#Lord Arthur Balfour
xtruss · 5 months
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Students St Two Universities Strongly Associated With Lord Arthur Balfour Have Launched Pro-Palestinian Encampments On Campus To Protest “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Illegally Occupier of Palestine and The Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell’s War On Gaza.”
The protests at Edinburgh and Cambridge are part of a growing movement on campuses across the world, which involves students setting up protest camps to demand that their institutions break off ties with Israeli institutions, as well as companies involved in supplying arms to the state.
At Edinburgh, students wearing Palestinian scarves made their demands clear at the start of their protest at the university's Old College .
In one video taken on Monday and provided to Middle East Eye by activists, a student with a loudspeaker is seen addressing fellow protesters.
"We demand that the University of Edinburgh divest entirely from companies tied to Israel and complicit in the globally acknowledged genocide of the Palestinian people," the speaker says.
Middle East Eye has asked both universities for comment, while Edinburgh Univeristy has not yet responded, a spokesperson for the University of Cambridge said: "The University is fully committed to academic freedom and freedom of speech within the law and we acknowledge the right to protest.
"We will not tolerate antisemitism, Islamophobia and any other form of racial or religious hatred, or other unlawful activity."
Balfour is infamous in the Middle East and beyond for his eponymous declaration, which paved the way for the Zionist settlement of historic Palestine and the eventual expulsion of its native Arab people.
He also served as British prime minister and was foreign secretary when he issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 promising Jews a homeland in Palestine.
The decision paved the way for the mass migration of European Jews to Palestine under the British Mandate, culminating in the Nakba of 1948, which saw the establishment of the Israeli state and expulsion of more than 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.
Many of those expelled found refuge in the Palestinian territory of Gaza, where their descendants remain today.
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Philip Alexius de Laszlo - Lord Arthur James Balfour, 1914
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Palestine Action ruined a 1914 painting by Philip Alexius de László inside Trinity College, University of Cambridge of Lord Arthur James Balfour – the colonial administrator and signatory of the Balfour Declaration [1]. An activist slashed the homage and sprayed the artwork with red paint, symbolising the bloodshed of the Palestinian people since the Balfour Declaration was issued in 1917.  Arthur Balfour, then UK Foreign secretary, issued a declaration which promised to build “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, where the majority of the indigenous population were not Jewish [2]. He gave away the Palestinians homeland — a land that wasn’t his to give away.   After the Declaration, until 1948, the British burnt down indigenous villages to prepare the way; with this came arbitrary killings, arrests, torture, sexual violence including rape against women and men, the use of human shields and the introduction of home demolitions as collective punishment to repress Palestinian resistance [3] [4]. The British were initiating the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, fulfilling the Zionist aim to build their ‘home’ over the top of what were Palestinian communities, towns, villages, farms and ancestral land, rich in heritage, culture and ancient archeological history [5]. The Palestinians refer to this time as the Nakba — which translates into the great catastrophe. In 1948, the Zionist militia, trained by the British, forced over 750,000 Palestinians into exile, destroyed over 500 villages and forced those who remained to live under a brutal reign of occupation [6].
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sayruq · 5 months
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Trinity College Cambridge, the University of Cambridge's wealthiest constituent college, has decided to divest from all arms companies, Middle East Eye can reveal.This came after MEE revealed in February that Trinity had £61,735 ($78,089) invested in Israel's largest arms company, Elbit Systems, which produces 85 percent of the drones and land-based equipment used by the Israeli army. MEE also reported that the college had millions of dollars invested in other companies arming, supporting and profiting from Israel's war on Gaza. In response to this report, on 28 February the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), a UK-based rights group, issued a legal notice to Trinity College warning that its investments could make it potentially complicit in Israeli war crimes. The ICJP indicated in its legal notice that "officers, directors and shareholders at the college may be individually criminally liable if they maintain their investments in arms companies that are potentially complicit in Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity". MEE has learnt from three well-informed sources close to Trinity's student union that the college council, responsible for major financial and other decisions, voted to remove Trinity's investments from arms companies in early March. According to these sources, the college decided not to announce that it would divest from arms companies after an activist defaced a 1914 portrait of Lord Arthur Balfour - who authored the infamous Balfour Declaration - inside the college on 8 March.
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mounadiloun · 2 years
L'alliance inavouable entre le sionisme et le nazisme
Tony Greenstein est un ancien militant de l’aile gauche du Parti Travailliste de Grande Bretagne dont il a été exclu en 2018 notamment pour antisémitisme. Greenstein a pourtant été éduqué dans une famille juive orthodoxe; son père était même rabbin! Parmi les engagements de Tony Greenstein, celui pour la cause palestinienne en faveur de laquelle il fut un des fondateurs de Palestine Solidarity…
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Jul 5, 2024
Keir Starmer surely cannot believe his luck. He has achieved a landslide victory by doing very little. He received fewer votes than Jeremy Corbyn in 2019, and yet has ended up with a whopping 412 seats in parliament. The rise of Nigel Farage’s Reform Party has split the right-wing vote and ushered the Conservatives along to their worst ever election result, plunging them to even greater depths than the disastrous election of 1906 under Arthur Balfour.
This was very much a Conservative loss rather than a Labour victory. There is no great enthusiasm for Starmer, and his majority is an indictment of the “First Past The Post” system which, as I have argued previously, should be abandoned in favour of Proportional Representation. It is unsurprising that upon his victory in Clacton-on-Sea, one of Farage’s first public statements has been a commitment to campaign for electoral reform. His party received over 4 million votes and has returned only 5 seats. So that’s 1% of the seats for 14% of the votes. Compare that with the Liberal Democrats, who have 11% of the seats for only 12% of the votes. Most of us will see that there is a problem here, irrespective of our political affiliations.
Worse still, Labour’s victory will empower the culture warriors, those identity-obsessed activists who have accrued so much power already in our major institutions. While the Tory party claimed to be fighting a “war on woke”, all the while enabling the ideology of Critical Social Justice to flourish, leading Labour politicians have cheered on the culture warriors while pretending that they were nothing more than a right-wing fantasy. We have seen some pushback over the past two years in regards to the worst excesses of this movement, but all of this may soon be undone. Now that the identitarians have their political wing in power, we should expect a few years of regression.
