#“is your bedroom ceiling bored” by cavetown and sody is the best song ever and i'll never shut up abt it :)
hi people :)
a lil intro post!!!! i've posted/deleted about five million of these already-we'll see if this sticks around haha!
you can call me Mouse if you want-i'm a nerdy, artsy-craftsy, music-loving, socially awkward, incredibly enthusiastic GEEK.
i'm a massive cavetown fan, and i love coraline, tma, stranger things, anything greek mythology related, pjo, good omens, hozier, taylor swift, and a whole buncha other stuff that i can't quite remember rn. i'm a dancer, a musician, a crocheter, an artist, a bookworm, a baker, and an avid music lover
i ADORE my sweet sweet moots-they are the absolute BEST :)
music taste: cavetown, hozier, lizzy mcalpine, wallows, girl in red, taylor swift, mother mother, coin, tv girl, mxmtoon, boygenius (+ solo work), and novo amor (so basically all over the place lol)
i'm a pisces sun/moon with a scorpio rising, an infp-t, and an enneagram 2w3 :)
if you present me with math, i'll most likely cry, attempt it, and fail.
you are reading the words of a massive disaster lesbian.
i hate hate hate centipedes and basically anything with too many legs. i'm currently learning to be kind to spiders
ahaha yea! that's all i could really think of. i joined tumblr to make a few friends, and people here have been so so sweet! love y'all, have a beautiful day *blows kisses*
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unboundprompts · 1 year
Sad Prompts Inspired by Songs
-> writing prompts inspired by sad songs. feel free to edit as you see fit.
"I've been trying to find a reason to get up." - Modern Loneliness by Lauv
"You said you hate me, well congrats, I do too." - Hate Me Too by The Ghost Club
"There are some places I can see myself in, but picturing it makes me cry." - Far Away Friend by chloe moriondo
"I keep staring in the mirror but there's just a blank space or someone else's face." - the spookiest depression bop u'v EVER heard by Rory Webley
"It seems that life's a dream that I'd rather wake from." - When I Met You by Ethan Nestor
"I don't know how someone like you could ever love someone like me." - Smile Like Yours by Anthony Amorim
"I need to let go and I swear that I've tried but opening up means trusting others and that's just too much." - feelings are fatal by mxmtoon
"Now that you're gone, I feel so out of place." - you're my world by atlas
"I yell at the sky for not telling you how I feel." - is your bedroom ceiling bored? by Sody, cavetown
"We won't be here forever so let's make the best of it." - Gotta Be A Reason by Alec Benjamin
"Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I'm the reason I'm alone." - Hate Me Too by The Ghost Club
"I know that I don't wanna be without him." - Mr. Melancholy by Anthony Amorim
"Was this a mistake?" - Vanilla Curls by Teddy Hyde
"What the hell would I be without you?" - Sick of Losing Soulmates by dodie
"I wouldn't want to make you sorry for me." - Sorry for Me by Ricky Montgomery
Everywhere I loved became everything that I hate." - keeping up by Microwave
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 7 months
Can I join your game? The song that I pick is is your bedroom ceiling bored?, while the genre would be idiots to lovers and the group that I chose is Enhypen. Thank you! 💕
CUTE okay!!!
is your bedroom ceiling bored? | jake
It's 5:34 in the morning, and you can't sleep. instead, you're staring at the ceiling trying to get your brain to shut off, but you just can't. because, like an idiot, you're wondering what jake is doing.
you figure he's probably asleep, like most people are at this hour, but that doesn't stop your mind from picturing it: the way he curls around himself on his side, his hair falling in a shaggy mess onto his forehead, half-smiling even in a dream. you shouldn't be thinking about him this way -- shouldn't be as stupidly, recklessly, embarrassingly down bad as you are. and yet...
you pull out your phone, not surprised to see not a single notification from your best friend, whose sleeping image is the one destroying your mind slowly one minute at a time. you open up your messaging app and have to scroll to find your last conversation with him, which hasn’t happened in years.
the last text he sent was the one that said, “I love you. You know that, right?” just before everything went up in flames. just before the one and only fight you’ve ever had with him. just before you stormed away from him and refused to answer the phone when he called. and this was a week and a half ago.
you start to type.
im sorry.
i miss you. can we talk?
why can’t i stop thinking about you?
ultimately, it never feels like enough. frustrated, you sit up, sliding the covers off you and moving to the window. you wrench it open, stepping out onto your roof in the cool night air, and look up at the moon sinking lower in the sky, preparing for the hints of summer sun you see on the horizon.
