#•mr jacq lectures
askmrjacq · 1 year
✨Mr Jacq's Pokemon Trivia Night!✨
Hello, hello ragamuffins! I'm suspecting by now you're all pretty sleepy, and the last thing you'll want to be doing is a boring old Biology exam, so I made it more fun! Just something to help you wind down from the dance, and hopefully win some... cool (?) prizes (???).
Under the cut you'll find all of the questions to the quiz!!! Just some easy fun that hopefully won't make your brain ache (*cough cough* like writing the questions did to me *ahem*). Just send me your answers, and whoever gets the highest amount of points in total will win a yummy treat...! You can be in groups too, if you like! Just don't worry fi you can't work out an answer, its all for fun!
Fun Facts! Worth two points each!!
How many legs does a Spidops have?
What is the gender ratio for a Pachirisu?
What shape markings does a Gulpin have on its back?
What Pokemon is number 431 in the National Dex?
How fast can an average Popplio swim?
Evolution: True or false???? One point for each correct answer!!! (bonus point for the corrected answer on the false questions!!)
Girafarig can only evolve into Farigiraf in Paldea- True or False?
Starly’s second evolution is called Staraptor- True or False?
Eevee evolves into Umbreon when it has a high friendship level with its trainer OR it is nighttime-  True or False?
Mr Jacq is getting really bored of thinking of questions for this and wants to sleep: True or False?
When Sprigatito evolves it becomes bipedal- true or false?
Facts about my Pokemon! Good luck, these are harder! 3 points per question correct!!!!
Can you name each member of my team? Just the breed, not any nicknames.
What type does my Ace Pokemon terastalise into? 
Which of my Pokemon looks most like me? (not in terms of size: that would be mean! As in colours)
What’s special about the types of moves my Grass type Pokemon has on my team? As in, what do you notice about if they are special or physical?
I’m about to go on my Pokemon journey, and three starter Pokemon (Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly) are shown to me. Can you guess which one I would choose?
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ravenveenova97 · 8 months
Wanted to show a little of a new fanfic I'm writing now info on the MC she 18 and spending her last year at Uva Academy till she graduates, Honan has travels all around and going to many schools due to her mums job, Honan is a bright and multi talented student and even studied briefly under Hoenn's pokemon profesor, she one day wants to become a pokemon researcher.
This is based on a teacher student romance giving it's name The Paldea Forbidden Fruit
After home room was done a number of students got up from there desks and picked up there bags wile leaving the class room, I finaly poped my planer away after spending a few minutes memorising everything “ok so looks like I’m with Mr Jacq first lesson sweet I love biology hehehehhe” but as I said that I cought Jacq attention in the frount of the class room “realy Honan” I look up and stand up out of my seat and walk up to hes desk “yer it’s so interesting, getting to know the Pokémon biological functions is interesting, there so meany Pokémon out there that have different biological functions it’s actaly fun to learn, like take Umbreon for example they have a sweat gland under there arms that release a poison gas to ward off any protental Pokémon wishing to do it halm, the smell is so vile it chases off anything they seem as a threat” Jacq looked at me surprised not expecting I knew all that and I happily smiled at him “I wasn’t expecting that from such a young trainer……..Honan”
I look at him and he’s eyes grew soft and a warm smile rested on he’s face “you may be one of my most extraordinary students yet” he reaches out and gently pets my head, I’m a little surprised as iv never had a mans attention like this so it left me a little flustered “ow…….well thank you Mr Jacq” he moved he’s hand away and continues to smile at me “well you head up, I be there in a sec” I nod and leave the class room making my way to he’s biology classroom “that was an odd interaction…….did he really pet my head?” I move my hand and rested it on my head and blushed a little, iv not really have that kind of attention from any man in my life…….it felt nice, I end up making it to the class room and I looked about and saw a few students all ready sat down and in place “well better grab a seat……I think I take the middle row” I sit down close to the window and I pulled out my note book and my art pad “see if I can get some drawing done in these few minutes” I grabbed a pencil and had a look around for my inspiration but something grabbed my attention outside the window, when I looked out I saw a tree and I could see a Pawmi happily eating a berry “you make a perfect muse” I giggle and start sketching away and by the time I was done the bell rang for lesson to start.
