#“being afraid to sleep near someone attracted to your gender is normal” are you... okay...?
arcsin27 · 10 months
heads up: commenting something like "im glad persona seems to be done with being homophobic after 3-5" on youtube will summon people you never even imagined could exist into your notifications
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trashno0dle · 4 years
For You || A Linny Oneshot
Summary: Ginny and Luna practically grew up together. Luna was the only girl her age who she could talk to. When they went to Hogwarts together they were separated but they didn't let that stop them. Luna was devastated when Ginny started to distance herself from everyone and acted odd, slightly angry too, because they were supposed to do everything together. They'd promised that. But all that vanished when she saw Ginny lying in the hospital wing, and she listened when Ginny told her what happened. She comforted Ginny when she still had nightmares about it because that's what good friends do. A few years later they're closer than ever. And a little older and wiser. And Ginny can't help this feeling in her chest anytime she's close to her…
Because she loves Luna Lovegood. And she'll stick up for her no matter what.
The first day someone called Luna, ‘Loony Lovegood’ in front of her was the day Ginny snapped. She'd been friends with Luna for so long and she knew at times the other girl could be rather eccentric, but that didn't make her weird. She was kind, loving and creative. And that's what Ginny loved about her. And when some 5th year Slytherin spat out an insult Ginny's blood boiled. Luna didn't look too phased by this, instead she simply turned her head away. 
She then proceeded to tug on Ginny's robes, “we should probably get to class.” She said in her high, melodic voice that made Ginny's heart beat faster. Ginny clenched her fists, trying to calm herself down. 
“That's right freak, walk away with your blood traitor girlfriend!” One of them sneered from behind. Ginny's hands started to tremble.
“Aw Loony, Loony Lovegood. Got herself a girlfriend? I knew you were a freak but this is just revolting!” Said another.
Ginny couldn't take it anymore. Blatant homophobia? Harassment? She couldn't turn a blind eye to this. She had to step up for Luna, for herself. It's not like she was able to walk away without doing anything either, she needed to teach these Slytherin's a lesson. 
She spun round on her heel, eyes blazing, “oh shut it and fucking grow up will you, even if we were dating there'd be nothing wrong with that. And if you call her Loony one more time I'll hex you into oblivion!” Ginny snarled.
The Slytherin boy looked rather taken aback, not expecting to have a reaction. Then he smiled at her.
“You're just as a freak as she is.”
“I said shut the fuck up.” Ginny warned. Ignoring Luna's frequent tugs on her robes to leave it alone.
“Loony, Loony Love—” 
There was no wands, no hexing - instead Ginny found herself flying towards the boy, pulling back her first and pummeling it straight into his face. The boy stumbled backwards in surprise, Ginny - blinded by her anger - dug her fists into any exposed flesh she could find. Everything around her went numb, there was only her and the insufferable Slytherin boy. She had to defend Luna. Luna.
She dropped her fists, her eyes widening as she saw the blood on her hands. The boy wasn't seriously harmed. Really nothing but a black eye and a bloody nose which now that Ginny looked closer, seemed possibly broken. She staggered backwards and glanced at Luna who was behind her, hand outstretched to stop her, her eyes slightly wide. 
Ginny opened her mouth to speak but as she did Professor McGonagall hurried out from around the corner. Disappointment written across her face as she saw Ginny.
“Professor! She attacked me without warning! I didn't even do anything!” 
McGonagall sighed quietly, “Mr. Veritas please go to the hospital wing to have Madam Pomfrey fix that nose of yours. Miss Weasley, if you would please follow me to my office.”
Ginny swallowed hard. She didn't dare look at Luna, so afraid that the latter would be looking at her as McGonagall had, with disappointment or even fear in her eyes. She didn't mean to lash out like she had. But people had a certain limit, and not only was she protective of her friend - she also had no patience when it came to hurtful remarks. And homophobia? That was the last straw. 
She had been a little judgemental herself when she finally started to come to terms with her sexuality. It had happened when she started to develop feelings for Luna. Though she'd slowly grew more comfortable with that fact that she was a lesbian. After all, she'd only ever dated Michael and Dean to feel normal. But then she realized she didn't have to be held back by society and decided to just be herself. It was all well, her relationship with Dean had been rekindled after he came out as gay and started dating Seamus too. No hard feelings, luckily.
As she followed McGonagall into her office she was momentarily filled with dread. She'd been in multiple fights this year, only with her frequent corridor hexing as nasty Slytherin's or just nasty people in general. Apparently Hogwarts was full of them. But… What if she was expelled?
“Sit down Miss. Weasley.” 
Ginny sat down quietly, her gaze locked onto the floor. 
“Now if you would please tell me exactly what provoked you to attack that boy.” 
Ginny took a deep breath, “he deserved it,” she muttered, “I'm sick of everyone calling Luna ‘Loony’ like it's funny.” She added through gritted teeth.
“Bullying is inevitable, and while I disagree with the nickname, it's nothing that will stop anytime soon unfortunately. But, he must've said something else Miss. Weasley. I know you were defending a friend but to the extent of attacking another student?” McGonagall said with - was that sympathy in her eyes?
Ginny hesitated. Should she really tell McGonagall what else that boy had said? What if she was just as bad? 
“He…” she broke off.
“I'm not here to judge Miss. Weasley. Besides, this would help explain why. You've acted out a lot as of recent weeks, and I wouldn't like to have to send you home for the rest of the school year.”
Panic flared through Ginny. She looked up to meet McGonagall's gaze and sighed.
“He- he called Luna and I girlfriends and- called us freaks and revolting.” She said with a slight tremble in her voice, “I- I just… I couldn't let him say things like that…”
McGonagall just sighed, “some students can be insufferably judgemental. But it's best not to let their comments get to you.” 
“Am I going to be expelled?” 
“I'll write to Dumbledore about it and explain. I'll have to deduct some house points off Gryffindor to be fair, as well as Slytherin too,” McGonagall paused then added quietly, “though just between us Miss. Weasley, he deserved to have some sense knocked into him, I don't think Mr. Veritas will be bothering you again.”
A smile tugged at Ginny's lips as she let out a quiet laugh.
“You best head off to the common room now, I'll expect to see you here tomorrow evening for detention.”
