#• Anastasia Verse | { Born To Be Wild }
hitchell-mope · 3 years
ZM word posters. The good parents and allies.
Belle. Here hair’s loose and falls to her shoulders. She looks severely tired. She’s wearing a cardigan, long top and tracksuit bottoms in varying tones of blue and yellow. Above her head are the words “The Broken Intellectual”
Verna. Her hair’s done up in a rolled in bun. She’s wearing her 1950 cartoon outfit. Her face is haunted and apologetic. Above her head are the words “The Unneeded Fae”
Facillier. He looks ready to fight. He’s wearing his outfit from the cartoon and he’s holding his cane in front of him. Both hands on the top of the cane. Above his head are the words “The Atoner”
Persephone. Her hair’s braided into a crown with various flowers. She’s got a leaf green green dress on. The ember is set into her wedding ring. She looks regal and haughty. Above her head are the words “The Queen Of The Underworld”
Elsa. Her hair’s grown out to just past her shoulders. She’s wearing a ice blue motor cross outfit. Her helmets tucked under her arm. Above her head are the words “The One True Parent”
Smee. He’s wearing his 1953 cartoon outfit. Right down to the hat and the glasses. He’s the only one who looks cheerful. Above his head are the words “The Old Retainer”
Persey. Their hair’s in the same style Mal’s was in canon verse film one only the front is black the back is electric blue. They’re wearing what can only be described as underworld punk clothing. They have “ready to fight” expression on their face. Above their head are the words “The First Born”
Morgana. Her hair’s wild, white and pink. It falls over her shoulders. She’s wearing a long leather dress that is somehow still flowy around the legs. Her coat is shredded at the back that gives the illusion of tentacles. She’s smirking at the camera. Above her head are the words “The Unfavourite”
Anastasia. She’s wearing work clothes and a blood splattered butchers apron. Her hair’s done up in a short messy ponytail. She’s holding a blood stained meat cleaver at the ready. Above her head are the words “The Only Sane One”
Chernabog. He’s just a large almost formless shadow with two glowing white/green eyes staring kindly at the audience. Above what should normally be his head are the words “Kinder Than Most”
Audrey. Her hair’s down, straightened and a dark magenta colour. She looks terrified. She’s got a knee length party dress on that matches her hair. Above her head are the words “The Target”
Cinderella. She’s dressed casually. Jeans, sneakers and a T-shirt that says Mice Adoption on it. She looks tired. Above her head are the words “The Mother Of New Evil”
Pain. In human form. Magenta suit on. Looks cocky. Above his head are the words “Demon In Disguise”
Panic. In human form. Teal suit on. Looks cocky. Above his head are the words “Demon In Disguise”
They’re all positioned how they’re listed above. Below them are the words “Parents And Allies”
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shyybzikx · 2 years
FC: Sophie Skelton
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Name: Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova
Titles: Grand Duchess
Nicknames: Anya, Nastasia, Shyybzik, Shyybz
Age: Thought dead at 17; in her 20’s in the 1920’s (rest is verse dependent)
Personality: Known as the energetic and comedic Romanov, Anastasia loves to cause mischief and tell jokes. She had a great imagination as a child and is still able to come up with stories to tell every now and then. Witty and playful, she quite sociable and loves being the center of attention. However, she does have her moments where she draws in on herself and craves love and to be accepted. After the night of the execution, Anya still retains her wit and attitude, but tends to be more reserved and tentative in situations. 
About: Anastasia was born on June 18th 1901 to Tsar Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna. She was the fourth and youngest daughter the couple had, and the fourth attempt at trying for an heir. It would take a couple more years for Alexei to be born, but despite being a girl, Nicholas loved her. Many people would think the Tsar’s children lived lavish lives and were spoiled rotten, but the truth was quite the opposite. Yes, they were children of the Tsar, but their mother made sure they lived as simply as possible. They slept on hard cots with no pillows, made their own rooms, and did needlework for charity. Once they got older, the rigorous studies began. 
As a child, Anastasia was a wild one. She would often get into trouble, and despite the fact that she wouldn’t sit still for any tutor, she was very intelligent and bright. She would often play pranks on everyone, but mostly her sister Maria since they shared a room. She knew exactly how to pull her charm when she got caught and managed to get her way out of most situations. Her family called her ‘little pixie’ because of this. Her and Maria were close, despite her pranks, and spent most of their time together. However, her best friend was their younger brother Alexei. She loved spending time with him and did her best to keep him safe.
As she grew older, she wasn’t aware of the growing tensions in Russia. For the most, she just knew and saw that her father was under a lot of stress. It pained her to see him that way and always did her best to cheer him up when she could. After the scandal with Grigori Rasputin and then his murder, she and her sisters were left very empty. The five children were very close to the monk. After, their mother tried to turn their focus onto helping the soldiers, even turning one of their palaces into a hospital. Olga and Tatiana became nurses since they were the eldest, and Anastasia did her best to cheer the soldiers up by telling jokes and acting a fool to make them laugh. That was when she realized just how bad war could be. 
It wasn’t long after, that Anastasia and her family were put under house arrest as the Russian Revolution came to a nasty head. Her father had abdicated the throne for himself and Alexei. The Bolsheviks soon took control and moved the family to Yekaterinburg. Being in captivity had an affect on the youngest Romanov daughter. She wasn’t as bright and cheery as she used to be, but she did try her best. However the stress began to take its toll on her once they were moved to the Ipatiev House. One day she had tried to open a window just to see the sky better and nearly got shot. Needless to say, she never tried to open another window after that. Three days before the fateful night, no one knew but had an idea of what was going on and they had their last church service. 'Don’t forget us,’ Anastasia had written to a friend.
On July 18th, 1918, the family was awakened in the middle of the night and told to get dressed. They were herded into a small basement with a maid, their cook, and Alexei’s doctor and told to wait. At first, they were told they were being moved, but when soldiers entered the room behind Yakov Yurovsky, it was announced they were being sentenced to death. “What? What?” Her father had barely repeated himself before he was shot several times. What happened next was pure chaos. Anastasia tried to cover her head as she tried to huddle against Maria, but felt herself falling into the corner of the wall. The screaming and gun shots soon died down and the room had been riddled with blood and bullet holes. The gun powder shifted through the air as the Bolsheviks made sure everyone was dead before carrying the bodied outside.
There was a bright light and she knew she wasn’t dead. Her body ached and felt like it was on fire. She didn’t remember anything. Her name, where she came from. Nothing. The nuns that had found her gave her fresh clothes and looked after her for a year, deciding to call her 'Anya’, before sending her on her way to find a job. That was the beginning of her new life. She traveled, picking up any job she could find on the way until St. Peterburg.
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faedawayyy · 4 years
A Useless Guide to the Carmichaels
DISCLAIMER: this is a bunch of headcanons that i’ve come up with. OBVIOUSLY since synn and katie and nadine and meg in a way have characters that are tied to their family...BUt these are my original headcanons for the family, so if things aren’t quite right or sound different, it’s bc they’re my most developed family and it’s the way i’ve written them in canon verse!
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sylvia’s family are russian and came over to england after the war. her father was a general and her mother was a seamstress and she was raised in a very, very conservative and upper-class family. she went and studied at st andrews in edinburgh and that’s where she met hank carmichael, who her  father always pushed her towards from the moment he knew of him.  sylvia carries a lot of her family values and clashed with her GEN X kids because their ideologies were so different. for example, she sturggled edwin’s sexuality and oliver’s more liberal mannerisms. it doesn’t stop her from trying to “guide” her grandchildren.
