#“you go too fast for me” mmm watcha say
god-has-forsnaken-me · 5 months
things i would make if i knew how to edit videos:
supercut of every time aziraphale and crowley have broken up with "mmm watcha say" after each
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Dante’s Inferno - Beetlejuice x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: Spending your undead life working at a brothel in the Neitherworld isn’t the worst. It gets even better when the ghost with the most pays you a visit at work.
Notes: This was supposed to be pure smut, but it got feelsy. Lol. It’s based on the scene where the brothel shows up in the movie! 
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You wave goodbye to Marcel, the vampire you usually get on Tuesdays. He's a regular (nice man) but he's into biting. You don't mind-- thankfully though, your madam, Madam Bones, knows a bit of cosmetic witchcraft, to get you fixed up before the next client.
You've been working here at Dante's Inferno Room for years, ever since you came of age. It's a fun way to pay the bills, and the characters you meet along the way are well worth it. Most of them have had a lifetime of experience with women too, seeing as they're all dead, so the actual work isn't too bad either. Dante's is a highly exclusive club, that can only be conjured by few, and gossip floats around the Neitherworld establishment, as freely as a ghost who hadn't learned the gravity incantation.
Every girl in this place seemed to dream of the 'dead's most eligible bachelor'-- but nobody says his name, for some reason. It was a jinx, a curse or something to say it. You're curious just who the man behind the myth is.
You let Madam Bones heal your neck, and she checks the time on a watch with spinning hands.
"Elliot Mortescue will be here shortly," she announces to you, "He's requested you specifically." Elliot is a dead baron-- a bit of a stuffy ghoul, and you assume he wasn't that much more fun in life than he is in the bedroom dead. But, he pays well, and he's also a regular, so you don’t mind how he always asks for you. He says he likes your horns best. 
Elliot arrives, and you smile, beckoning with your signature plumping of your breasts and pouting. He smirks, taking off his top hat and stalking over to you, when you suddenly hear something outside.
About three of the girls are out on the verandas, luring someone in. The music of the place gets just a little bit louder, and you walk out past the less-than-pleased baron to see. 
Standing on the balcony, you look down, and see a man who accomplishes a near impossible feat-- makes you quiver. 
"It's him," your fellow dancer and coworker whispers, making sure her horns are brushed off, "It's--"
Another girl puts her hands over her mouth. She frowns, grows out her fangs, and snaps down. The second girl scowls, and shakes her hand.
"Don't say his name!"
"That's...?" you whisper, looking down.
"Uh huh," the second girl nods. "The ghost with the most. Any girl in here would just die for a night with him."
You see the ghost start to dance toward you, strange spikes protruding from his jacket. They disappear though, and you can hear the excited grunts coming from him as he slicks back his wild white hair. 
"Mm... ooh, yeah..." He shakes his hips as he finally enters, and he rubs his hands together. "Ah, ladies. Ladies! I'm feelin' a little... anxious, if ya know what I mean."
A bunch of the demon girls giggle, and some others roll their eyes, though not without a sideways glance. The ghost grabs his crotch, and nods. "Oof, uh huh! I'm definitely in need of a little love, girls. It's been too long. Years. Hundreds of years, ya don't know what it's like!"
"Ohhh," everyone fawns over him, and he makes a show of choosing a girl. You watch him closely as he looks around, narrowing your eyes. He looks... familiar.
"Mmm, you look like a freak! But you're real spooky, babe, maybe I should..." He trails off, and his eyes stop on you. “Ooh. Ooh, yeah.” He licks his lips, shooting you finger guns. "I have GOT to go with you, babes. Knocking me outta the park with that look, holy, is it blazing like the fiery pits of hell in here, or is it just me, huh?"
Everyone else moans and sighs that he picked you, muttering about how all of the best always choose you. You just take this ghost by the collar, leading him up to a luxury bedroom. Once you're inside, you grin, pushing him up against the door. 
“What would you like, and how would you like it?” you drawl. His eyes fly down to your breasts, and he palms himself. 
“Mmm... I could probably finish just watchin’ ya stand there, to be honest, babes...”
You pout, circling him and nudging him away from the door. “But you don’t want that. And I don’t want that. I want you to finish inside me.”
He groans, a sound that goes straight to your pussy. The more you look at him in the hellish candlelight, the more attractive he gets. Although... there’s something about him that’s oddly familiar.
“I know watcha mean,” he growls, looping his arm around your waist and dipping you back, “But it’d still be hot, wouldn’t it?”
You lick your lips. “Oh, yes. You, sitting on the edge of the bed...” you walk him over like a dog on a leash, and sit him down, smoothing your hands down his shoulders, “...watching as I put on a little show...” You start to strip, opening up your shirt to expose your bra. The ghost is practically salivating by now, but you put your foot up, keeping it on his chest. “Ah ah. You wanted to watch. So watch.”
You snap your panties against your ass, and unhook your bra, turning around and winking. He’s dying to see you from the front. You toss the garment back, and squeeze your ass for him, moaning softly, imagining it’s him. He curses under his breath, and you hear the telltale sound of him rubbing one off. You hold up a finger.
“You know the rules.”
He stops, and you finally turn, striding over to him. You get on top of him, straddling him, and barely touch his lips with yours. 
“Hooo,” the ghost sighs, “I am gonna need a good millennium to get over those tits, babe.” You kiss him gently on the nose, leading his hands up your torso. 
“Maybe more.” You squeeze your breasts with his hands, and he groans even louder. 
“Fuck. I wanna fuckin’ break this bed with you, babygirl,” he growls, teeth gnashing. He’s lost his playful side-- he wants you bad now. Arousal spreads through you as you drag down between his legs, kneeling. You quirk and eyebrow, and he licks his lips again, voice register dropping down to a regular tone. 
“Detours are fine too, however.” You take him out of his pants, and he gasps at the contact. “Fuckin’ yeah. C’moooon, baby. Give me summa that,” he cackles, resting his hands behind his head as he leans against some invisible force keeping him upright. You put your hand on his knee, and use the other to take his cock in your hand, sliding your wet mouth down over it. “Holy fuckin’ shit,” he murmurs, “Yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about... this was worth the wait, you better believe it, mmmm!” 