“Thanks Professor.” Ginny said, she hopped off the stool and made her way out the classroom. She kept her head down as she walked along the corridor, she'd have to find Luna and apologize to her. She wondered how Luna had felt about seeing her completely lose her shit like that. Not good probably, Luna wasn't one for unnecessary violence.
“Ginny?” Came a soft, lyrical voice from behind her. Anxiety churned in Ginny's stomach as she turned slowly to face her best friend.
“Luna- I'm sorry about earlier I didn't- he was being a jerk-” Ginny blurted out.
“Don't apologize Ginny, I understand you were just trying to defend me. But really, it doesn't bother me, the teasing I mean.” Luna said softly. Ginny flushed at her voice. Oh why did she have to be so useless? She hoped Luna wouldn't notice the sudden change in her demeanour.
“I don't like the way they tease you though, and it just… I want to help you out Luna, like you did for me.” She remembered the nights when Ginny had been too afraid to close her eyes let alone sleep, and she and Luna had spent the evening together. And when Ginny was close to having panic attacks, when she swore she could almost hear his whispering in her ears - Luna was always there to guide her away from the crowds and comfort her until she was better.
“I know,” Luna smiled, it was a dazzling thing, “but I really don't mind.”
“I'm just sorry you had to see me lose my temper like that. I didn't really know what I was doing.” Ginny admitted sheepishly.
“It's okay, at least it's out of your system now.” Luna chimed.
“Guess my head was full of Wrackspurts huh?” Ginny said with a timid laugh.
Luna's eyes widened, “possibly, oh you could write an interview for the Quibbler, it would be an amazing column!”
Ginny smiled. She continued to walk down the corridor with Luna. Her heart fluttering in her chest as she felt Luna's hand brush gently against her own. The two eventually came to a stop near the courtyard, they sat in their usual spot and stared out into the forest. 
After a couple of minutes, Luna spoke up, “Ginny…”
“When you said earlier… About if we were dating that there'd be nothing wrong with that…” she paused momentarily, as if she were trying to find the right words.
Ginny's heart continued to beat faster. 
“Did you mean it?”
“Of course,” Ginny breathed, slightly panicked, “I'm sorry uh- did you not want me to say that?” 
“No, I was just wondering.” Luna hummed quietly.
There was an excruciating silence.
“D-did I ever mention I like girls?” Ginny spluttered out. Shit - why did she say that?
Luna turned to look at her, “is that why you got so defensive?”
Ginny nodded, “I- I came to the conclusion I was a lesbian not long ago and when he said that I just…”
“Did I ever mention I like girls too?”
Now it was Ginny's turn to face her, shocked, “I don't- I don't think so.” She said dumbly.
“I think I like everyone,” Luna mused, “I don't see the reason why love should be confined to one gender. The opposite sex.” 
This was the perfect time. She could tell Luna how she felt! But why… Why was she so anxious about it all? Luna openly admitted she was at least attracted to girls. But that doesn't mean she wants me, not like I want her…
As the sun started to set, Ginny realized it was getting late, she started to get up. Luna followed suit, getting to her feet after her. She was about to turn away when Luna put a trembling hand on her shoulder, she was clearly nervous. And before Ginny could ask why Luna pulled her closer, her lips pressing against her own.
Surprised at first, Ginny's whole body froze, then she relaxed and leaned in closer. Wrapping her hands around Luna's waist. She stumbled back, still surprised when Luna pulled away shyly.
“I'm sorry,” she squeaked, Ginny had never seen her so nervous before, “I should've asked. I'm sorry Ginny. I don't know what came over me I-”
“That was amazing.” Ginny breathed, awestruck. This was a feeling unlike any other. She'd never felt this way when Dean or Michael had kissed her. No Luna was different, the way her lips moved against hers, the soft tender feeling in her own lips… It was the best feeling she'd ever felt in her entire life. Luna stared at her with adoration.
“I love you Ginny Weasley, I think I always have.” Luna whispered.
Ginny tried to calm her internal screaming. Because holy shit was this not only was this a complete shock this was the best moment of her life. She never thought Luna would ever feel the same way about her.
“I- I love you too,” Ginny said, “I was too afraid to tell you because- I didn't think you'd feel the same way.”
“How could I not? You're absolutely perfect.”
Ginny realized she was beaming. Her smile widened as she moved closer to Luna, and took her hands in her own.
“You're the most beautiful person I've ever met, and forgive me for being so cheesy but - you really are.” 
Luna blushed at that. Ginny's heart fluttered again. She was as beautiful as ever.
”Does this make us official then?” Ginny inquired.
“Only if you want to.” Luna told her.
“I didn't just confess I liked you too for no reason, of course I do dummy.” Ginny said, planting a delicate kiss on her cheek that made Luna blush even more, “guess we're girlfriends now.” She added with a smirk.
“I like that.”
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queenofcats17 · 5 years
Her Perfect Angel
@spaloonbabooguuscooties made me ship Susie and Alice so here we are.
Also with a good deal of Susie/Allison.
The creature that had once been Susie Campbell hated herself. 
She’d always struggled with a certain amount of self-loathing; worrying she wasn’t pretty enough, wasn’t smart enough, wasn’t good enough at her job. But when she’d been cast into the machine by Joey, her self-hatred had taken on a whole new level. She’d been perfect when she’d first emerged, the perfect representation of Alice Angel. But Joey had marred her, had taken away her perfection. If she was going to be Alice, she had to be perfect! She had to perfectly embody Alice! She couldn’t let Alice down. She loved Alice more than anything. No one could say she didn’t. 
It had just been an attachment to the character at first. She’d had so many roles in her life, but none had been quite like Alice Angel. Alice was the first role she’d really felt was a part of her. She’d loved being Alice. It had just been so much fun to do her lines and sing the songs written for her. Alice was so wonderful. So...unlike her. Being Alice eased the voices in her mind that told her everything that she wasn’t. Maybe that was why she’d let Joey call her Alice.
As time had passed, though, the attachment had become something more. Something almost...romantic. Alice was the kind of girl who haunted Susie’s dreams. The kind of girl she imagined herself going out to dinner with, holding hands and watching movies with. She knew Alice would treat her right, not like all the men she’d dated over the years. Alice wouldn’t pressure her for sex or insult her when she didn’t wear makeup. Alice would love her the way none of those men ever had. And if it were an angel, it would be okay! It would be okay to be in love with a woman if it were an angel! Because...Because angels didn’t actually have genders. So it...It didn’t count...Right?
