#“oh cool so that's what i'm gonna look like in seven ye- crap crap crap she's kicking the snot out of everybody!”
just-someone-online · 1 month
Okay, so I had this idea for an AU where Coco ends up in Earthland, because I like her vibes and I wanna put her in situations.
Basically, the day Wendy finds Carla's egg (Which I'm gonna say is a couple days after it and the other Exceed eggs were sent to Earthland), Roubaul takes her back where she found it to make sure it didn't fall out of a nest or something. Of course, they don't find anything, but on the way back to the guild, they hear someone crying and find Coco hanging from a tree branch.
I'm not completely sure how she ends up there? She doesn't have any magic for Anima to mess with and I don't think we ever find out just how Porlyusica winds up on Earthland. Either way, once she calms down and tells them what happens, Roubaul regretfully tells her that he doesn't know how to send her back or if it's even possible, but she's welcome to stay with them in the mean time.
And just like that, Cait Shelter has another living member.
At some point, I could see Roubaul setting her up with a similar kind of Athletic Magic to her Earthland counterpart's, probably with the caveat that she can't use it without supervision until she gets the hang of it. Similarly to how I imagine Mystogan's staves working, the lacrima in Coco's shoes draw and storing magic from the air around her instead of her body. Of course, even with supervision, she'd still get into scrapes. But hey! At least Wendy gets more chances to practice her healing magic.
I'm trying to figure out how to describe her dynamic with Wendy and Carla in detail, but it's not coming out the way I want it to, so I might go in depth in a different post. But off the top of my head, Coco and Wendy are thick as thieves, but Carla kept Coco at arms length for a while after she first hatched, especially when Edolas is mentioned.
Anyways, Wendy and everybody else are a little more informed going into Edolas. Unfortunately, their info came from someone who hasn't been there since she was five, so it isn't completely accurate. I imagine Coco wouldn't know exactly how Anima worked when she was little, so seeing Magnolia get sucked up would be just as much a surprise for her as it is for everybody else. And throughout the arc, she has to deal with he fact that Edolas is a lot more different than she remembers.
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adultswim2021 · 8 months
Oh, hello there. Oh, this? I'm just using this online shopping website to look at some birthday cards online. You see, it is my birthday on Thursday, and it's one of the ones where the number has a zero at the end of it, and I'm looking for the perfect card that I can demand my family and friends all buy for me, so I can have "one happening birthday". Finally!
I've taken some time off work, and I'm more-or-less going to dedicate the weekend to taking a couple of day trips and doing some other things I've put off for a while. And, I just realized, this would be much easier if I didn't have to worry about updating this while doing all that. So, I'm taking this week off, effective last night when I was GONNA do a post, but then I realized I didn't have all of my research materials handy, and it took all night to get those things downloaded, and then it was late, and also I wanted to watch seven episodes of "Tanner '88" instead.
So this is my announcement of my intent to not post, probably until next Monday. Some of you might say "that sucks dick", but it's a dick that we all have to suck.
So here's a big Mail Bag post:
In reference to my pondering about Marc Summer's absence in a Robot Chicken sketch about Double Dare:
apparently they did get marc summers for some later episode. i know this because i watched him interview tim heidecker on some webshow/podcast he has and i remember him bragging that he'd been on robot chicken and asking tim if he ever had, and tim kinda going "uhhh, no, i don't think so" lol
LOL. Tim & Eric couldn't be more at odds with Robot Chicken. I am going to guess that when they were younger and much more "punk rock" they probably shit talked them when being interviewed for cool magazines like Time or Zillions.
One time my job hired a guy with whom I had maybe one of the worst personality clashes I ever had (I am a demon from hell and I have zero ability to not show it when I'm annoyed or angry with somebody, sorry to that guy I wish I weren't like this okay), and he got it out of me that I liked Adult Swim and he immediately tried to talk to me about Robot Chicken, and I was like "I don't really watch that show" and he immediately asked "don't tell me you like that Tim & Eric crap!"
whats your favorite thing you bought at a second hand store to make yourself not look like a looky loo
I have a B&W video monitor I bought at a garage sale. It's beautiful, very flipable, but I paid 5 bucks for it and like how it looks. VHS tapes actually look amazing on it. I wanna figure out a way to rig it up with some kind of raspberry pi machine that just loops old cartoons on it or something.
did you do something to the banner? it seems more...expansive.
I tried to get it to display more "properly" because it bothered me how pixelated it looked but I think I sorta fucked it up. I tried to change it back but tumblr's edit feature sucks. I guess I should just do an AI upscale or something. But yes I shittily drew on it to make it look wider, you caught me.
