#….​she may be a pyromaniac who can say
cascadeoceanwave · 1 year
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RUTH WILSON his dark materials / mrs. wilson / luther / hedda gabler / the woman in the wall
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thebisexualdogdad · 9 months
Hmm, hi, I would like to make a request and what if the black cat/Felicia Hardy had a boyfriend who was like, El Diablo from Suicide Squad. (Of course, if you want)
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Felicia Hardy x Male!reader
*Tati Gabrielle used as fancast*
● you met Felicia when you attempted to steal her Lamborghini
● “nice try handsome but no one steals my ride” she says strutting up to you in her black cat suit after robbing a jewelry store nearby
● “you're the black cat” you say instantly recognizing her
● “and judging by your tattoos you're the one they call El Diablo and I could actually use your help on a job”
● that job included stealing a dozen imported cars from their shipping containers at the port which you then set on fire with your powers and she promised you a third of what she would be paid from her buyer
● and even better than the money you ended up hooking up after a successful heist
● a couple days later she gets a call from you
● “can't get enough of me huh?”
● “I know you stole my watch Felicia”
● “Guess you'll just have to come get it back from me hot stuff, that is if you can catch me”
● “if you wanted to see me again all you had to do was ask”
● “What would be the fun in that?”
● Felicia's nickname for you is lover boy
● she will tease you by calling you that in front of your crew who have become very accustomed to her being around
● they make fun of you for being so whipped for her
● “you don't even know what that woman can do with a whip, they may call me the devil in the streets but Felicia Hardy is a devil in the sheets”
● she loves tracing your tattoos with her fingers while you lay in bed together
● and telling each other stories of the best crimes you've committed
● you work a lot of jobs together
● and Felicia enjoys making you watch her get hit on by guys at bars you're about to rob blind
● and sometimes the plan includes you making a scene and trying to fight the guy “hitting on your girl” while Felicia gets whatever it is you guys were there for
● she finds it so hot knowing the jealousy is low key real and results in you fooling around in an alley behind the bar/club/wherever the heist is taking place
● there was one incident where a guy got way too handsy with her and you actually beat the shit out of him and set his car on fire
● another time spiderman was able to actually have you arrested
● but Felicia sauntered into the police station with a bag full of money for your bail
● “Y/N such a bad boy you know I'm the only one allowed to put you in handcuffs”
● you smirk at the cops on your way out knowing the charges they have on you won't stick “better luck next time boys and give spiderman my regards”
● you know about Felicia and Spidermans dating history
● you still can't believe she dated a superhero
● sometimes you set fires around the city just to put him to work
● “Felicia can you please tell your pyromaniac boyfriend to stop setting fires for no reason?”
● “sorry spidey but no can do, you're lucky I talked him down from setting you on fire”
● you and Felicia go on plenty of lavish vacations
● and of course committing crimes while abroad
● in your apartment you guys proudly display some of your favorite scores including a priceless painting you stole while in France
● for a little change of pace Felicia was somehow able to convince you to go on a snowy weekend getaway in the mountains
● you're not a fan of the cold
● but you were definitely able to keep each other warm that weekend
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Lately I’ve been thinking about everyone’s favorite pyromaniac Cherri Bomb. The Addict video gave us a glimpse of her former partner/ex Izzi, who was implied to have been her Valentino. “Welcome To Heaven” showed us that Cherri has some extremely unhealthy coping mechanisms that she initially tried to rope Angel into to help deal with his trauma with Val (excessive drinking and drug use), and didn’t seem to comprehend how bad this was for him until he vocally affirmed his commitment to redemption. I have to wonder if this was just Cherri being Cherri, or if it was something that she learned from Izzi, who may have convinced her to indulge in excessive hedonism to get around having to actually address her issues in a healthy way (as some abusers tend to do to maintain control over their victims).
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Hello, my friend.
I haven't placed much thought into Cherri backstory. I think the difference between Cherri situation with Izzi compared to Angels with Val, is Cherri still owns her soul-probably. But Angel and Cherri probably bonded by the shitty people in their lives and coping with drugs to numb the pain and forget how miserable they are.
Not knowing much about the characters it a little hard to guess why Cherri stay with Izzi if he bad news. Cherri seems too independent, carefree, and confident to hint she being taken advantage of.
But, she might be similar to Angel and that personality is a facade. A mask she puts on. But if there is a reason why Cherri stays/returns to Izzi, I am guessing she believe its love. Izzy probably came along not long after Cherri fell. Making most of her time in Hell with Izzy. She choose Izzi when he sounded like he can offer a Heaven in Hell to her. He said things that Cherri soul craved for, offer to ease her burdens. He felt like a soul mate. But the fantasy he gave slowly chipped away. So slowly that it went unnoticed until it was gone. He'll offer crumbs of that fantasy life that Cherri ate up. She believed there be more not realizing she be starved before she'll get fed. Not realizing she hungry for nourishment because Izzi fed her empty calories of drugs and other forms of escapism. Drugs taken too often to realize her feeling good while being with Izzi was drug induced then genuine, and too high to notice.
However, I think she did woke up for the dream turned nightmare and left. But Izzi influence still impactful to her.
We get to meet Cherri in the pilot. I was excited to meet her again in episode 6. But oh, she made me so mad! She was so pushy trying to enable Angel back into drugs.
In retrospect, Cherri probably didn't realize Angel started to get more committed with the hotel, especially with Husk involvement. Angel probably needed a friend who he felt safe with and confined in. Which Cherri is...but her company typically involved drugs and partying. Husk offered the same friend service as Cherri but minus the drugs and more of a perceptive voice of reason. Husk service is more in align of Angel commitment to the hotel.
But back to Cherri. Pilot we learn Angel been "mostly clean" for two weeks when Cherri asked where hes been. Angel ranting on how lame everything is now for basically to have a free place to crash. Not at all imply he taking it seriously, because at this point...he wasn't.
So fast forward to Episode 6. I can see Cherri probably figured Angel was clean because of the hotels policy that he has blown off before....not realizing Angel was actually trying to be be clean because he wanted to.
So when she overheard him talk with Val...and shit..Angel must be serious to go up against Val like that. She backed off and respected his choice and offer herself whenever Angel needed her as a friend while trying to remove herself from tempting Angle to her parting ways.
Then she shows up again in episode 8 to risk her soul to back Angel up against exorcist. Like Holy shit thats huge. She has nothing to gain beside keeping her friends safe and a lot to lose. That says a lot about her character.