Susie had known most of her life that she was attracted to women. But she wasn’t supposed to like women. Because she was a woman. She’d tried so hard to convince herself she was “normal”. She’d dated Sammy, and later Joey, in an attempt to make her feelings go away. But neither man had made her feel the flutter in her heart that someone like Allison had. 
Allison...Susie had met her before the role of Alice was taken from her. Allison had been taken on to provide additional background voices. Her face had given Susie butterflies. Her long silky dark hair, those big brown eyes. Allison looked just like what Susie imagined a human Alice would. Even after losing her role, Susie had never had it in her to hurt the other woman. She’d yell, yes, but she could never bring herself to hurt Alice Angel, even if Allison wasn’t actually Alice.
Allison was so kind, so wonderful. She truly was an angel. Even after Susie had screamed at her for ‘taking’ her role, Allison had still tried to reach out to her. Allison had tried to help her. Even now, Allison was still trying to help her.
After being marred, ‘Alice’ had holed herself up on Level 9. She had to find a way to be perfect again. Alice had to be perfect. She couldn’t let Alice be this...This monstrosity. She had to find some way to fix herself. She seldom left Level 9 unless she had to, delegating her work to whatever poor soul ventured across her. 
Allison came by sometimes. She’d bang on the door under the “She’s Quite A Gal” sign. The door that Alice never opened. 
“Susie, I know you’re in there.” She said. “Please, let me in.” 
“I’m not Susie, I’m Alice!” Alice screamed. Why wouldn’t Allison just go away? What was the point of tormenting her like this? Allison was already perfect, a constant reminder of how much better she was than Susie would ever be.
“Please, let me in,” Allison begged. “I’m worried about you.”
Tom stayed near the elevator, watching her plead. He’d told her that this was pointless. The woman behind those doors wasn’t the one Allison remembered. Allison would need to do a lot more than pleading to get through to the creature that had once been Susie Campbell. He didn’t see the use in coming here and essentially banging her head against a wall. But Allison was like a daughter to him, and he couldn’t say no to her when she pulled out those puppy eyes. So, he waited at the elevator until Allison hung her head and walked dejectedly back to him.
“How long are you going to keep doing this?” He asked.
“As long as it takes.” She replied. Tom just sighed, pressing the down button.
In her sanctuary, Alice strapped another Butcher Gang clone to the table. She had to be perfect. She tested the edge of the ax, wincing as the blade bit into the flesh of her finger, drawing black blood. The clone on the table struggled and screeched, but it wasn’t going to get away. 
“Dreams come true, Susie.” She whispered to herself, swinging the ax down. “Dreams come true.”
All the days seemed to blend together being trapped in the studio. Alice had long since lost track of time. Years could have passed on the outside. She didn’t care. Time had no meaning here anyway. It was useless to try and cling to it. Still...Sometimes she paused and wondered if anyone on the outside missed her. She had a family. Surely they were looking for her. Everyone else, though...She’d driven them away. Or Joey had made her push them away. 
Those were the moments when she broke down, wailing her lamentations to the rafters. She cursed what she’d become, what she’d done. More than anything else though, she cursed the name of Joey Drew. She stood at the very edge of safety, screaming obscenities at the demon she knew was listening. 
“I am perfect, Joey!” She’d screamed. “Everyone does love me! They do! You’re wrong! You’ve always been wrong!” Inky tears streamed down her face as she stood there, her whole body shaking. She got no response. She never did.
“Coward.” She’d spit before returning to her sanctuary.
Sometimes she wondered if this Hell was a punishment. She certainly hadn’t been the best person after losing her role. The things she’d said to Allison still weighed heavily on her heart. As much as she wanted to blame Joey for her behavior, the majority of it had been all her. He’d fed her insecurities, her anger, but he hadn’t made her lash out against everyone around her. He certainly hadn’t been complaining, though, the bastard. But wallowing in self-pity wouldn’t get her very far. She had work to do.
Alice’s days followed a certain rhythm. She didn’t often sleep as her dreams tended to be plagued with memories of her transformation, (Joey cutting her open, rummaging around in her insides. The pain was so bad she wanted to pass out. But she never did. And always always Joey’s voice. Promising her she’d be perfect. Promising she’d be an angel. He’d lied.) but when she did sleep she’d wake up screaming or crying. Once she was awake, she’d inject herself with some extra thick ink to keep herself from falling apart. Her body tended to get rather drippy when she was upset or angry. There was nothing more terrifying than feeling your body begin to melt. After she was more put together, she went looking for Butcher Gang clones to harvest hearts from. The Searchers and Lost Ones were out of the question when it came to harvesting hearts. She wasn’t sure if the Searchers even had hearts, and the Lost Ones were too far down for her. Not to mention, they were protected by Sammy. Occasionally, she’d also go and destroy some cutouts on the Heavenly Toys level. 
That was her life now. Awake, ink, harvest, sleep. Rinse and repeat. She didn’t need to eat anymore, so she couldn’t take comfort in food. Even if she had needed to eat, stale bacon soup likely wouldn’t have helped her mood. The more time that passed, the colder and more detached she became. She was starting to forget what her life had been like before this. She was starting to forget who she’d been before all this. She was Alice, she kept telling herself. She didn’t even acknowledge Allison anymore when the other woman came to plead with her. Susie Campbell was dying for a second time. 
That was when She arrived.
She’d been elbow-deep in a Fisher when she heard the knocking. Assuming it was just Allison again, she elected to ignore the knocking. That is until she heard her voice. 
“Hello? Anybody here?” That voice...A mixture of Allison and Susie’s voices. Beautiful and angelic and pure. And afraid. “Alice” withdrew her hands from the corpse on her table, stumbling over to the monitors to see who was at her door. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. 
A perfect Alice Angel stood in front of her doors, knocking tentatively on the metal. She was splattered with ink and shaking in what “Alice” assumed was fear. It was only natural she would be afraid. This was no place for an angel. “Alice” turned away from the screens, starting toward the door. She had to let her in. It wasn’t safe out there. Suddenly, though, a thought crossed her mind. 
