#“Terrorist Fascist War Criminal Genocidal and Occupier Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗”
xtruss · 2 months
​​Francesca P. Albanese, An Italian International Lawyer, An Academic and The UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, is a legal scholar, the first woman to hold this pivotal position, and an all-round pain in the neck for “Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Genocidal and Occupier Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗” from Tel Aviv to London to New York. Today, she is the voice of the global conscience speaking truth to the vulgar warmongers committing atrocities in Gaza.
The bold, brilliant and thoroughly researched report Albanese recently issued, aptly titled 'Anatomy of a Genocide, has inspired much admiration around the globe for her tireless work - but also horror and fury among 🐖 Zionist Cunts who do not want Israel's genocide in Palestine to have such an eloquent, precise and detailed account.
This is the second such account after the one prepared by South Africa's legal team against the unfolding Israeli genocide at the International Court of Justice. That equally compelling document now foregrounds Albanese's report as two solid records holding the Israeli settler colony to account for the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people.
Fooled and deluded by the Israel lobby in the US, and by western media propaganda, “Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Genocidal and Occupier Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗” might be under the illusion that like the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand, the world is blind to the Israeli state's savagery in Palestine - especially as the lobby has bought and paid for American politicians, who continue to procure weapons that fuel this horror.
Reports such as the one from Albanese, and legal documents such as that of South Africa, comprise a global indictment against a morally depraved and politically bankrupt ideology of theft, murder and mayhem, which lies at the roots of the Israeli settler colony.
What drives Albanese in this report are the facts on the ground, including children and their parents slaughtered in broad daylight. From Satan-Yahu in his garrison state, to the American and European leaders who have backed him, all are implicated in this historic report."
— ✍️ By Professor Hamid Dabashi
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xtruss · 2 months
Palestinian Reuters Photographer Mohammed Salem Won this Year's Prestigious World Press Photo of the Year Award with a Heart-wrenching Photo of a Palestinian Woman Cradling the Dead Body of Her Five-Year-Old Niece.
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xtruss · 1 month
Students at top-tier Universities across the United States have been staging large-scale demonstrations against “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, Illegal Occupier of the ‘Forever Palestine 🇵🇸’, The Bastard Child of the United States and It’s Puppet West, Zionist 🐗 of Isra-hell’s” bloody war on Palestine's Gaza, and Washington's support for “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, Illegal Occupier of the ‘Forever Palestine 🇵🇸’, The Bastard Child of the United States and It’s Puppet West, Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-helli Military.” What started with a sit-in protest at Columbia University has morphed into a nationwide movement in recent days, after Columbia University's disastrous decision to call in the police to disperse protesting students.
Students at Yale, Harvard, NYU, MIT, Princeton, UC Berkeley, USC, and Several Other Universities are staging similar demonstrations asking their Universities to Divest From Companies that are Complicit in “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, Illegal Occupier of the ‘Forever Palestine 🇵🇸’, The Bastard Child of the United States and It’s Puppet West, Zionist 🐗 of Isra-hell’s” brutal war on Gaza, Forever Palestine 🇵🇸 which has Killed more than 34,000 Palestinians so far. Here are five things to know about the protests.
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xtruss · 2 months
Doctors in Palestine's Gaza say the majority of surgeries are being performed on children, casualties of “Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, Illegal Occupier of the Palestine, Bastard Child of the USA and the West, War Criminal Zionist 🐖 Isra-hell's” unyielding assault on the besieged enclave. However, “Zionist 🐖 Tel Aviv” persists in targeting healthcare facilities, incapacitating them and reducing them to rubble.
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Palestinian prisoners are facing the "harshest and cruellest" systematic violations by Israeli prison guards ever recorded, a Palestinian advocacy group has said.
In a report published Tuesday, the Palestinian Prisoners' Society (PPS) detailed the abuses faced by Palestinians in Israeli jails since 7 October, which have led to the death of at least 16 prisoners, though the actual number is likely higher.
At least 8,430 have been arrested from the occupied West Bank in 200 days since the war started, the report said. The figure does not include thousands of people arrested from Gaza. According to PPS, the Gaza detainees have forcibly disappeared as Israeli authorities refuse to release information about their numbers and whereabouts.