You suck him until he’s clutching at the bed and knocking his hips up so fast you can’t breathe. You pop off, shooting him a dirty look, and he runs a hand through his hair. “Wassamatter? I facefuck you too rough?” He sets off cackling again, so you climb on top once more.
“Fuck me. Hard. Now.”
“Can’t disappoint the lady,” he smirks, and grabs you by the hips, flipping you over so he’s on top of you. You lean up to kiss him, but just as you do, you notice something. He does as well. He notices a small tattoo, right under your ear. His eyes widen, and yours do too. 
It all hits you too fast, like the car that hit you on the bridge. 
"Beetlejuice?" you murmur. He swallows, worry in his eyes. 
"Uh. Oops. She said it once, I can forgive it. Twice, well--"
"Beetlejuice," you clench your jaw, and he lets out a high pitched squeal. 
"Babes, wait--!" he blurts, and holds his hands up as he topples off the bed. You look over the edge, accusation in your eyes. 
“You better give me one good reason not to say it one more time and send your ass back to that model!” 
“I’ll, uh... give ya the best orgasm you’ve had in your whole undead existence?” A pillow hits him in the face, exploding with dust. He coughs. “Evidently, that was not a good reason.” 
“You LEFT me!” you shout. To hell with your job. To hell with the money you would’ve gotten for finishing him off-- you’re pissed. 
When you die, you forget things. You forget who you loved, who meant the most to you. You retain some of who you are, but not a lot sticks in the afterlife, here in the Neitherworld. The workers at the office see to that. 
But the cracks all seem to be getting bigger, letting little fragments through. You used to babysit for the Maitlands’ newborn. You were between jobs, and needed the money... you had known Barbara from saying hi at the local grocery mart, and after that, you had practically lived at their old house, as a live-in nanny. 
You were in that accident. The car, the bridge, the river... you had drowned, you weren’t hit by a car. You were in the car! You had ended up here in the working class of the Neitherworld, and... well, you had no idea where the Maitlands ended up, after they also died in the same accident. As far as you know, their baby had been adopted by the family who moved in... though that was just a rumor from Juno. 
But Beetlejuice... you had met the ghost in the model, one night when you were lonely. Everyone else had been sleeping... he had found you, calling out softly for someone, and you had started some kind of strange affair. After a while, you started to develop feelings for him. Then he disappeared. 
“Hello?? Dead guy with a boner lyin’ on the ground!” Beetlejuice shouts, and you very nearly smother him with another pillow. He jumps up, covers his crotch, and sighs. “Look. (y/n). Before ya kill me again, I... I had to go!”
“I just!” He clenches his jaw, shaking. “I can’t answer you! I can’t tell ya, alright?!”
“Why not?” 
“Babes...” He sighs, seeing there was no way of getting around this. “I started to... feel stuff for you. I couldn’t stay, cause you were alive! You couldn’t fall in love with a dead guy. Young hot thing like you... much rather pay to bang demon chicks for the rest of eternity.” He realizes the irony of this, and looks you over, cringing. “How the hell did you become a demon?!”
“Probably by fucking a ghost,” you growl, walking him up against the wall with a finger pointed at his neck. He manages a nervous smile. 
“Touche.” He sighs again, brushing hair out of your face. You find yourself leaning into the touch. “Honey, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry! I am. I’m just a mess. Alright? I’m a dirty mess who knows I fuck up so bad all the time that I don’t deserve a... perfect girl like you.” 
You look into his eyes, and smirk. “You want me to start playing the violin?” 
He starts to smile, then laughs. You laugh as well, and his usual pizazz is back. He wraps his arms tight around you, then starts mouthing kisses up your neck. You moan, remembering how many times sex had been initiated like this. Your pussy is responding to the memories coming back as well-- with every touch from Beetlejuice, you remember one more little thing he used to do in bed to drive you wild. 
You both fall to the floor, fuck the bed, and you get on top of him, lowering yourself onto his cock. You lean forward so your breasts are in his face, and he lets out an excited holler. 
“Yeeeah!!” He buries his face in your breasts, motor boating. “I’ve always wanted to do that.” He licks your nipples, sucking them into his mouth and grazing them with his teeth. You can’t get over his horny, salacious expression, like he wants you so bad, he needs you, he can’t get enough. You rock down, biting your lip, and he grabs your horns, holding on for the ride as you both move in time with one another, as if no time had gone by at all. 
“Baby, baby,” he moans, “Ya gotta forgive me. I’m so fucking horny for you, I gotta come.”
“Come inside me, Beetlejuice.” Just then, in a flash of light, you both appear somewhere else. You look around, and he starts to laugh his ass off. “What?” you mutter, frowning at the plastic graveyard behind you. 
“Ya said my name the third time!” he snorts. You turn to see his grave, and a couple of model houses. You laugh as well, and lean down, slamming your lips into his hard. He groans, hands going to your hips, and he gropes you as he pants your name and comes. He thrusts his hips up hard, and you gasp too, coming just as hard as he does. 
You roll off, laying back on the uncomfortable plastic turf. “Well. You owe me my day’s wages.”
He smirks, ogling down your naked body and feeling a hand down it. “Happy to pay up. Just lemme pop down to my humble abode...” You roll over closer to him, cuddling into his arm as he brushes his nose against yours. “Wanna stay for awhile? Hope you like Italian.” 
You hear a soft male voice. “What’s...?” You look up to see two people towering over you-- a familiar couple. “(y/n)! It’s been... years!” 
“Barb? Adam?” you shriek, and Beej snaps his fingers fast, getting a dress on you. It’s two sizes too small, hugging you way too tight, but he just shrugs with a nasty smirk. The two ghosts above you look at each other, to you, then to Beetlejuice. 
“Please tell me you didn’t corrupt our innocent babysitter, you horrible banshee,” Barbara snaps. Beej just grins in smug satisfaction, zipping himself up. 
“Actually, Bab-- (y/n) corrupted me.” Shrieking laughter echoes through the model, as the ghostly couple shake their heads at what their afterlife had become. 
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jordcnbrown · 3 years
High and Horny: Fucking my older coworker Jake
I’m high and horny and I am thinking of my friend who I have a crush on and what I wish would happen.
Around 6 pm, I (F25) would be chilling on my couch watching tv when I get a text from my friend, Jake, who is also my coworker (M40).
“Watcha up to? I answer him “just being a couch potato” He responds “I’m house sitting and bored. Want to come over and hang?”