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hank was born and raised in england. his father was an extremely wealthy banker, his mother died when he was young but he never really thought about her because his father never spoke of her. he was raised mainly by his aunt while his father worked around the clock. they were an extremely wealthy family and when he was old enough, hank attended boarding school. he never really had parental guidance and his creativity always ran wild. he was trouble at school, but smart enough not to get caught.  after he graduated from st andrews and moved in with sylvia, he invested his entire trust-fund into a book publishing business, which is still successful to this day. he’s a huge family man due to not having one when he was younger
second generation.
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edwin is the oldest of sylvia’s and hank’s children and always worked hard to be a people pleaser. he was often referred to as the golden child and the absolute brightest star in his mother’s sky. from an early age, he showed interest in entertainment which hank inspired and supported.
things changed for edwin in the middle of high school when he decided to come out about his sexuality. he was severely bullied and his relationship with sylvia broke down. he STILL hasn’t got the best relationship with his mother, especially after he married his husband, but they stay civil for the rest of the family’s sake. 
he now works in property and lost his confidence in acting when he was bullied.
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SYNN’S CHARACTER, BUT HERE IS HOW I INTERPRET HIM. oliver is the second oldest child of sylvia and hank. he was rebellious from the start. he never enjoyed trying to live up to edwin’s golden standard, he hated the events and the social climbing. he just wanted to be a regular kid and have regular experiences, but it never happened for him.  when he was 18, it hit him that he was an adult and sylvia and hank have 0 influence over him. he took his trustfund, travelled and got the hell out of violet springs. however, just like with everybody else, age caught him up and he ended up settling in london with a woman he met while backpacking in australia.  he likes his children knowing their family, so he reluctantly shows up to family events but you’d never catch either of them in violet springs if they didn’t have to be.
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james is the middle child and arguably the most successful of the carmichael’s. he was never the favourite and had a streak in him that caused him to clash with hank from a young age. he was a loveable rouge who grew into a loveable white-collard criminal. he was smarter than he let on and had endless ambition.  like edwin, he attended university but instead of picking a profession that hid away from his true ambition, he invested his entire trustfund into a studio in los angeles where he planned to make amazing films...it paid off. he married his wife (patricia) who he met when she worked as a set designer on one of his projects, but it wasn’t all happily ever after.  james played around with money a little too much and tried to take out his competition in shady ways. this led to things getting too much for him and he faked his death almost a year ago. all of his family beside mason believe him to be dead.
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completely synn’s character, the father of theo
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sinead was the only girl of five children and completely used it to her advantage. she watched the way her brother’s and father knew how to dominate rooms, conversations and other people. she grew up with the mindset that she could have absolutely anything she wanted, as long as she worked (or cheated) hard enough for it.  sinead dropped out of school at 15 and almost gave her mother an hernia. she blew most of her trust fund on a sweet 16 and then a sweet 18, anything that was left went on her 21st. she’s a very “live in the moment” woman and cares little for consequences.  she actually ended up teaming up with james and starring in a few of his earliest projects before becoming an actress in her own right. she’s blacklisted by a lot of hollywood producers for her refusal to submit and listen to direction. she’s head strong and does what she likes. 
third generation.
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when ruby was adopted by edwin, there was all round excitement from every single member of the family; a little, brown-eyed girl from italy arriving on their doorsteps. she was so different from the majority blue-eyed children who filled the family tree. the cousins all immediately became protective of her and loved getting to know who she was as a person. now they’re grown up, she’s viewed as a cousin and it’s easy to forget that she was ever adopted or came from anywhere else. 
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thomas is the oldest son of oliver and like his dad, he’s a bit of a free spirit but unlike his dad, he’s a lot more laidback and less likely to clash or argue with anyone. as far as carmichael’s go, he’s quite wholesome and kind and oliver will 100% say that it’s because he was raised away from the madness of their family.  however, growing up away from the others isn’t as good in his eyes as it is in his dad’s. he often feels boring and on the outside, he will always do his best to fit in with the other guys and is easily manipulated. as a child, he got into trouble so many times from listening to the shit brody and leo used to tell him to do. even to this day, he’s overly loyal and attached to them because he’s desperate to feel a real part of the family.
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katelyn is the oldest of the third generation and oliver’s daughter. she’s blunt, witty and doesn’t mince her words. unlike most of the women in her family, she cares little for appearances or staying in certain social circles. she’s a drama teacher in a high school and enjoys living a normal life, but does dip into the funds of her family name every now and then to have a bit of fun.  she’s a blast at family parties and everybody is always excited to see what scandalous or stupid thing she’ll do next to annoy her grandmother. 
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the oldest of james’ children and undeniably the real favourite. she’s an overachiever and type of girl who was good at everything in school and still is; she’s athletic, artistic, academic, a good mother, an amazing business woman, she’s smart, she’s intuitive, she’s healthy and rarely loses in competitions with her siblings or anyone else for that matter.
anastasia has her daughter, darcy, and is engaged to ryder banks. there’s no love there but like her grandmother, she understands the importance of appearances. you’d have to be crazy if you thought she hasn’t had a string of affairs and STILL has them. however, she also has standards and is very selective over who she lets get close. 
darcy is her #1 priority and she’ll fight fiercely to make sure she always stays that way.
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leo is james’ oldest son and again, like anastasia, kind of set the bar in the early days for the rest of his siblings. when it was the two of them and mason, everything was about leo and anastasia, they grew up in constant competition; leo tended to always fall short of his sister’s achievements. however, as they grew and the two of them came into their own, it was clear that leo was never going to be one to be in the shadows for too long - starting with gaining the attention from girls as he grew through high school. even girls in brody’s and miles’s year were heart-eyes over him and he was a few years older.  yet, just like with the rest of his siblings, he was promised and later engaged to somebody that his father handpicked for him to ensure the carmichael wealth wouldn’t dwindle out and fall into the wrong, new money hands.  OOC//i could write more but it doesnt feel right bc he’s now katie’s character. obviously i have my own ideas/fiancee for original leo! 
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mason broke the trend of extroverted, go-getter type kids and ended up being the quietest and youngest of the bunch until miles was born. he was a big momma’s boy growing up, and even though he’s never really felt like the favourite, he always enjoyed the company of adults and quieter environments compared to his siblings who would thrive around kids of their own age.  mason is wise beyond his years and it’s a running joke that he was supposed to be born first. he is the only one that knows james isn’t dead and was trusted with this information because even though brody was the favourite by a longshot, james knew mason would keep it quiet and be less affected by the secret.  mason both hates and loves being a part of the carmichaels. he loves his family but also hates the madness that comes along with it.
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brody never really had to work to be the favourite of his parents - he just is. he had the right amount of intelligence, cockiness and charm to keep adults on side throughout his whole life. ironically, out of everybody in the third generation, he’s probably the biggest fuck up too but the adults turn a blind eye to it because it’s him.  a huge reason he’s favoured by james is because he was clearly enough for charles to allow him to marry his oldest daughter, disney. this was such a big deal for james because charles has a LOT of connections (shady and not shady) in the entertainment industry and he knew the merger between the companies would keep the carmichael legacy in tact for generations.  brody usually rises to being the favourite and is slightly smug about it, but he also cracks the most under pressure and has had dozens of meltdowns over the span of his life growing up.