Take the example of Dr Hillary Cass, now deservedly elevated to the House of Lords, whose review into paediatric “gender medicine” has catalysed a sea-change in public perception. While many medical journals and institutions are so ideologically captured that they have continued to deny the significance of Cass’s findings - preferring instead to continue with discredited and evidence-free “gender-affirming care” - the Labour Party has pledged to implement her recommendations. Wes Streeting, the new Health Secretary and potential future leader of the Labour Party (who narrowly held on to his Ilford North seat last night by a little over 500 votes), has made clear that the Cass Review will guide Labour policy. Starmer, meanwhile, has turned a blind eye to the bullying of MP Rosie Duffield within his own party and has expressed very little understanding of the issues. He has come around to the view that 99.9% of women “don’t have a penis”, which is still approximately 33,500 female penises in the UK alone. This is our new Prime Minister.
And here is Nadia Whittome, who has just been returned in Nottingham East, claiming that Labour will push through gender self-identification with “no ifs, no buts” and “resist calls to exclude trans women from women’s spaces”.
Such a system would have seen double rapist Adam Graham – who identified as Isla Bryson once he had popped on a blonde wig and pink leggings – accommodated in a women’s prison. Whittome also calls for a “ban on conversion therapy” with “no exemptions”. Such a policy would likely criminalise those health professionals who follow the recommendations of the Cass Review and take a psychotherapeutic approach when it comes to confused and vulnerable children. You can read my piece on why a ban on trans conversion therapy is effectively a new form of gay conversion therapy here.
Anneliese Dodds, who won her seat in Oxford East last night, has continually shown that she has a meagre grasp on gender identity ideology and why it represents such a threat to the rights of women and gay people. She has stated that “Labour will ban conversion practices outright”, in spite of appeals from groups such as Sex Matters and LGB Alliance to rethink this position. It is as though she is determined not to read the Cass Review, which was unequivocal on this matter:
“The intent of psychological intervention is not to change the person’s perception of who they are but to work with them to explore their concerns and experiences and help alleviate their distress, regardless of whether they pursue a medical pathway or not. It is harmful to equate this approach to conversion therapy as it may prevent young people from getting the emotional support they deserve.”
And yet Labour politicians continue to push for a ban on “conversion therapy” which could put parents and doctors on the wrong side of the law simply for rejecting harmful “gender-affirming care”. One can only hope that leading figures in the new Labour government read over this policy response to its manifesto by the Gay Men’s Network and reflect on the issues.
Labour is also promising to implement its Race Equality Act, a regressive policy which will effectively prioritise equality of outcome over equality of opportunity (in other words, “equity” rather than equality). Labour wishes to ensure that those from ethnic minorities are entitled to “full right to equal pay”, somehow not realising that this has been enshrined in law since 1965. As Kemi Badenoch has pointed out, “Labour’s proposed new race law will set people against each other and see millions wasted on pointless red tape. It is obviously already illegal to pay someone less because of their race. The new law would be a bonanza for dodgy, activist lawyers.”
Labour is taking its lead from Critical Race Theory in assuming that all disparities in outcome are evidence of systemic racism. This faith-based position was challenged by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, which found that there is no evidence at all that the legal and educational systems of this country are rigged against minorities. Activists were so furious that the facts went against their precious narrative that the commission’s chairman, Tony Sewell, was compared to Joseph Goebbels and the Ku Klux Klan. These privileged and predominately white “woke” activists simply cannot tolerate black people who don’t know their place.
And so under Labour we are likely to see these racially divisive ideas implemented under the guise of “anti-racism”. In its manifesto, Labour also pledged to “reverse the Conservatives’ decision to downgrade the monitoring of antisemitic and Islamophobic hate”. This looks very much like an insinuation that the party will reinstate police recording of “non-crime hate incidents”, a clear affront to freedom of expression. It is a staple of “woke” activism that censorship is necessary to ensure social justice. Given Labour’s ideological steer, it is likely that under its watch free speech will erode even further.
I very much hope to be proven wrong in all of this, and that Labour will learn to reject the regressive and divisive influence of intersectional identity politics. The Tories were bad enough, with their restrictions on peaceful protest and their attacks on free speech via the Online Safety Bill. But now we have a government whose authoritarian instincts are even more pronounced. Progress is often an inchmeal affair, and sometimes we have to suffer the occasional retrograde lapses along the way. So we would be wise to brace ourselves for the next few years. For now at least, the culture warriors have the upper hand.
If you want to see where the UK is heading, look where Canada is now.
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Just a random thought on "The Second Stain", at least as presented by Granada Holmes.
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For a WIP I've been looking into the (cursory) workings of 19th-century British politics and also how it operated in the realm of society. It seems interesting to me that 1) Lady Hilda seemingly knows nothing about politics, and 2) that her husband desires to keep her so far out of its affairs. Female relatives, especially wives, of upper-class politicians were often indispensable to them through their social functions. They could bring influential people together by being seen at key social events, involving themselves with philanthropic and charitable activities, hosting dinners and dances, and taking part in activism (such as the Primrose League), among other things. Many times their web of friends, relatives, and even lovers could bring valuable 'ins' for them and their husbands. Also, even if they were not expressly educated on the subject at home of boarding or finishing school, many came from families with some involvement in politics (as the heads of the aristocracy held seats in the House of Lords, for example) and grew up with it in their natural environment. Some of the most influential hostesses of that era that come to mind are Lady Jennie Churchill, mother of Winston Churchill and wife to Lord Randolph Churchill; Hannah de Rothschild, later Countess of Rosebery and wife to former Prime Minister Archibald Primrose; and Margot Asquith, second wife to former Prime Minister H. H. Asquith.
Obviously, there are exceptions to this fact -- men could make it to the top without wives to help them along. Gladstone, four times the Prime Minister between 1868 and 1894 had a wife that was rather shy; and Arthur Balfour had no wife at all. Although they were anomalies, it could be that Trelawney Hope is among them, and takes rather a more... traditional? line of thought when it comes to women's roles.