She could be perfect if she killed this Alice. 
After all, this was a perfect Alice. Just like the cartoons in every way. Even Allison still looked mostly human. But she quickly dispelled this thought. She couldn’t even bring herself to harm Allison. How would she make herself kill this perfect Alice? No. Best to take the angel in. She would never forgive herself if she let something happen to this perfect being. 
Alice’s face lit up as she opened the door. 
“Oh good! I was gettin’ pretty worried!” She chirped in that lovely voice of hers. “Thought I might be banging on the door when there was no one home.” “Alice’s” heart swelled. The smaller woman had such a lovely smile. 
“It’s unwise to be making so much noise.” “Alice” cleared her throat, trying to still the butterflies in her stomach. “You never know who could be listening.”
“Boy do I know it.” Alice laughed weakly. “I had a pretty nasty run-in with Bendy earlier. He’s definitely looking worse for wear.” She bit her lip, wrapping her arms around herself. 
“You must be very scared.” “Alice’s” voice held a softness it hadn’t for quite some time. 
“Me? Scared? Psh!” Alice put her hands on her hips, smiling broadly. “I’m never scared! I’m not like Bendy!” “Alice” gave her an incredulous look. Alice’s smile faltered and she let her arms fall at her sides as her whole body deflated.
“...Yeah.” She admitted sheepishly. 
“Alice” couldn’t help but laugh softly. “You’re very brave, my dear.”
“Really?” Alice perked up a bit. 
“Yes.” “Alice” smiled. God, how long had it been since she’d actually smiled? Not a smirk or a grimace, but a real smile. She...She felt like Susie again.
“Y’know, you’ve got a nice smile,” Alice said, reaching up toward “Alice”. “What happened to your face, though?” “Alice” abruptly drew back at the mention of her face, her point of imperfection. The moment was gone. Susie was dead.
“It’s nothing.” Her voice was cold now. “Come inside. It’s not safe out there.” Alice’s horns drooped a bit, like the ears of an animal. 
“Well, okay.” She followed “Alice” into the sanctuary.
The angel screamed when she saw the corpses in the sanctuary. “Alice” supposed she should have warned her. She felt a pang of guilt at the horror painting the angel’s features. She didn’t care if others called her a monster for what she’d done. But not Alice. She didn’t want Alice to be afraid of her.
“I apologize for the state of my sanctuary.” She said. “I didn’t know I would have a guest.”
“Why...Why do they all look like that?” Alice asked, pointing to the Butcher Gang clones. She couldn’t look at the Borises. 
“I don’t know.” “Alice” cast only a cursory glance over the mangled remains. “My best guess would be that they lack souls. They’re barely even sapient, just beings that exist to attack and kill.” Her lip curled in disgust. They were disgusting creatures, perpetuating the Ink Demon’s tainted ink. She was doing them a service by freeing them from their torturous existence. 
“Did you...kill them?” Alice whispered, looking up at “Alice”. She looked on the verge of tears.
“It had to be done.” “Alice” said. “I couldn’t allow them to trail their tainted ink into my halls. I needed their hearts.”
“I needed their hearts to make myself perfect.” “Alice” smiled, gesturing to herself. It wasn’t a kind smile. It was cold, almost unhinged. Alice’s eyes widened and she made a small squeaking noise. 
“But that’s not important.” “Alice’s” smile dropped. “You must be tired. I’ve got a cot in the back you can sleep on.” She began to make her way across the boards spanning the ink moat. Alice scrambled after her. 
“Gee, thanks.” She said, wrapping her arms around “Alice’s” arm. “I really appreciate it.” 
“You’re welcome.” “Alice” allowed herself another tender smile. “I would never forgive myself if I abandoned an angel.” 
Alice perked up at the smile, a smile of her own filling her features. She held onto “Alice’s” arm tighter, in delight rather than fear. She’d known this lady had a soft spot to her! Now, she just needed to figure out how best to help the other woman. It was an angel’s job to help people in need, and Alice would eat her socks if this woman wasn’t in need.
In the weeks and/or months that followed, Alice did her very best to cheer up the woman who also identified herself as “Alice”. She lived for the tiny smiles and genuine laughs she could elicit from “Alice”. Despite what “Alice” insisted, Alice thought the other woman had a lovely laugh. Yes, she snorted a little, but that was what made it cute! Her nose also did this cute crinkly thing when she actually laughed. She was really something.
Alice also started venturing out into the studio in an attempt to find things to cheer “Alice” up with. Her efforts were always short-lived, only lasting a moment or two before “Alice” grew cold once more, trying to reject the brief shows of vulnerability. “Alice” didn’t like Alice leaving the safety of level 9, so Alice snuck out while “Alice” was busy with harvesting a heart or sleeping. She was always careful when she snuck out. “Alice” would probably be really sad if she didn’t come back.
It didn’t take long for her to discover the first audio log from Susie Campbell. She’d been doing some cleaning in the area outside “Alice’s” little surgery room, the one filled with corpses and a moat of ink. In between exploring, Alice had started clearing out the corpses as best she could. It wasn’t healthy to live in a place with corpses. She was certain “Alice’s” mood would improve if she could get rid of the corpses. Alice had made her way to the platform in the top right corner of the room to get a Striker that was just out of her reach. That was where she’d discovered the audio log. 
“What’s this?” Alice frowned, looking it over. She’d seen them around, even played a couple. They were from people who’d probably worked at the studio at some point. She wasn’t sure why “Alice” had one. “Alice” didn’t seem like she liked anyone who’d worked at the studio. Except maybe Wally. Curiously, Alice pressed play. To her surprise, “Alice’s” voice came out of it.
“Who would have thought? Me having lunch with Joey Drew! Apparently, times are tougher than I thought. For a moment there, I thought I’d be stuck with the check. But I gotta say, he wasn’t at all what I expected. Quite the charmer. He even called me Alice. I liked it.”
Alice’s eyes went comically large, and she let out a gasp. Immediately, she scooped it up to show to “Alice”.
“Alice! Alice!” She yelled, running into “Alice’s” workroom. “Alice” looked up from her work, a frown marring her lovely features. She was in the process of extracting a heart from a Piper, wearing her ink-splattered apron and clutching her bone-saw.