There are currently 9,500 prisoners in Israeli jails, the report said, a figure that does not include Gaza detainees. The Palestinian government media office in Gaza estimates that 5,000 Palestinians have been arrested from the Strip since the Israeli ground invasion began. Of the 9,500 prisoners, 3,660 are held in "administrative detention" for indefinite periods without charge or trial.
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xtruss · 2 months
"The Final Years of All Settler-colonies Are Marked By More Protracted Colonial Savagery, Including Genocide.
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In Kenya, the British are estimated to have killed 100,000 Kenyans during the war of national liberation that ended white supremacist colonial rule in 1963. The wars of liberation in Angola and Mozambique against their Portuguese colonists cost tens of thousands of lives between 1956 and 1976. But of all these precedents, Algeria is perhaps the most apposite example of what has been unfolding in Gaza.
In January 1955, former French minister of the colonies Jacques Soustelle was appointed governor-general of Algeria. He created the Sections Administratives Specialisees to undermine the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) and win over the Algerians.
The army began to depopulate Algerian villages, relocating whole villages away from FLN areas of activity. It further established Algerian anti-FLN militias, depicting the FLN fighters as "locusts" in a huge propaganda campaign while representing itself as saving the Algerians from the evils of communism and Arab nationalism. This is not unlike the American and Israeli attempts to "save" Palestinians from the evils of "terrorism".
If these imperialist justifications remind us of how Iran today is targeted as the force behind the Palestinian revolt in Gaza and the West Bank and is constantly being threatened by Israel, the US, and their Arab allies, it is because the rhetoric is the same.
There was also growing support for Algeria's independence at the UN. The US, however, abstained on a General Assembly resolution in December 1957 recognising Algerians' right to independence.
So far, The Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, Apartheid, Illegal Occupier and War Criminal Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-hellis have killed over 33,000 Palestinians in the last six months. They have shown an appetite to kill many more to preserve their Jewish supremacist settler-colony. As to how many more Palestinians Israel will kill in its final years before it is dismantled is something only White House strategists know."
— ✍️ Joseph Massad
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xtruss · 2 months
“The Hub of the Yellow Journalism and the Sucker of the Incurable Cancerous Swelled Scrotums of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗, The New York Times” Instructs Its Lowlife Dishonest Journalists to Avoid Using Certain Terms — Including "Genocide" and "Ethnic Cleansing" — in Their Coverage of “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, Occupier and The War Criminal 🐖 Isra-hell's” Onslaught on Palestine's Gaza, a Leaked Internal Memo Reveals. Here are the Terms the American Newspaper Does Not Want Printed:
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xtruss · 2 months
Over 60,000 Palestinians performed morning Eid-ul-Fitr Prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem despite Israeli restrictions, according to Wafa news agency. The Islamic Waqf, the Council in Charge of Affairs at the Mosque, said a number of Palestinians were forcibly removed from Al-Aqsa Mosque by the “Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, Illegal Occupier, War Criminal Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-helli” authorities, and prayed in the streets nearby.
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xtruss · 2 months
Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, War Criminal Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-helli Real Estate Firm Used Genocidal Rhetoric — Then Politico’s Parent Company Put Them In A Trade Fair
The Confab Put On By Real Estate Site Yad2, A Subsidiary of Publishing Giant Axel Springer, Includes Numerous Companies Doing Business In The West Bank (Occupied Palestine 🇵🇸).
— Hanno Hauenstein | April 6, 2024
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A view from the Palestinian West Bank village of Rafat shows the Israeli Jewish settlement of Leshem on Jan. 23, 2017. Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP via Getty Images
Yad2, The Largest Classifieds Site in Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-hell and a subsidiary of German publishing giant Axel Springer, is hosting a real estate fair in Tel Aviv this weekend. The proceedings, which got underway Friday, were slated to showcase Israeli real estate firms, including both those that list properties within Israel’s internationally recognized borders and those that offer listings for Jewish-only settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.