Returning back to her enabling Angel that night. You are probably right with being Cherri coping mechanism. She knows what makes her feel better, even if temporary, and she trying to share it with Angel after his long hard day. Which she knows, is his coping ways too. She was genuinely trying to help Angel. They cant do shit to solve the problem. The problem being Val and his contract. So what do you do when you can't solve a problem or make it better? You try to forget it until you have to face it again. So Cherri try helping by giving him an escape and a night free of consequences and letting loose. A technique that seems very on par on something Cherri would do if she can't solve something by blowing it up.
Crazy idea just came. I don't think this would be canon but it be interesting. What if they were a young married couple while alive. They both Australian look somewhat similar to each other. Perhaps they had a bombing accident that killed them both. Which is why their Hell bodies are similar? Cherri sticking with Izzy because wouldn't you want some sense of familiarity if you suddenly and tragically died and wind up in Hell. Even if their marriage was hitting rocks, and couldn't trust him completely....its better to have one person she can somewhat trust when she first fell. Trust how he think and react etc. It was a sense of some normalcy despite being in Hell. Izzy constantly reminding her that she's his wife. She probably left after they had a argument. Bitterly saying "Til death do us part" as she reflected on the fight...to suddenly realized...they are technically not married anymore since they died. So she left.
What be funny if they both fell and immediately starting to fight like an old married couple.
"What the shit is this?" *looks around the hellish hell...Both spotting each other...who sounded familiar and somewhat look familiar despite their new forms. They called each other human names questionly.
"What the fuck happened. Where are we..?" Million of questions fly to their heads. They both nearly hyperventilation as they try to figure out this nightmare. They try to recall the last thing they remember....they accidently blown themselves out.
"I told you not to buy those cheap ass bombs! The quality is shit!"
"I told you those fuses look short!"
They continue to bicker until another sinner/demon looms over them looking threatening. The two reconcile for now to go somewhere safe and rely on each other.
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dalekofchaos · 9 months
Rhaegar's victory and reign would not be long lived or the happy fairy tale everyone thinks it is
So while I still love Rhaegar and Lyanna and think a lot of events could've been better if Rhaegar killed Robert in the Battle of the Trident. Rhaegar bringing peace to the realms and Rhaegar and Lyanna as this great love story is wishful thinking at best. Even I think Rhaegar's choice would've really fucked over his rule because he made enemies of everyone.
Why would anyone allow Rhaegar to rule?
By abducting an engaged noblewoman Rhaegar has told all his vassals that he gives 0 fucks about the marriage contracts that are essential to the entire system, because he’s prince and might makes right. Why would any vassal follow him? Would you follow a king who says he can break up your engagement whenever he wants?
Not even his allies want him at this point most likely. Rhaegar has dishonored the Martells and created a bastard that is a potential threat to their line. Targaryen bastards do not have a good reputation, see the Blackfyres.
Aerys was a madman who murdered the father and brother to the woman who was kidnapped. The rebellion was justified. Anything but pardons and apologies would be an idiot move on Rhaegar’s part. If he’s even allowed to be on the throne.
If for whatever reason the rebellion doesn’t continue and they don’t just rally around a new claimant then I’m guessing Rhaegar gets assassinated no matter what or would become a paranoid king just trying to stay alive for the good of the realm. The Faith will be angry at him. The Martells will be angry at him. The Starks will be angry at him. The Baratheons will be angry at him. The Arryns will be angry at him. The Lannisters will be angry at him.
I don't know if Rhaegar would have collapsed the 7K, but he wouldn't have been seen in as positive a light as he canonically is.
I mean, he kidnapped/raped a teenage girl from a Paramount family that kickstarted a massive war leaving his lawfully married wife and children to the mercy of a pyromaniac madman over a prophecy that may or may not be true.
This wouldn't inspire confidence in the nobility…….at all.
He doesn't even have dragons, which is the entire reason why his house is ruling in the first place. And Rhaegar wants to save the realm, so using the Wildfire caches is not his intention.
So let's say for arguments sake. The sacking of King's Landing doesn't happen, instead, it's the complete and utter sacking of the Rebellion. The rebel forces are decimated. Jon Arryn dies. Hoster dies. Ned Stark and the northern forces are either killed, retreats or is sent to the wall.
Ned or Benjen would declare for Northern Independence in Lyanna's name. The Vale would be outraged over Jon's death. The Blackfish would hold the Vale and the Riverlands to avenge his brother and Lord Arryn. The Lannisters would abandon the crown because after everything Tywin did, Rhaegar still refused Cersei and would not let go of Jaime. Stannis Baratheon would not take Robert's murder lightly and would lead the Stormlands against Rhaegar's rule. The Reach is a tricky one. I suppose the Tyrells would object to Rhaegar dishonoring his vows, but that's about all I could think of. The Faith would refuse to legitimize Rhaegar's rule and his marriage to Lyanna(if she's even alive) The Iron Islands sees this as an opportunity to attack and take the seven kingdoms with the Iron Price. Dorne would abandon the Targaryens. You think Oberyn would take the slight to Elia lightly? He'd be leading Dorne to save Elia and her children, burn the Targaryen dynasty down and personally kill Rhaegar himself.
The Seven Kingdoms would be at war with each other and Rhaegar's prophecy to save the realms from The Others is the least of his worries because he doomed the realm because of his decision to take Lyanna.
The War Of The Seven Kingdoms would've been more bloodier than Robert's Rebellion, War Of The Five Kings and even worse than Aegon's Conquest and it all would've been Rhaegar's fault.
