#→ EV 01. kara and cat.
soulbore · 5 years
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“Alright.” She calmly stands up, fingers wiping down pants, wrists still sore from handcuffs and eyes still weary from too little sleep over the past year. What else is new? It’s a shame she couldn’t get a decent cup of coffee before all of this. “Danvers Big, Luthor, Teal’c. C-4. A lot of it. Plant it around as many key points of the ship as possible. No arguments from any of you, set a timer. Keep Teal’c close, he’s the only other one that knows around a Goa’uld ship.” Cat pops open another crate and starts tossing out a few zat guns. At least these will do some damage, swinging her own gun around her shoulder to rest along taut shoulder blades. “If any of you are idiotic enough to get caught, we’re making sure this overly tacky ode to Liberace is blown to high hell. Kara, Junior--” Lips thin, thinking that there’s likely only one other person other than herself that might be able to get through to Skaara. “You’re with me.”
       Kara literally lost it in a laugh cause Ken'tha was only a foot or so long. Kara was always amused when she was with the team as well, as she was the tallest, next to J'onn of course. Kara moved over to sit down on a log that was made to be her bench, watching her dig.
The envelope wasn’t what she was expecting, but she took it from Cat’s hands as she opened it and glanced over to Cat. The information was intriguing, though she couldn’t help but wonder what a mirror had to do with anything, especially in a warehouse. Kara pulled out the pictures and information on it, noticing the scribble of Lena’s writing and looking over each picture.
“This… This isn’t goa'uld tech,” Kara said, as she looked at Cat. “Ken'tha said its nothing made by Goa'uld knowledge,” Kara stared at the large mirror, enraptured by what she was gazing at. “This is… nothing like I’ve ever seen. It’s clearly something ancient, look at the stonework around it, and look at the other items here in the picture,” Kara said pointing to the objects. “This is…these are artifacts from different time periods, this is… its a collection. A laboratory of some sort.” Kara clearly loved what she did, even if she hadn’t been on earth, her clear excitement never died. “This could be some culture that use to study our ancient cultures. Just like we are studying other cultures across the world now. The mirror, it could be some sort of device, like a TV or hologram. If we could just figure out how to activate it. who knows what they might know!” Kara said as she looked at Cat, pausing for a moment.
Maybe she got a little too excited…
      Cat's eyes have long since settled in the girl instead of the photographs, watching the way her brows raise and her hands move. Watching the way her eyes light up underneath the sunlight of another planet, painting her features in the hue of a forest. It's been a long time. "What makes you think they're studying us? What makes you think they're artifacts from Earth and not just other gift from the gou'ald?" Cat leans up against the nearby wall before holding open the door for Kara, curious if she's here to see the rest of it. To see what kind of life Kara has made for herself. 
She imagines it, sometimes. Coming back here. Going anywhere. But it's not exactly kismet so there's nothing wrong with a living a little vicariously. 
"Because of the other useless trinkets throughout the room? I know people would love to see me on TV, Danvers, but a mirror being a set is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?" Still, it's a further theory than anyone in the mountain had grasped at. 
       Kara paused as she looked over to Cat at the question. For a second thinking it was clear but then remembered every time Cat always told her to explain. “Okay, see how the objects are positioned on the table,” Kara said, putting the picture in her hands. “A collection would often been seen on shelves, perhaps behind something to keep its value protected. Or even positioned in a way that was near something else that is religious, like a greek statue with offerings around it. But this,” Kara pointed toward each artifact. “They are on a table, positioned in a line. You see it often when studying other things, like rocks or some sort of scientific study.”
Moving into the house, she sat down at the table she had, spreading out everything that had been in the envelope. “I would know more if I could go there. See it for myself.” Kara turned to look at Cat and then back to the picture. “Well, these objects here. This one is a statue of Bastet, an ancient greek artifact, probably belonging to a family who might have paid homage to her. This is an african mask, around the 15th century. And this, this is a medieval Aberdeenshire Game Board. Pretty much things of everyday human life. But the mirror, the symbols, its not of any human earth linguistics I have ever seen, but its not goa’uld either. It must be part of the race that once lived on that planet, or perhaps they still do and no one saw them.” Kara put her hand up against her mouth, thinking carefully back to all her studies on Krypton and then everything she had done on earth and what she had learned thus far from the stargate program.
“It looks like a mirror, but it could have knowledge locked inside of it, like we found on the island before, when we saved Earnest. It might have something that could help us against the Goa’uld. Or it could be some sort of ancient dialect, or… it could be so many things! Honestly, its astounding,”
      “Uh huh. Yeah, no where,” Cat drawls, “In there did you clearly state, ‘Oh, yes, Cat, this is obviously a weapon of mass destruction that’s going to eradicate our enemy before the war’s even touched our soil’. No offense,” Cat drops the bag on the ground with a heavy sigh, shoulders barely slumping before they straighten, hand coming up to tap at cracked lips, desert-scorched. A little pale now that she’s not underneath the warmth of the sun. Arms cross now that they’re free. “To junior. Because I would much rather it be a defense system.” A low hum, looking over Kara’s shoulder, “Not that it seems to have done them any good given the fact that the entire floor was empty. Maybe the Goa’uld wiped them out, too.”
She’s quiet for a long moment, brows barely knit before she looks back up towards Kara, tongue tracing her lower lip. A swift nod.
“What are the chances of it actually being useful? We’re tugging at scraps, here, already.” And she can feel it, crawling up her gut--settling between her ribs. That sixth sense of we’re fucked that’s already gotten her through enough life and death situations to where she immediately listens to it. “If I get you there, would it actually help you tell what it is?” 
       "What?" Kara said, confused for a second before it dawned on her what Cat meant. Man, its been awhile since she's done this, but it did feel like old times. "No, no, I don't think its a a weapon or a tool of any sort of destruction. It not even defensive, by its look. If it was, I believe it would have be out somewhere else, like a protective shield or something like this. I think its something else..." Kara said, as she tilted her head slightly. "Ken'tha has never seen anything like it, its got to be something..." Working with pictures was difficult. She could get an idea, but it just wasn't as good as in person.
"Perhaps, but if it was something that could hurt the goa'uld or destroy them, they would have taken it, or destroy it themselves," Kara pushed her lips to the side, reaching up to brush her hair behind her ear thinking. Studying the symbols she could see. But the dialect wasn't anything she had ever seen before, it wasn't goa'uld, nor was it egyptian or latin, or any base language. Not was it Kryptonian or Callicite, it was racking her brain to try and go through every language she knew. "I can't say for sure," Kara admitted, looking at Cat. Because she didn't know if it would be useful.
"I think I could know more, if I was there. Pictures only do so much, but being there, I could definitely get more information."
     “We’ve been there.” Cat shakes her head, trying to make her point clearer: “If it’s not a weapon or a shield, it’s not worth going somewhere we have a direct line of contact to. The SGC might find you. No, probably will find you, and trust me, in a strained environment where we keep not running into weapons or shields—where it’s just thousands of artifacts we don’t care about because it’s not the next atom bomb—you’re the last bet they have against figuring out how a Gou’ald ticks. And I don’t mean,” It’s not sharp, just factual, fingers barely curling into her elbows, leaving small moon-circles of dirt in their wake before hands fall. “In the promotion kind of way. Forget it.”
She shrugs, fingers brushing off the dirt on her arm like it’s the most casual statement of the day. Because she hasn’t spent a year in a glorified prison just to throw Kara to the wolves on a hunch.
“I’ll have Winn poke it again and stare blankly at it for a few more hours. He’s particularly good at that.” Eyes flick down to the picture, lips barely pursing, “It’s a shame we don’t know who it’s from. Who built it. Maybe we could find them. Hmm…” Another shake of her head, sliding the cap back over damp hair, offering a slim smile, “We could use a bigger bully on the school yard in our corner.” 
       “You’ve been there. Your team. Not me,” Kara reiterated, as she pointed at the picture. “This could have valuable intel, intel you haven’t had. For all we know, this could be a key to a tool you could use. I need to go! And if you won't take me, then I’ll go myself. I’ll just send whatever I find through the stargate and then come back here. But I’m going,” Kara grumbled as she pushed her lips together. “I don’t care what they do to me, Cat. But this is our…. Your world we are talking about. If this has something, anything, to help save it. I’m going to do it, even if earth thinks I’m an enemy of the world,”
Kara put the stuff into the envelope as she got up and found the bag she needed and was starting to pack things into it. “No,” Kara said, as she looked over at Cat. “He’s goods with computers, he’s not an anthropologist, he won’t know what to look for,” Kara finally finished gathering the few things and looked over to her. “That’s EXACTLY why I need to go. If this is the key to a new race, a race that could put up a fight against the Goa’uld, like the Asgard, then we have to try. I have to try!” She left the envelope for Cat and glanced over to her.
“If I find anything, I’ll leave it there at that planet. Look in the same room you took this picture on the table. It will be there. But I have to go,”
     Shoulders lean into the wall, looking seemingly nonplussed by Kara’s sudden enthusiasm. An eyebrow slowly arches to touch the dip of her sunglasses, letting out a slow hum before she slides them down and then figures if she’s here she might as well look to see if Kara has any food. Is the food on this planet even edible? She’s been to so many, now, it seems a little negligible. It hasn’t killed her yet—
She pops up something that looks almost like an apple…if a cheap off-budget props department on a B Sci-fi movie made it.
“Love the enthusiasm, honorary flygirl.” The apple pauses over her lips when she remembers that time she was suddenly forty going on one-hundred and twelve and figures she’ll wait. The faux-pple is settled back in its happy little home, twisting around to fully face Kara with a hint of amusement clear on lips, even though her eyes are shaded.
 “I can’t wait to see how you get there without the dial address. You don’t mind if I wait here to hear how that little adventure goes, do you? It was a long trek, I could use a nap. Not beauty sleep, obviously, I’ve got that in spades.”
       Oh… She hated that. She paused as she let the bag slowly slip from her shoulder and refuse to look at Cat just yet. “That’s not fair,” Kara whispered as she took a deep breath and turned around. “Really, that’s not funny. At all,” Her arms crossed over her chest, looking at her even though she had this amusement in her eyes as if she had done something humorous. Kara wasn’t humored.
“Please, Cat,” Kara said as she leaned against the table. “I don’t care what the people of earth do, but we aren’t going to earth. If I can figure out what this is about, if it can help you, isn’t it worth the trip?” The question lingered as she let a breath slip from her lips. “Look, I’m useless out here. Why is it going to hurt to go and see what this can do. If its pointless, you can just tell me ‘I told you so’ and bring me right back here. If its not pointless, what is there to lose?”
     "Oh, it's funny." Cat leans forward just a little, fingers curling, but the smile falls in lieu of something serious, coming a little closer. "You say that because you've never been tortured." There's a weight to it, the sort of comment that might be bright any other day if it wasn't so true--something a graveness that comes from experience. It's a romantic notion, fighting for freedom and truth and the people you care about, until you're faced with the repercussions of it. "You'll care what the people of Earth do. Your people."
