#ryley the rebel
searsage · 2 years
"It is only dangerous if left untreated, while generally such infection is considered mild, we have no knowledge of what damage it could do to Robin's unprepared human immunsystem." Al-an explained his gaze never leaving the shivering researcher's sleeping form.
Even if his human wasn't incapacitated, already her frail body was running a high fever…
"Well..what are we waiting for? How do we treat it?" Ryley's fustration was evident but for once this did not bother the architect, the hermit's worry would make him less likely to rebel against Al-an's minor change in plans.
"There is an antivirus, it's quite common, one I know is in the Elisskat's possession."
"But..how will we get it.?"
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My Bloody Valentine
A little twisted Love Day fic for my favorite rebel @thereturnofbadazz!
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“I wonder how many lovers are gonna die today,” Aly’Sha said with sneer as she watched the news.
“What yo lil psycho ass talking about, Sha Sha,” Erik asked with a smirk.
“Yeah, it’s Valentine’s Day. Why you talking about folks dying?” Kimora chirped from the other side of the living room.
“It’s also Purge Day,” Aly’Sha responds casually.
“You mean poor man elimination day,” Angel says, cradling the twins closer. Now that she was older, she didn’t see the point of violence as a means of “cleansing” the country of its sins.
“Yeah that shit’s stupid,” Erik agreed, flipping the station. “Just another tactic white folks use to eradicate black folks. Alright ladies, if y’all don’t mind, me and Mama got a date,” Erik says with a sly grin in Hennessy’s direction.
“Actually baby, I was thinking maybe you could spend the day with another wife. You’ve spent the last 16 Valentine’s Days with me, spoil someone else,” she says not looking up from her MacBook. She was in the process of scouting out new locations for her dispensary and wasn’t exactly in the mood to break concentration. Before Erik could ask which of his wives would be the lucky lady this year, Ryley stormed into the house, chest rising and falling quickly with anger.
“What’s the matter, Princess?” he asked from his relaxed position on the couch.
“Them white bitches down the street keep fuckin with me. I’m trying to be nice and keep it cute since I’m a princess now and shit, but they about to make Ryley Badazz come out of retirement!” Erik chuckled at her, loving how sexy she got when she was angry.
“Calm down, Ry Ry. Tell Daddy what happened.” He listened intently, blood boiling as she explained how the Becky’s with the stringy hair had egged her car, slashed her tires, and had been overall mocking her for the past week.
“Calm down baby. You’re a princess, don’t lower your standards for peasants.”
“That’s cute and all, but look at what they spray painted on the house.” Erik’s smirk quickly faded to a menacing mug when he saw the words ‘Killmonger’s a bitch’ spray painted in bright red paint on the northern wall of The Kompound. Without another word, he made his way downstairs to his arsenal with Ryley hot on his heels.
“How about we show them white bitches who run shit,” he called over his shoulder.
“What you mean, Daka?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well it’s Valentine’s Day and it’s also Purge Day, so how about for our date we show them why they shouldn’t fuck with the Stevens-Udaku household?” Ryley’s face twisted into a devilish grin as she gazed upon the various weapons.
Wanna play, Candy Girl?” he asked as he handed her the Swarovski studded M-16.
“Let’s play, Daddy.”
“Y’all sure y’all don’t wanna get in on the action?” Erik asked the remaining wives as he prepared for the night’s festivities.
“This is Ryley’s night, why you inviting other people?” Henny scolded from her relaxed position between Charlie’s plush thighs. They had all agreed to watch the events from the body cameras Shuri had installed on his and Ryley’s protective armor, Angel not wanting to engage in the sport because she didn’t see the point of senseless violence.
“You right, Mama,” Erik replied solemnly, looking over at Ryley. “My bad, Princess.”
“It’s cool, Fathead. Now let’s go murder some white bitches,” she says with a laugh. She was all dolled up in a pink and black bejeweled bodysuit with a pink tutu and thigh high Louboutin Frenchissima boots. On her head, she donned a pink headdress that matched her bodysuit, each piece made out of vibranium to keep her safe. Not like anyone would dare try to harm a Princess of Wakanda.
