#Leah was my first doll and you can clearly tell she was my first doll
talkfastcal · 6 months
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twilitty · 4 years
Waiting pt.3
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part 3/?
word count: 2.2k
warnings: none
read this first! Edward explores what is causing his wife to act so detached.
Edward was paralyzed with fear. It was a similar feeling to when he watched himself nearly drain Bella of her blood after James had bitten her. The feeling when Jasper nearly attacked and killed her. It was the feeling of a broken man who has now broken another person. He was a porcelain doll with cracks along his figure, and the beautiful, fragile doll next to him gets knocked over by some force that he’s caused. 
Bella has been acting differently, more than should be expected after beginning her new life. She’s been unusually distant, taking her vehicle to Port Angeles and not telling him why. She chooses to hunt on her own in the mornings, but Edward knows that she is not only hunting. He can smell her trail when he goes out later in the afternoon, she takes a long route and ends up by the stream bed. No blood along the trail at any point, no scent of an animal she’s killed. 
When Nessie is asleep she hands her off to Edward or Rose. When Nessie wakes up she’ll play momentarily before claiming to have forgotten to do something. It’s as if she shows no interest in her daughter, and why? She had chosen to have this child, chosen the child's life over her own. And now she seems disinterested in every aspect of her life.
This burning, paralyzing fear is what pulled Edward out of his home that evening. Entrusting his daughter to her more than willing aunt and uncle, he went to the treaty line. 
Standing at the edge now his thoughts run circles around his feelings, taunting him and scaring him. Telling him he’s an awful father and husband, that he made a mistake when he chose to pursue a future with Bella. But what about my daughter? Regardless of his feelings towards his wife, he has to agree that his daughter was the best possible outcome. 
All he had wanted was a future with his love, a future where him and Bella could live in peace. And they were given a beautiful daughter, warm brown eyes and red unruly hair. If he had to choose to go back in time and remain away, could he? I can’t imagine a life without her, he thinks mourningly. His daughter is his whole life, he spends every moment he can with her, he enjoys nothing more than being a part of her life. 
When she smiles at something he’s done it’s as though his heart will simply burst. He cannot abandon his daughter, there is no reality where he can imagine ever doing so. His wife may be unhappy now, she may be secretive and reclusive, but that is a worthy price for bringing him his beautiful daughter. 
“What do you want, old man?” It’s Jacob Black, standing on the other side of the treaty line. He’s in what likely used to be jeans but are now sliced along the thighs unevenly creating an unflattering pair of shorts. His chest is bare, as it always seems to be, and his hair is braided in two strips that fall over his shoulders. He had gotten Edwards' text.
After the birth of Nessie, Bella had appointed Jacob as the godfather, which very few found endearing. This sentiment had brought Jacob closer to the Cullens, often he would be found running perimeter around the family home or bringing new toys and clothing to the little girl. He wears a necklace around his neck that she had assisted in making for him.
It’s a pink shoelace with orange, yellow, and red beads laced through it. It was part of an arts and crafts project Jacob had brought over. He wears it constantly. It’s long and hangs down over his stomach so that when he shifts he can still wear it as a wolf. 
Now, Jacob plays with it absently as Edward regards him with pressed lips. “Alright, bloodsucker, let’s spit out your words,” Jacob thinks with little sympathy. It’s a major blow to the vampire's pride to even broach the topic with this man, and knowing that the entire pack will soon hear about it does little to ease his conflicting emotions. 
“I would like to discuss Bella with you,” Edward says formally. Jacobs eyes trail over him lazily, as if looking to pick out his flaws and toss them back in his face. “She better not be pregnant again.” Edward chooses not to respond to this. Of course she isn’t, it isn’t possible.
Finally Jacob responds out loud, “You already married her, what more do you want?” A smirk spreads over his lips, “If you’re looking for a second wife I’ll happily offer up Leah.” 
“I don’t want anything-”
“Right, right, you’re so selfless and holy and better-than-thou,” Jacob snorts which only adds to Edwards mounting anger. “Let’s get this over with, colonizer.” Edwards eyes roll back in his head, arms crossing over his chest. 
“Please, try and take what I am telling you seriously,” he says a little too forcefully. He doesn’t want to argue with Jacob right now, he’s trying to have a civil discussion and instead Jacob is taunting him. Can this boy not take anything seriously? 
Edward gives him a curt nod, “Thank you.” With an awkward glance around the forest, Edward begins his speech. “I was not present when Bella was going through her troubling… phase,” he says the last word gingerly as if not wanting to awaken it from it’s sleep.
“Depression,” Jacob corrects mentally. Edward cringes at the word but continues as if nothing was thought.
“But I have seen its worst parts through the minds of others. I am worried she may not be as happy as she once was. I’m concerned.” The statement doesn’t phase Jacob physically or mentally, instead his thoughts remain strangely silent and he merely shifts his weight to the other foot. “I’m not sure what to do, she is away today and I thought about following her-”
“Are you an idiot? Did you spend the last three hundred years working towards your doctorate in the school of dumbasses?” Jacobs' tone is cruel, his facts incorrect, and his demeanor more than a little concerning. He’s on the defence, as if something Edwards said has offended him. “Sometimes I wish kicking your ass wouldn’t force your daughter into therapy.” 
If anything his poor daughter will need therapy from the infinite amount of insults her godfather trades with her father.
“So I’m going to assume you don’t think following her to an unknown location is not a good idea?” It’s a rhetorical question and the century old vampire quickly continues on, “Need I remind you that the second she thought her mother was in trouble she offered herself up on a silver platter?” 
What was supposed to be a civil conversation has instead turned into a nasty argument, and Edward isn’t sure what caused the change. “Need I remind you that if there weren’t any vampires that wouldn’t be a problem?” Jacob’s words hit too close to home and he notices this when Edward winces at the statement. “What? You feel guilty now?”
“Yes, yes, I feel guilty because she very clearly is not happy!” Now Edward is yelling, matching Jacobs energy and escalating the situation even more than need be. “Do you not think I wish I could intervene? I have been trying to discuss this with her, bring up speaking to psychologist-”
“She doesn’t need a psychologist, she needs a friend.” Edward wasn’t meant to hear the thought and quickly Jacobs' mind focuses on the necklace between his fingers, trying to avoid that line of thought. “This wood is so smooth…” 
“She has Rose,” Edward sputters uselessly, pale hands coming up as if to grasp his wife’s mentally well-being out of the air. “She has Alice, she has Esme. Her and Emmett get along quite well-”
“And she has me,” Jacob says aloud. His tone is quiet, stating a fact and nothing more. He isn’t looking to antagonize Edward and is no longer defensive. “And I’m the only one her age. The only one who isn’t a vampire. The only one who isn’t part of the family she married into.” It’s like running into a brick wall, the reality of the situation hits Edward in the face and it’s all he can do to not falter backwards a step to try and right himself. 
His fingers begin to twitch at his sides, eyes eerily still as his brain processes the plausibility of what Jacob Black just told him. “She’s lonely?” He says at last, the word breaking as it escapes his lips and crashing to the floor like a porcelain doll. His wife, the woman who told him she wanted to be a vampire, wanted to spend eternity with him, is lonely?
“She’s-” Jacobs cut off as a howl rings through the forest. The noise echoes off the trees around them, Edward reads it through the other man's mind. It’s his turn to run perimeter around the reservation. “I’ve gotta go.” He turns around and sprints off into the shadows of the forest. His steps quicken and then are replaced by the heavy thudding of four paws. The sound of the wolf running quickly escapes Edwards hearing distance and the forest remains silent.
The vampire stands alone in the forest, the canopy of trees above him cutting off the filtered sunlight of the dreary day. How could his wife be lonely? Didn’t she choose this life? 
He feels some piece of information stuck in the back of his mind, just out of reach and he growls in frustration. This was his family, his life, his wife. And of course he didn’t have a clue on how to fix any of it. 
How could he have allowed this to happen?
It’s a split second decision that sends him through the woods, angling towards the nearest city. He’s the fastest of his family, matching miles in seconds and never needing to slow down or catch his breath. He doesn’t even need to breathe. It’s a wondrous escape from the bindings of human life, being able to exercise his supernatural body to the full extent of its abilities. His strides quicken as he pushes them to go faster, his muscles pull and release in perfect harmony and work upon their own accord. 
Bella had experienced this as a human, clutching onto his shoulders as he tore through the forest with her on his back. It was everything he had wanted. Showing the girl he loved most the side of him that no other human got to see. And she had loved him back. Had. Where are her feelings now?