“hi again,” you whisper at it. “can’t sleep.”
this has become routine for you. every once in awhile your thoughts about jake rose to a volume you couldn’t keep to yourself, so you’d mount the roof and tell the moon — even if it hung thin as a fingernail in the sky. and now that you weren’t seeing jake every day, you had a lot more time to talk about him.
“i really, really miss him,” you whisper, even though you want to scream.
across town, jake stirs and wakes from a fitful sleep. his dreams are all about you these days, and it aches.
no matter how much he fights the thoughts of you, or tries to be angry, he still wakes up thinking about you every morning. he’d hoped things would get better — hoped the hole you carved in his heart would relax, would heal. instead he finds himself suffocating in the dim light from his window, so he flings it open to welcome in the sunlight that will come peeking over the skyline in seconds.
“hi,” he says softly as it shines through the open window. “any advice for me today?”
but as always, the sun says nothing, leaving him alone to think.
and think he does — about how well he knows you. how spending his time with you is the best way for him to spend it. how he doesn’t care about your excuses for why you’d be a terrible couple.
“they’re the one,” he finally decides. “they just have to be.” and he races from the window to pick up his phone.
you’re still on the roof, watching the sun rise, so tired you can barely sit upright but also somehow knowing you won’t be able to make your eyes close if you go inside.
so you stare at your cellphone. you can’t even blame jake for not speaking to you. you wouldn’t want to speak to you either.
but oh, my goodness. you want to speak to him so bad. even the memory of his voice on the other end burns like an insult, like bitterness burns in your belly. you wonder if he feels the same way you do. you hope he does.
just as you make up your mind to call, his name pops up on your screen.
your heart beats — once, twice — hard in your chest before you answer it with a shaking hand. “hello?” you rasp.
“i miss you,” he says. “i’m coming over.”
for the first time in days, you smile.
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serendipity8832 · 2 years
song challenge :) @delcatty tagged me! Thank you, this was so much fun and also the first time I've been tagged in anything ever lol
make a new post, spell out your url with song titles, and tag other people
Sedona - Houndmouth Enemy - Imagine Dragons Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush (although I really like the Meg Myers cover) everything I could never say...to you - lovelytheband New Best Friend - Neon Trees Dress - Taylor Swift Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls Passenger - Noah Kahan is your bedroom ceiling bored? - sody & cavetown Twenty Something - Nightly (if I get Vecna'd play this song for me) Yellow - Xana 80's Films - Jon Bellion 85 - Andy Grammer 3 O'Clock Things - AJR 2011 - 5 Seconds of Summer
I tag: @slippingintomadness, @myeyesarenotblue, and @growup-thatbeautiful if any of you are interested!
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among-starz · 3 years
is your bedroom ceiling bored?
Description: Fem! MC (named Violet here) and Gavin mutually pine for each other and are too damn stressed. Based on the song is your bedroom ceiling bored? by Sody ft. Cavetown, but not too heavily. Can be read without listening to the song.
Word Count: 2.1K
Fic under the cut :)
The room was almost pitch dark, save for the light of a computer shining over Violet's face when she unceremoniously pressed the last key for her night of work and shut the face of her laptop. She held her arms over her head, trying to stretch the day's fatigue out of her body, longing for nothing more than to jump into bed and sleep for the next few days, but there were still things to be done even though it was, she checked the time on her phone, much too late for her to be up. Beneath the time taunting her, there was a single notification left unread, a text from Gavin that said:
Don't stay up too late, Violet. Goodnight.
The simple words flooded Violet's heart with an emotion that was so new to her but had carved a place in her heart so deep that she knew without it she'd be lost. Her fingers ghosted over the keyboard, thinking of something to say to the boy who caught her heart, but they stayed still. Words flowed easily from Violet when she was writing proposals or scripts for upcoming shows, but when it came to Gavin they simply stopped.
