#⇢-ˏˋqueued 🔕
love-amihan · 3 years
✧ masterlists ✧
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word count: 0.8k
warning: is yuji being a bad influence to reader a warning?? if so, then there :D also implied female body reader
amihan’s note: this was supposed to be included in my 300 milestone event but my friend and i ended up creating a drabble instead of a prompt, n e ways happy reading!
hs!yuji x school president!reader
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“mister terushima!” you shout in frustration, yuji flinches and slowly turns around with a sheepish smile. “prez, heyyy!” he waves a little, his other hand rubbing the back of his head. “it's a beautiful day isn't it?” he says in a sing-song tone.
he thinks he's sneaky with those little step backs of his, you fold your arms over your chest, impatiently tapping your foot on the ground. his eyes fleeting down like it’s his second nature of being hyper aware anything that involves anatomy.
you scoff, snapping your fingers, “eyes are up here,” you point to your own eyes as he snaps out of his little daydream. “rightt,” he chuckles, “look prez, i’m running late, let's do this later, yeah?” he winks while smirking.
you deeply sigh, rolling your eyes in the process. you shake your head at him, “hands up,” he groans in disappointment, following your instructions regardless. you pat around his upper body checking for anything sharp.
he once got caught flaunting a butterfly knife around the campus, you got a handful that day and you will never let that happen again, “if you wanna hug me so bad, you could’ve asked.”
you pull away hitting him hard in the chest, he hisses in pain rubbing the sore spot. “tie?” you boredly ask pointing at where it should be, he fakes a gasp “i.. forgot it in our classroom,” he lamely excuses. you click your tongue at him, his jaw dropping at your irritated reaction.
you furrow in focus, seeing the glint that came from his tongue, “it’s the-” he stops his words seeing your expression, “what?” you didn’t answer him instead you rest your thumb on his chin, forcing him to open his mouth. “didn’t know you like it rough prez,” he can’t help but comment.
confirming your theory, you look at him dead in the eyes. “you do know the policy right?” piercing eyes gazing back at him, he audibly gulps feeling the change of atmosphere. “let’s compromise,” yuji slowly says, his hands clasped together.
"how about…" he pauses checking if you're listening, "go on," you nod at him. he clears his throat, "as i was saying, how about we get you pierced too?" he puffs out his chest, claiming victory with his suggestion.
"and you think i will agree because?" he gives you a lazy smile tapping the tip of your nose, "because we gotta have fun once in a while" he reasons out. standing by your choice you told him "no."
yuji babbles out incoherent words, "but you'll be known as the cool president! everyone will love you..” he continues listing, as tempting those may sound, you continue to drag him to where the principal office is.
"i'll pay for it! it's a good place, considered a 5 star for all customers!" you halt midway from the office, yuji mirroring your movements. "is it a deal?" he asks as you stare at him one last time, contemplating your choices.
terushima yuji enters the campus, a joyful feeling surging through his entire body. he’s having a great day so far, woke up with a smile on his face, ate his breakfast peacefully, all his requirements already done and ready to be pass. that was until he’s called to the principal’s office.
yuji enters the office, cold sweat running down the back of his neck. upon entering, he feels the temperature drop coming eye to eye with the principal. he looks around avoiding their gaze, he zeroes on your back frame confused on why you’re here too.
“mister terushima,” he straightens up at the mention of his surname, “y-yes mx?” the principal lets out a disappointed sigh, “mx l/n here told me you have a tongue piercing?” his eyes quickly avert to where you’re seated.
"mx l/n has a piercing too!!" yuji complains pointing in your direction while you quietly sit there, looking like the role model student you are. the principal, once again, shakes their head, "no pointing fingers."
after the confrontation, yuji ushers behind you. he grabs your arm and turns you around, “what the hell?!” you look up at him with faux innocence, “huh?” you tilt your head to the side, “what about ‘it’s our little secret’?” he air-quotes.
he huffs crossing his arms, “here i thought we were friends,” he says in a childlike manner. you crack up at his claim, hitting his arm like he just told you the funniest joke. “when did i say that?” you wipe the tears in the corner of your eyes, smiling at him.