He slows as he reaches the edge of the highway, it’s lanes converging into slower moving traffic as the city opens before him. Brick buildings stand at attention along main street, the exteriors primed for maximum tourist appeal. Old signs hang from stoops over the doorways, restaurants and gift shops alike. Edward already knows the exact route he had taken when Bella had come here as a human, when she was trapped in that alleyway- “But where would she be now?” He asks himself aloud. 
She had driven here, not run as he had. He supposes he could look for her vehicle and then trace her scent to her current whereabouts, but then what? He finds her and approaches her, tells her that he’s been searching her down to confirm that she does in fact still love him? No, he can’t do that, he knows that. Jacob had told him specifically not to do what he is currently doing. Not to follow Bella, don’t act like an idiot.
Yet, here he is. Acting against his and Jacobs better judgement.
He had purposely not spoken to his wife about her trips to Port Angeles because he didn’t want her to feel like she had to ask permission to leave. He wanted her to develop a sense of self as a vampire, not rely on him to sustain her only. He had wanted her to explore her new senses and abilities. He thought everything was going so well. Perhaps Rosalie was right, Bella was better off as a human. 
He steps out of the forest, grateful for the dim sky which clouded his skin. He walked aimlessly towards the main street, allowing his senses to take in all that is around him. He smells the fresh bread of the bakery across the road, the sickly sweet scent of melted ice cream sitting somewhere in a trashcan. He smells everything, but comes up without his wife. He hears the cars and the chattering of people as they go about their mindless, petty tasks, but his wife is not anywhere on this street. 
He eventually finds her vehicle, a black suv with tinted windows. She had parked at the opposite end of the city, under the shade of a large pine and beside a public park. He sniffs the air experimentally, her scent is travelling in every direction, but the north trail into the park is more potent. She’s been here recently. He looks through her passenger side window, a box of tissues sits on the seat alongside an open glasses case. None of them wear glasses, and this discovery startles him a little. 
He follows the trail north.
- let me know if you want to be tagged when i upload!-
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 24
Warning: Talk hinting at trafficking. Loki was in a meeting with some colleagues.
He was sat at his desk with Samuel and Ethan stood at either side of him. His accountant, James, was sitting silently at the side of the room, taking notes.
The men he was having a meeting with was David, Michael and Ben. Between the four of them, they pretty much ran the country. David was based in London as well, but he was from Glasgow so was back and fore to there on a regular basis, Ben was based in Cardiff and Michael was based in Manchester, but had contacts and a good amount of control over Belfast.
They were discussing a main part of their income… 
‘It’s going to fall if we don’t manage to find any.’ David said, worried.
‘Why are we failing? We never used to have any problems.’ Loki asked.
‘They are becoming savvier nowadays, being cautious. Sticking in groups.’ Michael said.
‘We might need to look into other countries.’ David suggested.
‘I’m in talks with the Germans right now, perhaps they can help us out in that department.’ Loki said.
‘What about that pretty little thing you have?’ Michael grinned and looked at Loki.
Loki narrowed his eyes at him and snarled. ‘That is not even up for discussion.’
Michael chuckled and sat back in his chair.
‘What about her friends I saw at the party? Perhaps we can use her to get to some decent girls.’ Ben said flippantly.
Loki whipped a dagger out from under his desk, flipped it in the air as he stood up abruptly and slammed the dagger down hard into his desk. ‘NOT. HAPPENING. Chloe is NOT going into the system and neither are ANY of her friends. If any of you DARE to even LOOK at her in the wrong way, I will snap your fucking heads off. IS THAT CLEAR?’ He roared at them all.
Michael, David and Ben nodded sheepishly, shifting in their seats. Loki was usually eerily calm yet terrifying at the same time, but on the odd occasion when he did lose his rag, they knew not to even question him.
Because when Loki threatened you, it was no joke. It was a promise. And you didn’t get second chances with Loki, either. It was one warning, if you were lucky.
Loki returned home and Chloe was still in his bed, but she woke up when he came in and peeked at him over the blanket.
He shrugged off his coat and loosened his tie as he stalked around the bed and up towards her. He sat down on the edge and leaned over her, smiling.
‘Did you sleep well, doll?’ He reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
She sat up a little, but kept the blanket covering her naked body and nodded. ‘What time is it?’ She asked, looking around for a clock.
‘It’s four in the afternoon.’ Loki said after checking his watch. ‘You best go get ready and put on a nice dress, we are going out for dinner tonight with a few friends.’
Chloe’s eyes widened a little, unsure whether to be excited about that or not. ‘Oh, ok.’
‘Don’t look so worried.’ Loki chuckled. ‘You’re safe with me.’
Chloe wasn’t sure why she picked the emerald green dress, but she did. Part of her deep down knew that Loki would approve, but she tried not to think about that being the reason.  
When she walked down the stairs to meet Loki, with her Chanel bag over her shoulder, he looked up at her and his smile grew into a large grin when he saw what she had chosen to wear.
‘You look absolutely ravishing, darling.’ He walked over to the bottom of the stairs and reached out with his hand.
She took his hand and he guided her down the last few steps, then tugged her in close to him he slipped his arm around to her back, pressing her into him. He cupped her chin as he leaned down towards her, his breath danced over her lips.
‘This colour really suits you, doll.’ He purred and kissed her softly. ‘I am so tempted to just cancel dinner and eat you instead.’ He moved his lips down to her neck, sucking her skin a little. ‘But Nelson is waiting outside, unfortunately.’
Loki kept his hand to her lower back and guided her out to the car. Nelson held the door open for them both while they got in the back.
‘These… friends we’re meeting. Were they at the party?’ Chloe asked.
‘Two of them were, yes. Ben and Michael, I introduced you to them. Their girlfriends will be there, too. We are also meeting with another friend, David, and his wife. He couldn’t be at the party.’
‘So… Is it for business, this dinner? Or just… leisure?’
Loki cocked an eyebrow at her and grinned. ‘Nosey, aren’t you?’
‘Well, I just thought that since I’m having dinner with them, it would be good to know.’ She shrugged.
‘Are you scared?’ Loki asked.
She sighed. ‘Not gonna lie… A little. Knowing what you do. I just, don’t really know what to expect from your friends.’
‘You don’t need to be scared, doll. They won’t hurt you, I promise you that. I won’t let anyone hurt you. They’re nice enough guys, and their girls are nice too. Ben’s girlfriend, Leah, you met at the party. She has been wanting to meet you again.’
Chloe nodded. ‘You… You won’t leave me alone with anyone though, will you?’ She asked quietly, raising her eyes to meet his.
‘If you don’t want me to, then I won’t. I promise.’
She wasn’t sure whether his promises could be trusted or not yet.
When they arrived at the fancy restaurant, Loki knew she was feeling nervous so he slipped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. ‘There is nothing to worry about, I promise, doll.’
Everyone working at the restaurant clearly knew who Loki was. As soon as they entered, people were rushing over to greet him and were making sure he knew they would get anything he needed if he just asked.
‘Thank you. I have a reservation, Laufeyson.’ He smiled to the waiter.
‘Of course, this way Sir... Miss.’ The waiter motioned to the back of the restaurant, to a large table.
They were the first ones there, Loki helped Chloe with her coat and then pulled her seat out for her. He tucked her chair in once she sat down, then he sat down next to her. He ordered a few bottles of wine for the table and poured her a drink, hoping it would help calm her nerves a little.
She started drinking with a few big gulps, making Loki chuckle. But instead of telling her off, he simply re-filled her glass.
His friends soon arrived and he made sure they were all introduced to Chloe again. She was quiet and shy at first, answering any questions they asked. But she came out of her shell a little bit after some time, mainly when she was talking with the other girls.
The guys all made her feel comfortable enough too, though. Taking an interest in what she was studying when she started college. But there was still something underlying that kept her on edge. She knew that Loki was a killer, did dealings in god knows what exactly, but it wasn’t always good. So she knew that the other three men would no doubt be in the same line of business, which set her on edge. Though she couldn’t really understand why she was more scared of them than she was of Loki…
After eating a lovely dinner, Loki asked the waiter for the bill.
‘Gentlemen, how about we retire to the conference room next door while the ladies enjoy some more drinks at the bar?’ Michael suggested.
Loki noted the way Chloe’s body tensed up at that suggestion, he draped his arm around the back of her and stroked her shoulder with the tips of his fingers.
‘No business tonight, we’re heading home. But it has been a nice evening.’ Loki stood up and pulled Chloe’s chair out for her, then started helping her with her coat. ‘David, I believe it’s your turn for the bill tonight.’ He grinned.
