#→ kara / replies.
schnoobums · 9 months
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How many of your co-workers did you just eject into space to get rid of me, huh?
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comickergirl · 3 days
🌌 and 🦅 for the superfam asks (I know the second one isn't terribly draw-able, but hey, I'm always looking for recs so may as well lol)
🌌 : Favourite ship
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In general, I'm not really a ship person, but if I must choose...it's Kara/Brainy
🦅 : Favourite comic run of any superfam member
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Gotta go with the GOAT
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sideofpunkforkos · 1 month
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sssammich · 7 months
supercorp one-word prompt: "captive"
hi sorry i'm choosing violence today
@lovesastateofmind1 gave this a quick read and angst stamp of approval so thanks, friend!
send me prompts
kara knew a thing or two about loss. she knew it intimately. slept beside it like a distant lover, a thin pillow between them.
so she knew that when she watched from her place beside lena as her best friend got married to jack, it almost felt like being embraced by loss all over again. she tucked her head down, covered her face daintily as if her happiness for the now wedded couple was so overwhelming she had to swallow it back in.
the applause rang true and loud and alive around her. she passed off the bouquet of plumerias back to lena, dutiful maid of honor as she was, and she watched as the love of her life walked down the aisle with the love of her life.
at the reception, she stood in front of dozens of people awaiting the prose they expected from a pulitzer-winning journalist. held captive by their eyes, their expectations. she smiled and let the crinkles by her eyes appear--that's how they knew she was smiling with her eyes, right? she would use it to her advantage if only to get through the next few minutes.
"love is…an enduring thing. a hopeful thing. it is the act of getting up in the morning, of walking to the window and pulling back the curtains to let light in." she was not looking at any one person even as she pretended to scan the room. if only so she didn't have to look at lena anymore.
oh, but she loved loss as much as loss loved her. and so she finished her sweep to cast her gaze at the loveliest shade of green eyes staring at her in wonder.
she gripped the mic just a smidgen tighter and cleared her throat, the rest of her speech out of her mind and floating like dust motes under the spotlight.
"i know that speeches like these tend to be chock full of stories and inside jokes about the bride and groom. and maybe a couple more of these--" she held up her near empty champagne flute, "--you'll get lucky, but i am truly speechless. all i know is that lena deserves all the love in the world. she can be stubborn and proud and will push you to your limits, but that's because her heart is so full of love to give. so all i want to say is this: jack, please, take care of her and love her with all of your heart. show her everyday that she is beautiful, mind and body. show her that you'll be present and loyal and stay by her side, regardless of who steps in and out of your lives. because if there's one thing i know about lena, it's that she is and will always be worth the effort."
she heard sniffles around the rooms, yet she couldn't pay attention to them. not when lena's smiling face slowly transformed to slight confusion, her brows furrowing just slightly. she raised her glass and offered her widest smile yet.
"i wish you two the best."
the cheers and applause thundered around them, others clinking their glasses as guests chanted for the lovely couple to kiss. kara shut her eyes and threw back the last dregs of her champagne. she hurried to the MC and dropped the microphone, before rushing away, citing a need for a refill and walked towards the bar. yet instead of stopping at the bar, she didn't stop.
a sob escaped out of her lungs and she barely stifled it, unable to hold it in. she wiped an errant tear away from her face as she walked past the bar and out of the grand hall altogether.
it turned out that cowardice, like loss, loved her company. and she embraced it with tight fists by her side.
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swaps55 · 3 months
Okay so I usually don't really care for OCs in a story, but the Yang's crew has stolen my heart completely ngl. So I was wondering, what would Pendergrass, Aslany and Beaudoin think about the ME1 Normandy's crew? How would they get along with them?
I've been sitting on this question so I could give it the attention it deserves, because it's a really fun thought exercise.
[And now that I've written this out, I really wish I could put them on the SR-1 and explore it further, so thank you again for an amazing question.]