“Darling, I’m in the middle of something.” She said gently.
“I know, and I’m awful sorry to bother you, but look!” Alice proudly held out the audio log to “Alice”. “The lady on here sounds just like you!” “Alice” froze, looking up at Alice. It was hard to read her expression, but Alice suddenly felt as though she’d made a mistake.
“What...Does it say?” She asked slowly. 
“It, um, well, the lady talked about having lunch with Joey Drew?” Alice took a step back. “She said he was a charmer and he called her Alice?” 
“Ah...That one...” “Alice” looked away, putting down her saw. Her shoulders slumped and a look of exhaustion settled on her face.
“You okay?” Alice asked. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought it was cool. That there was somethin’ that had your voice on it.”
“It’s alright.” “Alice” shook her head. “I...I shouldn’t have kept that. It’s just a monument to my own foolishness.”
“So it’s...You on the tape?” Alice’s eyes widened again. 
“It’s who I used to be.” “Alice” corrected her sharply. “I’m not that person anymore. I’m Alice Angel!” She slammed her hand into the wall before drawing into herself. Her breathing began to speed up as she wrapped her arms around herself muttering, “I’m Alice Angel. I’m Alice Angel.”
“Of course.” Alice was quickly at her side, patting “Alice’s” back. “Alice” had done this once or twice before. It always worried Alice because she didn’t know what was bothering her angel or how she could help her. She didn’t like seeing “Alice” so distraught. So, as she held “Alice”, whispering comforting words to her and stroking her hair, she decided she had to get to the bottom of this. 
While “Alice” was busy, Alice started looking for other logs with “Alice’s” voice on them. The next one she found was in a little room near the elevator. To her dismay, this one had “Alice” in tears.
“Everything feels like it’s coming apart. When I walked into the recording booth today, Sammy was there with that...Allison. Apparently, I didn’t get the memo. Alice Angel will now be voiced by Miss Allison Pendle. A part of me died when he said that. There’s gotta be a way to fix this!”
Alice frowned down at the tape. It sounded like “Alice” had been her voice actress before everything had gone to shit and Joey had replaced her with this Allison lady. “Alice” had said something about Allison before, but only when she thought Alice wasn’t listening. To Alice, it certainly seemed like “Alice” was sweet on Allison. Whenever she talked about Allison, she usually talked about how incredible and kind Allison was. 
“I gotta find this Allison dame,” Alice muttered to herself. She knew she made “Alice” happy, but there was a lot she didn’t know about her. “Alice” and Allison had some history, evidently, and Allison could probably help with some of the problems Alice couldn’t. 
But she had no idea where she could find Allison. So she had to pursue a different lead. Sammy. “Alice” had mentioned him before. He seldom left the Music Department, apparently. If “Alice” had been a voice actress, then there was probably information about her there. Maybe Sammy even knew her! Sure, “Alice” said he was a liar and a bastard, but he couldn’t be that bad.
Except...he kind of was.
Her first meeting with Sammy Lawrence didn’t go...amazingly. Upon seeing her, he proclaimed her a minion of the “False Angel” and tried to grab her. Probably to sacrifice her. He seemed pretty keen on sacrificing things to Bendy. There was a lot of screaming from both of them before Alice managed to slip. She was a bit disheveled when she returned to “Alice’s” sanctuary. 
“I’m back!” She announced, slipping under the door. 
“There you are!” “Alice” ran over and scooped her up, holding her close to her chest. “I was so worried! I couldn’t find you anywhere!”
“Sorry, hun.” Alice laughed weakly. “I guess I lost track of time.”
“Where were you?” “Alice” demanded, inky tears streaming down her cheeks. Alice felt her stomach twist. “Alice” was really upset. Golly, she’d really messed up.
“The...The Music Department.” She mumbled, avoiding eye contact. 
“The Music Department?!” “Alice’s” voice rose. “What were you doing there?! You could have been killed!”
“I’m sorry!” Alice shrunk back. "Alice’s” anger abruptly went out as she saw the tears glimmering in Alice’s eyes.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice softened. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.”
“It’s okay.” Alice sniffled.
“It’s not.” “Alice” shook her head, taking a few deep breaths. “I scared you.”
“I must’ve scared you something awful, though.” Alice insisted, grabbing Alice’s hand. “I’m real sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I shouldn’t have gone down there.” She rubbed circles on the back of “Alice’s” hand with her thumb. “Alice” relaxed a bit at Alice’s touch.
“Why were you there in the first place?” She asked. “It’s dangerous there.” Alice shuffled her feet, looking comically guilty.
“I...wanted to find out who you used to be.” She admitted with a sheepish grin. “Alice’s” face twisted as her mouth opened to yell. 
Alice quickly cut her off, holding up her hands. “Wait wait! Before you start yellin’, let me explain!”
“Alice” frowned. Still, she closed her mouth, waiting expectantly.
“You get really upset sometimes,” Alice explained. “About things I don’t know about. I thought, maybe if I could find out who you were I could figure out how to help you.” She smiled sweetly, starting to play with her tail. “Alice” bit her lip.
“I was no one special.” She hunched her shoulders, wrapping her arms around herself. “I’m better off being Alice.”
“But you were special!” Alice grabbed “Alice’s” hand again. “You were my first voice actress, right? You were the first person to bring me to life!”
“And then Joey replaced me.” “Alice’s” lip curled in a snarl. “That bastard.” The snarl quickly faded, though. “But Allison was good. She had the loveliest voice.” 
“You’ve got a pretty voice too!” Alice insisted. “You’re both great! Joey’s the one to blame!” She nodded in what she hoped was solemn understanding. She actually looked pretty ridiculous, enough to make “Alice” start giggling. She tried to hide it, but it was futile.
“What? What’s so funny?” Alice demanded.
“You’re adorable.” “Alice” laughed, ruffling Alice’s hair.
“Well, duh.” Alice scoffed. “I’m an angel!” “Alice” laughed once more, gazing fondly down at Alice. 
“My name was...Susie.” She finally said. “Susie...Campbell.” She was still holding Alice’s hand, trying to draw strength from it. 
Alice gasped. “That’s such a pretty name!”
“Thank you.” It had been a long time since she’d thought of herself as Susie Campbell. But maybe if she had Alice with her...she could gather the courage to be Susie Campbell once more.
