#“you know that song from the dystopian novels where the guy asks his lover to kill herself to escape the horrors of their world?...”
sapphickittykatherine · 10 months
much irony has come out of The Hunger Games marketing, adaptation, and fandom, and yet standing perhaps head and shoulders above the rest as the funniest is The Hanging Tree (Dance remix)
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS 365 Prompts
[Masterlist] Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Announcement: 500 followers where are you all coming from I post a couple of mediocre things and you guys just appear out of no where. I feel loved!!!💜💜💜🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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    February 12th - 18th
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Kim Seokjin: Evolve @red-welvet
“Alright Jin give me that worldwide handsome face, the concept photos have to be perfect for the upcoming album, yes turn a little this way” you were tirelessly working with BTS on their new concept album. Jin was usually the easiest to work with, but today was very different his handsome features weren’t really showing off the shadow theme of the album. 
“Jin get angry, you need to look more edgy” he was trying and getting annoyed, you sighed calling for a lunch break everyone dispersed and you went to talk to Jin who you knew was a little frustrated with the work. “Jin love, I’m not mad at you honey. You know that work is just that right  work when the cameras out we can get mad but when the cameras away we play”
You both agreed to try again, jokingly telling him for every hour he made you all stay longer, you would personally see that he doesn’t get to eat a slice of meat after work. Before your eyes his face evolved to an utterly pissed off Seokjin, this was gold.
Min Yoongi: Half
“Who is keeping watch?” Yoongi asked standing outside the tent. You were pretty much enemies, Yoongi was too quiet and cynical. 
“Jackson, Mark, Mark and myself” Yuta sighed watching as everyone was settling for the night.
You had finished changing into your pajamas leaving your boots on, you never wanted to experience a zombie raid in the middle of the night unprepared again. Meaning yes it had happened once before, resulting in tireless medical work on your part to repair your group. 
Except Yoongi who blatantly refused medical treatment on his ear, he openly spoke about you while you were on the other side of the door. You held in your tears and left a small basket of painkillers and ointment for his ear by the door. He thought you were too happy, too innocent for this cannibalistic world. So now he had a small chunk missing from the helix of his ear. 
“You done?” Yoongi sighed, you confirmed you were indeed dressed and he stepped into the tent switching out of his clothes with no qualms. “That’s your half of the tent this is mine, just go to sleep no talking, no tossing, no turning, don’t bother me, if something is crawling into the tent die quietly” you both drifted off to sleep but the night grew cold, you woke to see Yoongi had placed one of his blankets over you and was shivering in the corner. He can call you innocent all he wants, but you weren’t going to let him freeze to death. Dragging your pillow over next to his you slid under his blanket and piled the rest over you both. He was so cold, cuddling into his back you wrapped your arms around him waiting for him to stop shivering. 
Jung Hoseok: Library Lovers
There was a legend that somewhere in the library was a secret room hidden by the bookshelves, Mrs Pince seemed to tell the students every year how this wasn’t true. But you were determined. 
“Are you looking for that stupid room again?” Jimin said a hufflepuff boy either side of his person. One of them you recognized as he was the same age as you and Jimin. The other was older perhaps from Yoongi’s year. “Why don’t you just study instead of some make believe room full of spell books?”
“Chim, I need to borrow one of your Sasspuff’s” You said grabbing your things
“Which one?” He gestured his hands out to the two boys.
“The older one, otherwise they might think I am corrupting Tae” You held out your hand “Hello, my name is y/n can I borrow your services for the afternoon?”
“Hi I am Hoseok but everyone calls me Jhope” He smiled you laughed pulling him along “What is a Sasspuff?”
“A Slytherin assigned Hufflepuff, we slytherins are automatically assumed to be up to no good when we really aren’t and you Puff’s are really good so it balances us out, everyone has a Sasspuff” you smiled passing professor Mcgonagall in the hallway talking loudly about every flavor beans. You never did find the room that day but Jhope had such a great time he became your Sasspuff.