“Damn you look good enough to eat, Ry Ry,” Erik said as he admired her attire.
“Later, Daka. We got business to handle first.” The announcement sounded as the pair finished adjusting their masks.
This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., when The Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all.
At the sound of the alarm, Erik and Ryley made their way outside to his blacked out Lamborghini Aventador with butterfly doors. For aesthetic effect, he blasted the psycho version of I Got 5 On It as he maneuvered the car down the street.
“Which house baby?”
“That one, that last one on the right.”
“Sha Sha, do your thing, baby.”
In an instant, the target house went completely dark and all of their protective armor was disabled, leaving them completely exposed to the outside world.
“How did you even do that?” Kimora asked Aly’Sha, whose face was buried in her iPhone.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t really want the answer to,” Hennessy answered for her.
“You ready, Ry Ry?”
“Let’s go.”
The pair exited the vehicle and slowly crept to the bay window that displayed the living room. The owners of the dwelling could be seen crowded around one another, a desperate attempt to protect themselves. Idiots.
“Sha Sha, do the thing.”
With another press of a button, the living room began to fill with tear gas, forcing the occupants of the house to run off in different directions, unintentionally aiding the pair in their sadistic plan.
“Time to go hunting,” Erik says as he kicked the door in.
“Aye, Vita,” Bast called out quizzically to Big Sis meandering in her lab. “Why you not upstairs watching Erik and Ry Ry turn up on the Beckys?”
Vita had a theatrical setup with a projector and surround sound. It was as if she converted her space into a miniature IMAX theater.
“Because, I have some unfinished business that's about to play out on this computer screen,” she explained leaning back in her seat, gathering her snacks, getting comfortable.
“What unfinished business?”
“Did I ever tell you the story of how I came to own Amazon?”
“Since when did you own Amazo-”
“See, what had happened was…”
He bowed before me, kneeling with great shame and humility. Once a proud, vain man now driven to begging. It's his own fault you know, this present state of duress. Often times when you wish to destroy your enemy you don't have to pull the trigger yourself, you only have to had them the gun and watch them blow their own brains out.
What made him a target, you ask? They were the vices he frequently indulged himself in; greed, lust, hubris, all of which led him to being an easy mark.
What were the bullets I used? His disgruntled employees, his gullible mistress, his betrayed wife, his disloyal business associates. Each pawn having been strategically used for my benefit and mine alone.
What pulled the trigger? He dared to insult me as if I were anything less than greatness. He'd the nerve to belittle my life's work as if I weren't a force to be reckoned with. I had just finished a masterful presentation of my future plans for my then budding tech company and as everyone else showered me with my well deserved praise he thought it humorous to describe my exemplary business model as “cute”. I could not let such a slight get away with impunity, a lesson needed to be taught.
Shortly after his billion dollar divorce when his liaisons with another woman were “mysteriously” leaked he tried to push his already exhausted workers even further which led to an international strike, that lasted for several months due to strikers being funded by an “anonymous” donor that helped them pay their bills at home and even finance ad campaigns to expose the heinous labor practices of the company, causing a severe decline in business. With sales and online traffic on the decline stocks careened further into the economic abyss leaving investors dissatisfied. Receiving inside information from an “unknown” source, they collectively decided to relocate their interests into another expedition… Mine.
That's right, my “cute” little business became a worldwide conglomerate seemingly overnight. And he could have shared in that wealth had he not crossed me. Now I, Davita Roberson, tower over him as he's become a hollow shell of his former self, selling what remains of his share in his dying company for pennies of what it used to be. Both his ex wife and former flame have found new loves that I helped introduced them to, his former workers are living more fulfilled lives under my employ, and I've blackballed all of those crooked investors because they couldn't be trusted.
Jeff will have to live out the remainder of his life buried in debt and regret, but who cares. The moment he affronted me was the instant he sealed his fate…
“And that's what happened,” Vita concluded.
