#“make love” yeah we weren't even trying for enemies with benefits
savethelastdan · 1 year
ok the love scene in rwrb was good, y'all were right
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charliecoxbf · 29 days
We need to talk about the link between mental illness and political extremism. Because, as much I only have anecdotal evidence, I think there's something there.
I used to be extremely leftist. Like, very extremely. Concerningly so. Think "tumblr leftist". Every issue was a single issue, everyone across the aisle was the devil, hating the good for the love of the perfect. Imperfect allies were considered just as bad as enemies, i valued being morally pure and right more than achieving anything. I fell for "I'd rather not vote than compromise my values!" propaganda like it was custom made for me. It was bad. I cut people away for simple microagressions rather than trying to educate them, I boycotted movies I because of actors I secretly enjoyed but felt couldn't support due to not knowing for sure where they stood politically or because they said something insensitive once fifteen years ago.
I was also, unknowingly, struggling with OCD and Schizophrenia. Undiagnosed. Some things should have been signs that something was off, like my escalation from "Putin wants to rebirth the russian empire" and "Russia has homophobic policies" into "Putin wants to kill me, specifically, and has replaced my dear childhood friend with a look-a-like sent to kill me", which now looking back makes me feel a sort of sad empathy for a lot of people who genuinely believe "the vacciness have microchips that the government will use to track you!!!" because hey, they might just be stupid, but also, they might be struggling with psychosis too.
But then something amazing happened. I got diagnosed and medicated (and sure, I resisted both the diagnosis and the medication at first because I thought the psychiatrist who diagnosed me was a russian operative and the medication was poison sent by putin to kill me), and once the drugs kicked in, the world was less scary.
People across the aisle weren't the devil anymore. Microagressions weren't purposefully crafted with ill intent. People were worth being educated, and i finally realized that moral purity is impossible. I could turn my brain off and just watch a movie or TV show without worrying about what that meant about me or the greater scheme of things. Someone who watched The Big Bang Theory wasn't the enemy. And you know what? Turns out I like The Big Bang Theory. And Fuller House, and Jurassic World, and Guardians of the Galaxy. And Call Me By Your Name.
This obsession with moral purity and falling in love that we see in both political extremes (extreme left and extreme right, talk about horseshoe theory) is, to me, a kind of religious psychosis. People are looking for a savior (Trump, or Bernie, or any third party candidate), for absolution ("I was the bestest boy and boycotted starbucks for palestine / star wars for their wokeness / jurassic world & guardiand of the galaxy because chris pratt might be a republican and also because he thanked his second wife for giving him a healthy baby which definitely means he hates his first born disabled baby and anna farris / books for their sinful content / bluey because of palestine"), for a lack of responsibility ("both sides are equally bad so if i don't vote i'm not supporting badness and it's not actually my fault when whoever wins wins"). They think they themselves are more important than anything else in the world. Yes, even the causes they claim to support. ("I won't vote for kamala because of palestine, and yeah that means trump wins and yeah that's terrible not only for palestine but also domestically and globally, but at least I won't be marked by the sin of compromising.")
I think a lot of those people, on both sides of the aisle, could benefit from therapy and medication. I'm not saying there's an epidemic of mental illness on the political extremes - some people (like JD Vance and Candace Owens) are just sell outs looking for a proffit and will say anything to get it. Some people (like Trump) are objectivelly evil. Some are just brainwashed by religion. But there must be at lesst a significant amount who are struggling with mental illness.
I don't know. Just my 2 cents. What do you guys think?
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Idk if it is my old butt, but none of us were like this back when we read lemon as minors.
Speaking for myself, I was aware of what I was reading, as 16 years old Is a common age to experience sexual desire. And what a best way to quell that need, if reading about your favourite character? Something that is not real and can be modelled to your very specifications. Looking back now, now Adult me can difference a piece wrote by a minor vs one of an adult; is quite obvious with the implemented theme and... this does not apply to everyone, but the grammar is also a big indicator.
It baffles me how much of a sharp, left turn people have done in the last years. The amount of characters that were aged up (yes, that is something that have been existing for a lot of years) even as the author was a minor themself... speaks how little importance this new "This is character is a minor, hence you can't write about them" policy.
I am aware of some of those minors are acting like that due to proclamed grooming... but they aren't entitled to judge everyone as if they are predator/groomers. They choose to see everyone in a bad light rather than be calm and give them the benefit of the doubt (because as many good people are out there, so are the ones who actually do bad stuff) but they are only making the good people rethink they behaviour and, after seeing how those supposed groomed minors act, me, As an adult, really don't want to interact with someone who likes to point their finger and refuses to see and respect the others. And that response from us (that, actually, is pretty common. The same thing parents do to their kids, grounding them because the parent is aware that the kid won't listen and isn't seeing the reason behind the punishment... when is deserved, of course. Teenagers choose to see that as a challenge and try to push harder against a non-existent enemy.