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miles is the youngest...son...of james. james has no idea that patricia had an affair and that miles isn’t actually his son. miles has always struggled severely with keeping up with his siblings. he developed common but crippling mental health issues in his pre-teen years such as depression and anxiety. it started with acting out and being a “problem child” but quickly developed in being too scared to leave the house. he locked himself away and wasted away his young years not really interacting with anyone outside of his immediate family. on top of that, he had he achievements of brody, mason, anastasia and leo to remind him of what a failure is...eventually he just stopped trying.  these days his siblings are supportive and aware of how he can get. his cynicism is literally his humour and he’s just taking one day at a time.
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bella was dubbed the next brody. all of her siblings adore her and so do her parents and grandparents. she’s the second child who can do absolutely no wrong in anybody’s eyes. bella was a young star and worked in hollywood making tv cameos long before she started school. she had two lives; her school and dance life, and her celebrity life. she grew up with more life experience than other kids and this made her painfully cunning. she knew exactly how to get people on side and had whoever she wanted wrapped around her little finger.  she and brody were hit hardest by james’s death. bella was all over the place and gained a little weight - something she wasn’t familiar with after being petite her whole life. she’s now just trying to stable herself again.
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hera is the middle child of sinead. she too is inteligent and calculated but she’s also the opposite of the james’s girls. hera has never worked a day in her life and has no intention to. she’s a socialite and just like her mother, does what she wants when she wants to. she lives off of mommy’s money (because her dad bailed on them and honestly, fuck him). hera also came out as bisexual at a christmas party because she knew it’d make sylvia uncomfortable. she’s a wind up and enjoys getting a rise out of people.
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ophelia is old enough to remember the messy divorce of her parents and adopted her mother’s bad-ass and care free attitude towards it from that day on. she hates her dad for what he did to their family but doesn’t let it hold her back and when she turned 18, she took him to court to keep her name on the inheritance of his million dollar winery business...and won. she’s the trailblazer for her quieter and more introverted siblings. she’s someone who knows she’s gorgeous and uses her looks to her advantage. 
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luna has always been shy and hid behind the bolder personalities of her sister’s. she used to feel boring because of it but has quickly accepted that’s who she is and she’s happy with it. as she becomes 26, she’s starting to feel extremely embarrassed and insecure about her lack of experience with anybody. yet, her father walking out makes her find it hard to connect with and trust people. she has high standards and no standards at the same time and is really lost in terms of her romantic relationships. HOWEVER, she is thriving in her career and mason has featured her as an actress in many projects. she currently attends rosewell and enjoys the french culture.
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damus is a pastiche of every criminal and calculated act a carmichael before him has committed. he actively seeks out trouble and due to not being able to find his “place” in the family, he seems to like to win the affections of his elders by getting involved in dodgy dealings that they’ve set up - particularly those of james and johnathan. damus gets a rush out of being in on his family’s darkest secrets but he also feels like a spare part - the one who gets put into dangerous scenarios because the others are too precious to do so.
third generation age order: - katelyn  - anastasia  - leo - thomas - ophelia   - mason  - brody - hera - luna   - ruby - miles   - bella  - damus 
fourth generation (work in progress): - darcy and wren, children of anastasia  - fleur and dixie, daughters of brody  - victoria and peter, children of mason  - jacob and harlow, son of theo
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forgcdstrength · 4 years
Ana Jarvis
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FACE-CLAIM: Lotte Verbeek
STATUS: semi-active
ORIENTATION: panromantic bisexual
Anastasia Sarah Jarvis (nee Hajnal) is the wife of the Stark family butler, Edwin Jarvis. She’s also a Jew, born June 26, 1914, and raised in Budapest, Hungary.
She’s the second of four siblings. Her older brother, Izsak, was two years older than her, her sister, Naomi, was a mere eleven months younger than her, and her little brother, Jakob, was three years her junior.
By and large, her memories of her siblings are only good ones.
Hot-tempered, loud-mouthed Izsak made for a wonderful big brother - outside of Edwin, perhaps, he’s the most overprotective person she’s ever known. Though the war brought out a terrible side of him that left him wretchedly angry at the world, the worst he ever did to his siblings was tease them. Naomi - sweet, quiet Naomi - was Ana’s best friend until the day Ana left Hungary. She was the perfect listening ear for Ana’s talkativeness. For a few wonderful years, Naomi was married with children, and Ana’s still certain there’s never been a better mother. And then there was Jakob… The baby of the family, if Izsak was a tease, then Jakob was an absolute trickster. The nearly spoiled youngest had lived his entire life with an ornery light in his eyes that never dimmed even as he approached twenty-five years old.
That was a birthday he would never reach. Although Ana was able to flee Hungary the week before with Edwin, her entire family - save for her father, who had already died in 1935 - was gunned down in 1941.
1941 was a year of great change worldwide, anyway, but Ana’s life was completely flipped inside out. Her life of relative ease having already been misplaced in 1938 by anti-Semite laws, by 1941, her entire family was sharing one side of an inner-city duplex. Mama, Ana, Jakob, Izsak, his wife and son, Naomi, and her husband and three children - for over three wonderfully-crowded years they shared a home.
Then 1941, when “the war broke out.“ Jews were being murdered, and as those doing the slaughtering came ever closer to the Hajnal family, Ana met a general’s chivalrous, British aide. With perhaps the best and worst timing in history, they fell in love - despite everything that should’ve kept them apart - within the space of three weeks. In a desperate bid to keep her, at least, alive, he offered to get her out of Hungary, and to marry her. At the urging of her soon-to-die family, she agreed. Which set off a terrifying, dizzying chain of events. Her beloved near-stranger of a husband was almost hung in the midst of it all, and only with the help of wealthy genius Howard Stark did he - and Ana, in a way, truly - survive.
It was only once life had twisted around one more time - with a relocation to America and Edwin becoming Mr. Stark’s butler - that Ana was able to begin to feel somewhat settled. She began to really get to know her husband… and she found herself falling more in love every day.
Years passed, and nothing changed much - then Ana began to more and more often hear stories of a woman Edwin called “Miss Carter…"
Ana herself is abundantly caring and eternally optimistic - which is harder sometimes than others - and artistic. Her first love was painting and drawing - any way she can find to fill a blank space with color, really. When she was in her early twenties, she discovered a love for dancing, as well.
LOS ANGELES LIGHT: Agent Carter season two, or anything taking place in LA. (main verse)
INTO THE MELTING POT: Anything taking place pre-season two, including pre-series and Agent Carter season one.
A BEACON OF LIGHT: Anything taking place during or after SHIELD’s formation.
STILL BURNING BRIGHT: modern day MCU verse with elderly Ana, who’s still alive and at herself in mind if not necessarily always physically. (no icons available)
ROAD LESS TRAVELED: any greatly-canon-divergent threads or AUs. (can be combined with any verse)
STRENGTH IN NUMBERS: any polyamorous relationships. (can be combined with any verse; please mention OOC if you’d like to do something in this verse)
SYNTHETIC LIGHTS: modern AU verse where Ana’s still in her thirties. She works as the housekeeper at Stark and Avengers Towers, and helps Pepper and the AI JARVIS keep things sane on the home-front.
