#uuuuuh yeah
hi people :)
a lil intro post!!!! i've posted/deleted about five million of these already-we'll see if this sticks around haha!
you can call me Mouse if you want-i'm a nerdy, artsy-craftsy, music-loving, socially awkward, incredibly enthusiastic GEEK.
i'm a massive cavetown fan, and i love coraline, tma, stranger things, anything greek mythology related, pjo, good omens, hozier, taylor swift, and a whole buncha other stuff that i can't quite remember rn. i'm a dancer, a musician, a crocheter, an artist, a bookworm, a baker, and an avid music lover
i ADORE my sweet sweet moots-they are the absolute BEST :)
music taste: cavetown, hozier, lizzy mcalpine, wallows, girl in red, taylor swift, mother mother, coin, tv girl, mxmtoon, boygenius (+ solo work), and novo amor (so basically all over the place lol)
i'm a pisces sun/moon with a scorpio rising, an infp-t, and an enneagram 2w3 :)
if you present me with math, i'll most likely cry, attempt it, and fail.
you are reading the words of a massive disaster lesbian.
i hate hate hate centipedes and basically anything with too many legs. i'm currently learning to be kind to spiders
ahaha yea! that's all i could really think of. i joined tumblr to make a few friends, and people here have been so so sweet! love y'all, have a beautiful day *blows kisses*
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hxy0k · 3 months
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ah yes, background characters getting recognition (angst and trauma)
A little “backstory”: Brynja (bottom guy) works for Louhi (top character), as you can see, not very healthy and professional (the “leash” isn’t actually real, it’s a metaphor for his working conditions n such) (media literacy, wow)
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7000f1 · 2 years
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My brain 24/7
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polaris-stuff · 1 month
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It's them
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amiracleilluminated · 5 months
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larkoneironaut · 11 months
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The more I watch the trailer, the more I’m intrigued by Olrox
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toodrunktofindaurl · 1 year
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🔞 N/S/F/W « sketch » reward: Short Comic (1/?) is up for all $5+ Patrons!
> Click here to read <
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fluffygiraffe · 4 months
okay, I'm actually getting kinda worried now so please do not actually like... simp over ls!pep? it's ok as a joke, AT A MINIMUM, but I'm actually starting to get uncomfortable, it's getting too much. Please.
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age-of-moonknight · 3 months
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“Soldier,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #3.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Vengeance of the Moon Knight#Vengeance of the Moon Knight vol. 2#Vengeance of the Moon Knight 2024#Moon Knight comics#latest release#Soldier#Tigra#Greer Nelson#I love this distinction between what Moon Knight does/did in vol. 9 compared to other heroes#don’t get me wrong I obviously love Spider-Man (and only to a slightly lesser extent Daredevil) but this is a cool difference#feels a little more grounded almost like community defense as opposed to a high-flying cape issue#also fascinating comparing to a drug implying these low level villains are thrill seekers/adrenaline junkies#but most critically…hmmm….this may just be more indicative of my own perspective than anything (bear with me)#but interestingly those last two text boxes on finding the balance between keeping a group too scared to make a move#and not so scared that they get desperate/have nothing left to lose#is very similar to the basis of a theory of counterinsurgency#that an iron fist can keep a group from developing means + will to organize but the ruling regime must be careful#to not be too cruel or else it will push the group into survival mode/win it sympathy from the local or international population#(it’s very reminiscent of Machiavelli’s The Prince)#Mind you it’s a theory usually entertained by authoritarian regimes where people have few de facto civil rights#and its efficacy/sustainability’s debatable as it takes one hiccup with the regime (markedly weak ruler/secession crisis/natural disaster/#excessive use of force/etc) for the insurgency to flair up again#Marc’s past with the CIA is mentioned in this issue so I wonder if that’s what this is all about#but uuuuuh yeah do with that info what you will sorry hahaha#don’t mind me rambling in the tags
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23meteorstreet · 1 year
charlie literally saying he doesn't feel safe using the second room... i mean yeah at first it seems silly that charlie insists on sleeping in the same bed as frank & hiding the bathroom for 10+ years but really it's his way of making sure he always has someone to protect him at night
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trans-xianxian · 16 days
I went to go look at a car today and I looked at all the things and drove it around and then I was like okay can I see the title :^) AND HE COULDN'T FIND IT. people if you are selling your car find the title before you put the ad up and then keep it in the same goddamn place until someone buys it
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daz4i · 6 months
even if i don't particularly care abt holidays. it does feel a bit sad to hear my neighbors celebrating loudly through the windows while I'm here alone with my cat bc my mom went to the er
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ifwerefree · 5 months
I'm watching a netflix doc about the twin flames group. theyre basically the evil trans cult that terfs are always going on about
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wildpuppa · 1 year
Linked universe au where a jar of pickles a heated battle leads the hero of legend to be knocked out. In the depths of his slumber legend returns to koholint but not as he knows it but what he has created. While in the depths of his slumber legend meets old faces, confuses new and old and learns to face himself. During his slumber his companions try to look after him and awaken Legend from the sleep only he can awaken from.
random tidbits in the tags <3 and feel free to ask about this au theres not a huge amount but hey she cookin.
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kingdomkome · 3 months
I enjoy teaching but some of the interactions with students/parents are so Bob_sponge_sillent_hill_hall.jpg
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the-kipsabian · 3 months
that being said my inbox is always open if someone needs to yell at me, i have social anxiety and my depression makes me curl up inside myself on some social situations tbh but im trying to be better at it!!
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