#“somehow palpatine returned” literally they can now write anything and just stick it up on the screen
timetodiverge · 8 months
Ahsoka season 2 brainstorming: practical and impractical ways to get the girls* back from Peridea
*Ahsoka, Sabine, AND Shin. (...and David Tennant, the Howler wolf, and the turtles)
(1) just use the force (somehow)
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step 1: use the force
steps 2~10: ???
step 11: profit girls are home yay
(2) purrgil wearing a hyperspace-ring backpack
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(Behold my astonishing drawing skills. You're astonished right.)
Since the purrgil migratory route from Seatos to Peridea only seems to go one way (because the whales go there to die), they'd have to build a mini Eye of Sion so they can all get back after Ezra hitches a ride there. Purrgil know the way to Peridia; Ezra knows the coordinates of home already.
(Will Thrawn be staking out Seatos to try to prevent this? Yes. Will that make it funnier when Ezra does it anyway and gets away with it? Most definitely 👍👍)
(3) use the "somehow, Palpatine returned" method
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The audience:
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(Mate, Disney did it first. This is now an in-canon way to Solve Problems.)
(4) Mortis Gods temple ruins on Lothal=secret yet convenient portal
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Ezra "the force is all I need" Bridger will use his amazing Space Jesus powers and *insert additional justifications relating to loth-wolves, world-between-worlds, Lothal magic, Morai etc*, Ezra will open the portal on one side and the girls, working as a team in a way that will make us all cry, will open from the other side
(additionally, because we are not crying enough yet, there will be a cameo from Kanan!loth-wolf/DumeWolf. You're welcome)
(additionally additionally, the deal Ahsoka made with the Mortis Gods to make this possible means she will now die to repay the debt. Because the writers really want us to cry. A lot.)
...okay everyone YOUR TURN add on your most practical and impractical ideas
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