#“thats a grown man” STFU HES MY BABY
fandomassimilator · 2 months
My Next Gen Texting Fic Crack part 1
Year Seven- Teddy Lupin (Huffelpuff) Victorie Weasley (Ravenclaw)
Year Five- Dominique Weasley (Gryphindor)
Year Four - Louis Weasley (Attends Beaubaxtons but still included)
Year Three- Jamie Potter (Gryphindor) Freddie Weasley-Johnson (Gryphindor)
Year Two- Roxanne Weasley-Johnson (Gryphindor)
Year One- Albus Potter (Slytherin) Rose Granger-Weasley (Gryphindor) Scorpius Malfoy (Slytherin)
Not Sorted Yet: Hugo Granger-Weasley, Molly Weasley-Wood, Lucy Weasley-Wood, Lily Luna Potter, Daisy Dursley
Note; this is not cursed child compliant at all (no shocker) and follows my own slight interpretation of post cannon, the ages are flipped around, Teddy and Jamie are only four years apart so he can be a part of the story, Hugo is one year younger then Rose while Molly, Lucy, Lily and Daisy are four years younger then Albus
Warning right now: this author is a Percy Weasley apologist, these contain a plot line where Percy was disowned from his family after a row after the battle of hogwarts and Fred’s ensuing death, his twin daughters carry the last name but he does not, none of his family has seen him in years, or his daughters. The -Wood part is self-explanatory. Nothing about this follows cannon but fuck cannon. More about this will learn as the story unfolds
These will be random and in no way cohesive or planned, just ignore the continuity errors- i will however try to explore more of a character if requested. These practice ‘writings’ are to explore the next gen because Jesus Christ these kids need a bit of a fixer uppper
—✨tHe WoTtErS✨—
Jamie added ‘Albus’ to the group chat
Jamie changed ‘Albus’s name to ‘Baby Slytherin’
Baby Slytherin: does this mean you don’t hate me?
Teddy; Of course not Al
Dom: we woulnt have added you to the gc if we did
Dom: wat its tru?
Fredric: Welcome to the party 🎉
Baby Slytherin: is rose here
Jamie: iS rOsE hErE
Jamie: im your actual sibling
Roxie: pov Albus at every family gathering
Baby Slytherin: I dont deserve this
Vic: aunt hermione wouldn’t let her get a phone
Fredric: we’ll see how long uncle Ron lasts w that
Dom: clingy bastard
Roxie: let the prophet speak Vic
Ted changed ‘Baby Slytherin’s name to ‘Albus’
Ted: Albus, are you doing alr in Slytherin, did you make any friends?
Jamie: on the FIRST DAY???
Jamie: thats asking a lot of Al
Albus: yeah, one
Fredric: thats more then you Jamie
Albus: its not rose
Roxie: pray tell
Albus: no
Dom: some blond kid? I saw you
Vic: The Lovegoods arent in school yet?
Albus: not the Lovegoods
Fredric: ?????who????🧐
Albus: not telling
Roxie: SPILL
Albus: oh look its dad textin
Albus: do you think if we work together we could trick him into thinking im in Ravenclaw?
Ted: be honest w ur dad Al
Jamie: Also i already told mum
Albus: you tell mum everything
Freddie: girls, girls, why fight?
Dom: im asking rose the name of ur friend
Albus: pls no
Ted: why is it a secret
Albus: Jamie wont like it
Jamie: what???
Albus: oh look my screen times ab to go off
Albus: by guys
Jamie: should i tell him the password is our parents anniversary?
Ted: let him figure it out
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Dom: what the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Dom: the baby is gone i can do cuss words
Ted: Roxanne is 12
Freddie: Roxanne grew up around quidditch players, she can curse like a full grown man
Jamie: im so proud
Louis: guys i just checked my phone wtf is that gif Freddie?
Freddie: starting the school year off right
Dom: how’s France Lou?
Louis: its good, better food
Louis: i got stuff to tell you Dom and vic
Vic: other gc?
Ted: can I hear?
Louis: yes
Roxie: YEAH
Dom: L
-The Best Weasleys + Teddy-
Dom: English pls for teddy and myself
Vic: Dominique…
Dom: i dont wanna translate rn just spill
Louis: so everyone’s 14 now and we’re all getting crushes and whatnot
Dom: omg is happening
Vic: is there a girl? Is she pretty?
Louis: thats the thing
Ted: what’s she’s like?