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mayisgoingnuts · 4 months
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Do you have Ignacio headcannons…can I know the m! Iggy
I won't give everything to not spoil much but imma give a few infos
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— I already revealed this one but he used to be a mortician!! Ofc he had other jobs before, but this one was his last one and the one that also lasted the most
— Even tho his house is old he does try to keep it decent on the inside, both because 1- he hates rats, cockroaches, etc 2- bro does almost ANYTHING at home, cleaning is also his way to spend time and not go crazy
— He has a vinyl record player!! It's INSANELY old but still works somehow and he uses it constantly
— 🏳️‍⚧️
— A MAMA'S BOY!! Maybe her way to teach may be weird (since it was like hit = educate) but it's pretty much common for people his age, she didn't like SPANKED him or anything, plus she was always there for him :]
— It explains why there's more pictures of himself with his mom rather than with his dad around the house (he doesn't hate him, just prefers his mother)
— Also yes he's the type of old man who says "My mom used to hit me and I'm not dead" I'm sorry (except when it's like obvious abuse)
— Stinks most of the time :P
— Not a pyromaniac or has anything to do with fire actually, in fact he's still recovering from the incident at John's house
— Ḫ̶͊͋͂͆ͅa̴̩͉̙̺̔̏̈́̀̎́t̷̯̥̬̼͚̊͋̅̑͝e̴̛͌́̈̏̚ͅs̴̛͇̊́̆̚ͅ ̸͉͕̹͈͙̏̐͛̉H̸͖̰̭̏́͊I̵̡͓̳̭̹͕͂̌͂̚M̷̰͚̳̜͌͆̊̓̈
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sgiandubh · 1 year
I think your anon who shared about the corporate event makes the most logical sense. My guess would be they had one nice suite for Sam and for interviews, team meetings, planning sessions, etc. Maybe Alex stayed there too if more than one bedroom- or possibly his own suite. My guess would be everyone else had their own rooms , not suites, (which they could choose to share with a +1 or a couple of friends). BBC follows a friend of Marina's, so I wouldn't be surprised if Marina invited her two friends that she tagged in an IG story about that day and they could bring someone too. Maybe BBC was visiting her friend in LA (Even P says BBC loves LA) and joined as a friend of a friend.
Whatever people may believe about Sam and his personal life, they should know from his patterns that he isn't going to speak about or acknowledge anything unless it's something he wants people to know.
Dear 'Not My Anon' Anon,
That was not my Anon. @bat-cat-reader - tienes correo, corazón.
So, there's that: I am not going to answer something that was not sent to me, primarily. And to be honest, Anon, here's what I really think about your 'guesses' (which, I suppose, do have an agenda, after all):
It's been a very long day at the office, Anon, dealing with old, sometimes severely disabled people waiting for their pensions to be calculated for years, with domestic violence and mental illness and with Roma children without proper ID allowing them to go to school.
These are important things, Anon, and this is exactly where I can and I must try to make a difference, every single day. And this is why it's called 'a diplomatic mission', first and foremost, I suppose.
So you would understand why, after twelve hours of all of the above (and then some more), it is with a very jaded eye that I am reading your tasseographic attempt to decipher the meaning of that Californian musical chairs game.
I know what I firmly believe and I doubt I need anyone to point out patterns and anomalies. I do not give a hoot about what a pyromaniac firefighter such as *urv thinks or not. All of this is just smoke and mirrors. Their life, the real one, is very probably totally elsewhere: and that applies to the whole traffic of that #silly stage.
So Anon, until Bat will answer you - if she would like to -, take a deep breath. But don't hold it. It's not worth it.
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sunnidaydreamer · 11 months
God, I need someone to talk with about Drakengard.
We need a full-scale AAA remake, to get more people to know about this series!
Yeah, people found out about it through Nier, but it's a product of its time engine and gameplay-wise.
I love the series more than I can say, truly love the series, but the controls are AWFUL.
The movie cutscenes are beautifully done, but the graphics are otherwise bland at best.
But the story it tells!
A deconstruction of fanservice and tropes like the Antihero, the Sister in Love with her Older Brother.
Things like gratuitous violence, with some weapon unlocks requiring INSANE amounts of kills.
The characters! You can tell some of them are or want to be genuinely good people, but they're still people.
Inuart loves Furiae dearly, he thinks of Caim as his brother, but he's consumed by envy. Envy because he can see that the woman he loves may care for him, but she's in love with her own brother. Envy because Caim is strong and respected and everything he feels he isn't.
The Empire, the Watchers, use this to twist him and make him your enemy, purposefully setting him up in a pact with the very dragon that killed Caim and Furiae's parents.
Even when Inuart is able to get free of the brainwashing things aren't just magically better. He's fundamentally changed as a person, driven to madness from grief, willing to fight and kill Caim if it means reviving Furiae.
Drakengard also has interspecies romance! Yes my friends, while it is not in your face explicitly, Caim and the Red Dragon, aka Angelus, do end up falling in love. What can I say, Caim knows what he wants in a woman.
And what he wants is a giant red dragon. Follow your dreams, my man!
Manah is the result of an abused child desperately searching for even a crumb of love, taken over and manipulated by the Watchers, but as long as they tell her they love her she clings to them.
This carries over into Drakengard 2. Even though 2 is famously the black sheep of the series as it was not written by Yoko Taro, and some fans of the series won't even acknowledge it, and it is bowdlerized to hell and back it does have its moments.
Manah before the main story of 2 suffered a head injury that left her basically a blank slate. We see that she has grown into a kind person, who wants to help those who are suffering. She genuinely believes that destroying the Seals is the right course of action.
And when it turns out that destroying them triggered the end of the world? That this is the second time that she has brought this about?
It breaks her.
For a chunk of the later half of the game, Manah is full-on insane out of guilt. She's so broken that the Watchers are able to easily slide back into her mind and soul and possess her again.
The way her trauma and insanity are... handled for lack of better phrasing is, to be blunt, kind of terrible though.
Nowe somehow teleports into her mind and kills the manifestations of her trauma/the Watchers. The power of love?
Once they're dead she's magically better! No more guilt or trauma!
In the third ending she's so healed from her trauma that the Watchers have nothing to hold on to when trying to possess her again and she... absorbs them?
Yeah, there's a good reason 2 is.... controversial to say the least.
I love Eris though, you go my pyromaniac daughter, set a woman on fire with a big ass grin. Are Nowe and Manah an example of interspecies romance? Nowe is some kind of dragon-human hybrid called the New Breed, and Manah is human so.... I guess?
This is only the games by the way. There are several novels relating to all three of the Drakengard games, as well as 2 manga relating to 1, but one of the manga was never finished for some reason. 3 also has a manga centered on the other 5 Intoners after they were accidentally created by Zero.
1 also has novels that are like an alternate universe take as well, but I've never been able to read them and I don't know if they're still ongoing or what is happening there.
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lackablazeical · 7 months
haiiiii!!!! I've been vv scatter brained, bUT. I HAVE SONGS-
they aren't all specific to characters, so you can pick n choose who gets what n where
The Ballad of Sara Berry: unsure of why i feel this, I'm thinking Mikey. the whole story of trying to be the best till you eventually decide I'm automatically the best if my competition are dead, and they're all bitches anyway.