David put his head back with a groan. ‘I suppose it is.’ He sighed.
Loki and Chloe said goodnight to everyone, when they left she felt relieved. She still wasn’t sure what it was being surrounded by dangerous men in fancy suits, even though she had a feeling that Loki was the most dangerous one… From conversation that went on during dinner, it certainly seemed like it.
‘Did you enjoy dinner?’ Loki asked as they walked to the car.
‘I did… Thank you.’ She nodded. ‘And thank you… for not leaving me. I, I dunno. Even if I was with the other women, I still wouldn’t have felt entirely comfortable.’
They stopped on the pavement, waiting for Nelson to come around with the car. Loki turned to face her and slid his hands down her arms, then circled his fingers around her wrists.
‘I promised you I wasn’t going to leave you tonight, doll. I know this all new to you. I’m not going to toss you into the deep end. I know they can be rather intimidating at first.’ He smiled.
Chloe smiled a little. ‘Like yourself.’
Loki chuckled and raised an eyebrow at her. ‘Do you still find me intimidating?’
She blushed and looked down, then shrugged. ‘Kinda… But I feel like you’re showing me your more human side, too.’ She admitted, unsure where it was coming from. The alcohol probably had something to do with that.
Loki reached up and stroked her hair back from her face, then trailed his fingers down her cheek. ‘I know you may not completely believe me. But I am being truthful when I say that I want you on my arm and I want to keep you safe. If you will keep allowing me to have you, I only want to give you a good and fulfilling life in return. Which is something you know I can give you.’
Chloe felt her heart thumping in her chest, a mixture of nerves and something else…
She swallowed before answering. ‘Is there any point on me agreeing or not? Since I know at the end of the day… I don’t really have a say in the matter?’ She said boldly, but not in a nasty or spiteful way, which Loki was glad of.
Nelson pulled up next to them in the car.
‘Well, you are correct. However, if you truly were unhappy and didn’t want anything to do with me…’ He opened the back door of the car for her. ‘You wouldn’t be trying to please me so much.’
She frowned at him. ‘What makes you say that?’
Loki chuckled and leaned down to her, whispering into her ear. ‘The dress choice, for starters. And you could easily have showed me up not only tonight, but also at the party. Instead, you decided to be all over me like a rash. And of late, you’ve been very compliant with me.’
As he leaned back, he saw her face was bright red. She averted her eyes and ducked into the car quickly.
Loki grinned and glanced over to the restaurant. David and his wife were just leaving. He smirked at Loki and made a whipping motion and sound that Loki just heard.
Loki rolled his eyes and gave him the middle finger before getting into the car, David just laughed while his wife whacked him in the chest.
‘Leave him be, David.’
‘What? I’m just having a bit of fun.’ David said in defence, slipping his arm around his wife.
‘He really likes her.’ She commented.
‘I think so too. It’s nice that he’s finally got a girl.’ David agreed while they waved to Loki and Chloe as Nelson drove them off.
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mychemicalimagines · 5 years
Imprinting Changes a Man-Paul Lahote-Chapter 3
Summary: Growing up in a small, close-knit tribe in the great state of Washington, the Chief’s daughter, Melissa Black, has her entire world flipped around when she finds out the legends she grew up on were true. What will happen to her, her best friend, and the rest of the guys they grew up with? Will life ever be the same?
Warnings: Cussing, Bella-Bashing, Leah-Bashing, Possible Eventual Smut
Words: 3087
Tag List: @elskinner45, @jayrart, @paullahotes, @laurastrutz, @k-n-e, @oopsiedoopsie23, @vxidnik, @paull-lahottie,
A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter! @you-a-southpaw-doll​ and I worked very hard on it. Hopefully you are all laughing as you read this. We were laughing and crying as we were writing! To be tagged, message one of us or tag yourself in my bio!
Italics are Pack Mind Conversations
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Sam’s P.O.V.
“Paul. Where are you?” I say
“In  the big field by the cliff. What….what’s going on? Sam? How can I hear you and Jared in my head?” Paul says, his thoughts clearly riddled with confusion.
“Just stay there, Paul. Jared and I will be there in a second.”
I look at Sam, and jerk my wolf’s head to the left, meaning we need to go that way in order to get to Paul. He whimpers but obeys. A few seconds later, Jared and I are in the field where Paul said he was. I look around and see a giant wolf hanging back against the tree line. I pad over to him, slowly, so as not to scare Paul.
The last thing I want is to spook a new wolf. 
“Paul. It’s me. Relax.” I command, using my alpha voice, which relays over into my thoughts.
I watch as he relaxes a little. He comes out into view a little more. I look at him and his wolf. 
“Both of y’all, follow me. We’re going back to Mel’s house.”
They both obey, mainly because I’m the Alpha, but also because Paul isn’t used to this yet. I phase outta my wolf and Jared, following my actions, does the same. I watch as Paul’s wolf cocks his head to the side, processing what he just saw. I explain to him what to do. Just think back to being human. 
After several minutes, he phases back to his human form and curls up in a ball, whimpering. Phasing...it’s a difficult and extremely painful process. I walk over to him. 
“Don’t worry. It will get easier and less painful as time goes on.” I inform him.
Paul whimper slightly before sitting up. I hand him a pair of shorts Mel started putting outside in a box I made for her. He slowly puts them on and looks up at the house.
“This is Melissa Black’s house. Why are we here?” Paul asks. 
“She’s part of the council. She knows everything. She helped me out when I first phased.” I explain to him.
We walk into the house and see the lunch that Mel prepared for us for when we got home. Jared looks away before sitting down in his usual chair.
“Where is she?” Paul asks, looking around the room.
“Jared...He had an accident before you phased. Mel was caught in the crossfire and got hurt pretty badly. She will be fine but we’re not sure when she will be out of the hospital.” 
Mel’s P.O.V. ~ 2 Weeks Later
I start hearing beeping from the right side of me. I open my eyes but the bright light makes me close them again. I start to smell cleaning products. It jogs my memory of what happened. Jared phased right in front of me. I slowly open my eyes to get used to the bright lights. When my eyes refocus, I look around the room I’m in. 
I’m in the hospital.
I try to turn my head but pain shoots through the right side of my face. I reach over slowly to push the nurse button. Without turning my head, I glance to my shoulder to see a bandage covering my shoulder. My eyes follow the bandage on my shoulder, slowly, to see that it goes onto my chest. I scrunch my eyes but pain shoots through my face. 
What the hell happened to me?
My father and Carlisle rush into the room. Carlisle stops on my right side. My father rolls toward my left.
“Mel! You’re awake!” My dad says, rolling over to the side of the bed.
“He-” I start coughing from my throat being dry.
Carlisle reaches over to my side table and holds a cup of water with a straw in it toward my mouth. I take a few small and slow sips from the straw.
“Thank you.” I say, softly. “What happened?” 
My dad looks away before explaining everything. I have a total of 25 stitches in my face, on my chest and shoulder. 
“We were actually going to remove them today.” Carlisle informs me. “I’ve been asleep for two weeks?” I look up at him. 
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Out of all the Cullens, he’s the only one I’m not afraid of. He’s the oldest so I trust him.
“We took you out of the coma last week and we’ve been waiting for you to wake up ever since.” 
“How…” I hesitate. “How bad is it?”
Carlisle and my father look at each other, before Carlisle reaches over and slowly takes off the bandages. My dad reaches and grabs a mirror they had in a drawer of the room. He holds it up to my face and I gasp. There are three long scratches stitched running down my face. It barely misses my eye and goes down to my chin. 
I move my gown slightly to see below my gown.  My chest has three scratches down ends right before the curve of my breast. I turn my head slowly to see three small scratches down my shoulder. I tear up slightly. A thought runs through my head, and my eyes widen.
“Where...Where is Jared?” I look up at my father.
“He’s currently at your house...in the woods. We had another person phase a couple weeks ago. Jared phased back to help him but during his free time, like after school, he’ll phase and just stay in the woods. He feels horrible about what happened so he will barely stay human.”
I sigh and look at Carlisle.
“Can you take the stitches out now?” 
He nods and walks out to get his equipment. I turn back to my dad.
“Call Sam. Get him to bring Jared in. I wanna talk to him.” I say, confidently.
“Are-” I cut my father off.
“Yes, dad. I’m sure. I need to talk to Jared.” 
He nods and leans forward, kissing my cheek before rolling out of the room. Carlisle walks in a few minutes after my dad leaves. He takes the next ten minutes cutting and removing the stitches from my body.