And that Idia user is just proving that this policy is stupid; speaking of committing such act just because your very fake, very flexible character isn't the same age as you and you won't acknowledge your previous statements because that would mean you were an hypocrite... yeah, very stupid.
Characters are made with that young look because that is what sells; youth is far more wanted than seniority. If It weren't because the author wanted to put an age, all characters can be +30, we won't be none the wiser because that's how a great deal of them (characters) are designed to be.
You depict the character that you love as an equal in terms of age because, personally, I want them to be +24 just like me. When I was 18, I imagined the characters the same age as me and so on.
Well, I could speak more but every time my mind turns into a mush because like every other topic, it is not a black-and-white one, but a big scale of grays, so this small rant will turn into an essay if I proceed haha. I hope that I have, at least, made my point and reached you as I intended.
You know your fans, so apologies if you find this text discourse-inducing in some way. You can delete this if that's the case!
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cavariously · 3 years
[Trying my hand at a fan fiction.
I love to write but I have never done anything like this before, so all feedback would be extremely appreciated (Grammer, Plot, Characters etc.).
I love Tokyo Ghoul so I really hope I don't fuck this up 😅. A big thank you to anyone who reads this ❤️]
Caution: Agressive Swearing, Offensive Language, Graphic Violence.
Notes: Takes place post end of TG:re, Reapers = Marshall version of Doves.
1. Crow - 24
City lights and the rushing motions of the landscape turn the 24th ward into a blinding and blaring circus. Humans. They crawl through this city with the assurance that they will be here tomorrow. They will be here a year from now. They will be here forever. They are the only lifeform with this assurance. All other creatures in this world live with the knowledge that their making it to the next moment is a fifty fifty
It is certainly a miracle that they last, noticing absolutely nothing at all. They don't see the effects that the fumes of their veichles have on the planet that they grip so tightly to. They can't begin to recognise that they are being continually watched and targeted by devices that could wipe them from the face of said Earth in less than zero. They don't even notice the apex predictor observing them from less than a mile above.
Humans simply move from one spot to another, only stopping to cause irrevocable disaster and reduce their surroundings to less than ash, and then move on to the next target. Someone said that humans are Parasites, and although it may be naive to believe this was wholly correct, it would be complete ignorance to dismiss it entirely. Ghouls do not indulge in such ignorance. Parasite is an apt description for a human, from the perspective of a ghoul, that and food.
The figure stands tall, wind rushing rapidly through their tied up hair. They can smell the putrescence of man-kind as they go about their sweaty and arrogant business. They would laugh if it wasn't so tragic. What do humans amount to? They are greedy and bloody bags of meat that fight and hate more than any other being, yet they are allowed to multiply and just be. It could be argued that ghouls are the same as humans in this aspect, but most abide by the one meal a month agreement, even though this arrangement can be hell for some. Unlike humans, who see violence as their God given right, when ghouls fight, it is rarely for anything other than survival. Perhaps this view doesn't take all ghouls into account, but all humans gorge themselves on everything, and fight for any fucking reason they want.
Twenty years ago, a disaster was meant to end this disparity. For the first time ever, ghouls and humans fought together to save the world they shared from the monster that had been designated 'DRAGON'. The defeating of this enemy was meant to end in equality, where ghouls and humans shared the world equally. Scientific leaps had been made. Synthetic meats that ghouls could eat, so they wouldn't have to harm humans. The corpse of Dragon even lead to dramatic advancements in the medical field. Humans were now benefiting from ghoul DNA, as it allowed them to combat most illnesses and increase their lifespan somewhat. After all that ghouls had done for them, weren't humans grateful? No. Ten years, then ghouls were back to being vile creatures to be hunted, and were forced back to living in the sewers. The deaths of so many perfectly good and innocent ghouls, just so that humanity could screw them all over again. What a funny tragedy.
Another figure appeared from the shadows, stepping in line with their comrade. Neither looking at the other, they both silently watched the ferris-wheel turn round and round. A world that they saw as rightfully theirs. They were hungry for it and they would have it. No matter the cost. In fact, the more human casualties... the better.
"Are you ready to go?" the newcomer asked, never taking their attention away from everything below.
"Yeah. Any longer and I might have to eat you."
"Like you could" came the cold, arrogant response.
"Just because you got five inches on me now, doesn't mean I can't still beat your ass Da..."
"Don't fucking call me that. While we're out here you call me Kuma and I call you... Blindfold, or Eyeless. Something like that." Even though his response had been quick and sharp, neither his tone nor his concentration had wavered.