Beaudoin: By nature, he gets along with everyone, but I think if you were to put him on the SR-1 or mix him with that crew, he'd feel really out of his element. He's never seen himself as anything other than Just A Guy. The superhero stuff is for other people. Courage, bravery, heroism, and The Cause isn't his thing, not because he doesn't care, but because he lacks the drive and initiative people like Sam, Kaidan, and Aslany do. (Pendergrass doesn't have initiative so much as insatiable curiosity and an unsettling lack of concern for safety).
So when it comes to the SR-1 crew, he'd probably feel even more of what he did on the 'Yang with Sam - that he's not good enough to work with these people. But he's very good at hiding his insecurities, so you probably wouldn't see it unless you knew what to look for.
He'd probably avoid Wrex. Dealing with Wrex is outside his paygrade. Garrus' loose cannon tendencies would worry him a lot, and he'd nag Sam to watch that guy because he was bound to get himself and everyone else in trouble. I wrote a scene in my ME1-fic, Exordium, in which Shepard (not Sam) notices Ashley get weird during a card game, finds her in the cargo bay, and then discovers she was playing poker with her unit when the geth attacked. Beaudoin would be the guy who sought her out if he were there, and he'd give her someone to talk to or confide in about Eden Prime, pep talk her about her family legacy, and have a smile when she needed it.
He'd find Tali delightful and charm the pants off her. He'd make sure she had something decent to eat, and when he figures out she's lonely away from home, guess who becomes a Fleet and Flotilla fan and sucks Ashley into it. The three of them hold watch parties, and suck in everyone they can. Aslany has to be dragged kicking and screaming, but she does it for Clay even though she scowls the whole time. He'd be equal parts fascinated and amused by Liara's blend of competence and naivete. He'd be the one to shake Sam by the shoulders and say, "to you Benezia was a monster to put down, but to Liara it was her mom."
Joker and Ashley would severely test his, "you don't fuck crew," motto, but he'd resist. Virmire would put a rift between him and Sam, while also putting himself in a guilt spiral, because the other choice would have been to leave Kaidan behind, and he wouldn't have been able to live with that, either. Virmire, more than anything, would teach Beaudoin things about what Sam does that he never truly grasped on the 'Yang, and reinforce that he wants no part of that. I think he gets out of the Alliance after Virmire.
Pendergrass: We saw in Fugue that Pendergrass developed some pretty intense jealousy over the SR-1 crew, fearing that Kaidan and Sam had replaced her with something better. And I think if she were on the SR-1, she'd get off on the wrong foot with Tali specifically. But they're both huge tech nerds, and Tali is Tali and Kara is Kara, so that would pass quickly. It wouldn't be long before they'd be attached at the hip, and and when one of them said, "I have an idea," the whole ship would nervously hold their breath.
She wouldn't get Liara at all, and probably ask a lot of really inappropriate questions about asari sexuality, requiring Beaudoin to intervene and explain to Liara, "Sorry, she's just Like That, she doesn't mean anything by it.' She would have no fear of Wrex, thanks to Sam's reverent krogan talk over the years. Wrex would find her excessively irritating at first, but would find a deep appreciation for her after watching her work in the field. She's a different kind of warrior with different weapons than he's used to, but a warrior all the same. If you can imagine anyone lounging in Wrex's lap to watch a movie, please imagine Kara.
She might bounce off Ashley a little for similar reasons to her initial clash with Tali, but my guess is they don't make up the ground the way Kara and Tali do. ME1 Garrus is probably a little too intense and focused for her, but she'd get along famously with ME3 Garrus. She'd think he was funny, and take his side over Vega's when they play one-up with each other.
Aslany: She would predispose herself to hating everyone. This is her family, her squad, and fuck you. You aren't part of it. Opening up her small circle of people she loves so fiercely would be extremely difficult for her. None of them are good enough to protect her people. Kara becoming close with Tali and Beaudoin becoming close with Ashley would make her crazy. She'd need a lot of reassurance, and Kaidan is probably who she'd go to for it. Ironically, she'd find Wrex the least threatening and warm up to him first. He'd be skeptical of the fragile human who wants to spar, but ultimately sing her praises, and Sam would be insanely proud of this.