I take a couple minutes to think about it. We have never hung out outside of work except for office parties. I get nervous and excited thinking of possibly hanging out with him. I tell him “Sure! Send me your address!” He texts me and an hour later I’m pulling into his driveway.
He opens the door to let me in and we awkwardly hug. Mmm he smells so good and looks so handsome in casual clothes. He’s wearing jeans and a dark blue v neck tee. I take my shoes off and put my purse on the little table by the door. I’m in leggings and a graphic tee. I can already feel a tingle between my legs just from standing next to him.
I say “wooooah” because the house is rich af and very fancy! I ask him “who are you sitting for” and he tells me it’s his sister’s house. “Ooooh” I answer. “Show me around!” I tell him. He takes me on a tour around the house and we end up in the backyard. It’s pitch black with a beautiful view of the stars and a gorgeous heated pool with dim underwater lights. I stare in amazement at how pretty this house and yard is. Jake asks me “you okay?” I nervously giggle and respond “yeah haha the pool is just so pretty and oh my god this view is amazing!” He laughs in return and says “do you want to go for a swim?” I tell him “I didn’t bring a bathing suit….buuut a bra and panties are basically a bathing suit right?”
He responds “hahaha yeah pretty much!” He goes inside to get some towels and while he’s gone, I quickly take my clothes off so I can dip in the water and kind of hide. The water feels so nice around me and I’m wearing nothing but a see through wireless bralette and a cotton thong. He comes back with the towels, sees me in the water, and smiles. He drops the towels on the table, drops his pants, and swiftly takes his tee shirt off to reveal is dad bod which I find incredibly handsome. He tells me “i’ll go in the pool in my briefs, so we can be even hahaha”
For a man in his’s 40s, he looks great. He has a slim dad bod, he’s strong but not too muscly, he’s about 6’ tall, and he has gorgeous eyes. I on the other hand am short (only 5’), on the chubbier side, and have brown eyes and black hair.
He glides into the water and swims over to where I am. He asks me “how does it feel!” I reply “sooooooo nice! I haven’t been in a pool in I think like maaaaybe 5 years! Ahaha it’s been a while” he says “oh wow that’s a long time! Well enjoy this all you want cause we have the place all to ourselves!”
I lay on my back and float around. The mix of the heat of the pool and the cool breeze outside sends tingles throughout my body. After enjoying the pool in silence for a while, we both go sit on the underwater bench at the end of the pool and talk and laugh for what seems like hours. Conversations with Jake are just so easy and it makes him even more attractive. I swim away wishing we could live in this moment forever. He follows me and jokingly say “l’m going to get you” so I squeal and flutter kick away as fast as I can. I get to the other end of the pool and turn around. He’s right behind me and he pulls up right to me, puts his arms on the ledge on either side of me and traps me between his arms and my back is pressed against the edge. He says “I got you.”
His face his right in front of mine. My heart is beating so fast and loud that I can hear it in my ears. I quietly say “you got me….what do you want for your prize?” He responds “I don’t know, what would a good prize be?” He is staring deeply into my eyes and I’m trying extremely hard to not look down at his lips but my body wants his hands all over me. I’m feeling flirty so I slide my hands over his shoulders and around his neck while my legs straddle him. I say “how about me?” He smiles and pushes me. against the wall and kisses me hard. I let out a moan because I have wanted to feel his lips on mine so bad and my pussy instantly tingles from pure excitement. I kiss him hard back. My hands are all over his head, my tongue feels every inch of his tongue, and I squeeze my legs to feel his hard dick pressing against me into my pelvis as he grabs my ass. After almost 30 minutes of passionately making out, he asks me if I want to go inside. I nod, so he grabs my hand and leads me out of the pool. He wraps me in a towel, wraps himself, and takes me inside to his room. He closes the door and removes our towels. He kisses my lips, my cheeks, my neck, and moves down to my breasts. He removes my bra and guides me to lay on the bed. He climbs on top of me, grabs both my breasts and sucks on my hard nipples and licks every inch of them. I never thought I could orgasm from nipple stimulation but since I have wanted him for so long I feel like I am close. He suddenly stops and moves back up to kiss my lips. At the same time he slips his hand down my panties and starts to rub my clit. I am moaning and arching my back under him. His touch feels amazing and my whole body is on fire. I tell him “I want you inside me” he asks me “are you sure?” And I say “mmhmmm.” He asks me “should I get a condom” I know he should but I want to feel all of him inside me and I’m on the pill so I tell him “no I’m on the pill.”
He removes his briefs and reveals his hard dick. It looks huge to me ,width and length wise. I’m not sure he will fully fit inside my small tight pussy, but I’m so horny I don’t care. He moves down and starts to lick my clit. I grab the sheets and feel for a pillow I can grab. He moves his tongue up and down my pussy and then starts to tongue fuck me. He stays down there and plays with me until I have my first orgasm. As I shake and recover, he giggles and says “now you’ll be even tighter for me” and slides his large cock inside me. We both gasp at the feeling, it feels so nice and big inside me, perfectly pressing against my G spot. He tells me how wet and tight I am and how he might cum quick because it feels so good. He has my legs up on his shoulders and starts to pound into me. I grab my breasts which are bouncing around and moan loudly as I have my second orgasm. Shortly after, he releases my legs to cum all over my stomach. He lets out a moan and shakes as the last of his cum shoots out. Then we both lay on the bed trying to catch out breaths. He leans over and kisses me passionately. His lips are soft and pillowy and his full head of hair is soft between my fingers. I moan more and my body squirms wanting more. He reads my body and understands. He grabs a towel, wipes his cum off, and then pulls me on top.
His dick is hard and ready to go. I’m dripping wet so I have no problem slipping on top of him. He guides my ass and makes it bounce on top of him and pound into him. I ride him and ride him as my breasts move back and forth right in front of his face. He sits up and makes me slide in and out of him as he sucks on my nipples again. I tell him “keep going keep going” as I go harder and faster and feel my vagina pulsating and getting tighter around his dick. I finally orgasm again. He is still hard so he flips me over on my stomach and pounds into me prone style. My bouncy ass jiggles every time he slams into me and after what feels like forever he finally cums on my back and moans louder than before. He collapses on the bed next to me and we just lay in silence breathing. After a couple minutes, we clean up, and climb under the sheets naked. He spoons me with his big arms and I fall into a deep sleep feeling satisfied and comfortable.