Me love the way you walk sometimes The way you talk is so hot Now you know let’s have a shot of rum Then me can make you come With me to the ocean That would be phat You can be my bow cat Nice ital breeze Bring you to your knees We're jammin'
punani likers everywhere, this one is for us
That's Shenmue 3, dipshit
Dang it, you are right.
Brownies was probably the best episode they did that season and I was surprised they weren't willing to do that style of show for the entire series. It seemed more like what Adult Swim wanted from them?
Something for "da" stoners... as a weed-taker myself., I would have to agree!
When was the last time you POGGED off?
What bitch?
Lol I was being silly telling a stupid joke. Chapotraphouse has the ice cream as his sound bite now.
I tell you this guys, I had a weird dream that Toonami Tom said he would sponsor me I'd have to sell out and let him hold the Adult Swim 2021 brand. And I'd have to suck his dick. It was a disgusting dream. No Tom, I would never do that in real life.
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i-want-a-bagel · 3 years
these two assholes officially rebranded to Box Boys after I fucking tagged everything as Lockdown Lads (the superior name) so fuck that, it's staying Lockdown Lads for me
soo... Lockdown Lads #2
what a chaotic start already mhm
Dan is 100% right, light mode is trash
specifically because this is about callingnout Phil
Phil, man
why are we being exposed to incognito browsing
from you
literally no one wants that
Baby names uh?
What would we name them?
Dan -> Jacob, Alex, Chris, some fuckboy name
Phil -> Philip, seriously, he reminds me of every single other Philip/Philippe I know 😂
Vincent and Otis????
Monty 😭 I miss him
Someone said Frank and William and yes, I can see that
Dan looks like a Josh and Phil looks like Phil -> 100% agree there
Dan's such a little shit always
As a teacher, I have to say that names do influence how kids are treated by their peers and by adults 🤷🏽‍♀️
so they could definitely have an impact on a person's life
Thursday is PHIL DAY so what are we doing? games! of course 🙄😂
Seven Seconds Challenge
Dan really went for anteater, of course
And Phil can't say the alphabet ffs
Phil has fucking cued up the music omfg this boy is too extra I love him
"Oh, bro, remember that time I totally ruined your quiz??"
yes Dan, we ALL do
what the fuck, how could we forget??
lowercase q vibes, a mood
// I would say Tanooki
Phil is a lowkey raccoon furry
I also saw that Phil 😂
// Too many of course, so 9? it's the stupid Twitter meta tweet
Ask the audience time, because of course the audience knows Phil's tweet
I have a life outside of these two boys unfortunately so Idk
angrydorito you fucked up 😂
and then whoever answered wrong
// Henry definitely
"Henry was my brother's hamster"
*longest fkg silence*
"...cool." 😂
// fuck licorice, liquorice? idk how to spell it but it's pure trash flavour, I'm gonna say red velvet because who would pick pistachios??
what the fuck is this question
shout out to zucc
"stop showing us weird gay crap"
// He did a bachelor and a master's, so probably 5? but Idk British schooling
"the idea of going back for season 2" 😂
that's also how I see schooling post secondary 😂
see, didn't know a master degree is only one year in the UK, it's two years here 🤷🏽‍♀️
Phannies not on your level Dan
The audience probably knows the fucking shirt 😂
// I think Lavender for some reason but 🤷🏽‍♀️
Cinnamon ones DO smell too strong, random audience person! you are right
Dan asking for us to come forth with our saved instagram stories 😂
They're all tagged on here
oh wow, random person, is it milk??
holy shit, nope, you didn't tumblr search efficiently there, rando
Dan like "fuck them all, they can't be phannies if I'm not, they gave wrong answers that I knew!"
Phil telling us he likes hosting games as if we didn't already know
possums chewing bananas?
Phil rated hedgehogs as 5/5
Dan's fucking "awww" killed my ears and killed me simultaneously
Dan and Phil's little jingles are just so lovely? like, it's so cute and happy??
Coincidences are awesome because 🤯 what were the chances??? and it happened!! wow how cool!
so I agree with Dan there
we love some toll boys in striped shirts ☺️
Phil's fucking French sentences 😂
It's always the same ones and they're useless
"is there a play room?" "I'm 11 years old" 😂😂😂
Of course, OF COURSE Dan spoke French at 5 yo
Daniel with two Ls means it's a woman (in French), Phil...
Cotton Eye Joe 😂
how did astrology lead to
"If you like being a witchy lesbian" Dan is so supportive 😂
"pour all the water on top of me, cause that's what I am"
*Dan laughs*
"i think that's enough"
We really are fucked up, aren't we?