Cat will care. Bigger Danvers will care. Luthor--J'onn--Marsdin. The idiot Winn kid. There's a lot more to lose than a stir crazy archaeologist puts weight on, likely. 
Curling fingers flex--stretch--curl--and then stretch, again, before she suddenly dips down to pick back up the pictures, not wanting a trail to where they're going, or have been. All she has is a hunch. "You're right, what's a little treason between old friends." The dryness is back, lips thin as she once more shoulders her bag, idly wondering the chances of enjoying the sunshine on the way out before nodding towards the door. "Just because I clearly thrive on telling you I told you so. Let's go, march."
       Quiet settled on Kara’s lips as she wondered if she had pushed past the wrong boundary. Cat wasn’t smiling any longer, she looked took a breath. “Being tortured scares me, more then anything, but what scares me more… is losing you, Alex, Lena, the whole team,” Kara sat down beside Cat, quiet for a moment as Cat seemed to let it twist inside of her head. She grabbed the other papers and pushed them over to Cat as well.
“There’s Colonel Grant,” Kara commented, leaning up against the table staring at her when she reached over and tried to take her hand but stopped and just took a breath. Kara wasn’t sure what boundary she crossed, she had done something wrong. But she really needed to do this. Kara reached over and gave her a small bag. “Here, some food,” She said, as she picked up her gown and moved out of the house, letting Cat lead the way now.
"You had that too conveniently at hand. I knew you were waiting for me." It's a dry quip, fingers tucking open the small sack and eyes lingering before she follows after. It's a shame, she thinks, that she doesnt have the opportunity to see Kara's life here. But maybe there's no other Grant than Colonel Grant, after all, rifling through.
There's no comment on what Kara might lose, or what Cat might imagine loss to be. Instead, she plucks up faux-pple number two in front of Kara and smirks. "Chances of this killing me? Hmm, well, what does it matter, anyways? I like to live dangerously." A fact noted by the obvious: they're heading back towards a Stargate she was being fired at right before entering maybe ten or so minutes ago. She takes a bite. Hums at the unusual taste, letting it sink on her tongue, ignoring how close Kara's hand has been. "We'll have to take a detour before going there. If anything does happen, we're going to make it hard for anyone to be able to track you back to the Nox." Cat has a few planets in mind. "How have you been?" Eyes stay forward, "Really."
       Kara smiled, as she gave a small shrug. "So, I had a feeling someone would come by sooner or later, at least I hoped. But, I have a huge store of food so, I eat a lot," Kara chuckled as she glanced back. "Next time, let's stay a little longer and talk about domestic things." A little comment, cause honestly, she wanted to just have a moment of normal.
then again when was any of this normal??
"Its not, would I really let you eat anything that would kill you?" Kara questioned, shaking her head in amusement. She paused at the stargate, staring at it for the first time in a long time. She hadn't been this close in awhile, taking a breath. She opened up her bag, looking at the weapons she had that Ken’tha had taken before she ran with Kara’s body. “That’s good. They don’t deserve to be harassed, they are a kind people,” She moved toward the dial device (seems the Nox already knew they were leaving) and paused as she looked over to Cat.
“Really?” Kara repeated as she took a breath. “I want to go home. I just want to have everything go back to how it was. But, honestly, I’m fine. I really am, I’m making this work. The Nox help, honestly. They’re very empathetic,” Kara won’t mention how many times she’s cried because she lost Krypton, then she lost Earth, she lost her family and friends, and then her second family and her friends. She was tired.
Rao, she was really tired.
"You might let me eat something that turns my head...oh, I don't know. Perpetually blue. Makes my lips swell up like Pam Anderson. Who knows." But Cat takes another bite, regardless, twisting around on her heel to gesture towards that vague blur of...whatever it is hanging in the distance, a silky cloud of opaque a little far out of eyesight. Maybe that's how they do it. They're always just a little farther out of eyesight. "Hmm, maybe. Next time. Gun?" The last part is called out into the sky, gesturing with her hand for a few seconds before it materializes next to her ankle. "Thank you." A little short--huffed through nostrils before she moves over to the DHD, palm pressing until the chevrons engage, the loud whir familiar. Distracting enough. 
It's been a long time since cat's been the 'talk about domestic' type. The thought make her chuckle, continuing, "Maybe I'll bring over an issue of Vogue. It's been a bit since I've had an excuse to wear a dress." Normally, these days, her finest accessory is around her ankles. Thanks to Luthor, its tucked on the edge of camp a few planets away. "But if we're being optimistic, a girl can dream." The final Chevron engages, finally taking looking back over at Kara, watching muted sunshine paint her features. "I'm...glad." She settles on, voice calm and humming. Maybe just as glad that glasses are tucked on her nose, obscuring her eyes from an ever-observant pair. The last thing she needs is Kara reading her like some ancient Babylon manuscript. "That they've made it easier for you. Who knows, maybe we'll find something that wins the war." Cat tucks her newly materialized gun by her hip. A chuckling laugh, "Sounds about as likely as me getting the chance to wear a dress, anytime soon, doesn't it? But, hmm...a chance is better than none, isn't it?" 
“No I wouldn’t!” Kara nearly spoke up without thinking when Cat took another bite and realized her leg was probably being pulled. That is what the humans called it, right? “Promise, I’m not going to turn you into a blue blueberry like willy wonka,” okay, the thought made Kara giggle a little bit, because it was one of the movies that Eliza showed her when she was a kid. She looked over at Cat as she had her gun back and she was sure her sense of security returned. Though here on Nox, there was nothing to worry about.
A grin crossed her lips as she looked over to her. “I’m sure you look great,” She said and then raised a brow. “One day, right?” Eyes watched each chevron entered until the bright blue wave erupted and Kara stared for a moment in awe. It never ceased to amaze her. “I’m sure the Nox wouldn’t mind if you stayed for a little bit, if you ever get a chance,” Kara chuckled and gave a shrug. “I’m going to hold you to that. When we win, you get to wear a dress. There’s always a chance,” A simple challenge, but always something that she enjoyed. “Come on, let’s go!” Kara said as she stepped through the gate, a little too eager to travel again.
“Stay on some peaceful, non-violent planet where I don’t constantly have to look over my shoulder? Sounds a little.” The gust of wind dances up hair, fingers curling around metal, lips barely twitching upwards, settling the half-eating faux-pple in the bag. Leave no trace, Thoreau would be proud. “Boring, don’t you think? Even at Thanksgiving I have to step around a landmine or two, no--no. I’m not the type the Nox are looking for. But I could always call Stevie Nicks to fill in--she’d love it.” There’s something about the wind here that reminds her of the softly settling breeze in green trees in Istanbul and it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch of the imagination to feel like she’s home. No guns, and all. 
She steps through before Kara can and raises her own, ready, feeling the chill of ice on her bones. The immediate snow whipping through the air--wind. Something undoubtedly boring and full of science about the displacement of thermodynamics that she could just hear Luthor prattling on about in the background, a small little bubble of warmth following them past the explosion outwards before blue sinks back into the portal, both of them on the ramp. 
The warmth doesn’t last long. It’s immediately freezing and Grant tosses Kara her gun, casually shouting over the wind and ice, knowing they have a few pit-stops to pluck back up her gear — “Hope you remember how to use it—” before she rushes over to the DHD, slamming in coordinates before her hand can freeze to the platform, dipping down to knees in order to roughly knock off the platform in front of it, sliding a small little hanging device off of the edge of the plug-in for the panel before replacing it. Slipping it into her bag, cooling fingers untangling that rope. Waiting until that boom happens one more time, a rush of blue expanding outwards before it settles, a shimmering portal once more highlighting the darkened snow—
One down, three to go. 
Cat pushes Kara through it since it’s hard to see in the settling flurry of snow, not really giving her the chance, otherwise, really. A little like old times.
The next planet’s heat is enough to cause whiplash in nerves and Cat nods towards a small little clearing of purple trees down ahead, “Pit-stop.” Continuing, tugging up the rope and leaving mini-Danvers with the gun. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think your real desire to help is the opportunity,” In the time she’s talked, she’s popped open this panel, as well, hissing at the heat of whatever kind of metal this is searing the edge of her fingertips underneath the sun, rummaging around for a few seconds before the small little black attachment has disappeared inside. “To see me in a dress. Oh, not that I blame you. Annie Lennox and I have several things in common, Kara—a questionable phase in college, a distaste for producers--” She hops upwards, slinging the rope around her shoulder, “And we both look fantastic in dresses and suits, alike. Dress blues do great things for my bedroom eyes.” For the first time, she moves forward to pat Kara’s shoulder, hand lingering, suddenly serious, “You alright? It’s been a while since you’ve been through.”
"After being constantly busy, a little peace never hurts," Kara said, as she looked at her. "Don't tell me you haven't enjoyed a moment of quiet just reading a book or sketching or anything?" She questioned, almost baffled and then stared at her. "You...what?" Sometimes, Kara forgets that Cat isi n the military. "Well, you deserve a normal thanksgiving. Though I do not quite understand why humans do Thanksgiving," Kara moved as she followed Cat through at first.
The gate was cold, once again, as she took a breath letting the warm air warm her lungs again. Except when she breathed in it was freezing cold and Kara wasn't prepared or dressed for this. She caught the gun, and nodded, shivering within seconds as her outfit was think and ill crafted. Before Kara had a chance to think she was pushed through the gate and tripped onto the metal platform, staring up at the gate as Cat came through.
"Next time, warn me about the cold. I'm not exactly dressed for that," But what was a chill was now sweat as she turned to look at the purple treeline (it reminded her of the forest of Krypton) and shifted the gun in her hands (she was always better with a pen rather then a weapon). A blush came to her cheeks that she hoped would be an excuse that the planet was so hot, and chuckled. "I didn't mean, its not like, its just...." Kara stumbled over her words, as she reached up and rubbed her temple a little. "I, uh, da....what?" Kara nearly fell over if not for the fact she was on her two feet. Every inch of her paused as she felt her shoulder touched and shook her head. "I'll be alright, its a little dizzy, its has been awhile,"
A slow eyebrow arches upwards at the impressive tongue tie and it's this moment that Cat will never admit she missed Kara, a little. It's not like she made Luthor or J'onn nervous. Or...have emotions. She forgot how easy it was to rattle the other woman and wonders, not for the first time, what kind of weapon of mass destruction that gou'ald could really be with this as its cover.
But, then again, Cat also knew Kara Danvers was more than met the eye. 
Fingers curl--squeeze around the shoulder--before she pulls away. "Breathe, Kara. I can't have you hyperventilating." The hand moves up to pat her cheek twice, as well, before pulling away, entirely, heading towards those trees with rope in hand. "I left a few things I have a feeling we're going to need." Their emergency button, return home button being one of them. She'd rather not meet the other end of the eye without it opening if they do wind up having to go back to earth. "You didn't exactly give me much of a chance to warn you about packing before you started leaving. Someone had cabin fever."