I wake up in the morning to him fondling my breasts. I keep my eyes closed and start to moan. I reach behind me and start to stroke his penis which is instantly hard. He licks his fingers and reaches down to rub my clit and slowly finger me. “Mmmm” I say “I’m definitely sore from yesterday.” He responds “oops hehe….do you want more” I turn my head towards him, smile, and nod. He keeps me on my side and lifts my leg up to slide inside me. The soreness combined with his pounding make me instantly wet. He massages my breasts and tells me he’s going to cum quick because I feel so tight and good. He turns me on my back and cums on my stomach and chest. His cum feels wet and warm on me and I melt into the blankets kind of mind blown this is happening. We clean up and take a quick shower because I need to head home. Right before I leave, he pulls me into him and grabs my face with both his hands to kiss me more. I have so many butterflies and I feel like I could kiss him forever. We make out for a couple more minutes before I break away to head home feeling very satisfied trying to remember every detail.
submitted by /u/supersecretbunny225 [link] [comments] from Sex Stories https://ift.tt/3tRiPuM
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orphanbrigade · 8 years
Mmm Watcha Say
Orphan Brigade [High School Years]: Geoffs boys are growing up fast. They’re attending High School, meeting girls and participating in epic heists.
[Trigger Warning: Violence, Guns, Blood]
The Fake AH Crew were spread all over the town, spilt up by the requirements of their heist. Gavin and Ryan had been placed together, with Ray high up on the rooftops to cover them. 
It had been a long, hard heist. But it was finally over. 
Gavin was hidden in an alleyway, taking cover while he waited for the police to disappear. His ragged breaths turned to small puffs of fog in the cold night air. Suddenly, a stream of fizzy liquid hit his head. Gavin looked up to find Ray on the rooftop a few stories above him, stood up and pouring the liquid out of a can.
“Gah!” Gavin yelled over the intercom system. “Ray?! What are you doing?”
Ray smirked from his vantage point. “Pouring one out for the ho-”
His words were cut off as a bullet shot through the air, piercing Ray’s shoulder. 
“Ray?” Gavin called, too far down to see what had happened. 
The can dropped, plummeting down and hitting Gavin's head. 
“Ow!” Gavin exclaimed, rubbing his head. He looked up to find that Ray had fallen forwards, off of the building. “RAY!”
Ryan was near enough to spot the figure falling from the rooftop and sprinted towards Gavin. In what could only be described as a miracle, he caught Ray before he hit the ground. The impact of the catch sent him, Ray and Gavin crashing to the pavement. 
“We have to go.” Ryan snapped, scooping up Ray as he stood. A steady stream of blood staining both of their clothes.
“We-... I... Micoo!” Gavin called desperately over the intercom. “We need a ride.”
“Kinda busy!” Michael yelled back, the sound of sirens in the distance.
“I think Ray got shot!!” Gavin explained frantically. “He fell of the building and there’s a lot of blood!”
“On my way to you.” Michael replied instantly. 
It only took three minutes for Michael to arrive. He was driving an ambulance, siren wailing, and was followed by about ten police cars. 
The ambulance screeched to a halt. “Get in!” Michael practically screamed.
Ryan pulled the back of the ambulance open, ushering Gavin in before climbing in with Ray, slamming the door shut behind him.
As Michael sped away, Gavin stared at the EMT who was sat in the back with them. The man was shaking with fear and avoiding any eye contact. 
“Who the fuck is this?” Ryan complained when he spotted the man.
“You said Ray was shot, so I got you a fucking medic!” Michael called back, swerving to avoid the police barricade. “You’re fucking welcome!” 
Ryans’ glare could be felt through his mask. “I hope you’re good kid.” He stated as he lay Ray down on the medical trolley. 
Ryan carefully removed Ray’s mask and was surprised to find that the boys eyes were open. Given how quiet he had been, Ryan had assumed that Ray had been unconscious.
“How you doing?” He asked tentatively.
“In a shit ton of pain.” Ray grimaced. “Thanks for asking.” 
“Is he going to be okay?” Gavin asked, slumping against the shaking walls of the ambulance.
“Maybe. If the EMT does his DAMN JOB.” It was obvious that Ryan was tense, he very rarely raised his voice. 
“....Me?” The shaking man asked for clarification. 
“Yes. You. Get up.” Ryan placed a hand on the mans shoulder, yanking him to his feet. “What’s your name?”
“Well Caleb, my buddy here just got hurt real bad. And I’m going to need you to patch him up for me. Can you do that?”
“I... um, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I will!” The man yelped, quickly turning to Ray to give him the medical attention he needed.
Ryan sighed and turned to face Gavin, who looks as if he was about to faint. His eyes widened under the mask when he spotted the slow trickle of blood that had started to run down from Gavin’s hairline. 
“What hit you?!” 
“Soda can I think?” Gavin winced. 
Ryan sighed and grabbed a handful of bandages to attend to Gavin. “The cut doesn’t look too deep, but I think you might have a concussion.”
Gavin giggled. “This is just like surgeon simulator. Right Boi?... Boi? Micoooo.” Gavin whined. 
“WHAT?!” Michael snapped from the drivers seat.
“It’s surgeon simulator.” Gavin repeated.
Michael was silent for a moment before laughing. “It is. Now shut up while I lose these cops.” 
Luckily, the bullet had passed straight though Rays shoulder, instead of lodging itself in his arm to cause further damage. Caleb carefully bound Ray’s shoulder and wrote out a list of drugs that they would need to dull the pain. It didn’t look like there would be any lasting damage other than a scar, but Caleb recommended that Ray get lots of rest to prevent any further damage to his shoulder. After a quick check that Gavin didn’t have a concussion, Caleb was unceremoniously dropped off in a back alley.
He watched the ambulance speed away and took a moment to think about just how lucky he had been. Each of the men had been heavily armed but not a single one had pulled a weapon on him to threaten him. He sighed in relief and started the walk back to his apartment. At least he had an interesting story to tell at work the next day.
Caleb had thought that that was the end of it. But the Fake AH Crew didn’t seem to forget him like he thought they would.