“I love you, Susie!” Alice proclaimed, throwing herself onto Susie. Susie’s heart skipped a beat. 
“I...I love you too.” Those three words...They still held so much power. Especially coming from the woman she’d spent years fantasizing about. Alice pulled back, grinning. 
“Does this mean we’re a couple now?” She asked, her tail wrapping around Susie’s leg. Susie stared at her for a moment before replying with a smile of her own. It was a bit haughty but still kind and genuine. 
“Only if you want to be.” She leaned down to press her lips to Alice’s. Little hearts began to pop up around Alice’s head. 
“Oh, golly.” She started to sway a bit when Susie pulled away. Susie laughed her own heart fluttering. For the first time in a long time, the studio seemed bearable. 
Now that Alice knew who her angel was, she could focus on finding Allison. She didn’t really want to go on any more exploration expeditions, (especially not if they’d end up worrying Susie as much as the last one had) but she’d have to do something to find Allison. There weren’t really a lot of options open to her. 
“Is Allison around here?” She asked Susie one day. Susie was taking apart another Butcher Gang clone while Alice sat on a bench. She was feeling better about the whole dissection thing, but only really when it came to the Butcher Gang clones. They didn’t seem at all sapient, so it really was a mercy to destroy them. 
“She’s....around,” Susie said slowly, pausing in her dissection. “I don’t know where she resides, but she’s here somewhere.”
“Have you seen her?” Alice started to kick her feet against the bench. 
Susie shifted uncomfortably, eyes darting from Alice to the clone. “...Yes. She used to...come here. Before.” 
“Before me?”
“Why did she come here?”
“She had her reasons.” Susie turned her attention back to the clone as if he were trying to will this conversation to end. Alice narrowed her eyes, trying to look like a noir detective. There was something here that she was missing. Another mystery she needed to solve. 
“Did she have a crush on you or somethin’?” 
Susie’s knife abruptly stabbed into the heart, sending a spray of ink all over her and the room around her. 
“T-That’s ridiculous!” Susie sputtered. “As if she would have a crush on me.” She huffed, beginning to wipe her face off. “I’ve ruined a perfectly good heart. I’ll have to get another.”
“I’ll go get it!” Alice said quickly, hopping off the bench. “I ruined it, so I should replace it!” This was her chance to go find Allison!
Susie raised an eyebrow. “Darling, you’d best not be planning anything.”
“Me? I could never!” Alice gasped, putting a hand on her chest in mock horror. Susie rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips.
“Are you sure you can handle bringing me a fresh heart?” She asked, her smile fading a tad. “These things are incredibly dangerous.”
“Psh!” Alice scoffed. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
She’d been wrong. She’d been very very wrong. She’d thought that she could just swing the ax and everything would be fine. And it was. At first. Then the Searchers had shown up and now she was on top of a Little Miracle Station while screaming and waving the ax ineffectually. She knew Susie had cameras. She’d probably be here eventually. But how long that would be was up to debate.
Suddenly, the door to the stairs was kicked open and two figures came charging out. One was a Boris with a robot arm and the other was...
“Susie?” Alice whispered. But, no, it wasn’t Susie. This woman had smaller horns and her halo served as something like a headband. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wore overalls over what was probably her Alice dress. She carried a sword, carving through the Searchers and Butcher Gang clones as though she had been doing this for a long time. She and her companion made quick work of the monsters.
“Is that all of them?” When the woman spoke, her voice was different from Susie’s. The Boris nodded. 
“You saved me!” Alice tumbled down from the Miracle station. The woman turned to face her, taking a step back and letting out an involuntary gasp. 
“No, I’m Alice,” Alice said. “I’ve been staying with Susie.” The Boris looked from Alice to the woman who was probably Allison. He seemed rather confused by Alice’s presence.
“You’ve been...Staying with Susie?” Allison said slowly. 
“Mm-hm.” Alice nodded. “She took me in when I first popped out of the machine.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Um...” Alice frowned, trying to count on her fingers. “I, uh, golly, it’s hard to tell time down here. It was a while ago.” Allison watched her, brows furrowed, passing her sword from hand to hand. 
“Anyway, I’ve been looking all over for you!” Alice gave her a big grin. “Susie’s gonna be real happy to see you!”
“Why would Susie be happy to see me?” Allison’s voice was so quiet it was almost inaudible. 
“Hm?” Alice tilted her head to the side. “Didja say somethin’?”
“Why would Susie be happy to see me?” Allison repeated. “I stole her role from her. I took everything she cared about.” She took a few shaking breaths, trying to fight back tears. “I’ve gone to her door for years. I’ve begged. I’ve pleaded. But she won’t let me in. She hates me! I know she does! And I deserve it!” 
Her shoulders began to shake as she tried desperately to stop the inky black tears from dripping down her cheek. She drew away, covering her face. The Boris put his mechanical arm around her, gently patting her back. 
“But...she doesn’t hate you.” Alice was confused and more than a little upset. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Allison was supposed to be excited. She was supposed to jump at the chance to see Susie again. 
“Alice? Are you alright?” She started at Susie’s voice coming from the elevator shaft. The elevator was running, the car ascending to their floor. Allison hadn’t noticed, but the Boris had. He nodded solemnly toward Alice, giving her a thumbs up. 
“I’m okay!” Alice yelled back.”I got saved!”
“Saved?” Susie’s face came into view as the elevator reached the floor. “By...Who...?” She trailed off when she saw Allison. As soon as the grate opened, Alice grabbed her hand and began dragging her over to Allison. The Boris took a step back to give them some space.
“Alice! Stop it!” Susie tried to pull away. 
“No! You two need to talk!” Alice insisted, grabbing Allison’s hand. Allison turned, and the two women made eye contact. 
“Susie...” Allison’s voice was quiet and reverent, like someone come face to face with a god. Susie tried to hide her mangled features. 
“Now, Susie and me are an item,” Alice explained with a wink. “But I wouldn’t mind another person in her. ‘Specially ‘cause I’m pretty sure Susie’s got the hots for you.” 
“Alice!” Susie’s face was quickly turning grey. Since their blood was ink, she and Alice tended to blush an interesting shade of grey. Something which Susie was demonstrating at that very moment.