"Eyeless" they conceded.
"Fine, Eyeless it is. Just don't go shouting our real names out in public. You're enough of a liability as it is without giving our fucking identities away."
Eyeless finally turned to look at their brother. They couldn't help feeling a pang of nostalgia. He had been so small once, constantly hanging onto their shoulders and making paper birds that he place all over their home. Those memories hurt, especially when they remembered what came after. He used to smile so much and now he's a moody little shit. They'd never been like that at fourteen, they thought smugly.
"Fine. Let's go KUMA before I rip your snarky head off." With that final retort, Eyeless turned and stepped off of the roof.
Kuma watched them drop six stories, landing with grace and poise. Why were they always so aggravating? Maybe he was jealous of their natural ability, or perhaps they were just a pain in the ass to be related to. With a sigh and a wandering look to the night sky, he followed suit.
* * *
The Marshalls finished up disposing of the ghoul. Bikakus are a pain in the ass Haruto thought, but it's better than a Ukaku. Haruto loved the fact that he was an intimidating figure. The ghoul had basically shat itself as soon as it had seen his large muscular frame, and cruel bearded face. The black trench coat they wore, that often announced the end for ghouls, probably didn't hurt either. He nudged the face of the corpse with his foot. He reckoned it wouldn't even be worth removing his Kakahou to get a new quinque. Taking into account the short amount of time it had taken him and Kenji to bypass his defences and cut him through the middle, he was a B rated ghoul maximum.
"Right, time we get back" Haruto sighed.
"Mhm" Kenji agreed. He never said much.
"Did you bring the body bag? You never know, you might be able to upgrade that piece of shit you call a quinque." Haruto laughed loudly. He loved taking the piss out of Kenji, especially when he knew his only retort woukd be 'mhm'.
As expected, Kenji responded with a grumbling "Mhm", and moved towards the body.
Haruto, turned to walk away, lighting a cigarette and beginning to inhale deeply. That Kenji was going to marry his sister. What's he gonna say when the priest asks him if he takes her to be his lawfully wedded wife? Mhm. Haruto chuckled to himself. All in all Kenji was a good guy, and one hell of a Marshall. He could use that crappy Ukaku quinque pretty damn well, even if it did come from a C rated ghoul. Kenji also took Haruto's kids to the beach when he and Mrs Haruto wanted a quiet weekend. He might be an ugly fucker with next to no hair, and a face that made you want to split him down the middle, but he was clean and sometimes smelt nice. Yeah, Kenji could marry his sister if he wanted. She could do a hell of a lot worse.
A loud splatter sounded out behind Haruto. He spun on his heels, instincts flaring immediately into action. Where the fuck was Kenji? Where his partner had been attempting to fit the ghoul into the black bag, there was now the cut in half corpse of his future brother in law, fallen to the sides with a blindfolded figure standing in the middle. His entire being twitched in anticipation of this thing making a move to kill him, but all it did was leasurly bend down and scoop something up from the gore beneath. As the creature straightened up, he saw that it was simply sucking on one of Kenji's bloody fingers. To others, this might signify a psychotic animal, but to a seasoned Marshall, this was a confident and calculating killer plain and simple. A powerful one at that. Their clothes were indistinctive; clad in thin black leather and fabric, however, their mask was a completely different story. Almost the entirety of its face was covered. Its mouth had a tight black fabric wrapped over it, with a skeletal smile that would open, revealing the snaking pink tongue underneath. The huge back leather collar surrounding it could be zipped up to hide all but the eyes from the world. Not that the eyes could be seen either. A bone white blindfold shut them off from view. Foreign symbols were drawn in deep black on either side, with the a closed eye taking centre stage. Although it was just a drawing, that closed eye was unearving, as if the lack of sight heightened its ability to see, instead of impeding it.
Now this was a ghoul. Just by its sheer presence Haruto could tell this one was rated A, or more likely >S. Haruto couldn't deny to himself that he was intimidated, but he was a senior Marshall, and always backed himself in a one on one. He looked down at his fallen partner and gulped. First things first, get into this guys head. Haruto scanned the ghoul, looking for weaknesses that he could exploit verbally. If he was lucky, the reaction could lead to him obtaining an edge. He noticed that this ghoul was slight in stature, maybe five foot five all told.
"You wanna end up like this other piece of shit, you fucking dwarf."
This garnered absolutely nothing.
Haruto couldn't take it much longer. This creature continued to lapp at the guts of his dead partner, that were splattered over its fingers. It obviously didn't give a shit what it looked like to others. It reminded him of a cat, publically cleaning its fur and genitals with no concern for the world. It was fucking reveling in its feast, and it made Haruto's blood boil.