(Also, fun fact: in the episode, but not in the canon, Holmes mentions that she is the daughter of the Duke of Belminster. Therefore she is addressed as 'Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope'. Her husband, on the other hand, is just addressed as plain old 'Mr.' This is because daughters of earls could keep their titles if they married down, even to a commoner)
Source: edwardian promenade (my beloved)
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antisemitism-eu · 8 days
I wonder what could possibly be antisemitic about an installation called "pawnshop" that's critical of Israel.
The Fondazione Prada is exhibiting an installation by Christoph Büchel, titled “Monte di Pietà,” “Pawnshop” in English, which, according to the institution dedicated to contemporary art and culture, “is a deep dive into the notion of debt as the root of human society and the primary vehicle by which political and cultural power is exercised.”
The installation in Venice includes documents, historical and contemporary artworks related to property history, credit and finance. Among these are previously classified British government documents relating to war bonds loaned to the then-Mandate of Palestine, two bags of cement with Hebrew writing on them amid mangled concrete, and a monitor displaying images of the Gaza and Lebanese borders, as well as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Behind the monitor is a postcard in Hebrew with Lord Arthur Balfour’s head, and the November date in which the Balfour declaration was signed.
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voidami · 11 months
Palestine History and resources.
I didn't add absolutely everything I could have because it would of been too much, just a generalization and resources to help anyone needing to learn or give resources to. feel free to discus, critique or add anything you find relevant.
Prior to the 19th century the region of Palestine experienced 401 years of relative peace from 1517-1917. And everything prior to that is largely irrelevant to the modern issue.
Late 19th Century:
In the 1880s, the community of Palestinian Jews, known as the Yishuv, amounted to three percent of the total population. In contrast to the Zionist Jews who would arrive in Palestine later, the original Yishuv did not aspire to build a modern Jewish state in Palestine.
From 1882 onward, thousands of Eastern European and Russian Jews began settling in Palestine; pushed by the anti-Semitic persecution and pogroms they were facing in the Russian Empire, and the appeal of Zionism.
After the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire (1517-1914), the British occupied Palestine as part of the secret Sykes-Picot treaty of 1916 between Britain and France to divvy up the Middle East for imperial interests.
1895-onward- Theodor Herzl: Herzl, an Austrian journalist, is considered the father of modern Zionism. He advocated for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Argentina, Uganda or ultimately Palestine, with what he called transfer (ethnic displacement). On the surface he was doing this to address rising anti-Semitism in Europe but with further reading of his intentions it was more a selfish power grab through a colonial settler project with little concern for "the Jewish question" other than what it could do for him. E.G." I could accept a mass request from the little Jews to lead them out only if all the governments concerned asked me to, promised me their sympathetic cooperation, and gave me guarantees for the peaceful completion of the enormous task, just as I would give them guarantees for an exodus without economic ill-effects. (I don’t know whether I should have this printed in Roman type)." -One such example among many.
In his Diary everything is painted out in detail of his attempts to get huge loans and what he plans to do with the power he gains.
Theodor Herzl, wrote: "We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country. The property-owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly. June 12th 1895 Diary Entry"
Herzl was suggesting that two possible Zionist solutions to the problem of a Palestinian majority living in Palestine — separation and transfer — were not necessarily alternatives but rather could be mutually reinforcing. Not only that: he believed, if they were used together, the process of ethnic cleansing could be made to appear voluntary, the choice of the victims. It may be that this was both his most enduring legacy and his major innovation to settler colonialism.
The Complete Diaries Of Theodor Herzl - https://archive.org/stream/TheCompleteDiariesOfTheodorHerzl_201606/TheCompleteDiariesOfTheodorHerzlEngVolume1_OCR_djvu.txt
Early 20th Century: Balfour Declaration (1917): Written in 1917 by then UK foreign secretary, Lord Arthur Balfour, the Declaration signed away the land of Palestine to the Zionist colonial project. By giving their support to Zionist goals in Palestine, the British hoped they could shore up support among the significant Jewish populations in the US and Russia for the Allied effort during WWI. They also believed the Balfour Declaration would secure their control over Palestine after the war.
Between 1922 and 1935, the Jewish population rose from nine percent to nearly 27 percent of the total population, displacing tens of thousands of Palestinian tenants from their lands as Zionists bought land from absentee landlords. Leading Arab and Palestinian intellectuals openly warned against the motifs of the Zionist movement in the press as early as 1908. With the Nazi seizure of power in Germany between 1933 and 1936, 30,000 to 60,000 European Jews arrived on the shores of Palestine.
In 1936, Palestinian Arabs launched a large-scale uprising against the British and their support for Zionist settler-colonialism, known as the Arab Revolt. The British authorities crushed the revolt, which lasted until 1939, violently; they destroyed at least 2,000 Palestinian homes, put 9,000 Palestinians in concentration camps and subjected them to violent interrogation, including torture, and deported 200 Palestinian nationalist leaders. In 1944, several Zionist armed groups declared war on Britain for trying to put limits on Jewish immigration to Palestine at a time when Jews were fleeing the Holocaust. The Zionist paramilitary organizations launched a number of attacks against the British – the most notable of which was the King David Hotel bombing in 1946 where the British administrative headquarters were housed; 91 people were killed in the attack.
In early 1947, the British government announced it would be handing over the disaster it had created in Palestine to the United Nations and ending its colonial project there. On November 29, 1947, the UN adopted Resolution 181, recommending the partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states.
Quotes: Before May 15, some of the most infamous massacres had already been committed; the Baldat al-Sheikh massacre on December 31, 1947, killing up to 70 Palestinians; the Sa’sa’ massacre on February 14, 1948, when 16 houses were blown up and 60 people lost their lives; and the Deir Yassin massacre on April 9, 1948, when about 110 Palestinian men, women and children were slaughtered.