The website for the Yad2 fair features a host of Israeli real estate firms doing business in the West Bank, including Tanya Israel, currently marketing 32 housing units in Efrat; Ram Aderet, which is advertising a construction project in Ariel; and Oron, with its “expansion project” of 40 villas in Eshkolot.
Also being promoted by Yad2 for its involvement in the fair is the firm Harey Zahav, which was recently at the center of two international controversies linked to Israel’s war in Gaza. Harey Zahav operated a large booth at Yad2’s confab, complete with exposed wood rafters that resembled a real house under construction.
Deir Al-Balah, Gaza — November 7: Civil defense teams and citizens continue search and rescue operations after an airstrike hits the building belonging to the Maslah family during the 32nd day of Israeli attacks in Deir Al-Balah, Gaza on November 7, 2023. (Photo by Ashraf Amra/Anadolu via Getty Images)
Critics have accused Harey Zahav of stoking some of the genocidal sentiments that landed Israel in the Hague’s International Court of Justice. In October, the firm shared an image on Instagram depicting a tank, alongside a quote from the Book of Deuteronomy: “Your God will deliver them up to you, throwing them into utter panic until they are wiped out” — from a chapter of Scripture widely interpreted to be God calling for the genocide of the pre-Israelite inhabitants of the Holy Land.
Harey Zahav also recently caused international uproar for publishing an ad, titled “A House on the Beach is not a Dream,” that photoshopped transparent housing units into a picture of war-ravaged homes in Gaza. “We at Harey Zahav are working to prepare the ground for a return to Gush Katif,” the ad said, referring to a cluster of settlements in southern Gaza dismantled during Israel’s evacuation in 2005. Another ad from the company listed “presale prices” on a map of lots in Gaza.
After widespread condemnation of the ads, Harey Zahav’s CEO Zeev Epshtein told Haaretz that the company’s ads were “a sort of satirical idea.” He did not offer any remarks about the ad with the genocidal Bible reference. (Harey Zahav did not respond to a request for comment.)
“It’s An Apartheid Culture. Nearly Everything Here Is Accepted These Days.”
Dror Etkes, an expert on settlements, said the notion of rebuilding settlements in Gaza is far from mainstream political, though, in Israel. Nonetheless, the lack of attention paid to a large company like Yad2’s willingness to host Harey Zahav and companies doing business in West Bank settlements speaks to acceptance of radical politics in Israel.
“It’s an apartheid culture,” he said. “Nearly everything here is accepted these days.”
In a statement, Julia Sommerfeld, a spokesperson for Axel Springer, said, “Yad2 is organizing a trade fair at which more than 40 companies are represented, including all of Israel’s major real estate companies. As a direct competitor, our goal is not to promote the work of other companies, but to promote exchange within the industry.”
Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Genocidal Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗 Isra-helli Far Right Empowered
Axel Springer, which also owns American media brands like Politico and Business Insider, makes money from the Yad2 classified site’s home sales and rentals in Jewish-only West Bank settlements, The Intercept previously reported. Yad2 publishes listings in the settlements as well as so-called settlement outposts, unauthorized even by Israeli legal standards. Yad2 lists over 1,000 paid ads from brokerage firms for settlement homes — which means revenue for its parent, Axel Springer.
“Yad2 operates fully in accordance with Israeli law,” said Sommerfeld, the Springer spokesperson. “Discrimination of any kind is strictly prohibited on the Yad2 platform. If users encounter individual ads that conflict with Yad2’s policies or applicable Israeli law, they are encouraged to report them. The relevant advertisements will then be checked and removed in the event of a violation.”
Satire or not on home listings in Gaza — “We want it to happen,” Epshtein, the CEO, said in an interview, “but it’s the state’s decision” — the website of Harey Zahav’s real estate business focuses on projects in Jewish-only West Bank settlements. Etkes pointed to the company’s proximity to the Israeli settler movement and the blessing it receives from the state.
“They require state authorization to build,” he said. “Even more so in the West Bank, where the vast majority of land has been expropriated from Palestinians and is controlled by Israel’s civil administration.”
