#British Students
xtruss · 5 months
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Students St Two Universities Strongly Associated With Lord Arthur Balfour Have Launched Pro-Palestinian Encampments On Campus To Protest “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Illegally Occupier of Palestine and The Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell’s War On Gaza.”
The protests at Edinburgh and Cambridge are part of a growing movement on campuses across the world, which involves students setting up protest camps to demand that their institutions break off ties with Israeli institutions, as well as companies involved in supplying arms to the state.
At Edinburgh, students wearing Palestinian scarves made their demands clear at the start of their protest at the university's Old College .
In one video taken on Monday and provided to Middle East Eye by activists, a student with a loudspeaker is seen addressing fellow protesters.
"We demand that the University of Edinburgh divest entirely from companies tied to Israel and complicit in the globally acknowledged genocide of the Palestinian people," the speaker says.
Middle East Eye has asked both universities for comment, while Edinburgh Univeristy has not yet responded, a spokesperson for the University of Cambridge said: "The University is fully committed to academic freedom and freedom of speech within the law and we acknowledge the right to protest.
"We will not tolerate antisemitism, Islamophobia and any other form of racial or religious hatred, or other unlawful activity."
Balfour is infamous in the Middle East and beyond for his eponymous declaration, which paved the way for the Zionist settlement of historic Palestine and the eventual expulsion of its native Arab people.
He also served as British prime minister and was foreign secretary when he issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 promising Jews a homeland in Palestine.
The decision paved the way for the mass migration of European Jews to Palestine under the British Mandate, culminating in the Nakba of 1948, which saw the establishment of the Israeli state and expulsion of more than 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.
Many of those expelled found refuge in the Palestinian territory of Gaza, where their descendants remain today.
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Is Taking Online Dissertation Help Right or Wrong? Complete Guidance
Online dissertation help is an up-and-coming debated topic in the UK. As more and more students take refuge in these services, the ethical acceptability of such an approach becomes questionable: some believe it to be helpful, others harmful. In this article, we give you all the details about the issue and guide you through a 'for' and 'against' argument that shall help you make an informed decision about using online dissertation help in UK.
What is Online Dissertation Help? Online dissertation services refer to the services of professionals in helping students write their dissertations. These services may range from minor needs, such as topic selection, to major needs of research conduct and analysis of data or even writing the entire dissertation. Thousands of students in the UK seek these services for both a time management strategy and quality work assurance.
The Benefits of Dissertation Help in the UK 1. Access to Expert Knowledge Arguably, the most important benefits of using online dissertation help pertain to gaining access to expert knowledge. Most services in the UK employ highly qualified professionals who have advanced degrees in many areas. Valuable insights provided by such experts go a long way in improving the quality of a dissertation significantly.
2. Time Management Support Managing academics, part-time jobs, and personal commitment is demanding for students in the UK. Such online dissertation help allows the student to outsource part of their work to distribute the workload among professionals, so they can have extra time to handle other important areas of their lives.
3. High-Quality Work Reputed online dissertation services in the UK commit to quality work. Thus, they would have tight quality assurance processes for plagiarism checks and heavy editing so that whatever is produced is high quality to be accepted by UK universities.
4. Resource Access Most of the students accessing online dissertation help have access to numerous resources that they would not have otherwise had. Access to specialized software for data analysis, vast academic databases, among other tools, that potentially raise the quality and depth of research.
The Drawbacks of Online Dissertation Help within the UK 1. Moral Issues Most glaring is the ethical issue that comes forth when using such services. Many critics view this kind of help as a form of undermining the entire academic process-the work is clearly not the student's alone. This places into question the legitimacy of the degree and the capability of the student in concern.
2. Risk of Dependence This will make the students wholly dependent on writing companies' services, hence losing confidence in themselves. Dependence on online dissertation help stunts growth at both personal and academic levels-a very essential basis for success in later life.
3. Cost Though highly constructive, online dissertation help usually requires a great amount of money. Not all students in the UK can afford it, which would lead to creating an uneven playing field-a case where only those who have means can afford this level of support.
4. Inconsistent Quality The quality of online dissertation services may vastly vary. Some of those services do not keep their promises and therefore cannot provide worse output than anticipated, which may affect your academic performance. You are supposed to research and choose your service provider with due care.
Operationalized Ethics: Right or Wrong? The issue of using online dissertation help in the UK is indeed a grey and complex ethical matter. The concern here would be this method amounting to academic cheating if passed off as a work fully belonging to a student. When used appropriately, though, to supplement learning and understanding, it enhances a student's educational experience.
How to Use Online Dissertation Help Ethically in the UK 1. As a Learning Tool One of the most ethical ways to buy dissertaion online services is to make it more of a learning tool. In other words, instead of getting the work done by somebody else, utilize such facilities to understand complicated topics in detail or develop one's understanding about the research methodology being utilized.
2. Be Transparent If you receive substantial support, you may want to disclose this in your dissertation. Transparency perhaps permits you to keep academic integrity yet be assisted by the input provided by these services.
3. Stay Involved Be involved in the dissertation when help is utilized. Ensure that the final product reflects your knowledge and input. By doing this, you will have ownership of the work and will not put the integrity of your degree at risk.
Conclusion The question of whether taking online dissertation help in the UK is right or wrong depends largely on how it is used. Thus, approached ethically and used as a tool for learning and development, this is valuable help that enhances your academic journey. But misused, the service can lead to ethical dilemmas and may even harm your academic reputation in many ways.