The next night, Caleb found an envelope of money shoved through his door. When he counted it out, he found almost a thousand dollars crammed into the envelope. He hid the money in a cupboard, not quite sure what to do with it. 
He didn’t want to think about how they had found his address.
Almost a week later, there was a banging on his door at two in the morning. He sleepily pulled it open to reveal the masked man and the Brit, holding up their getaway driver. The brunette seemed to have been in a car crash of some sorts, with bruises, scraps and a few deep cuts littering his body. 
The men barrelled in, dropping Michael onto Calebs couch. 
“Can you help him?” Gavin asked, his voice soft and pleading. 
Caleb sighed as he rolled up his sleeves. “Someone go grab the medical kit from my bathroon.” He pointed down the hallway as he headed into the kitchen to wash his hands, accepting his fate as the Fake AH Crew’s medic.
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chazzfox · 8 years
When It’s Love: Chapt 2
Chapter 2!! I took a long time and I’m sorry for anyone who might have read the first post and wondered. I like to sleep, basically, oops.
Most of day found them walking along the beach. It was too cold to swim as Yuri had said, but the view was wonderful and the sounds the waves made lulled them into a sort of peace as they walked. At first they didn't talk much to each other. They'd dropped off their skates at the room and gotten some snacks, but it was very much in silence. It didn't change much as they walked and Otabek took in the sea.
To be able to just be comfortably silent with someone was a good thing. Otabek was very quiet with most everyone, but a lot of the time the other party would fill the air with their own voice. His buddies back home sure did it. They were louder than hell and often left his head throbbing. He'd much rather listen to music and and the sounds of a party he was DJing than their out of control mouths always talking tough and trying to be impressive.
Tiresome was more like it.
Yuri's quiet made him happy. So did watching his blonde hair in the breeze off the ocean, and looking at those determined eyes, lost in thought. Otabek was so happy to be with him there, for real, and not over  video call. Already the first day was going by so fast. A couple of weeks still lay before them and he felt like it would slip by before he knew it.
"I like to come down here late at night," Yuri said suddenly. Otabek said nothing in response but looked at him, prompting him to speak again. "No one else is around. I mean...sometimes I take Makkachin out with me, if he's up and doesn't feel like being in the bed with the assholes. But other than that I come down here alone."
"What do you do when you're out here alone?"
"Think, throw shells, that's about it." Yuri shrugged. "It's my escape so I don't feel cooped up and go batshit."
Otabek raised an eyebrow. "Batshit?"
Yuri nodded. "We haven't been here in town long, I know, but sometimes it all feels like too much, like I'm going to need to scream or yell. I get frustrated even when I know I shouldn't."
"At what?"
"I don't really know. Sometimes I think too much and I feel really pissed off. I don't even have a lot to be mad about. I won gold, Viktor still choreographed my program, Grandpa's doing really good." He shrugged and pulled his black hoodie up to hide his head.
"Mmm." It made Otabek worry, but he wasn't going to say that. Such anger wasn't good for Yuri. But what could he really say when he didn't understand it? "I think too much sometimes too," he admitted, because he could identify with that to a point. "But I don't get mad."
"No?" Yuri looked at him.
He shook his head. "No. I get irritated, and then I kind of don't care. I drop the effort to care."
Otabek frowned. "Sorry. I know it makes little sense. I keep most things and people at a distance because to actually care takes more energy than I have."
"No, it kind of makes sense," Yuri said. "I don't totally get it, but it does take a lot of energy to give a fuck. I know I get mad because I care about whatever, I care in a way that I end up angry. Um..."
Otabek shrugged. "That makes sense too." He got where Yuri was going, and was happy to hear him talk about himself openly. There were times Yuri was still a questionmark...and Otabek knew he himself was too. He didn't like to give too much away. He liked keeping himself locked in, away from others. Others induced anxiety and pains he'd rather not deal with.
"Okay. Cool."
"I like talking to you," Yuri said quietly, and he didn't look over. He looked down at the beach as he walked.
Otabek looked at the beach as well, watching shell after shell slope down into the wet sand. He'd spend all the time he could with just Yuri if it was possible. He'd walk that beach with him as long as he was permitted. "I like talking to you too."
When they returned in the evening after more walking and finally more conversation, Viktor invited them to dinner with Yuuri's parents. Yuri hesitated, but ended up saying no. He then thought to ask Otabek if that was okay and it was. Otabek wasn't entirely sure he felt like meeting Yuuri's family right at that moment, not until he felt more settled in and rested and had at least a little willpower to share his precious time with Yuri.
To the room they went with a request for Yuuri to bring up some dinner. One in the room Yuri went down to shorts again and grabbed his phone, sitting back on the bed. Otabek felt like that was the best option. All they'd done that day was skate a little and go for a longass walk, and it was still only early evening, but he felt tired. Travel lag had caught up with him more than he had realized.
He grabbed his laptop out of his bag and moved to his side of the bed with it, opening it up. Immediately Yuri looked over. "Watcha doin?"
"I have no idea. Just relaxing, maybe I'll check some blogs."
"We should watch a movie," Yuri suggested. "I mean there's a television in the living room, but this would be easier.
Otabek agreed. "Yea, if you want. You don't mind being cooped up in here with me?" he asked, knowing the answer but wanting to make sure.
"Why would I? I invited you here, so I want you around." He scooted over right next to Otabek, pressed against his side. "Let's find a movie. Something with action or..."
"Talking animals?" Otabek finished for him.
Yuri nodded. Otabek set about searching and found an animated movie about cats. He'd never seen it and it wasn't his style but Yuri's eyes had lit up so they selected it. It was a short adventure movie. It was okay. Otabek wouldn't have cared for it if he saw it alone. Seeing it alone would have meant Yuri wouldn't curl up against him again, letting his hair fall against Otabek's shoulder as he laughed at something on the screen. He made a few comments to point out inconsistencies in the film or factual errors. At one point Otabek gave him shit for being so relentless on a movie he seemed to otherwise enjoy.
He got a light kick in the leg.
When it ended Otabek inwardly panicked. What were they supposed to do next? The night before he had gotten in and fallen asleep almost right away. The day was filled with simple pleasures, but not they were in a 'lull' of time before either one would sleep again and he worried too much time to do nothing would make Yuri decide he didn't really want him around. The fear had hit him so suddenly that his mouth went dry as he watched the credits roll.