Sam’s P.O.V.
“I’ll bring him over, Billy. Are you sure that Mel wants to see him? Wait. Forget that. We both know she does. She’ll want to convince Jared that it’s not his fault and that she’s not mad at him.” I say into my cell phone.
Billy’s chuckles comes through into my ear. “Yeah. You’re right ‘bout that, Sam. So, go ahead and bring Jared in.” 
“Alright. We’ll be there soon. I’d bring Paul but he’s having a harder time with the phasing. He’s a hothead. He has a hard time with controlling his emotions.”
“Fair ‘nough. I was gonna suggest bringing him too since we both know that Mel’s gonna want to met the new one as soon as she can. But, if he’s not dealing too well with what’s going on, then don’t bring him. We’ll have them meet up later. Probably when Mel gets released from the hospital.”
I nod. “Sounds good to me. Jared and I will see you soon, then. I gotta make sure that Paul will be alright if I leave him alone for a little bit.”
Billy and I spend a few more on the phone, discussing certain things. I can tell he’s not alone since he stays vague and doesn’t directly mention the wolves. Jacob or nurses must be around. After we get everything sorted out, we end the call. I walk outta the house and make sure no one’s around before I phase. I pad into the woods where I know Jared is.
He’s been in the same spot out here unless I use my alpha voice and command him to phase and come inside to eat meals, or he has to go to school. 
“Jared. Mel’s awake. She wants to see you. You’re the first person she’s asked to see since she woke up.” I say. 
His wolf raises his head and cocks to the side, looking at me. 
“C’mon, Jared. You need to believe me. Let’s go see her. She’s not mad at you right now, but if you don’t go see her after she specifically asked for you, she will be. She’ll be hurt, and that’ll be more painful to her than the physical wounds and pain she’s in now.”
“Fine. Let’s go.”
“Good. We need to phase when we get back to the house. Till then, stay a wolf. I didn’t bring spare clothes with me.”
He ducks his head in understanding and follows me as I turn and head back to the house. Once we reach Mel’s back porch, Jared and I both phase back to our human forms. I quickly grab the pair of shorts that I took off before I phased. I run inside the house to grab some clothes for Jared, before looking around for Paul.
Mel’s P.O.V
I lay in my hospital bed, just waiting for the boys to show up. My dad just left with Old Quil to inform the council members that I’m finally awake and inform Jacob as well. I look up when I hear the door open. Sam walks in first before glancing behind himself at Jared. Sam moves out of the way and I finally see Jared. 
I wave slightly, causing Sam to smile but Jared won’t look up.
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He looks like he hasn’t had a shower in a few days. He keeps his head down, staring down at the floor. I look at Sam and gestures toward the door. He nods and walks out. He knows not to question me. I sit up slightly before I finally speak.
He glances up then looks away, licking his lip. 
“I...I’m so sorry.” He whispers.
“Jared. Look at me.” I say.
He hesitates for a few minutes then looks up at me. I can see his eyes well up with tears.
“Now come here.” I wave him over.
He shakes his head.
“Please?” I ask, softly.
After a few minutes, he finally walks over and stands beside my bed.
“I’m fine. I know it looks bad. It hurts but I’m fine.” I say, looking at him.
He hesitates. “But...but...you...I...I scarred you. I hurt you.”
“Jared. It’s okay. I’m alive. I’m breathing. I’m okay.”
“But…I almost killed you. All because I..” He sighs and looks down. “All because I wanted to hang with my friends.”
“Jared...I’m okay. And, I can still whoop your ass when we wrestle. Maybe not right now. But, give me a couple weeks. Then, I’ll go back to put you on the ground.”
I smirk and he finally cracks a small smile.
“As if. I only let you win.” He mumbles.
I laugh a little, being careful since the motion does hurt. “Whatever, wolf boy.”
“It’s wolf man, thank you very much.”
I smirk. “Yeah, uh huh. Ok. Whatever you say.”
He smiles a little more. I smile and slowly raise my hand up to gently squeeze his.
“I’m fine, Jared, okay? I promise. And, besides, think of it this way, this scars will look badass when they heal!”
He chuckles a little and squeezes back softly. “Hell yeah they will be. You’re already badass. Now, you’ll look it.”
Mel’s P.O.V. ~ 2 Weeks Later
Carlisle finally gives me the all clear to go home after two long weeks. Two long weeks of laying in the hospital bed, having my wounds cleaned and redressed, and watching them scab over. Today, they have just a light dressing covering them so that the fabric of my shirt doesn’t stick to the wounds. That could cause an infection, and that wouldn’t be good.
I stand, leaning against the hospital bed, getting my stuff packed up in my bookbag. My dad’s outside the room with Carlisle signing all the necessary paperwork to get me discharged. I glance up at Sam as I shove my last t-shirt in my bag with my good arm.
“This place stinks.” Sam whispers to me.
“Why?” I ask, confused.
I scrunch my eyebrows, sniffing the air. It smells like bleach since they just did the floors today.
“Carlisle.” Is all Sam says.
Oh...With Carlisle being a vampire, Sam can smell him from miles away. I giggle slightly.
“Come on. We’re going back to my house so I can meet this new...member and I can try to help him reign his emotions in to make his phasing easier on him and everyone else.”
Sam chuckles and teases. “Maybe it’s because he didn’t get any of your famous brownies when he first phased.”
I laugh. “If I had known that he was gonna phase, I would have made them earlier.”
Sam laughs. “Maybe you should just make an abundance of them and then save them so they can be on hand when others phases.”
I laugh. “Sam, please! They wouldn’t last for more than two hours. Not with the way you and Jared eat them. I swear, you’d think they were made of crack or something. Y’all scarf ‘em down. No! Y’all just breathe ‘round them and then...POOF! My brownies are gone.” 
I tease him, playfully poking his side. He laughs and gently swats my hand away since I poked his ticklish spot.
“Hush up, Mel. Or else I’ll eat ALLLLL the brownies as soon as they come out the oven.” He smirks.
I laugh. “Surrrreeee. Okay. You might be a wolf and have superhuman healing abilities, but we both know you don’t want third degree burns all down your throat.”
He laughs. “Alright. Alright. Fine. You win-”
I squeal happily, cutting him off. “YES! I WIN! I WIN!”
He laughs and shakes his head. “C’mon. Let’s get you home. I’m suddenly craving brownies.”
I laugh as I put my bag over my shoulder. “Are you sure you’re not pregnant, Sam? You know, with these sudden cravings?” 
“Yes, Mel. I’m pregnant with seven pups. They’re all yours.” He says, sarcastically, before busting out laughing.
I laugh and walk out of the room with him. I wave to Carlisle and walk out to Sam’s truck. Sam chuckles as he opens the passenger truck door. I slide into the middle of the seats, before Sam puts my dad in the seat next to mine. He puts the wheelchair in the back and gets into the driver’s seat.
On the drive home, I tell my dad that Sam’s pregnant, with seven of my pups and that’s why he basically inhales my brownies every time I make them. At first, my dad is so confused, but as soon as he realizes that it’s all a joke, he cracks up laughing and shakes his head.
“I’m too young to be a granddad!” He laughs.
I laugh and Sam chuckles under his breath as he drives.
“Billy, as much as I love you like a dad, we both know it’s impossible for me to get pregnant.” Sam says.
I giggle. “I dunno, Sammy boy. I thought it was impossible for humans to turn into werewolves. Maybe it’s a possibility.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Stooooopppppp it, Mel! I’m not pregnant. I just really like your brownies.”
“Yet! You’re not pregnant yet!” I tease him.
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Sam pulls into my driveway as I say this to him.
“That’s it. I’m ready to get out. I don’t need to know if Sam’s pregnant or not.” My dad laughs.
Sam laughs as he turns the engine off and takes the keys out the ignition. “I agree with Billy.”
“But I wanna talk about my future pups, guys! I need to know if I’m going to be a mother...or in this case...father at such a young age!” I say.
Jared and Jacob walk out and to the truck, both of them utterly confused. Jared just got off patrol and Jacobs been waiting, at my house, for me to come home.
“Wait. What? Mel, you can’t be a father?” Jacob asks.
“Yes I can! Sam’s pregnant with my pups, so I am a father!”
Jared looks even more confused. “I’m not sure I know what I just walked into...and I’m not sure I even want to know....”
“Just know...Sam is having my pups. It’s all because of the brownies!” I smirk at him.
By the time I finish my sentence, my brother is laughing harder than I have seen him laugh in years. It’s good to see him laughing again. Jared’s eyes widen at the word.