After a few moments of contemplation, Violet threw her phone on her bed and made her way to the bathroom. It was already late and, like Gavin said, she needed to sleep. She could contemplate her response in the shower. She found so many proposal ideas stuck beneath the steaming water, next to her shampoo, why couldn't she find the perfect response here too? So as Violet stripped down and entered the shower, letting the water stream down her body, her mind was filled only with thoughts of Gavin and how to respond.
It's not like she needed a perfect response, Violet reasoned, it's not like Gavin spent this much time contemplating what to text her. It's not like he'd notice if her words weren't chosen to perfection, crafting a symphony of words that told him exactly how she felt for him. But that man, that amazing man, he deserved nothing less than perfection.
The hot water did nothing to spark a response in Violet's mind. It only cleaned her off and replaced the stress from work with a different Gavin-related one. Violet dressed, relishing in how her pajamas warmed her form that was already missing the burning heat of the shower and threw herself into bed, her phone bouncing slightly at her weight. She stared at the ceiling, each bump and blemish in the paint looking like stars spread out through the sky. Maybe she would find her answer written there, but she had already spent countless days gazing at her personal constellation map and had yet to find anything helpful written among them. Her ceiling must be bored of her, Violet thought, shifting in bed to look at the wall instead. It had spent countless days watching her watch it, writing and rewriting what she wanted to say to Gavin. A confession of her feelings, an invitation to go out to eat, or a simple good morning all being composed countless times until the wording was perfect. It watched her flail around nervously when she saw Gavin's number pop up on her phone, requesting a call. How she styled and restyled her hair when Gavin texted, saying he was only a few minutes away, clothes that she had deemed not fit to wear for Gavin littering her bedroom floor. Yes, her ceiling must be sick of this pitiful display.
Violet stood up, grabbing her phone and walking towards her balcony. It was only fair to give her poor ceiling a break from her behavior. Goosebumps sprouted on her skin as the cool night air invaded her. She leaned on the cold bar in front of her and looked out at the city she knew and loved. The city she grew up in, the city she met Gavin in. While the buildings and cars in front of her were certainly bright, the stars up above her were even brighter.
Instinctively, Violet scanned the sky for Jupiter. She found it, standing guard over the moon like Gavin told her. Jupiter looked particularly bright today, and Violet couldn't help but wonder what exactly Jupiter saw in the moon that made her worth protecting. Why protect the moon when there are a billion other planetoids much bigger and brighter than the moon? What made that particular hunk of rock special, worth taking a second look at, worth protecting?
As Violet gazed at the moon, she realized it must be a full moon tonight. It shone proudly in front of her, protecting Earth and the humans on it. Maybe the reason the moon stood guard over Earth was the same reason Jupiter stood guard over the moon. But Violet had yet to discover what that reason truly was.
Violet's mind unconsciously drifted back to Gavin and her response. It shouldn't be this hard to draft a goodnight text, yet here she was staring out at the moon, hoping against all hope she would finally find an answer with her because Violet knew this wasn't just a goodnight text, every text Violet sent to Gavin was something more, had to be something more. She wanted to articulate her feelings towards Gavin with all of her being, but what do you say to someone who's captured your heart so utterly and completely? So suddenly, Gavin swooped in and made her feel things that she could never hope to put into words, yet here she stood trying with all her might to do so. Yes, she felt love for Gavin, that was obvious, but this was something bigger. It knawed at her soul so hard that she was afraid it might consume her entirely. It didn't come with words, just a primal urge that made her desperate for more.
"I love him" Violet whispered to herself, hoping maybe the moon would overhear her. If the moon could hear what she knew to be true, the moon may be able to help her find the rest of her words. Help Violet to have Gavin forever, but finally, exhaustion hit Violet like a wave. She wouldn't be able to find her words tonight, that she knew very well. Violet's hand found her phone and she typed out a simple Goodnight, Gavin. And hit send before her clouded brain could beg her to write more.
The moon must be disappointed in her, but Violet couldn't find it in herself to worry about it as sleep threatened to overtake her. She went back inside and flopped onto her bed, thoughts of Gavin filling her head as she quickly drifted off to sleep.