Hadestown, but specifically the song "Word to the Wise" (at 59:55 in the video) gives me April w the gossip mill energy
Beetlejuice the Musical, specifically That Beautiful Sound (and the Girl Scout song if u wanna see what lead up to T.B.S). I get Donnie w Razor Sharp Grin w this because why not revel in the midst of fearful and distressful screams that you are responsible for.
Mean Girls Musical, World Burn. it gives pyromaniac Mikey w the burning, fire, destructive aspects (same Mikey-). and it could work w April as well w the gossip mill and airing dirty laundry when necessary.
Slap a Btch, Rico Nasty. Ralph. that's it, all I got, some parts of it lyrically works w him, but it's also just the general vibe he's got. like Jade West w her "I'll pop ur head like a pimple." but he can also be kinda like soft Blue's Clues energy.
Super Psycho Love gives Leo, unsure as to why cause like. idk, the genre doesn't fit w the puzzle pieces of his character that I have-
also just. Partners in Crime. that is all-
Hiiiii music <33
For the first one I definitely get both Leo and Mikey vibes. Honestly lowkey all the Hamatos LMAO like
Well, Sara Berry was a popular bitch // Hot bod', hot boy, cheer captain, plus she was rich
You taste the silver Sara, you taste the crown // You thirst for blood from the roses in hand // Whoa, you spoil for sash and scepter, music to dance
Some girls are rational but Sara was not // She stared in mirrors thinking one single thought (Julie) // There's seven reasons this crown's not good as got (Anne, Eunice, Raquel, Marianna) // And so the night of prom, mercy, thus went her plot (Patricia, Quiara)
And the April one is so real my girlfriend LOVES hadestown so I appreciate the recc >:]]
I need to listen to more of the Beetlejuice musical too cus you're spot on w/ the Donnie idea- these Lyrics are SO him
The sound of a scream, is music to me // A sound that says fifteen years full-time therapy // Trauma and fear, it sings in my ear // Ain't it the sweetest noise around, that beautiful sound?
Panic and stress // Oh ain't it the best? // The sound of heart // Exploding inside a chest // It fills you with pride // We're ruining lives
AND WORLD BURN- OOUGH- How I didn't see April and Mikey is BEYOND ME WKBWKWNS
My name is Regina George and I am a massive deal // I will grind you to sand beneath my Louboutin heel // This is what I get for helping, helping someone lame fit in
I wanna watch the world burn, I got the gasoline // I wanna watch the world burn and everyone get mean
Because you took me down // But you didn't finish me off // My name is Regina George // And in case you're keeping score // Cady may have won the battle // But I will win the war
For Smack a Bitch, I get Raph vibe wise but also it's SUCH a Mikey vibe like oh my GOD so I'll just add it to both their playlists snrk
I get what you mean about Leo tho!!! Like some are a lil funky but like. These lines are so real
You're gonna // Be with me // I know you want me too // I think you want me too // Please say you want me too // Because you're going to // Say that you want me every day // That you want me every way
And of COURSE Partners in Crime is the Hamatos Be REALLLLLLL
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gnomey22 · 9 months
Erica and Chi probably have my favourite dynamic in the entire Failtopia series. If not, they're definitely my favourite platonic dynamic. I'm legally obligated to think about them at least once per day, and today's thought was detailed enough for a post. Here it is:
Chi is incredibly destructive. She's an arsonist, a pyromaniac, a Mage, every other synonym for being a fire enjoyer that you can think of, it's impossible for her not to be. But she always destroys for the purpose of building something up.
Most often, she uses her fire magic to build up her own levels, exploring her own hobbies in a way that actually helps people because of the faces being saved, or simply getting the monsters away from her friends, strengthening their bonds. This results in her saving the world with The FailFleet Miis. Even her arson spree during the Three-Year Gap serves similar purposes, and breaking into the high school kickstarts her scientific career, which ends up saving the entire world again with The Incident! Whether she's burning down entire inns, or ingesting several gallons of gasoline and a whole tube of vaseline, she only destroys as a learning experience for creation. An experiment, one might say.
Erica, however, is only trying to create, in her time with The FailFleet Miis. She's seen enough destruction in the colossal failures of her previous parties, and once she realises this team has some potential, she refuses to let them fall because of stupid battle strategies, she can't handle any more of that. Her dedication to making sure the team doesn't die out, as well as her ability to create functioning strategies, are unmatched. She even creates a couple friendships, a couple bonds of trust she can use to further her own effectiveness as a member of the team, and carry them through to the end!
Then, they reach the end. A large majority of those bonds of trust are broken into pieces, and she falls into another cycle of watching every team she joins collapse to the floor because she couldn't do anything to help them. Building herself up as a worthy teammate may have helped save the world, but it all came crashing down once The FailFleet Miis inevitably broke apart. What she built herself up as is all her new teammates ever saw her as. She wasn't a person to trust, she was a world-class healer they trusted to keep them safe.
Destruction was the only way to let herself shine. At least then, your actual personality made an impact on people, not just your talents. And the impact wasn't failure.
In her switch to the Warrior class, she doesn't intend on building up anything, she just wants to do something without being weighed down by her healing responsibility for once.
Chi is someone who does not worry about her responsibilities in the slightest, she does what's best for her goals, and she pushes right through the blatant dangers to get there. Due to being "the antithesis of anatomy", none of this is capable of truly harming her - And she still recognises that the path Erica took wasn't good for her in the slightest. Erica is falsely building herself up as a destructor, and despite her constant barrage of threats, the only thing she's destroying is herself.
So, in response to this, Chi does exactly what she always does. Destroys as a form of creation.
She constantly teams up with Erica to defeat the monsters, and breaks down the image she's putting up by rooming with her at most times and dragging her to a ton of Outings. She helps Erica express herself in a way that takes advantage of her skills, rather than neglecting them for voicing every violent thought going through her head. Chi knows Erica has no intention of breaking apart the team, like she keeps saying. Chi knows Erica wants this team to work out, and finally prove that it's even possible to make that happen, while still allowing herself to exist as a person, and a carrier of the team.
Erica knows Chi is already proving that. Her Scientist abilities are the backbone of the entire operation in Neksdor, and she still refuses to hide her intentions for even a second. She can take a page from that.
During the Neksdor arc, Erica loses her weapon to an enemy, immediately proclaims she doesn't need it, and kills said enemy in one hit with her bare hands. She also watches the entire team get knocked to the floor, akin to the deaths of her previous teams, but she weaponises her anguished emotions in by riding atop Void, murdering the painting, and winning the fight on around 5 HP. In the series finale, she gets so angry at Chi being knocked out, that she attacks four times in a row and kills the literal right hand of a god.