he looks back at you, jaw slacking in disbelief. "for that bad boy reputation you have..." you say while fixing his tie, "you can be gullible sometimes, mister terushima" you sweetly point out, walking past him.
copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
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gen taglist; @lumpiang-toge @chibishae34 @kirakirasaku @kenmakeii @foxxtrot-116
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love-amihan · 3 years
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word count: 0.8k+
warning: insecure of a body part (stomach), not proofread
amihan's note: i'm having second thoughts about posting this, if this came out in any way as offensive or insensitive please do tell me whether it be on ask or pm, i will take this down as soon as i'm told, i'll keep the bonus scene only. with that out of the way, happy reading!
live-in partner!connie x gn!reader
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ever since quarantine started, you and your boyfriend have grown comfortable with each other’s skins. be it wearing something revealing or just walking around your shared apartment with nothing but underwear, no one will bat an eye. though, sometimes you can’t help but hide yourself.
just like today, you are wearing a cropped bralette partnered with shorts. feeling the dryness in your mouth due to summer heat, you stand up from your boyfriend’s comfortable arms to get yourself some water from the kitchen.
he looks up at you feeling your warmth go away, his lips turn upwards seeing you stretch your limbs with your eyes closed. your shorts hanging low on your hips, your stomach in full view.
you hear loud barks which cause you to immediately turn and look at him, shamelessly checks you out. “you’re so hot,” he looks at you up and down before looking you in the eyes, giving a wink.
you whine and cover your stomach, this makes connie frown and tries to pry your arms that’s covering your stomach, “no baby, i was enjoying the view” he whines back at you while you shake your head at him, “i don’t like it,” you complained to him.
the two of you ended up in a banter causing connie to stand up, “that’s it” he said with finality in his tone. you made a confused noise and slightly tilted your head to the side,
“what?” he starts jogging in his place and puts both of his fists in front of his face, “square up, you perfect being!” he playfully gives you a light jab, being careful not to actually hurt you, on your shoulder.
you can’t help but giggle at his actions, “come on!” he says one more time, “if i win that means you are perfect just the way you are,” he starts showing his moves, beating up the air.
he stops and points at you, “and if you win,” he gives you a cheeky smile, “that will still mean you are perfect just the way you are.”
you fondly roll your eyes at him and remove the arms covering your stomach. “fine, you win!” he puts his hands in the air, “victory!!” you shake your head at your boyfriend’s antics.
he checks you out one more time, “damn, i’m so lucky to have a significant other like you.” he mutters under his breath and quickly pecks you in the lips. he traps you in his arms and falls back on the couch, you hum in delight forgetting why you stood up in the first place.
-bonus scene; {if you have short/long hair!}
“hey connie, babe?!” you called out from your shared bathroom, he rushes there while humming, “you need something, baby?” you look at him in the mirror where both your eyes met. he leans on the doorframe folding his arms across his chest, you blink at him as he blinks back at you, he purses his lips trying to contain his laughter. “whaaat?” he dragged out his word, eyes still locked with you.
you gather some pieces of your hair and make a cutting motion, the length way shorter than what you would usually want, “what if i just..” you open and close your fingers between your hair and stare at him, “..you know?” you look back at him over your shoulder. his eyes literally brighten up and nod with a lot of excitement. “do it!!!!” he then moves closer to you, “can i cut it for you?” he suggested, ecstatic with the idea.
“i hate you” you grumble out, looking in the same bathroom mirror running your fingers through your hair. not feeling the same length that it used to be, “you're the worst to be quarantined with” you huff and look back at him, who’s laughing at you. “you always say yes to my impulsive shits!” you complained to him, whining a little.
he encases you with his arms and kisses your forehead, “you look beautiful no matter what hairstyle you have,” he leaves a kiss on your temple, “athena got nothing on you babe.” you snorted at his statement pounding on his chest lightly, “damn it, baby. if you're gonna be sweet at least get it right,” you giggle at his chest.
he pulls back a little and looks at you with seriousness written all over his face, “what? it is athena right?” you inhaled through your nose with your eyes closed, connie just observes you, lowkey memorizing every inch of your pretty face.
you exhale and look at him straight in the eyes, trying not to laugh “it’s aphrodite” you informed him, connie’s mouth formed in an ‘oh.’ a little dumbfounded at the moment, “well, i don’t care. as long as you got the message.” he buries your head to his chest to hide his reddened cheeks from embarrassment, your laughter vibrating in his chest.