Gavin drifted back into consciousness without the use of his alarm for the first time in a while. His alarm was set for fairly early in the morning, so this was a rarity. The sun was yet to shine through his windows, and he debated, for the first time in a while, if he should go back to sleep. Gavin knew his body all too well, however, and knew, try as he might, once he awoke in the morning there was no way he would fall back to sleep. So, unwillingly, Gavin sat up in bed and reached for his phone to check the time. It was about a half-hour before his alarm was set to go off, but the time wasn’t what really caught his interest. A text from Violet that read,
Goodnight, Gavin.
was what really caught his eye. The timestamp was much too late into the night for Gavin’s liking, but he knew when Violet wanted something done, nothing, not even sleep, would stop her from completing her task. He wanted to nag her to get more sleep, and he probably would, but he really had no place to talk. Rising before the sun and only getting a few hours of sleep wasn’t healthy either, but he cared much more for Violet’s health than his own.
Gavin unlocked his phone, readying his fingers to type out a good morning message, but his fingers froze on him. He wasn’t the best with words, but through text, he had the ability to mull over what he wanted to say, unlike face-to-face where he had to say what came to his mind on the spot. He very much preferred face-to-face talking, though, because having the ability to think over his words was a one-way ticket to spending hours on a simple text. It seemed something in him had decided this was how he was going to spend his morning, crouched over his phone trying to pick out the perfect words to send to Violet.
If Gavin knew one thing, however, it was that there was no way Violet would be up this early. Hell, he shouldn’t be up this early, so he knew he had a bit to find those words. He should go on his morning run, but if Gavin knew another thing, it was that when his mind was weighed down with thoughts of Violet, he didn't perform his best. There was no use in running this morning when the thoughts swirling around his brain acted as a weight, slowing him down and causing him to stumble over his feet. If he got this text written, though, maybe he'd still have a chance to squeeze a quick run in.
So Gavin flopped back into bed, phone held close to his chest, and hoped the words would come to him soon. His eyes regarded the ceiling, but he wasn't quite looking at it. A glaze formed over his eyes, and he might have even felt himself drift back into sleep for a split second, but his body, ever uncooperative, didn't allow him any more rest. His bed did nothing to uncloud his mind and the ceiling did nothing to spark creativity in his mind, so Gavin slowly sat up and got out of bed, walking aimlessly around his apartment, hoping something would give him an ounce of certainty.
His eyes caught the first glints of the sun rising as he walked past his balcony. If anything, fresh air wouldn't hurt his chances of finding his words, so Gavin slid the door open and walked out into the inviting cold air of morning. There was a thin layer of dew spread evenly across the surface of his balcony that caught between his toes. The sky had turned a brilliant burnt orange color as the sun began to peek above the horizon. Above the slowly rising sun, however, the moon still sat. It must be a full moon, because it looked particularly bright this morning, even when accompanied by the sun.
The moon, a thing of beauty, was a constant in the sky. Though it changed shape and rose and fell at unpredictable times to the uninformed, it always seemed to be there when you most needed it, even if she didn't know it. That, Gavin knew, was why Jupiter protected the moon. Jupiter wanted to be with the moon so bad, and Gavin wondered if the moon would ever look back at Jupiter. Jupiter didn't need thanking, he protected her of his own accord, but Gavin thought Jupiter might just crave recognition from the beauty he protected.
As the sun rose higher and higher, Gavin's gaze shifted back towards the colors she painted in the sky. How come perfection came so easily for the sun? If Gavin could grasp just a fragment of the perfection the sun possessed, he would never struggle with a text again. He could tell Violet exactly how he felt for her with words too beautiful to be shared with anyone but her. This girl helped him soar, dug him out of a pit without even realizing what she had done. She's the sun, crafting perfection without trying. She's the moon, a constant in the sky there when you need her most. She shouldn't accept anything less than perfection, and that's what Gavin intended to give her.
Gavin regarded the sun as it rose higher and higher in the sky, desperately searching for his words in the ever-changing hues she created before him, and as the sky settled into its normal blue, Gavin realized he had to send a text soon. Violet was due to wake up any minute, and he couldn't have her waking up to nothing.
Despite not being perfection, Gavin felt selfish. Even though he thought Violet deserved nothing but magnificence, Gavin couldn't help but want to be around her. He desperately clawed his way through life just for the prospect of seeing her again. So when Gavin's fingers finally found his phone's keyboard, he couldn't help but type out Good morning, wanna get breakfast today? He hoped she would accept his invitation. That would be enough for now.