This is how Erica releases her emotions through destruction, and still build herself up as a real person with motivations. Motivations like carrying the team to functionality, fighting alongside those she actually properly cares about, and starting to kill when those loved ones are in harm's way. All of which are reminiscent of Chi's style of battling for the sake of friendship, and proving her talents.
Chi made a dumbass decision, joining another genocidal-demon-fighting team just because she saw someone she used to look up to struggling with their mental health, but she made a lot of good come out of that dumbass decision. As is her right, when she is in fact the person who began her science career by breaking into a high school.
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inukag-archive · 2 years
hello there, hope you are doing well, can you recommend an inukag story where inuyasha is human, AU please, like soul therapy, thank you in advance
Hello @fmrinukag !
Thank you so much for reaching out to the Archive, we absolutely can get a list of Human Inuyasha stories together for you. However, in the course of making this list the team noticed an interesting quirk: Inuyasha is not always explicitly stated as being human or not in all AUs. He is sometimes given his hanyou coloring but with no mention of his ears, claws, or demonic heritage are featured in the plot. For organizational purposes, we chose to split this list into STATED HUMAN and IMPLIED HUMAN.
Happy reading!
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Oh, But You're Good To Me @witchygirl99 (M)
It’s a terrible photo, really. The action figure takes up the entire bottom of the screen and part of both of their faces. Shippo’s giggling though, eyes shut and crinkled in his mirth while Inuyasha looks at him. His expression is clearly fond. It’s the softest Inuyasha has ever, ever seen himself.
This is fatherhood, he thinks a little wildly.
He sends the photo to Kagome.
Inuyasha is a single father. Shippo is his adopted son. Kagome isn't supposed to be in the picture, but somehow, she returns anyways. A story about family, love, and all of its obstacles.
Shot Week IV: Lovey Dovey Edition (Chapter 7: You May Be Right) by TheMondayChild (E)
Kagome has been pining for Hojo who no longer pays her attention and brings her gifts as he once did. To try and get him to notice her again, she enlists the help of a known bad boy, Inuyasha, and they concoct a plan: bully her and let Hojo white knight his way back into her life. But will she still want him when all is said and done?
One Night Stand by doggieearlover (X)
A chance of fate throws two souls together.
The Jilted Lover by basya88 (T)
“You were very young, marrying you felt like clipping your wings before you took your first dive”, he said, looking at her like he still had the right to do so.
She huffed, her haughtiness apparent, “So you’re saying, you had to make a choice for me? Who gave you the right to do that, huh? Excuses, excuses, but yeah, you made a choice, and you choose to break my heart by leaving me.”
Those we’re the longest spoken sentences he heard from her in years and now she’s walking away from him, and if he didn’t stop her, she’d be gone for good. He can’t have that. He had to do something.
“Please, don’t walk away,” he pleaded.
Without looking back she replied, “You taught me how. You walked out on me once. Now, we’re even.”
Both of them forgot, that hundreds of listeners are witnessing their exchange thru the radiowaves.
A Late Loving by LittleDarkStar (M)
8 years ago Kagome ran away from her cheating husband, Now 8 years on Kagome lives with her Cousin Miroku and her son. But Inuyasha has found her again and wants his revenge.
all night long I feel his presence hover by @doginabirdcage (E)
It is when Kagome turns forty-five, living in a small apartment in Tokyo, with her child and husband long gone, that she inherits a fortune. She’s got a gray streak in her hair that she didn’t fight when it started coming in years ago. There are crows feet by her eyes. But suddenly, she is an heiress.
Skinny Love by emaniem5 (T)
"This was no love letter. This was a threat."
Flunking math, bad hair days, inheriting a family business she doesn't want, falling in love with her sister's boyfriend...If Kagome thought she had problems before, they had just been multiplied a hundredfold. And having to dress up like her sister to confuse a stalking pyromaniac was only one of them.
Slow burn. No pun intended.
I Do by Shirahime Shou95 (M)
A.U. "I hate you." She whispered in a low voice, tears brimming in her brown orbs. But the young boy before her just grinned smugly. "The feeling's mutual." When seven-year-old Kagome Higurashi met Inuyasha Takahashi on the elementary school for the first time, she would've never guess that fifteen years later, she would say those two words to him; "I do."
Hallway Shenanigans by toesalignedarch (T)
AU: When Inuyasha delivers flowers to Sango on Miroku's behalf, he runs into one of Sango's friends and unwillingly develops a little crush. He thinks he's just going to get over it. But when Sango finds out, she decides to play matchmaker. Told in snippets of 250 words or less.
Bad Influence by ji-an (Y)
Meet the bad boy.
9 Months by DeletedAccoutnNotChangingMind (M)
Kagome is given the weirdest offer by top business man Inuyasha Takahashi. With a few simple words he changes her whole life: "Will you bare my child?"
Soul Therapy by dolphingirl0113 (T)
{Alternate Universe Plot} Kagome is a young, aspiring physical therapist who receives more than she bargained for with Inuyasha, a victim of a car accident trying to walk again. She soon discovers reasons why you don't fall in love with patients...
Dog Tags by @lemonlushff (E)
On the worst day of his life, an old WWII dog tag washed ashore. Now, being a Navy man himself, he feels like tracking this soldier down is the right thing to do. It's amazing how sometimes random twists of fate can help your heart heal in ways you didn't know were possible. M for language and lemon content. Inu/Kag
Memento Mori by LuxKen27 (E)
She was the embodiment of virtue. He was her forbidden temptation.
Shy by @ninmenkaspeaches (E)
Shy (Alternatively: What Inuyasha Most Certainly Is Not)
Sometimes love is the best thing to break you out of your shy little shell.
The Shogun's Daughter by @shnuggletea (E)
Kagome's father passed away when she was just a child but his Shogun status still makes her a valuable bride to a Lord of lands that border their village. Lord Inuyasha Tashio is pushed by the council into marriage, assured his new bride was an excellent choice. All their fears and anxiety are amplified when they meet.
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs!
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who are ur links??? names and games and gun facts maybe???
First, we got First, aka Link from the sksw manga. Sad pathetic wet cat. Wants to go back home to his husband, but is STUCK HERE. He's the tallest Link (by an inch)!
Then Feather (sksw)! His fun fact is that he has the full Triforce, but no one knows that for, uh, plot reasons ig. He also regularly practices the harp, because Fi taught him and well- she's not there anymore. My dearest friend here, Godslayer Fulltriforce, does not understand why the others think he's one of the strongest. Anyway, hey, look at this cool sword he uses! It's a double helix blade, isn't that neat?