August 1937, "transfer" was a major subject of discussion at the Twentieth Zionist Congress in Zurich, Switzerland. Alluding to the systematic dispossession of Palestinian peasants (fellahin) that Zionist organizations had been engaged in for years, David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel's first prime minister in 1948, stated: " You are no doubt aware of the [Jewish National Fund's] activity in this respect. Now a transfer of a completely different scope will have to be carried out. In many parts of the country new settlement will not be possible without transferring the Arab fellahin." He concluded: "Jewish power [in Palestine], which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out this transfer on a large scale."
In June 1938, Ben-Gurion told a meeting of the Jewish Agency: "I support compulsory transfer. I don't see anything immoral in it."
In December 1940, Joseph Weitz, director of the Jewish National Fund's Lands Department, which was tasked with acquiring land for the Zionist enterprise in Palestine, wrote in his diary: There is no way besides transferring the Arabs from here to the neighboring countries, and to transfer all of them, save perhaps for [the Arabs of] Bethlehem, Nazareth and Old Jerusalem. Not one village must be left, not one [bedouin] tribe. And only after this transfer will the country be able to absorb millions of our brothers and the Jewish problem will cease to exist. There is no other solution.
1948 Arab-Israeli War (Plan Dalet & Nakba (Catastrophe) ):Creation of Israel: Israel declared independence, leading to a war with surrounding Arab states. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled, leading to mass displacement and refugee crisis.
Details of Plan Dalet On March 10, 1948, Zionist political and military leaders, including Ben-Gurion, met in Tel Aviv and formally adopted Plan Dalet (or Plan D). The operational military orders specified which Palestinian population centers should be targeted and laid out in detail a blueprint for their forcible depopulation and destruction. It called for: Mounting operations against enemy population centers located inside or near our defensive system in order to prevent them from being used as bases by an active armed force. These operations can be divided into the following categories: Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state. The Haganah (soon to be Israeli army) launched military operations under Plan Dalet at the beginning of April 1948. Although attacks by Zionist forces against Palestinian population centers actually began a few days after the UN Partition Plan was passed on November 29, 1947, with the adoption of Plan Dalet expulsions accelerated and became systematic, marking a new phase in the conflict in which Zionist and then Israeli forces went on "the offensive," in the words of Israeli historian Benny Morris. Following Israel's establishment on May 14, 1948, the new Israeli government set up an unofficial body, the "Transfer Committee," to oversee the destruction of Palestinian towns and villages or their re-population with Jews, and to prevent displaced Palestinians from returning to their homes. In a report presented to Ben-Gurion in June 1948, the three-man committee, which included the JNF's Weitz, called for the "destruction of villages as much as possible during military operations."
Further reading: https://imeu.org/article/plan-dalet
By the time the state of Israel was declared on May 14, 1948, more than 200 Palestinian villages had already been emptied as people fled in fear or were forcibly expelled by Zionist forces, and approximately 175,000 Palestinians had been made refugees. By 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians had been made refugees, losing their land, homes and other belongings in what became known as the "Nakba" ("catastrophe"). Their flight was accelerated by massacres such as the one that took place on April 9, 1948, at Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, where approximately 100 Palestinian men, women, and children were murdered by Zionist paramilitaries. Today, refugees displaced during Israel's creation and their descendants number approximately 7.1 million people. Some 400 Palestinian towns and villages, including vibrant urban centers, were systematically destroyed or taken over by Israeli. Most of them were demolished to prevent the return of their Palestinian residents, now refugees outside of what would become Israel's internationally recognized borders, or internally displaced inside of them.
Further reading: https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2017/5/23/the-nakba-did-not-start-or-end-in-1948 https://www.aljazeera.com/program/featured-documentaries/2013/5/29/al-nakba/ https://imeu.org/article/the-nakba-and-palestine-refugees-imeu-questions-and-answers https://www.vox.com/videos/2023/5/15/23723947/palestine-nakba-may-15-protests-israel
Post-1948 Period:
“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp99
1967- Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, and Golan Heights after the 1967 Six-Day War. Jewish settlements were established in these territories, leading to ongoing tensions and disputes.
1973- Yom Kippur War
1987- Hamas formed.
Peace Process and Oslo Accords (1990s):Peace Attempts: Several peace negotiations took place between Israel and Palestine, leading to the Oslo Accords in 1993, which established limited Palestinian self-rule in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Early 21st Century: Second Intifada (2000-2005): A period of intensified Israeli-Palestinian violence and unrest, leading to significant loss of life on both sides.
In 2004, Giaora Eiland, who still is, incidentally, in the inner circle of Benjamin Netanyahu right now as I speak. He described Gaza as, quote, “a huge concentration camp.” That's Gaza.
September 2005- Israel completed implementation of its Disengagement Plan from the Gaza Strip, which included dismantling all the settlements there, evacuating the settlers to Israel and withdrawing the military. After the plan was fully implemented, Israel issued an order declaring the end of its military rule in the Gaza Strip, indicating it was no longer responsible for the safety and well-being of the population in Gaza. But the territory remained under blockade, leading to economic hardship and conflict.
Here was an election in the West Bank in Gaza, parliamentary elections. Those elections were urged on the Palestinian people by the US administration was that now forgotten moment in the Bush administration called “democracy promotion.” And part of this package called “democracy promotion” was the Palestinians were supposed to participate in those wonderful democratic experiences. And Hamas was urged to participate in those elections, and it reversed itself. Hitherto, it opposed participating in any elections in the occupied territories, because those elections were a consequence of the Oslo Accord. And since Hamas opposed the Oslo Accord, it opposed participating in the elections. But it reversed itself. It ran in a civilian political party. And, much to the surprise of Hamas and everybody else, it won the election. Those were, according to former US President Jimmy Carter, “completely fair and honest elections,” and Hamas won. What did the US and Israel do? It immediately imposed a brutal blockade on Gaza, which brought economic life in Gaza to a standstill. - Norman Finkelstein
*When Hamas was elected, it repeatedly sent out peace feelers to try and resolve the conflict with Israel. It presented on its own, or as speaking for itself, the terms of the international consensus for resolving a conflict, namely two states on the June 1967 border.