LOVING AND GIVING: Ana became FRIDAY AU (no, really, trust me here; more information HERE)
A DIMMED LIGHT: Black Widow AU (as much a canon-divergent background as an actual AU)
SO MANY WAYS TO BE: (Descendants) co-head housekeeper at the Beast’s castle, working alongside Ms. Potts
EVER EVER AFTER: (Fairytale) palace seamstress
BORROWED BABIES: (Foster Care) foster mom
I SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT I’M UP TO NO GOOD: (Harry Potter) Gryffindor sixth-year
ALTERNATIVELY     1902: (Victorian) housekeeper
GROW UP WITH THE LAND: (Wild West) runs a general store
BOLDLY GO: (Star Trek) mess hall cook
Starter Call
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metvmorqhoses · 6 years
i just came across your blog from your amazing art taste. how did you come to get into such classical striking styles? from your love of donna tartt i assume it carried through to other art forms. what are some of your favourite artists or themes (could be visual, musical, literary etc)?
first of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart because this ask really made my day, you’re a sweetheart.
actually, i think if i have to track down a literary origin point for my art taste (even if it’s not entirely true it all originated in that specific way, it’s truer to state i was born with it, i would roam around the louvre or versailles at six and already feel so in awe and in my element, or i would arrive in rome at nine and feel home), but the real turning point of my artistic taste was the art for art’s sake movement, walter pater and oscar wilde. only ten years later i discovered donna tartt, and i had already graduated from my classics high school and in general studied the classics for ten years - yes, donna tartt added a great deal of beauty in my life, but i was already completely part of that world, so to speak.
it’s so difficult to list all the artists, and styles, and in general all the beauty that daily inspires my life, the right answer would be, “everything that strikes me within and that i find beautiful”, and that can be literally anything, but i can try, for art’s sake :)
art genres and movements:
mythology, classicism, neoclassicism, medioeval art, romanticism, gothic, surrealism, baroque, high renaissance art, impressionism, pop-art, street art, urban art, and photorealism.
dark magic, classicism, dark and soft mythology, dark academia, pretentiousness and dandyism
sophocles, euripides, sappho, homer, ovid, oprheus, plato, saint john, catullus, seneca, lucanus, héloïse, petrarch, dante, boccaccio, machiavelli, kyd, marlowe, shakespeare, keats, hölderlin, goethe, byron, mary shelley, shelley, the bronte sisters, walter pater, oscar wilde, baudelaire, de saint-exupéry, hugo, dumas, woolf, joyce, d’annunzio, ungaretti, montale, quasimodo, lewis, talkien, fizgerald, pessoa, saramago, kundera, nietzsche, tartt, pullman, rowling, carey, weis, hickman, bulgakov, nabokov, rushdie, salinger, colli, baricco, pirandello, calasso, kerenyi, proust, my dead poets and, obviously, myself.
the greek myths, the poetic edda, the orphic hymns, the bacchae, iphigenia in aulis, the iliad, the metamorphosis, the letters of abelard and héloïse, the divine comedy, the prince, the spanish tragedy, tamerlaine the great, marlowe’s doctror fausts and goethe’s doctor faustus, macbeth, romeo and juliet, the tempest, a midsummer night’s dream, julius caesar, the modern prometeous, jane eyre, wuthering heights, walter pater’s the reinassaince, the picture of dorian gray, the profundis, the importance of being earnest, the flowers of evil, the little prince, la esmeralda, the count of montecristo, the three musketeers, mr dallaway, the waves, orlando, paradise lost, the dubliners, the pleasure, the chronicles of narnia, the lord of the rings, the silmarillion, the great gatsby, the book of disquiet, blindness, the unbearable lightness of being, the greek tragedy, thus spoke zarathustra, his dark materials, harry potter, the kushiel’s legacy, the dragonlance saga, the secret history, the goldfinch, the little friend, the name of the rose, lolita, the master and margarita, the satanic verses, the greek sapience, oceansea, silk, remembrance of things past, the wedding of cadmus and armonia, the catcher in the rye, the elegance of the hedgehog, dracula, the phantom of the opera, elective affinities, the sorrows of young werther, venus in furs.
painters, sculptors and artists:
caravaggio, botticelli, da vinci, michelangelo, canova, dalì, klimt (who is my absolute favorite), fontana, de chirico, marina abramovich, waterhouse, dicksee.
lars von trier, baz luhrmann, wes anderson, michael gondry, the wachowski sisters, sorrentino.
only lovers left alive, her, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, mood indigo, nymphomaniac, dogville, manderlay, melancholia, antichrist, breaking the waves, moulin rouge!, the great gatsby, birdman, beginners, as good as it gets, trainspotting, fight club, amelie, breakfast at tyffany’s, submarine, seeking a friend for the end of the world, frank, american beauty, dead poets society, kill your darlings, the book thief, the importance of being earnest, joan of arc, elizabeth: the golden age, the name of the rose, the best offer, the great beauty, the trials of oscar wilde, the hours, the phantom of the opera, the mask of zorro, thelma, gone with the wind, troy, la haine, orlando, lord of the rings, dragonheart, ladyhawke, interview with the vampire, bram stocker’s dracula, last tango in paris, dangerous liasons, this beautiful fantastic, the dreamers, band a part.
tv series:
sherlock, the young pope, penny dreadful, sense8, kidding, westworld, peaky blinders, the man in the high castle, genius, the tudors, versailles, vikings, the 100, the handmaid’s tale, poldark, outlander, game of thrones, da vinci’s demons, dracula, the originals, the count of montecristo.
the phantom of the opera, love never dies, notredame de paris, the lion king, les miserables, anastasia, le moulin rouge,
leonard cohen, medieval organ music, tom waits, lana del rey, helsey, lou reed, bright eyes, all disney honestly, chopin, laura marling, natalie merchant, bjork, roberto vecchioni, the phantom of the opera: 25th anniversary soundtrack, love never dies: london soundtrack, fabrizio de andrè, nick cave, placebo, kamelot, adele, 30 seconds to mars, elton john, ramazzotti, bocelli, evanescence, zucchero, sinatra, garbage, hans zimmer, jeff buckley, david bowie, mina, pink floyd, mumford & sons, oasis, nostalghia, queen, notre-dame the paris italian soundtrack, sia, the cure, the phantom of the opera italian sound track, lucifer’s sound track, U2, wagner.
those are just a few off the top of my head, but i’m sure i forgot thousands. hope you’ll enjoy them tho, and being inspired by them as i am!
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ofaphrvdite · 5 years
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silence ! raise the royal standard, for the prince of russia and king consort of england, MAKSIM ROMANOV, has arrived. being 27 years old, he is out of line to the throne. many around the court call him the mutineer, by virtue of him being dexterous and maverick, while also being  recalcitrant and brazen.  — played by brenton thwaites.
full name: maksim alexei romanov name meaning: maksim ‘the greatest’, alexei ‘defender’ known in history as: king in the shadows, the white wolf date of birth: june 21st, 1639/1992 age: twenty six star sign: cancer profession: freelance photographer (modern verse) / prince of russia, king consort of england (royal verse) loyalty: russia, house romanov, england and house windsor, the entente alignment: chaotic good mbti: estp spoken languages: russian, english, advanced french, intermediate german (royal verse) / english, russian, basic spanish (modern verse) mother’s name: tsarina tatyana romanovna father’s name: tsar ivan romanov siblings, if any: anastasia romanovna-du bourbon, dmitri romanov, vasiliy romanov, karina romanovna height: 6’0” hair colour: brown eye colour: dark brown
it was an odd thing being born as one half of a whole. coming into the world knowing you would always have another at your side through every new experience. maksim and dmitri romanov were two sides of the same coin from the day they first wailed their first cry. growing up, maksim was determined to stick by his brother’s side for everything. for a time it had only been the three of them. just anastasia, dmitri and him. they had forged a bond early in those days, sharing absolutely everything with eachother that would translate into their adulthood. maksim was patient with his siblings, understanding and above all else, never judged them. 