"Aaaah, that was good," Yuri said, stretching out next to him and sitting up straight. "We never got dinner, did we?"
"No. Maybe it's not ready yet?"
"Nah, it's definitely ready," Yuri said. He turned and climbed off the bed, doing another stretch that involved bending one leg up behind him. Otabek was always impressed by his flexibility. "I'll go get us food, and then we should take a bath."
"In the onsen!" Yuri said quickly, his cheeks turning scarlet. "It's really comfortable. You'll love it!"
"OH!" Otabek laughed with great relief and then immediately felt bad about whatever message that probably conveyed. "Oh. It just came off so random."
"Yea," Yuri said as he relaxed and started to laugh too. "I guess that's not something that people just say to each other often."
"Not so much, no." Otabek stood up from the bed. "Actually the onsen sounds nice. I've used one before, but with my coach and it, er, wasn't relaxing." No, it wasn't, because the entire time he got what counted as a lecture about taking care of his body.
"You'll love this one. Sometimes Viktor still shows up naked but...then he gets in the water and just kind of zones out even if Yuuri is there. When he would flirt with Yuuri before he'd stand around a lot with his dick out. It was horrible," Yuri said, covering his eyes for a second and then laughing again.
Otabek shuddered. "You poor soul," he said with half real sympathy and half mocking.
"Don't, asshole." Yuri shook a finger at him. "I'm gonna get us food," he said, going out the door.
He returned with some noodle dishes that they wolfed down. Otabek hadn't realized how hungry he was and once again he was struck too by how good the food was. He knew that meant the next evening he'd have to join Yuuri's family for dinner. He couldn't scarf down their food without at least telling them how excellent it was.
Once they were finished up it was onsen time. Yuri led him to get an appropriate towel. He had grabbed soap and shampoo for both of them from his own things as well. Otabek wasn't picky about the products he used at that time. Yuri took him downstairs and they headed for a nice night soak. There were some guests about but securing a more private bath was easier, as Yuri led him to the space that Viktor and Yuuri tended to enjoy.
They stopped first to strip their clothes, which Otabek did easily. He didn't think it'd be anything at all for Yuri, who had been there before and certainly stripped in front of Yuuri and Viktor. Or he probably did anyway. But he noticed, Yuri hesiated. He looked at Otabek, eyes wide, and then turned away.
Otabek raised an eyebrow but still played it off as modesty. When Yuri was nude they sat down on the offered stools to quickly wash themselves. Otabek couldn't help but look at Yuri and laugh at the way he was covered in suds. "Clean enough?"
"Uh...yea...this happens sometimes."
Otabek took a brave step and reached to playfully shove at Yuri. His hand slid along his wet arm and he got a fist full of soap. "Weirdo."
"Yea yea shut up," Yuri said, growling and immediately going to rinse himself off.
Otabek shook his head. "You look like a damn sheep, not a tiger."
"Shut up!"
Once they had washed, Otabek wandered over to enter the hot water. He was supposed to use his towel for modesty but no one else was around and he didn't care if Yuri saw his ass. It was JUST his ass, after all. And maybe he hoped he would look.
"No modesty, huh? Are you trying to take after Viktor?"
Otabek looked over his shoulder to see Yuri, who had carefully covered himself up. "I don't see the point from the wash area to the bath."
"Mm. I guess that's true." Yuri entered the water right after him and the two found a nice spot to settle down right next to a statue and a few plants. "Oh man. This is the most relaxed I've been in here like...ever," he commented.
Otabek felt his entire body just settle into the water, a sense of comfort and peace completely washing over him. He'd been in there what, a minute? Already it was amazing. He sighed and sank down more. "Mmmm."
Yuri did the same as him. He seemed like perhaps he wanted to talk more. However, he didn't, he just stayed next to his friend and again pressed his side to him. They each had their towels on their heads and there was absolutely no barrier between them but that didnt stop Yuri from sitting ever closer with their hips and thighs pressed almost flush.
If that was the way it was, he had no desire to fight it. Otabek let himself lean against Yuri too. They sat in silence for a long time and Otabek felt he could fall asleep in there. He was starting to drift off when he felt a twitch beside him and a small sound.
While he had successfully fought off a nap, poor Yuri hadn't been so lucky. His face had drooped dangerously close to the water and his eyes were closed. His breathing was deep. He looked so vulnerable and sweet and Otabek hated to wake him up. He had to. Falling asleep in a hot pool of water was generally an awful idea even if the onsen was probably regularly checked.
He separated himelf from his friend and started to stand, then shifted to sit on the edge of the onsen. He put his hands on Yuri's shoulders and gently shook. "Hey, hey, wake up. Can't sleep in here, come on."
Slowly, Yuri came to. He made a small questioning noise and opened his eyes, lifting his head. He turned to the side and came face to crotch with Otabek, his eyes suddenly widening. Otabek silently cursed himself as his cheeks went red. He kind of hadn't thought any of that through. He hurriedly dropped the towel down to cover himself.
"S-sorry," Otabek managed.
Yuri stared at the towel and then lifted his eyes to Otabek. "Not the first time I've seen a dick in here," he mumbled and reached for Otabek. Once Otabek offered his hand, Yuri took it and hauled himself up, dropping his towel down as well. "I didn't know I was tired. We didn't do that much."
"We skated and took a long walk," Otabek replied as they started to make their way out. He wondered if the onsen should have been more of an 'experience', but he got hat he wanted from it - and then some. He was still embarrassed by having his junk right at Yuri's eye level.
Yuri shrugged. "That's not much. Really, it isn't. Maybe it was overexcitement."
The blonde didn't answer. He just escorted Otabek back to get dried off and dressed, at which point they were briefly nude around each other again. And Otabek couldn't help himself then, noticing Yuri's body a little. He especially noticed his legs. He attributed it to being a skater thing. Of course he would notice legs and ass! But he looked at his back and shoulders too. His skin was perfect, unmarred, and looked soft.
They changed into their night clothes again and went to the bedroom. Yuri looked even more exhausted and went right to the bed to flop down on his stomach. "Ugh."
"Still tired?" Otabek asked, approaching slowly. He gathered up his phone and sat on the bed.
"Mmmm. I was semi-tired last night, but too happy to sleep. I feel worn out tonight."
"Uh, are you okay?"