With a roll of her eyes Bast couldn't help but ask,“You righteously decided to pull a massive company takeover because he called your business cute?”
“He was being passive aggressive. By calling my business plan “cute” he was downplaying it as if I were some child. He was belittling me and underestimated my capabilities. So bitch had it comin!”
“Aight aight, so what does that have to do with this little personal movie night you got going?”
“Well, Bezos couldn't stand being broke so he sold his body for a Purge Feast. He was right back to living his old lifestyle only on someone else's dime.”
“OK? That sounds amazing, what's the catch and what is a Purge Feast? Is he about to be gangbanged, what?”
“He's about to be eaten.”
“When a person donates their body to a Purge Feast they are provided a lavish lifestyle, they have to be disease free, drug free, given massages to ensure their tenderness and are put on a supremely exquisite diet of delicacies so that they're meat is undeniably sweet. Jeff has been fattened, and now is the time for the slaughter.”
“Ooooooh shit scoot over, bitch!”
The two women watched as Bezos was guided onto a giant chopping block placed on a stage. He was stripped bare naked then instructed to lay face down on the human sized cutting board. The executioner came into view wielding a great axe with a long blade, sharp enough to split hairs. The massive weapon was hoisted into the air then brought down upon the back of the former CEO’s neck. A clean cut, in only one swipe the head was severed and the blood gushed forth like the intense orgasm of a woman. The executioner continued to dissect the body as a flock of chef's assistants scurried to pick up the pieces while avoiding the swings. Once completed, the good was quickly prepared and presented to a dinner party that catered to the adventurous elites of society. As the soiree carried on, Davita took a bite of her own snacks, inhaling deeply, savoring the moment.
“Mmmm, delicious.”
“My bloody valentine, sweet comic Valentine. You make me smile with my heart,” Erik’s deep voice sang from the body cam. Charlie, Kimora, Hennessy, and Aly’Sha watched with glee as their husband dismembered one of the sisters, impaling her on the banister of the grand staircase of the foyer. So far, the pair had murdered three of the six members of the family and were searching for the patriarchs of the family. They passed the young boy’s severed head and the second sister’s torso on the way upstairs. They found the mother and father huddled in their shared bedroom, the mother clutching a bible to her chest.
“Why white people always turn to God when they about to die?” Erik inquired, more rhetorically than anything.
“P-Please don’t hurt us. We’ll give you anything you want,” the woman attempted to bargain.
“Bitch I’m a Prince, I don’t need ya money. I’m just here to give your family a lesson in respect. Now, I’ll only ask this once, where’s Penelope?”
“What do you want with my daughter?” the father asked with a little too much bass in his voice. Erik fired a warning shot to his right thigh before answering.
“I ask the questions here, Bob, but if you must know, the little bitch vandalized my property and harassed my wife. She just wants an apology, right Ry Ry?”
“Yes Daddy,” Ryley said with mock sincerity.
“She’s downstairs, under the staircase.”
“Say less,” Ryley said, skipping downstairs to the girl’s hiding place. She growled with anger when she discovered the spot was empty.
“That bitch lying, Daddy!” Another set warning shots went off upstairs, this time striking the mother in the ribs and the father in the shoulder.
“See, I was tryna be nice about this. I’m already gone kill y’all, don’t expedite the process. Where the fuck is she?”
“I’m right here you black bastard!” Suddenly the entire room exploded in flames as Penelope appeared with a flamethrower. When the flames dispersed, Erik stood completely unharmed with a twisted grin on his face.
“You really though you did some shit, huh?” Penelope’s face twisted in horror as she watched Ryley appear behind her with a metal baseball bat, a weapon she’d gotten from the younger boy’s room. With one hard hit to the head, Penelope was out. Erik and Ryley the drug the bodies downstairs, tying them up in the center of the living room.
“We are gonna purge today, purge today, purge today. We are gonna purge today and burn this bitch down,” Ryley sang gleefully as they exited the house.