“You’re making your brownies?” He asks, excitedly.
I laugh. “Of course. That’s all you heard!”
Jared laughs. “Hey! I love your brownies!”
Sam helps my dad into his wheelchair as I get out of the truck. Jacob walks around quickly and gently pulls me toward him for a hug. I hug him back as tight as I can.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Jacob whispers.
“I’m fine Jake. I promise.” I whisper, holding tightly onto his shirt.
Two hours go by before my dad and Jake have to leave. It’s a school night and Jacob still has to do his homework so dad said it was time for them to go. Jacob has been learning to drive so dad let him drive the truck home tonight. I stand on the porch and wave to them with my good arm as they drive away.
Once they’re outta sight, I go to turn around, but gasp and jump as I see a wolf phase back into a human and walk inside the side door. I shake my head and walk back into the kitchen where Sam is trying to explain to Jared about the conversation we were having in the truck about us joking about Sam being pregnant.
I walk into the kitchen, smirking. “Don’t deny it, Sam. Everyone knows now!”
He chuckles. “Mel! I’m not pregnant!”
“Wait? Sam...pregnant? What?” A new voice asks.
I look over to see a tall, black haired boy. I look back at Sam as he says my name.
“Mel, this is Paul. He’s the newly phased wolf. Paul, this is Melissa Black. Billy’s daughter. She knows all about us, of course.” Sam officially introduces.
I nod and turn back to Paul. I put my hand out and look up at him. Our eyes meet, causing his eyes to widen and his mouth to open. Just staring into his eyes, makes me want to never look anywhere else again.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 24
TITLE: Caught in his web CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 24 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is a crime lord, a very dangerous man in the city. He is owed money, but the man is unable to pay Loki back, so Loki takes his daughter as payment instead.  RATING: M
WARNING: Talk hinting at trafficking.
Loki was in a meeting with some colleagues.
He was sat at his desk with Samuel and Ethan stood at either side of him. His accountant, James, was sitting silently at the side of the room, taking notes.
The men he was having a meeting with was David, Michael and Ben. Between the four of them, they pretty much ran the country. David was based in London as well, but he was from Glasgow so was back and fore to there on a regular basis, Ben was based in Cardiff and Michael was based in Manchester, but had contacts and a good amount of control over Belfast.
They were discussing a main part of their income… 
‘It’s going to fall if we don’t manage to find any.’ David said, worried.
‘Why are we failing? We never used to have any problems.’ Loki asked.
‘They are becoming savvier nowadays, being cautious. Sticking in groups.’ Michael said.
‘We might need to look into other countries.’ David suggested.
‘I’m in talks with the Germans right now, perhaps they can help us out in that department.’ Loki said.
‘What about that pretty little thing you have?’ Michael grinned and looked at Loki.
Loki narrowed his eyes at him and snarled. ‘That is not even up for discussion.’
Michael chuckled and sat back in his chair.
‘What about her friends I saw at the party? Perhaps we can use her to get to some decent girls.’ Ben said flippantly.
Loki whipped a dagger out from under his desk, flipped it in the air as he stood up abruptly and slammed the dagger down hard into his desk. ‘NOT. HAPPENING. Chloe is NOT going into the system and neither are ANY of her friends. If any of you DARE to even LOOK at her in the wrong way, I will snap your fucking heads off. IS THAT CLEAR?’ He roared at them all.
Michael, David and Ben nodded sheepishly, shifting in their seats. Loki was usually eerily calm yet terrifying at the same time, but on the odd occasion when he did lose his rag, they knew not to even question him.
Because when Loki threatened you, it was no joke. It was a promise. And you didn’t get second chances with Loki, either. It was one warning, if you were lucky.
Loki returned home and Chloe was still in his bed, but she woke up when he came in and peeked at him over the blanket.
He shrugged off his coat and loosened his tie as he stalked around the bed and up towards her. He sat down on the edge and leaned over her, smiling.
‘Did you sleep well, doll?’ He reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
She sat up a little, but kept the blanket covering her naked body and nodded. ‘What time is it?’ She asked, looking around for a clock.
‘It’s four in the afternoon.’ Loki said after checking his watch. ‘You best go get ready and put on a nice dress, we are going out for dinner tonight with a few friends.’
Chloe’s eyes widened a little, unsure whether to be excited about that or not. ‘Oh, ok.’
‘Don’t look so worried.’ Loki chuckled. ‘You’re safe with me.’
Chloe wasn’t sure why she picked the emerald green dress, but she did. Part of her deep down knew that Loki would approve, but she tried not to think about that being the reason.  
When she walked down the stairs to meet Loki, with her Chanel bag over her shoulder, he looked up at her and his smile grew into a large grin when he saw what she had chosen to wear.
‘You look absolutely ravishing, darling.’ He walked over to the bottom of the stairs and reached out with his hand.
She took his hand and he guided her down the last few steps, then tugged her in close to him he slipped his arm around to her back, pressing her into him. He cupped her chin as he leaned down towards her, his breath danced over her lips.
‘This colour really suits you, doll.’ He purred and kissed her softly. ‘I am so tempted to just cancel dinner and eat you instead.’ He moved his lips down to her neck, sucking her skin a little. ‘But Nelson is waiting outside, unfortunately.’
Loki kept his hand to her lower back and guided her out to the car. Nelson held the door open for them both while they got in the back.
‘These… friends we’re meeting. Were they at the party?’ Chloe asked.
‘Two of them were, yes. Ben and Michael, I introduced you to them. Their girlfriends will be there, too. We are also meeting with another friend, David, and his wife. He couldn’t be at the party.’
‘So… Is it for business, this dinner? Or just… leisure?’
Loki cocked an eyebrow at her and grinned. ‘Nosey, aren’t you?’
‘Well, I just thought that since I’m having dinner with them, it would be good to know.’ She shrugged.
‘Are you scared?’ Loki asked.
She sighed. ‘Not gonna lie… A little. Knowing what you do. I just, don’t really know what to expect from your friends.’
‘You don’t need to be scared, doll. They won’t hurt you, I promise you that. I won’t let anyone hurt you. They’re nice enough guys, and their girls are nice too. Ben’s girlfriend, Leah, you met at the party. She has been wanting to meet you again.’
Chloe nodded. ‘You… You won’t leave me alone with anyone though, will you?’ She asked quietly, raising her eyes to meet his.
‘If you don’t want me to, then I won’t. I promise.’
She wasn’t sure whether his promises could be trusted or not yet.
When they arrived at the fancy restaurant, Loki knew she was feeling nervous so he slipped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. ‘There is nothing to worry about, I promise, doll.’
Everyone working at the restaurant clearly knew who Loki was. As soon as they entered, people were rushing over to greet him and were making sure he knew they would get anything he needed if he just asked.
‘Thank you. I have a reservation, Laufeyson.’ He smiled to the waiter.
‘Of course, this way Sir… Miss.’ The waiter motioned to the back of the restaurant, to a large table.
They were the first ones there, Loki helped Chloe with her coat and then pulled her seat out for her. He tucked her chair in once she sat down, then he sat down next to her. He ordered a few bottles of wine for the table and poured her a drink, hoping it would help calm her nerves a little.
She started drinking with a few big gulps, making Loki chuckle. But instead of telling her off, he simply re-filled her glass.
His friends soon arrived and he made sure they were all introduced to Chloe again. She was quiet and shy at first, answering any questions they asked. But she came out of her shell a little bit after some time, mainly when she was talking with the other girls.
The guys all made her feel comfortable enough too, though. Taking an interest in what she was studying when she started college. But there was still something underlying that kept her on edge. She knew that Loki was a killer, did dealings in god knows what exactly, but it wasn’t always good. So she knew that the other three men would no doubt be in the same line of business, which set her on edge. Though she couldn’t really understand why she was more scared of them than she was of Loki…
After eating a lovely dinner, Loki asked the waiter for the bill.
‘Gentlemen, how about we retire to the conference room next door while the ladies enjoy some more drinks at the bar?’ Michael suggested.
Loki noted the way Chloe’s body tensed up at that suggestion, he draped his arm around the back of her and stroked her shoulder with the tips of his fingers.
‘No business tonight, we’re heading home. But it has been a nice evening.’ Loki stood up and pulled Chloe’s chair out for her, then started helping her with her coat. ‘David, I believe it’s your turn for the bill tonight.’ He grinned.
David put his head back with a groan. ‘I suppose it is.’ He sighed.
Loki and Chloe said goodnight to everyone, when they left she felt relieved. She still wasn’t sure what it was being surrounded by dangerous men in fancy suits, even though she had a feeling that Loki was the most dangerous one… From conversation that went on during dinner, it certainly seemed like it.