Louis: his name is Charles
Louis: i think i kinda knew i liked him last year but now we’re all older and it feel more real
Louis: i wanted to tell you guys first
Dom: Lou, we support you, completely, but im going to let vic handle the speech
Vic: Louis, we are your sisters, no matter who you chose to love, even if they’re really ugly, we support you
Ted: also between the four of us you are not the only straight person in this family
Louis: WHAT
Ted: another time!
Dom: we love you Lou, go for it
Vic: okay, bed all three of you, its late!
Ted: ma’m yes ma’m
Dom: see Vic, hes such husband material
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mikey-stardust-way · 2 months
Oh, that's another thing. He's been doing this Shit Since back in Charlotte before Sonic IDW Literally fighting with people about political stuff and feminism and whatever yeah, he hasn't changed onw bit as a person He's on a redeemable of human being a grown man in his 30 Really wasting his life getting angry Uber a fictional character when people are helping actual real people out there. Yeah, he really has accomplished something in his life.
Petettion~ fooooor him to....Get the hell off tumblrrrrr~ and the worldwideweb- 📝
Also yeah I saw he has some...odd politics and other stuff? And is just confusing frankly, in a bad way...Also I don't think I know of Charlotte sonic stuff, I'm still pretty new to this all...
My like first sonic games were a Genesis collection on ps3 man I'm a baby-
ANYWAYS! FACTS! His icon which he uses for multiple socials, is a recoloring of an IDW panel character (which is hilarious) he has himself drawn(traced but ehh-) over two IDW characters! I'm not one to kink shame- but that man thinks about NOTHING BUT NSFW which is saaaaad and thinks that's how stuff is popular- (not true), and he has (to me) an uncomfortable obsession with the younger comic characters.. Then there's more but yeah man is.....kinda stupid frankly.
Also im sure you know this, but I find it funny in a bad way- how heated he gets over people polity disagreeing with him and then makes a fight out of it like dude....stfu please smoke some weed you need to chill.
He's been deemed a moron and unbarable by anyone who happens across him which I Sault 🫡 becuse god damn-
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missmeinyourbones · 3 years
what icks do you think the aot boys are guilty of having lol
aot boys x icks! (part 2) (jjk version)
now THIS is content i can get behind
is the type of guy to think that just letting the water hit him in the shower is washing his body... like you're showering together and ur scrubbing ur legs w body wash or something and he's like wait... you wash your legs? like you don't just let the water and soap hit them? WHAT
tries to start a podcast and thinks hes making really profound points but its the most basic and bare minimum conclusions like "working out actually improves your mental health"
his hair gets greasy really easily but he doesnt like to wash it every day bc it dries it out. you recommend dry shampoo and he REFUSES because it “makes his hair look gray” and ur like no not if you apply it like this and rub it in!!!! he doesnt listen
accidentally airs ur dirty laundry and secrets to all of ur friends LMFAO he really doesnt mean to though but youll all be having dinner or something and someone will order a specific food and he’ll be like “wait baby isnt that the food that gives you really bad gas?” goodbye
the classic "THIS IS FOR YOU <3" and misses
uses the 🥺 emoji way too much for a grown ass man. like its cute sometimes but its definitely his most used emoji. also says "sowwy" when ur mad at him :/
loves when you scratch his back/head but only does urs for like 2 mins LMFAO. ur taking turns in bed and when its his turn to scratch he does it for like 30 seconds and then is like my turn :) or im tired goodnight :) also gets mad when you stop unexpectedly. gives you side eye
drools in his sleep LMFAO. sleeps with his mouth open and its not that big of a deal unless he’s sleeping on you and you wake up with a fucking wet patch on your chest as if a baby was just napping on you
prefers you without make up and doesnt really understand that you wear it for personal or creative reasons, like he automatically assumes its because you’re insecure or covering something up. like youre going out and having fun getting ready and looking pretty and hes like “why do you wear makeup when you are so beautiful naturally? :)” 
buys millennial merch like “dont talk to me before my coffee” or those signs that say “dogs welcome! people tolerated” also calls dogs “floofers” and “doggos”
genuinely says sheesh. like not as a joke. he'll be like sheesh baby you look so good today and you'll have to hide ur embarrassment lol
is the type to NEVER let you get away with stuttering or fumbling ur words. you know that tiktok thats like "you ever stutter so hard you just have to stfu" thats you around jean LMFAO. you mispronounce one word and hes never letting you forget it
NEVER FINISHES A WATER BOTTLE. he will leave half filled bottles all over the place and then have the audacity to open a new one and drink it in front of you???