"You killed an innocent man. He was gonna have a family and you ripped him apart. You monsters have no fucking souls and you all belong in hell. That's where I'm gonna send you. I'm a fucking senior Marshall you stupid shit. You have no clue how badly you've fucked up."
Again, the ghoul made no sign of changing emotion, continuing to dip its fingers in Kenji and take its time eating. Haruto knew he needed something else to get into its head so he scanned again. 'Shit' he thought, as the ghost of a smile passed over his lips. The majority of its body was covered in black that mostly obscured its shape, however, his keen eyes saw that although its grey hair was tied up, it was probably quite long when undone. At its chest area, although it was probably bound, there was the hint of a slightly tented structure. The hardest one to spot was the hips. Despite them being covered by black leather shorts, those hips were a tad too wide to be a man's.
"Alright you sick fuck. I'M A COMMIN FOR YA!"
With one last drive to uncover more courage, Haruto raised his Kokaku quinque and lept towards the ghoul.
As Haruto closed the distance with extreme speed, to less than two meters, the shadow of another figure dropped from the sky, landing directly next to the first. Haruto skidded to a halt, taken aback by the new masked creature. This one was certainly taller, and its face was covered by a red, horned mask. It was only as his attention slipped completely that he realised his final mistake. For the first time, the blindfolded ghoul smiled widely, the skeletal mouth parting to reveal massive bloody teeth.
The next thing Haruto knew was that he was laying down on the ground, face to the sky. His neck was warm and dripping wet. He raised his hands to his throat as the oxygen escaped his body, feeling the deep gash that was releasing his blood. The ghouls started conversing.
"Which one you want?" the first asked the newcomer.
"I don't care. You killed 'em both so you choose" the other responded dispondantly.
"Well, you're the growing boy so you take the ghoul and the first Reaper."
"Damn, well fuck me if you ain't the best big sister" uttered the male ghoul sarcastically, as he casually walked over to Kenji and the dead ghoul. "Why you taking you're mask off you sicko? The guys not even dead yet."
"I like it when they watch me" the female ghoul giggled.
Haruto saw the shadow of something passing over his head. "Ken...Ke..ji" Haruto gasped.
Suddenly, from below him came a the same giggle. "Awww dude, I think these guys were close."
"Eyeless, eat the fucker and let's go" came the voice of the male.
"Hey buddy boy, look at me will you" said the female from his feet.
Haruto craned his neck, scared of what he might see, but thinking 'fuck it' to himself. What's did he have to be afraid of, he's already dead. When he finally focused on the face he was confused. She was chewing on a leg. His leg. When the fuck did she get her dirty hands on that? When she'd finished on his leg, licking the tips of her fingers with delight, she bent down and hovered over him. Eyeless? That's what the other one had called her, but that wasn't true at all. Now that her blindfold was off he could see the entirety of her murderous giddy face.
"You're very funny" she said. "Innocent man. Gonna have a family. Its really fucking funny."
The last thing Haruto would ever see would be a testimony to her names innacuracy. Staring at him excitedly was one grey eye, so remarkably human looking it was weird. The other eye was a pool of darkness... with a violent, blood red pupil that seemed to be trying to force its way out of its black prison. She snapped up the rest of him.
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My Bloody Valentine
A little twisted Love Day fic for my favorite rebel @thereturnofbadazz!
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“I wonder how many lovers are gonna die today,” Aly’Sha said with sneer as she watched the news.
“What yo lil psycho ass talking about, Sha Sha,” Erik asked with a smirk.
“Yeah, it’s Valentine’s Day. Why you talking about folks dying?” Kimora chirped from the other side of the living room.
“It’s also Purge Day,” Aly’Sha responds casually.
“You mean poor man elimination day,” Angel says, cradling the twins closer. Now that she was older, she didn’t see the point of violence as a means of “cleansing” the country of its sins.
“Yeah that shit’s stupid,” Erik agreed, flipping the station. “Just another tactic white folks use to eradicate black folks. Alright ladies, if y’all don’t mind, me and Mama got a date,” Erik says with a sly grin in Hennessy’s direction.
“Actually baby, I was thinking maybe you could spend the day with another wife. You’ve spent the last 16 Valentine’s Days with me, spoil someone else,” she says not looking up from her MacBook. She was in the process of scouting out new locations for her dispensary and wasn’t exactly in the mood to break concentration. Before Erik could ask which of his wives would be the lucky lady this year, Ryley stormed into the house, chest rising and falling quickly with anger.
“What’s the matter, Princess?” he asked from his relaxed position on the couch.
