He will be based in Bellevue, Wash. and deliver design projects for aviation clients including Sea-Tac Airport. Phillips most recently was a program design manager at Clay Paslay Management Group working on the 10 year expansion program at Sea-Tac.
— Salesforce named Seattle-area exec Darryn Dieken as its chief availability officer. Read more about the new C-suite role.
— Boeing’s John Mulholland has taken on the role of vice president and program manager for the International Space Station following Mark Mulqueen’s retirement. Read the story.
— Microsoft exec Peggy Johnson was named new CEO of augmented reality startup Magic Leap. Read the story.
— Concur veteran Elena Donio stepped down as CEO of New York City-based Axiom and will return to the West Coast. Read the story.
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