"You could win a cube" and we're all excited
That was so lovely, less chaotic gay™ vibes than Tuesday imho, but that's okay 🤔😂
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forkanna · 3 years
WARNING: Continued transphobia.
So I did try to put this up sooner, due to cilffhanger feelings, but didn't quite manage it. Hopefully you all forgive me!
Rise couldn't believe the level of disaster her life had reached. And all because she couldn't keep her mouth shut. Because by the time she had finished crying, scraping herself together and sending the shambles that had once been a lovesick fool back into the school, she knew exactly where the leak had occurred. Plugging that would have to be the first step. And then…
Then what would she do? Beg Ai to take her back? She took out the note, stared at it, and almost threw it in the nearest receptacle. But that wouldn't do. No… she had to hang onto hope that there was still time.
"I got this," she whispered to herself as she used the note to wipe her eyes, smearing her makeup. "I'll do my best." Fine but empty sentiment. She had to take things one step at a time.
And step one was…
                                                   ~ o ~
The bowl-cut-hair had barely stopped whirling around Chie's head from turning to face Rise when she was hit in the face, full force, with a bookbag. The blow knocked her from her chair in the Junes food court and she went sprawling to the ground.
"WHOA!" Yosuke burst out in sheer alarm. "Hey, wait a minute there, Rise-chan! Where's the fire?!"
"You wanna know who's fired? SHE'S fired, that's who!"
Still struggling to sit up, Chie looked a little silly with a bag-print reddening half of her face. "Wha… whahidme?"
"Rise, what is the meaning of this?" Yukiko gasped in exasperation as she crouched over her girlfriend, trying to help her up. "Are you upset about something?"
It took real, concentrated effort not to snap at Yukiko, as well — especially given the Captain Obvious question she had just asked. But she knew she was only trying to be kind, to look after all of her friends equally. So she bit back the scathing retort and focused on the situation at hand instead.
"I'm upset about a lot of things, every day. But this time it's because somebody doesn't understand what a secret is!"
"Me?!" Chie intuited. "Are you- hey, I'm no snitch! Wait, what secret are we… talking…"
The food court went silent. Which was partly because it was too early for dinner, so they were the only ones there, not talking to each other. Rise idly noticed it seemed like Teddie and Kanji were absent, but she was on a mission; she didn't have time to worry about their whereabouts.
Finally… "Oh."
"So you got it? Huh? You figured out how you just screwed everything up?!"
"Now just wait a whole second, okay?" Chie said in a slightly nervous tone as she began to struggle to her feet. "I didn't say- I mean, like, I just figured it came out! Right? Because it's a secret, and this is a small town, and like, c'mon!"
"Who did you tell?"
"I didn't tell anyb-"
"NO! No, don't give me any of that crap, because we both know you had to have told someone — you already told at least one other person! I didn't tell anybody else! So who was it?"
"It… it doesn't matter!" Chie was trying to hedge with a hopeful smile. "Really, like I said, it was gonna come out sometime! Do you really think Ebihara could hide that forever? Like, he's kinda snowing the whole school…"
"Shut up!" Rise snapped, as Yukiko covered her mouth with her hand in alarm at the sharp tone. "That wasn't your choice, okay? And like I said, if I didn't tell, and Ai-chan for fucking sure didn't tell, then there's only one person it could be! Because I-"
"Oh dear," Yukiko whispered.
"Hey! I didn't commit any crime!" Chie shot back, starting to get heated herself now as she clenched her fists. "Tell that to the drag queen you've been hanging around with — he's the one that's gonna catch hell if they figure out he's been using girls' bathrooms and stuff! He should at least tell us if he wants to-"
"It's my fault."
Rise was still shouting when she turned to Yukiko. "What?! I mean…" She cleared her throat, tried to take the volume down a notch. "What?"
"Chie told me. When we were… well, when we were alone, because we're best friends. As you know, because we have already discussed things… so I was the beginning of the problem. I'm sorry."
"Yuka…" Chie sighed, grimacing. Clearly, at some point she had realised what had happened, and shifted her tactic to protecting her significant other. Rise would have respected it… if they weren't both going to be on her list now. At least that cleared up the true reason Yukiko had gasped; it was a sound of recognition.
"Really? You?" Rise said, completely betrayed. And disappointed; that much must have been readily apparent, because the innkeeper hung her head in shame.
"Yes. And Chie was so conversational about it, I… didn't realise… you seem very upset about all the rumours that have started going around now. Did we… have we done something wrong?"
Rise let out an exasperated noise. "Are you kidding? Of COURSE you did!" In the back of her mind, she knew she was basically just coming down on them to sidestep the blame Ai had thrown her way, but she couldn't stop; they had to pay for ruining everything. Someone had to, and she couldn't face herself. Not at the moment. "Do you have any idea what life would be like for her if they figured out for sure?!"