The Gaza “satire” underscores the political empowerment of Israel’s right wing, and particularly the settler movement, after the October 7 attack by Hamas. Political radicals have been blocking aid convoys into Gaza and erecting symbolic outposts along the Gaza border. Meanwhile, high-ranking figures in the Israeli government have openly articulated their ambitions for Israeli control and a renewed Israeli civilian presence in Gaza.
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xtruss · 2 months
Wake-up America 🇺🇸!
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xtruss · 2 months
Notes Written By Besieged Palestinians on the Walls of Al Shifa Hospital Reveal the Pain, Exhaustion and Anguish Experienced By Those Trapped Within as “Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Illegal Occupier, Genocidal And An Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗, Isra-hell” Unleashed its Onslaught on the Medical Complex For Two Weeks.
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xtruss · 3 months
Will “Terrorist, War Criminal, Genocidal, God’s Cursed, Fucked-up Fascist 🐖 Bibi” Break the Illegal Regime of Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗, Isra-hell?
When Illegal Regime of Isra-hell’s Best and Brightest Terrorists are Up in Arms It is Time to Worry
— March 16th 2023
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This should have been Israel’s moment. As it approaches its 75th birthday in April the risk of a conventional war with neighbouring Arab states, for decades an existential danger, is at its lowest since 1948. The last Palestinian intifada, or uprising against occupation, ended 18 years ago. Israel’s tech-powered economy is more successful and globally relevant than ever. Last year gdp per person hit $55,000, making it richer than the eu.
Yet instead of celebrations, Israel faces a crisis. Judicial reforms proposed by the right-wing coalition government would undermine the rule of law and weaken Israeli democracy. The prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who has led Israel for 15 of the past 27 years, prides himself on making ruthless, often ugly, trade-offs that ultimately leave Israel stronger. Now he risks squandering his legacy and leaving Israel less able to cope with the social and geopolitical challenges of the coming decades.
The country is in turmoil. On March 11th hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in what may be Israel’s largest-ever protests. Generals, entrepreneurs and scholars warn that democracy is under threat; some 60% of Israelis oppose the legal reforms. Fiery rhetoric from right-wingers, including government ministers, helps fuel violence in the West Bank: so far this year 80 Palestinians have been killed, the highest rate for perhaps two decades.
The struggle may escalate further. The Knesset, or parliament, could pass the legislation in the next couple of weeks. There could be a showdown between it and the Supreme Court, forcing citizens and soldiers to make a painful choice about where their loyalties lie. Ehud Barak, a former prime minister and army chief, has called for mass civil disobedience.
The reforms are a bad solution to a real problem. Israel has no written constitution. For decades, however, the Supreme Court has asserted that some “basic” laws amount to a quasi-constitution it can enforce, overruling the Knesset. Such activism was not clearly understood to be the aim when these basic laws were passed. The right sees a power grab by a lefty judicial establishment. But Mr Netanyahu, who faces corruption charges and detests the legal elite, is imposing a woeful remedy. His reforms would let the Knesset appoint judges and override the Supreme Court, thus handing virtually unchecked power to a slim majority in the single-chamber legislature.
The fight is part of a struggle over Israel’s identity, which has become polarised. A far-right fringe has grown, fuelled by Mr Netanyahu’s demagogic anti-elite politics, inequality and a bigger number of Jewish settlers in the West Bank. The number of ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel has grown fast: they are 13% of the population and many study the Torah instead of working or serving in the army. Together, far-right and Orthodox parties won a quarter of Knesset seats in elections last year. With the centre-left parties and Mr Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud unwilling to govern together, he has formed a coalition with them. Moderate Israelis fume that they create the wealth, pay the taxes and fight the wars, in a country that is betraying its liberal roots.
Plenty of other states have survived bouts of populist and divisive rule. Yet Israel is unusually vulnerable. One reason is the economy. With $196bn of foreign reserves, Israel is not about to face a financial collapse. But the core of its economy is technology, which generates over half of its exports. This is powered by spending on research and development which, at 5% of gdp annually, is higher than in any other rich country. The experts and entrepreneurs who make this possible do not relish their country being in thrall to religious fanatics, and could emigrate.