growing up under the roof of the infamous media moguls, tatyana and ivan romanov, meant that maksim came with a brand that would follow him everywhere. one that only grew when the family began starring on their own reality tv show. everything he knew about himself, he discovered on the cameras. his whole personality shaped around the person he was expected to be for a show. he was less keen of the cameras than his siblings, but his appearances often provided the comic relief with his brother and he became a hit with the younger audience. the first time he’d seen something he’d said on a t-shirt had still been pretty wild though. 
because of the huge spotlight on the family, the twins were sent off to boarding school for their education where there would hopefully be less scrutiny. most of the kids there had parents far too rich to bother about another one joining their rankings, afterall. and it proved to be one of the most helpful periods of his life. boarding school offered him the chance to decide who he wanted to be because trying to work out who you were with a camera shoved in your face was near impossible. though he never consciously made the decision, he had constructed a character in his years on the show, one that would meet the expectations of viewers watching. if anastasia was going to play the part of overbearing older sister, then he would play the lovable but dimwitted jock brother. and for years that’s who he styled himself as.
in truth, maksim was all that and more. yes he liked rebelling and making trouble, but he was happiest at home with a good book or at the local art gallery. whilst he loved any and all sports, his shelves were filled with comic books and limited edition collectibles. it was away from the rest of his family that he could finally grow into himself. realise the things he truly enjoyed to do, the things that he was good at that he didn’t have to share with his other four siblings.
boarding school proved to be destiny in more ways than one. as maksim was finding himself, it led him straight to the love of his life. victoria was at the local girls boarding school, and it took just one school dance for him to fall utterly head over heels for her. they dated all throughout school, never once tiring of the other. she was a grounding force for him, encouraging him to focus on what he wanted and go for it. and in turn he brought thrill to her life that she lacked with such rigid family expectations. they were a perfect match all things considered, and so it was to no ones surprise ( and karina’s absolute horror ) that maks proposed. the couple are now planning for their wedding, which promises to be a grand summer spectacle to all those lucky enough to earn an invite.
whilst he had everything he wanted in victoria, his future still remained a murky mess. every year, maks would go to his careers interview with his school adviser. and every year, he would shrug his shoulders when asked what it was he wanted to do with his life. he knew that his mother was desperate for him to go off to university as anastasia had, and that all hopes were on him because there was no way they’d be able to wrestle dmitri into another classroom once he was off scot-free. and so, despite the fact that he had exactly zero interest in it, when the time rolled around maksim applied to study history. at least it would get the careers adviser off his back, and college might be fun - right? 
wrong. maksim managed to make it through a month of studying before he went home to go to a concert he’d planned with dima months ago. and then never went back. literally never. sayonara to all those shiny pots and pans his parents had gifted him, and the macbook that had one half finished assignment on it and not much else. and so he was back to square one.
rather than sit around at home moping for the camera, maksim took off for a year and went travelling. sure the family had been on some pretty decent holidays over the years, but he wanted to see more. he sent various postcards home from his time in thailand, indonesia and brazil. with everywhere in between. eventually he settled in australia for six months, taking up odd jobs where he could and collecting a group of like-minded friends. all people running away from adult responsibilities for that little bit longer. so while his girlfriend was earning herself a useful degree, maksim was surfing and bungee jumping his way through his inheritance. 
it was during his time in australia that he discovered his love for photography. he’d always loved art, and shown bounds of creativity growing up. whenever he grew too anxious or was failing to concentrate, it was drawing that often centered him. just doodles at first, then panels of his favourite characters from comics. but it was travelling where he really began to utilise the natural eye he had. what began as photographs to share on his instagram, turned into scrapbooks that he would send to victoria to keep her as involved as possible in his life. it was a happy accident that people began to take notice really. the odd person began asking him to take photos of this and that, offering to pay for a headshot here and a small wedding there. nothing major, but enough that maks began to consider it as a real career option. with ana’s persistent encouragement and help, he set up his first photography instagram and took the first step into adulthood.
upon his return to the states, maksim got serious ( as serious as he was capable ) about his career as a freelance photographer. he set up his own website and bookings flooded in. most were either mocking him for his family’s name, or fans, but enough that he could really begin to make a living out of it. with most of his inheritance depleted, it made the whole going out on his own thing all that more tangible and exciting. plus, the freelancing gave him the opportunity to keep up with everything else he wanted to do in life. never making him feel too tied down with responsibility. he could work his jobs around whatever holiday or event he had planned. he didn’t need to hang up his thrill-seeking for good in exchange for the not-so-promised land of being a grown up.
maks is still a photographer, and in the midst of wedding planning. he still makes frequent appearances on the romanov reality show with his other siblings, all of whom he keeps in very close contact with. he splits his time between his parents house and the home he shares with victoria and his pet, danya. finally, he has found his place in life and it’s one that is always changing. and thank god for that, maksim couldn’t bear the thought of an average life.
no romanov was born lonely. this could be said twice true of maksim, who came into this world minutes after his twin and thus claiming his destiny as the spare heir between two tiny red fists. one so intrinsically linked to a life of forgotten mediocrity the child would likely never escape. and yet he never felt that left out growing up. yes it was odd that he didn’t have the famed bright romanov eyes of frozen blue and green ( his did not shine, just two hazel pools ) but he had his father’s look about him. that unkempt charm that had warmed the russian people to him in the first place. still, the children at court teased him when the tsarina was not around, jesting that he was no true born romanov like his siblings, but tatyana set them straight with an icy glare. assuring her son that it was not a look he need possess; he was a romanov because of the blood in his veins, the love his family bore him and the loyalty they gave him.
still. the dreaded sword of the middle child hung over him the elder he grew. all around him, his siblings seemed destined for greatness. dmitri, the future tsar of russia, who would remain at home in russia as they all craved. anastasia, who would one day be queen consort to one of the greatest nations and alliances their mother could possibly bring about. vasiliy, a third son, was near ten times smarter than he would ever be and would prove an asset to any crown he advised, he was sure of it. and karina, the baby of the family and yet already so sure of her own mind, and so doted on as the youngest. maksim adored each and every one of them, and was proud to be brother to their eminence. he was a good man at heart, and cared for his family deeply as was the romanov way, taking up the mediator hand in hand with vasiliy to quell the chaos of their family. for though he was gifted with a boisterous disposition, he was far more level-headed than the elder two and often brought logic to otherwise ridiculous fights. but he lacked a purpose of his own. though he was quite the charmer, always flirting with ladies at court and wreaking innocent havoc with his elder siblings, there was no talent of his own to focus on. maksim was intelligent in his quiet way, a strategic mind just waiting to be sharpened if only someone offered him the chance. if someone would just look to him, just once. 
the tsarina and tsar grew anxious for their lost boy. their other children all seemed so certain of their path, of their skills and talents, and maksim stood in the middle of it all with nothing of his own to claim. it was his mother ( she had always lavished affection on her third, never wanting him to feel lesser with two elder siblings already lining up for a crown ) that had guided him to a purpose. urging ivan romanov to encourage battle strategy and warfare in maksim, to forge him into a warrior and hero. at fourteen, his lessons began and maksim took to them like a duck to water. wielding sword and shield as if he had been born for knighthood, not life as a prince. though he still has moments of doubt about how useful he is to his family, at least now he had a skill to prove himself.