"Dude, who cares?" Chie tried to tell her reasonably. "Remember when we found out about Naoto? We're all cool! So what if she's a chick instead of a dude, or Ai's a dude instead of a chick?"
"U-um, I prefer you leave me out of this discussion," Naoto said in a quiet undertone. "If that's alright."
Throwing up her hands in surrender, Rise began to pace back and forth as she said, "This is unbelievable. I really didn't think confiding in one friend… well, I guess I should ask who you told, Yukiko."
Rise was too observant to miss the glance between her and none other than Yosuke. The boy gulped when she turned her glare on him, holding up both hands in front of his chest.
"N-now, let's be reasonable here. Just a second while I explain-"
"UGH! Did everybody here play a part in this?!" No answers. Rise groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Okay, well… I guess I'm going to be eating a whole big plate of crow later. If she even talks to me."
"Don't be so dramatic," Chie sighed as she rolled her eyes, hands on her hips now. "You're friends, you'll bounce back before you know it!"
But the idol was already shaking her head before she even finished. "You didn't see how mad she was. I'm… I'll see you later."
"But you just got here," Yukiko protested in a pleading voice, taking a step toward her. "I'm sorry we didn't understand the situation, but do you really have to go?"
"Yes. Got a lot of thinking to do."
As Rise headed toward the elevator, she passed Kanji coming from it. He smiled and waved and asked, "What's up?"
"Ask our Judas friends."
"Huh?!" He got no answer to his question. As the doors slid shut, she thought she could just barely hear him say, "Man, chicks sure are crazy," but it was too late for her to attack him since she was already heading downstairs. Oh well; there was always next time for him to pay for his crime against her gender.
                                                  ~ o ~
That was on her mind a lot as she lay in bed that night, staring up at her ceiling. Gender. Sexuality. The differences between men and women. How those lines could be blurred right in front of her eyes and she had no idea. And when she wasn't thinking about that, she was thinking about…
Why didn't she realize she shouldn't have told Chie? Theoretically, she should have been able to confide in her and everything be fine — and she also knew none of her friends really intended to hurt anyone. They were just careless. But now she could see with sobering clarity that carelessness still had consequences. Would Ai really have to transfer again, just because the secret got out?
Something that made her blood run cold whenever she thought of it: that comment about guys beating her up. Just because she used the women's bathroom? When she thought of it as a man sneaking in there, she supposed that made sense. Most guys would do that to protect any women from being harmed. But she had gone to the bathroom alongside Ai plenty of times — enough to know that she never did anything in there except her business, and preen in front of the mirror. At least she had found a way to prove to those nosy girls that she was all woman.
Even if it was a lie, technically speaking. Which confused Rise so much she just wound up stuffing her head underneath her pillow.
All her texts went unanswered, of course. She had expected that. Somehow, she still couldn't help herself and sent a grand total of seven before she manually turned off her phone to reduce the temptation.
The worst part of all? Now she couldn't talk to any of her friends about it, either. That was what got her into this fix in the first place! So all she could do was panic, wallow, and panic again.
                                                  ~ o ~
If Rise had thought the previous day was unpleasant, Tuesday definitely counted as a catastrophe.
"Oh my God," she overheard a girl muttering as she walked in through the front gates. "Can you believe she would ever look like that?"
Unfortunately, she only had a few minutes of blissful peace to have no idea what they were talking about. The minute she reached into her locker to get her indoor shoes, she felt the glossy paper on top of them. Withdrawing it, she felt her heart sink when she saw her own face.
A goofy face indeed. There was nothing particularly wrong with the picture; she had been trying on dresses in Croco Fur and was sticking her tongue out with her finger up her nose, obviously making the stupid face for the camera. Nothing incriminating, just vaguely embarrassing. However…
Everyone seemed to have a copy. No matter which way she looked, every single student of Yasogami seemed to have a glossy paper in their hands. Rise felt her face begin to heat up. She had done nothing wrong, and the picture wasn't that bad, but seeing the entire student body laughing at her brought on the reaction regardless.
"Wow, this is hilarious," some guy was saying as she headed to class. "Thought Risette was so cool but she's actually dumb. Look at this! Her finger's in her nose, gross!"
"I think it's cute," his friend said. "She's having fun."
But another guy in glasses standing nearby just sighed and rolled his eyes. "You plebs. Obviously this is just another publicity stunt orchestrated by her management. She probably distributed them herself."
The idol stormed into the room before she had to hear any more. Did they really think she had nothing better to do than print off a bunch of pictures of herself and throw them all over the place?!