Israel is also vulnerable because it cannot afford to alienate America, which guarantees its security and supplies 80% of its imported arms. Bipartisan support for Israel among Americans is eroding: a majority of Democrats and people aged 18-29 view it unfavourably. Over 90 members of Congress have written to President Joe Biden, objecting to the legal reforms. Meanwhile Iran has enriched uranium to 84% purity and Britain, France and Germany are warning of “the increasingly severe escalation of its nuclear programme”. Mr Netanyahu has built links with Sunni Arab states, including via the Abraham accords, in order to form an anti-Iran coalition. But last week Saudi Arabia struck a de-escalation deal with Iran, brokered by China. In a dangerous, unstable region, America remains Israel’s indispensable ally.
The final vulnerability concerns Israel’s Arab citizens and Palestinians in the West Bank. If minority rights in Israel are weakened, Israeli Arabs, who face discrimination, will grow more disillusioned. And in the West Bank the Supreme Court has to some degree curbed settlements. Weakening the court, even as Israeli ministers openly espouse anti-Arab racism, is incendiary. Mr Netanyahu hopes the Palestinian question can be put on ice for ever. But the Palestinian Authority’s biddable 87-year-old boss may not last much longer, and new militant groups are forming.
What is to be done? The legal reforms should be paused. A fitting goal for Israel’s 75th anniversary would be a constitutional convention to strike a balance between the courts and parliament and secure broad consent. Divided countries need stronger institutions and safeguards, not weaker ones. Israel also needs a political realignment so that its parties reflect social change. Some 50-60% of Israeli voters are moderate and together they could command a majority in the Knesset. Broad party realignments have happened before.
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Chuck Schumer calls for new elections in Israel, breaking with “Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, War Criminal, God’s Cursed and Fucked-up 🐖 Benjamin Satan-Yahu” to get rid of him
Promised Land (😂😂😂! It’s Occupied Land of Forever Palestine 🇵🇸)
Mr Netanyahu, an mit-educated, secular pragmatist, is Israel’s most consequential politician of the past 25 years, with a big hand in its economic revival and rapprochement with some Arab states. He surely knows that a more restrained government could run Israel better than this one, which relies on extremists. If he could catalyse a new centrist configuration in Israeli politics he would secure his legacy. Alas, his brand is too toxic and he is too bent on self-preservation. His time has passed. To stop Bibi from breaking Israel, moderates must resist his power grab—and press for a government that puts the Middle East’s only successful liberal democracy on a less dangerous path.■
— This Article Appeared in the Leaders Section of the Print Edition Under the Headline "Will Bibi Break Israel?"
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xtruss · 1 month
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Students St Two Universities Strongly Associated With Lord Arthur Balfour Have Launched Pro-Palestinian Encampments On Campus To Protest “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Illegally Occupier of Palestine and The Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell’s War On Gaza.”
The protests at Edinburgh and Cambridge are part of a growing movement on campuses across the world, which involves students setting up protest camps to demand that their institutions break off ties with Israeli institutions, as well as companies involved in supplying arms to the state.
At Edinburgh, students wearing Palestinian scarves made their demands clear at the start of their protest at the university's Old College .
In one video taken on Monday and provided to Middle East Eye by activists, a student with a loudspeaker is seen addressing fellow protesters.
"We demand that the University of Edinburgh divest entirely from companies tied to Israel and complicit in the globally acknowledged genocide of the Palestinian people," the speaker says.
Middle East Eye has asked both universities for comment, while Edinburgh Univeristy has not yet responded, a spokesperson for the University of Cambridge said: "The University is fully committed to academic freedom and freedom of speech within the law and we acknowledge the right to protest.
"We will not tolerate antisemitism, Islamophobia and any other form of racial or religious hatred, or other unlawful activity."
Balfour is infamous in the Middle East and beyond for his eponymous declaration, which paved the way for the Zionist settlement of historic Palestine and the eventual expulsion of its native Arab people.
He also served as British prime minister and was foreign secretary when he issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 promising Jews a homeland in Palestine.