and he needn’t have waited long for a chance. war had raged throughout europe for long enough, and he had remained unaffected for far too long. when armies were called, both he and dmitri at just eighteen were sent with the imperial army into war as generals. and maksim would be given his first taste of war and combat outside of a tournament or training. and it was glorious. until it wasn’t.
the rush of the fight didn’t linger long, and months away from home soon sapped all that naive boyhood from his features. the brothers saw eachother through their first kill, steadying their twin soul until they could stand again at their side. maksim proved able of compartmentalising the worst of it all to deal with at a time where the horrors could rip him apart in the safety of his own home. for so long he had lived without responsibility, always the spare and never the heir, and yet it was war that forced him to step up. to care for his brother in the way he had always looked after him. years of loyalty, repaid at the worst time. still, the brothers managed to find glimpses of light, including rescuing two stray puppies that they hoped might keep the darkness at bay at night. they named the terriers danya and nadya, and vowed to keep them safe until they could return home.
the terrors of war left scars unseen on the young prince, despite returning home relatively unscathed. it was the brutal separation from his twin brother that had left the greatest trauma behind. they had been together all their lives, and together when they’d been parted - both with the matching scars as painful reminder. maksim had been knocked unconscious and awoke to the sharp realisation that his brother had been taken. when he eventually found his way back to camp, all the men turned to stare as if they’d seen a ghost, not a bloodied prince returning from battle. the romanov twins had been missing and presumed dead for days, and yet it had been the most useless one that straggled back. it didn’t take long for the tsarina to call maksim home, grieving the loss of her eldest and too fearful to lose another. maks returned to the winter palace with the two bundles of danya and nadya, the sole link he had to dima, and a promise to keep them safe in his absence. he was hailed a hero upon his homecoming for the strength he had shown in war, the sacrifices he’d made. but the medal pinned to his jacket had brought more nausea than it did pride. what good was dressed up metal when his brother hadn’t returned with him?
the months following passed in a blur. dealing with stately visits as the new elder in the family, with anastasia long since whisked away to france, in between the moments of solitude he sought where he would paint to ease the terrible things he’d seen or play with karina who so often clung to him in those first few days. even sneaking into vasiliy’s imposed quarantine when he could to keep his brother’s spirits high proved a much welcome distraction. it was only as the war came to a head, and foreign rulers from all over began to take note of the damage they had sustained, that things began to change.
a summit had been called at bern, and all foreign rulers were invited to attend in the name of peace. not only was this an opportunity for the tsarina to aid in ending the war and to reunite the family with their long lost russian princess, but to further her already fruitful alliances. karina was still unwed, as was vasiliy, and so both came with maksim to the summit in hopes of securing other strongholds in europe. maks, of course had long since been taken. from a young age, a betrothal with the princess of england, victoria, had been arranged for the young prince. they had met once upon a time as children, but had not taken to eachother as their parents had hoped. but the young couple were reunited at bern, their countries now on opposing sides of a war that their marriage could be useful in ending. maksim had been determined to dislike her, and so of course he had fallen for the fair victoria the moment he had laid his eyes on her.
it didn’t take long for love to grow between the two royals. maksim especially grew taken with her strong will, sharp mind and seemingly unreachable beauty. it was shaping up to be quite the fairytale, until the succession of england’s throne had been thrown into chaos with the queen’s deepest secret now uncovered. the future king charles, was of no royal blood at all, but a bastard born from an affair of the queen’s who swiftly lost her head for it. it was victoria who was now the heir, and that left maksim once again out of use, left out in the cold. england sought a better alliance now that victoria was now crown princess. though eventually things were settled, maksim proving he could be a worthy consort, this period of time left him feeling more insecure than ever of his true worth.
with the matters of succession sorted, maksim grew unsure about his future responsibilities. he had never really wanted a crown, only dreaming of the russian throne if it meant he could remain with his family forever. he doesn’t believe himself worthy of it in any way, certainly not good enough to stand at victoria’s side as her consort. he was a warrior at his core, an honourable one, but that made it no less true that his mind was not made for negotiating at high tables. maks doesn’t want to be any kind of king, but he wants to be with victoria. it is that undying need to make her happy and keep her safe, to do anything she asks of him, that has kept him by her side. even if it means making himself a reluctant ruler. this was only solidified by the attempt on her life during the pirates invasion of bern, an assassination attempt on the newly named heir to the throne. almost losing her was all the confirmation he needed that he would never leave her side. and a good thing too, for the time between their marriage and coronation was shorter than they could ever have prepared for. during the final days of the summit, the now infamous explosions struck bern, leaving multiple casualties in its wake. one of which had been the king of england, making victoria the overnight queen. 
life was turned upside down once again with his arrival to versailles as the newly crowned consort of england. dmitri had resurfaced after years of them living with the belief that he was long dead. the romanov’s had come to terms with their loss, just barely piecing back together a heart that would always be missing a jagged piece. now maksim must struggle with the old and new parts of himself to reconcile with a man who wears his dima’s face but is not the brother he once knew. all whilst struggling with responsibilities he never asked for, and a wife who has lost more than she could ever deserve.
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fcrgedstrcngth · 6 years
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Face-claim: Lily James
Status: semi-active
Cinderella was born to wealthy parents, who treated their daughter with great love. The family resided in a French château, just beyond a small- but powerful- kingdom. Sometime during her childhood, Cinderella's mother tragically passed away, and as a result of believing his daughter needed a mother figure in her life, Cinderella's father remarried to a woman named Lady Tremaine, who notably had two daughters of her own, both around Cinderella's age: Anastasia and Drizella. After the death of her father, Cinderella was under the control of Lady Tremaine, whose true colors finally surfaced, showing a cruel and cold-hearted woman. Her selfishness and vanity destroyed both the family fortune and left the once beautiful château in a state of disrepair. While pampering her own two daughters and spoiling them rotten, she raised Cinderella in abuse and virtual slavery. This was a result of being wickedly jealous of the young girl's natural beauty and charm, which she and her own daughters all lacked. This went on for many years, but Cinderella's personality still remained sweet, humble, and kind.
Despite being raised in toxicity and emotional abuse, Cinderella declared herself independent and strong-willed by remaining kind-hearted and self-loving unlike her cruel step-family, not allowing the bitterness surrounding her life to overtake her and morph her into someone as cruel as her stepfamily. She makes the most of her misfortunes by remaining optimistic of the possibilities of a brighter future, keeping herself preoccupied with enforced housework and friendly bonds built with her pets, and dozens of mice that have found themselves trapped over the years by Tremaine's mouse traps, only to be rescued and spared by Cinderella. In gratitude, the mice would become loyal companions to Cinderella, providing her with the company and serving as diligent helpers should something troubling occur. The devotion of the mice would ultimately play a crucial role in the young woman escaping her abusive household, thus furthering the example of how Cinderella's evergreen kindness towards others, despite her situation, would ultimately lead to her uprising.
As assumed, Cinderella's primary goal in life was to escape her stepfamily. However, as she was under Lady Tremaine's control since her childhood when her father passed away when she was young, such a feat proved to be difficult, with the emotional abuse and manipulation having been planted in Cinderella's mind for far too many years, making for an obedient and fearful young woman when faced with Tremaine's wrath; she would typically make attempts to avoid any form of conflict with her stepmother and stepsisters as a direct result of this.