“You don’t...hate me?” Allison perked up a bit. 
“I...” Susie hunched her shoulders, trying to hide behind her hair. “I could never hate you.”
“But all those times I came to your door!” Allison took a step toward her. “All the times you yelled at me!”
“Do I have to say it?” Susie turned back to look at her. “You’re so kind and wonderful. How could I ever compete with you? Especially now!” She gestured to herself. “I’m a monstrosity! I was awful to you!”
“This place messes up everyone.” Allison closed the gap between them, cradling Susie’s face in her hands. “We’ve all done horrible things here. As for the yelling, I forgive you. I took your role away from you. You were upset. I understand.”
“There was no excuse for the way I acted toward you.” Susie looked away. “You were so kind afterward, too.”
“Still, I forgive you.” Allison smiled gently. 
“We love you, Susie.” Alice wrapped her arms around her. “Both of us do.”
“It’s that obvious?” Allison laughed, a blush developing on her own cheeks.
“Wait, you...you actually do love on me?” Susie’s voice went up an octave. “R-Romantically?”
“Yeah.” Allison began playing with her overall straps. “I have ever since the beginning. I was so excited to work here because I’d be working with you.” She bit her lip. “I was a huge fan.”
“She’s also pretty good with a sword if that sweetens the deal,” Alice whispered loudly to Susie. “Gotta dig a lady who can kick your butt.” 
“You are not helping.” Susie rolled her eyes. Still, the prospect of a girlfriend with a sword did evidently pique her interest, judging from the gleam that had entered her eye.
“I wouldn’t mind providing some...assistance if you need it.” Allison held up her sword. “I am pretty good with a sword.”
“I might take you up on that offer.” Susie looked her up and down, a sly smile spreading across her face. 
“Glad you two made up.” A gruff voice came from the corner. It was then that they all seemed to remember the Boris was still there.
“You’re the guy from the elevator tape!” Alice yelled, pointing at him. Susie frowned, tensing once more. 
“That’s Tom,” Allison explained. “I’ve been surviving with him.”
“She’s basically my kid. Can’t let her go it alone.” Tom said, shrugging. Susie relaxed again.
“Thank you, Tom.” Allison glanced back at him. Her expression was that of a child who very much did not want their parent to ruin their chances with the person they were into.
“Golly, I’ve got two girlfriends now.” Alice hummed, swinging her hands back and forth. Those hands were now holding Susie and Allison’s hands as well. 
“Oh! Oh! Let’s show her the sanctuary!” Alice began jumping up and down, looking at Susie. She’d managed to clear out all the corpses, so it would at least not look so crazy.
“Alright alright.” Susie laughed softly. Alice started dragging both women toward the elevator, Tom following behind. This was certainly going to be interesting.
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dismissyourdoubt · 8 years
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. Seven Wonders by Fleetwood Mac, Self Control by Frank Ocean ft. Yung Lean and Austin Feinstein, UGH! by The 1975, Love Money Party by Miley Cyrus ft. Big Sean, Someone Like You by Adele, In My Eyes by Best Coast.
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Honestly I can’t deny my love for Anderson Cooper like hi daddy
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. “...time. I cover her up, then go to bed and dream.”
4) What do you think about most? Honestly, boys and work.
5) What does your latest text message from someone else say? It says: “wait the hoodie was more than that it was a different one i was looking at but still got it for $18 bc only 36”
6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on? I sleep with underwear on, but that’s it.
7) What’s your strangest talent? Fucking things up and pushing people away, overthinking everything.
8) Girls…. (finish the sentence); Boys…. (finish the sentence) Literally as if @ this question
9) Ever had a poem or song written about you? Um yeah guys actually all of Frank Ocean’s love songs are about me because we’re in love soooooo
10) When is the last time you played the air guitar? As if I know
11) Do you have any strange phobias? I have a pretty bad fear of ovens? Like I’m afraid that I’ll basically either fall in or be pushed in and then burn myself and die.
12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? No but there’s a hilarious story about my dad sticking a pencil eraser up his nose in Catholic school and what happened when it got stuck up there...
13) What’s your religion? I don’t really follow any religion, I like certain aspects of Buddhism but I don’t know enough about it to actually consider myself a Buddhist. Sooo yeah I don’t know.
14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Walking to/from the bus stop for work, because in the winter that’s really the only reason I leave the house, lmao.
15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind it, usually... Although I film fake vlogs all the time because I think it’s so fun...
16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Okay so like the way this question is phrased, I’m only considering bands, not solo artists. So... hmm... Daughter
17) What was the last lie you told? I told my dad I can’t go to a family dinner tomorrow because I have a test, he doesn’t know my driver’s license is suspended because of a speeding ticket and I don’t have it back yet...
18) Do you believe in karma? I mean, I like the idea of it. I don’t know if I necessarily believe that it actually happens.
19) What does your screen name mean? Song lyrics, from Broken by S. Carey.
20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? My greatest weakness is honestly my depression and the fact that I’m awful at taking care of myself; my greatest strengths are my work ethic and my intelligence.
21) Who is your celebrity crush? I mean if I had to pick just one I’d probably have to say Tom Daley... or Hunter Parrish?
22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? I actually don’t think I have.
23) How do you vent your anger? By texting a friend or something like that. I normally don’t get “angry” though, more just annoyed or upset.
24) Do you have a collection of anything? I have a collection of antique keys, tapestries, glass pieces and other stoner shit.
25) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? I mean honestly neither like just text me honey, it’s much easier for me that way
26) Are you happy with the person you’ve become? This is a good question. I look at who I was a little over a year ago, and I’ve definitely changed as a person, and the change has definitely been for the better. So, in that regard, I’m happy with the person I’ve become. At the same time, I do feel that I have such a long way to go. I want to start going back to the gym and make a lot of other changes in my life. But I’m definitely on an upward journey.
27) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Okay I’ll just say I love the sound of Kehlani’s voice because I’m listening to her right now... And I hate the sound of babies crying.
28) What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I can never have a successful relationship and I end up alone?
29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I mean, honestly, I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t be that surprised if either of them existed. So I’ll just go with yes for both.
30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. With my right arm, I touched the back of the couch I’m sitting on. With my left arm, I touched the wall right next to me. So exciting.