Kim Namjoon: Lost
Namjoon just wanted a place to sleep out of the rain and the underground train station seemed like the perfect spot. His feet and hands were dirty and he thinks the jacket he stole from the homeless cat hybrid had fleas hiding in the fabric. You saw him as you stepped off the train, you paused letting people pass as you watched the scene unfold. He was caught by security who approached and told him he had to leave and continued asking him politely to leave. He pulled out his phone. “Sir, I do not want to call the pound, please just leave”
“Honey, what happened, I told you to wait at home, did the neighborhood boys throw mud at you again, sorry sir, he is with me” You lied looking directly at the security guard who stopped calling the pound. 
“He is your Hybrid ma’am?” he gestured to the young man who had shuffled behind you so you could protect him from the guard. “This Bear is yours?”
You double took behind me taking in the ears, he was in fact a bear but you weren’t scared. How could you be he looked at the ground shuffling his feet timidly. Despite his build he looked so small. “Yes, let’s go” Grabbing his chin gently you tilted it up and he looked at you ashamed. 
He followed behind you and you pulled out your Umbrella and waved him to come closer. You explained that if he didn’t trust you, you would give him some money and book him into a hotel or you had a spare room with a lockable door and you could give him clean clothes and a hot meal. His stomach answered for him and you lead him along the footpaths to your home, you gave each other your names and explained what you do. 
You had finished dinner when he stepped out freshly showered in your biggest pair of sweatpants and shirt you “Thank you, I am sorry that I-”
“Don’t ever be sorry especially to me, you have done nothing wrong”
Park Jimin: Without
You wake up in an alternate reality, BTS never was. It was like something out of a dystopian novel, there was no internet or electricity, everyone spent their time growing their own food or taking care of animals. You seemed to unsuspectingly find Jung Hoseok who lead you on a quest of sorts. 
Finding each member along the way all searching for something wizard of Oz style. You wonder why you have been roped in but the opportunity is hard to pass up. Listening to their struggles you traveled from Gwangju to Busan to Daegu all the way up to Gwacheon-si and Seoul. It was an emotional journey, you had confided in one another cried and sacrificed everything to get them back. 
And here you stand in line for the meet and greet holding wearing the same outfit you wore the majority of your time together. It wasn’t anything spectacular, a hoodie you had stolen from Jin that was giant and hung off your body and the bow Jimin had made you one day when you had complained about feeling unpretty.
You stepped up to the table handing Taehyung an old picture of him smiling happy eating peaches his feet dipped in the lake. He paused looking at the photo and looking at you. You knew he didn’t remember and he seemed confused as it was so familiar but he didn’t know why. You saw Yoongi, Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin. Each with similar results. Jhope was the second last on the bench and he showed the most promising reaction, he looked at the small stack of photos you handed over and he retold little bits of the stories behind them. “Ah it rained later didn’t it”
You stepped in front of Jimin and he paused his eyes recognizing your face your heart racing. You sang a song, it was a song you and the boys had made up, the words stirring something in each of them and they turned to look at you. Did he remember? He didn’t but you handed over the bow, which he grabbed and held tightly in his fist. “Oh, I can’t seem to remember, I am sorry” Jimin clutched your hand. You took the final picture out, your most prized picture from your wallet and sighed.
You handed him the picture, without saying a word. You were in a white dress and he was kissing you at the front of a temple in Daejeon. The back had your vows written and the date and you handed it over going to leave. When he grabbed your hand and pulled you back taking the photo book and writing his number. “I can’t remember but I am willing to try”
Kim Taehyung: Random act of kindness @kookie-sun0097
Taehyung was waiting for his son at the school, his son usually took a long time as he would say goodbye to all his friends and make sure their mum’s and dad’s would pick them up before he would run into his father's arms. But today he walked out hand and hand with a young boy who was crying. “Daddy, Moo’s eomma isn’t here. What do we do?” 