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
gen taglist; @cosmiclvsh @lumpiang-toge @chibishae34 @kenmakeii
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love-amihan · 3 years
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word count: 0.3k+
warning: just fluff but kinda crackish at the end, not proofread
amihan's note: i just realized that i haven't written a single nanami fic in my blog… damn. here's my first nanami fic, hope you'll like it. again, happy birthday to nanami kento! <3 happy reading!
long-time bf!kento x s/o!reader
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your relationship with kento has and still is going strong for years now, a high school sweetheart, if you put in other words. there's only one thing that hinders the relationship, distance. he lives at least an hour away from you.
today is his birthday and what great way to surprise him other than being there right? well.. that was what you were planning until it starts raining cats and dogs outside.
but it seems like you two are indeed destined for each other, your hand holds the doorknob about to turn and open it when your phone rings. seeing his contact name display boldly on your phone screen, you swipe the green button fast.
“he-“ your greeting gets cut off by him, you hear the crackling of rain on the other side of the phone, "open the door," your hand fumbles with the doorknob, hurrying to open the door.
there stands kento on your doorway, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bag of what seems to be full of movies and snacks. you gasp, "no way" you breathlessly say as you receive the drenched flower.
"i was just about to go and drive to your house," you say to him, covering your gaping mouth. kento smiles softly, "guess we are soulmates afterall," you step aside, letting him in.
while tapping the excess water at the doormat, he looks you in the eyes. stepping inside with the most genuine smile, he kisses you on the lips passionately. "my significant other, my soulmate, my true love, and my home." he says in between kissing your forehead, cheeks, the tip of your nose, and of course, your lips.
you giggle, loving all the affection he’s giving you. "i'm glad you're here," you lean in, forehead touching each other. you close your eyes, living in the moment. you’re about to tell him to change before he catches a cold when another voice pops in.
"you guys done? i wanna watch the movies nanami brought!" satoru chimes in, ruining the moment, peeking from the living room. a prominent vein becomes visible on kento’s forehead, "what are you doing here?" he asks through gritted teeth.
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
gen taglist; @cosmiclvsh @lumpiang-toge @chibishae34 @simplyrosesxr @kenmakeii @omega1142 @sushi-guro @duhsies
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan’s note: randomly came through my mind because of this photo i saw while i was editing for my new theme, this is honestly just a shitpost, anyways happy reading!
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source: @/kaikaikitan on twitter
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-kugisaki nobara
the aggressive runner
will trashtalk her opponents
stands by her choices and promises
will change lots of things if ever elected as president
probably the first who formed her party list
throws shade towards other party list when campaigning
-itadori yuji
he doesn’t even wanna run in the first place
was pushed by his friends to run, you know just for fun
though, he will put an effort in it
but ended up clowning his own run for presidency
oh god, especially the question and answer portion
he didn’t even know there was that kind of thing
-fushiguro megumi
calm candidate
lowkey, the students wants him to end up as president
he's chill, won’t do anything new, won’t promise anything new
he’s just there
probably ended up having the second highest vote
-zenin maki
now, maki. she’s more competitive than every candidates combined
probably the one nobara was having beef with
funny thing is they’re best friends
nobara wanted her to be her vice president but she refused since she's aiming for the top
aces the question and answer portion
-inumaki toge
this boy will straight up clown his candidacy
won’t even put an effort like yuji did
will always call for his team to “campaign” for their party
in reality, he just want to ditch class and roam around
probably interrupts classes to campaign
ended up helping the students because they’re having a quiz
the professor left class due to urgent faculty meeting
toge: go ahead and copy from your seatmate while the prof is gone. baby we’re not even here, we're hallucination.