‘Did you enjoy dinner?’ Loki asked as they walked to the car.
‘I did… Thank you.’ She nodded. ‘And thank you… for not leaving me. I, I dunno. Even if I was with the other women, I still wouldn’t have felt entirely comfortable.’ 
They stopped on the pavement, waiting for Nelson to come around with the car. Loki turned to face her and slid his hands down her arms, then circled his fingers around her wrists.
‘I promised you I wasn’t going to leave you tonight, doll. I know this all new to you. I’m not going to toss you into the deep end. I know they can be rather intimidating at first.’ He smiled.
Chloe smiled a little. ‘Like yourself.’
Loki chuckled and raised an eyebrow at her. ‘Do you still find me intimidating?’
She blushed and looked down, then shrugged. ‘Kinda… But I feel like you’re showing me your more human side, too.’ She admitted, unsure where it was coming from. The alcohol probably had something to do with that.
Loki reached up and stroked her hair back from her face, then trailed his fingers down her cheek. ‘I know you may not completely believe me. But I am being truthful when I say that I want you on my arm and I want to keep you safe. If you will keep allowing me to have you, I only want to give you a good and fulfilling life in return. Which is something you know I can give you.’
Chloe felt her heart thumping in her chest, a mixture of nerves and something else…
She swallowed before answering. ‘Is there any point on me agreeing or not? Since I know at the end of the day… I don’t really have a say in the matter?’ She said boldly, but not in a nasty or spiteful way, which Loki was glad of.
Nelson pulled up next to them in the car.
‘Well, you are correct. However, if you truly were unhappy and didn’t want anything to do with me…’ He opened the back door of the car for her. ‘You wouldn’t be trying to please me so much.’
She frowned at him. ‘What makes you say that?’
Loki chuckled and leaned down to her, whispering into her ear. ‘The dress choice, for starters. And you could easily have showed me up not only tonight, but also at the party. Instead, you decided to be all over me like a rash. And of late, you’ve been very compliant with me.’
As he leaned back, he saw her face was bright red. She averted her eyes and ducked into the car quickly.
Loki grinned and glanced over to the restaurant. David and his wife were just leaving. He smirked at Loki and made a whipping motion and sound that Loki just heard.
Loki rolled his eyes and gave him the middle finger before getting into the car, David just laughed while his wife whacked him in the chest.
‘Leave him be, David.’
‘What? I’m just having a bit of fun.’ David said in defence, slipping his arm around his wife.
‘He really likes her.’ She commented.
‘I think so too. It’s nice that he’s finally got a girl.’ David agreed while they waved to Loki and Chloe as Nelson drove them off.
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xo-dailypier-blog · 5 years
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[Post 1 of 3]
Wow! What a week. Summer Crush truly took the life of me, and the way some of these hook ups went, it took the life out of you too. 
Instead of giving everyone an entire rundown of the day-by-day events, I took it upon myself to collect the top ten moments that I felt really stood out to ME, The Daily Pier!
I should probably start this countdown off with the Noah/Diana/Natasha triangle going on that none of them know that they are a part of. It’s the most heartwarming thing to happen during this event and I LOVE it! Ok, so just to catch you all up to speed, #SinCarter were married once upon a slay. They eloped when they were off being WAR CRIMINALS for the USA or whatever. So once Natasha began to explore her latent homosexuality that she had repressed all these years the two came to the mutual agreement to just divorce. (Also, her sister was dealing with like, a meth addiction, or something, so that probably didn’t help the relationship). So fast forward 10 years and here they are in the same town with TONS of baggage, and unfinished business.
BUT WAIT a new challenger approaches in Diana Taylor. Noah and Diana have been getting pretty close these past view months. Some people have even said that he’s the rebound to that Daniel guy she was dating. I mean, after MONTHS of heavy petting and will they/won’t they, after their Summer Crush date, rumor has it that the two went back to Noah’s place and … well … *fellatio noises*. Obvs this can’t get out because Diana is in the public eye, so don’t tell anyone.
With a new woman in his life, and the old one present with a lot of shit to work out with him, this new season of the Aryan Chronicles looks promising!
As for who I ship? Well, I want to say #SinCarter because the mutual feelings of their past came back full force during this event. And I still ship Olivia/Diana and Diana/Wes. Neither of which will happen because 1.)Diana and Olivia are “”””””straight”””””””” and 2.)Ever since Diana RANDOMLY left New York she’s been keeping everyone at arms length, especially Wes. Who has too much love to give, and doesn’t deserve that. Who’s to say she won’t do the same to Noah?
I’m watching you Diana (if that is your real name).
Q: Rexless_Fan asked “Victor and June hooked up in a fantasy suite and they're roommates so now it's awkward and scandy cuz they haven't told their third roommate at all!”
Coming in at number eight is Phobe “Pharrah Abraham” Cole. It’s true, she was on top of things in more ways than one. But who am i to judge? I actually think it’s progressive, and super inspiring. I mean, ok, take this with a grain of salt, Im not really trying to lie but ... Phobe? Phobe has Genital Herpes. It’s been two weeks since a flair up (according to sources close to her) and I think it’s really brave of her to disclose her status with the MYRIAD of men she ENGAGED with during the week. It just goes to show that it CAN be done! I mean, you did tell them ... right Phobe? Moving on! I will say that while did used to ship Jack/Phobe during the night they hooked up but since Jack allegedly only lasted about 4 minutes it makes me wonder about a future with the two. So many girls who have been with him have written in and told me sex with him is ABYSMAL! He spends the entire time looking in the mirror or taking selfies that he refuses to be focused on the matter at hand. Of course this is all a rumor, but would you really put it past our neighborhood beauty queen? But I guess this isn’t about Jack, and his short comings. Anyways...
Q: SharkThot asked “Hey DP I just want to start off by saying that I love your site, I’ve been a loyal viewer for years! And I hope Myles Bennett sees this because I love him even more! I don’t care what you say about him DP, Myles is my bae and would never do anyone wrong! Ugh, He makes me (Shark)Weak! I did see him earlier last week getting BULLIED by that Stark Bitch. What was that about?”
A: Aww, SharkThot,
I assume you mean Heidi Stark, the elusive chanteuse. Her arrival has caused quite the controversy, considering she materialized out of no where. I guess this particular countdown entry will have more to do with her than the actual question. But for those of you who don’t know, Heidi Stark is Julian’s slightly more attractive sister. Her strong presence is quite intimidating, but according to a lot of sources ... She’s a complete fraud. She speaks in an Australian accent, but some say she’s from, like, Missouri and only picked up an accent for #clout. Her “designer” clothes? Ross (Dress for Less). And she apparently was spotted raiding a bunch of Payless Shoe Stores for the cheapest prices prior to their shutdown, where she then proceeded to paint the bottom of all the shoes she got red. Oh! And the degree she got from that fashion school on New York? FORGED! She totally went to Devry. I mean, it’s nothing wrong with that, but omg, just be honest girl. Anyways, back to the point. The #BabySharks (Myles’ fandom name) were INCENSED when they saw Fraudi CORNERING Myles at the speed dating event. According to by standers she was totally waving her finger in HIS FACE, SHOVING HIM repeatedly before pouring the ENTIRE CONTENTS of her martini onto his FACE! You would think that since he works in the ocean (and is used to having liquids on his face (Golden Showers ... other bodily fluids) ), Myles would have been unbothered by her VICIOUS ATTACK, but it was said that he left CRYING. Poor Guy. (Lol sike i don’t give a fck).
Q: Loganista asked “How could you possibly still be loyal to “King Jason” when all he cares about is that CUNT Alex. You know I saw them going into one of those FUCK SUITE when just 2 days ago they hated each others guts. They make me sick. Do you think it’s time to move on DP?”
A: Hey Loganista,
Ugh, same! You know, Logan Lancaster, and BernBern<3 are right there looking all sexy and things of that nature, hmm, so who knows .. perhaps I could move on one of these days. But not now. But speaking of LongDick Lancaster and the #Jalex reunion you mentioned, the #Lolex and #Jalina dates were less than eventful. The two spent the entire time thinking of the other instead of getting to know the people I set them up with. It makes me feel really bad for LDLogan because he is truly such a nice guy but everyone he gets involved with, is using him. Leah totes just uses him as a dick call, and Alex is always using him as a rebound. When she was on the date with Logan all she could talk about was Jason, Jason, Jason. I heard she told Logan that if it were “6 months ago” (when she wasn’t involved with Jason) she would totally be on all fours for him. Which is bullshit, because she totally FUCKED Logan like, two weeks ago when she was mad at Jason. So what’s the truth Alex?