She might grudgingly start to tolerate Ashley, but by that time it'll be too late. She probably becomes more neutral towards Liara, but the swiftness with which Liara becomes close to Sam would irk her a lot. Garrus would also piss her off - who the fuck does this guy think he is, I'm the sniper in this family - but after the events of ME2 she would respect him for sticking with Sam when the rest of them didn't, and see him a lot differently.
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#11 Kara
Thanks in advance and I love your writing so very much ❤️
Thank you!!! I love your writing toooo!!!
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
In a scenario where the two Karas are presented to each person to choose, the following would happen:
Alex would ask them something from their teenage years:
"Who was your first kiss?"
"Mark Sikorsky. I broke his nose."
"Who was my first kiss?"
"Which one are we talking here? Your 'practice' kisses with Vicki during your sleepovers that you thought I didn't know about, or your actual first kiss? That was Angelo Tufo. You broke his nose."
Nia would look between the 2 Karas, pause, then scream: "Lena Luthor is a villain!" and the first one to indignantly threaten to fight her would be the real Kara.
I'd love to say that Lena would figure it immediately out on her own, but Lena (the genius) didn't even figure out that Kara was Supergirl, so that might not fly.
I do like to think she would spend some time looking between the two Karas, gazing deep into each one's eyes. Finally, Lena would take the real Kara’s hands and smile, "There you are."
Kara's eyes widen incredulously. "How did you know??"
Lena smiles. "No one else looks at me the way you do."
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hood-ex · 1 year
Dick could tell Kara was lonely so he invited her to eat some of Alfred's chicken salad.
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Justice League of America (Vol. 2) #49
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aqueerchronicle · 10 months
Turns out if you squint hard enough nearly every song on 1989 TV is actually inspired by Supercorp!
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the-white-soul · 4 months
Chara and Noelle
*In her room, she heard a quiet noise.*
(Noelle) "Okay, who heard my story this time. If it's Flowey again I swear to..."
(Chara) "You're half correct. *Came out of their hiding place under some books.* I was hoping you wouldn't see me."
(Noelle) "Luckily, you already know who I am. I at least assume you knew that secret."
(Chara) "Oh, I knew. This isn't my first time eavesdropping on you. I don't usually want you to know for obvious reasons."
(Noelle) "Why haven't you told anyone?"
(Chara) "You don't get it, do you? If I wanted, I could murder you right now and just laugh at what others have to say."
(Noelle) "No, you couldn't."
(Chara) "Alright fine, then I could kill some other random person. But do you really believe that would be fun? I want to have Kara have a relationship with you. I want you two to be lovebirds and right at the moment you two confess your love for each other, tell Kara the truth, and kill you. Isn't that more fun?"
(Noelle) "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! *Throws a knife at Chara barely missing them.*"
(Chara) "Wow, that wasn't nice now was it?"
(Noelle) "That wasn't because of me, it was because of this body."
(Chara) "Isn't it terrible? To be put in a situation where you lose what makes you, you? People will hate you for what you've done now even when you feel tempted to be awful. To feel more hate and anger than ever before. Doesn't it feel..."
(Noelle) "I get it! Do you have to spell it out?"
(Chara) "Then forgive me."
(Noelle) "What?"
(Chara) "After all, I was a nice kid before this. I loved my family and my friends so much. I was abused to the point most would break after one year but I took it out for 12. So forgive me for how I am now as a flower. You more than anyone else should know it's not my fault anymore. How will Kara ever forgive you if you don't forgive me?"
(Noelle) "No, I refuse! I can't forgive you."
(Chara) "You do realize I can't control this, right? You can control it a lot better than I can. Emotions that is. So I'll ask you one final time. Will you forgive me?"
(Noelle) "I... *Her palms sweat an ocean. Her eyes burst with tears after realizing the gravity behind Chara's words. She could only say three words. I... don't... know."
(Chara) "Remember that next time I do something bad. Who knows, maybe Kara will forgive you too."