sleeps like a LOG. will not move. when he snores and you try to kick him a little bit to be like hey turn over ur snoring, he is not waking up. he gets up the next morning whistling a little tune looking like he just had the best sleep of his life and you crawl out of bed like a gremlin who almost fell off the bed and listened to his snores for 10 hours
such a music snob. he will be like “baby i recently discovered this really good song you probably havent heard of it its super underground” and its tame impala LOL
hes a mouth breather. he also chews so fucking loud. you guys are sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast & minding ur own business, and he is going to TOWN on his food. close ur mouth. imbecile
kinda the same topic but definitely bites his ice cream / popsicles. you are starting to think he doesnt have feeling in his front teeth anymore. he crunches the fuck out of ice as a "snack"
laughs along with a joke that you know he doesnt understand PLEASE it could be an inside joke w you and your girlfriends and hes trying to butt into the conversation like "HAHAHA"
his phone is always greasy and has crumbs in the cracks of the case and shit. ur like oh babe can you take a pic of me real quick??? and its so blurry because of the shit on his lens
leaves the toilet seat up every. single. time. especially not fun when you pee in the middle of the night and fall in with sleepy tired eyes 
sleeps with socks on. LET UR DOGS BREATHE LEVI. he thinks sleeping barefoot is nasty so he puts on a new pair of socks every time he gets into bed
has to correct you, even on tiny minute details. youre telling a story and youre like "so we waited in line for like 30 minutes" and hes like "it was actually 45." or "we went out to eat last monday" "it was tuesday but ok" like ENOUGH. let me have something
worst. backseat. driver. ever. you could break a little too quickly ONE time and hes so dramatic about it. “that wasnt a complete stop” “you’re supposed to be in the next lane” “that car was in your blindspot and you didnt even look” 
answers the phone with “what” every single time. not a hello??? how are you??? how was your day??? it sounds like a chore but in reality he just doesnt like technology and thinks phone calls/texts should be as concise and quick as possible
has literally no decor in his house/apartment like it actually looks uninhabited. has like one couch and a bed. you offer to help him pick some things out and hes like “im always at work anyways why would i need a table”
likes drake LMFAO not even old drake (when he was good) but like new "say that you a lesbian girl me too" drake
repeats a joke that didn't land because he thinks you didn't hear it. but you did. it just wasn't funny
when you guys first started talking he was definitely the guy to be like "ur so beautiful, whats a girl like you doing with a little ugly boy like me???" when you guys are in a relationship youre able to see that its just his insecurities manifesting but. it was cringey at first
i just know this man has dirty fingernails. like they are short and well kept but there is always DIRT AND GRIME under them. you make him wash his hands before he touches you
cant be quiet for the life of him. he has loud ass footsteps. like ur sleeping and granted he is trying so hard to be quiet but he literally cannot. slams his drawers, shuts the door so loud, will play a video on his phone full blast. and then when you stir from your sleep and glare at him hes like “good morning :D”
genuinely says "without me? :(" when you say you are about to shower LMFAOOOO its kinda funny when you guys are in an established relationship bc u can just smack him but he is definitely guilty of saying it seriously when you two were in the talking stage
accidentally mansplains things to you. not in a demeaning or belittling way but like youll make a joke about "why cant we just print more money" and this business major bitch is like "baby...are you serious...because inflation will-" like OKAYYYY it was a joke
his hair is so crunchy from all of the hair product/gel he uses on it. sometimes when hes fresh out of the shower youll compliment his natural hair as an attempt to get him to lay off the gel. his hair is so hard you could drop a brick on his head and it would deflect 
backwashes in all of your shared drinks
manspreads, especially in public. youll be sitting in a crowded place and he is openly sprawled out extremely comfortable while a woman with a baby is giving him a dirty look
i had a lot of fun coming up with these! i hope this was what you were asking for :3 thanks for requesting!
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eighthmnth-blog · 5 years
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          -------------- and he shall be levon       ( and he shall be a good man )    and he shall be levon       ( in tradition with the family plan )
and i oop
none of this is going to make sense. im really really tired. ive been in a hot car all day sldjskld baking. crispy. now im going to sleep before work,,, but wrow hi im r, im way too excited to be here. this intro is ?? too long but after all these years ive never learned how to stfu. i COULD have done this sooner but i also turned my brain off last night and watched baby driver for the first time and wow 10/10 would recommend sdksjdlkas i dont have discord because im living in the stone age  but im available via tumblr ims if anyone wants to plot --- ill prop make a proper connection page 2mmrow,, just fuck him up. honestly. ruin him. take out the trash.