Cat knows what that feels like. Which is likely why she doesn't linger on the subject of relaxing very long. 
"No, I've been stationed away the majority of the year." But Kara doesn't have to know the why. Need to know. And Kara likely carries enough guilt for both of them, already. Cat doesn't want to pile onto it. And she doesn't linger on that, either. "But I'd still rather be dodging actual landmines than having a conversation over martinis with my mother. And I thought you were the archaeologist, if you suddenly can't tell me the extensive backstory of a holiday, I've lost my faith." Lips twitch, heading towards the trees. 
       "I never said I didn't understand the background and reasoning behind Thanksgiving, just it seems a little irrelevant at the same time. But then again, Americans do love their food," Kara mused lightly, and then shrugged. "And I like the food to so... Apple pie is the best home cooked desert I have ever tasted in my life." Hence the apple-like fruit she loved to collect on Gaia while she was there and living.
Kara shifted her dress, moving with her toward the tree as she shifted the gun to hang off a strap on her shoulder. The first thing she did was pull out her gou'ald weapon instead, fitting it onto her hand, each gold tip on a finger as she looked over toward Cat.
A breath came from her lips, one, two, three. "What can I say, I was ready to go do something. Even when I do have to go back, at least I had one more adventure," She smiled, and she truly meant that. Kara wasn't one to just sit at home, pick plants and live in the forest house. It was nice, but it wasn't something Kara could do forever.
"We love our food, guns, and occasionally pretentious nationalism and freedom--it's what we're fighting for." Her voice might be dry, but her eyes haven't fallen from their surroundings for a moment, listening. Watching. When their feet crunch along underbrush, there's something familiar in it and cat is quietly thankful for each side step in count because it's just two sets of footprints, each time. 
Any soldier who claims they like a fight hasn't been in enough of them to understand how exhausting they are, and after enough detours to find the federal DOT a run for their money, she'll avoid them as much as possible. 
Shoulders tense for a moment at the sight of the glove before fingers flex around the rope, the trees coming a little clearer into sight, the scent of an unfamiliar forest settling in lungs. Right. Kara supposedly knows how to use one of those. The last couple of times cat had been close enough to see one, it wasn't pleasant. "You know, if you don't come back…" Lips part. Purse. The smallest sigh before she continues on, serious, "If Earth is stupid enough to shun you, there are other places you could go. We only took you to the Nox because we knew they would keep you safe and wouldn't let anyone take you back to Earth. It was our only option. It doesn't mean it's yours."
       Kara didn't know much about the guns and nationalism, she was never truly a part of it here. But perhaps in Krypton, she understood that before. It was a long time ago, it almost felt impossible to remember. She was silent from that moment, just letting the sentence hover on the air instead. She followed her to the area, watching her pull on the rope, gathering what she needed. 
A breath sucked through her lungs at the fated words. Kara really honestly didn't want to think about that. Honestly, there was nowhere safe. The Nox was the only true safe place at the moment. Ken'tha told her about the assassins, and each world she has gone to, the distaste of goa'uld anything was pretty much hated .
"It is," Kara stated, nothing else to truly be spoken. "Its okay, I've accepted it. Like I said, they are kind, far kinder than any other planet could be," She took a breath, pushing a smile to her lips to prevent any show of sadness behind it. It's the last thing Cat needed to worry about, and there was no point in worrying about something that couldn't be fixed.
“That’s what happens when an entire planet turns away from violence.” Cat hypothesises, anyways. Back still tighter than it ever used to be when she was younger. But it’s not like she has to explain that to Kara, of all people. She can’t quite remember how the air in any room might feel, anymore, without eyes that immediately snap up to the exits. Eyes linger on Kara for a long moment before she tugs off the rope from her shoulder before wrapping a round of it around her wrist, “Peace is a luxury we can’t afford.” Her voice is quiet, that crunching of her boots stopping next to a tree, hefting up the edge of the rope before tossing it over a branch hidden by shimmering, purple leaves. The rope is a hefty, familiar weight as warming fingers start to work the end she just tossed over into a harness by her hips. “And neither can you, right now, since you’re officially guarding my six. Try not to stare too hard at it.” A sharp tug on the rope before she’s climbing up both hanging strands, disappearing up into the tree for a few moments before a bag suddenly appears next to Kara, falling from one of the higher branches, and Cat once more materializes next to it, this time with hair tucked inside her hat and a familiar jacket curved around shoulders. Fingers curl upwards in gesture, “Alright, I want my gun back, since you’ve--have you had that this entire time?” The rope is shoved into the second bag. What a few bigwigs wouldn’t do for that tech, alone. Forging ever on-wards: “If you were someone that could stay on a peaceful planet for longer than anyone told you to, you would have stayed on Krypton. It’s funny what a good heart and an unwillingness to stand aside can do.” It’s hardly a judgmental statement, even as the eyebrow arches upwards. Because Cat, clearly, would prefer Kara stay on whatever planet the Nox homeworld is without the P in front of it, but that’s the funny thing about injustice and believing that the universe would benefit far greater with Kara Danvers’ contribution in it instead of without it. “What about the Tok’ra?”
       Kara smiled softly, the comment something she agreed with. But the other thing made Kara nod her head. "I know," Her fingers flexed with the device on her hand, and while she had the gun, she's had more time with this one rather then the gun (plus she was never a fan of the sidearm). "I got it," 
After a few minutes, Kara gave back the guna and then looked down at her hand. "Yes?" Kara said, not quite sure why it was a surprise. A little thought passed her mind and then gave a shrug. "I... wear my heart on my sleeve." The thought brought a small smile on her lips before thinking about that. "I'm not sure the way the Tok'ra work is something I can work with myself," Kara said. The Tok'ra were very much the kind of people of the ends justice the means.
Including some of the things they have done. Kara wasn't sure she could deal with living among them with some of their views. "Its fine, Cat. Really, don't worry," Kara smiled as she touched her shoulder.
“Cute.” Lips barely twitch upwards underneath the familiar rim of sunglasses. It seems to dance up her cheeks like sunshine might, if the shade wasn’t obscuring it beneath the rims’ lofty weight and though the flicker is imperceptible in eyes behind their shield, it’s evident in the faintest way her shoulder tightens and then relaxes underneath Kara’s hand. “You know,” Her hand comes up to a wrist, curving around the faintest dip of a pulse beneath unfamiliar metal. If the goa’uld’s tech is even made from metal. “It’s funny.” She squeezes before hefting up the gun, “I remember saying the same thing to Olivia about the Air Force. It seems like we all do things our conscience wouldn’t allow under the guise of the right thing. I don’t like the Tok’ra, either.” She acknowledges, humming, “But you don’t have to like yourself in a war. We all just do the best we can. There’s always a better to strive towards, don’t get me wrong. I could never just sit by. But if you want to,” A shrug, starting the trek towards the gate, “Enjoy the fake apples. The peace looks like it’s done you well.” For once, it’s not sarcastic. “Come on, we’ll gate to that mirror of yours.”
Kara barely caught the smile, just barely there as she shifted back to her side, moving her hand away as she noticed the tension at first. Kara had always wanted to talk about it but she doesn’t. It's just...Cat. Though Kara still wonders. Kara pushed her lips to the side and nods a little, because Kara wouldn’t change herself just to fit in somewhere. What kind of person would she be, and what would that say about the way she wanted to do things. But honestly, she was learning things from the Nox, and when they had visitors as well.
“It's not about liking myself. It's about keeping my morals intact. If I waver on that, I lose who I am, what I stand for. Maybe I’m being too stubborn, I don’t know. Maybe I’m just too young,” 
But Kara paused, looking at Cat as she walked toward the gate not quite sure how to respond to that. Because while the peace was nice, she was still itching to help. To get back out there and help. She didn’t want to….just sit around and do nothing. That’s why she was doing this. Kara nodded her head as she followed, watching Cat enter the new gate dialup
“Clearly just too young!” Cat readily agrees over the boom of naquadah flooding the space in front of them in a large puff of blue before it retracts, a shimmering pool of something not at all close to water hovering in front of them. “That’s what the Nox say about all of us humans, isn’t it? Or, hmm, well,” A gesture towards Kara’s stomach before realizing Junior’s probably wrapped around her spine, instead. It’s not the first time she’s wondered, since she found out, just how much of Kara she knew, and how much of it was...Ken’tha. It’s been a year, and she’s still getting used to the idea. A little faster than the rest of the SG had, but it’s admittedly taken time, whether she admits that, or not. Even now, she can’t help but wonder--
Well, that’s a little pointless, isn’t it? Wondering doesn’t do anyone any favors.
What does liking herself mean to Kara--to Ken-tha--to a Kryptonian, or a Goa’uld, or a human.
“I’m sure they’d say it to you, too. Not the Kryptonian. Or the Goa’uld. You’re not really like either side, are you? Either of you...both of you. Whatever you, you are.” A huff through nostrils at her own words being minced, a rarity. Continuing, “Maybe everyone’s young, outside of the people who refuse to enter a war, even when there’s a choice to. I don’t see the Nox standing here willing to help. You’re leaving, aren’t you? Young. Unwise. Uncultured. How brutish. Or...maybe,” It drawls out, “You’re just holding onto that idealism of yours. Nice to see it hasn’t changed, apparently. That’s fine, the rest of us are completely content living in a universe full of grays and good intent that falls on its face the moment we pull a trigger. Alright, ,” She hefts up her favorite method of good intent, metal glistening under sunlight. Her wrist gestures towards the portal with a flick of the gun, calmly walking up the ramp, jacket once more settled on shoulders--unscuffed as much as the rest of her outfit is. “Lady with the gun first.” Muttering before she disappears through the portal, maybe a reflection of her own: “I always get the fun job.”
Kara had to hold back a laugh, the fact that Cat readily agreed with that thought a little too fast. When Cat gestured to her stomach, it confused her at first before it clicked what she was meaning. Honestly, Kara didn't know about herself. Kara knew she was Kryptonian. Her psyicology said that, and her religion and concepts and culture was all sitll Kryptonian. But Ken'tha, she was goa'uld, but she wasn't like the goa'uld. She was something else.
They, were something else.
Could Kara even claimed to be a Kryptonian anymore? Honestly, it was something she tried not to think about. She didn't fit into a pretty box, but then again what world, what culture, what customs and traditions truly fit into a box when they were all ever changing? "Its hard to say what we are. Ken'tha and I, I think we are something that has never happened before. The Tok'ra aren't really goa'uld, though scientifically, they are the same species. But Ken'tha wasn't born into their world. Nor was she truly a part of the Goa'uld. She's...different." But that was another story for another time. Focus on one concept at a time, Kara. A chuckle left her lips as she followed her toward the stargate, once more traveling through it, this time it not bothering her as much. 