"Better than okay. But exhausted." He buried his face in his pillow.
Otabek thought for a moment before reaching over to place his hand on Yuri's back. He wanted to see if his friend tensed up; he didn't. Otabek began to lightly rub his back, feeling his hand slide smoothly over his predictably soft skin. He used light pressure on him, inching up a little to squeeze the back of his neck lightly. His fingers brushed Yuri's soft hair.
Intimacy, that's what it was. He wondered if it was okay. Would Yuri find it all too weird? Otabek once again found himself lost in his thoughts, which was frustrating. Was that going to be most of his trip? Was he just going to obsessively think about Yuri and how he was supposed to talk to and touch him at every turn and also wonder how Yuri would feel about it all? Then he would just be anxious the whole trip, which was exhausting. He just didn't know everything that he felt and what was okay.
His mind was a twisted puzzle and he had no idea how to start with the pieces. But he did know Yuri would help him place them, eventually.
As he thought that he heard a light snore trail up from the pillow. His wildcat was asleep again. Maybe his thoughts bothered him as well and that was why he was so tired...in a way, Otabek sure hoped so. He wanted to know Yuri was struggling with the same thoughts but maybe he had them figured out a bit more.
He needed guidance.
He rubbed his back a little more before laying down on his own, staring at the ceiling. At his own home, he could puzzle things out at his own pace and then escape, where he would go back to feeling anxious and impatient until their next call or round of texts. But still he could back off for a bit. There, in Yu-Topia, he couldn't, and perhaps he needed that push.
Otabek rolled on his side and watched Yuri for a few moments as he slept. He wished he would wake up so they could talk. Despite feeling tired before the bath he didn't feel sleepy. Morning couldn't come soon enough, and he regretfully accepted he had to try to nod off.
Sleep came for him eventually, after a night of confusing dreams. Yuri was in all of them, he was right there, but for whatever reason Otabek was afraid. He was afraid to talk to him, look at him, interact with him at all even though Yuri was persistent. The dreams bordered on nightmares. And what was perhaps most frustrating was that he was aware each dream was in fact just that, a DREAM. Still he was powerless in his sleep.
So, when Otabek found himself being poked awake, he didn't fight it for even a second. His eyes flew open to reveal Yuri leaning over him, poking his face like an impatient feline. "Hey, you slept for a while, get the fuck up," Yuri told him.
"Eh?" was the groggy response Otabek gave him.
"I've been up for a bit now. Already had to deal with Viktor. He brought us tea and wants us to go out shopping with them soon."
Otabek looked past Yuri to the table where two small cups sat waiting for them. Good, he could use some tea. But shopping? "Do we have to go?"
"Not really, but..." Yuri sat up, getting to his knees on the bed. "I want to get you something."
"Huh? Why?" Otabek asked, pulling himself up.
"Because this place has awesome fashion, and you should wear some of it. I love your leather jacket but let's get you a cool shirt or some less plain fingerless gloves."
"I like plain," Otabek whined. It was true! He liked some patterns sometimes, but he didn't like to dress too outlandishly.
Yuri rolled his eyes. "I know. Let me get you something anyway. Won't you want a souvenir?"
"Well sure but you don't have to..." He wasn't going to regularly wear anything Yuri got him even if he felt guilty about it. Those sort of patterns weren't really him even if they looked adorable on Yuri. Too adorable.
As he thought that, a hand closed around his wrist and Yuri was hauling him off the bed. "Don't start that. I want to get you something, so when you leave you have something from this trip..." He let go of his wrist once Otabek had accompanied him to the table, picking up his cup. "I mean unless..."
Otabek picked up his own cup, sighing and shaking his head because he knew exactly where that statement was about to go. "I'm gonna want to remember the trip. Why would you think otherwise?"
Yuri shrugged silently and worked on his tea. His cheeks were slightly pink.
"Yuri...?" Otabek turned his head, concern growing in his chest. He couldn't understand why Yuri would suddenly wonder if he wanted to remember the trip. There was no reason for the mood to take a dip the way it did. Yuri was confident and pushed for what he wanted, he didn't suddenly get sad over an idea.
At that moment there was a knock on the door and then it swung open. Viktor stood there, looking dressed for the day in his super nice jeans and a purple and white striped shirt. "Hey, you two almost ready? I - Oooh." His gaze found Otabek. "You JUST got out of bed, didn't you?"
"Yes," Otabek said, looking at Viktor briefly before his gaze returned to Yuri. "I won't take long to get ready."
"Mmm well Yuuri and I are ready now. Tell you what, how about we all meet up in town? Yuri, you know your way around, right?" Viktor asked, directing his attention to the blonde.
Yuri looked up slowly from his tea, blinking at Viktor. The pink faded and his eyes narrowed. "Yes. Of course! I found my way here in the first place without anyone's guidance, or did you forget?"
"Don't make fun of my memory," Viktor pouted.
With a shrug Yuri sipped from his cup before replying. "We'll be fine. I'll take him to a bakery and then we'll find you."
"Oooh, breakfast date!" Viktor did a little hop and clapped his hands together briefly.
Otabek nearly dropped his cup. "Uh what?"
"Stop being such a big dumb gay, Viktor." Yuri nearly slammed down his teacup and stomped over to Viktor, kicking his leg. "Get the hell out and just let us get ready!" Then he shoved him.
With a shout of surprise Viktor started backing off. "Ah! Stop kicking me! Why do you always kick? Ah!" Viktor scrambled backwards out of the room and Otabek couldn't help feel amused at the way he almost fell over.
When he was gone, Yuri slammed the door shut, which Otabek wasn't sure was a good idea with the way those things were constructed. He didn't really know, though. Yuri paused against the door, and then turned around. He was pink again. "Sorry about him."
Even if he was groggy, still confused about Yuri's reaction before, and just totally thrown off, Otabek couldn't help a snort of laughter. He shook his head. "No, no it's okay. That was...fun to watch."
"Me kicking out Viktor?"
Otabek took a sip of his tea finally. It was really good. "Yea. That was great. It's kinda nice to see someone knock him down once in a while," he admitted.
Yuri looked at him and his gaze held...something else. Something he hadn't seen before. It was loaded with admiration and affection. He was taken totally by surprise. After a few seconds Yuri finally spoke. "We really were meant to be best friends."