“Dae it’s okay, I will call his eomma, you sit on the bench together, Do you have a call card in your bag?” He asked the crying boy and he nodded handing it over. Taehyung called and heard a strained and panicked voice. “Hello this is Taehyung, my son Daeho and your son are sitting together at the moment, at the school, is everything okay?”
“Not really no, I broke my leg and I am in the back of a taxi heading to the school but traffic is so bad” You were obviously in a lot of pain.
“How about you head to the hospital and I can bring your son, or I can watch him, it seems Dae doesn’t want to let him go just yet” You agreed and asked to speak with your son to explain and were greeted by two cute little boys in their yellow bucket hats and a rather handsome man carrying flowers.
Jeon Jungkook: Prince
Jungkook was lonely the only people to see him wer maids, cooks, guards and various noblemen. He had heard about the festivals and parties that occurred at night, how people would dance with whoever they pleased. During the day they would watch sports or work he wanted that. More than anything and he was ready to give it all up just to be happy for one day. 
His parents were the king and queen so no son of theirs will be caught doing anything that wasn’t proper. He wanted to fly a kite for the festival that was brewing the entertainers were apparently very good. 
With nothing to lose he borrowed one of the servants clothes and ventured out beyond the royal grounds. He followed the music the smells the laughter and watched performance after performance eating street food and cheering like everyone else. That’s when he saw the most beautiful dancer feeling like he fell in love. 
Your sister stepped onto the stage and you sat alone, you invited her dancing abilities her looks everything she was perfect. 
You noticed a rather strange looking man applauding loudly in the crowd, he wasn’t rowdy he was awfully poised and proper for someone wearing the royal eunuch clothes. That’s when you glanced at the cuff on his ear it was something so beautiful you looked further and realized this was the prince. 
How did you know? You weren’t a good dancer but you were the other daughter of the royal tailor. You helped take measurements and notes on specific fabrics and fits. He was lost in the performance, you could see the adoration in his eyes and you spotted a figure on the roof behind him a bow drawn at the unsuspecting prince. 
You ran and jumped pinning him onto the ground under the table an arrow now protruding out of it. “You have a terrible disguise, put this on and follow me, they have you marked” Grabbing his hand you dragged him through the city running though stalls gardens homes everything. 
Jungkook thought the dancer was beautiful but as you looked back to him as you pulled him along your hair fanning out behind you, delicate rose petal lips parted and a sparkle in your eyes. He didn’t care that you called him an idiot, it sounded perfect coming from you.
Next week
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ummm hi how about uh 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50??
I have no idea if this is a joke or not but I’m bored and feeling kinda numb rn so lets do this.
1: What color pen do you do usually write with? - any color on paper, i love colorful pens but usually use black or blue tbh; when i write on my hands i use black
2: Last three youtube videos? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPAKFZ9hLbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVOGpaGItNU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bii_dQIY2y8 (can u tell i was on a falsettos/andrew rannells kick again today)
3: What subjects does your favorite teacher teach? Is it the same as your favorite subject? - acting and hell yes
4: How many pillows do you sleep with? - usually 3
5: Favorite warm beverage? - hot cocoa or warm apple cider
6: What was the first poster in your room for? - the beatles
7: What creeps you out the most? - eyes
8: How many scarves do you own? - LOTS (i had a Phase)
9: Favorite piece of jewellery? - my chokers
10: How long do you toast your bread for? - i put it on the setting 2 or 3 and wait
11: You’re going to have a party, and anyone you invite is guaranteed to come. Who are the first 5 on your guest list? - answered this in the last ask
12: Earliest memory? - i was two and a half or three and i woke up with my reindeer stuffed animal named bambi and my favorite blanket which was a pastel pink, blue, and yellow knit blanket with holes in it and i heard loud music playing from the living room so i went to turn it off and a few of my dad’s old friends had stayed the night and had crashed on various pieces of furniture in the living room. they were still fast asleep so i turned the music off and went to wake my dad up. he asked what i wanted for breakfast and i said french toast. so we lit incense made french toast with apple butter for everyone who was still there and i pretended that my reindeer stuffed animal helped us cook and i helped flip the french toast too. everything was warm and happy and peaceful and its the very first vivid thing i remember
13: What is the oldest piece of clothing that you own? - i have a winter hat shaped like a frog somewhere in the downstairs closet that ive owned since i was like 4
14: What was your childhood stuffed animal? - a lamaze caterpillar named poozy that my mom received at my baby shower. i still have her :)
15: Childhood dream job? - veterinarian as a little kid but actress now
16: What is a recent dream that you remember? - lots and lots of nightmares ://
17: Do you often wake up in the middle of sleeping? - yeah lots
18: What was the best gift you ever received? - hamilton tickets!!!