Kara's eyes honed in on their surroundings, jumping back into old habits of being alert and trying to learn the surroundings quickly. "Where are we now?"
Boots are tilted on the ground, crouched near the DHD by the time Kara follows through. The gun is tucked up in her palms, at the ready, hand up in a signal before it lowers. Habit. A habit that doesn't really die, stomach clenching and unclenching when all she hears is silence. There's no guarantee, after all, that this is as abandoned as they're now assuming. Cat doesn't like leaving things up to chance unless she's three glasses in at a roulette table. 
But, then again, one of the perks of being under constant lock and key is that she's horrendously sober all of the time. 
"That's on a need to know." The comment is flippant--smiling--rising up when she's positive that nothing is about to shoot either of them. The bunker is expansive and still mostly empty, sheets covering various artifacts they haven't bothered devoting time to studying. "P3R-233. This way to your museum. Hopefully some of this is actually useful." And there's that clenching, again. Her gut taut, anxious. The same reason she thought it was a hunch in the first place. A serious question. A hint of a well-buried journalist peeking through Atlanta the edges. "What makes you think you're both different?" 
Kara glanced around, a smirk on her lips at the comment before pausing as she moved over and lifted up the canvas over the other artifacts. Kara’s eyes were bright, filled with amazement because all of this was like an archeologist’ dream. But against all want, she put the cloth down and moved over back to Cat’s side, ready to see the bigger thing, the mirror in that picture. “Well, think about it,” Kara said as she looked for what might be similar to the picture. “Ken’tha is a goa’uld,” She paused as Ken’tha still didn’t like being called that anymore. “But, she’s not really a goa’uld anymore. Kind of like the Tok’ra do not see themselves as goa’uld anymore either. Been they became Tok’ra hundreds of thousands of years ago, and have since deviated from that past, changing. Ken’tha was born into the goa’uld ranks, she was the greek goddess, Ken. The Goddess of Love, but she was to take on the new godhood of… ironically my namesake. Kara, the Kryptonian Goddess of love. Except she didn’t. She revolted. She’s not a Tok’ra, but she’s not part of the Goa’uld culture either. She’s… different,” Kara wasn’t even sure if any of this was making sense, but she was trying her best to explain.
“And I’m Kryptonian, by body, yes, and I still follow my culture even now. But, I’ve lived on Earth for so long, and I’m bonded with Ken’tha. We are one of the same, in a way. So, she is neither goa’uld nor am I fully Kryptonian anymore. I guess, basically, we are what we want to be.” She said finally as she paused at the doorway.
“Wait, isn’t this the room in the picture?”
“The one and only.” The gun is tucked against her hip--never very far from her person, these days, unless she’s apparently traipsing through Nox-guarded meadows--and it stays that way, even as she comes closer to the mirror. Anyone who thinks she doesn’t have a reason to be apprehensive about things like this hasn’t been stabbed through the stomach by a sentient crystal being from another planet. She’s a little rightfully leery, in her book. “It’s almost like we can’t all be chalked up to where we were born.” 
How many years had Cat thought Kara was human? How many years would it have mattered? There’s a long, lean alligator of a woman a few planets or so away whose fingers are slender when hidden and eyes nearly red underneath shadows but the colonel is left wondering if she’s ever known any of Kara, at all. Maybe she has. Maybe she hasn’t. But maybe no one knows much of Cat, either.
But that’s a little pointless to wonder, too, voice calm and a little carefully bored despite the firm grip on her gun. “So...what do you think about your brand new television set?” Without a word, she tugs off the cloth over the mirror, eyebrows raising. “You know, there’s a chance it could just be that everyone else is as vain as people on Earth everywhere.” 
“I’m still Kara,” She looked over at Cat, as if reading her mind. “I know there is no way to prove that Ken’tha isn’t in control, but it really is me.” Kara wondered if perhaps that was a stupid thing to say. By saying that, she might just instill doubt into the woman more. But, she had been working with them for a year, and Ken’tha preferred to stay quiet. Ken’tha didn’t like to take over, anything she had to offer she did so by their mind blending. “Okay, maybe that was dumb. Since I have no way to prove it…” She whispered to herself, because now she wondered how many thought that.
Did her sister think it?
That thought just made it hurt more.
She paused as she moved toward the mirror, staring at it with awe intent. “This, is amazing,” She said, as she turned and looked at the table. Her eyes scanned everything, but one thing stood one. She picked up the device, her hand brushing over it a few times, as the light turned on briefly before fading. “This is not like any of the artifacts here. And the entire room, it's definitely a lab. I have one back at the institute,” She said, looking all around but then back to the mirror. “But these two things, there the only ones that aren’t connected to them. This is amazing, it must be some sort of device, perhaps a recorder, or something else,” Kara started talking as she walked around the large stone mirror, and paused in front of it, leaning forward just slightly, and waving her hand over it. “Huh, but it's not a mirror at all,” She spoke more to herself, as she was better at thinking out loud.
She looked down at the device that was still powered on, looking much like the blue glow of the stargate. Then she reached up to touch the mirror, wondering if it would do anything. “I think that, that dev--” When she turned around, no one was there. “Grant?” She questioned, stepping away from the mirror, and searching around, stepping out of the room. “Cat Grant!” Her voice echoed, confused. What had just happened?
What transpired left Kara stunned, confused, but mainly, knowing she had to tell General Marsdin. She had to tell Cat. She had to tell them all, otherwise…
Earth was doomed.
Traveling back was a bit more difficult then coming through, and when she finally came through the mirror, her ivory outfit was tarnished with her red blood. HEr arm was severely wounded, the side of her face bleeding as well. Even with Ken’tha, this would take time to heal, and any regular human would die from it. She held the piece of paper in her hand as she looked around, not seeing Cat. If it had been the full day as she had in this alternate reality, then Cat would have had to leave. She held no fault. But she was about to do something that Cat would most likely lecture her on. There was no other choice. Her hand left bloody prints over each symbol. Earth. She was going back to earth. She reached into her bag, pulling out another thing she conveniently didn’t turn over and punched in the digits that she was a friendly. However, she collapsed to her knee, as she took a breath. Resolve the only thing helping her move forward despite the amount of pain she was in.
The chill of the stargate only lasted a second as she tumbled out the other side, her bag rolling down the metal ramp, and the hand holding the piece of paper in hand. Her vision was fuzzy, she could barely see anything, but she could make out the silhouettes of her former team. And then everything simple went black.
Final straw. It’s a cute little two-word phrase Colonel Catherine Jane Grant is intimately familiar with. The last day a haze. Her fingers are bloodied and hair still strung with grease, but the rest of her remains hunched on the bed, fingers twirling a fountain pen between tips above her palm.
The position she’s currently in is familiar, too, given the fact that chains are hanging from her limbs, body curled on the edge of a cot. Her cell and home for the past year.
“You tied my hands.”
“Well that’s a shame, Olivia. I didn’t even buy you dinner first.”
“Cat, for fuck’s sake, this isn’t a game—”
No, it’s definitely not a game. They’re closing down the Stargate program, Cat’s being shipped to something close to Guantanamo, Kara is still missing and despite her immediately coming back to try to mobilize a unit—
“You could stare harder, Luthor, or just snap a polaroid and put it on your wall.” Cat calls from the bed, feeling the Captain lingering. Hesitant. But there’s no sign of a smile, or a sharp quip, or anything short of something pressing.
“It’s Kara.” Luthor offers and Cat immediately sits up on the bed, handcuffs rattling in a way that makes the airman to the right stiffen.
“At ease, bagboy.” Her voice is sharp and at least Lena has a little bit of sympathy because she returns the phrase loud enough for it to actually matter, the airman turning the other way. Cat’s fingers wring knees before she shifts closer. As close as she can, anyways, because Luthor shouldn’t look so pale, unless they found her and— “Is she—”
And then Lena explains the rest of it. Which is how Cat finds herself, an hour and a half and a fidgety airman unusually compliant later, sporting a black eye in the middle of the medical bay next to Kara’s bed and Danvers. Who should probably be recused from duty, but isn’t, despite the fact that Kara’s tied to the bed far tighter than Cat is.
“How’d you get the black eye?” Marsdin asks from the doorway, the room clear in medical save for the three of them.
“I’m told I’m mouthy, but I have no complaints other than this raging migraine. Imagine that, I didn’t even get to see who did it.”
Maybe it’s the final straw of Liv’s that allows her to stay in the room until Kara wakes up, Cat’s arms crossed as she twirls her pen, chained to the bed next to her.
“Must have been some hell of a television.” Cat greets. No longer caring that the room is bugged. That all the rooms are bugged. That knot in her stomach taut and…furious and far too glad to see she’s alive to care. “Why the fuck did you come back here?” Comes out before she asks, “What the hell happened?” 
It took some time for her body to recover, that she was unaware of what was even happening at first. Her head was pounding, the headache must have been from hitting the metal so hard, or just the pain she had to deal with. Kara blinked her eyes, when everything came rushing back. Cat, Alex, Lena, Teal’c, they were all… dead. No, not here, but there. Whatever that world was. Her arms jerked up, before realizing they weren’t going anywhere. She was pretty much locked down in the bed, and it took a few seconds to put two and two together. 
“Cat, you have to tell them!” Kara tried to speak quickly  but all she got was a groan after her lips, as her shoulder was still sore. “It wasn’t a TV. Why would you… It was a plane of existence. Like, you were there, and Alex, everyone. Just, not the way you are here. It was some sort of different world, an alternate world unlike this but… Cat, they are coming. The Goa’uld, they are going to make a strike.” Kara looked down toward the restraints (why did they think this was necessary? She’s never tried to kill any of them!) as she threw her head back, clearly annoyed with her situation. Alex was already by her side, as she looked at her sister, and she could see the worry in her face. And then she noticed Lena across the bed as well.
“You all have to believe me. That piece of paper, that’s the key. I don’t know what it is, I didn’t have time. The Goa’uld…. they killed everyone. All I know is that, what they were saying…” Kara paused as she stared at the ceiling, closing her eyes. “It translated to ‘They are coming’.” She curled her fingers into a fist as she took a breath. “I know what my sentence is,” she looked at all of them, because Mayborne and whoever else would love to get their hands on them. “But it won’t matter if there is no Earth to come back to,” Kara stared at the entire team, then looked back at Cat.
“Kara--” Cat tries to interrupt, but she just keeps on going and Cat finds her lips pressed thinner and thinner. Pale underneath the garish contrast of her eye. “Slow down.” Her voice has dropped any sense of nonchalance, something sharp and steel in her gaze and jaw. The sort of thing that might make both soldiers by the bedside thoughtlessly tighten out of habit, and her own chains don’t rattle, this time, as she sits up. “You’re telling me you transported somewhere--to somewhere where we all died which, in case you haven’t noticed, we’re all here--and you think this is going to happen to us because…?” The question hangs in the air, a hint of frustration barely peeking through underneath it. “What, like the mirror sent you to an alternate universe? We’re not in an H.G Wells novel, Kara. Ignoring the...particularly large space portal outside.” 