“Them white bitches down the street keep fuckin with me. I’m trying to be nice and keep it cute since I’m a princess now and shit, but they about to make Ryley Badazz come out of retirement!” Erik chuckled at her, loving how sexy she got when she was angry.
“Calm down, Ry Ry. Tell Daddy what happened.” He listened intently, blood boiling as she explained how the Becky’s with the stringy hair had egged her car, slashed her tires, and had been overall mocking her for the past week.
“Calm down baby. You’re a princess, don’t lower your standards for peasants.”
“That’s cute and all, but look at what they spray painted on the house.” Erik’s smirk quickly faded to a menacing mug when he saw the words ‘Killmonger’s a bitch’ spray painted in bright red paint on the northern wall of The Kompound. Without another word, he made his way downstairs to his arsenal with Ryley hot on his heels.
“How about we show them white bitches who run shit,” he called over his shoulder.
“What you mean, Daka?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well it’s Valentine’s Day and it’s also Purge Day, so how about for our date we show them why they shouldn’t fuck with the Stevens-Udaku household?” Ryley’s face twisted into a devilish grin as she gazed upon the various weapons.
Wanna play, Candy Girl?” he asked as he handed her the Swarovski studded M-16.
“Let’s play, Daddy.”
“Y’all sure y’all don’t wanna get in on the action?” Erik asked the remaining wives as he prepared for the night’s festivities.
“This is Ryley’s night, why you inviting other people?” Henny scolded from her relaxed position between Charlie’s plush thighs. They had all agreed to watch the events from the body cameras Shuri had installed on his and Ryley’s protective armor, Angel not wanting to engage in the sport because she didn’t see the point of senseless violence.
“You right, Mama,” Erik replied solemnly, looking over at Ryley. “My bad, Princess.”
“It’s cool, Fathead. Now let’s go murder some white bitches,” she says with a laugh. She was all dolled up in a pink and black bejeweled bodysuit with a pink tutu and thigh high Louboutin Frenchissima boots. On her head, she donned a pink headdress that matched her bodysuit, each piece made out of vibranium to keep her safe. Not like anyone would dare try to harm a Princess of Wakanda.
“Damn you look good enough to eat, Ry Ry,” Erik said as he admired her attire.
“Later, Daka. We got business to handle first.” The announcement sounded as the pair finished adjusting their masks.
This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., when The Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all.
At the sound of the alarm, Erik and Ryley made their way outside to his blacked out Lamborghini Aventador with butterfly doors. For aesthetic effect, he blasted the psycho version of I Got 5 On It as he maneuvered the car down the street.
“Which house baby?”
“That one, that last one on the right.”
“Sha Sha, do your thing, baby.”
In an instant, the target house went completely dark and all of their protective armor was disabled, leaving them completely exposed to the outside world.
“How did you even do that?” Kimora asked Aly’Sha, whose face was buried in her iPhone.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t really want the answer to,” Hennessy answered for her.
“You ready, Ry Ry?”
“Let’s go.”
The pair exited the vehicle and slowly crept to the bay window that displayed the living room. The owners of the dwelling could be seen crowded around one another, a desperate attempt to protect themselves. Idiots.
“Sha Sha, do the thing.”
With another press of a button, the living room began to fill with tear gas, forcing the occupants of the house to run off in different directions, unintentionally aiding the pair in their sadistic plan.
“Time to go hunting,” Erik says as he kicked the door in.
“Aye, Vita,” Bast called out quizzically to Big Sis meandering in her lab. “Why you not upstairs watching Erik and Ry Ry turn up on the Beckys?”
Vita had a theatrical setup with a projector and surround sound. It was as if she converted her space into a miniature IMAX theater.
“Because, I have some unfinished business that's about to play out on this computer screen,” she explained leaning back in her seat, gathering her snacks, getting comfortable.
“What unfinished business?”
“Did I ever tell you the story of how I came to own Amazon?”
“Since when did you own Amazo-”
“See, what had happened was…”
He bowed before me, kneeling with great shame and humility. Once a proud, vain man now driven to begging. It's his own fault you know, this present state of duress. Often times when you wish to destroy your enemy you don't have to pull the trigger yourself, you only have to had them the gun and watch them blow their own brains out.
What made him a target, you ask? They were the vices he frequently indulged himself in; greed, lust, hubris, all of which led him to being an easy mark.
What were the bullets I used? His disgruntled employees, his gullible mistress, his betrayed wife, his disloyal business associates. Each pawn having been strategically used for my benefit and mine alone.
What pulled the trigger? He dared to insult me as if I were anything less than greatness. He'd the nerve to belittle my life's work as if I weren't a force to be reckoned with. I had just finished a masterful presentation of my future plans for my then budding tech company and as everyone else showered me with my well deserved praise he thought it humorous to describe my exemplary business model as “cute”. I could not let such a slight get away with impunity, a lesson needed to be taught.