June 2007- After Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip, Israel further tightened its control of the crossings and rarely allowed Palestinians to enter or leave Gaza, or to import or export goods. Three months after the Hamas takeover, in response to the continued firing of Qassam rockets at Israel, Israel’s security cabinet declared the Gaza Strip a hostile entity and adopted collective punitive measures, including cutting back electricity and fuel supply to Gaza
June 2008 there was a ceasefire arranged between Israel and Hamas. The ceasefire held, it held in June, it held in July, it held in August, it held in September, it held in October, and it held the first four days in November. And then November 4th came along, that was election day. when everybody's attention was riveted on the presidential election and the first black president being elected in our country's history. And Israel used that moment -- when all the cameras were diverted from it -- it used that moment to attack Hamas in Gaza and broke the ceasefire. Go and read what Amnesty International said.
Operation Cast Lead- Dec 27, 2008 – Jan 18, 2009 https://imeu.org/article/operation-cast-lead
Operation Pillar of Defense- Nov 13, 2012 – Nov 21, 2012
After Operation Cast Lead, there was a slight relaxing of the brutal blockade of Gaza. The Gaza economy did show some signs of recovery. And there was also money starting to pour in from Qatar. The head of state of Turkey, Erdoğan, was planning on a visit to Gaza. And this annoyed Israel because Gaza was not supposed to prosper. So what did they do? The record is clear. They assassinated a senior Hamas official Ahmad Jabari and six others. Shortly afterwards, Israel pounded the Gaza Strip with another 20 air strikes, killing five more people, two of them children, Hamas health minister Mufid Mukhalalati said in a televised press conference at Gaza City’s Shifa hospital.
Operation Protective Edge-
2,200 Palestinians killed, of whom 550 were children. They demolished 18,000 homes.
2018- Gaza March to return Massacre May 14th
On May 14th 2018 The Palestinian people of Gaza were in continuing peaceful marches Up to the walls imprisoning them with hopes that the apartheid regime of Israel would have some humanity and hear their plea with a right to return, to be given basic human rights as they had been doing since March 30th 2018. Instead of being shown humanity IDF soldiers began an especially discriminatory attack on the peaceful protestors. The causalities for that day alone stood at 2700 injured, including 1,359 from live ammunition and 235 Children. The dead included six children under the age of 18, among them a 15-year-old girl, and a medic and at least 52 adults. The toll increased exponentially through the course of the multiple week protest with numbers in 12,000 plus victims range 1000 of which children and hundreds of medics and journalists in appropriate identifying garb.
Many IDF soldiers have gone on record to brag about their statistics in competition with each other It is callous and bitter but I'll provide a link to some accounts of this .
Further, Shireen Abu Akleh an American-Palestinian journalist was wearing full reporter protective gear and was intentionally sniped in the neck killing her, they then lied about it and admitted to it a significant amount of time later. At her funeral the procession was subject to pogroms by Israeli police not even giving her peace in death.
Recent Events:
The amount of atrocities are too numerous to list them all here but i would like to list some from September of 2023 at least.
September 2023-
September 5th- Israeli forces killed two Palestinians, including one child, in two operations that involved the exchange of fire in Tulkarm and Jericho. September 9th-Israeli forces killed a Palestinian child in Hebron. September 13th- Five Palestinian were killed in the Gaza Strip as an explosive device went off near Israel’s perimeter fence. On 16 and 17 September, large groups of Israelis, including settlers, entered the Old City of Jerusalem during the Jewish New Year. Israeli authorities deployed police officers and restricted Palestinian movement in and out of the Old City, during which they physically assaulted and injured an elderly Palestinian man and arrested at least two others. On 17 September, Israeli forces restricted Palestinian access to the Al Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem, allowing entry only to those over the age of 50 for the dawn prayers. That morning, about 400 Israelis, including settlers, accessed the compound accompanied by Israeli police, who evacuated Palestinian worshipers to secure the entry of Israelis. On 16 September, settlers stabbed a Palestinian man in the back and threw stones and bottles at Palestinian houses in Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron city, in the Israeli-controlled H2 area.
Prior to October for 2023 Israeli forces killed 181 Palestinians in the West Bank or Israel, exceeding the yearly death toll by Israeli forces in the West Bank since 2005. During the reporting period in September, 173 Palestinians, including at least 58 children, were injured by Israeli forces across the West Bank, including 11 who were hit by live ammunition. Since the beginning of the year, 769 Palestinians have been injured by live ammunition by Israeli forces in the West Bank, nearing the double of the number in the equivalent period in 2022 (460). Over 1,100 Palestinian herders from 28 communities have been displaced since 2022, citing settler violence and shrinking access to grazing land.
More here: https://www.ochaopt.org/poc/5-18-september-2023
October 2023-
October 1st- injury of several Palestinians in a number of attacks by Israeli occupation forces and settlers across the occupied West Bank.
October 4th- Israeli troops killed three Palestinian in West Bank. One of which the IDF said it opened fire at a man who threw a block at an Israeli vehicle. Palestinian health officials said a 19 year old Palestinian man was shot in the chest and killed. The army said Israeli settlers also vandalized Palestinian property. No further details were immediately released. October 5th- Israeli forces killed two Palestinians and wounded dozens more while suffering five injuries as they raided several areas in the occupied West Bank October 6th- Labib Dumaidi, 19, was shot in the heart by an Israeli settler in west bank. October 7th- Hamas launches an attack 1,400 Israelis were killed in the assault, and more than 240 were taken hostage. Israel's immediate response before even tending to the attack is to start bombing Gaza indiscriminately. Multiple survivors and hostage testimony tell Israeli solders opened fire on Israeli citizens and Hamas in hannibal directive. Israel claims 40 babies beheaded and the claim gets parroted all the way up to the president of the united states without a substantiated evidence, another addition in an ocean of lies. Due to the fog of war I'm only writing about statistics here on out.
After math.
Week one- 7,473 U.S. bombs were dropped on Afghanistan in 2019. 6,000 Israeli bombs have been dropped on Gaza in 6 days. 2,383 Palestinians killed half children 9,714 wounded, while in the West Bank, 54 were recorded dead and 1,100 wounded 1.1 Million Displaced.