“Well, it is possible--” Luthor supplies and Cat holds her groan behind teeth, holding up a hand that rattles underneath cuffs to stem it. 
“Who is they?” She cuts over before she can get a science lecture, focusing solely on Kara. “For all you know, you just got knocked out, teleported somewhere by someone like the Asgardians, and all of what you saw was some kind of freudian nightmare dream. Which, in case anyone has forgotten, has also almost happened to us, before. Without the teleporting.”  
“Thank you,” Kara said toward Lena, at least she seemed to follow what she was talking about. “I’m not talking about some story or book, Cat. I literally went to a different world in a different time. That wasn’t a mirror, it was a transportation device.”
A pause in her voice, as she leaned her head back (she couldn’t do much when her wrist and legs and neck was strapped down against this bed like she was some serial killer). “I don’t know ‘who’ is they. Just that it was said, over and over on a message. And they were repeating those symbols on that piece of paper I brought back.” Kara turned her head, giving a look to Cat as if she had just said something that made no sense. “A nightmare dream. A nightmare dream that caused me to pretty much bleed out and pass out?” She pointed her hand toward her arm which still hurt, but her finger was directed toward that direction.
“It wasn’t a dream Cat. IT was real, I was there. You have to trust me. Please,”
“What piece of paper? What symbols?” Eyes flick up to Luthor, an eyebrow arching. That information was decidedly lacking before the black eye.
“I believe Kara Danvers refers to this piece of paper.” Teal’C—because of course he does, since he loves withholding information until the last minute, apparently—performs some kind of magic trick, a piece of paper suddenly held up between them. Cat’s eyes flick back to Luthor, who immediately grabs it and starts pouring over it, before Cat calmly looks back towards Kara. “It was clasped in her hand before she lost consciousness. I did not see the benefit of leaving it with Senator Kinsey.”
“No one sees the benefit of leaving anything with Senator Kinsey, Teal’c.” Grant agrees, gaze still settled on Kara. Assessing. Thinking, despite what follows. “There’s nothing we can do, Kara. There is no SGC. No stargate. The program is being dismantled, Teal’c over there—you remember Teal’c, don’t you? Wave, Teal’c—“ Teal’c, obviously, does not wave, “Is going back to Chu’lak, Luthor over there is going somewhere I no longer have clearance to know about, and your glaring, delightfully broody sister is probably going to have the benefit of watching you be tortured because you were too stubborn to stay on planet Flower-child.”
Cat doesn’t point out where she’s going, instead continuing, seriously:
“They’re not listening to reason. Or me. You should be focused on getting out of here.”
“What was the recording?” Luthor asks, paper practically glued to her nose it’s so close, clearly not listening to the conversation. Cat’s glance upwards is as dry as her voice might be and there might be a mumbled response quietly to herself of “Sorry...ma’am.” And damn if the curiosity didn’t kill the Colonel, those thin lips pressing thinner. Sighing.
Oh, what the hell.
“Let’s say, against, oh…all.” A heavy-winded sigh, Cat’s eyes moving up to the ceiling before looking back, once more, “Better judgment and common sense, I trust you…why. “Pointed. “ Do you think something bad is going to happen here?”
Kara had to take a breath, because her mind was reeling over everything that had happened and all she can do think that they had to do something. And they had to do something now! While they discussed the whole paper, she just laid there, trying to let the previous hours come into understanding. Alex’s hand touched her shoulder, as Kara looked over at her, worry on her mind. Kara would have touched her hand, but there wasn’t anything she could do besides look at her.
Eyes turned back toward the group. “No stargate...What…” Kara pushed her brows together because this was their number one defense against the goa’uld and shutting it down…. “Stop,” Kara said, not wanting to hear anymore about where everyone is going. “It kept repeating they are coming,” Kara said, looking at Lena and then over toward Cat. “Yes. What happened in that alternate universe. The Goa’uld ships came to earth, and they were destroying ever human life on earth. They weren’t taking prisoners, they were simple eradicating everyone and everything. Starting with the big cities. Washington, Philadelphia, even Egypt,” Kara thought back to it and finally spoke again.
"It was a transmission that came from their earth, the alternate one. They said they received it 3 months before the invasion. It said "Beware the destroyers. They come from-- and the rest is broken." She looked over at Cat and pointed at that. “Whatever it came from, whoever it came from, it came from the planet where that mirror was on. They know something that we didn’t know. But I’m pertty sure what I saw, the invasion. Its coming to us. So, screw any court martial that might be coming your way, screw the senator, I don’t care about any of that. If we don’t do something, maybe go through the stargate with those symbols I wrote down on that paper, then all this experimental, court martial, going to a different unit. It won’t matter if we are all dead,” Kara said, as she threw her head back, ignoring the headache she was getting. 
“I don’t know how, but we have to go. That is the key,”
Cat is quiet, lips still pressed in that thin line, eyes tracking every dip and valley of Kara's face that she had only just seen for a minute before she was gone for a minute.
The empty planet. The planet that they were just on that didn't have a single soul, with no transmissions, no fancy symbols, no one there warning them. There was no radio crackling on their Earth, and Kara was recently discovered to be a goa'uld, a viable national--global--threat of species who impersonate, infiltrate, and twist the world's best until they're bent at their knees in subjugation. 
"You expect me to tell everyone on this team to ignore a presidential order--to go against everything we respect on some fever dream you had on another planet regarding an invasion that may, or may not happen." It's drawled, face unmoving before she sits a little further upwards, cuffs rattling as she looks between her team. 
Risking everything on a hunch? Betting on the fact that Kara is not only of sound mind, but that it isn't just a trap to lead the goa'uld right to them? Betting on Kara, period. 
"Well, you heard her, let's go." She gestures towards the cuffs and then Danvers, the only one here with the keys. "I'm not ordering any of you to do this. I can't order any of you to do this, anymore. We don't know what will be on the other end of that gate, but you bet your ass I'm not going to risk it being true. It's likely a one-way mission, either way. No one here has to go." Eyes flick up to Luthor--Teal'c, whose brow arching matches her own--Danvers before settling on Kara. 
They could tell everyone Kara and Cat escaped, overpowered them. But Cat has every intent of going to the guns locker. If they're heading towards a fleet--an army--an...anything that isn't a High school dance, she's going to be prepared to save Earth from it. 
She hopes there's nothing on the other end. That it's just a wild goose chase. 
But if it's not-- 
Her voice is strong, firm. Unwavering. She'll bet every hunch on Kara Danvers and her little tag-along. What else does she have to lose?
"I'm with you and Junior."
Kara looked over at Cat, waiting quietly as she didn't seem to speak. Only the clink of the cuff as Kara knew she passed the wrong boundary. "Um... When you put it that way..." Okay, maybe that wast stupid. She didn't have proof, she was just going on what she saw. She didn't know why, but she was just absolutely sure those charons were where they had to go.
She expected a shout of no. Instead, she got something completely different. Alex was already smirking, working on the straps and releasing Kara, tossing Lena the key to release Cat at the same time. Kara sat up, rubbing her wrist, her hand pressed against her shoulder which was pretty much healed now. "Thank you, Cat" She silently thanked Ken'tha for helping her heal, as she got up, and grabbing a jacket and a change of clothes that was in the corner. "Col Grant, with all do respect, your crazy if you think I'm going to let you and my sister go without me," Major Danvers responded, raising a slight eyebrow toward Grant.
"I'm good with a gun as I am with medical," Alex added and moved over, standing next to the bed and Kara came back changed in something a bit more ready for a mission then the gown she was stuck in. "How do we get out of here? You guys help me escape last time," 
"In my experience, Major." Lips twitch upwards, "The words 'with all do respect' are a politician's and soldier's way of saying 'fuck you'. Hopefully," Grant rolls now-free wrists, nodding up at Luthor without another word, pointing, signalling towards the door. Luthor immediately moves. Now that they've decided, they won't have time for anything else. First step, make it through the gate. Second step, blow everything up on the other side, likely. They're good at improvisation. "You won't have to showcase just how good you are, Danvers. Tactical espionage 101, Kara. Have someone on the team accidentally, or intentionally, who knows with Luthor, flirt with that nerdy IT guy of yours for months." She probably just smiled at him. "And happen to have enough brains to get us through the gate. Danvers, take care of your sister, bring her to the gate. Call in a medical emergency two floors up, that will clear the bay. Teal'c, we're loading up. Explosives, the big kind. If you're good to go, all of us load and stay in formation to the gate. No one hurt anyone on the way out. We're all the good guys. Questions?" 
She hops up like it's just another Tuesday, slipping the pen into her pocket before moving towards the exit, not actually waiting for a rebuttal, tossing over her shoulder before popping into the nearby armory unit, tossing a few guns back. "Good. Clock's ticking." 
   Alex pushed her lips together and shrugged a little. So maybe that was a bit of a fuck you, but in a way that she would never let these two out of her site. She was their doctor, Kara was her sister, and she would protect them at all cost. "Wherever you two go, I'm going," She nodded. "Yes sir," Alex added.
Kara listened in as the two agreed with the plan. Easy enough for Kara, she wasn't exactly what you called Stealthy. "Find my bag," Kara said to Cat, because the items she had in there would be useful for all of them. Alex glanced at Kara, knowing what she meant and looked at Cat. "They were put in the armory with the rest of the weapons. Not hard to find," She added. Once everyone had the job figured out, Alex reached over, grabbing a medical bag she could take with her.
Both Kara and Alex headed down the hall, Kara had her hair pulled up and under the hat, making it less lightly for anyone to notice. Alex put her hand on Kara's shoulder, as the door open. The gate was already starting to move, knowing any second that the alarm would be going on.
Being a still-respected individual stripped of title and prestige wasn’t as big of a band of red as it used to be. People are so used to her barking orders at them, by this point, that the majority listen before hesitation kicks in--logic. Memory. All of them going ‘oh, yeah, Cat Grant saved our lives, that one time, but she’s an enemy of the state, now’ a few minutes too late. Enough minutes that both Teal’c and Cat have managed to get into the armoury by the time an alarm sounds above them, lights flashing. Enough that she can toss a few guns a few airmen’s ways so that even when they hesitate, they keep moving. 
“Look at me, later! We’ve got a base to defend! Move!” A smirk towards Teal’c a few moments later, “I know, I’m good at that. I like to think in that alternate world of Kara’s, I was constantly yelling at people, it’s really where my management skills shine, don’t you think?”
Teal’c’s eyebrow raise. 
The sound of boots continuously passing them by is music to her ears and it’s not long before Teal’c is hefting up two bags and Cat swings by to grab not only Kara’s...but a hat, as well. There’s no telling what planet they’re about to wind up on, after all, tucking the hat down and calmly starting to walk towards the gate room.