Shortly after his billion dollar divorce when his liaisons with another woman were “mysteriously” leaked he tried to push his already exhausted workers even further which led to an international strike, that lasted for several months due to strikers being funded by an “anonymous” donor that helped them pay their bills at home and even finance ad campaigns to expose the heinous labor practices of the company, causing a severe decline in business. With sales and online traffic on the decline stocks careened further into the economic abyss leaving investors dissatisfied. Receiving inside information from an “unknown” source, they collectively decided to relocate their interests into another expedition… Mine.
That's right, my “cute” little business became a worldwide conglomerate seemingly overnight. And he could have shared in that wealth had he not crossed me. Now I, Davita Roberson, tower over him as he's become a hollow shell of his former self, selling what remains of his share in his dying company for pennies of what it used to be. Both his ex wife and former flame have found new loves that I helped introduced them to, his former workers are living more fulfilled lives under my employ, and I've blackballed all of those crooked investors because they couldn't be trusted.
Jeff will have to live out the remainder of his life buried in debt and regret, but who cares. The moment he affronted me was the instant he sealed his fate…
“And that's what happened,” Vita concluded.
With a roll of her eyes Bast couldn't help but ask,“You righteously decided to pull a massive company takeover because he called your business cute?”
“He was being passive aggressive. By calling my business plan “cute” he was downplaying it as if I were some child. He was belittling me and underestimated my capabilities. So bitch had it comin!”
“Aight aight, so what does that have to do with this little personal movie night you got going?”
“Well, Bezos couldn't stand being broke so he sold his body for a Purge Feast. He was right back to living his old lifestyle only on someone else's dime.”
“OK? That sounds amazing, what's the catch and what is a Purge Feast? Is he about to be gangbanged, what?”
“He's about to be eaten.”
“When a person donates their body to a Purge Feast they are provided a lavish lifestyle, they have to be disease free, drug free, given massages to ensure their tenderness and are put on a supremely exquisite diet of delicacies so that they're meat is undeniably sweet. Jeff has been fattened, and now is the time for the slaughter.”
“Ooooooh shit scoot over, bitch!”
The two women watched as Bezos was guided onto a giant chopping block placed on a stage. He was stripped bare naked then instructed to lay face down on the human sized cutting board. The executioner came into view wielding a great axe with a long blade, sharp enough to split hairs. The massive weapon was hoisted into the air then brought down upon the back of the former CEO’s neck. A clean cut, in only one swipe the head was severed and the blood gushed forth like the intense orgasm of a woman. The executioner continued to dissect the body as a flock of chef's assistants scurried to pick up the pieces while avoiding the swings. Once completed, the good was quickly prepared and presented to a dinner party that catered to the adventurous elites of society. As the soiree carried on, Davita took a bite of her own snacks, inhaling deeply, savoring the moment.
“Mmmm, delicious.”
“My bloody valentine, sweet comic Valentine. You make me smile with my heart,” Erik’s deep voice sang from the body cam. Charlie, Kimora, Hennessy, and Aly’Sha watched with glee as their husband dismembered one of the sisters, impaling her on the banister of the grand staircase of the foyer. So far, the pair had murdered three of the six members of the family and were searching for the patriarchs of the family. They passed the young boy’s severed head and the second sister’s torso on the way upstairs. They found the mother and father huddled in their shared bedroom, the mother clutching a bible to her chest.
“Why white people always turn to God when they about to die?” Erik inquired, more rhetorically than anything.
“P-Please don’t hurt us. We’ll give you anything you want,” the woman attempted to bargain.
“Bitch I’m a Prince, I don’t need ya money. I’m just here to give your family a lesson in respect. Now, I’ll only ask this once, where’s Penelope?”
“What do you want with my daughter?” the father asked with a little too much bass in his voice. Erik fired a warning shot to his right thigh before answering.
“I ask the questions here, Bob, but if you must know, the little bitch vandalized my property and harassed my wife. She just wants an apology, right Ry Ry?”
“Yes Daddy,” Ryley said with mock sincerity.
“She’s downstairs, under the staircase.”
“Say less,” Ryley said, skipping downstairs to the girl’s hiding place. She growled with anger when she discovered the spot was empty.
“That bitch lying, Daddy!” Another set warning shots went off upstairs, this time striking the mother in the ribs and the father in the shoulder.
“See, I was tryna be nice about this. I’m already gone kill y’all, don’t expedite the process. Where the fuck is she?”