“Sha Sha, cue the fireworks.”
In an instant the entire house exploded, lighting up the entire neighborhood like the 4th of July. As a means to commemorate the night, the couple made love on the hood of the Lamborghini, the screams of the dying family serving as their background music.
“Wow. That was hot,” Charlie said as Erik emptied himself onto Ryley’s bloodsoaked face.
“Literally,” Hennessy said in agreement. Suddenly, Ryley’s voice could be heard from the cam.
“Happy Purge Day, sluts!”
TAGS: @itsangeludaku @hearteyes-for-killmonger @poosypoosy @vikkidc @panthergoddessbast @blackpantherismyish @dameshaemonique @sydneebleu @amethyst1993 @blowmymbackout @trevantesbrat @thadelightfulone @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @killmongersgurl @tgigoldie @supersizemeplz @wawakanda-btch @bidibidibombaclaat @calitexastrillgoddess @thehomierobbstark @mareethequeen @iamrheaspeaks @forbeautyandlife @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove
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thekompound · 6 years
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In order from left to right:
@poosypoosy @thehomiekillmonger Ryley @itsangeludaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @alyshastevens-udaku @lovemecharlie
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trvelyans-archive · 4 years
not anon because I'm a rebel but! you followed me first and I remember being floored because I'd seen your blog before (found you because of your fo3 fics and fell in-love with Josie and how you write Butch!!) and couldn't fathom how someone so cool would want to follow me. I stayed because you're incredibly sweet, funny, and so so talented! your writing is incredible, your edits are amazing, and you're just a beautiful, lovely person!
SCREAM RYLEY THIS IS SO SWEET ILYSM i am so happy i found you bc you are such a pleasant and welcoming person and i LOVE YOUR WRITING !!! and you are so nice and sweet and friendly and kind !!! i’m so glad we are mutuals and i am happy to see everything you create & happy i will be around to see all the things you’ll create in the future !!!
anonymously tell me why you follow me
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aelyosos · 4 years
i'm not doing this on anon because i'm a rebel, but!! you followed me first, and after i got over being utterly shocked that someone so cool would follow me, i followed you because you seemed funny and awesome and then we spoke and you are one of the sweetest people i've ever met, so friendly and caring and you're a bright spot on my dash, seriously so happy we became mutuals! 💜💜
aaaah ryley i jst adore the hell outta u !! 😭💞 this made me smile so much & i can’t get over how lucky i am to kno u 🥺 srsly , the amount of kindness, love & talent u radiate is jst !!!!!! (also me @ ur oc’s....... 👀) i’m happy ur here , and even happier to call u a friend n mutual 💕
anonymously tell me why you follow me / askbox
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letsquestjess · 4 years
Subnautica: Echoes: Character Profile - Lyra Robinson
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Age: 26
Nationality: British
Profession: Junior Researcher
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Green
Lyra is the daughter of Alterra Governor, Ryley Robinson, and world renowned explorer, Astrid Robinson (nee Barnes). In her younger years, Lyra was known to be a bit of a rebel, especially if there was something she felt strongly about. An advocate for change, her schools and her parents encouraged her voice.
Her life dramatically changed at twelve years old when Alterra hired her mother as their Head of Exploration. The Robinson’s settled on one of Alterra’s space stations, and Lyra found her passion: space. At eighteen, she gained a place at the International Academy of Space Sciences and Cosmic Education on Luna, where she met Cassidy Howard, Hunter Kelly, and Samuel Cooper. After graduation, she joined Alterra and became a junior researcher aboard the Juno Station. 
When her father went missing, she got into a lot of trouble for blaming Alterra for their lack of interest in finding out what happened to the Aurora, and almost lost her job for speaking out against them. Seeing their blatant disregard for the lives of their staff, she considered leaving the company. Professor Pearson convinced her to stay until they’d found out what had happened to her father and made sure she was included in the research done on the Aurora’s disappearance. She only stayed with the company when her father returned to help him pay off his debt to them quicker.