One Month-
10,000 Palestinians killed 70% children. 25,000 injuries. 1.5 Million Displaced.
War Crimes- Numerous including Genocide, collective punishment, Use of white phosphorus during the offensive and many more…
The UN Genocide Convention lists five acts that fall under the definition of Genocide. Israel is currently perpetrating three of these in Gaza: “1. Killing members of the group. 2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. 3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated with intent to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
Recent Quotes-
Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.” Isaac Herzog - "It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. This rhetoric about civilians supposedly not being involved is absolutely untrue" Benjamin Natanyahu - "We will turn Gaza into an island of ruins." Daniel Hagari - "We are dropping hundreds of tons of bombs on Gaza. The focus is on destruction, not accuracy." Ariel Kallner - "Now there is only one goal: Nakba. A Nakba in Gaza that will dwarf the Nakba of 1948." Benjamin Nantanyahu - “They are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,” Netanyahu said in Hebrew. He then added: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.” In the Hebrew Bible, particularly in the Book of 1 Samuel, there is a command attributed to God that King Saul is supposed to destroy the Amalekites entirely, sparing nothing and no one. The exact verse, from 1 Samuel 15:3 (New International Version), states:
"Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."
This command, often referred to as the "ban" or "herem" in biblical studies, was a severe form of religious sanction where everything associated with the enemy was devoted to destruction.
Further reading:
The Gun And The Olive Branch- David Hirst https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.131536/2015.131536.The-Gun-And-The-Olive-Branch_djvu.txt The Question of Palestine-Edward Said https://archive.org/details/questionofpalest0000said Ten Myths About Israel By Ilan Pappe https://archive.org/details/ten-myths-about-israel-by-ilan-pappe-2017
Documentaries, Films, and Video Essays:
Jenin, Jenin (2002) https://vimeo.com/499672067 Born in Gaza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZpp8JLkwBw Edward Said - Reflections on Exile and Other Essays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EvoZ7vgu0A Norman Finkelstein on Israel's BRUTAL Assault On Gaza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m36CUGA1Ucw&list=PLG9vw8QqgiV86CdFlCcHiSmfKwDytOATJ&index=10 Jews Against Zionism: Rabbi Speaking the Truth About Palestine & Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSEtuckDbpk&list=PLG9vw8QqgiV86CdFlCcHiSmfKwDytOATJ&index=16 Norman Finkelstein RESPONDS to Bernie Sanders statement OPPOSING GAZA CEASEFIRE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R49v3K29mM&list=FLUORSml2RTXRf2S9zsXpbOw
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good-old-gossip · 6 months
Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah: ‘Tomorrow is a Palestinian day’
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On April 12, the German government prevented Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah from entering the country to address a conference in Berlin as a witness to the genocide in Gaza. The day before, on April 11, Abu-Sittah was installed as Glasgow University Rector in Bute Hall following his landslide election with 80% of the vote. Below is a transcript of Dr. Abu-Sittah’s address. 
“Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.”Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth
The students of Glasgow University decided to vote in memory of 52,000 Palestinians killed. In memory of 14,000 children murdered. They voted in solidarity with 17,000 Palestinian children orphaned, 70,000 wounded — of whom 50% are children — and the 4-5,000 children whose limbs have been amputated.
They voted to stand in solidarity with the students and the teachers of 360 schools destroyed and 12 universities completely leveled. They stood in solidarity with the family and the memory of Dima Alhaj, a Glasgow University alumni murdered with her baby and with her whole family. 
At the beginning of the 20th century, Lenin predicted that real revolutionary change in Western Europe depended on its close contact with the liberation movements against imperialism and in the slave colonies. Glasgow University students understood what we have to lose when we allow our politics to become inhuman. They also understand that what is important and different about Gaza is that it is the laboratory in which global capital is looking at the management of surplus populations. 
They stood next to Gaza and in solidarity with its people because they understood that the weapons that Benjamin Netanyahu uses today are the weapons that Narendra Modi will use tomorrow. The quadcopters and drones fitted with sniper guns – used so deviously and efficiently in Gaza that one night at Al-Ahli hospital we received over 30 wounded civilians shot outside our hospital by these inventions – used today in Gaza will be used tomorrow in Mumbai, in Nairobi and in Sao Paulo. Eventually, like the facial recognition software developed by the Israelis, they will come to Easterhouse and Springburn. 
So, in reality, who did these students vote for? My name is Ghassan Solieman Hussain Dahashan Saqer Dahashan Ahmed Mahmoud Abu-Sittah and, with the exception of myself, my father and all of my forefathers were born in Palestine, a land that was given away by one of Glasgow University’s previous rectors. Three decades before his forty-six-word declaration announced the British government’s support for the settler colonization of Palestine, Arthur Balfour was appointed Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow. “A survey of the world… shows us a vast number of savage communities, apparently at a stage of culture not profoundly different from that which prevailed among pre-historic man,” said Balfour during his rectorial address in 1891. Sixteen years later, this antisemite masterminded the Aliens Act of 1905 to prevent Jews escaping from the pogroms of Eastern Europe from coming to safety in the United Kingdom. 
In 1920, my grandfather Sheikh Hussain built a school with his own money in the small village where my family lived. There he set the foundations for a relationship that made education central to my family’s life. On May 15, 1948, Haganah forces ethnically cleansed that village and drove my family, who had lived on that land for generations, into a refugee camp in Khan Younis that now stands in ruins in the Gaza Strip. The memoirs of the Haganah officer who had invaded my grandfather’s house were found by my uncle. In these memoirs, the officer notes with incredulity how the house was full of books and had a certificate for a law degree from the University of Cairo, belonging to my grandfather. 
The year after the Nakba, my father graduated from medical school at Cairo University and moved back to Gaza to work in UNRWA in its newly formed clinics. But like many of his generation, he moved to the Gulf to help build the health system in those countries. In 1963, he came to Glasgow to pursue his postgraduate training in pediatrics and fell in love with the city and its people. 