Having to knock out two soldiers before they can shoot Luthor is small play given the fact that they’re essentially trying to jailbreak the most defended national secret in the States. 
Which they’re doing, exactly two minutes, later, listening to the sound of Marsdin and Senator Kinsey in the gate room behind them, locked in, as Grant blockades the door and Luthor gets their authorization device ready. 
The gate’s opened with a boom and Cat tosses Kara her bag, saluting towards the open windows in front of them before the windows slam down. 
“No second guesses, SG-1.” Grant pats Danvers’ shoulder--solid--a member, now, if there ever was one, before curling fingers over the other Danvers’ shoulder. The one that’s not wounded, anyways, as a welcome back.
Before pushing everyone towards the open gate because she has no intent to get shot at by the airmen and marines on the other side of the door. 
And, if on cue, there went the alarm. Kara felt her feet itching, looking up and mouthing a small sorry to Winn, because he didn't deserve this. Maybe she could make it up to him one day. If they made it out of this. With was a big if. Eyes looked up toward Marsdin, not sure what to do at the moment so instead focused on the gate. Both Kara and Alex looked at each other and then at Cat with one single movement. A nod of agreement.
They were sisters, and blood didn't matter. Moving through the gate, they all moved through and then Kara looked behind, watching it closed. This... wasn't like any gate they had gone through, and then Ken'tha whispered into her mind.
Goa'uld ship.
"Its a ship," Kara said, as she stared at the area and then behind her at the stargate. "A goa'uld ship," She didn't know how it was possible. From what the others had said about the stargates, is that all coordinates could only be accessed by a specific location. If it moved at any point, the charons wouldn't work anymore. She reached into her back, grabbing the golden hand device, pulling it onto her wrist and fitting each finger and looked back at the others. She didn't have to say it, she was sure they all knew.
This was bad.
A ship.
Cat immediately moves towards the nearby window, space expansive and endless with its cool, creeping touch. The walls around them are practically cavernous and shining in their dramatic hues of golds and reds, excessive and decadent and cold. Sterile. Space actually seems more welcoming in comparison, lights twinkling, unfamiliar, behind thick, thick glass. 
Definitely a goa’uld ship.
“Luthor.” It’s drawled out, as much of an order as it can be, the sound of Captain Science scurrying towards the stargate immediately, sending back through the MALP before the ship jerks forward and the gate cuts off. Suddenly intent on getting her people off this floor. “Luthor.” Repeated. 
“It’s not working, ma’am, the chevrons--” 
“Quiet!” A noise. Loud. The walls open suddenly, swiftly, and Cat hates the Goa’uld’s dramatic flair for design and secret entrances, tugging Luthor down and gesturing to the Danvers to do the same, fingers rifling through a nearby crate before people get closer.
It only gets worse from there.
A meeting of Goa’uld. A succession--an heir. And, worse, Skaara. Innocent, kind Skaara, who’s now holding Apophis’ son around the thin glass of his neck, voice deep and eyes cold. They’re invading Earth. 
Cat’s forehead rests on the crate for a long second until the gate once more de-activates, knowing it likely won’t work again and, after another long moment, they’re all alone in what’s likely a loading bay for a military ship, again.
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We Are Brainiac
by SiSiLuvsShipping
After Supergirl and the Martian Manhunter had defeated Non and Indigo, Kara Zor-El discovered that there was no way to stop the Myriad wave from killing every human on Earth, and so, she was left with only one option. She hoisted Fort Rozz into the atmosphere where the wave would no longer affect the population. After the fact, Alex was able to save Supergirl with her own pod. That night, the group celebrated their victory over the Earth being saved and everything seemed like it was back to normal. Potentially more so as Kara and James had admitted their feelings and wanted to pursue a relationship. However, before the group can feast, suddenly an object breaks through the atmosphere and crash lands in the city, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter go to investigate. While the object appears to be a kryptonian pod, the being inside is anything but as Supergirl and the others suddenly encounter a mysterious green Coluan. But who is he, and why did he end up finding his way towards Earth?
Words: 560, Chapters: 1/23, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Winn Schott Jr., Cat Grant, Maggie Sawyer, Clark Kent, Maxwell Lord, Lucy Lane (DCU), Lena Luthor, Eve Teschmacher, Lucas "Snapper" Carr, Eliza Danvers, Jeremiah Danvers, Lyra Strayd, Original Hank Henshaw (Supergirl TV 2015), Siobhan Smythe, John Corben, Brainiac 4
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Querl Dox, Querl Dox/Kara Zor-El, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers/James "Jimmy" Olsen, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers, Kara Danvers & Winn Schott Jr., Alex Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Querl Dox, Querl Dox & Winn Schott Jr., Kara Danvers & Clark Kent, Querl Dox & Clark Kent, Kara Danvers & Cat Grant, Winn Schott Jr./Lyra Strayd, Alex Danvers & Maxwell Lord, J'onn J'onzz & M'gann M'orzz, Alex Danvers & Eliza Danvers & Kara Danvers, Eliza Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Season/Series 01, Canon Rewrite, Season 2, AU, Karadox, Superbrain, Action, Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance, Friendship, Teamwork, Family, Strangers to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Humor, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Tension, Idiots in Love, LGBTQ Themes, LGBTQ Character, Obliviousness, Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/33149935
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soulbore · 5 years
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@pulitzerpanther​​ ━━ SAVED THREAD - below the read more is all the past writing from google docs ━━━━ ⌈  Kara & Cat  ⌋
A grin was plastered on the alien’s face because she always would do so. While she had gifts for everyone, the one for Cat was special. She watched as she unwrapped it, waiting patiently while she pulled out the first part of the gift. “I thought it would be amusing for you,” it was a tease because too many times they both wanted to punch certain people. Kara had the benefit to do so without the limitations of the military rank while Cat, well… not so lucky.
But the smile was worth it. Then she heard the second gift. She watched her look puzzled for a moment, opening it up and finding the second gift. “There’s a secret to it,” Kara said, as she pulled up the candle from the center of the table and placed it behind it. The words and symbols within the pearl shined onto the wall, a hundred different alien languages in it, with the Kryptonian language being the biggest of them all. “It says ‘a pearl in the sea’,” Kara explained (as she was the linguist of the group) and pulled the candle away, setting it back on the table as she looked at the necklace, the meaning clear behind it.
She knew how sensitive their relationship was, how very few moments they would ever have. So she was delicate in what she got, something that didn’t look romantic but had clear romantic implications that only Cat would understand.
“I wanted something unique,” Kara explained as she took a moment to look at the candle and then turn to look at Cat with an endearing glint in her eyes. “I hope you like it,”
"Kara." It's breathed for a second time, throat suddenly thick with something heavier than Naquadah, fingers gentle and hidden underneath that soft blanket of falling snow outside, this little home that isn't theirs as her hand comes up to curve gently around Kara's wrist, above the candlelight and a faintly shimmering necklace. There's too much to be said in a name, with the way Cat's voice lingers between them, and she wonders if that's why Kara found a way to say it a hundred different times, a hundred different ways, for the both of them. 
Her other hand pushes fingers up around the curve of Kara's jaw--gently wraps around the base of her neck where a Goa'uld might be, underneath soft skin and a good heart, nose slotting against her jaw to bring her down, to hold Kara close. To breathe her in, just for a moment.
"Well…" Cat breathes, voice still thick and chest tight, "When you get a girl something like that, you have to put it on." 
Kara’s eyes closed for a minute, the feel of her hand on her neck comforting, as she took a breath, with Cat so close it was nearly intoxicating. They didn’t get moments like this,it was a once in a blue moon moment and Kara never wanted to push it. After all, it wasn’t her job that was at risk. She leaned over, pressing her lips gently against the tip of her cheek and then pause.
“Oh!” It completely spaced Kara’s thought about that (but she also had no clue if Cat would even like it). She reached over and took the necklace in her hand, shifting on the couch as she slipped it in front and pulled it around her neck, brushing her blond hair away from her neck and latched it together. “There,” Kara smiled as she brushed Cat’s hair back down, her fingers gently guiding through the threads and nails scrapping against her scalp.
Looking back up Cat, she smiled as she saw the small necklace looked nice against her neckline. “It looks lovely on you,”
"Well, most things do." A breathless laugh, leaning up into Kara's hand--her fingers--gaze undeniably soft and she's immediately glad she stayed, even when she shouldn't have. Even as her arms push up to wrap around Kara's neck, hovering above her on the small, warm couch, smile spreading, "Even if the paper weight I got you puts it to shame." It's a light joke, tipping backwards to brush fingers along it, suddenly serious. "I love it." 
And, oh, she lingers in her hover, still wrapped a little around Kara, listening to the sound of Christmas music behind them. It's been a long time since she felt so...warm, this time of year, even on other planets. Other galaxies. Even watching other suns that warmed far better than their own, and she tips Kara's chin up so that she can see her smile.
And maybe whispering oh, what the hell before she leans down to kiss her wasn't very romantic. Knowing they'll both remember in the morning and there's no lingering, dramatic threat to excuse it or write it off on, nothing but this safe little mountain house, fingers tangling in Kara's hair as she gently brings her closer.
A little chuckle left her lips as she moved her arms around Cat’s waist, amused at the idea of a paper weight. “Pft, a paper weight is awesome. Do you know how many books I have? Those are wonderful gifts,” Of course, only Kara would see it that way. But honestly, Kara didn’t care what Cat got her, all Kara cared about was the fact that Cat loved the gift, watching the way her fingers touched it with such care and it caused Kara’s heart to flutter.
Her face was deviated away, moving upward to look back at Cat by the guidance of her hand. She honestly couldn’t stop smiling, Cat’s happiness made her happy, and to know she was enjoying herself, even for a moment, was enough to make Kara’s whole world blossom. She wanted to say something, but Kara couldn’t find her words. It was almost as if, saying something would ruin this (like it could) but Kara just enjoyed the peaceful silence with the snow falling outside, the music from the kitchen, and the shimmer of the lights from the tree.
It was magical to Kara.
Before Kara could even grasp what happened, their lips mingled together and Kara leaned closer. Her hands moved upward, wrapping more around Cat to bring her closer as well, eyes closed as she leaned to the side a little, unable to even think of stopping. Her heart fluttered, a content moan that disappeared between their shared lips as she wanted to cherish the moment. 
Slowly, Kara’s lips broke away, breathless as she took a breath in and opened her eyes to look at Cat. Once again, no words. Instead, just gazing at Cat with this pure content, happy look. Her lips dipped upward into a smile, as she leaned forward, kissing her once more, as if she was unable to stop herself. She wanted to remember it. This, it was the best Christmas Eve gift she could ever get.
"Oh," It's murmured--breathless--because suddenly her chest feels like she's stepped a little closer to that fire next to them. It feels like fingertips wrapped in silk are wicks lighting underneath the dangerous warmth spreading up from her stomach to her own smile. That pesky little sense of belonging, again. That feeling like maybe this is where she should have been, this entire time, duty be damned, and she has no doubt that it would be easier to blow up a few more goa'uld motherships on a whim than it will be to untangle herself from here, tonight.