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unitcd · 3 months
open: kara
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"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that. Would you mind repeating it for me?" She was zoned out, she was thinking about ice cream and how many pints she's about to put away, not the conversation happening that now included her.
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fxreflyes · 4 months
hii skye i’ve come to offer up my daylist this morning for your consideration….
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it told me i listened to ‘panicked’ and ‘dark pop’ whatever that means….. feeling vaguely called out nevertheless
HI KARA 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 ok first of all happy Friday I’m in love Friday <3333 I hope you’re having a better day than your spotify list suggests 💕
this list might not be giving happy Friday I’m in love Friday, but I am DELIGHTED that you saw it & were reminded of me!!
I am actually having a wild nervous Friday morning so we r in sync I guess?? (Again, hoping your daylist is not representative of ur actual day tho) “Panicked” is definitely the mood of the day for me, but hopefully not your day!! Dark pop sounds v fun tho? What songs r on the list pray tell??
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comickergirl · 4 days
🌎 and 🛸
I only have one of these two drawn up so far SO:
🌎 : Favourite friendship with a non-superfam character?
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I love Steph and Kara as buddies, HOWEVER I also dearly love the recent-ish World's Finest issues with Dick and Kara and their terrible date, so like. Awkward friend group trio time! XD
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uselessgayshit · 5 months
I might’ve told twitter that the novel cleat cute is a supercorp au and I don’t think they were fans… looking forward to being gassed up or absolutely destroyed here
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sssammich · 5 months
i’m starting with one even though frankly i want to send you all of them
i'll send you a document with a response to all of them how's that
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
god where would i even start
well i guess i'll pick one
personally, as in my personal opinion, i just don't believe in kara coming out as somehow the next best step for her. this matter of being your 'full self' just screams 'nobody knows what work/life balance is' lmao. this is what we call 'vocational awe' in libraries LMAO i get what it's trying to do in that this has been the series-long crusade for kara. who is she? kara danvers? or supergirl? and i have posited elsewhere that kara danvers is her default setting, not supergirl. so supergirl's role in kara's entire life is a cape/persona she dons...and then takes off. so i think the bigger identity reconciliation should be between kara danvers and kara zorel, not the hero but the alien. she's superpowered because she's alien first, etc etc. but idk how to explain that without writing an essay right now so i will withhold.
the point is i just didn't think it was a satisfying end for her to come out as supergirl to the world to satisfy the juggling of her two identities. i think she should have just done a better job juggling them LOL like i think it's important to determine how to be your most authentic self but i don't know if it needed to be done at the face of revealing your alien identity. because i still think that the target on her back just gets infinitely larger??? what's the point of keeping 4 years of secrets to lena at that point? couldn't she have reached that conclusion sooner if that was the case? i think she could have expressed her authentic self by marie kondoing what's the most important parts of her life and how to let the *right* people in, not *every single person* in. also like idk from a logistics standpoint, kara should have just hired a fucking assistant for herself to keep things organized. the issue here is that she keeps working 40 hour work weeks for both jobs. and also to accept editor in chief? like those people leave work early. the solution was for kara to have hired an assistant, maybe 2. like the reason why she's conflicted is that she's working 2 jobs? she doesn't need to combine those 2 jobs and announce to the world that she's doing them as 1 big job. ETHICALLY she was citing herself???? god the integrity of everything should be put to question lmao
what would have been more compelling to me myself and i is if she really took a look at her time as supergirl and wondered if she should maintain the cape or not. like did she do as much good as she hoped? what about the people who had died or who had gotten hurt or whose lives and situations were otherwise sacrificed on her behalf? is this the life for her? is this something she wants to keep doing because she wants to or because she feels she has to? she feels a responsibility and i think that's fascinating for a character, and she thinks that there's a duty to uphold to the humans of national city because she has these gifts. but i think the ending should have been kara determining the future of supergirl, the superhero, and not how to mix the two and count that as authenticity.