"Uh, hey."
She looked up, ready to ream the speaker, when she saw a chagrined looking Kanji standing there, scratching the back of his head. "May I help you? Or am I too crazy?"
His weak chuckle spoke volumes. "Heard that, huh? Sorry… I just didn't know what to say when you snapped at me. Guys filled me in after you left."
"What? You mean the way you all stabbed me in the back by gossiping about my girlf- my new friend?" Damn. She would have to be more careful about that.
"Hey, I didn't do that shit," the tall, dangerous looking boy grunted with his arms folded over his barrel chest. Sometimes Rise forgot just how intimidating Kanji was to most people, because they knew him better than that now. He was a big teddy bear under that yakuza-esque exterior. "Yosuke was the real problem, I guess. He was talking about it to Naoto, and wasn't paying attention to who was around them. Bunch of people overheard. And Naoto didn't say shit to anybody, so don't blame her!"
Rise sighed. Unsurprising that he was so defensive of her, since his crush ran so deep. "Fine. So it's Chie and Yukiko's fault a little bit, and as usual, Yosuke's fault a lot. At least they're the same old idiots they've always been."
Kanji nodded with another grunt. "So… what's with the photo?"
                                                  ~ o ~
The way Ai was standing at the edge of the school roof, gazing over Inaba, almost made it look like she was lying in wait for Rise when she got there. Probably because she was — and had been since the start of lunch. The popstar shoved the glossy page in front of her face.
"Well? What exactly is this supposed to mean?"
"Mean? Why, I don't know. Isn't that your picture? Aren't you supposed to be the one who knows?"
"You took this. I literally remember you taking it, with your phone, not mine. So why would you go to all this trouble to print up a dumb picture?"
Ai's smirk was practically demonic as she looked sideways at her without fully turning. The worst part was that she still was as beautiful as ever, even when being an asshole. "A beginning. By the time I'm through with you, you will be begging me to stop, and I won't. I won't stop until you feel the way I did yesterday."
"Right. So this is a really pathetic beginning to a revenge plot?"
"Hah! Good try. Have you forgotten how much abuse I've weathered over my entire lifetime? You're going to have to do better than that to undercut me."
"Ai, you don't have to do this," she pleaded in a quieter voice. "This is nowhere near what I wanted, I still don't want it. I made a mistake, and I'm sorry, but attacking me like this isn't going to-"
She fell silent when Ebihara actually yawned. Her anger flared, and her eyes narrowed to slits as her fists curled tight. "That's your pitch? 'Whoops, I outed you and almost ruined your life, hugs'? Lame."
"Fine," Rise hissed. "I guess this didn't mean anything to you at all. Throw it all away because you're butthurt. Whatever."
"That's why I'm doing it, you idiot." Now her aloof tone had dropped to absolute zero. "Because it did — it meant everything in a way you will never understand. And now I feel stupid for trusting you, because you broke it. Don't go acting all high and mighty and trying to play the sympathy card."
Rise's eyes were watering as she tried to come up with something to say. The bratty side of her personality wanted to swear her own revenge, that she would make things even worse for Ai… but she knew she wouldn't be able to live with that. Besides, it was the wrong move, regardless of what her friend…
Regardless of what her ex-friend had done. It was really over. And figuring that out took all the wind out of her sails.
"Okay. Bye."
"That's it?" Ai chuckled harshly as the idol turned away, walking toward the stairwell. "Wow, you're usually so much chattier. You had better thicken up that skin, Kujikawa, or the next few days are going to be pretty unbearable!"
They really would. Just not for the reason Ai thought. Mourning the end of something beautiful tended to put a damper on one's week.
                                                  To Be Continued…
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leagueofidiots · 4 years
Happy Birthday Dabi!!!!
A.) Triggers!! Mentions of past abuse
B.) Shigadabi yeet
C.) I headcanon Jan 18 as the day Touya died, but I wrote this back when I thought his birthday was Dec 6 and I was too lazy to edit things, so,,, yeah
I've never been a huge believer in birthdays. Living with the Todorokis, I always spent it training or locked in my room, screaming and crying and begging for freedom. With Ujiko, they went by without my notice. On the streets, I only did something once. Just found a small alleyway and lit my fingertip on fire, singing to myself in an attempt to try to lift my mood. Honestly, it just made me more depressed.
It's just a day used as a mark of age. Not even worth mentioning. In fact, something to keep secret to everyone but yourself.
So it's beyond a surprise when I swing open the door of my room to be greeted with a loud shout of "Happy birthday!" ringing in my ears. My fellow league members stand in front of me, a small, messily frosted cupcake balanced in Toga's hands and held out to me.