Cinderella is also witty and sarcastic, at least when she is alone, and during those moments she would often make quips regarding her step-family's laziness, lack of talent, and over-dependence on her. She is also unafraid to stand up for herself when she feels she's in the right — or at least, attempt to do so, and though she strives to contain her optimistic aura, she can fall into fits of frustration and annoyance quite often. This is seen through her interactions with Lady Tremaine's cat, Lucifer, who she sarcastically refers to as "Your Majesty", and openly berates for his cruel behavior, which mirrors that of her cruel stepmother. Her daily goal is to make the most of her situation, but she never forces herself to bottle up her true emotions in an unhealthy manner; instead, wisely keeping them under control, while also keeping in mind that the future holds brighter experiences. She also is shown to have some degree of common sense, as after Drizella and Anastasia rushed to Lady Tremaine in fear about how Cinderella had allegedly put a mouse in their teacup, Cinderella, hearing the report, immediately deduced that it had been Lucifer who had actually been responsible, and forced him to reveal Gus, allowing Gus a quick escape.
When Lady Tremaine gets and uses her own dose of magic to try and ruin Cinderella's happily ever after, the princess’s hard-working ethics, optimism, and devotion are put to the test, when she is magically stripped away from her "happily ever after" by a vengeful and then magically-empowered Tremaine and is forced to jump into physical action to restore her happy life and relationship with Prince Charming. During these events, Cinderella is shown to be cunning, tactical, persistent, and a fierce rival to those who oppress her. With no magic, being forced to rely solely on her intelligence and fearlessness, Cinderella is able to defeat her stepmother, repair her relationship with a reformed Anastasia and retain her much-deserved life of happiness, proving both her independence and strong will.
Princess of My Own Destiny: Disney verse
Queen of a State: Descendants verse
Princess of Ponies and Problems: Once Upon A Time verse where Ella lived for twenty-eight years as pregnant teenager, Ashley Boyd
Road Less Traveled: any AU threads
Borrowed Babies: (Foster Care) foster mom - or foster daughter taken from an abusive step-mother
I Solemnly Swear That I’m Up To No Good: (Harry Potter) Gryffindor sixth-year
There Was An Idea: (MCU) a cleaning lady at the Avengers’ Facility; she didn’t ask to get dragged into all the things that she sees daily, yet here she is
All That Gleams and Glitters (Modern) a social worker with the DCFS
Alternatively 1902: (Victorian) a servant to her step-mother
Grow Up With the Land: (Wild West) maid to a wealthy mayor
Forward To Victory: (World War II) a home-front mother of two and foster mother of three English children
Starter Call
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naturesloopholed-a · 6 years
Verse: Motherhood Characters: Hope, Adelina, Landon. Rating: NSFW  Triggers: Blood sharing, death, murder, blood drinking
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Adelina Anastasia Mikaelson, the light of Hope’s life but also the one that breaks her heart more than ever. There would come a day when the toddler didn’t need her anymore but for now, Hope takes in the love of doing the small things for her daughter, like getting the blocks from the top of the play room’s shelf or making that peanut butter sandwich for her to only eat half and push away. Hope hadn’t been keen on motherhood, in fact, she had almost pulled a Hayley (not that she knew her mother had almost did the whole drink with Wolfsbane in it). Hope had thought that it would be selfish to have a child in a world that would set out to destroy it given what they were. the threat to Hope’s life when she was a babe had been the main reason Hope had been so close to ending the life she created before it had a chance to draw in air. Hope had found herself unable to even open the bottle that she bought and spent hours crying in Freya’s arms later because she was scared for the life inside of her. Hope believed in the right to your own body and what you do with it but in the end her want of children and the love she already felt kept her from doing what she had set out to do. 
The little Mikaelson hadn’t been without trouble for she already had a threat to her life but with the help of family, the threat was removed before the baby could be taken from her mother. it had been hard to stomach for a young mother but Hope had seen it coming long before her daughter was born
Now as Hope sits on the floor with her toddler playing with the latest block set that Freya had bought, Hope had to admit that she liked the way her life turned out. A little child of hers that made her smile every day even when the going was tough. Landon might be in their life for the moment but Hope’s trust for the man was thin, no one could protect their daughter better than she can. At the moment, Landon and her were talking about him turning into a vampire but that was coming more and more into fighting between the two of them seeing as their views on the topic were different or maybe it was because Hope was asking him to die just to live forever that has them fighting.  Hope could see the toddler was getting fed up with her block tower falling over, the way her face scrunched up and the snatching of blocks up off the floor were two of the clues. It wasn’t until Hope saw that her daughter had been ready to throw a block did she decide it was time to intervene before she is forced to put the child in timeout for throwing something across the room.❝Do you want some help?❞ She is crawling over toward her daughter before her daughter could even nod. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, Hope reaches out and takes the block that her daughter had been moments from throwing. ❝Watch.❞ Hope quickly set up her bottom layer that would be stabilizing their building before pointing to a section. ❝Put your block here.❞ After a few minutes of stacking the blocks up with her daughter, she watched as the toddler decided to take it upon herself to knock it down, a fit of little giggles coming from the small brunette child that left Hope laughing as well at how amused her own child was such a simple action.
Playtime was soon cut short with Landon coming in from making burgers in the kitchen, meaning that it was time to clean up and go eat. Hope let Landon take Adelina to the kitchen, she could handle picking up blocks. After all, a mess of blocks was nothing compared to the huge mess that she had cleaned up last night during the time that Adelina was getting her bath because playing out in the mud had left Hope telling Landon that Adelina was not walking on her freshly cleaned floors so Landon had been the one to pick up the toddler and take her straight to the bath.
The two of them worked as a team that switched things up so that neither does just one thing. Which is why Landon would be cleaning up the next mess, if Adelina falls asleep before she can do it. Hope wasn’t in any hurry to go eat, seeing as staring Landon down at the table was not exactly a comfortable plan. He could handle lunch time, so instead of crawling to the kitchen, Hope decides to head to the basement. SHe opened the fridge down there with ease and allowed her teeth to sink into the blood bag, a hiss coming from her as she drowns the bag of its contents. She never let Landon see her like this, not even his offer once to allow him be the blood she needed, even though it had been so tempting. She kept it to herself, hidden away as if she was ashamed of it, when in realize, she was anything but. Hope was a mother, a werewolf, a vampire, a witch and she had nothing to be ashamed of but something about letting him see her golden eyes, fangs, and true face never settled well with her. She sits down on the stone cold floor with one more bag. Allowing time to pass herself by with an ease that she hardly notices when it is an hour later. She hardly has time for herself, not when she runs factions, is busy parenting a toddler and being a girlfriend so the time was nice. She managed to block out the sound from upstairs that when Landon starts coming down the steps, she isn’t alarmed. the second bag was gone and Hope had decided to go onto a third but had been drinking it slowly, taking in the flavor of thick blood running down her throat. a hand reaches out and touches her back, making Hope move so quickly that she pins Landon to the wall, blood bag still in her in hand. 