Then we have my personal little combo Link- MC/FS/FSA. His fun fact is he never used the four sword to put the colors back together (permanently), and they're all just. Y'know. There. (and Shadow. Freeloader.) The FSA comes in with this cool and fun thing I call CONVENIENT TIME TRAVEL
Then oot, aka Mask, because I am incredibly attached to the name and also that's just how the Links named each other. First notable unique trait. His was the masks, which just chill on his belt and offer mostly unhelpful advice. AMAP (assigned male at princess). Physically the youngest, but oh boy. Who even fucking knows what his mental age is (it's why he doesn't talk).
Then we have TP, who, like most of them, still doesn't have a name. His fun fact is that he's trans, but only because I wanted to make a really bad joke. He's friends with Zelda, but only because he uses her magic fountain to talk to Midna, and after a while it got kinda awkward to just walk into her house without knowing her
Wind Waker, aka Patch! Yes, his name is that for exactly the reason you would expect (he doesn't need an eyepatch, he just has a conveniently placed scar)! He's one of the three Triforce Links (Triforce heroes, one could say-), with both Courage and Power. He doesn't know about Power, and could care less about Courage
Spirit Tracks! Idk. He may or may not be in, depends on if I can find a good playthrough to watch
alttp/oos/ooa/la Link, aka Apple! Hermit apple farmer guy after he (willingly) left Hyrule once and got his heart broken (thanks, Marin). He and his Zelda are good friends (or maybe more idk). Doesn't talk, just stares piercingly into your eyes until you start getting uncomfortable because he looks about one bad thing away from breaking down sobbing
albw/th, Paint- he's a little guy :) half of the storage in his house is Ravio's stuff, and the other half is his wardrobe from Hytopia. I also need to find a playthrough for him.
loz 1 & 2, Wanderer, named thus because he doesn't stay in one place, much to his Zeldas' annoyance! The oldest Link (thats a coincidence, I promise). Everyone is like, wow, [botw], your Hyrule is horrible and filled with monsters, meanwhile he's just fucking crying because it's so nice here, look, the water isn't poisonous and the grass isn't trying to kill us and I can see the sky
HW! My most specialest guy :) I gave him Issues. Your token pyromaniac Link, fell in love with Sheik a la OoT- now both he and Zelda have things they need to think about for a good long while!
Lastly, botw! Truly does not understand what a gender is, even among the many other "has lived in the forest half their lives" Links. Whether or not he's experienced totk depends on whether I like it lol. Takes the advice of his own personal peanut gallery (the Champions' spirits) seriously, even when it's just Revali telling him to do something really fucking stupid. Talks a whole lot, especially to the master sword (he heard about Fi and figured hey why not). His glorious purpose in life is to cook, and if he wasn't so distracted sauteing vegetables he'd be one of the most powerful
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ginza-division · 2 years
Eiji's Thoughts on Katsushika Division
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Akihisa Matsuhiro
"I don't particularly care for hitmen or mercenaries. It's those types of people that caused me to lose my leg." Eiji taps his right leg, which gives off a metal 'clang' sound. "Yuriko-san is an exception since she protected me and my family. But other than her, I don't have any liking for killers or murderers. And this young man falls into both those categories. I don't exactly know what he's done, but if it was enough to get him sentenced to Death Row, then that's enough for me to know to not mess with him."
Touya Kisaragi
"This young man is probably the only one on this team that I feel a bit of sympathy for. I was always taught by my parents that there is a reason why people act the way they do. I don't know about the other two people on this team, but this young man... considering he was used as a child prostitute by his own mother, I can kind of sympathize with him. Not saying I condone his killings, but... you can kind of understand why he is the way he is. It's a sad situation, and he has my sympathies."
Rintaro Himura
"Probably the most dislikable person on this team. Many people call this man a terrorist, but to me, he's little more than a pyromaniac. Anyone who sets buildings on fire or bombs them has to be. Honestly, what was his reasoning behind that? He couldn't think of anything else to do with his free time? He has such an extensive knowledge of chemistry, and choosing to make bombs is his way of utilizing that? I warn you now, he'd better stay as far away from Sigma Inc. as possible. If not, he may be on the receiving end of those "fiery makeovers" he likes so much."
Death Row Block
"Why the Prime Minister allowed three of the most infamous criminals to be allowed outside again is beyond even my comprehension. I work with her from time to time, and I even I cannot fully grasp the inner workings of her mind. Masa, however, sees this as an opportunity. He apparently wants to form some sort of alliance with the three of them, and he even asked me to be there, for some reason. Why, I don't know. I don't understand his mind any more than the Prime Minister's. But maybe if he deals with them, they'll be less likely to bother me."
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starlitfunkster · 1 year
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Look at them! Six-same faces.. again.
...Can you tell that I'm self-aware, and know that these OC's are unoriginal as fuck?
Did you also know that despite one of them sharing my first name, they are not a Sona?
And also, did you know that they aren't made for shipping??
..My head hurts, lets get this over with.
(Separate images below as well as Bios!)
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Corona Yasu - First Sibling - Bee - Hothead, tends to hate being called Coron (i.e. colon in Japanese). Has a rivalry with Karamatsu, who she sees as cringe. Maybe she should talk to Pokan, who's also trying to be a cool kid. Is the fry-cook in the cafe, making the more afternoon stuff. Also may or may not be a pyromaniac.
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San Yasu - Second Sibling - Butterfly - The 'smartass' of the group.. and is also the only one called a shortass, even though she's the same height as her other sisters. She likes to organize things, and everything she writes down almost always comes down to threes. Don't even ask her how that happens, it just does. She's friends with Choromatsu because of their shared interest in Nyan-Chan.. however Niko thinks its something more. Despite repeated assurance that, no, it isn't a crush! She handles the finances because she is the most mature out of the siblings.
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Kuro Yasu - Third Sibling - Raven/Crow - The gothic one. She keeps a bar hidden in the cafe through another door. Why? Don't ask her, she does it for spare change. Has an unrequited crush on Ichimatsu, but refuses to speak about it because she finds it embarrassing. She goes out to raves whenever she's off work, typically to block parties. Nobody recognizes her outside of her work partially because she's the only one that stays up at night. She's practically nocturnal, as one onlooker described her.