"Guys, what are you doing?" I ask awkwardly. "Also, what day is it?"
"January eighteenth," says Compress. "Did we get our date wrong or something? We had to guess between today, February sixth, and November twelfth. Sources were somewhat unhelpful."
Was it my birthday already? I thought it wasn't for another week at least. Even so, how did they know? I'd carefully avoided the topic.
"You see, once you told us that you were…" begins Kurogiri, cutting himself off once he hits the name we all know he means. "Well, I decided to look you up. Just for a few simple things. Birthday, any interests I could find...I'm sorry if it seems invasive, but I thought it could help us better understand how to help you feel appreciated."
At first I'm put off by it. People knowing things about me I didn't tell them bothers me deeply. But the more I consider it, the less I mind. They care. And it's harmless, isn't it? It won't kill me to play along just for the day.
Toga waves the cupcake in my face. "Well, you gonna take it, Bacon Bits?" she asks gleefully.
I accept it, hesitantly taking a bite. "Mmmm. What'd you put in this thing?" I ask, mouth full. It tastes awful, and I feel my nose wrinkle in distaste despite myself. Between food in general, sweet food in general, and whatever the salty-bitter aftertaste is, I almost gag.
"Oh, crap, is that the wrong one? I put blood in one...I think that might be it. Sorry. It's either chocolate or blood."
Spinner gives her a sideways glance and a whispered, "Whose---"
I spit out the dark batter. "Definitely blood, but uh...You know, I'm good. Not big on sweets anyway."
"Oh!" She takes it back. "More for me then."
Jin drags me out to the common area, mask lifted enough to display a wide grin. "We couldn't do much, but we figured it'd at least be better than before we all knew each other, yeah?"
"Yeah, sure," I say. "You guys didn't have to do anything, you know."
"Yes we did," Shigaraki insists. "You're my right hand, it's only right we should give you at least one day for just you."
"Now we know you're more the type of guy to keep to yourself," says Magne, "so just let us spoil you for the next half hour, then you get to do whatever you want, okay?"
I nod again, shaking my wrist loose from Twice's grip. "Alright, I can deal with that. What did you guys have planned?"
Suichi quickly ties his scarf around my eyes, careful of his claws and my staples. "Hang tight for one sec."
There's a quick shuffling, accompanied by my teammates' voices muttering happily to each other. A portal opens, and a few moments later I'm allowed to see again.
The seven idiots I for some reason chose to live with sit in a half-circle on the floor at my feet, each holding grocery bags with diversely-shaped contents, one of Toga's hair ribbons tied and stuck on top of each. Atsuhiro smiles, and passes me his.
"You guys…" I say quietly. I'm not worth all this effort, all this money, all this time. It'd be better spent planning missions or buying food or really anything else. It's stupid of them to care so much about something---someone---so worthless.
"Not a word," says Jin, as if he can hear my thoughts. "You're worth it. We saved up for this."
It's not anything like when I was a kid, eagerly tearing open neatly and colorfully wrapped boxes, unsurprised at the high cost of the contents. I'd never thought I was worth any of it deep down, but the ritual was still exciting even if I spent it alone on most occasions. But this is nicer. People around me that actually care. I try to make myself accept it.
Baby wipes from Compress, saying he worries about me showering on the days my scars hurt particularly badly. A book from Spinner, saying he'd read it and thought I'd enjoy it. Eyeliner from Kenji, saying she'd tested it for tear-proofness. A sweater from Kurogiri, saying he'd knitted it himself. Several nail polishes from Himiko, saying she wanted to give me the pastel pink as soon as humanly possible. A My Chemical Romance CD from Twice, saying he wanted to listen to it with me sometime.
When it comes to Tomura, he simply tosses an empty plastic bag onto my lap. "I didn't buy anything."
"Some boyfriend you are," I say teasingly. Really, I'm somewhat grateful. As much as I want to feel wanted, I can't help but see the yen racking up, another day without food for the league, the people I care about most suffering as silently as they're able to.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up. My gift to you is that I will leave you alone." He doesn't smile or anything to indicate that he's kidding. "Won't hug you, or try to hold your hand, or anything. You're free."
I push myself off the couch onto my knees, trying to ignore the tugging at my staples. "Tomura…" How do I say it? I don't want to sound like I care too much or anything. "I don't want you to leave me alone. Just...Just when I ask you to, okay?"
Does he think I don't want him? It's difficult to treat him like I do when touch can be so suffocating, so terrifying. Especially with someone like him, who has described laying inches away from me without trying to cling to me like drowning.
I take his hands in mine, careful to leave his fingers to twitch anxiously away from mine. "You deserve to get what you want too."