Thank God Alegenda came out of this unscathed. I wouldn’t want a QUEEN like her with court jester Jason. Sadly, she won’t be able to be with Devin like I wanted, since he had sex with Phobe and … well…
Speaking of Jason, another Sorrentino is on the list of topics for tonight. Brooklyn Sorrentino! Ok, so for those of you who don’t know. Brooklyn was seen crying after an encounter with her ex, Grayson Fox. As I’ve said before, they were engaged to being MARRIED, but out of no where, he left her.  So. naturally I did a little more research on she and her GrayBae Fox and what I found blew my wig right the fuck off. Ok, so it is alleged that (Actual) Daddy Sorrentino (that’s Jason/Brooklyn’s dad) PAID HIM OFF because he had no plans of a complete and total LOSER like Grayson dating, and MARRYING, his daughter. So after receiving this unknown amount of money, Grayson left Brooklyn a note saying his Goodbyes. And now … all the have is memories.
OF COURSE I don’t believe this shit! I still think the bitch's pussy stinks, so he didn’t want to wake up to that every frickin’ day of his life. And besides, it’s been how many years? Wouldn’t he have just told her what’s up at this point? Instead of moving into the same town as her, and acting like NOTHING is wrong? And then proceeding to FLIRT with the LIKES OF DAKOTA SONG? Yes! The two were seen getting pretty cozy, locking fingers, playing footsies, and exchanging hair-care regimes during Summer Crush. Poor Brooklyn, first she got beat up by Phobe and THEN we find out she lost her man. What a loser.
Q: AshersBabyMomma asked “STOP making fun of Asher! It’s so mean!!!!!!!! Asher is really trying his best to get by and all you do is pick on him! Us #Ashies will boycott your blog if you do not stop!”
A: Well, you’re in luck because coming in at number __ is Asher himself! 
And you’re right AshersBabyMomma, Asher has surprisingly been on his best behavior recently. Either that, or you demons have managed to make him look like an angel. Honestly? I think I’m actually going to start being nice to Asher. No more calling him things like “Crackhead Asher”, Ashy Lip Asher, Ashy Asher, and more things Of That Nature. He’s really gotten his act together and I’m so proud of him, and even more apologetic for the way I’ve treated him. 
A moment of silence for the old me that used to make fun of him…
…Anyways, Asher is an Escort now (as I said before). He totes is fucking [redacted] in exchange for money and drugs (CRACK not included). In FACT, it is alleged that he offered his services to Alec Clarke. Again, this could all be made up, but they were spotted disappearing into a hotel together where they stayed until the sun came up. (#Romantic) Now girl MIND YOU, Alec is Adam’s roomie, and multiple sources have claimed that he is secretly in LOVE with him! Which is a LIE! If Alec IS a MLM then he has WAY better standards than a Tax Evasionista. And I’m sure Asher has better standards than Alec… well … *Hot Dog on a Stick Flashbacks*..
Q: Emrestoplip asked “Ugh but the Yavuz family are all HOT and not problematic unless ur holding out on us DP”
A: Well I must admit they ARE all hot but sadly they are just as problematic as the rest. 
Specifically that Kessa girl. Her Lifetime Original Movie of a life has completely ruined the dynamic of her family. It’s made both Emre and Leyla (her siblings) RESENT her more than they care to admit and thing are sups awkward between all of them. It’s really sad. Funny that this is the entry right after an Adam mention because coming in at number four are both Adam and Kessa. The two were paired for a date and things got Out of Control.
It really has placed Adam on my heart throb list because little did I FUCKING know that Adam knew how to THROW IT DOWN in the bedroom. The two were caught on camera BANGING THE FUCK OUT OF EACH OTHER, FOUR TIMES IN ONE WEEK. Here I thought Adam was the only sane Aldridge, but it was all a SHAM. HES THE WORST OFFENDER!!!!
NOT ONLY is he a BEAST in the SHEETS, he was spotted EATING KESSA OUT on the SIDE of a BUILDING!!! IM LITERALLY SCREAMING! and to make matters worse, Kessa then left him and got eaten out by, one, Marley Callahan. I SERIOUSLY HOPE EVERYONE GOT TESTED AFTER THIS WEEK because you guys are OUT of your MCFREAKIN MINDS.
I guess you can catch Kessa in first AND second service on Sunday now that she got the most sanctified, purified, holyfied COCK of her life. Amen!
Q: MackenziesStolenBrushes asked “Any updates on #JaiMac?”
A: This is a great way to almost end this countdown.
For those of you who don’t know Jamie and Cunty Westwood have decided to amend their troubles and get back together. (Yes, the paintbrushes (that Jamie hid) are back in Cunty’s easel, or whateverthefuck.) This might not be the sensational drama that you were expecting to see at the end of this list but I think it’s a great closer. Jamie and Mac are a shining example of a healthy relationship, and I’ve decided they should ALMOST close out the show.
I do wonder if Jamie found out about the times Mac engaged in MULTIPLE hardcore sexual acts with the #DemonDick himself, Julian Stark. They only ended their fling like two days before #JaiMac got back together, so I’m sure they did? Omg not to gossip, BUT, ok,  I don’t know how to say this politely, but ... there was ass eating involved (on Mac’s end … obviously… I mean, look at him...), and a lot of “I love you’s” were shared between the two. Not to mention cuddling. Late night phone calls, texts, and omg I'm pretty sure they were almost a couple.
Anyways, this might have happened before the event, but to see these two going into PRIDE MONTH a happy couple really is iconic and I thank them for deciding to work things out. Love you two! Kisses!
So I’m sure, you’re wondering who Number 1 is ... 
find out tommorrow.
xo, DP.
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writingkeepsmewhole · 6 years
What Would You Fight For?
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This is part 5 to Feel Like Talking. Sorry I haven’t updated in forever I’m gonna try be good okay? I hope y'all like it at least let me know what you think please and thank you. 
Leach wakes up at Negan’s them talking about the stuff the really matters. 
AU Negan x OC Leah
Warnings: Negan’s potty mouth and I think that’s it
Let me know if you wanna be tagged.
Part 1  Part 4
I woke up the next morning the sound of pans clanging an the smell of bacon filling my nose.
I sat up remembering that I fell asleep on Negan yesterday.
"Good morning." he calls from the kitchen.
I look at him feeling completely awake.
"Morning." I say moving to tuck my legs under me.
"You sleep well?" he says getting a mug out of the cabinet over the coffee pot.
"Yeah better than I have in a while."
"Good. You still like coffee right?"
"Of course." I say smiling watching him move around cooking.
He was dressed in sweats. Them sitting low on his frame letting me see the V in his hips. He was shirtless showing me the tattoos littered over his body.
I couldn't help but think of the first time he made me breakfast. It the morning after the first night we spent together.
It's been a month since my kiss with Negan. Everything was different but not at the same time. He acted like nothing happened expect not being alone with me.
I tired to talk to him at my pappy's farm at school even in town but he greeted me as if nothing changed then would leave.
I felt like I was going crazy. I was used to the boys at school but Negan was another ball game.
Fall was coming in fast and it was our schools last football game was tonight and I new Negan would be there. Even more so he wouldn't leave given the fact he was the coach.
I went with Tommy him being on the team I was expected to sit in the front row which I happily did.
I sat through the whole game trying to catch Negan's eye.
I wasn't desperate but I needed answers. How do you just kiss someone and act like it didn't. But every time he looked at me he would quickly look away.
It wasn't until my sister elbowed me and pointed out that he kept looking at me did I realize that he kept doing it.
He was trying to catch my eye as well.
At half time when he slipped into the school I quickly followed him telling my sister I had to use the bathroom.
I didn't think anything of it as I went to Negan's office next to the gym.
Knocking I planned on waiting here for him but when the door opens I feel my hands start to sweat seeing him standing there.
"I thought you would follow me." he says smoothly.
"You did?"
"Yeah I mean you were drilling a damn hole in my head out there."
“Sorry I want to talk to you.”
“Well it’s gonna have to wait till after the game. Think you can wait that long?”
I bite my lip wanted to say no but I give a kert nod and spin on my heel to start walking down the hall.
I sit threw the rest of the game nerves with what I’m going to say to Negan. When our team gets the last touchdown winning the game I easily slip thru the crowd.
I plan on walking back to Negan’s office but Tommy stops me.
“Hey where are you going?” He asks smiling at me.