But that sounds like a problem for later, not right now.
Because Kara kisses her, again, and Cat can't even bring it in herself to care about anything else, a nearly relieved laugh breaking against lips because she hadn't realized how tight her chest has been for years. How much it aches, even now, even as her eyelashes flutter closed, body certain she's floating in zero G up, up high above them both, in the clouds. Fingers tangle a little tighter before they smooth against Kara's scalp, holding her close, kissing her back--kissing her again--teeth tucking the corner of lips to temper her growing smile when Cat finally pulls away with another peck, nose brushing against Kara's as she slots their foreheads together. 
"Hmm, instead of potentially scarring Cassie for life in case she happens to come down here..." A gentle tip of her head in gesture back towards the radio, knowing how difficult it will be to pull away, and not wanting to give into the excuse of home. Not tonight. The sound of some cheesy soft Sinatra Christmas album crooning in the background, "Care to dance?" 
Kara couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit, because that’s the last thing she wanted to do. She rested her head against Cat’s for a moment. “True, that or my sister walking right in on the moment,” That wouldn’t be any better, though somehow she was sure Alex already knew. She was the most perceptive of the two of them. Kara always found herself oblivious even with the most obvious of things. She leaned back a little, glancing toward where Cat hinted toward and then smiled.
“I love to! Though…” Kara paused as she pushed her lips together, as if slightly embarrassed. “I don’t know exactly how to dance.” She might be an alien, but she had no idea how to dance with the skill of any artist. She chuckled a little, reaching up to rub the back of her neck as the sweet soft Christmas music hung on the air like garley over the balcony. “So I might just be….a swaying leaf, I’m hopeless,” Kara paused in her voice, mentally telling herself to shut up already.
"Well, there goes the theory that Ken'tha has been showing you the important stuff." It's a spreading smile of a tease, reaching down to tangle their fingers, tugging Kara up and off the couch and towards the rug, an open enough clearing for a dance floor if there ever was one. She's certainly been on worse. "Come on, up, I'll show you." She moves Kara's hand to her waist--her hip--up around her shoulder, before sweeping her foot over the floor to make sure it's clear. "Don't worry, I won't make you do a somba. Most people do just sway. Just follow me. Move your feet with mine." 
And maybe it would be worse for Alex to materialize through the front door to the sight of them dancing, instead of making out on a couch like teenagers, a much more telling affair than something that could easily be written off by a few too many glasses of eggnog, but the thought doesn't tense her spine. Not yet.
Because Major Danvers has seen the Colonel admit to far worse than a dance, or two, and hasn't said anything yet.
"If Alex hated the idea of walking in on us, I have a feeling I wouldn't have been invited." It's a knowing statement, amusement curling lips even as she gently guides Kara closer, moving both of them to the music. 
Kara bit her lip, shaking her head at that thought. “Does watching so you think you can dance give me any bonus points?” She questioned, but willingly allowed herself to be tugged upward and moved in step, letting Cat guide her hands to where they should be. One hand on Cat’s hip, resting gently against her body and the other moved up to rest on her shoulder. “If you do the Samba, I’m going to be extremely impressed and wonder what other skills you have besides your artistic fashion forward side.” She teased, but it was no lie. Cat always dressed to impress when out of uniform.
Eyes lingered downward, watching Cat’s feet at first and mirroring her actions to keep in sync sway with her. Turning her eyes back upward, a smile crossed her lips with a nod. “True. She’s fond of you, even if she yells at you sometimes.” Alex, when in the medical room, always had the say and never let anyone else get away with it.
Kara should know.
A breath left her lips as she leaned forward a little, resting her cheek gently against the top of Cat’s head, no longer thinking about what she was doing but just following Cat’s lead instinctively. She didn’t want to forget a single moment.
"I have no idea what that is, so...no." It's drawled, nose dipping upwards to skim along Kara's chin--to rest against the dip of her jaw as they sway, smile brushing along skin. "Hmm, I'm a woman of many talents. If you think the samba and what I can do with a gun is impressive, you should see what my tongue can do to a cherry stem." That particular tease is accompanied by a low laugh, eyes closing as she rests closer, the music a much fainter noise in the background than Kara's breath. Than the sound their feet make as they move, clothes brushing together as their bodies sway. 
"And if how a soldier felt about someone was directly--negatively--related to how much we yelled at them...we wouldn't be here, right now, Kara." Cat's certainly yelled at Kara her fair share. Normally the word 'move' bookended by bullets. Admitting to Kara, because she doubts it will leave the room, "So...I guess she's capable." It's as much of a compliment as Cat Grant is likely to give. 
Alex Danvers is a member of SG1, as far as Grant is concerned. Danvers has earned it as much as Kara. As much as Luthor and Teal'c.
"However power hungry she is." Cat's nails idly trace patterns on Kara's skin, "I don't know if I'm annoyed or glad that you can see through our stubborn, carefully crafted facades." Because Alex is hardly the only one Kara sees through, Cat knows. "We work hard on those through our promotions, you know." 
Such a simple moment. And yet, Kara was enjoying every second of it. She smiled, amused and not at all surprised Kara had no idea what the show was. “Wait, what can your tongue doe to a cherry stem?” Kara immediately questioned, because she was curious. Cherry stems weren’t exactly flexible. They were like tiny little twig branches so now Kara wondered about that. If there was an innuendo within that response anywhere, it completely went over the Kryptonian’s head. And Ken’tha didn’t have any clue either, though she was quietly slumbered. She didn’t sleep, persay, but she went into a trance-like state, letting Kara have the privacy she deserved.
“Mhmm, I’m pretty sure you get the quota at least four times a week,” Kara wasn’t bothered. They dealt with some high stress situations, and to Kara, the yelling wasn’t always negatively contributed. There are plenty of times she had been told to stop or shut up. She couldn’t help but sometimes her mouth got in the way of her common sense.
Again, she was no military agent. Sometimes she needed a metaphorical gibb slap.
A little content murr slipped from Kara’s lips at the gentle traces against her skin, realizing how much she enjoyed that. “Both?” She questioned, because Kara knew Alex knew about the two of them, at least. She made it quite clear in the most indirect ways. “Well, it shows. I don’t know how you all can manage to do what you do. I could never be a military person. I couldn't do it in Krypton either, the military guild had their doors open for me, my mother was a justicar in the guild, but it just wasn’t something for me. I’m more impressed by how you all can handle it. Though, I am glad you a part of it. I wouldn’t have met you otherwise,”
"I can tie a knot with it." It's a dry, smirking reply, that same amusement warming her chest. Laugh breathless and warm and content. "Call it a...party trick. I guess I'll just have to show you, sometime." The thought of at least getting Kara to blush every time they drop a cherry on the subpar keylime pie in the mess might make potentially getting dishonourably discharged worth it. 
Then again, that's if Kara gets it and Cat has lingering doubts on that little possibility, too. 
"Hmm, but...it's funny," Cat murmurs in a way that might not seem funny, at all, voice quiet and eyes hooded, smile fond and soft and knowing, "I used to think the same thing. About the military." And then Olivia happened. A necessity--a promise kept despite the dark shadows of a smoke-filled apartment--fingers skimming up biceps to shoulders to curl around her neck. To rest her forehead against Kara's shoulder in a momentary wonder of what could have been, "Not to sound like Luthor, but it's...really something, isn't it? Out of every possible universe, every choice we've ever made--anything we've ever seen, the universe...had to align in such a specific way to bring us here, at all. Hell, you've seen different versions of us…"
She tips back easily on bare feet to skim fingers up Kara's cheeks, because it seems like now that she's touched her, she can't stop. "There's endless possibilities of who we could have been. I guess I don't like thinking of it, too much." A hum, not wanting to linger on the thought--on the weakness that doubt has, piercing through, because out of all of the things that happened in her life, the one thing she would change time and time again--every time--it has nothing to do with Kara. And she would do it in a heartbeat. Has, every night, when her eyes close and the dark settles in, no matter what sky is above her.
She understands, really, how a single moment could cause someone to get lost in an eternity of trying to fix it. She always has. 
"But if I did. If I spent more time than I cared to admit imagining who we could be through that mirror...maybe it's not such a stretch of the imagination to wonder if there's a version of us that didn't need the guise of Alex inviting me, tonight. Maybe we would have met." Maybe she would have invited her to dinner. Maybe she would have hated her, or fallen in love with her, but all they truly have is the world they're in, now. And at the moment, it's not so bad. And at the moment, Cat does love her...and doesn't see a future where she can say it. "You've made it on my team." She notes, a hint of pride behind those content eyes and soft smile, "You could have made it in the military. But, hmm... I'm glad you didn't." 
"Wow," That was a definite party trick. Like...how could she even do that. The funny thing that high tech equipment doesn't surprise Kara, but tying a knot in a cherry stem is like a magic trick to her. 
"Hmm," Kara hummed, thought in what Cat said. Kara's lips kissed the top of Cat's head softly, the smell of her shampoo sweet to the scent. "Infinity variations and yet we still manage to end up here," Kara shifted just a little, eyes closed for a moment to the touch of her fingers against her cheek. "Well, I will be happy enough to have these moments with you," Kara would love to have more, but even still, she's grateful just to have a moment.
A smile crossed her lips as Kara turned, eyes opened as she looked down toward her. "This moment, though, its not that bad," And Kara would wait however long she needed for Cat til she was out. "For now, I'm content with this. Just... this." And maybe it was cheesy, it felt like a christmas movie all in itself, but she didn't care. She was happy, and if Cat was happy, that's all that mattered.
For now is an argument that’s on the edge of her tongue--pressed up against her heart in its painfully momentary bout of bliss, but it’s so easy to let something go (for likely the first time in her life) while softly swaying against Kara, a quiet, rumbling laugh settling between them like the necklace already had on her chest. But a hint of it still peeks through, voice calm despite the hint of a rasp beneath the calm of her voice, “Are you?” A nose skims up Kara’s neck to dip away from knowing, kind eyes--settles beneath a surprisingly strong jaw as she sucks in a quivering breath that spreads out her shoulders and straightens a battle-worn spine, despite the way she’s curved up into her. Like maybe part of Cat’s body knows she should leave but doesn’t. “Content.” 
Still, the smile is easier than it ever should be, spreading against warm skin, eyes closing, “It’s not bad, is it.” A humming agreement, letting her shoulders loosen, fingers dipping back down to curve around Kara’s neck, not paying much attention to the shifting radio behind them. “And, hmm, see, dancing isn’t so bad, after all. You just needed a little confidence. You worry too much, Baby Danvers.” 
And maybe so does Cat.