19: What was the best gift you ever gave? - i gave my father a booklet of little drawings of all our best memories and traditions
20: What languages would you like to learn? - french i guess? idk like id love to Know spanish but i dont want to Learn spanish ya feel?
21: Pastel or neon? - ooh i love both but lately neon
22: Favorite element? - for periodic curium or iridium and for like,, the four elements water
23: Did you/do you believe in fairies? - i always did but now i like,, lowk dont have beliefs either way in stuff like that because like i dont know and nobody really Knows so why should i care ya know?
24: What does your name mean? - star
25: Does anyone hold your heart right now? - answered this in the last one
26: Biggest surprise of the last month? - finding out that david from the new normal is the same guy as riley from national treasure (im sure this isnt the actual biggest surprise i just cant think of any others right now)
27: What was your first ship? - like before i knew what shipping was i had a few but my first conscious one was exr (les mis)
28: Favourite thing to bake/cook? - ooh i like making pancakes or brownies
29: How long does it take for you to trust someone? - a frighteningly short amount of time
30: What was the last bad idea that you followed through with? - idk??? the only one that comes to mind is when i ate paint cause it was pretty but that was last year and im sure ive had bad ideas since then
31: First five things you do once you get out of bed in the morning, GO! - turn off alarm, find a flannel, put on clothes, brush teeth, wash face
32: Thoughts on dystopian novels/films? - some are good but they give me an existential crisis every time
33: Thoughts on romance? - god id sell my soul for that shit im such a hopeless romantic 
34: How do you want to die? - happy
35: Top two things on your bucket list? - perform on a broadway stage, meet andrew rannells
36: What song do you get ready to? - ooh lots of different ones, usually showtunes
37: Heels, sneakers, or boots? - boots
38: You now have 500 dollars. What do you do with it? - good things for good people
39: Favorite lyric? - right now its either “love reads like a bad biography - all the names are changed to protect the innocent” or “lovers live and die fortissimo” (both from falsettos”
40: Earliest childhood memory? - same as number 12
41: Who do you wish you could live with? - my dream is high key to get a cool group of drama-free friends and live in a cute apartment in nyc but on a completely separate side of things if my teacher and his wife adopted me that would be a good time
42: How do you balance work (school etc) and personal enjoyment? - i dont im awful at time management
43: Which teacher inspired you the most in high school? - my acting teacher (im still in high school but i can almost guarantee the answer will be the same when i graduate)
44: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? - ideally starting college in nyc and auditioning for broadway shows
45: Think of one person you like. Now describe them in one sentence. - already answered
46: Think of one person you don’t like. Describe them in a sentence. - he doesnt realize how much his bigotry hurts me.
47: Showers or baths? - baths as a concept seem nice but i havent taken one in years so ig showers
48: What do you do when you get hiccups? - repent
49: Extrovert or introvert? - a little of both
50: Do you like caffeine? - i hate the taste of coffee tbh but chocolate or caffeinated tea is good
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