“There is gonna be an after party at Jake's you are coming right.” He says not giving me a chance to respond.
“I don’t think I’m the party type.”
“Come one we won’t stay that long.” He says slipping his hand into mine and pulling me with him towards his friends.
“Jake I can’t.”
“You got somewhere better to be?” Jake says just reaching the group of teens.
“I needed to talk to Negan.”
“Negan since when are you on a first name basis with coach?” Jake asks smirking.
He was a jerk because he felt like he needed to be.
“He works for my family from time to time.” I say shrugging trying not to get worked up.
“Maybe she has the hots for him.” Sherel says giggling.
I clenched my fist my stomach flipping with nerves since I did in fact have the hots for him but they didn’t need to know that.
“Like I said I’m not a party person.” I say pulling my hand from Tommy’s and taking a step back.
“You came here with me how are you gonna get home?” He asks clenching his jaw clearly not happy about me leaving.
“I’ll walk.” I say taking a few more steps backward then turning to walk off the field.
I headed towards the parking lot happy shoats and laughs dancing in the air but I didn’t feel that way. I was cold and stressed out. Sherel's comment only adding to the pile.
I guess it wasn’t normal to like someone twice your age even more so if he was your teacher. It’s not like Negan liked me back. But then again why did he kiss me.
I jump when a car horn toots next to me while I walk down the sidewalk. I easily recognize Negan’s truck so I don’t stop to think before I climb in.
I let out a huff when I get in looking over to see him looking at me.
“What?” I ask feeling like I’m about to get lecurad.
“I knew you didn’t care about what others thought but standing up two people in one night is a little cold.” He says driving once again.
“What are you talking about?”
“You come here with Tommy and don’t go to the after party then on top of that you ask to speak with me but don’t show up. It wasn’t until Tommy comes to my office asking for fucking advice did I even know you left.”
“Sorry I was gonna come but I got side tracked and what did Tommy want?”
“You dumped him in front of his friend what the hell do you think he fucking wanted?”
“I didn’t dump him we were never together. I don’t even like him.”
“Then why come to the game?”
“Why do you think?”
“Oh not to see little old me?” He asks smirking.
“I needed to talk to you yes.” I say blushing looking out the window as we roll down the street.
“What about?”
“Because I kissed you?”
“Yes because you kissed me!” I say turning to look at him.
“You act like nothing happened.”
“Nothing did. We kissed doll.”
Sighing I feel a lump in my throat but try not to think about it. Not wanting to admit Negan had that much of an affect on me.
“I’m sorry Leah, but I’m old enough to be your daddy.”
“So? I’m eighteen you know. Not that it matters you most likely see me as a child.”
“I wouldn’t say that.” He says pulling into an ally way.
“What are you doing?” I ask looking at him.
“Your fathers radio station is just a block from here. I figured I could walk you too it.”
“You don’t want me to?”
“I just wish we could talk like we used to.” I say shrugging and grabbing the handle.
I don’t get to open it Negan’s hand grabbing my other wrist.
“Then lets fucking talk.”
He cuts the car off and turns to look at me making my cheeks heat up.
“What cat got your tongue?”
“No, I didn’t make it this far in my planing.”
Chuckling he rubs his face.
“You had a plan?”
“What was it?”
“To talk to you.”
“About the kiss?”
“Because you want to do it again?”
I blush my palms getting sweaty I nod seeing no point in lying about it.
“Come on let's go inside.” He says pulling the keys from the ignition.
He smiles and points at the steps on the side of the brick building.
“That’s my place you are welcome to come in or I can take you to your dad.”
“Lets go inside.”
“Cat got your fucking tongue?” Negan says pulling me from my thoughts.
“Sorry what?” I ask watching him walk to me holding two plates.
“I asked if you liked the coffee.”
Lifting it to my mouth I take a sip and nod.
“You remembered.”
“Well half coffee half hot chocolates kinda hard to forget.” He says smiling and handing me a plate of bacon, eggs and toast.
“I guess so.”
“So what were you thinking about?”
“You. Us? Memories, ya know.”
“Come now doll share with the group.”
Smiling I take bites of my toast.
“You remember after the game when you gave me a ride but I ended up staying here for the first time?”
“Yeah, we fucking talked all night.”
“Did you expect more?”
“I wouldn’t say more. I didn’t expect sex but the way you were I was surprised you didn’t try for more.”
Shaking my head I smile.
“I just wanted to be around you. I know that seems mushy but I was so confused by you back then I wanted to understand you.”
“There ain't much to fucking understand. I’m not that interesting.”
“Yeah right. What did your time away make you less cocky?”
Chuckling he makes his dimples show him reaching over to take my bacon which I didn’t mind.
“I wouldn’t say that but we both know I would be lying.”
Smilin I nod my head.
“At least your honest.”
“Gotta have something going for me.”
Our conversation was interrupted by my phone ringing.
It took me a moment to find it buried in the couch but when I did I saw it was my sister calling.
“Where are you?” She asks before I even get a greeting out.
“Relax i’m fine.”
“Fine? Your not fine you didn’t come home last night you never do that.”
“Wow way to make me sound boring.”
“You know what I mean tell me what happened.”
Rolling my eyes I hold my finger up to Negan asking for a minuet and getting off the couch.
I barely think about my feet heading to the steps leading up to the roof.
“I’m at Negan’s.” I say once I stepped out on the flat rooftop.
“At Negan’s? I thought you were not talking to him?”
“I never said that.”
“Well it was implied. What are you doing there wait did you sleep there last night?”
Smiling at the excitement in her voice just from her thinking something happened.
“Yes and before you ask no I didn’t sleep with him.”
“Fine don’t tell me.”
“I’m telling the truth.”
“Sure, anyways not the point. Everyone is looking for you but if you are fine I guess I can tell everyone-.”
“Don’t tell them where I am.” I say interrupting her.
Leaning on the wall I overlook the view and town below.
“Because I don’t need them to know.”
“Are you and Negan secretly together?”
“No.” I say swearing I had the same conversation with her years ago.
“Then why can’t I tell?”
“Because I need to figure out what I’m doing okay?”
“Your no fun but fine. Call me when you are on your way home.”
“Yes mom.”
“Haha bye.”
“Love ya.” I say hanging up and dropping my head down.
“Bad news?” Negan asks from behind me.
I look over my shoulder at him, him leaning on the door frame.
“Nah, just my sister being her crazy self.”
“Well at least she hasn’t changed.”
“What’s that mean?”
Pushing himself off the wall he walks over to me only to lean next to me.
“We both fucking changed.”
“Everyone changes.”
“Do that? Everyone seems pretty much the same to me expect you.” He says looking at me his hazel eyes meeting mine.
I shrug and look away from his gaze.
“We both know it’s fucking true darling.”
“You left. Everyone moved on and I still feel like I’m in the same spot.” I say not seeing the point in hiding it.
“Everyday is the same and the drives me crazy but everytime I think about something new I freeze up. I like my bubble.”
“Damn that don’t sound like the Leah I know at fucking all.”
“Because it’s not… Half the time I don’t know who I am. Mom blames it on the lost of the baby and that’s part of it but I think the other part is you. I was so wrapped up in myself that I didn’t realize you were gone until you left. I hate myself for that.”
“You can’t blame yourself for that doll.”
“Why?” I ask looking up at him.
“I pushed you away. I don’t even know why anyone. I think now it was because I loved you and didn’t want to lose you even though that is pretty messed up.”
“A lot of heartache is because of me.”
“That’s bullshit.” He says shocking me my head snapping to look at him.
“The only person that has ever truly cared about me has been you. I used to hate when you would bitch at me over something till I realized you did it for my own damn good. You may be the only good thing I've done with my life.”
“Really? Losing your job over me was a good thing?”
“Fuck yeah! I got closer to my dad because of it. Saw my mom more, saw you more. It made me see the important things in life. Not whatever the hell people think it is.”
“So you got it all figured out huh?”
“Nah any prick says that has their own head shoved up their own ass I just know what I’ll fight for.”
“I wish I did.”
“Have you bother to fucking ask?”
“Ask what?”
“What would you fight for? If you could only keep one thing, your car, the shop, friends, money, family, what would it be?”
“You.” I say supiring us both my the answer.
“Damn didn’t fucking expect that.”
“Why not?”
“Like you said I left.”
“You always come back.”
“Well I miss ya.” He says winking.
Smiling I nod.
“I missed you too.”
We let the silence fall around us until I decided I should leave. We both had our own lives to get to but it felt different maybe because I knew what I wanted to fight for..
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