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Pokan Yasu - Fourth Sibling - Bunny - The genki-girl! And also the wannabe cool-kid. Every attempt at being cool reminds her that these attempts are all pretty dumb. She's one of two bakers, being close to Niko as a result! She's also the only one that can calm down Corona when she and Karamatsu are nearby each other. It's because she hates seeing Corona rant about 'cool-kids being cringe' when that would make Pokan cringe.. which she sees as kind of hypocritical.
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Aria Yasu (Guys I swear I wasn't even trying to make their name similar to mine-) - Fifth Sibling - Swan - The elegant one. Also the most graceful of the sisters, and one of the few that has a hobby outside of her job. She's the waitress at the cafe, taking orders, and successfully giving out the correct items to each customer, with the correct prices (+tax) as well. You may be allowed to get as much as you want, but be sure to have the right amount of money before you go in. Her hobby is ballet, something she is very good (and passionate) at. She's also empathetic towards her sisters, being able to tell if they are having an 'off' day.
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Niko Yasu - Sixth Sibling - Kitty - The cat-lover. She will only say 'nya!" unless she has to speak to others. She adds 'nya' to the end of her sentences instead. She's the one that bakes a lot of the sweets alongside Pokan. She also wears cat-ear headbands and fake tails on her back just to make people think she's half-cat. She also tends to be over-protective of her siblings, especially if they show signs of having crushes on anyone. It's why people don't fall for any of the sisters.. because Niko threatens them if they end up 'breaking their hearts, nya' or 'harming my sisters, nya'.
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (636): Wed 13th Dec 2023
I slept in until 11 today. I would have gone back to sleep for even longer but I didn’t want to run the risk of falling into a deep sleep and not waking up until 6am on Friday morning when it was time to go back to the factory for more mandatory fucking overtime. I spent most of the day at the kitchen bench getting caught up writing the blogs I’ve neglected over the last month while I listened to Dawn French on the latest episode of Off Menu. I really laughed at the bit where French requested still water for her meal and Ed Gamble suggested filling a hole with it that she could jump into and that Richard Curtis had to jump into as many times as she did. Later on I went down to Smyths to collect the final toys on the list Luna gave me for Christmas. I don’t know why I volunteered to get her so many but since I don’t get to have her during the week anymore this can be my way of making it up to her. I could barely stuff all of the presents into the gym bag I’d taken with me on my motorbike. My main worry was that if I fell off the bike on the way back the house a Barbie dream house wasn’t going to be an effective device for breaking a fall at high speeds (shame Luna hadn’t asked me for Barbie’s First Airbag). All I need now is a £50 voucher for Lacey to buy clothes and I’ll be done with my Christmas shopping for the year. I know it’s a cliche to say but I genuinely can’t believe it’s fucking Christmas already. Hell, I can’t believe it’s already been six weeks since Halloween it feels like it was just the other day. Speaking of Halloween before bed I watched the 1932 “horror” movie The Old Dark House. I’ve definitely watched this once before but I have no memory of it whatsoever. One thing I was surprised to learn was that one of the stars is Gloria Stewart who went on to be Old Rose in Titanic. This movie is very low on scares but I was surprised to see that it actually has a few good gags in it. There’s a bit where a woman gets locked out of a house, her lover suggests that the wind may have blown the door shut and she replies “No it wasn’t, I know wind when I see it”. There’s quite a creepy performance from an old lady who owns the house including a pretty unsettling scene where she torments one of the young house guests while her reflection is filmed in several distorted reflective surfaces like a steel jug and a crooked mirror. The young guest then hallucinates the old woman laughing maniacally at her through these surfaces even after she has gone. The climax is really disappointing as we’re teased there’s some sort of monster locked in the attic who accidentally locked up. It gets a decent amount of build but it turns out just to be a cooky old fucker who’s also a pyromaniac. He tries to set the house on fire but after a very quick scuffle he’s incapacitated and the movie just sort of ends. I have to say that now I totally understand why the film made no impact on me the first time I saw it.
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
So After fem!Obito returns to the village. How would she and male!Rin interact? Considering that Male Rin has feelings for Fem Obito before kanabi bridge. Also thinking that she was dead for a year. Do you think it would lead to them to confess their feelings.
I just love the whole fem!Obito concept. She’s more of a fucking troll and I love her.
XDD I love that she's a troll too, really. She's so crazy and funny, it makes me think that her male counterpart would be scared of her, lmao xDD
It wouldn't lead to a direct confession, but it would be the start of their romance. He doesn't have to tell her immediately that he had feelings for her, but there is another way he'd show.
Let's begin, this will be a bit of a ride!
I would say that they would meet again when fem!Obito escapes the Mountain Graveyard and intercepts the Kirigakure ninja that were attacking male!Rin and fem!Kakashi. Whether male!Rin becomes a Jinchuuriki at this point or not is up to your imagination. :)
Fem!Obito would make a rather flammable entrance; so as male!Rin and fem!Kakashi are fighting, they suddenly hear a voice out of nowhere shouting out: "Katon! Gokakyu no Jutsu!" and they'd be shrouded by large, gigantic flames made by her fireball.
Here, fem!Obito would maniacally use her Wood Release and starts summoning sprouts of wood that would either bind her enemies or she would throw cutting springs at them-since the wood would be fuel to her flames (just your usual pyromaniac things), as she would say, "Gotta stoke these flames a little~"
Note that Rin and Kakashi wouldn't recognize her because she's hooded, so they're just watching in confusion and awe about this mysterious person that jumped in and lit the whole world on fire. xD
I guess fem!Obito became more unhinged because she spent a year in isolation planning her escape, lol.
Anyways, so then, after the enemies can no longer attack thanks to Obito's flames (some may have escaped), rain starts to fall around them. Rin and Kakashi are standing a few meters apart from Obito, whose back is turned to them.
Male!Rin takes a step forward, and firmly asks, "Who are you?!"
Fem!Obito stands still for a few beats, before slowly lowering her hood, and slowly turning around. Her scarred face is exposed, and she tearfully smiles at Rin with her Sharingan gleaming. "Hey, you guys...!"
Everyone is shocked at the fact that Obito is alive, and they register that it's really her, male!Rin would immediately run towards fem!Obito, and fem!Kakashi would stand there covering her mouth, overwhelmed with joy about the fact their friend is still alive. Fem!Obito also runs towards them, and they meet in the middle and male!Rin would instantly embrace her and lift her off the ground, holding her so tightly to her as he buries his face in her shoulder. Their fingers would tangle in each other's hair and Rin would tell her how much he missed her and how hard it's been without her.