tangentially, it is oh so interesting to me that this authentic speeches comes from cat and lena to be the ones to convince her to stop hiding herself? two people who are notoriously private people???? who are essentially living private and public lives??????? funny how that goes i guess
anyway it's fine obviously and if you liked it then that's also great and it's an intentional high note feel good ending yes yes good great. i am not trying to yuck your yum at all, but based on how i have since engaged with the show, it's pretty clear the writers and i simply did not share a vision lmao
ask game
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halofcrged · 5 months
@orphanedshadow continued from [x] Everything was so fascinating. The creature could feel its…no her vessel, the wispy tendrils flowing from her scalp, the strange limbs, the way the hunger collected in her core instead of spreading through every cell. It was all so stable, not like she was constantly falling apart and pulling herself together. Of course her other form was there, it would take only a thought to allow this odd scaffolding to return to being undifferentiated cells… but why would she, when this form was so new and exciting. The creature didn't really realize that the noises she was making were audible, not when her newly-formed senses were echoing with the sound of her own shadowy blood rushing through her veins. But the growling felt good, it made things rumble in new ways, and opening her mouth let her taste things, like the cellular fluid that dripped down her face in bloody trails. It also revealed far too many extremely sharp teeth, not that she realized it meant anything. She was so caught up in the sensations that it took a moment to register the sounds of her kin's attempt at communication. With her mind feeling clearer than ever it only took a second for her to try and copy one of the signals he always used, clumsy fingers, actual fingers, how fascinating, attempting to signal that it was all clear, no threats present.
There was very little about the last few days of his life that made a great deal of logical sense to him right about now; maybe, one day, after he had the time necessary to process how he'd gone from being transported from the Halo to this once Covenant controlled world, to fighting for his life against the remnant creatures of the Flood that had somehow managed to survive and perpetuate themselves here for ... decades, centuries? to ... watching the inky shapeless entity that he'd dubbed Rex in honor of his childhood dog sink into a vat of goop and come out .....
Human shaped?
Maybe. One day, very very far from now, he might have all the pieces he needed to put the particulars of this puzzle together.
The creature had started out as little more than a shapeless entity, the feeling of eyes on him that he couldn't shake. Only after he'd winged it with a spray of bullets had it even taken any form that he could recognize as anything other than shadows and he still wasn't entirely clear as to why it hadn't retaliated and tried to eat him, and instead, settled for consuming the Flood entity that had been moments away from trying to swallow him whole, but here they were.
He'd taken to talking to it, maybe just to keep him a little more sane, maybe to convince himself that there was some kind of sentience in there for his own comfort. It hadn't taken him long to realize that maybe there actually was.
By the time they'd made it to the safety of the underground bunker of the original owners of the foundry, he'd accepted that he was stuck with it -- and it hadn't been the worst partnership he'd ever found himself in, though maybe the most unlikely.
He'd watched, equally wary and fascinated, as the entity had slurped its way out of the vat of ... nutrients, that it had consumed, fascinated by the attempt it had made to find form and function. Or at least form. The helmet that he'd removed on entering the safety of the bunker was recording everything. He expected Cortana would have much to say about this later on. "Right." His brow furrowed a little as fingers formed, and conveyed a response. "Right." Definitely not a dog.
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"No biting. That seems like a good first ground rule," John said. "You don't bite me, and I won't bite you." Sounded like a good plan.
"I'm John. John 117." He tapped a finger to the number on his suit. "Do you have a ... designation? A name?"
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hello! could i please ask for 10, 11, 40 for the writing asks? :D thank you!
No problem!
10. Top 3 favorite fic tropes
There's so many I cannot possibly have just 3, but off the top of my head: Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, and Angst with a Happy Ending. Can't go wrong with those. I also love me a Betrayal fic. Oh, and Hanahaki fics are just *chef's kiss*
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated.
Crack fic. Gender Flip. There's something else I'm forgetting, I just don't know what it is. (Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with these tropes, and I've definitely had plot bunnies like these. They're just not my favorite to read or write).
40. So this is 10 words, but we're gonna ignore that because this is perfect for a Season 5 plot bunny I had that had absolutely no plot, just one line that Lena said to Kara:
"I loved Kara Danvers. Not you. I don't know you."
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