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lovemecharlie · 5 years
The Wives as Disney Princesses
So I purposely didn't use Tiana because we'd all be Tiana.
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Because she's always glam. Always. "Touch all of this skin." She takes no nonsense, and she's willing to wed a street rat and keep him on lock. She'll talk junk back to you while serving looks and watching you from her high tower. Judging.
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Almost too oblivious to be functional but when clued in is very bright *cough* 🙃. Often deep into her research, social experiments, and case notes. Very kinky. She's no furry, but she dabbles in other things the kompound finds strange. Such an odd girl.
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The primping. The zest for life, exploring, and excitement. The bright and shining eyes that hold wonder and intrigue when she's surrounded by treasure. You like Cartier? She's got twenty! But who cares? No big deal. She wants MORE.
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Mastered the art of killing via katana to save herself and those she loves. Being a Gemini with two sides, the princess who is small and cuddly and the warrior who is capable of anything. Underestimate this munchkin at your own risk.
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If she's at home, she's asleep, snoring, and causing no problems. She's sweet and loveable, but apprehensive when people invade her space or cross boundaries (Looking at you Prince Phillip). She might get a little crazy then due to her military background. Still a sweetheart.
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"Hoow HIGH does the money count go? If you ask Ryley, I'll bet thaat she knows!" She paints with all the bolors of the wind though in reality she only likes two. She's the rebel who won't do what you tell her or bare how you view her. Your perspective is none of her boncern.
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Seductive and highly sought after by the higher-ups and big rollers. Easily captivates an audience with her dancing and her personality but no one's entitled to her. Oh no. Look but don't touch. She WILL twerk that ass, get that cash, and disappear on your ass.
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Woodsy and a fan of the exploring the great outdoors. Bold and unorthodox, exceptionally bright and extremely sassy. A firecracker.. when she's around.
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She will freeze an entire kingdom if she's in one of her stubborn moods. "World stop!" She is the chaotic one. She caused World War I. She stole Christmas. She also has a murder kink and in true snow queen fashion would kill her husband and her sisters. (Bye Anna!) "Carry on."
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cyanidetooth · 3 years
David Grubbs & Ryley Walker! Whisper Room! Variable Unit! Lukas Keonig! The Rebel! Dale Jenkins! The Box! Infamous Scientists! The Nightingales! Brainiac! Eric Lou Root! My Bloody Sex Party! Jorrit Dijkstra, Jeb Bishop, Alonso López Valdés, Gibrán Andrade! McKain / Murray / Radichel / Suarez / Weeks! ruo tan! Headroom!
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cfowler7-sfm · 7 years
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Halo - Conflicted Feelings
Ryley - 'I spent my entire life preparing myself for the unexpected. But life always finds a way to out-prepare you. For example: Finding out that your childhood friend is not only back from the dead, but also your enemy. I've never seen Harold so quiet and still during a briefing. Can't say I blame him, she is our little adopted sister after all. We are family, and no one knows her better than us two. Although... her last mission without us two was questionable. Maybe the Rebels aren't the only ones to blame for her sudden turncoat... I just hope we are not too late.' This was a scene that was meant to happen in my unfinished 'Rebel at Heart' story I wrote years ago. Harold and Ryley, finding out Eris is alive but unfortunately, cooperating with the Innies (Rebels). The discovery of Eris was by an unnamed Spartan.  
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newmusicmonthly · 6 years
Hello all.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas break.
I know it’s now 2019 so apologies for the late delivery but here are my lists of last year.
And the long list of tracks further below includes numerous gems.