-okkotsu yuta
great contender of nobara and maki
students loves him
he’s a student role model, what else do you expect?
you know that thing wherein the school picks a student to model their uniform? yeah, he’s the one who always gets picked
teachers also loves him
will probably ace the question and answer portion too
he doesn’t even say that much during his campaign
just promising to be a good president and will say stuff like the school will be the same, just need a lil push here and there
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
gen taglist; @foxxtrot-116 @tendo-sxtori @milkteeboba @lumpiang-toge @fiona782 @chibishae34 @simplyrosesxr @emeraldscloud @kenmakeii @omega1142 @sushi-guro @duhsies @arrianao
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love-amihan · 3 years
i just saw ur post about feeling drained :( so here’s some love for u bestie
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AHHH BESTIE THANK YOU 🥺🥺 it's okay, i get those feelings waaayyy often so i'm kinda used to it sigh just got worse that day. Hru doing bae? 🥺 Hope you're staying hydrated <33 kundi sapakin kita /j
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love-amihan · 3 years
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Hi <3
Hey omg!! Thank you <333 i love ur posts btw! 🤧💗
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love-amihan · 3 years
..i wanna delete my fics and repost them, maybe twitch them a little bit + with the new writing style i have
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love-amihan · 3 years
i'll answer it in one go djdkdnx 'm sorry 🙇🏻‍♀️
👀; hey *debby ryan*
🛏️; AHHH BABYYYYYYY *jumps on bed*
🛀; bdoendof he's so dreamy?!?!! wait for me to hop in sugar <33
👦🏻; they're so cute 🥺🥺
📱; woah 😲 ngl, naamaze ako sa art jdodndo di ko masyado napansin na siya nung una
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love-amihan · 3 years
Suggestive tw
Ohoho 😳😳
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love-amihan · 3 years
Ajskskkala I need to be here more often to stalk your contents but unfortunately work has it's hands on me 😩 but MIMI i saw your pinned post and im telling you it breaks my heart to see you drained 😭🥺
Please do take your rest! Ive been selfishly taking rest too to get myself into a better state and I hope you're taking a break too! Ok ok? Iloveyou ok 🥰
Here's a wholesome video for you 😳💓 when I saw this, my head just went : Oh! I gotta show this to Mimi! 💘
Anyway, i hope you're doing well ok!! 🥰 Iloveyouuu! 🥳
Nooo it's okay koko!! I haven't checked out ur works yet too 😔 i really need to do that soon dkdndkx i will! <33 i get this often, it's just that it got worse that day :(( also naw, that's not selfish bby, take all the rest u can and need! 😚💛 Ilysm AHHH 🥺💞
Pls i would pay to watch sukuna bleed tsukki's ears off while tsukki remained unbothered 😭 the sunshine duo!!!! AHHHH my uwus fell all over the place ndkdndkd i lowkey wanna feel the tension building up in the room as soon as gumi and kags meets eye to eye 👀 hot teachers? hot teachers. YAMS AND JUNPEI OMGGGGG!! yes strong girl supremacy 😌✊ i would love to spend time with inumaki&kenma for quiet comfortable silence but at the same i also wanna spend time with tanaka&todo for chaotic loud ass day 😅
ilysm and miss u koko, tyt with ur event! no need to rush, kith kith 😚💛
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love-amihan · 3 years
mahal alam ko naka semi hiatus ka pero ano this is por U yun langs labyu lats mwah mwah 😘
I SAW THIS!!! Si ate nagsend, pero 🥵🥵🥵 i'll be a good girl sir *sits down prettily* kdbdkdndk
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love-amihan · 3 years
Bby this is por u a welcoming gift pag balik mo 🔥 🔫
HOY WAIT 🥵🥵 eka lang bat bumubuka kusa yung-- jkjk dhosnxd ang laswa- maliksi lang promise 😔✋<- eh kaso marupok
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love-amihan · 3 years
Yung mabagal na nga ang internet niyo, tapos ang init init pa, tapos wala pang pagkain☠️
Also, osamu would totally do that. Eto naman ako bibigay ko agad HAHAHAHAH
-1AM heh😎
sana may internet na kayo at malamig na diyan @okakamaki 🥴👈
PERO YES! flirty osamu bdodbxod usto mo gawa q drabble with that prompt? >,>
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love-amihan · 3 years
I was scrolling through my dash when i saw this—
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OHHHH 👀 i checked their blog, they're still on hiatus :((
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