[ luke hemmings. twenty-three. cismale. he/him. | muse 4b. ] levon by elton john just came on the radio and it made me think of august ferland. they’ve been in sundance for their whole life and they’re currently an administrative assistant. if you’re looking for them, try by the sheriff’s office, locals say they’re there a lot. [ r. she/them. 20. est. ]
SUBPLOT       if someone asked who sundance’s bad seed is, most people would say muse 4a. always getting in trouble for one reason or another, muse 4a has just never been one to follow rules. maybe that’s why muse 4b, the sheriffs child, is so drawn to them. muse 4a and muse 4b have been hooking up pretty casually, but muse 4b’s soft nature is causing them to fall for sundance’s baddest seed while muse 4a is only interested in hooking up. will muse 4a break muse 4b's heart? what would the sheriff say if they found out?
nonsensical ramblings    
the world is black and white as a child. a young august planted in front of one static plagued television, soaking up the world of cops and robbers. a mop of blond hair and a missing front tooth, beaming proudly “ MY FATHER’S THE SHERIFF “ , a hero in the boy’s mind. black & white. good versus bad.
then comes middle school, high school, and everything thereafter. it’s living under a microscope. small-town living & dealing out the law don’t tend to equate to a private life. sometimes august knows people’s business before they do —- other times the positions are reversed. it wasn’t the easiest of days, far from the romanticized lifestyle often portrayed on screen. the chill of cold shoulders never fades over the years. children told to steer clear of the ferland boy lest they find themselves under sundance’s watchful eye. the SHERIFF’S SON, an undesired spotlight.  as the years come and go, he wonders how he once wore that title with pride.
they made an angel of him. almost golden. of course, the teenage years are a rocky patch for anyone. the spark of rebellion, even he wasn’t immune. eighteen and sneaking out with his father’s pistol, shooting cans and bottles --- until he puts one single bullet through a neighbor’s window. that summer spent wasting away under a scorching sun, completing mundane tasks to earn enough to pay for the replacements. it’s out of character for him, but they write it off as a minor scare --- a teenager. no one was hurt, so all’s well that ends well. right ?
he tires of daily life. the yearning for something more never dies, it just lays dormant. only rarely given a breath of life. he grows exhausted of the endless pestering and gossip tucked in church pews. of the polite smiles and polished image. ‘ when will you settle down ? find a nice girl ? are you going to take over the station ? look at how much you’ve grown. ‘twenty-three years too long in sundance.
he knew the names before he saw them in ink at the station. his father’s endless rants, the population that put grey in his hair. miscreants, that august was explicitly told never to associate with. words that fell on deaf ears and then he goes the extra mile. he can’t help but feel a hint of shame, but never enough for him to put a stop to the sneaking. the town’s bad seed --- the sheriff’s greatest adversary and the cause of most, if not all, of his migraines. then there was august, like a moth to an open flame. it must have been some ultimate form of karma when he realizes something’s changed. the rules of the game aren’t so simple anymore, there’s more at stake. just like that, he’s damned them all. the heart wants what it wants, and now he’s cast as the fool. play with fire, get burned.
1% more brainpower used here       ( background broken down simply )
his aesthetic is that feeling you get when all your extended family ask about your dating life at the family barbecue. vague ??? maybe so, but it triggers something in me.
he’s dumb, and a tad naive lbh, but this is august.. the sheriff’s son if that hasn’t become,,, really obvious. in the brief readings i did beforehand, it seems like small-town sheriffs can sometimes have a bit of a spotlight on themselves and their family so i kind of envisioned him as being borderline lonely in his youth due to the fact people don’t want to find themselves under the microscope by being friends with the sheriff/’s family.  i think the whole sheriff thing has been a big,,, oof in his life. there are probably places he can’t go because his dad arrested the cook in the back or things along those lines.
he’s bored. he has a wifi connection. if his family didn’t think he wasn’t going to get glimpses of the outside world and want to get the fuck out of dodge then idk my dude.