“I’m right here you black bastard!” Suddenly the entire room exploded in flames as Penelope appeared with a flamethrower. When the flames dispersed, Erik stood completely unharmed with a twisted grin on his face.
“You really though you did some shit, huh?” Penelope’s face twisted in horror as she watched Ryley appear behind her with a metal baseball bat, a weapon she’d gotten from the younger boy’s room. With one hard hit to the head, Penelope was out. Erik and Ryley the drug the bodies downstairs, tying them up in the center of the living room.
“We are gonna purge today, purge today, purge today. We are gonna purge today and burn this bitch down,” Ryley sang gleefully as they exited the house.
“Sha Sha, cue the fireworks.”
In an instant the entire house exploded, lighting up the entire neighborhood like the 4th of July. As a means to commemorate the night, the couple made love on the hood of the Lamborghini, the screams of the dying family serving as their background music.
“Wow. That was hot,” Charlie said as Erik emptied himself onto Ryley’s bloodsoaked face.
“Literally,” Hennessy said in agreement. Suddenly, Ryley’s voice could be heard from the cam.
“Happy Purge Day, sluts!”
TAGS: @itsangeludaku @hearteyes-for-killmonger @poosypoosy @vikkidc @panthergoddessbast @blackpantherismyish @dameshaemonique @sydneebleu @amethyst1993 @blowmymbackout @trevantesbrat @thadelightfulone @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @killmongersgurl @tgigoldie @supersizemeplz @wawakanda-btch @bidibidibombaclaat @calitexastrillgoddess @thehomierobbstark @mareethequeen @iamrheaspeaks @forbeautyandlife @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Ah, I see you're a person of culture cause well-written enemies or rivals (I agree there's a difference!) to lovers is a superior AU. I actually don't like friends to lovers, I don't hate it and when the story is great I might read it, I definitely read some good ones, but it's not my fave trope - most of my friends agree, sometimes those stories are a bit boring or too angsty for my liking. I'm also not a fan of babies being involved, pregnancy is a turn off too. I'm always wary of arranged marriage, because some works are extremely unrealistic when it comes to that trope, and a lot of the themes within just make me uncomfortable. Some general things I dislike apart from many sex-related stuff are: too much drama, ditching interesting topics or never addressing important events, when the characters are poorly written and just awful, but we're supposed to be rooting for them, the dialogues are either stupid or boring. I also agree descriptions are a must! Some might be too long and sometimes writers are trying too hard with the flowery language (kinda relatable), but I want to have a clear picture of the surroundings. I also dislike when every character needs to have a partner, for example with Ateez, if all members are in the fic all of them are with someone (sometimes with each other), it's just... not necessary to be honest. Also, when I signed up for a particular pairing but at times the focus is on other ships, even if I don't mind them, I'm not that interested in their story. I'm currently reading one fic, I love it, but the last two updates weren't about the main couple and I feel bad for skipping the chapters. 😅
For the things I like except for enemies to lovers: I said friends to lovers is a hit or miss, but I do like friends with benefits to lovers! Former friends who reunited after years to lovers is great too! I'm a fan of historical, fantasy, supernatural AUs so so much. Royal AUs, time travelling, time loop, witches, vampires, etc etc. I don't mind plot heavy fics if the story is really engaging. I like uni/college AUs even though I've been out of university for years. For m/f fiction I like bad girl x good guy ones, we usually get the opposite and many are fucking awful, the guys are absolutely terrible and deserve the worst and the girls are stupid and naive. Cannot stand it! But a sweet nerd paired with a badass girl? Yeah, sign me the fuck up. One exception is when the girl is actually confident and witty, and the bad boy isn't actually an asshole, just annoying and sly. Yes, definitely love when the couple is a bit odd and seemingly doesn't match, but they actually get along well.
Ah, shit that's long so I'll stop now! - DV 💖
omg hello hello !!!
Ah, I see you're a person of culture cause well-written enemies or rivals (I agree there's a difference!) to lovers is a superior AU.
honestly i prefer rivals to lovers more than etl at times <33
I actually don't like friends to lovers, I don't hate it and when the story is great I might read it, I definitely read some good ones, but it's not my fave trope - most of my friends agree, sometimes those stories are a bit boring or too angsty for my liking.