Their breakfast date was wonderful, honestly. And it was kind of a date. Otabek just accepted it and tried not to feel nervous. Yuri had brought him down the street from the onsen to a little bakery that didn't have great signage and he would have just walked right by if he hadn't been escorted inside. It was quaint. Old.
The cakes and cupcakes looked wonderful and tasty, and some things had already sold out for the day because it was late in the morning. As it clearly had very little staff, that meant certain things would not be replaced.
Regardless, there was plenty for the two to pick from. They each opted for a couple of cream buns, Otabek choosing the strawberry and red bean. He thought it might taste pretty strange but it was delicious and he finished the first one within moments of them seating themselves at a very small table.
He sat across from Yuri, looking around at all the cat decor in the place. Of course his friend had chosen that bakery. His friend who had crumbs all over his face as he worked on his sweet cream cheese bun and had his hand on something else that looked flaky and chocolate. Otabek just sort of paused and watched him, a big smile on his face that was only for Yuri. He was awful cute, going to town on that bun like that.
Yuri took a big bite and chewed, suddenly looking up at Otabek. "Whaf youf smiling thfor?" he asked, mouth full of bun.
"You. You're making a damned mess," Otabek replied. "You're talking with your mouth crammed full too," he said, and took a bite of his own bun.
Yuri shrugged, chewed, and swallowed. "Some manners are overrated. I didn't show you all the food in my mouth, so it's fine. Besides, you can't talk!"
Since his mouth was full of bun, Otabek decided not to be a hypocrite and waited until he swallowed to react. "Eh?"
To his surprise, Yuri leaned forward and smeared his thumb over the corner of Otabek's mouth. "Strawberry," he said so casually and when he brought his red thumb back he stuck it in his own mouth and tasted it. "Yum!"
Wasn't that kind of a weird thing for his friend to do? Otabek wasn't sure. Maybe it was some foreign custom Yuri had picked up in his travels. "Ah, thanks."
"Yea, yea. That was good, maybe I should get one..."
"You haven't even started on your chocolate one! Can you really eat another pastry?"
Yuri rolled his eyes. "Of course. I can eat a lot, try me. And unlike the pig, I'm not going to become a fatty because I know how to exercise."
"I can't even imagine you with weight," Otabek admitted. Yuri was kind of tiny, though he wasn't finished growing even at sixteen. "I don't care, get one if you want."
"I just might! But, I'll eat the chocolate one first." He finished off the first bun and reached for the chocolate one. "It's nice to be here with someone," he said, studying the chocolate thing. "I ussually come alone. If Viktor and Yuuri don't know about this place, I am definitely not going to show them. I wouldn't show this to most people."
So, he wasn't most people. Otabek nodded quietly while on the inside he felt warm, happy. "I see."
"For one, it's quiet here." That was true. There were other people but there was a mutual quiet, as if people understood that was not the place to go and have loud conversations. "They're loud sometimes. You're not. You appreciate things they don't...you seem to understand things better, take them in more. I like that."
"I...oh." His cheeks were reddening at the sudden compliments. They had derailed from the topic of the bakery, hadn't they?
Yuri took a bite from his chocolate thing and appeared to think for a minute. "You keep me pretty calm. Usually focusing on training and learning will do that if I'm not pushed the wrong way. Or, you know, being around my grandpa." He gave a happy little smile. "It's hard to find anyone I feel comfortable around. I have to work myself up to actually tolerating people, most of the time. I mostly like my cats."
Well, there was one thing he could comment on. "It's hard to tolerate most people, yea..." He still didn't know what to say to everything else. He knew he should say something when Yuri was telling him so many lovely things. What and how though?
Luckily for him, Yuri kept going during a rare time of complete rambling. "I dunno how you tolerate me. You came to me in the beginning anyway and I'm pretty sure I never said anything nice to you before."
"I can't remember you saying much of anything at all to me."
"Yea um..." Yuri looked away, a guilty expression on his face. "I'm sorry."
Otabek tilted his head. "Why? I don't care. You didn't say anything and then I still wanted to be friends with you. Who cares. It worked out."
"Still..." Yuri kept looking away. "I wish I had gotten to know you sooner. It would have made Viktor's aband...uh...abandonment less lonely. That and my training, travels to these events...watching him grow closer to the pig..."
"While you had no one."
"Mmm..." He looked back at Otabek, his gaze troubled. "I didn't -I wasn't looking for anyone to depend on, I really wasn't. I had goals in mind and they were in the world of skating, they weren't about people. But I did feel...weird, when Viktor left. Even weirder seeing photos of everyone hanging out together and all that. I didn't fit in with a lot of the others..."
"I fit in even less than you." Otabek shrugged. He knew it. He wasn't really in the top social circle of the skaters until he became friends with Yuri, and even then he kind of felt like he was viewed as an extra wheel. That was until he was invited to Japan with Yuri. Then he felt a sense of belonging that he'd never known he was seeking.
It was funny to think they actually felt the same way. Neither of them knew they needed the other until they were friends. Yes, Otabek had sought him out, but he didn't think it was because he needed him. He wanted to make a connection with him because...
...He couldn't even begin to explain it fully, actually.
"Not that I cared about fitting in," Otabek said after pausing with his thoughts. Yuri had seemed to understand, not interrupting the whole time. "I think everyone thought I hated everybody. I didn't care one way or another. "
Yuri laughed. "I know. I think I knew that then, too. Thanks for giving a little more of a shit about me, though."
That was one way to put it. Otabek laughed too. "Course. I'll always be so, so happy I did." He turned redder, as did Yuri. He felt he ought to say more, especially when so much had spilled from Yuri's lips. It wasn't expected of him, though, and...
The moment was passing.
"Bleh, I don't have room for all this," Yuri said and pushed his pastry away. "So, let's find the other two and go shopping. You ready?"
"For them? I don't know...shopping? Yes! I know where we're going to go!" Yuri stood up quickly from his chair and put out his hand. "You ready?"
"I'm still eating my bun!"
"Eat it on the way! Come on..." Yuri was suddenly very impatient.
Perhaps he felt he said too much. Otabek could get that, and he wasn't going to make him feel uncomfortable. "Fine. Let's shop," he said, and laughed again when Yuri took his hand tightly and pulled him up from his seat.
They strolled out of the bakery hand in hand, neither of them making a move to let go.
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