I turned the pad to the back as I doodle a lot when I’m listening to lectures as well as taking down fundamental notes, I was ready and soon Jacq walked in to the class and stood up front “Hello,Hello hope you been well” all the students say yes and I’m giggling to myself, I can tell this is going to be a fun lecture “so as you know we have a new student Honan wanta say hello to everyone” I smile and stand up and wave to them all “hay I really hope we can all get along and get to know each other better” I look about and there all nodding so I happily take my seat “so last lesson we lurned about Pokémon eggs and how no one knows we’re they come from or even how they get there, but biologists discovered that the Pokémon in the egg will shear one or more egg groups can anyone tell me some Pokémon that do?” Some students raised there hands but I keped mine down as I knew everything about this subject so I wanted to give the other students chance to shine, Jacq let’s 4 students answer and only 2 of them got it correct
“Nicely done but how knows the double egg group……Honan”
I look up and smile “the other one that souly devised into two are the water types and nice trick question there three fitting into those categories there 116 water Pokémon fitting in to group one there there 34 in group two and in group three there 37, Pokémon fitting in either one of the three groups biologically shear the same egg group” Jacq claps hes hands wile the students in the class were blown away “wow your correct and you called my bluff nicely done Honan” I smile and everyone just looks at me like I’m some kind of genius, what can I say iv done a lot of research into this kind of stuff.
The lesson went on smoothly and I was taking down notes but wile watching Jacq teach he turned to the class wile still talking to them taking off he’s glasses and pushing the side of he’s hair back and the way he looked stoped me on the spot, I took in every detail and memories every fetcher on he’s face till it was burnt into my brain “he’s so……..” I instinctively put my art pad over my note book and started to draw everything I just witnessed wile Jacq carried on with the lecture with the class, thankfully all the students were paying attention wile I sketched Jacq out on to my pad but when I got to he’s eyes, I saw actually how soft and warm they were.
He’s soft delicate features the way he lips curl and the way he’s hair positions it’s self but out of everything the way he’s eyes it’s like there saying don’t worry I protect you, lesson went well and I was close to finishing what I was doing but I didn’t relised I was the only one now left in the class room “Honan if you don’t go you be late to your next lesson” I looks up and relised I was the only one left “crap did I zone out again” Jacq chuckles and walked over I quickly put my note pad over my art book and stood up “you did, was you taking extra notes?” I blush a little and look to my side “er yer…..I just added a few bits in here and there” he looked at me warmly then walked over “you did an excellent job today Honan keep it up” again he reached he’s hand out and ruffled my hair this time with that same old cute smile.
“Thank you I appreciate that I just hope I didn’t sound like a know it all” Jacq removed he’s hand and he gently laughed “I don’t think you did, it’s a nice change, I might have someone to talk to about Pokémon research now as your very well adept in that field” I giggle and nod at him with a bright smile “any time like I said I might pick your brain every now and then so hope your ready for that” he nods and i leave the classroom so he can get ready for he’s next class, I look around and look at the drawing I did of him “I really hope I don’t get into trouble for drawing this……….I have to keep it hidden don’t want anyone to see it…….not even Jacq”
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askmrjacq · 1 year
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I, uh, found some prizes for the winners of the trivia quiz...! If you don't like marshmallow, or the cute Pikachu faces are too much to handle, I think I still have some Swalot stickers left in my drawer as alternatives...
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askmrjacq · 9 months
…With what?
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askmrjacq · 9 months
Hey, Mr Jacq? What do you know about the history professor ? I haven't taken her courses yet and... Well.. she seems interesting, to put it politely.
Oh, Raifort? Yes, she’s… interesting. Very knowledgeable though! We’re quite good friends… I’m actually offering to help her with her research soon!
I think she comes across as a little obsessed, but who isn’t obsessed with their favourite things?
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askmrjacq · 11 months
Someone left some chocolate cupcakes that are frosted to look like pumpkins.
Aww, thanks! I better eat a light lunch then, so I can eat all the snacks you guys are bringing me!
how did they know chocolate is my weakness...
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askmrjacq · 1 year
Hello sir, Mr Clavell said I should talk to the teachers that were on here.
My name is Enya.
Hi Enya! It’s nice of you to stop by… I hope you’re all caught up on your assignments, by the way… Assuming you’ve been in my classes at all this semester…
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askmrjacq · 1 year
Terribly sorry to send you a message, I wished to inquire about possibly getting the pokedex entries for the Pawmot line translated to galarian, I am researching how they can be used as service pokemon!
Oh, don’t be sorry! I’m always happy to help out with things to do with the Pokedex!
For your research, the info is under the cut :)
Pawmi (National No.0921, Electric, Mouse Pokemon, Height: ~0.3m, Avr. Weight: 2.5kg, Local Dex No.0022) The pads of its paws are electricity-discharging organs. Pawmi fires electricity from its forepaws while standing unsteadily on its hind legs. It also has undeveloped electric sacs on its cheeks. These sacs can produce electricity only if Pawmi rubs them furiously with the pads of its forepaws.