Michael Nau - Michael Nau & The Mighty Thread
U.S. Girls - In a Poem Unlimited
Fenne Lily - On Hold
Gaz Coombes - World's Strongest Man
Kurt Vile - Bottle It In
Bonny Doon - Longwave
Malena Zavala - Aliso
Kali Uchis - Isolation
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Wrong Creatures
Ryley Walker - Deafman Glance
Michael Nau - On Ice
Kurt Vile - Check Baby
Gaz Coombes - The Oaks
Bonny Doon - I Am Here (I Am Alive)
Fenne Lily - Three Oh Nine
The Men - When I Held You In My Arms
Grimes, HANA - We Appreciate Power
Conan Mockasin - Charlotte's Thong
Kali Uchis - Just A Stranger (feat. Steve Lacy)
Cyn - Believer
24/06/2018 - Nine Inch Nails - Royal Albert Hall
26/09/2018 - Michael Nau - Hoxton Bar & Grill
04/10/2018 - Another Sky - Tufnell Park Dome
07/11/2018 - Kurt Vile - KOKO
26/10/2018 - Van Morrison - O2
25/05/2018 - Glass Animals, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, LCD Soundsystem - All Points East Festival
27/03/2018 - Steven Wilson - Royal Albert Hall
22/05/2018 - TT & Nick Mulvey - Royal Albert Hall
23/03/2018 - Carpenter Brut - KOKO
02/11/2018 - King Crimson - Palladium
Shame – One Rizla
Serpent Power – Howling
Dream Wife – Hey Heartbreaker
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Carried From The Start
Stephan Kreussel – Mermaid
Hookworms – Negative Space
U.S. Girls – L-Over
Rhye – Phoenix
Jonathan Wilson – Over the Midnight
Dead Meadow – Unsettled Dusk
Editors – Hallelujah (So Low)
The Decemberists – Severed
Seun Kuti – Black Times
The Men – When I Held You In My Arms
Amen Dunes – Believe
Bonny Doon – I Am Here (I Am Alive)
The Horrors – Fire Escape
MIEN – (I’m Tired of) Western Shouting
Blackwater Holylight – Sunrise
Kali Uchis – Just A Stranger (feat. Steve Lacy)
Gaz Coombes – The Oaks
Fenne Lily – Three Oh Nine
Queen Kwong – Raptures
Blood Red Shoes – God Complex
Lord Huron – Ancient Names (Part I & II)
King Tuff – Raindrop Blue
Albin Lee Meldau – I Need Your Love
Cyn – Believer
Ben Howard – A Boat To An Island On The Wall
Nine Inch Nails – Over and Out
Boy Azooga – Face Behind Her Cigarette
Laura Carbone – Lullaby
Phantastic Ferniture – Dark Corner Dance Floor
Israel Nash – Hillsides
Damien Jurado - The Last Great Washington State
The Coral - Strangers In The Hollow
Michael Nau - On Ice
Träden, Träd Gräs Och Stenar - När lingonen mognar (Lingonberries Forever)
Black Futures - Trance
Lonnie Holley - I Woke Up in a Fucked-Up America
All Them Witches - Rob's Dream
Emma Ruth Rundle - Darkhorse
Richard Swift - Broken Finger Blues
Erthlings - Bridges
BRONCHO - Sandman
Jaakko Eino Kalevi - Fortune Cookie
Conan Mockasin - Charlotte's Thong
Farao - Marry Me
Baxter Drury, Étienne de Crécy, Delilah Holliday - White Coats
Kurt Vile - Check Baby
Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - Wasteland
Grimes, HANA - We Appreciate Power
TVAM - Psychic Data
Bill Ryder Jones - Don't Be Scared, I Love You
Loma - Black Willow
Holy Motors - Honeymooning
Malena Zavala - If It Goes
Kadhja Bonet - Mother Maybe
Idris Ackamoor, The Pyramids - Warrior Dance
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ashtonderoy · 6 years
Ryley James on the teen rebel phase
Ryley James on the teen rebel phase
Written by Ryley James
Anonymous request for advice from Ryley,
“My sister who is bisexual and a teen is experiencing a rebellious phase with marijuana misuse. Do you have any experience in this area?”