1000% AGREE sometimes with friends to lovers it’s great but im not attracted to reading it in that sense? like if i see it in an au i get double minded abt reading it,,, maybe it’s bc it feels kind bland to me?? like there isn’t that oomph factor that a different story could offer
I'm also not a fan of babies being involved, pregnancy is a turn off too. I'm always wary of arranged marriage, because some works are extremely unrealistic when it comes to that trope, and a lot of the themes within just make me uncomfortable.
actually might be an unpopular opinion but i do like the pregnancy trope if it’s used correctly? ifykwim !! like not out of nowhere or something or having a pregnancy when it’s completely not the plot?? i’m hoping this is phrased right fbfbf
hMMM ARRANGE MARRIAGE AU’S i have a mix reaction to them, (currently prepping one 😭😭) like i prefer if that arrange marriage is somewhat realistic in a sense? not like completely off the charts ridiculous level of love and sorts, i like it when it’s like two completely opposite ppl (either personalities or profession) and see them manage their way and try to work it out fbwmfbem what makes me weirded out in these au’s is that there’s ALWAYS an ex who’s very violent and the guy is supposed to beat the ex up 😭😭😭😭
Some general things I dislike apart from many sex-related stuff are: too much drama, ditching interesting topics or never addressing important events, when the characters are poorly written and just awful, but we're supposed to be rooting for them, the dialogues are either stupid or boring.
YES YES too much drama can overpower the entire fic and it’s super frustrating bc ur trying to get to the end but so !!! much !!! unnecessary conflict and drama !!! i think the main part should be : be interesting to read, don’t skip around the details and provide a valuable explanation of the topics bc they’re rly interesting !! like i see a lot of fics where the dialogue r literally swearing for half the fic and it turns me off and i rUN
I also agree descriptions are a must! Some might be too long and sometimes writers are trying too hard with the flowery language (kinda relatable), but I want to have a clear picture of the surroundings.
OH MAN I SEE THAT FLOWERY LANGUAGE TOO OFTEN,,,, correct me too!! when i read a fic i like to image the entirety of it like a movie, the details get embedded in my mind for like a few days after reading a fic like that = successful at writing fics when someone feels like that
I also dislike when every character needs to have a partner, for example with Ateez, if all members are in the fic all of them are with someone (sometimes with each other), it's just... not necessary to be honest. Also, when I signed up for a particular pairing but at times the focus is on other ships, even if I don't mind them, I'm not that interested in their story. I'm currently reading one fic, I love it, but the last two updates weren't about the main couple and I feel bad for skipping the chapters. 😅
this is SUCH an underrated thing GENUINELY not everyone has to be in a relationship, like somehow mentioning “oh he has a girlfriend” and mention some random name that has no correlation to the story or provide any importance of sorts, yeah,,,,, not necessary to be honest bc a fic is abt two ppl, u can ofc include others but ur main focus should be on the TWO ppl
For the things I like except for enemies to lovers: I said friends to lovers is a hit or miss, but I do like friends with benefits to lovers!
omg there’s so so many good friends to lovers fic and they r top tier 🤌🏼✨✨
Former friends who reunited after years to lovers is great too! I'm a fan of historical, fantasy, supernatural AUs so so much. Royal AUs, time travelling, time loop, witches, vampires, etc etc.
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dUDE YES EVERYTHING HERE EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!! historical au’s with the use of folklore and the royalty mixed 😩😩 TIME TRAVELLING LOOPHOLES WITCHES FANTASY girlie i hope u like the next fic bc it has everything u described iM GONNA SCREAM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I don't mind plot heavy fics if the story is really engaging. I like uni/college AUs even though I've been out of university for years. For m/f fiction I like bad girl x good guy ones, we usually get the opposite and many are fucking awful, the guys are absolutely terrible and deserve the worst and the girls are stupid and naive.
me too!! i actually rly like plot heavy fics bc the journey is so rewarding at the end !!!! i love love it when the roles are reversed,,, bc we see it so often in au’s the reverse just hits a spot,,, bad girl x good guys 😩😩😩 STOP LITERALLY THE GUYS R TERRIBLE AND THE GIRLS R USUALLY EXTREMELY NAIVE
Cannot stand it! But a sweet nerd paired with a badass girl? Yeah, sign me the fuck up.
sign me the fuck up bestie, i hope u like a au where hwa is a tutor (junior in uni) and the reader is the person he tutors and is a senior and is attracted to him and he pushes reader down all the time (like saying “we should work rather than this”) bc reader’s very outspoken and it makes him 😳😳 esp bc he a nerd and with pink hair and those black glasses 😭😭😭 KIND OF SIMILAR TO BODYGUARD AU IM WRITING he gets flustered super quick ☺️
One exception is when the girl is actually confident and witty, and the bad boy isn't actually an asshole, just annoying and sly. Yes, definitely love when the couple is a bit odd and seemingly doesn't match, but they actually get along well.
ok but a girl being absolutely witty and confident with a guy who’s cockily annoying and tests her but is nice and not overly rude rude— just annoying like yes. YES love the odd parings they’re always the cute ones and somehow always find something they can get along at
oh no worries!!! loved hearing ur side!! 💓💓
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