The question wasn’t answered immediately, because the word ‘yes’ just seemed…. Inadequate. How could she explain to Cat that she was more than just content. She was happy. And even that simplistic sentence… she wanted to express it more thoroughly. Yet there wasn’t any way she could. She looked down toward Cat, slowly down the dancing til they stood still. Her hands moved up first, brushing along her hair, her thumbs caressing against her skin. Her blue eyes gazing into Cat’s, almost as if she was gazing past the outside appearance into her.
“I’m more than content. More than any word there is for happy. I might stumble over words or have confidence problems at times. But this, right here, with you,” Kara’s hand gently cupped the side of her face, unable to look away. “This is more than I could ever ask for and more than I could ever hope for,”
Her smile tipped over her lips, her nonverbal features speaking more than her words ever could. Because every bit of worry, every bit of trouble, every bump in the road got them to where they are now. And this is something Kara would never apologize for.
"Well that's just depressing, Kara," It might be a jest or a tease or any crumbling rock in-between if her voice didn't barely quiver beneath the edge of blunt teeth, the sharp tick of breath sucking between the trenches in her lungs pulling a pin on a grenade she's not quite ready to throw. If her eyes weren't so wet they might be portals to a peaceful world hidden by the graceful wave of the Nox's hand, shimmering and full of an element she never had a name for until Kara spent restless hours digging knowledge out of chiseled stone of shoulders. 
When Cat closes her eyes and leans into the softest anchor of an outstretched palm, a hint of moisture might leak into the crevices of a lifeline dipping below Kara's thumb, "Or just... stereotypically romantic of you." A wry smile swims upwards like a trout upstream and when eyelashes once again flutter open, there's no hiding the look Cat gives her. Endless. Open. "I should've known you'd say something cheesy and, oh…" A shrug of a gesture accompanies the soft look, hand dipping down to curl fingers around Kara's wrist, lips barely skimming along the high rise of a palm lined with papercuts only a Goa'uld could have hope of healing.. "... Annoyingly perfect. You're making it hard for me to leave tomorrow, already, Kara." It's a breath, honest, because she owes her that--she's never been anything but honest with Kara.
 "And I will. Leave, tomorrow. We both have to. If I didn't… What would either of us even do?" That wry sad smile grows, "Go find somewhere to live in Western suburban Bliss? Buy a house with a white picket fence and a dog. Ignore the Stargates. You'll go work as some Indiana Jones professor and I'll try my hand at writing, again?" Cat tries to imagine a future, laughing gently against Kara's skin, because the thought is warm. "On second thought, I'd love to see you in the Indiana Jones hat." On third thought…her chest is tight and her gaze is soft and there it is, again. Love. "Hmm, maybe you just need to give me a life lesson lecture on how to let myself be content. I've heard I'm not very good at it. What's the first step?" 
Kara was worried for a moment, seeing the glassy look of her eyes and the way she looked as if she might cry. Did she say something wrong? Course Kara worried, it was almost instinct of the woman to worry about 95% of the time. But she smiled when she heard the words, a little chuckle on her voice. "Maybe I shouldn't watch so many romcoms," Kara admitted, but everything she said and would say was the truth. She took a deep breath, the soft feel of her fingers against her hip, as she smiled. "I can't help it, I like spending time with you, even just a little," she teased.
But the comment made Kara nod, the smile slipping from her lips because she understood. "I know," Even at the gentle jest, Kara couldn't help but wonder if she pushed it a little to far. "I might go back to Egypt, so the whole Indiana Jones hat isn't too far off from the truth. Its hanging in my living room," A sad smile crossed her lips, because she didn't want to talk about her future. What kind of future was there if she left everyone she knew?
The concept stunned Kara for a moment. She wasn't expecting such a question. "I'm... not really sure. I mean, just living in this moment, I would think could lead to contentment. Or just, doing or being somewhere that you enjoy. Maybe it's cliche, but the whole 'do what you love and love what you do' comes to mind. Though, maybe that doesn't make sense," Kara brushed the back of her neck briefly, not sure how to explain such a subject. "How about I go get your bed ready? How many pillows do you like? I got about four on my bed, but I can take some off." She commented, as she had plans to make her own bed on the floor.
Do what you love and love what you do.
Maybe that’s why the bitter, slithering beast coiled tightly in the bottom of Grant’s stomach might not be labeled as contentment. Some people have snakes wrapped around their spines, but her personal form of enlightenment—the creature that’s settled as weight on her shoulders and burden on her breath—is one she’s made, herself.
Would Cat wind up in Egypt, sun beating down on a tank top, outside of Kara’s door like the rom-coms she apparently watches too many of?
Her gaze shifts from Kara for a long moment, quiet and pensive, before she looks back up and pulls away enough to re-learn how to let her go, fingers curling in the air for only a moment at the warmth they’ve lost before curling into her own hips, humming.
“I can’t remember the last time I slept with a pillow.” It’s a wry admittance, because some weeks it’s easier for her to sleep on the floor than in a bed and there’s an undeniable comfort in being somewhere unfamiliar, these days, as opposed to the opposite. Still, Cat can’t help but tease her, because sometimes Kara makes it so easy— “But how forward, Mini-Indy. You get a kiss or two and are already inviting me to your bed.” Her smile spreads into a smirk, arms wrapping up around biceps from hips to ward off the sudden chill from not being quite so close, anymore.
"Well, I have plenty," Kara smiled because she would make sure Cat slept well tonight, even if she did have her own bed at her own place. But then the next sentence  cause Kara to nearly stumbled on her feet. "Wait, what?!" Kara mouth opened as she stared at her. "No, no, I didn't mean. What I meant was... Its just... I don't...." Kara had to take a breath before she fell over on her own face. "I was going to give you my bed,"
Kara had to take a breath, because Cat had gotten the best of her easily. Kara took a breath as she reached over, touching Cat's arm as she smiled, leaning over to press her lips against the top of her forehead. "Do you want to have my bed? It's up to you, really. I just don't want to make you sleep on the floor or anything," And even if they did share a bed, Kara was used to it. She often shared one with Alex, as it often made it easier to sleep.
"Oh, sure you were. Likely out. I'm not buying." But Kara's lips are warm against her skin, soft. Gentle. And the smile just spreads, "Chivalry, cute. It depends." They might have been avoiding the elephant in the room, but Grant is still nothing short of blunt, leaning back to quirk an eyebrow, chest a little tight but… Maybe Kara was right. 
Maybe this was the first step to content.
"Are you actually assuming your sister won't be back, tonight, so that's why we can't play musical beds? You take hers, I take yours, and no one gets the couch. Or," She calmly moves over to the fire place, swiftly extinguishing embers and crackling wood before turning back around, poker resting by her hip. An eyebrow arches, "Are you looking for the excuse for us to share one?" The poker slides back into its home, a knowing choice. She might have gotten so far into the military by being a strategist, but she was still alive thanks to being a lover of odds. It's not quite gambling if she's betting against the house, knowing what her hand will be in the morning. "It'll be warmer," it's tossed over her shoulder, already heading upstairs, "If we share one."
Adding, voice airy and trilling as she ascends, just loud enough to be heard without disturbing Cassie. " Especially since I sleep nude!"
She doesn't, not anymore. They've shared tents and chores and odd planet housing and tree leaves for years, but one last easy tease wouldn't kill anyone. Probably. 
Kara couldn't help but smile, amused by Cat. How was it that she could tease her so much and Kara still fell for it. "She'll be back, but she told me it wouldn't be until late into the morning. So she'll still need her room," Kara rubbed the back of her neck. "Our couch isn't that comfortable, but if you really want to sleep there, that's fine," Kara pushed her lips together and smiled, looking down and then back up.
"If you want to share one, that's fine as well," Though the blush crossed her cheeks lightly. "I just don't want to just...put you on the floor. You're a guest here, I just want you to be comfortable," And Kara genuinely meant that. The comment just made her eyes sparkle, excited by the thought. Not to do anything, but just to be able to be by her during the night, and the comfort of having someone close. "It would be, and I'm a bit of a heating blanket if it doesn't bother you.
Through her eyes widen at the comment. "Um...I...." How did she even respond to that? Being out in the field, the whole nudity wasn't really a problem, but somehow it was different being here in the house. Perhaps customs? In the field, they had to do what they had to do. They only had tents and maybe a river or a lake, scarce ways meant you couldn't be modest. Yet, in the house, here in the "modern" world, it almost seems like a boundary to cross. Her face was blushing as she turned away, thinking about  going to get the bed ready.
She did have a very...very big bed.
“Kara,” Cat’s voice softens from its trill, eyes taking in the second floor with an appraising nod—the closed door that likely showcases a teenager’s room (something she tends to avoid, if possible)—and one down the hall. A third room, curiously tipping around on creaking wood to look inside, thumb jutting towards the first open doors, “I’m pulling that very accessible little chain of yours.” That very cute, very little chain, and given the rest of the night, there’s no need to hide the fondness in her gaze, or the way it presses against parted lips, just waiting.
Always waiting.
It’s likely been longer than a few years since she’s slept naked in a bed, and she likes to avoid that annoying fact, too.
“Although I don’t have clothes, I didn’t actually,” She admits, lips twisting upwards, “Expect to stay.” Even with Danvers here as a buffer, it hadn’t seemed like a good idea. Now it seems like a horrible idea, but Cat has no intention of going back outside.  “But I am. Imagine that. Is this yours?”  
Kara took a breath, finding herself smiling as she glanced down and back up. “I should know when you are doing that by now,” And yet she didn’t. Alex had a habit of doing the same thing too. Her lips pushed into her mouth, a little chuckle on her lips as she thought back to it and wondering if she would ever catch it.
“I can find you something. I’m not sure if any of mine would fit,” Kara was a lot taller, but she paused. “Actually, I might have something, let me go get it,” Kara said, and then moved over as she gently pecked her lips. “I’m glad you're staying, though.” She moved into her room and nodded her head. “It is. Its kind of set up to remind me of Krypton,” Kara said with a smile. There was a large window and walkout patio that had a massive curtain covering all the windows and walkway doors. She moved to the closet, opening it up and looking around in the boxes and then pulled out a set of pajamas.
“Here, these might fit!” Kara said with a smile. She had gotten those a few years ago, but her friend who sent it to her got her sizes horribly wrong. Kara kept it anyway, just because the gift was kind and she couldn’t get rid of them. She moved over herself to one of her dressers, pulling out a set of pajamas that were light blue plaid colors. “The bathroom is just right down this hallway as well, so you know where it is.”
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soulbore · 5 years
Private Verse Tags 026.
→ EV 01. kara and cat. → EV 02. kara and sara. → EV 03. kara and ivy. → EV 04. kara and carol. → EV 05. kara and kara. → EV 01. janet and .
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soulbore · 5 years
Private Verse Tags 024.
→ EV 01. harley and ivy. → EV 02. harley and steve. → EV 03. harley and cat. → EV 04. harley and kara. → EV 05. harley and . → EV 01. luna and lexa. → EV 02. luna and clarke.
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