And so it was that in 1988, I came to study medicine at Glasgow University, and here I discovered what medicine can do, how a career in medicine places you at the cold face of people’s lives, and how if you are equipped with the right political, sociological and economic lenses, you can understand how people’s lives are being shaped, and many times contorted, by political forces beyond their control. 
And it was in Glasgow that I saw for the first time the meaning of international solidarity. Glasgow in that time was rife with groups that were organizing solidarity with El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Palestine. Glasgow City Council was one of the first to twin with cities in the West Bank and Glasgow University set up its first scholarship for the victims of the Sabra and Shatila massacre. It really was during my years in Glasgow that my journey as a war surgeon started, first as a student when I went to the first American war in Iraq in 1991; then with Mike Holmes to South Lebanon in 1993; then with my wife to Gaza during the Second Intifada; then to the wars waged by the Israelis on Gaza in 2009, 2012, 2014 and 2021; to the war in Mosul in Northern Iraq, to Damascus during the Syrian war and to the Yemen war. But it wasn’t until the 9th of October that I got to Gaza and saw the genocide unfold. 
Everything that I had known about wars compared to nothing that I had seen. It was the difference between a flood and a tsunami. For 43 days, I watched the killing machines tear apart the lives and the bodies of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, half of whom were children. After I came out, the students of Glasgow University reached out for me to run for election as rector. Soon after, one of Balfour’s savages won the election. 
So what have we learned from the genocide and about genocide over the last 6 months? We’ve learned that scholasticide, the elimination of whole educational institutions, both infrastructure and human resources, is a critical component of the genocidal erasure of a people. 12 universities completely flattened. 400 schools. 6,000 students killed. 230 school teachers killed. 100 professors and deans and two university presidents killed. 
We also learnt, and this is something I found out when I left Gaza, that the genocidal project is like an iceberg of which Israel is only the tip. The rest of the iceberg is made up of an axis of genocide. This axis of genocide is the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Canada, and France… countries that have supported Israel with arms – and continue to support the genocide with arms – and have maintained political support for the genocidal project so that it would continue. We should not be fooled by the United States’ attempts at humanitarianizing the genocide: Killing people while dropping food aid by parachute. 
I also discovered that part of the genocidal iceberg are genocide enablers. Little people, men and women, in every facet of life, in every institution. These genocidal enablers come in three types. 
The first are those whose racialization and total othering of Palestinians has rendered them unable to feel anything for the 14,000 children who have been killed and for whom Palestinian children remain ungrievable. Had Israel killed 14,000 puppies or kittens they would have been completely destroyed by the barbarity of it. 
The second group are those whom Hannah Arendt said in ‘The Banality of Evil’, “had no motives at all, except for extraordinary diligence in looking after his personal advancement.”
The third are the apathetic. As Arendt said, “Evil thrives on apathy and cannot exist without it.”
In April 1915, one year after the First World War began, Rosa Luxemburg wrote about German bourgeois society. “Violated, dishonored, wading in blood… the ravening beast, the witches’ sabbath of anarchy, a plague to culture and humanity.” Those of us who have seen, smelt, and heard what the weapons of war do to a child’s body by design, those of us who have amputated the unsalvageable limbs of wounded children can never have anything but the utmost disdain for all involved in the manufacture, design, and sale of these instruments of brutalism. The aim of weapons manufacturing is to destroy life and to ravage nature. In the arms industry, profits rise not only as a result of the resources captured in or through war, but through the process of destruction of all life, both human and environmental. The idea that there would be peace or an unpolluted world while capital grows by war is ludicrous. Neither the arms trade nor the fossil fuel trade, have any place at University. 
So, what is our plan, this “savage” and his accomplices? 
We will campaign for divestment from arms manufacturing and the fossil fuel industry in this University, both to de-risk the University following the International Court of Justice’s ruling that this is plausibly a genocidal war and the current case brought against Germany by Nicaragua for complicity in genocide. 
Genocidal blood money made as a profit from these shares during the war will be used to set up a fund to help rebuild Palestinian academic institutions. This fund will be in the name of Dima Alhaj and in memory of a life cut short by this genocide. 
We will form a coalition of student and civil society groups and unions to turn Glasgow University into a campus free from gender-based violence. 
We will campaign to find concrete solutions to end student poverty at Glasgow University and to provide affordable housing to all students. 
We will campaign for a boycott of all Israeli academic institutions that have progressed from being complicit in apartheid and the denial of education to Palestinians to genocide and the denial of life. We will campaign for a new definition of antisemitism that does not conflate anti-zionism and anti-Israeli genocidal settler colonialism with antisemitism. 
We will fight with all othered and racialized communities, including the Jewish community, the Roma community, Muslims, black people, and all racialized groups, against the common enemy of a rising right-wing fascism, now absolved of its antisemitic roots by an Israeli government in exchange for their support for the elimination of the Palestinian people. 
Only this week, just this week, we saw how a German government-funded institution censured a Jewish intellectual and philosopher, Nancy Fraser, because of her support of the Palestinian people. Over a year ago, we watched the Labour Party suspend Moshé Machover, a Jewish anti-zionist campaigner, for antisemitism. 
On the flight up, I was fortunate enough to be reading ‘We Are Free to Change the World’ by  Lyndsey Stonebridge. I quote from this book: “It is when the experience of powerlessness is at its most acute, when history seems at its most bleak, that the determination to think like a human being, creatively, courageously and complicatedly matters the most.” 90 years ago, in his “Solidarity Song,” Bertolt Brecht asked, “Whose tomorrow is tomorrow? And whose world is the world?”
Well, my answer to him, to you, and to the students of Glasgow University: It is your world to fight for. It is your tomorrow to make. For us, all of us, part of our resistance to the erasure of genocide is to talk about tomorrow in Gaza, to plan for the healing of the wounds of Gaza tomorrow. We will own tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a Palestinian day. 