He then lets her go and takes a good look at her, asking her many questions. Obito tells him that it's best that they go home first and settle certain matters beforehand. Of course, not forgetting fem!Kakashi here, they also embrace each other and fem!Obito would playfully tell her, "Nice eye~! Wonder who gave that to you?" And Kakashi would shake her head and chuckle, telling her to shut up.
So skipping all the other details, we circle back to male!Rin and fem!Obito finally being alone together in the training fields, in front of the Memorial Stone with fem!Obito's name is engraved.
fem!Obito would be describing how that horrible day lead to a horrible year for her... and how much she wanted to return to the village... she'd even tell Rin that she thought about him everyday and couldn't wait to see him again.
Here, male!Rin would wrap his arms around her from behind and hold her closely to him. He'd tell her she has no idea how much that day has changed him as a person and that he never stopped thinking about her too.
He'd then turn fem!Obito in his arms and lean his forehead against hers, then cup her scarred cheek with his hand and promises her one thing: That from here on, for as long as she's alive and right beside him, he's never going to let her go, and that he'll always be watching her.
Rin makes her promise that she will never leave him and she will never his sight ever again, to which Fem!Obito's single eye wells up with tears, and she happily nods her head and says, "That's a promise!"
Male!Rin is hot, js.
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bgw57 · 1 year
All Their Stuff
It didn't start with me - saving and hanging on to things. In fact I'd say I was at least a third generation pack rat on both sides of my family. And for this I am very grateful. I mean, it's fun having this stuff. And I think you can see by the volume and variety of it that a sort of family tradition developed, a way of looking at objects and especially documents of our daily lives, wherein collecting and saving them was just the normal thing to do. Ticket stubs, newspaper clippings, aka scrapbook items. Photos of course everyone saves, that is until the generation that doesn't comes along and donates them by the album full to their local thrift store. I volunteer at one, and have adopted a couple of those families, saving them from the dumpster. And we save documents, right? Tax returns, insurance documents, wills, deeds. And salt and pepper shakers.
These are some of the oldest things I have:
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My father's mother's baby photo. Besse Grace Moore was born in 1883. There are not a lot of snapshots from the 19th century, which is when all my grandparents were born, although some of my grandmother's studio portraits were pretty candid seeming and casual.
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Here she is in 1893, looking very calm and collected at 10. The hat. The ribbon everywhere. The Moores lived in and around Panora, and Guthrie Center, Iowa. I like this next one, which shows more personality that usual for photos of the time, or is that a misconception? Perhaps this is a holdover from the early days of photography - long exposures due to slower film, or plates.
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Ah ha! It's from her I inherited my droopy left upper eye lid.
If I had to guess, I'd say the genetic aspect of my struggles with depression was something she and I shared. There's a sadness or loneliness in her expression here that she also hints at in her correspondence (yes, I have a lot of the letters she wrote to my parents). She's often on the verge of throwing a pity party. Ruth, her daughter-in-law, my mom, used to poke fun of Grandma's sadsack-ery, quoting a line supposedly common to her letters, "Thought surely I would hear from you today." I just now realized - I have those letters. I can find out, was my mom just doing Besse schtick?
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I would love to hear the conversation around these outfits. Who's idea was it? Was it a local fashion? Did they make them themselves or have them made? I never knew my grandmother to be a seamstress but she died when I was 11, in 1968, so she may have given it up long before. Although again, in her letters and diaries I don't remember her talking about sewing, but there's much I have yet to read. She does go on and on about the gardening, canning, washing, ironing and all the other daily chores of an Iowa farm wife in the first half of the 20th century. Chores and the weather in fact are two of her favorite subjects.
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Speaking of farms and farming - though now an old goat, I was once and briefly a goat hill. The buffalo plaid jacket became a thing thanks to the Grumpy Old Men movies. Ugh. As if Minnesota and Minnesotans needed anything more to be cute and smug about - they've now co-opted my grandfather's hunting jacket. That would be Grant Williams, husband to Besse above. I don't remember him as he died when I was just 2.5 but I love having his jacket, complete with a game pocket where you can put your dead animals. Don't worry, the pocket's interior is (or rather was) rubberized so the blood and guts rinse right off. I wish I could find a date and manufacturer but the labels are long gone. When I was a kid, at our house on E-as-in-easy-avenue, this jacket hung by the kitchen door. Someone had painted while wearing it and it was the coat your threw on in cold weather to take out the garbage, or better yet, burn the trash! Outside the picket fence, between it and the alley, was the 50 gallon drum with the to top cut out. It sat on cinder blocks and taking out the trash was definitely not a chore for this young pyromaniac.
One hot dry summer afternoon before I was old enough and Ruth did this chore, a burning phone bill or cast off mailing from RCA Record Club was sent aloft by the hot air above the burning barrel and, landing on a pine shrub, set it ablaze. Luckily, Mrs. A. of the perfect lawn next door, who often surveilled the Williams backyard from her kitchen window as she did the dishes, rushed to Ruth's aid brandishing one of her several garden hoses. That was a summer, for sure.
Compare this to the dark of an Iowa January evening - dark even before dinner, which is saying something when dinner is at 5:30 during Walter Cronkite. Ruth is watching me from our kitchen window. I'm 13 and lighting a fire so I guess it made sense. The barrel by this time is rusted and the bottom is mostly hole. Sometimes you have to tend the fire a bit, it's snowed and that doesn't help. I have a special stick to stir the flames. This trash load includes the contents of the bathroom wastebasket.
Now, I'm not athletic. I'm the last kid picked for every gym class team ever formed. But as I stand there in the snow in Grandpa's hunting jacket, watching the trash burn, I discover a flaming Kotex pad, now ball of fire and fallen through the hole at the bottom, makes the perfect puck to my suddenly hockey stick. It's almost meditative, batting the burning pad around, all sparkled over with red embers and flame on the snowy ground.
When come in for dinner, flushed with cold and pride at doing my chore, I don't know what to say to Mom when, embarrassed and cross, she attempts to scold me for doing something she's too prudish to describe. "That burning paper you were playing with," is as close as she can get. The quickest way out of this unpleasant moment is to deny everything and go wash my hands for supper.
To stretch this cooling off moment just a little further, I weigh myself. 110 pounds. Standing on that very same scale today, dressed, I weigh 159, including the hemp Adidas. Jim and Ruth bought the scale with King Korn stamps, and there is probably a partially filled book of those somewhere in all my stuff, too.
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next time on All My Stuff - The Other Williamses
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