The decision paved the way for the mass migration of European Jews to Palestine under the British Mandate, culminating in the Nakba of 1948, which saw the establishment of the Israeli state and expulsion of more than 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.
Many of those expelled found refuge in the Palestinian territory of Gaza, where their descendants remain today.
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xtruss · 2 months
A Palestinian Man was Killed, and Dozens More Wounded, as Hundreds of Illegal Jewish 🐖 🐷 🐗 Settlers raided the Palestinian Village of Al Mughayyer, Ramallah in the Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, Apartheid, War Criminal Zionist 🐗 🐷 🐖’s Isra-helli-Occupied West Bank on April 12, 2024.
The settlers torched over 40 houses, and also targeted an ambulance owned by the Palestine Red Crescent Society with gunfire as it attempted to reach the wounded following the attack according to the PRSC.
The incident is the latest in the surge of settler violence in the West Bank which has accompanied the ongoing Terrorist, Fascist, Genocidal, Apartheid, War Criminal Zionist 🐗 🐷 🐖’s Isra-helli Onslaught on Gaza.
According to Palestinian figures, about 725,000 Illegal 🐖 🐷 🐗 Settlers live in 176 Jewish-only Settlements and 186 Outposts in the Occupied West Bank.
On March 6, Israel's Supreme Planning Council approved plans for nearly 3,500 new illegal settlement units to be built in the region. Under International Law, all Jewish 🐖 🐷 🐗 Settlements in the Occupied Territories are Considered Illegal.
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xtruss · 22 days
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Nakba, the forced expulsion of a million Palestinians from their own land, marks the beginning of the tragedy for the Palestinians, who continue to suffer at the hands of the Israeli occupiers.
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Türkiye 🇹🇷 has filed application of intervention for South Africa's Genocide Case against “The Terrorist , Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Liar, Conspirator, Genocidal and the Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell” at International Court Of Justice (ICJ) — Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan
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Five “The Terrorist , Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Liar, Conspirator, Genocidal Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 of Isra-hell’s” soldiers were killed by “The Terrorist , Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Liar, Conspirator, Genocidal Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 of Isra-helli Army Tank,” and went straight to hell to stay, rot and burn forever, in a friendly fire incident in Gaza's Jabalia on May 15. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have fled Jabalia after Israel relaunched an assault on the town last
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xtruss · 1 month
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The Muslim Vote has issued Keir Starmer with 18 demands in order to win back support lost due to the Labour leader's stance on “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Illegally Occupier of Palestine and The Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell's War on Gaza.” The Muslim campaign group's demands are below:
1. Apologise for your comments green-lighting a genocide and for not backing the ceasefire in October/November 2023
2. Sanctions on companies operating in Occupied Territories. Sanctions on Illegal Settlers
3. Recognise Palestine as a state
4. Travel ban on all Fascist Isra-helli Politicians that prosecuted this war and support the Illegal Occupation
5. End military ties with Isra-hell
6. Issue guidance that Muslims are allowed to pray at school
7. Implement findings of people's review of Prevent - not Shawcross
8. Remove the extremism definition that [Michael] Gove introduced
9. Commit to full implementation of Royal Charter re media regulation
10. Adopt the APPG definition of Islamophobia
11. Commit to a review of public sector equality duty
12. Increase council and public health funding for the
10 per cent most deprived areas in the country to finally address systemic and chronic health inequities as detailed in the Marmot Review and revisited by the Health Foundation 10 years later
13. Deliver alternative student finance
14. Ensure Sharia-compliant pensions are available at every workplace, so the one-third of Muslims without a pension get one
15. Ensure insurance quotes don't cost more for someone called "Muhammad"
16. Commit 7 per cent of the local government pension scheme/public sector pensions to ethical and Islamic funds
17. Oppose Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) bill. Kick it out of law
18. Remove the Archaic "Spiritual Influence" Offence from Statute
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xtruss · 1 month
According to Reports, Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington is The First University in The US to Fully Divest From “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, Illegal Occupier of Palestine, Genocidal, War Criminal, Illegal Regime of The Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell.” This Comes After Weeks of Encampment on Its Premises.
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