In 1984, when Glasgow University made Winnie Mandela its Rector in the darkest days of P. W. Botha’s rule under a brutal apartheid regime, supported by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, no one could have dreamt that in 40 years South African men and women could be standing in front of the International Court of Justice defending the Palestinian people’s right to life as free citizens of a free nation. 
One of this genocide’s aims is to drown us in our own sorrow. On a personal note, I want to hold space so that I and my family can grieve for our loved ones. I dedicate this to the memory of our beloved Abdelminim killed at 74 on the day of his birth. I dedicate it to the memory of my colleague Dr. Midhat Saidam who had stepped out for half an hour to take his sister to their house so that she could be safe with her children and never came back. I dedicate it to my friend and my colleague Dr. Ahmad Makadmeh who was executed by the Israeli army in Shifa Hospital just over 10 days ago with his wife. I dedicate it to the ever-smiling Dr. Haitham Abu-Hani, head of the Emergency Department at Shifa Hospital, who always met me with a smile and a pat on the shoulder. But most of all we dedicate this to our land. In the words of the ever-present Mahmoud Darwish,
“To our land, and it is a prize of war, the freedom to die from longing and burning and our land, in its bloodied night, is a jewel that glimmers for the far upon the far and illuminates what’s outside it … As for us, inside, we suffocate more!”
And so I want to end with hope. In the words of the immortal Bobby Sands, “Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.” 
Source -
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bloghrexach · 7 months
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🇬🇧 … “The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population.
The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.” … 🇮🇪
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eldritch-bf · 7 months
British Mandate of Palestine
The Balfour Declaration, a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, which is today held in the British Library.
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Text reads:
Foreign Office,
November 2nd, 1917.
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
“His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
I should be grateful it you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
[Illegible signature.]
“The British government hoped that the declaration would rally Jewish opinion, especially in the United States, to the side of the Allied powers against the Central Powers during World War I (1914–18). They hoped also that the settlement in Palestine of a pro-British Jewish population might help to protect the approaches to the Suez Canal in neighbouring Egypt and thus ensure a vital communication route to British colonial possessions in India.” [Source.]
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Before WWI, much of the Middle East was under control of the Ottoman Empire, which collapsed after WWI. The map on the left is of 1880 while the map on the right is of 1920. [Source.]
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Text reads:
League of Nations.
Mandate for Palestine, together with a note by the secretary-general relating to its application to the territory known as Trans-Jordan under the provisions of Article 25.
Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, December, 1922.
In 1919, the British and French implemented the 1916 secret treaty known as the Sykes-Picot Agreement and divided the Middle East into nation-states. The League of Nations recognized these borders and allotted mandates to the French and British to govern these states until it was determined that they were ready for independence.
Both of these agreements violated the earlier and deliberately vague McMahoun-Hussein Correspondence. Between July 1915 and March 1916 Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca and Lieutenant Colonel Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner to Egypt exchanged ten letters in which McMahon said the UK government would agree to recognize Arab independence following WWI in exchange for the Sharif of Mecca launching the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire, though no borders were ever agreed upon. Never the less, Sharif launched the ultimately successful revolt and Britain never followed through with their end. This violation of this informal agreement is cited as the beginning of mistrust and animosity between Western nations and the Arab world.
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howieabel · 10 months
"Dear Lord Rothschild, I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation." - Arthur James Balfour, Balfour Declaration (November 2, 1917)
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chicago-geniza · 11 months
Lord Gd Arthur Balfour was a piece of shit
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jloisse · 11 months
La « Déclaration Balfour ».
Cette « Déclaration Balfour » du 2 novembre 1917 proclame la reconnaissance, par le gouvernement britannique, de l'existence d'un foyer national Juif en Palestine, ce qui fut une étape décisive permettant de poser la première pierre conduisant à la création de l'État d'Israël en 1948.
Elle fut adressée à Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild.
Il est essentiel de rappeler que la « Déclaration Balfour » ne devrait pas afficher ce nom, car le véritable auteur de cette Déclaration ne fut pas Lord Arthur James Balfour, mais Alfred Milner.
Alfred Milner appartenait au groupe de Cecil Rhodes. Il était le bras droit au sein du Cabinet de Guerre, du Premier Ministre Lloyd George. Il était également membre de la Round Table, du RIIA (ou Chatham House) et de la Société Fabienne.
Lord Balfour ne fut qu'un « prête-nom ». La Déclaration aurait dû s'appeler la « Déclaration Milner ».
Et ceci a été prouvé par Caroll Quigley dans son livre "Histoire secrète de l'Oligarchie anglo-américaine" :
« La Palestine, cependant, occupait une position particulière parmi les mandats en raison de la déclaration Balfour de 1917, qui disposait que la Grande-Bretagne verrait favorablement établissement d'un foyer national pour les Juifs en Palestine. Cette déclaration, toujours connue sous le nom de déclaration Balfour, devrait plutôt s'appeler "Déclaration Milner", tant ce dernier en fut le concepteur réel et, apparemment, son soutien majeur dans le Cabinet de Guerre. Il fallut attendre le 21 juillet 1937 pour que ce fait soit rendu public.
À ce moment Ormsby-Gore, s'exprimant pour le gouvernement à la Chambre des Communes, déclara "Le projet initialement affiché par Lord Balfour n'était pas le projet final approuvé par le Cabinet de Guerre. Le projet exact auquel consentit le Cabinet de Guerre et par la suite les gouvernements alliés ainsi que les États-Unis (...) et en fin de compte incarné dans le mandat, fut élaboré par Lord Milner. Le projet final doit être publié au nom du ministre des Affaires étrangères, mais le véritable rédacteur fut Lord Milner. »
- Caroll Quigley "Histoire secrète de l'Oligarchie anglo-américaine" page 263.
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unita2org · 5 days
di Redazione Il 2 novembre del 1917 il ministro degli Esteri del Regno Unito, Arthur Balfour, inviò una lettera al suo amico di loggia e banchiere Lord Walter Rothschild, uno dei principali leader della comunità ebraica, in cui sosteneva che il suo governo si sarebbe impegnato per creare uno stato ebraico in Palestina, seguendo i desiderata del banchiere e massone di riferimento. I…
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