he works as an administrative assistant at the station,, so he’s mainly handling the paperwork and stuff, but id imagine he's a bit of a jack of all trades in the field. takes calls, but also probably gets sent out for the really shitty jobs like the old lady who calls ten times a day for nothing, or that she’s getting calls from scammers :))) but he ain’t going out arresting anyone or doing anything serious. just the “my cat’s in a tree” bs and getting coffee.
in the public eye, he’s probably a real golden child. volunteering, going to church, helping out wherever he can. does he have a genuine interest in any of that ? absolutely not. but it reflects well on his family and on himself. he has a reputation to upkeep. he only went up to high school education-wise, and in a town that probably isn’t too fast crime wise, he has enough free time to be active in the community.
i dont know what suffers more his brain or his heart
n sync vc: bi bi bi
before my dumbass forgets, he does have a good relationship with his parents,,, when he’s not being a fucking moron. follow your heart?? not good advice for him. his mom is currently abroad. aug probably gets his desire to run from her, she’s currently teaching english abroad. he’s v proud of her tyvm. his dad?? yeah. i mean obvs aug isnt very honest about EVERYTHING. he’s gotten good at telling white lies, but he still loves his dad.  he’s also an only child so all eyes on him rIP.
i have a shitty pinterest board for him HERE there's barely anything there but yknow
he’s currently being sized for his clown shoes
thats all folks
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Who else on svt (other than jeonghan and dk) do you think is genuinely close?
oooo00000OOOOh b you better grab a chair 
I actually think a majority, if not all, of Seventeen is close. They’ve all trained and worked with each other as “seventeen” for so long it’s kinda impossible to not know each other well yaknow? This list is what I’ve seen lately, but I cant be the one to fully judge because I didn’t stan Seventeen from the beginning T-T
Hyung line (s.coups+ Jeonghan+ Joshua)- They have a system going on where S.coups has to make a decision and Joshua and Jeonghan aid in  the right path. Kind like in OFD japan where Hoshi and Hyung team fought and Coups was a bit too heated to really make a decision and Jeonghan provided a push and Joshua provided reassurance that it’s the right thing to do to make a meeting and resolve the problem.
S.coups+all members- He needs to be able to know all the members well enough to lead the group. He doesn’t necessarily need to be with them all the time though, and that’s okay
Gamer buds (I think it’s S.coups+Wonwoo+Woozi or Mingyu???)- They play games together lol
Jeonghan+Dk-They’re each other’s favorite roommates. Their personalities clash well like a puzzle. Jeonghan yearns of love and appreciation and someone who can take his jokes well. Dk is just that dude. Someone who smiles through every situation and uses humor as his form of energy.
Americain line (Joshua+vernon)-Joshua talks to Vernon in English and aids him in learning the language and I bet Vernon helps him with writing Korean etc. They both know bits about America and customs there. They first bonded through that and now through their personalities.
Jun+wonwoo?- They are both the type of guys who say a joke that makes everyone uncomfortably laugh, but its okay because they have this thing goin where they tell fans that the other is bad at telling jokes and is unfunny, when irl they are just teasing.
Leader Line (Hoshi+Woozi+S.coups)- To be 3 leaders in a team you need a state of neutrality and know how to work well together. They lead differently. S.coups leads the team, he makes the decisions regarding the well-being of the team. Hoshi leads steps and position he makes sure they look well put together. He is also the hype man. Woozi is the “behind the scenes” man. He creates the music in his studio with no disruptions till its perfect. He doesn’t like the attention, but Seventeen/leaderline tries their best to tell everyone that he has a large role in the creation of Svt to rightfully credit him.
Hoshi+Wonwoo-Mocking each other 24/7. Same age friends. They like to play rough sometimes, but it’s a normal thing
Gag trio (Hoshi+Dk+Seungkwan)- Get together to make people laugh. They are the loud ones who just came to see a smile.I’m pretty sure they have a cheer too so…
Wonwoo+Mingyu-The solid ship. We got puppygyu and tsundere Wonwoo. They are sweet together. Though I heard a fan tried to force the ship irl and it made then drift apart for a while? I think they are coming back together
Woozi+Vernon- Teacher->apprentice. Woozi said he wants a mind like Vernon, the way Vernon thinks is so unique and different from what Woozi would expect. and Vernon said he wants natural talent like Woozi. Not many people shed light on it, but Vernon has a lot of credits alongside Woozi (but not as much ofc) in music production and lyric writing. Woozi appreciates that and they both share the same chill energy when they are not being memes.