31) Smell the air. What do you smell? Oregano ;)
32) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? Is college an answer to this question?
33) Choose: East Coast or West Coast? Definitely West Coast, even though I live in Pennsylvania, I’m dying to move to California...
34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? This is a hard question because there are so many queens I’ve been idolizing lately... Tinashe, Kehlani, Jhené Aiko, Beyoncé, Zara Larsson, Ariana Grande, like damn they’re all hot as hell, you know?
35) To you, what is the meaning of life? As if this question isn’t gonna send me into an existential crisis.
36) Define: Art. Okay literally.
37) Do you believe in luck? I mean, yeah, I definitely think that at some points in your life you are “luckier” than you are at other points in your life. But, I think it’s entirely coincidental how much “luck” you have at any given point in time.
38) What’s the weather like right now? It’s not as cold as it’s been the past few weeks. I think it’s around 40, and it’s kind of windy/rainy, but not snowing (it was last night), so that’s good.
39) What time is it? 7:22 PM
40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I drive. I’ve never been in an accident, although I did have a near-death experience driving on the parkway a few months back. It was raining and my tires started spinning out of control; I almost crashed off the side of the road and then my car swerved across both lanes of traffic and almost crashed into the middle barrier... Then somehow I regained control of the vehicle. Crazy shit. Not fun.
41) What was the last book you read? I literally don’t know. Maybe Perks of Being a Wallflower?
42) Do you like the smell of gasoline? In a way, yes.
43) Do you have any nicknames? Nothing really other than Kev which is just short for Kevin.
44) What was the last movie you saw? Get Out. It was fucking wild. Especially because I went into it without having seen any trailers or anything like that... But I highly recommend.
45) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Ummm, I’ve never broken a bone or anything like that, so I’m honestly not sure lmfao
46) Have you ever caught a butterfly? I haven’t and now I’m kind of sad that I haven’t. Like thanks for calling my attention to that.
47) Do you have any obsessions right now? Kehlani, I’m definitely obsessed with her right now, like without a doubt. Her and Tinashe but what else is new.
48) What’s your favorite music genre? R&B
49) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Of course.
50) Do you believe in magic? I mean, probably.
51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? I try not to. I mean, when I cut someone out of my life, it’s (typically) pretty permanent. But I also understand that people change, so I’m not sitting around holding onto hatred for anyone.
52) What is your astrological sign? Capricorn
53) Do you save money or spend it? A combination of both. I make enough money that I can do that ;)
54) What’s the last thing you purchased? I spent like $400 on Amazon, oops. But that included nice chino pants, a ton of random drinks like Snapple and Diet Coke, a tiny golden statue of an elephant, you know, things I totally needed... I also bought a beginner’s dabbing kit which included a little wax container, a dabber, a carb cap, and a titanium nail, so yeah that’s cool.
55) Love or lust? This is a hard question. Like lust is so much better when it’s passionate and there are feelings (love) involved, and love can be so great but love also hurts like fuck. So I mean you know there are definitely pros and cons to both so I don’t know.
56) In a relationship? HAAAAAA AS IF
57) Are you a virgin? Nope.
58) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope, definitely can’t do that.
59) Where were you yesterday? Work, then home, which is literally how I spend 99% of my days, so no surprise there.
60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? CYNTHIA IS PINK
61) Are you wearing socks right now? Nah son
62) What’s your favorite animal? The zebra. I just think they’re so beautiful and majestic and stuff.
63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? I really don’t have one? I just act like myself and hope for the best?
64) Where is your best friend? She’s at a party with her boyfriend’s family.
66) What is your heritage? Like primarily Czechoslovakian on my dad’s side, I’m not too sure about my mom’s side, but you know I’m basically as white as they come.
67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Sleeping. I’m an old man so I go to bed early now.
68) What do you think is Satan’s last name? This is the stupidest question ever and I’m also just noticing that question 69 is missing. And 65 was missing too. Probably others. Bish wut.
70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yes, I’ll always listen if you need to talk about anything, I’m pretty chill and easy to get along with.
71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I would stop to save the dog, then explain the story to my boss. If the boss wasn’t understanding about that and honestly wanted me to leave a dog there to die, that’s probably not someone I’d want to work for anyways.
72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? a) Yes, I tell a select few. b) I travel, try different drugs, try to experience as much as possible in my last month. c) Obviously I would be afraid?
73) You can only have one of these things: trust or love. Love, trust is impossible for me anyways.
74) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Distraction by Kehlani, current obsession
75) What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 8108
76) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? There are a lot of things that make up a great relationship, I’m certainly no relationship expert but I think some of the more important of those things are mutual trust, attraction, respect, and compatibility.
77) How can I win your heart? Consistent communication, paying attention to the little things, asking how I am, stuff like that.
78) Can insanity bring on more creativity? Absolutely.
79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Dropping out of traditional college and switching to an online university.
80) What size shoes do you where? YOU MEAN WEAR? 10.5 or 11.
81) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? Ya know, my name, birthday, death date, maybe a cute little illustration, nothing too fancy, just the standard tombstone because I’m nothing too special.
82) What is your favorite word? I really don’t have an answer to this question...
83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word: heart. I thought of the song Black Heart by Carly Rae Jepsen.
84) What is a saying you say a lot? AS IF
85) What’s the last song you listened to? Currently listening to Nights by Frank Ocean my king.
86) Basic question: what’s your favorite color/colors? Growing up, green was always my favorite color, like olive green. But honestly now I’m more into the blues? And obviously black.
87) What is your current desktop picture? It’s like a scenic portrait of a mountain and a sunset.
88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Donald Trump. Am I going to get arrested for typing that?
89) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Honestly ask me anything, I’m not afraid to tell the truth, haha.
90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? I really wonder how stoned the person was who wrote this survey...
91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Ability to read minds! Or invisibility. Yeah I’d actually probably like invisibility the best.
93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Can I just erase the entirety of 2015?
94) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? FRANK OCEAN
95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Somewhere in California or Hawaii. Or maybe I should leave the country and go somewhere nice in Europe like Amsterdam.
96) Do you have any relatives in jail? No I don’t.
97) Have you ever thrown up in the car? I never have.
98) Ever been on a plane? Yeah, like three or four times.
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