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tragicallyhuman · 3 years
moving forwards.
♫ now playing is your bedroom ceiling bored?, by Sody, Cavetown ♫
Moving forwards is something that we are constantly doing. So, why does moving forwards feel so difficult and scary.
I got a new keyboard yesterday. I got it because I was also getting a mouse. I got both of these things because I started staying up late to play games with new people. I got these because I got minecraft so I could play it with my last best friend who loved me more than I could ever love him. But now, instead I play games with new people and new friends.
Moving forwards can be staying up late to play games with new friends.
♫ now playing Home for the Summer, by Sara Kays ♫
I am alive.
I say to myself late at night with my window open to the sky above, I say to myself as I'm driving myself home from school all by myself, I say to myself as I hold my breath and dive into the cool water once again. This is what being alive feels like.
This is what moving forwards feels like.
♫ now playing Touch, by Sleeping at last ♫
I am learning to let go, I am learning to catch myself when I fall, and I am learning how to move forward. I think that there was a time when I was not quite as alive as I am today. There was a point where I lived life constantly surviving day to day. I was surviving, but I don't think I was alive.
Moving forwards is about letting go, letting yourself feel all the things you have been holding in, but its also about letting yourself forgive you. It about learning how to let someone in again. It's about learning how to trust and smile and laugh with someone new. It's about finding a new secret keeper. Its about letting yourself do the little things that make you smile. Its about sharing all of those brilliant things that bring you joy with the new people you have found that bring you joy.
Moving forwards is not just about letting go of the past and surviving to another day. Moving forwards is about living every second of the life you have, even if you have lost something. Its about learning how to live with that loss and moving forwards.
So I'm going to listen to a new song, and watch a new TV show, and play on old game I used to love, and stare at the stars, and talk to and smile and laugh with someone new.
♫ now playing Loving and Losing, by Delaney Bailey ♫
i am learning to move forwards
because i typed this with my new keyboard; and i stayed up last night playing a dumb game with my new friends; and i talked with an old friend for hours yesterday; and i danced and drove in the rain a few days ago; and i left my window open to watch the stars until i fell asleep; and i got four new books that i've been dying to read; and i started watching a new tv show; because it makes me happy.
♫ now playing Fine Line, by Harry Styles ♫
i am learning to move forwards
i am learning how to feel alive again
i am learning to let go of all of the hurt and pain that i have inflicted upon myself and all of the hurt and pain that has been handed to me.
i am not only letting go of someone i once had, but i am also learning how to let go of a person i once was
i am learning how to feel again and exist with the hurt i have accumulated
i am learning how to move forward, even though i am still hurting.
i am learning how to move forwards
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 7 months
Request Game!
hello friends!! I am feeling uninspired as of recently and would love to write some shorter pieces. I’ve always been very inspired by music so I figured I’d turn it into a little request game. Here’s how it works:
Pick a song from the list below
Pick a member of any of the listed groups
Pick a genre from the other list below (lots of lists)
Send it in as a request and I’ll write it 🥹
1. Happy Accidents - Saint Motel
2. Like Real People Do - Hozier
3. Dear Divine - Little Moon
4. You’re Beautiful - The Rose
5. I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie
6. Keep Me - Novo Amor
7. Pick & Choose - Daniel Nunnlee
8. Undeniable You - Jukebox the Ghost
9. Golf on TV - Lennon Stella ft JP Saxe
10. Little Giant - Roo Panes
11. is your bedroom ceiling bored? - Sody & Cavetown
12. Best Part - HER & Daniel Caesar
13. Fall With Me - The Wild Reeds
14. Five Foot Three - Flannel Graph
15. Punisher - Phoebe Bridgers
16. Grilled Cheese - Peach Face
17. All I Know - Art Garfunkel
18. Rescued - Jack’s Mannequin
19. The Wine We Drink - Drew Holcombe
20. I Ain’t Ever Loved No One - Donovan Woods
Friends to lovers
Workplace romance
First kiss
Idiots to lovers
Enemies to lovers
Academic rivals to lovers
Mutual pining
Please help me get out of my funk. I will love u forever fr
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