While I did go through a rebel phase (it is hard not to with parents who don’t particularly support or care about who you are), I never did drugs or anything like that. I was more concerned about…
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thekompound · 6 years
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thekompound · 6 years
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thekompound · 6 years
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lovemecharlie · 6 years
Day of the White Herb
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Every morning on February 9th, upon his wake, Erik would take off from his princely duties and get up at sunrise to summon his 9 live-in wives into the large kitchen. One by one, they'd drop to their knees in observance of the day affectionately coined as the Day of the White Herb. This an annual holiday of the house like Thanksgiving. It was also Erik's birthday, his favorite day. The morning activities were only the kick-off and boy was he excited.
"Happy birthday big nigga," Henny smiled up from the ground. She was the first wife and the first to have her throat stretched. "You wore a ponytail. Good girl, you know Daddy like to pull hair while he getting that neck." In front of the island centered in the kitchen, Henny gripped Erik's thighs and threw her head back and forth on and off Erik's length while her hair wrapped tightly around his thick hand. Her wedding ring gleamed like the saliva dripping sloppily down her chin. "Suck that off my dick right quick," he said with tug. "There you go, princess." They shared a brief wet kiss before Erik stood to plop his dick against the lips of his second wife.
"Knock knock," he said sliding between Aly'sha's soft lips. She took him down easily as he angled his dick down her throat. Her sisters could see the bulge in her neck as his hips moved and he held onto the back of her head. He was enjoying himself and she was showing off, glyucking her little heart away. Aly'sha gasped loudly as her throat emptied and Erik's lips met hers passionately, drool transferring to his beard which he wiped before moving to wife number three. "Don't wipe my shit, nigga," Aly'sha barked. Erik scoffed. "Not everybody wants to taste yo baby drool.. lil one," Erik side-eyed, leaving her to pout.
"My lil rebel. What you wanna do for daddy?" His eyes refocused on Ryley and she was sitting patiently. "Why she get a choice," Henny cut in, "You ain't give no one else a choice." "Cuz it's my party and I'll throatfuck who I want to. Ryley, what you wanna do?" Ryley looked at her sisters and back to Erik. "I wanna... hm. I wanna fuck on the counter but I want it to be covered in hundred dollar bills." "Bitch, is it YOUR birthday," Henny snapped good naturedly. She wanted to see it happen herself. Instantly, she jumped up and ran to retrieve a thousand of her own money and few thousand from Erik's stash. Charlie rushed to follow suit bringing back a thousand in hundreds. "You ain't exactly covered, but then again it ain't your birthday," Charlie said throwing hundreds as her sisterwife got dicked down on the kitchen island. Josephine picked the hundreds up from the floor and threw them again and again. The room cheered as Ryley threw her ass back against the birthday boy, her rhythm only faltering when she was ready to cum. "Good girl, baby, cum on Daddy dick," he whispered in her ear and it was her undoing. She slid back down to her knees and his dick entered the her space again, tapping heavily at her bottom lip. "Now suck it off," he ordered, watching as she cleaned off all traces of her own juices.
"Ngelosi, bring ya ass." It was all he needed to say for Angel to find her place again and drop down to her knees, her mouth opening wide. "Oh you ready, huh?" He stood back admiring her graceful submissiveness before stepping forward again to ram his dick down her throat. "Don't be an angel on this dick, take that muhfukka," he grinned watching her slurp his dick, gagging sounds gracing his pointy ears. "That's right baby. That's fuckin right, no manners on this dick. No fuckin manners." Retrieving his dick, he slapped her lips with it repeatedly before bending to kiss her on her forehead and then her lips. "Happy birthday, my love," she smiled causing him to spoil her with more kisses. "My angel," he murmured before pointing his erection at the next wife, Homie.
"Your turn, thiccums. Eyes on me, and keep that tongue out. Hold her head, Angel." Unlike the previous wives, his Homie struggled a bit, patting his thigh for a bit of air. It didn't make Erik ease up in the least. "Kiss my nuts for my birthday," he ordered and she leaned in happy to oblige. "Good girl," he crooned before moving to Charlie.
