#…thinking of downsizing my collection uhhh
talkfastcal · 6 months
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Dec 5 Gingerbread... first apartment
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Media Lewis 
Character Adam Douglas
Couple Adam X Reader
Rating Cute 
5th of December 2022
I laid on our bed already bored with my textbook, while y/n was sitting at her desk working away on her paper for class.
"I'm bored"
"You wanna go do something?"
"Like what?"
"you wanna go to the Christmas market?"
"Nah. too busy"
"go to the coffee shop? get a nice festive brew?"
"No, too expensive"
"A walk in the snow?"
"Too cold"
"Did you wanna... make some Christmas cookies?"
"Maybe, what kind?"
"Gingerbread house?"
"....Yeah okay"
"Woooo!" I smiled jumping off the bed and grabbing her hand pulling her out of her chair and out of our bedroom into the kitchen "Let's pop on some festive tunes and get baking"
"Alright, Peppermint gingerbread?" she asks getting her little cookbook and tieing her apon around her wait
"ummm you know me well my love" I smirked cuddling her closely as she baked the dough for the cookies
"Would you like to make the shapes?"
"Yes, I would! what are you going to make?"
"A little house, just some basic house shapes, two people, and a few 3d trees"
"Oohh getting fancy" I smiled making her the shapes "I think... I'm going to make a mansion with a garage, pool, bulter and small dog" making my own shapes
"Alright adam, if your sure" she giggled "Now I'll watch those cook, you go and get our decor" she smiled
"Okay, anything specific?" I asked her grabbing my coat and shoes
"I'd like Maltesers and caramel buttons for sure"
"No problem. won't be long" I smiled giving her a kiss before grabbing my wallet and heading out of our little house heading down the cold snow-covered streets the snow still battering me as I walked luckily it wasn't far to the local corner shop quickly ducking inside "Afternoon" I smiled
"Afternoon, cold out," He says at the counter
I wondered around collecting up everything into my basket, Laces, buttons, Maltesers, kinder, gummy bears, Smarties, candy canes, chocolate coins, gumdrops, and basically everything else they had in their sweet confectionary section and taking it all over to the till he looked at everything as he scanned it and then looked at me
"What did you do to her?"
"Nothing. we're making gingerbread houses"
"Ohh, I thought you'd just really pissed her off."
"Well. not yet" I laughed handing over some cash and taking my bag scurrying back out into the snow before arriving back home and quickly coming inside snaking the snow off me "I'm back my love!"
"did you get the sweeties?"
"I did, how's the bread?"
"all baked, and the icing is sitting in the mixer"
"excellent. then it's time to decorate!"
I worked for what felt like several hours while the snow fluttered outside the window my plans had uhhh... downsized a little given my... skills. not being helped but y/ns sweet perfect little house it was a cute little cottage with caramel button shingle roof, little iced trees, chocolate coin path, little gummy bear string lights, a little pink waffer door and all manner of other perfection.
"All done" she smiled putting her last bit of icing sugar snow dusting on her house "How about you"
"I uhhh I think so"
"what do you think?" she asks
"it's... beautiful. seriously it's perfect. this is what like M&S would use in an advert. it's beautiful my love"
"Thank you adam" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss "what have you made?"
"well... due to planning boards and budgets, and overall handy work we had to downsize. from a mansion with pool, dog, and butter to.... gingerbread... first apartment. his bed is in his living room. and the shower is so close to the toilet you could realistically pee while in the shower." I explained "But still little ginger dog. he may not have all his legs but he is still a ginger dog"
"It's adorable adam" she giggled giving me a cuddle
"Mine looks really shit compared to yours doesn't it?"
"No, it's just as perfect. let's be honest adam if this apartment was in central London it would be six figures a month"
"True, at least we can eat mine. and keep yours beautiful"
"Sounds like a good plan" she smiled taking my wall and heading to the sofa so I took a wall to and went to join her.
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