Pawmo (Dual Electric-fighting, National No.0922, avr. height 0.4m, avr weight 6.5kg, Local Dex no 0023) Pawmo have a unique and special battling technique in which they strike foes and zap them with electricity from its paw pads. They are the first to leap into battle if a pack is threatened.
Pawmot (The hands-on Pokemon, dual Electric-fighting, National Dex No.0923, avr height:0.9m, avr. weight 41kg, Local Dex No. 0024) Pawmot are slow to react, but once in battle it will strike down it’s enemies with lightning fast attacks. Furthermore, Pawmot’s fluffy fur, which acts like a battery, can hold the same amount of energy as an electric car.
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askmrjacq · 1 year
( @taraka-at-naranjauva )
Hey, Jacq, why do the Paradox Pokemon Pokedex entires mention Occulture? Isn’t it already known by jsut abitu everyone it’s a dubious magazine?
I mean, I know I tell students a lot not to read these sorts of things and to always take them with a pinch of salt but… I… There is a possibility the stuff written in the Occulture magazine is… maybe true? Science is changing all the time, and if you read a textbook about Pokemon anatomy from a century ago there would be a stark difference in the facts held in them!
all I’m saying is that as soon as it is fully disproved or proven, I might as well write it in there!
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askmrjacq · 1 year
oh hello there jacq didn't know you had a rotomblr account! - @auras-and-memories
((OOC: if you don't know who I am, my character is currently in a relationship with the clavell from swagtastic-bougie-pompadour. Figured I'd let you know, since Deveraux is basically the school ghost))
Yeah, i decided to join after the students practically BEGGED me! ‘Mr Jacq you should join Rotumblr and meet all sorts of people!’ So…. Here i am. I guess
i have heard about you before! Clavell seems to talk vaguely about you to me… hehe- wait, you’re REAL?!
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askmrjacq · 1 year
(From @saphs-tales-from-paldea )
Hey Mr. Jacq, any potential reason why Tinkatuff (Trinket) is going after different Steel type wild Pokémon?
Maybe they want the extra iron?
Just kidding, perhaps its a sign of strength? Some Pokemon like to prove their strength to others by rallying with other species,
Could be the iron though.
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askmrjacq · 10 months
"Jacq, I have a question for you to answer if you're up for it. What is your opinion of me?" Carlos questioned with genuine curiosity and politeness.
Oh! Saguaro, hello there!
I believe that, all in all, you’re incredibly talented in what you create. I can’t even list put the ingredients to make a cake, let alone make one haha! It’s definitely a talent- I know many of my homeroom students admire your skills too.
Besides, cooking and baking is science, is it not? Impressive indeed.
And what do you think of me, as a colleague I mean? I know we don’t interact much aside from the occasional greeting in the staff room!
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askmrjacq · 11 months
(From @saphs-tales-from-paldea )
*drops off a Pumpkaboo skeleton decoration stuffed with Pokémon safe candies and treats* Happy Halloween, Professor Jacq!
Oh, thank you! I’ll put it next to the blackboard!
i’ll be sure to return the gift on the day, I’m thinking of giving treats out to my students (and my other friends) in spirit of spooky season!
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askmrjacq · 1 year
Oh sweet, you're a Bio teacher, you're perfect.
How do you feel about the theory that Normal Type isn't a real type? (@ziodyne-amax)
Well, it depends what people class as 'normal', to be fair.
Is anything normal? You could argue that nothing actually is, as everything is unique! I personally believe it's just a subcategory for Pokemon that don't have a prevalent type, but then again, I don't make the rules... haha... I'm also not going to tell you that they aren't, because some may say that normal is just a word that someone picked to call them, but in reality they could have been called something else.
But it being a 'real type', I guess it kind of is, as it is classed as one, but whether the type itself isn't just the Pokemon being 'void of other types' is another way to argue against I suppose...
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askmrjacq · 1 year
hope you all are ready for some fun later on! I should have really gotten an outfit for the Homecoming that isn't just me taking off my lab coat... but this will do!
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askmrjacq · 1 year
Hey, sorry Jacq, can't come to bio today! Raifort promised that I'd get my grade boosted to a C if I found one of those "ruinous treasure" things so I'm off to Casseroya~
Ah, I see! well, as long as you complete the assignments due next Monday I'm personally okay with it...! Might wanna keep it quiet from the director though... for your and MY protection haha!
don't miss next weeks lesson though please... or I'll have to have a word with Raifort... Also wouldn't mind seeing those ruinous treasure things if you've got a moment afterwards...
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