A smirk happens to be on Landon’s face, even as  Hope pulls back, her attempt to hide Amber eyes from his view even though the damage was done. He clearly had been hoping to see this view.  Slender fingers pulling Hope’s chin so that she is facing him again. ❝there is no need to hide.❞ He whispers, his hands reaching for the blood bag that Hope had in her grip and Hope lets him take it from her. she notices as he tilts his neck A silent invention for her to do what seems so natural. He knew what he was walking into when he stayed with Hope through this all. They weren’t just some dumb kids fucking around, breaking hearts, trying to feel alive anymore and Hope knows it. Hope fought minutes, his heart beating so fast that it sends a shiver down her spine even when she does finally give in and sinks her fangs into his neck, she tries to ignore his whimper of pain for a second to enjoy the taste of fresh warm blood. It warms her, makes her feel alive and powerful all at the same time. Seconds pass before she pulls away, blood dripping from her mouth running down her chin and there is a fire in her eyes. Bringing her wrist up, she bites down, sending a hiss of pain throughout her whole body before she places it to Landon’s lips. ❝This will heal you.❞ She tells him. Hope watches intensely as he drank just enough for his wounds close. ❝Adelina in bed?❞ She asks, something that she could guess based on the fact that he was down here, none of them would dare let the terror of a toddler alone this long to throw things around the room. 
❝I decided I want you to do it,❞ Landon whispers. And it takes a second for Hope to understand why he came down to the basement, why he had played this game. He had wanted to see what this looked like and maybe even get the blood in his system for her to do it.
❝Now?❞ Hope asks. She isn’t sure why she suddenly was unsure she wants this life for him, even if it made sense given the fact that Hope and Adelina would live forever and Hope wanted nothing more for in life than Landon to be there forever, for Adelina to have her father forever and always. She sees him nod his head. Hope bites her lip, her hands going to both sides of his head, she is staring into his eyes.
❝Do it,❞ Landon whispers. ❝I want you to do it.❞ And with those words, Hope quickly snapped his neck, his body falling to the ground, his heart stops and Hope is left with tears running down her face. She knows that he would come back to her but it still didn’t change the feeling she was having. She killed him, for her own selfish gain of keeping him forever. The daylight necklace that she wears as a fashion statement is placed in his hands. It takes 30 minutes for him to finally wake up. He is gasping for air, looking wild and animalistic and Hope is sitting there, with his head in her lap. 
❝Blood in the fridge, drink one and you will be a vampire,❞ Hope whispers to him and watches as he stood and went to the fridge. His true face showing as he gets himself a bag and drowns it as if his life depended on it, which it did. Blood is dried on Hope’s neck by now but she still stands and flashes to him, placing a single kiss to his mouth when he was done. He would kill someday, he would turn into a true vampire that has taken at least one life but for now, he was just him with supernatural abilities. 
❝Put that necklace on, there is direct sunlight upstairs.❞ Hope whispers and she couldn’t help but smile as Landon does as he is told. 
❝Race you upstairs,❞ Landon whispers. Hope mumbles you are on before they both rushed up the steps.
When Adelina woke up, she sensed a difference in her father and clung to her mother the rest of the day but Hope assured Landon that it was just how sensitive their daughter was and had nothing to do with him.
This was the start of forever. 
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fcrgedstrcngth · 6 years
Ana Jarvis
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Face-claim: Lotte Verbeek
Status: semi-active
Main verse: canon; Agent Carter season two
Anastasia Sarah Jarvis (nee Hajnal) is the wife of the Stark family butler, Edwin Jarvis. She’s also a Jew, born June 26, 1914, and raised in Budapest, Hungary.
She’s the second of four siblings. Her older brother, Izsak, was two years older than her, her sister, Naomi, was a mere eleven months younger than her, and her little brother, Jakob, was three years her junior.
By and large, her memories of her siblings are only good ones.
Hot-tempered, loud-mouthed Izsak made for a wonderful big brother - outside of Edwin, perhaps, he’s the most overprotective person she’s ever known. Though the war brought out a terrible side of him that left him wretchedly angry at the world, the worst he ever did to his siblings was tease them. Naomi - sweet, quiet Naomi - was Ana’s best friend until the day Ana left Hungary. She was the perfect listening ear for Ana’s talkativeness. For a few wonderful years, Naomi was married with children, and Ana’s still certain there’s never been a better mother. And then there was Jakob… The baby of the family, if Izsak was a tease, then Jakob was an absolute trickster. The nearly spoiled youngest had lived his entire life with an ornery light in his eyes that never dimmed even as he approached twenty-five years old.
That was a birthday he would never reach. Although Ana was able to flee Hungary the week before with Edwin, her entire family - save for her father, who had already died in 1935 - was gunned down in 1941.
1941 was a year of great change worldwide, anyway, but Ana’s life was completely flipped inside out. Her life of relative ease having already been misplaced in 1938 by anti-Semite laws, by 1941, her entire family was sharing one side of an inner-city duplex. Mama, Ana, Jakob, Izsak, his wife and son, Naomi, and her husband and three children - for over three wonderfully-crowded years they shared a home.
Then 1941, when “the war broke out.“ Jews were being murdered, and as those doing the slaughtering came ever closer to the Hajnal family, Ana met a general’s chivalrous, British aide. With perhaps the best and worst timing in history, they fell in love - despite everything that should’ve kept them apart - within the space of three weeks. In a desperate bid to keep her, at least, alive, he offered to get her out of Hungary, and to marry her. At the urging of her soon-to-die family, she agreed. Which set off a terrifying, dizzying chain of events. Her beloved near-stranger of a husband was almost hung in the midst of it all, and only with the help of wealthy genius Howard Stark did he - and Ana, in a way, truly - survive.
It was only once life had twisted around one more time - with a relocation to America and Edwin becoming Mr. Stark’s butler - that Ana was able to begin to feel somewhat settled. She began to really get to know her husband… and she found herself falling more in love every day.
Years passed, and nothing changed much - then Ana began to more and more often hear stories of a woman Edwin called “Miss Carter…"
Ana herself is abundantly caring and eternally optimistic - which is harder sometimes than others - and artistic. Her first love was painting and drawing - any way she can find to fill a blank space with color, really. When she was in her early twenties, she discovered a love for dancing, as well.
Los Angeles Light: Agent Carter season two, or anything taking place in LA.
Into the Melting Pot: Anything taking place pre-season two, including pre-series and Agent Carter season one.
A Beacon of Light: Anything taking place during or after SHIELD’s formation.
Still Burning Bright: modern day MCU verse with elderly Ana, who’s still alive and at herself in mind if not necessarily always physically. (no icons available)
Road Less Traveled: any greatly-canon-divergent threads or AUs. (can be combined with any verse)
Strength in Numbers: any polyamorous relationships. (can be combined with any verse; please mention OOC if you’d like to do something in this verse)
Synthetic Lights: modern AU verse where Ana’s still in her thirties. She works as the housekeeper at Stark and Avengers Towers, and helps Pepper and the AI JARVIS keep things sane on the home-front.
Loving and Giving: Ana became FRIDAY AU (no, really, trust me here; more information here and here)
A Dimmed Light: Black Widow AU (as much a canon-divergent background as an actual AU; more information here)
So Many Ways To Be: (Descendants) co-head housekeeper at the Beast’s castle, working alongside Ms. Potts
Ever Ever After: (Fairytale) palace seamstress
Borrowed Babies: (Foster Care) foster mom
I Solemnly Swear That I’m Up To No Good: (Harry Potter) Gryffindor sixth-year
Alternatively     1902: (Victorian) housekeeper
Grow Up With the Land: (Wild West) runs the general store
Starter Call
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