Tomura smiles up at me, eyes shining a little bit with the effort to remain emotionless at my rare display of affection. "Well, what am I supposed to get you then?"
"Seeing you smile's enough," I say quietly. I regret it instantly.
"Oh, get a room," laughs Magne.
I roll my eyes, and shove myself back up onto the couch. "Thanks, Kenji."
"Always happy to help."
"Well, that's all we have," says Kurogiri, smile showing in his voice. "Let us know if we can do anything for you, but the rest of the day is all yours."
"Enjoy your alone time," says Suichi, helping pull me to my feet. "You're probably not gonna get any more for a long time."
And for once, the thought of being alone terrifies me. If I go alone in that room, how is it any better than those years I spent before the burns, the black hair, the overwhelming hatred?
"Actually, I'd rather hang out here," I say as if it's no matter, as if the thought of closing a door behind me won't send me spiralling back to that ten year old version of myself, screaming and pounding on my walls as a mix of tears and snot pour down my face.
"Oh. Alright, cool." Jin holds out another cupcake to me. "You're positive you don't want this?"
I shake my head, smiling a little. "Thank you guys. For this."
Toga grins. "Anything for our favorite edgelord."
Tomura pushes himself to his feet, snatching the cupcake from Twice. He takes a toungeful of the grainy-looking frosting and smirks at me, passing the cake back covered in saliva. I take his hand, his pinkie sticking out cautiously. "Happy birthday, Dabi." And looking around at them, I finally understand the phrase's meaning.
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This is what he's jamming to: https://youtu.be/aWQ_r9nNHt0
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impatentpending · 6 years
Hi!!! It is I, v. excitable anon to tell you that I just finished writing out roughly what I wanted to say,, and it's long. Like, lots of parts to it, but I'm still gonna attempt to send it all. See ya in like half an hour lol ~excite (What if I just signed anons with 'excite'? Does that sound weird? Ah well it takes up fewer characters. Prepare for what could be described as an onslaught of positivity)
(1/1) You might be getting a little bored of me saying that I don’t have the vocabulary to describe your fic, or your writing in general. If so, sorry!!! I was thinking about it again earlier today, though, and just thought ‘there is no way that I can NOT say anything else about this fic to Elena’, so that is what I’m trying to do. You are one of, if not my ultimate writing role model. I aspire to write like you. Your incredible way with words never fails to amaze me, let alone your ridiculous talent for weaving plots and character developments and wonderful, wonderful imagery that has quite literally made me fall off my seat or my bed before, or made me squeal in a lesson. While you were still uploading, I introduced a bunch of my friends to Powerless, and every time a new chapter came out, it usually resulted in me sending something along the lines of 'POWPERLWASHACKPETEROITREADNOWNOSPOILERS’ which somehow made sense to us The next day would be spent gushing and theorizing. When you posted the penultimate chapter, I don’t think any of us did any work, we were too busy making 'I’m speechless with a terrifying cocktail of wonder and sadness and anger and oh god what’s happening’ faces at each other.  Don’t even get me started on the representation. It makes me so, so, indescribably happy to know the amount of people who could find an excellent role model in one of your characters, or, better still, get to think 'they’re like me!’ Because that is one of the best feelings in the world.  I am endlessly in love with your writing technique. In particular, the way you mirrored the first chapter with the last. That made me incredibly happy - it’s such a cool idea, and I’m so glad that you used it. Your humour, too. The amount of references and funny little moments that you manage to put into your stories, and the fact that it IMPROVES them, rather than making it feel like you just shoved them in because you could, is so wonderful. I so often found myself reading an angsty part, or one where I was on the edge of my seat with anticipation, and just laughing in the middle of it because of a joke you’d slipped in. In conclusion: this is less than half of the things that I feel I could say about your writing, and Powerless in particular, but this was all I could write out for now. I’m so in awe of your writing, and just YOU in general.  Powerless is better than so many published books that I’ve read, and you should be endlessly proud of yourself. I love you, Elena - and I’m so looking forward to reading what you come up with next.~v. excitable anon (because it sounds like,,, cooler if I end this huge paragraph with that rather than 'excite’. Probably.)
oof sorry for bombarding you with seven fricken parts - half way through my wifi crashed, too - and then my phone died. But, hey. That was a snippet of my appreciation for your talent. You’re AWESOME ~excite
EXCITE, YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRY.  I woke up to a series of the sweetest asks ever, and immediately felt blessed.  Your asks and comments always make my day; thank you so much for them!  I’m so glad to hear that I inspire your writing, and I hope you come up with some awesome stuff to share with us all!
