#∘⡊ ◊  [ ooc ]ow on ice .
faereun · 8 months
hmmm i said it before and then forgot but i am going to go on a softblock spree at some point bc it feels like there r a lot of people who have followed me and then not shown any interest in interacting w me at all. it feels weird having 160+ mutuals as it is, and feeling like half of them don't even acknowledge me is weirder
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orangeshinigami · 4 months
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so i had like the worst day ever at work so far yesterday and then when i finally got home, i drank pretty much a whole bottle of wine & quite literally passed out after that, was it from exhaustion or from how drunk i was? i'll never be sure lmao. anyways i did some adulting today before trying to drown my sorrows with alcohol once more and now i'm here to try a healthier coping mechanism than drinking, which is writing, not sure how well that'll go tho. hopefully i can be at least a little bit productive tonight. :')
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austerulous · 1 year
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Gentle reminder that I’m very slow and inconsistent both ic and ooc, and that the speed of my replies ≠ my interest in them.
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reginrokkr · 4 months
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Not my brain going black screen at the mighty need to change the icon's background into something more... subtle, I guess? Whatever it is now, I prefer it better as it doesn't conceal anything from the icon and it's more him, or at least that's the vibe I'm getting from those blue swirls reminiscent of the power he uses.
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mercless · 4 months
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balladetto · 6 months
🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s)
✨ ― i love the way you write
💖 ― you seem like a genuinely nice person
☀️ ― your posts always bring me joy
❤️ ― you're one of my favorite blogs
🌺 ― simply admiring you from afar
small symbols of kindness / @guideoftime
INU?? inu!! 🥺🥺 this is very kind of you, thank you lots! i'm sending these right back at you and shaking your hand real hard on admiring you from afar because. where do i start with your lovelies and all that you bring to the table with your interpretations of them?! it's a feast of goodness every time i get to catch you and your Thoughts on the dash, and the way you give so much in every piece of writing i see from you is seriously impressive. i'm itching to be able to throw link some more at sheik and any other muses you'd allow me to; here's to more writing and hopefully plotting together in the coming year!
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pirateborn-a · 1 year
I think a normal amount ab how Roger's last words to Rayleigh were "I'll never die partner" and the theme in one piece ab remembering / dying only after you're forgotten and how Roger left a legacy so grand his name is known and said everywhere and—
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allthatisleftinthedark · 10 months
@maledictus-maleficus / cont.
Against the Lord of Night's quiet resistance, contemptuous eyes shielded by a long mourning veil, the gnome removes her goggles. Delicately wiping its lenses with the end of her coat, she exhales softly. She raised them briefly, admiring their pristine clarity, before settling them back on her head. 
The dance of practiced patience between patron and devotee was familiar, their exchanges as timeless as the celestial shifts between the sun and moon holding the sky. Such a depth of tolerance and patience, it seemed, was a trait that the Void instilled in its offspring. 
"For someone telling me to prioritize self-care and living, you really aren't selling what you preach," Sino playfully clicks her tongue. "At this point, it is a disservice not to address the cosmic horror in the room." As direct as her words may be, they're delivered with warmth, just like the calico-like smile on her face.
Do the stars curse my name as I do this? Sino ponders, lifting her gaze to the sky full of constellations overhead. Her gloved hands rest on her hips. A shrug. Not the worst done to me, she thinks before returning attention to the Lord of Night. 
"If it's something you're not ready for, I am more than understanding. Trust me." The gunslinger has her feet dragging about admitting and confronting certain things going. What were they? Not someone to worry about! Not someone, something! Absolutely nothing to worry about. Stop it! Stop bringing attention to it--! 
She continues, "Though, what holds you back from talking to her? With how long it's been since then," the demise of the world and its recreation, "any ordinary person would think it's about time. But even I get that it feels like it's only been yesterday since the worst things have happened to us." A tight but sympathetic smile comes to her face. In her sincerest attempt to console her patron, some things haven't changed, like the noticeable discomfort in speaking about her past pains.
But he could be the only person she could truly talk about it with. 
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selfnss · 1 year
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// okay operation 'spam aevis with replies' has been a success... now i must go and lay down and hope i can fall asleep........
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aetherceuse · 11 months
Clefable really swings from being super sweet and delightful to the people she likes, and to the people she is playing with, to being— Harime Nui with the people she dislikes apparently.
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6horrors · 2 years
hello yes i would like ben to date someone who constantly flusters him
a+ good great
alternatively, i’d like ben to date anyone so his family can tease and fluster him
a+ top tier entertainment
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baiika · 1 year
I crave violence ❤️
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watchiingover · 2 years
When she first joined as an intern, Freyja absolutely got distracted seeing Overwatch heroes in the flesh and ended up skating into walls or doors more than once.
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austerulous · 2 years
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Feeling the joys of summer this fine day, so hit that ♡ for a sunny / cottagecore inspired ask.
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reginrokkr · 1 year
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Does it ever happen to you that before having new material for icons you're just fine with the ones you have, but as you go with the new icons you feel like the older ones are subpar and you have the sudden urge to tweak them? Because that's me <<
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smokescholar · 2 years
you are so lonely. you are miserable in your solitude. you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out, to ask for help. you will be forgotten by all who never knew you. your biggest fear is that you will die alone, and you know this fear will be seen to fruition. you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in. and it is a box that no one dare come near. you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
Tagged by: @the27percent Tagging: @serpentongue @thekavseklabs 
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