Woozi+Jeonghan- Woozi only lets Jeonghan do things to him? But he doesn’t really threaten to hurt him afterwards. He just kinda lets it happen lol. 
Mingyu+The8- Now that The8 is coming more out of his shell and isn’t as ‘cute’ as his near debut image, he can finally let out the fashionista inside of him. He roasts tf out of Mingyu and enjoys the same interest as Mingyu in style and designing to the point that they both said that one day they will come out with a brand together. I feel like Mingyu is legit about that, so I look forward to it.
Mingyu+Seungkwan- The relationship they have is funny to me. They do this thing where they tease each other and then the other one acts like he “had enough” and fights the other. They had a vlive together and all they did was “bicker” and it was great lol.  That’s how I am with my friends. we just tell each other to stfu and fight all the time and it’s great. Goals amirite?
Chinaline (The8+Jun)- Legendary way of meeting (Jun rippin off The8′s cap and then proceeded to spit onto his face bc he had braces) Had to learn Korean together and know the struggles of leaving their hometown far away to pursue a kpop career. Rn its like a older brother to little brother situation where The8 is the older brother and Jun always tries to mess around with him.
Seungkwan+Vernon- So soft. so so so so so soft. Seungkwan watched his lil boy grow into a man, but still treats him the same. with the constant patpats on Vernon’s face and adoring him and appreciating him. And then vernon always looking at Seungkwan when he talks and laughs at his antics. This as a pure pair.
Seungkwan+Dino- bickering lol. Dino learning how to be sassy from Seungkwan. And Seungkwan being Sh00k from his clapbacks.
Vernon+Dk- Same birthday bros. They are memes together and apperently Dk really wants to meet Vernon’s lil sister. Vernon refuses. lol same.
Dino+Jeonghan?-Dino nugu aegi is a joke among Carats etc, but Dino wasnt much of a fan of it. He is grown now as stated by him which is a loss for poor affectionate Jeonghan. I’m not saying their connection is splitting, but it is sure being grinded down bc Dino doesnt like being babied anymore T-T
Dino+Hoshi-Same thing with Jeonghan kinda. I think Hoshi is trying to get the kid in Dino to come back out again. But Hoshi also respects his work ethic and ability to help choreograph.
If I were to condense the most within-group social members it would go:
S.coups-Everyone needs to be comfortable with the leader and he needs to now his members well in order to lead right
Jeonghan- Though he likes to joke a lot, members depend on him for advice and help in difficult times. And he is always there to listen 
Hoshi- Seventeen’s hype man. When the members feel slow in energy they can look to him to find a push and strive for perfection with matching passion as him
Dk-Ability to make the room light and happy. He knows how to joke well and the members appreciate it
Seungkwan-pushing Seventeen to be more out there. With his amazing variety and Mcing skill, he always tries to get the more quiet members to show up on camera and talk a bit
Mingyu- Does a lot for the group behind the scenes like cooking and cleaning. The backbone of the dorm lol. All members know him well. He is also social outside of the group.
Vernon-Due to this kid’s slow and l o s t (lol) nature, all Seventeen members feel a need to protect him. They all agree that he is very unique and 4d. Always living in his own word that they need to pull him back to the real world to ge him focused sometimes.
The8- Before was pretty quiet, but as his Korean improves so does his social skills. He is now able to talk more freely to members and ask what a certain word means without being scared of messing up
Joshua-Joshua is the type to be quiet most of the time, but has bursts of randomness. I feel like, like myself, though he doesn’t talk too much, he is always listening and observing (thats why he is good help for s.coups when making decisions)
Wonwoo- Wonwoo is an introvert and has trouble showing a lot of emotion. He does have a bubbly side though and its seen in his nose crinkles. 
Woozi-Woozi kinda chooses to be left alone. He prefers to work alone undisturbed and I think sometimes overworks himself. The members always point out his achievements bc woozi is not the type to shout it out himself.
Jun- Jun is really 4d and sometimes childish. The members love him of course, but sometimes his jokes can be too odd for everyone to grasp when he comes in and out of a conversation.
Dino- Dino is growing up and is finding individuality. So he will prob. not be playing along with the hyungs things like he used to before. But I hope he goes back to just joking around like that bc just bc you’re grown doesn’t mean you can’t be childish ^-^
There are many more combos I probably missed. I is overwhelmed my dude. Some of my stuff might even look full of shit to others. idk lol
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