It makes we so incredibly happy to know that you and your friends had an impromptu Powerless book club.  I’m sure I would’ve loved to hear some of those theories ;).  I’m absolutely cracking up at the mental image of you and your friends making ‘holy crap’ faces at each other across the classroom after ch. 20.
And, yes, representation!!!  I’m right there with you - it’s such a wonderful feeling to get a message that tells you someone who normally doesn’t see anyone like themself and relate to one of your characters.
I’m preoccupied with the 13 Days of Halloween series right now, but my next multi-chaptered fic will come out as soon as I’ve written a few buffer chapters.  How does a logince noir murder mystery sound?
You are the absolute sweetest, and I adore you.  Thank you so much 
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lunararcher · 7 years
And I finished Voltron Season 3 (all seven episodes of it…) and I actually took notes while I watched because you know what? You only get to watch something for the first time once. I had fun recording my feelings and (erroneous) predictions as I went along, not knowing how it would end.
I had a good time, so I’m gonna share them with you under the break! Most are probably vague, so let’s hope you get what I mean…
Ep1 At first kind of impressed by how calm Keith was at the beginning. “Tailgating” Love it!! HUNK! MY MAN! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Keith not calm anymore. Though the “fight for themselves” is a good point. Lotor is a freaking creep
Ep 2 Seeing eye cat is COOL! What the HECK! “I’m the leader now, dangit!” XD Keith’s “Please, no” almost made me cry. Lance?! Respecting Keith?! O_O Another hint that Alfor was the Red Paladin! Okay, seeing cat lady is REALLY COOL! Lance tried FLIRTING with his LION. Wat. Yep, Alfor was the Red Paladin “This is…deeply disturbing” I know Allura didn’t mean it that way, but that’s hilarious, them cringing at the idea of Zarkon procreating.
Ep 3 Hunk really makes an excellent point. Can’t they at least…run some drills? Or, like, question why Lotor’s ship is just chilling in orbit? Okay, so not a trap, but still not a good idea. Buff general makes me think of Stith from Titan AE AllURA flirting with the Blue Lion!! *dies* Yes, I am watching this episode in the dark, under blankets, like a kid. Family reunion late at night or not, I am watching this. I really like how the Lions’ motions are more catlike and agile. Instead of just flying and running, they’re using more natural-looking abilities. “Hunk! I’m a leg!” ADORABLE.
Ep 4 Coran’s “NO!” breaks my heart Calling it now, that’s a time rift and they just jumped through time. Wait wait wait, so they DID all trade Bayards and the black sword looks AWESOME SHI. RO?! YOUNG. SHI. RO?! NO!! Don’t you DARE say your name is Sven!! Also, Slav kicking butt?! Noooooo! It IS Sven!! DX Okay, so alternate reality. That’s…kind of more fun than time travel Squint-eyed glasses makes me think of Kabuto. Gross. Blade of Marmora=Guns of Gamara?? Yup. Gross. Okay, I LIKE this Slav and Sven. DOGPILE!
Oh crap, there’s only seven episodes. Oh crap! There’s only seven episodes!!
Ep 5 I really don’t know what to make of this episode. Flashbacks of the past? His hair could have gotten that long in the year. But it doesn’t line up with other flashbacks. Wait, no, he says he’s a Paladin. What is going on. Experiment?! How the heck long has he been missing?! NOOOO! Poor stranded Shiro!! Nooooooooo you’re gonna make me CRYYYYY!! Yup, made me cry.
Ep 6 SNIPER RIFLE LANCE I wish Allura’s Bayard wasn’t quite so much like Pidge’s. If she’d had a staff it would have been some variety to the team. Also, why do the sentries look so different? Shiro’s new haircut looks weeeiiird Well, at least Keith didn’t immediately disregard Lance. And Lance still feels like Keith is the leader? “Can someone Altean come move this castle?” XD Awkward cross-leadership. Pidge’s Bayard also looks different. Oh crap, the giant teladav Are they trying to use the comet and teladav to wormhole though dimensions?! The pretty general did collect a bag full of scaultrite from the weblum. Bayard changing hands was slick. Like Daylight! Oooohhhh, Keith let HER shoot the teladav. Hahaha, Shiro played into the “pick your battles” meme!
Ep 7 Young Alfor and Zarkon are weeeiiird An advanced race like all of those and NONE of them could have detected an incoming comet strike?!?! Zarkon is afraid of cats!! XD Oh crap, Honerva gonna get infected by the evil mote. Oooooooor the whole planet is gonna get infected Why is there already battle damage on the Lions when they’re still fresh in the factory?! Ahahaha, the old Paladins are freaking out the same way! That’s adorable! Is it just me, or does Old Voltron look somehow different?
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