"Happy birthday, Daka!" Charlie grinned, her excitement lighting Erik's eyes causing them to crease in quiet joy. "Thank you baby. You put ya hair all up in a bun for me. You know what Daddy like too, don't you. Come here, gimme that throat." Charlie's mouth became a cyclone as she used her hands to twist on his base. He bit his lip as the others watched on. "Mm, suck my shit," he moaned pushing himself further. "Aight... AIGHT chill," he fussed withdrawing his heavy dick. "Greedy ass, save some for Kimora. Come on Killa, got ya titties all out today, no shirt.. Damn. Get you a lil bit."
"I want more than a lil bit," Kimora clarified with a long and slow lick down his shaft. She sucked on the sensitive head of his penis until he pushed her away. Grabbing him back, she dove onto him and used her lips to suction again, like a leech. She was going in for the kill. "We'll finish this later," he promised, pulling her head back to meet her lips with a heavy kiss. He pushed her backward to deter her from grabbing him again.
"Coward. You finish now and we'll watch," Josephine attempted to hypnotize Erik with her eyes, but he plunged into her warm, wet mouth and clapped his hands over her peepers. "Gotta be quicker than that," he grunted pumping his hips into her face. Her head began to bobble like a bobblehead and he quickly jumped back before he could nut.
"Last but not lea-" "Happy birthday, Daddy," Bastion interjected excited for his big day. She wore a headband with a tall Happy Birthday cutout. His smile beamed. He was truly happy. "Thank you little one. You know the drill, finish Daddy off." She sucked on the sensitive head, swiping her tongue on the under-vein before swallowing him like the others had done. She could tell he'd been trying not to nut all the way to this point, but now it was time to let loose.
"Get the bowl," he instructed to no one in particular. Charlie leaped to grab the mixing bowl. She knew the drill by now, she was always the one to grab the bowl. It was tradition. She held the bowl under him and he released a mighty amount of his white seed into it, signaling for the group to stand to their feet.
"Make it pineapple, no, passion fruit with strawberry whip," Charlie yelled. "Works for me," Homie joined in.
"Or just ice cream instead," Ryley added with a frown. "No. Cake. But all those flavors are a stomachache. Just do regular pound cake," Hennessy replied. Aly'sha and Bast nodded.
"Chocolate cake," Angel interjected. "Yeah, because we chocolate," Kimora added. "Josephine, you know what to do," Erik said stepping back with his hands raised, resigned. Every year was the same squabble. Besides, Angel had already baked his cake, a red velvet with cream cheese icing, no cum. This new cummy cake was strictly for the wives. Josephine waved her hands over the bowl of jizz and it turned into a beautiful fluffy batter.
"Here you go Angel, pop this in the often," Josephine grinned suspiciously and Charlie surrendered the bowl with a side-eye.
"Passionfruit?" Charlie mouthed, but Josephine shrugged. "What flavor did you make it," Bast asked looking into the oven.
"Wait and see," Josephine grinned, running from the room to go upstairs. Erik was the next to go and the rest of the wives eventually dispersed. Fourty minutes later, the house reconvened in the kitchen, each person curious of this year's cake flavor. Last year, it was coffee cake.
After a last glance at Josephine, Angel checked the oven. Instantly she stood with a hand on her hip and shook her head. "Leave it to Josephine to pick the thing hardly no one likes."
"Fight me, woman!"Josephine grabbed the oven mit and pulled out what turned out to be a pecan pie. Erik's hard laugh along with the annoyed groans of the sisterwives filled the air.
"I'll eat it!" Charlie shouted as Josephine waved a hand to cool it off enough to eat. Cutting a slice, Charlie could still see pockets of thick preserved cum. "Eww.. Josephine! What the hell?"
"What!" Josephine took a healthy bite of the creamy slice. "It's good eatin!"
The End
@hennessychiron @thehomiekillmonger @wyldjuan @itsangeludaku @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @alyshastevens-udaku @poosypoosy @itskimorafireudaku
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thekompound · 6 years
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