The decision is yours, but be sure you weigh ethical considerations and your academic goals with care. With responsible use of online dissertation help, you ensure you achieve not only the requirements of your dissertation but also grow as an independent and capable scholar.
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ive-been-quested · 11 months
Really wish I could look up stuff like "wizard party" and "wizard decor" without it all being FUCKING H*RRY P*TT*R
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illustratus · 7 months
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A Student on a ladder measuring a Corinthian order at the Temple of Jupiter Stator in Rome
by Henry Parke (Sir John Soane’s Museum, London.)
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sideprince · 6 months
People will hate on Snape for being mean and sarcastic with children but he was mean and sarcastic with everyone. He was just treating his students with the same respect he gave everyone else, if you think about it.
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searchsystem · 6 months
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North / British Design & Art Direction (D&AD) / Student Awards / Printed Matter / 1999
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musicboxghost · 6 months
I know they're British.
But reading the classic Sherlock Holmes stories, it is still hilarious how often the subjects get themselves into a ✨Situation ✨ because they felt compelled to take a tea break.
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huariqueje · 6 months
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My Boy , Adam  - Melissa Scott Miller , 2014.
British , b. 1959 -
Oil on canvas
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Classes start this week at Purcell Collegiate School (PCS), an international boarding school in B.C.'s southeast. 
The first cohort of 12 students from across Canada, and countries like Japan and China, are living in a former residential school in the Aq'am community, within the Ktunaxa Nation. 
The building, St. Eugene Mission, was a residential school from 1912 until 1970.
In 1992, the community began the process of turning the building into a resort, and today it's an award-winning hotel, golf course and casino that is owned by the Ktunaxa Nation and Shuswap Indian Band. 
Now, a portion of it is also home to international students while they live and learn in the community.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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academic-vampire · 7 days
One of my favorite uni memories was when my professor said he hadn’t had a burger from our cafeteria in ten years, but ten years ago it was his favorite burger.
So my friend and I went to the cafeteria at the end of the semester and got him his burger and this was his face when he saw it:
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He said: “I love it 🥹”
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ghost-in-the-corner · 10 months
It's important to me that everyone understands that Paddington is actually one of the best historically impactful films of the last couple decades. I'm being dead serious here.
It's a subversion within British cinema specifically, rejecting the classical imperial nostalgia and colonial film techniques. By using motifs fit for kids to understand, it reverses many early British films by allowing an immigrant into the country to take down structures put in place to oppress the colonized. Is it perfect? No, nothing (British) ever is. But within the terms of political and colonial film, Paddington is the greatest subversion of this history.
(@wearewatcher pls let Ryan know his taste is impeccable)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 months
Rishi Sunak really did just tweet you don't need uni to be successful in life, clearly trying to defend his plans to fuck up uni degrees. Like Rishi you can't talk, you literally only got to be rich and successful because you married a rich man's daughter.
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amuhav · 9 months
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     Agreeing to get there in fifteen minutes was stupid! Their apartment was on the far side of town! Agreeing at all was stupid, anyway. Her siblings would kill her if they knew she was meeting a guy, practically a stranger, in the middle of the night, like, what was she even thinking—      She saw Lukas ahead, and all that thinking just went away. He smiled warmly as Mist got close, and now she just felt stupid for making him worry.       “I’m so sorry, you really didn’t have to do this. I’m fine, really,” she rambled, and he laughed.      “You didn’t ask, I offered, dummy.”      “Well, yeah, but...” She trailed off, fidgetting with the hem of her shorts.      “You been on the beach yet?” He nudged her shoulder, and she glanced up with a smile, then shook her head. He flicked his head in that direction, and after a brief hesitation, she followed him onto the sand. “Me neither.”       She narrowed her eyes at him. “No? Not even for fresher’s week?”      He laughed. “Naaaah.”      “Really? That surprises me.”      “Because I look like a beach party guy?” he asked, brow raised in amusement.      Mist flushed. “Kinda,” she mumbled.      “It’s the tan and the blonde hair, right?”      Don’t answer that. Still, he chuckled at her noticeable silence.       “You’re half right,” Lukas admitted. “Love the beach, hate the people on it. Drunk people even more so.”      “Alcohol and unpredictable water does sound like a terrible combination,” Mist reasoned. “Especially at night. A recipe for disaster, really.”      “Exactly. And I wouldn’t be able to stop myself telling people to cool it, ya know? I’d just ruin their fun, so I stay away.”
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skinheadforlife · 1 year
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Traditional SKINHEAD Timothy Molloy, London, 2002.
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thealogie · 6 months
second favourite ducktales cast interview (after the crossing legs one) is the build interview (where Danny pudi actually starts polish dancing while the other two cheer him on)
oh and the envelope prank the cast pulled on DT. such a simple pointless prank but so well executed, loved it
Yes that’s my second fave too! The polish dancing and all three of them jokingly physically ganging up on the interviewer in perfect sync are definitely the highlights but the small Easter egg for true DT connoisseurs is when they are naming all the big stars who have done cameos on ducktales and he’s like: Allison Janney! David I know you’re a real west wing girlie for sure
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cyanityy · 11 days
Thinking about how secondary schools usually have three-word Latin mottos on the emblem to show which virtues are most exercised ("Modeste, Strenue, Sancte", "Stet Fortuna Domus"..) so having the original Bully game named Canis Canem Edit was a jab at this system while hinting at what Bullworth's climate is like.
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